HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-01-19, Page 3t os the Trate'
az. ezeterestiar,
riae eencle.att
arwinil state "
mee Munatere.
ve gine never
entret country.
=steer .,11 Iffeees-
1.7f, &Treater part.
of au vomit
teat toe. &age
ey be veretax.
lame' agesteahhe
• videttes,irevei
res.. eetretiver
t.re. Bou. Sr;
+tato art:tre lea*
W* tellow
IN Had "Lit -
ea_ se4ite.rcina '
eery bid ace
...Monate with ato.
Ley ei-.7 require
is -At, =Vim&
Lee %rid- -of tine
eucti daring
white nor.
re Tours,. Lcruist
beyor.-d the
• 1,-wiiiteA tin*
cti.d aeon
nee fOialaa...
• le. jai; be Vella
S'a-7 II* re/till'
ea. --lie endeav-
bsermed but
e4 taken te int
liccatixt. r
lotti, the
kie,...nvet:: hue -
I. twig ttp. gm* to,
t. flume through
* novel
or. -the Se.
tr. eneuggientere
ittety come tie
isidetkUtrof• zur at C116-_
▪ hid 1ES.
f du
a tune
r.r. toe .
with a
e7 watt:env ior at
roe: nearing the
ee. =Atha, were
n,erwird their
it" the inteatioti.
ate collector
rty .afkr some itifle
One bane; init
• Mal per -
earned, ex teet
tele three tun-
nava% teams
It. thus aeolding
tlastata COUriar. -
of Titeit.
sin* -
umbir of other
kIUof about
en4 lbw
amets,,e, boul
-3e. feet '
e_ the greund
13 siczeif-, Wera.
We =reefed are
Otit by four or
inquirer. - -
• 22.
Ste home from
• *id
ilttr ldrati5tintut$ Nen) labbtritsentrnt.s.
ci--c3 or) TI-IIINTO• I conk 00
Isa Msdaatte tor the truntechate and ;
Dent reniovo: pain troth the system.
The rarratir'an Pain Destrerye
Eiteunitatisins. Pleurisy...and j
Bark .t.tal Sates:
, The Cap/ads/2;z Pain Destroyer --
Reteves,Mun`m the Head. and Stek Headache -
The carradian Pain Desiroyer
Cara:4400P Cake and tiratapin the Stutnaeh.
The Canadian Pain. Destroyer
Cares Chaera, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery -dud
Bowe. Coinplaiuts.
'.The eana.tfott Pam bestroye..
ettreS. >Sudden Coftits anal bore:Throats.:
VAireartarfran l'arn Destroyer
tCatteglittiv.-.S.ealds, Frost Bites mat Scalds.
• Tkr Varsartiart.Parn Diestrover •
Great Sale 'of Lots I
, • IN THE
Village of SeaforthI
, A N AUCTION SALE of valtable lots -will
I 11 take place in the above named Valuer.
_ I 'on . _ •
!Friday, the 3rdday of Fe.bruary next .
' - HE
_ . -
1 when a number:of. lois on the Main -and other
i anew, wilt beesold wittiOut reserve. The -see".
lets are a part of -lot number 11.. in I the- .1st.
. V',.- ._ -coutessof the Toenship ot. Tat:kers:nide
and are situ-zited. elmest in the very centre of
the ilhigebeing on thewest side of Main
Street awl, bettv-ein Stronits -Hotel and: the
Railway Station,. ,. .- •- .: -- - . . •
- The Village. of _ Seafortii.is -Situated. in the'
witls•tof theye-4 hest agricultural district.
in the County of it _re at the ton:.
- rrea:Seuraignie-Tic Douloureaux and Tootli- FaltmEns and others desirona" of purchase
totattratt ..7W-soosier Comp:tar hare ' ,
, I in g Landse are infermed that the Cartuda. jul!cti°1-1 of
tsetse an exeellent thing tor ounds,Unarms,
Pain -111 Lamas tO- S6Il or L6a8e-
Spea um -;;;;i0ttakes away idt
*omelet Itap. "
In various earls- of the Province. -
Th �inadiau . 1 I The company would parecularly* mrite at
Your Leading Gravei _Roads,
namely t front Clinton; Wriigeter, Mikhell
Exeter.- 'nese erettt. leading - thoronglifin es
run req) actively ,li•tot, Wegti• Nr-irtla 'and
No Tam* shOuld be wIthoura hortle of - • . . south, through the very, centre of the most
e • - Pain : Destro or- zlentionto their tili IL-1)- LANDS' in the ...Come,
rOundine the Tillitee: ;The One -leadine-
, thtekle populated sectionsof coantry ser
: -
i - ties Of
PittrE.,-,15 =ate per Botr..k. All -orderasb;..told - •
iee addresORTARIT iLLTMAN. sed to IL U .t .
Neweastle-.C. W. -FwbichWM he disposd. of on liberal terms to
r..3-Steld ut GotierrA In- Parker& Cattle and '. Parties who maT be ?reared to . pay' -IN
jordar Garduter & Co frstatfield, "James ;CASH. or a .vpusidemble sum down.
ileattuith.toz....nyilk. 1. Pickard, Exeter. J. t.thtuada•Conanahy:'s Office,
Ciittlit-'eltractrt. E. -filekStlei Safiforth, and - ah
- Medina* Deaiera.,.. firss.6ni T. Toronto, I9th Deer, I865.
s •
northward at present is' about -23 - miles in
length, passing- the:lie:ill the centre of the
whole township" of McKillop, thenee alone
the full leireth or the townline between the
ro1%:1; hips et 31ortisenel Grey, and finally'
termiriatieg in 'the Township of Ilow-ick, at
-Vilta re, of Wroeeter. _ 'Ms road is now
524-31n bein ramidlv extended alone the: tOwnline
_between the- Townshipof Turnberry and
. - it• llowi eke to the Alliliage •ot - Belinore,- border.
Celebrated Female- Pills-
- Prepared _front a prescription' of Sir J.
Catrice,A1.121.,Physician extraor.dinor?,
- to the Queen.
eipal Elcetors of 416 -
i in upon the Conntrornruce, and some 3Z;
. .
-ship oj WAWANOSIImites fronethe the \Allege of. Seaferth.
t - 41 rekience to the-mapn will hp found, that
I throw:II ,the, - means of thiS magnificent
horiiiqhfare. 'Seaford' •'hes on :The . north.
• I therefore treeessm ily betbate..the -market ot-
- i nutlet for the whole of The immense Town.-
kOTICE i; hereby givea by the Mitnicipal s 411IPSof TUr41)1771 116Wiek alt)rriS: •.Grey
:- cidy s, eent m - • e nen quantity of Klink 226of land.
.480 11Crea
nsuderatesallegeessantirerravaii elehrcns, - unteme atynu t te
„ Tins invaluable tiled:erne is mils -lin -1g in the...! Council. of the said Towi-isinp 'that- a By.. -1, tied 31, Ell 'upend: t be'7greater part of Hullett,
el!re the"e Paiaild and daaganaln d'aelisaa-: Law to rB
epeal a terrain other y Law passe'd elmtPrisiwz fin. the whole; the enormous
ftwinch the *mate r (institution is tzlijectIt by. the 1
aad asee-cure may bo relied utio
„„, - jeial of January, is65, forth... enforfientent at ft! the Soutliw•-trd, folittA•ring- 'the era- vet line
TO MARRIED 'LADIESthe Temperance Aet 1m14i 'War sulmnit ! leading thrangh Lueefit.a to Exeter; a
pee'tlihilii7 flirted. it *will. in a snort tune ted for the ir approval teems tanceelerine 1 unleefrey a like reference
tam- on the altlrailiV Nyah reentiray. Terinierance-Aet 1&;4,. int ;--Feiditx te,;„ ilie mate -it erill .he seen that Seaferth has
Eal.ca 4ottie,,pnve onesvomar‘bc-e;r4the Gov_ twenty thi,..d day -0f Fnhoztry next. az the 1 a sonecessirtly become the na-turatmarket-
ermaent titamttotlire.it 4ritaint_oprei_eat court-. Sehooi Rouse ou lot lee, oe. to-,teessioe f_10.2,- pittet-t,for u.tt tank. the whole of Tr-
email rind shoreeebet the greater parts or
the To-waships, of Stanley aiidellay,-
! prisinz eat whole to the sauthward, some
tertelu" said townshipreat the -hour of ten in the
TieseP #tfisomid ne: be taken -fritfei,•raii,s forenoon.
-the .171:$7 MONTHS of Pre:- ' JAS. SttOrr,
- r's •14 1-`. • +,44` tee.4ell acres; al land. Irr the whole it mar
02422C:44 art eiz-Pare sure bring tos:-Afisezo- tivrn +t- awanoee.. - . . ,
?Nage. int: at ant, other time tia rare safe. !Dated at Waianosli this 16th 1 .1 De setter-sta e 1.
d t t rt. •
tha S.. fort Is he .itural
la al! •cases of Nervous and Spina: Affections, 41 or Jokz:CY 1."46 -
rams ut the Rack and Limbs. Fauna* fan slyiht 1- "-
2- Whites, these efreet a ettre when al: " Insoitelat Notice.
.caettatatr,. Patpttattort et the Heart, Hysterics -and
weetd market place to i at least ..)60.00tr acres of
the best lifruine hurdse in the- Province cf
i Canada. Noteven in Toronto or Hamilton,
' lareeele_ marketing eitiee in Upper
Canrula. can it be stild that they are the_
Orrect. part -lasers of the pleduce of so large-'
au Oxtetit of country.. Six Years ago Sea- -
ether means have failed; indUlthouell a rawer- -
fig remedr. not contam iron. calomel, ant"- TENDERS wilt be received up to the
loony. or anythinithurtfu:lotht &institution. . r". -
Fun direettanu in the pamphlet *round h ,- instant for the parentage cE the -
package, Which ithotild- be eafetulty Timierved; • STOCK .111 ---TRADE forth maS be sled. to have been a wilderness,
_ .Epole.agent ter tit Uinted St:aes and Gatiadas-, I . • , and now it •num!....ers some 800 inhabitants,
. Jog emeRe. :Rochester, N,r, f. of R. & q,..F. stewart, Insolvents, lately. doe and is raiddly - on the increase. New. resi-
IS. ,13.....St .00 and six poetage stem*, enclosed :ing. business in Goderieh, as merchaute. acid deuces, new stoi--es, new warehouses, are in .,
- process of erection every ay, and on every
- tataingfuly !ills; by` return tuanz Tenders to be addressed to M C Cameron band there aiay daily be Seen' new ' evidelices
. - - ICORTFIRCP k LYMAN,. - a . C. ' '
FEW pAyti, AT TIIL .
11 1 1 111 1
New ifiterbis Weft
Mitnr 3 9' 1 A laTit $-STMEIRET,
-A.._ M.
ortimesy slesetiptioo` awl** 401
warkatatudap, Yvissd4alt
*nice sad -we the lowest jiticat.
redsetitra Inalblet
lit 4411121-1111701121211111111110.
Teas', Sugars, Tobbacoes,'RaisinP, Uurronts, Soap,
- Spices, ac., &a., will- be sold cheap.
18th Dee., It865.
AS it is the wish oldie subscribers to cleee•off this branch Ortheir business, fro
a they will sell at prime- cosi their entire stock of
Dye- moats - Sack and -Rock' oats, ?anis- - Yes- is-.
, - I I . I
D. D KERR3 - JR lit
ilSth Dece.18i5a"."'s
From 25 cents upwards.1 _
Goderich, Dec. -4th, 1865. •728
Nana axelimiew!,,-----sx.is.as **ea
at the shop. -
Godenr..h, Dee. /9, /806., w471y*
W. M. SAVA4114
BYS audnells New York Drafss—Gr;en-
bacl;s—National en-retacy--State notes,
and unentrent money, AT current rate: exchanee. �t
-19tIt'pece 1866.
- 46.
this"... date _-111r4j9lhillnIllTK(}1117:74:thirel 114"reuitid EfauLati:vrwt11.1ALDa‘ 4)±:;:d Law, Wil- rPkfreeeT:temehtlitnpfbe:routalas:allfrkitrealijattl;1425de•L;i4ellikiii.41!'it:eutaillia.1**2 ear
Robert Stewart. and George F. Stewart tipall'sf4nnnkfalhgatilY jeceiwill"-416176414:
. Defendant.
-Plai#0s, old, tv.Ognorthreerms 44
• Jans-li..rsit
A Wlbaada fp. sellvainriellt,
WRIT OF ATTACHMENT leas 'armed pee. ifite /Rama
,nt this-catiee.-
BIT 's1-313CDONALD,----
° eeshen
)1m.therifies)tee, Godnh, 7 '
Dee., ;s). s , • 1A146
Those indebted" to the said n F.
St.evrait are notified not to pay a ny moneys
to the'said insolvents.'
.2. -
tray -Cattle&
RTBAYEID from the stlattrilierrlot
eon., Goderich tawitshipialtont. 14
vilJune last, 1 &di brindle Imitate t las*
aid - I rtd and white -do, /years- ..oid lived
, .1_ A _Lb c11-4 Ar steer 2 years old ; 1 red steer, '1 yerrit *kir
01 rtb..act‘oi lb 0,1
preSente-ifock of Boots and Shoes"Will he offered at cost.prices upeo.31st to omee
room tor a fresh Supply. - '
Goderich„ Decentber, 1865. -
to any authorized neat witinisure set:made con- general -traders.
Goderich, anti state hoW: much nn
_ Ziewcaltiet4*-- t e the person tendering wiil gIve 1°r
W erat
of substautial erowth and iensperity.
azent tor e'anada. • the l'here is.triore wheat, more &rain. more pre--
Stock as Der the inveutory thereof In the 1
fa Goilf:iiiti he Parker 3.7 .eattle and . - - , . e . duceof eVery kind, bought and shipped ait
assignee s leands., Aesii tne
attlitier .11; CO. Bavfiekt; James.: terms °` Pa -v" Seaforilt tlifei hi anv three paces. combined
,Cornbe, Clinton ;, .E.kick.von, Scatorthi and an -chase money. . . -lariy of these lote will be offered for sal, -
Medicine Dearer*. - ' w • T . Areinformation given by, the underSiene-d 0 at ridienlouf-y low pricessome even as low . -•
_ te3I. C;Cameroo. I do net bind myself to ate: as .stee, The best oppoetanities. will. be
Icept the highestJettiler. . - -
- eieen for payment. The -conditions of I le
•' ZA.MES THOMSON, • - wee be as eoliowe ee... - -
Official Assignee oldie &ant
. of IL & G. F. Stewart.' . d -11 'd f f II
let The •Velidor. fcr every lot Sold wiife
- .
prepare an exeeute a ee , see rem a
- Dated 1 TeleJanuary lea, • 2ts441 - la
. a - lacuna toilets, to the purchaser.- 7 ' ' •
.iti.- n7 4 - "el pr 2nd .• One-fourth at the:purchase price is to
W BO 5 i OD
8 06 paid incash, on 'the day of Sale, mid •the-
, er .. y s 'balance -tit liesecured hy mortgage from -the;
gerithItoxerville .1...tkiettanl;Exctee ;_im, went, and the sectuity for the unpaid par- .in the whole °I the "Counts' of Huron. B
up EX 10
Tuesday the 23rd inst.
Goderteh tosirtliouse.
Coanties7 -Clerk. t
VO'derich, Jan. lc 1Ft66. sw39
puichaser to the yendor, peyable irr three
IIE Corporation of The- Town:14 of Ash: equel anmed instalments with interest at six
.. field, enacts: Is; That the- foliowhig per cent. -
zaw be repealed. - • -37.d. All conveyances are to be prepared
131--LAAT No. 1, -1865. lir the VendOrS Solicitors, and at the expense
"The sate of intnxicatiterliquors and the the purchaser,.
issuing of licenses therefor,c'is by the present • Terins more liberal even than these may. be.
hv-law prohibited -within the yoemship or _platained hy those intending to bend unmede
.ateiy, and glynig satisfactory seeurny• there.
Ashfield, under autheritY and for enforee
for. PIaee ot the icroperty mai be seen On
ment of the Temperance Act of 1S64a"
applieation to the undersigned, or. to Ir.
.2nie, That licenseS be issued within the
aforesaid Township for the sale of intoxica. Strong of Strong's Hotel, Seatorth.
_ . Sale to continence at twelve o'clock, noon.
ling liquors.
3rd, That 'this by-law shall ,-.2come into - TOMS & -momt.E, -
force front the first' diiy of March next. - - - -Soiicitors for the owner.
• 'WILMA NFMALLOITOFfe----- ---Gbelertele Jen. 1866: --SW39
JOE(N COOKE, - Reeve -
- Townsht Clerk - n ^-1 -1" ir
' • • - I DitAhin
Paused Docember 20, 1.865. _ _ _ . . a
- Relief In Tett higintitet _
. .mmane
Tim Mosermitain and speedy reri'edY extr thge-OVeied
_ foralithaeasesot the .
- Chest smd Longs Cotight, Colds,
-Asthma. citsuMpttoui
clutta htfluenza,
110w -semen; Difwutt Itreathing, Sori
Tbrout, 4c.. -
e. „et AMEttlCiN MTN:.
*TAKE NOTICE—A meeting. .! of' th
Municipal.Electois of the- municipality - • -
be held at Finlay's &hoot -Rouse, No. .9, A -NEW SUPPLY JUST TO HAND.
on Thursday, the fifteenth of. February -next, • - -
at the hour of ten O'clock m the forenoon, Evangelical Family Library . 16 vol* $5.50
or the taking of a poll, to decide Whether or The Horne Library ... 20 - 4 (Ifi
GODERICH November- 07th 1865.
_ 2
These %Vetere give- the most nistantaneourrind per- I
redef. ta.fersevered with atv-ortling pFviiireettons
ileVerhull to effect a rapid mixt Wow cute. 'Tkottsatak4 •
have helm motored to perfect health. who -have tried
eliter means in vain. Tuali chimes aud: all constitutims
. they ate it blesetiog marmite—none oted
thattevtiow lottg the, dioeicse, way have ea:titled. or how
vt-vere n way be: provided tin' (*magic stractare of the
vital orgaata to not tope.estly tleuayed. Every oar
afflicted ahriold give liie/filiMulapartid,atnat
R, JR!
IS row
s ve • 1 red a d white heifer 1 vear „Aviv one
, givinginformation thrit ;ill lead ta ths;ir
TjiE creditors of the inideallened are noff- to -very will be ninthly • . --
-11 .T*Mllg't
lied tp meet at the Law Office of T.
Elwoodin the Town of Goderich, on Friday, - December, 61111865.
-the twenty-sixth day. of January, 1866,1 at '
7 Twelve o'clock. noon, to receive ztatements sTitAir CATTLE.—estne -00 14011PPow
of Ms atTairs al:d to name an nrigirneeiees 1.0t No- 22, oil OathOw 40-e
Dated at the _Village ofz-Bl.
yethe, in -the tober lusty avalla red cow sit* fat"'
Countyof Huron, this 4th day of Jana try, lard. short -tail, about 6,.xiani- .1.1866, - - - re -and white heifer liming two yams
- 4AmEs .-SierreertE Tile minter emus have the law* tiutimnals
Solicitor for_inSolvent. irodid them awal.
• 71.1.1ffxdrA.To
oop, Proving ProPer*Yr-Palhtgehallle me 142,Z
MAY OO- gait* 1641 Dee- *V% 141P-241
. -
1 '
OTR1E is herebygiven -that ton
N • PP1
will be made by petite:rat° both Houses
(gibe Legislature at their next_ meeting ,to
IIbelie :the Township of Wawanosh, in the
- County of Huron, divided: into .two
palities, by a line running nearly north Aiind
south, between lots numbered twenty-seven
and twenty-eight. The said divisions to,11*
'called -14East" and ". %estt Wawanotth
• Township Clerk.
. .
"- Wavranosh, Dec, 26; 1865. wb'..0
not the by -haw tA approved by such electors. :EibrarY :.--; • - - - 12.00
sw.41 .Youitg Peonies* Library . 44- 6.00
- Youths' Cabinet .e- 76- 6.00
Yeethe Gems; 32 3.00
Childrene Library 50 410 -
Little Chi -Wrens' do; - 24 .." 1,58
The guile. Deppsitoty-
itt. removed to the -
7-77,- •
solven.t Act of 1864
IrlIE creditor* of the ur,dersigned-are fled-
fied to meet at the Law office of J: Y.
Elwood, in the town.of Geiderieh; ou Wed-
nesday, the 31st difY of January,. 1866, at
we've o'clock noon. to _receive statements of
hiSaffairs, and to name an assignee.. - -
Dated at Goderieh in the County el Huron
thislOth day of January, 1866..
of the Township cif fluNtt in the
County of nurtni.-
T.T.: ELWOOD,. -
- Solicitor for Insolvent. sw-39td
. • - •
riiHE well known Judge Faim. lot: Nd. 3;
1 14th con., E. D., Colborne.' This farm
within 64 miles ofGoderich, there is 711 acres
cleared, and f --ante house and barn. - (inc
half is clear °Clumps, and the other half
from 9 -to 4 years choped, and has never :been
ploughed, there are also" a fontivrrehard of
158 trees of the best assortment_of fruits
good well and pomp. As. to terns, ake..
apply to - • . • .
- • Colborne. Nov. 30, 1805.
Am:rents& tini
Ax 26 emus a -box .
AtAVoestra ._ school Teacher Wanted.
Northrup at layman Newcmitlet Pelletal -
Agents for tie 'Canada:.
•.• SUM ta Oaderiek by Parker & Cattle and F sor.
slait; eardatex&TOo.,17ityfteirl; Jos. Beatarat, Roger -
vibe Piokamt Exeter; LH. Combo, Clinton; E.
theA Wr.f.warepet7uharkivainable ; they twill in one
day remote the most severe oCcasional hoarseness and
tack regular ase fora few dere wilt &teatimes, _
crease the power and 'cf the roier,, tweet,* f
tis tone. compass. and cicantess. Cot whith
.rcSegrly used. by many Professional
JOB Prbpriatoi,., Rockesseri-NIT.
Price 26-cent,v- perbdx.. •
Vecakstsand rubric Spealtem .
Vonotemand Pabbc Smoke=
_ ocabsts and Public Speaker*
find Valera
will ind 'krises- Wafers
fonialaable to -remove
borainable to trounce
Invaluable to remora
- lanarsenese and Sore ThrOat
litutraettessmat Sore Throat
Ihausestessand Sore.Throat
Antiglare clearness to the Voice. • •
- And gore olearaose to the , -
And give disasuesasa the Voice, '
. They relieve in ten -Minutes.
They relieve m ten minutes.
Thy rebeve it ten minutes
etling!1*. Coldoclxid al diorama •
Congas, Colds., laden diseases _ - -
Cotejlis, Colds, and disease: 7
' Of the . Chest tad lanais-
' Of Ate Cite:it-1w trtmes.
Of tke Cheat mat-langs.
Pohl by all Druglis4,
Sold bran Draggiess.
eold by proggiam;
N ...r teacher for School Sec;
tine No. 9, Township (if Godericby‘
Personal application prefinrid. If by letter
Holatesville p o., Goderich
township, C. W. .
&maw lIth, 1866.- - w5.14f
tritAAIr LER.
'THE 'undersigned Tnrtees ot School
1 Section No. 2,, Morris. being desirous of
nit:siting a teacher holding a -first orsecond
class certificate, and having, several years
experience as a teacher.- Applications stating
amount -of salary manned,. --.addiessed to
James Craig, Sec'y. Biith post offiee„ will
receive immediate attention. -
- - J. MIXES, 1
- . JAMES WEST, Trustees.
- Ian.. It. 1866. -151tf
Into die of the- anineriber is HEREBY, giVen that application Trill be
sossuct„ year old coining 3. Red with I made to the next Seasion of Atifeeinent for
air4 Aar elk torehmatt. Any tam, Act legalizing and colifirmicgaa agree -
venal - 104 tel* 1113011e: Will please Ale* made. between the amid Trunk Hallway
PT*" PriSPIfttrillitl-', - .tak4k hid Company of Canals: and ths Buffalo and
- Lake Huron Railway Company beating date
- wmaitcriatro-ALL, tie seventh day of July, 1864, and for other
- Let 3rd con., Tnexersaith. purposes -f -
ina- Tait, 1865- - . a° laBrantfind, Januaryfith, 1866-
87152 -
BEAT -Lt good di::wIrrezef.kred'will namilcow—
eh t
Apply at the ...„'Sigived office.
Godericli 'Dec.: 29 1865 w49sw15 1
ALL THE.-1/IfFERENT-arrJ.Es. - ••
0000 assoaratair or
_Illustrated CatalOkues rree. •
AD,D.RESS-,-It.& William's, Toronto t-
or W. '1 . Cox, Esq., Goderich, who will sup.
ply catalogue* w50
rm tot_ SOO,
. -
rPHAT'excelleniTarm lot: Township of .Col
borne situated on the Northern Gravel
Road—five Miles from the town of Goderich,
the property of Mt. IL T. Pell, will he sold GBEIT'VARIEVL`
-very cheap. . It comprises ninety eight ..actes
of the best wheat land -In the county; over
seventy of which are cleared and Indef. cul-
tivation. For Writs and particulars apply to
the subscribes. •
• - 'Iltirott Hotel.
Goderich, 19th Pee., 1865. 2svc2w 47
FC:Yrt. ..P.4L1111
Insolvent Aet 101 1864..
hilke'lnatier aiJohn .Steigari,
an Itzsalvint
!TIME creditors. of theinsolventAre notified.
-4, that -he hag_ made an 'assignment lit his -
estate and 'effects under the above alit, to
mei the uniersigned assignee.lara .they. are
required to 'furnish me within. two months
from tit.* date with their claims, specifying
the security they hold, if any,. and the Value
=attested under oath, with the vOnchen!!
so_upfnaitilp, milattndotofirisf7n7i4otnheeist;ti.n:rist:-._fa:t -idle whoin
-• • W4LSON±
, astoome.
Allepartiee indebted tee _the shove estate
are requested -to -pay same to R: • i'•"--4-•"* '
Fati.1 autiloriiTted •
t°. grat...4 - FS 3,1-
• w5:0- 2w - Official assignee
NEW 1110110Riii MUT,
ARCIIMALD'il 'STORE, Crabb's Moo*,
511P3Ittalt 1.4,1Ittr TitSTEMIIRMItS-
PICTLIIF.g taken In 'every style and in ell
kinds ot "weather. .
r PRICES LOWER than elsewhere in
Canada. therefor, from thirdste,
Goderich, Dec. 1, 1865. aw27 GotienOir Ilthil058• 11-t614t't
0 animism ot the subscalser block
Lops hilltTownship ofCalkiern.4*
hist, *yoke of steers zeg4 nod whiW,esehow
two yeits idatietted$ wad white issifer,
ring two years old, mad whole
Wing eldfr the Ramer as napeeted iperrin-
property, pay eliarTe„ s, and isiteakili-
ColhornJait. 2,1866.
RTRAY.E1) CATTLE —A white Anew
kJ 2 leans old, came inithe panniers
111131CribeT anilse2OdiSeptenslier last.
owner is zeoliessed io prove .propettiri-
-expand, and *skeins army. -
lot 8, 14 tom" 19.1k, 1.4b141W,
12th Amory, 1856, -
imitr."14 forliid any perm* fans
fag any army fusibrorannytailiargamosta
vibatever without mig wrielam ism*. mow
any streOunt, as 1 aoe
: D. CAMPBELL- .1: .7. ROSSI Shassealssw.
: 11111Bereditors of the undetwiold are noff-
fied to sleet at Mr. Lefrelfs Law Office,.
in the Town of Goderiele on Tuddayi the
twenty third day Of; logo at nae
c oek in-theafternoon, to receive statement's 4-,.„„„,..
of his affairs and to mat
ate onssiirnee. 7--"J
Dated at•Goderieb.in County of Ilarod;
thc matter of Francis W. Armstrong,
ost litsokelt. ' ' . -
UE undersigned lias. been . appniiited as
signee m thinmatter, and requires claims
to he fried within two -nionthfrum this idett..
faneainine, county' of Bruce,- 1st _day o
Deeembei, A.- D., 186.
M. C. CAMERON, ; '. ..Astivit ..
- Solicittir for Insolvent. • . i
-- ,
iiiSSOlUti011 .of ?aline!
. ,
Bitch). isibereir
and Xitchiblarre
cartied ou by the
this 29tli day of December, 1865. STRAY
of the Village of Blythe, in I 31deolu
the eixisty.of Huron. the 1st of -October lag: * Steer astaisiiirmem-74- -
WIN BEM GORDON, - • yeans tild, and & Italie Boar
Solicitor for Insolvent. . sw37 4t - old, both ate mast* all Wt.,-
• 1 isad round the issmdlisni Meek. tie
!equalled tb Pete Alm/ PI Florio
Rodgerville,tas. flkb, W6 rum
RE Undersigned would respagtoilli in=
fora the .farnierir of Huron and Bruce
and the public gametal* tbste hescomi
thence& the shove business
It his .14 staid St. DOI stree4
and having ittitv_on head an tatoellentaasort•I
'ment of the best, Material he is prepared tot
execute all orders in his line lea muff
' cannot -tail to give satisfaction -
- rshin. heretofore.- e' suiting le -i, inkann• IlesdrY174,41d-11121111 -orteerictinexPerie"ehis slop keintil done
THE Pa,,,,jrTe
wee ousentes II and David beCullen .i'S ander.hit immuing rmapiaintfideeet.;
Blaciama:011; -if' *be s Irill°20 .11f . 2411414'. warrant evet7 article made by hum to be -
County of 11nron, was this ,day dissolved by .the beat tostiity; white gain= arttrise.roinsdi
mutts! Consent; - ----Tire- .laiiireass .will be- ire,y leasaumb.e. • - . - •
tarried on afterthiiby the asirlDavittetillen - - . ...a..,.n. 4.2......—: i
at the old atatri, who is authorised to tollec;' IranneriiistiviG MUM IV . 11
- -_., -1111 debts doe .to lite •firm,,frind_pay (dr any -and aro tor yourselvis. - • -
Partilepetadnibtlis 2 -1st -day Da.lt.:Deegi' . . vpzus.4._';' :is: 1644_ ...strict- ixtril attendedi'
liabilitiei.itoittracied Oil accOunt of the, amid i .2i, 11. ---Horse shoeing and johhieg of all s
1.86°.7. . „7-.. 48,... nom:- .....Crodeach;Dec,, Ittla. "65: .
atyfiesiDec., 27114 1865e 449-3t4o.xer TS hereby liven ihtt *PlartatiEla /1311
. 110711t.
firrrazsg,,D.,H. HITCHIE.- -
_ 4. made at the next- session - of Parliament 1 _
. !Oran Act to eneble the Wail° ind Lake II
_ -141004
numwRailwilY13°1111:4" 14 caPkalize ihe "Ielisa: . intramitsair
1111 - &MAO af interest dile ty theme by *Ong Its
. neirshares ot otherwide therefor, and other- .. in'isei.wilatiiiikli . Ps boa
we to amend their several Acts of 1tacor ' t ......,___,,.
SAIXLets 1, 2 and 3 in eon, 5 'Writ, potation. - - 7: . - *L'i ''''''' A.ata"27,4611,".!- . A .
1 -varies amie-_ , — --
tiastiennitkbaid Nook 1014. f:CR! IC vit. j1.5yiheirlitir. 1161:taargerdS tisdreqUales4 ivilangted to. lenatrinfiintroinall
versopertor waoht 4 pply . " . proye :nropeitT4 !J '!Z
rarmoi ato 101. Ian ,litess.14) liorlirssarainsim,
. _ . Ay„ . NORIS . P "
' ' ' ' '
dratlaril infor mime
Giagitirisimpt.,46. few -
e_4torket Spasm, GoderleA.
GotleTt7th 7 12
. 186- O. W
•„.4.. 12th.
- Polite/. ... -gr.• a-, a
_ • Esylleld •
" Clinton 234,
ifigieter-vo. - -7 a:. 44-4 44,4 4. 30th-
Dtingruton . ..;
, C a •• g a.a ...a. a
Wrometei.* '
a•taaa•Argisgakaaaaa •.
.. •
'Havyglitgr- -
• •
As _
cAteP7r4 itt ay office
clerk fjePeace,
Airon 6.-Byttee..-
golf Township of Colborne, containing ',Brantford, 1 An , 1866: sw38 it"
about 295 sierele, and lying 'about 3 isileir„,„„pb
frow.the Town of Godatiel, front *hick a- ts 4--"--arrac luxu the
good roadpasses adonis the northerly, liatind. -°lemesubsealser, lot 11 -and 12, liakkad
arrof the block. The land is beatitifilly :c9nu'unt Tenn", wrgimbne11/111°4*I'S
- -41tntest7,6114-3.8,66-.
into,elee- :enclosure ,
1th con e7.1), -Pielbeeper- .abopt ',1* -444
, ireil Steer about o ,years 114.
The OvraVoittalcitOttth� Mine 'by proving
proptifetyand*paying.:Tor thii advertise*
w.4f4-14 reTT,f-EY
_ .
neime, W.&
arniarl,Taffit 14166.-
THAT HELFElto:.--ranie into the peoan-' itaiaiter eau itaesbai
see of 'the anbeeriher, ow sae
admatt. asiddle of Deisiaker bat, it' red .assat *asp
white.heffee, one year ola Th6- owner
pliase 13737F_ 13iePerrit :PRY charge.5.- and Ar!ile..
THon.anases. _
liiitlandville, Jan. 150;1866, 3t*
aid *11,