HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-01-30, Page 2• if . • Se, _ . *tmiagt GVERVIra • TILE SEMI-WEEKLY'SIGNAL. . • C'orners I'ort. Perin tltrtrIgh Sauget'e and inconvenience and further. simplify the - Burns A ttnlversary ttt 0.. on the tieWir line between .13ruee aed wa f • t, • 7 • San_4e.eti. - Referee it and Comm, beuee. I -30E11, 1t1.16 . cimmy o sc too novel nmen ie pro The one hundred and seventh Miniver aryl. iteet nember utotione -by 1.1ruee mem- posed to do away wad these numerous. of Seetlend'i poet, Robert Borns.; was ce e• t"r "PPrt'''rE"n" s'Arns. titml little:Corporations nee/ establish one. board bentetLby u supper at MrseDrysdale's Tavern, areitt 1..if various:- Jittt-A Of r-oad, tve•e reikl.'-flir each t°u1181111): enws an1-1.4"ns;.; satile blue; r°‘YuOiliP °f Statile)", !°'1 tbe _ letie•C Olavel Beetd. -Feed for -the ittr..rote • • . t rerita to --the 14eid end %Midge- tVbile •the svetom at present in .foreo in I e‘. entne ot the -eth .tilt. °vet o0 centlemen ttie- Btu e but -s tied coniusitite dal townships est stilted to cities.. atede towns- frofn _Stan Hey end 1.'ifelterstnith sat . ot tie- V 0 I, I: ME. intn • • • "Tint. ""1.>"4' '"tt ‘r4:4ttl'sf-lt ;n`rili the sehoole were -of -a vOry inferior clutrac, d nvn to it splendid suppere Let. tip'ein 'Mrs. • he Cettrael n ;tit nine d. . , t but si ce the -idefition Of the new plate Dqsdale's beat s le. That she was•an old begins the Sheet entli Volume, and the Mr. ilani'm wee -settee:et to advet tise la vaet improvement, is observable. eleoteli matron Was sufficient- guarantee that IrsElar Stteext. for this week s Cep iv. 11 • • . . i nal is new in its•nineteilitI iear ee tetricts ha ir.atil tz inat porttOn ot ty. E ota _ ,..... . our t, t t , 9- , it wou d be -a rea 1 , naturel affeir ; and, a. _ - • - lto.d r:t4•44.-P- tilt' '11.-t It ' W. t4w".514" Of I i:qw. i eVerYllare"-cilUldieie;CI-lii aWil sch°o1; ; Ilitggis., c* great chief - - the -puilding,race" cristttnce. - We inn d only sae aitli refer- : . le i, -- . • -.!..- • - - -4. ntia eitu send his -children into a retell- - • . - . . . . Wee to the pastAhat.the now ''-et11 tf.i, - • -N-reiv-od,h! I- . ‘70 ,` t F -C hY Mr -al, 7-ez31.13-, boring township without the meonventence - - - ? , . - Ample justice - havtn4 been done to the ince but one - boinel for each township • - •-• - • - as a matter of course frrit nd- the board. I" has ev ,r• been iifet-itilie I with t1.0 • th`tt-thr s"" - t!! at-teuding union eelmols.- r ave 'Jere! gro.wmg. interests littrea utia Droe,'..- the sheato 170. I..Jet en. a divisien • - huee-panch how of to( dy brewed and an that«it hits etnittibuted 'a -majority Of tao. - • , e • enthusmstic Mitt intelligent -company of .aa- " The reperis armor eipinoitteee were r-ead t d tney are u excessive • tiiicisti,szletitt,titip4;e)sed p_arts o twoymanierp;a f . - , it, shath to elle petit:le:sit, ;that ititeitigene t if: -, do .1..wey with these noions. irers ie. bar set -and adellted. . rt eq 3 on own to eb oy ie „ • wall -loaded table, -the cloth WaS:reinpveli -two - • - areaw Nit I.eans-Ites inetioa in ret .1.ent ... m able to zet over the.'clifte ty of see- - f 1. ' 1 • -• • :Obi ter. The :lierne histrumental bend had • dip: volunteered Their .serviees `for the uhieh nee are .surreundtet mere On se`eition nr. Lee -lite tbe Chuneil , and establish one hoard yob. get of the s - 1..ty the presetit iit,.tor towai-ds e :day of Joee next. recant.; them. have' thouolit it would evening, end occupied a euintnatiditw It by. • j• ur.hed to inset ii the 1 lift ....e.e.eewe reees; end the diffieulty Of _eol- Avordz* cart eXpresS th-e gratttn=ic - _ , kind frilais mho ',have -cheered- him on .ft niust at-du:ins undertaking, and , u _ pains or expense wed be fletred t.t.? rendiv • fayor of. having distinct. boards for the' Anderson 4- ".5! ikt yerson. Intsy With the Jair faine of- au • poet..•__ It hes bete). said that - he - was ea.- infidel; - aini. a del:re_ eelieee .1 would 'Mit likb to. take .-up.on nie tii be the olx0,gist-of thetevery *Ord. and 'diveoerdhl,iffsarn3l'esinsastlo livo4ri.t. II: iass cliviarl.p.ti Yiejt u" ir141. .aitirlild la sensitelitie. se hooled.as be -W• s in the rigid connsele.ot et (moms, ail !be elculating priee colds Qi 0111e:stilly ; but- helulsinaue ins owp artless apology in Itiiieltiage there" impressive than 'all the arguments. and eindicatunie. in the wia t Id.. ' In' her Address t • --iii,e-; -the pi•ee sidine goddeee of theAltises, ,s -made to say : . n .. 1 " I Saar thy pulsne ipaddealog. play, wildeend . thepleasures- deeieus -way, :Meted: by.thincyle aneteor rey, by passion drived,--bUt yet7 that" lizitelhat led astray, wes light ftom iteaven.': That he sometimes stayed -1 other. at t he mip that: innbriates there -was .p4oper,.. I -admit,. - .aeitids.7te,..obuildtiimetry tO. eitentu4e the habits:of hie couittr-valeir, in. .his- day, . eu .., liss owni pectiliar ci;eunistances-hed . nett . to ,W -o With at.. be .Was • e . _dreg leird, 1 deny. '. That he wasfati infidel - is .- a ore. -base -and.. falser essertion sti II: ...Id e WI ..a deanniiiiied and an lintompromisinkene y.- of 5 hypoetis,y end forindlieineftild in lila- bl' ' Liiig Satires on them, he may up,parently' hes . Sometimes fut. at truS religion. . Ili the eat_ slue .scale, we haVe in . justice. "to ....bitie.. minty,- pages_ thet breath the ardor. nay the -exultation of faith, . - , - - - ..,, 1, .,.... , -- and the .liegible sincerity -of ' yhashan hope ; end -as lie himself warne us, it.. j well - -befit! .na. ,...art the balance. to be .nitite$ We „never . can :7tsji ust it, .and thet he al000lvelue,made the heat t decidedly' tan t i•y it.'-'• If.he liad becit - licentiOus or iafidel would th :. best; Of Seot, land's sofis have. actrnowle Aed • him- ,while Firing. ; *meld the highenind arid Christian Dr. BlaChl oele -end- 1 he phifo „..phie. profession, and :. Donlhis.. te.wart, • -of Ifelitihurgli -; nave coarted )11i -company i _and a:Obis-7407"th woold 12;000, -eit his coutitryinen, lin , eileece and eorrod, ..follewed his ••yenittin 'to their lest ret, ng place.; nay,. yerily. - - • .,Gries of 'geed, and thee -e trtie.) That soutee-mea in every it :n. will comfort theroSeleci - iii, the . practice Of certain vines, which may he queted-both in .the history end poetiy of,Buille, ...there' is -all. reason to tear ; but surelyis telythe.general iji_lieretit :effects. - The itria led :...i)Opulitaity 1 . influence of both is cultivated ba.prodere far -•Whielt. his artitillga itilVe • all.•;:elong: enjoyed •ai-ioner.the moet moral of nations., -is cif itself, ii--- • e - a - dems;ve circunisleiree. ' Search 'Scotland -Dyer, front -the $oly4Y-to • the Peat-, -land Prieh.,- and there -is riCar•iply a cottage.or .I.ut so -poor. as te be withautital.Bible,endbard, ly one that oil the -same shelf., and-eperhaps next to it, does not.poSsese a 43aine. .1.1aVe the people get worse ? . IL ;their attach, merit to the booke of. b_ooks.ideetioed -since 64 beganto lead- this..neweheiteuill-? Are :their hearts leas.iitinly fixed- tit, an-- of old ..to the old.'faita and the .old virtues 7 .-.1 'ern -happy to say I believe . that lie who -knowS the- country and -the people, b -sti - -Witt return an answer that wilt Satisfy. , every rover of Burhise-:„. A. vetse 4.1f Wards - 'h.' dti : : e to theions ot the fpoet ivill beeeppropriate- --here, as. appl teable -in u§. all -: ?..'tet no Meru; lereuerou,e„ brave.,.; your poet sueh eiample .htroaviiee. aynodur eouls .inelake, e ind.epeinient, luck revere - -het 1 ie admonished oy hiS erave, and think _ an - feerP. .-..The _fame oFturtia has not Yet re+lied its zenith, nor.will it till ahat. time cornett. Whieh.- he, pro phe t -like,' foresaw. and reideed in. " Thee let tie prey that -come it:inah. as come it will foe a' that; - that, sense arid worth o'er- a.'-- the earth, tdiall. ..beer-the..gree,.. a 1-4- a, that, . foe a'.: I. hat, end .a" that,Its coroire' yetfor a' that; that man to ;train slial 1 britheis, be, the world o'er .for .thet.” 7.L.WIren bit; wr lungs are truli untleritood „and eppreciated then will the name Of Berns ne inscribed in letters Of tiring li•eht high on the scroll of fame, .atipme;. the intellecteal elid noble whoha ,:e livad-in the . wOrld; aad. his fame: will*.loke..--.none of its lustrei that he - sprung froin, was'. icleutified witle and wrote ieTthe interne a, atm for the elevation of the honest sons' of toil; .,. . -, , In oonatislon, allOW Me. :to . borrone. a .sentence from one of England's greatest mins.. Whet Shakspeare makes ;liatrilet. Su, of his father, tie limy , safely say- _of Burner " He ;was A, mane take:him all in all ithat the- Woriti 't - - :has seldom ecti the like:or-and:may perhaps . ) . . - _ never see -the like amain: ... 1 . . . - ., 0 - . fiery. tne chairman wits-interupted-tY a. penect storm of applau.se and. compliments, :1 uielt int-its-subsiding111•4 voice was again -heard sayiiik:,,-entle nen you. wili hit your glaSses to the . very brim. w od risit-g4o your feet tve will in solemn -silence drink "to the utiniOriat memory in ;Itobeit Barns. Sctitland,s-Ploultbnian 'bard.- -_ - - . • - Allan Alitehell,-E4., of Berne nere ire lited a PieCe Ain Bunts. composed hv hunself-it met %yob grea; applause. and is -really it piece -of Annisiuerable :net:it-at some fu- ture•Period I Will gtve it to your readefe en full.- Burn's threwell, by the--Bauck Stashed this Put of the pro., gramme.' _ _ „ . . - - . . ' _ - - - - The' chairman then raVe i7OCIS and'Peetry, male:died on R. AleMardy to respond.- ,A fini "reallysorry that iny time and.space will not admit. ot my 'lying -you .Mr. Mc. 1 ...11iirdy's speech in ftill:-he is a you% man Jail .dosping -into noiice, as ati Intelligent and ta able speaker -he • gave a resume of the-Fuets of theworl .1, especially tizok :oethe last -century-spoke .01 the giCal influence exer 'cited by poetry;-.aiiii. gave a speialui crititasta en the poetry of Burits--the effects -it had p illii!eil. A:c., and concluded amid- thunders of applaus .4.-a. speceh - wen . vit..7:1117 of the occasion. Song•., John. iiderson "my Jo.. ;j An, by A. DE:Pagniss. Baud. Bainki a iti braes ,of Bonny - . :• - _ . . .. . . ; .: flie lAnd w:. !cll.') worn the chativeotipled .with thy o nee of Gilbert A iiileiutn, Abe Yeller...Ai/1o. viee ehairmaw ..%1 r: Anderson awoke the sensibilityot till present by_ilie vi011.deseription .be gaVe- of the Lend lie lett-its tri- -numbs lind its glories -,all cidculeted to Call up to the 111111 Inany a toad recollecuon mid indea ring aSsocia-- lion. _Swig by &Love. stn.... --Scone' it yet ii, and -also. lisolig by Tilos .i,ick. S4-31.. - —Eriwis ny heine.:I-I And licnib ‘dla ha wi itrailace bled.11. ihe Dan& • - . Toast -"The lai.d we live II4,_" frOm the chair. II. Anderson Bsq„-.of Sian iley;respoialt. Alto. this; sentiment: .who said, thatalthOUgh he sympinh sed with all Mat although IIS yet we had not much Of • -history; .stal our had been Said about poetry. bald XS er landa, yet- he would .stand out for his olin ,adopt d Canada; that. 41- Irtist-J"Syottish-Chi'efs,,ifront the -Citair-whi Ii noula 1 preSent Was comfortable3 and"Our fu re full of hope toe every honest industrieus man. Song; ..,-Wo. the -Wrest,/ • by Alhei..Mitehell;- and .o. cheer _boy chpers,” by the' "calle-d ne David Dick. sem. io rep,y, w imafs- usuLal, :cm t he leo tufa ny convulsed with laughter: it li.s..description oldie State of Scptland at the nine. SI the Oilers and chink, lit the days when I, right Was. : 'gin m=•-wlien the Love, sett., -with grem effect .-- The /embeds are cohiz 1 gude auld law i he siimple -Vim war: n forcii•-. to; get wha.could atufkeen whit -cwt.,/ A -re Ration ..followeil: i• LotthiePs AVarning,!.1 given by A. --i Mitchell and..B. ing.3) by the -Bard :. - Toast-,!-Freethini.-, from the- ehair 'again -called hp It .,ti cal itidy,-.wito briefly respouden Mr neat And elleoL- iwe speech. - Recitation by tt in -Slate . jr„' *. The '..au• Moos earnest cry and prayet.”. Song -by T Stet, " MY native. Highland home.40, -.. Band, '..t.ite Battle err of Tril-e'hede()u.%1 *Magi -ear. inefrorn firelTiee'cbair.' " The .Av rieuliural intereSts of 'Canada? to ich .las McLeod, audit. Ferguion. Bsqs„ of 1,say; were. *pond, - 2110 McLeod, said. Mat be ta disiulvatitageS as compared with the- Tpreeerded nim; he had 110-aPPealsio adeentageoui if.the tewnship -centuals• pisitiOe in the, room. The .chair was been-. should' CorupOso these boards, but - I. have pied by Hugh Love,.sene lesq.,--of the 1 owe= found nearly every municipal; Connell In ship . of -Hay, -the viee•chuir by Gilbert the paper a eoinedete history 011oc-al Cvents. : :On .,- .... - - 7 ' - • - special purpose of attending to the educa .l nrt, was ae,- ,e supported by B. McMerdyi. - I. orison -Chid '--ti t it -delta ent of E 'lima- r .h T 4. 6 ' '.- -and a sound .expetteni or those liberl , I Y I__ .`,' PC' - iion, being: in 'Teen; . Was requestel to - trusteeieeati be elected at the , tion o ,the yotit-. . e board f . school.] Eici., ot T game tithp.as I ie.t.lt.....PergtiSon, Rsq., of Hay. uckersniith, and the Vic -e 'chairman the township 'ciiiincillors_iw4hout• hiving i "' '' . . . , e, - _ • et 1,1•Lt, 4, .., . 4 j . ' - 1' 1.11 elvtion fOr that parpOse • so that The first tome ".1110-9fieen-; ' was intree elle Work can be 'done iu -one: day end d:leed by the chairman, with i_ 4 'few up -pro. remarks, etiul : Was. right loyally re- - thus save. much reliable thue. In the Olat0 sponded to, the band_ playing- The - Queen's anthem. Next erune 4' 7.Flie Governor Gen- . eral,'.7 ahout-whOm,--the:1 :Chairman said, we lc:row but little; bet thai little- wni ta . his 116tior.... The baud gave, "?or he'S a jolly good fetlew.li The:- "..kriny and Navy,' feillowed, coupled a her _the mope of David Dick sen Esti of Hay t.'.' Rule:13ritannia," sen. Esq., of Stanley.' The Chair- inornitits, -laet --Rey. Dr, - . , whicii it bas alwayA adhered to. - The effirts or the frot fol.ir years iut:e- loan rewarded by tleaeteit eireuhttien and an enlargt-,1 degree of itifitietice.. We address 'the (...7,otintii.,s Connell. At: ten uToMeic, the Conned sessif,n, ti.e • .entered and was presented to -the * - , • hope: wTe' et.ei proVe: worthy of the tu;Atibers by the arden, After *idea 1,e United Slates erliet'e the---sebteal -section traet reposzed ur es by the Public. . enn.clatt. ted idtke : 'system. haS been.established for -100 years, - If a hini :ibout I.oneo may be part -Ione& Th'e leerned Chief Supeiintenddrt after Messaeliueetts Teeently adopted-. commit. 'we-Atts-te upon kyle pa.trona the .necessity the members hair. re -seated. thernselves; tecs• of, trustees instead, mid 'DOW that . • • state. Itits adopted the, new systein entirely, of-payiu,; up old (:.'vri.,,s..as-ottr arot-e„aild said W-arden „ „ y .4!. . ‘gr.eat advantage ; _Connectieut has 1"t, eSrietizit'S art propesett ttuprovetnents ttenan, uesere.in toe ut st place to con- - • Made a like elianee with iitnilar results. • reedier such k sto beeessery.-- graulate 3-ott on the position yOu pectipy so also has Pentisylvaaia,‘ and -a superin- god ni..4 thte us-fin-ye:firs, teed it.they r usl to thatik ;Wit for the honor you have tendent there -says the crowiling glory *'cir miss. tit& papere 'sonic tine int)rttifte.; thee 1,10116 rue irt retine-itiire te ineet a bi)t.ly Superiqtendency is the. eStablishment of township boards7-and• many' -parts'of via have theit ea,:y tirood nature to 'twice as latr.:• as the LegiAative Ass'embly • - - -- :1 el • of Cauada What I ..iiiSt became acquainted ik. 8 ' ' II Y • '--- 4 . with ie. You- preAde, sir; ovel a larger if ,-----------........- Ohio, Indiana, and_ all the tiew-i-states of . ... not more Mil ieneial hodY .th:in di 1 the the weSt have established th-e -One board • t. GI -,t TICS S 0 I .:1. CI i.4 : '..4eeeker ethe Ass-enbly forty ye.trs .tep, , sy4em, and the'. plan has .given - genet al ,. • 1 . • • ef the.. new, counttes ol pper Canada,- [tees:eel! tst.:D. and thiS -sloaw the ereett eroer6ese inede setiehtetien. _This .system. -is - especi.4.113- N- • Falit.t‘''.. ; 4- - ; /. eeplieeble to -our new townships 'dome . . • ou.r er211111.1`) sueii :ewe., tone: u •-• . . ... ' aWiefTwith the difficulty - of chanaing. a• _ IV Law Nte. 2, to- titailitta By I.aw No. i 2e„ establielting ..ti e,ystern of -public instrtt. f•tion „- - • - . . .- see.eon when formed, and the herdelup of ' ,Geee;e711 tee eehip war"; teati and int.e:r.e0; ., -Worthy the .`o-gliKkt:ItiOt1 of 011r P.'aPill L eompollitr; a. man te pay for .the erectiOn eeierei Ire VI NAZ.I.I., (*MIMI 'MK. ' t: - ' ' 1 ' ' ' a Men,vior . N1'..., . NT .1) . 1. v (-_b . n f-itave earefalty iktudied the modes of edit- of. a seheol-hOuse -in another section after 4b, 1 t, . 1,S. , ! f.1,k4,41', tl pt.1 , .„ . Mt.tscr, Ltai.;:,;„ C. 011-itithetei,...: Vt; tint6, Mu- cntioit hi other „ countricSi . adorting- what having paid .his share fbr one in- a• section_ -,- Mic.haei, Esaus,,Dattine-1 P.:teem-se Lutiesithee ille.bi Le useful mei Oereeetitee whet did to - whteh he 'recently belonged. Under gisialir lbocelbaukill'aw.vonydoltastatt;11,..4tr, I 'c) ° ' the new systeni the sec-retary-of tile beard: Millar and Bieluee. . - . . . not Appear to be adapteet to our .eit•euni-, will perform most or tbe duties .of the Your sonornin.e reertir.meridas fellews ;1stances, and I knew of ttn'other.man who . - .__ present local su ne.rinten den ts, and - the --Ac. Rev. Mr: Bor.'s- S. *31. tieolinti;-7(1 lies thus eone.personally to'consult. the in- council inifelit See'fit tb appoint but one- - ed to be pea, 1%,-..C.. Young • $:•11i.37.1, Wm. z•'-' : Fraser leed , advice .e-,. ea at c ce Awl telieente and. eommonssense Of the Periple 10Cal supbrintendent 'for a whole county with ati assietante if necessary.: . If such $20.,00foratdratting: coiitrat for se,,,alution:, 'nf other eduntries in a matter of the lind. ruisNy Aavoctue Da.taut...t, ti:z•-x_65 te be p., id, i - „ _ ., . _IA t . ,--; an ottize is- ,continued - at ull, I think the .W. C. Cleat -et Cu. bt....;.‘s--.1.C.--fttr Ie *IA-- AO not suppose at post4 e or every_ pa , . , . • otgtct would be best Seettred by the ali a . office M. Truetian letting' toti gatei i-arrel L. b.: Itr. Tighe *10.50 tor attending rib ie inttruction at Kineardide, Witte:gait, n s• eve; Botrd public instruction-, 11race solar-y*36:35; W. Inglits --$10.50, Smoill ehitates for uesti- „„ tide boy *9-..t.t3, A. G. Forties *4;06, W. Van- dusett *20.00, W. Bon Peto - Reid 65.60, Mr. Eckfoid Le S. .$S-1.30.-10, Geo Simtrionds-..watching elditiarld Bridge 17 day,e $17`, Mr. La% $54,Q5, Shaw- Lrowa draw- lug- gravel R., contract. Bruce $20.00, Ilon. G. Brown -$1.9V, Dottie I.; S. .$11.0, pay. ,gravel road comfits./ re.uce atterelite;- 'ineetin4 $111 kr-lets-ring te the _apritetttiOti made gy the: contr:iezol- iet the Via -wanes 4 Bridke at the Dee; reeetitee of this Council tor payment of spikea see recommend that salt contractor be atlowed$20.00 beittg about the 'half ot his demand, Geo. Robitison assisting; ' Mr. Hamlin F. W. Ridden do $131-00. S Waver' do $le 50 A Stroat xto ‘";47...00- " a 1".. Mr., Iia.n!in'S.1177..40, Estimate late flaw kes W.,iiattotechaieman Bruce gtavel road czniraittee $4:3.50, no aet on to be taken: with teeard to -petition ul.A.rch.. Taylor; Mr John Nairn to receive eei•O for the-yeerleinti, Engineer's. Aecomes to be paid, - .101;11 e Smith $20.00,- -R. • Italker $55.20, A. Q Mara $5....41. J.. Pall $72:50; A. McGuire $1.;..00, Gtrsg. *1.00, L $92.21, T. Kennard $.3. tin, .1. Sit ices n1_3.30, son in. the country to form a correct 311:1g- .rointin.ent of one thoroughly- qtealtfied - _ inent on the subjcdt,: for, however. Well person. Another point ie COntliulsory informed a man may be on general sob- .Atliattlunce. It is true that 'the word eene • fi r Len eateiee emnpulsory sounds -hereli ,to.. -some minds; jects,_ it, iseimpe..., e at correct conclusions- with, regard ‘to a _bat the idea. is •simply that- every man should edu-cate - his children somewhere. system with which ha- is not thoroughly ais school may be In his own -house -and acquainted, .1t. is with this view I intend to !communicate. stich information as.' po:-.-sts3. - . • and then ascertain- the viewS of_the ecoune try. - In doini ,halt 'dwelt upon iwo or three points. -It-ietnne to he a matter of complaint in Many of our Coutilie.e as to • the. , -expensiveness ' of the present County . Boatlis of I ublic - Instruction (IIcar hear.) In- counties .• "Ace..innt C.MOrrtirir-:14MItliag. Ci4 vert at Myth $187.00, Dr. 'f.hcrus:.a to be paid $7 on ace coent ot damages received from the rtyul he ing left unside at night, referriaa- to letter of Treasurer, We cre happy to- find that the linouce et the Coeities are in such a flourish ing• state lupe:tale Who,e, uederstauding that the tcrivus.inps in arrears itr June. lty,t are making yroviston to meet th.e greatest proptirtioa - cif their indehtedne:s cousid er it_ will ,be ounceet,sary to tiTke cotn- etesdiy ineasorys "ta el.foree. tlw, pay me4, = of the arrears at (Ws time. The accompany- ing echedeles which present the vuri9us ts of the Com -fries in the Treasvree's estrif and- correct ur umer,, -we trecommend to be printed it, the the enimites 9f this s esion of . Commit. $,-;00 to he advancedus-Mr Galt ante of nevr Registry .Act, W T Cox -5',:3-7.30, TJ Moorhouse $0.00, R Reid registry boleti& for Bruce *290.00, -Joe Merely card:ere of -do 17.37, E VaitEgmond L41, W Elder arid , others 5121, J 13.00,W Story 16.20i acct ef Sheriff:Mc:Donald aueting-to we reeommend that we abide bithe tinge made at December. meeting ef this • ▪ Ety Carran 'Met for remhving drift wood at Maithrnd bridge 1!..:ti0.00 to.he „ paid end butanes- when- tae -work is CP rlifi`,ed ascomoleted. Motion Of Mr: Extols :,-":;-200 to. be granted on. condition ,Perth grant- ' jun. an equivalent. Iliived C Whitehead in amendment,. that the Manse referiing to contractor Of Witwatioehtnidgete pot adopted. -Carried; The Report as unleaded was attloptedi.. steetere or on,tvEt. Roan COMM; Your comtnittee haviti;ir examined the vari owe documents subinitted-beg leave to report atfollows :-No 109 referrnes to Mr Gib- , son s motion concerning the extension. of 'certain gravel roads., your committee cannot recenuneud any action to be taken. et fire - sent. 76_ referring to drat part of the engineer's repert referred front -the BM-and:B. comm. concerning the repaiFing of culverts and etearing of drains ,on the graiel wade, we recommend that the etigiueer Live Abe walk: done. All of abide &e. JNO 31ESSERI-Chairman. 31eirt4 ameeefraent -to the Report by -Mr .1 Whitehead, sec:by Mr Mallough, Ilia this • permit appropriate the sunk- of Otli-000 .for: extending titavel Roads in the Ce..of - to he liubdividedic follows :--t-Wittgbarn road $.4150,„Ashfield road t S000, Senfortirread $4545, $tephen WO, 114 anq that the Clerk be instructed to prepare and -pub- st,,,By-Law inaccordance with tfie Sedum', to be confirmed at the Jane'sessjoa of this Council. .; Atuced farther m amendment by Themes Oihtion sec lejr Mr McDonald- that this OtiUti- _ . P cll. do past & By.Law at its meetitee in June Jo rase the sum et sztvoa for the purpose ot extending tad iniproeing cprtata Re:teak" the County of Raton, azd ehat the sum so raiseld shall be appropriated as toliowe,- viz: Port Albert _Rood $5S00-., Wingbam $01)0, Barnette and See.orth $3000-eflowiek S-000,- • , • Stephea $2100, Hay $2000. Grey- .$1900, Goelesteh_ Baytield correessiort $200. -Cared. The report, stneaded; was adopted.. - Moved by XT.:Wallace set -waled by ./de A4str„ that the sum -of $500- be slanted to improve that portion of road `ficsi Stork's that hare • a number of- Granimar Schocds As well as towlisltip superipten dents these Boards sometimes consist Of by the Vend: Mr. Diele gave ti,` 'mine one deaeriptton ef the service he had seen in the Britisle army and: tic deSWiptiOn of Lis anger itt beiag sent off on'a recruiting. tour; -.which deprived bint of the honor of being presents at Waterloo, brotight down the .house. preposing the toast of_ thee evenimr, " The immortal- memory, of Rebert Burns," the Chairmaaseid, Ge.ntlemene-e-I am preed iedeed to see to -night se many of iny _cpuittrytnen, and lovers of the . memory of Rot ett Berns, present. I feel great dffidence, I assure you, riaing -to address you on this occasion.; for I feel thet I am not competent to the task ; and this diffidence is in noway lesseued whe a glanee around satisfies me that I have before me many who are fae better able to do juaice to themselves:and the toast of the night. _Let itevas the unanimous- wish-- Of the committee, in OPposition to my e inelination, that I ehould occupy. this post- tidn • and althoueh • sOniewhat depressed a my iotelleeteal deficiencies, vet I have this censolatiop, that I am sure 1 a.m second to tone ie have; and admiral -on -of the &Allis and writings of -the -men whose inetertry. we leive met Ilia night -to do honor to ; :1 am sere that although we are.- bat patty no greater loveri of his- meinory --ever see down to celebrete it . Allow- mg to iotiO• duce toyour _notice the subject Wfiich- has broueht us together this nielue. • • - 0 107. sears ego this night, innif atild • day lsiggin, two 01(.1 from the amid town- o' $coiland; nian:child wea--. burn. .Little ctid that fond !nether, rejoicing Over the his...wife the teacher, as was the mother of birth -of her Arst4forn, or itiose tWenty auld John Wee..14, who.tlius receieed his -early Jewi-v-ee.„ es tneY•swaddled -the skirling strengei 1.see ale jotereeis, oe -sookey de. in his first Clothes, think •that the:being that night iisheyed into -existetiee, -.would -after ;nand efiat eaeh_elfld sheeld .leeeive 'an. earoubled sePtirn ut- thisaVorld,of some 37- UstaA•tneY eL:11:p.r-l-else,-rhs-iorrtY,, Or 38 short years, leave A- name -and -a lathe behind hirn ehat would file wide, wide - pay 4 rntert110 ,-ha!ma woridefor throughout the tee•eth atid lareadth. dela tie see, that -every -childts educated. (A p ot the British Islandee, on the- emitinent ot gauze) If a men stand oaf -against the _ inte- Europe -in the far Offetieipodeft . of 4uSti al itt reel of his awn offspring, - the pub:ie. has fa eApplause.) These Matters thave Sub- : ia stand oat agf:IIISt his uepateral :con joiniyiini_eshttairnete: initted to the several inunieipitlities to see if. fa.otiti..g(?) th,e.rq,-i.win gthatiAte_rthi.teigyshoat.veitntecittlia.; 'they would. meet with 'their *C611:1120761:-OnCieei.- ent Men aAsembled to -night to heve 'a talk ,7 hen 1 subinitted the, .scheine to 1ga:bout that Wonderful being. . I will not take up year tiine- by d*eiling long Oa the early .life of ihe poet-; your areedoubtless all well aequainted with it. ditTered little free' elan ofthe.greet mass- _of the Peasantry of Secidand *nu innred:,early in to and- tail. OA one point, there meet, be en exceptioe, for_ hie if:moo he Was pecu lately uotortenate, .hie 'father-, through being -unfOrttinate ferms which he, eeoted, got inn! debt, mid inehe letterepart of_his life -he Ives ihreatened with ',debts, dune and jails. This made sech .aa impiession on the selisi- tiee mind 91 Robbie,. that the idea of ' . irdentedile in 'through . life. Allow :lite to make a retnatie here. • It .has Leen a, :matter of •serprise to many that •ati illiterate -plough ”. alien could write Buell -.lettere end-- pee stidli popins. Berns waS not -illiterate ' Scotland even at. that peritid.bad A -verygood:systern of edeation, and Enr11 firmersi suth Burns' lather, --exerted eVery aerie and often phiched •hoth'beck and - belly to _gee their families educated.-- 13erns -Wee an aPt .seliolar ; he leernen-fastansiWell„ aud it the age -of 15 years goed• gratnnterian- therotiglitY knew the hieedry of his, OWa eauntfj!, ,and Was well.acquainteel with- thebeit .writera 9f the i • cif QueeneAnneein 'sheet,. - wits, perhaps a -better' blueish_ scholar ` than . many of our students Who graduate at. the ibbeges of the present day.: (A.pplituse,) -At the eaely age of 15- or -16 -years this extraorditiati being began td feet those first indefintte Striv-ings. of immortal ambition,- .whieh. culminated -' itr Ins fakieg nigh rank.amorig:the poete of ..the world, arid,the:first renk Suiting the poets: ofles country. And. it ie not strahge diet the sacred tireshouldhave- been filet kindled oil the .eitars leve and patriotism, 'How. ex- quisitely beautiful -and touehina Me his .descript tons ot-his feelings at .thie. period " I :mittd it weel At early date, _when was beardlesieeyeung b',ate, .first nonld thresh the b.arn 4 --could hated, a yoking'. 6' the plough, end ,thaugh: forefoughten etiou-gle yet .unco fond, tp : W hen 'first - aiming the YellOwcorn, a -man I reCkoned was, and-wi! thelave7,'ilk nierry morn; colId .retibliny rig end lase:'. --Ile tells us thatevehen .pickung the creel thorns 'from Abe bands of • e_. ' • :would dep.end. upou the action takeu by the lee d th • t S to ue propoeed -and Act upon. them.. , his -heart strings thrilledlike•ini tanned or not; The Dr. sgoke vezyhighlyof that the standard - adopfed: will, to. a certain harpy ahd his 7pulsea beat. furiouslje, 'And 'this, wetiern seetion, and then eeetiaied iaxtelif be a conitnon one, is lit -tended eeat..--. • e.-• • = . ePou'her tuctle his firet song, - Me eharla . thirty members, while, in, reality three or qoverninent, the members _agreed with. me fbur men proforin the: .werk. To mike such boards more efficient ,it. is preposed tbat the County Bnard inSteal of being constituted, as now, shall 'Contist of live pCrsons, to beappointed by the. Governor: in -Council' on proper _.rt c fieen,lations, -This would reduce . the expenees of s-ueli Boards aud- greittly ficilit-ite- bri4nes.:4. Rat te secure a more elficieet ofthe duties offlie proposed,examitierS'it is proposed thA ennwittee in . Torontci as to its taasibt:ity, but they 'were afraid ot their oppone.nts and would do riothing ; and when suiniiitted _to the .secceeclhig. • govern, meet, 1- , found them- juIt as Much afraid- of -ttieir opponents-, (Laughter). But as we live- newea&a.nced: to aiort unileH -niam-wherlier-it. will last a thciesund years I: -cannot say, (laughter)-iLis a ftvort61-e.fine cbasider qut.stiotts having no Connection. with- party,;ancl 1 do not expect to -be ab!e , to 4.04i:4er the itlitirs -of the 'department! long,er, I -am aatiCillS to point out- and remedy the" defect -A of.our school eystern -shall prepare, Cie qae. stions to. be tike. i leave -the position:, (ApplauSe ' through, 'cout=try„ it. .hak bc.en re- Aftek statirri a.numher of faete mid flgUreS - marked- that, when, a candidate e‘imes ehoaleg th; great progress ofedaeatien, the d f 1 1. Ps-- 1 seeieker spoke of- the trreut economy Which rorwar or t te me tea pro ..St=1.011. le „ ; - . 7‘voi*i be effected under the changes pyopos- ed,_. and remarked that as , the money' to he ruiAcd would be 4'1 ent m:the township, it w.:8 only -taking motiey out 'of obe -Pocket aldia.t.ing it into the ether: iape onthe wren/ eiamined by numbers of thee For ssion, cansliAlate!..: for the Iegal profession are ex- amined by lewyers,-so teachers sheni441 examined bY person:3 hevinee, practiettl elper. ience in •thut; branch Without 'Which. t examiner cannot be ptepared to te4t proper -training' or that wince was to fouow, the (ittalifieatitnig and attaintrietil-k:Of those eett i. we wereable 16 bestow an education. 0 -uf the 14es.:itt iveneration Wits 'the better tha'n that we had reciiw AI w4 thus seeking certiffeates. Many persons in secured he essence Of the fine progess hui,-. other prol'essions CAI -put Very - pazilinn- . P- country The leained Chief Supt. then questions and very -useles.s oneseited it es - k - ' • - -, -, ; po e o the enan4e in -the Grammar school only. men aceastomod to theSe branches- law. Formerly the appropriations were whc ciin properly discharge their duties, granted . . according to • the popelation . as you well .know,_,,- The .qaeStiettallitt.4-.Of the -respective counties, hence the prepared need not Ile precisely the Kline emoted received -by, s o ni 4 was - dis- wa.,n, t.s.-of differen,t .1:calitios: i ,This loud ithii: 1.1,),,eortaiPl'omfPeialci°11a ,.:irSvrilum'a.tidie zstentleonorlingl. - 1 - witt ue compoSen or practical. in t t ibr countiesr but tuuditi,,,ct :suit tile., proportionittely large, but nilder. the _new' rit?, ors, . country coniel not adeaanee: as it- shoUld: do such ae Dr. -,Orraisted, Dr. Youni;-D,_ witeout haves hi tie. h I g g r se ou se 1 he -.collie Connor, Mr..' C.beelth:.y Sce The gees., num-welt the educators of- the- masses,. but. these. did. not meet theTWants of the adminiS beiteprinted in contide.ncib, will be tratiou of:the laws norethe pratessiens of th; . forwarded by myself .under seal te the (emery, Add hence thS. necessity: foe eneeur- ehaifirien Of the local boards, whieli: agin...r.oue grimmer schoo Is " by every. pre flicet on the seine duy of the 'week thrOug. means- .1 d 1 I diseppreved establishinieTirt Par..; tike Provmee,-so that on information t then one or two gremmar schools ia :concerning them -can, be, sent. flout one county as ittended to reduce them to the. w -t I he litnited tO twn &does' :-First, school -law. provided -that half the surreeereetred palrt _to- another. :The. County Boardir level of.common`sehools, The iteW -ehould he aised hy_ toed liseeitnent and it examine -the certificates of character ,sceon ly, examme e uns ver -7 -ea Caborifies•whethersuch schools _Were main- . this lass, his .pionetie on the hariest field. that the *tertifipates greanted will - bear It was moved by Mr. lAtimiden- secriOded by jag. ¥.11.-" qeired'in And egain lie -tells us: " Eyck SOMeWhat -or a Provincial character. 1 lir Adam, that the War -dee -and clerk be re -f- theft' a wish, I mind its power, a -wish that to behalf ef this cohncil to inenierialize my latest , hour; shall Strongest 'reeve My truSt third class !teachers will top last: breaet e_that I, tor "'woe'. ai Id S otl d' the Leeieleture to- have the preiient acheol 11,- t - ai lo Per than t ream ear an 1 e an s 0 0z, - P Y ' . 1Sw changed so th4 settool busineis• la town: . sake, some useful plan jor book could make, or sing a song at beat.' Thai he laid the Mention this for tlie information of the ships unty.be managed by' a township board Council,- shoild. it thiek - propet ed -take instead orthe system of g-overninent now id found:Woes of his poetic fame; and' each any aetion in the 'Matter; Tit*. is. an- force.--Cartisd. -. - - . .• course wits num) higher and .hetter; .1111 the dope stone was laid with "Tam O'Shea ter " other pint- relLtint to the grantin„0 of - -Moved hi *Mr.,. Gibson se.conded by J. whiek -way b4 white4ead tofu the board of trasieee in toWn- rs"d' . " Nbe _ Oater's . Suturday : Nights." (Cheers ) Whet a aster was he. f that 'Provincial Certificates, briefly gated : It is intended -that: aliy...ships if the act be altered, should be seperate- -.1ne any 'stringed peTneeintieny .. 9 num thit ef councillors. -Carried:- - -teacher who has taught school for five a •Pmvincil•P'r" Biall•rp; That this Council approies of the P Moved by Mr. MelifiehaeTeeeonded by -mr. mind -I -.Hoe well - ko-understiohoed helivmear; %Won -that swells end threbs ut the . liumau- 'eYiedet;tewtioll.bb: re'egt4t;ittffifleacit eliliviliefit to. a eystera now sUgeested by the *chief- Salk: of breast 1- . Thet he wrote in the Scottish ge e , t e t , - e eseri e an elected. the Nortnal- 86001- certificate. Al -,to the schools with re;rence to -the chen h dialect that h d b d d tuodebf earrein-git out, the Coupty Board Rood of Public instruCtion for- Counties.-- scenery of Seetland in grand and nobl . 0 cl` hat h Fill Only -eve to examine into the char- Carried. "- la AnSwer to Mr. Bishop, Dr. Ryerson su'id and customs in languaee she will -never for - portrayed er habits - eoloerse an t be • f -ttd• te the lenoth-of • was le intention to appoint a at or n c an e alma mind her owa • But time he lia.s been teaching Mid act accort'. act!: o t e can 4 an . g tl ' bo f eet • otl d 1 if ditioiy„,_ There is another rine ewahcehthceorutnertyti, abut was auita phi7ppar,e;47.. to. ct4to slcotdlanddcanuodt keep him en to. eersei; les - . ivee e resriecial q:n. • y epen enee appeals 'it:revery Juan of t t and that. - - - e 1 h' ee • - the Lemuel may: an III ems I othe-rwie. . . . _ • ter9 e nee-. ul a nity witb, aid hts glory. is the change 4:q theconstitution of Board$ Onenotion of Mr. 13ishop sedended by gr„' lug iii heicA a working •inaererhis scorn of of Triistees. At p_re ent. -tOwnships are Messer it Wite suggested that the school. trus.. ranker gold being it -- criterion for all in a, divided into school Seetioni-in_such u way .tees-sTiOuld be eleclted attnually,heee thillame but that a Maa Waa a_:_,MSATOr a' that, "ate.ha - _ - , - ' b • -- 'h - r ualila a - -1 oad umir that mane persons are put to great incon- 1 e tIOnS as councelors, Ate. r. nay, and his horror of eve!ye th h _ t n,, at was a s am, cra-hypocrtte arlike venience in being reciniked. send,theii don of Mr Horton the thanks of the arogues are' world vrule and will be an chUdren to 4 school in their own_section Council wire tendered to -Dr. Ryerson for the influence and be remumliered win i - le he when oschool in some other scetidn would tibiti and tucid_explanationa givenin reference World lasts. (Applause). But, gentlemen, - be much mere desirable. Toiemovc this to.schoel feeterti the snarling cum of detraction -have -been a .arli:ticinurdenri°gireea-t kers who bad bet* the swags: nation, hut wily hard facts to deal; W th. . lie gave rn good deiCtiption ot the progress laugiriactinaltduare; baliticl during ilieZ0 years lie had been the attention (Waal° Me neeeisity of s ill -making g.,.e7e al I edi „de er.efliarts, as this Was the main Spoke I the wheel. -Mr Ferguson fully coincided with all tbat- is friend-4ff Mc- “Geod, had said, as to the progress w . are' making la agriculture, mentioned, the •-t".lituad .. Fariner,” as a ne wspaper likely to do muchfor the fainters of canadai and conclydeti, by saying that the veri essence of good fa ming was keeping the land clear tdidi weeds; esipe- . ciaitY of Canada thisoya. ' Song byp. Jas Bengeough 1 cif flay, Al's Peter Viaterson, *.conne,s Mr ;ljettgough is mat ndeed. as all .Wilt tektify, w o rotuea them' 6 g4.4 tioa of office, Viz-, Mr. 'Thomas McMichael, - An Irish intettiction.. Ward I,- Mr. liumplicry Snell Ward 2, Mr, George Wattyyurd 3, Mr. William Warner, -Ward4 Mr. John Morgan, Ward 5. - It *as therefore Movedby Mr. Snell; see. by Mr. Wutq that Mr. McMichael be Reeve for the enr sent year -On rried. • . Moved by Mr. Wutte see. by Mr. Warner, that Mr..Stiell be, D. Reeve for the present. year- - • The -Reese and D. Reeve then made their declarations or office as such. and the Reeve °etc' upying the (hair. It etral- Moved by Mr. Mr, Watt, sec„ -by Mr. Morgari that Hugh Arther, jun. be eesesser for the present year . _with a Salery seYetity dollars -Carried; * • blevedbY-Mr. Morgan, see, by Mi. Snell, that W. II. Brown be Colieetor, for the Current year at a Salery of ..tifty dollari- Car- itev'ed by Mr. Watt, sec, bfMr. Wareer, - _ that ..tolin Petrie, :be appointed Town Inspee tor for the Eastern lnv-4ion, and Gaberiel Spriteey . for the Western division of this Teivtlishin for the-preseht year -Carried, - Moved by Mr. Noreen, sec, by bfr. War- nere "that- ja meg Alle.n Sen. be- appointed, Auditor for the prekient year. . In Amendment,' It was, Mdied by Mr. W-att, that Charles -MorroW be Auditor for toe ;present year. ' • , • - 'Amendment carried lay ‘castieg Vote -of Reeve, and the Reeve -appointed -James Allen Sen, ds the other Auditer. - Mr. Sloan, hoeing :resigned - his Office of Clerk and Treaeurer. itees Moved hy Mr. Wait. sec hy• Mr. Snelle that James* Brath- waite be appointed Clerk'and Treasurer for the current year, at -a selery -of Otie :hundred , and fifty five dollaes, without aleY percent nge - or Treasurer's commiesione'-ehat enter on MS duties on •the laat SaturdSyedt Vebeary, eurrent-eCerried. Moved hy Mr. Witte eec.;•---b W ar r, that the Perk procure a copytof the last edit- ion -of Keele's Provincial Justice for tho use lteeves-e•-tarritd, - Moved by Mr. Warner ISC. by -Mr. Wett, :that 'the Petition' of,1t4bert Robieson, until othets bee Idid over, till next meeting oll Council -Carried. - • - Moved. by Mr.- Snell, re, by Mr. Warner, that this Council now.adjourn to meet again at Lendesborough, "on 'Saturday, -24th, day f Febfuary next,- Tea o'clock 'a. THOMAS" SLOAN dlerk. .tadies/ Illener.plent oeity. . At a meetinre held at .Mi Thotuas'S house ilie follotiing ladies- were appointed 'office bearers : Mrs Ride, president; Nis Mc- Dougall, viee-prese. , Mrs Smith---21nd do.; 'Mrs•Fletcher, treas.; ,Mis Sheriff Mac- donald, -sec); J. Ilaidane sec'y of ago. Committee.-Mesdatues Richi Perim s MelCid; M Cameron, J 13 Gorehin. Rtif gets, Sdtith, Martin Elwood,- --.1171iitini, tire, AV hider, Iletehee, Thonies, McDou- gall, MeDonuld; and Miss Seyinour. To take up sitbseriptions;-:-.- - St Patrick's Ward, Mrs Fletcher and VI .St.Ge.O;rge's "-MrSsiulliT-tihdder and Miseiey.- moue, • _ • St Anarel's Airs McDonald atirliMrs McDougall. e: St DaVid's "Mri Thomas tit Mrstlor- legey • 9ver near Omega, in Nevada Crime- eelaalilinf°,rnWil.ili'lcibw°walittisphatnyieeng- .11:dhelMi!nnelallitdralile"."7tidi an ounee per dey 'to the Man. Like nem, All such -claims, *there was -11 dispute about- eke title. Another , Company in tbe ueiglibar; . . - oo c mate 1 ,, groun , an or 1 ree dem Ihad been threatening the tweesons„ of Eti with an injunction. - What ,thenn r offleaz thl e. lift eriatifs. ;fey ml-ite:Ide up their ettedil- -tins m unction int nt v sorely in/plena 'however-, that it was Something -very let**. About -this time it 'happened- that *party if . • surveyoie passed that way; mains Welke tic a new water ditch. They areivedjust above the claitn owned by 'the Irishmen, mimeo. - .andehey left their theodolite standing.,:ead . . went up into the town 'to get limner. The Irishmen were airay at dinner when theism. , , „ „, „ veying party stopped opposite their Cilia; basin.: dispatched their. „ beans..and, lvieoef , :got Lack before the ent•veyors retinue& The first thing tbeysavi on reaching their ' e •as the theedolite-a Urn *admit -if instretnent, standing therc-u! *mg* itlawiss_ 7 g. ska,rd over the Oaten. , • Pat 1"' "cries one, g.kwhat a-ivillitb.ttlil-...4: .11 that standing tbere:on. its twee. .iets r -., . IS it?" ethoed Mike. - . - "Hosedy Mother I -What denim - maefeee; _. now"' Bit( tiltwir'iwv:111"bsalelo34)-Paitii; cictioligi-1"11111°- that - them thieving Welch boyfrhave beeri Ammo ing they'd put fen thq claim ?" - ='" By the Beven churches it jai" yells Nike. At this one grabbed *pick. and the ether a crowbar, mid rushing upon the theodolitai, they smashed 11. into, a hundred pieees„eiyiat This for all your letetrnal injunctions I" Pal ilueg one leg of the instalment AS far As Jar could send it, yelling. 1,To jiurgatoty with your injunctions I" while. Mike -sent another over the bank, .shouting. ‘.13ring • on- your infernal ittjutietionst Were the lads that'll meke .smithereens AC Abe biggest ireaugton.ns Amenity. .0e)e Tee -New York Ileraki says v---"Ifse are astonished that the r_epublican rem has nothing to say in ivalati9b „to .The shameful mannetin whieh Coogress‘a actingin regard to the donation of the wife and tamily of the martyred President of Ihis republic. liot only hos Congress ent downIthe amount prO-: posed from one -hundred thousand dollars le: twentyefive thousand dollars, but it ettnally seems to hesitate to give eieu time suni, consider this disgrace teethe Anierimut peeple. The repabliean press not Duty dist honors the - inemtary of the -dead Presidvent by its silence, but it sabjeets Mat. Lincoln to the dastardly attach" . such jourintle as -Ben Wood's copperheadief- er, tacitly enderses all that they can my. against her. We ate in fater, of paying Lincoln's family the TIM nuibunt oftlie Sal- ary which he would have received. bad- 1st not belli murdert d byl WlIkett -Booth while exteeding pardOn to the rebels who hadbeen defe.ated-by our arms. He WAS AA utility victim to ibe rebellion a any soldier who tell in the attack on Richmond, and is disgraceful that tengress should thus defer to pay his :bounty. Thirty-five - thountall dollars may have been endugh for tall 16301/ ot General Harrisoni who -died riteefully malt who lived at a time when tha.t amount or moucy was a fortime ; but under all firma.* stances, one hundred -Thousand dollars_ia at* much to ray the widowed: president Lincoln. - We trust the Colleetors 01 meet With add we hone that it will be paid without far- abundan'imuccess. - ' • _ - rip. The proceedings of the Co. School Conventiou, held on the afternoon ofSatarday will appeat in our next. verwe have received the last No. of °hampers' Journal froni Mr Moerhouse. The contents are most inviting. ' • Fiarful italluray Accident. A serious accident oecurre& earIy this morning (28) on the Hudson River_radroad The,Cincinnati• express train, due ie this city ahout seven a. m., iraS partially thrOWII from the track: Two cars said to be sleepieg cars, were precipitated ofithe badge into the road below i one. was completely broken td pieee-a and the other very nearly destroyed. Three pelsons are reported hided aud many seriously injured. The.place where the accident oc- curred wigs a. small bridge over &road ea; ing to the briek kilns near Croton. Aniong the passengers injured were Mrs S. S. MeEwau and wife and Mr. John Murphy. The slieciprocity Treaty. New. Torii, January 25,, 15 's Vir h' The ost ashineton special sers, t morning the Canadian advdcates Recip roeity -Treaty were lieard: h considered certain that the treaty dannot be renewed, except by some reeiprocal-lekislation - some - 1. the -more important resorts of ducat/ can be reached. • rerThat ciouble-headed nteinster, the helpful organiintion, is again becoming liee- ly. The objet is plain.' The Roberts sec- tion of the Feinting fieds itself, by the; aeiien of the _ recent Congrek unceremoniously'. kicked oat from access ert the Treasury, and -becomes necessary to find means of raising. money by indepeedant means. The best way to do this is to outbid the 011abony' . section mid thus steal- from the hearits perms of the ehlackgeard eroWd that com- poses the organization. The" -first, grand move in thts direction was made la Buffalo last ilight,where'and -when the teleAraph forms us an inonenee mass meethel was bel 1. 4hipsteches were made by' Gen• Swee et, . COt. Roberts, James._ _Bret:tan, W: iturphy, and A.. M. Clapp. Oen. weeny pledged: himself, if supported,- :before the eineof Mayshines, to conquer a certain ter-. ritory, upon which the Irish fiag Ain be wowed, and which shall be Made thb base of operations itgamst fot the lihera, non of Ireland. Roberts premised, within ninty days, to baye tne green flag supported by ehe greateitt army of Iriihneen epee Which the sun ever shone. The Senate was enthusiasticelly endorsed, and phis of dation apprcived. -A. M.. Qapp NM -Wed. All eel toren!, remarica were greatly ap plauded."-4'unes., • - T • Th t EAT.- _8 __oo_es,.er tood.isleiliovlehoised piough.„ A utne frorri.the Ltd. . rhsooanrsgefrto.vmithultitigughhuterveat itusr.,-se,rngisallasilev:ig,h4h-; Uci.ttlyietna' vIleiLeY8x-p:71.----essSeevderttemspehiyvSeiseininn41 hoe! in- oost ta proposing the nest toast, " illte I these/ the ebair-i'l. decided terms in favor of the propositiOn. to Man humorously connected ttith it; the lament Donald keeP back the damaged wkeat ,now lying at sutireiland. Esq., °May, who briettyrreisp:ilaileedi-mithi ahnairit„- ing'. the eninpany /br the hearty Maim* in. :which they . draiik Me tottst.-, Selig by .Mrltengongli, -Chicago. They,: all concur in the -opinion . that there it uo sueh Eirn.lific eSuSe of thpleria. -peany,,, ,- Green grows the rashes," hr the Band. 88 foul grain, and If efteiera .is not peeved ..,;111 proposin;'-the last toast or -the l'rogranune the • - - chairman said he was suarpbetheaut inu VelV_Itatiensfilrheit,..c? lag/ lt must -produce other-dissasee searcely rir,zutt;:hwuisdeb_ e h Ipls fatal. Oee -physician, whd resefed in i:aviiY l' 'Peed' 1 il 1 latitil/ti.rie t e .: ffahi softie yeas* ago,- when the cholera health and prosperity ofedur.wcir y licaliess, Airs Drys- dale-Ktraalt- with applause- Rola *rale briefly re, spenaett-en behalf ot • Ins Mother. S hg. 4' La.tv and airtapg th prevailed., Siete; that ?toe diseale was. -worst e men emp yed about the, grain illysie,o- by :Ntr. Beugotigh. kferes vel -al fine songs weresung, jestand story weht round,. aPc1 _mink reigned elevators- and ships. A geed, deal 'off,- this supreme. Bin the wee-shorthours aye*. the :rwall, had "stuutp-tailed wheat," as ii is Called,;, Is iiii, urrived'aud-thebestafri°"" inu°- Parldlhe II"' °E ported Into Levier Canada, where. i is cern, limes &Hite Mau end. Votes .of thank were heartily .• - - concurred in. tOthetliairmun fioce6;t1h:iit- ebsanie, limo funeor ihrerr laeatled:bY its cautPaiaa• . , i - . ' which he had perfortnedhis dat . attendance, to dm comminee -ofmanagernent,. and to Illi THE.Ncw york trofd forcibly pout* out JtfeMtirdv for his oplend4apeech on tioYts and Poetry. will ii penny wilk, a'm .pledgaig th, ,strong grip of duly- of using the negotiations relative -in the friendship alt round. 'ihe gatheruig the broke up, very -see iew,1 think, sorry :at Imeing been preient--and irtaity Reciprocity Treaty which are BOW going nu Irauilug..ton*0 again home idler nig*, . _ a8 a lever by which to tome Carade tato . . , ----iiii- ,- - .'„ . • annexatiOn. Our pasit100 eau 'only be mis- . Hallett enttliclil• - , - - .. understood by the treachery 'or strong per. '-',- - - : - '-sonal piques of those who prehias to be the _ - .. Jan, Ati.11-866.1 inost devoted friends of -the country- ' The members Vietted met -tbiit qay-acCord- - • - - in to statute, - -- . - . . ir,e "I don't think, huaband, that you ., The Uleirk presiding, the fo low.ingktei, are very smart." 4% No, „indeed, -talk_ hut g L. . - - • denten _Riede their- deil. ti f I _ - • : The Bind then led air with An'd tang )ne, alljaimug to the American governing eitisses the hinter.. er v yoy ows am awfully shrewd ; thee parlay. It is eing,ular that a -people AO eeaerous as the Americans should be so. 0 grossly misrepresented in ihe present COIF.. gress. The bill granting Mrs. Lincoln her husba4fs salary -ought to have been palmed _unanimously and without reference to a coml. motee. It is now too late to do this 'grace. fully; but still it ought to be awe st-enesr Filibustering alexliess• Intelligence from $an =Antonio, Texas, . the 3rel inst., states that the French troop* --- had feller' back to San Louis Palos' ; also tbla exciting intelligent* that fevers! officer's and men had erossed from,Chtrksville, -Texas, MA took -lip quarterseappirently for eight. Soon after midnight, theguards of the _ferry 1114 along the:river were surpnsed-and disarms& by thie party, Such Raters as were A hand were immediately seized. and with • Vivi' the party eroseed„ The major forte as Clarksville about -100 strong composed prim= _- / cipally; of negroes, entered Bagdad. The, imperial 'gamma in Bagdad,- about 125 *Wag Was-completelystirprised and captprad. The filibusters, on etalhering -the towu .augurated e system of Plunder and pillage ; the- wateh- homes were gutted and their contents BrOBSOII over tie American side of .1.1ete river. The gunboat, Antepi• was called upos to aurrender, but she ansu-elcd with A Jw4:44. side which Mr a time seettered the filibusters. A second demand for the surrender of the .gunboat was answered in a inimatt. The Antonio, at this titne Waft en route aptho riven Alt Austrian sergent on borrdlier was killed. At daylight the -French men -iambs in the 'harbor opened Ere uron compelling them to take:erne in the upper -part of the towde The last accounts -Metal" that the filibuster:esti!! held the tom Tke- deaths reported on Jettelraiiii are dirty -one. It is stater! ibat the filinusters are commanded by Oen. Reed. Genii-Ira-1,1°rd, hos matted from Brownsville for the scene of action. f he last occount tap that 1,200 Imperialists have -left Matomems to • attack the filibustere. _ HEA.L111 J8 STNENG111.-.-.TO prevent -or toe- cipinuueeimnrisliojeslecrivaaimeisfersrivneiliolfhasylliesumaaregriindealeurean4 cougth710111thilfrisols " colds tickling_ in, the throat and indium y complaints as war and pestilence will do, stroy. SZvere coalds if aot .attended to iooner or later lea& to %Curable . lion, and the strength of the strongest sem fails if neglected. liNt readiest and ?kit means known for the cure of these is pBryan's Pulmome Waferen been throughly tried for the last twenty/eau and have never been known to Wt. ague, and public speakers will also *Urns great benefit from the use of them. Sold by all - medicine &gem, st 25cte. per bo4. .A WOULD IN Taoretx.-The world is .1s. trouble, nations are cenvulsedi thralls* Ira trembling ; governments, -ore egitaieth pe.onle are excited, and the whole soeiair organization of civilization a. to lea sensitively influenced by something prima* 100 ot a great charge novr for 118“0111114 ness there as nothieg like the, 4-0assidiela Pain -Detittoyerl't idiels also cares Aseemee- iisi.n, neuralgia, tie dolma's, cramps aelk plans in the stannic . , nice 25 testi , par Bottle, Sold by Medicine -Dealers - TIM MARKETS. 6•6•61. frOpErdetti Jan. 1866. 3pring 1:00 OA. Fall do -- 027 112T -Oats - 1110 14* FLOM' 666666.. 'Barley _ - 41:41) Peas *4* Ot4"... **tar* 6,1374 4hots Port .. 6.-6, 66. as A* 66'66 A:61) Beefy -04 -1 SP ..1.-0-s• 6:00 4 I Wes {green) a 5; V* better 11;15 lklfl Potatoes 0.120 0.26 Mood.= it75 :hay -new ton 7.1.09 _ase o:o *On Tao A. ls will% that - the summer to comp The secretal or the patty has written* which. is full -of The anengervents. complete; several. or the =term- portion ed ;and the Great, tared to go le sea in purpose_ of laying an ot reigns The cable laid hat y cable &ewe, thm second meats .of camel miles of submerged lams, ;slimed lobe There ia thuTiv ap whieh give saisfaceor3 tbe huoys at the end ha fins will prore of Hula forgramding hail mations, so that a, any time sail to withal ken cable,. All this is success of The etnerprie 'sal importance ; and fie whodo not wish that saxeoesly pasted on tio reesnaled for their toil laid -down during the psediarn ef comma -Woo -and Nei- World. - Soapy Sam. -The has xeceived the audit ° 'Soapy Salmi.: It is is ahop was travelling em eisnrch congress at ki was siting opposite to, flattering terms tm daft 4 Kif the great Azieican ous that she was sir' elm ask o pet Sansl4 4Well, wrgams, 'suppose- it is became d hot -water, and has nu with elean hands. Accidentaliy Cornet . pirattng wo*, which L -alto poem, hot IP*211 inealechMy hits the truth, though I called *happy accident heard Slipper the nth. great fault. he had.to of the present day w.vs el tbemeelves Seli‘ halm' By _Jere he era* Immetsts this Curious and batim inentiotted au illustration ne it sometime faMillis that come Mr- Meadows= A China was much annoyed by ai lie, ised every eadeavor! way?; first by zooral by physical ones,. All proved unsvailing, mei = • measure was Oa the ocoostos ot home late one night 60.. him tied hands and feet, I conveyed to the hank 40 lee &tar, itei wit will, The body wee ded froel taken of Ito IllatIn; the ease were viewed Ordinary murder is severely. iivAitheOrtivoderi. est,. It% Ito! Huron and Bniee, D 14lledaulistnhteasire:ofyitis:Ishes7laieLAILL Nets itlatert4 _ 1;7 7I" OIL 14:siDS IN MENDERS be DAY, the TW next,by hyyllnenttitis ion to a i:iinag4rnfthorothef 4.401atep '141115,144"431geneic, cstesaitetinS 8141.,.SWI 10, 6th Cescrissione • endSW slim; S k and ▪ parcel- 41;f and lies in the workings. ) ladies Departtnent, Ottawa, 25th .1 _ hiatus mit isol 111-1111 _creditors of edto meet at eaughey, Tuesday, the I one of the receiving la PA. , naming se issignment ander Domiciled at lst ail of December f", S. O. irtneAtnallEr Ater QTRLYBD from senler, lot SD about the utiale tient'''. nets At. Came kite the the last of Oet., two °thee grey, apparently 'The owner it requested iaLy Amapa awl take • 4 ? JA.it trA. *-p**41, - Dv?: virluey.e TUX Dilepasol.1 **.. ' .1124"41P472)241 iii." 6/141.04 •ntered in m *Ace.. =OM Gent °in