HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-02-09, Page 3tee€ taf..
«w With
.* keen . .
,and ttt
its z now
citernent he
urS •t -
:multi '_ ins
n2ted for
Ccz, *hose
yvare. He.
`G• tee tinter- .
a ten L=am .Dee
i 4a removed
lire apt *tee
eurtt r week
'► zx ci d,<. -
eain that'
ere. iiot a er
rte went to
• taito
stan• ding with,
In tier ltbeett
t. Be:chaser,
Art6 alarmed
:hie Victim me
e the -bloody*
tate ttow.
ntioser. sae:,
4 stitch terrifies.
one later au
et streeV
of erecting
a; resoluttoes
That it -
147 rip SI ribtrtisartents.
Parliamentary 8.: Departmental
AT , °Tr k W A:: C. *
CI -0 OM 'THIN 1
..11. ma Medicine tor the immediate and perma-
nent removal 01 all pain tram the system.
MILE undetseened devote kpecial attention Cures'Rheuinnusw, Pleurisy, and Pa:as in the
Back and Sales. •
''a; to the procurirg of Patents for Landsand
- for Inventions' the adiestment of Land-andtRe
.. 'mires 7P784:tniCtrtadliilirieard7LdDesti'S ierertleadache.
other eleiros against the Government, pro-, - • Thr Canadfclis•-Pasn Destroyer .
- eating the passage or Private Acts -.of the Cares BiliousUolte end Cramp lathe Stonier+.
generally we'll the seie-iii .1:erp;rtinentsi ,. ... • Ceres Choletel (*before Morbusy .PYaerlterY jail-
* ' - . - ' Cures Sudden Colds. liar:kite Throats._ '
Feb. • ISSii„ - Imela---0-11 Ouree Neuralgia-, Tic: Di/Wow-eater and Tooth-
The Oanadiail • Destroyer!
of one tieorge Twamley or bearer tor the sure
of .$24./0 or thereabonts as the. same; has, „ P. S.—Goods wilt' be delivered in -shy-
been by roe.; PRIOE.-25 cents per ordersshould part of tberown.
Groliery and Proms Store.
TTAVING tented and fitted up the atore
.11-1. lately occupied by A. F. Bush, for the
above business, am now prepared to furnish
tamilies with
which 1 shall sell at the Lowest Cash-pnces
Flour and Feed
kept constantly on hand. _
Aahare of your patronage will be thank
fully received and faithfully attended to. -
Wines -and LIquortj .Crockei7
• illdian . Sate of fteal EstAte
- , . , . .., B-nthinn Re,,erville, 1. Pickard. Exeter. _I- El.
°having beed made -in the payment thereof)
flirt% pioPeTty. TS :—The ,.,',4st. Half 01 '-t-,-t -iiure ot all those . painful and dangerous diaeases
No 12. in Lhe 8th Conceseion et, the Towne to which the feniale constitution is subject. It'
ihipoi Wawanosh, corttainitv-by "adoleaatire- moderates all excess and -removes ill obstructions,.
- mint 100 agrei More -Ir tes.- ' . land a. Speedy, cure may be,relted on.
This 6g. very valeabie iot, wet: :Li I
' d uder.- g ; tr eve -tier . it ig pecitharlv suited. It 'with _in a _short tune,
For' partietnare and coutliti3Olis, of stsi. ap bring on the monthly petted with regularity. - - ,
PoTsoo.tioe. of Ole Deere and Final Oader
1- for. Sitle, made in a certain cause 'pending
in the Court of Chancery for 'Upper Canada,:
be.eold by Public Auction
. Ins eecriox ROOMS,
With the approbatien of Robert'John Turner,
Esq., eccournant of the saicl. Court,
On: Saturday, the 17111 day of Feb.,1866,
At twelve o'clock; noon, the -folloaing pro-
perty in one bit • that cepital tnessuage
or tenement, - being. lot number :ninety five,
ment cite quarter el .an acre,- Mere pr les& es
.fire-Fill.:SI TITREE. 111C)4V-T.U.S cf "'reg.- the same- is new in the occupation ot Mr:
ri4rc,., bra- at- auy othr time they are salt-. as' lot 2i _fronting on Liliht Honse Point.
The huuse is substaftially built et hviek, -is.
le all cases of .Neryons rind Spintil Affect -loos,- "
Pains in the Back and iambs. Fatigt e -on alight in excellent repair, eed well qualified for the
N.DER. and bY virtue of a Power Of Salo Whites these Tins will effect- a cure when all
having been 'made In the payMent thereoft1 int rtrieleleday".,:dhel',1'te -failed.;
dower) there -wd; be sold by Be ' '`u • i bole agent tor the United Statesand Canada; -.
bleada the 26th day of February ' zi. B.—St 00. and stx po-tage stamps, tirclosed
s t to A : authorized agent -will -insure a be le con-
c; doer in the afternoon, tit Pal k.
Iletel. near the Village of Bayfield, the fol
lowiner very. valuable Jana property, viz
The East Pelf- of Lot nundier 6- oh the East F---Tonlau; c.ratthner Bavftem
This ie as valuable a farm for itaii.Te as
improvei and under "goal cultivation. E
lies near the residence- of Peter Aden:son,:
. Newcastle, C.- W.igeneral
--agent for Canada. •
-rr Sold in Gotielich by Parker & Mile and
-de well to attend. Titie intieseetabies -
'Thins and cotilitiona of-ss.e will be Made
Ir.nowt: upon -the day le Sale, ur may iite had
Ventiore Solicitors:
fres4 supply just te
Front an Cords Upwarde,
English paper, coutprisileg.
*Very cheap -for Cash. '
Jam 16, 1866.
Ltholvent Act of 1
Province of banada, In the County Court
County of fLuron, 1. of lite United Counties
to wit; of Huron Ind Bruce.
Alexander McKenzie,
Dunne, L.
Relief in ten Minutes 1
.13111-1r A W'S
The Most certain arid speedr remedy ever diScovcred
tor all diseaies of rise
Pleat and Longs, entsghse
Throat, Ate:,
These, Waters give the mi*Ht nistantapeonsand Per -
feet relief when persevered with according to direcuoni
llama been restored, to perfect health. who have tried
-other means ut vain: To all classes and ail constitutions
they are- is blessing, and core—dome nerd despair. nif
inatterhow long the disease may have existed. or how
severe it may be. provided- tile organic structure ef the
vine organs is not hope,essly- decayed. Every _one
afflicted shuold give them rin impartial trial '
these- 'Wafers are peeeliarly valuable ; they will in one
day remove the most severe occasional boarseness-und
their regniar pie for a. fewiiiire at all times_ in-
crease the power and inflexibility cf the voice. greatly
.pnifici.se they arc regularly used '_by litany Protessioeet
J011 MOSES:. sole Pmprietor, Rochester, N.Y.
Price 25 cents perbox.
Vocahsts and Public tteakers
Wilt find .ErfauPs- Wafers:
Invaluable to removi
' ,Bottrsenes=s and Sore Throat
_Hoarseness and -Sort ;Throat
- Hoarseness arid Sore. Throat
Ana give clearness to the Voice, -
Aed give clearness to the Voice.
-.They relieve in ten -minutes,
. They relieve in ten niinutes..
Coughs. Colds'., and all dye' axes
Coughs!' °olds. 41141111'..diSease" (.51f the Orman- and Limns,
‘. Of the Chest and Lungs,
, Of the Cheat and: lamp,
Ai:Weems r,
Northrup, tr.. Lyman Newcastle, General.
dan; eardiner& Go., Baffled t Jas.. Bentham, -Roger-
vale; L Pickanl.. Exeter; CoMbe, Clinton; E.
Rickman tiesforth•and all medicate -dealers. .3w364int
- The purchaser. at the time pt. -sale will be
required to par td the vendor:or his solicitor
a deposit in- tile proportion of Zig for iery
£100 -rof his:purchase money, mid the balince
in six weeks thereafter !ill! interest, at; the
rate Of six per centum per annum • d
ON reading the apPlication heveint-the
writ or Atmehmeta and the papers died;
ordered that si.--meetitig.iof the creditors
of the above named defender -it be itekl before
ine at the Coast House in- the Town of
Goderichon the sail Counties', an Tuesday,
the tweatv-seventh der of Febrairy, at
neeloci, noon, lorlhe purpose- of giving
their advice upon the -appointment or an
oMeial amignee for the estate of the seid
deteislaut. And it is ordered that thii notice
published in the gt Coat& Gazette " 'two
weeks„ paranoia to the statute. and in the
Given areder my Alia third ,day of
Judge Huron and -Brace,
NIMES, addressed to the fosttakster
Generai, mfil be- received at -Ottawa
noon =Friday, 2nd Hsieh, 1866, for
Ake lionve;ancl of Her Majesty's 'Mails, on
proposed Contracts, for four years, is under,
cci and from the 1st April next.
aiid Mar -parish 'thesS time per
and Wingliant, daily midi way.
Clinton sad Porterli three tinges. per
vreek, each way.
Deeeffel- end Komi, awe times Per week,
ascii way.
Exeter and: thee times per meek
Lisidel and romiter, daily each war,
f!old by sit Drrigaisti%,
Sold by all Druggists,
, au upon
pnvineet theteof the pidchaser will be en-
titled: to a conveyance and -to - be let late
posse Anon. The -couditions of sale will -
in all other respects be the -standme- .coe
ditions of the Court of Chancerr.
Further particulars und condatons :of wile.
May be had on applicatioe at the law office
Hall,,,,Toronio Street, pronto ; of
Rumball and VamEverv and the Auctioneer
Dated the 11iti dav if January. 1866.
The, Ilpicipal
AF the Township of Csborne having pas-.
eed By Law repealing the By Law pas-
sed by the Electors last year, in accordance
with the Temperance Ad, prohibiting the
sale of Intoxicating Liquors in the Townsliii
That- a *Meeting of the Municipal Electors'
Will, be held ie the Township Hall On
MONDAY, the 26th February
to .decide whether or not the Repeal of ;said
BY Law be confirmed b`r such Elector& "
Cabernet jan 30th, 186G.- aw46w2u1
:Insolvent let of 1864 and.
la the int.ter of TVilliant.
- Insolvent.
MILE undersigned has been ippointed as
signee In this matter, and requiiis
claims tx.r be ,filed-withit: two nionths from
this date. -
Seaforth. Ca, Huron, 9th January, 186t.
Solicitor for assiente. wl -2w
SpringStrodsiStallus aid Balls
AN Exhibition connected with the altave
for Spring Seeda, when the following pre -
bites tie awarded : Beit 10 bullets
Spring Waest $8.00, 2ad do -7.00, 3rd do
5.00 ; best 10 bushels Gats 3.00, 2ud do
2.00; 3rd do 1.00 beat 10 -busaels -Peas
bushel's Bsrley 3.00, 2ad do 2.00, 34 do
1.00 ; best bushel Timothy Seed 1,50, 2ad
do 1.00; best 2 bushels Cern 1.00, 2nd 'do
0.15; 3rd do 0.50 ; best bushel Flax Seed
'Best bush. Clover Bead $3.00 do $1'.0
All tne Seeds taking .premiums to be sold
to the antathers of the Society_ only, -.on the
Show -day, at pricenot to exceed. 124 -cents
per bathe over and' shrive the Market prise
The exhibition of Stallions ead Balls will
Mk. place at Godericli on 'Thursday, 12111
day of April, 1866, when the following
pee:aunts swisadod: "best Stallion for
galena perposes $10.00, ind best do 8.-0(ts
3rd best -do 6.00 ; hest Bull of say class
The Stallions takuig premiums mist travel
Society, will -be held in Goderich, on
partY wbb lost a number or brooms
near Goderich, inn -have- the :same. by
calling at A. Illack'S Hotel, proring property,
and paying- for tbid- advertisement.
Goderipte irate. 25, 1866
Consulate of t he Unlit:4 St4tei al
o'cloCka. m.
notices seettainiiw farther informs. withinthelimitsof ,the County Soriety and
heiress, aad bleak form ofTeadeesisy every alintli dab z Goderich Townt
lastahnnint the „Pont: Mein *boas wow Panel's Hilt milaligvillef °is*** lm
named, mod at the *Mai ofthootheeribisr.. Sadtlis HA • and Ceatialla thrtalgliallt. the
• 11.11•115ERT mem es abate,"
red mica tespeowegose4-
as to ooaditioas of proposed Cootraess StOPSithe folloaing ?Ines -wit latir than
Goderich, -Feb.' 5th, 18t6.
In the -Inatter. of Iripin- -goon
!jibe Credners of the Insolvent are notified
thet .711e- -has' Made an -assignment of his
Estate and hie'effects under the above oat to
me the underaigned- -assignee,: ttod-they are
requeited to furnish me. -withie tWo months
from this date, With their ...claiMs, specifying
the security they held, if -any, and -the value
pf- it eand if none; stetting the fact ; the
whole attested? nnder oath with voechers
support of Such claims, -
Dated at Gederich in .the- County of Ituron.
this 2.9th el. January 1860 —
sw2w 46
T.0 S Eunday evening, 28th inst., a
-1-1 White Fictorine. Any person findine
the same will please leave it at Hale's Bak-
ery. sw44
MENDERS will be received until SATC11,-
RUARY next, by this Department, either
'foriLeasing, by payment et a Bonus in adil:t_-
tettli of the- products of IVells to be sunk,
on issue -of Patent, of the uudermentioned
!;:nhad, she' oirj. ,c"e8ssWi 0.1 N E*, N :AV* Lot -81
E ' * and S AV tot Lot 10th Conces-
.Eaeh parcel of land corttains 50 Acres,
and- lies in the immediate' vicieny of -.Oil
Indian 'Department, -
Ottawa, 2511 January; 1866,
Nordhierner, remain. in'town for
a few days. - All orders left -at Dark's Hotel
will be attended to, - Ordets received for
Goderieh, Jan. 26, 1866. 8443
ilisoLvENTACt 1864.
THE SUBSCRIBEILS have now lon- hand at. the
As if
L.- I . _
t -
Ladles' and Mtssas' IVOR
puich:ased before the rise and _for saloery cheap.
!loop Sit
iNew IflarbliWorks
Pollock's Block,
A S i; is -the wiebef the subseribers to clrlse off this branch of their businees, from this date
Li they *ill sell at psime cost their- entire sioek of
Overcoats- -Sack:' and -FrocLisi,oats Pants YPSIS 'Stith
16,D. KENAI 00.
18th Dec., 1865
Huron and Bruee. -Li Men-Fat...las ;issued nut
To nil:: . of- ;Her Illajestv'n 'Gewalt
Court of the --Iinitea Counties of Aaron- and
Bruce, and to Me directed agalnst the lands . and
tenetnents of -George Birrizur and Nesbit . Biggar,
at thesnif of itinies Hall, I have seized and taken
iit:Exi.ciitiou all the right, title and interest of
the said defendcnt in _and - to the south-west'
hall acre of land with the -baddiuga thereon
lands end tenements i shall offer for Sale at iiti
ich MeTnesday, the first day of May ttext;aethe
In,the matter of Robert Stewart aud Ueorge
- F. Stewart, Insolvents. --
HE undersigned has been appointed As
signee in this matter, and requ' elaims•
to he filed within tvzo months from t is date,
10QTICk .;•.-Catme into the' enclosure it the-
inhseriber, lot, '1, con. .8, townehip Of
about; the. -middle of Nov. last, a
steer! rising 2 years and a f.heifer rising 3
year*, bath spotted red and 'white. The
owner is requested to ifrove property,- pay
charges' in4 take them away.
11011Ilop, Jan. 23td,: 1866. 02 3t
bo the hest terins.- Apply- to
Barrister, ke.
sw.45) Opposite ,the Post 916E6, Gpderich.
afEAYED-Irom the premises of the sub.
About. the.middle of June last, two red "steers
Canteinto the premises'ofilke-same about
the last- of Oct., two steers, one. red and the
other greY, atiparenthr rising two years old.
The. owner is requested to prove proPerty,
peyieliarges and take them away.
Wawimosh San. 30- 1866. vitL3t,*
Money to Lend,
nNRen1 Estate, at 8 per cent and upwerds.
.)Gederich, 17th January, 866. - w52 3m
ottioeto Fruit
nur:, present stock of toots and Shoes.
room tor -a ftesh supply.
Glidriclit ISL.:. December, 1865.,
il-1 be offered at cost prices up to 31st hut., to like
Fa,km, .for :$a3e.
situate facing the- River Mailtand and
within 3 miles of the lIourishiug Village -of
Fingharn, bein-0. the south half of -Lot No,
14, on the ninth con. of the Township of
Turnherry, contaii#ng 4.0 acres, 23 acres
chopped, 16- acres of which the- stumps will
come oat. Will be sold cheap for cash,
For further particulate apply to
General Agent, Wingham.
irpli SALE 01I TO' ItEINT4
1 8th con., E. p., Colborne. Thistarm
RI Tombs, Table -tops, POsts,4kee:
of every description and style of
-notice and at, the lowest prices.
,iiikt% Liberal -reduction irtedefuramli•
workmanship, famished on short
Designs tif Monument& Ake., may Ise sten
Goderiete Dec: 19, 1865„ w41
RTRAYED from 'OM siliscriber *beet Sep.
piece ma ost of An alaientide of thottitoor
of inch fora suarki 3 of them menning2 piss
old, 1 comisillineyears 211111i.•
maim thatinitlead to their reties*. virile
thankfully :received by -
Huron Road, fp. oll'Uoderiidt..
4) 2 rats old. catme on the premises of the
subscriber on the 20th September list. The
owner is requested to prove property, pay
12th January, 1866. w51
"Uoderiela 17# Ian. 1866. 2.1m
WrOTICE is hereby given that appliastioti -
43 will be made by petition to both Howes
of the Ler,is' 'mere at their mat_ meting __to
have ,the Township -of. Wamanosh, this
County of Huron, divided into two munici-
palities, by a line running Dearly north aod
south, between lots numbered twenty,sevin
and twenty-eight. The said -divisions to I&
called- " East " and 'West," Vairanesk-
- Township Clerk..
-.GODERICli, -November ,27thi. a.
Aslifield, will be held ist Pillayls W.- nor
floase,, No. 9, on Monday the litth af
ruary_next. at site lour of leapt -do* intie
forenoon, for the taking ofs so driddia
Ashfiel5,,San. 30. 1816; Till-Nralaiir
PRE -Mem lately yea:pied Mr.11egge;
on the ttorner or :Kangeten arid Victoria
streets, (pat of the Allen XiiitlitO Will be
leased for term ofyears. Apply•dto
t tire Amen Hem alltieleer
the magic seam* thud' Ise istiviono-
116 AM stagilloassIthdeostra.
and having flair 10a- had anytettflontimmint-
Anent if Limbos* inOterhd ir rowed W.
estooto tnI1 orders -in his line in vthrairseiti-
mama tail to give '
- Having led great. empertrine
besiness, and all worker Ids shop Ineigiletse
under his person,' seperieAserdthee, he ma
warrantevery Miele male by Ism to Ise ,
Pannerilitifira Nat seals I
kin& thinly stienied to.
within 54 miles ofGoderich, there is 77A scree
cleared, and a f-ame house and barn. One
from 9 to 4 Yens ehel;dy end has never been FAR1413113 and others desirous of pit
heti is clear of stumps end the other half *
plogghtd,,there ate Also nyoung orchard of biz Lends, e_re informed Mit the ril4iatie
PATRICK CAI1ROL. in mrions.parts of the Provinee.
Colborne. -Nov. 30, 1865., - bompnny would °particularly invite„_at
Inflolvent Aot d 1864.
Province of Canada; lithe County Court of
' United Counties of. the United Counties of '
Huron ,_ and _Bruce. Unroll and Bruce.
Inge yzatter-ofJolin Maclean, of Tees -
Iwat an Insolvent
quiE undersigned has filed a consent byltit_
--1- creditors to hiediseharge, anti onFridat,
1DARTIES &sirens of having their orchards
or nurseries properly pruned aid dressed
ran have the same done et reasonable rates,
yeirs experience m several of the most ex.
'River lank, limberly p.o,
February 2nd 1866. w2 6.w
Rotas, _Azitt,..platTit
teationto their WILD LANDS in the Count
ties of
whieli will be disposed of en liberal tern* to
0A -sal via considerable sum down. .
Canada- Company's Office, • 1
Toronto, 19th Dees, 1865. 1 52
the 30th day. of March nett Isc will &pi, tite• Iltelit*IElecters ef the!
to die Sudge of the said Court fore cenfinsa-
.by ha -attorney adlitens, W.F. FINDLAY._
liamilttin, 17 -January, 1866. w52*pian
exeditors of the- undersigned are. notifi
Caeghey, solicitor, fleidbrth, Co. Huron -on-
Tuesday,, the 13t.hday.of Febriuiry, 1861, et
one of the clock noon for the purpose of
receiving @moments of his allinrs aud of
naming in.amiguee to whom at 'may make
an aingament under the *bola
DoMiciled at Seaforth, Co. Ham, this
Ist.def _of December, 1865.
S. G. hicCATirs.111ri,
Solicitor for lasolve4.
14 2
OTIMis hereby given by the Mani
Council of the said Township that
Law to repeal a cartelmother By haw
by thej said Municipal Council on the
city ofiJanuai7, 180, for theenfateem
the Temperance Act of WU, wlii s
ted for then -approval an _term's of the
Temperance Act of 18641- on Fridiry
twenty third day of Fehrtary next.,
School Houee on lot No 27iormettasion
the said timithip, at_ the how of ten
der ef.lee'S't 186-61, S
j8 HEREBY_ given thevappliention win be
I mode to the seat Session of Parlimema for
pieta utsdc_tween the EirsinlIkaalsit
Company Of Canada end the and
Ube Huronladway eampasy, bow*
the seventh day.of OK sad for other
lirantford,lanuary 5th, 1166.
16"' ilt40 the -remise of the soiliseriber, lot'
6, 3rd con. township of Tuebittmilly Tibent:
„the lit of _October haat Stea! afailiag tafg
Yeatil old/ soda white Heifer ' two
old, both me neatlyall white,
red mewl the- headasid neck. laavvismoris
requested to prove *pert! Plie &Pia slid'
take them amp_ -
Rod/err-Me, Jen. lith;1866. ; rival
TS Isselsy given eloGIOPPlewhiot 'will be'
, for.= Act to unable the Bingo aid- Tithe
-1- made et the WU aliallile efibiliaillaat-
BY- arrow vtiatereitilee *I awe, 'by loans
sin it:hi td Iti: 16.epABIttanifit'"":11...af°rdinto'diel tileirja.Promim" similliti. 86t*r. . 7":111-illiads-Fr-1116.12L
, BOW AIMS OT otherwise titiefor,aimil other.
in her, two Moor%
kw /411
-rm. Immo imielsted ft the slaw
pay =say beek sreemaits qv ilea Allialr
given ler /saw sesiivet 1111•111
af soy note *war or *Nit
to the provesiois of tie Itssoisset
Goderioli, Jan. 1106, nfehrjSw