HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-02-09, Page 4v 4 • TI not Tag whieh; 'as---tt local joUrnal, claims to be second to no paper of the kied in the 2.50 wis to- secure business fame.TIVIE 13lieTiffIs sale of Lands. trnited Comities of DI T vutue of a writ et ffuron awl Bruce. 13 Fieri Facies issucx1 opt Cieurt of the United Counttes- or Huron and - tenements John Domino and. lames Dorman at the suit er &owl cotwAll,t, have seized find aken iii execution an the right, title andinterest ' otthe said defendants In *A to lot nambei forty- _ tour, in thesecond range south of the` Durham Bowl, in the Township -1,f.Kiticardine.itt the County or Bruce, containing fifty aeres, which - office in the Court house, hi the town ot Goiter- tch.on Tuesday the twentieth day of February By S. Fotr.uot Deputy Shee'l • LAND4? AND GENERAL AGENCY Attire Seat of Government - o. Dzmaavy • Lanalia General Agent. -LAND Patents taken -out, titres-- exaiiiined, searche&• maft,tetters patent for invention secured,: muniapal toads amt. accounts cellected R. rs. Denison. Esq..Dovercourt. Toronto. Rom Sohn Fogs, Toronto. r.o. Street. Esq.. chippitwa. Iolut F. Taylor. Fin- Quebec. Hon. Rep. Anent M.- 'ofthe United. Counties of Huron- and Br uc'e and Memaster, L. O., Toronto. lion: 1,<0,1-T""t°'- _ .1 to medireeted against the lands end tenement -8 Fusling that there exists alibi Seat ofGevern. of Roderick MeLean . at* the suit of -Malcolm. meat tbenecessity for a cheap, rehable and ex- •_Siewart, I haveaeized and taken in execution atone agenen through the mednun ;at -whip partteshving at distance and hair)* Muffles* with ear ot the Fabric Departments, may be saved theexpense and inconvenience ofajournev, inn- end Just abovethat of the City .Begiltritr, on •the corner of Metealftind.Sparks. streets. t erich. on' Tuesday the third day of April next, t able to that class nf various 'whO are linable to! . par large tees.,I have determined to make an - - *ail -may hei fikvored with. so- that it may be * wdbirt the power of every one In have reliable qie'r23'7.1.DeCtlice.:AGs64'd5„,er'°._h".• t - serecitat the Capital. Alt tette& to be. prepaid. 4' WM. C.:DENISON, cli E_ • London_ anti, Paris Treatintent No. 64 Little `St.: JameS Strtet, .17,4;r the Clare. c?,' Chrome aontplitints Scrofula, want`or a (rood durable article of " FULLED CLOTHS AND. TWEEDS, - White, Scarlet. gi4 Grey Flannels, AIN-, STRIPED &. MEMEL! WINCEYS, Or made np tO order m any required sfylc at - reasenable prices. THOMAS LOGAN. -Gederich Wool. Factory, 1865. - T.R013 1711t: .01.11V:ION ATE OF LONDON'', 'EDEN and &Armes big atfention, ex el y, to the Trehtmeat of the t'omplaints referred to'in Bd..; notice. Many yetire experience in Europe. add- theltrittlih.ColonieS, entibleSiiito nrce.t. Celebrated physiebins of the Old than 13ureaus Sofa* ....11:::1071e:is.j."*Bed Steeds ri''-endlestt facilities for olitaining,the beat and latest reme- .dies are Snell, being in eurrespendenreAvith the -Itecan ollerindneemen'ts to- the nnforpi nate of variety, Wardrobes, Book Caaesi •dkinttraSses, [toilet Tablea, Whim Stands, _Chairs,- and many .0111i 'RICO Proprietor: This -is -the largestand bestCountry Hotel in- Western in Mitchell. Stlige Proprietor-, dot5dsialiting for .100 Horses. llorsesind Coinages Turf -tilde, on tirdtt Villa .ftafeithl .talreplaca in tlie ate*" tatted Friday, tile -Ord gsorfOrparya soos Remedies will restore, in -a very shell all who are indicted witWlk.lcrvous Debility, LW evil lin'tit'oitenteontracted _by boys hi school . w12 which grows iip -to manhood ;: ,effeets of this' evil. practice is niOst-deplornFle "rillhetectshould apply to Dr Johnsorfuninediatel) and lie effect a speedy and Uerfect cure: melancholy fact that thousands tall victim:47u - disease o aitng to the unskilful .and improper: usi will thoroughly erac1;:cate all die. s arising fron • forwarded in safetyto any addresi -Once hour: trout 8 till 12; and from 2 till All einninimieit- tions'shoold be ach.ressed, Chas: F. Johnson. 1E11 -rap R. RUN,61114AN. anufacturers o Grist and Flouring Circular Malay and Sash Saw -Mills; 1 • Mills BOILI11.1 PERATORS SE • - Castinganfidescription'made to order.- Also, all kinds of machinery ' PARLOUR ND BOX . STOVES; Always nrk handr Sugar Kettles,: Wagon and PjpeTloses. -As our patterns -of the.above are ofthemost approved kind, we. would_ soli& an .inSpeetion of bur stock before pufehasints. els.ewhere,„ as -we are offering thenboye' at the I oiritat' reinunera tive prices for cath or or ap SHERIFF'S SALE OP LA.N.11S. United Counties of TispY virtue of a Wrterof Huron and Bruce, 13 • Fled' Facies issiled To Wit : out of tier Maiestv's Cohrt all..the right. Vas and interest of theuis defend-. ant. in and to lot number tnirty,three in the sixth' coneessiOn 9f the. tiitvaship of Cultoss, 111. tile Which lands and tenements -el shall oder for sale at my otficein the Court House in the town of God-. BritistAIDIYPet*rIzozurclicalsiW-- —AOON 10M PREMIUMS TO NEW supsetitiEns THE LOX DON QUARTERLY REVIEW, • THE EDINBUROtIREVIENtit (Whig.) -- THE urnsrMINSTkat REATIEW (Radical.) AND TERMS FOR -1.863. mask* ix tr.& cuswirScri-..- For ancoarofthe Reviews .. 12.00 rg leor Blackwood and one Rertew.". /.00 ti • ForEnackwoodsed any two of the t Reviews_ 10.00 ForllisickwOcrira.nd three of the Re - "sailer increasecIthandiminished by -the snicks they ciociasin **our Civil War, and. thougts sometimes tinged withateindice. they' may still,. considering their .great ability lead the different stand -points front which -they maci Wn+01141.11a fele midland**. With adrattlails brink 1101 • New Seheeetbers to. any 1Wa 0/ the :abOVel periodicals forlti66 will be. entitled to receive, t grabs., any oat of the 'grow Reviews "' for' 1865. New subseribers ttreofthe oak for 113661 wilt receive, Sratisk an3stetvo of the ghtbsorarre *ay alio obtain buts aumbert at frein September. 1864, taf. Decent bar, MO, tackier, at the rate of V154 A. year. _The Zfortk _Iketisk , from January„ )86k to- Direersibar, 18116; inane -ire Edimaargh and. talitigimalasive, and tho Lerida* .Quarterly far or eayWOrieln. .gerieviafecaltattL0a allot, or $1,40for any 1. • 00..sleasiblisietke. _- ARMIES SZ**111341.1111.- effidicessult.andthe late • 1.P. ellfaiseobege. *vols. Royal Octavo, Alm 8 ACKES of Lot No. East -Lake Teims'easy,up;ly to - DONALD SUTHERLAND on the premises:, or 'Wiener to Lend; -TOON Mortoames. Apply to D. Shade A few hundred d liars to be loaned- on personal security. • " Godefieh.18th May, 1865. sw74tf MONEY To TJEN • JOHN ESSON 'A vent. • GODEBICH ARMS WORKS nieflts eel feat ths'Grl stones G' Tombs/Tablets, Tons -aro. .GODERICH C: • otievwn- NING *MILL John McDonald & Co. TTIVING COMPLETED THEIR NEW to any extent: Front their long esperience in the first-elessset of machinery, they flatter themselves '1 here s also any (identity of SAS/1. DOORS 8i,1110 tit-DI/CGS LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR -THEIR WORK. Without Disttnetiori n...ixst be CASH. WOO 0 WHIP be loaned on im for the very flattering en eouragemen t :he h ETURNS HIS MOST SINCERE THANItS I 1 prsined Farm Property. receivedsince he commenced business in Vrod *HORACE HORTON rich, not being able to execute over one -halt ' * the ordenibrought to him last season ; having 14ND8.-fOR FOR sale,ohyeatonable terrn, lots 10 and II, - Brdee. The-A(4s contain 50 acres each. 40 e.earednn the two lot&. The land is first-rate, - well .-watered and timbered. No building& Alsolots 17 and 18. con. 5, tawnship ofGoderich,. 80 •acres each,. over 100 cleared 9n the: two. about 5 miles from tioderich.- Good frzeie barn and sheds and comfortable tog ahd $ne °relight. Will be sold sepalate or together to still purchasers. Apply to c S. .D. R. Township elGreenock, Countir of TrIrEsubseriber ivould announcer, the public of ffuron. and Bruce thak,ho has 011 hand rows, dce., which wine soId cheap for cash or afivreeed credit. On hand and' for sale cherfp, _ ONEY TO LE nintoviaa Some to- Inv.est in Town __Tropeity. 140dfrialitSeut.14k 184. twat/ .11 UST OPENED lioOt ' Shoe - ON Eingslo* itreat, 'text the Telegraph at the public petronege, and he will USe his 4.-4Arders 0,e...silted in both • _ THOS. JOHNSTON, on this: premises.. FIRE a Likursunanoz co. Ceprfed,A2,003,000, Sig.; Accumulated Ftend Agee tforthe above -highly-respectable • toxin tor Sale. r11/1AT excellent farth lot, Toviuship of Col borne, situated the Nerthern Gravel Road -r -five miles from the town of Goderieh, the property of Mr. 11. T. Pell,- will be sold very cheap. It cemprises ninety eight 4,010 of the best .wlit,e4 laact pie county, over setepty of .AVNich are eleired and under cul- tivation. For" terms and particulars apply to the subscriber. _ • fauna Hold. and employ -mg ^none but first-class tradesinen And Iva D.:A. believes his experience as Cutter is second fh none in the Proyinee, havingearried on biomass extensively and snecessfull in gen-1,11ton, principally lust -class eustomers, an having been Cutterin cope Of the Principal Establishrnen a in Edinburgh-, Scotland, he fearlesslyatates to a CLOTHING GAN : BE YAM, a th is est ablishmen equal tot he 1 -vat Eitablialv. Moulin Toronto orIVIontreal. _ OTIC_E. ;L -X. "note or book account, will please liNISETTLE seine without delay, -Office on'L ighthouse.: Stu 0* --BARRELS SALT I 'PER EBEL. QUANTITY .0F_ . respectfully invites an: 'examination of • .71/3.• Witreroorn on Elg' in St-rect. • For Sale at a% Baigai :.1370 til:s1 eAfiTti Ireu a. da. rno:r eellgighitle)leya.s: :feu:rise .(k1 ,or:p.neratvs THE FARNLER Con nee...ted with the hotel is a. general store. , The wh Ole are' built of stoneand brick, 4'7 ' k"37, three glories high. and commoThous -Cellars 8 t-e.et deep: Attaitlied to the hotel is a two story framed Wellin•• tl Bit field -Road 30 acreS :in eood state of . -- FRESH oypTEns wiloLESALE AND RETAIL ' BY ISE KEG, polch 'Co LOBSTERS, SARDINES,: FRESH LEMONS,. ORANGES, DATES,. West side of karket Square, 044,10. Nov, 39, .1eCffs P.17499 tue La rge Padlock. cultivation, well -fenced. 25 of u iireelear of le y stomps, witli a hewn log house 30 20, arid a cedar log barn 40 X tf, ALSO :-1n the VII lage_ef Port Albert -4 acre with dwellinz house arid stablea, 6.7c.tOre.of the best tavern -stainds thit place, an las long N. B.—Alt thoSe indebted to me either bY note 'cir book Recount are requested to Settle -the same without delay:in-order to save eosts. FARM FOR SALE .1..4 mile from Wroxeter, on ' TEE GRAVEL ROAD. Oil Lamm, 'Plough _Moulds,' MuleySaws,Cross-Cut duce of every Itind. totted -aid 'Alp Saws, Hand -4 in the whole of ihe County of Hume ' .14_ og house and barn, ,., , Sar, Many of these lots will be offered for itale -Tr3- The above will be sold eleap for Cashi• at ridicalx)pilY law -Prices ---lame bven " km 92 ACRES, 28 CLEARED ' . ns $100. The tett epportenities =willsbe Divert for payment. . The v,onditions ar-file lst. The Vendor -for every lot sofdirill prepare and exee.ate a Deedi free from all 2nd. tine -fourth of the purchase 'pike l't to be pakl in cash, on Ile day of sale,Twatd 'the balance to be secured by mortgace from vtbe purchaser to the' vendor, payable in three Hardware Merchants, T__TA-5 now on hand a comp Ow and well es- . sorted stock of Hardware, consisting in be safely stated ThitSeaforift.ls-titICAaturai. part of • market place for st lea.st '360100 acres of street', will he sold wilkont camera:45 c* lots tire'rflutrt of let number 114,in The \Tillage of Seaferth is situated id the midst .-.Of 'Vie:Very _best an.rjeulturg district 111*eter. These greet leading thOrtiOglif run respectively VA; .Notalt.iilid thickly populated 4ecliene.. -of vetintrriiiir, rounding -the *Llthe one leading northward at present Is abOilt 25 :India in len,931inpassiiig -through _thi centre_ of_ -the fel* length of tbe townlisie e Townships -of M6rris and Grey, and inally terminating in the Tiwnship oflio -tat the Village of Wroxeter. This road. is w being rapidly extended Advil, tlie -tow between the Townships a d Hewick, to the Village ol Ballot:Ira; bk. .ing upon the Comity of Bruce, and Selti4 5 miles .tIoni the the Village -of Seaferth. a reference to the 'nap A will ..he foate, t through the means of this inagnifiee.ot outlet for the whole* of the immense Tinw'ro...° and McKillop,and -the greater part of Hallett, temprising - on the -whole, the. eneriabus quantity of about 228,480 sees_ of Iliad., To the Southward, following the gravel' line leading throne] Brucifield to Exeter, a gfis- tanCe of same 18 miles; by a like xeferenee to the map, it will be seen Oat. SeafOrtit tat also necessarily beeome the natural inarkit- ing place for not only the' whole ot Vars!br- • suntli and. lgsborne, but the greater_ parts -or prising in the whole tba - -81141114 132,48Q acres Of land. in -the witele may e -waggon itox:Izeca:nada pigts _ Canada, eau- it be acid that they anaAthe . Forks, Hav Forks, k ilcs, Glue, Glass,PLuy, an extent of country. -biz years Gram Tin, 'Grindstones, POwder, Shot, Caps forth may be saitl lave teen kw I al, kinds. Iron, Steel, -Spring ininiss„ra am if, Lead, Lamp Glasses, Vooking and is =pi y orr tncreare. • la• nt ATE OP 1'3 ITA:nE sox Road. 414r., cpueor Li Law, aad Crown Atorale,-,414,141.* n Court House o. 11. ears. ATT Chin:mem Nowt! Goderica, (fa 130iialt silt of West Si First Pox- West. ,01 Ma* Giasses, Looking- Glass deuces, new stores, new waTebouses, are in Cut Nails, ' process of 'erection ivery day, and on every Plate, Horse Nails, , R a w . hand there may -daily be leen ttew eVid of Its substantial growth ied 1.. Y Anettloilee. 014 Benzoline, Coal Oil, Machinery There is more wheat, more zrain, more ad, Varni.,b, Paints and Colors, Coal silourrs SALE OF LANDS. Huron and &nee, LI Veriditionl ExponaS is - County court of the United counties of -Huron and Marx Giuridy,at the suit of IVIalcolm Stewart; 1 •have seized and takeain execution all -the right, title and interest of the said defendants in .abd to Let Nimiber Ten in the sixth Concession of the township, of Kintess. in the county of. Bruce, at my Office in. the court House in the -town or Fehr;iarv next at the hour bt tiii elye of the clock, By S. Po t.Locir, Deputy Sheriff. Sheriff's Nice, Ooderuth,-I OR SALF. LI Stanley .A'20 per acre • south 90 acres ot lot 29, Lairs, nore, Aslifiefd-, $6 per acre ; East 25 acres of siuth eagerly quarter . of lot 2 in Ihe Town Lots in °cleric 1-1-, price $30,00 each -au] SHERIFF'S. SALE OF LANDS. United Counties cf 10Y Virtue of a writ& Veil-, Huron and. Bruce, 1,/dition ExporiesendFieri writ of Fieri Facies, issued out of Ffer Al ajestes - Court 01 -Qiieenis Bench. and cOuntv Coiut at the 'tinned Counties of Aaron 1" -and- Bittee:andlo 2 .nie directed against the - lands and tenement". which were ot Donald March son, -deceased,* the time of _ inS.death ;in the hands Of Janet Murchison, aikido istratrix.ot all and- sing -Wattle .:10ona Id .11 uichisOn,.deceased. at :the lime Zif his death.. et. the suh&- fit Denald Murchisan -.and Alexander Murtay,i1 havef seized -and- taken. in executicn all the right,- title at LI interest. of the said..defendentin audio the-sOuth halves of lots nartiliers 9 told 10, in. -the first 9oncessichi.',61.1ise coining one liendred acres of land,- Which - lands 'old tefieinents I shall offer fOr safe at my oifice in -the Court ffirtjisp, in -the Town ottgedench, al the hoar Of twelve -el the. cluck itt On . ' Sheriff El & Sheriff's -Office, Goderich, Book School Books and 8c1001.8tationery, 1 and the -public ,gerierally that be re moved. his Book Store _to_ _the - well-knolvn stand on 'Albert Street, Clinton, formerly will be happy to wait upoh all -Who may favor hini with trealI. tore. SOH -0611 BOOKS & STATIONiiY . Which will be founsl to be as low in iprie - as those of the Toronto Wholesale Ater: - Fancy -Goods, Offine Stationery, Instruments, Toys, _Wall Papers, Nrappieg Parts, ite., &e.; as' usual very low. OHO. AYCOCK. .CIinton.20th June. 1865 ftw19 Agents for Commercial Union Assurance -Co. • 1st September, 1.835. w43 SKATES ! SKATES ! At G/IRDINER'S, From 25 cents upwards. NEW ALBUMS I NET/ FANCY GOODS ! °9qualalltlIMI instalment* per -cent. by • the IrendorsSolicitor4, autl,st-the expense of the purcbaser,- ob• tained bY those intending to build immedi. te T0)15. Store, Crable* Itaney to Leal ati - QOLICIT011, 1.N ca .,Corner of 114,1111ton Esq., Godariall, application -to the nn ersign 1. ' Sale to commencd'at. tweivt_ti 09 Op:041e the Post 041tesi ' January Si 144.- Trouttrx Money I* *cts- oti SKEEIFFS SALE OF - 04. alSrist • VWS ( )1 S ! trnited-ConntresTof BY virtire Of ot Herrin and Bruce, Fieri VilOtlit fettled tt111 4.4. 10 'Wit; . of Her Majesty's colinty,t1 ' FOE . THE HOLIi)A HI cmanaedinntlibenints.le;artimtlelesvci-tAelterdd:ezt:idaasolt-itteksi a -11.11r60111; On t ..- ' BuVer"S:-. all the right; title and interest a ..I e said n-., dant ia and to tree East hilt Of tottafirmber Tiwenty-nine, in the eleventh concessita of Ai,: and tench -lents 1 *hall elfer tor -*Ile at Inv office in the Cc.iirt lipase, jai. oaa oferlistieb5 on -Br S.-Oomoca, De titySheriii CABINET WAREHOUS <THE OLDEST -IN TEE COUNT . AND UNDERTAKER T. t,.._$11T-$01EV_OLO 13, 1. and Elbolilireltasseff,-rn variety, Home _Manufacture and Impor,t41 I! TaRlitbee.-allii' or'-ai:O02.d:takan it; ex: urance Oomp'ny Lessee Prenrtly Settled, Wit Agen to Wit door wegref Mr. Stott REP in the Tor EMT oold* Pte we rylW Consianntrentnineamtyirg.triaktedi0 be SUR Gotteiett tO Asti A unitufwoustiesvi -DY virtue of . ron tenements °flames Hewett aniakarleterrer31 taken in exemitionalithe'rieht. end inlereot of the said ileferidants alicl -to lot numbs* twenty,IntWirriftorigeliken .the -Wodtr.; ivthieriaitiera),_ JOHN MACDCBALIV_ 41111.11.11. sunseace Rural Vialksattua