HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-02-13, Page 1t e ilk and .t It/Or.• t�tZ^ti. tureen lie.' wieUt .t - XICW t• ▪ a 'E. tiff ► `` erket -•. Tone. Grey -ia14?: -"defy iYa rh.c.y. 4h, st.kt--t. QT. aretie ✓ s *soL'Tyyaaa--S .. irl.dera New- eve: W r £'t'i_tf .R r r "tiered _at ce cbiee4 •� f�s s JS� •`ee Lc low' wilt .he :•s r Sae • p • ttfie ere t•a .5 . d nte. fee ti;E re-_ seee rr r. - s a 'RTzt (r.- nes tweed p. i. 7 _ ▪ .iaCE.., e } caf • a cc ;c-. is exeesteoa ie•te Jerrie. numeer 4• ((��t��L& wheelsltt at my cirree itKu ersefe. on. T.Le Lot; • t.• • • e • a . . i • al . L ip 7F te. .} *O. T L. *4 ♦ _. �«y 1 i 4. '•lea ' e2.. ••••47" -.-.*4 • • $ e -t 3 vI to *a • . • s , L a is ais •7:7".s. ! r a p • +a e 41 r4- • b. w ••. i M • ai- • • • • W. T. 0� �Z- T. • 4 AND riT rad Prop-, iet . St A AND 1311 dreatest Possible ec(id f 1 . • L J •4-4 A777 kN 'here c/.INT Wir he ha • • • Eel • ylts p.ate JO foe at,eve-netet d' ! thirl ore. :old d..seriht/.1 AS bat/ .."! no -home, rill- hell" ,use, -2115; Sgtnour stieet. alai ubout - r.tasit:e:era.irti,..,zatin-litiliuLs,ti..tze:: alisin;eltlitups4iteli:a.sett:itt:vtndbrtitaaezir!ra.,mwoli:r.ss.. .4 threat tedlinocked bet* 41 -own, She got aft rind; tette bold oi4ine;prithta.,4-'4,-cont.. and . he tried to poll Itintselrawa-lx and in dei -g -0 *It suis.then,fenin hetet otoaehee, 1.41 :141 tLe 514 eels, spl.1 iltrithial"rese ra-e; Ina thee.se of Abe -Leos- At) ;IX • 1:11-76 ll,-aufrkierts. Set'T.trth squ•tte.1 in .the t:s.• st The E.st. nnittled 4;vt.t",,tuttut by the 'tame a41. Gravat 71. tt ee - • ter ri7n;ft,31 _4* • Wart -t tht- -11 ele 11-e ata Perareeee to ant Nip/tie the wants Ill.:Vie- to.rantmity. Jai OF TEE G airelled • • esece • • -42 tomeeeenerneemzillenee • • 6. tc • Lcy,siT,r,• than 'elsewhere th kat IL ate. looms ow . (CE g writ o vttit r F to fat setzed "'test intrefeat `tet narabete Tem t eentateittg eate-sorterta2 Next Muse ▪ s+t. rkw teaboss at AfAft, -.. Lim irt•Godzrieti and • ne-sa•s., mozt or less, u: -/an winch- there drE• property ia the village of .E.mharn, one huh stable -on the- .T.emises. This wOuld be a-i-ttiod'.: maker as there is none- in the ineinityl,. " 1 be ialten- for either of the above, w12 - AND - -theitiliabitants of the Caunties BsoniPiER.BEGS TO INFORM and Brpeethat he is Stilt liaannfakturtn". ;tad na., SIIP5RIOR FANNING Mail &PUMPS ITe would particularly dra-sv attention. to, 4.: 37.414. tte he unit warrant theintofreck WheitfroM 1ST DAY OF AP IL 1E65 by nottitcd that all nteesatid Wok aueoutitt• over due on the , will- he ha r;.41:4.(1 to their ,-%1Iteitoi ler collection • 'The stothk on hand yvill seal Tea from eptrreleenth 12w ;4•11..;7,--t:It.; 11 Ili 1C3il,ttiltl-ite:O.1111°14.1-elObT134):431e.r.:;4•1-111:;&r.72,"7"71'1.,iffi'-* Puf. 44"; 147:4'44 flop., fet or the aeorth. 1327 the,. ()ugh fare. Feaforilt 011. 113-P math sul4-4(`' 10 Ins IthPu* therefere oeceeszeilv become tire market int. 114.11" ins' fat?, tstIrkter-130011.114 it) • cyr the whole -of the it:tune:eke' Iitwe. „41 et. Elle...nail-1 the Jreatet Felt of 13.-ellett, .iittanii.y alteue acres of feed. ilreinaii, it will be &en that Sear- rib lu.s -tintheta.1 1.7eborea, hut the wenter parts of the o as:tips of Stabley flay,' -rem- -in 11.e v.IteItt to the si-utinvard, soMe Inannert judge from' big tletteenor, le is older than Lis father wiser than bis etlit•rs see lath"; betioul know ids speed. - 4ztem -him ere tobileel ruins his at -elves stiir8 and brutish aints::- Slop suet -I or. They are lt-vion the thaw of familiee, be safely „stated ilea Seaforth is tle natnrol th'e er their tewel. the sad Canada, can - it he sukt that the.y are the etrect purchasers of the produce kif so Ja•-ge Times snYs the English believe in *Aver- ,exiptit (4' cobalt.. • six yearx af r.} tising ; they have .tried oil and out. In -FOrth may bP -sad to hare been a wticheria tiCe Ecrarnble of trade igastense, ind -makes- tbe mat. noise* and latgest - ,Eltow, gathers the guineas. titis to think lialeriesus, and eepeelsily ;New Yorkers, were enferptfahig titio Amy, wire spend pounds. where_ Aineticaa suer- ‘• tscrt-carrits *Rh it its ovr Capital.- -E2,000 000- St:: • A,rumul ard Fuitri ' rill, 1.-LAT-th:sTitott-0,2-q.stoGiodeletrgictikilyfrsoltnle,:e:-theprecp- tenewiv st_ro „en table IILTIVATOR -which has never v4i. THRESHING MACHINES /rot -ash and segar.kettles, waggon and ph* - A- good Second-Ira:ea ' atilt orOnelnnery for Orist and Saw -Mies. All parties regtiiiing the above artleles-would tdboelivewIleti.log,e78.1b.I.Fitgul..atin,s.n,gp..e_61.71.,iLhO;!.06.1f.. 4.ANonce-...,). be prepared to carry on the bamilesSof f ."51. short credit. fr. ,T..131EF-3`' is is-qted every cerentne in f-R--tane f tr tl,e Mail going; W (..-1 oh the 1.>, --eat' Weitt,rn Riairtty, Attf. contains al/ ----the Tele. than double any °diet Impor initaiillea We.st NDER abd bY virtue -of .1, Poveer of Sale PRICE OF .--'s t Rs c R -T r ti 0 sNi ...I.P.9a...tiv::.:::,..1.1:1,13.17e.Pocr 1,3" e'V'ty, heal BillAeziteiriuis",1 b" pm. Ir_ear—$11.2,bfer wee Months, in advance T:a°1:41-..list......:enlIsia ie,;liallmjapdigPserai :c.d.' e:a41.1kni.inti-tee:lutioeuira 41:svi'''i:snl 1 eci;:b4ilt-thrifee• IA. rtde 4ed;.-Y:fi ran: :ittkle:ISP7i e:t4 :11;:IS: : ,::11 isitT2:129,N:1101111; n:i2tiiiirki,dill.:),:ele:EI:irrir- opitn,seed&sb.°4;t7ciiiretc:::octi:itilTirileeipaeko-l!seiiin'tr.,°:Basto,1.411Esbuiffit:::Iiiebli.:70,8-1;71-twt iehneli: THE WEEKLY . TIMES . Is its BEsT aed CHEAPEST Famy yzap-=-' • This is. a very -7 -valuable lot, well,improv Address alI -letters, postepaid, to - - , - Fer particulats -and eenditions: 1 Sale II; Du nig -which time it bel.. enjoyed one of the !ar-est porta ns of that hua•inest, in the town. I handsomely loented one mile front qoderich on the Basfield 11.4.0, 33 f...reit in goed state I hest tavern steads in- titre pla-ce.aite has long slat& ell". 0 of pi eel is rapidly on the incleate. Neve rtsi. tees, te.W. stores, new warehouses, are in time. Fs of et•ection every day, and 4.in every har.4;thern may daily be -seen new evidettees Seaforth. than in any three. pliees' combined /3 ii'•P whole of the Llenntv of Huren. N/Iny of -these will -6e virvred for salP -C."1P0. The 1.(1$1 _opporinvities Tali be .1st The- Vender fcr every lot sold will vembruece,/, to the purchaser. - One-foutth of tile pnrehitse-pricela to 10 the veedor, payable iO 3 d; Ikt1 converter/es ore tn. be prepared for. Plans of-tbe pree-,/erty 'may -be -seen. en appli,•a Oen to the nedersiened, er to Mr. ge of Marlon, -near Little Hook , Ashen - pied by pers named 1441t/Inkk; ilea aided thieves fired at the old,gentleentas onelmisserl- other three Era almost. sinsohles000%. IWO ,,itif.kvis-ti. The son fired and olaSeit cup* tte a44,1%, eet over lite bead end m ilk side, 11y Arialtitne the fentale portion the - rushed out of thefioutakeedliteAtiseerttook Sale to continence nt, ,tereire eeteek,, noon was itta.ight 41-6a14 ItlatiPeller - Solterreei for the owner - Toms. 43? moorx, was Oiiett ails riot identified. " - 141 I:ICI-11111 SAtf- Of- 1111.1,11iDtEismoairilii,,eflit.aturit:cuoullide niellit dal eil-zwiloto.tiletaehure7. in delay. soiestaad af.4-res*peteree the intr. ria4e the 'Second ,sister. coveting herself in a , baxin,,.. been ran& m i -he i-45.0.1ent There,,4 long veil. pet-et:rusted tbe fast, and duly wee t (lila& .:oyinotnd lon,,,,tinhaesrunr;tortriofatadriihit; wIlipii; - il Jet .13,z11 the e.ereenore.. Ile snoment 'A was • over she transferred -I -be bridal dtess end ores - The Half of Lot Tilitobor 4sa the East siele.of !he Lake BoadtencesSice *ilk said arement $-4 -A•acres ef land more or less. -- This- is 25 aluable fern] 'for if13 size as- preetedkees are 4014 t* be latent Atot only Thellseeetwortla.olbstte.imee. Ore* *ter Dames AD iii new AradmtieLt MA" the ItOtirif.T.11V a„bo the et meet-, in irtiele s in Vie docir, he ke 40 well to attend. Title tud:spefaV.e. !Cavalier -he fs Tetms and cenditioes sale.will lye made wimp maw known nnon the derof Sale or may be! had the nextyaltz. This jeccallail TOMS &Meng' aGEQUOTITY 0 11A-110.. AND Sums pptars the Gamed n't the railititry school the teen:tent-al et oates. aro requested to post *See address tolhe petr.:4auss that a forty Gode-Acb,-May 296, *fa iatiliiitiikalibPIPAisst hank tleeeniid -many pets. The- ineptly