HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-01-26, Page 2---_, I_ .i...__ • -
' 1 of their section cif cantry would be, folly, it
5t1RisO1idi4elit *1. IA t woeld interfere with the value of. the wheat
t s - • held by the Bank tit Chicileie or Milivankie.
, .
. . teerish Mr. B. and fitty_seell like, together
e: - ee, - - tvith.. the • whole agricultural eoremnnity
ADDEitit.1‘ G. - k
ainone whom. the >reside. so that t e
tiT kW 26th liti6 Yd a h
s secures itsel/ and. eciares, whet oe- tot y or ies of the country. ale. D. t or s re / •
THE SEMIVE:-W1(1.4-Y..,...-S-IGIA.14.-_.
Sao_ da---Mesers Horton, Sim R December. so went, and As I Josepb, from. the time the taiii ofthau
Treaty, and cited such examples its A.ndreW townships in the county.,Lost on a divi-
4 try lie ya
Johnson lied Bo Burns as illestrating the - b -.t ht• • Brown, lineally,' Patton, CreerY Kribs, understand for •a fact, got -frothing. He his OM Was placed upo-n his -ba k itu the foe
• • „ - when arrayed in royal epitome' he
Council in a> l)obbln;' Millar, Martin, Wilton Biter taken ?merlon of the. _school,. although our • ,_ •
Su marmot took tate trawls to e
.e. spole sten y_a invert o mg _
ome ili
all the lend efEeypt. Atter bun, Mr. als
andROtidsairo. nd* 13ridges,- ;aro?!
iaresistanle powersofself-relianc
of the liberality of_ our Counties 1.* The. followin° .14.etter from e County
fc'otering every .cominercial project having Treasurer, acconap,
iniect by -Schedules &e; ,
Basta/ L °ridge'', • Brucer4leisrs n°
n an iiiiitaendiesnut,dyfoicreltrot giv unit rwr
abail, be kee eiyeetastb,e.-in---e school. All of ebristi 'lletutyaapenewbeer-i-kylro.f
to lake act -or arilY bas
i eausingall bodies to,conrergetioN:*-1,----"et.--."‘
le:He:7; wh. one)) nt
1--0 the universal *Is" .1.11* aitai. •
the to:dvitheeeosefhthiroolseuver.y, with- 4.11154° al") -
nue giving to the d y
Snell P. -
, arbour R Brow d:shhowihn.g litrr.lw%Vglinfgeontalistreusteeit With met, meeLeed wa3
teens the school If'
for its &eject, the deeelopnient of -the tearer.
s was read
Ada unuaden, Pinkerton,. .; fir a dab Putting the this:nee:1 guutn beuPerintendent tend, wheninegoind L'iminGst vh°111.1c111111
Sproat, Helps, Gibson, A Brow
OVA 13
• 011rnast we endeavored to point out
fidsele a dividend of. per cent. as the . which we ace sorev we :hate -not room for/ GENTegeteet. - .hain the. honor
true protli arisinesirnm the worlsing .0( the: in'fult, were listened to attentively, arid his -
herewith- to submit statement of reoeintid -up s
eapital of the Batik. sentimente frequertily tieplainted. " A f'
Seaford'. . • s 7 , "Our tnanufacturnig interests."aeSong:by aed expenditure detail the• ye,ar
. 1865. Statement of Ledger balancea-On
Patton, "Paddy_in the earivtl."- far.
statetnent Of esti-
itEltarat, 11.4SIC s6---pie":67.1 of Hoet-lek, responded. in a ca.pr.t.a 30th meg.; comparative
the purpiee for which banksAvere created
— Ile. Woods proiiosed the - health Of the
and * i'ersPs thaV kd . the special Yesterday-(ThUrsday, 23th,) beiogrthe - American -Consul, and Mr. Fitnam responded
in theeame heaqy manner. .
privileges. granted them. _ Having done aortiversary of the birthday - of Robert Mr. Voltam proposed the bealtll'of Mr.
. • • .
am we proceeded to shoW, bow _ our own, Barna,' the -great poet of Scotlandrab filo; Warden Gibbons,. end that .gentliman res-
Baas ha& .warked their eapttal, and: prornptu festival was -got -up iti Dark's
• . - 1 Mr. Ifemphill recited the 4 sidessplittine
toiated out, thet - eiltile enjayin, all the Hotel by a few of the Reeree, who toe!: I. stiunri;orntioni-.-1_Cait
. . .
o ., ye not discover*. the
rivilegea accorded to otheriestitations of hold of -the matter in -such- vigorous style signs of t he time.s?" -- ' l'_ - - •
- Tlie Bar" wits proposed_ by the vicechair-
a similar nature,. they (-AO on then -Fart'
ib: keeping taith. aide: the ptiblies and
used the privileges greatec1 not; for our
a� to sword the Most complete success:- man. and responded to :by Mr. Hays.
lie midge was So shdrt that it was ' "
1111- Me ladies are indebted to MreToms- for
possible for Mr. Dark• to get tip a sOppete -galaelt response to the toast of . their
advantage,: but to' assist other's, otir op- anti the ("nest& were in conse
ood hi it th.
stoats in trade, to develop
.Thlaking nistitntions have'.
gimlet.; on -i°. -eel,, d e C f
.e lees, respell e to y r. ox o
to our iolory.-, There um other• peints plied with the lividg so. gcnerallY in use =Mr. Gillie proposed the County Offieialse
eir resources tent
.. . .
to sit ilown td a festive board sup- the Sioual
. •
. - - - Ile Spoke of i fr. Ross as - a most able -and
in them managenient to which we wish at the -.social gatherings of oar_ day.-' pains.tekine officer, and was sorry he had re
to draw- attention. --. -. . There were about 2.,ct gentlemen iiresent, tired for the eveiring. Mr. Adel/men, while
ore. of the ablest members at the Board, and
Worship .* ...Mayer he Ind lio doubt but' he would. aveveryCPetureile • kiis Wo
capitatoir ofd
From the o
m e ,r„%aienun o s_ri e
of the Qualocillors hid distingiashcd himself as
f•-", ab indudinig-"nearly every member
.the Iron.. T. Fitnam, Uutted s4atjsfaction thecapacityof Clerk, -Mr.
very "mealy a monopoly in-' finandaI •, mat- Detlors
----------, be bu,„dpiu ,co; out of ilk. lied
regwatio n acted according to the 16°4.
m 8 Conznattee--Messrs 1°
Canadsan 3c
those newly .elected truatee, Mr! Geet. 3115- SYst*Ins proving IPur 114)ble
- &or ao nuglii:Woodihnd Rasfall. 1
worde 9illies and. Martin.- atbdefiance they may
lis by it
rfis po:itt by the defog
art itause_ *sus tnetherieoldiote. wtritohobli to c.aii .eo- Forbes. teachers IIS speti in the St -h "31
the trustees aliothe
wd CO
inated andnictual expenditure for the year . .
jleeseponc Club"
tere, and eau' and de, ride. the -province- proPOSed. --R-s
.2tates _Consul, the County officials, and a --..
inanCialttjust as-stiits themselves. •Theirilorge number of our mostrespectable_pie- pouse by Mr. Hazlehuts4 .
ad busitiess men. -
e • . ' A number of 'Volunteer toasts andaongs-
armies have na independent actien,''f,issional a . • - - were given, when, the hour„ being past„ mid
everythinar is rendered -subordinate to the 1tobt. Gibbens, Esq.,Neardereof Huron
. night, the compeny sang "Auld Line Q.
• /.
- Whitehead,.Hussey, Currie, Ford, Dims- the matter, and- get a qualified teacher hired. He was fol ow by n Peter t ilas
den; ;Johnston, Purvis, -McKinnon,: . Dobbin, tint no, Mr. %Vilson has reared them with who PmiraYed in aver, la Ilk laal•elocloeet
1065, statement of-eollections _from 'non.-
-. his threats to brake them pay salary they manner the aspect and reoarces of our be.
rOsiaeot Lands, _May to. Dee „and- state- Carnebell. and Raiesoo.
meet- of collections froth unpatented lands To attend Quarter -Sessions,-"Messis. are afraid? they wont act. Now', Mr. Editor, loved Canada. Upon- the wbole the soiree
• - . -- • Mallough, Sprout, J. _Whiteheadi Patton/ _our school is without a qualified leachers -bet aos emnPiete SUOMI", n°Iwlostanding_tbse
distinet -iron the preceding.' You will Horton, Bestial and Ptieels., our trustees will find themsvlves It curio:is absence of same ol 'the ePeakers esPecied-
observe from the statement of the 'actual - Gravel-- Racid, Harcia.-Messrs..Perki_ne . mess he and by I think I for oie with many their places being a ereetably suPplied by es.
h E •
- - • • - (dreary Evans, -Messer. - Dolton,. others' will come on the trust.:es for damages c-antini. mimic from e Exeter choir.
ture.of 1865that the nett actual expendi--- Gravel Road, Bruce.Messts. Brocel- weewili receive no °overt; ent ,Money; •
_. Mother 1.11tnL_ An- agolsy in4y* be doing anl Bruce, took the cletiaabolit 8 o'clock and dispersed, ell being satisfied ilia a plea-
. /
the vice chair Lein.' oecuPied by Jobn emitter night had never been enjoyed in God;
. .
a steady bitainese and - .-coil and
"1- • giving C', 0 _ - erica. r -
sift employMent to a reaionable- a`inount .giiii2-5./.E141. - - -
AMeri an Cousul having entered -
of Capital, reteiving from, and Cenferring -----The
. . nt
oni it,s, customers mutual. '.benefits; oo i in full. aratorm . was introduced to the
the loth of this state of things, men' - I ornests bytlie c'tairman and received in
- ,-,--a - In ' es ' - / - : On tak*bg his seat as Warden on Tuesdity
trade -calculating On a contrail:dim of the1 a most cordrak•manner.. . afternoon Mr. Gibbons addressed the.Council,
fair mereantile aAcommodatim: Keepiaif,r. The gites$shaving taken their se ats the statute that nothing laid been done with re -
their accounts with -the tank.: i;eseipposed Proceedings were -commenced by a splen- geld to the goat - ithProvenients The flad
. , .
to :entitle thema to make' arrarioenieuts did :Piece. of mask' from'' the G ' ., ill's easebed not been settled. _He thoegat,
e oderieh. g
• .
Co at tit i es Coutdc11.
aproat, Snell, J. Whitehe_ ad and lidsseY. • - for -MA keepiag a qualifie tea her, besides D. est.
as compared with the estimated expendi-
tLre for general purposes has exceeded the bank, leuniden. (Mlles, Johnston, • dale, A. trustees :will have to eaa deo. Such trustees " One" i'far a Dag'. weanatYv
- - McIntyre and Rasura.. ought to he very scarce putiinl, people to
amount • estimated and - levied for by The Warden tobe,-ex-eificitt Member of h d'sadian aes this time Ithe year add ' In the sumtr.er of 184S, I_ WU apendlny-
, . u _
ceed isa my holidays at Monaca-140dr, . then one or
1014.81. The -extra mettle,' . lit all standar(' COmmitte_es. The report was I reall think that the Board e
. • s oueltt to call in the,old certificate, and get it Ate PosImg matums °11 the • Peet
Council October has caused the adopted.
I ed to ass m de s br
Tncraenatr. "' exaanieed,„. .8,_nillineg ink on certificates ought aoad- 1.3 7. Y !.ata lair
aacounts- for salaries and Council "" -among tbe romantic glens in the ,neighboer.
- ' .4 , By -Law NW. 1, 1866, to pay or to th to be put a stop to.
e . • Yourstruly, ' hood. 1 soinetimea liad for my_ romps:goo
fees' to exceed the estimate by the sum respective' ' . rites - their -11 traresident „. a gamekeeper, familiarly known as Daum
.municipa 1 _ ,. .
Of $577.35. Stationary - and Printing, momes, was read .and passed. • -,I;.-.. .
.r, , . - -- Committee. . , . . • retnever.. us rave mg e ,
put to th.e.end of the hrst epietle.. Mr.Wdson ma .i. became scrusinied. we, ibat is- see-
ms86,19, caused by the extra expense of Report or sateriee committee,: 'read and
. _
_ - went_over to Mr. Youngeone of our trustee's,.
-dog 'and I, were never on familiar terms.'
Rel;istry Books under --------- w ct, The adopted: • • - ." s
sins. reed to shim him . his ceoificate, on -Sunday the, .
- Re bet of the Count, Etiaineer
or the actual expenditure -b the sum of Motion f M Raetell f
o r. or e•appr
th - opria. ot er rustee, Mr.. Itizrant, to Inge lhe g Ler
• Beg (Little Duncan) who was always amen
SIR,--Srace writing yoe the aliov-e plea'se: Pan,Ies1 „rii3thtetat'S 1*. lItol*winethetnrieTthoestehanwd-
tee., has also overrun the estitnlite y . . . . • . •
b- Petition • of Mr. Gal referred Finance
d patting his head be never permitted
estimate for jury expenses has been short
d fe 'ed AO R. -and B. Committee 15tb, and drew out a document for our ` BeYen
• and re rr r . t me to indul e 'farther deinoastratioiss
:6310.19 caused by paythenta-tr3 the 7 -Clerk tarn of $_200 greeted at last session ,for eree Weeded
t. sense is as follows : 'Diet J.- William Young -.ely Oda,' T eetuereed loam to
an every every respect justifi tbie, viewed either. Glee Club, whieh kindly _turned out in the subject of the extension of tbe Huron
y nr rota tan addedvastly e it aray • - a
muds to -meet the Bruce enivel roads might
rim the Ile of the counee ' f full forcet h • 11 '
state of tl.eir owe business-. One of these,
with the eiew perfeetiose these arrange-
t• entscalls on the Bank arrant of the
of the occasion by the perform:Luse of a
selection of the most popular music of
the day.'
come. _up during tha year, and , his own
opinion was thai., if the Countil, find theta.:
sehies-in a position' to deiso.' - it would be de-
sirable • •
iirahle to enter into the matter. It might
locality in full expectation of havine- his
0 _The toast of' Her Maje:sty the Queen 'alio be necessary to consider the adviiabilit
-105.-eche, ali was althat Of the Priece ' course. these questions cooldare bronght np
Matter A., Who
The Chairmati. then proposed the Presi= ----A committee of seven was lir:Hotel for to
wishes complied' with ; broeches the viP's givea-
from thechair nnd cheeredsto- of renewing :the Maitland Bridge, but,' of
to Mr. the agenti
-• B 'and and Prindess of Wideq. • , ' , - -in the reeular course ot busines
himself es very happy to see Mr.i
t af th United Statel, -.( heers.) .
c - ' -eding-- committee for the year, at the credit of this -Ace% of- $209 02 '•t--
fitrikeahs sta
isf Concerned) nothing -nod& afford Itini Aen e ' • •
err: . -. .. - • - eonsistine ef - Meesre. Bishop, Mallough,1 rhere has also. been charged to the 'Co's,
which the Gibson' Lunisdenf jninisi°ni ' Gilhes, and Bruce by your inStructionaS195.66 for sun
IliOre- pleasure than. to comply with 3.4% piton. Mr.-, Vilma°, in response, cordially .
very reasonable request. Bid really
/ , e 'i '
thanked_ them- foe the manner in
- . Sproat ' • . . d c i a .. . . .
. - dry ont n.e expenses and $196 50- for
y Po as Un nrotion of Mr npriat; 'seconded by Me. interest on ° the GreenoCk Bridge.deben-
tures-for which no provision wait made.'
toast had been recuyed. ' The toast -
le cannot, he has 4Teteived b - ' t 1
dad jnatice, not only- to the man lint 'his - '
4 J. Whitehead, James Seed, Bqq. was ap .
- in,/ bridges over ----------- Queenstreet
do authorize Wthion to go -on rd. h
4 mbur .
of the Paace far. jury services- for 1865, encardine, to he &Pent- Ps follower' $126 to teaching. and to allow him to go somewhere - - s
and procure a- certificate fit to draw As ehe years went past, I 'remit -occasion.
paid in December on order of Sessibns, aid in repairing bridges on Darbon at., and else/ al tidings ofDrinean Be bad one to the
75 in cuttine hills amt and west of Russel the -Government money. But no, •
bo f keem
.whieLbas heretofore not been present° . . 1,
1 $ a would not sten it so Mee Forbes and urbood o Olaseow as 11. game ,
st.-reterren. _ let mm_ and after serving. there for three years,
In ram Met to see what was best to be done .
- removed to Ell *inmate eituation in-elta
for payment , until January. e - •• e ar en wail emPo'ver purchase g
- Ihe i v - Th W d - ed 0
enue *mil . interest - has -exceeded for the good of the school. They concluded South of Enalend- After this last resmeme
, . . . aRornrr, chandelier for lig. 4111'1, She Court to draw outran indictment forbidding lam et' _
the amount . esthn. ate(' . by the intro en account of his I beard 00 more of him. *
relatinn to the Co of Huron, that the exs cause the remov
Moved by Dr Woods, by Ur Sion). come any mere to school,
al of old cribs w nebiat present
1' !• ' • t" - - 1 'This
nod' ton °farming a qualified teae ter. , __ way, by sea, to the island or .2417e. 1
In the mittens) 01 1860, I left the two* of
of 8934..64. you •Will observe -1n thews. Son that:the Co: Surveyor be s instructed to '
/ not haying proper qualifications - and their
°bon, in the estern alighlo to make
pencliture on the Hay read: and Ilowick_ leen up the Bayfield River '• ear' ty was .ddelaiered to him, but sir; all to no avail. u'Y
took the route by Ion% venerable with the -
these -lines of road, theforther b they sum' der the Bridge at Bayfield. luiltanard 'Atli 'If; 21
,.. to_r : -0-
thr cacin bludgeon_ of a memories of fifteen centuries, and Stara of
the long resoundlag eaves, aud tfiseatharked
y moening, the 22ed, he came down
road has exceeded the appropriation f
or $223 41 and th latterb £2 -
e y . 36: m Da motion of kr .- - - 1/2.1i1 e ne!si9n swinging a
keep forcible possession. ---Now, Mr. Editor, at Tobumory, in ine isliaol of Mull. in
B. come -Huron. " • ' - -- - '
.Horton,seco , e by Mr stick, seennng to me he was determined , to order
There arebalancesat the credit. of the .
- - --"' M The
:attire. as to the cost of . the supeMteutiture of this is merely an abstract of the facts. as 1 ,
.: to catch the Skye ateimer which called at
Messer,eEngineer was instre4ed to ine
iron . ridees as. compared -With Hut
o the resi nstr Aio-f hope the public Will see the in7 orit' ' ins town.on the following Marla KW -
the scheme Of 186a, but perhaps•the ac's wood, b .., with view t , , u i
ink on certifica hp. 1 ion : o
' f in; no one in Tobamory, and - twhlegi% bar
other road imprcivements 'accounts under - b beat or know you do not like to print long" de•ails • I-
roadir front tolls . less by that•ameunt thaa pointed at the • December " tiese an of this ' ' A 1110111EL LE TTE11. was tinting the -mountain peaks ot :haring-,
. , brilliant -colours vrith which tisa aettmg liari _.
'ithire, I heard a 10W irOWI, Slid wentectiately
destitute of books and --- 4 ' ma; eg
The coat Ot repairs t-- i
o gravel, roadss has - A RATEPAYER IN THE SECTION. - ar in ni. a 1"untain streaft; Wililit
tea, w atever the . ... . - . . e news papers, I chtabel
e no ye closed. of the ridges over the Maitland littiod ' h spilling
and Manchester, and report at -: the am
, s-. . _ e , n, and 'letdown -ate
designby doing.' the ni4Uts behind the tow -
l'or these Iiirea of road are t terie
le was so - - - the in r
exceededthe amount e ti d b $`
a mate y 1-37. 0 9anci ' •
meetine of C 'I ' -,
_ - _ Mt -Lived by Mr. Rawson,. _seconded by Mr. • elmiog iit wonder at the ever -titan* and
.70,, making the nett revenue from these . • .
Adair, That ae &special committ* was-
thesum cale•Ilated. The only sum levied Council, to take into consideration that por- dog sprang at -fly face-
The'following 'letter, which throws A. afterwards it
:pecially on the Co of Bruce was $5000 tion of the Elora Road situate im lthe Town- %%Teed into the shade liras read te the Cos. ed to the 1°P 4* ll bail' °I -tali eadittl.
the report of the said committee be acsepted. Courigil 00 Weduesda.Y last awl "ars ° h
f escape the appiment fury oldie mu
a on OW11 SI WU
for roads and bridees There is a balance
ship of Howick, Be it therefore rneolved that
t,ed 4 D I •'r do I" with rollopT4
amino that as far as he; Mr. A
. --night postive instruettons not to -advance . ... . - ,
medsures, we ne was one ofthe best:tailors
-- °es single thala i- 114 instruetktna are in the United States. tie- bad known Ans
that he must begin at once to draw in his drew Johnson' for 20 year.t; and if the chitin-,
fines, and he trusts Mr. B. will lie pre- =tilled read his Bible carefully he meet
pared to retire that note of his due in the know that honest man a -as "the noblest
worse of next' week_ Or if not, . that he work of, go4.1." (Lau;dater _ and applause.)
will reduce it. materially - his_ i t ' - There gas but a e f r tl
u ee int oe the part of the
, ns mettons
people of his Country toe/eras tee inhabitanta
• are such that he has mialternativ but• to t. A
irot all Merin suit that is not met or .7.7e,cliecoe.. will. (Medi) . : ---
s rovineee and. that was :one otkindness
=Aerially redaced. Aq for poor -B. ruin
The Army and Navy. -Song by Mr. Train
*tam biGt`ill the facel his artangemints err !‘ The Red, White and Blue." Dr. Woods.
are alt knocked on the head, yet money responded in aappy and vigor -oils -style. •
• be must have, and. the Think vron't give it ITheIhairnitur then. said it devolved 'upon
him; he hurries' to his iatiyer cursing hen to propose " the toast of _the evening :
The memory of Robert Burns, the immort..1
Banking institutions. While ive e'av
e hard Of Scotland, drank in solemn silence, .
ban cloaeted Mr.. C., the lawyer, ,M. C. C.imeron Ese.,was called upon to res -
devising the best Mode of raising money pond. tie said liewas unfairlyaealt, vrith, for he
ozi his real estate; anal thus taking the -faded by the progranute- that Mr, Macara
first step to bankruptcy, we will narrate was to havedeliveratheipeecfi-Of tie-eel/es -
a. seine that occurred' in the parlor Of the ing. • -.No man, whatever his intellectual
head office a day Or two previous to the capacity, could reslwind F.nPerlY.• ti) such:in
emarattnication,between Messrs- A. and toaeewith u a ' e r prepatatien and
o t Latt time ,
B. Mr. D. walks into the d office,
is-- he could nOt certaiuly be expected to do jus-
-heato it en _this occaeiene Taking his decent -
congratulated ._ by the polite manbgi.,
stances into consideration, be helloed that
asked to take aekiirrePd all the amenities
&ea that of Beres had: adorned_
, that passitetween gentlemen flow between no "eh genii'
41.r. D., the great grain speculator, and this begultittil world of ours farm :the 'days of
Mr. E, the manager of the Bank. Mr. TChaucer do4a. the • middle' of the. 19th.
opens the hall., have tailed this. ceatury. Kt -Theme Nonian could read the
morning for the purpose of informingyou, pe ns ot Robert Burns without feeling dint
itis with regret r have 10 do se never; had a great eSeniaS aMil a nettle- heart, He
pointed one -of the Auditors :fee, the year
antehe Warden .appointed Wine SICKey;
Esq. as the other. • • 1- - •
'•• ritition_ Of MG Johir Nairne sen.: praying
for.pedunlary assistance wee . referred to fiei
. .
• during- the year haw; been greater than
ance 'committee.
' - " • .
The man of $484.20 •has,been-charg-d to
Chavel Ronda acct Bruce, and has been
paid out of the proceeds Of. the sale of:
8.5000 Of .Bruce Gravel Road .Dhentures.
'TIM total :expenditure for all purpoaes
• .
that of any year sined- ,the forination of.
Moved by. Mr. Rattail, tiee, mr. -Breeer the Counties, ainounting to nearly a guar.,.
bank that Revals. Messrs,. Moffat, and 'Curren, ter of a -million,of .(8220725) and
lind.Dv.-.11ortin be the three Gramniar School . cemprising nearly 1000 eeperate payments,
Trusties for: the County of Bruce sand the an expehditure much larger, ---1
Clerk' do notify these ft-entlereen of their.ai- thin that Of .any County OT • union of
theleas, you mint know it sooner or later, had been charged ie Ivae true with writieg a
_ _
that wlicat• has fgiljen at Chicago - and ereat deal that- was immoral and; trifling.
e, _
things arelooking downwards; you inow, liat through the lightesi .of his plecee
thanks to your kindness, lam at this there ran a beautiful morel: (Applause )
Diement the -bolder of western wheat to
- If he had ,•.neyer written anything but
the extent. Of something Itke it minion .,3,,he (otter's jturday Night"his _natne
buslielsywheit I made the ptirehaSe it was -would have beininunortsil. That poem" was
fully exteeted that grain would rise; but a perfect income OfiScottieh life. (Applause.)
tbelatostep Of the Bank of England has _We were-pee-1gal* indebted to the eteuggles,
bad wmost injurious eiEct on the shita "wet dalie. %dues .B. urea passed: thfough for hie
,„„ wonderful genius,. Certainly .nene but a
tesettlaenti;t4hai.Prt;uicaniCtiwalli°inTtuitivatiolitia7w6;111- as were to: be amain Man was _ made to
sutferei, could have uttered' ateli sentimeres
lama raised inielent tn the "te" cir ten Per Menem"' He ever rose from grave to gay,
0'114. in °Kt* this' "inn' has -141°Okea "err until, hat he burst out in the -.noble strum
. :thing into it cocked hae could net belaiti -Qf 4t man's a man for ae that!! (Cheer's.)
mai deer &now Toa must nisiSI mei. you °ma -•Scots whit &mai-by Messrs- Gaisini and.
enable me to hold -oa, YOU must at ow Adair, and sta. mad" a men for Se diall'! by 1
eart t� renew my pripae. in:I:ale at -present The hair. , • • .
rates:It would he .rten eo.. force a minion „
"The Landweloft," was given from the
'bushels of wheat in. the market.
Of emu* 'clutir and weir respouded to by Mr. Metety:
the' at'aver very -math 'Ilir.stressed' be sees "The Land of our .astoptionaLs Song
- elearlythatsals iustitutioneesinvoleed heavily:s .31i. Adair and response by Mr. Bisbee.
and ho 'Laurel' Mr..D...,a11 shall he done that . Lairisdeo oho, responded.. He said
eau bOt Sagovre4t1 t1311.*- .0- that he 10 no onecouldinivet. through the length and
perhaps steengileast his pasition. by finding au
breadth of des mageigeetit- province, nor.
additimial inaemer on his PaP t's part; - behold_ our great rieersrour. vast inland seat,
Mr. D. quite eatiefied that. the Brink must help z our extensive forests, and Abend:at resource",
• *4 tile 44nalter "Fr desirousof eh* generally; without coStine. to the conclusion
tainina additional secutitse, .but still quite that Re who created all ahiag;s intended .this
comaced that came *low Mr: Et, must .for. greats...country. (mem.) we could
not to to the walls 6'03110 tie helped. With , Tenet of free institutionscfor.which he often
these coovictiont the Manager's belt is venire ",„
L telt we .welea.not sufficiently grateful,- but
- Clerk enters- seed -SI' Fs -la me- 10- -under which we had .certainly .made great
witaralt- may the preseue position of :mr.
.appears at „°nese Manager -Fe furnish .ann 'carear -ire a ;union.. :He was -Erin
liever t hat • notwithetaridine the -ditficulties.
aocnunta "nahes" Tear* stwilY in the way, Confederation of all the British
with statement"' 44.'er 1°'" at k I aft American Proeineeit would take places fie
overt Ivor.* than,. expeeted. kr, De , which event we:should bavet great, imite
Caieavo and Atibfairhia- Operation" indented and happy country. (ebeere) •
to: BA for advances._ wheat held treeseediee Agriculture/I eke noon
nesealfile besides Ws- paper. Wheatlalling„ ded to by ifetsm- Saroat:and R. jogguiton.. :-
wortbS say, .sevent,y-fire, ceets per bushel; The eolloweez sentiment from nom xi.:
storehouse ahatge/t imamate/ *rat h's* 00 FitItaUl received with rounds. of ape
Banking capital locked up until navigation niimse.:_, _ .
opens*.Wilt give at probable lose to -the Bank a'
alteasMeeesex ,Queek" Irit.TOTTA -May
by Spring not Much there- of. two bendred •
ad doll/mt. -Ten* cogitetnere the
Meleseermekter atria& mind to notify Mr. A.
andother managers, oTagenelea that iseues
arum he restricted itxt.outstanding Imabilities
reduced.. Thus localities eaust hare *heady
seared by Maanit ofthe undue ficilities
fomded to Mr. D. such lite, to speculate
- lathe markets Of oar opponents trade, and
Moto sutler stilt -further by hevinef their:Bunk-
s anj fealties to:trade -stopped, as Mr. D.
must be carried and the issues of the Mother
• Book at heed:ratters cannot at peewit be
testrieted, poor Mr. and erany_o_thers may
be romett beititsweutd be sacrilege to *allow
tt orapear that there bad. been any faulty
raioageweiit at helidipmearree alfeiwina;alre0.
to elate asi Oleos= sesa. noting& to
Counties in the Province and 'what is per-
pointmegt.--Carried - • -'.: _
Moved Mr..Horteneaec. by Mr. Dote haps smithy of note:00re' than -one-fourth
that D. Ae Bitehie, 1'. Adamson Estes. and greater than theexpenditUre -of one of the
' B li. A '1 les viz: Prinee
Island, Whose expenditure in
School Trustees 'for the Goderieh. Grammar Ed wPrd's
School loi.the current year,-rearried. 1863, aareported b.,r the Pittance Mints=
Woods ter of Cati!da, only amounted to -S174,-
Moved by Mr. Bishop sec by Dr.
B Thee, an& 40,epit .7_18. Thm is a feet that,mi,glit be noted
that Robeit Coats,
by your representatives in advocating an
-Whitehead- NO. be GraMmar School •
increased representation for these Conn -
Trustees tor the Clinton Grammar-Sehoo'1,--•
Rev. 1161A ITre, be appointed Grammar seperate ritts in. 0 on , .
- ties, so extensieely4and-so lapidligrowing,
Carried. _ • - importance and wealth. have been
Pr3test with accompanying letter- address, obliged daring the year to wit advances
ed to the Clink from- ,ratepayers of Arran front the Bank to the amount of 81500
wrainst the 13nree Gravel Roads. -Refereed. te enable me to meet the deiiiands made
0 .
CirCufar from the Municipal Council of upon foe, and have again te report that I
Simeoe, wIls read ani referred.- _
have mit bad it in My .power to make an
. , Letter from D. 11. Ritchie, Esq.e Secretary investment of the Certnty- -,11ttion Gravel
, .
of the Grammar Scheel, was read -aial.fyled. neat Siakinc,6 Fund- of 1861 ..in ionse-
. . ...
' einence of to many municiRalities heinc,
- - : ivimiisDAY. - . , _ _
in arrears for Comity rates. It is to be
Tbe minute of yesterday were read'
and approved. : _ .
- _provision in their estimates for the present.
Wm. Kribs took his Seat. ' • -year to liquidate all their arrears as it
- hoped that these inuniciptlities have made
oaCarrr d. -laughter. -
Moeed by.Mr. Mallouglt, seconded by wit be very unpleriant for ine- to be oblige
Mere':-.McDoald,_ That a By -Law be pass- et in 'eonferteity With your resolatien of
,lune last, to take proceedings to enforce
ed authorizing the' County 'Treasurer to
Pay -.over to time the paymentofthese arrears"
e several mUnieipalities - • . • -
:Seal by Mr
their amount of non-ieSident taxes collect, Moved by Mr McDonald, - •
ed -'3urted Mallougli That the sum of $300 be:rats-.
ed within the county of Hann- tor the
' -Letter of Henry Mines -was. read and
fled, when it was moved by -Mi:.-Cerries improveof the boundary -lines of the.
-seconded by Mr. Helps,:‘_That the- Enii- several 'municipalities the aum. so raised
appropriated according to thetquali.
neer be and is hereby instructed to ex-
might,:butatill the def barked, and
p. 14.1,,tyre, That wlierem the sahn cif $200 --Foul. PLAT- : • that I was a tiespasser, arrpselOir
Moved by Mr. Millareeecoadedi by Mr. To BE READ AT THE COUNCIL lit GoDsa:c1I. and struggled triareac DM I testst.it fear
was granted to the Township of !Kincardine 1 Wawanosle january the '25 1866 to. um -confirmed by seeing a an tartans -toward,
at the January meeting of last nay, H part, Robert 'Coley coneereing the tall house* 'ne- »e gesticulaiing violently. All 80011 MI lift
viz -$63.00, being unexpended, Be it Mber nine on the Cliuton, and .winahatit toad drew near enough_to distinguish my clostaral
therefore resolved that tare' ' Council Which -is io the most. reekleia state of -any 1 stood withmy face against the anneet), Ow
empower the Reeve of a Kincardine Buisailig a ebristian ever andertoik to atop stood stilt. held up his binds, sua exclaimed
township 'to expend said lealfirce of said In whereas i informed me hay that i had o Is mot that you, mr,„_r 1 sualrenia
',rant in improving side road Noie20, N.D.R.
ng in a very
teferred to
the same being limed line and
bad s ate for puelict travel.
B. and B. committee, Beticee
Motion by Mr. Bestial, I%
raised under the gravel road Xeb
for aiding in improving the . ha
County, be placed . to the - eredit of each
municipality at which a -harbor iii in Course of
- .
construction. . o
- • Amendment by ni. Adaiii That the .above
motion be referred to theOraveli Road com.
inittee, Btuce, was -cameo by Almajonty
, , _4 . „.
two. .-
by Mr. Adair, seco
Johnston,- That the Warden
instructed to seen and -seal the.1
contracts for the .Couaty of Bru„
, Mewed in' amendment by
by -Mr. Puede, that saiikut
over -Mina- the ..report of the
com;nittee, of Brace issubscitte
- Amendment- lost by a majori
Moved by Mr. ICribs, sec. leiadr.
that the -Warden and Clerk berenuested to
of the current year,! this
amine toll boas° No. 9' on the Clinton 'zed eaSesantente
and Winghaur road, and if found in b ,ainount- to he included on the estimates.-,
dilapidated state to have the same repair- The expenditures to on the Same:Orin'
ed forthwith --Carried ; as last year, exclusively on town
lines, ihotowii.of :Coderich and village of
H Petition of Arthur Molesivorth • and a
PliAten to expend 'their :proportion the
-number of other -teacher" and trustees
- • -
was referred-. to the school cOmmittee. ' sain l!sk-Yea7—tarried•
• Report. of D. Donis, 1.5„, referred. Keyed by Mr, linnedeer °eel: IV Mr-
ki Johnston, that theeGo's Treasurer be in -
Letter of Arch. Taylor in reference
Structed to furnish the several trea;•
rent of Toll -gate No. 16 urea referred to
tlie finance com.
sOrers an the -county- of Bram with a
Report of -Mr. Eekford/L S1 'referred complete Mte
aincat.of the no0Onnt of the -
.: • . 7 .
• Petition of McInnes and Others' re; • • • hold th fte
_ .
municipality for winch .they e o
of treasurer,. up the 31st of December
ferred to & B. COM.
1865 -Carried
ellert af .. Mr; Frazer '1;8 re-
t the sum*
e or Brace
es of -that
• •
fer.red, as also that ot Rev. mr. young. A number of netiouota were read and
-Circultra from the Clerks Of Carlton referred to finance cannnitte3"
and of Welland, referred. * Moiled by lir Rasi:allt s9e"ded by Mr
A committee fronr each of the coon_ Purvis, that the Co Treasurer do furnish
ties of Huron and Bruce was appointed this Camell with a atateinent °tthe Non-
resident Debenture amount for each nun -
ler the arrangement of the new exPendi.
tore now beingincurred. iciPalitY of Bras"' also 144'ring the
by Mr. Basta, _ama.a_a__ amountpaid by each municipality on awl
of laid account, and the balance still due
Mr}-13°Iviledlara That whereas by -virtue of municipality_carried.
the sincerity with which she hes always 'the:Act 29, vic. cap. 23, pa0oe 92, see. 6, it
guided the administration of international . -
la necessary that each localitY-in which a
Illations between Her clean and foreign _ • -
natio* beeotneseacticAlly arrarleat in 'the grainmar school. is- catataisuoct1S to.pro-
ment.'' towards- that. Of the people ul.tha,
hv the vovernment ; And whereat on the
United States and It; proportion as .* .reci - 0 • s
procity of itiendly feelings is recognized and rateable property in each litinipality,
the - borders, like f
future, in every- eoarthient of Her govern vide a sum equal W. half the num granted
maintained by thepeople on both itares of hiving *grammar school within its cote
ed by Mr.
4 Clerk be
gravel road
Rastall see,
lieu be laid
gravel road
of six.
communicate with the :Council
questing said Council 1.0 gray
piece of diagonal road conneeti
reads at its ilium:ea with tbe C
the northern part of Arran.--
• - -A nuniber °face/untie read a
A number- of motions- for th
f Grey re
I the short
the gravel
nty lilies at
ment Of Local Superintende ts for both
cOuntiee were referred 10riehoi1 com.
Moved by Mr. Gibson; seem' ed by Mr R.
-Brown, That in accordance. With the opening
speech of the Warden reeardin the exten-
t in that res -
don he taken.
*gen of the gravel made in th
that have not got an ecluiiale
pecte-that the Warden 8. aug,:fr.
iuto consideration by the grave roads cow,
and report thereou at thireme Sing et Coen -
cit. -_Carried. . : ..
Moved, by Hr. A. Dicietete, 1 main -lied by
Mr. -Biter, -,That the grant rhade by this
Council at the January Meeting of last year
to building a bridge over the Teamster
river in the village ot Teeswat4 which great
has not been expended, be transferred to aid
iu building.a bridge over the Trawater west
of said, vi Ilage-said bridgeebeing kuosier as
Leans Bildge.--Referred to. P. Alt B. Com.,
Bruce. -
Moved by Mi. Rastall, seccmded by Mr.
Johnston, That thee Worded petition the
Hon.ethe_Com. of;the Board Oa Works ask-
ing him to cause to be paid caVer to the Pro!
visional County l'reeaurer of 'tee the Sum
of $i2,000 granted by the g xernnient for
the improvement of the harbors ea the rawest
;of Bruce. -Carried. •• .,1 _ _
. . • . .
Edam. of the Mottos Ina
Sia, -Please admit into.
'rather a remarkable iffatie in q
school teacher and the trust
Section No 6, Morrie.---2"-The t
is William Wilson, -who appr
The : Special committee ' to appoiet
standing committees reported as follows :
Equalization and 4sseisment.-Messrs ,
-inillie, Currie, Leckie, J WliitehesA,
Ford, Mallough, tiibson, Bishop, Spraot,
Fisher, Purvis, Wallace, Pinkerton, Gil -
trade commerce and inttreunrseP betrocitYween poration, Resolved,, therefore, that the li"1,' iMnacaLeeel_..1"3/alars.Millmaerbon .1-4-1-d, Gibson,
theat'becoine permanent and irrevocable." sum, o .
f$150 be granted by the County of:_- Messer; Doig, V. -Whitehead, -Woods,
"I•Our commercial interests'''. was -reSiall& Bruce. -being the one-half of the $3 -970 --re- McMichael, Egans, Dalton, Parsons, -
the most excellent and .sensible smarms of
ed to by Me- Detlor, whe delivered one Of (pima 1.0 be relied fol time gramm' Ur jLtmeden, 'itastall, Brocelhank; Rnir000
the evening. He spoke of the liberalizing end lobed under said Act, and that the said ° c.,- -, s. ilite.!° Millar and ,s B--....611:1. ,. -'
civilizing influence. of ce!?aleveel dtue.e.1;_kveaut grammar whoa of the *minty of Bruce at A'acants-'1"8", .7...°2a , -2' 2-!-r""
°law Mr:* aa":edli%"--se-r :complete theiezar- ItualPromth ahtm4 (nil"
a tithe -suck like under ex- hill hebsf.tbst eirIda e°:'-tie4et eeneuelf:eie the tillage of-Kmenr ine- . _ .
d. be free to nil /'erklae' Psrr.' -,214:11711't isilitIle).!
. -. . .
iirsatinge4ntegeln7,...rtaubrFugirig-foryfir, dieprodiice iheir wade= lids ht to ablarate tile Orebeat t pupils. that Mal hs. _sent. f_ront- aq of the Xmictinnotny,rettlrgravigiben,
• - ,
. . •
Taken two men with me to inspectithe house
Before i took posession of tbe same and_ they
Declared rt not fit fur 24' person AO ever
Think of stoping in and as i took --the trouble
Befori-the houie came into my poeetiola to
Inform metal" tbe condition that. rt was in
And i have never heard whether me bey is
Dead or living from that day to theeso i have
Made up my mind that he is where he keeps
Himselt dear of trost this wether and little
He cares about stitch Men HA me bat i can
Tell inr baY that 1 have got leelinge just „m
Well esthete that live in big houses i have
Have likewise ritron to tar j vaiitebead of
Clinton thinkine that he would stir up the old
thisley with a` sharp stick but bit- hearing
Nuthing from him yesterday i sit down and
Botelo tar foley likewise to mr j Whitehead
Likewise to mr bay that i• was still living in
that he was right in his suspicion.The leg
was haul/lag louder and leaping higher. in-
atanily, ,Duticon Beg, fur it was -he who allf
essecl me, was on the top of the wall elsalthets
my band Ulan lustily. - The deg seemed la
be growing frantic. *lump down, Atr..--.0
arid Duncan, "mild -0501044 yea see, hes
/to forgo:en you Yet, I didnie ken what was
the -matter -with Ake dog when In wore eon-
ing dean the hill; but mamma we wowed
The butt) op yonder., ha • got MMUS 1106110,
thing, mid of he set, and 1 never clamed my
eyes upon him, again, till lame you bode
together, aunty down,.sir, at once, or thv
dog will gang daft. 1 Jumped from the
"Oscar danced -round Ilia master _sad AO
alternately, -rolled 11.114 tumbled among the
heather, and ran abort races- after nothing
-Suit his puppy -hood had retained, or his
A house that the . wind had came -Into that seines had &putted. _
Strong that it has idode over a stand with 2 Dear old -"Oscar is dead.. I emalt
Axes-olying on it at the same time and that many mire wonderfel tales shoat hint fat
If i did not get it reputed- between this time I have selected this oire to eltowilse pewit of
And saturd.ay next that i shall take Mythings his memory.
And shift out and leavei
the place n the - .
Hands of nir foley-because there is no juitiee. Isteiste Life mod Aftindly:
lit a min sitting and freesing himself by the
Stove winch i have done with a bead quilt It will, .probably„ be *ma as
°Or colunms •
mace with a
Of Sahool
idea name
Ito the Board
of Education in Godetich, $1their August
meeting, for a cert,ificate, and is was report.
ed in your paper, he obt,ained Vara, but as
we never have had anything below a 'second
the Peolde in the section were notvsatisfied
tsget a third, The said teacher' applied to
one trustees for. the school, said trustees
taking hie own word for it that lt• had a,
second-clus certificate, hired him. How-
ever, a letter from Mr. Ritchie. secrets
for the Board of Education,' Showell plainly
Iris standard only to be a third mass; then
our twetees, seeing their _mistake, took the
trouble \to go to 11r. Wilson** place to for-
amina his certificate, but finding hint not at
home, left word for him to come to his place
and bring his certificate, so that lie might see
it. Mr. Wilson came, but told the trustee
on it, and that
Wilson went
nt, the Rev.
'told ken on
that he had got some mit spilt
it was wadable. SW lir.
to see our Local Superinte
Mr. regason, to get advice,:
aCCOUnt of los hiring as et _tenni clans Ity the various waitenythe Chairman Mr.
Raped around we diferent nights now i have goes 014 mom ad'usoces; soa rather ste..
But one thine to say that is if this house in search is made into the sullied, that tins
Not fixed between dna and satui day next tliat rot. of proienong_life coolish is dor
I shall leave.the prentaces to !tome one else. ,
From HENRY HIMES, • . juntemus attention ea =rem= as wewlePeor
to the county 0.0nnno. tosireoviviet hr iyatiaudyeziisaduentrammaalte yottlialosra; dnotA
• IS Air but sawing an elan, or skullas a bola will
' _ atrengtfieu you more. When Nentoar.
„ ;4*tr.tay 224186i„ mind was weary with its whines. lokae
MR. EUITOB21810 your issue of the and demanded repose, he Ante .
18th lust. I find it self-appointed CerWrin jaded it stiil further by poriag 110
has 'thought it its duty to make an attack on Book of Revelatioos. This was a. ems.
me as being the means of erecting a profane take. He might have lived over ..s017-
nuisance in A certain Church in Bayfield by five if lie had done as AreliVishcp
allowing a very small sample of the canine ly moil to do in our -day. Ho oughttliks
speeies to accompany me thereto. • The he seen at Hedeadele iP his eltirt.,i steeirgir
charge would be laughable if not so ridicul felling n,iree,2ni__tile Parka Wma•1/617
Om, that the hairs of my small dog should *hewer QI Ileet anhrting- Ids Inralded
find their- way to 'the coat of an intwderan and timngla inasusait wisti
h•, _ him at last his profuse dark telt retold
my pew. Acme seems to et. tue su tance of '
1 whether any hunia brain his yet been in
the imaginary-anneyance. When Mtending t° aver atnint"w°' • It nilq be d°1114.1
church I find my attention drawn rather to-
wards -the aneentheat than "pups!' or: eta -capacity. When study jai poriscli
"ladies's clouds s'' nevertheless, Mr. Editor, -intensely, without abundant elneisit 11114
/*condition to deaelope the nanindis
far be it front me to' deny the presence of macaw Jebel.; the Ted norpoorino of the
any annoyanceeer nuisance --un abomination meeill i
ot Warr arterialised by
efoxmis:frionmotubre ibenoinatifoaterceused tooifnithLletout he per- i'we'72:14 freel ,coutiotdwbeisigirii tholotioxiveames ale
strong spirits and red herrings from the tini , Air in the nogg, an
end or some dirty:Ashanti. Mr. Feditor, 1 do the brain in a-. bright crimstm *Meat AP'
totnherri re:p °ear ie.:lame nhotntoo:t obrilvileirin;118rtibeei°iinsiull‘oetb.otiunret:dortitiljtoytelouti7rr :41Preleytesticalilivrt-wa.hanilleaumeleptientarthatsii4taufostotatiltif;71,1
*dicks trent Weyer' or your roam -ins, //epee, . ....ay „am -aka
the' malignant fairy who -enters . with sereeth 'Itiggie".1,`"`"
and Wrinkled chops, wall a scowl and *steer, atramay wawa_ "41
to wish.some video's' trinnioh 1 Hie virtue generation taller lel 41. 71Perrea
is so indiorint. and hiii 00rapesliOa ao a00 pOWerr .�d 4.11**,.
temptuous that almost with be WU Ain entei-pattatit Renew.
more vitious than 'herd•hea. net
• - I have the honor to remain, 1111t,4114.
Gam) Botaex..-Permit ma, Mr. Editor,
through:the medium ofyqur ereelleat piper,
to give publicity to * soiree held in ;be Pres
beterian Church, Fraucistown. on Thursday
the 14thinst. • -
- As the object of the seine was to liquidate
the debt on the church in that every
palmettos was - taken by the ladies °fettle:
vinare and Surrounding vicinity to provide
edibles Ofthe very first class -the su pale.
oldness of the irepatations mtrictiag a very_
large_ number of cheerful both old aud
young. At 7 o'clock, when all had headily"
partaken of the gtiod titidgs so neatly served
teacher when he only was third, entirely '•
broke the first agreaMentramil that he had jam./ salled "11 the Re!" job* 'beg"' le
better send back tit certificate and get the address the meeting, who delivered II !my
on. he had really merited, andarbe board and able and instructive lactate, choosing for his
sidesendfrigelarYbiatemoatftolavigitkhe tailvelisiieeaup tieelse...enseIrdline.:kibeebuallitiousi! soaussfhthiectbesee pLodreraisn;:we,uhopop itoehroasthe:enthedircoinpliAmeesprezdattoBwrperornotwofe.
he worn sure be could take a *wend -if trial aortle Dinne porpon-isdipos ion the siari.
agate- So 'the Superintendent a Ivised him lardy between tne miraculous incidents of his
to go to the lioa:d on 29b ab$ Tilla vi forasetie `fife and ;ham of the rattistell
His Facelle!tey the Govaser tion:fil
be expected is Caned* very Away.
Wei to est sale from gaelinsiewft fa.,
York, by tim dimmer Antra:am* is
day; 28tli intl., and will.
New Yorli oa the Ida or Slit of
The areg°1111110.114*
reee.auldearatyrdatalessvdtka trOPI
have talfet pliejlest atigilt,at the
Department, at which Beesnetary
Tremor", the Commie* of W
Mesas, and dm delegation fens the
Plenums,. were to erearerealif teletion
extension of the Reciprocity
filches -25114 - -
letter to Mr. Chutes flawaer.
UK TIWIlitaiONS ofeowlelosa
atsseettasetts, sayat--"Froer
are *specially inters% for ida limpet
the 41111111 of liberty to the fin*,
&Anal and iniewlet And it was ea
Way so Parliwiseat teapot as
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