HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-01-19, Page 4rpaESiibsedbsrs having- cont;denced the z. _Axe making in connection with .the Blackimith bosinese at their oId Stand. corner . of Witterloit *la Lighthouse, street, where farmers =eget - • A ClooOlonse-Macke Ate - At rearionahloi Av• arlt alio prepar- ed W,lautp old azeitptd make then ad good seam - @ITX militias made & Sharpened 1 AInt warranted to dc; good work. • • JOHN ItrallERSON & Co. Goderich, Dec. 5, 1865. waw37 THE -S j01 K Y. T.1E, „ OULD BEG TO DRAW' THE, .ATIOTION' OF 01.TSTOME HS. IN want of a good durable articleof ' .• : - qT4o7r-go-ADTD TWEEDS, - London 9and : „Park, Tilatnient ..001111$30117_6 flipe..a-nd Diimensary, . ;19. 64; Littler:St. Ja.mes Street, 1(1 1C.aoi.T T_ ''411 F- ar the Cure Chronvl Complaints, Scrofula,' Nervous Debility,Diredsesq/ the Bloodi Whitel.Scarlei :Weakness and all . Female Camplaittp, . • PIA 'STRIPED k CTIECKED-WINCEYS VI AN -a rAggrusza 54.AiiIIVETS-AND STOOK-1AZ Am p clusivekoo the 're f the Complaints , referred to in dila !tette& Hefty years exPerienee m -Europe. and the Bring!) COlonlbs, eau bles him _ DR- JOHNSON LATE OF LONDCN CDIN *. . . rn ' f - _ , _ , , • - , . burgh and Paris, uev.otee his attention, ex : 'ea aro. slims or - suen an j .. . Bureaus, Sofas', Leuni.Tes; Bed:ad-ads in -endless variety,, W aidrobes, -Book CnSes, MattraiseS, Centerl airless, Di n i nth 'rableti.,..• Breakiait Tables, Toilet Tables, Wash Stands; Chairs; and- Many otherartreles too iiiiinerous to mention,. Ail kinds, - TOITALL AT HIS • WOOL FACTORY: OFFICE,EAST STREET,. _ - And judge for themselves'before purchasing elipultere. Or made up to order- to any required style at reasonable . prices. .• Ashes and Grease. Goderich Wool Factory, 1865. cfrRE Subscriher will per haste all the'Ashes • 1. sind Soap Grease that may be saved: io'r him in Goderich and neighborhood. . ` • JOE:1.N E. DANCY. sub / eth,1865. f tv25. . -1111211T11 SW or. LiNDS. • thread Countiesot la Y. virtue of a writ of t Hurosand Brace., '1.11 Ftert Fizetas issued out te wit: , -, of Her Majesty's County • t Gondol the Unitedemmticsot Buren and Wriice and to ale directed agsonst the lands and tene- ments-orthinisit Van Norman, at the -sun ot 'Winters CositI have seized*. d taken in eteett- tion. alt the right, tide and ititer.st of the said de- tenctaat in and to the south. halt ot Lot 'in/Tiber RAW in the fiturth conceton --of, the township cif Morns, in -the County of Huron*, containing' one hundred acres ; which lands arid . tenements .1. sholl *Mirror sate at my cffice in the Court House iii the town ot,Goderich, 'on Tuesday the Thir- tieth day at, January uest,at the emir -of tweke of the cleck,noott. _- • - . JOHN MACDONALD, -. = . • Sheriff,. IL 4. Br: , By S. Por.Looni Defiant Sheriff. : ---, :- SheritlisOffice.Cietterich, t - • 19th Oet..1Sb6. . w391X siiiitatra SAL E or LANDS. tlitited,Counttes IDP,ir' vittue• ot a writ. ot Huron and Bruce. Fier' Faelas issoed oat . • - wit ot Her P‘talesty?s, Ccolot-e - Court of the rutted courities of Huron and Bruce . -and ie. me directed against the lands -arid tette „menu( of is,;e11 MCKay, at the soit c ;liarles Me- -tear', have <mired imit.takea ih exeratren all the right,titte and interest of the said defeuchiar .itt Ufa to Lot Number Tw,..ins Ote 10 the seemai conceasion of the township- ot Crutross, tit the co fay of Brute, containiiin tote -hundred acres -meteor tese;,--which lairds iinct tenements! shall , .‘„) oarforsakat Inv otfic.e in the -.Court . House ui the Iowa, or Goilencli On. Tnez,ilaX` the Sixth day et February, next, at the hoer fcif twelve of theelciek-, noon.. - JOHN MACDO-NALD , 1 S. lieriff4L.-11c .11:r : • ShettesOffiee,Godiiitich, t • ' SEPEIIATOIISy By, S. Folloek, DeputySberift,;, 28th Oct, -.1865. - w40. Sheriff's Sale ottaaids.- % THOMAS LOGAN w12 IUD .111C Ili le 04 \. U‘,1 j4IT:74.1411. ;;;;;;' j_t 41121,40:4211±11:•::". • Y;..1•1: s tit ••• ST..EAKENGIN" P R. U .N L A :N- anufiettirers- -Grist aucl _Flouring - Circular, a41. Saab. - %kW} gb • UnitedOonnuesof 1)pi Y virtue of a wrtt Huron and Bruce, _LP. Evert Facias is,suecl out To, wit: of Her Majesty's Countyi - .Z.L.TC.:03ELA ..41.1%Tar 3P7-mCoT931-3EESS; • Ti? • g 111..A_ClEITTCES, 110 S _ ERS, to perform simile vetv remarkable :cures ; nud hs ,,facilities for Obtaining the best :and latest roue- -dies are stich; being in. correspondence.with thc Most celebrated. physicians of the old world, that }Mean ofterinducements to the intfininnate of w speedy and perfect cure. - . • . • STRENGTH TO TILE ,VEAK.-.10 Jonn, =ion St nemedieswill ref -tyro in- a 1 ery short tiine, n11 who are inthetedwithNervtius Debility, Loss- dfhleinory. ' •- , It'3"- You an. ME,4, '1'.ur No.rIcE.-T1C Is im esl•haSit often contracted by boys at schen]; which grows un witli. them to inanhood ; the effects of this evil practice- is most deploralle, often producing- insanity, Arc, 4e. All who are afflicted should apply to Dr ohnson in ined iatelt - and lie will effect a,. speedynnd perfect Mire.. r D:37 Disesits OF TIIF:. BLOOD,&o.r-^11. -melancholy "fact tnat thousands tall vietinis to -disease o Sing to the unskilful and iniproner use of rnercairv; Dr. Johnson's Coinfmund Syftip Will thoroughly eradicate all dial's sarisingfrom a dis.eaSed or impure_ state oft he blood. * -Remedies fo'iwarded in safety tOany address. Office hours worn. S. till 12, and trout _2 till 8,1 All communiete. tions shouhl be adesessed, Chat,- V. Johnsen, 64. Little St. JamesStree., Men-tic:al. C. E.' _ British -American Assurance Co. _ . • Mowing and iteapineMaphines, Wood Saws, • . Cetart ofthe United Celanties offluron and Bruce mentsof Thomarr Luxes - at the suit a Liike Vipthora,.1 haveseized and taken lir execution all the right, title and interest of the said -defend - eat in and to Lot Number Twenty-three in the first coneemion of the township of Carrick, in the County of Bruce, containing one hundrcd acres ; Whteh lands and teitement..s-1 shall offer for sale atmvefflee in the Court :Houle tke. town Of Godirich on Tuesday the Thiroeth day ofJanu- ary next,rat the hour ott welve of theelock,atioul. JOHN MACDONTALD, ."‘ Sheriff,.H.5e"B BrS iOTTOCK DeputySheriff HbertIPsOffice,Godericht 19th Oct.. 449 * 4‘3 11, mato medirectedagainst the lands and tena- Coal. 417 LARGE. QUANTITY 9F... OKSMITIPS COAL - ONflANDAND B tbe:.:Wharfl GEO. ROMBALL, -Agent. Goderieb,if-ay 29th,1865. si17. I BrasSCastingsniade, and Illacksmillisywork done in -a neat and substantiiiimaaither Castings of any description made to order. . Also; all kinds of machinery repaired on short notiee. A larffe stock or' COOtING, PARLOUR , AND BOX STOVES, A.Iwaisen kind, Sugar, Kettles,. Wagon and Pipe.13oxes. As our patterns of the above are ofthe mostupproved kind, we would solicit an inspection or our stock before purchnsing elsewhere, as we are offerinn,.the abovent the lowest remunerative prices for cash, or Or prayed Credit. Old tal,))rass,Copper, and all kinds of oroduee taken in exchanse. . me ' • C' - -Goderieli. 0 ctobei -:-1862.- w39 - FIRE & MARINE. ,JoHN---vissosT .Avent, During Which. tithe it has enjOyed sine of, the Connected with the hoi el is a general store. - The tories hi;•th. anikeornmoilious•cellariS feefdeep. •-•••••. • 1- Coonstereittillotel CMDi Air s 11-0 T E .. -...' WROXETER .. sl t argest a nd bestcountry 112eChKa:,eePasrOpuritolie 11°17;1. e lT !II SW1 Ae; ttellr en . ISS4ellayiii,ri riaL' an :ill'otie tfarOavv'efot 111,1,7074.11:Pol:IfieljlaronfrhoZ orate a O4 any 14 Onse bete 11-leadsof40 Wroxeter, nod' any one trav,.. . . , .. CTagnnildaN, a r, -eta . in 1Vbtellett: Stage Propnetor. Good stal,lingt,in" '' -.. - _ - - elln8 lo ' ; ,_ 3 elmOreWalkertOn, Sihmpton/ -luo 116.es. B urse Alit'. Carriages fox Bat? cmi , he Shoxteallsiloticee - - . ot . NV001) '.1.11,3-IITSTINC*4 rromptty.a.ttouded to PHOLSTERV:in al its - - 'branches; UNDERTAKING,dtc; Mr. R.: respectfully invites au examination co los stook. - Warranted to be made Of the best ma- ieriaI and workmanship, and at grtatIV -reduced prlces" 11 an d compare; and be sat_nfied bellire going elsewhere. - tr."-k Cordwood and alt -. kindsa Farinet's Pro.. duee taken in exChamre, kr Warercein on Elgin Street. Goderich.hlareh24the 1863. ' 8W59 • For Sale at a Bargain Ttl AT valuable and eligibly stela ted Protiertv in the Town of Goderieb. fronting the Court 11 tc3 uere and foreighteen years known as • - 3 - Hayfield; C. W., Apri1.16, _ THE FARNERS' INN4 f""t• ' largest` portitins Uf that:business the town. whore. aril; built of stone and brick, 47 V.37, thrte GODERICHH %,..„..ct..:. Attached to. the hotel IS a. two sto r t,,r, frame dwelling . .. .. . . ' i•i: . - 7 house. OtItliOUSel, *C.. • . AWE ,WallitSj-i_ handsmilely located one mile from: Materiel' leo 'eultivation well fenced. 2o1 stitch areelea r of. the 131g:field Road; 10 acres in -goOd State ol • Al..80.:---,-A small farm -.of -.excellen t'. land , _ _ • , . ea - c•'.'. T R..E L e A v EN r7.3 se:imps, with a hewn log • house -30'4520; _and :a , ; • , - - -: .. cedar log barn 49 X 24, Tshed.„ Se:, ALSO :-In tlie .Village of Port, Allmit. i -acre With dwellin•e. house and stables, &e. ,ot e of the •.best laVierli Stitruls in, that place„ane has' long -1)2'efICI-rjine4Pitilai:risiul.C.1-ii.ii ,--uritnurCittis'era.." For itirt'lier ' paiticulars appg to - . _ _ • I: -.. .. _ - ' , 4". p..GLoOolsi.,. lEq. ' or ' ANDREW DO NO GIL, Proprietor N .13, --Alt those indebted Ito- me puller by note or-book:at-count are requested -to settle, the same , thou( delay in tosave ,iostS - • . : . , . . . CrodGrieln Apr' / Mat, 1864. 10. id E. Tombs, Tablets, Table- t - CABINETWAREillir..SE. , -,.... , • M01111 - ▪ men SI - r any-plaecan that oirectien,tvi l it-decent/me.. , slim such as fie on' r expects to find atfirstelass 'itv hutelson all respecta. - * ICE. , ALWAYS- . -ON IMO - Towns _ rout -Fishing Friends- I. ..4, _ _ '1,11B111111.1)0011 COVER -A 1.1ENOTH OP - . NIIIITIMED AND FIFTY -FEET 1 w46-1; . CHAIII" I:Is:ATI:01ton , , =V.:V11,10SS FRESH OYSTERS ! BY THE KEG, CAN ORCOUNT LOBSTERS, SARDINES, AND CLAMS: FRESH LEMONS, ORANGES, DATES! Cocoantits, Figs, Crapes, .dve.&a., at ft I-1•1" (21. S West side of Market Square, • ""D • Tons, &et . GODER:161, Wd. . • ‘; oderielk TLANING Sash, Door and 74Wit - • SHERIFF'S SALE OF- LANDS. • 0' endedCounties of : , Huron t and Bruce, FiFieriFawns issued To wit oin Of Her hluiestes Cinirt 8 _ ACRES of.1.4 of the United Count es et Huronand &nee andotNo. 32 - Fo' 1.t 1 -- . BY vir.t ne of a Writ of . to me directed.egainst the lands and tenements - . Road, _Hay, • - . _ • ' ot Rottener: MbLean. at the suit of Malcolin - • • ' . Stewart,I have seized and taken in execution FIRST - RATE -LAND - an the title and interest of the said defend- , :ant in and to -lot number thirty...three in the sixth .P...erms easy owDONALD SUTHERLAND vly. to - concession ot the township- Of (..: %Arms, in the s • - h couatrof Bruce- containing one humble eel es , .. . 1 ' Witch lanasamftenementsishall cifir`for sale at on the premisos, Or _ - my office itt the Court.Elonse iii the town of God- ,l'a , - - - . C. C AIL . ERON, ench on Tuesday the third day ofAprdnext, at '. ' tke hour of twelve ot the clock, no John_34Donald& Co. HAVING COMPLETED THEIR NEW -Factory,arenow prepared to takein orders tit any extent. From tbeirlong experience in -the business, and hiving experienced workmen, and a' first-elassset of machinery, they flatter themselvea = • . _ • that the -v can_do ae . Asaiiv Rstablisloneir t in. Can ada Partieshairioa .vork .would do %vet to 41E3 AlLIIIC.....#11E-.1 • 411111Zr • IllEj1M • Thereis also any (villainy*); , • - SASII, 13-70ORS 8z..*OULDIINGS • - ALL KIN) >s pN ANIY-. 'nivialsO-offet „ Eat. Lake. •Goderich. Anri130th. 1864. w14-tr, •. 1.1 WIN MACDONALD, To Cabinet, Fanning -Mill. Manufaeta- Sheriff, H. Sr, B. run and Others. - • BY &Pollock, Deputy Sheriff. - Sheriff's office, Godertuh, t Plilltia NIB 23rd Dec.. 1263. • FOR SALE. - A MAU. Planing Machine, nearly new, capable of &wag heed or soft wood, ktives incheawide-will !resold cheap for cask or on - approyed credK. Al'oc terms and all particelars . apply (if by.letter post paid) ta Henry`Dodd, Fan- ning -MIR Manufacturer, Goderich, who has had one of the same &sedition ia use fiir 2 years; or to the subscriber who has the same tbr sale. JAMES eMAILL Goderielt,Julv1*, 1864. , sw96tt MUM Mt Or LIEDIL _ traitedCointalosof ilDT intim. °Ai writ or i . ,.. Move and Duren, .11IFVenilitioili. Elves t*: - :Gc,DEpleli. W48 TerWit: - sued out of Her afestyfir CeeetTeoeft of the United comities of Huron aa4 Bala awl to me directed soloist the Imola aid tenementsofAndreiiGneuty:Joisepli Switzer sad *sr Ofsedr.allso mut °Malcolm Stewart. havosseleed aaa taken in execution all the right, titleand iatelesi of the eetirdefeadantsin and to- LotWanther Tea lathe sixth concession of the teteirsitip of Kintoot, fa the emSety. of Brace, coataista( one - hunched 'mires more or tees; which leads aisd. tawniest* I shad offer tor sale atassolledite thecloart Houseis the town at G.J.rIeiS Taaatay the Tw.ty.eventh day of Feltittart, aystat Alt hdsrol tle1e Of the clock, • JOIMAC- DUDONALD... d - - Sherif B, steit.aadain4,4:=Zhan f. ifik•faasair, Mt. '1 * 331.2. fa. t 3r • , - .1NHEsubscriber would announceto the public of -Huron and Bruce thathe has on hend, - and will make to ortlerOirriagesi ;Wagons, lbw rnwl, e-2 approved credit.- On hand and for Sac Cheep, . _ . . . .4*OUN PASSi.‘_10RE, - - • • • tVietoria8treet.Godcti. • 1496m , . Money to. ILencl, . UPON' -Mortgages. • Apply to D. -Shade %.° Gooding, - Solicitor. Office over R. Booth's store. - . • A few hundred d. liars to be loaned on personal security. , Goderich, 18th May, 1865. sw74t1 , Carpenteis&Buil4ers (THE OLDOST IN THE COUNTY. D. GORDON, c-.5nirwiErk AND UNDERTAKER, - :WHOT,ESALE-AltD RETAIL 11011101_ CONSEQ.UENCgifthe death ofhlr. 11.31` j. W eitttERALD. the business heretofore carried on under th nameand style -of Rinciman 1St, 00.1 - CYL71•743 IC it must bielosed On or betbre the IST DAT OP APRIL,1865. 1 Ailpartiesindebted to the above firm areliere. due on the Isti FEErY next, oodeech..islov,.30. isc5. 1799 will ,behTrilineiledstoc,ticolvlinetraBnaoloiwcitiourbetobor cosi, Been= . by notified that all notesand book actminntsoYer .1.4C1W , - OR SHORT CRFDIT, ft consists of a largeaSsertmentbalouglis, Cud./ eators.HarrowseStraw Cutlers, iSigri. tb.e. THRESHING MACHINES • . Pot-ush and sugar -kettles, waggon.. land plpeal rge Pa K _ di c boxes Cooking, Parlor & Box Stoves, H. GARDINER. & Co WHOLESALE ANI) RETAIL...1 • • A. good second-hand - • - tiriaMesekeelVEIMICar...L.JIM .10.1 , and *lot of NI achmery for fist and Fa -or -Mitt& .A.41 parties requiring the above articles 'Would do wall° call and inspect the -snick unee . as Iheywell get barg s itiEntitialq. Isireterence to the above, it: RiMemian beprepared to carry on thehtenniaisoi • . , •frii-T-E 'HURON FOUNDRY . • Ha d r ware- erchan B andountracrror the election of a kJ so a Market Square, Cederioh, Athgicutmuliat curventiwirs Manufactures anu 'Las now 04.hand a aornplete. assortment otFurnnure, at Ms Wareicionm, WEST. STREET, -00Dnaell - 5 LIBERAL. Discour .F.oft.-THER-WORK:„ T EIS, Without .tliStiUotion. -wrist- be -CASti., -lerilememberthealticel.topposatt the Plait' trir t .)1fr11.-- • lioderiehelath August. 1861. 31) • . SUCH Ae . : ' -.chintry as tisual..and sink , • LT AVE now on.hand a comp.eteand well `'••• oyes andeastings,attraatematblerates.forGASH Li sorted Stock of Hardware, -consisting it: St short credit -- part of : - arGoderieh.Dec.2121. 104., * sw32w48 .Adzes, • - BrOad Axes,' Chop pi fig- A NeS, A Ukti.g. Brusties. Borax, - Waggen Boxes, Canada Plates, Chains, Curry -Combs, Cordage,Dun Forks, Hay Forks, b ik s,Glue, Glass,Paty: Grain Tin, Grinctstenes, Powder, Shot, C:ap Hinges sl. kinds. Iron, Steel; Spriag Steel, Hubs, Spokes, and Bent Stuff, Bar - Lead, Lamp Glasses, Looting .Glassea, Looking, Glass _: Plate, Horse Nails, -Cut Nails,- '! • It w 'And Bolted Bentoline, -Coal -011,1Vlachine Oil, Varni.h, Paints mid, Color., Coal Oil Lamps,. Plough Moulds, Maley Saws,OrossX ut Saws, Hand Seitz*, • dree. - Theabove will be sold eheaplor Cask. Sofas, Bureaus, ;Tables Bedsteads• air, • Cane and Wdol-seated.Chairs, Gilt -1‘17otilding• . GaTirsfi-aa STURGEON TWINE FOR SALE GREPAP. - . • A gentS for Commercial Union Assurence Co. of 1.andon,England. '- 1.st Zepteinber, 1865. . :' and Looking Glasseson variety - flame Alanufaefure and Imported -11 =Oa -.A.:3Cr Xii..IVE Oa -- Tap -ETDRN,S HIS MOST SINCERE THANKS' Ay for the yerkfiatterineencouragement he -has • • 'rich, nofbeing able to execute over one -ball o reeeivedsinCe he collude -need business in Gode:- liONEY TO- LEND - :. - . the ordersbrought to him 14;4- season il -having WILL- be loaned'. 'on ini. , • - - , ..R°7 eeefee,fee'llue“br - ... - . $30 000 I peaves1 Farm. Property. - ., . ' r ' - ' , HORACE diORTON. - • - Ca-Trykot-.1iuttessixtoslyely- : . . . .. .. " .... _ 115 .- & which will be sold egeap for cash or ' sureffirra sax °Fuxin. .eiLC*twtsestcf 11101IY„Tirtiti of swrttolVcis- �uronhad 'M. ExponmandFiert - Tor wit: .Factint fbr residue- at irtat Vied Facias, iseueef taker Her Majesty's Coact 01 gilenain. Beach. Vaaatr Court -of the kfillifittitotratienocil and Baum and to inc directed *matt _the, and -tenements titleIntifitnut"4 soy, deceased, at ** death.* the hinds qf et Murano*, aditiniattatrit otall and singular the ooda, chitlins* affects and Whams which -it -ere ot ileuemed.,at the time of bra .4.41 miflit Of Donna Minclitseit and Vorray, I barns seised and taken in sa the 664 titre ard interest of the- susit this eolith halves- of Ions . 1., the Solt 00A0tesioiket use **always. ihrieossaitv of Iktice.ams- hundred annuli .which land* 3 14. • How. Towa of Cloderielt,on 'Isbell :ofitr foe sale at my o e ttsrostrlhortitclay of apriI seStaigl. the of..lock, 114on. JOflN ILLCDONAIA), •• :fiberit,11,4s41 Ifil$$$# Sktenfr It, T. TO, LE OM imPRovorr:FARMS, AT .8 PER °ENV Stine to Invest- in Town4 Property. Go,derich,%th June; 1865. w19 _ _ Andati D. -..believeshist oerience as Cutter seecituito none in the PinVince„hayingearrieden • _ . . business extensively andsuccesisfullytnatannhon, I -principally first-class eustemers;and having been Ctitter in one of the Prinet.pil Establishmes s in and entVorng Rene turrsviviass tritletimerr. LANDS FOR SALE. /4MMemlI • • VCR sale, on reasonable -terms, lets in and li, S. D. It. Totvnliip ef Greenock, County or Bruce: The lots cOnlatti 50 acres each. 40 c.eared onahe two lots. The- land is first-rate, well -watered . and timbered. No buildings, Also Iota 17 and 18, con. 5, township ofGoderich, SO acres each, over 100 cleared, cto the two. Excellent well -watered land -timber, hardwood; ! about 5 miles from Goderich.. Good !rime barn and sheds and comfortable log house, and fine ' orchard, Will be sold separate • or togetker to .sint Purchasers. Apply to • . • THOS. JOHNSTON, " on tbepreinises. .,_31 JOHNod STO/4, I nnkegepere,rich .- - Sept. 23., 1g6h W35tf I* IL G RI) St FOR SALE. OR TO LEASE Edintairgh, Scotland, lie fearlesnlystates ta a -discerning public: that - - CLOTHING CAN BE -FrADV - . at h isistriblishinen equa tothe host Establish - men tioToronto or Mohtreal.•.. • • ndene.h.-Det._30 46. 3, inV17w40-1v .11. G. has al ways on band' a Mitnidetr- a a-- ortmeneof coPPINs. Alsoi litARSES TO HIRE. I • , . 0:5...Lumber and Cordwood taken in ex- change for Furnifure.. , Goderich . 27th Oct..1863 tv27 Ili t'*cse indebtelltr4Vnt. E. '101.1.A.Cf.,b sstel:TlieSk 4000:ant;z4Vel,014,--, TheAderic 1..eithout delay, . 'ffloP on Liklithouie St Barrisibi, Godericb.° - . . = 0 _ • `Goderich, Sept. 13,1864. 'await THE Commodious bantling at eteient occut - Next -to Mr Andrew Donogh),Z,- . S - ,Far Sale IRRE S k Boot & Shoe Establiihmerd, pied by the undersigned as • a addle.an d Harness Shopond --dwelling. Apply on the premises, West Suvetinear the hare. to •AVAI. ST Tn.. -Goderich, Nov. 30; 1865. • - • • sw27tf , • IFOR S • 01 OTS 8 and -9, range 13, in -the township W- ON Kingston street, next the Telegraph Stanley: .A20 per acre south 00 'acres ot Office. The Proprietor solios a share of the public. patrol:Inc, and- he will use but bestendeitvors to effordsatisfaction.- tot Lase t.inore, .Ashfield, $6 per acre i East - - - 25 acres ofst,ut eas er y qua er SHEATRI •T; SAii*:01.T4.A.111. MS; United Connttes of - D Y virtue of a Writ- 0 Huron and Bruce, , ..E.3 Fieri Filmes:issued out . To wit e of • Her-, Majesty's County Court oft heRnifed Geuritten of B Mani and Bruce and to me directed against - the lands and tene- ments of -Joseph Baron, juifim, at - the -sun of . James Jamieson,' 1 baya seized and take' in exi- i ,e(41.10,1 -all the fight, title and interest of be Said defendant in and to Let IN inriber Seven On in • the iist on cion seta oftheThirtiam Road in the toWnstap -ofBrant and county of Bruce, con - taming fifty acres; ..whteh lands and t nements I shall Oiler tor sate at myainlee in the Mot House in thetown ofGoder*ch on Tuesday tile' Thirtieth day of January next; at the Iota el 1. _Wye of the elock, noon.' • ' - , : - • . - . i JOHN MODONAL Shutt' Hy 8. Pollock,Depoty Sheriff. - Sheriff's Office, Oodersabl • 19th Oct., 1865. : - - For Sale Cheap; OTSG.,Sth con..Bruce; 20, -41.1titelose;22 9th con. Huron'. 'Apply to - • M. O. CAMERON*. Goderich. Oetober 28.1864 SHERIFF'S SALE OP liDT 'skim 0 tivit , 'Ts nit . United rounimil Huron and Bruce, A/ 47;ess,faitian Rimed out - To Wit: . " td Her Majeatyva county , Court el the Honed .17oenties of Huron and Bruce, and to me directed against:ale land!, and tenements of Hugh MOWN ilesnits ofAmos atzht Marti:. and William M:-SaY11 -71 have -seized rind -taken. In execution alt the . Ilitluand In terest of -the Said 41etendant In *Mt le fibilkontrat hilt foi Lot N un2bee Thirteen m :lbe .fitinth ems - version of the lownsliip-of AIV tersuo,sli. and -Conn iv orii-ur,on,:contaiiting by ailtneaUttremluit nee hundred acres; be Aerator loaf or less; Which . lands And 'tenements 1 shalt offer"sitte at mit intim in the -Court Mouse intim towu ofgodermit ' on Tuesday the Thirtieth -day ofjaimardnext; lit the lioni*of 'weirs oithee.lock_s,lenorni0;. 11.4.B.• . 4011N MACDONALD, By.S. Fontoes, Deputy Sheri'''. _ t........er,chl - . _ Sheriff's Office, l'ild i , - 4 ..F" - - _ SHERIFF'S SALE OF LAITDB... Court of the United Connties of Huron and Br ce ' s or -By. v,ribie ,,,,.... writ' of' . 19thOct., 1661i, , , Uni-ted- „Connt'ie Sof fier Maientra 4;011 ty, Sheriff , _ , and to me directed against the lanas and te ie-• ments of James Arden, at the suit of Malec lin Campbell, 1 have melted and taken .1 -ices -gent on all the right. title and -interest-oldie said defen- dant in and to -pie- Bast halt of Lot niun mr Twenty-nine, in the eleventh coneessre of he Township ot Culross, in the County of Br er containing fifty acres, more or leas; which ti Ids and .teneinents I shall, offer for .ale at MY oflire jr the Court Enuse, in the Town ofiGoderich. on Tuesday the 2:th day of March next, at the hint - oftwelyeofthe clock. ncon. - - _ -1- .•. JOHN -MACDONALD, . . • - Sheriff H.& B. P Huron and Bruce, Fieri Eames issued at a's Stile -of_ Lands. By S. -onions.. DeputySherill - • Sheriff's Mee, Gosierieh, . . & , 1 21st Dee.. 1565. - w48 w39 • Sheriff's sale ofLands. 'MONEY AND A TIO United Counties -of Dp Y :virtue ^-6f. a" Writ tn -Huron andBrucc.. 1-,1 Pied Facies isinied out 10 t • of Her Majesty's- County Court of the United Counties of Boron- and Bruce, and to me directed against the lands ard -tenements John Doonan and :lames Doonan- at the suit of Samuel Colwell, 1 -have seized and al en in executmn all the right, 'title and interest. pi the said defendants in and to lot number tom -- lour. in the second iange smith of the -Durham 71144, in the Ti..weship of Kincardine.% the County: of Bruce, conteiniog fifty acres, :which lands ad onements I, Shall oder, for sale at My :Mike in the Court House, in the town of Goder- ich. on Tuesday the twentieth day of Fentuary aext,at.tIr hour pftwelve ef_the csleficekri,irtiono.n8c.--,B; • JOHNISACDONALD By S. POI.T.cirs Deputy Sheriff. SheriNilo'*v44.11; ft;81)51eriell FOR FARMERS - HE subscriber has money to loin moderate rate of interest. 4.40,, against The utbds and martini, othames-sigilib - - ' tlif t IY - rive cl• it. arm ai I. United Cennties .3n , Huron and Bruee, 1., Fwd. Facies issued out to wit: - - of lier'Afidestyvs Cdpoitty Court of the United Counties of Huron and Bruce, and -10-10e directed tairstinst AO, 1**10411011 tenememit of.lames Hewett Sad Chicle._ Auer, et the lint lat F.dingsd Kennedy, I have beitalta and taken in execution *lithe right....ititie and intereal of the -said- deleadanis in suid .to lit wilisimet 143.ownf eSenhatnuYiect:nreanil:ncinsttrerie,Cintlimit'norenaelimmtuty-riesconf plairti:weo'rbilimittgaellwiliainlnit r iltweaeirenyooeirern e9:trefertemodieo.:81;hinnicoltace-l.andaist7.siser• bgnemencoularto:ousols I, twentieth day of Felnatary next, at the Iterie.ol in the Town of Goclerithe on Timatinz, the - JOH-14 StAVIrilih . - . S,listerhdrms-00Tefflinceber,OodenchthrobA •••_ . : SHERIFF/Ei SA= -OFJAANDIra . . . . . . , tiniteacomples_of DIr sivt_s• ,ef a wo 4 i Huron and Bruce. JLIP Venditioni Expose* in - _so Wit: sued out 411er Ilajwity's court of faueesi/a Ben& ititd to um Armtek A .GOOD FARM for Sale IN1311:Utf tE e s tofthe EdinbarghLtlellasarrineethrilit4 ; 36 acres dearedi aaci. a vaittavut Farm. 1,01.1 pail li!lyttulilave sLized and taken in execiides .01 - sale in Tuckersinith, fivemiles`froutSeaforth, lohfetliT:Eitod4 Ittlettefe'neleune"tatdaltant:liegtolutthYoMaortedesatit lititti d and' orchard onthe lot. Nroal. talseivkitern 1°sItsinP cift4rtlr$1° The ce'instY ' "44 stand in a good' locality- In part Paym-ant. laantinutenguetfigier euitlinfrItolferioritamettletavrt nol"ell-or:111"iledi la Apply to are; 60 u.creg cleared, a good frame house, bar_n lot manber 6.teen in file sixth vouriss"of * cow. 1 S. P.-YEOMANS2 lirthuesiHe C:yrntilfelViwseenitily-tW4he 1.477-0P44 MI% 41111041.11 .fee thehour of twelve of thholookotaaa. - noir ff. # Godericll C. 4th Dee. 1865. 712 - 1/01114111ACDONALD, 3 FARMtI-OR :5 ....1•11m1•100111•••m• -r OT 3, Con. A, Township of liowiek:, -8..a trom Wroxeter, on THE GRAVEL ItO .Lolg hoitse -andbain, 92 ACIFIES,28aLEARED School Books antSelfpor Stationery, -Apply to . - wfiA712 03. ss et, 1 e; GodertZ.Z2g41, ii.`4"13-3!`44i.t -THE undersigned begs to notify his friends sffERIErs SALE OR LANDS. - and the public- generally that -he has re : . , - • . BY S. Pollool4 DoptayaherlIE Sheriff's Office Goderich, - .14th Dec, 1865. j 143 TITA 0113A-P--Bilt LAND AND =GENERAL AGENCY. 12:0"'F'X.C,JEE11. At the Seat -fa -130i? * • t. W G. Z ift.141$ Oenetal AT AND „ Patent taken. out, ;tithes • esanyikosii Li...4 searches made,lettera patent tor inmates "secured, municipal funds in nts-eolfectell I 11,EFEEEDI&AVit- .4:r, 7, ISSION ; IL T.. Denison, Esti:, Doyereoert, Toro Ron. IA, Pestiht. 1.4 O.. Toirvw, r„v. )12. • 1.3nOntia „ATILT, BF: 4' V.Y. tattoo tia to Will viSit vatic:Meat USTI • Shaun pursICIAN.ii711,41 _ lid Mei DILY3TC1 VT.. S1721 .411. -0„ftee *ad aem0 Ventral Sehonkt T)r. AT); OF 4TANI.X1 I• gotjL4ad <10.411 411 A.IiiTOR. DaYster3s, L te.rd,pArtre•ilsrly.te 44110111.1100E the iAlowien Jo •CANNADIrd, ! (Grannie of toetclie virystor4N., ,sesA poileintet. 1051cee Oung•annosi,t1. w. D A11,11ISTElt AN 19- Law, and Soliellor.2, _ Crown Att2.rney,ttoderieJS 74 Cann 11013W - 4C!,. icie• T2A.113.ISTER, .A.Te4y *menu., Irc.,Kin•zston Sinclair ARRISTI:20; Si)" L.1'7107410E/, Ste. 0.Mi 1. V: /teller Sens. . Xl.rxiir i t ARKS 1.J itina-no* kr, ei.1;4 • John Dis pataliTiT13114A.T ut Ciouttery. 5se CornerolgiegatottStreel.1 - TTOU.EireY-111111`1-14I.A1 ebaueerv, Notary I 1te., fte,:,.rroderkb, Cise4 hi &Stith sole or VAN,/ !Sire C.; ferf-ttessuse Soave. T3.+.Thade (S 11. ?aro oztilte.,{1 t3 8111•0* Wattspeis Moot, FitlF1-Poor West of - 17'701INIE*;, SOLT"' mil, V; Ws, wt. -Too, toJerioli.Alizarst Mho t . _ • fia.. C ssrl wit tsar, rworlicrof-ifilsunthois the h aiding lately e Esq.,Goilerich. Ir. xs4 NRRIS•TER, AT!** • avatatimer, kc tahaP•Otit tledhee:ad Amery 14146. - Mat Cf.**0.1 WIWI. 'ETAT iery, Noto,17 rvoil aintrai, 0. W. lie** to Jowl Nvint*L4 DIVEY-12ttlil it tnarmery, ntits Caw,. ••• _Ann* oijt .13AB414E11, utter*. icaorist ; ..„41141Lit«. .«0 ION &IA« • • Af'" f • - • firks1":4 Aet r ...114%.111LEOIte 4 ...4414....:*1-.Ap.itiaA„ 4-4-egins.wir la 4unit Xirtergtitair*, T.144134 Wain 0411Y JRALE .Diff r A P 54q L: moved his Book Store to thel well known United -Counties of 1Q Y, virtue of a 'Writ- o tt'VerootJ. lor*O; ' . stand On Albert Street,-;Clin1P4 formerly_ 11-uronronowditB:ruee, verrlifearlieratiecsiacsolussntnixlycooutitit 11,..e.7 Toronto. a" oldie Comity of Nrentworth and to me -directed Faintditguleresatthat therretorer eliellap,tVerefutelitleasi_!121- occupied by Forrest k Cd., where he I Ga will be happy to wait -upon all' who may _ against the lands and tenements, et ' yrs"' favor hint with a call. • peibtioutifgencyllarough 111 With arty of the tu Deuarimeitts, may be sayedilieexpenoe and iiii.onys.nience ofiejtatuaer, 1 amindinted iwnitti and .14-0VAPst dial; dtC the corner tit metcalfand Stier - Ekins,-atthesuit-Of Frederick W, Gates. I lhave seize-414nd taken in execution all the J./shell:le Country Storekeepers - , 'and interest...of-the said defendant ia and ti -Cot ictilarb,Invited to spect his kris ittumbefiir Eigyt.keen,eho:voeurisountriiin “1,..iteron”-orsbeitruttit-- « Ip.o • own. 4 IR _ Are•plift BBEIslock of A QUANTITY OF • Inc hyadmeasumitientrinettrildrid and ten acres l'of laid more or less; which liturbi and 'else' ents as these Of - the,: Toronto. Wholesoe bier sloth clay of February neat,as ni.ubour,3ftweive' pow tame tees, I have tleterminect_ 10 101.1*.r. b t I rt. of 1°12 to, the chantS. • . - orthe clock no -on - ex...matey nindiorauciebatire /my offal may be fosiefid tells Int. that it. partici living at -uclithanee and having bosunis OBOOL BOOK$ &. STATIONERY sh 1 ofier tor sale at iny 'office in ibs 4sburr „Desiring._ flaPg."rvice*,_,.....,.. „with, Which, will be bond to --be' as' low in pric Haase in the town of 1.3-' oceneh T d *wet° , De? UV lie ;Taney Ociods. OtUr9.--raatiztery. ••#.11b1 MACDONATA Troia .tspowiir- losiflatut Yea, 9th crib:, We sole • "and 20 Assorted 3 6.1w Pri3e- " n150 PER 100 POUNDS! Papers a Avail Pallets) WrAPPing • = Siteriff 4 Di itgentattheceptie - Town Lotsin Goderieh, 3 h novrards. Apply to s I • )1.-Lorders promptly eSebitedin both - - - rHos. WEATI1ERALD, making irtd_rePtningf isth, isfikt • yvist. E. GRACE. . • rat very.1Q07: -Bijai Pollock Demo: Sb Clinton; 20th J-une. I 24th Oct. -18W. „ • ..Dio.121b, ws-tt Godermh - *Godericii.liecemlar t2.2ndl, 1864. w32 -ti A111' ttera'10 be e Y air • ShertiPs Office,-Goderich, O RN 18t1N, Ottawa. - *41140, Sioderich.April