HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-01-19, Page 2•
••••••-. _
4;4 tiniiCht 1
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• ;-.WITAT Ant: li.t.NNik FORMED rOlt,AND WIEk
lila If - • -
- 7 . . •
- - ,
(MERRILL,. G. 3r. j9E ‘18e6 - an -Wer to the.,!e'. questions is simple.:
• R:iithe are lbtened in tile first instance to
• „ find profitable employment_ or the surplus
I • 1
• •
' 1- . " -1 •
SUP Plals. TO SE.R GE ANT 60DERICH TOWNSHIP. to Toropets, the place which had the honor get over his woncds ; but -thanks to a ood
, i . ef giving hinirbirth, connhenced a series of constitution and excellentettere, he did.
. eotnson. wsWrixd. .1 robberies in churches mat in pri ate - houses.*
, On Wedneeday evening last, the officers _ . .- : . . t 1- Alter looking- for him eyerywhe e except in
- At a mean/of the Municipal Council (or his own villege,, the police of Sinelensk at
- • - •
and ineinbers of - the -Boron: ltifies .gave- . . f. 1 t . lt.
- - • . . s .. • Corporation) o t le owns_ ip of Goderich jast hettrd of' big goim...,s °fret - TorePe .
. . ' - ' -
beldat theIlohneeville Inn on-'1Tonday, -the r.eFli.Pt'ed ..1.m9.• ---. 11.°1`tielde.r'neibe-e'et;:"‘iceallsce.4..-
. .oti -oyster .. suPper 'to,`, Sergeant-. I% tn. E.
. . again e as fq I911 meal 11J , .
Cl.gg, previous to his depoture . or
15tii -d4Y of Jhhnn_13', 1f36-, h ,PP ' - i., co, el ing ft :., lilet ty, Went oi tie- indre in
Cuicuniati; . skliont "s40 - gentlemen sat of the tOwnship: Cleric, in ace !dance with. „Teseeese heeled down a . fecto I al.1 beat
down in TitotripSOIt'S- Itotd - to a etPltal the i".et-2U(.1 Vic. eitp."99, sections 43O -and] seeeret.'reepeuatints : 'who ..-----tia. ' irdeneed
, . .
-;sitriper „-Lient. Hays in the chair, and -(33, Municipal Matite . ' .. agais( hOut . The. Police' t Ok 'Ian : a •
- . ,
.. - -'
foutth tinie.„- hut - he contriv t1.-- to ' slip.
' '',1,14119e,. etcow4644..11PwC91,9trk41!;!,thane 'C.i,11;q18.r.u.g•ati,9 9f away as „they were conductine 'hi The
Eitsign I)Oviiion in the vice -chair. . ' •
, . __ ,, , f
After the; loyal teasts had been given - peasants: .of Toropets were no.ir ; afraid to
tee ihe retutus. froin the seyerat VVards; vie% -. inform against . - thair felloW-villager -any
and drank, ;the ChOinnOn - proposed -0 • :
Ward No. I, fouiel correct.; _ -; more, and. Nazarolf lived all tast: summer
. . -i „
, amorist therm, ordering anti .receifing _viliat.-,
2 . -
sr 3 - • is ever he wanted end -.: paying fpr• nothing.
se „ .. se . . .4 , 1,Not eonteeted, however, with -iirthis simple
- sa : - .5., . .. ri. . -Mode -of existence, he sometime.:i;alidgedrin
of the retanelies:t„ memhers of the Corps, and-. ; Mr. PiPer hatide.d in'-iiis Declaratien and elie luxury ot high,.vay rohbery This gave
. -olleece to • the; en ed ,. propriet rs oa tvtioni
e- : he exercised his skill ,;" and the result 'was
- autherities, who, sifter -it delay *ol. six .weeks,
tieverliitestdtelice: Of Selliolga‘ 1 capitzd of those individtilds who_ may be -
' 4.,...;••••• • - 7 - .. 1
itIVt.st their savings- in .sueli
. .
It ift pretty generally 'known that there induced to
. . . , ,
jam oiation a pres n f -h ppd. e nist_tutionS' ; tney are ere:Jeered .11w the '
taunt of one superintendent of schools tier 'purpose of elfel:ing to the sante indevi-litale
of protection from rez,Pcss coeduct Or want:
the whole County, instead of a number' ,
. -
_ -:ineal i-tuperintendenti as nt present. It iS,
admitted on all hands that n proper -super-
visiott of our schoole is. desirable, anti
cakulatcd tOsecure greater efficieney.than
of theih :own screants, roe howevo•
,grzuut may be 'the naines- these pzirtte§1
-asstitne, Whether we beght Aiih Presidents-,
Directors, and so: on down to ltink
could be -obtained without it. No matter 'Managers and Clerks they- are in theseee
el nothing more Utah: ' the servants of the
hoW *faithful a teacher mri-bei. it i:5
- great stimuliis to hint Co .know that the i z.harcbolders .; • therefore cleat tors Are-
. in.' granted for the purpose of secutene and
superintendent may at any moment Step . _.
linteutg the: xis& of-- the 'emploYerts -froiti
-; ' ta the MOM andexainitie theiorking of his .
1 -the improper zonduet of their own servants.*
gavot, and test the progress and thorough-
yowlii; and That is one rind a' -principal one ef the
_ niss of the pupils; and - tci: a
benefits coutbrred,by chartene besides the
inexperienced teacher nOthing can be '
- more welcome than the judicious advice other privileges ef greit vane, that - are
and suggestions of a superiutendent who le given, such as issuing -and cirbulating
.thorougblY acquainted with tb.. practical througlemt the country notes _et paper
. work ofthe ecimelvroom its well es with of the chertered institution. -Thus itt one
iti trials 'and difficulties: - .-The _present and the same. tune and bi- the siiii-se. in-
. .
system of inspeetion islittie better than tioistrumeht is created the means of coin
e . • .
siateme=indeed, by meny ' of our.. beg: witting fraud- a!ia. protecting .tho:se who
teachers if -is cons- idered to be itsorse titan
n4:1, system -7-a iller# "Skim, : - The partit•s
selected to fill tiwoce of local esaperia-
•A 1
a -..
'aro benefitted by the fraud from suffering
from it. Most parties -would be inclined
to think this strzinge -legi:4ation would
tendent are. in many. cases, persons . who [Allier the power of Conimitting-frziud, and
never !might. diiy in their Hires:: -While' at thre"seme time protect' the promoters of
the duties of their own preper.profeSsionhl the fiend frein-punishinent. The.nc"
are, in. most cases, sufficiently onerotts. to ty that exists for affording_ capital to
facilitate tetde in its luau. -branches,' has
demand. their whole time• alid energy':
By thepresent systent sitch are tbe Purtica, been. - sufficient . -to justify snail
_flecessoily ehesees-te_eiecee ao__ advise ceurse„ end although_ bankinglthrougliout
e ;elle World has brought min on utilliens
teachers wholave devoted years tO yet the want of a deapital that should Ct.
duties of their profession, and 'wiles prior exchisiVhelyd- devete t? trade-ohjsets hae
tothelr entering tipith• these deans., -spent outWeig e all the evils in educed by the
noinconsiderabie time in careful prepare: - matragement and fraud of those - with.
hertith of the huest of the. Otening in a
-deservedly eulogistic speech, in the course
of which he sroke of Mr.- Clegg as one
deplOred .the neee.ssity , for • his remeval. Qualification:ofoffice. • -.•
Mr. Cleiht- in tespontline- • we's much Mr- Pord ---2, de.. : - -
cot co--.-- ' . • - that they made a fertile' eoutplenit to -the
affected.. He "revietred ` his career iti Mr. 'Weston cle !
3 - . - - ' Mrs Pat ton .s - do. ° got Nazaroff forihe fiftletime in their power,
Goderic.th up -to the presetit time, and taid i
- . Mr:Sheptia.- id do. -. - . .. . = lIe. neide his fifth eseepe quite. lately, ,, end
his only desire wai te better .hiS condition Moved hilfr. Maio =1, seconded: hY Alk-.• the, Gotoss now advisee the iii abitants -of
in the Vnited States. ne'bore testithopy Sheppard, That liehry Ford, Esq., be Iteeve.; Toropets to come to -slate° am nettle ander,.
. .
to /Ito ennertn eetentss.diolayea towards for the current ye-tr.-Carried: • - - . ;.-- . eiandine with Vie, rand- since th S pollee tee
hini_bn. all _occasions by.-... Ate, co_e. , 1, fr:oui .. Moved b Mr P• er, ' second ri- h sr•- . unable. to keen him to free the selYes--froni
J. y 4 • lit e y ssr. - . • is :. • ,
• -d.„ tle i) t ' his depredationi: by "paydeg hint . a reifilar
tireaten That ''Xifliam Sheppar epu y s . ... s . .
- Iesieisess--e
The -31Onvoe rttioettente. ,
whotit he now Faded On the very best of Heeve for the current year:' - • tax*
- Moved in amendment by Mr. Sheppard,
I With toait sow.' and re tl I "e°1" hY Mr' l'aktffil' That ilwi-{1 Pail"
. . . , _ „ pat ee ,i., 1.0u.r. be lie Deputy Reeved -or the ettereet yeere.„-.
flew "rapidly, mid tild present were suirriSed Amendment carried,- - 7 . - -- 7 -. ' ' .
1 ekee it -Nos annoucovaftereorm04,ight, - Mr. pord - hattdei. in his ' declaratioe- of'
1 that the - time had an:itted for ..- ainging
., office.. Mr. Patten doe • i• S_.:- • • 4 •
- Tire ' Ctheieil then Went ibto the appoint-
" ,Auld-._ Lang Syne.'•! Seldeme. indeed, meat of Pathmastere fer the cuereitt veer. -.
have we witeessed a heartier manifesta-
. •
tion for them. it is no disPoiagement to whom its direction has' been 'entrusteiT
nor and-f`ront all Aprearapoes,lbanks will con!
-11,doctorthat he is not a good- teacher
is it any reproach to--a„clergyinan that he
is not acquainted with the routine of the
tinue to be ingerpor. ted and proteetea by
charters just. is "of ten as before.
This witch- for' banks" in general ; now
floe of- goed .wilr towards a -departing -
friend. - . • • •
Mr. Clegg has been. .cenrieeted
this offiee for finirteen consectiti4e
during which time he has been .a modes
of z111 that is sobers true end indestrions ae
an employee, g,enitil and upright • as- a,
friend, and eXTielleut as a -Son.. .111e:office-
cotepaniot.S. Will -.Miss. hint- Tor niany:.
day. Wherever he goes we hope he will -
'beet with .the succeSs -to whielt his ster-
ling qualitiei asa. men and skill .as a firsts
elass printer fully entitle him,
--. County of 44 -Si
The tneetin, of inembers •the atiove
society for the elect:03 of Director& -.he., for
the eurreat 3 -ear, toult.Plare Hotel
yesterby, (18t11.) The ogicers 'appointed
a -e as iallaws ,presitlent ;
3.1.he• New-" York' Joie -nal o Cummerce
Shows what Mt euipty ebaurdity, ethe emelt
• taleed of " Monroe Doctrine" is. . It says ts-.
. Unit:is:we toistelte, England- by -far
the Ith4rest Owner ef land Not h America
,11.teved by Mr. _Piper, secondel by Mr. and the Menroe DLictrine -net, undertake.
to interfere with that owaerliship. Ntir would
Patton, That John -Shaw he continued at it be thiitiglicat all-contrarY to the doettihe if
toirnshiR Clerk- and that hiS salery be the fin:dish a rine to bp the
liege lerd of the Canadians, and estelilish
• monarcey on this north on-- us. Rustle _has.
Same as last year, -.Carried. - :. . - - - 1.
. Moved by Mr. Sheppard, seconded by Mr.
.Pratons That Mrs Jehe Acheson be Ti easeret lame . - • s - .. , -
possessiOss in the 'cold reemes of ehe
tor the current year -and diet eis .salare :he ttorthwest, but the Monroe Doetr ne .doee itipt
:the same as las.t year. „. • . - - : - -
-. - ''' i .. • inteed id forbid the Czat. don g „what. he
se Moved by• Mt. Patton, .tecended- by Mr, - ..
el:eases _there.. *. •Prence, ..F. pain, - England and
Staikiard, That -the Assessor- and Collector Detiniark, ell have possessions in the eislaeds
be appenited hyr tender,. press (led 'the Comieil I et the .thef _end . raljeceitt waters; ; and the
consider, the. person: proposingethe Jewett
teuder. to be a fa tied proper persoti ter said se
Monroe Doetrine•al se S eot ptetend to Object.
- - - lies -_we arrive at that-seiall_ portioe of the
°glee; • •- coathlent !fur/. between ourselves tied the
lethmueand the Monroe Doetrieezeems, after
all-, to mean -only that no forekn- power shal.1
interferein Mexico or CentretArrieriea. That
Moyed by Mr, Piper, _seconded by Mr.
Sheppard, That Robert ' Acheson, according'
to p.•oposal, be Assesser fur the curreut year,
and that his setae) be fifty dollars. ,
Moved by- Mr Patton, sec by Mr Westoti.
eethe iong and Short of it since it certaiely
does oot involve the soutitern half of iletaion-
thet Arthur Cantelion sen., accercling tosten-
e• • - I setting up end -knockini doeli rcrithrns Without
-troubling us: 'Now, it isouldeetteibi; mit
lit all Striiii;re if Ea tepean goVein metti'selei uld •
• d t-
. .
dorebe Collector -for the Current -ear an tine'tt, where aliPereP' sin'tY 4inese itself hk
- - a is a a 3, s,. , p
taxeS included-Carriee: .
Moied by Mr:Sheppard, see ;by Mr Piper, r,
that Adam eitiftelion be Auditor for 1865, r • • 0 .
which shriiiks _so -es.sentially as thi.
school room. Bet -there eertain13- as to bankein Canada. 'Cis by rin meets
1 and that he rediive five do lars.-for his servi• •
when redaced to its .siurele
our intention to retiew the rise, progress,
somethinc, Wren& lit a system which
entrusts the inspection of our schools and'
• h'
end present position of Banks and tiank-...
ceg. - • - - If goe-drf sr tijjytilin it - ou ibt -1-) be coati-
. . • •
-Mr Francis IV bittin8hain appointc:d Audi: „n•eataliii its scope.* But ;II-- fr we come
twato first prieciples - Why haw- not Hag -
Dv, in Canada, hut -to take theui as we -Win. -Yinin•i• 1st V. P '• W P" d tor hv the It
tesc rs to parries- to a
g- find Olefin. Without ton &sent, eghanu- V, P„; 4. Trtieman; secretary; A. M.
• 2 m. iper n eev_e. _ ,
about the matter., Those in this. county dim into the pos#ioo of the -older institu- R-Oss, treasurer, in. place of Mr, Donogh; ree
whe"ere. calling for the abolition of this' tions, we had that they 'have manateed sesned. DiSeetors t -P. Carrel, Ino. Hunter,
useless System suggest another that -can-
not fail to _commend itself to the -good
sense' and judgment, of all Who give it a
candid consideration. It is proposed-alat
one ewe best teachers --one possessing
sestet") themselves melee Many -tr3
circumstances, and they may fairly titke-
credit. te theinselees. ler their coiltintied
solvency ; -having. :admitted -this ulna
we belleVe all his been said that can be
said ia their favor. Of_ the'-neW
soundiadgment end common sense, ae that havecome into existenceethcie opera-
well as a thOriiugh sequaintwide with' the
practical duties -of the profession -be
alexia/ by, tla Vounty Counoil nod
pleeedliver all the schools ut the County,
ana' that he devote his whrlie time,„ talent,
and energy tO the duties ot this office.
For man to be able to do anything well,
he must be able to any " Thil one thing
I do."- - There is no desire. tit dissociate
dergimao _or any opter professional men
from our sehook. The law recognises
them asechool visitors. In this capacity
they should visit the schools in their
tionS are locel; and time has not yet b -en
afforded to enable uSe to fbrin any clear
insight ',into. either .. their position tn.
It is generally supposed Wit the Banks of
r the country were Chartered for the perpose ot
ensphesing eheir catgut} developiug the
trade tied resources of th4coantry.and ta-
rt. rling means by reason of their capital-a:Ili
ties to- ene.ble out- merchants tG purchase -and,
focward for shipmeat theSgriceIturaf products
of the countrytheir. doing, _so is the _only
equivalent the.tountry obtains for thefprivi-
leges it has Coneeded to them; their
ctherwise is au a.fishlatedeparture-froin th;
pledge givek by them te the public when ii
took upon .itseir the risk Of allewing them to
ue paper or! their own responsibility and
neighborhoed, end martifeit ,en interest iit
limited the leihtlay their sletreholders multi
their advancement and progress. Above receive- for had management or otherwise.,
au things Tet us have some one who. is We state then Viet oui.Banking- iesti-,utions
tave not so acted we knew- diet ereet faeilis
thoroughly conversant with the bUsinesi • •
ties have been afforded- te men to - parchase
- Ana duties tirthe 4eacheil too -supervise the products of the WOternStates'and tbai
the capit4 of our &mkt' has been einplin,ed
ourschools, end One, too, wliose sole birsi-
not ttf- -facilitating the pushing forwattl of our
'products ta the. seaboard- but in • ff d
- Mend it will be te do -this and nethina- else
- The oleein'tengient._ 40110 be a Malt yth0 every facility t(t- our conipletiim-s in 'ttr:dre.irt,C10
Am tees kinuetteapradleat 'ocher, and I:us:lime the European -Market filch pro,
aed thus flustrate us, and we hesitate
AO • evidence -of schoo'i lti 6 Utle4
- $ ou e
not:to state it as otir firm ,cOniiction- thet
kie sore emplopstaits • e tt - d d `a
t delta a or ,at an...
tion has been taken to. prevent deception: ,It .wa.s- move. ley James Seale, seer:tided
Milwaukie for the-Tpurchase' of United St. ' n by William Turnbull, That Robert Browu
. &nue may Objeet le this system on -the Western produce, with our 13anking Capaietist and 'we are now forced to -the eouelusio
Jas. Torrance.' X. Loto-astsJno. Saikeld, jr.,
D. McIlwane.-Hugh Jolinuoge.
The Iht. Vice' President took the chair
the absence el-Mis Gibbons,- who was called
'away:by- the eecident to his son. An -appli-
cation from a large number of persons in Hay
askinu-for the establishment ot a liona fide
-Hay 11.:1=8, Was presented - byr-MeSsrs. Lore
. . , . _ •
arid Brown, and= the matter ordered to ber
laid before the Minister 'of .4griculttire, to-
gether with applicatioes hem Itraeranoill and their seeete eieos ou the 44th Division of - .
Lucknow. The trine or sell -importance -as,„- road, and that Edward Sheppard perform his =_- - 1.1••• .---
Moved bv Mr r3heppard, seed hY w es- land the owner of mere land thait we quite
toe. that the auditors'Inalfe out -the A..tistract
and detailed statemeet ot expeMitute the
same is for„1864: : _
The acc't ef Thos Johnston for work done
astlIr Hinclet bridee-ecertifiedsby Mr Piper,
ainbanting to $8-25, to. be -paid.
'Ace% of W T Coe Esq.. fol. printing,- &C.,
ier tilled by t he Cicr!k, $32:70, ordeted to be
paid. _ . • •
Ace't el Mt T J Mohrhou'se, fot stationery,
ihe. $1.1.52. to be peid.
bY Mr Sheppard, seed by Mr Pat-
, •
as :ge Jd• a nein to determiaestheliolicy whieh
goverri &uric America, at' we ?
a a filir question. , Of -course; the answer is
to be found in the hearty Ateerican eesponse,
e We wen% let her." But it -then ' mere
question of force:? -
• ",fhere is considerable dehat about the
origiteof the dectritte, - One, at ribei sit to
Monroa anotheren Jefferson, oti ers 14e :still
different paternity.- Ohe thing i c ceded,
met it did not oneinate with as irriton =
TIsItt So Bpi Oa'
_ Thesfellowiteg nartative rif Prince Alfred's
excursion in Africa is front t re tar
Chronicle of the 18th i...-eThe Redpole
ed -nn Saturday evening from Tangier; with
Ills :Hoyal Highness -Prince' Alfred, On his
return from his hunting expedition ie Barbary
The prince proceeded to; 'fling* on Monday
last, aeCompanied by Lieutenant IL Haig,
R. B„ and Lieutenant Campbell, N.
The .baggage was seneon ,irito the cobutty,
and his royathigimese aed emit were eater-
atined at thelegation house for that night. On
Tuesday early Hit Royals flightiest and pare
ty, iecludinse Sir 401.tri Prummood Hay, made
an ear y start or ley u. w lc) t ey reac e
by two. The same ,eve•ning _they ma e an
exenteions bet the hunt was without eport.
Nest dee, unfertunatelye was stonneyl, and
the rit al party wits uttuanntea, -out lam
hentliwain -continued all day. ..Nevortheless-
. _ , s e ,
cease -through storms wa4, attended with -iu-
different -sport; the party _killing -xwO iboars
among them. At night 'they rested it the
house. of the British consular erne, Mr. Bens
shitore and the neit. morning started for
Dar-el-Chie, a mountain ridge -14 miles crew
Taneier re tenti were pitched for their
, acteminedat on. -.His: Royal Highness' allot
- on the road, itnd made a good. bag'of variout
lfrds. The party" slept that' night -id. their
tents, and the next- day hunted the boar.
The ttind was high arid pieecingly cold; as
.ie seldom experienced in thateegion. ,ithout
dozer! boars were started, :but not one had
. the politeness to come Out in the direction of
Hit Royal Highness, so that be foul only
obtain a long shot fit two that trotted past at
$ considerable distances Mr. Gieen, who -
Was °tie et the party, had better luck, hav-
_ lug fired at- three boars; two of whieli he
brotreht down.• None of the other Ohristians
bad shots, and the Moors, es bad luck
would have it, always missed.' Although the
party were not se successful in betting end
killing game as. conld have been wished:, His
Royal. lihthuess Showed- htinself to .be h
thorough siiortsinan. and a splendid shot at
partridges, and aPpeared tO enjoy much the.
rough _ wild_itte of the tent_ itud camp" in
Northern Africa. .
Daabilig A.t-tatek on' Pirates.
The Oppossuin gunboat, tender tG the
Princess Charlotte, returned toflong 1Cong
on the 19 of • October • afterlperfonniag a
brillianteervice, withmit single cainahlity.
'file piretes in the ; immediate eiainni of
Hours havite, lately become very dar-
ing, atid the senior offiCer in charge -of thee
havin infOrniation that a number
were. eollected Mirs Bay, front whiph they
coeld readily, -Ranee upon vessels proceeding
. .
'to the eortkern pert of Chiaa. sent Lie*: St.
John in the7 tippet= in search of them.
hen the gunooat reached Mira flay- three
junks were inghted,_ the crews of Which were
throwing gnus ove.rboards and hurrying • on
;shore, and on being boarded proved to be tWei
pirate u tiks _and a captured fishing' junk., Und.„
er hatches tu the latter were found eight men
and four women. Lieut. St.' John burnt the
two, pirate junks ands handed ihe other two
over to the original owners, from whom he
obi:aided esuitaliset intelligenee acting lupon_
which he steamed -for Toonsiohte just betore
Wad It " seenis rather ineonsisteut with his -
ten, that Jos' • Wheatly and &At. Verris do tar„hines...n___.
;timed by ;One of the- branch socleties in its. statute labor on the 9th con. " • _ Lieut. St. John observed over the landithree
Jerre junks anchored,
-4 branch societies. eenerally were very that- the widow Crozure and 'widow • Millet Xening'Adveiniture wigs
report cre.i.ted Much merriment. _The reports , moved by Sheppard ,see'd-by Piper, andhe immediately de
- • - • . . cided on attacking them in- the -rear, which
that island there is a well' cencealed ba with
the break oi dey. On the north east i;le -of
a narrow .itid shaded entrance; Where
junks Call only get in at high water. ;Here
factory, and showeS a late increase. in film. be exempted from payint, taxes, scheol tax - L1011 '
13101110111hed by landing a
'Monsieur Chattier, the celerated -French he sueeeseteal
betsliip oier.forater years. • exceeted-----Carried.
, Moved 'by Mr Patton,--sec'd by Mr Weston,:
The :.DatOgat000n -011 - that. thia Council „now' adjeoen to Meet ageie
. on the last Monday on February next. -
The Victoria Petroleum Co. of Gole- - • JOHN rthIA.WIT'p Clerk.-
. -
rich- is pushing forward preperations for
• . • .
bOriee• On, the Struthers. farm near
- - - -
gannon with the utmoskienergy. *The
Derrick CoMpIeted, a new 'engine has
been er-eifed, arid when the. Portable hoiler
_arrives boring Wifi be cominenced. -The
indications of an abutidant s.ipply of
are better than ever. -Through a tin tobe._-_ dolmen elect, -William Case, Witrd -No.-1 ,
,Jiones Smillie,_Wittd Nr. -2 • - Robei•t Broini
Ward No; 3; Michael Zeljar Ward No.:4 ;
and:William-Turnbull Ward,No.--5 ; William
Wilson TeivOship Clerk ie. tle chair..: The
• -
Council having subscribed their deelatation
of offisee-and qualification, -
44011.14, -
Proceedines of the first dine
newly eleeted Municipal Ciente!' of the ToWit-
thip of Hey; held pars -bent to Statute, -in the
Town Hall ow -Monday the 15th day of- Jan-
uary 1866.
'carried down as far as possible below the
bottom of the well a 'Constant stream of
gas escapes with. a noisethat can be heard
distinctly from above, and- the use of a
sand pump bring,s up quantities -of petro-.
lento nide!' is almost as pure as but hea-
vier than the refined oil. Eve& nrecau-'
that tile extreordinary indications are lteeve for the yeat 1866.
ground that it will be more expensive ...his hag tke effect Of enabliyg those engeged
. In that trade to push forwird tbeitir detriment perf'ectly oenuine.. The work of borin r" Mr. -Brown subscribed- his declaration a
-than tha.ttresent system. Jan ine, that as mane millions Of bushels or slain as' the 'will he wetalied 'With eager iittereat. A of effete at Reeve -and -took the chair vacated
-fiewing or even: a good pimping well will
be -the grandest 'stroke of-fortittie that
G .
it_inah wine Take motile:be got" fot- the .whole eurplus prodtu e of' Canada -pet to,vether.
money, What -does the
P---'lellt 4siem ittitel7e'rvyertY.2i1.171; Ptoul:oBurniolyoilents. busittess
were tilt's: affiird-,
-aecOmplish t What do we "rad for the
.. -e., . . men on this side enestgete la she esseeseue
_ pew parer our presentschbol teanacre.. trade of the_ ceuntry, could not °bale ti
mestr., se far as the- aueeeas...sand Banking aceaminaJation necmaiy: to Meet
. _ the wituts of our own meerkets: If requires
eSaieneir. ar oar aehtte. la, ar,0 coal °erne' ar we verY little reflection _ to see and imderstand
might -as well be withoui any superinted- the-effeet of such a state of things. On --our
. , .
.. tio one in the market to
depot at an.- The case then, even. 41411 the c'we cue -1-1'13'1.V i
, buylind prices- must rule low. The e.r. t
e. sa Sr
4•_,_• •
supposition that the.. proposedsystern costs pertioti a Oanaia: is iii a nitieh b '
. .. etter.post
more than the profs' et, will steed thus : ,tion to theXastern markets than either chi
cago or Mithraukie, and 3•ets -items held. an
A. thorough and. efficient supervision of - t
interior position asto the price of its produets
aur-saltadawill coat more than the present ' we believe on wile'..it of -nearly 'five cents pee;
. —
try4eui. But will the proposed system bushel., and this loss which fins 'fallen Olto
.- - ss Tip, ge.ther on ouragricidturiste is duesandowia r
TaallY eent mOre than the present ?
, exclusively to- the: batiks einployme their
_by the _Clerk.. -,.__. • _ -- -.
- Ikli;:red by Willi-tm :Case seconded by
ever happened Godericiyand will set the Miehael .'4ellir, 'lhatsJanies `Sinillie ber De--
Compauy.on its feet as,. PerhaPs, the _rich-- eetyiteeve for. the Present year.-Cerried. _
eet iestittitiea of the kind in Cana4s. Mr. Stnillie subscribed- his declaration of
''' ' - (Ace and tOok hie Seat as Deputy Reeye. . -.
. .
. l'iesr -,A telegnint front. Ottawa -Wont* iiii"
Moved hy William Case see -ended: it), . Wile
`that' the -Bruce Judeeship is still undecided. • •
- - .„, .* 1. am Turnbidl That -all. bushieas transeeted
Whet a-boitt the shnevaity. r: • . .
- . - - -
. -by this Citation for.the Present year beepube
At...elm:Nis -Vin.- Gibbons,ton of . our re-: liahed in the' }tarok Si gr.ia. -. ------- -
spected-townsinauRobt; Gibbons IsNees -s'uf--- 40ved bii Wilijael,Pase eeenaded by _wit,
hired a serious' accident Yestetday-(Thursilay) lie`..'t :Turehel-Vr. 'They' 'Ivt.041n1. 'V"isOn . be
13301.,4n; at seasorte. ii,,eons, weo is an Clerk and *frea5nrer fot the preSent year, and
'employee oe the Grand Trunk was eouplieg
two cars whCn one of them struck him, , eut
secure the -services af a Properly qualified capital hi the purchase -of forecni, roducts- ting bad!). in tire -thigh. Irth
_ecar wheel
he d passed over the sufferer in teed of dta tging
hint ,t.tiong the result must haye. bettli, fatal -
as itts he is eipected to receverer
Ilis 'Worship, ...Meyer Detlor, treated
. _
the old and new mendiera of the Town:Coune
.rcil to an oyeterrsuppee on Friday evening the
.I2th inst. -Ths affair was ime of -the. most
p17-asant of tile seasene Mr. Clifford was the
lastead of doing as they were ehrufered toj ' '
- Man the_ Council should °TT hist ' sa
- , t• - _ y_ ..0 vw • • • • • ..,
_ v ,f_ iE __.. __, i.... x .2 ,it .., .., z.,..,.T.:... a :,.._ :I t t..„' d , 1.s, ., emptoymg. there= capital for -the
awns amoral! ti!Ult31111- luunkutug all .uts benefit Of those rh,:0 .tor certaiii a lvainieges
expenses.. This would be, therefOre,-,,the promised, agreed to take as share.ih the ilak '
Willoie cost. ' Under tbe.preseet sysione uatitienudiii;g their creation. We 'have 110 heti-
, it as our Wier that- &tine.
dal laaaaraaalt of our sehwls . ts ' Che-101;nlingelal nil% ef the. Reciprocity Treat;
. _
betwees Iffilig and *1009.... We See than- th.e banks of this country have hy tfris selfish
pilicy and ebsoliti bre c't of taith towards'
thaton theground of cconeray thee
... Pro" . t op e. o - e Levi:me:been. the means
posed' systentis preferable. .There ts yet of cr
. •
eating a lost cif $2,500,006- on wheat I caterer for the oesaaien.
*nether oblation -that „May Tai.aed -atone- We- It.round our caletitatioit - - . • _
s • . Wheat exported eaek year- of the reciprocity 111ISIO;STARY MEETING. --A M1sSlo
tendent_for the Whole County - Th t
against the appointment of. one superm- treaty., say five raillton bushels for te
r o s per_ ushel, equal two -mid* -
.1r a
.. a equal' fift '11" 1, • n Stsoes, - • -
the;sehoei Act limit* the cc be f nu lone sse semen...tett et.c,e meeting will - (D. 'Y..) be held i 8t
ion our ban. thi0TgeS yhttrck. Oe„ 310nday eiteltitia;
ant been the out s next, the 22nd inst.; the Itev. S. Du!
retools .t0 be put under the supe• rinten_ drecl.thousatid dollars Of Course Wheat hats
lane o I
' Betirdieu and the Bev: It. Armstrong, of - d • - s - , n in head struck aeainst the "'trees and
that ihe salary forrbotlioffices be the sante7art
. .
last year iris 8140, •
'Moved in ainendment Iliehael
seeonded by James:Smillie; Thai. ,„Wilfiant,
Wilson be Township .Clerli for the -year 1866.-
. s •
at the rate of II1Q per annum, and that'
Louie eIrtiuthier ;he Treasurer, for . the year
1.866, previded that his salary does not exceed
$50 eet minuets the' ainbitdthent;was Carried
by the Reeves castirig*ite:
Moied bl Case,ezectinded by Wirer'
Men Turnbull; Thet 'this 'Canna.. eionorate.
Micheel sfrote payieg 'taxes foe
the'. preseht Year: -as- she's a'Avidovi in indigent-
cireumsiances.-Carried, •
Moved Get° efeeonded by
Michael Zeller. that flrigh Love be, assessor
tercet and, nuder shelter of& •smali Wood,
ttiva :101,itsr crodspig a ship- ot. laud came upon thetn. 'tin-
.. awares-the gunboat • in the meanwhile'
, —
steaming in for the entrance. There ,were
same tune as if mach hurt. The, next morn -
upwards of 100 men on board the junks,: who
img the Arabs were - bidden to bril their
as soon us the ub tsh i -11
lion -hunter while in Alettria, got
at a lion, which bounded away in
of evergreen oak, or ilexes, g„toa
horses front the encampment, whist t .ey -set s g en oYe n *I ft cam
/10111 Englieissiaest,
The Athens Correspondent of. AUT.**,
says that three adventurous "ming Neese& .
-men have- jiAt returned from so ;intoned:4r
iour in the Iltdopoli teal% !Melt rendies‘
tbem better aerrainteu wen Hair Aerial oss.
of °levee than any -of the °reek lintisterse.. -
several ofdeial advisers of the Ning nose
having seen so omeh of their moire coentrys.
The. Provincial authorities coninderieneeese
sery to protect thern „durin ;the greater.pw.
of their journey by the presence of sat emit, -
of six gendarmes. They keard of brigaado.
repeatedly, snd it WM evident that the deags
er was not imaginery. It may be 'rarities.-
posine,but (menet be the most atteteahis •
way of seeing Myreence, 14Iympia, Phigaliito
and Spar ta, AO begin bysplacing videttees, staii
then making Classic _researohea, revolver -is -
band. 1.0,4 Jobe liervey the .110‘..11.r
Strait, and Mrs Moore, have been mom. few
tunate than Mr. Molest atiklus
sengers in the l'hebat dilligenee.
gos contrived to dine with them at the ivies:
of the l'higalian Templel'ittiry migh_t have -
had a very heavy bill to pay ter very. bad sc.:
commedaticin. They visited ltholue
escort of six gendarmes, but they -wilt regatta
artiiiitetswcoartaOnfd iiTthleermastotpeyniset:oeirisite arathon
'Axtronore ',Int FatatR„Eurratos..--
nerd is an interesting anecdote told of*. • .
present Emperor of the .Froacis (how tea,
boyhood s--"Upoit tine occasion, while Itore•
-.tense was reading at Constance, prang Louis:
Napoleon was torbiddento go beyond the•
encioshre of the garden. Ile violated Ibis
command, however; and On a cold 11110iir-
day strayed ott and cmild not be foetid. -
Search wee made lor hins„ and at last he was
discovered coming in at the sear of tbe preens -
es_ without hat,. coati. or shoes. ile endear.
ored to teach . his chamber unobserved:Vat
was taught 'by his tutor, and taken to its
mOther. Al first •he refilled to acciact foe -
his singular appearance, but at last - told tha -
Queen thet he had .seen aspens Ana' ler
the pile of the chateau. One of thec
had no hat, another lacked a boa!, and &-
third wanted shoe.s. He bad deprived bine.
self of these articles ot clothing so give- ick,
the children, and had walked home through.
the sno* without them. .
ISGIENIFIFF OF SltrGOLSRS.---Quili-111 cord
aedauwaSsaecessfailY Canted out on the St.
Lawrence river by a party or smuggle= *
short time ago, which has recently come to.,
the knowledge of the -Commissioner of Cus-
toms, The factsere these One of the gangs.
of smugglers called upon a cellector. on the
frontiet, and informed him that he had in,
forinatiou that parties would -endeavor to
bnng across the river a barrel of whethey
a alkali boat. The place end -time of landing
were given to the collector by the infortegv...
At- the appointed hour the *Seer: -With Bo
posse, was onshand, and, after watching fori1
short period, ,,descried the boat aeatiog the
Shure. The smugglers,seeing thet they were. -
observed by parties on ehedende Awed their
boat dnft down stream whit the intestaise •
'of lauding at another poiut. The collector
with his tome followed, and, after -some little
enanceuvriag, captured the party logetbee
with the whiakey. While this am barrel
being rhiked by the smugglers, th maim note
tient of the gang successfully , at -the
!spot 'first visited by the collector, three husi!
dred barrel* of liquor, basin tialmea.
wear at handl-got *Why With it, 114111 41101111DS
the payment of the duty. -,i-pliolfato -Ccoeise.,
jr).- A -curious amvulaion astors -
curry(' lately at -Bon Desuctoantry of Toe.*
sac, C., E.,- hy which an lainsiese siarl
dwelling houses barns aid etinstntr
building,' were removed-toadatotwoofaintat
trio scree below their oregitelliitess:' and the
beach close by strewn vtitk itainetispitoeldent
'and raised to ate ight of from 20-- to 30 feet,
above its ordinary _Wye!, while -the grcund alk
Around, over an area of12 or 12 sems, was
cut up with crevices. The elide- coveted asi-
extent of over 12-ticrei in width by fele tit
ire= depth.-e-Ifinve Rime laquieer.
• • •
off to follow Tim tracei cif the tweeted beast. mence-1 CaStifq li"se their gins' end m"iegi •
Tire Krebs assisted in. the- ..seersee heepies• 'other piepirations for resistance; but :the
howe_ver at a iesPectable distance tufa eheete cd.l4e lietle band of blue jackets erne:, .
- re7 a eeneral resh Overboard, and hasty retreat
d h •
of bosom and dist • or tall g But -we e sue a pante-amongst them that thin* was` Gcpsittal, Jail; 19, 1966;
Le to the bills. Lient St. John was soon in
Masi let our hunter Mate
his -ex etien • of °
a ton's embracein his own lrOrdi; '13116 ex-
periences not al every day occurience • possession Of the junks, but could oulveicare
our prisoners, who are now lodged tri the
" SUddelltly a potkerful roar came forth
a• goal of Hong -lien* The pirates, recover
'from the- inidat of one of these tits, and
hitt frOm their surprise, rallied. and tiienty
saw the lion rise ep, and withehe 'est boand biting encoaraged • by a .ehiefor head men.
he canie Within six yards of 'tvh4e I Stood.
advanced to within 45 or 50 yards, brandilb-
Flurried hy the inuninenee of- the: danger, I ing their &Word& and amiketis hut it pre
fired Without -taking nim ; and 1 Iliad 'barely
seined their powdei bad become ait and use -
time to- prest toy tinger.on the trieger before los wiien they jumped aveihoata.. A yoili
the enronnouie mass tell iipon tne, cruishitie
0 fkom the gallant little band, .covered bY the
me doWn; *at overthrown; niyie• d d
wards the lien was over tnr*
right arm hetween.his yaws.
instmet ot preservation, endeev
from Six te eight 24 and 18 pougMers tack.
bun possession of my -plat olse witl r. the. left -
to beat off' or sink any gueboart that attempt -
which being brought on One. side j# -tee
but they had fallen out of the .waiii band svheil
1.,ura struck duwill I was thus ft helpless' vessel, Made a formidable -Utter'', sufficient
istabist mY terrible adversary
arni-..and casuality, which reflects Much credit on him
itt,h;DteilLettatneY. janks- add ieembarked his menewithout
ine one ed the passage. Lieut. Ste -John burnt ehe
as he e_xecuted*: dashing nit. for which leis
Oppossure's guns soon dis?rrsed4heet
d• had my.
"'The junkri'were flioored with their bs'Oad6
beYirig the- Zies to the entrance of the inlet, arid citnied
d b-
other ineaus_of defeuce then my e
which was paralyeldin the alibi
. .
e owever, let go m
sought to catch me by the head the site ng
which he- took -.front behind to eflept. this
cauSed me to elip onder hien, bu his tooth
and "cat
Inan effott
the-, ear ';
IF9r iawl I
took my loWer hp in the moveine
it down to the _chin. Iltr 11:6311ell
seized theliou ehe pleura, give
- end tlippieg- my tharnh under its I
managed to keep it .at a Mates° annther
moment Made . me Slip -further, that he
could nolofiger eatch my head withoet ihang-
iog positione-htiehesseieedeipnri :my arm.
asecond iinie end bit it severely, - this
had taken Much less tune than has hook:once
pied in the d-seriptin. Nevr..r. bating' lost
highly eulogised by the Hortg Kong Press.
Qn board one of these junha he found a little
wounded Chinese boy, eieht or utile 011111
of awe. He had been taken prisoner by
these pirates about six days prencnitly, when
'he received* spear wound, three irehes deep
-in the showder. Thi poor chilitcould only
give a confused account or the attacking on
the junk be was in:II:Ile shipmates were
either killed or dispersed, and he found
self alone among the pirate crew. He is
-now under the kind treatment of the surgeon
of the Princ ss Charlotte, and most rateable
my senses,1 thee sheeted out, It evidence has he given at the police•epurt,
`-eere eel' *which 'doubtless' e.ourieltie Trisonert
min 1 help But in vain. I saw nti one. -h -
strength began .to fait me in cense-
qunnce et the •prolengede resign' ace- 1- had
oppoeederieny advereary, when ..preteived
that- the hou was lets, vigorous, aild that he
;appeared even as_if about to let me gee „This
inepired me with newriceurage, and ilsosgave
the captain time toseome.to help, Mid' to
diSeharge _ his doublesrille - in eke flanks
of the Ileppily fee ,mel' the
' balls had no inipetus, or *het' wotild-hateletene
tletotigh Me as wet1 as the lions- - --
."Thest two nevi, wenn& henee'.-Ouly in-
creased the; Airy of the beast, Which, letting
go My artnt,seized me by the --shoulders- the
only port that -lie could lay held of , thee ria
ing upon' hit hind legs, he. bounded towards.
the heittoin of the ranee, -carrying me .:erith
-hifii, This -was a. hoirible inemeet. end I
for the preseet year, and,illa, $7-5. tholight hadseached niy last. Ai he ,went
deuce er000soperintemtent oce huk bneinesi has,been more or less im; aired by s . : - • -__ss !wile s s , - - • • - e, • .
drat idols tkere Are '01,e- Amebae -0- nd -the_ policy Pursued ; the eesult is iudebtedness Nooretow.ti, will attend
for Wee schools in, the COntitar, It -Will the
- see • in everysifirection, trout _the .Gosernment to -The LOrd BishhP of IldrOn will take the That
smallest Fanner.. in the -land, and we be- , cludr-af !O a 4139tation• :Moved by Iliehael :Zeller seconded ;by iny back thafitd on the rocks; iteverth4se
„ RS, lpif_7_,I3rolariqbe.an stilt oeceearrei soadese
shouted'out, -Captain,' dike; my gun, - it has
• s•
• a dd tl • da not know if alto
ajtscheel 11 departure:. front .the Jetter P° -
g y e ipossuau -
It is said that within thelist twelve twelve
months. Lieutenant Ste John .bas catitured
35 pirate .1thiles, mounting in the aggregate
140 guns, taken 56 pirates, and liberated
150 captives. • -
,Ttle is.11AGRA- Catar;.-. (fp On
-1) t
auditor ef the New :Ye& state Canals, in
ainual4repert to the legislature, idiot ohjec
the Nia41.nt efalt ettnaleehemN ittaa
*fAues- that it woidttpreeeliighly injurious to
'the eommereial and financial intetests „of the
state's, „He says.;-
ign viesi.of the fact that we in New York=
'haire ahem and single- banded,- been the;first
AP Open'Olt avenne of transit from the North
west to the AtlantiC,-.and have girlie inciems.
ed the wiped/ ot that avenue mot* than one
hundred.. folds by which we have „incirred
large liabelines that are a -heavy -harden 'Upon
our-finincial reboutces, and that we Nave:
tendered a further : increase of t,hase tren•tit
d b d* - tacilitiel at the es ese of indli as u
p. m., dn a res mee Anditor.--Carried.. The Reeve appointed
• - • "ev ' etre f thiais d ' '
titt oluerukl gat, there Is no penalty e th e cause° -to be faun la the On the mission work gaing -on in -this . . . • I
!icy of -the B ks
ofilso law ia this respect ; and.. it wciuld„
—04 we ou t the real.ktirit of lhe ikons' PESISIra..------=The Bit tliday'of
law by seetwing unifcirmity end. efficiency 1 Ors inunortalbdrd will be eclat ated by a
glieseporiotoodome of WO. soiloOlo of festival Itt the. of ;Berne, townline of
attgeogniimirecitr. toanacippoliktut,y_onivee ipsialnitonoviseretheou InsyTtaxinti thaanyleey:15otahattint re-4ieeticiontag-inefiutheefoereaten
• 4004 fet it. Belpes, 'jean na . -11 - -
4averfattliiikatiatobe- ripeolauthaulealxw.itktbat. tieth:e';eroyu ebifigAactAioziti:stati-y3iowe..trsas.rsAtartive_.11-411Wice Ca or umn do en r.
- hear me ut he id within& •
an . - - — DaveltWanless; an - " It Wag in these ,frig,hfut torturee that -I millions of dollen' as s?ou as we cpuld it
_ . „ • I - Pe
- • • d t nd wed ate
I c a
liored by william 'Case seconded by Wil arrived at the bottom of the ravine. without. insPastall a Bee a
. our Delegatee as Washing -ton. Tiirnbull,"that.this council adjourii and - Sadden', I sal!. bba sink -4•Jw01... and fail bardaa arta our.lital and the industrial ro•
ts fo
haIPPIA • anyennteutlont for every- e! et anew and- beautiful magi- Wiiva and-Aleans, with regard to the- object easier' thief, who haseeet escapee 'teem ehe • 1P ---his terrible striiggle, whiele sta. only' ests and immunitiele but that we should pre
this anis, ill &bet lur bo _made,- be 'hecomiuir too wail ktiolin to rertaire dpecia1 vn.,L.firie belie of Wild dacha „passed over illegal contrieetaions on.tee .peasaute- of hie horseback_ to iti‘ tent, and thenc4i,„. oe others: sabeareitaio to -oar own.
obre the etionty smr.rietet! e.t, be c mutetulation, Th ntlity„ asp:sine.
is , , _ , v evying e. e was co veye on mg &Just regard te the risible end eintetests
Prioselethe nig t of 2istla lilts.. hough native .- It appears that-Nazaro w.in in a vehl- e Beet Oa purpOSel an , Cern tit -WhateVar emi* be -the east of the-libigara
over on his left side, his hindquarters me sing g911rces dour peo e; when we have *lied
meet eosin on the 2dd Titesday in February
Washington, anuary 17. -The delegation * w on my le.s • the lien was expinn 1 It was Con-rrress togive us a million of dollars te aid
from theNorth American :Thitish Provinces
next at ten o c -m• t le To n.111111.: hign time. 1 tet ro-the mane-. an elutehine us thess effortsof toMsercialsdnacenssut
possible; aa extension of the Reciprocity
• . •
ToWnshlp Ole& supreme -effort,- stepped oyer tbe - prostrate tome forward and say t,o tis ire dissirstasid
who are here for the purpose -of securing,. WILLIAM W1LSOlg, .by a tuft. tit grass,'-/ raised "iiiYael up by :it aud been -refused, inct now to hove others
Treat accent anied by Sect t M
y, p e ary eCulloelt, and.clamberedelp to the point from suit have s new sotto to market for ***titre- -* "
calledon the Presidentloaday and paid theit' Ratislaiuriradek. EfillePPaikd' whence he had di -egged me. There tIM 'judo we meat none -of -ytiar canals; we-tivant - • -4-,Aucito
ressects - They promise in a day or two I ming arm beleameagoniniog, tin& 'trying to somethint, more expeditions anti cheeper, Godsrick, Ian* 113* 186A, "141 4"1
tkOo to&
- do ..•:••••..; ,s;; 11:14' 1:15
40:1; ;:1;.;;;'• ••• 043
Flour la -0 Ikea
Pitto _ • • . .
thirletr 3111 AI) •• .• 0_0 lagy
Sheep-. • •:•- •••••• ;Zs ••••;',,,• • ••
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Offie,e at 'Detre Ileiet-7-:Office host* from:
10 a.m. to 3p.m. " owdr
MEM-11state, atells0 .„.
1J . Margie rosomsbia. Apply to
Goderich, Jimmy) ori2
N attic* ele!le te %resat
StileLallt it wimps.
Goderich nth arint.'1868. -
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Referee 2ais fat
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1?,. lords*, Gateser
contbe, cliattet, B. ft*
ddieheise Dealers.
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Ctarke, D.,
This invaluable lam*
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to vritsela the female eel
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English paper, ressprisiet
PA1'. :B001t4,- cb
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ply any 'book amens or Him 41 heed
given for. valoe_ received front loch.
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tin the provadons the insolivent Amt.
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4. 77; • atli—vaftion
inakiwo a tiip t, Richmond - and- upon - The St Peter6arg Grams'. publishes ipme mere it, arm and fingeraboth obe ed wilt even wheen freed f
y ro t semiotic, tne
retare ave An interview With the Seere- interesting‘partictdars of 'the life, ind ex_ I saw with jay no, ono( were bro en, oily that eelfpreaervation -and dot/ 40 vitraelves
tary 'Treasury and tbe Committee of loits of Timothy Nazaroff a distinguishd the arm had been glitftilly bitten 4 dealand Of Minot t0 Athandoa our 0,4k:inter-
Copt" or udrogtn the -country, and that t , t d me the h m W thin
z-zut The*Atgoht4s4 ntoinises to be a ;session. . • han a of 'int 'foe _fift -tl a i forn two to three minut 1 serve and rotect t ar as we can
QS oxce lent hook. Quad -Words whiet • • - „ .
- 'months noW e by I lion -hunter his -IT
e near I post he p houlas‘ hav
• b. dippoi, tut wocia toter viva th, 'All of thetoivie are' on sale at this °Mee, au& i_terisibt.e ie. cOn!eflitenee Of 91.e nip tify wpie arrested for 9rdinary theft abotit 11 yeity, arra jeAsbythi..r:wife .ia 'teats:, At yat,n as e_hip canal coqributed byethe nenited. Stnertes,
- - „ ten en 14 y recommend them td- igyere „distinctly nearopassing otetneee ana going and threw into prison! at Smolenali - He aueuttea tate the hospaat .-imere for rieght eteW.YeriC Will eventually pay at Leapt One
..dutlei Of the Olrute
ot tweed British literature. in a southerly, direction, _ • -4 s
. managed to ;get out however and retinniug dttYs the sargeons thought he so never eixth'parh of H."; -
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in the ialitteraf Robert SWIMS
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