Semi-Weekly Signal, 1866-01-23, Page 2,,- : * • _OTnnis et I tific gentlemen of:good standing -who have travelled carer and seen. the gro_und, that , . • [from Godericlie.or so. me point 'near it to . tiVgitjett-, O. W., Ian. .*314; 1866. Efamilton is -by far the most platisible atid - --..-...... --,-..:,---_-..„ ‘-. , - , . *cheapest reute to carry.the canalthrough. - -,., - ' .' AS it expects feedere -on' thia" route:Ile, °L1114 -4a, °().11*-*" - ' ' - . lieve an abundant supitly ef Water cen be ; , ' obtained- from the -7 " Maitland," the At the Present Neuron ot tne year the " Thames " and the -" Grand Itiver,"- to ""hahia-14 °Dr l'Or'cle-En*nda-ihe."Timi-- ' keep the canal filled to its summit level, temsideratkat of every -good man and we- end to pass the yequiredi,.fleeta - of the ' r 1.1111., ' Wt. lift in a laid where. every Eastern aid : It estent Ile ispheres tido'. 1 U _ ' beliete however - are altogether inner-- Ctiunty.01 Baron A.. $. THE SEM1-WEEKLY SIC“41.A14. . ig*pal ire. asi 'am Credibly informed by scien- - - - The meeting of me;nbers ot the above -society for the election of Directors, &e., for • the Current year, .tOok pike in Dark's•Hotel yesterday, (18th.) The officers • appointed are -as tollona :;=Robt; Gib -bons, preddent ; Win. 'Young, lst Win: Piper, 2nd V. P.; G. M. Truemau,' !secretary ; A. 31.-. Roth, treasurer, in place of Mr. Doinigh, Directtirs : -*r_p• carrot, Jute Renter, Jai Torrance; J. bowie, _lino. Salkeld, jr.„. D .Mellwan -, Hugh Johnstone - • • The 1st Vise President:tot* the chiein the absence of _Mr.___Gibbans; who wee ealled shie.keikd aad industrials worker ;tap Its waters without delay • f all time to . .. . fairtf laPet ta 'Pia an. honest "iiibsistenee - "'the. - . - . * Y I b It ' h. b su !mg - t le maps that in -adopting thi on wi o serve s Jr; ditor y bon Mid, *haw; there; is no country tinder - 1 1 's the sin wheri there a. :mistier number course, the-'difficelties -nal- dangers of alienate profession but- navigating. "Georgian Bay '' Collieg-, **ay city' t fawn and township .tfinre. May wood *mild be Obviated, aed this :route he skied a certain number -t4nSe tem . would be open-end free from ice barriees reanned, onough osiotion !niftier. . fer at least , four Weeks longer than the " Georgian Bay ir - route. . adepting I1114- at- improvidence tor- the' itwfilt this/Vane for the canal there are flamer-- j inneler eold.- While „MIS advantages vthieli- it would POsio ta, tointshiP councils ana the Relief! among_whieh our magnificent Bay at the -Committees of totes and eitiee are made Eastern terminus* would rank vastly euPel• • riarauT aware or the abker,....e-eit_.0.1ea nor to her Toronto sisterin_thet respect. . poetic": t C01111111111ityi . they are also • -4"1"----7. painfully alive to the- inadecihaey of the THE_ C°, .7r ..!t ESS*. !nem placed_ at their - disposal fee the *The ludicrous scene honored toe some regerattlsose at, dePend4ntli'• uPO4 weeks past With telegriiphic notices under diciT almeitf- A .96rd of wo°41 eanne 'the head of' " thelenian Congress;" has long cheer the pbor home di large few:- eome to_an end for the preient.. Contrary 1104 a IMS•of caga •Sca lour 'ommt • to ell expectation Preaident -Mahoney has low keep :the punt wOlf from- the: miser- been..ensthined„ althoegb a considerable *hitt hovel. 'No doubt private charity minority. of,.-.• kt. us hope, as Our friend 4lise Meek. to'relieve iedividual eases, the Barney Brallittan hints, the most_ " sinsi- ladwat eifoita of Beneva.ent hie" men, pereigt in regarding hint, ehe • May more good, but stilt there-, is arrant hilmbeg indonbiedly 110elothing ValltingHlive leant fYsteinatie • thienced by_the-tone of the more Jespect7 144 mine means; whereby those in indt- abie portion of the American press, or gent isirmunstances.may be phelteied -front perhaps byf more potent hints from the the howling blast, ana skidded from that Government itself, the Brethren have .00mplete ton -et Self:Ararat which is the _ehaneed base' in se far asto dissolve the ;Irene -sink thdugh not invar,iable, coneoin- Senate and estsiblisli in its place a " Oen- , itant ofextreme penury. That means, we trel riouneil," which; of co irse, snuffs Believe, is to be found in the eitablish- Ont the_ absurd farce Of an II ish Govern. =eat of 0d:ilea of hiker, in each - mot within the United Stites. Althetigli -County, throughout • the country. We _ the secrets of the hody are- not stipliosed . know the horror with -which the poverty, to be 'natters gf public -discussion we are ,NetV DIRECTORS; ' ' 1211fts- : , .. LI 'nee" city. d.:.s. I Iwo. di eine. r:bigc rat vl ii.: thi 8. me. . orate. de •cons itited'und- sentence , . e. on the 21.d. • Stieelo‘devueyroribilliedeldbi.4:1:1.ale.11:.h.i.pee;ait:rfiss°:i.nanii:ee.mre...:nr..c.cateitanhrildee.... , 8: . uuh len hsg no ebl es 0:1 88 :,,,;. _au .4 .. f tthhee eiherartgidepe*;ihnt;, repreme: ibe ,lae3:railweaLft::Irr°41:0,3vefisiovtasui..an:dinutiorititiorypiar,34. i their Ovia recottionances.,- tantlisb instincts revolt at moefirririsuitliiiits,o:avae_ dr:. -. : - - -• r ' .- '' . _ . 1 tke ad.vantages of ."4:popptog down" Abe ear.. -pa-rSeporero:41,iof,atom.mitttatiLii. proper „lost it thin noffn ttnhnniisnv!ru.sinitosti:Inti,414entodil Th in a t for satire, but : tailed a .meeti g ion - the .28th tit to ' . a proteit again_st *web: filta-: . .., , , , i -- -The julp told; them -that; if they . left the. atie_ al.mbennffenn.-Zeovi8e'ddneto bleiatnelii.e iactie,.; of awnitat..ouuhr ti..3u.:;1;ipwpostesittozilnomare nowt - '11:4111,:a-th:jrioi wwde::e ei.leerscl. t_ine.. ugh. the streets by -- e:),,,.,..e...e- 1:liey wi.n.11..t_l__-not 'be:_ct_tiled for ..tr i,aL .•.goeien . ,_..tiv ..•.hii:-,h . " r - . WPt la .4t- "111-14 . tit oiling" tbe Jam. iii -Ca' In' ci- ' . .I - • - . ' iwilibPitrehaerild5istib)7Utt*Claari. a di e*141$1111:o .ineLy41:1gat 116. .. 0.1fielat reier,,o for the: week- ending: -Dee- -eents forlisoW,n purposes.: The -fattest eu•-: bit „opponents. 140 was oecied witooist .3.00, sh.04,. 4 larise, increase ta.n.esh eases of tool, '111 the • whole se Ject is required, by • se . the cattle -disease --For the previous week the country,. and pronaised by: the Prime Mir. • . • . . opposifon on the tray of IT • - Ake number WWI: 6,256, and in. the .:, hot -week • ister. .11. is impossihe :to predict -the Tem t , seti_i:Int, ..11:tioaina-tiaN•os.o20;tati -0:::.: ilicioi.rellsigoirsie.nollt. ir_. . a:: . of bee -ember -it -Wee 7„393.:- -the ountier-. in It may .he :that a :Goreranr 01 .fiiat oite epteibh..iairmea... ,ww:etuthaii:eolluecti,dwtedesuzifaderht.:cWo:Inbrd:nrfNeofiot-li7to2ra/i',Wihetigetita, ti:014,0ppl - Yorkohire .tetis 1,456, and ia Semiarid, 49701aeler; ell his tidvieels the. memberer of both li. 1 _ ."..!"14 palinerst0110.!1-. 7.-"Wy' 'ill. .-.. aUndulleiecarvefaP;Ierdilbali:eltothr,°).hainvde Ithbaenh-Jead a e . ThePall Mall:Gazette:76f ..th 2ailt • uitilinc; 'PrMa. mday aelliba" gem • . . pettate w -o esale .massacre in a don ai ly h In.adiand hove:1i . - , . - ow_ -g r .7 il!iisal TI-Lhe* w:.ill of the, 4);alit, me- Henry -, John loon. bare been .e0411: :1),Y. the eunesaiiial; of -Was a greaf deal of eleetioncerin na - - paeic.-It Mil also be that the seeds of eed . certainly be elected. In Ward -Ne. 3 lbws -1.' Viscount palmersten; -K.'0-., G. C. B., • was aeligonisisat home, and that instea of °°"- - teen, kr. John"A, McEwea was .first ie tea Proved,. in the. pnncipal Regattey of Her fiising thenuteleee to their tolerated • , . .• • .. • r w6vk f field, bet* he mide-but little -progress 'la bit . . . Majesty't Court ot-Probate on the .22nd. inst. Of propagating .'Citivinism, those emissaries! .. ,. - . The executors appointed . see los relict, -the have -been embiimg.the minds of demisavagee - .eanstissalg• anti Snell, .irave up his run, ,e. Right Hon. Entity .Mara Yaconetess Palmer- with.belief hostile to white supreinacl-- Jit - Corbett,' Esq., ,was next hi ibe lee,. I._ ston, :and -.her-second .. son, the -Right...Hon. y be. b ' . h b - ' g ' ' 4 l'h iii' . with .the assistance of hiS friend Win. Collier' Williain FranceeCowper.f but the latter only seppliedstliese pentoes with .MOiley and do- • bas proved the Will. -Power is .-resenred -to couragenient Ites been -involved in the'..cnps._- met' *erne ke*" kthar(iVhl.t •c"."Wa; Ledy-Palmeanon tie* do SO:hereafter- 'This Nita, and -that riestead of Govarnor Eyi e • ,the whole Ward, but -several Of the rintepaa, Willis•dated November 22n* 1864. , It. oc- aad his eta beieg tried as also loudly -menac, : ers brought put Mr. C. Proutor in opposite. .cupala only tOur brief shee , ..The hip sheet ed, that • -investigation may be -appned In- ei , 30 Ilit..Porbvtt. On the day ap011ing there bears•his Lordship's Sisnate e f Palmerston ' `a.ase of a sectarian smocititioa . . . . n - -ill i'll-glai'd . Was nomioatid P.. Fowler C. Corbett, C. in a Out- and • elat• hand.. The pe'ronatty Agai0,,i3 is possible Iltat, Gordon !may it v • s . . • 'Was sworn 'under' .Z120,00 . -au, Lords:lip. beena 'martyr„ or he May Os _.stated ii; As - Proct..or., At, about 3 t- -01 °n.!.be Ault- Ay nfirms-to his wire all - bet ititOketi,- jewels,- missionary- in - the -Scotto:saw hativ been C. 'Wniteheade Bog., 'Mounted the platform - and paraphernalia, aria all thingaeonstautiug- ,endeavoring to revolutionize tne island tied and inade is greet Meech, And *AM theft --her . lndyship'S separate , property.. and -also ' liegrendize himself: But. we have no real quarters of an bout soma persons Wanted ta --stores :at - Cambridge-honie I itnid- BroadIands. rested efforts of the section, and the.-loolish and horses, and the .rwinee: nod • sonsumahle - ledAe England Will wait. •The not .disinte!. Returning Dffioer tieciared Tow poll mho& .The deCeased• P-remietivis left tea lettere and clarnor of exalted- fanaticism., will bet 111deee 245 • • leaves to herladyshipabiolately-hiseartiages aowledge on the sebject, and fOr real -alma'''. : vote, but, to the astaniiiph:otteweni ter of pall; laiete :papers te Lady Palmersten,*; Wliieb her lady- ' the people to •inejtidge -the case ; and itis Oot • _ n re, g elli se d er ned to eleet - °tit: teliTnr-lirtlilligee;_livit. 06in;e1 . split iopp ei er et o:41r e itsa 111.) or d% hd i.ept i 11 e• anyi t.li: t-ottlis isshber9tthhieni.kss. 'end • hely tanvassedfor 'Corbett, and -attually laid _ to be the credit of a portion of the.press taut coikett ifrin lia Tower, as the had 'rile in-law, . the Right Hon. 7 ;Jerome -Sullivan . . • . . . jetedueePeeeretaa fir utith-iitedillintrelinPrtTen'ci'Be'litiOl* a -Wager that .Cerbeit would he elected. V* fariiiet A6digrrawl ar.,:is,%nfii;:teme.:.BErc,i. twa laesn,oas.nidr.tooells.... public ia n9t to be humbugged :by cant of :Iltd Council ihonid try and put in good, hose* avf.e)! bY pi.eiodice.. P:1:inek ch-itine the IV It .ineu lor Beturniag. -Officer& I think Mr. Bowles -legacies. ot 4105 sea, and -to :shill. eelleraeustgintr:ttiZeRAVICehilsah °Sn'litZ" CVO' _ . .. . areni7es .patihtiae.tsrliti.a,b:: 1:08pret.iheev:Pirer: : eanneddnuoxtekaepieibienrederwasabunsobeopposil ine"tionthisienIn iightsail Editor, such oOndutt Ought to be publidsed, --queaths. to. Lady Pal Ineestein . :for lite, when ineSo-f tee buds of Bashan-7- Panda, . . . -,: - , *ithoot .opposaum, 1 tbiok. ibis ii gm.. .(with the -exception of eight eh Aires. in i the - - may- aP:plaint and dispose or- shethinks prop _- .. eil it is to revert -to her son to LedY Palmerston: 'a life hear -est in all bis - ,°f.. aTingtOe. 141.. • p. . h: her _Ladyshie iteheeas4igahlts'ofileeefi ..-•,---T... e frilkiwittz is related of .,1 ttlp°4Wnr;r_. The •:„IpaiPa9ogners.70.egfLtYtteititreihneesx-reS i 1) - t 0 be Bermes on eeee,,,. .Au. Eillelewg Mayor. .. . ayor,}407,.. the /fish.) -_-)ee...avoo.buini•Milueteedr.7 altildoia-Mtrh. Sir; ' *elactd.p::y. fle tat' flibatiinenitkrrithr Se. staelteclatb;iget idlest , 1 _ Ljiandv .eulthihiereearbothat_ Mbeer.-n,Br. gar awans ‘hompposibetrionelet- reeidue ot... his ;personalty !his Lordehip .te Wine itsjudicial attitude, •despite the bellort - . - -.• -, • „ . . - • - • • . iNo. 4-; 114 Alfred AirOW11 Well "duly eleeted lyetand ' • Sdme months since a man -was -arrested and • iiiingeten were real and leasebolt; estates ae-wells- in .. . - ..solute•y, sad the testetor ex jeesseshis earnest . decease they- are devised to. ier-said ati in Great Britian, and, en,: her .Ladyship'a hrmkeit- • : : . . -au"' a4; - .aT4weeeMk4tIllbr chap watt again :arrested -Mr the .- e•fitrldbhirin atdr wIreintitige-nhis, .hvialtreini*Isvollwelannigi:.t:IPP:;01:1::::11:7:04417:1:-Idlahit'-*Nyfatenwrju-nmilbolvegileyflouPir-ithier: - - (tilted, Ille, 11113$8t011 'Wei elected with* a the devisee) that. the -t•iglit hon. gentlemen ivish‘44-ii.ttuout impos•ng .iti lohigataili-:on -aanut offence -Phis time his -Honor ierrisOn-- ed him, aindefter ;serving but h18 time, he ' was eletted Reeve - sad Kr. the tilst :meeting of the - new council. ; Xi. - .went home and -,?gain •abused, his_ betier..-balt. white_head - :Will, iininediately 44-eomine : late posiession. of the estates, apely foe _her' Majesty's_ liceose and noewithstending "the Mayor -fined and i1-11- - 8rewn DelnitY ReTa. Ilia Cassell 111estas have leech. diffienity in ,itlecidini how the and atithority to him and his- -decendeets to : Phoned -the fent)* for 'each offence. he,:- *to ' . • • • . :- __, 1 ! . presiet: in - his . Vile beemeeate The ITIOIrY ii; 10 br -IOW out in the Towaship. • I ,thine tliet the downatup would have more take and mie hiasurnanie .of Tasiiele either ' would in su3stitiztion--roe, or in .auLti ben AO, - that o. r hityOr sitter tryst) - for.moistlis to reform him : . lus of-Teinple be final , au -well-nigh given op the task, unlit one ,..itistive -09ne if -the wards rwire abolished. - Cowper, but -so. that Temple be the morning this hero of ii•hundred fights' _twith a I . * - - ; * - name and:that -the'fain i I v:a fieZr. A nova wa,y oftrestiegan :Orem* ill - ': :. his wifeywas arrogned on :the old charge.. reported by a Sussex (beg -lead) piper. ..11. ' aaartered with these. of Coripet..'" - . , . - Well; said his honor, I .suppose yen thick To which thelEuropean Il$Euen,.adds : inau west ound poaching On Ilse estate Of lit. -4 $iteltinnue, of AC1780 Palk Rye. -thy., ing been token to, the mansion and deprived .of ads beg of g-ame. be was invited los toutia. ful repast provided for tim.bv Abe owner of • 1 expect sor wm the a swer: - I:ehall_ do nexther, said the 'Mayor, I dyea the eetete. mide tor t Wo natural Boni - f lord :Palmere • When he had done hiebeet. to • ston; who were a few years ago„ -and --they_be show his liking for Jude kindness be was still in. ihe foreign office, hat ..PrehjAY their charge..Yon .*- - - • : . - - warded not to tresPals Mains *edema ahoet - The fellews-coutenatice began to -brighten Ls besisam.., .. . : _ well-being has "been conaidered 1 - witliont ref- _ „I when het Honor adjourned the Court, and erence to this testamentary doeument:"- ' . P_.-atcootant Wire -7A few dm slam A ' - • - '. _ . . , z ., , . . . • - - .* - ; after limping to- the. door, invited hint out- . 4 hit% reaged aribin was tent by a trieiesesait a, • *Ilesniarkable - atettiletti, Am. side• . - . - " ' - :1- ' - '. . to ask fin avian :bal. He -131,10, * tke 1.0.wdosi4 . - ' ' Xcnv Yee Mean leamP, Tele I'lerNir°1011 ' Meal way, bia becoming mom and mete Ia. . _ T have fined and itisprisened ycit until I am 'volume it length the ientivesitipadence - - The • prefOrinances of --n e tired °fit,- and yet you .presist i4 ilbareating -: -- ',mini .eral'austed, is, mod" la- Immo. -... Tom , ew.aterobat are' made to "the . al -ready-. longTet .srtatilfd::•e".ii.t:'er'llit. 'in:- Y:buiPr' P::!/-wilifhei: art.:*ChrteonilT:ou'erlt4lilte7 e'/701.-wair. s'-_ 19 iffead‘owea,lr.se"-1,. pose- yea amsr age. the to/ thus noted bythe London .11 _thet Wo . , ,, Med not dun "Me AO sharply; Ism :mit semi; bear of ouibtisinn _ • A most tingelar additien - . j - . • . . ments at tl 0 Castel Palace.. 'Shortly' **.after eravel•- Moved by Mr. Malloy seconded by, Mr. Young, That Samuel Halt be collector.- __ • • Carried. •• . . ..4 Moved by Mr. Rhynies, That Mark Morrie - . .. be Inspecter of Taverns. - , MOvectin amentlineet hyllr..Malloy 'Seconded -hy Mr. Young„:That I'in: Ciews he InsPector Of Taierns.--Carried.- - - • - . . . . - Therfollowie, officers were appointed -for 0 , ., . - - ihe carimit, year.- ' .:: - 7-.: .- - -.. -- ... - • .., ., .-- - ..-. --- ..:- - rotYNDKEEPERS.- .. . . • - ' . . . . ' I For _wilt:a rto. t Shristapher Shannon, No. 2 Peter Fisher, No -..,.3 Peter -1totertsme NO. 4 James - Sy-mew:on and Anthony Allen, . . . No 5 James Liiikiater -Satunel-aMorris, and _ . . , . . . _ .. I- • - FENCE VIEWERS. - ' . - Foe -Wird No. 1 Arehihald •Siinde.„ Yo. 2. J.;hu Fisher, No; 3....John Stephens, No: .4 . . . JormPati...non,. No. •5 -.Andrew -Green and n. . _ „ amain Melee. -- • . PATHMASTEDS. . ; ...- , - For Ward ..No. 1 Thos.-,LiceY, Wm.* Van - .. . - . . . - . !eon, Henry Gledhill, Samuel Fishee, -Stimnel l'iper and Christopher Shannon. . --g...-- . . ., For Ward. Ne. 2 Wm. Good,-PeterFiaber, . , Jacob. Wilson, * Dtinaid McMurchy, Win, • Brargowi.Jemes Kernighare• and Jelin -Snider. 'P'sir. Ward Noe 3 gichard - je Well •Satnuel f Mitchell,- liobt: Bissett, -Alex. Reid, WILLIAM . Witte -and John Kirk patriek. :. . ,. . 1Far Ward No.:4 X: II; Old, Jaines Spiting - eat!, Theis: Hamilton, Gordon.- Young, ROW. -Young, -Patrick Bogen, Patrick Carroll; Wei: Rebertsoel.A.iitheny Allen, and Joeeple ger- rile - - . • *. . . . • For Ward No, fijohn 'McGaility, Pon!ean McPhee; Gee... Sheepard, - Wm. Millityre, rhos.. Sal I oWei, , Win. Given, Jaines Stewart (1.0th ean ), Hillary- Hinton, Thoi. Qhristlaw, 4, E7 Wilsen, James Cassidy, Joseph Hether- ington, Mark .Morris, And Sohn Catitelon, Moved liy, Mr;. Speoce seconded by Mr. Rhytins, That the inettaes ot -each 'Meeting of the Township Council •be printed in the Huron- &gnat; Carried. .. ' • ' -- The Offer Of Contraet to place -new Mikes in the Cemetery.byalatne_s Barker, te be. teia. saier ti ari meetik_of Council.. _ - • Ilava-by Mr._ Speece sego:Fled by Mr• - Rhynete, That the next -meeting-of Connell be held at C. .Shantion's Tavern„ alaitiandville, 'On Saturday the 10th day of Feb. next at the ' hour of one o'clock. -e -Carried. ,- . :. ., '- 7 --_-_- , :, sr .4c13_1.1L§ TEOLSY. _ l'e weiship glesir. , . . • . _ away by the accident te Lis son. An cation-fromn large number of perions in Hay askieg for the establiihment a bona _fide Hai .B.A.S; was presented by .Messrs. Love end Brown, and the matter ordered *to be litid before the Minister of Agricalture„. to- gether With applications frem Waveenteth and. foakiiew. The tone of self-importance es - Suited by One of the branch Societies. in its report -created much mectiment, The repots ef branch soeietintegenerally. were eery tctory- and showed e twee increase manem- . 2 es bership over former years. A vote -of thankti WM -tendered to Mr. . Dark, for his *lift= kindness during_ the time the Directors held their meeting at his House. Moved by Mr. Hunter, seconded by Mr. -aalkield, That:the plece ef meeting, in. se- cordatice; Wit general .eustom be remeved from Mr.:- Dark'a Hotel to:"..Me. Wright's Hotel for "the current year. . _ amendment -it *as moved- that the place or meetiti-, be at Dark's as tereteifore. -• \ • _ , Motion earned. - , - . .The reports. trete the 'follo_wing--- different Branch .Societies were-. passed :-Hay, Ash field. and Wawenosh, Stanley, Exeter, ..11ae- . prirhey, Aieleyeille, Clinton. The fellowing were not in secerdance with. the- Statute and therefore ordered fo be. re ; stricken in ether countriet reghrd the :given to undertaand that the idea of the Work House audits Beard of Guardians, j invasion of Canada, if it wag ever seriotts- Nallatutted " fmeiblY t..he last great .entertainedi has been abandoned, and work ofait eminent British novolistr ana that the grand objece OW is to ,establish 1* an „Agricultural cou,ntry„-stieh as - an leish :Reikklie upon Irisk soil. and Mang it ii 'not at all necessary.: ihat We thus- beard, " the bloated English lion " should follow' out the systeuiferecd upon in his den. Of -all the wild schenieti.that tbeivatheritieest home. WeDeed net t et Lot over engaged the sympathies end depleted &poor rate, as suchfiecausie kis undoni:1- the purses of si set ef fanatics ibis is the _ idly possible. to render an Industrial wade:It:and most enprobiising, 'and le old Mese and farm; nearly if not (Oita it'll- England has no greater_danger fear, matainins, anctif yon NO once thew the poor that they ire to be properly eared ' fie miirally pliyaicallr la a place *left their owik eliertions are turned - to do heat accounts. you remove the Work - bona sting, and 'estnblish- iomething waists kat a direct tendene* . elevate -and parif-Y to a. very eonsiderabk ettent n most unfortunate ilia otheiirise peratively het -pleat inns of- htimanity.- Now Oppose die municipal authorities of the County ef Huron- Wer0 to: putihatie it. pima of bind, say _three hundred serer, and erect a suitable - jag 'or buildings for the reeeptiOn of . tittlemat present depeadint Piiblio gieleity., on it be doebted that it is'pogii- ble Ilidee proper management to apply,tha labor - which. Wait fatherly tnisdirected- theta& 'reit/acting s, very Terri proper- . atthe Necessaries 'and -comfort& of 'llatfrom Am mil T Toti taker iway almusetwaist of labor ioofteitiomplain-• 41404 end by utilising such -great *idea MeIcay, Roneiman, Canieron,,Kay, Mc- --misrgy:yosi add materially:le the wealth Intosh, Hays, Parsons and Cot-. of the union. ...There are difficulties - in The special committee for drafting *sway, so The -ungrateful might - - . r standing committees tor current r tam& a bogie at Masons when their was skit desikwble,'and inanymight . Perteti** es felle/t-s * Finance.e-Tte - Mayoe„ Reeve; Kay letkeatettety name- tti break ap their old - • -• C.1131111•011 and Runeiman.. allifithet hibita to estee upon. a life oft Roads Buncie conefeet parasite& by labor,. thusleiving - Man, Cliffard, Parsons, McKay'nud the * k of practicallyteeting the scheme Reeve.. . to those whose Cirenmetanomi forb;de eon - a - Revision; By Laws and AsSessMent.- Meares Cameron; Hortoii;. kuneinian, the Reeve._ Kay,-Ilays„ Clif.. ford, Parsons ind Seeinuller. DepartmentClifford, McKay,. gays; .11feIntoeh and- Ii.arsons. - - -„Raliefe..-The Meyer, :11ortni, Plifford, turned to - be corrected : roaetee and. Belmeree • The following gentlemen were noMinated by the director§ in pkice of the retiring- ineintiers of the Board otAkrictilture:-Ilon. C...Ryckert, F. W. -Stone, John-41114ton (ounnyside) and bee Snell. • . An application from Hay (Zurich)-- was • handed in by Messrs. Brown* (Reeve) and European - News., Love, asking fur a branch society to he . . • . • • '*117- • her Empire must flourish for many along, yeat yet. - . • • OIL STBITUK NEAllt 14611TDON. The people ef London are - coneiderably excited over the intriortent aneouncement that oil has been struck. in the townehiei of Deleware, near that city, at a dcpth -.Of 170 feeL The effect of the strike wa.s electrical, . The other. companies, of whieliihere are seven in. the township, went to work with dou.bled energy; the -shires of the ---fortunate cornpany rose. im- mensely in value, and, in shortythe community received a kevare shock of oil 0 the.brain. We confidently - expect to see as great an excitement .canse -here, ere long, by. such another strike. r OWN.: cOUNellf.i. • . • - . FRIDAY -EV°, Jan, 19, 1806. Presentthe-Mayorin the ohairless . Gibbons, Horten, Clifford, Seegmiller, tinted W. ty should . gait weer az LogiOatire action. - . Soelet7 - hada tiglit to relict itself, and to do,se '' isi ask iniiiise it should consider !aims- aY arigi!iggyil" °P-Elon " a Ph" h -P.1°: !tided foe the empleyntent of those who, imam solitiagoirouisstances, have seine - -0114'r sitenrue far Tagranq and'idk- , Cox and MeIntesh. ' - says •Tbi• mdjecti Ais *haSs- reSs°121° . Market Cetniiittee:MMisrs. Heye, , Ur** win ariss at. , _ithe. eiiiiii,g '-'""1""" Cliffork McIntosh, Cot and Seeginiller, Or riehasuats. mid twe is little doubt" - Harbor. --;-The Maier, Cameron; Hot- tort,..Kay, IllsiKay•Report adopted. Seierel entall relief acContits, and Re - _Mining -Mara' aceounte, weie-read and ordered to be paid: . - • By..Lifw,lo. I, for appointing officers; wee read -And, the : blanks .filled up Ohl- ' lows ::-.1annia Thomsen, Clerk, eatery . $270 ; Rev. Phu. Ii'letchei; treasurer, .1.writer is the Husiltat Times %kw ashler $140 ; If-. B. O'cofintir, -assessor,' yips sabiene wee hu ettre.ets . wile stikry 0160 .; Angus MoKaY -collector; losestitat hem. iiiietz,the emetreetnnt salary $160 i' lours Smaillotreet inspec-. lir a ship caw twist its teraijoi. ai... tot,k4f., Way $200 ;- Tao. llneod, bell- . if...a..... ami amariikik., The wri.ter 1 ringer, salarr $190.; It. Trainer, inspee- ;;;;i70oorn....77"--, ., _ - - tot of -weights and measures, salary fi 2. “Ne desks Kr: sailer, oat Toronto Elijah Illoore, thief-enginter fire brigade; emenneoorire ma radical. fey they are Mark Whitely,. wood inspector*. salary , canal ia. a aka* maadadr . . The Clerk -w 11 ed $30 tor the use I * isait..011 111.0114- CiDegi.01111 when paid infect; .1,licholisDoyle,poundkeeper. is kr themselves) wilt say that.- : .By -Law read and ndopted. - - - • ' ' .-- * --and that • - all a a-ar 4' _ ,lialFapbiaal isOlitiOn it Such that °f hia-"f0- . _ - - - j.-. - Topmelm-inest be the eastern terminus of- * mi. small:woo dirooted- to have_ tba It** mark *WA**, matte" of eminte;. leige !tali ia- reedinem for tile,sieit of the filmy Oak ere keg. hen **tedium chief suPerintendent . of education, : OD thilir Wok several Millions of ,-.,1..,..;,i 2 - --- • . • . , - ilaPPloon or Paving' Saturday next After which the Council- tielhoo Ant wili nessepirily be spelt in . Irmur''''' - ,- ' ' : . lahiguat. object.. ' Thalia- - ,-- - - _ . - , , - - saw nay bet aa4-20 ' potwas AT Lettirtrow.---4.- soiree *Wilt ead IjOyeT &Tear low. . bigitren under.the liusPiMe Of the NOW = hiliammt, hi tbeir_sistiina- flonnetion. Church at Luoknow Wed .r . . . . on - b *et "ale legible at.'s modaYs- she aist last. The attractions: f * ' . : . Colaik AIM Sat rat' itsaa ma br - ore :-.--it good tea, a .ininiber of speakers sheeff$1.11**** OgeoPP, tho al* cholon I ' . . _, bylgempoebetk, TheircTiowe ethe non .i argl 4 atie0elieir fro* Csixterich.k r . I . 1. 4 ‘ i , bet Nein 'ittessare such as we have been simskingatwill become law. If so,. an maim beopenedfor the alleviation of naeemitteiwaat eisilrretehednese- which. a- pit ream, dusk God, Are in a rabies- te difosintatot Bair Vaasa** - located there, in addition -to the one already established; called ttie Hay Branch Society , also a .similar petition wus handed in from Waiyanosh, Ashfield, -1(iiiloss and Culross, to he called the Union Branch; and to be located at Lucknow or St. Helens. They were. both referred to the Bureau' of Agriculture, The meeting was then ndjourned. • In our notice of Mr: Waffle's temper ance lecture we stated that a Mr. " James Dickson of Goderich " made a few remarks. Mr. Dickson's name, we have since been in, formed, is not James but William -- 4111.-- COOTTIES, CO UN CIL . Finn MEETING FOIL 1866 --NIR GIBBONTS . RE-ILECTEti WAttDiN. 'The Cotinties' Couneil met • et the C01111 House at 3 o'clock this (Tuesday) Afternoon.- , - ' . - : The Clerk took the Chair, and on the roll being called the followiug gentlertien handed in their aertificates AD representa- tives of thevarious municieslities :- - Aslitield.:-Win: Malloegh, M. Dalton , ; deputy, - - . . - ---____,_ - Clinton.17.Toseph Whitehead. Colborne. --..Thos. Hussey. .-. . Goderich town.r-Robt. Gibbons, 13.. Hor. ton, deputy, .. __ . . - - .. '- Godeneb township. -Henri -Ford, David Patton, clepety - ; , . - - -.--Grey.-;--A. McDonald, JIM. Leale,Clepety. . Hay. -R• Biowp, Jas. amine, deputy. . Hultett.-Thos. McMichael, - 11, . - bnell,- deputy.- - . , - . -:IlowitiL7--Y.:Gibson, jes:Petk!nes dePt-4-' = McKiliopi-aieseph Enna, -James •tlays, *deputy: • . - - . ,Morrm.-C. Whitehead, 4. Brown. -Stanley.-T. Simpson,. Dr." Woods.:- . --Steplien-k. Sweet, John:Pane:ins. - , - Tuekersmith-G. Sprerat, John Doig.. Turn -rry-John Messer.. --. --. 1 ` tithe e -A. Bishop, R. Creary.. Waw nosn-R Currie, II:Helps. Amabel and. Albeinarle-- Mr Kribs. not down yet, . . - `Arran, -.1.11. Lemsden, P Campbell. -- Brant -Jas 13roce.bank, T Wilson. Bruce e;:1) hfcLellan,.1) McKinnon. • Carrick -e -M Fischer, las Rawion. Cuiross-Alex McIntyre, Jno Riter•, , - Elderilie-Jno Citifies, Jas Dobbin. .- • • Greenocke-Robt *Pinkerton.: . Huron -R Johnuon,_ R Martin: - Kincardine t'lle---Wm Millar, J P Meletyre " ' riff•-Waillastell. -.Kinlees-Robt--Purvis. : Sangeen-Jno ;Walfac.e. Southampton-. Tilos Adair. .. Moved by -Mr. Whiteheed," sec'd hy Me Rastall, Tnat *Robt. Gibbons Esq. -be Warden of the Ueited Counties of Hoot) and Brace for the current yeare-Cerried uniaimously and applause.- „.. .. - Mr. Gibbons thanked the irentleinen pres- ent for the high honor done birn, and prots- ised to discharge the duties of his .office to the bee. of his ability. The 'Warden , was duly SW0111 in and took -his seat: • Ax Extznive Henan Taanc.-An'enter- -Prising American speculator has been in Quebec . for some time buying up all the mow serviceable' horses he nan fink We la* impe of bis purchases yesterday-desid. edly creditable leoking speciments of, horse Beaks Fortunately for the trader, hcrses havelieeteexpected from the_recent measure prohibiting theeimportation of cattle into the United States.-Quebee Chronicle. .„, -coratonart. The first meeting of the Municipal Coun6l of the Township of- Colborne; waileld at James McDonough Tavern, Smith's Hill, on Monday the 15th dap otaTanuary 1866. - Present, Henry Spence for Week* No. -q ; Alexander Malley for Ward__No. 21- Thomas hl: Hussey for Ward No. 3 ; William Young for Wird, No. --4 ; and Jamas- Rhynas for Ward No.5. • After reading the minutes of the Couneil,' it wits propoiedby Mr. Wm. Toting -seconded bY Mr. Jamas Ithyrnme-,Thatrhos...M. Hume, he Reeve. -Carried. .-- • The Reeye eimoints Thos. Anderson as auditor, the Council appointi Peter Robert! . _ 8011 1111 their Auditor._ . Portland, Jan: 19. -The steamthip ".Nova Seotian, left Liverpool -at 12.30 p.m. oe the 4th- hist., and Greencastle.on the ilth; arrived at this port at 6 this eiening. The recent frightful gales on the coast orleeiand came& the folioning disasters to, American ahipping steamer Si Andrew; *hich left'LiverpPol on the 30th tilt. for New York, . -put back to Eonishaven Light, near London. dory, mid landed the crew of the Ship Pleiades, from Richehucto-fer Belfast,- which was abaedoned: . The ship S. P.'1,Yheeet from New York for:the Clyde,Iiut into Ohan ol the 3ist ult., leaking. She hal lost her ,sails 4114 bulwarks and waS inech _damaged,. and her creiv iveie clisabled_on the 30th, *off the Mull of Galloway spoke ship Guy Man tiering. whieb refused to remain by tier and take •off her mew, bat she- was lost :sight _of during the night.-- The slim- Harvest Queen, !iota LiVerpool Nate York, put into -•Bet ,fast en the 3rdavith bulwarks, &e., damaged. The shia Emerald, Iron) Liverpool. to -N(4 Yerk, put back oe the 3.-d, noting sprung a leak, lost he- sage:tad had herrudder sprena She Must diseharge _her targe.. • The brig Otter, from ;Philadelphia' for 'Havre, was Mushy wrecked ia Clew Bay neat Westport, -Partof her earko, it was -expected, would be eared, - The ship New-:Werld, from Liver - 'poet for York, put baek on the lst, haying lost her Sails and hecome leaky. The ship itodman Pratt, from Livereool for Baltimore, Was, in Ballieekillige dietnasted.--The captain telegriphed for a tug: If the_ weather - moderated she -might hold .Out. The- crew i were landed. '1 heathip Leander; frinn New York for •Liverpool, ran ashore near --Crook Haien- the.31-st ult.; 'hitt got offiati the 3rd insf.-uandavaS eot makitig mech water---l'he ship Meridian, from -New York for London, t was- abandoned riff Cape Qear oe the 1st inst, The- mew was* saved.. The. Swatiley, I from XeW",iYOrk for Queen town; put into Barmen"? en the 10th :alt. The cargo* Wes shifted- and the foremast Sprung, The ere*. t .aaseithausted; and heads lwere employed to The ehip John Fyfe receieed tonsid erable damage in the Clyde t and get to harbor. , • s • Me Bright,- M. 13 , had. made aother great speech on the Reform question at . Rochdale. Ele eXpressed his ballet that Earl Miami' had c tekee..:Up the aqiiestion of Reform with the -i energy pf 30 years ago; The mePting adopt a ed a •themoriaete Paniament praying for an extenkien of the franchise 'and_ voting by h ballet. The Lundoti Times remarks that for at the first time in his. political life,* Mr Bright h Speaks as* men consgious of iespansibility for what te says.. He recognises the exiiet• b ,enceof persons who differ from himself, He w 'apelike et consideeing not ;what would be w abstractly best, out what -cabinet reasonably f . may be expected fa.. prepose,.. - The Herald- c seys , his "speech i8 the least offetsivo which t Mr Bright. has yet delivered outside ol Par c • . • • -Welsh Slate Company, whi • a I he. willsOf great peoplc.do, not always dgunnieng40,tOmfiinsethyeoucti7ip,rit. Provide for, thoee who her the strongest, naturalelaim Kam theM, - a this will, fee PerhaPs you -imagine that I will finprieen . . • histance; no provision anae s. to have -been yow cootamed -the MuTor- .: ''..- iseratchso, his - head t ,...." beim mastirisjami four o!clock yesterday Signor Etliardo. listen- The Mayor lies .:neeer heard from the fel- -. h ta-Th - - is - . Joh he -visitors- of the builditia by a eymn• low since- P. ' • -. - • , ..- a ... . . ... 7 man . e motteyi. The ship- Pere is,- f m • - mad . ro Leghorn astic or crobetic: feat, Whiph 48 iS. said 10' - - ..- - . '.* - ' . : : - . . ' ' Irtriftward PiNytilig- lilttemordlinsm : Gibraltar, hes been detained off New rock ine- .r.ane time &ace -with- greet - . • - „ztry. . for Mitigation and ventilation, • haeepeefe A t succees at"- iorence, befo ':: Kinig Vietor ---,t- - . - - Entaimel, end which emit ex itOthe supprise . : :--- . ' .. - - , •-• -i ..mr,..ital lioh., J -4,o. is. . At the "gist meeting of -the Ottaviii 4Tpty - . _ of every perion by wheme it ay7be witness- Council it- was iesolved **That ibis wataitip • Consideiable -excitement prevaile here ta ed.: . Some'prepamtion was ieriu;red for the: • be requesit4 to weer, ellen presicTing. at ,the 'exhibitton.- A strew, .pole some fol ty oi fifty billiard circles, in Consequence of the ,unpre - boaid on nil ftiblie otesioes, the ineiguis feeehigh wae erected in the front portion ot. endowed:run how ,being made by .Mr. Koval the Handel Orchestra, and round this,' was ' 11" %Y.-- Tirombl .. At two p. m. yeeterday kr; -aPPe*taining to his -office." Bial womb" Us • -consequently assunied *be geld Cloak" pee. rim a :Oita' col -nein,' coniapeted, with 'the Twombly commenced playtag_caroms eigeinst aided tor the maypr'forstate 4:M040118. . R. -B. T. readwill ; the lull gem; on n eize : grauna peneath :by a long tiptir,rhavin4 an A ticket of about thirty -degree*. This _spur. podiet Bruitswiek table. On -the ith game" ' r• -n .1)11T-1114 Itrairit..e..44The great *tile- so. . Mr.- TWombly, when 'he bad twenty-three • Medi) -have How ',beets in Vase 01111W twenty end the windtng line in Whill it terininated. 1 eonsisted Nevi -ye( a atout-b arding, perfect- 'points to make, took the. white nod - red halln '-: yew's, hence it.tannat be:mid that .tliey sca neat. the middle ot the_left,hina pocket, and , iy flat,. not Mere than twelvelincbec brotid, '_,,,..„,,, .,. ad-fastened-Mita-upper:pp tion_7ofaheicen-'"S-nele-el-Teg-thenushion„.:finally_411Ce , atad-penoteented-X- on the authority of alma 'on 'del.:. They Itava been 'thought tried, cal -main or liole by slialit li OU.airderii. - At seeded in lowing -them its the left band upper whole,livesend Beall]) they have ...1 .--,-• i.1) . . . . , pocket.: ' e closed the play fast .night at to :be it sere, harmless and-ateinently -Wee - One ride of tae plait:law W lying. it -.round ightcoloted globe, shout tat? and a 'half feet half -past -ten, having. run -up a;a00poitits, anti fare preparation, sed if taken in imam will or -three i feet in diametei;.,- iatior.'Eth.irdo. resealed. tbe game this inoroeig.. Up to this joy...endear cum coids, congam; - tose titroat made his* appearance at* the appliinted liout iti p:.7m.) be has made it: totel acme-- of . and all Broichial at&ctions. One -fife trial hour (5 _ he -speegled costenne. of, the :Sprite ----at ft t 8,000 pants, 'and is stall playing, -. - . will. convirce the most stepticel- Sold 14 pantominte, and,' - stepping' _on Able ..ball. • ,-. . . - ; THE -PUB:LIU RIEyENlills; ' - • a.li medieiee 4luelere' at*: 25ete. Iter Ibter. - • walked or danced 'vett it the whole Way'up- .. ae column,: end,deseended tgilio the entire. ' • . -""--- -' - * ' ' ' pace in ihe same ordinary. , Sefton. It' was It will be seen by. the- telegram of our : any otherexhibition. we believe it', sight . "8-4)414 Grata EasteneSteemehip' Unlike seecial c.orreapendent:.at Ottawa, that -the this Hoble messed Itait'aiven good amid t mote mimes Lind bewilde ing exploit. II- - - !revenue of :the- Province hit .the Ulf- year ; to the.gtousands.of poem* Who traveled te- a tree that he yea able . ea t or or- three oce ending .31st Deeember ;feet, - foots up very , Quebeeto rew lei, and well repaid aim fee asions 10' obtain a momenta, y .rest hf loan- • satisfacterily. The Mlle:mite; is a ,statement . theie. outlay.; and.ieis jute so With the It Cats- na on the girders whickbi d.-„teaethee, the Of the-reyenueiand expenditure 1-- .- sidian riot) Delitroler,” Aber. senor weemw- • lender ereetioni-- btit 'he net! r employed -this ' - Rovenue,Customs:.;;-..,:-... S3 476 243 66. .thleg th" gave each setisfitetioe. it roiSevie resource for the purpose- ot proitiusion.. ' In is descent he had to deem el , fOr a motive Excise.. -...., ... - 694,202,48 Pantillm°t inettettle 'Isil is siss tim`t *UZI I I. f ower solely en -the strength- nnd agiJty of • - .Preit 'Office ...: . i _246,274,29 in the world foe rhenmatime, Isearelaia, . is tett,. which were, Of eciume,, at .the-:-Mtlnit .Vtliwit Lands.,:. ". 461,491,50 :-. pities in the stomach, lc. 05 metes -Swill bag hie, meat husily employe !iit. -.Maintaining Bei.stampa...,. - 43,890.74 a Bottle of it. Sold by all ilurmiaa Dailase: is shifting bilauce. ...In the decent .thebill' 1 Total- revenne , - . . . • ... -., .---. 7 .. .$451585,891366 vicing ore the lee from the opposite alias: Miscellaneous, .. - • 663,795,99' est: tea -T- he -volunteer. **utensil' et :11aeiwiale a3 of oecesaity Only top mp tO resh- downa. • - • ' a l'ew days since,- saw :a number of men oda Ards.. and it *as Only by t e neat _wonder' ul skill and. mire ',that -its moVement . was .EePenditure: - - - a -,-a :,-`,-e., - 41387s672,23' -When *estrange', awe within beltiter lase - he „narrow:and, winding li e tire whtch its. heelred..and-ita direetion.-w .guided: along - . . :Surplee......, 1. , .....,et:,....,11,198,226,43 , ielityl the softies gay* an Alarm by *riot -; - . 7!!-_------7--7,--_ tance they were challeagedi bet mattes se oeite : was ;restricted, Th -'...Eingulatity • of - The eirtibit foe :the half ye‘ar ending- 31st their pieces m the air. - Time:" aaefal*. 'OM ' he:scene . was here increased by the eircean- Deceinhef„ 1864, yea as,followa.:-.- . :- . - retreated - speedily. ;The next they soma Mums that the forMer had onnske his •Way 'Revenue for 'half year. . ...,. .... 45,706 957 4:merle= 'soirsars from -Fort war* "alktilfl- i itekwards„ the., whole ivei ht :ler tits body Expenditure -- do * ........:. .. 5,595,117 PPPosite Ado ' - of the *el, I CM- . eing thrown- as far is Ojai le l*..inthe (Wee-- . . 5.--,....-4..--- , sed veer to Sandwich and mode i'Dtleiliee a‘ ion oppesed to that *Mali his unsteady sup- -." • ort. wae tendnig: . We• bleva that -many Surplus....,..........,„.. -.........-$.111 240 In who tried to shoot thou the itigitt beefiest. Large as is the revenue ‘frOM the Customs 1"-;_:-e,".r.„; re_ae"•.°R.e. a.. -"*"4...,„..",„.....4 whea....,-Its faete."111 § A ....„ a people havemlready run abo te and -teem pas. -during the -past *ix Months, u is net so large: e.,..."-",slr. '5"'".e.....":.7',.../s....r=r ........"Iiirl.."7„„ A- ged along,: slight -elevetione leader the same - "fa'. It conditiona .' but Signer Ethardo u us .ihst during': thitt. ,cerreaponding • period of -4-„":_su,L* s'w"1,..„---417.......- ,,,'""---" r,,,-,- I 1864, wheteit Was $3,589,200, Tbe !OVOID*: b....._,-- *111"P 4: lilt__ -511V-. "C.7 141.11110P16 /43- , : .A__,Pill . • fer tis we are Aware, the 'Snit. Man sih-0 eer attempted to Wind his leaf. upon ..so. .. . . from 'excise during the. year 1865 .nitie been' .-1/1/"T‘Tmei,_____Inst thST wa,eT _,_; , 'ww,wers t consideiebly larger than everbefore. Mr..- l'ungmr-Irmn th_e..-Pekr are?* Isl"' ' . _________' 41.7 perilous it leconiotivit.un and down .a narrow Mk tbe Met _six months ie was S795.351) 11Psw,12_141,'"ht_01 en otelibc*, :ProP,....,. , nd-dizzy eminence. 7 Ais feat iWis certainly mostremarkable.une, and Ment to entitle I _ , . , r , Alf , i . .retniced • - during the 'lest. $694 202 48 o alto ether au" "Tctaritg -mscrsamas sae ' - Part as lee in his own line, 10 alai- t as eaceptionel. $1,490,152,48.a-rOlobe." - 7 ' Tamer thew atePs to -Wm fert.-- piece au that of Blondie bimealf in 'the Ameba Resatny.e•-•The -Cognises*. a*French "a' William ft*** detecta a liatill 48" . . robatic ivorld. * 2- • jeareal, state, thatlhe cultivetion -of vi *_. . centhint of Shakespeare"' siater i 71I 'L. .:.• • -- ' ---:---*900-4 _ _. :__ ' - :::*tralt----mmdf eNr.. •All the other morning papers have t leading -articles OD the speech. • s The fire at St Katherines dock, London; 1' was one of theniost disestrous for yeats. An h official estimate Of- the damage has not yet t been made;•but the latest unofficial estimate p runs is high as 440d,000 sterling., There is little doubt but that it -was an incendiary fire. Crowe Hill the residence of .icird Crow • d and one of the finest Elizabethian buildinge as In England, W88 destroyed by tire. The loss .e was estimated at X120,000 sterling:- The London Star says the Colonial office leaves a the Jamaica inquiry corninissioners quite free. a to condnet the inquiry in their . own way. - h The London Times, fn. a leading irticle, a urges acceleration in the rate of the repay-. ac ment of the national debt; which, at Abe pre sent rate, will -not be extinguished -till. the . year 2270. It qaotes the propitiations made for the speedy -repayment- of the .American debt- a* an incentive. - The Berlin ftaats re Anzeiger, in its nonofficial- portion,. contains a an "thole on the United States, in which it a characterizes the President's message as emi- conservative, tied lays stress upon the t continued thendly relations between Prussia, e and the -U. States. The article tiejnes out ti the suceem of American institutions; acd de lo nounces the precipitate and unjust opinions w which have "been expressed by.SOMe PreiaSiell d journal'', friendly to, but improperly regarded, su as goveinnient organs. e ,The,Madeid Correspondencia seysithe 401, - eminent known oft the reiolutionitry project w of those who mistake forbearance for weak at ness; and ioany ease is 'certain of defeeting ae -them. m The Transylvanian digt hu Iieen. officially las notified tbat the representutives of "Trans3.1- w Again Mr. Puna, in ill ieterest .Of the spectable portion af the c nitt,nity, protests gaited the way in which . Bright's organ nd Mr. Ilrighin permutes re treating the emaicit business. That i - 'sech crafters he question should heprejud :ed1in the vulgar: st manner, andthat at tore t.mmgled sane- , wonions and slangy ah'' thould be let me upon the *bite popai tioe of Jamaica as ss much in accordance We the ante.ce eats of theaccusent that it Mild excite little rpriee: That Mies' Eyre's spirited and mist rly appeat on behalf -of an biiebt and distin- uished brother should 14 small" type, bile the letters of excited d rampant fan- ics, andlbeir ridiculous v r should be corded all the honors of io ineuce, Wed erely so much More provi ci int *And bad tel. and that the sister sho ad- dismissed ith a sneer proved yer ne !eget, that Yana will shortly betummoned to the diet t Peeth. - • TraaeadwitptuS dtirlsseRtli!easleitrTugrt ejtaeadn: yttco--f- en quiet and steady; tea firm; nee steady; How firm at 48s ad; spina! __of -turpentine iner at,46s 41s. ' • The' Fenian trials were concluded at Cork c Moved by Mr. .fanies ghynas seeonded by a lir. Alex'. Thai Jeans Tewaley be - B Treasurer. -Carried. _ f Maud by Me. W. Young seconded by ltfr, Spence, That- Win. Stitt. ba assessor.e.Car- fp• f°r l'trand, dilliner°1 use,- but -thlerifuled in .11agene*...tRxil.A..at stRiarathimutf°1111)11killiiinana France in SI remediable degree, . in co . •"--re°-'ssiTihs. by--; t -he boy' e- -oem.--- ilite Int . seems* of ths gradual decline in the price of pears for Amt. Cognac brandy and the increme in the value. of other prodnee. In the Grand Champagne.' Ail the dallY me -, 0 ! of Cognac. lied ot the first quality* has not Make large soma of salosicl. Niw irl Pil been worth more than Z250 the hectare (24 Ms efthe Herald, &met tile Past it acres) for the hst.ten years.- while meadow ' said; will react 04400 i tiwire aim '' - -land him risen to 4440.-- New' -brandy .1rail lame $170.000 ; of the Times$11000,14 tpTwhrieceriesarehstnaihnb°.eascedlibitsiZerienie:taesinethrotenibert5wysne7wdratlihniilficifiviteufintiljiinileinurkl8Sfei:sEnfriheent7ggizzP:21presill",":01:101.11tialieactooi:*74.4".54"1.10.114111- alliarodecdmitil. ' ‘ downs4 preeent at twenty five per cent. . - • tatting a trip to Ireland. One of lik -.friends s--mTweet" '''''' /a ite‘14°..1.11 ''‘‘P"..4"4' &IA 1 :-Tt .:. - ' - ....La Insolvent -Act - AilTsmerrr -.....x.--...rown .. a in......... anan now:- A few days sinee to -thought at „ , a ii_x_. 44,.......P...umesti wyoe:ki: .:RG002;tne!t itsos taltoyeigyeo:.oweasifearew.i,th.. ..Tiewattheeranets att,:buidef ereiltrate. ogeradsdas of no - i meeting him in the street- jean:ire& . s. welt , United Counties of - the United Coesticsof Brown, my boy., when are anti der it Neat, Huron and Brace. norm sad Break the -Morning Star is not the apresentative of Inneuntametrx.-The proprietor of a the English gentleman.. go Inuit seri- cotton -mill put Ail notice on his factory Late TElergediundenigtors tonahisimatichareerilla twael".144)11 " usly -state that the new ton w ich thesfitar " No cigars ersood Its taken -11P is too offensive t?e -tolerated In en ezplanntion helessaildia-i:ne!The4domnietigdwic thette3°Iiiiiiclaitie t-heMayareilid,ConallEtt ft: ellillsoellsiba. is being "funny" -011 the xe n e set a One a -going among my cottons, and don thereof. a miss of the t'other among the gets. won't admit such JOHN liAtLICA/f, . 1141ritille an dangerous things mossy establishment. The by his attorney etellitnes; W.F. FINDLAY- halted, in a ecimic strain, h wanting to isk is -too great." • - • Hamilton, 17 January, INS. w52Tp2m, 0 ..rebels m Jamaica. It mse • • . clumsiest irony, in which t A on Tomas! lot, theahralliag Lock, an A4lessel,„ r Pan." -e _twogitripeatertaseamuneerassineaa4 1:tineedal:atliassceallassa: ensued* to arrest lielgelef and upon whavt::::eswie was mud, and era his was not Aramovered he Iliclaesta nether Ira -1-Chathaat Planet, *tr liew lo you ata, thank you. I have rut been this A low have you been * Plabitalt ; bat ws led 4, Are yowl*** ia thank you; hawses I'm obliged to yew Maw A---..-Imely1" fally as yea 111111ir Tay well„ " Nast yea gel" Seven ea% to maks." Thank yes; Atm agid2 mime rai Tim Pitnewarte amp boy -44 Wheit heat dic is short." Mat Pinesopher, bileiller an inetaant esisiessi ikons COM116 1, • " 4•0***5111,..10. * I.* /Jim .6 nem • NI .111,1111914 WOO raealOorie 0.0:6.70 ber.Plaa Ilides (green - . "Bemeriow....v......; jp", ***I. ROO 1646.441kid STA alai* allaitia sines of Mask Imrsei awarki DAT BOOM& _1 JOUNIAliS, Ideate eat BOOM Of POCKET 1111:3101,A1Mil ; ,t0 C 1 SUM fess th *swig% Sagas ak arralia 3 mass of tee Temberry. ireL hattlise eles.311. Mom vairesserfif • Mee