Semi-Weekly Signal, 1866-01-26, Page 3- at or snail e 01. k till the t eve r el he rule bias. Ntr. • arelcoprialieli Ciesi•ni,, showed eiftre which all echkiols must 7 0 the speei- atteilian Sawa F. the -duties -of 5. hoot AO an4 tei_by the - a 0 tame in nature, ccotreeee rter McDoree -..ii awl &crone ees of Cur ba- --te:e. the eoiree kittstandireis tbe • - Neve expeeteu--- eippr• ed by. ate tor c_hoir„ C o pepowom••••* Iltentoty.e :-vras spending; hen one-, of e-,reat Highland laysnirambling ibeneighbour, rapanion - Dttecast tieeOns- curly haired ether tk Oscar* We, dm* is the famiiiar terms. eever permitted monstrations of iuve& home to , eari eteeitiett-' h..tt I gone te the es a gamekeeper, three year, had t.atiorau ther es list re:setter , I left the towtt of gleartals to make send of -...Sky-e. I rnerable with th*'. ries mat Sit& or seta disembarked 1 of Uell. la order c which cooed at .raorrrie‘,%,- Know'- , and the Ma beier s pa:.ere, I climh•cr - a, end sat down oft in stern. Whife4 ever-changing and At the settinx sari eaks of Intre-roeme ' aad immieciiatety t say frae:1 jompe . of turf azdstcne • try olderzwaL Oar with ell my iseked, and leaped, • e. began to fear el Nei lospkiere wee, a turning toward* As soon au hie: aguish say featares east the seletsety., taw s da, stet exclamsed --?" I- salwereci tsviciori. " dog aping higher. wee•he wire act - Of the Wall sliskinr . roi--Vog seetet41 ap down, ear; you SeP, its* liana kers what. wee rhec we _were co- on se wet-eresteit !or kept a' _ tower I never clapped my. • I-siter you both,• at once,- or t.hir from the milL ss master Ind ase- mabled aniorrig the - nice*, after nothing • • reterned,or hie- _ kit& -1 ctuld tell ss abont him, but a show tte power of id Study* he kiwi es time " a, and further re - subject, that tbe ' fe col:feta* la tber mereise ia tbe opt* teal laIor. A ride tr, no doubt skulEn$ a boat win • hew Nee toes- - itn 1411/iirae later, he stret(ted anti poring ever the This. was a mit- e bve wer eigir Am:MAWR Wha.e. -- y. #1e atiett oftea bs shirt sleeves, rk, with a teary ; on his wrinkled want worry kilbd t dark hair remit .itin,ty be &Aft! tria yet bees in the:n axioms of . allay is rum& rettant enntiati and of tho arterialised by di the exygew ot eiag e0oVE.yed le • virmon etirrent 1W, - afire -arid fountain of talky in sattvely "bon *Mai 4 * vr.• • alomick. erior Gelds! Mar very shortly. 11* eenstesrs, foe New agYalasia, on *lb - Rt. pc NegalL wet* Washiediew a meeting wee tit, at the, TOMOS, t Seceretary 01 dee lee of Wart salt • from the British ▪ " it Wain* to tli seirotrity Trelstre-P - Mrs.. Cobden, at - Irons Atomises se Ida simpislirr As beam wit kni it was 0* 1*4 a ea thit the id* iliscat It She. THE SEMI-WEEKLY SrGNAL. BleArriFut ExTeAcr.— When the summer of youth is slowly wasting away • in the nightfall of age, and the shadows of past years grow deeper and deeper, as if life were on its close, it is' pleasant -to look back throne,h the vista of time, upon sorrows and felicities of earlier 'care. if we have a home to shelter aird- hearts to _ rejoice with vs, and friends have. been 'gathered by our fireside; thew the rough places of our wayfaring _ will -have been _ warn and smoothca away IIi the twilight • when'the •,sunny epota we have passed through.; will grow brighter and imore.httottilet. •Irappy indeed are those *those intercourse with the world has not change& tb tone of their holier feeling or broken those musical chorda of, the heart who.. -Vibration are*: so melodious, so touching in the evening of 'age. lisessas.-"I make it a point of morality- • says a writer, "never to find fault with an- other for his manners. Tlacy may be /wk- . ward and graceful, Merit or polite-,- polished or rustic. I care not „what 'they are if the man mans welt, and fret& from honest linen; - gone 'without eceentriity or affectation. All nee haver not the advantages of good society, - saki, called; to school themselves in all -its Pistastie rules mid ceremonies, and if there tit not- standard'of Manners, it is Well founded' ea 'mean and _good rieuse, and not upon those artificiit regulations Mennen" :like ooversation; should be extemporaneous, and sot studied1 always suspect a , men -that meets me with the Sallie perpetual smile ou his face, the same bending of the body, and Oat same premeditred intake of the hand. Gave me the. harty-it may be rough- ;rip ot the hand, thV carless nod of recognition, Ind when occasion requires, the .homly but welcome salutation-eHear. are you, rmy Old friend r' - Tag eacset Fizeem.iso'es-,•-•r•A meeting tookplace lately at the Grand Orient i Paris, in honor of the Freernasons who have died in the course •of tho'Ity-gone year, 1,500 ' asembers were present, and the chair: was occupied by_Generat Mellient The follow- ing deceased Freemasons were mentioned in the -speeches which were delivered on the - Occasion :- President Luicotn. Kin"? Leo pold, and Marshal 'Meehan.' Sever -al funeze atsnarches were 'played by .the orchestra, :winch vias -a very large one, and a 'contari . war song by M. Battallie.:. One Oldie most impressive incidents of the ser-emony was that , or the 1 500 members elf kneeling down at: a given signal, and exchuninig,t "GemiSsons, genussona r! at the same time .striking their kit ram with their right, hands . • No'r Gorse Yet. -The Quebec Chronicit *atm -that extensive repairs ate about beihe ' minden Spencer Weed by Illessie." Craig ik Valliere, for the reception of his Excilleucy the tinvernor•General; who is expected to active from lloglat4 in the cern:se-of a fort- night It it understood - his Excellency will isaiderat Spencer Wood during the remaind- er of -the winter and the whole -of next sum - seer -only going to Ottawa on the occasion ot die opening 'or rairliameirt - tle,b An erretetwo gives the reaton for no - _publishing te" poeue effusion as • follOwte-- The rhyme sounds- like pumpkins 'eollrne. over a, barn door, while some lines sippear to have been meanired with a yard stick, tied others. with a ten foot pole." t $3e- Genie. neighborly love - knows- no slietueetion Of persons. :It is like the Sun -which dim not au& on what it,shall shine,- or witat it -shill Warm ; but shines and •wanns by the - very laws of hi own, beide. "So -,there in nothing hidden front light and heat. t tf-11-1 ans not at kerne from the party toeught at tereo'clockft said a -husband to his better and bigger lush; sf don't wait for tat!" es That' wou't,” replied the lady sig- nilmantlys "111 come- tor -you r, The gen. skate& returned at O'clock precisely. itZte A lady, very- fond or her husband, notwithstanding his tr2;linest of person, said -to Rodgers, the poet, 66 What do you think? , Xy inishaad has laid out .fifty guineas for- a Tahoe& ott purpose to. please inc." "The dear little sisan," replied. Rodgers, just Artemati ,aut for the Wards, --they ate known al/ the wori ! over, and every bis cite in the« blessed Union luu all its little divisions called after them. In New Yorkeml Boston • sham io he fast Ward, and Secoud Ward, and so on to the one hundred Weed, and in, Parse and Loudon, and every where, we are hawed with the:saint remembrances.- I guess that's sum honor. And even down Son& its more than probablethey've some Wardein'their small villages; .and we are, so . popular -that even the work in aperture:its in the penitentiaries are named he the saine may. CANAniii- Ott; LaNes:-:-.The" Chicago Journal sacs the Canadiae oil ffeltheis pant- ' milady inviting, for several eonsideratioes: 1st. It embraces a targe territory, and candot - - _beinonopotized. Lauds -are bought at rea • minable prices -the chief expellee being for • labour and machinwry. 2 d. The 011 lands are s.cceseible by good -common roads and railroeds. 3rd. The oils are uniformly thick oils, and sell- foie11 50 Canada curency. 4th. The three fourths ot all the wells in the oitelistncts are succeseful-that is produce (tit iopayinng quantities. 5th. The cost of labor, materials and maehiner.y is one -halt- the amount ..paid. in, the- United Suttee.- - Trask Betneso tle. The hardeit thing to in bold. the word -is a* urtruir tongue. It beats & red hot samoothing iron and a kicking. home. O." -I, -would rather have newspepers Without govartiment,"- said the great Jefer. am", "than government withoutriewspepere." 0. The talent olauccesi is nothing inn re Sea doing what you cam do. well, and- doing well whatever you do, without & thought ,of - .11;:rs "Do yea like codfish balls, Mr. Wig- . guar Mr. Wiggins, with some hesitation, "1 really don't buoy, Mises 1 don't recollect ansailies one.* , sae- A. porton !mini asked why he .gave hie- daughter in marriage tos matt whom ft was at eirmity„ answered, "1 did- it out of pareresinge.'' tisk weroot thought's sufffclent apology, the congregation, whea a clergyman wr- ested kismet( for preaching a long sermou by Agin Itia chortle was large building. - ftles Wheat miat ant a-wommi Are me. 4960 by a clergymen, the.eitiestiort it, which the oae. Sometimeet there'd; it long struggle lootweee theta before this- matter a fi**11-7 settled. •* • ss Women srs. called the softer stz be - ass. they are so easily humbugged, Out of one hsedred girls, ninety -Kite would peeler taleatation to happiness -sit dandy hueband to antichaaie. . Or At taseeting of young giesos &mat /4, y,„„ reenter, it was "Resolved,that it wer, the youngladies of Seneca Fi15, don't mssarried Miring thityeer to motet some. y will be to blame." . • . Cie beeitiiiid that it is a treater onsfortsue fee & sn-„toViii blind ,tiosa for a -4"91111esi. to be set as i& kiss it 'devolves` the illiwtruism Of the greatest of all mijoyment„ **Mot -of woemet- Binds reverse is true Jul 10 Pealthelf. - - Female Employment In France.- Nei/1 AdadistowntS • 'The French afford their women numerous methods of making a living, thnt neither Eng. and nor America possess. Women are gm - toyed in almost every deimrtment of business. ine-tenths of the bookekeepers in the retail shops are women. They are in charge of all the box offices of the.theatres both nie.ht and dayand are erup144 as box openers and audience seaters: One may find them even in groceries, hardware end fora shops, wood yards and butcheries. The 'ticket sellers at -the railway stations are principally woolen: They et -en act as guards for the stations .and 1 some of .the less frequented crossings.: They cry the fate ofexcharigieveriafternoonatfter Bourse hours; and leeve the men far behind in the -mantes of..newspepers. They are .ere:; ferred as Occupants fo porter' e lodges. 1 hey undertake the.movine f furuitureawl title ht their contracts with masculine lidelitY and 1, , : promptness. Ttey sweep the streets,and.are largely interested in therug• and old clothes trades. . They do iot shrink from labor, and it astonishing to see how well' they succeed in some pursuits that other couttriee 'are regarded as only fit formeh. - The dense pop, utation, and the difficulty of making a Heine force them into active competition with -re- / I•••we.....v.W.knelpf. ' • 0 0 I 1.11W 'CV I Tay I T - , I rrHE CANADIAN PAIN DESTRQ. YER ; .i. isa Medicine tor the immediate and penna- , nent removal of all pain from -the symein: I The Canadian Paii: Dearer"' ' Cures Rheumatism, Pleuris and Patio in the Back and es. • ' - 77es Canadoan Pain Destroyer . Reieves Pain in the Head, and Sick Headache. . The Canadian- Paste -Destroyer Cares Bilious Colic and Cramp in the StOmaeh. _ The Canadian Pain Destioyer Cares Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery and Bowel .Cemplaints.. - - ' 1 - The battalion Pain Destroyer , Cures -Sudden Colds and Sore Throats. . . - The Canadian Pain Destroyer Cures Burris, Scalds, Froet Bites and Scalds. - The Canadian. Pain Desk °or -1 Cures Neuralgia, Tie. Douloereaux and Tooth ' .- - -acne. ... , The_ battalion Pain Destroyer - Is also an excellent thine for Wounds, Bruises. Sprains and strains ; a takes away all pain the moment it is applied. ' . - 6:3e. Few people undistand how deetily and silerifly a child may utter: - Obituary. _ • . • , Died of Consumption, at the •resilence of Dr . Cowen, Eieter, Mr. David Montgomery,' in the 26th year of his age. . Deceased was a native of Ireland. At an early; age be emigrated to this _country and though dependent on his own resources .he had procured a good classical education and had embarked -M--the study of the Medical Profession, when stricken done by the hand f disease: - Had his life been prolonged, his energy, perseverance *ivil integrity ofioureose. 'could slot fail to have placed hint high in the. ranks of that. profession but an Alt wis. Providence has cut short .his .career on the 7tleof-january, He expired while breathing forth prayers and preises to Ilim "who hatb redeemed us by his blood." a Hereby let me die the death of the nghteous and jet my latter end be is 19411. . • At Gladswood, Toweithip of McKiltop; on the 16th inst„---ArchibaldDicksen, Esq., aged 78 years. ' • 4 \ 4.-- — 2470t-gtabeftIseinents. .P4A GI • '-,:'.--T11.1411K•.0,-.,.; R. Z. HE3LPHIL.14 agent for A. Nordhietner, will remain in town for a fey- days. Alt prefers left At Igirk's Hotel will be attended' to. ()relent received for Pianotand Melodeons. Goderith,•.Tan. 26, 1866. BROOMS FOUND. - . Tag Party who lost a number of brooms' . near' Goderiell. can have the °same by eilliargat•A. Black's Hotel. proving:property. and paying-P.)1'11gs advertisement.; - - - Go -tench, Jan.i25,, 1866. • wl consulate ottlen ItInitesill‘tatesiof . uterine. 1)fljc's isz v* _ ffice hours. from__clock a.- in..- to -3 , OrelOet-f. in; - s1TExtiFF9s sALE. °F. Lativms. . , . tfeitedConnties of lel ar virtue. of a Writ ot . : ' t: t of Her Majesty's ounty Huron and Bruise. .1:3- Fiert Facies hinted oin To wit Court- or the :United Counties of Heron and Bruce, and to me directedagainst The lauds and tenernents of George Biggar and, Nesbit . •ifiegar, at the suit of James Hall, I have sentid and taken in Executionili the right,. title and interest of the said defendent in and ;to the, south-west corner 0( 101 Numbur one, in the eighteenth con - centime. of the Township of Grey, containing one half acre of land inth . the buildings thereon erected, and known as Biegar's Tavern ; which landsandtenements 1 shall.offer for sale at inv offiee in the (Joint Reuse, ra the Town itiftiodei-' ' feh on Tuesday, the first day ot May next, at the hour of Twelve ot the clock, noon. - • JOHN MACDONALD, - Sherif, II It B. Shend Is- Office.-aoderialt, -. I rird Jea.,186ti. I- - * .. BLANK BOOKS A FULL ASSORTMENT °fall styles, and "Am. mans of Blank Books, made of best English paper, 'Comprising DAY BOOKS, - LEDGERS, JOURNALS, CASH BOOICS MINUTE BOOKS. -. WASTE BOOKS, INDICES, PASS BOOKS, POCKET LFDGERS. 11EMORA.NDUlli BOOKS, POCKET DIA RIES, and -METALLIC BOOKS, -Very Cheali.for gesh. _ SUBSCRIPTIONS Received for any.of the Engliah or Anieritan Reviews,' Periodicals and Newspapers at Toronto rates - - AT THE 'SIGNAL' OFFICE. Jan. 16, 1E66. Farm for Bale. A SMALL farm of excellent land nicely . situate. facing the River Mailtand, and within 3 miles of the flourishing Village of Wirigham, being the south half of Lot No. 14, 01 the ninth con. of the Township of Tintitrerry. containing 40 se -reit, 23 acres chopped, 14 acres of which „tl.e Mantua will come out. - Will be Sold cheap for cash. * For further particulars apply to - JOHN W. BOWMAN. - • Genend Agent, Winehsai. 'Ian. 20; 1866. - 'w52 Insolvent4ot of 1864. Province of Canada,In the County Court of I United Counties of the United Counties of Huron and Bruce. Heron and Bruce. In the niatkr- of John Macke*, qf Ikea- - wafer, an Insolvent. . (ME undersigned has filed a consent bylie 2- creditors to hie discharge, and on Mutsu the 30th day of March teat he win &pinta to theIndge of the saideohrt forst:Odra*, tion thereof. JOHN MAULEAN, by his attorney ailifesifw.r.FINDiAir. iraininon,-17 January, In& - w53'l4st INSOLVENT Act 1864. fa the mattsr of Robert straw, Ana Giotto F. Stetted, Insolvents. _ _ ?RReadersived. has-been appointed As. , WA NTED 1 ei -us thismatter, sad require claim i - . to be Eed -within- WO 'Months front this dale. La A REALLY good newly salved teach cow- Thitedat Cioderielt in the County effort" cheap -far walla omit will be paid. 'this 8th day of larmarf,A.1k-48. 66. I Apply et the Signal office - - steal JAMES THOMSON, Assignee : Godacie lo Dec.. 29, 1865. - sr49sw35 i I °Family plimitdbe Without a bottle of The Canadian Pain 'Destroyer!. PRICE.. --95 cents per Bottle. All ordenishould be addressed to ' NORTHRUP & LYMAN.' . NeWeeette; C. W. , Sold in Goderie h by Parker & Cattle and -F. Jordan, Gardiner & Co.. Barfield, James Berithuin,Rogervillie, J. Pickard. Exeter, 1. H. Combe, Clinton, &Hickson, Seaforth, and all .Medicine Dealers. Lw38-6111 ' THE GREAT ENGLISH itEllEbT SIR JAMES CLARKE'S ' Cerebrated Peniale Pills. Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke,M.D.,Phknciitit extraordinary s to the Queen. Thirt invaluable Medicine _is unfailing in ib.. -tette of all *hone painful and 'dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is subject. It maderatea all excess and reinovei all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on - - 1 TO MARRIED LADIES i&ve pe. nliarly fitted. It wid, in a short time, bring on the monthly pe -t sod with regularity. Each bottle, prk•e• One Dollar, beers the Gov- ernment :Ramp of Great Britain to prevent man- . terkitsCAtTTION. These Pills .1dnild not he taken bofentalef daring the F1RS7 TIIREE MaN 7118 - of Preg- -nanry„tis they tow sore .to bring tot_ Arisear- :loge, bitt at nny ether time tltey are safe. Insolvent Act of 1864. Alexander McKenzie, Daniel L. dills,- ilfendant. A WRIT OF ATTACHMENT ha e issued 'dm in this cause. , • JOHN MACDONALD, • Sheriff, H. & 8. Sheriff's Olieed . oderich, 18t-6. sw4202se _ TAVERN $TAND rtto L.EAS E r, - IN -TIIE TOWN OF !.:40DERICII. _ . '1111E tavern -lately -occupied by Mr. Beer, on the corner ett Kingston and Vieterie streebi, (part of the Allen Estate). -will be leased for term 'of years. , Apply to A. AtLEN, . '"ecuickr3.- 7 Godeich, Jan. 23; • 1866. CANADA COMPANY LANDS. , FARMERS and others desirous of 'purchase in. Lands are informed that the Caiiiuis Company have Lands to Sell .or Lease Iti various parttOf the Province. . The Company would particularly invite nf iteration to their wILD LANDS in the Conn. ti▪ es of . . . HURON AND PERTH which will be disposed of on liberal terms to parties who - may he prepared to pay IN- CASE!, or teconaiderable sum down., • Canada Company's Office;'• - 1 Toronto, 19th 1.)ecir, 1865t 51vilm In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, PAIIIIS in the Back and Limbs, Fattgne on slight _ exertion, Paiptatioretf the Heart, Hysterics and ' Whites these Pill* will effect (lire whe II To the Municipal Hied tors or the !hint- - ship WAWANOSH • . other waive hove failed; and althoneh * PoWee- ful reinedydonot. contain -ironciao-mei, anti- mony, (*anything .hurtful- to tee constitution. • Full directious in the pamphlet around cite!' piteliage, which should be carefully prerereed. - Solo agent for the United States and Canada., JOB • SI-OSblS, Rochester, N.Y. W. 8.—,$1.00 and' six"po-tage stamps, enclosed to any authorized agent will insure a bottle von mining fifty Pills, by return mail; ' ' NORTHRUP & LYMAN, Newcastle, C. W., general agent for caned*. . Itr-Sold in Galeria) bv Parker_At rattle and Jordan; Gaidinero Cn, Bayfield, James Benthumi-Hogeiville'• J. PiekanL, Exeter, ; 4.11. ,ombe, election E.Hickson, Seatorth, and all Medicine *healers. w314 -1y Relief in Ten Minutes! , isizZAP A 1%7'8 IDULMONIC' WAFERS. The most certain and speedy remedy ever discovered . for ali diseases of the , Chest • and Lungs, - Coughs, Colds, Asthma.- Consumption, Bron- chitis Influenza, 7 itoarseness, Difficult Breathing, Sore Throat, • These -Waters give the most instantaneous an- d per. fact re;iet when persevered with 'Wel acting to directions never fail to effect a rapid and lasting cure. Thousands ,have been restoreii to perfect heath. who have tried other means in vahr. Toad -clauses and all constitutions they are a blessing and cure—none need despair. no -metier lioW long the diseaie may have existed, or how • severe it maybe,. provided the organic strueture of the vital organs- is not hope.essly decayed. Every one afflicted shuold give them an impanialinal. s. - TO VOCALISTS Is. PUBLIC SPEAKERS these Wafers are peesiliarly valuable.; Ihey will in one day remove the most severe occasional hoarseness arid their regular use ter a few days.will. at all times. in - grease time power and mimttexibility if the voice. greatly improving its tone, compass. and:clearness. tor which purpose they are regularly wed by many. Professiciiial Vocalists. -JOB MOSES. so,e Pruprietor, Rochester, N.Y. Price 25 cents per box. - Vo'ealiste and Public Spealcers • Voral sts and Public Speekens Vocalists_and Public Speakers • Will find llryan•e 'Wafers Will find Brymios Wafers Will fiud Brian,. Wafers Invaluable _to remove Invaluable tri remoVe Invaluable yit remove • - '• Boarcenesx and Sore Throat .H . • -, ' • • - ourseness and Sort:Moat 4Hoarseness and Sore Throat _ And give clearness to time Voice. - And give elearuess It, the Voice, And -give clearness to the -Voice, They relieve in,ten minutes; They relieve in ten minutes.- . They relieve in ten minutes* Cough& Colds. and all divines Coughe, Colds. and all -diseases Coughs, Colds; inud all diseases Of the Chest and Lungs, &rem Chest and Lungs, Of the Chest amid,Lungs,. iold by all Druggist*, Sold by all. Druggist*. . Poldby ad Druggists. A125 cents a box,. At 25 rents A box: At 25 cemr a box Nortlilup 4 Lyman, Newcastle, Genend Agents for the Canada -a. frr Sold in Goderieb by Parker at- Cattle mut Frjore dan ; Gardiner & Co, Hayfield; Jas. Henthern, Roger - vide ; L Pielcard. Exeter; .1.1L Combo,. Clinton; E. Hickson. Reeked's; and all medicine dealers. lwae.em SNEFLUPST- SALE OP LANDS. Dotted Couniresof 1DIT • Viline of a- writ of Court ot the United C011atiell of Fiuron and i Huron and &we. -I-trier' Facies issued out • to wit: _ of Her Illeiestrs Count* Bruce, and ti me directed against the • lands and tenements ot.fohn Horgan at the suit of Joeeph -Acheson, 1 have seised and taken in Executioe all Inc right title and intermit ofthe said defendant ( in the I. in and to lot number sixteen in the twentieth concession: of the township of Stephen in the county of Huron; which lands and tenements 1 shall offer for sale at my Miceli. the Court House town of Ooderich, ea Tuesday the te eatya a tountt rof Apnl next) at the hour oftwelve et tbet duck, noon. - \ JOHN MACDONALD,. •„ ' Sheriff IL & B. ley B. For.r.oce, Depnw Sherrie. ' .fteriflYs Oce, Goderieft, / teth Jeer., 1666. - 1 ..' 1w42 . wiLLIA,Avs Victoria -Irian: and Melodeons _ TS A.F. me busman arzths. Illnitated flatalogno ries. ADDRESS -ft. S. Willittlea, Toronto or W. T. COM. req.', Galeria, who *ill sup- ply "Wove. 140 i MOTICE it hereby ?free by the Municipal 1.1 • Council of the said Towmtbrp that a By. Law :to repeal a certain other By Law linseed by the said Iluilicipal Council oh the 10th day of January, 1864, for t he enforcement of the:Temperance Act ot 1664,• will be submit- ted for their approval In 'terms of the . said Temperance. Act of 1804, em Friday the twenty -2 -third day of .February neat, at the School House on lot No 27, concession 8, in. the said township, at dm, hour of mo in the forenoon. - - - °: z .-. JAS. SCOTT; Towiep_ Clerk Wawanorilt. Dated at Wasiatiosh thisA. 6th • day oflan'l, A.D. 1866,•-• 4- -w52td Insolvent Notiee. TENDERS will be received- op -to the 27th a instantfor the purchase of the STOCK_ IN TRADE of It. ilk G. F. Stewart, Insolvents, lately do. ing -businesi in Godericle as merchants and eeneral traders. - . Tenders to be addressed to M. C. Calderon Esq., Goderich, and to state how.much on the g, the person tendering will give tor the zitoek at per •tbe inventory thereof in the assignee's hands. Also the terms of- pay meht, and -the security for the. unpaid pur- chase miner. • • Ali information given by the undersigned or M. ei Cameron. .1 do not bind myself to ac- cept the lighest tender. • _ JAMES THO M SON, - Official Assignee f the Estate of R. & G. F. Stewart. Dated 18th January, 1860. 2tsw41 y -Lw No. -8,18-65. rpHE Corporation of the "Township of Ash- a. field, euacts : 1st, That the following By-iawle'repealed._ • BY -14.419 No. 1, 18.61. 11 The sale of intoxicating liquors and the issuing of licenses therefor, is by .t he present by•law prohibited within the Township of Ashfield, under authority and for enforce- ment Of the Temperimee A.et of 1864." 2nd, That licensesbe issued -.within the aforesaid Township for the sale ef intoxica ting lianors. ' • . - 3rd, Thai this . by-law shall -come into force from the firat day of Meech next . • WILLIAM MALLOUGH JOHN COOKE, - Reeve. -- Township Clerk: - Parse I Deccinber. 29, 1865.. TAKE NOTICE -A meeting of the- Mumcipal Electors of the municipality will be held at Fitilay's School House, No. 9, on -Thursday, the fifteenth of Februina nest, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, for the t dung or a poll, to decide 'whether or not the bklaw is approved. by such electors. solvent Act of -1864. . • _ flrHE creditors Of the undersigned are noti» fied bt_ meet at the Law office of ff. Y. ElWood,. in the town of -00clerieh, on Wed- nesdey, the 31st day of January, 1806, at twelve o'clock noon, to receive statements of his affairs, and to name an msignee. •- Dated at Goderieh in the County of Huron this.10th day of January, 1866. •• JOHN DUNCAN- - . of the Township of Hul!ett it the - County of Huron. • - J.. T. ELWOOTi, _ - Solicitor for Insolvent. aw391d . - . . FOR ; :sus: OR TO - SENT. THE well known Judge Fargn, lot .:8th cot., E. D., Colborne. This fann is. within 64 mile of Goderieh„ there is ?fit acres cleared, and a f-sune 'tease and 'barn. One half:is eller- -of -Mame,: and the other half from 9 to 4-years.cheped, and hie eerier been ploughed, there- are alio it young orchard of 1511 trees of , best aseortment :of fruits: -a good Well aid pump.- - As to . temaijr*. apply to - PATRICKVATIROls. s Colborne. Nov. 30, 1805..• w45 1 _ - -; • New Marble W6riii Y CHRISTMAS if warm2111 gui>ffelasigirtzts, Pollock's Block, .Jvahristvzon. IIE SCIlSCRIBERS EXPECT TO RECEIVE IN A FW VATS AT THE Teas, Sugars, Tobb Spices, - - 18th Dec.; 1865. MP. coos, RaisinCurrnnts, Soap, Candks, • &c., will be sold cheap& " RR* 414,it .1 LOT kS it is the wish 'of the subscri rs to close off this branch of their busitneill .froin tho date _ they sell at prime cost tbeir entire stock of . Overcoats, Sack and Frock Coats, Pants, Vests, Shit, vtu R C.A.1PS, Are., .1fire. _D. REAR, JR., SCO. 18th Dec., -1865 S • AIM present stock•of Boota tY1 ben will he offered at cost pnces up to -Stet -bat., to =niake room for a freslisupply. • - Goderich 18th-Pecember, 8 KERR., JR., • • • ,-..77.."•176"7.7"7""r7-"-•• • ::'"It%°467***".......‘.44111".."..40.‘••••••••!".0%eeseNe•saesas 1 LEAVE _GODERICII) 1\T . 170r• UNDER 1 i••••••••••1• MONUMENTS, HEADSTIPSE8r Tomb,s,Trible-topesPostsoic.,-- of every description and style of - Workmanship, ihrniafied pn siert notice and at the lowest prices.. Liberal reduction' made for cad. ffielt111111/101010- e Demens of Motiumeale, IC/ may le men at the shop. - Gedeneh, Dee.- 19, 1865, *41ire- 5111 AV- CATTLE: Ri1lArg11 from the subscriber abottf8epe- rer tember last, 4 cattle. red and while.. Aa% piece cut out of the underside of the left. eat - of each for a mark, .3 ofthem emining2 years old, 1 coming fhree years eta. Any throe. mourn that *ill lead to their recovery veil' b. thankfully received by 40a:I S. 11CPI,- Iluron Hoed, fp. of Godencii. Dete-16th, 1865t • w47 3t' ,-N0T ipEs QTRATEDCATTLE,-A arlsiteeteertiOng 2years old, came on the madam of the subscriber on the 20th Septereher last. The owner is requested to provo_preeparty, pay expenses, and take him sway. • . JOHN CAMERON, , lot 8.14 con., W.D., Ashfield. 121h jantertfy, ISM w51 3' - Wanted.- AN experienced teacher for &hoof gee - tion No. 9, Township of 'Graderich.- Personal .application preferred.- If by letter. address - JOHN eftrnant, . _ mohneseille is. 0.1 fioderiefi • tonna*, C, January Title 1266. *51tf Wanted. A N ardeled clerk to an attcreey. Apply ne• to - - • . SINCLAIR WALIIElf.- Goderich 17th Jan. Jan. 1866. w62 lsi Insolvent Act of 1864. • .1•••••••••••.. THE -creditors of the undersigned are nage fied to meet at the Law Office of Elwood, in the Teen MGodetih, on Friday,- - the in entyaixth day of January, -1866, sz Twelve o'clock. noon, to receive sweetener: of his affairs iud to name an =epee._ Dated at the Village of Blythe, is fir COISItY ei Huron, this 4tb iday of lisitanyr 1864. ' J. Y. So. Eirielito°r°fopriltisoljAesli rt. Irrri:14-36141" .TO. MALVERN?, ZIT OUN• *memo. ATOTICE is hereby giver( did appliestiea JA will be made by petition to hot', Homes of the Leglidatmeat AU•k. watt 'meth's 110 have the Township Of Winnutosli, to this - County of Heron, divided into two wenib- palities, by a line runs* nearly tor& and - south, between lots numbered tereatvernms. •- and twentytight. The said ditisioor lie lar galled East" and "s" Wiritautid‘. nepectively; 4 . JAS. SCOTT, Tewasidir Cleft, Wawaneell, Dee. 20, 1860. we* 2. RUENT STOG ST FOR 07 HOTEL 1.4001E . 0174'. 1876 Mt, 311A.3FIGI-,AtiNig THE / J. 1°"1 th• Annem ci Ihr" I. Undersigned would, respect . and the public generally this las los mies. :mewed the above luisinens :it ids Ai staid St. DAM street, - And laving now OD and atretoellent asaerte . ..,t. -went of the best material he -is prepaved tot - sn53 - . • • . Wm° and SI -GIODEItICH November •21Sts 1866, - ---SIIER1Fir'S- SALE 01;LINDS I United Counties ot wide .0 - Writ el Huron and .11.3 Fieri Fae' hissed out I Ti wit • of r Ma" yys County Court. oftbe tinned Counties ofHuron and Bruce 1 and to me directed against the lands and temp- I mente of Jchn McBride and Same( Ifirolittees at Wren in Execution all the right title end interest the suit of Witham Campbell, I ha?ert seised and I of the said defendants in Indio ke Amber two in the 'curet conceseon of the township of racket - smith, Huron Road, and county oIHurun whivh land* and tenements 1 shall oiler for *ale at my officein the Court House in the tow of oderieh, on Tueaday the Fiiat day of May next, at the hour of t rive of !hada. noon. JOHN MACDs4.70,71.1".74,. •Ity S. Pollock., DeputySheriff. - Sheriff's Office, Goderich, 22nd January, 1860 sw42 111:40. VENTAOT 0P1864.., In ilte 'natter of "rands W. Ar-tnstrong, Insolvent. - HE undersigned- has bored: appointed al levee in this matter, and reeeiree claims to be fyled_within two month from:. this -slate. Kincardine, County of Bruce, lit del of December, A. D., Issr.. -cAsisioNr.JOHN liEUTE-181elizn SoliciWr for Insolvent. w451; . . . . STRAYED ST Oft. /IAMB into the premises of the subscriber V a steer, 2 year old eOtnieg 31.- Red with white belly, and star en trirehead. Any person haring lost 'the above, please Pm*. ProPeOle PaYezPet.oesr and 186 him away. - WM. McDOU,G ALL, • Lot 17, 3rd cern., luckersnoldi. Jan. 16th, 1866. • • 1 w51 _ (IAMB into the premises of Thos. Iledden, V tot ill, con. 4, Stephen, .onetime in December, two steers, twO_Yeara oirr 0" red the othse red and _white.. The ewnsw is TO- fIB011ted to paycharges and takeilheni away. Tsivniship Clirk, Stephen, Detioalip. Stephen, 15 January, 1866. ' w62 at NOTICE. --- T HEREBY forbid any peeon fronfcredit 4 ins any of my family or 11111 thbr person whatever _without my wnttei coder, on my amount, as I Toll . not be responsible therefor, from this date. - . - J. ROSS, Shoemaker. (Weida, Jan.12th, I866 ' w51 -3t Money to Le O, N Real Estate, at 8 per tent and .pwars Charge! reationahle. Appl to . SM. WALKER, Godericli 17th 1.6 - MF 1 January, 86 • 1 - *At I Valuable Nock ef Land, VIOR SALE Lots 1,2 and arin eon, 5 west Ai of the -Township of Colborne, Containing about 255 acres, and lying about :3 miles from the Town of Goderieh, from which a - good road puses alone the northerly bound- ary of the block. The land is beautifully -timbered with hard Wood, and the sod is ot Very superior quality. Apply to ° W. G. MORISON,--P. L. 3, p. o. r G M. TRUEMA.N, Godedch. 'Tannery, lib, 1866. , A slag O(IAMB- into the enciontre of the sabseriberi 1 lthectii Colborne about the end of Beptetnber, a red Steer about 6 Years _old 'flie owner van have the Mune by proving roperty and paying forth!: advertisement .v/48.3t3 LILLY MORRIS., 3Mssolution, MBE Palliate -14; of ICuell, Hutton lis Kitelne is bereby dissolved, as -Hutton and Kitchie lave left. The businesslIll be, carried on by the andetaiened fOrrileVrii• FREDERICK KNELL, January 11,1811, wa 300 To All Indebted. to Its Cir. Stewart, ianitaits. TAKE NOTICE.; --.1 hereby forbid any -Ayerson indebted to the above estate 10 pay *ay book &recants or notes of heed sima for value reeeived front such estate, as any date given, or book Account settled since Ala Sixth day of December, 1866, I shall:aware to be paid again to meacoording tke provisions of the Insolvent Act. JAMES THOMSON, execute:nether" ielsis line in s wiey "hie& cannot -fail to give astisfaetion, Baring had great experience` St Ale- husinest, ancrall wort iu is shop Being (one under his pelletalsuperintendent*, he caw, wananteverysiiicle made by -bra to- be of - -the best quality. while his terms sill be found' very reasenable„ Fanners give him acan t ansi see o yourse Tea N. B.-Tiorse shoeing and. jiditiWirl .14 kindsstriitly attended ib..• - Lewis ELuorr, 0_edetich, Dec., 27th, 1865. -valliff NOTICE,. 18 hereby given :that • epplication twill hit - • made at the next session of Parliament _ for an Act to enable the Buffalo and leliee Huron Railway Compel* -to capitalise the-- . L arreers of interest doe by theft, by inside* new abates or otherwise free -woad lett ter wire to amend their nes. 1- Acts of ricoor potation. _ **afford, 1 Jatut 1866. swZSZ. • • QTRAY BULL. -Came into the promisee ..,LF of the ealtecieber, lul Il -and 12, Mailbag . foneeesion, Towniimp or•Goatrick Moat - 16th November last,* Brindled Bell, co.iss - yam oidt. Tillt owner ki-sweeested s. Ince* property, iidy ehtwo* 1.4 sabe um. us/. • - THOS. GINN, stailialis flat 136te wfit St. - - - - TRAY IIEWER.-Vaintrinfs petite sex of tte stibieribers :aithisJ,i1e,- about middle of December lists a Tot awl white heifer, onearo1d, mg owner willi fl_eue prove proPertys Pal elloriest aba Der away; • =OS" OILDEEE. Ifisidanciville, Jan. 15th, 1.565. w61 W Sheriff a Sata °amide. . . UnrietiCatinbesot 'DT vidalie Oa WM ot 1 Hawn aid Brom, ....., *fen AMMO tweed en* TerWte: •iir: Hot askotes Caws, - mart *Me United essitemesetlferee aiii Prom - and to re 'illetied iiiikelle iike lee* Sea tale' Iliflitijr of Walter A lekauder, at the noteerehdreit, W. S. besehatitatis met J. -Berme' bevai **askew -in execation ell she right, Tide sea teleileatfoftlieusio defends* in and *0 1,1 Nisthei Severs 1. the Abet eoreeeiteien of the roWarkip ofterey,fir the .Menuy of flame rim -- tailing oar teradred- ..-w4; wisteh hiede allir seminarist? drat otter lor Alit at my Aloe la theCoart Hone -In the Iowa or Gosirieit ei4 -- Tuesiley Inc tweetriourth day -of 440 _, the hour of twelve of the dock,..ntion. '.` . - JOHN MACOW "Mr Ity 8 Pollock, iepin-Sherif. -------- asst ignee foe mid estate. osetirsojece,m,odetiess GoderichiJanZ 1866. sw41 3w1 jaw, igps •