HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-02-09, Page 1• noaas. :es -- ; -.. sfy.,:ft ijk te * ri- . la e • Et, 4 t: sw39 LANDS. B;ta--e 441.Se. - A t • - ) ST Lands., a writ ot • isived our Count'', 'Huron sad ri.e landsemett Grevo stp;zed aska pod interest , to, sumf'be' ' Toww4IIP e eouts,s keg tt eaeholidi i; ri.nerneives s C..urt tionee Tin sday. tt the Lovir et 1 C.NALEY. cuff j,& B. a Oiitt Dimon). t'.• t. i%IcL)uugnll. • NV1:.1. ME AT HOME FOlt CONSUL V tatian uo lt Welock, a. m . every day . tea at any hour alterward4., n:gb r ,4y t 4. C. staannoix. • ° yi Y-ilt'l.kNsil"RGEON,Lte.,•tc.,GOD- 1.. sawn, C.W. 13-:404y DK. McL1tN, DLIVL. S7UHQN. cosoxsu ti lice add 1.14 aulence thud dour east of 4-ertt4a4zzehool. • -____ • Cote, ATE OF STANLgY--CI.INTON,- HU ate% Road . (Mr.Thwaileis'afoimaerStore Jaly I, '62.1. AND HURON AN.1). BRUCE . sCOX,Elitor andProprietor, - The Greatest Possible Or od to the Grpatest Possible Number." DE . A. WORTHINGTOX;: T.) itYsref.ti.N; SURGEON, ire:, -salt at, I tend, partie liarly.to disc asesotand surgica • • eperattons. top(rfe44.1v.. eye. tlowtcs. V ta...kra. a. f w-rt-ty • M . D. C. • ta,,,alzge ot C(ileige, Montreal!). Stk.BIEVC AN a AC L tiniF.V.i;‘ OA zurayt's old building, -0.11ez...0a.i.4.•aita:.iti,.C. wIT. ira n t ttRtSTER A.`itTt/RNEY-AT L.41 1.aw,----altd ••=z4lted tr,:n-f."! L -terry, County crown Attorni-v:„4..itider &fl....t•W est(nfitte a Court liouse ' v14n40 .Nt, ermilran•Con• Narts rz! r. fORNEY. CONVEY -.km- ANiIERviCL‘-;KinstSIOn Seteet,Oadench,C.W e, icat tit 11, 1 StUdy -under DitlicalItielti' .••••••••■• A Scotish clergyman, at the annual meet- ing of the Glasgow Literary lustitutionimade the &Bowing remarks to stimulate young men- ta„high aims and resolute purposes in study s The)ele met .erg Pag, 400., re/ vet hy earnest application and diligent endeavor rise to a position of eminence. There died, nut long since, one of the greatest- men ofthe day, Lord Chancellor Cunipbell, the obir • pour parish minister in Caper-Fife,sho began by eaking out a scanty living us a reporter in • London. present Lord Camp. •. , bell, has a seat in the House of Lords. '1 - • - 41in --felate 'you -a- atoll in connectioa with •DRUGS; DRUGS M714__ It 31:>. A. IV -(Successortd.R..S.Reynolin) J.k.: 'Walker, P rEit,z,,.. 'SOLICITORS, CON - 0:114,,,, over the Store of • J. V. Detior.%.. Son, Gotterich. 31OLIer.Mot. • ATTU R.NEY - AT -LAW ▪ -Sotartes ritlatCi4X- b., West Street, Glider ch. . IO:I tiartsiorti. krat E R. A.TTO RN EY, Si iLE C I TOR -LI la Chineery, Olee; Maiket Square, *Corner o iXingAtottStreet'Ainderteg.- 9:42 .7lotive cirorcloti„. X TTORNEY-AT-LitWs SOLICITOR. IN eria-leerv, N.dary Couveyaneer, tlederit-h,- Oilti't-Ort 't r - ,t;Je of West Street,thirtidoor front the C Shade 1,131tIirz.z... A e11) BNEY, . SOLICIT -naawa, C. w trp szaIrs wataore.4 Wt;st 17.'44- entrance First Da.re west ol Glasgow Rousc. _ . 'Fouts .51, NIPzieirer, ' • TT4R.)tEiiii, S41.1':.11TORS, .te., node rtelt„ G.- W. 0 lee - GUARS" 'S NEW - JCK. Le F. 1-.11,1s. LEIVISC.MOORIL (V.Y.terteh:.A.tizttst sv103w31- 'It Hewn:, .--- TTORIEY--AT-LAW, SOLICITOR. IN Chadeery,Notarv Public,Con,yeyancerolze.. Dderteit,- G. over G. E. Archibald's er.abh‘g: Vuek.. ' vi5n2i9_4 74. oneY t� Lend on Real- PAPerVir I s. IA. 12Petyte. RIST GonEatcrt; Geeta}.7.--Crabb's New -Mock; S. P. 1' EOM ANS. OLECITOR IN ClIANCERY, A TTOR L7 'nt,Normty, vz rA.NCER, &C -.Office f.7.6rner ef Hamilton street and the Squere in the baddinsf.tately erected. by J. C. Meliit'osh, Esq.,Goderich. if. 'V'. Ellwood, - t1FE ATTORNEY - AT LAW, 13 17-tiveVi.tacer 0.1ic-,--Blakes 4 -Y.410 -rite the Fouslt 0:S_re;t1-ederadt. • January tr.68.." sw3:1 - • - Air. C. W. C " TTORNEXAT LAW, Solicitor in Chin tory, Notary Pubfic, Giiiiveyancer, &a.7 Cliaten, • sw" Money to loan- reasonate terms; . . William Irrasdxi-, " A ATaRNEY-..A.T-LAW; SOLECITOB IN fritaneery, (loaveyancer.Ztet Tratkerion, :43-Fttee. • *IYEesaka. Galt -SOLICITORS-IN-CHANCERY'. ldessra. Galt .tc Henderson, BARRISTERS AND ATTORNEY'S flyer the "Royal Insurance Offiees,'r Toronto. THOMAS GALT, q.c, .LtS,HENPERSON, JR., ALtRETI HOSHITS., TO10-00. October 13* 180: w3S a --T.11.orgut.z T.Veattleratd. nEVEL RAGENEEB AND PROVINCIAL Lanir Surveyor. TorotimStreet,Godeoe.... vlOn3 ....1..13ay, • i_NtOVINCIA.141.-AND t.TRVEYOR AND L Civil Kagineer,Clintoa. u etturt-Liouset§gt. fareiOodey DISPENSING CHEMIST„4.:DRUGGIST ocatertn,andtraporterorl GE N N - Chenstrals,.Perrume911, flair ..root4, n.bd 12rti_sties ' PAINTsioits,cor.oas,rivE srets, 110 IZ.SE CATTLE MEDICINES CA12.DEN‘EEDS, &C.: &C- Orderstroni Nfiedicarmeit punctually attentleilto at Lowest Trade Pi ices. .N X. -Physician's Presertptior carefully dia. pertsed. Goderich.Jan.10. /838. • 41 - LIGAT ! LIGTET LIGHT! ROCK & COAL OIL • Bn.riling Flaid,Lamp 01s. For -See by • JORDAN. Cforlerichartn.17.11M 60 W.' M. SAVAGE, nurs aud sells New York Drafts- Green- ". -backsr--National currency -State notes-, and ..nneurreot money, current rate excli-mge. , 19th Dec:, 1865., • Money tp Lena, veryreasonable terms.. APply to B. L. DOYLE, Crabbis new Block. Goderielt. 9th Jan. 1865. w50,1yr NOTICE * !PM: Partnership heretofore existing in the -1' Town of .Goderich, -tinder Abe- style of STORY &..• DAV1S„has been disolved by mutual consent..: . - • - . • WILLIAM STORY; ' GEORGE NORMAN DAVIS•. Poderich,27th July, 1865. 27w-sw95- All Promissory Notes.rind Accounts belonging to -the late firirrhave been placed in the Stibscri. ber's banes for collection; latatkohiiapaynient must be made. J. B. GORDON', Barrister, Goderich, 27th ..luty,1865,- 27w sw95 • in reference to theabore a• may be stated that 7._ - OLD . STORY ; Is stilt on thetrack, and Will remain in the build, ing at prevent occupted_until his new .shop ieomps 1 ted He si.eby returns h .s sincere thanks to the friends and enstoiners who have fpr 24 years extended their custom to .his shop, and hopes stilltonierit its continuance. WM. STORY. Coderieh.Atorosit. 1866. .* .wn.27 ODE RICH, ElitCdOrn. • '3U73ortt.tall, r ICE.NSED Al.VOTIO NEE It, BAYFIELD -0-4 county ot Huron. Sates in village or coin -ay (tactually attended to:-- w9-1Tr.$0 • _ �. I DAVIS It./ A N C-TtlitElt AND DEALt11. IN III. Stoves, Plongliti and Castings ot every de- scription. lin, Poppet and Sheet Eton W-aretat trIAM„aritetdtove De. pot,. Starket Square, (lode- .•, Ogaikals1 ,OIL, &Goal Oil 1..amps,dtc„&e. .01d Iron,-Cop-- _per,Brass, Rags WoolPickings and Sheepskins .taketoin excharme. • - - 274 ' s - • N • fNEER -AND -SURVEYOR •./ Laud Agent and Conveyaucer,i(owardinv - - it: -ARCHITECT, - 0LiCs.«S A -LW L""e•-*IViGctirldNS-ot Budd. L ingsote., got up in. a neat aid correct style r °Ace at the Harem Auction. Mart, 7. vin7114 • t 141. Fri -IT LAND &CENT, Itirkef Square, Goderiph. isedisat..ixTos every Wednesdayfrom 11 a.ni alikt Neat 81:10 11:01Eft 2.1 1 1:16;Nr sittuttion for a tailor or saddle and harness - - Valuable Piece .of Land PO.Et AN favorable termaof payment. The -fol- Vlowing property, viz: North 'half- of lot another 30, on the I2th con. of oderid township, containing. by admeasurement 40 acres more .or less, upon which there are fittemi acres cleared. _ This land is in a favorable situation, being within five miles or the town of Clinton. Also, a *liable property in the village a Kilburn, one halt acre °Hand; a good farm house, shop, and stable on the Premises. This would be a good MONEY . TO LEND AT 6 -1 -IT PE:11,' ()Emil • . st.s. op . oft and upivards. 411111App1y to - - TO3lb '& MO 611E; • s -• . Solreitors. ?CItAUU'S : ooderich. Sept, Sth, 1864: • iti8t J.& J.SEEGNIILLE111 N ! Lord Camphel.1,•antl one which Idonot lcuow • to: have been made public before, butior the ti nth oitibich I call vouch; as I have it Irons 1 - the most -reliable authority: z.., ,, ..„, --The parishoontiznous to Cuper,FifeJnid RII) A.Y, 5. FEB - Nu 4 1 for i..b/ min,ster 4 4dr. WilidPi -W41940401 Wag ;.• Ambitious of becoming a. pointer* std meat •-• •1 - to London with the late Chancellor. They - ' lived in tbasame lodAings.and itso happened. SHERIFF 'S 5- L -A14.:7:11' :4WD. - - Sfokood hisfrierici Wilkie in .very -lot; ipirittf.- tout •Campt.ell, on connng home tne evening, 1.nita enntoes of lipLY_ valve ef R writ :of on the rosun torthis being liand, be way Huron flea bra' e* . -s"--le'r Eiel" issued nut told b Wilkie that his RI -.skims ino decided 1 to, vat : ,- of Itter Nale..tv's Connie y .,. ) ...,- , i 1 Conrt 'of the 1/tited- 61Unties: of -Huron and that, unles.s be could go to. Borne, bin -life nd . tBernneerne,einiatsdatfOlmaheitdmireo;t4reLlaoag•talitubsteishuel; Ioath.dt os-r4eirEhd i Inlet*: jleeOde,ti:s.tnr;!;lat:n,dna.aa,Ti.:0,etlithciucradi:keiue,s,tj&dttti:sitraaoelltztrTraig'bilieifiti.ops: -Goods, _Givt)Oer!esi , „Ad...ter:114 ii. ha t:e seized and ta;ken, in -.s , in andio lot -number siateen itt- the twentieth ' 1 t title and intere‘t ofthe said deefeenudl ainat eh: agbaieTteohuo___11:n to zo. to Bom,!_, ....1,02Inig wilkis enures -mu of I'm lown4F•hipi of Stephen in the v ente, day,.., I !In) noi,c; ilavever, going tn, , you eounty of Huron: which lands no_ tenemeinui. 1 - of th- - RE LOW AND PRICES-.111GIIE II TlIA,N TREY IIAA7B BEEN. , AS_ h. Can prove farlotirself by canine" et the -- - TRU TEAT STO . 10 you lbe otere4tdvantage a learn- . isoburalittvoifitear.v.k.0-frfoasapleniant emxit,,oalE;i_4..thein, litobuerCtoifitirut,eli.voeus: .hold up in the to -Wit ot Gotlerieb,oii.:-TueSdaythetnerty- to.. as on jocitettiout to its ropeention. we haeve a nobler argument than that. There is. -itt -pities= in being PORRefiled of A ‘ettiliratett mind---:its.beirig en:41,11410 view the work # of . Cud with an intellect trained and expanded. I (lo net -ten* bete to night to preach to IOU ' these has -d unitaria_ ii,vierweittllicit amen tashi- reliable Dow a days. 7o.neheieve -distinction - we mnst have our whole hearts in our work._ i think it is. the u &outlet rhatteito --r. Ir'lrvifinO of .ft Arra •of 1,-- - e o .., _e ____ It ik_o-, Irnaled Cor,r.tievot flureu asAryd,113. r.uce.,. D ric:t.i Fa.i?as.,asisued out; I $aYs thatci ",,91mbitkm w.i1,1 achieve .1-1aT-.114g.,," - ro t . -of Her net.stlf C7Lninty. Cara ty will do anything. Ile who IS 44.er- potirt of the United cotinttes of Baron and I nice mined to A ake for himself a ;mite in the and i'li lite dirt eted ;urn:n:4 the lands and tette world or tre"o to toisi, timsof to A retpitio, tnents o f Walter -Al.exanderi.nt the gulls ot A dam. ble pOsitfon. in life, and gain the =esteem of his 1 -lope 1V-. B..':,....eart It Lind .1a oies J. Evans. 1 lave neighbors, must go to work witb -ilia ,wholvt. seized -a -nit talren el -execution all 'the right, title . and interegt of the gaiir clefenaant :n and to L.ot ' hear:. taining ore limidred acres ; which lands -and -so a * Number t•-...7evett in the sixth .eoncession or (he township of Grey, iu the county nt Heron ..cott A Jr)Dry Goods- Ditreli - 1 -tlIftittea,41;;:jea:c11.ttst.tiblec. (::1,411, ea lilt i:nyo...tiTiiiehir.lecii :I: r,d, ,sttil eooin.f.4; (41)4' tnroisrl en, ir tl ii et. (xtr. et onTh? farlutsei. titti,"eliniese. tit: otique•stion,, aki), 4t. least se aciointerried, lull -ten York, is - I he hour- ot twelve Lit the clerk. notten, in s B4.-. - Alexander T. Stewart, the dry gOodie Dive*. .. • ' JOIlls.I, MAC$ iI)ite)IN2._..3., .I. 31): .. tiliA_Ti.illecaornine firroommex,trevilernotpellut3;:tamtdoriribasise; an,rissIng By S -Pollock. Deputy Flieriff, the past year, was not less tban from 1112,.. Sheriff's (Mice. (=odes ieli 1. _ _ 16th J an.1Stiti 1 w61 , 000,000110 815,00.0. and will he miaoh_gradter -hereafter. .This• man is a slave to baaieesa, $11,ERIFrg-- BMX, ,017_ Lid.i.N. is .in his private 'office at 'Ills uptown -iitali . and 'knows, and caret -for nothing else. 'He meot fourteen or fifteen baits a ittay.aadt has no leisure to sbrve out, except OA, Stoday, when he sitsdown to A 1itelatiChObliable ivith a .141nker or fellmv*merolawrt, andigiller shop over his uir.e.. - , - --, f- , - - - Straw:Fe:al it may seem,- Stpwad stilijiyez in a. l erpettod dread of abtinctft,'Inidever- .-ws.iks bone for fear °Weal_ bOueresiettlit Hie ennee.siiin) of the tewnship of r CuIrosg. In tee .• doutestm Mint:1013S Arc -Ade ' " stAkilunt ConnevAnf II Heel-tolitaiiiing_4.ine hundred iti•r(a,-_- 4,0 eltild,r-en and bas -.limes offered ilig - ci7.41-107.11dilteyit1flate;.(elosinnantlutl‘uet:c.:ancl.a,tylitet, ttlifhtsieltesili;inllth..oti;.rfnforilmaa.1:yil . wirtrithiltiii.rtouvvtof iiitt;iierel..eirliiirinousifituiii,astr9aretiraytoiailitim,sebuipalie: _ l_inex,..1,1_,,,,,,,ii,t,:i.:07:s ..(0...en. ,rajo:0):1111:::,:rheri:oAlfirelicoortioNfic:aA4,471:01,,ii31,.., _.iiii-.1:::::::::4„70f.atrliti:abirire-eico:y_147nerg:60114;:watte, .ffinsteou,li.- : so- r c S.Pott.ocx, Deputy Sheriff', ,,v.i__„ _ - • 4 the awfaJlants. ly.i. hi *xedi!idef u . deter, g if . 3 tat Jan.. It.C6.' ' - • buiilltOgeth bell eiss ma -n..7- _ . -„..- - Where J. DETL011 & SON' will be happy to show, to their old , aenerally, a larae and'varied stuck of 0 - friends anti the public IN. LEATHER RUNGS I - FebruariP °E. , -14147w.11 P.111-1EI.r S, - SURGICAL 4 MECtrANICAL ruysx,-(suctesser to T.B. afoot- goinery,) t.4 °Genet', W• jkOBIs over F. Jordan's -Brae Store -7natiartr 13th, ' awn -11Y - iiiktrjack FANNp§T jou Joh"; Campbell. G341.,j-rAtio# coMmisSION saidavits.Uon‘revartnerAtn-e- 01Aeeon Broad; ----wrairmlifillaaeoffEineardlue=u-W- 99 Maker as there is none in --the vicinity. Leather or store goods at wholesale price* will be taken for either of the above laces. - • 13 JAMES STANLEY, - wit-tr Constance o. e• . (3.• , Porehasedie the Best and Cheapest Markets; and Which-atcy are _.deterinined to*Sfil I at tli;) _ •the clock, noon. :JOHN ,2! S. birin B. . , , RI! Pottnex, 'Deputy Sheriff. Sheriff's Eifficei--Goderieh t 161,h 1-b66, "sw0 Sb.eriff s Sale otLinds. _ *TE''.'w*""7,'"'"" t,--_' _ • I !They deem it ntmocessnry to state the nature of their stock in detail, An they feel satisfied- , ..:- that their Yong"- exnerience in busmeas in Godefich enablesthera:-. ... . - to anticipate tile wantscfrf the community: - - • °Abu. prAN lioTE,LI. LI .11 TOR, C. W. : 1W.• TUDSBURY Propritor.: rr ilE establishment is fi.rnisheil w---th all the requirements essential to the cotutort of guefe._ . w34tf Ashes and' Greake.- THE Suhseriber will purchase all the Ailles .and Soap Grease that may be Saved for him in GOderich and neighborhood. - JOHN' Er. DANCY. . July 16th,1`.865. • jw25, °lay T.,(,),,,14:4:z.f.:Irinines.per tent - 'S. P IrEQMANS •- • ' Solicitor ac.- , Goderieh 29th Dee. 1865-- 1486 HOTEL NO rogx. DONOGH takes this means of in forming the public that he has. entered , into the Hotel hussness in thestund formerly keownii the Fulfort House, -where .he be happy to receive old friends and eustouVet . Goderieht June 6th 1865. ' - W1.9 ILUTL4ND ROTEL„GODER.1011 HOSKER, PROPRIETOR., • TEE .LAj- above is mostpleasantly situated on au emmence 120 feet high, Overlooktn,, the. Herber and Lake Huron ,good Orchards,eia miens aud Ruraf -Wel kt attached. Board $1 per day ;single 'Meal r Beds.25ednts . vlbulOvIv " - Comraissionerin Queen's Bench, tor taking ' Peter oL9ELsse. FORWAIMLIt AN a -comitiSsioN Itterehan1,InvszeWt0a, C.W.Notes and ' itScotiatscoltected. Business or any kind ea- gistedto hirn Ira recerys piontpt attentjon. w40-lySo,sx .-.1WARI,NR INSURANCE. Britisit .A.maericalifilitrusee Co /OROXTOi Marine Denartmenta_-_. ]Pairrip IENac-t°1.3r AXES ! AXESI - • • .1 filHE Subscribers having commenced the A. Axe niaking in connection. .with the Blacksmith business' at their old stand. corner of Waterloo and. Lighthouse street, where farmers can get ' • , • . • A Good, Home -Made Axe At a reasonable figure. tre are also.prepar- to jump old axes and make them as good as news, - • aP.72 Tz,..3 latialo MillPicks Made or Sha4ened And warranted to do good work. - J-OHN. McPHERSONA -Co .Goderich, Dec. 5,-1865. . wsw-37 S pa EivEn. HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS' TO INTOBM theinhabitaatie ,f -the Counties ofHuron anti Bince that heisstillManufactuting, and has on hand a number of km SUPtNORFANNING MILLS PUMPS. Ifewould particularly draw attention to his MOE. axle will warrant them to free Wheat from oats, coekle, chess. titc. Pimps roadeto order and warranted. _ IN -GREAT VA411.1TY'.- _ A. SMITH, market Square, Goderich. Poderich, 7th Nev. 180: 7 w12 To Cabinet, -Fa nniEg-31111 Manufactn- crers- and Others. ThawaraTictortastrut Par,ter,yos. _ a/IA Coubria ;Zara. ALSO, agent foitie sale of Sforgies '41r.'emanm anapatentefiliTIVATOR, win& has never yet failed to giv-e- getteratisatteMottowto fanners, who GEORGE RUltiBALL, titer's ese4theee• • , Agent. f 4 D iwpD acadene b,tpni25#1,itaik. _Goaenet litp.rii2tA14.1144. 39 0 MAD FOR SALE., SMALL Planing 'Machine; nearly Lew, capable, of planing hard or softwood, keivea. inches wide -will be soldcheap for cash or Oft -approved credit.-- For terms and all _particulars, apply (if by letter post paid)tO Henry Dodd, Fan- ning -Mill Manufacturer, Goderich,xyhta has had one of the *One deicription in use for 2 years; or to thetiatt*riber. who has4 jhuAsmsuniewill6th rmAsate._.L, ooderich,JUly1S.196,x, sw96ti FOR, -FARMERS,- IKONn- AND A HOME! .HE mitserlber has money to loan at a -ardente rate of taterst. -,A sor L. GOOD FAItM tor -Sale IN BRUCE! 10acreireleared, And a Valuable' Farin for sale in Tucitersmitly Hie Miles fromSeaforth, 60 acres cleared, a good frame bone, barn and orchard on the lot. Would take a tavern stand in a good locality in part payment. A, Pill to. . 1 S. P. YEOMANS, • Solicitor, &c Garlirichs C. w..„ 4tkriec., 1865. sw12 EY WISH THE COOIDS. 4ND AN INSPECTION -0 - otiff.01 CLOTHS __4•.eget United Cotintest Dr virtue of a ffrit •of . Haron and Bruce, - Fier' Facias is4ted.out:- to *Wit : ot. Her • Majesty's County - Con rt of; the United Counties ot Huron and Brum -land to -n e directed -against the:lauds end tette- eenta-of Jacob Poi; the font:ger' at the And of Cordon, have seized andtaken in eXe. frentien all the rig hititle.and Interest -0144e sakide- tendaui in and to Lot Nimilier thirty in. thaninth • A FINE ASSORTMENT OFE _ • -• - , • AN • -UNUSUALLY LA Wig A ssOliTmsNt, off EXCELL1NT _ aza. LiitUra .420 SitC:Oti33... C2 -- I A LARGE SUPPLY OT ea from -50 Cents upwards. V. VETLOR 8c . September 19th, 1865. 12w ' He lilt - iteintilittnirrh Datinkifitios,164111iggo '... lint _lir pasisioa,- lx, -Inid4enly pfut4ies.4.owX prle*in old% to cogrottrjpurket lin A the commercial inlitil f have * rred tem. i and Ids ORO mill Ws 46 re- juitleig-inste :14 4-1atneatati...*nlum-„ -dtedi vihom ,he has beped He has -no mani bat kitimmint„ no 4fle)Intit nes. 4-, Pew ,bo kpow anything.' Atlee-4011diee Crodsua envy Iiim of.. his Re ue_w_gelthi for be is meatiehle or li%Mives only to 'Iwelj air.-airsady Will talteue ' which is really cif no,,Anme a4an.tje Ite Mtn thin to die -Bey -otTenis. , - Clergymen* wihro *int ivtelt; indiralists 40 *Pie,- Ms iiimetwition,newikloitiok4nd a -,1110X,0 4,itLillikont VoishateNnet wisolkirfamist. , Steiva IWP1ellialbiliMe1ll4ti lie ' ',green Jove a 'Wu' itlfa *II: *fibblioik * SEFRITI Sisuix O L-Aiws. .r.mg United ColintleA of)Bit Vittfier. DIA R Writ el -Huron -mid-Bruce, . Fieti-BaetatiOtsfuttri out To wit . of Her Majesty's _ County Court °film Meted Ceuta -tea -of Huron -del Bruce and 10 1110 :directed as_amitt. gie lauds .and,tene, inente of Joseph S1110126., at the'sta Orltilindock MtdCenzie I have seized ninfiakedjifeabittioti aIl the :Oita title end interest ot th0. sax] deep. -dans in- end to lot ninnbersii. in the4frlt conces- sion of the township ot itin loss, in tee County et Bruce, contammg one hundred acres; .*titeh landsandtenementirl Shah eff.kr for nate, at IOC office in theCourt House in thetown of Godeficli Ao Tuesday -the Eighth -day nf XS?!i, net, t,-.7the Karr of t welt% of thectoelt,upen..,, . . - ,.., JN ;)1111.--`- ; XI. --SCDhe"4FICALD.g:11. ,----3 By S. NT.** ,,FtieOlty Sherd: ; '., •• ''' , 41' '. : ' : #her. sittPssitpytlainc!..t:;600:rieb, ,, .. 'b ajrod'br% , -*AU 44111.41ivilt4 Sheriff?s Bale of Lands.-.-: _4,13eveilst togld. talk a jerY vitteoftlietelds He 111 VI. _a -,0518%16-01914i client(' np w cued= elelinenr, e teats :int:Agile -n. aero with the buddinga:thereon which ands and sanity- ;A teuententS4 shall offer jorealeAnty *Armin tise-4,44!ms. aPmfousustuPflitk: Court HQIISO it the. town of Goderiebon.Tuesday -114,11 no ther•Eightli daY'ef May next, st ibe bour t Jiorse7" twelife#thenloekaimou; - JOHN. IgAbDONAL UnftedOonnttett of -* 13Y virtue' or g *Iv of _ I Moon and BrIliMi- 'Fier, Faciaelesitil114 _ TO.W1t : ,_ of - Her Majesty's Ccninty., 1. -. Conrtotthe UnitedComnietiorHuron andBruce - ' ,, And tO die threeted against -,the lands and -tenor irents of Patrick More. at --the auk of George Holland, 1 haVe seized tied lett* in oxe0410,1 aft - the right title and inte.rett oi the defendant in and' to hit number -six faille Villageof Wyllie is the, County of linron,.containtng one one quarter of NEW r110-_TOGR/P11 GALLERY,II OVER ,. 1_.. kARVAIBALD5 STORE, trabYsB1°e, IN coNnssEtItiT.nENCE-ofte de,snt r. G B 10 a 1 Wisvas. tlebusiness heretoforei ioied . on tinder th, opine and style of 6LIPIERIQB LtettT MID TASTEFUL BQQ123.3 . - _ Pia'rvues taken in every style andin all . kinds ot Weather. rr PR ( CES LOWER than else where in Canada. ' D. CAMPBELL. Goderich, Dec. 1,18-65. _ t3w27 - I) Nsta ,1 ix 0 T•• . t4/$1.05CETER_ _ fel a ititsted tini-firavel Road running from • Seatortli loSoothampton, Onemile north ot where it Leeds orto•Wroxeter, -and anyone trav-; e inn- to • - Belmori. Wailkitton Souihimptov or anyplaeem that.ditection,willfind tiocom MO- dation.suen as he on1ire3wee1it0 Sudatfirst‘t citv,hotelsith all respects. ICE - ALWAYS ON 11,4ND Tougit out -Fishing Friends! THE'BUIV•DINGff Calt-Ert A L'E)iaTIE 01 ^ 1111INDiED 534-0. FIFTY FEET LESMAYS, -Proprietor. wt6-1. A LARGE QUANTITY OF BLACISM111-11% ON HA.ND.,.4.ND .FOR s&IE -f,he Wharf! GEO. RUMB ALL, - Agent. Goderich, May -290, 1865-;" SwIT o. _ Amst be closed on or before the' - 1ST: -DAY, OF -41,R1lif1-E65:., All paftica indebted tolhe."abare firriknrahere= by notified that all notes and -book !accounts over: ' thie on the 1st day of FEWY next - i'villjbeltinided` to their Solicitor torc1kttiou- , - Thentock-oti band ',fill-beozJ - , ][40-N7fir " - • . _ SHORT CRFD1T, It Cons - o tits of a Int -assortment of Ploughs, Curti-. - ' vitiors4Itirrowit.Stni*"8*--f:, :THRESHJNG,m1_ Es- Pot-ub and *Ale! ". • r Nixes, - - - , ITOS Cooking, Parloi 4ge a'good lecond-I, - . E andnintof Machinery tor Gristand Siw-Mills. - 1 - •All partiat-regniring the above articles would, do well to colt and inspeetthe stu4k at . once as . they wellget bargain.s.ai • .1 . -E.VNC-14a1S1-4' - . ..... -, ..1 , - ...• - . 4 ae and kis %Miff set - stub ot to newcast tiat • By S. Pot.r.ocx, Danutv,Shertir. Sheriff's Oillee.17oaerich, 3.1s1Jan.31246. inututriniem Ulicteffirt41 .oneenitargetwitiolurtiat - eiftwAeAftdikillfelital of - WAN eftandfrtitigged inesetigitsoltskinpet.: ri-IPTiteokriorriP - $1144LIPS SALE LANDS United Counties at Y. rirtuc of it • Writ of guruwittiti Brut* Yieel;Fablii* itistied.out- !. To wit:: ,40 Her Majesty's .County- CoUrt ofthe United eau:diets alluttin and Bruce auid to olellird4ted-egabsei1*11andS *114.4en tuents.of )4514u MeeraleatiLlketinuel Wallace, wt the Inittef WiIu,am eqtteilliel1i4irtititeile12011 tont ;seen in Execution-all/the t title aud otere241 attic:Ohl defendants- in HA id number twolfn tlitileitfhoiutiort_hco.i.,.t.ohetiii4,4044Oti;101.4.611Thjoi%, tyM Hatiki ot1;41twei.41- lands and tenet:nisi stillaaje at offfeein the -Co tionse n t e r G�denc on Tneidarythe-Wittieldifit at t A/PirrAILV401.4!.1040"Att114 • 9401449=P14,410 ::-- Shweiffaaltder- ' I JAbleiAr _ WI** man iet th story run441. ortanit stareii tatisetisologantexeraiN enialiciesistin mg - fair ore° m 4 at, sae ger 41611110110/ Ise MeTtings., infelettoistew *She! woe Inyetereinte:10- the, above1-11.. inteman be prepared.to carry oaths busin -". TELE--1---1UR9N 70 NI)l-tY led dentriet itir the- 'e 11 & liction of . kinof M •.)chinerras.turnal,andvri mainnteVeritaAA, ilnr Viiitivirs _ _ ovoiamitiagoshok,,for 40Fpft.sn St short- credit rerodericli.Det 1st 1S14 niv92W4S- - .-1.41101 *IOW .401011_1141,211110411.11011, VC- .; •-• "414 --' AigirliV°4 1-1MJ" 13 18511 RS on the ell "Western Eirirway, Deisieiteitek Whit1411.-br%_1•S1&tasers' ew York MarketNi-trews of the *cm. Ir•Pay 40.1-r'Piligg 4,- lundation.eflinairet than double • per 41444 of.:Torouto, it an eieelletit, -,-.- •for4dvettisine. P-11" LE OF '5 ierr -.113y two lips to,...11AlfteatriA to, • 11111tTialltioriaied _ ; r super tend Play, instill run .e Seven y • Seven years in' sc, iusr Seven OWS uditt $801 and wife, Seven yesxs -to pleasures Oven 35 enypeakimtoimblesa 42 Y.eP fed_year forwe1Th,, ilse r sae :Ch?a; fin1‘ ilt0011d Stb-e cOn Bruce 10 41111Cutle a.s • .22- n. - Applyto 1.4 9th co-. • M. 0 -CAMERON. Goderich. October 28.1864 iitsv16 T.Ihuradaj.mgrajjj, authneitatego tapt.fe ane e ,E41Wriep. ause4 ko. &e. -an ; o imbricribms $1 per **Of, in I THE WEEKLY Aram* Is the,- BEST and 0118ApE8T Faniily Pap-. sr. * ,Caoade. Address all lettms, postopsid,_le C. STEWART,. P,r-OpFietorsjel tbe Evening notes, 006-iidt 141:9141111151aeltaftait"iwirgthelninina:VC-C41141;7111:171741:1711""114:07":1-7Ee0,0061040- fiUttdefw ?gla AL°1)e3 sisal - $11"411toot„.4(pgAlat:livilituerin.'"'2. aid reca,, weda prize for bringing up 3- &Men isnot Hamilton, i. y, pixoellial4elier. Oedema*