HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-02-02, Page 3e at is. to open. t air& Ea Jul y: • wif..1 with- 1•.:_as soca- erar by afie . . • „usat .0 trt s - wee/. (penId . ti.tunfIest tairay. ieef weee dull :Awl ita flat tee received e who rola. Uttech-oa lieSrerir, 'Li seen -there e arid eeizit sear to- the ea the watch making -ietovincr, tipursuit. - seed of itg roads, 4 4 c3n1-- 'ras rase heard aPprehitte yearefat In die - his arrest.- • ("Aerie we - ea the Water- ts issue. The . aiilaiejers and • e?y, and. tr:e Vetarinary- • Ceuncil, tor ir-3..314. gives a - * 'r • diz disease • the end Ely the 1oc4 aaima* were ei eriod. eret-of -17a pretentative ▪ eled of --the da-. t the attaek, arid rre Tema:mar, ola L rhe recorded - ae tater:eel ta the, Fait, raed thew. td. theie ' 27.-• recovezed., x r'*'S we':e attacked; 12.7 ta 3.1'72 as were' andeter- .re. the azgregatq aac'eed. 73,549; y recovered. r-er teat. of the ri itto tLe accouut . SOO Zory.1 ',a7mArY. Vg -f. the . s...-alinor eased • were _wrecked * Auck4 eta', tae Pecti:c.1 They witiaaat geeiraf xbev • f-ee 'eon* • a --eeee_p.aae ame./ • Frat*.e.wideeene, v.ai Iv served for wh'..elt tley found- te tt.e curtail about tbe • ti,e main depena ic• =Ore 'bat a yetr d at pftte-s- awl tt alatred evigt them et:111' was, aoreey a a E`reaste‘a to Sr' tiee. after his record a., be triote inh.s • nicaiare tor keeping: etion; wchj fitel Stk etS benefitialty teachiag-sehool t•-ayersi and reading - L turfs to the hest of - ;!.iive done dile for - re.ea are all .gettiita f.g and .h-..-arrogthe- caa-rat read yet, fast, and I have fu alonsr,tfitte. mieed to leave the aa New Zea!and,, id thee oniy craft. h they had escaped wa ext eine peril truly Ocean in such a1mLdes,erate.. es et the boat- - te fit her forsea. r 411.- glor,seoted to f.ff, Tie Y reaches' rair, they at: civet tied for their' come _ 'ad brought away. .16,10111glie t▪ aatiree `f./ tog am r bread,. sire apt te.tir Cal 11-ke a,lion-fire n the shaving& E sill 'soon subdue. Nurfailters were aawstraa cusa who that I didn't hair bat rictly ur the Mal- e good Inek-:the e better. we mho. kant ket are hi& he IttrAl.bloW, hat the so witlt the ho�eT man receives ire 'Ore he disey arid it. tt what hi- briS reveek tipork heir hats at .L., - 1 Ovjtt,tie Windt i griatee meant a ices; ion .111•"1 crate tew fli- doins sar y CivRizadtes- re tban iLS ants tar To as ----- ...WwWwWWWWIIMMIMMLII.W.WWww - - - - - 'I he Militia. - We a .1 aotmeetl, a few days si.lce, in ad vance ot all oar_coi.temporaries. Cie it•ter- mitiatani ut the- Cioyerautent to van out fh • seryiet In Lan, and expressed out eoti that the uIjtw;,r, sinipiy to test -the ate t•t the present ini. it i.a system. ilia rre ,o f Montreai. o t ridav last, confirms this vievi. It says :Fiie authotities have 1-1-(:eidej to pursae aef.vety the militia or-zanization. - TLey are 2thout to :ILA oa•the ballot made last year, arid t.t form the ha lotted npin into hat - talions. The ta. unnagding utheers of /telt battallort have already . ham named, and On tne arrival ot his -Excellent:1r the Governer Getteial commissiops: will be Itiven," to the intaty---eadets, its oPtci of companies: These otrieets will 'then take Dr.!, Falls- ant formtheir companiesa attt r which there will, be a. genera! cala:ikout of the service niEtli1. tor one day ()ay, tile 'view of proving. the Value of the piesent system, of oza- ' • . • EStectatur. tIrtrti5r tuIS _ - Tilly, CANADIAN l'AINY1.7.11," 1 is a ITholieine tor the immedime and pertika- nentremove! oi all pain from the system. C'anadian Pain l)eetVoye.- tires 't: lieumat isin. Plettrisy.„ ;Pa ais .tn Ih • Back and Sides. - The egthadg 1.4 Pam Pei:raver • Reieves Pain -ii the Ileal. -and Sick Headache. Tht Can-ydtaul'ain • Thstrat:er .: - Cares Bilious Ce and erauiP in the Stoning+. . The C.1ramitfinn. Pth Deshayer Cures Cliolera,_ Cholera Atorlitis,t1iyi-eutery and • • Bowel Ctimplaitits, • . rr- The Canadia a Pam Destraner - Cares Sudden Colds and Sore Throats.. The CaVatliaa' Pain ,l)estrayer t'ures Bunis,.Sealds, Frost Bites and Scalds•: The Canadian Pahi 1Ye.groyer - I TRY' 11114 ' busmes:s being„viz-oronsty prosecuted ia IIA:ifitx, A Large tritde _with • tile &uthern States is anticipatred.. tird 31ouck is. on his way -to -eanada: It is reporied that he will residesia Montrea1. and that (%1,111net Councils will -he held- there at least tilt the Ire -ming_ of Paniantein. A tullinediii,:r will not he held tilt' leney arrives. • - • &a-, of of Purtstiouth. Ne gazupshire, accorop:ished the feat irk -that City,' last Week, Of welkin!, td& intlee in one hun- dred hours. without 5:ew,comfdeti11i.the task on Satur.day et. un- at 8:39 OVoak. Seaver is flow, as he exprtsseS. " almoaCas pod &anew." This la sr.id to be the first time this fert was ever successfully tindertakert. . laege fire occetrecl it the "Reiiwar Stadon at Lendan °a...Thursday night.. A storehouse and a large amount of cord wood _were destroyed. • Ctiree Neuc„algia, Tic Douloureaux aud Tooth . -The C.ina47,t Pan Ilwrover ls also an exCellent thinIT ;tor Wounds, Bruises, prants and Strains it takes away , all pain the moment it is - NaFamily shook} bq'tivithont a bottle of • THE SEMI-WEEKLY SIGNAL. CHANCERY SALE OF Martate. • with the- approbation, of Robtet John Turner, Esq., account:tin of the said-JCourt, On Saturday the -17th day of Feb 1864) A t twelve o'clock, noOn_the following pro. perty in one lot • - all tlatoapital mesenage or tenement, belief let ntiniber ninety five, and situate iu abourg stiact, inelte said Town of Goderitt, which, Stitt: the premi. oceopted thereattla contain talme_asun emelt erie quarter 01 an acro, ItiOiV or less, as the same is now' in 'the .ftecuprition of Mr George Rumball ; . the said lot is also -known as lot 2, fronting on Light House Peint; Thialioilsejis substantially •built of bi•ick, is in excellent repair, and well •qtritlilied for the residence of arest eeteble farnily The purchaser at the time of sale will be required to pay to the vendor or his solicitor a deposit in the leroportioniof ..f10 for every: X100•of his Purchese nioney, end -the balance liege weeas thei-eilfter with interest, at the' yate of six pe -centum per annum, and upon par neent thereof the •purchaeer will: he en- titled to a conveyance and': to be let-- into posse siari. -The conditiona of sale -,will in all other respect:: be the standing. con ditions of the Court _of Chancerv. . . • a ;Further particulars and conditions of s %le may be had on. 'applicatien; at the law office of Messrs. Crawford & Crianible, • Mieunic Hid], Toro n t o Street, a mon i o ; of 4. If - Gordon= Esquire Gbderieh and of Messrs, Runiball ned VanEveryeand ,the Auctioneer at Gederich. Dated" the ,17th day if 'J a nuary, 1 S6 G. . • , 1.To BE RT J. TURN ER: CRAWFORD & CROM BIE, : - • - . NC -tales Solieacrse w13w I'pursuance of the Decree and Final pi der for Sale, made in a certain- cause pending in the Cotti•t of Chancery -for Upper Canada, entitled " Ross igninst Ilumball and other;. wiltbe sold by Public Aection Iff GEORGE NOON TRUE:1111V, AT MS Art"rION ROOMS, 'IN THE TOWN OF GODERICH .The Canadian' -Pain. Degt,royer! : - - PR10E..-19.5 cents peL Bottle. All orderssbould_ addressed to " NORTIIRET1' - Newea*1.1e.r . .•.'-tottl in tlailertvh by Parker kir -Cattle and ' Jormin, tzardincr & o.„ Bafield, _James • Benthum,Rogerville .1. Pickard: Exeter; I. H. Atethe et-41,1ks Seaftirth:77.dinall itte Dealers. THE GREAT ENGLER REMEDY TILE -3IARKETS. „ • ---- GOtiattiatt • Feb. ° 1866. Sprio Wheat,. (e.e• 110.1 'kali do $1:2.1" (a* 1:30 ti:20 (11: 4;23 HOU' -5:00 tit Barley „ 0:10 „. 6:45 • *Oa 0:374, 'te. 040 Sheep. . 4:00 (0 • SIR JM AES -CLARRKS Celebrated FeniaIe Pf.116. Prtpared front- a pres'eriptityt of Sir J. Ciarke,ALD.;Physicictn Extraordinary 'tic) the (inecn v .- fiils inaluable medicine is in- the cure of All tlittic painful' and dancermis di. -.i'- to with+ Ihe female con-4411E4M is snlijet•i. It modees- ratall-excel:land removes all obstructions, ant4i speedy fore may be relied on. - MARRIED LADIES ire peenliarty rilitekt. 1 %via, in.a short Dine, bring on the monthly pei od With. tegularity...', Eaeh bottle; prive- Otte Dollar, rs lie Oov-" efign ient tIattip of -Great 'main to prevent cotni- .,4E 1.• 4. .4 4! 4! Park Vt•S • • 6..11 -(0 0-0a elteef.. - Ildee careen) ...- Rutter . - Potatoee ood.. _ Day, new• ton . Turkies: 5:00 at_• 5:50 .1 - ThAtre Pilis•-ghfittid not he taken tirPrIalee dn rinr, the! FIRST TIIREE qr Preg,- itaney:, tlzry are -sure to hrtng bat at anit other tinte theyare safe. a tn- aft cases of -Nevem... laud Spinal Afflictions: Patus:jn the Ftack and Limbs, Fatte.ne .sfight •xurtion, Palpitation ef the_fleart, flysteries a (Id 5:00 - 0.00 I, 0:20 (it. 0-.23 - 1:73 (*te, - 2:25 7:00_ (it - 0:60 - . 0:874- 1•11."8,0••wri.-41-marlies a:15 (ii: '0:18 • • X -C111 4bbretisrments. 1,t' kites...these Pil!s= will effect a mire when all t ,ther means have failed; and ulthouch a f ower - tor renletTy, do not co.ta in iron. "eato_niel1off- many, or attettior, hurtfurte Ine.constaii eon-. Full directions in the- reitriewet around each package, which should be ea tetiilly ph' uCCM': - Sole agent for the Unned-Statcs-and. Canaglas, JOB iSIOSES, Rochester, N.Y. N. B.-51.00 and su po,tazesstainp,s, erielosed to any authorized agent win-ht.:au:re a bottle con- taining fifty -Pills by return miartr NO RTHIMP & LV'M AN, _ eweastle, W., general agent lort'atiada. rt- Solti Gotimich by Patker -& Cattle end Jordau - Gai.diner or Co., Eityfiekt ; ' J Motet; Ben tint ta ,7Et vkile ; .1. Pickard, Exeter J FI ombe; .t..-ntort ;. klickson, Sdatorth, and all Nleditnie Dealers- vr3S7.1y Grtfueili fid Ftuisitia' Store, HAV1NG tented and fitted -up the store 4.4. lately occupied by' A. 1:=. Bush, for the above business, 1 am no W prelared to furnish . .- ..Ian -lilies with Crocertes and. Provisions which I shalt sett at the Lowest Cash' prites, nour and Peed- kqtt constantly art bun& : A share ef.yuer patrcita;e tvill be thai k - fully received toter faithfully iittereled to. Wines and Liquors,. Crockery - and Glassn-are,Fancy Goods, Cornm_eaL Buckwheat: and flOurf Sze., -&e. a 0- .43.14. "1:,..L.4 - • -; AND: Ills- i!ireltni2elentd-n-lerntis1 864 and li In -the 77tatter of aciro2zaj an In sole en t : HE undersigned" has been -appointed as signee . this , matter, and - requites claims:to be- filed within two •mouths -from this datea .; . - Seaforth. Ca, Ileronapth Jannarv. 16. WILLIAM N WATSON • I ' • C. , ASSISee; 55. 7 wl • i311,0tiMS-' POUND. - • _ • COAL --OIL LA1VE,Pb D. FERGUSON. - _ -.rill he delivered in afiy patt ot the town. • • -Goderielr, Feb. tad, 1360. sw45 MONEY -TO 'LEN Oa the best terms. -Apply to .1._ Y. - • -11artit,te:- sti-13 Opposite the I:70st Qin e, GeIderieh.: . • - - • - _A Fl.. -LL ASSORTMENT of all styles and -Die _Ames of Malik.- Books, made of -best English paper, comprising DAY BOOKS, _ LEDGERS, JOURNALS, CASU BOOKS -MIN UTE ROOKS. IV A1 F. BOOKs, IN1t1t*Ki-, -PASS BOOKS a. POCEE r riFig;ERS. - 31EMOILINT)01 BOOKS. ocKiirr.D1A RIES' aud METALLIC llOOKS, - - 'Very cheap for Cash. - SUBSCRIPTIONS Receitikd for any of the Englieh or Ainerican Reviews, -Periodical's and Newspapers at Toronto vete* _ AT THE t SIGNAL %OFFICE. jam -160866. • NOTICE: -,-Carne into the encIoeure ot the subscriber, -Ica 7, ,40t1. 8, township of MtKilbate, about the middle of Nov. last, a steer rising 2 years and a heifer risin,e• at years, both spotted red and -white. The owner is requested to prove property, pay . charges and take them sway. - MARTIN EBERLINGe • Jan. 23rd, 1866.• *a. 52 3t . • Reliv; in Ten Piinute't . 'Ne-- A "IC'S • .WAPULMQNIO Ft s . 'The most certaia 8,1(1s(leetly remedy ever discovered for alt disea.sesof . Chest aiid= Longs, Coug-hi, Colds, Asthma, Consumption, Broil- chitt_Influensa, lloaiseness, Dibicatt Ifreathing, gore Th:roat, 4 -et These Wafer,. give'the most nistantancotizaml per - feet re let -At -to persevered with in.cording to directioi u -vvir fail to efil!.t a rapid anti [t,.tjlt.icurr Thou.sands have been restored to perfect health. 'who have tried - otitt r means in vain. To ractalses and al com.titntions th...y are a lite.s.ing Mut cure—notte need despair. tto nee fer how long the disease may have exi-;tsdor luiw sc.. ere it May be., pinvided the organic structure ofthe vital Organs is not hope essly decayed. Every one afflicted shookd givethem an impartial ' TO VOCAL4STS .(k:PU3LIC SPEAKERS these 1W -ors are peenliarry valuable; _duly will in one -dav reinove the tang geepre oreasional itoarseiles and .tio:ir refridar teFe for a -few days wilLoit ail times. in- creaSe t!le isr.ver and 'intlexibility (1 the voice_ ....platy truptelfJar: itil tone:, rout/ass. and clearne.s. foriillich purpoic they are regularly ,used by many Prisfess1o1I1 Vt.i(Onfili'll'OSES.s:ile P . roprietor, Rochester, N.Y. . Price 25_cents pertuor.. , . Vocalisfiand Public Speakers Vocal sis.and Public Speakers - • _ Vocalists and Piddle Speakers II ill Fin] Bryan's Wafers W'ill find llryiiii's IVitfers Will find 1;rs-an"s lrafers ritvalimble to remove litvithiaLle to reinove Invaluable to remove , Iloarceness and Sore Throat . lioarseness :old Sore Throat . • Boar -elms -a and sore fhroat And give clearness to the Vi ice-. And give elearne3k to the Voice, . . And give clearne?s to the -Voice. . • • They relieve in ten minutes. _ They relieve in ten iniMiles. They relieve in tea minutes Coughs. Colds_ mann diseases . Coughs:Colds. and ail diseLses'. - Cough Cold all diseases' - ' - (lithe Chest and tu :lb. . • Of the Chest and -Lungs.' 7 01 the Chest and Lute's. :01(11,y all Druegists, _ c . . . Sold.by all Druggist& told by all Drugg,ists, .At. 25 cents a Tioir At 25 eentsn box. .14-25 cetera bets- • -NOrthrtip & Lyman. 'Newcastle -• General Sa..E111F.e SAiar.; LAPit.uS. trinteciComitiesor ur Y -virtue of * writ ot ;Yawn . of Her Majastrs-. tIonnty 111.1fOR and Betme, .1.) Fieri Facias issued out Court oftfie United Cot/Intel of Fitiron and Bruce and tome directed !garnet the rands and tenc- meats ot Joseph Stneltwer. at the suit-cf Ifiiii-cruck McKenzie, 1 have seized and taken in execution all the right Otte and interest ot the said &few: dantia and to lot number sl in the- fifikeonees- slow of the tovilishipot Kintoss ia Sae County Of _Brune, containing one hundrect,aeres, which taildSand tenements .t shalt offer for sate at my office-iii•the toad Rouse in the town of Goderich .4 Tuesday the Eighth clay of May itext,:at the hourof twelve ofthe clock, noon.. -: - JOHN lilACl/OR.4LD.: Sherie,11.&13. Ety S. foratenr,Deputy.Shertlf. - gsaerig'sOffit;e. Godencli, Stst 1860. = Sheriff's Sale of Lands. .. t itnitedGountiesol lay virtue of a .writ or Huron and &nee, _Lk -Flirt Facia& is.sued out ' To wit: _ of Iler blisiestra County ' eourtofthe Unitede&intiesolliuronandBreee and to rue directed against. the lands and tede- limas of Patrick -Moore, at the suit of George. Itoilaal, (have seized and taken to execution all - the eight attested interest of the defendant is and to lot pumber six ifs the village of Blythe in the igs County ot Huron.k !naming oneline quarter of acre with the lautdi thereon, which welts and tenement* I shalt o rti,tr sale at tu. y Ofice in the Court Uctuse.in the town of joderich oil Tuest14 thelEighth day of May next, ILL the Nair An, -twelve of the clock, noon. • - JOHN' MACDONALD 2 . , -.. - ; _,,-7 surge, ,lf, 4- Bi' . By S. Poaroca, Deputy Sheriff. . • - Sherid's Office, Goderich, 0. 31st Jet... 181:4- ‘- i ' Agents for the Canadas. pae,sold m Goderich by Parker & Cattle and 1: Jor- dan; Gardiner & Co., Ilayfield ; Jas. Henna. zs. Roger - J. Pickard.- Exeteri Lombe, ' Clinton ; E. Diekson. Seaforth, and all medietne, dealers, 3A -38-6m SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. United Counties of BY virtne of a writ of Ha - a 1 Huron and Brave. Fled Facuts limed out to wit:of Hee Majeltv's Countv Court ot the United Comitiea of flinim and Bruce, and 16 me diret•ted against -the lands and tenementeot John Morgan at the silo ot Jose -ph Acheson, L hare seized and taken in Execution all tne right title and intereetofthe said defendant in and to lot number sixteen in the twentieth. concession' of the township of Stephen _in the County of Huron; which lands and tenements- 1 shalt offer for ale at rim office In the coilit House in thetown id Godericiabri Tuesdav them enty- fourth, day of Apra next, at the hour of twelve or - the clock, noon. ' • . JOHN AIAGDONALD, . - Sheriff H.& B. By& PottocxeDeputv Sheriff. Sheriff's -Office, Goderich, I -- lathatan'y., 1866. 4 swat- -- 81111111FF.1 SALE OF • 'ANDS. United Count -es -pi -Ell Y virtue. of a. writ of 1 Huron andl3ruce, 11 Fieri Facies issued out to .evit : ' - of Her Majesty's County Courtot the United Counties of Huron and Bruce and to lite directed against the - lands- and tene- ments of Jacob- Part the younger, at the suit of webee, Carden,' have Seized eat takes mexe. cation all the right tide and -interest of the tellede; tendant in_ and to Lot Number thirty in the ninth coucesstort ot the township ore Cutroas in the CoentrofB tice, containing one hundnal acres, whichlands and tenements 1 shall offer foe sale atmyciffice in the Court *louse in the town' of Goderich on Tuesday the Lighth day of May next, at the honr et twelve of the clock, noon. - JOHN MACDONALD. - _ Shenti.11. & B Sy S.Potoocx, Deputy Shenl; " SheriesOdtcsaGoderallt, / 3Ist Iiin..1866. - 1 . . , ;I11E patty who lost -a numlier of - broome 1 nearGoderich, can hove - the same by calling at A. Black's Fletel. proeing property. aiid payilig. for this iidl:ei tisement. .._ • Goderich, Jan. 25, lai60-. ." • - wl 3t - . , . . . , e onset' rate. of the "United State" o'.1. - -r , . • A iittektea. .. • 1)I1,'S la 0 'X' ill 1..... Office boura from 9 o'clocki a. M. AO 3 . o'clock! p.iii. -.- 5- . - ..... , • z sumzirr's SKLE OF LANDS , .. . . .. . Milted Counties Of Y virtu- of a'Writ . ot ' To Wit: ..- 1,oti,Bei . Majesty's' County Court of the United 'Counties of fluton. and 8i u* and to inc directed aeabist --.;the lands and .teneine:nts ef aeorge gear. and %Nesbit Bifigar, at the su it.ot James Dall, I have seized iiiid t sten in Execution all.the right; title...Apw o! inrest of the said defend -era pi 'and to : fhe south -West. ooiner of lot Number one, in theTeighteeitth con- cession of the Township of Ore',, ecntaining (me - i -mil acre of lend with • the buildings, thereon ereeted;and known as BiegarTs: Tavern ; which .landa ae and tenments i shall ofr fer fo'sale at my. °thee iii the Court Hu cse,- in the Toivii of (ioder Lc+ on 'Tuesday, the. fi rst day of May next, al the.: .„ hour OfTWelVu of the cloCk, noon: - Elfiron and7Bruree, -Fier( .Fat•ta issued -out JOHN. MACDONALD 4•1;.. She-riti's• thrice. alr_d Janale66. Inaolvent Act of 1861 , Province of Canada', jIn-the•Cottrity Cceirt of United Co unlit a of the'lhited Counties ot ,. Huron and lai tree. ti u roil and .Bruce. .,. In the matter of John Maclean; of Te6, , . . ivater, an Insolvent, rH E undersignedhas fileda consent bylA, L -ersAitors'to his discharge, mai on Fridaii the 30.111 day, of March nextehe %tall apple to the Judge of the said Court "ffir.a confirma. Ilion thereof.- " - JOHN-MAfaLEAN, , by his :attorneyIed 4tent, W.F. FINDLAY.' Ilannilton 17 Jimuary 1866 "iv52p2in _ Insolvent -Act of 1864 antl'Amehdinent. -THE creditors of the undersigned ore notifi ed 10 -meet at 'the office of S. G. Mc- Caughey, solicitoraSeaferth. Co.: Ifirgni On Tuesday,,the-13th-dey, of Fehrtiary, 1866, at one of * clock; noon, for the- purpose aif receiviiile, statements of his affairs` andof naming air assignee to whom ..ne may make an tissif.rptnent under the above/x:4„ . Domiciled at Seafortha Co. Hurene .this 1st day of December, 1865. • - - ROBERT HANNAH. S. G. MoCAUGHEY, Solicitor tor Iiimlyena. wl . SrRAYED from the premises of the sub.- scriber, Ire 30, con. 3rd, .Wawnoost, about the middle -of Jane fast, two red steers ristrig two years old. Came into the premises ofthe srune.ahout the last of Oct, two steers, one red and the othergrey, apparently rising two years old. The owner is requested to prove property', pay charges and take them away. • - JOHN -BRAWN. • Wawanosli, Jan. -30. 1866. - w1.61.* Dissolution. THE Partneraltip . of Knell, --Hutton & fiitcloe is hereby dissolved, as Hutto and Ritchie have left. The busiuess will be cariied on by the undersizned as formerly. FREDERICK KNELL. japtiaty 11,1866, • , w51 3t`o To All Indebted to R. A G. F. __Stewart, insolvents.. TAKE NOTICE. -I hereby forbid any person indebted to the above 'estate to pay any book acccunts or notes of hand given for_ealue received from •stich estate, as any note given or bookaccountsettled since -the with .day of.December, 1865, I shall require TO be paid again to me aceording to the provisions of the Insolvent Act. . - •.- SAMES-THOMSON, . Official assignee for said estate. Goderich-Jan: 18th- 1866. sw41-3w NOTICE. r HEREBY forbid any person from credit- ing any of iny family or any other person: Whatever • without my' written older, on my account, is I will not be regponable therefor, from this date, J. ROSS, Shoemaker. Godard: dan.12th 1866. • fv6i-3t 0011 SKIER ir-It 4U.'111Em Mil WALK ins..r3E4 THE SUBSCRIBERS Save now on hand at the • SCOW H . :A LARGE A$SORTMANT OF v. Ladies' and MiStie WOY31) and Coide Heap -Skirts purchased before the -rise and forst& vericheap. AS it is the wish-lof the subscribers to close off thie branch of their business, freM tine- .date they will sell at prime e0§t their entire stoek of Overcoats Sack and Frock LOrittS Pants VPsts Smits 1 1 ufl c.i.evvss ztc., :D. 1EERR, JR., SE 00. 18tb Dee 1865 Insolvent Act: of 1864., New MON° Works' A lexanderVeKen Daniel L. Silts, Defendant], A WRIT OF ATTACHMENT has issuedi In this cauie.- JOHN MACDO-gALD, Sheriff's Offlir‘e, Godern+, 4treriff'".&.: U. • 20itt Ja ley., 18 6. AL sor42-2w TAVERN STAN N THE TOWN OF GODERICII. Pollock's W3.27C01.1112 Wiff, A. Air. 0-ohnst0its o NUM ENTS, HEADSit NES, ?,1411_ • , . Al Tombs Wile -tons Posts 4ILe.9 of every description aid st)le of evoiltmarstup, fnrinshe.d on short notice and at the •Iostest prices. e i, Libetal reduction madeioreasb. GIGS 41.1.IN1tF 111. Designs of Monuinere.. •inny be Ceto slop. • ' Tice. 19, l865. stir lyr THE tavern -lately occupied by it Beggs, — on the corner or Kingston And Victoria I stteets, (part of the Allen Estate). will be $171 Ai cATTLELL leased. for e terareafrars.. Aphpyeatouirs. , • A.' ALLEN, a- • • • GEO. CO • X. e - 81RA YED o in the' subscriber about Sep- Goderich, Jan. 23, 1866.. IY52 tember fast, -1 cattle-1.4'mA white. --A piere out out of the underside of the It•ft ear _ of each fOr a mark, 3 of them runniugn2yeera old, 1 crunitig three years eld. Any infore matron that %bill lead to their recoverer atil be thankfully received by - -JOHN .T. IIUNTER, . • Huron Road, fp. . Dee, idth,1865; w47 -3i' ' . O present stock of Boots and Shoes•will be offered at cast ptices Up to -31st trisaa to Make w room for afresh SuPply. . - • • Goderich 18th Deeemlieri 1805. KER,R, T H E SUBSCRIBEA, BENG- ABOUT• LANDS_ ---r-c7.17.k1T7r- • .?"717_,_r •7. 17ARMERS and others desirous of pima -Is - l. ing Lands, are informed that the Canada . Conipany hare _ Lan:s..to Sell or. Lease In various parts of the Provinee. The Company woeltdie.spaotif iculaaly invite at •on to t - • tentiheir WILD LANDS in the -Coati. 1 ce0A7SIdI,aocro antrainlysi.dseoraffibleee,: ,sumdown ., I . 520 ain' 111URON AND PERTH , • which will be disposed of on liberal terms to parties who may be prepared to pay ,,JN to, 19th Deo'r, 18be. j EWE, ODERICH) 1\To-vir PRESENT N • UJH .404:301-K . OICIrJV GoDEPadii,Npvember--2,7m, (805'. • . 1.1PERS II.A. w53• • OIL LANDS IN,ENNISEILLEN. TENDERS will be rei.eived until SATITIle DAY, the TWENT-Y-FOURTIJ FEB: RCARY next, by this 'Department., eitber for Leesinz by payment of a Boa -us ioaddit- ion to a -Royalty in -money equal " to: one teeth of the products of Wells to be sunk, or for the absolute purchase payable in cash on• issue of Patent, 'of -the undermeetioned lands S W N- I"; 41, of Lot 8. 9th,‘Coricessione. - - SE, s w t and N W of. Lot tO 6th -Concession. • . 5-E and S W of Lot 8.1.0th Conces- sion •;•• S E land S'W of Lot _91 -1 -0th Con- cession. - = Each parcel of land Contains 50 Acres, and lies in the immediate vicinity of Oil- workinge.: • - ° .(Signed,) W. SPRAGGE, D. S. I. A. Indian Department, , e Ottawa, .25th January, 1866. sw44wtd.; • 1.14S 11. -On Fawley- evening, 28tb inst.., a White Victorine. Ary person finding the same will please leave it at Hale's Bak- ery. ' ew44 • • :siolsT COURTS °.Huron and Bruce. 1 6 '8 :TANti.A B.Y'e Bayfield.. -..-............. :22nd. --_ Clinton .. . 23rd. 25th. • . Exeter ................... 30tb. _ . FEBRUAlirs Dungannon ............. • Goderich :...... Wroxeter Itiversdali • - • •• • - • • Walkerton -............- Paisley. ... January 2nd, 1866: a As entered in my office.. AN LIZARS. Clerk Of the Peace, a Huron & Bruce. - PLANO 17113.1k1fIN wrIt. Z. HEMF'HI agen! fat A-. .41; . S. LTA- Nordinemer, will remain "in town for a few days. -Ali orders left at Thtyk's Hotel will be attended" to. Ordeis re-deived for Pianos andk Melodeonsa .Goderich, Jun. 26, 1866. aw43.- • 1 INSOLVENT ACT 1864-. . , In the matter of Robert Stewart it AGeorge F. Stewara_Lisolvents. - - - •• THE undersigned has been appoented As. sienee in this matter, and require claims to be tiled within two inonths from 'this date. Dated at Goderich in the County of Huron, this 8th day.of January, A.D. 1866. w413 JAMES THOMSON ;Aseignee STRAYED STkE (IAMB into the premises of the s hseriber V &eer, 2 year old coming 31 Bed with *bite belly, and star en...foiebe.A . ny e person having lost the above wi 1 please prove property, pay expenses, and take him away•. - - ' . . 1 - • WM. MODOUGALL k Ili ' - Lot 17, 3rd cola, lac email • Jan. 150)1.1865. ' I W5I. 3e 1 ' - • • Money to _Lend, , N Real Estate; at 8 per Cent and opwarda. Charges' negotiable. Apply tot . _ SINCLAIR & 'WALKER, Godericla 17th January, 1866. w52 3m axin for. Ba 2nd. . 5th. I A SMALL farm of excellent lan nicelY . 16tha .-ri situate, facing the River -Mail nd, and . '22d." within 3 miles of the flourishing V liar of . 24th.- ' Wiagbam, being the south half of Lot No. . 26th. 14, on the ninth -con. a the Tow ship of w 4 a . ii ch_ For poper further lthe6 L .28th. - Turntierry. containing 40 acres, 3 acres JOHN W. 130WMAY. , acr par". rt:n1:inershpotb13yetostil-1 will ! come one. Will begoldcbes for h. iJan. 20, 1814. •' in -52 312 - General_Agenirliqatatair, . . - . ------- To the lanicipalEleeters of the ToUrn- ship`ot WAWANOSII, VOTIe-.13 is hereby given' by the Municipal Couricilof the said T�wnship-tliat 5. By - Lane to repeal a certain other By Lew passed by the -said ISIiinicipal Council on the 16th day of January, 1865, for the enforcement of the Ternierince Act ot 1861, will be enbmit- ted for their approval in terms of the said Temperance Act of 1864, ,en Friday the twenty third day of. Febimaey next" at the School House on lot. No. 27. coucession 8, in the.said township, at the heir of tenirethe forenPon. ..,TATS.0•SwenpoTeTle,rk wattodi Dated at Weevanosh thisl6th day -of Janly, A.D. 1866, I TAKE NOTICE 11HAT a Meeting of the Municipal Zlectoni of die Municipality of the Township of Ashfield, 1 will be held at Finlay's School' House No. 9 on Monday the 26th of Feb -I nary neat, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, for the inking of a poll, to decide Whether or not By -Law No. 1, 1865, passed ID terms of the Tempe ance Act of 18.641 be repealed. - JOIN COOKE, •I Township Clerk; Ashield,lan. 30, 1866.- • wl FOIL SALE OR TO .IWNT. :- THE will known Judge Farm, lot No. 3, I Elth_ eon., E Colborne. This farm is within -61 Miles of.Goderichl there is 774acresi cleared, anda f-ame house and barn. One1 half it clear of ittnituS, and the other helf: from 9 to 4 yeats.c.hopecl, and has never been . ploughed, there are also ,a_young-orehard .of 158 trees- ofthebest assortment of fruitsi a good well and pump. • As to terms, A.C.1 apply to • - - • • PATRICK -CARROL. -Colborne. Nov. 30 186ra - w45dm 140110E. 81gRE:YgiventhaPP1itiri te1..deto 1e next SessitnofPTrlim tfor an Act legalizing and confirmirg an agree- nient made between the Grand Truak Railway Company of Canada and the Buffalo and Lake limn Railway Companyabcaring date the seventh day of July, 1864, and for other purposes. - - • Itrfintforcl, Jannary 50,1866. - w2m50 NoT'd-E' eciTRATED CATTLE -A wkite steer ri-Ling Y. 2 years came on the premises mole: aubscriber on the 20th S.eptember last. The owncr is requested to prove property, pay expenses, und lake him awey., - : JOHN. CAMER0N. - lot 8;14 Celia -W,D.,_ Asidield/ 12th January, WA se • Wanted- - I A to an AA. . ' - SOX/1AM* WALKER, Goderich 47th zxn..11366:. nfii.lat • TO AL1 W11014 IT MAY CON - BEIM NOTICE is hereby give1. that application . be made by petition to both Houses of the Legislature at their ritxt meeting to have the Township Of Wawatiosle 'the • County of Hilton, Jdisided into -twe hy a line running nearly north-- and - smith, between frts- -numbered -tweet; -seven and twenty eight:The said divisions to be tailed "East" and " llest Wavieneske ,respecately, JAS. SCOTT, Township Clef*. - Wawanosla Dee. 203 11$65. - vyli02ta wiLLIAm,s Victoria -Organ Metotent IN ALL MIX DIMEREXT STYLES; • Illustrated Catalognee-Treo. ADDRESS-li. k William's, Toronto* OT W. Cox, Esq., Goderieh, who will Ayr ply cataloguei. nit fl‘tfr• 41/013Air ft HE Uncle/signed would respectfully In. form the the 'farmers of Huron and Brea* and the pump generally shit hos has epos- inelieed the above Sesinise - At his old stand SU 14114 street and hiving now on hand Ai excellent assort. !sent of the hest mateiiil he Is prepared tt, execute all orders in his line ill 41$ way srldelt - cannot fail to Rive satisfasition. Having had great exponieWea Otis businegivind all work in his atop ttitt gdone under his personal -superinteedeue0; east - warrant everyertiele made by him 'to bo of the best frailty, while taus will he llama vely reasonable. Farmers give hiM a call I and see for yourselves. N. R.-Itorse shoeing and jiabitiog ot-ik kinds strictly attended to. LEWIS ELLIOTT* Godetich, Dec, .2,7413, 1865. 'Yr491f 110:TIUS I • TSIereby given -that application will br •I• mode tbe next melon Parlisment foran Act to enable the -Buffalo and Labe Huron Railway_ Company to capitalize thet arrears of interest due by tbein, by issuing new shares or otherwise therefor, and other- . wise to amend their several Acta of bean: poration. ' Brantford, 1 _Ian., 1866. siv.38 "Ita TRAY HEIFER.---:Canie Into the ?rem- . ses of the subscriber, _ithutlandvilkti : aleent middle of 'December lama a red Auld; !_white htelfer, one year old, The. owner - please prove property, payehargm, and takir her away.- ' • TH S.43ILDERS: 0- • ' ' ¥aitlanivifle,Jan. iStb, -6. --•Se5I TRAY STEER AND HEIFER. -Came into the premises of the subscriber, lot 6, Ulcer). ticknship of Tuckerginitlit about the 1st of October tasks Steer 4ounug two years•old, ands white Heifer rising two yrs old, both are nearly all whit., with a little red mad- the bead and neck. The °wile; is requested to prove property pay charges and tak them -away. - - . JASIR'S KILPATPCK. '.. 11odgerville, Jan. Ilth,1866. - 311tw51 ('AME into the premises of Thos. fleddefi„ ,.11 Jot- I/, eon. 4, Stephen, sometime ta (December, two steer', two years off, one 'mod the otter red and white. The owner is re - :quested to pay tharges and lake them away.. • V. PRVIITY, Township Clerk, Steoltiale , Deno% - Stephen 15 January, 1866; 'w523t SHERIFF'S SALE OF ;LANDS I.- Sherif! 8.Snie eirands. ulateec,00etkaa,i By vnine of a , writ at rutted Conetieeot 111I)Y virteit of a Vrrit MI '. -- Huron and Bruce, . Fieri facies isstied out Hewn and Bruce, - 12 riertfaenisisened mit To wit: of Her Malady's County Court ofthe Unita -counties ofiluton and Bruce i icanifTo Wit: ofHer alajestre r,oeaty. t of thellaited craintiesof Hume Lai and tome directed _against, the -lands and terie-1 and to inc tikecied -against the leads *ad itle - tlinheenStr OjrChWaiiSILBnarCalliaPbendRimn11,1llethair sealifzedacelasiat .1: illloeP021"w°11;:ritteibeajtnirieractiMeal at Ile- ill."1"44:41/611"41111; 5 isurgtheen sainia9ttefeeDindaiOltnisaliniTabendlitgbo totiinuide :beudritnwtcretao in I lananiaatialinterestandtaorkenthentme.airtiosaereitiantall 'lain and we th'Utnt IOTI TOeStle.Y.:Tbo First day eirlfay next, at tfuteitbeCattaffbaba hi tbe I0011 a Ckalierial ** Ih011rottAerf-e-Ogibeeloelk.nObn. - ' Tao*, aterlawataalentli day of_Apvit ant a ..fficitahnee.efsojuarinnattitite.coenemeoneuesrin:oroauseiothf;tlielib;wwern:fii;'rpas.oftladenact7tnez- I. yi:::::emaisumbourfil: egrzetaeeivraiseTtokaleaupcii:redairorthoteiliesas'iorf:e:sicial7*.nne6"ks%::10011:41::yzelsciind::parstthIff-.4 smith. HUT014 Road, aad.countv el Hurun; which' tawnabia of Urea/ fa the county of Hare* rose JODY' MACDONA Me lle 8 ?elect. Depute 'Fre a:ff. ftlfZIOliance.:Ct:iiodPitch $w42 ' A . , JOHN MACDONALD, Sh,rsfIf 4.3. 13y.S. Pa4lock,Dept4y.Sitrrall • SireIrs °Mee. 6e4erph. 22:13 Ja:..tud.ryi • -