Semi-Weekly Signal, 1866-02-13, Page 3Charlie !e hitf * the bat. cable to JO* that, r:a theirfound us = A of �ie•—� mcY Tear' satidifiect t £}w •• .the pries utasty isie r4 Wy th !fig a ie balk} the way to to ice' t frith Mier Wit Ott Z;nund 1. Ashes Ea& where inev and elte . v rvat any lasthie Arai Klitied to ▪ t her f Inc bot: :intended - [moi, and *-iither w ith the Cd ter the. crowd of wee the ciously sit it of the = extreme, - but few Ott Ise to. the oe caught tbtt- poor air banns - e uproar, IOW be it wetting moot for f way alast, awl he peg* rsenallt sienna sleek . • mieemilr lids Be& • ri- A hypocondriac of rank and fortune in Ireland fancies one of his legs of one re- ligioe. anti the other of another. Ile fre- quently puts one ot his unfortunate limbs out- side the bedclothes in Cold weather, to punish it for its religious errors.—Ex. 4111111.110. in the first issue of his i n110 returns thanks - to those who loaned hita he pecuniary means and gratitude to heaves " await no law in that State . iefolekg imprisonment fur tux DfAltICLETS: GODBRICH„ Feb. 13; 1866. Earley 0:45 Better 0:I5 . 0;18- Petatoes 0:20 0.25 VALUABLR a. Bt. TRiprAN is inst-ructed 'by u -a Thomas, Esq., acting for the Banks of - Montreal and' Upper Canada,. to .sell by auction at his Sale Rooms, Gocleriek, on at-noen the undermentioned ;valuable farm-. int 'skit formerly the property -a Mr. Harvey Brace, viz ::—Lot I_0, Maitland con- cesscon, E. 4., Colborne, I00 acres, more or less ; portlfpart Iot 26, do.. 40-. acres, mere or less ; north-weit parr lot 29, do.,S0 0 acres, .perior qtality and well -watered,- located nn good roads, in the Dutch Fisher Settlemeet, in said Township of Colborne. siboat 7 um FirOlet GODERICH TOWN. - There is somd- clearing done- 'perchate money cash, 'or eatisfaCtoit, endorsed . notes, payable 3 monthe after- date.. t tken for the onefourth. Balance -in three _equal' annual instalments, with intereit at. per Title indisputable. --Abstract 9f which can beseen on application to the auctioneer or 'DEMONS desirourof the care and respon- 1 sibility of Children, may please -call for _ particulars, on _ Boot k Shoe Store, Gode. rich. QTRAY HRIPER.—Strayed from the prem., isee of the abscriber Lot I, 4th con RD. Celborne; sheet the andel/et of July last: a Greyish white /Leifer with a. large 'red -spot- -on one of her sides—Coming 3 -years Old.— Any person giving such information a will lead to her recoxery_will- be suitably reward- ed - ELIZABETH TREBLE. • - NOTICE. parties having lift Watches- with the late ass. Aspernalt will please call with =the = subscriber within three weeks from this thee, as after that all unclaimed'. watches will he soli - EDWARD GRAHAM, East street Goderich. From 37'17 Cents Upwards. A 'FULL ASSORTMENT oral stylea and aleo sive- of Blank Books, made Of best English paper, comprisIng DAY BOOKS, LEDGERS, MINUTE_ ROOKS. ' WASTE B00113, INDICES, PASS.ROOKS, POCKET LEDGERS. MEMORANDUM BOOKS. •• POCKET DIARIES, * and METALLIC BOOKS, cry cheap for Castr. „ T .THE SIGNAL OFF)CE tisolvent Prairie:co of" Canaria, In the Conntybourt of United Cottsitiss of 'the United Counties of Huron sad Bruce. liuron ind Bruck_ It tke matter- of Joris Mac:east of- Tees - waters. as Insolvent. fling undersigned- boa filed if consent best , -L. creditors to his discharge, and on 14AV the 30th day of March next he will appk, to the Judge of the said Court far a confirm& JOHN MACLEAN, - • by hie attorney militant W.F. murAY. Hamilton, 17 January, 1866. w5rp2m AT OTTANirA, C. W. . for inventions, t of Land and ether chime spina the. Goieruurent„ caring the plow of Private Acta of the Legislature, and the inmeactioa of 'business spoorally with the wren/ DePartmentet Is Cowes; truAT for a (octant I P by ear in *per otos* Gimp Tweaks, or immer for tie seat of $241111 'or thereabeellet wart wasilian THE SEMI-WEEKLY StGNAL. "11`T" Gruff and Provision Store. TRY IT. THE -CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER Medicine tor the immediate and perma- nent removal in a* pain from the syotem. • Tk. Canadian Pain Destroyer Cures (theumatism, Pleurisy, and Paula in the Back and Sides. -The Canaduza Pasts Destroyer Reieves Pain in the Head, and Sick Headache. The Canadian. Patn Destroyer Cares Bilious Colie'and Cramp in the Stomach. 77ce. Camden* Pain Destroyer • Cures Cholera, Ch9lera Morbus, Dysentery -and Bowel Complaints. - The Canadian Pasn Destroyer C res Sudden:Cidds and Sore Throats. This Canadian Pain Destroyer . ; Cures Burns, &Ode, Emu. Bites and Seelds,, - The Canadian Pain ...Destroyer ' 4 Oita Neuralgia, Tie DoglOufeaux and Tooth The Canadian Pain Des tioalso an excellent thing tor Woun , truism, Sprains and tltrains - it takes- away all- pain the No Family shciiikl ',ie. -without* bottle 14 I The. .Canadian• :Pak beitioyer!! 'PRICE... --9.5 cents per Bottle:. Ail nidOrsahoutd 11:1rSold tioderich by- Parker di; Cattle and Pi. Jordan . Gardiner dr- Co..• BarGela, Benthnin,fiegervitte .1;,. Pickard; Exeter. 1. It. Combe, Clinton, L'Hicktion, Seafcirth, and- all Tmi -GREAT ENGLISH HERM SIE JAMES, priRKE's - _Celebrated Female .- This invaluable- medicine -is unfailing, in the cure-ot all those painful and 'dangerous- disease& to which the kniale cOnstitutton subjegt: It and -a speedy cure may be relied on. - TO' MARRIED. LADIES it itt peculiarly f uited.- It win,- -in A -short tune, - bring en the monthly peitod with regularity, • Each_ bottle price One'Dollar, bears the Gni- terfeitiv- -These Pelt should not be takenhaffensales during, nancy, ns they are etiri tohnng: on Illisear. riage, bztt• at azzyother tittle they are safe. .- 111'811 eases of Nervou& and- Spinal Atrectiona, Pains in the Back.and Limbs; Fatigue on alight exertion, Palpitation el:the-Heart, Mysteries- and Whites, these Pills will et%, ct a mire:- when ill ful remedy, do" not Contain iron. antt- loony, or anything hurtful to the constitutions. - Full anections. in the pamphlet -around each package, which should be eater -idly preiervid. Sole agent tbr the United States and Cahadas, B.--:$3.00 and err Po.-tage itamps, enclosed to any authorized agent will insure a petite con- taining fitly:Pills, by return AMR: • - Newcastle, G; W., genetat Benthunn'Itor,ei -J. Pickerd, Exeter; LH, COmbe, Clinton Seaturth, and all Medicine Peelers. • u-30-ty Relief in -Ton Minutes! The most ertain and speedy remedy ever discovered chest and Lungs,. Coughs, Ctilds; chins. Influenza, Itocirseness,- Difficult Breathing,: Sore have been restored to _perfect health-, Who lave tried other means iu vain. Teal! classes and all constitutions they are a blessing mid cure --none need . despair. Ao trmtter how long the disease may have existed.. Of hOW severe it may tie, provided: she organic structure of:the vitid organs is -not hope.rssly -ilmaytd. Every one afflicted Witold. give them aa imPartialtriar. TO VOCALISTS & PUBLIC SPEAKERS these Wafers are peculierty satiable; tbef will in one day remove the most severe occasiourd hoarseness and _their regular lase Cy's" few days aft -times, in- crease the power and' inflexibilitk cf the voice, greedy -improving its tope. compass. and cicarne'ss_ Tor Whieh purpoie they are regularly use.d Many, Professional JOB MOSES. sote Proprietor, Rochester, Price 25 cents per box. Vont-ism and Millie Speakers Vocal sts and Publio Speaker*, Wilt findltryanis Infers Brsan's Waren :Invaluable to remove - - Invaluable to re:nova Invaluable to.rennive -Hoarseness and Sore Threat Hoarseness and Sore Throat And give eleirnesata the Voice, .. ludnd !rave celetiearnessruess:ithhtVirooieicee,; .....,, , - They relieve itt- ten minutes, - They relieve in tea minutes They relieVe in ten minutes; Coughs, Colds, :aid all diseases .', ' - - Of the Cheer ind Lungs, * - Of the Chest and Lungs, Of the Chest and Lungs, °Sold "Wall Druggists, 'cold by all Druggists. At 25 cents a lbox Agents for the Canatb,,k • trioaoto Ooderich by Parker IL Cattle and t?.. Joe!, dun; tlaidinerk Co., Hayfield; Jas. Bantam, Roger. ; Pickard, Exeter; LH. Combe, Clinton; E. Sesforth.and all Medicine deaden. 3w311 -fin AGRICUTURAL SOCIETY SPRING EXHIBITION. Spring Se:eds, Shalleas sad Ballo. AN Exhibition 'connected with , the above Society, will be held in Godmich„ WEDNESDAY, 14tk 1866, for Spring Seeds, when the following pre- lims will ba awarded.: Best. I-8--bosla Ekiring Wheat 88.00; 2nd do 7.00, 3rd do 5.00 - hest 10 bushels Oats 3.00, 2nd- do 2-00,13rd do 1.00 ; - best Id bushels Peas bashers Barley 3.00, 2pd do 1.00, 3rd do 1.00 ; beet hi-she:Timothy Seed 1,50, 2ad do 1.0k; !testi Wield Corn. 1.00, 2nd do 3id do 0.50 ; best bushel Flax- Seed Best:bush- Clover Seed $3.00 do SLOG; - All tire Seeds taking premiumsto be told to *members. of thriSosisty only, on the Show day, at price not to exceed 121 cents per bushel over and above the market price The exhibition Of Stallions and Bulls will take plum at Godmicb, Thursday,' 12th day of. Aptil, 1866, when the folldwing premium will be awarded; beat Stellion for gums' parptates $10.00, 2nd best do 8.00, 3rd best do 6.00 ; best Ball of se claim HAVING rented and .fitted up the store lately occupied by 4. F. Bush, for the above business, I am nowprepared to furnish families with Croceries an Provisions which Ishall sell at the Lowest Cash prices. Flour and Feed - kept constantly on hand. . A shard of your Patronage will,be thank fully reitived and faithfully attended to. • !lies sad Liquors, Crockery Bickwheat -Flour 9 0 -A- T -a 1 AND COA-L OIL LAMPS. P. S. --Goods will be delivered in shy part of the town. _ C GERI S pursuauce Of the Decree and Finid Order - for Sale;made in a certain -cause pending iu the Court otChnniery for -Uppei- Canada, will be sold by Public. Auction BY GEORGE. MOON' TRUEMAIII, AT HIS AttCTIOR ROOMS, With tha approbation of Robert -John TUrner perty• in one lot that capital. iliessu%.4e or tenement;- being lot number. ninety-fii-e, and situatein. Culiourg „street, in the. said ' Town of Goderich, which, with the' premises. ment one quarter of an aere, more or, Jess, as the Berne is noir,- in the- OeCtipatiOR of Mr,. George Ruthhall; the Said lot_is -aloe known as lot 2, Wonting on Lfght-Holise Point. Thtx hUuse is substantially built of brick, is in excellent repair, and well. qdalified fer the ", The jpiirchaser at thitimeof sale will be eequired to pay te the vendor or bis -solicitor -a deposit in theproPortibn of ZIP for every LI -00 of his Purchase Money, -add the balance insix weeks thereafter with interest, at the rate °leis per centum per annum,. and upon - payment theieof the purchaeer will be. en-' posse sion. The conditions of• Sale -will in all .other_ -respects be the standing., con; ditions Of the Ciou'a of Chancery.- •. - :Further partictilera and conditions . of sale they -be bad on, aPplicatiOn at tfie lair Office 'Gordon; Esquire, Goderich, and of Messrs. Insolvent let of 18ti4 and Imendmeztse the viatter of Ge.rroul, ins Insolvent .1111RE Undersigned has been appointed= as- .signee in this- punter, and. requires claima' to be filed within two Months- froth Seafortb. Ca, Huron, 9th, jiiniiii/r 1866. s WILLIAM N. WATSON Assignee. S. G. MeCATIGHEY, s Solicitor tor assloiee. -2w. 1311410MS FOUND. TH-° Party who lost a nember of brooms - 'neat Goderich, can have the same by calling at A. Blackiallotel, proving proprty, end paying Tor th•a advertisement. Goderich Jan. 25 1866. wl 3t To' Cabinet, -Fa nnieg-Mill kfinuiketa- NG' DIAC .F011, SALE A SMALL. Machine, nearly- rtew, Li, capable ot planing hard oraott wood, ktives- appvoyed credit. Fos terms anti 'till particulars apply_Of by letter ppSipaid to Henry DoM; Paw! B ing -Mill Manufacturer, Goderieh, w::ti has had one of the same deseription in lime for 2 years. or to the anbeeriber ivho has the same for -- The Itugeipal Coutoil HOOP SKI TS ! nip the Township U.sborne having pa - 1, sed a By Law -repealing the By Law pas. 'THE -SUBSCRIBERS have now on hand at the sed by the Electors last year, in accordance JL with the Temperance Act, prohibiting the sale ofIntoxicating Liquors in the Township. NOTIOt IS HEREBY' GIVEN, That sc.' Meeting_ Of the fitunicipal, Electors of the .T4wtiship of iiiibornet Will be held in Ihe Township Hall on MONDAY, the: 20th -February; at teno'cleck, A. My FOR* TILE TAKING OF A POLL, - to decide whether or not the Repeal of said 117 Law be confirmed by such Electora. InsolVent Act of 1844. In.the weatter -of Irwin Moore an Insole I that he has madean assignment of his Estate and his efrects under -the, above act to nie the_ undereigned as.signed, and they are requested to furnish me withiu two months from this date, With. their claims, specifying the security they hold, if any, and the value of it ; and if none stating -the fact ; the whele attested older oath with vouchers in support of such claims; - _Dated at Goderich in the Cofint: Aos 2 sf*112i tun r oe4e6n, this 29th ,ot January 1866 . 1.j0 S —On Eunday evening, 28th White: FiCtorine. Ary person finding the same will Pfease leave it. at Hale's Bak - OIL LANDS IN ENNISKILLEN: MENDERS'will be received until SATUR" •-s; DAY, the TWENTY-FOURTH. FEB- RUARY next, by this Department, either for- Leaing by payment ot a_ Bonus in addit- ion to Royalty in money equal to one tenth of the; products of Wells to be sunk, or for•the abiolute purchase payable in cash on issue of Patent, of the undermentioned 10, 6th Concession. Each parcel of land Contains 50 Acres, and lies in 'the immediate vieinity of Oil (Signed,) W. SPRAGGE, Iridium- Department, . " Ilitawas 25th January, 1866: .„ Money te Lend, (IN Real Estate, at 8 per cent and upwards. V Charges reasonable. Apply to Goderich,' 17th January, 1866. w52 3m On the bee, terms. Apply to - . Barrister, lac. taco] Oppaite the Pat Office, God -Mich. 1 m for Sale. SMALL farm of excellent land nicely 'skate, facing the River Mailtand, and within 3 miles of the flourishing Village oi Wingham, being the south half -of Lot No. - 14, on the ninth con. of the Township Of Turnarry, containing 40 acres, 23 scree chopped, 16 acrei of which tbe stumps wilt come out ,Will be sold Cheap for cash,. For further particulars apply to • FOR SALE Olt TO RENT; re tHE ktreini . Judge -Farm, lot No. 3, 1 8th con:, E. D., Colborne. This farm is within 64 miles ofGodericb, there is 771 acres cleired, mid a Note house and barn. One half is clear of stumps, 'and the ,other ,half from" 9 to 4 ,yeirs choped, and hes .never been ploughed, there are also' a young *chard., Of 158 trees of the belt assortment. of fruits goorktveU.sad- pump. . As to -terms,' rtc. 411 ontracts. iiENDERS, addressed to the:. Postmaster General, will be received ift Ditawa until noon, on -Friday, 2nd Merck _1866, for the conveyaoce of lief Majesty's- Mafia, on proposed Contracts, for.four years, as under, on and from the 1st April next. - -Bandon and Hartiortici, tire*. tinns per ffiinton and Wiigbani, deity each way. Clinton and .Porteel, Hill, three tiara per Donegal Newry, three times. per M F iLANDS FOR TPOR sale, en reasonable* tenni, lotato and4I, :r 8." 1). it.Totenshipef.eraeii0414COuntrilf 'Also lots Er and 18, eon; 5toviiishipLotOodcrieb; .-.80 acres -each, over :100 cleated-4On Alie-AV4ri.' and sheds and -coinfortableloi *ogee,- •:aart.2-lit, purchased HOU E and Mises' VIOIR and Coded Hoop Skids, het's* the rise and for sale Very cheap. ,S.itthiellythwIlwall sett astftpbreimeladalecosritberathZecaltaairesairtoctkhhofbraneh af that Weigle"' hem tide date i8th Dec.; 1865 OOTS AND present 'dock of /toots and Shoee will be -offered at cost prices up to 31st inst., to make . room tor a fresh supply. NG ABOUT -LEAVE GODEIGH 1 New Marble Works Pollock's Block, M. Johnston. 4111104 MONUMENTS, HBADSTCNES, 111 Tombs, Tabletops,Poste.3c., Meaty desmiption and style_ of worktnanship, furnished on short notice:and at the lowest prices. Liberal reduction,nade tor ea& ILL 01111111171K/E111.1 11111161/11. Designs Of Monuments, ike., may be Seell galtAYED from the sibscabee about Sep. teraber last„ 4 tattle, rod and white. A piece cut out of the underside of the kit ear of earth for a mark, 3 of them main 1Y*Wa old, 1 'coming three years- old. Any .safge.. minion that will lead to their recovery an be thankfully received by Moron Road, t'p. Goderich. Dec. 16ili, 1865. 747-3t• ireled clerk to an -11HCHILty. Apply "Godetich 17th Jan. 1866. w52 lea -TO ALI' WHOM IT NAY CON. AToncE is hereby given t'hat application AA will be made by petitionio both Howie of the Legislature st their oast meeting to have the Township of, Wawanosh„ the County of Huron, divided into two inutlice. *hies, by a line running nearly sorth and - south between Iota numbered twenty-eeven and twenty-eight, The said divisions 10 he Township elerk. THAT a Meeting of the Mania:pal Bettors Ashfield, will be held at Finlay's Ihisool House, No. 9, on Monday the 26th of Feb* nary text, at theliour of ten -O'clock in The forenoon, for the taking of a poll, to deckle whetter or not By-law No. 1, 1965...passed iu tetras of the Temperance Act of 1814, br JOHN C011/14 Ashfield„ -Jan. 30, 1866. YI ape and Sleigh HE WHOLE S PRES snoic THE Undemigned Iona the farmers LI 13 and the public generally that lie AN cow mewed the above bakes" lt kis old attain. David and having now on hand an meat of thelest thaterial exeente all orders in his line "hue itheeerilels cannot fail to _gm satisfaction. Hering lad -greet business, and all work in lus shop iseisedess under his penional superintendent* 10 wairaut every article made by hiro I* be Of the best quality, while his ternuCwill be fond Tel"' resionable. Farmers give him aeon and SOS for yorneelveo. N. B.--Horseehoeing sad jobbing of kinds strictly attended to. ARMER$ others desirous of pureheiei - La_ ads, are inforaied that the Canada 4Cotirpany have or bee Iiny.:wcsod particularly in le tendon to their WILD. LANDS in - ties of week Exeter end Lundey, 'three times per' week took woY. I T OT 3, Con. A, _Township of Merrick, Lisadel and Wroxeter daily each way -1-4 aide train Wroxeter, on _, • Printed noticts containing fuither informs- TIIE GRAVEL ROA may be seen, and blank forms of Tender may Log house sadism:II. be obtsined at the Post' Offices &bore men-. tootat and at the ogo—B London, 19 Jan.. 1866. S w2 tion as to conditions of proposed Contracts dice to Fruit °awes 5.41., lad best -do 4.014 301 liest4e. 3, „ pARTIF•S &afros" of beriettheie -orchards The Ststlioni taking premiums mast travel nutoerielP1oPerlifflon1111 and dressed ',it'd& the limit. of "the County Society and call have-tho rossonsblo raw, stopst the following "Wes --mot later than and i° a satisfsetol otoonorr bf aPPIAng to as:We Hill, and coda* throughout the tonlivo-xatoorko asitsiss sea America. way ninth „ Ina; _ wawa Tommy the andentred, w o baaltrai a number- of TRULY- AN, bootetary. River Beak ...barber', DA., February 2nd, 18-66. 'w2;6, Godenck Feb.- 5th, 186$: • IN THE TOWN OF GODERWIL E tavern lately occupied by kr. Beggs, on the corner or Kingston isnd Victoria .itreets, (part of the Allen Estate). "will le leased for a terns °friss. Apply to A. ALLEN, Goderielh Jan. 23 1866. w52 11EltEllY given 'that appli;ation-will be 1 made to the next Session Of Paiiiament for ati Act legalising and confinsirg en agree- ment made between the Grind Truak Railway Company of Canada, and the- Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway Company, bearing date the seventh dsy July, 1864 and for other „Brantford, January 5th, 1846. wimse wilt hi -of on libe dies -who- *ay be. peepared pe A1111,. or a cousiddrablesuot down. AWAN Insolvent Act et 1864 Ali -Ameniinen ritHE ereditors of the undersigned are pa Caughey, solicitor, Seaforth, 90. Hoot, - Tuesday, the 13th day of February:, 1861, „ °near the clock, noon, for Ale pOrposs, receiving statements -of his affiiirs Mid naming an serigoee to whiiiir be may Make an liallignlaent wider the stove ASA.' prorat in ter* of -the, ;-;.°E;j1t1-844/44 -:,_-00-,,iilai: NOTICE I (or Aar to -enable .the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway Compaq -to 4sAtalise the arrears of iiiter-iist due by them, by issuing new ihaies or otheided therefor, and other- lie ether rola*/ white." The. owner is ,re - df.wps„ Thltotp cuttTrt swoon, fitATED from did premises of the "orb - abort dm middle pf June last, two nod stew rol)70 21i extremion . Came lino ,tire premises oftheastabast 04 OA Sour of teoia rlig rthe last of Oct., two sawn, one *and Om • joiner VW, Pataraly rising twe pare old. • owper "remand to prove property, y barges and take them away-lleat 001111 BROWN. illWaivenosh. Ian. 30. 1966.. ar1-31,1 rnsolifent Act of lift Province of Canada; ' in the Coutity' of Huron, • *film United Alexander McKenzie*. _ • L. tifits, TrPON restos the .-applicsdow u writ of Attanhatenteed shallops* lit ordered that a • of the -ereditore- of the -shrive named ' be held before tire at the Court Hoses in the Toro Goderielion the -said Conn** in Tim** the twentyseanth day of Mowry, it o'clock, noon, lee the perm el thew ndviee spot the appoints's. facia, assignee for the mime of be published jet gm isCaratliElseette swir weeks; puenut is Os- vhavilk mod lit *1111 weeks Given under ay Fehreart. 180. shoat *my mpg 2. years 0,11Or is requested SO peeve *ego and take dosraftway, • Dsnivroeterlianos Soderiet • -