Semi-Weekly Signal, 1866-02-09, Page 2- r • • • R 3(1.-.7.E.E ELY *tnti "Ittitig gual say that we have seldom witnessed a finer epread than that of Tuesday eveninge- About seventy gentlemen, embracing many. of the meet respeitable settlers of Wo ftel). 91b, 1866. Morris, and visitors from other -parte of .thelscounte, were present on theoccasion, amoer whom we noticed:Mr. Dickum, a-heckie, depity Reeve of Grey, D. B. McKinnon, Dr. Thompson, Dr. Mellool W, Kerr township clerk of Morris, TIM Iticifirocity Treaty: The following important announcement vrascommanioated tot, the Toionto press - (s) the Plea of rile -7* 'Mat' :- •- • J. S . Sinclair ' I. F. Toms -mid W. -T. Cox " We are authorised to state the Pro- ' ` ' ' '* - - - ..- of Goderieh Mr - Strew, of S aforth R. " vinee delegates havi deelined the pro, , , , 1- ' ,.0,. -- 1 a position _of the eonnuitteee oe ways. mid ti. rteict of Clinton!. •1 a „la. Squire, Jet). - " means.' The reciprocity ' mei°, tiatiOns Richnaond treasurer Morris, Mr. Craig, " are thertfore- at an end I 'The. .delfe I I'.. Kelly, Mr. Gellman, T. Laidlaw, J. It gatesieave't inerr".7 '- - ,- ' Igoe, Dr- .dirrey T. Sheridan . Dr." . , . , - , . ane; W. Mellaffie; J. -S. McKinnon,- . Aie this its 'considered authentic. tie isio • think it may he considered ._ certain - that /wm..:.-e awnings, of Wingham, W; liar- , the ReeiPmeitY•Treaty will be dAnitelY ria, Jno. Kay of Ainleyville Jas Irvin abrogated on the .17th of next menth. Wm. Armstrong, R. illannoad, T. woe *We •exPect fuller particular" in -a few . ker; T. Kenn jos orr, 0. mecielleo, H. dayie Helpe, jno. SparroW, .04. -Quinn, j. S. - L -Scott,. lie., Its; OVR li'lLITKS.- - - ' ' . Mr, John 'McRae,* Wrs called to -the - *NO, 4. _ . chair„'anl Mi. Scott a -etc& as vice:chair, Having previously pointed 011K boW the man: Thq guez4- of the eyening occupied action of the Dank tif .England, by raisinst th.e seat or honor, of coarse, at the chui.e. ... ieterest; effected- us unfevorably: ',we te• Mants,right..-_. ,, vert to. the attbjeekv.for i the Inititose , -of After ample Justice haa -been lione- tliP. showing how it.iiiiglit .be potaible Pi ihutt . viends„ the :Clielt Was remeved, nnd the ., _ imection and eoefine' it sitaply ta Ike_ cf- ' chairman Cennioenced . the real husilless fect prOdneed by a high rate of:interest, of: the evening. by . reeding a , letter_ from wittOnt. the addition 'of a heavy drale of Oen D.: MODonall,-. expreising hie- tegret capital. . . ' , - - , 4 - , ..: .. itlat a businesi: engagement - prevented hie As: befere observed; enrteeks ate limit:' being present. _ The' Usual. loyal toasts ea in the amount of interest,- they can havini been given and respended to in a . charge,. it requires no greae * segacit,e . te--; trnly loyal 'manner, : the chairman,- in..* peredive that if Money is worth. le Eng- .11ighly complimentary ipeech, whiCh. did _ Iand ten per cent, it is ttot emning-to ample Jestiee 'to. Mr.:. Whitehead, aa -..a Canada tii- find employment. -at -eVen- i pritate man and a Municipal __officer; ' pro - therefore, as soon As it shall b_ecotne the _ posed the toilet - 'of -the : eveairg„ ajiiiiir _ interest 'al EngliOli eaPitaiis .s - to raise ; gu4*.t." - The announcement -Of the toast te their rate to -eight or . ten ;'per nt, .so cer- - was received with- cheers and a rattling - I - -- ' in will -tie- the- zedingf indTtheamults or-round7oupplatise. ... - .. -'titi-Bitik of Englandi -no Matter from mit.: .0.. tit.; . . .t.tioetixan, in- rising . to 'obaceatise drainiel„ Whether • it, hi fon._ .eirei epeeekton in grainy orm cotton, -silk resPond, said he could not . sufficiently . - . . . . . . _ thank those present for the coniphment Or: any othei.1 a_rtielc, will 80911 fe4 the oak biz 01 this oceasion. . lie was great- - . r - Puobucz Comma, lat.-7-_,..We are glad tO . -; intateStFeSealie; MHIMOficy *Inas sure- .. . _ • ly surprised When he heaed, Oat It wee see- that, tarnlerno.9, taking...or adviCe hi ly Ilcut back te them si the sea returpOo• the inteution. Of his friends bi• 'glee him e hring iii their peodece as fait es poseible„ the .change or the tide. ., New' it :allnest eempliweetary . druner,-. .-as . he . wee not It is a long tune since miLlitieets Were so -always happens that this - state ! of atiare that he. had - dew. serthing • wiott crowded with tea -ins Or- ivhen ragrleqlttl-, ' . alb's takes -gaol at - a time 'when eier to. merit 'such an honer beyolur what riSts !laid. received. such- excellent: Ptices. ttwi outlying parts. of. the .t emnnle..reial: Was his &e'en a • repreientatite of thne 'Th wella are meat in Want of MeneY• and. the - Who bia. reposed minfidence in hint. • r _Ile sad the -•bighVrieen liaVe .had- ...a :. marked 4 . .. _ - i . _ tudtUn "Page daranOS everrbing'' ..vias yet young in inunicipil -Matters, nnil tifeet= upon tra‘le generally.: . . • , .1111heugY " adiniters-6e't-h6 lnanner in:- therivrere inanfonen there Who deserved - which (Mr:Thanks hare heali:lasMiged, and More than himself such an ovation as that,. _ coosidering as We do thif that manage- But Still; is he had,endeivored ...faithtully °lent hee' eete4 c'n 448 e-nunt4 tneat in- tar discharge the' duties develving. uPon. . intionaiT i our !Sink or 049E406o is I'm him, itt was mase.geaticeiag to see suclf a t"4 l'easen fer °";quietlY settling deWn iargei respectable - and .intelligeet - assem; - 'tinder two evils --it. in quite.had enough to .hiage of gentlemen, representiog , the- bone *lifer- from our "n, kank . man.agembpt and sinew, Of.MorriS, aS well as those whe NitiliecttliOuort..thhuiv:11447K itaulieP44,,,,rind4k .9r, traregitaolta&I in : hail come from. a distance. -•-. (ApPlanse..). When he entered:the COuncil in -:18fil he it$ attentel ta-Pmrerk Itself,. '1ula :the : found the affaini ef the towieslaipin- a bad „ ra°aiea interest orthef*Ot gentre Of the eondition; : He did dot --wish to. Cast re-: ' world.- As n Temedi. for •tib 1#t".e .evil l=flettions -uponloriner reeves or. collectors, we Form that our LoKislatPre 4API* hut the Very fact that Moths- was -behind - • - .. . . . an act hy which: our banks shall' be tattler, ize4 withoist reducing -their rate within - ' in her. COunty. rates -iras a Sufficient preof - ' -- - that there was soniething- wrong: 'Now, - llavelt.' Per emir *bolt te be One per cent • - - . - • . . - . fa advaaca ar the . rate -.abjure' .by the ,.howeceri: things . were different the - Hoek of Engtaed; thu valuation to be io, connty rate, was paid uN .the ,.-finaneial Situated to the pablic through theflazette : affairs ofthei toweshikWere in -a healthl - awl the pape!s of all •plicea where bank - state,_ and ite representatives at the Conntl . nelmiet exist' al4-4 j"--h-i% new 'rite shaulA -Board; hid 1 the :satisfaction of inoWieg Coettutte a fertnigh.t atjaftetral'itel.bavieuekhWall . twit th.e.I., orii.4, et* *o& up 144 for- .0-e - • _received:front England. reduced its intivest_below a:even-per cent. interests of -tbe people represented. - In We treald not propose placing the !power , affecting stick a desirable result as this; it in the handt of our baok-Managetneut $o was only- right- that .a larze share - do - aot think their action toward.t the - - - • . - . ' , • - . - -' - or the raise or depress interest at..f pleasure, ire . praise shOald be attributed' to such men- ' public of thin orinnny desetvea that con . el'. the ehairillans-Itil-bad- been uneenning ideuee--wot fear we should .never see. in theit.e.fforts topromOte good Municipal money much; if any *thing, belove ten- or govetaenent... (Applause) : Whileit had eves tweiveper fent ;, we however believe ' been his; (Ur: irs.) pbject to lOok..eloselY lin Protecting ontarthea, and` iri think 'it . after th'O interests- of. Morris, he ,Idid not "44 ber faun(' 6°14Tc:tills plan 4414" bel- ieve tit' the._ elog-iii-tha-Manget pnlieY- so - el we -should net sofe.t rIy. as Much .aa we do.by the Rank a Ragland _it -, rais.-, -ofteti.and so:Selfishly exhibtedi '• It shoald ing its_ iutereat. , It is to-- be borne ira ever he rcnienibered that -there. were late A Letttr: Oil IF enianinne soma -that there are u -diversity of inter, enteral iutereati.te he 'considered, and in Satit acting on thO mew& --or -N. neena; all order 'to. secure- adVantage -. to- ieparate A letter' has lately.- &kit -Um ea in the eOlumns which have to be neeefully .wittohne.--by - %. - . • . • -I - - - ' of the New Yorb=.Werld addressed,' -to the tile manetent of the.Bank; to us tho re. :townships, It wail . aye) etely necessary to Fenian Brotherhood by John Cempbelir an . allII ii very much -the tame, whatever the . act, at thus; in meenlargerLepirit for t Irishmen of Vhillirielphia. 'The Initeent evi cause proftniogie; ., . -__ .. .... : - . __:. .. . beeefit of *County as a *hole.Vheers) dently Hot at all friendly to the Btilsh: &li- la' eur Pre -v16" nt*bereit lis been -rine We° hie °bleats' Ilea be Weelit t4 >1° PFlereeLtaietamPPepassisriet. b:1".1."semedsadiy. 4:fifowiehnattilnh-t. out tedea.vor to, point out to the public eerry nut the principle :while he ... had the injurious manner it *hick our bank- • - - ' -' Boa ' .- - . • vit : commie "tense, He aehs thein . it they scat at the CountY rd-- . Benue have examined. then:sources:ant tremendous tag.' Inatattataana- beive *Grime the Priri- - - power of GM B • - at retain,. and gates Isetore ' !ogee coeferrecI upon them; -end the effect again thanked them for the- great-&-humr itiem the follewing statement,,:-.-. ' --r-. - :tootkeitir ouraituorimahosnagembiutoe:tth;wiocoottircya.fflitt -4cif,tantei_atubiniiii, to.- Marni.--a_67orhaitehuead: :resumed his 1' .,i•The- itibjecta of E I ' . =milk, ana rtilmosi make ti4 si. Law_ _ .p.i.:3:en..1.hei vai.;ive__,_, _;:;_r _:_..roppiekson_u_s_ei,..,:._ -__L__ :_ ._ __ -__. _th_aliont isr It - ng -and a Qtleen anienet • isitt.vatll that withOue hand We- oonstruet . ro - te . maw then proposed:, _" OUr eitole;,' I e: ibi c:.u: 1:67rde-c.ti th::','„ -'i:neetis _ot endred and twenty Millions of (Chegerrseent) ibae six - hi a - tram- 1: of . bearing wu curter loatitutionesach as oar tuba; ,_:-.. '.--. teheed. ; be-, as a =Maher of the ankle* to keep -another-DP Other'. :. . --.a.. -.eel .uses -one perttrte-oioofanshianr - inns - Terme the cheapest and the Meg- dipedi.- m __. mksoi -.said -..-it gave him - ' '-' - 'his Ca' I 1?11 e ' '1144 rotite to, the oeitut-if with theother r. _ . _ it_ worthy friend, i, .... et. ure to- do honotte ids . . ix;r.uervar -of thirti:.•sit '.milliens - of gbl '...tbatlike, ow torpid snake of the ratk) wwneinp untied and: a Cure. had served saehje.ctien ; end she Usei one nicer; nqeer- placed in tbotosonr of .-thengrieotarist tli_e TOwnship Of Mortis .so ably audiwell. . lerher7none i More --_-sci thin Irish 8 _ .1, a nal . He Emr D.J. had a ways. holdeall the keys that Com' an d the Sea all whew Brined tarns retied -mid sting him. (A deep interest . he - . - * - lye Ow ahnoat tempted to believe Old fel __ Dv oilunoil. . in t -workingi Or the omen &brine:Ma . In -the Meditetranean, t .. ;.ife believed. theiv was she' owns -the strongly fortified Island'of Mal. Gros* to havi beim a clairvoyitit us well notlevi 80 etsto-OSatavre_11:as the . Rock -of T-Giberaltee, that ilea lattheri init. deal- is hia fable aboie , 0. Y: lu b..PP!r -Moeda -where nds the efitrance into:the same sea ranted to be thriliailowed oar' benka and meek MeneY. wile rus'd .. . ' Aden, one hundred mileet.a*.aa-t - k St -ANNUM.: otaragriciltuaista. . . . *tablet zpaort of eh:Irene: freliwias: heal:shall iin_.n, oStfhatithlie-Streit of Itabeet Mendel, or - G thus einitroleathe ilea g'ea: wolf it.- True, iMcGillivray ara per lel' and RifirlfTliar tBiddultitt liaLnot taken. twit as much -of liblu G614 Fr:em-tilield"dian °"an and Per - B debiess -y-Shoild have done, end man, and fiat* tbe-imal?useb ta:-Cla Utesirin: these of ttie Ganges she holoAtruPthew.iltdor out .t, rune td got off too- easy, considerine• tit: gaetti advantageAerived br Many Of otinUel4dhred.undmredinitohnsougsofleclal.nd sricoencwe.reTitoh r sway 11 0611dpi:tient wha _ . . Of -that county from the rail. the west of Funjaub he ' - . yt_bs_wat spit t_hii_people of Huron :- hid ciocitArofrialitatatdaeintianneed l -the= -seed their gravel *lids,. _which i of farther Induesuildeall , plittemi J. 4i.rilen_." hpc,ipi:1000tusheinirsoarkf :,,. f[thitt:pi.patria. 9:2_dttiewiteri:etar:q. ha.cijt. .iliBinrtiroatirhis:.'i.iiidrdeliSmalait:latismaitlaiy belt illormoderom Mum esGatornatf ,, least 'nets. ' bleed of Ceeln. on theinsi;e titylrailtwhitt bountiful Crotati giv'Trrt.,41.0.. or's. ar figure' 111rdi in a unrthegegerli direatidni-li a18° B ova _ . al _ _ _ govonimeat _ tat -the.English peovipce of Arnica. ....I'arprinvee warm, mir1.10DieZonanSpapeloceedect ta of iri !hies course -southerly, We by- tib- ia, :news , hrieily with reword . to a _ii. te.rritory, 'Tennaieriu and liATIVO set politica stato _Gnat country. ..As 6 tatral: _. :ta• On the •weit coast eLthe , reciprocity; he admitted tut dui, te .?!..!. . rureer*.zustesoh6:mitsegialacot Col ' ony, t abrotea. rul m L.bai "iagainatthe tatter& of this section' Ltediniieeltssiin:ft:IthS:'it,nliagate• "I''&11(177nsi;theb: restIrrarsulgialitYhedf:!°4-ielhate:. -son. or the. Treaty woul' di, for a thite tht. Chinese. -Sea.; Sha -owns the be Would never consent ; that we' Isle ot H g r.ncito6ittileonned, etc° much to thollabeiinana. Went blt:Itadt?-ngidT tortn•Citte.-isSaihoteheashe'iheuti River, and e ut at any mo- istinirattati.* ;jilt uitrune7,4-1Paliaad4°nErnileethienia -uteP".grelt .graiP-wi Chi' rt.ziete.itintliette:fa;osif iie'nbee.141-iii-ebee-reasholinsweithcit hfeorr . ng to Crown Land talinefle--- her empire •Trittit _ . continent of An* Inure aggrandisinent -of in endeavoringto defend the tights- erPoer. Tottel;culle. tisteL-al:/' sod, . I III' P,i-etv . Guienai a.tut Vat! _... 1 s e ha, edabliahed !ler ' - bets elected' thorit the mat isle of Borneo. She owns testimony' fit-1.4ft ;MS recorde oat -this -to Surrender sulpher and. faggots were lators. (Chem-) He had g _ in 1861 by, a large majerity, and, sioinut the Iste, 01 AIICenBIOn. eel, waters her owe et! n St. 'filen& The Mauritius, west of; Ride I his expresied Wishes, by acclamationl gascar falters. -From the -Cape of Good I -1863- He had eerved them to the best /lope sail along the western coast• almost _to 118$ inqmred into it w.as no n country subscribed n9 leis th n1500,000 to George- 111, The country A, rited peace) but until the death of a member of this House Ito talk of •edress; and as an einpty ach ace of his ability ; but he vtished to tria; that if th upon Br° the aPP1 in g .res.pended te.by Mr. James .6;dg, and Mr..Squire responded enthuniastically to The Commerdial Interests of Canada," He felt that the interests. of Canada id this resPect were nothieg to those of Myth, and -stated instances -of merchants having alre_ady retired upon *ample for- tune& • reFpoiditig-lo the " Bar," Mi. Sin- clair paid a high complon.ent to` the gueat of the eveninig; MF. TOMS *ISO respond- ed. " The Press," was responded to by. xi. cos of the Signal.- • Drs. ThoMpson,- McCool and. Sloane spoke on behalf of the " Medical pro- fession." Mr. Kerr delivered an eloquent address on the subject of Eineaticin, hut carapace will -not admit Of its publication. ' _Messrs. Toms and p. B: McKinnon responded to the " Ladies'," " Oar viators " brought.- oet Mr. man, whatever his race or creed. As to .the Lee rem • whi ed. and his it w the River Senegal, Ind We find her eolonies peace. His death demanded e neit election was to be carried on of Gambia, Sierra Leone and Fernando -Po i till thfn the preirehipe• of peace - the old battle ground of Hdron and indeed for a thousand miles along this coist word ; tor the mat who now p oe it was his -intention to retire from the natives dreadher power. Alone the east- _ . ,.. and concord had been the men ho ha vice field, 'Mr. 'D; .reatuned• his seat mow erncOaat the English influence ie paramount. lated it. The honorable gende en wenul) atm. . - She owns British Gulane, On the north Pact -sod lengthy addieseed the Hues . • . eTiiheerpAl agiirdiit. 3,1itoarrraiii IiitnteliesarttsieuoraCr,r wada: about three hundred miler! from Cape Horn. in presecuting the enquiry, %vas eventually fic.-elca°nlidntrY'Stwhe°.ftonwdnaishathite trarklaasnd.lharlgeee nroniii.ng every assimtance to -the -Governer . ,"After much eicited.discussion an address , Honduras furnishes her with hir ornanientAl adopted by sixteen to 6/ht." .. , woods.. Finally _she Owns the -BahamaAls-- , . es. Pelee isee.--. lauds. and Jimmies: Such is a brief sketth of Ppeecla ist the . lEmPer x*01 tbe _ . , French. " PARISI.,•Tall.' 22.: The session of the French Legislature was army, her navy, her civil .service, and r the . opened at I o'cleck to -day by the Emperer, interest of her national debt- Ile.r nov9 cm' who delivered the folkoving speeCh : - . sists of nearly it -thousand -ships, and the peace i, Messieurs les Senatetes and Messieurs les Festablishinent of her army is at least hair ii - .D..,..,;,..: . , 'nation of men.'-' Mr. tlamptiell -then - pro- ,.,, `f"'"" :- - eeeds to trace the histery_ of the dominant Ibe opening of the Leeislative sesaion per- saraezeawas,hethhee. psaaywseraoref thfaelesenllypireenbelleidogAaringolost-4 mita of a Periodic exposition of the situation of tbe Empire, and the expressirin fp you_ of entirely wielded by men of Norman extrac. mY.ciews-as in: Preceding; You's-, X. will 'ex. tion; descendants ot the terrible vikings, one amine with you the pi incipat qui stion which oinf Nwhoonnmannadniv.eind- Rtho:leoaropytapianrted aoi.-oltetje.voilientht. interests our * country shroud. Petiee seems assured everywhere, ;tor. everywhere . the gciegontinfiriyea. ntilisa itil:np: op woieartsoofutFhionvrianlittalr. ly: alue__, means are'sought for -of amicably setilneedif- ficalties. in niece ot ending them With the -asermowead_peteratitantohof thaeearn!ehdpet ,ohiptette!iagr L.Atitoeddi_sword. The meeting bf_ the - Eitilisli and French -fleets in the sante • ports his shown on the side of law and order -the clergy of that- the relations ferMed on the battle field every denomination, every soldier•and pelice: . the extent ef the fofeign dominions of Great Let us look at her strength-- froin another stand. point.' She 'spends three hun- dred millions of dotlarii 'a year to pay her have not been weakened -time mented_the agreeitent of the two - In regard to Germany, my in as only ce- countries. ention is to kie,v who made a lbw veil sensible', a arks, - ' Feinting obtaining aid from the 'Frei ch Fm, - - p M pb I ' • 16 IST • h• - continue to observe fit polic); o .neutrality, sane mind can suppose such a thing probable. tr. Sinclair proposed the health of the which, without preventing,: of3 at tunes: rout . - _ • LOUill Napoleon is a mere satrap of En„,ivland i eeing displeased or setished, leavea es never - he must do • her behest. He carried- her .1haessr. strangers to' 'questions. in which our irman and ACC bearepi Of Monis,. po...r..m.m's staff' in Ererland i 1848 c••• interests are nct directly engaged • Italy Fe" ch compliment waeduly ieknewledg, I: c•-• . e, n 1 . an? . ' r : , - press attabortive ohartist outbreak. Hehas . d by I El h p ' f F ' , leek to imperil his throne,by coming t6 16.;- hit: strengthenellas unity by inatigunning its Ir. Whitehead propose& " Oiir Host been a beZ4ar, a wanderer , an . outcast, too gerheads welt England. He knows that she POpital , in the eeutre of -the Peninsula. We - Hostess," •Mor Illr. Shane _expressed thanks tor the- heartiness with which . may Count upon the scrupulous eXtielltiOn of as received. - - ' _ would lei loose the red republicans of Europe- the treat/ _ of the 15th,Septemberii and on the upon him and topple his throne over -in- less indispensable 'maintenance of t e power of Fenian hrmv csf 100 000 men to Irel 'nd Would' the lloly Father. • . . - , than a month." To convey the American . ; 4 . The bonds which attach us_tt Spain and take at least 100 transports and 20 armed Porte.ga . re st II mo tren-,t.. n - by my 1 a i re s h ed - ' steamers to escort them. - The writer admits int° interviewe With the sovereiigns. of tt.ose that the men such aS they are, might be col- two Iiing(1°rna• - ' ' ' leeted from thehaek slums of Yankee cities . You have shared with me the general in7 ; The assembly broke up in good 'order shortly after midnight, all present being satisfied that the _affair had been -a deeid- ed success. The Ote Wxu..--After amok, labor Mr._Platthas succeeded in -getting_ _most of the., imPlements out of the Maitlandville aqd it is: probable that operations b.erecommenced :n a. few days. but be asks where lathe inoney to -equip add' digestion I, . I t ' ' -loth', e by he assassination of sustain them.- ---- -I i -Baron, --gunehansenn President;f LAincoln ,• aad;-reaentli,-- the _death seheme " Baia he ti -or the wildest dream --of °f the King -°f-the Belgians hes eissed -linen' ; ; the Arabian Nialts -falls short Of suCh imOs reflreu• . ' ' • ertooan ima-giningsai . - - •.'. _ In Mexico, the Government fia'unded upon 0 f : ' 411 . the will ot-the people iii being -eprisolidated. The Hallisait Boy Territory. The Opposition; qnelled and dispersed, bave .. . - .. . -..------- ----,. - - -• - - no longer A chief. The nationattroopt hive . A pamphlet, by a !shareholder of the - Had- displayed valor,. and the country has tonna son Bay Coinpany,• entitled-- '..‘ A - Million-, 1 guarantees ot order and nenrity,-which hate Shan We Take It 71' discusses the -expediency developed its resoerces and railed its Cone of Consenting_to "a side of the territory for r meree with France alone time 21,:to $2-710-00.• the Million sterline ivInele it is thciueht the 000. 'As I expressed the hope Ink year that Cunadi to Government, with the aid -. of en our expectatiou Was epproaehingots tenpins - :Imperial guarantee, are about te offer for it. lion, l am corning to an utiderstiadinv with e immense quantity.of siuff coniini, in 1 he wrster is stronely against the transaction*. sod brings forward a series of facts to prove that the piefiosed sum Would be altogether t i nadeitust a Unless his aeguments however produce a sufficientimpression on the.. --.'s invest- ing public to carry the market price of the 129.sharee trout 16 t6Something above par, -there pan be no, doubt the shareholdes will disrega;i1 t em, since the offered millienwith the tangle". remaining Hose* would ap perty to th t point. The writer , meptious A parenq 'Ise tbevalue of ihe company's pro -- belief that: a combination ot Ainefrie-an cap- italists -could be found to Offer mueh for it, and is of opieion that the sharehoideri -ard entitled to ,look tor the highest biddet, wheth- er British, 'Canadian, -Ame•ican . or Russian. In thee_ un er certain_ obvioat reseivations, he is -correct, Patriotism, like philanthropy in brisineas is rarely anything more -than a pre- tenee, and is nearly. nlwa'ys a - mistake. It the Atnerieanscan tere the territory to bet- ter account than our own ropleior the great use of mankind, it is:desirable they shoeld be permitted tO do "so ; and, in any ease, it. is certin th! all. politiCal attemets to prevent Abe count from being eettled bit those irlici are best adapted for tbe 'work mese,* •ene gendering ! perpetual irtitation Trove wet -se than Wile. - • thrown 4n. first WhO caineout was the. ethereal of - then the We& coned 'Correa, and two of bid faithful followers, Darden° ited.Trapasso Brought imatediittely. tp trial, one hundred sedfiffeimerinies many 'of them assaseinettois, Were imputed to them. Correa and Trapasso 'Were condemn/ .ed toaleath, -end were shot on the 14th amid -the great rejoicings of the' population. The woman ivall cofhleined -to twenty yeitis Mud labor. • ' . . - The Chinese tiainsels Califareia have _adopted waterfalls. • _Mexico* - New York Jan. Weridle Waste. angton telegram say.s :--,11t is St-tted. that the government his arrived et •utitterstanding with the'Fiencb Governnwin, and diet the difficulty bele-wit them is Settled. The French are about to evactuite Mexico, and the United States Government lee' no inten7 don to enforce the Monroe Beetling., Them will propably be no recognition of Mexico, ,,but there is e pledge expressed "or implied that the United- States will take no covert meani. to deposie Maximilian, and. put Juarez or any °be else lif hIS place. _Ili hile eot likely that formal -diplomatic relations will be fvened -with the Empire; a quasi recognition will retell t from the preeent uuderstanding ; thaf is, Collin% will lie appointed and em- ployed in their prper functions otprotecting American trade in Mexico. 'It is not likely that ihe French will leave Blexiio before the close of the year, and while -they are going their place .will be supplied by Austrians Bel- gians, and such Mexicans is accept the Em.. _ - Ottawai-eRale of Ordnance Leads!. The auction sale of Ordnance lauds took place le the Temperance Halt, Elgin street, , Ot- lawn. on Ihuraday afternoon, .comineueing at 12 o'cleck. "The attendance of buyers was:very good; and the bidding keen. The Sale was conducted hy Mr. IL McLean atic_ tioneer. Coffin, Ordnance Lands Agent, was present to watch the interests ef the' Goveininent. Mr. elide, oldie Ordnance • Lands Department, Acted as eeshier, assisted by Mr. J. B, Forsyth, of the same -office. Mr. McLean opened the salehy . declaring theterins, stating that there, was no' upset price, and that all the - hoe woeld be sold without reserve. The ainceints at. which the se' nal lots were ;sold were, in all CASeS, _Nine lots on the north side ofRideau street realited-$6,040. One lot en the _smith side of Murrak street was sold for $400. One on the north -side of -St. Esthetic street $615. One on tbe south side of eherch street $690 One onthe north side Of St. Andrew street $380, Three lots on the north side of Bolton street' $1,240. Or.e on the east side , of King street, $550. Four lots 'On the east side of Gloucester street, 11,240. The sale DOD thscOntinued at 2 o'clock.- te be. resumed on Friday, at I2 o'clock. The number of lots sold were 23, realising $12,025 the first payment on which, ,10 per eent. on 'the whole the Emperor Illiszimilisin to fix the epoch for was $1402 50. -Ottawa Pest.• . . 1 the -recall of our troops before their return ie - --•-••••-•-----,- - - - iffeeted without compromising !the Frend The London Times has repeatealT of late interests; find which it.e have bee* defending drawn attention to the inereasing,diffieulty of in that remote country. North America, ie. providing troops for all die colonies and de - suing victoriously*from a formida le struggas, ' has reostablishect the union a -Boleyn I, proclaimed the abelition of slave jr, _ - - France, which forgets 110 HO ie page of her history, oilers up sincere wiiihes for the proaperity of the American natio and for the amicable teletions which will so u lave had not -find &mg soldiers for all- the iZuty to 1 a century's duration. The emoti n eroiluced be done., if we choose to have colonies and in tbe .United States by the pre nce of our dependencies all over the world,and tolunert troops on the Mexican soil wiil be pacified by a p.olitieal influenee over more than half of the . frankness of on* decla tons.' The Aasinme,riacas ,wneloltastetshopetaokf AoffnEeseurohauelf, ow_feN:rutsht . accommodate ourselves, not to our posi tion, but to our owe magnificent pretentious.: We must do SS other empires havealone, mid use one nation to assist us iu eontrolliter anolher.'s . . ,. 0 411,,1110. - gar We would direct attention 'to _ the ad. in another column of a Parliamentary' Agency established in Ottawa.- The Messre Pennock are highly, recommended, anct will, no doubt, endeavor to give satis- faction to those wishinw their service's. ": GODERIO,21 '110114:5111P. ,The frame barn and outbuilding" of Mr Wm- Splan, on the 5th 'coneessien, were btirned tO the. grOund on Wednesday. last, .7th :inst. The • fire is eupposed-to hate been the. work Of an inceediary.. The buildings were insured, we believe: To the Ehtor ot the, 11ritos bilieee in giving honor to wham honour is due. .• I See hy the GuelPli Herald ot the 6th Feb.; that one Kelly,. who appears be their chief constable, got .fgreat credi arresting' that notorious- robber Grunt jai Sinith5 in fact he ityie.ahlin Sherman .-2 in 0:making operations, mid ie drivinee_ e prisoners to Guelph in a: cutter. Now facts atc thatdohit McColl+ constabla. of neardine Very cleierli traded and Arrested IleaMp WO days before Kelly left Guelph, d after takiag tke prisoner hefore the gistnwes brought . te Godetich gcial; that this Shernien No. I stragetie move eit was to have him handed over handcuffed d put.On the cars: - to Mexico to prepare for the evacuation. to fot of -No th the Ki the ma So ine en Allexteo. - A despatch from -Washington to the_ New York Tribuue says there is abundance of docetnentary prom to- 'show that -Napoleon has determined upon withdraiving- the French troopa train MexicO with9et any ItIrthei as- sueance from the United States. Government than that Of continued -neutrality. The de spat* Confirms a report .previouslyeiade thet extraoidinary CODItniSd011ei has been se-rit By (riving this a, corner in. your valuable jeu ge foal you will °blip the Conitables in - _ . neral. ., - • -, , - Imp3riant from Jantarea. I remain your oh't.'servt. . B. TRAINER, NEW, §SSS. ION OF TUE LEGI'SLATIIRE-,-THE - High constable li. a B. SPEECH or SIR HENRY SToftss, --EN. . CITED DEBATE IN . THE /13USE. eamma•ma: COlik.IMITATAltr DINNIJI TO MAIM* WHITNIMAD, ESQ. According to sorouseement, a public &neer wag' gives by a number of -the ratepayers- or Morrie, to Chas %Mitcham!, Esq., who hat ably repreaented that townibip aa Rem for several yea* -ms the ono* Tienday the 6th int*. As Xr; Whitehead halt done sali is doing NM& kr Blytit„ by the -establishment of mitiosivet millet the dinner was giver isa Asti or cows& lt it as decided *Mee esserktee of management that the jot of Bantling the hist shoidd art mr, sbumr, meat three- hotel • learn pr the place, and as Mr& Shene ix a- member ot the se/Dkuowit Rotten- bury.family,„_ itt is almost seedleis to any that everything *a* got ip fit first rate et,yle. We have seat many dinners, - rod, bad and letifferent7but we mu:4;nm and- poor Widows against, the speeu- . ^Advices have been received from -Jamaica t3 the 18th alit. ;Air Henry Storks arrived out on the 8th. accompanied by -his eeiretary Mr. C.: 8. Bounden and on- thti dap took the -oath of office in 'presence of all the heads of departments. civil and military. The rebel prisoners detained at Morant Bay had been sent for, and.Mr. Gorden Bilberry Ramsay,- inspector of polite and acting pro voit-elarshal Thontas-in the-Bapt dur- in& the outbreak who had been 'suspended . 0 9 - until his cenduct led _ been inquired iqto. Mr. 1. S.. Williale- a member of the &don; ial bit, had been retained asenenset for Gov:- ernor Eyre. - - - - MEETING OF THIf IL,EGISLATDRE. ThO Jamaica Journel of the 18th saya-;--- "Yesterday Old 'St. Jagede la 'rep was unusually enlivened by the meeting of the' Legislature - for the . 'despatch of business.' It is not within the recollection of the oldest juhabifent that• an.extreordinary -session has been so brilliantly attended.- - • - "Precisely at three o'clock his RecelleneY entered the Audience' Chamber,' folloied by a lar e. retinue of military mid naval officers. His ''xcellency Sir. Henry Kitjght-etorks, _wintery serene. They _are the sante men K.' C. 'B. 31: G4 seated himself at the head irbodttneed about the 'Soldier when be _enlist.. of the table. On His right were his Excel.- ed and left hie home to fig leney' Sir 4111111,11 'Hope mid the Right, Rev, Bishop Courtney; -on' his- left was Major General -O'Connor. with ' their several staffs: 'seiczeu or sta -UC1VRT atoms. 4' I have requested your attentiont here to- day in an extrisordinery:ses ion, and f ain atraidat sonie inconvenience to yourselves, for the purpose ofsubmitting.to you *bill to grievous the burden of taxation may he, no provide certain statutory rowers which will good eitizenivnIr star a moment contemplate enable. Boyar Commanionent to compel it violation of laW, and ha duty as a citizen, the attendance of witnemei and -to, examine therefore, to discontinuities arid frowo dowe them .on oath nude, a Roza - Commission about to heissued hy.Her Majesty the. Queen or an inquiry into 'the. orign, . nature and circumstencea of tlitelate disturbance in this island, and .with resiiect to the measures adopted tor tlie suppressioe of the sante. The bill _will be placed -before you without delay, and I Coafidently treat in -your Wisdom mid prudence *give the Royal C.onunission. ers such powers u will facillite the inquiry ordered hy her Majesty. - Omit Ix Tee ireersk.--- "Mr. DeCorloya-submitted an,address in answer to the -opening. qua: " Mr Nathan arose and addreseed the Honeein livery energetic "speed. Ile sat if he spoke warmly it was . because of the absence of one of the best-, members of the Roue. Where, he asked, was- he ? Why mai his place meant? _He instanced that Jamaica was one ot tbe beet possessions of of meakeby from 'beneath Tale* pendencies of the empire. In a recent ar- ticle it speaks still more strongly than before upon- the subject, r.sing-ttatics 0 rather - unusual thing with it) to eMpASITAI its mean- ing :- 14 There is no mincing the matter ; ran - BOW Onnoyitig it must be to a teetotal. kr to have a -bottle rose 1 " never. saw such stirring times," as 'the spoon said to the saucepan.. Why lathe toothache like an uniaswer. able argument ? Because it maims_ peo., ple hold theirjw. A empiatte is a rose from wlaieli evray lover plucks a leaf; the thorns are ed fot her husband.' It is funny to see it young lady mt. b Both hanas in sort dough, and a mosioka on the eud of her nose. No man is rich Whose expenditure ex- ceed! his means; and so man • irtose incomings exceeds his ou - Every plain girl has one thGugh net a pretty young lad if she lives, be a pretty old one. Mr. White, the large and -moorage member for Btighton _when be sat roc Plymouth, went by die. name of "By - mouth Sound!" ltun notafter blessings; only walk in the commandments of God; and shill run after you, pursue and ere you. " You don't love me; I know _yen don't," said a yen -6g lady to her InisbealL " give you credit my des,r, /or it keels • penetration, ' was his consoling reply. Jennie June says that in almoet *my instanee where -a man marries a senstithr woman, it is after he has met with a severe diuppointm-ent sot marrying a fool. Money and time. said Dr. Johnnie,. are the heaviest burdens of life, and the unhappiest of:all mortals are those who 'have more ot either than they kaow bow • AO ttse. "Poor old General Debility 1" exclaim- ed Alis Partington; " it is surprising how long he lives, and what excitemeat he creates; the papers are. ridi of remedies far hun." • A.. IfOrrible Record 01 Crime* THREE MPRDERS IN FIVE HO - On Thursday of fast_ weelcithreeshockim - tragedies were cemmitted in the city of *Uri- Indiahte; all vrithm five boom of - each other. A man of the name -of Buchan an, violent in temeer and disaipated in * - habits, has for some tame past been noted for his barbarous treatment -43f his wife, -to whoa he haa been married shoal eleven years. He had repemedly threatened to take the Ander- - tunate woman's life; and on it4e 15th of Dee . -cember last he hid been arrested and booed ever le keep the peace. They thee reelereill. 16- the house of her brother where she imp -- posed -she would be safe. .0'n Thuraav week 4- . 111101111111111 became verbally intuit:only bought a veir of pistols, and sweating Sit he would -kill tis wife. They were, however, taken away -from him after which he weal° the resident* of Mr. Liddy. and entered:the room bkwhich his infe was sewing.. Mrs. t o was in the -back room, heard - them talking a short time, when Beams* went out. burin a few tnonsentsfretunted Almost itimediately atter his return, X111. L.. hestd a wale in -the front room, followed by a fall On the floor and -the shriek of a ir011ialt.. Opening the doer she saw Mrs. B. promote on the floor while the fiend Trim :deeding witle his foot ori her Wily and striking her alma the bead -and meek with an axe. Bachman told her zot to come near or he would kill her too, upon which she TOD ODI end alarmed the neighborhOod with her shrieks.. After hacking the insensible bodi of his victim, sa- tit he was II 4ISfied, Buchatuau deliberately - walked out ot ihe heuse threw shit Needy weapon to one aide, al'id was welkitig off when he was taken into custody, About seven -o'clock the same eyenini 3 prisoneni in the jell made an attack upon a. maa loomed Williams -another pnsoaer. He clefeitded himself 'Xi well u he vould,with stick, hut hie assitilanuf indicted seat 'terrible wounds upon him with a. keit, that he ors in slew -hours. Alma ties hours Ian MI inelrentuve citizen was shot dead In -the meat by a isototitios ruffian =rued Loigneekee. American people will comprehe expedition, to which we invite not opposed to their iieterests. Teo natioes, equally jealous o pendence,- ought to avoid every might effect their dignity or thei _ is in the midst_of populatiOns' cenfiding, that our lustitutionap tunctions. Their' municipal ' el coeducted with the greatest most entire liberty. The laws n Which gave tise to some apprehe been carried mit with strict int the part of those interested. 1' . _ class, . intelligent, as a is, has e that the more facility that is accorded to it. to -discuss its iiiierests, tbe more if is- bound to respect the liberty of each and the security or all. .. , - - The inquiry into the co operative societies has come to demonstrate how just were •the basis of the law which has been laid before you cif this important subject. ihis. law will -- permit the estaelishment of numierous "ner- vations to the benefit of 'labor add providen- .ces. In order to favor the development of hi them, I have decided that aut ormation to Meet tOoether shall beaccordei to. all those who, outs:de 'of ponties, may dec del° d - . 0 . _ ,.. _ . 2 . . . . erate respecting their mdustsial and coin - gist interests. This Jiberiy Will be limited, eicept by the guarantees which public order - regimes. : - * - --------- Tim equilibrium of the budg 13y a surplus of revenue. In o -this result it was necessary -to e in- the -_-greater part of the ou among others the War, departni d that our them was . their iude- step 7hich 'honor. it tisfied and dorm their ions are r and the a coalition, 'ons, hate distil on e working rehended a• I I 1 .1 • t is secured er to attain et economy' lic services, Threatened,' RebelliOn Lel - Indiana. . Theie is now orgenizing in t !'s comity a hotly of men - wl,ci o, ealy declere .,it to be ,tlieir intention tit resist by force the collec- tion --of the lei levied (o toy ., the soldiers' bounties . they ate daily and ;rightly holding ;Meetings, at which they are. p ing resolu- ta"; including Gov; Morton,* th Legistatite tons denouaceing evei ybody w . favors this and the supreme -court, and . delaring their *determation to resist the colleetion of • titx by.fores ofannsiti theint. 'The -Movement at conffeed solely to metebers of that God- auct-Morality party, who: a few mouths ago, - were crying out for:the last man and 'the Ism dollar:and who thought it a good thifig-iwhen any of their .copperheads were drafted ar.d. comFelled to pay several -hundred dirflaris for substiutes, _ or to go .themselies • into 'the country, 'promising - him sole care ot hie funny and supply t and who, when that soldier w his family to starve, and -now tit overt; turn their backs upon the eran and become rebels themselv `lug a law -made for his benefit, t for tbeir nitv to tithe ir, -wants t gone, left t the srar returned vet es by resist - However this attempt to inaugurate it midst. Depend upon it, that infamy will forever attach to th with it. -From the t.lovin,ton ( el, Another Neapolitan D Naples letter -writer- says:, C hon in onr grace and contiected d.) Friend. gands detads reach ss from -the Calabria" as tttethe daring character of brigandage, arid *sympathy which it receives 'from the yogi try ;people.' "41aintilte beginning orate llienth .Wel received 111111 It portion of conettelet in a hoist amir Cabin master of the house, a maa Extyttught yearn of -age, denied.- the tact, and too incident would 'have- foil had_not danghter- been. oblerved to remmiefizedlyiner a, rbok close to the door. This awakened suspicion,. and thegirl being -Compelled to ilemove, the done underneath upliftedi aid 11 -discharge the -solds information brand was ro; bathe Soldier; li-i-eady to hlarch.----A special dispatch front Cincinnati to the Caicago Republican, and dated the 1st:inst., is to the following etfeerl-Meesra. Roberta aul-Sweeny left for Louisville this evening, They Imre - succeeded itt getting *elm. mense Fenian exciteweet -in Chic -hunt', and one thousand ' unifonned soldiers with bayonets- sre enrolled for. the' invasion ef Canada. Ceneral Sweeney has ordered then to be in readiress for immediate 'marching orate. the British Crown, and in point of loyalty iery. The 'firiag. was returned, second to nonei which Watery would bare • was found impossible to induce , • nd when it e brigands Kr The IT. S. steamer s,Nareissusi-was lost during one ot the recent storms, at the entrance of Tampa Bay Flcuido, and *bolo thirty pennies 411 on boerd perished. On Friday evening a cunous azetient happened to i man named Donahue, a moul- der isea foundry. He had his ladle filled with molten iron, and carlessly prieredsome of -it OD snow, when the hot metal flew in all directions burning him viry- severely. Al RAYAELDe At a Meeting lield in Mayfield on Bender 4th of Feb., for the emirs, of ereeting m Catholic Church, the following resolution. were unanimously adopted Mt. John Gallagher in the chair. let Resolution -Proposed ay Valentino Ilomanx seconded 13y James Evans, That it la the opinion of this Meetitg that a Catholic last accounts. he was in a very lei condition. Church is mach needed in Bayfield, and that weiraverOiniatmbede nifyteuirn.o yono_unogf ii.Suundatyrozelasntiao itroctede"rY efitrtiniedn:tatid-be, Bride -t0 n" death in afield belonging- to John Warnock, iBeverly. Deceased had been 111 Gait dunnk -Sunday, and -was evidently on_his way home' by a short -path through tbe held; 'rhea overcome hy the extreme cold. Par= te's of groceries, shoes, -ie., vier* found be,- sidehins. .An inquest was held on the body and n verdict found accoidance with the- aheee fates. ..kle Ware's a irica and a line behiud him. -Elora Observer. _ (*.A Woe, speaking of the cniiti treat- ment 'of a -child by its mother: says,. .14 The - child certainly should have the careful atten- tion of some one, or it will be -prematurely added to -the kingdom ot heitiete_tiad thus, perhare.permanently separated from its kin-. dred? • azis There is in the land of the living *it strata of immorality, on rebate (maks the Rowers of virtue will bloom and snide in evelitisting verdure. But, then, mistake nut it is only • religion, heaven.born that Arlace of nue-that Edell of isamurtal - re The vridew celebmted 1111311161/1 bad inscribed upon hie • monumene:-tt He has gone where his male can -Only be excel led." The widow of pyroteihnist !LW tins and had inscribed upon Imhof -band% tomb : has gone Wkere- fireweirlui can only he excelled." - '1111.:lirs, patine/A says that the east porters may ;my what *bey like dont retie- othassitraeldhiberet banottracelisk stiosks,uggiatin hveo;rootoiginnsioo, theighta as the railroad tracks; - Ilousewtvei will be `glad to learn that* machins hi. been inventedforrotalsingioors. Some of them take asavage delight in mak- erder to Innit- their husbands te "-manna" in tbe JINNI 'pi:edible on unduag -day, in and cold mutton,. aud those ow of comae excepted:. • _ . 21r. Mims Procter, of Eiunia, unsible farmer, - who.. keepi accounts- sone to knew what he doing, aajailtit last year. AL* cash roceede of ths product Of seven( cows in er, -was $415, the hotAbeing ealenleted at the rattier lbw rate Of teopeice pveivr zoorundiumTmettior. covoiliad. no eSt4. faCit The locomotives of the Greet Western and Greed Trunk railways at Sarnia are kept con- stantly fired np, in order that on the finite* ot.dengee the sualgsa if) Iwo tato thelatener. he spare oats ;upon the gronnd ars blowing maned some distance crow the station for the same ,purpor.e.-.. Guards, *re allow alktietted _Slug _Thrioas Portinea frontier above, nod bew the - towc, to giVe the alarm on- the approech of the Fenianst 2nd Reardetion-c&ereed by- liatifess- ban, seconded by ' Gorman, That it is incumbent on every member of the Coupe. pliant() nee his best exertions to emend subscription Lift in order that the - may be proceeded with wittont delay. ard Resofetion-Proposed by Themes Homer, seconded by Rainuel_Boete„ nit a committee ef four persons be ; Val Homan 'Ditvid Hellman, Joke and F. L. ipu to purchase st lot is aa eible position foe the purpose ef baUding Charch„ :ad that all subseribere are hew*. vespecitully requeeted to pay of their sli• senptions immediately tor that lomese, 4tis Resolarboot-Peoposed by F; L. Took seconded by Joseph Wyld, That lbs.. blew- ing venom be apotriated to collect abaft lions as follows, vest 'Mr Patti* Monahan, liable Lim 411 Dant Gorman, Brownies " John- Willy. raoshen " se Babytoa„,, is tg Dant 00F1111111, Pan - " Pat Cronin, Goderich and Itillett /Ups. _ 5tis Resolution---ktoposedtvVal acceded by David Veltman, tin Egan appointed Secretary tied to receive subscriptions and Anoint -of all Recespisand 6th Resolutioss-Proposed seconded. by W. Illieenehen, Tait going reiolistione be printed la die Signal newspaper. {Signed} -Z. rritulivamilk 411111am0. On the net lYy the the residence of the bride, Mr Matthew bard, of Ashfield, to Mrs May Red, grid. - -1' 'a, -7'•• 24.: 47. tRuntittary /4- 1 -to tint pouring of for _Isivairtioes, riss ether *Tabu ROC*/ the range of - Legislature, aid the geeenttly Wilk the sircromoulx* Hes, .Jas. Seed. Hon. 3.S. XaeDeasid. J. ILOarnar, ALP,. • AIN Feb. 1086. To *HS TAIKEI T sot. Friesaissoly Note olowskleorgisTaressley011 of $24,19 41F beep veld by Ina. MA ederielt, Fetweau WIDER and vitae I remained in eertaii lievithi lased made * the sad which will be there vitt be sold atactlioner, os Maim Ike Slik A.D.. LI st, 12 dale* aeon, at. Di TOWS Of 0041ffiell) farm peoperty, viz No 17,in ate SOL ship of Wayne* awn 100.mm more or This is* very valuable I - and under good cattiest* For partieulaus mad ses tlY to ...M.WAJE4 -13311 . Timm Lad .by vides • .1.P contained taverna* imering tams madeami suds try on Thom* lit Orbs joined* the drawl them will be *old lest, Aimion‘r, 2611 A. et .2 0.eloelt is 4liesdes Retell 'sear the thlamteLltyaklableerLot of the Like Rawl 0 Wee This lies ia the Townsitip insprove& anti under Sea near tne teei410400' 111111. Theft Wieltiolf 111 • 411 well %MI WW1 coodidoess kauent npon. thealay ef 1 to Ave . Plioary TB _ _ / T 111310itAlt - • - -111141 Mr AM, fat Calk. jai, alif ionimmommeimpoodilikomosimmismo."11111111111114 TIAB NAIMETIL: ....11.1me•eai• Ctipiturn, Fat 9, fink Vet - Spring . , Oats, e • a* vaa**.*Ilt,4110.1111.0 0:20 - Flour -0 11; el's; • .**3:1* 5411) Barieey *vie wm• err if,4***r,e4.41 117 01 :1.4.,1_0: 4* • 11 14. 'Park P'14.• • ,:•-•.;;;"_. 44.A it • lotHIOF .1111:11. 111P rrtatoes 0:20 105.. Hay, new,lit .. 7:00 a Tomes, me°. -44 0:, '1 bit 06. -