HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-02-06, Page 3aphat al in e. the ,t, • t:ten ty mow - Abhors I :emelt ? three t ot relt was. its,. and received . ovisions. oat," eia what "5.4. :v..- Keit: : _het my rn thitt** ; sketched int in the Home„ vett can, - • ! e:dest who wilt. sleArtly •st Rep r- the rtit -head • disease, vir 'in oat. re affected in the • te-ntorr died! inpest. en whose -- of k' sere; es;Martha, as servant ; /ark. One - intended by Under 'lace which ri -a-aa thia "r Sal Cf , tt clown at . soo after . lianas hiin. al was very of. Oft tegs r ,e:e-clertng. Robinson, etre tp get eats in Pro adelor 1%:SICKREVe.- '? frecausta- e *root ar.clr • PultironIe for -cougor raeness, tte. r aod law - amend thetar say they ere Ace for the baU raedia T1*.'Yankger veatt stone arbor, which eels drawing, . ince that parr n$tprove A- ra tBtre.. but he supplies or fur the cure- - F. neuralgia,. thetsuature.. eterywheref. ie. the most: that the con* 'tee lame been - re are marixim euilty or be excuae ef the theieseiyese of ias done more known to tho-ituirPri I not use it wilt _ sufrerers, toa, .rabiart Heave a1 t. pat nee that the: eseivrackage.. ofetle, C.' W., Sold n Code. F Joetlan; Gar:. lloget.:. • Clinton; aetgeinse deal - cam - -.'ur WA, ..103. • Cart if Hie I be held the Town on T t. I8f4t - -zise. of &egg esailment of sas- 'oe of tIte jill I that thitettotiela Gazette two. ate, and •ot trala • ictWO oc Meet . 8•111MIIIMMIIPMMIM Ina Ad UsK or Stint aaaT24,-It has been .4Atni (rertisitututs el.ti mated that tobacco is uset by at least „._ . eil:ht hundred millions of 'men, opium by : -11 • ffelr hundred millons ; Indian hemp by A Olt ..' o o3t• THING I pbree Inin,dred tnillions ; and the cocoa leaf a sby ten millions : :and those, who consume the - .1 ut arqettie and other stitnulants and . TRY IT. 0 1 . h n , narcotics, when enumerated. would swell the :ht to many millions more. ' ernr. lames Vousins ct London was se:: v..teity iniared a alav or two ago. by the -fall- CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER is n Medicine for the immediate and perina- n_ent removal oi at pain irom the system. The Canadian Pain Drstraya•• Cures Rheninatisiii. Pleurisy, and in the Back and 'Sides. ing of a putnp log upon his. Chest. Thre The Canadian Pfau Destroyer , Rerieees Pain in the Head.' and Sick Headache. _ are hopes of his iecovery. The Canadia, . Paid Destroyer . Cares Bennis roar and cramp in the Stomach. - The Canadian. Pain Desboyer Paw Cures Cholera, Cholera...Mortals, Dysentery mid • BoweI Complaints. - 'T. • The rawalitit Patti Destroyer • Curcs Sudden•Coldsond Sore Throats. Pain Destroyer Cures Burie4, Seilds, Frost Bite.s and Scalds.. The Canadian; Pain Desteoyer Cuice Neuralgia,1 u.. Douloure.atec.and Tooth . ache, The Canadian. Pain Destroyer eeerat, will be rt t. it: at Ottawa tsetse an excellent thing for Wotinds, Brutsca, _until noon, 94 2,4 masett. fw Sprouts and rziiains;. It takes away oll paitt:the moment it is a lied. Xtbi afitutrustuttuts. altContracts. wttz, :addiesaed to the Peatmasler • 1. the eortveaauce of Ileiafaatasty 6 Mails, on .. .. PP • foroinkted Contract4, tor CO year, un er,. utid---tri:tn; die lit April tieNt. z BETWEEN Ilandod ard ILtrpurhey, three timas Week, each way. • elintort and Wingbarn, daily eackway. ULnLOU and Porter's Hill, three times per week. each way. - `negai and Newry, three times per week - - - • ea CI; W arV - axeter and amac3, three times per Avee._ each• . iW -sadet and Wroxeter, daily eacti war, reiraed notieevcontaining further inform - than as to conditions ofIproposed Contract& mav be seer., atid Malik fortna-of Tender may be 'obtained at the Post Offices above men - twined, au& at the office of the,sulisariher- . GII,BERf GRIFFIN, Pa. O. Inspector, Feat Office Inspectoea Office, = Loudon, Ili Jan., I.J66. w2 3t cticeto Fruit Growers 101aARTIES &snorts of having their_oraattls - or nurseries. proper') pruited and drmed ean have'the aline d4:13- at reasOnahle :rates, anti in a_ satisfaetoty ruanner,_ by*applying tOE the uuderstgued, who has had a manlier of wars expenenae severa of the -men ex- tensive Nurseries in Britain and America. - THE SEMI WEEKLY SIGNAL. CHANCERY SALE 0 F Real MisrPstter. IN aursuance of the Decree and Older for Sale; made in a certain cause pending in the ("omit el Chancery for Upper Canada, eititled "Ross against Rumball and w;il he soldlia_Publie Auction • -BY_ GEORGE MOON TRUESIAN sr Etsi AUCTION Rooms, a :IN THE 'TOWN •OF GODERICHI With the approbation -of Robert John Turner,. Esq., aceo-untant of iluasaid Coma, • On Saturday, the 1 7th day of Feb. 1864 - At twelve o'clock, noon, flu; following pro-- 'perty tinalet -Alt that capital inesanage or tenement,' Wino; lot number ninety-five, and, situate in Conoura 'street, inTIthe said Towiii.ff Godericha Which,- with the premisei occupied therenith, eontain ad:Um:sure nient one quarter of an acre, more or less, -as - 'tire Sain4 is now iit the ciannition- of Mr. Georeeltumhall •:ihe said lot is: also known- • as lot 2, fronting. on _Light lIonse No Family should be without a 'Willa of The banadian Pain i Destroyer s _ . PRICEa-an cents per Bottle:An orders shou Id be address.ed to NORTHRUP &LYMAN. Newcastle C W sold in Crixlerie lit by Parker Sr: Cattle and F. 'Jordan; Gardiner At Baefichl, James bentlinm,Rogerville,. J Pickard, Exeter; 1. II. tOirthe, Clinton, E,.Hieksoat .Seaforth, and all Dealer. - fur38-6,n THE GREIT ENGLISH REMEDY `SIR JAMES CLARKOS - Celebrated Female Fills. Prepared from a prescripticit --cf Sir J. Otarke„M.D4Physician extraordinary 'o the Queen. " This invaluable,' medicine. is tinfailitto- fir the "eure of a!l •-hose rainful and dangerotisc'diseases to witierit the let -nate ,eont•titntion is, stibieet. It moderates all excesscaad removes all obstructions and a`specdy cure may be relied on. TO • MARRIED LADIES it -s pet -Windy t•uited, It wiil, in a short ume, t;ring- on the inoOthlerlectod with regularity. &tell bottle, price-91re Dollar, be-ers. the Gov- ernment Great Britain. to prevent eau n- terteils. - nese rims not he ta;-en Inifenades during the F1I7 7IIS of Pre. -1 a Address., postpaid, to - ....- worry as they ,are sure ta 4rtirg me illiscar- . . JOHNT-RAYNE Tiergetr'bitt at tray othertinie. they are - ' _River &ink- Aniberly- p.ci - a , ,, - a. ,-- In all ease -s of Nervons alid Sbinal etireetions. As,ta!t"--. Palos.. in the Back and _Limbs, Fatigue on slight e roary lud,, .18ftti. sy,2 6.ei, exertion, Pairntation cflbe 1. leart, Hysteties- and - Whites, these Pias - will effect a care When all ZEALIVEXZerCW other means have failed; mut ahltotteh flit remedy,' do not etistain iron. ealoinel, anti- TIMEr-)1 nfejg.ii otal:tcyt ohnit,,ig iittintritt the lilt:loot, pliv_t...oittsatriot und eaeh "is* Sole agent tor the United Statesand Canadas, Tag "TI" 31ES" is issued- every erellmg m JOH al.uSES, Rochester N.Y. N. R.I.-St 00 and -ex po-tage stamps-, Lielosele time for the 3fail going 'Weat ma the-C.:eat - Western-RailWay, contuitis Olt iher Tete= graphic Despatchea, Arrivals ,of Ste.amers` New York Iiirketa, News of the LILL s• tc., 'Enjoying a._ eirculattion of more that! double any other plper published, West fa' Toronto; it affords an excellent medium. .for advertising. - • 'LICE 'OF StBSCRIPT-TON — - ▪ -Th•itr-$ LT} for three 'Months, in advance' package; witich caiefoity pre-ereed. • • 'THE. " WEEKLY If e'mttaining _46 columns' of read matter, isstietVeyery Thursday mornina,. and contains all the importaut news af the dity-Rlitc iota Tales. Mtacellaneous 31atter1 Markets. &c, & .-and is nailed to subscribeisaat ..$1 per Antrum, 'in A-dvance.. THE WEEKLY 'TIMES K the BEST and CHEAPEiT Family Pap- - Canada.. ..kddrEss.1111 letter, post:Tait', to , C. -E. STEWART, & Co,„ - Proprietors of`'the Erening Times, - Hamilton, C. W. to any authorized agent will tnsure -bottle con- tain.ng Litt Pit return - „NORTHRUP & LYMAN, :Newenstle, ta W., general ae-ent. forunnada. ' . • Sold Go!Telich be Pinker *57. Cattle artd Jordan -- Gaidiner' Bayfiefd ; Jame:. llenthuir - Pickard, Exeter, ; J.H. Comte, Snatorth, and all Medi'. int, t)ettifirs.. w3F-IV The is sulistantiitlly built Of hi ick, is in excellent repair,. gin' Well. qualified for the reaidence of a respectable farnity. , The purchaser itthetime of sale will be . . reeprired to pity to the vendor or his solicitor a depoait its the proportion of ZIO for eery £100 of his purchitse money, and the balance in six weeks thereafter with- interest, at . the rate of six per eetitton per • annum,. and upon payment tbei col' the ptirchaser will be en- titled to a ,coeveyanee -eau- -to be let -into se sion The conditions of sa:e will iniitlother respects be the standing con ditions of the Caurt of -Chancery. Further particulers and conditions of silo may be had oe application at_the law office - of Messrs. Crawford & Crombia, 'sonic Hall, 'Toronto' Street, '1 (whit to ; of J.11 - Gordon., Ghderich, and ofaMeisrs. Riniiball and VanEvery, and the Auctioneer it Gaderich. - - Dated the 17th day-, J an nary, 1866. 11.013E HT J. 3' (TUNER. CRAWFORD- & CROM I ;1E, - Vendors Solicitcm- =-wl: 3ta lOolvont _let of 1834 and -I • Aniendineqts• In the viaVer aerratti; Insolvent. . . 11E3111 &ID CD lEm Mil Rir...x BM 71Ir MEN s .............. A....e.u.....-.041.0.0.":••••••••••••••••••••■"."... THE SUBSCRIB.ERS have now alt hand at the . . . . TFIE undersigned has been appointed as signee -this matter, . and requires claims to be filed within two months from this date. - = Seaford!. Co, Horan, 9th January, 1866. - W1LLI.AM N. WAT'SON, ; Assignee. 3. G /Ace AUG HEY, - • Solicitor for assianee. - wl 2w • • -BROOMS FOUND: f RE party who loit, a number -or brooms near:Goderich, Can have the same by- _ canine at 'A. Illackfs llotel. nro7i nit property. • in& payiter for this_ athel tisenient.. e, Goiena, Jan. 2:5, w1 -3t Consulate -13 A. it ()ffice honrs o'clock, p. iui 01 t Ise Uri t,ed Sta-414 of 'tiitnertea. • • 0 froui 9 O'clock a. m. to 3 _ iliERIFFE SALE OF LANDS. Relief in,.Tell..1111fricittesi it rt. -v- AN -.7 S ' . Pvt...mONIG:wAFE RS. . . t The mosi certain and seedy remedy ever discovered • for all diseases of the t.. . .Chest and Lung, Coughs, -Colds, .‘.• .• • Asthma. Consuption, .Bron,;- . _ . . _. ohitts• Influenza, - - ' Hoarseness Difficult , Breathing. - Sore 1 - - ''' , - - Throat, 4-C.,, ttc. - • • . .. . . . • _ .' These: Wafers ,gtve the most nistantanconsmurper- feet re:id:when, pers.evered with according to directions neverthirto effiTt a rapid andiasting curt-. - Thousands have bet n reslored to perfect health. mho have tried other means in vam. To ull classes and all cowntintons . their are aides:sing and vire-a-none need despair. no matter how long the &cease may have existed. or how .evere it may be. provided the organic- struentre °Effie vital organs is not hope es-dy decayed,. • Every one afflicted should give thenran impartialtrial. Ta VOCALISTS & PUBLIC SPEAKERS - The Municipal Cotitcil „ these %%eters are peculiarly valuable; they Will in one , • - • . - -... . - . • . . .. d'IF the -Township of Marne having- pal -- sed 1.1:By Law repealitv; the By La:e pas sed Eleetorm last year, in accordance -with the. Temperance -Act-'-proltiliiting the a q es it e own . sale of Ietoxicatin a Li ua o 'day remove•the mostsevere oecasional hoarseness and their retntlar ti!e for a few. dansmtletiLthtt. will, at allttimes. in - i'itr;rsoevI; it tone- f /be- grativ --o_nreo!:.e they are regal, rly used by -many Professional' eit;npa....s. and clearness. 'for whiet Vocalists. .10t1 3.10.‘XS. sole Preprietor, Rochester, N'S. Price 25 centtt Perbox. " ITOO. M.A.4 • Vf.catiFtc Poblie Speakers - so_ iititikijsx uLirtatt, Vora! st. and Public Speaker,s 'That a Meetiag of the MuniciparEiecto of the - Township of Usborrie„ wilt -be held in the Township Halt On MONDAY, the 26th Febivary,. at ten o*cteck, A. M., - - FOR THE TAKING OF' A POLL, to (beide whether or -not the Repeal„of said -lty 1..tyr be confinneity such Efeetors.- . WILLI:131 EDMOND, -Tp. Clerk. Usborne, JAIL A0114 aw•Ifiw2ut a o s..Ry • To 010.11it heti terniS. Apply to . ELIKUOIY, Barrister, ite. ate (apposite the Post 0:111 e. Gadericli tiicason. Staforth.,andalt medicane dealers. iw3S2sra -„vaaefeista atm Public Speakers: • I - GLASGOW Ho.usEl — r A LARGE ASSORTMENT OV - . Lathe an :Misses' - tun- C.ortied purchased befote the rise and l'or Sale !Vali-Amp; • anded Counties of le) Y virtue of a Writ -of ,Ifiron and Brui-e., JO Fieri Faelas issued nut - :le wit: of Her Majest06 Cotintv l;tlitrt. 01 the United 'Colonies of Huron- and. liriii-e, and to me direthed ajoinst the lands and temements of George Biggar and Ne6bit ille-gar, at the snit ol James tttil, I have seized and tli keit tit Execution all the right, ti:le alit] interest of the said delendent in and ii.o the - south.wesf -caner oflot tit -other t11),• in the.eighteenth con- -ebsio-n of the TownShip of Grey, captaining- one .nuf mire of land .with the. buildings- thereon erected, and known as BiggaPs Tavern ; 'which !andsand tenements 1 shad offer ibr sale -at my office in theCourt Hensc„--to the,Toten of Coder ;eh on Tuesday, the firbt day_ of Max next, at the hour of Twelve ot theclock, noon. ; JOHN MACDONALD, _... . - Sher& ,,H 4-B. :Therm 3s °Meg , Cintk deb 3 . 1 • - : .21illi du ., 1566. . t insolvent Act of 1864. 30th Jan., 1866. ea. Hoop Skirts, anskr G13(07 1) Cal A s it is the wish of the subscribers 40, close off -this branch of their husiness. from Lila date • 11. they Will sell at prime cost their entire stock of _ Overcoats,- Sack and Frock , Coats, ("Ants,: Vests, u Et\ cAlp.s, &c., D. KERR, JR., -8;100. 18th Dec., 1865 • -=,•• — - - ' Ptoaince Of Canada, ' in the-Coinity Cant of . -United Counties of tIn't Ueited Comities of Huron and Bruce. truronit'nd &lie, . 1.-n..the matter of John Maclean, Of Tees- -. trakr, al i Insolvent, _ , - - 7 .11#0.117.:$. faURtiresent stock of Boots and Shoessvill be offered' at.cost prices up to 31stinst„, to make w room for afresh supply. - 'HE undersigned has filed a, consent hylil I i- creditors to his discharge,. and on Ff ida) ,. ' the 30th daY - of -March -.- next he w id -- aka, to the Judge of the Shia Court -for' a:conlinue. lion thereof. , - - . _ . - JOHN MACLEAN, - - .!..,Y his attornliv 'ad titein, N.F. FINDLAY.- IlainiTten„ 17 January,- 1866. : ' w52,1f2in Will find Bryan's lliacrs- tt II f d 13 • f .. . 1 , . • 1 m ryan A It CI'S _ — iret hut' Bumf* Wafers. tavaluable la remove . , - lioaluaide ta rezniive • . ,- • - .' . Invaluable to remoVe. - - ' - - - . • - Dearseness and Sore Throat . - lb,arsette.s and Sore Throat Hoarseness and Sore Throat And give clearness to the Voice. . Anil ewe elearness to the:Voice! Auttgive eieartieSs to the Voicet. , — They relieve in ten mantles. They relieve nt tett minutes. 'They relieve in ten minutes Cengirg. tolds. and all diseases - Coughs- Colds. And all diset.ses 1-TtleSdity, -the. 13th day of February, 1866, at COugh‘Goidittorl all diseases - - - Ins.ohtnt Act et 1864 and.Amendote0.. • 4 Godericle 18th December, 1865.- - KERR, JR. 111_1111 tweditors of the undersigned ate notifi - ,ed to meet at the office of S.- G. NIC-, Canahi, solicitor, Seaforth, Co . -Huron, on orthe chest and tiling& one or the Clock, noon, for Alin parpose of Fold by -all Druggists. S.014 by Druggistg. °Id by•all uvists. „Of the Cheat and Lungs, Of the Chest and Lungs, • At it.1 centa box •At 25 rents a box At 25 tetra:a:box Northrup Lyman, Newcititle, General iAgents fonthe Canadas. • J C be CHI r E r3=-7,solil iti Gedezich bv Parker & Cattle and - dart; Gardiner & Co., BaYEeld ; -Jas. Bentham. Roger:. . vine; Pickard. Exeter; om . Boo AFULL ASSORTMENT dal styles and sires of Blank Books, Made of best - _English paper, comprising DAY BOOKS,- LEDGERS, JOURNALS, CASH BOOKS isimuTE BOOKS. WASTEBOOKS, INDICES; PASS BOOKS, POCKET' LEDGERS. - MEMORANDUM BOOKS,. . POCKET DIARIESt and METALLIC BOOKS, Very cheap (Or Cash. SUBSCRIPTIONS - - 11eceived for any of the r English or American Reviews, Periodicals and _Newspapers at Toronto rates - . • AT,THE 6 SiGNAL ! -OFFICE. Jan.16, 1866 nsoivent Act of1864. - -a- roLery ,and Provision__ Roe. trANING tented and fitted up the store lately occuped by F... Bush, fin; the above business, I am now prepared to furnish families Groceries and Provisions whiehl shalt sell at the Lowest. Cash pnces, Plour and Peed kept constantly on hand A share of Your patronage 'mill he thank fully reedited ancltaithfully attended to. lathe matter t: 1 Irwin Moore al, bid- • 'he Creditors of the Insotrent are notified that ke hits ntade-an 'Assignment' .of his Estate ....... * effects under the 'above act to ''"Ahlii me the wide geed assignee, and they are requested to rnish me within two. niopths trona this date,- with their clainia, specifYing the ' they hold, if any, and the Value . of it; if none, :tatting the fact.; ,thet wixite., attested under oath with vouchers It !Support of tuck claim& Dated at Goderich in the County- of Enron _ pia 29th ot January 1856 -- , C. CRA1313, - Assignee. .-,. . aw2w 46 DEI ABOUT ....11„1. TAVERN STAND New Marble Works 1_,n4A,..so ! 1 Pollock's Block, IN TIIE TOWN OF GODERICII. Mnifiligl gvomAttalilam, filHE tavern lately occupied by Mr. Beggs, J. • on the corner ot Kingston and Victoria streets; (part Of the Allen Eetate). will be ' leased for a term of years. Apply to . A. ALLEN, • . GEO. COX, bsecutore. .• Goderich, Jan. 22, 1866. w52 CANADA COMPA LANDS. • .,,,-arr:::"`"--..r‘r7 .A; Oleattlxstons st.7Z-T 4,..1.1A. - VARlIERS and others desirous of puichasa in r LiflidS ore informed that the Canada •• • Company hare • Ian_ s to Se or Lease Lt variotnaparis of the Province. - The Compnny- would particularly inaffe if teutien to their W ILD 144INDS. ha the Canna ties of " HURON AND PERTH . v which will be.dispos.ed of on libend terms to patties who may be prepared. to pay CASH, or a considerable stun down. Canada Company's Office, Toronto, 19th Dac'r, 1865. ,52w3ni " •- iti the MunicipaIrketors of the Toliin, -ship 01 IVAWANOSII, V °TIC E is hereby given by the Municipal al • Council of the said Township that a, 13aa II Law to repeal a certain other By Law pasiled 1 by the- -said Municipal. Ceuncil on the 16th i (14 of January,1865, for the. enforcerneut of the Temperance Act ot 1861, will be submit - ted for their apptoval in terms of tl-e said I - . Tempe: an ee Act of 1861„ on Friday the ii I twenty third day of .February next, at the ‘i School House on lot No 27, conceasion 8, in 0 the said -township, at the hour of ten inahe 11)1.C-11°7117 4ATSLo*tCn'OpTCT.e'rk Wawanoele Dated at Wawanosh this 16th) day of Jar -1, A.D. 1866, i vf:52td ',:•-•:,- 1\TONST- receiving 'statements of bis affairs and of naming -an asSignee to- whom be may_ make - an assignment.under the above ,aet. Domiciled at „Seaforth,• Co. fiu.-on, this lit day of December, 1865. . • 'ROBERT -HANNAH. S. G. McCAUGHEY, Solicitor tor Insolvent., 'al 2w Q FRAYED from the premises of the sub - lo scriber, lot 30, con. 314,, Waffhnosh, ahout- the -middle' of June last, two red steers rising- two years old. Came intct the preinises ofthe same aboUt the last of Oct., two steers, One red and the other grey, apparently rising two years years old. The, owner is requested to prove property, , . pay charges and take them away. JOHN BROWN. Wavranosh San. 30. 1866._- le1-34* - * - • 811EpiT11-111LE Or - LLIDO. Ittneed ColintteaOt D'ylvirtne of a writ of ( Huron and Bruce, 1.,." rm.' Focias issued out to wit : ot lder MailtstY'* tPlintY Court of the Un ited. Counties ot Huroa and 'Bruce and w n e directed against the hinds and tene- en's f Jacob Par. the .vounger, at the suit of t;ordon have seized and taken in exe. Wulluaun Wines aid Liquorsr Crockery-. I onion all the richt tale and intere--,tOt the atm de. • fendant in and to Lot istumber thirty in the ninth • sad Glassmire,Faitcy Goods, *cif Oatmeal) 'Cornmeal) Bsekikeat Fleur, Sze., 840. • o . AND COAL. OIL:LANI)b- D. FERGUSON. P. 8.-.-Gootla will be delivered in any part of the town. Gorierich, Feb. Zed, 1866. sw45 GTICE.-Canie into the enclOsura 44 the subscriber, tot 7, con. 8, towns ip 01 _McKillop, about the middle of Nov. last, at. steer rising 2 years. and 'heifer rising 3 • years, both spotted red and whit,e..- The owner is requested to provo-property, pay charges and take them away. - bLARTIN EBERLING. -11cKiliop, J0,2300866, 52-3t concession ot the township of Cu roasvi County of 11 we, containing one hundrt d acres, which -lands and tenements 1 shalt oiler tbr sale at iny office in the Coult. House in the town to Goderieh on. Tuesday the Lighth day allay next, at the hour oft welve of the tdockanoon. • JOHN MACDONALD, . Sheriff; II. da 'Sy S. POLLOCK, Deputy Shea; SaernPs (Mee, Godgrich, 31st Jan..18€6, a - PIA .To illludeited to R. &Go Ft - Stewart, Insolvents. TAKE NOTICE. -I hereby-' forbid any 4, person indebted to the above estate to pig any 'book acccunts or notes of hand given for value, received from such estate._ as any note given or book account settled since the linith day of December,' 1863, shell require to. be paid again to me awarding to the prionsiOns of the Insolvent Att. " • - .jAMES THOMSON, . assignee fcr gait' estate. Goderieli. Jan.1.811, 1866• tw4I 3w A N PROW ITO HOTEL CoColi: (:)1Urr KEEITERS ri-ort T3 A-11 GrAJCIN" S YISJIURKI • DERIC;ff. Nov'entlitir.'27tb, I865. -01L.LANDS IN ENNISKILLEN-. TENDERS *ill be2reeeived until SATITI1e DAY, the TWEN-TY-FOURTH .-.FEB- -RUARY next, _hy this DepartmanaT either sw53 PIANO Tal)140MOs mkt. 7. HEMPHILL, agent for A. ' &_ S. f 'Am Nordhiemet; will -remain et to n for a fevi days. Ail orders left at- Dark's Hotel Will beattendet, to, Orders -, ieceived for Pianos and Melodeens. -Goderich, Jan. 25; 1866. for 1.4easin-2.by payment ot a Bonus in addit- ion ' ion to a -Royalty la money equal to One tenth of the products bf Welts to he soak, or for the absolute purchase payable. in cash loartindisss:ue of 1.at:eirt„-- of the in.nie.rmeutioned S E ' S W-2 N El N W ' of *Lot 8 al a, _ . 9th, Concession. - S .F1 S W N and N W of Lot it 0, 6tli Concession. 6 E ?E, and S W of Lot 8. fOth Coneei- p and S W of Lot 9, •10th ton- Eaeh parcel of land tontains 50 Acres,. and lies in the immediate vicinity of -Oil workiugs. D. S. I. A. Indian • Departinent, Ottawa 25th Januaq 1866 •:„.(Sigireda W. SPRAOGE, sw44wtd. LO" --On Funday evening,28th'inst.., a IJhite--Victorine.; Ary person findma -the saine_will 'please leave it at Hale's Bali. iy r sw44 mvIsIONOQURTS Huron and Bruce. _1 8 B . JANUARY. 22nd; Clinton . ;......; .... 23rd. Harpurhey................. 25th. - Exeter . 30tb.- - YEERIJAE:r, Dunaannon 2nd.- Godetich5th. _WrGxeter 16tb. Biversdale 22d. Walkerton.... 24t Paisley 26th. 28th. - January and, 1866, w49 eatored in my office. 7,AN. LIZARS. Clerk of the Pesfee,-- :Hut on L ../..••••• INSOLVENT ACT1 Gl. In the matter of Robert Stewart andGeorge .10. Stewart Insolvents. IIE uudersigned has been appointii As • signee in this matter; and require claims to'be filed within two months from tb a date. • Dated at Gederich in the Coarty of uron this Sib day of Jannarh A.D. 1866. Swill.] JAMES THOMSON,: ignee Money to Len 1/ Charges reasoned Apply to • (IN Real Estate, at 8 cent and wards., SINCL IR & 1VAL ER, Goderich, 11th January, 1866. 52 3m 1 arm for 8 A SMALL feria- of excellent la ia situatevfacingithe River Mailti within 3 miles of the flourishing V Winebsth, being the south half of 14, on the ninth con. of _ the Tow Turnnerry, containing 40 acres, chopped,,16 acres of which the- stu comeaont. Will be sold cheap for For further particulars apply to if 4 I Fr -out O'ICE. I EltEltY given that applieation will he 1 nuto to the'next Session of Parlisment fOr in Act leaulizing and confirmieran naree- merit betweerethe Grand-Truelettilway Company of Canada and the 13riffalo and Lake Huron ItallwAy Company, -bearing date julYtPh1-81684616w 4. nd .62rm'priff-diel: pnrposes Braittford, y 3 Q' RAY STEER AND HEIFEEL-Ceme • `--7-into the -premises of -the subscriber. lot 6, 3rd con. township of Tuckaramitlit _about the ist of October Inst, a Steer eounug two years old, and e ivhito Heifer rising two yrs old, both are pearly all white, with a --little red round the head and neck. The owner is requested to prove property pay. charges and lake them JAMES KliPATRICK. Ro1,4ervil1e, Jan. lith, 1866. rtw51 ammoisoltirmio• ciATMENTS. MEADSTCNEgs 111 Tomhs, Talile.tops, Posts. ke., of every descrIption and style of wotkmanship, foraithed on shrift noticeond at die lowest prices. Litre, sfl reduction /Tiede fort:ash. . Alt OIDERBITSC7U1IIHTIEN111-16. Designs of Menumeuts, inee t - see* ihe stop: Godeneh Dee. 19, i65. wobt- S'Ili.AY -CATTLE. - (TA Ygt, from the subscriber alwat Sep, m iefrcheelast, 4 rattle. red and white. ,1 piece tot oat of the underside of Ilse left**, of each for it rnrork, 3 of them rminiog2 yeart old, 1 coming three yeani oid. Any itifor.. lei matron That will rata toilieiv tom, will be thankfully received IT _ JOHN 1.- UNTE11, 11"L'' Huron !load, fp. 0' Goderieli. Dee. 18th, 1865. _ .Y47 3t. NOT10Ed - QTRAYED CATTLE ---A white steer riting - a." 2 years old, can:e on the premises of the • subscriber on the 20th September -ma. -The . owner is requested to - prove property, pay expenses, and trite him -away. . - JOHN CSMERON, lot 8. 14 con., Ashfield. -124h January, 1E66. _ a 1014 "81." Nifaated., • - A N arti.ileitclerk 'to no -stfolley. ATV * - La to' • SINCLAIR & WALKER. Goicerich 17th Jan. 1866. w52 nieely lid, and illage of t tylo. .thip of 3 stereo ps will h. JOHN -W. BOW11 N. - • General Agent, Ingham, Tan. 20,1863. •- w52 am FOit SALE OIL TO l ...........•.• • rrt1Wwell .Icnown Jude Farmei t No. 3, 1- 8th con:, E. D.. Colborne. This farm is Within 64 miles ofGodericb, there is 771 acres cleared and a fame house and brim. One 'half is clear - of stumps, and the 4tber half ;front 9 to 4 years clewed, andhas *ever been I, ploughed, there are also a young Orefield of 1158 trees of the best assortment of -fruits t a good well and pump. As to tenni, ke. I apply to , I PATRICK CARROL. Colborne. Nei. 30, 1.86:k. i451 or NT. ' - SHE FL'S SALE OF LANDS United Countfesat aplY virtue of a Writ of Mfiron and Bruee, li Fled Facies issociout • l'o-wit • : of Her Majetity'li" County Court oldie United counties of Huron and Bruce and to me directed' against the lands and tette. ments of John Y °Bride and Samuel Wallace, at the suit of .Wittianataimpbell, I have seized and taxen in Execution all the right title and interest of thesaid defendants in and to lot number -two in. the fourth tomes -ion 4 If the township of triceer. smith, Huron Road, and county ot tinn.re which tan& andlitiements 1 AA offer fir sale at my oilice in the Court House in the town of (ludo:rich, on Tuesday the First day of May next, at 1he hour 011 ATetiri °rifle clock, noon, .1JOHN MACDONALD, - - . -Sherif 11.441. By B. Pi 101,, tlepitty.S.her111; Sheriffs Office, 6oderieb, / - sw42 22nd January, 1866 • S • Skorirs Bale of Lando. . . . unitedoomme:=0, -Dry virtue of .a .wrri or Huron and Bruce, sUIP nen Facies issued out ' To wit; . nf _ Her Majesty,' 'County Court o f t he -United Co -tittles of MUM; and Bruce and to rite directedagaidst the lands and tene- ments of Patrick Moore. at the suit of George Hanoi, 1. have seized -and taken in execution a 1 the right title and interest 'Oahe defendant in and , /0 int number six in the' village of Blythe in the County of Huron. containing one one eturar at' acre with the -buildings thereon,'wineh lands and tenement,: I shall oiler tbr sale at iny office in the Court llouse--ni file town of Toderusboa Tuesday the Eighth Al# of May next, at the hour of t wehre enlie cl°c•JkbnIrlihMACDONALD . _ . 3 Merit', H. 4- ni Ely_ S. Poer.ocx, Dennty Shentf. , Shettlis1/4: ilaainli.ii.eisGb6oti. eratlait , • O ALL WH TOM JT MAY CON.OERL Al'OTICE is hereby gived ihqf applfeatfifir JA will be made by petition to bait BOWS of the Uzi:id:mire at their next -meeting to have the 'Township of Wawanorde in the County of Huron, divided into -two =unite*, palities, try IL line runr.ine nearly north and south, ibetween lots numbered twenty.seven and twenty-eight. -The said divisions to be called "E tta and *" IN est," Vas anal., respeetively, JAS. 4coTT, Township Cleric. Wastranosh, Dec. 20, 1865. w50 2ar' SHERIFt IP. BAIA pr Lamm" Ylcbria Orgaotaii Melo As, At.l. THE DisTERLYT Mistreated Catalogues Free. , • ADDRESS—ft,B. l'oronto or W. 3 . Cox, Esq., Goderich,- who will siip ply -catalogues. vr5111- united Counties or)DY virtue ot 'a -writ ou Huron and Bruce, Ai 'heti Facia' mimed out To wit . of Her Majesty's County Conti of the United Cotinteleof Huron and Brum andto inc directed sganett the lands and "tene- ments ot Joseph &mazer. at the emit. efilurdoelc McKenzie, 1 have seize] and taken in exoeution all the -right title and interest os the rod delen-: dant in and to, lot number six in the fifth ottoces. sion of the township of -Kinlists, in Vie Countyat Bowe.- containing one hundred, acres whit+ lands and tenements 1 shalt offer for sole- at rov 'lace in thic.,ourt House in tit... town of Godeiteit on Tuesday- the Eiglithday of Ma; nex4:81 the_, hour of twelvb of 0'7 elock. noosnhe-. rid; a. et B. -- - JOHN MACDONALD, - h;1.Poreeo01,pepn of $het ti. g:0tie0nd7riohe 3;t4ad166v SIEERI:FE/S SALE 07 LANDS. pi:4T a Meeting of the greet0TIF -IA the Municipality of the Township_ of -Ashfield, will be held at' Finlay's 136001 House, No on Monday Hie 26th of retie ruary next, --at the hour of ten delock ia the forenoon, for the taking -of poll, to -decide - whether or not By -Law No. 1, 1865, passed in ierms of the Temperance Act of 18641 alit repealed. _ JOI/N-COOKE, - Township Clerk. Ailtlield, dad. 30, .1866: : vtl • a.T,o3 a -d h Mk! Tjudersizned wou1d eiptfu1iy 4. form the fa-rmers ef Huron -and &IS, and the public generally that be las Cow *limited the above Itusineat les old staid Ft. David street, and boring now on band an excellent assort- ment of the best matetial be is prepared t0. execute all orders in bis line in a way "thick cannot fail to give satisfaction. • .. -Holing had great esperienee n 44 business, and all work in his aliap being den. - under his perint a! superihtendence, he emit warrant every. artiele made by tont to be of the heat qualitywhile his terms will be found vefy reasonabv. Farmers give tiiirtissistli and see for yourselves. -Rome elitreino and jobb-log 44 al/ kinds strictly attended to. LEWIS ELLIOTT. Capriole Dec., 27tle 1865. ik 4ttf Unitarsounriesi,f isDY villasof it -writ of Huron and Brie Fieri Facies nosed -out - to .3 of Her .Ma- COMA* Court of the- tlintegi. conties or'won rind Brea!, and to Me arieviea ageing the bin* And tenementsol John Morgan at Ilse snit ot Joieph aeheson4 have neix4x1 and token in Exec-111ton all Inc right title and interestofthe said -defendant in and to lot rumber sixteen in the twentieth] enneession af the tiiwnship of .Stephen 311 Owl county of Huron; which lands and tenements IF shalt offerfor sale at mv office -1n the Cotort nes,‘, mirth dRy Apnt next, the hour of twelve at in thetowa of Goderfch,on Tireeday the ta may - ' 1 tee eikleti nee.: JOHN MAC iti)f Liy.B saboar toi.oticer.nes:Deootterichpetv Shtettilt. Itith Jau9y., 1666. 1 sv142 - TS hereby given that application Will lia made tile IleXi seesIons of Porliantent for an Aet to enable the Bade and Lake Huron Railway Company le eapitthsti Vie arrears of jubilee dee by Awes nee, jiihafelfor oilifirwift therefor, sad odor, wise tcramenif their. several Atie of how petstriee. • • Brantford, 1 Jan., 1866, iwiStilat VANEinto 'he remises- of -Tilos. itehreer 13 lot 11, non. 4, &sato, IMMOtillet December, iwe Veer', tWOyestsitber MI6 TO thq otb..r red and white. lie oWnlif 31 1100 uested to pay cliargeiratiti tate them sivisty.. C PROUTY A - Taoist -hip clerk ffiteritedtger, rtieoa,.p. 0. Stephs.n. 15/antutry,1166. w52 - Sheriir siaIIlinds. iiniteiConenerfoiDT anima of a Vreet t Bitten. and Brum, II rim Fselastamial _mat To Witt - of ifin. Majelark Stinattr coirrt oft% trnirea euiltINDes iif Herm smedersime sad to me tlireoted against tee lamb * sees meets of Walter Aimatmfer, at the seitealdhisere Hope, W. B. Isoirreared lasses J.Esasipi binge seised andtabee 111-07.0011.1011 ail tit ristitslide- ' and interest ofthe era defiesdaust ;11 mi'd Akio. Amber Sereitivt the Os* frrecessia I(*. towitthio of tirey.in the ettuntr _...01 giersit_ irMez taining *cc !MAW aeres- wake* ISOM seer tenement* 1 Ala offee tor ;ale et etysiket .14. theceert 1301120 ill the town et GOlielittil Oa Tom*y tee opreverfoarth day «April seat at the hoar of tWelve et the itlock. owe _ _. - - IWO JIA tlt M P. • ' itteref,Ji. Sir Hy S' 'Pollock, Beeelv libels. Sbertirethfice.tiLreleneh 16th Jan. 1866 4mkt ‘4,-