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The Blyth Standard, 1947-11-19, Page 1
r• VOLUME 53 • NO. 10 LYTH STANDAR BLYTH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 19, 1917 • Ladies' Auxiliary Legion Nomination Week -End I WESTFIELD AUBURN Group Formed Here This is nomination week -end in the 1 \li Vivian Straliglrm of London, On Friday cern n�, the honor of 11 r, 'floc Ladies' Auxiliary of 14.0h various Inca) Inttuicil,alitius. and Nits. \\'tn. NIcVittic oras the ,cute with her mother, \Irs• t \I. On hriday the Village „f 1;13'(1, the Straughan. Branch N. 420, Canadian (.(;_aims, held of a very Immo gathering when the l ),.u;dtl Ros,, their organization meeting in the Nlem_ 'Cuwil,itip of Ilttllett and the 'I' w''- friends and neighbour; gathered and of (;Ih, spent tllc sl+i, ill East \1'.av;tnosh, nouminat,, for , week -111+1 ,with his mother, Mrs. Fred urial hall Thtwsd;ty night, November I presented \Ir• and Nits. 'fed I•:as,, Ros.. lith. the various municipal offices• The newly sleds, (lith a kitchen shower, Nliss D• II . Hoyle, Zone Reprt•,c,it_ 111)tlt nominations \•;11 be open from The guest, \ere received by \Irs. Mr. 1'swo garages are 11 nhing , sus let n tative, of Stratford, ‘N as in charge of 12 until 1 .(('cluck noon of that clay, I \ittie. it. tier of the bride. The br:dc'; at the Huron County property. They the meeting, assisted by Ni r,. 1tv ts, and Mullett and Fast \\';avail s1I will gifts (were ,loon h3' Dorothy and Rel -,etre purchased from the Pert .\Ihert President of the Stratford Ladies' nominate from 1 to 2 p.nt•, followed by' Berta •Mc\'itt:v. The evening was spent ;:\fr School. 'They are fine looking Auxiliary, and Nits. Richards, Stand- '+ public (meeting. ,\ public tweeting in uuial intlrrnursr• The fnllowwin;.lh!lii,lings and (sill h1 (nand very use - the count cgnipuu nt The election of 1 fficers took place, nomination no•cting, and if one is held, II (row the weather. and were instructed in their duties: ; it is usually :tt the h - til- of 8 p.m., the 1 Dear Nlarjcrit and Ted: Air• an(' 11 r,. David \\'. 1Lunil- President : Mrs. I). C. Draper. same evening 1 t !! with .Mr. and\Ir,. NI:tc\l!,ter 1st \'ire: Nit,. J. Sims. file Township of \I tri, will hold \\e your 111;1113' friends have gathered at Parkhill and with Nit. and \Irs, 2nd Vice: Nits. R. 'lintel!. their nomination meeting \Io„ day, \o -' here tonight Norman Hamilton, Illyth• Sccrctary : Nlrs. I, hall. wentbcr .Nth, at the „ tonn,hip hall. 1 Its give you some advise 00 married life NIr. and Mrs• \\illianl liaggitt are I•:Icctiot' date; for all the above men - Treasurer; NI rs . F., 1'hill:ps • Standard L'ea'er: Mrs• F. \lad - ducks. Pianist: Nits. V. Sims. Executive Ntrs• P. Cole. NI rs George NI c\all, \Irs • NI . \(anoint; . Thirteen candidates were initiated. .\ social hour was enjoyed and the ladies and guest; drew for prizes, Orangemen And Wives En- joy Annual Fowl Supper The Royal Black Preceptor). \o. 1226 and 1,0.1.. No. '963 held their annual turkey ,upper in the Illyth sIcmnrial hall .n Friday everting, ,November 7th, About two hundred sat down to a real banquet which all enjoyed greatly, also the fine fellow - slap of the cvetttug was gr'e'atly .p- _;lr:a:i,t.t t',l • Nit. I.. E. Cardiff, NI P., acted as chairman for a very tine program Readings by Nliss Shirley Falconer; piano„s.do, Miss Loi; (;raspy, and four numbers by the Myth Male Quartette, with Miss Alice Rogerson at the pi- ano, were very much appreciated by Although the sun shone bright 011.3 -ur at present having their house wired for tiouctl nnnliripalit:es have liven ,et wedding day' electricity. sloth(' mwt'e dant the required anal- 1 1 here nil! aiwways he clouds come along \Ir. and Nits. 11`illianl Dodd have herof candidates quality • These date; will he announced next ((reek if neces- sary. V Blyth Council Holds Statutory Meeting nut down thr- ugh the side road is ;t 3'0111• twat'. had tlte.t• home \vire(' for electririt). But pass theta off with a big lit! smile Reg. .\squish of Toronto ssitll \Ir. And he(((re very long you will find and N1rs• C. E. Asquith smile is worth (while. •dr• and Mrs, Gordon \\'all and son, Now Nlarjorfe. 'fed is a h mine la 1, David Wall of II.lyrotd, ssitll Mrs. And over the hills he lilted to gad, It,hn .lrthnr. The Statutory meeting of the Niu'i- cipal Council, Corporation of Illyth, was held in the Nlenturial hall on Sat- urday, Nov. 15th, with Reeve Ititintun and l'' tnlcillors NlcNall, 1'adfur(t and Watson present. The treasurer, \les. Louse Ik•- \a•d, presented the statement of re- ceipts and expenditttt•cs to the ("min- ed which statement showed an esti- mated balance of .$1,424.42 for the year 1948. it was ((loved by Councillors NIc\all and \\'atson that the 'Treasurer's Re- port he accepted, anti that she he I:,•rehy authorized to have the necessary num- ber of copies of this statement print- ed for distribution (i) the ratepayers• Carried, Miss Jean l.a Ior at (;alt • lovely view(, i . Its • Joseph 1r33 in swish Nlr• and And as he drove through he thought Mrs. Af • Iloltzhaner, of Myth. to epll, Sanic and Re1f. Carter of Port And on he went till he came to hill Elgin \were visitors here on Saturday • 11c\'ittic's gate .Fran(: Phalen ni Toronto with Igen of you, Anilthat i, where he met his mate.Johnston. 1 l • \\'ilson with mi.. and Now NIarjuric my dear Harold Nicholson, of Seaforth. I'h s year I9-17 las ,tire been a lucky Nlr• and Mrs. Beverley Freac11 and one for you. fancily of Detroit with Mr. and \fes, :\nd he sure yon snake fat• 'fed ;t good George II •;11 , wife And itv his side in all kinds •--f Strife. Mrs. Eliza J. Fell Death carte suddenly 011 Sunday. Novw;t little advise to Ted tsould be November 9th, to Eliza lane Peacock good, ' Fell, widow of John Fell, in her 78th( so he would know \vial a good bus- year, Om Saturday she suffered a cerebral heut,rrhage and passed ;away in about 24 hours at her home at baud should, \\sten Nlarjoric makes her fir t puntp- Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2.00 in the U.S.A. Music'I'eachers Meet 1 District Governor (guest 'I':te Huron Itr;u+r1 of 1.).1( • Ni •"P•.\. i ()f 1.1on5 Cltlb wet at 11i- `,I ill•' lane Ntullthty tV i): 1ricl t;u(ertor 1.1 yd 1?diglnfirr, cuing; ,with NI i,- Ilrilun, t lint, 01. l,re- idulg. NI; , L. \\';I,I , l:ektrave, :t'''rl•lary. I 'mfr 1,11e IIII'Inller, (11rr rllci(cd, :11 1 .11 ,1 lite NI of 1,111 o1 tilt Iltel'lll g ;111 opt•1I tl ,ell- '.ull 11 nnts'r (r -tit •:\. ' ;1, Ic,l ity \1 t - • NI r - Dougal, (; 11(riell• It was ti ii t ail - ...foible for t1,• future to 113-e smaller group festival, ,o as to eliminate the large ntry in classes at (ioderich fes- tival. (hely those cbtaining the high- est mark would be c1i;iLlc tor (;ode- '1'hc meeting closed With a group of \rano uunlhcrs by 111. \\'rkett, (;udericl. WEDDINGS \Icl•,i ROI' hI\'fO1'I:—\(:tried, in `e!fort1 , on Saturday, \nrenller ISili, 1947, at tie United (:lurch \hose, 1y the Rev. 11• \'. \\'ork- nlan. \Villain 11• •\Irliroy-• mf Ill'tit. and Mary (; slew Rigout!, of Myth, formerly of Scatortlt . WINS AT ROYAL WINTER NI r• Dirk Leevett has returned from his livestock judging tour, and won honours at the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto. He was among the first Itwenty of his class • 1 — FORMER BLYTH BOY IN PAL-. MERSTON BUSINESS DEAL Nit. Barrie Mcl.1r v and Nit. Elwood Smith, Listowel merchants, have pur- chased /.urbrigg's grocery business in Palmerston and will take possession \\'ednesti:ty, 'to emter 1'). NI r. \lc- t Elroy- tvill be itt charge and a modern of the Mitchell Lions Club, paid his nf- iirial visit to the Instil Club ,(1111 they nlnt on Tuesday night . ()tiler guests included Jas • Lawrie, :\lice Rogerson, II it aril \\'allace, Dun .,lc- lienric, Norma Daer, (;arf NlcClincicv, `Itetwalt Toll, (;rant Spading„ Fdizabeth Mills and Carol Ann Rogers. Nlusirall', the Club w•as entertained by the Myth Niall quartette. tilt( gave tail fine 'umbers, assisted by Miss Roger-ut at the piano, and two saxu- 161one ,hurts it Stewart Tutl and (:orf ,,I '(Barley, :\uhtlrn, assisted at the piano h3'• Miss N rola Daer. llotlt 'rou:is were greatly enjoyed. During the supper Lion Tarter Start ( ltllety called oro ..corral bions for vocal number.— 1.lull Stall was again pinch-hitting for lion Tamer Stan. Sihttlorpe, (win was also(( • District Governor Ediglruffer was fast duced by \.inn `;••••••. Kyle, and chose as the subject of his address, "Isn't Life Interesting.” 1.ir.n Lloyd spoke of his visit to Lions lnterna- titkn;ll lead office at Chicago where 125 full-time employees arc required to attend the business of (,511) Lion; lltnhs, comp.. -.'sed of 330,1100 members Ile told of the great interest and pride Head Office take; fn I.ionisnt in Canada, and h1 also spoke oi the keen interest taken by I,ondrnc District -I in the progress of the Blyth Club. Ile suggested a budgeting plan for the ('lug funds. and also gave committee chairman ''a shot in the arnt"—to be n! n' efficient, energetic and active. There is a great need in our Clubs for education—not academic, not degrees— grocery, fruit and vegetable business but that we learn to live, according to trill be conducted. 1 our democratic way of life, which The members of the partnership ate 1 based upon respect for personality, M- ille large audience, ' Llttesale, \urs• fell was horn in Mor- and successful n11nIttttt`1rusts tip n faith its the value of an in - l( was moved Icy Councillors Rail- daughterI<in pie and the new business under their elf 11111 11111 Ile quoted a nu,ther, say \ most enlightening address on the ;ford and \\';tts + til;at a s•ote of thank; And the milk she forgets to put in tis 'Township, of the late I public school situation in Dalhousie, ntakcs them dry. I Mr. and 'Nits. George Peacock, Pion- !rection will no doubt meet with sac I fags "tion i want you t0 get such an i he given \urs. Durward f;;r the excel- lent work and condition in which the Don't frown and scold and be cross as cut settlers of the township• Slut• at- I cess ' education a; no )ran will ever look sale. , Presbyterian Nl infster of Blue- hank; h nave been kept, std for the ;is -1 a beau I, tended S • S • No • 1(1, Morris, and tut- tile abosl IIIipPiug was takes irnnl vale. I • , u t,l \,. Banner. :\ host ill local sist;utcr. she has always given the just loot: across the table. and say to her, lowing her marriage she continued to The Nati nal :\sthem brought to t These pies are most delicious dear, live in this distcrict • Atter the death 11ricuds \will wish Borrie, a former council the pas( year which has large I'm sure you'll he good conk for of her husband 17 years ago she 'towed popular RI)th boy, the very hest of close this very pleasant evening •, fly contributed to ns having such an a g luck. excellent „ report , years. ' to Blnevalc where she had continued showing the stir - to live• She was a menther of the Tilt, little advice we give to you United Church, was active in the And we hope it will follow you many.. work of the 1V. Nt •S• and the 1V0- ..years- through - tnatt's Association. ` She is survived And when you are both old and gray by one son, George of liluevalc. Her And sit by your fire side gay younger son Fletcher served in the And the wind outside k Ituw•lin' around Secohd (ire;tt \Vat and died fol' Just think of your old time friends years ago. Surviving also are two In. Westfield Town brothers and one sister, John Peacock. Nits, Alva Nlci)u\ell then asked the L'oisrevain, \Ian., James Peacock and bride ;std Nlrs • George 'Thornton, Illucvalc. groom to ::Pen their gilts, Nits. Earle Noble and Nits. \Vitt• after which the groom thanked the Thucll, of Illytl, are nieces, and at friends of behalf of his bride and hint tended the Ittneral which was held •.•n self, for their many lovely and useful \n\enthcr lltlt from her late rw,i- gifts. After singing "For 'l'hcy arc I'dcnce, Jolly good fellows" the bride a ti groom assisted by 1)or: thy and Ro- berta NIc\'itt e, served wedding cake NI r, I) •uglas Ross lett Monday night and candy. from \lalton to return to \'ellowknife, NIT. and (\Irs. Albert Campbell, of 1 N,\\'•'I'., after visiting his father, Dr. Auburn, were visitors at NIT. and NIrs•',lohn Ross, at the home of Nits. D• \V, I.. Campbell's on Sunday, \1cGowam, for the past two weeks • Nit. and Mrs. John Daer and fancily, Nits. Ida 1. Craig received word on of :\churn, visited on Friday, with Nfr. \\'te 11esday that her brother, Nlr. \Vm. Smith of Paniman, Sask., had slept lev, 11. C. and Nlrs. \Vilson and ,away this )\Vednesday) morning. Bride Entertained .\ very Pleasant time was spent Monday' afternoon, November 17th, at I the home of \Its. \\'illiant Nlorritt, when she, assisted by Mrs. John Mr -1 Gee, entertained a number of neigh - hours in 111011(10 of \1 rs • 11, NI t:Eln y, wlto was a bride of last wccel:, at \which time the presentation of a crystal tab-•; Ie lamp \•as made. The recipient re- plied in a kw well chosen words, thanking the ladies for their gift and good wishes, after which a dainty lunch was served. \Irs, McGee, not behalf of the lad- ies assembled, spoke a few words, wel- coming NI rs • Nieldro). 10 their midst • V — TelegramOf Good Wishes Sint From Fortner Member' On 'Tuesday Mrs. Frank NIa•sha11 received a telegram( of good \•ishes from NI r. Phil Phillips, a former 1 ncuntber of the Illyth Glee Club, wish- ' int; the Club the best of success its their first venture, which was the cm - cert held last night, \\'ctlttesday. Phil was a member until he left here to j work at Clayton Mines, Northern On- tario, and apparently' he has nvt ins( interest in the Club. Needless to say, \Irs• N1 arslt;til atpreciaed the gesture 'very much, • • Pelts wt' now have• Carried. Mowed by' Ccuncillurs Radford and Alt•Nall that we do nuw_aj.Qurn..Ciu•' tied,—(ioi'tIon'Elliott, Clerk. wr Willing Workers Met On November 5th the \Villiig \York- ers of the nth line Morris met at the home of Nits. John Fairscr•icc with 7 ladies present • Onc quilt was fin- ished. When the meeting was calf tl to, order plans were made for the com- ing euchre and bridge and dance on November 26th • The next meeting was planned fn' the home of Mrs. James Gibson on Dec . 3rd • :\iter a dainty lunch was served, the draw was made, Mrs. Harry Gihliots %•cin\ the lucky \v�intuy', Property Changes Hands NIr• Thomas Mason has sold his residential property on Queen street, south, t -t NIr• Albert Radford of Mul- lett township, who gets Possession on December 15th. Nit.. and Tars. Ma- son will shortly be moving to Wind- sor where they have purchased a home. Mr. Mason bought the pro- perty from Iter. ilarvev NfcCallum last summer and obtained Possession 00 July 22nd. \\'e are sorry to see then( leave our village • vol Mrs. Douglas Campbell. John, of Brussels, were guests on Fri- day, at the home of Nit.;td Mrs, Jack Buchanan. \I r. and NIrs, J. 1.. Al 1)0W(.11 spent the weck•end \vitt) Nlr, and Nits. Earnest Nairn, of Grand Valley. Nit. and NIrs. Fred Cook and family visited on Sunday with \Ir. and Nits. McDowell, assistant Secy., NIrs• Hugh Blair, NI rs. Gordon Sntith; Missionary Monthly Secy., Nits. Norman McDow- ell; Press Secy., NH's. Stanley kook; Rep., to Official Church 11:ard, Mrs, Frank Campbell ; Pianists, \1 isscs \\'innitrcd C'am ,bell, Nlae Wii �I o fan, 1AMONG THE CHURCHES UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA: REV \1'• J. ROGERS, N11\lS'I'l 1(1.15 a • m .: Sunday School. 11.15 a. nt - Nlorning Worship. 7 p, m • : Evening Worship. TRINITY CHURCH, BLYTH Sunday next het" 're Advent, 1)1.45 ado : Sunday School. down upon you—and such an education as you will never look down upon any. roan." Are we doing our utmost to educate our fellow -citizens in democ- racy. Canada is on the crest of a Dawe, \with all factors favourable for high national income. The test for Canada will, tone, may be coming now, Mien the postwar booth is over. The speaker offered the following suggest- ions for a safer, brighter future: "Serve and not be served; Give and not get; Clean environment for bun's and girls ((tut of school hours; support our Ischools in teaching of citizenship and co-operation; Practising the golden 1 role.' "Ile who \v sold he master Hurst 11.3)) a•111: Morning Prayer and i first he servant of all." 'rano "'I'lu • , I"1111 • f 11"II " St ret wl s n t . Certificates of membership were presented to Lions \\'ilhttr Rclgers and Fred Howson by the District Gover- nor. The presentation of a l.ey mem- bership was also made to Lion Presi- dent Pcrt Gr;a•. mon. 7 311 p•en: Evening Prayer awl, Sermon, "'The Church of the :\pustles".I TRINITY, BELGRAVE 2 p • nl : 111ible Claus • 2•ell p•t1: Evening Prayer and Ser• ST, MARK'S, AUBURN x),15 a . nl : Sunday School • 10 a .111: 11013' Communion mon. Lion President pert Gray extended a vote of thanks to the District. Gov - and Set- ernot' - NI rs . 1lodd's group of the \V • A • Don't forget your food parcels for served a splendid thea) and an extett- Itlyth, England. siun of thanks was made by Lion The A.\'•P.A. will meet at the Gord. Elliott, accepted by Mrs. N. P. Rectory at 8.30 p.m., Friday, Garrett E. Jamieson, of Ashfield, 4 1 1' Phyllis C -sok, Mrs. \Villiaut Walden; Mr. and Mrs, Jack Buchanan visited (,roup Committee, .NI rs. Stanley Cook, 4NP##1,11~14,...(MrI#0 . .IL•I.. ? oil Sunday with Nor, Ray N. nice nt of j \Irs. Iiugh Blairs Nliss Mac Wight ratan• The December meeting will he held the first \\'edttesday, (Dec. 3) and will be the Christmas meeting also a with Nlr. and \irs. Douglas Campbell. social tints• The monthly meeting of the \\'. NI. 'Tic Nlission Band met in the base - S. was held Dot Wednesday afternoon mens of the Church on Sunday after - in the school room of the Church with noon with 16 members present and 17 present, The devotional program \Irs. Norman McDowell presiding. was in charge of Mt's. Alva Mcl)ow- I.aIwremcc Campbell read the Scripture ell's group and Nliss Phyllis Cook's lesson. A reading was given by Ger- group, with Nirs.:\Iva Nlcl)owell lead- aid _McDowell. Nits. Charles Smith itg the meeting. \Vinuifred Campbell , gave the Chapter in the Study Book. Presided at tic Piano. The scripture -Mrs• Howard Camphcll had charge of followed with prayer by \Irs. Atva'Mc- the election of officers. President, Dowell and the Lord's prayer in uni- hobby Carter; 1st Vice, Gordon Smith; son, Study book was taken by -Mrs. Sec., Gerald McDowell; Treas.. Lois Fred Cook. Prayer, Mrs. Marvin Mc- Campbell. i'hc meeting closed with Dowell. Readings were given by Nlrs. prayer. i-Ittgh Blair, Mrs. \Vm. 1Vatticn, Mrs. 'file Farm Format met on Nlonda7 Charles Smith, NI rs. Alva McDowell. night at the home of :, r • a:+(' Mrs • The election of officers for 1948 tool: Howard Campbell with a good attee- ;:lace and are as follows: President, dance, and after listening to the N1 rs, \\'tit. NI cVittie ; 1st vice, Mrs. radio broadcast sante discussion was Gordon Snell; 2nd vice, Mrs. Gordon held 00 a farm organization for ev- Slmith; Recording Secretary, Nits. cryune. The social activities were its Nlarvin llcDowcll; Cor., Secy., Nlae charge of iia and Eddie Taylor. The \\ ighttlan: 'Treasurer, \V. NI. S., Mrs.' Forma next NI :nday will be held at Stanley Cook, assistant, \\'innifrcd the hone of Mr. and Nlrs• Nlarvin Campbell; Treasurer \V. A., NLes.:\I- Nlcl)owell, with \'ictor and Cecil va McDowell, assistant, Mrs. John Campbell in charge Of social activit- Buchanan; Christian Stewardship Sec, les. A short discussion was held on Mrs. Fred Cook; Strangers Secy., Nlrs• the hospitalization Plan, and at canvass John llmchanan, Mrs, \Vat. Cater, will he 'made later. Lunch was serv- Mrs. Melvin' Taylor;. Supply Secy., eel. Mrs. \\'alter Ccnk; Mission Band NOBLE --In \\Ingham 1lospital, on Monday, N,'vembcr 171)1, 1947, to Mr. and \Irs • Roy Noble, of \\'est- - field, the gift of a baby daughter • Congratulations are extended. 1 Huron County Federation Of Agriculture Annual Meeting and Protest Meeting PROTESTING FARMERS COSTS Vs. RETURNS Fcr PRODUCTS to be held in the Town Hall, Clinton Tuesday, November 25th at 1:30 pros, SPECIAL SPEAKERS IN AFTERNOON Ken. N1ct•rison of First Co -Operative Packers, Barrie, Art Stewart, Ahnonte, Ontario, President, Ontario Federation. FOLLOWED BY BANQUET, SPEAKER, CONCERT & DANCE In Cardno's Hall, Seaforth AT 7 P.M. SHARP, THE SAME EVENING SPECIAL SPEAKER FOR THE EVENING judge H. S. Mott, Family Court Judge, of the City of Toronto. Byron. Nit. and Mrs. Harvey Craig and babe of Walton, visited on Sunday f ADMISSION BV 'PICKET ONLY. Supt., iters. Norman McDowell and i!Mrs. Charles Smith; Baby Band Supt., 1 'Pickets may he obtained front yutm• 'l'ownslrip or County Secretary. Mrs. Gordon Smith and Mrs. Frets J. 1444.4 N Cuuk ; 'Temperance Secy., Mrs. J. L. BLYTH I.,IONS BOYS AND GIRLS ANNUAL FALL Band Concert In the Memorial Hall, Blyth, on the evening of Monday, November 24th Programme commencing at 8:15 sharp: Entire Proceeds will be used to Purchase Instruments for the Band. --- PROGRAMME --- O Canada. Nlarch "Invercargill"—Band. Overture "Operctic Piecework"-13and. Vocal Solo, Catheree Dunlop, London. Valse Caprice Friends—Double Duct—Lois Doherty, i3ert Lyddiatt, Alice NIcKenzie, Shirley Falconer. Cornet 5010, "The Young Soloist," 31aroric \Vat(. Whitey and Freddie Stover, London, electric guitarists. 1fyntu, "'l'hc 1)ay Thou Gayest;' gland.. Cornet Duct, "Chums", Irma and Marjorie \Vatt. Selection, "Southland", Band. Alt --s, Duet, "Aloha Oe". Margaret \larsltall and Irma Wallace. Vocal Solo, Catherine Dunlop. Sextette, "End of a Perfect Day," Alice NicKenzie, Gloria Sibthorpe, Shirley Falconer, Lois Doherty, \lariorie Doherty, Shirley 1'1t111ips, Whitey and Freddie Stover, Electric Guitarists. "ilavc .\ Little Fun," Novelty, gland. Nlarch, "Our Director." l iud Save The Dint; Secure Your Tickets Now From Any Band Member General Admission, 2E.c Per Person t+.....te~ •MI lMI..ININJMNIIN^N.IM.•I•.+Iti School children parade through snow to Nation al Film Board screening in School Hall. "Workers On The Land" A brief review of a new koda-chrome-colour production of the National Film Board — Now being shown in many Ontario communities on the Rural Circuit Film Programmes How do you keep skilled farm labour from drifting to the towns and cities? At this time of year, when the crop is in, and work in the fields conics slowly to a standstill, many farmers will be faced with the prospect of losing the skillc(i workers they have been using during the busy season. This problem — which has vexed Cand'(lian farmers since pioneer days—has been brought up for discussion in a new film pro- duced by the National Filet Board for the Department of La- bour in association with many federal and provincial farm -labour committees. It is entitled, "Work- ers on the Land," and is being shown this fall in many Ontario communities on the rural circuit film programmes, Produced last year in koda- chrome-colour, and running for nearly twenty minutes, "Work- ers on the Land" takes you to a typical Canadian farm, and tells the story of how three people at- tempted to overcome the problem of losing the hired man. The Hired Man Wants to Quit In the opening scenes, you see an average Canadian farm, and you hear of the work that has been put -into it as the farmer and the JUST PAT IT ON! LIFE'S LIKE THAT hired man return to the farmhouse after a day's work. Then, at the supper table, when the nten have been joined by the farmer's wife, you hear the words which fora the basis of the whole film: the hired man announces that he plans to leave the farm. Inmmediately, the farmer and his wife ask—"Why?" Ilave they not treated him well? Docs he not like the work? Yes—the hired man has been treated well, and he likes the work. But the work is only seasonal, and the hired man has plans for getting married — and to do that he needs a steady all - year -round job. So, he has thought it over, anti he is going to the city to find a jot) which will pay him all year round. Talking Things Over! Then the farmer, his wife, and the hired man get into a discus- sion on this problem, and the farmer gradually builds up what he considers to be a plan to over- come it. In the first place, the farmer considers the fact that most of his work is concentrated in the summer months, leaving the winter for doing repairs and odd chores. As he thinks, it occurs to him that perhaps he could even things out a little, and spread the work out over the whole year. To do this, he could balance livestock farming with field crops, poultry raising with winter dairying, and so on. Making Life More Attractive! As he thinks about it—about how he could raise feeder steers, early lambs, and more pigs and chickens—he sees that this work would bring in more money, and that from this extra income he could afford to pay the hired man to stay with him all year round. This would mean a lot to the hired man; he could stay in the coun- By Fred Neher "Junior defrosted the" cake l" O try where his skill would keep hien in work, instead of going to the city where he would run the risk of unemployment. As the discussion continues be- tween the three people, the hired man secs that there is no reason why he could not do this. H some of the work would he new to him, he could take advantage of the ad- vice of extension service workers, or even take some of the short courses and field demonstrations given by provincial agricultural colleges. But What If He Marries? Of course, up to this point, one important aspect of the problem has been left out: that is, assum- ing that the hired man does work all year round on the farm, and is able to get married, where will he and his bride live? Again the three discuss the matter, and the farm- er comes to the conclusion that it would be worth his while to provide housing right on his farm for the young •couple• This, he ad- niits, is just one solution to this problem, but he thinks it will work on a good number of farms, and that it would be profitable as well, because of the greater amount of all year round work he and the hired man would .be able to (lo. "Workers on the Land" does not stop at this point. It goes on to discuss efficiency in the layout of the farm and the farm build- ings. To filen this section, the production crew "shot" sequences front a great many Canadian farms where time and labour sav- ing plans have been worked out. There are also animated diagrams illustrating the principles of such changes and renovations. Thought -Provoking Picture All in all, this is a thought pro- voking film, which has been com- posed of camera work representing a cross-section of Canadian farm life. You may not agree with the conclusions of the farmer who plays the leading role but you will find his ideas arc worth discuss- ing. "Workers on the Land" is be- ing shown as the feature film on one of the regular rural circuit film programmes, which runs for approximately an hour and a half. Isis, most famous Egyptian god- dess, wore the horns of a cow for a headdress. Men Are So Independent By MARIA MORAVSKY The electric eye bell tinkled melodiously and the ratan walked in. ?t1iranda gave hint a good look before he saw her. She was stand- ing in the shadowed corner, be- hind the counter piled with ties. 11e utas tall, dark and hand- some, just like the amen gypsies always see in the future of any girl. Ilis eyes were as blue as the gulf. Mot he carte closer and laid his battered panania on the counter, the girl noticed white hair, shining like tinsel among the dark brown. "\Vhat can I do for you:" her voice was eager. "Well, you might look at these samples,' he opened a box of ma- chine -made ties. Miranda imperceptibly wrinkled her small nose. A salesman—with all that physique! I -ie ought to be in the movies, she thought de- risively. And here he was, selling tics. "I• keep in stock only hand- made ." she said with polite regret. "This is what gives my ties distinction . "Can I show you some of those new glass belts?" he asked wearily. "Why, yes, I sell belts, too. That's something 1 can't make, so ..." she was glad he had an- other line of samples. "They might sell," she said brightly. "If you give me a bar- gain, What are they worth?" IIe named the price. "It's too stiff for this one - cylinder business," she smiled apo- logetically showing both dimples. "Can you corse down?" Without an answer, he walked toward the door. ,1irandad grew furious. This was what Wren did. They would not even discuss terms with her. At times, they acted so independent. This one was the "take it or leave it" kind. The anger of many humiliations welled within her .She ran front` behind the crowded counter, bar- ring the salesman's way: "Listen, mister, That's not the way to treat a' woman in trade. Just because 1 own a hole -in -the - wall shop, is no reason for slight- ing me. \Vliy, I ntay have a string of them one day .. ." "I have no doubt you will,' he said curtly. "Please, let etc pass. My baby is crying in the car." "Your baby!" She followed hint to the car. Among the pillows on the back scat, sat a whimpering thin girl with straw-colored hair, its end -curls damp with tears.1 "Let etc hold her," Miranda stretched her arms towards the child, The girl snuggled against her with a sigh of satisfaction. "\Vhy do you travel with a child?" "Thats the only way 1 can take care of her. ller another died when she was nine months old. At first I hired a nurse, but , , ." he looked up and down the street. "Say, how long can I park here?" So he wanted to tell her his story. 111 irauda felt expanding warmth. "Endlessly. I'm a friend of the cops. Come into the store and I'II warns her milk" While she was heating the milk in the kitchenette at the back of the store, he told her, holding Lucy on his knees: "I paid that nurse well. I could afford it then. I was the manager of a fpolts goods store, I looked like a spot tslnan's dummy," he smiled ruefully. "It helped attract customers. The shop was success- ful; they made inc a junior part- ner. But . . . about that nurse; it was not her baby; once she let Lucy fall from the bed. The child was hurt badly. She lay for three months in n cast. After that, I took to the road. it's the only way I can have her with mc, al- ways. Ilut sometimes, when Lucy begins to cry in the car, I feel so helpless , . ." Miranda turned away and wiped her eyes. The electric eye bell tinkled again. "Please, be the boss, while I • ford Iter," NIirauda asked softly, "Sell the fellow what he wants —the price list is tacked to the wall, behind the counter." Left alone with the child, sp easily entrusted into Iter care, Mir- anda revised her opinions. Hard toPlense pectus Ittidc (to nctgistrate): "I can't stand it any lunger. \iy hus- band actually swore at me, An(1 I was learning to drive just to please hint too." Magistrate: "What did he say?" "i Ie sat there in the ditch and said 'ilnly cats, woman, didn't you sec that lorry ?'" 1'ou 11'111 U:003 n) KtaS int: n1 The St. Aegis Hotel rn uu N'ro • 1:1111 Uoo"t %With Tub 11011, Shutter and Trlephano • $irises Fa.L() tu"I up— Ilou6lr, YI.6O tip o (:nod Fond. I)htfug and nunctne Nightly Fherhourne at ('nriko hl. ICA. 4136 .�S•GIi 11.6.111 9'u Llbbi�ulii' 1.11 ,iiia.Li11"Iiii.Jl l... I� 0 Quality desserts, pie fillings, gravies and sauces call for quality ingredients — most important of'which is Canada Corn Starch, a product of outstanding quality. Dependable — its popularity with Canadian housewives over the years is the best recommendation c to its outstanding quality, Alio Menta f actiirers of Crown Brand Corn .S) rule THE CANADA STARCH CO. LIMITED Montreal Toronto GIRLS! WOMEN! TRY THIS IF YOU'RE E VOUS On 'CERTAIN DAYS' of The Month! iR Do female functional monthly disturbances make you feel ner- vous, fidgety, cranky, so tired and "dragged out"—at such times? Then do try Lydia E. Pinkhnm's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. Phis fine medicine is very effective for this purpose! For over 70 years thousands of girls and women have reported benefit, Just see if you, too, don't report excellent results! Worth trying. c4rC"'"' e anamo 11241:1411 RkS *Ai 7.41) 4-frIq DRY =� YEAS?' ACTS FAIST STAYS FRESH E$ H ,s,andor Brandt limited , ro ranipeg'Vanto+@ Uvet It's here! New Fleischmann's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast, the modern granule form that's always there when you want it. No need to keep tit in the icebox—New Fleischmann's Royal Fast ii Rising Dry Yeast stays fresh in the cupboard for weeks—ready at any time for speedy action. Just dissolve according to directions on the package: IF YOU BAKE AT HOME—you'll be amazed .at its fast rising action—delighted at the delect• sbl'e flavor, finer texture it gives to breads. Order a month's supply of New Fleischmann's Royal Rust Rising Dry Yeast today. At your grocer's. Veterans' Hospital Open to Public-Sunnybrook Hospital is o sod was turned in November, 1943, Building commenced in A of (his year, Sun rooms can be seen at the end of each w tie of the largest and most modern hospitals in Canada. First ugust, 1944. First open to the public on Remembrance Day ing in the above aerial view of the veterans' hospital. Sports - And One Thing or Another We never expected to live to see the day! A new manager was recently hired by The Toronto Maple Leafs baseball tear) -and on his first meeting with the as- sembled respresentatives of the Press almost knocked them off their seats by conning out with the breath -taking statement, "I'm not promising anything for next sea- son." This, coming from any sports manager, would be surprising enough. But from n Toronto base- ball leader, it is equivalent to eith- er Vishinsky or Gronlyko saying "Yes" three times in a row. f * * For years past 'Toronto baseball fans have been living on promises, Real gluttons for punishlnent, they have supported -not lavishly, but a lot better than they des^rved- teams that were seldom anything except painful to watch. '1'llen the usual routine was something like this -First, fire the old manager; -Second, hire a new one; and Third, -have the latter Make the breath - taking announcement that we were going to have a scrappy, fighting team to root for -next year, * * * Then, next year -the sante old thing. Big crowds to greet the new outfit -loud ballyhoo - and then, after a couple of weeks or months, the realization that while the faces might•he new, the quality, or lack of it, was about the sane as ever. Now' arrives a new manager, Ed Sawyer, who comes out flatfooted and says '..l'm not promising any- thing." Even if it gets hint black- balled by the Managers' guild, his words deserve to be put in Neons over the entrance to the Ball Park. Even if he doesn't happen to get anywhere with the team -which is a pretty hard thing to do \villi the peculiar Toronto setup -he's going on the sound horse -racing precept that, if you go t0 the races flat broke, the worst you can get is an even break, * * * One of the profoundest sayings regarding present-day life was made by a roan not ordinarily looked upon as a deep -thinker or philoso- pher. It 7c'as Jimmy Durance's "Everybody wants to get info the act" -and it pretty well stuns up a publicity -conscious gcncraliou that regards "getting your picture in the paper" as the height of felicity. Ex- amples of this widespread love for "mugging" in front of a camera are JO numerous that we will mention only one, 11 was a picture taken at the scene of a_particular'ly brutal recent murder -and of eight fairly promin- ent people facing the camera, only iwo, or at the outside three, had By FRANK MANN HARRIS , ("A Sixbit Critic") any reason for being there outside of .morbid curiosity or a desire to "g,'1 into the act." * e * When one team clearly out- classes another, should it go "all- out" and Alli up as big a score as possible, or should it lake things fairly easy, and keep the scoring clown to reasonable proportions? That is a question which faces ma- nagers and coaches occasionally, and there doesn't scan to be any really satisfactory answer -outside of "It all depends." * Football is perhaps the worst of all sports in this regard; for while a 40 too beating in football is actually not much more one- sided than 7-0 baseball or hockey, it looks that way. And we thought that the University of Toronto Blues \vere to be criticized when, during a pre - season trip to the west, they ran up terrific scores on teams that were helpless against their greater power and experience. * * * But when we said something of the sort, at the time, it was a U. of T. undergraduate who gave us a clue to the reason, "'Those guys know that when the real shooting starts, Western Univer- sity Mustangs will wipe the earth with then! -so they're getting re- venge for those coaling shellack- ings by taking it out on those poor teams out In Saskatchewan and Alberta, * * * Maybe he was right, at that; for it is a long titne since we have seen any outfit dominate the op- position as those Mustangs seemed to do the past couple of seasons or so -and still longer since we have known teams to go on the field apparently satisfied that they were beaten before the opening whistle as the young gentlemen representing Varsity, Queens and old McGill. The "old College spirit" -like a lot of other spirits -seems to be' suffering from a bit too much dilution, * * * )'alk to school teachers anywhere, and they'll tell you that their task leas become harder of recent years because of the lessened control they have over their pupils. They always put the blame for it, too, on the parents- the trustees - on anybody and everybody but themselves. And .who are we to ague with a school teacher?' * $ $ )-hen, just when we had about come 10 file concinsion that a school teacher's lot is not a happy one, the lady school teachers of a certain city elect a "Glamor Queen" from among their midst and, not to b. outdone, the male educationists Jasper Beaver to Britain -En route to England as part of Can- ada's donation toward the replenishment of Britain's zoos, these beaver took along their own supply of hardtack. Natives ' of Jasper National Park, they will feed on tasty, vitamin pack- ed Poplar poles cut for them by the Park's warden. Geer 'Fowlie, who is shown serving them their last meal befo the journey eastward. With three bears for travel mates, the beaver left Jasper in a Canadian National Railways elt-p;els car and were transferred to an ocean liner on arrival at Montreal. of the sante place promptly choose a masculine counterpart, And instead of being propel'Iy at'hanled the new "Glamor Foy" defended the whole silly business, saying that it might bring before the public the fact that "the men teachers are of a calibre unexcelled in Canada." 'low such goings -or affect you, we have no tray of telling; but personally it produces a not -too -faint sickish feel- ing, * Six months or so ago we warned our readers that phony Irish Sweep tickets were becoming more and more common, Now the au- thorities, bound to stamp out this "evil" have gone about it in a way that will only make things all the easier for the peddlers of the counterfeits. For now you have no check at all on the genuineness of the ticket you purchase - for merly, if you got a receipt, you knew at least the looney had got to Ireland. Seems to ur that these lotteries' are another of the several things - like handbook making -about which We alight very well take a more realistic view, So long as lotteries are run, so long as there is betting nn horse races, people are going to buy tickets and back the horse of their choice. Why all the profits should go to our most undesirable t mutts it just another of those matters we never do hope to under- stand. Special Prizes At Royal Winter Fair Special prizes will be given to the highest scoring boys or girls in the Cattle Division of the National Con- test of Boys and Girls Club at the Royal Winter Fair this year. The winner of the beef cattle divi- sion will receive a purebred Here- ford heifer and top boy or girl In the dairy class a well -pedigreed Holstein heifer calf, In addition to taking home these valuable animals, the winners will be given'the oppor- tunity to show diem in their classes at the 1948 Royal Winter Fair• The two calves are donated by The Quaker Oats Company of Can- ada Limited and may be seen on dis- play at the Quaker Ful-O-Bcp Feed exhibit at the Royal Winter hair, 0.1 Catty Jane-"Ilow old are you r' 1lfabcl-"I just turned 29," Jane -"1 get it. Thirty-two," HUSBANDS WWIIO ADORI4 coffee deserve Maxwell House. It's so utterly deli• cious that it's bought and enjoyed by more people than any other brand of coffee in the world. SPECTACLES, AND OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS REPAIRED LENSES DUPLICATED L, P, TROTTIER Optometrist and Manufacturing Optician 1058 J. Mount -Royal Ht. Montreal 84. On bend: high grade Imported Binocular. Efficient mall eervlce to Free' .LOCKED NOSES &of.' dell to I, • s% MATHIEU'S INHALER 5010 EVERYWHERE ROOMS BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED $1.50 up HOTEL METROPOLE NIAGARA FALLS 01'P. - C.N.R. STATION FOp FAST, SURE PROLONGS RELIEF 'EXPORT" Cigarette Tobacco POP -On The Move ,rtes 0$1.IGNVED IV SU - YOU ta'ORTh q 111111t Y1MB tzt�►aav aelintlm A MOVII ON /HIS MO NINb,$MI114 ALSO AVAILADLI IN 1 POUND TINS • WNAT WAS I 0O1NC-t Classified Advertising ATTENTION FAI(MK118 ron 8AI,E-Tractor Tirol, made of rubber, suitable for hotline on steel wheel,. 116.00 each, rear wheels; 17 60 each, front wheelie. When ordering elate diameter and width of wheels National 'tubber Co. Ltd., 1 wilt. d,lre Ave , 'Toronto. Ont 11041 NESS OPPORTUNITIES AN OFFER to every Inventor -List of Inven- tions and full Information nen( fro,. fbe ltan„uy Co., Iteg,ntered Pe lent Allurney', 171 flank fit r.el, 01 (ewe. RAIIY CIIICJ(b EGGS are e,lll the beet pnylng thing un the farm, Pill up your pens will, choice pullets, If, weeks to laying. Ilan ed Rucks, New IL,rnpulcres, %Vitae Leghutnr, tl'Idle Rorke, 1,11: ht Sussex. Alio lay uld chick. fur lin• mediate uml Spueg (len very. Tree rnl.I,gue. '1'µ•,.1,118 rt b'k llurrh,•n,•, Limit el, Fergus, Ohl 'Eli now for 1els, poulte, egga.breeding utad(. Wield Il,emu, d 10„nee, the tlunnue Janes Bar Strain 'Texas, Gov't. approved lilnodteeled and handed. Members of hatchery approval and 0,'1' A. Winners of grand champion turkey of the ,Mow dressed el all turkey show, w'indinr, 1916 Ilrewn'a Poul- try farm end Hntehery, Dutton, nal lit;1; pr,•:es are good. Till up your Pens with pullet, 16 weeks to laying. while Leg- horrrs, Marred Rorke, New Hampahlrea, White Rocks, Light Sussex and many other popular t,fe,e1S. Also day oil chicks. free cola - Mime. Top Notch Chick Saleo, Guelph, Out, BABY CHICK BUYERS Bo certain that you buy good, healthy, chicks ibis cumiug measun. Inhere deliver) date by placing your order now All breeders Om'rr:anent banded and pullortim tested Write for nor 1948 catalogue and price het MONKTON POULTRY FARM 81(1Nlx'I'ON, ONTARIO IP,\fly clucks, prompt ehlpmeut-[,'ivy breed -it: cockerel,, pullet,,, non -sexed, Order now. Also order fur January delivery. !tray Hatch• ery, 130 John N, Ifundllon, Unt. DYEING AND CLEANING 11A1'11 YOU anything needs dyeing or clean- ing/ Write to us for Information. We are glad to answer your quentione. Department II, Parker'', Dye works Limited. 731 Yonge Street, Toronto. Ontario. FOR SALE QUILT PIECES -hand alio and larger all laid flat, Cotton prints and btu -Mee, Four (41 pound, for 11.00. Gun ranteed or money refunded, Free -16 quilt pa Herne and instruc- tions, Free -Detailed carpet knitting Inetruc- tone. Largo quantity cotton, milk, wool under- wear, towelling remnants -full widths, up to 6 yds, Ions. For full Information write Asso- ciated Convert ere inc., 4084 St, Lawrence, Montreal. WOLF, Fcx, OI ink Trappers use only the bent, complete 03,lem, Fishers trapping course and gland scents, full particulars. A. E. Fl,her, Bnx 420, Calgary, Alberta. HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Parts and Service, Bert h Kennedy A Bon, 419 College Se. Toronto. JOHNSON Iron Horse engine,, % 11,1', 161.46 1.34 H.P. 170.00, Immediate delivery, Cur- roy Bulmer, Eglinton A Bathurst, Toronto. SI-IELLCRAFT SUPPLIES Beginner's kit -Contains enough materials to make five complete brooch and earing set., complete with Instruction, and diagrams, 12.96 plug 16c postage, Complete line of shells and acceseoriee. Free catalogue, Dun - Dee Shellcraft induntrle,, Dept, 8.F., Box 3. Station K. Toronto. • PLUMBING FIXTURES Cast iron built -In bathe -Lavatory Basins - Compact toilets -Solt plpe-Septio tanks, Kitchen Blnke-011 burning ranges -apace heaters Everything In ,tock -Immediate delivery, Plumbing and Heating Dlvielon- F. T. Hill Co. Ltd, -Orangeville, Ont. LADIES white poplin Smock eanforized, prin- cess style, popular make, eines; 14 to 10 13.60 en, -h postpaid, Refund guarantee, Garry Sales Co, Box 144, Station 0, Montreal, TRAPS, and Trapper,' supplies at attractive delivered prices. Write for free price 'lot, 6ielro J. Sae,, Rear Line, Ont, ROOFING - SIDING Aluminum roofing and aiding give, you life - Brno protection at the lowest price. In Watery, Flat, corrugated and rolls, prices 57,75 per 100 nth ft, and up, Write for prico'let, Newson A Campbell Co, Hamilton, Ontario. GIFT PARCELS TO ENGLAND A lasting gift of rationed fabrics: 4 yds, printed cotton dress fabric ..,. 11.80 4 yds. primed or plain ptnellc 1.00 4 yds, otrlped cotton shirting fabric 1.60 13 yds Total 54.10 Send us 15,00. We pay all ehlpping chargee, Associated Converter,, Incorporated 4081 8t, Lawrence Blvd., Montreal 18, P.Q. • 10-20 IN'rF;RNATIONAr, Tractor / 1600; Buck Rake 1300; 1937 Chevrolet 66 ton Truck 9525. Allan 61nnn, Peterborough, Ont, RECORDS. Free catalogue of favorite hill- ' billy and dance arllale. Notional Rados I.01., Dept, 0, 419 Portage Ave., Winnipeg, Man. NEW 1[ulland Automatic Pickup 'lay and Straw Baleen. Tobacco & Potato Plenlers, me. Dale Loaders, Saw Prunes, hammer Mills. Serviee guaranteed. Order now from want 11:rnt Equipment, Colborne at Clarence, Brent ford, l)n1. 5'111.1,5, stainless elect, two gallon cnpacltY, ,pint bunter 166.00. SURI'ACI1 PLATES, mnehhtu shop, cant steel, 12" x 18" regular 575.00 for 825. (New), Aero Navigation Service, 954 S1. James W. Montreal. 6215 1101(50 POWER II. it. T, Bullar with a 126 Ib. hydro:retie, Tested by Government Inspector, Complete with harness, stoker and all valves and Illlings. Available l:ntnella(ety. A1rpl>' Manager, Purity Dairies Ltd., Wind - aur, Ont. 81.00 BUYS 35" It;mher Witter Wheel In 60)8 00condition, vertical. 0, W. Lawson, RR. No. 2, hlnrktin le, Ont. RklISTNItim Lelceeter Items of all ages from a ',how Mork. Priced fur quick sale. Apply Forder ihoi., 111nekrtock, Ont. GLADIOLUS - Outstanding, 11148 releasee from various parte of the world are con- tained In our Fall Catalogue. "WIIIaW Agree," Ilowmnnvllle. Ont. GEORGIAN BAY 'Tourist elle acreage, beaeh, Hain and Mune oervlce, gond buildings, W, Tanner, W,tubnueltone, Ontario. MODEL D John Deere Tractor -Al condition, on rubber. Apply William Moughton, a/o Earl Chamberlain, R.R. 1, 8heddon, Ont. BIO BALK -Brown brief cases with Dipper. Sire 16111, An attraotive useful lasting gift for students and others. Price 111.00 postpaid, Canada Merchandiser., Poet Office 'lox 318, Toronto. STANDING 014 Po.M ESCALATOR- , 1'011 HA 1.18 FIAT BALERS-'J'ItI 01311 WOOD LABIOIA for marking 11,1e Weights. Pries 10o per M. f.o.b. here. Put up In ea,he of 3.006, Samples sent on lequeet. The Bels Label ('a, Melina lean, Que. GOLDEN 1lanu lei resemble lullleer chip- munks delightful mete, Arun, odorless, Lune, prolific, eue,ly fel. 14.00 pair. r. I,,rrnrh 837 Annelle, 'furoate. TIRES We are ovuralocked In geed used Trade -la Tires with high tree de -all guaranteed to W In excellent elle pe Special price un car Tire. ALL SIZES $4.50 BIG SAVINGS ON NEW TIRES & TUBES Guaranteed for one year 30x311-68.25 Tube 11.26. 160x21-10.31, Tube 11.00. 600013-110.60, Tube 92,26 600 x70-110.75, 'Puha 12.36 626x18-112 60. Tube 12 66. 660x17-114 00, Tube 82.66, 000411- 111..6. 'Tubi 82.50 650x16-117.59, Tube 13.26 3206-7004.0--143.76. '1u0e 84.76 761 020-3147161 00, Tube 16 60. 126410- 162 50, 'tube 17.76 Also n full Ilse of rclrrade, all orders shl► ped C 0 D Dee lers wanted • BEACON TIRE (or Ql'I:I:N & Y01116 STS HAM ILTON 3, 1) N'I' A 11111 ...___ I1AIIlDRESS N0 LEA RN hairdressing the Robertson method, Information on requret regarding classes. ItrLertson'e Hnlrrlreee;ne Academy 117 Ara nue Road Toronto MEDICAL A TRIAi,-':very sufferer of Rheumatic Paine or Neuritis shunl,f try Dlxoe'e Remedy, Munr'o's Drug Starr, 336 Elgin, Ottawa. l'oslpaid 11.00. 11A\'E you lien' ['boot Dixon'e Neuritis ani Rheumatic fain !leinedy'7 1t give, good results. Munni s Dtug Store, 335 Elgin, 0111160. 1',stpaid 11.00. 0I'l'IIRTt'NITIES TOR 111131EN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCiHOOL Great opportunity Learn 1lulydreeeing l'lenennt dignified profession, good wages rhounands auceeeeful Marvel graduates America's greatest s>'atern, Illustrated cata- logue free. Write or Call MARVEL IIAIRDRESSiNG SCHOOLS 868 Moor St. W., Turunto Brunches 44 liMg 81., Hamilton & 74 Willem Street. Ottawa EARN MONEY AT IHOME Spero or full-time money -making! Learn t1 make candy al home and earn us you learn, Correspondence course. National Institute of Confectionery Reg'd., Deinrimler, P.Q. Dos 162, Montreal, QUI!, PATENTS F1.T1HTRSTONAUGII & Company Patent Solicitor,, Established 1890, 11 King Wes{, Toronto. booklet of information n request, PERSONAL ' LONICSOME7 Romantic Correspondence Mag- azine contains photos, deecriptlone. large Onto. One year 12. Sample copy IOc, World Federation Club, Parkervlew, Soak, WANTED WANTED flocks to supply ue with hatching eggs for the 1048 hatching Beason. Flocks culled and bloodteeted free, Guarantee pre- mium plug hatchability premium paid. Alas wanted to purchase cockerola suitable fol breeding. For full details ,write Tweddle Chick Hatcheries, Limited, Fergus, Ont. WANTED -All kinds of dressed poultry. Tog pricemp for top birds. Joseph Cooper Limited, Poultry Dept, 1060 Danforth Ave., Toronto 4. (We do custom grading.) PILES Nothing else you can but has the same Internal ac- tion as PYLTONE PILE REMEDY. This liquid (taken by mouth) 11 compounded from special Baleama., Time, and Plant -Extracts. It 0e011 re - miff because It goes directly to thy_ la- ternal oau.e of Piles, That'. the T60.00 for Iia eeccm on the moai stubborn eases. Thls modern way of treating that Internal trouble gets results that last. One bottle of i'YLTONE ie enough to prove Its healing power or price re- funded et once. That'll our guarantee no &ostler how long standing your case may be, Your Druggist has It: or can order It for you, Nqeetadeet# 4 HEADACHES Blinding pain, con- stant throbbing can make life 1t misery. Many headaches may be caused by the fail- ure of the kidneys to perform their normal duty of filtering poi- sonous wastes and excess acids from the blood. If kidneys fail and poisons remain In the ay.lem, headaches, backache, rheu- matic pains, disturbed rest may often fol- low. Dodd's Kidney Pills help your kidneys clear out troublc•makingpoisons and mess acids so that you feel beller-rest better - work better. Get Dodd's today. 14t ITC CHECKED in a ✓e/ff/ •or Money Back For quick relief from Itching caused by ,cum athlete's foot, scabies, temples and otherltchlo conditions,use pure, cooling, medicated, Ilqut D. la. D. RESCRIPTION. Greaseless an000000 statnle,.. Soothes, comforts and quickly calm Intense ItcWng. Don't eufler. Ark your druggt boy for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. , RELIEF FROM ECZEMA A Lady will.,:had Eczema break out on my IH and bled almost evstvlhinp, but I1 did no good. Than I Tried Mecca and got relief Irom the matting, and Itching. I cannel toed too highly of Mecca. tJ MECCA' Oil HIM NT ISSUE 47-1847 By J. MILLAR WATT PAGE 4, R4+ri oo..�.o..•....,..•......:..: .: ;.; ;♦.;. •;. ;••r . ♦ ... • 0 0 0 0 . • ';� .-...- 0,000,.. • :s >• • • THE STANDARD 1 \I I'I.l.\I I \"fti \!:t' ^: i 1)ret` 1iF;l.(at:1 ti'y, 111 .'1 .c 1 ; ' iU' F ' !r,!i t ,r Pio i)cl ialin 1:a;1! 1 4u'I;ill met at it. tr,," 1(4 home , i \Ir. anti \I r,. IC. Procter t. progi-ani 1'.11:`•1;! a;( lis rl:t 1 1,, ;111,1 II :1, . , u 1, ll,l•,\ • i" l• I I1 . \\,I !, II,.\ , ,1 I,' : ;t n, •. \\'i,1 - i: , ,t II.0 ; n.r• \\,,r, \I 1, I . t'r:t\ti r,l awl I1'1.1`. '1;1' ,Icli\•1 y 11 1' at,,; „ ., I;Iti a llri•/rc III I '1r1; I \\,'ill In \I1-. L. 11111 ;111,1 I•r,rt t .. 111: • I'1, Ic'I I',..' u. `.t n rt 11• t. I,,,,: "'; ,11 ,. ,1 ll,`1'. ;111,1 \Ir.. Gill. a• t c1 I nlic,. 1"11 \ir. \C 1. \11 .liar, it 1•,1, : ,I 1 Li - 'i!: l ,•c .uu11t.'r far 11 t �` IC ,' ....1•. from ti:Irfiil l,l ',', I :uc!;l '. NI! -. I; (.11,141, and ia,n;.1 - \'t'1 „!,,n, .1r,,. r. •t'. 1.11 \Ir• ;':I,1 \I! , • 11. \\ llc, lir, NI I • and \11.. I,. \\,1'1141 and ),I r,. (; I. • , r.a ',cr-Lt c I .\;I.Iy1 1 ,11','11,14 1 1'11' 1•1111t'ral . 1 a •: 1' 1 ,!, it t:1't 11 \\,I(' 'll•x„!'•1!• al 11;11.1 111 \1,,1111 l! 1, ,;1.! 1".•1111'• 1,1x1, : 11'11 x11 - , • 11 1, c! ' \'!''cent ,•u•nt Il!r I ,,,.,.;, 1 41, 11 ,.'I'I 1 \\c ',-11(11 11 tM 1.1.ir11'4, at (),Ik\,I1,. l; . ! '11111, • 11;1• •,'I,I his farm nn 1'. \\ ,1'11 ( 1; \i\: :I1 ,,,•! of •'l, a:, ,,I \I 'tri !u \Ir. 1 • , 0 •ly”. ';ti : 1 IUI1, \V11'11; f ill ir.,!,! `taff r,l'','.irr. I•,..:.;unl. \I,'. • M 1111 1'ilr,. , 4,111.', \t I fma 1: 1 it•in •1.11, .11 1)' ,, 1 1 tl „ 1, , 111x, :11 1.:,1 It'` 1. ,. ,. • \,1 II::ZMS CA:r1t I' (ommed e (ornmema4,1 f..,t !! r 1411)•+''1'11 - (`iN'I';\ i e. (iN CONNFCTIL,N \VIl•Ii ' i!1: C)1';`,:i:k;:1:,!. il;)'!'EL) P.,!()11 .j •':+1 .'_.\1 ,i,,� _,�,:,: I:;l •l, r4' 1! Al? ,_, t',,•R, �•,-, 0. • � : 4 •. .. `\ . .'tit F1U1..4 1"2,1'11:` I;!:;;. :fat tet 't•� rfy .',•� 7,,1 •. .,, et% �.i 1� •rr .rI M ' z, I:.� .:. S m '�!. L`1) l f •� C� .. �. - •�.• k..4„ �y. Aj iii r a ..--•w-.[t::w "`"i"rw�ro4-za.�! 'iTT.+tL-.i2"'iTi."r: "•rIi7C.►'3a'3"751 'ti' .r..r-^-"""1f ass FIRSTo.•rr ,� i`t1�I s1*1`•11 I.1 !! I�.J♦i OF' TIME ^!;:'V 1.1•`1-•;S LiE1.IGNS i? BVI; :';:;'i COME [11ROl'G11. ;II: •a C . 1 • 1 •: •„.. L•ra!1' :I 1' ,I1 EDITH H \\11\1'!;1-I f l w TON' 0 C � f� :,-1 I� !.: S Phone. li:,>. I YJCOli.:Y, 1 O_>z ,1 � a.. 13.�•t.1. j 1,I4,1 „y. a..,,tr•crws�an^l:•��..1:1p'C&�29tSLL'OC.R37n'!�L^8;15':'•^'-d..'•:lLx+.L,S'4".7lL:.b�i^.:u..::S`,.:.:�i.�7 Of Farce Sl'cic and Iinjtelnents Will lc ' ''1'! . 1. 1 11. t \I, T- ris T4,;1 n,• 11.. n 1- 121 •,: '1 :r , WEDNESDAY, PIOVE.?+1BEI? ZfTIl Tin I .,I1 :• , r 1101:SI : 1 ! u:. >' .'r_ 1'f !; 1 aged dr.; . , r. CATTLE: 101'0: ' 1; •'M r „\•. , tr,.c :11' Ic,l hci;ir, (!' t ra 1'1 , Reel Cil\\, (IGr !)t.'. 1,, , 1, COW. (111., 1)1', 211. 3 . , 1 I:'• . `I,1 : cow, (lily 1 .1,1. c;1'• , 1.1 !;'.• I' I'i:., 1';11'1 I 11, .1111 1.(1411:• , 11 •;1:11,•1 ,11'1 I1'; I `!rl,l,:•.1',• I'r 11.1 1 I 1 • 1. \V:, 11 1',',,.,-. 111 Ul "111()N 5011411: C. FARM STOCK \1 •II,I, ' ,,i•I ,.i 1.,,,1,','.1,,,1.11 •---------F'OIl SALE 1 I 1 , I 1 !!,'irt \1411-iy41 I” r.; r',ir!,rn,, dre:•,(11 or ! i r • lil'r \\ei 1tL I, 111 411,1 , \c1-. :\l1l.1.y lu o:1 Ib1')NI)AY Ig11:XT• NOV. 21'i1H cold, Niel (l'tn, ph no 31-14, IIIv'tl!, 111' ;I • al 1 •,;n 1,.,11. . III -1. 111,1 :ti l,nr ! n,', 1, 1, 111'. AUCTION SALE OF DAiRY COWS k. 4:1;1.' I!1,;•`1'H r„\',, 1-i:- and YOUNG CATTLE '. !.xr•i 1: • !; 1 '!, I, '11 I;'1, ; .1 noire- ' .\1 I'nrl!'I' , 1111,I, J mil, • \\'i'^t t ,,;,I (' \\., 11,','1l 114 Ir,'•1l{111 11,.11llt'•1'1111' 1'11 1-'n 11lrr r,l 11!•••.: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7064TH 4 ,) t„ :''II 111•.; II 11- c,nnnmllin¢ at 1 :,41 1,.111• Marl,: („r 11,1 i1 -,•Ice ill •111411 IN 411(44 Ilairy (,.\%,, 2 irc,ll, 3 (111c •I11•:1. 111,11,, 111 1,`,,1111., time of ,alt'. i(;Ila!li; 11111' 111'1' , Ian• 1 i - ” III' I1, .: 101 \. a 1411,_, Feb. , -1 farrow c.,a,• 111 II„ I•,Icin t I • '1.1, 1 \ '1011 111 It, (1 t(4 44 it l 1.4r FOR SALE-------� I ,I,trl; re'l Itnrhall cow, to ire,hen 1 1, 1,'11111(1- I.t, tt 1ul milker. •\11111\ U1 Tor l r 1)u1idri , 11110:1t- 1.1.13, 1111111 111-1. f,. 1 • .,1.11,• 11'1x.,, 8 icr,, in calf; 1111•,1=trill 11 :er calve,; 1,•a'. „!,1. .:`,11;x!1 i,Ur1,1'- mart', 12 yar!int; Ilul,;rin''rife. , 211 11411 Il'l l- —1111 ,1•II 1 h4 in i. ••1; 1 '1)\V' ;1111 111 ttl,c l'";:1 ,ll•, 1,;_ I.nolih r, I11c ,L,:, tir1,;r'! ;ut,l; '1114- i, a p.•1o11 11.,1 of ;1,1-1; ;1101 \,,ill .1 11'11- 1• niC.11•1! 1r;11;11r I.!llr, 1,•; Illull111>. ; 1,c , 111 1111(I(:r 4,111' ll 11,11 t''Clr,Ilttet' - u'I I:,i- : •,'1 i t\.ua e '.1 a14 \\1:1 1,4' Salt, will hi held 11:1'4.1- c"(el', ;11,1 „'I,i l,t Cllr cattle 1„ 1•t• 11x••1. I . r:1':,,c1; I'I:I; \I: Lash ; „r credit ran 114 ;•- TERMS CASH , it ,1,'•1'1': :\. E. 'I.1,\vll,litml, 1'x1 ,; •I'ii flit'• 1,14 \\• ., 1 : 1larul,l larl.:,tn, .`tnrli,l,lc•'r, [d.\\,fell \\' • 11111, .\llt tiunecr. laun', I', \14.1;1, Prov; r:t-11,l. I'1•Il`. 111-1 Vi-cdncsday, Nov, 19, 01/ i,sr', Ilarry \Icl•:Irtl\•, of hahucr- here. :tion, anti I;Irl; 11Icl-Ir1`\'. ui \lill11anl;, \Ir. and \Ir•. Stuart I:,,bin,nn \Vere pont the \\it•l.-Pllll al Ilii':1' ((14 Si. \lal'4, v•-itir, „11 `tlltihiv• ,t:IIf” ctsitgaZtqME +t;c' tIJ 11 ASSET.; 11 PC 17 CP tia Ir0:`kLI1:II, WE IIAVE ON HAND -- 1 New 13 -disc Fertilizer Drill; a new modern elec- tric cream sep'craf.("I', (white enamel) ; Parts for litter carrier and track; A fresh slot]: of pressure . pumps and tanks„‘ few Beatty Barn Water Bowls and Manure Carrier Bucket;; sill on hand, A full stock of 1'Iasseyllarris Parts and Supplies Always on 'land. DEALER FOR IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS. Gasoline, Motor Oils and Greases. ATLAS '1'IR''S AN 1) BATTERIES. ES. All Work Done on a Guaranteed Basis. STEW ?:T JOHNSTON For Prompt & Efficient Service Phone 137-2, Blyth • : t' W.— •[ i4Y r4\M.I'u r..... J•••N••vR.M•S♦s+s".\'1f -.•L MM.RW.�.r•1 N.vts'.,,r,fl1•Nrf..•1f -,R. • ufT..• - LY,J!1!M-..,V.,f.RRbR/N1'J,RCrTSAC bta.MR./RU^At4fl • HANDS AT LORI{ .. , LEAItiv.i\u I:L,i'111i;L1t�1`i'ION ONT.'1R1O'S productive capacity is the measure, of ler future prosperity. '.I'o assure this proViut'c a prominent place in domestic and foreign trade markets, skilled hands are needed. Increased production refrigeration units will mean a greater need for skilled servicing. Veterans, basically trained in schools and 0N '''illi JOB, will fill this rice(' as they arc absorbed into industry. lot' those who have mastered 4 - tiled oceupations, higher wages. jos security and better working con- ditions are within easier reach. Through plans spor.orcd by the Department of Veterans Affairs and other agencies, hun(Ired:; of yor'ng tiorl,cr's are being trained for refrigera- tion servicing. Graduates if training schools arc ready now to take their places in industry. Craft -„w1 of the future, they will have a share in Ontario's progress—an important part to play in her industrial de- velopment. '1'1114; 131,i:11•"INC INI)USTI(S' (ONi' 11ti0) REFRIGERATION D. C. Guiry, 23, of :Toronto, a veteran of 015!O months' sell ice in the Royal Canadian Air Force, is shown cltcckii the operating pressures on a donwstic training unit. The Refrigeration Course gives the student a theoretical and practical knowledge of domestic, commercial and air conditioning units. dbService Beatty Washers and !Toners, Kelvinator Refriger- ators, Stewart -Warner and Sparton Radios. IN STOCK:--- One Only BEAT 1'Y IRONER. • Also your choice of IiCW and used radios. JUST IN :---C1 RIS'1'i11-S TREE; 1dAMPS, As these may he scarce for the Christmas Season, BUY SOURS NOW! We are equipped to service all makes of radios, electric, battery or auto. Have your set tuned up for your favourite winter programs. 13uy your batteries and supplies here. A schedule of the season's hockey broadcasts is yo'»'s for the asking. LE4i .^ .1 ,� � ,..•.y % 1-J '�+) �^�if:•d Work Guaranteed. y, r., • ... � ( t�.I 91i�” ""•" .c Nil:\• fI-:1i'y ;t, Phone 165, Blyth. cShop tis Ekctrie Brasher, 2\11t:!11441.4:;r,ati iron, t!C't Plate ,41 t y II'loj.' Lamps alld '1'.).1:;44'.1'• t'g-Ca:'i:i;)II - IC1iO, I'VcsttngiH)Utie, !\.1) tei) fA ('l t') (4. Telephone 5 - Blyth, ' 11�A1C t ...�f / R' •� F�L'�� 1��� tT. liZx•+�' n•1) i.�u'•� ," ;f1a 'MYLw 'ti tx'"Jiu %5 l , 01.,Kxc-,0,c4c1xa;,{4,4,gtoeltofcGN l•d!tlNreC'CIG,re,,, ,0KcCw►R,t,,,,vwk:K oltg,00, 0,1, Cr .':;lJ.'.y iadio and Marconi Radio. ct c:it':.l \i::ii; and 1.''i'i ;'il1Uli.e ICcf ii;: eratoni ant' Lc , flange;; willLIn SOini. I11 `t c a S;.o,lh i- . 4'1,11 IJic_trie Appliances. ♦• W EIJ L T- wry M c PROP 0 •••••• a•( 1•R01aL.-v4 LilhOtt insurance Agency `R C11 IiIJ!"i'1I -- oNT. u 4' NOW! ANI) Ili'; ASSURED. (':tr - 1'ire - Life - Sickness - Accident. :e .1. Il• l . 11i,1li.,tt Go"'(lon Elliott Ut`lce Plane 154. Residence Phone, 12 or 140 v COURTESY AND SERVICE. i • i • 7 i rs'411,Mr4Di9t .4%Di2ini l,c62q~;m1`. 211)1211',M2:: 7i(272iteiinr4INIk1ni)a2atrg-1272MD13c2 )21-DIDI:h 1 McCALLUM'S MEATS I( 11 j 6-8 lb. Roasting .Chickens, per lb. 40e --JUST FRESH IN -- SILVER BRIGHT SALMON STEAKS. SMOKED) COI) FILLETS. SALMON FILLE'.1'S. Hi cCallum F;clt�l.cr. Phone 10, Blyth. I'Zlone Orders 1n by 9 a.m. for free delivery - •J . I...Y. JYII•:1.3. .4..• f-,-IM1, ♦44.4.YJJ••lii.RRIW-+ _ Perhaps You Are Con- - teiuplating a Job in A Decorating AND NOT JUST SURE WHAT YOU WOULD LIKE. i 0 * END YOUR WORRIES 1hy giving me a (Al. You will Ile t!ssurcll the jnl) \\i:l be (lone O.K., land the iine..,t materials used. a 1 \\IetlIer faint or \Vali Paper, 1 FIRST (Tl)\I E FIRST SERVED `1 F. C. PREST Phone 37.26, LONDESBORO .BRUSII AND SPRAY PAINTING Sunworthy Wallpaper Pair. is and Enamels. Wednesday, Nov, 19, 1917 Ili AnnounceeI- PLEASE NOTE. The, 1lylh Farmers' ('o -Op Association Cheese Factory will in the very near future commence manufacturing creamery butter. All interested in ;;hipping cream, ,)lease con- tact the factors'. Phone 17 2. Blyth Farmers (o -Op Association TELEPHONE 172 - BLYTI-I. THE STANDARD $11":";. •; I. ,;.:• •: •:..;«;..;..; .;•,� .;..; .;..;, ,;, ,, ,,;, 1":":‘ .;• 1":":4 ,;. ,;... r; .;. •;, ,...,. ,..• •..itl44.0;1 4;4' GROCERIES 1 Tomatoes, '28 nc, lin I8c Peas - 20 oz. lin 15c Kraft Dinner per pkg. Pk! Snowflake Ann icn'a . per pkg, 5c _'Jello l'cwdcrs, Cut Mixed Fruit, Dates, Raisins, Prunes, Fruit Juices, Amber Honey, Fresh Fru'ts and Vegetables Pioneer Feeds • Roe Feeds Shur Gain heeds • Calf Meal Durward's Ice Cream. A. L. KERNICK GROCERIES — LOCKER STORAGE •1 WE DELIVER—PHONE 39. 1 ill II•t1 111 .1I ..., ,, 1111.,:11 u, 41.4. 11 1111 PAGE 3 NNNffIVIoNIMIIINI,pNIN ♦INNNI/It V#NSI#Nr#INN ,sN.r.pKNN1,rNtI.INoworrmN.s ROX IT THEATRE, # CAPITAL TII ''ATItE REGENT TI1EATRE CLINTOty. t• GOOERICH. \ SEAFORTi-. Now Playi•1•l, (Nov' 20-22) "Abic's Now flaying; (Nov. 20-22) Shirley Now Playing: (Nov 20.22) Chips high tint?". All star cat. 1 Tem I<, in "HONEYMOON" Mc i., "fur+•, Wal., (Nov. 2•I2li' Mcn„ 'Fi;s Wed, Ncv 24.26 Ila(ierly in THE OVERLANDERS with ' DANNY 130Y" Two Features Mon, •fuse, W -d 'THE WEB", Adult Entertainment Laraine. Day, Brian Aherne, Rr,• , _ Nov 24.26 \ In u,1 1111, lii,'Itnl 11;n•r,l X11 brrt Mil ••bunt ;rad Gene Raymund AdultI nlcrltirnnnt : I1 Hum;:prey 13 �rnso t l.izaheili Scott I'.It" C',' ..1, I ,' ,11 ;1 III', l'; 11w, 11,4- 1 r ale, intllt ne :Intl tosr111 r and Charles Cane ol,urre 4:1n'icle :+,rt e.' , ..e;J. ;,,e,, I.. ;,r,l l tort' 'TI? ;1,,11 ,1,111 1, n',, 1;tlu ;III 1 tr11:1;v ,b:nna Fila Raines, I;diio9d O'Brien and ' nt 1 ; 1 d 1 :u,'1 L;,,I ,',I I a Ila Wiliam Bend x "'HD'. LGCKE'I'' ! 1.";;l n.1, 1„ ill,' .Ilrpri,e ALSO: "SUSIf STEPS OUT" 1u ;I.! „d ;Ilnl. II:;,, t'.. II t1, 111 !In -c. S.,:l\ Ides ulinnle• 1,1 leel 1k ;Intl niirt'.I, bn:,l,lilu. Jeer ell 1 1,:11L1,1- i Thu.-, Fri, S -t, Nov 27-29 Thur., Fri, Sat, Ncv. 27.29 -talo ir.' Ii:I,i11 Him,.i "ABI1'S IRISH. ROSE" ;5rl'1 y l;rrrnslrrc', Matlha Vick• I'hu:t., Fri Sal, (Nuv 27-29 i'\I ell• 111n.,:, 11 l ors and Dana Andrews 1{,i,,./. ', ,1. on I;s,:rill,1, ii., „il 1 n1n,,1,' „1 " ';,,tit 1.1•,1, a DOUBLE BILL Dann Andrews, Jane Wyatt and i 111' ,� t,'1 11 in 11 • cl,l I1 r „ 'nn n; ;, , :l ,11111 1;1, 11>' , r •...,1, and I,,1,- .,,tele., R'chard Norris ' THAT WAY WITH WOMEN" "BOOMERANG" __ _ __ Added Attracticn; "Little Iodine" Corning (Dec. 1.3) "Leve Story" Cz ming: _"WICKED LADY" JoAnn Marlowe in the Cite role with Patricia Roe I Adult Entertainment, MaiMatinees Sat. & Holidays at 2..13 p.m.. Dual Features "DEAD itECKONLNG" Lee J. Cobb ; Michael Ch..khnv, Jeanne_ Drs, and ' 1•11541141110111.. WANTED TO BUY GROCERIES Oltl ;t,1 .n 11;i1 •_• ,'t'• 3FRITS ANDHURON GRILL ml:llc ,1 fill pt;i�:, 112;1 l .••i.••.. t ♦sveiN ♦If***e•l e✓.III*.r*lN ;.q.•;•.;,,`,,..._r„ AN 1);'r,01tfUNIT1' ;1' i ,rr1 :f LV(,E(Il1I't'I11�11TR1; .t. ':.I;,i,I;.!1 ! 1' _ VEGETALES I h,1ie i .111 il .1;111: I3i.I''l'II -•• ONTARIO. ,a 9 ;,1111 i ttI! r,i!II.1, 4 Seedless Raisins, Fresh Currants, _... __._____ __. __ _ _.. ___. Iv 4,4 2 lbs. 35c 2 lbs. 35c Un^fitted Dales, 2 lbs. 3(lc BAZAAR ANI) SUPPER ' Red and Green Cherries, Peel, Almonds 4 Walnuts, Coloring and Flavors,1n 111it11 ,111•tul'ri;tl 11;111, Sttt:r .1 VanComp's Pork and Beans, 2 tins 35c I •\u;',ll ;t-1 _hit. Inulrr the :Cosiest. .t. Aylmer Red Pitted Cherries tin 38c; •I'I•illilt(urch (incl 1• Further I„ ;;FRAN' GONG Proprietor :: J. 't' .r. .-1 EXCELLENT FOOL) - GOOD SERVICE Meals at All Hours. 4,. �� rO,;I;r,;u;• /;«;•.;••;. •;•,;• ;r r;.r;.':',: ,;l l;• �•+� r�• r;• •;• ;, r;r 4 , r;• .;r •;. •� r;. r;. •;. rl• r;. r;. r;. r;.,:. •;«;/ r: r;• �«;1 •;. r;. r;H;.1�«;«� Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. Exeter 235; Seaforth 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. 1,o. ',rev LIN♦lfl•••-•••••••yM•••••4./ We Specialize In io:ei'ide Bakng , • om”: ! �f'S;rnds1 J, FRANK' 0 YII•*tI. DO* •••• Tip Top Plums . 2 tins 25c ?alar: next ,',rel;, Sweet Mixed Pickles 16 czs. 29c 1 Lyon's White Label Tea, half Ib. 45c 1 Nabob, Red Rose, Chase Sr 5ai5-lc b Good(0^ I and Maxwell House Colic, ... Ib. 5,1c ; Phillip's Soap with comb . - 25c P.E.I. Potatoes . per hag $2.251 SOME SAY - 1115t Rhone I2r,r2I, \\inghalt f 1• IIIV oyer►:. Phone call, paid for by your dealer. Medium size Grapefruit ... . 5 for 25c Sunkist Oranges Per Dozen, 19c, 25c, .29c, 39c and 43c Prattle, Royal Purple and Dr. 13e11's Poultry and Stock Remedies. .t WINCHAM- ONTARIO. :{I.,i,l1;{!,i,'. 11 i1 11 1P(1 , tA11 SSat. 1„ 1,, ,, tht • { 51 Night , ,�, rlrtl -, t'lll'1 �, I• I ,on ,i1, ;b', w, 11r ,';'('1',111,'11 �•! ,•.t,, 1 �'l n •J pro- ii;:11,11 i,,;,;u, _. 1„ut' „1;, n';Ir I The 1• R- Ivry, •,tth11.1l In rhar.:e •t' `,lith"111 111 111... •. i+o shwa each night -7.31 and 9,31 • 11;Itl;i (. ay Maltases at 200 I'. M,'. 11''!''111, 1/1';It rl I;.)v :177 11:1 ,1,11 r I .Chas feN irl ;true• .r,l be r„terl llclo w:` 1' X 'glints, 20, 21, NO•f;"'' u•ti- 1� (SPECIAL.) "LITTLE MR. JIM" , 'j ,t,llints, Fri, Sat, leigh' STEWARFS ALBERT STEAD nt).alt, '11r1- (•1,1111 •r.-111rtll Ji.S1,11 of lite '1'(111 tl•1t1t1 ref .11„tri, for IQ -1x 1t ill be ilei,! ;,t the ckie Butch Jenkins, I', own,1111, I lill n ti;lturtla}, November __F_ances Gifford:: 221rl, 1,47, ;11 III a.nt. Tics,, WA, Nov, 24, DOUBLE BILL 1 "THE BRASHER DUBI.00N” George. Montgomery "VACATION IN ;t ENO" Jack Haley (;Ord„11 1•atiutt J• 11, R. Elliot GENERAL STORE.STRAYED ELLIOTT WE DELIVER -- PHONE 9 14o the premises of the under,i.;netl nl nr shoat November 7, I;erl 1/churn- ed i Real Estate Agency '� ed Iletin, Ov;ner may have ,ani' its - �) fj1 proving property and pl}illi,; UNpt'll,r'• BLYTII. Doherty Bros. belle, It Illyth• 10.2;, Our Agency has the following GARAGE. FOR SALE 'property listed for sale: Ifarrl nt;tplt' wood, Apply lo Walter - (Ill acre f;iiti twithin I mile of tic 1'ca„c, Illtitt,• llrlls;('ls .15r17, 10-1i,. t '1” of }31'11; ttwu-,Corry in-ul Iiriilick•cia 1 dtwcllittg, 21)x36, and 1.1x 14; frame harp 511x70, steel and slliu,lc roof, cement stability; her hoi,c 3(tx1•l; ttinllrti ll and 2 gl;,,ell wells; water supply' in the barn; ?Il acres plowed, S acres new seed- ing. Rose Inas and Oil. " " I'roeliill atioll in:r. Sell farm, or faint including TOWNSHIP OF I{'ULLETT' `tl'cl; ;in,l ilnlslcntcnts cuntldctc. ,1, (gar Painting and RCpail'illn ntn,t i11 1 (1 .11 ltns.es.iun. a' Ti,, ;uunlal mlcrliu.g of the ILntcpa)' lag ;u re fatal fide;Illi siln:ltl rl on RUBBER -TIRED FARM WAGONS cr.. of the 'l'otrnship ni 1lullelt will be • Iiicittw;Iy •I, On fibs f:1rm i, situate EQUIPPED WITH AUTO TIRES held in the is f;;lint! Ilsrcllill,; .3,1x'8, ,tut Crater SiZE 600x16, Community Hall, LONDESBORO Cheating with two baths. Ilam �1� - FP,IDAY, NOVEMBER 21ST tt frank 1t0s3;t with trio•:,; ,;'0111, none B �ryi KERY MUNICIPAL NOTICE 1047 �i,labling with Crater in ,tal,ir+; drier 1 herehy give n,•ticv that the \edit- 'fhc Clerk will he in the ('i'ttttttitut' °h(',I 2hxn'I metal; milk bootie frame IINIPIlr1ltlMl‘l,pINNN�IN"M 2 p.m. to - 111;(10; chicken house 211x IS; silo x11011 of a Rccrr, Four Councillor, and Hall, I.(nuleshnro, from 1 to Acetylene and Electric Welding A Specialty. Agents Fo r International- Ilarvester Parts & Supplies FOR SALE l;rtl', windbreaker, age !', also boy's spurt rubbers. size 5, priced right. Apply at Standard Office. 1(1-1p. hal,?, ,t{olnl rubber hurl lrnl;ery. 1p- Three School Trustees to :sews the receive Nominations for 1 bees? ;UPI ,{ I 13x40 cement. "Fhils property is note• FOR SALE ol,eraled as a I:;t;ry farm twitb 1 pair la,lir,' L,I ,t, and •i„1It'.. • rt ' 1.1yto '1 it' 1 1- \lason, I,honc 183, '1'ntctlsllip of Morris rearing the year ( (Councillors for to hold office for the' 11:rmI;l:nt, amnia! 1•rtur0 H. in ► tond;li, n. 1 I� to Ultlll:__.___...-_ ___.. -------------. I(1 -I. ]'l •Iv trill be held at Ow fn,wnship t'r;tr {}i 1'N`+. st, ): 1 ,,11,,0'--, _ ' Il all Rt 1? :311 Ip.nt. to 1:30 p,ti ., lion-!! \\'hen a proposed candidate i,. not 1 \\•c• -lot ,i 1, roitl•cs.ion 5. 1'.a,l I'll, Bl tit. In.!, 1 { Is atwanosll, e !uprising 1111) acre,. ._-_ _•---_..__.._ I FOR SALE ! clay, November 'dlh, I94g. 1 prevent his Nomination Paper shall not on the t,renli,es is , itttate 1 to stores' 1 Ih,ys hr. two tired rioter ovircoat, I If detn;utdcrl lot election gill be he valid nine:; dere is attached there- t frank' rint•llirw 2rtx28 or; stone trill: 1,die 1'i, as good as mei'. Can be seen held 11onclav, I)ccerl:btr Fth, 19'17. to eviilcuco lata artery to the Retti•t• ; frame barn •I8x70 (,11 11011e Iclulrla- 1 ;Ii Pic Slanilaril 1)ffder, 10-1. 10-1, GEO. C. MARTIN, CLERK Mg Officer Iltat he consents to he so tion m•d:il tw;tier in barn; frame drive FOR :,ALE 19.7 Ford Ilrlu:ce • ,.,s:N,•.r7Mr.K,17u,Mucu.IKf+.um.a.044.,.-.+w. CANADA Die I Pay Income Tax For 1942? 11' So, read this carefully! `I'ht' (;n -'niunent of Canada trill reply the ItI';ht`h'I)AMY SAVINGS \''(;s I'I)li'I'II)N of 11)•12 Income Tax by \larch 31st, 19.111. If you are one of those who have refundable savings a challis will he mailed to you 111.7— Yotl.l' correct present ad(lress is essential!. (;erred tuldrertic5 n►o available .for most of those entitled to rcl►a%neat, but It large number of Iaxlalyers a, -e cunslanIly moving and others starry ani, their names change. Cards on which to rcl►ori changes of address or name are being scut to all householders in Canada. 'These are being distributed at the In•cscnt. butt. Additional cards are available neither at vuur district income 'lax office or your loyal Post lllliir. Do nothing if you live at the same address and have the saw name as in 1912, If vou. are entitled lo Refundable Savings. on 19/12 income T(la; (,Id you have changed )'0U1' address or n.aine COMPLETE AND 11':1A.1.L YOUR GARD AT ONGE! DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REVENUE Taxation 1)il'ision Ottawa 1lon, JnroiA J. McCann Minister of National Revenue ' nonl'n;;led, :\ meeting of the elect)'rs ',?ill be bold in the (:ouuttuity 11x11, !Joules - bort), ;it 2 P31., Friday, NAve.rtber 21st to hear proposed t;uuiitlatcs and int rase more than Clic required number of candidates to fill the office.; are nom- inated and a vote demanded, a Pull will he held rt MONDAY, DECEMBER 1ST, 1947 front 9 A.M.until 5 1'.11, at the foll1tvittg ltltt•r; Poll No. I, Forester's Hall. littIt irn, S(r1,r1! 1irllrien, 1)R(1., {?phriant (:lark, 1'Icrk; Poll No, 2, Scholl Clouse {lett Beacom, Leo \Vail. 1%11. Clerk; 1', 11 No. 3, School Neale SS. 2, Joseph Flynn. 11i;O., Bernard Tighe, Poll clerk; loll No. 4, Com- munity Hall, 1,'itilr;boro, Thomas Mil- ler. DIM.; I .t terson 1 icsl:, Poll Clerk :1 Poll No. 5, Conntomnity I hall, Slimmer -1 bill, I?phri;tut Snell, 1)h()., Orval lap - ,o11. 1'.,11 Clerk; Poll No. (1, Commun- ity Ilall, Londesbort), Finnic Lent Cosa, 1IW(1., Robert 'I'iltwttsctll. I'olI Clerk; full :co. 7, Forester's Ilan, .\aborti, \\'illiant Craig, DRO.; George l.am'lrtr, Poll Clerk. (1I•.()R(l I; \\'. C()\\ :\\, 0S-3. Totwmshdp (lcrk, shed 20x60; Ir;:ntc iii; pen tt '11x20, s fits land is (law 1 1111 particularly suitable for grain or hay crop. • i \ nnulber of other da-cl1mg;s and t arms ii•1, 1, l';Irticnlars on appli- I':•I of I.ol Bloch "E” situate on; the ca,t side north Queen Street, llyih, nth frontage Itf 223 feet, rl;r brick dwelling in good stat(' of repair, Fuller particulars on ap- plication. Seven -roomed tied fr.n:ue, a 1pllali_rid t1i e11in•g„ in the Village e of mt. The tlttrllim(r i1 itt good re - ,air; frame barn 211x2.1 with two I - !canto, Hydro and twister front pressure system in both dwelling 111111 b;irtl. ltt;;li acre of 1;II1t1 in ,tale of cultivation. Po,scs- iou 30 days. Pudldin: ;end land on the west side f Queen Street. The hnilding twituld I ake an e\cellrnt tartye fora matt- her ,•f cats. :Apply for further par- 4S1IOI{ER'S SUNDRIES. ticudar,a• ;t; fI'NJrN�f.►lN�MMrMMrNfiN.�i.�,��• 1 1 I)ENNIS C. DRAPER, M .1)and Other Sundries• t PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON =:'* 09-2 GEO. C. MARTIN, CLERK_. A. L. COLE R.O. OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN GODERICH - ONTARIO. Eyes F.xati:incd and Glasses Fitted, With 25 Years Experience ,� 1 t I� I NJ,NNV l Nr.l NJ tit NMN�N.� I. 4. , 11 ,1 . , I I r R:, I ,11 111'h111 . GENERAL TRUCKING Tile hell in trucking service al - wap; at your immediate call. All Loads Fully Insured. - Rates Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. . .1. II. CAMPBELL F.A. the present phone 70c9, llruses1s. 13 -ti, - I.Y, I, „L III .1 1'. W11 1 14611 Available for Delivery `s 1 SMALLEY HAMMER MILL 1 USED 8•FT. TANDEM DISC ALMOST NEW. 1 USED 9 -FT. STIFF -TOOTH CULTIVATOR, 11•Inch POINTS POWER LIFT. OLIVER REPAIRS ALWAYS ON HAND. FLEURY PLOWS AND REPAIRS MORRL'ltT & WRIGHT IMPLEMENT DEALERS FOR OLIVER IMPLEMENTS Telephone 4 and 93. ,Blyth, Ontario SCOTT'S POOL ROOM. ��.�..�.....�-t._' obaccos, Cigarettes, Pop; 1 .r .i :..:.iii 44. rt. �." .;' ,;..;' •;'.;.:..''++ '-+M'�.H... Office Hours •Daily Except Thursday and Sunday... I :1(1 to5 :pn P.M. THE MeKILLOP MUTUAL SPECIAL. 7;00 to 9:OP P,11, FiRE INSURANCE CO. LOW RAIL FARES '1'e{c!tlt(tne 33 -- 1)lytlt, Ont. HEAD OFFICE • SEAFORTH, ONT. TO47 -52p• -----... J f ROYAL AGF,'.; ITTa'1'UIt11I, FOR SALE Presithcnt, 1.Of1i1cGcersregor, Clinton; Tice President, C. \V, Lconhartit, Brod- Electric and Gasoline Washers, im- linger; Secretary -Treasurer and I11an- �� Fair ntrdiatr deliwery, from $1,31).511, 'Tran;- ager, ,,\l. A. Reid, 5caforth. portation prepaid. 'Midget brats, spec_ Directors 11'. R. Archibald, 5caforth; Frank i:11 dirt+nits to dealers• t'ri,tialt's McGregor, Clinton; Alex, Broadfoot, I':Iectrdr &1l:u'dtrare, Oshawa, (ln- Seaforth; Chris. Lconitardt, Born - Toronto Nov 1ti-26 , ` 11i' 115.1. hemi; 1 , J. 'Ircwartha, Clinton; John I.. ilalotic, Sctfortlt; John 11. \fclaw•- FOR SALE iitt, Ilbllh Huy)? Alexander, Walton;FOR THE ROUND TRIP (Plus Tax) 11. Whitmore, Seaford); 1larvey, Purebred Registered l It ref •ril twits. Faller, RR, 2, (;, vlerit:h, GOOD GOING -•Nov. 17-19 inclusive ho:m i';sr It:, t;oticrieh. Agents RETURN• - Leave Toronto not later '"*""""""#''''O""#'"'""'.t fgN John 1:, h , Pe)tpthi,•t; llrt1i,certihe, ldP; rRtc. tcFr,. than midnight, NcvemFer 27th, ARTt11111 FIRASER I11eriNeririer�r; Gel orge A.' 11'alt, Hiytlt, INCOME TAX REPORTS Parties desirous to effect insurance !! ,or transact other business, tt•i11 Ile 100KKEEPING SERVICE, ETC. i r i'1sunllly •01, 1 10 by applications n Street, EXETER, 1'hunc 355w I i1' :' of bc teri r9 addrenr.seit tc!tht:irabove resr:nanrt ,•e postfficrof• •.++••+•..+#+'.+r• l f ices Fare And One -Third Full information from any OF REVEME BY JA C K S O N •COL E Synopsis Chapter XIV: Michael Valdez sets out for Coronado to trace Flash C, nroy. a notorious gamb- ler. Valdez finds hint at the poker table in his men saloon, "Flash" Conroy's ['alar,.. CHAPTER XV :1s 1liclna:l Valdez moved slowly across the barroom floor now, the gambler touted to face him, and for a tense moment neither of them spoke, Then Conroy flashed his white teeth in what might or might not have been a friendly grin and said: "1":5 ticks, cowboy? It's a treat to sec you around here. Didn't know you often innved so far away from the boric." "Everything's tine," Valdez dratvled and slightly moved his charro vest so that his well-filled money belt carne into pk,in sight. "I've just come into a little ,.rinero and thought this %as just as good a place as any for Inc to ingest it so it would bring me in more." "Invest it, eh? l'ou'd like to run it up?" Conroy's full lips quirked and again his white teeth showed, "Certainly, certainly," he said affably. "Draw up a chair and have yourself a stack of chips. I figure we can give you a rum, for your money." As Michael Valdez drew up a chair to the table and sat down he cast a swift, comprehensive, but apparently idle glance around the room. I -Ie wanted to single out Con- roy's hcncbmt n, and he did that with one sweep of his eyes. They were some of those half-breeds loung- ing at the bar, of course. • * * But he gave no single sign of interest as he sat down and care- lessly dumped the contents of the money belt onto the table In front of him. Flash Conroy began method- ically counting out red, white, and blue chips. Valdez called for a new deck and began to re -shuffle the cards. Flash Conroy accepted his cards for the cut and deal as though this man who had just sat in at the game were no unusual visitor, instead of the spectacular one every man present knew hien to be. The five other players in the game also accepted the bit of melodrama, but shortly re- alized that whatever was the reason for the unexpected entry of this man from the border country, they were going to have to play a heads - up game in order to stand even a fighting chance with hint. The game ?vent on quietly, though, and men finally relaxed, The wins and losses sec -sawed back and forth between the various players, while Michael Valdez studied them sttr- reptitiously. `"' Before the game had been going on fifteen minutes Vadlcz got a 'pretty definite idea of the six men facing him around the table. The two directly opposite were obviously well-to-do ranchers who would be able to stand any reasonable losses at the Palace gaining tables. A man sitting beside the ranchers looked like a drifter who appeared to have made a stake. either in a lucky mining prospect or in sonic other quick turn -over. I -Ie probably was ripe for Flash Conroy's plucking, And if later he should be found dead in some alley, with all his money miss- ing, there would be no explanation of that forthcoming. * * The other two men in the game besides Conroy himself and Michael Valdez were plainly Con- roy decoys. That was definitely proved a few minutes after Valdez had pigeonholed them in his mind, when they and Conroy swung into action trying to whipsaw Valdez. But they slid not succeed. Ile was ready for there, and after that play he went on methodically raking in his winnings and pushing away his losses with cool indifference. His stake had been whittled in half when Valdez decided that the show -down he had conic here to force tonight might as %yell come now as later. Ile had a good audi- ence too, now, for the other games had been suspended and all of the former participants were gathered around the poker table where the owner of the Palace himself played. Better still, the drifter had reached his Breit and had dropped out of the game, Valdez knew positively the time had . come when, on Conroy's deal, the gambler hastily shuffled and flipped out the cards without offer- ing then for a cut. Picking up his cards, one at a time, Valdez saw that his first four cards were three kings and an ace. 11 did not sur- prise hint, therefore, when he picked up his fifth card and saw that it was his fourth king. Valdez never blinked as betting Double Crochet Hair Band Materials: Pearl Cotton, Size 8, 1 ball each of Red, Green and Yellow . , , Steel Crochet Hook No. Y. With Red ch 14. 1st row: Double crochet (dc) in 4th ch from hook and in each ch across (12 dc on row, counting turning chain as 1 dc). Ch 3, turn, 2nd row: Skip 1st dc (last dc on previous row), dc in each do across, dc In top of turning chain. Ch s, turn. Repeat 2nd row until piece measures 15 inches. Break off. Make a Green and a Yellow piece exactly like the Red piece. Finishing: Place the short ends of each piece over each other and eew them neatly together. Sew a piece of ribbon to both ends for tins. The above is one of the many attractive patterns shown in the new "Complete Book of Crochet." Full information is to be found elsewhere on this page. Sunday School Lesson By Rev. R. Barclay Warren The Way Of Love 1 John 2:7-11, 15-17; 3:13 18, Gi)l.ltli.\• 71:.\•1 — F !,. „ nf'er charity. --1 t orinthi.ns 1'1:I. John, the apostle, has been term- ed the apostle of love. 11c utas an affectionate ntau. it teas Ire who lay close to the breast of Jesus at the Last supper. It was he who left on record the hest known verse in the Bible, "For Clod so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoso- ever hello. oh in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." The words translated love or char- ity occur in his writings 120 times, * * * The lesson teaches us, "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the would," We trust use the things of the world but we Hurst not set our affection upon these things which are doomed to perish. Money is neces- sary but the love of it is "the root of all evils," She that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth." Your Handwriting and YouAl13 ex Sy Arnott What Shall 1 Write About? Many of my readers express re- gret in not knowing what to write about when requesting an analysis of their handwriting. Other readers write, "I do not know whether or not you will be able to read my handwriting for there are times when I cannot read it myself," \Vhat you write about in your letter has little consequence in making all analysis of your writing, The important thing in analyzing script for character ana- lysis is the strokes you use in mak- ing the script. It makes no differ- ence whether you write with a steel pen or a fountain pen or even a goose quill. It is the formation of the strokes and the contour of the letters and numbers that reveal one's characteristics, personal ten- dencies and habits, The implements br tools of writing do not enter into the analysis for the script may even be written by a person with artificial hands; in extraordinary cases, by a boy or a girl born with- out hands having learned to write by holding a pen between the, teeth or between the toes, Whatever the method is, the analysis is made from the formation of the strokes and not from the method used to make the strokes. If your handwriting is not what you would like it to be, there should be no reason for regret. Your writ- ing is one way of expressing thought, and what you think, you will write. It is not what you write, it is how you write that counts. Anyone trtshrng a more complete analysis please send self-addressed stamped envelope to Bo.r B, room 421, 73 Adelaide St. West, 7 oronto, 1Iuve is no charge for this service, before the draw opened up, and the players warmed up as it ?vent round and round the table. A sizable stun of money, when the chips had 611 been tossed in, clattered upon the table. Finally Valdez found himself running down to the last of the thirty -two -thousand -dollar fund he had brought with !din for this er- press purpose. Conroy, dealing, was seated to the right of Valdez. One of Conroy's players sat on the other side of the tall wanderer front the border coun- try, and next to that man sat one of the ranchers. The other Conroy man was across the table front Michael Valdez. Finally, as the betting became steeper and steeper, Flash Conroy dropped out. Valdez, who had opened the pot, checked the bet to the house player who sat at his left hand. The man bought more chips. A good portion of the new stack of chips went into the center of the table as they man opened the betting. r . . Again the bus went around, but the two ranchers had reached their limit, and with the high wagers being trade they had also lost con- fidence in tine cards they held. Apparently they would be no good, even bettered after the draw, Simul- taneously they tossed their hands into the center of the table. Conroy and his men had been wait- ing for that moment. Valdez was not surprised when neither of Flash's henchmen raised again. The gambler looked at Michael Valdez and lifted his eyebrows inquiringly. "How many cards, Valdez?" he asked. Michael Valdez thumb fmmud his five cards as he appeared to study them a moment more. He whipped out two cards then and tossed them into the discard in the center of the table. • "Give me a pair to fill this house," he drawled. (To he Continued) ISSUE 47-1947 Ott the other !rand, 'to love one's brother' is a hx,ic n ptirc- unent of a (Int istian. I t i true that some profess to be (hri•!i,ots and yet arc not on speal,in•.: teC115 Willi carp u!her. \\•c n i. r �Iotc will sur) ever get along in bea- ten. I;nt Iet the anstter for John says, '.\\ iloso hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no inn derer hath eternal life abiding in biro." The one tvho doesn't lot r his brother will not enter heaven. The love which John considers of such print,lry importance docs not exhaust itself in emotion. It is practical. "hereby perceive the the love of (iod, because 1Ie laid clown his life for us: and we ought tc Iny down our lives for the 1•rethren," Ile pertinently asks, "Wlios0 haul this world's good, dol -reth hi; brother have need, and shutleth up his bowels of compassion front hint, how dwell_ the love or ( loll in him" compassion: . * Stich love is needed ill the world today. Like the man on the 1 'u'i- cho road, the world has had a hard heating and has been robbed. 1\'e nations who profess to be (•hristi:uts trust play out pare in binding up his %aloud; and help- ing to pay for his keep till he is better. It is true that sometimes those whorl we have helped be- come our enemies. But that docs not alter our obligation to fulfil the law of love. "Let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth." I.et us fol- low after love, Bad Advice Convict — Be careful of these advertising slogans. I took the ad- vice of one of them and got five years for doing so. Friend—Which one was that? Convict—Make money at home. 1 WIIY BE ENVIOUS of other peoples' coffee when you can serve Maxwell House? It's the world's leading brand and it con• tains choice Latin-Ameri• can coffees for extra flavor. °�G'lICIOUS-- SoT�nder,p S1hafs Calumet's Double 4tt0n' MENDER cakes, little cakes and cookies , . , light•, even- ' textured muffins and batter puddings — that's the story when you use Calumet Baking Powder! And consistently fine results with Calumet will make you join the thousands of Canadian women who, once trying Calumet, will use no other baking powder. Calumet protects baking from start to finish. In the mixing bowl, myriads of little bubbles form when liquid is added. In the oven, thousands more tiny, even -sized bubbles are released to continue raising the mixture, holding it high, light and even. Follow directions on the tin for any recipe. SO FRUITY, _�- SO DELICIOUS_ e 1 cup sift D DA re • I tead flour Powderspoocalumet Baking %f • 11 easpaon ,alt A Product of General Foods 8 A R S :12 1 rage, well beaten cup sugar • cups Biel malted bullar e y2 cup bra Y cul metas sift again,on a measure • 1 f0blespoon hen ot nutmeat Add Ad`j sugar graduallytosa then baking Powder and greased ornately dates and nuts, Mix o beating well. pans, g x water, :nixing well. thoroughly. Add two 3r as d minutes, Cool inches, in a of well. a1 F.) Cutin bars, Make it 8323 °F,) ItaISIICID tIAD(-MAIA CALUMET DOUBLE —ACTING "A"' BAKING POWDER BOOK PRESENTATIONS 266 King Street West Toronto, Ont. Name Street - t„ - Town $3.00 after 7 -Day Free Trial Postage Paid by Us Send No Money—Mall Coupon To -Day, This Exciting New TREASURE -BOOK of Easy Things to 4d1 Make Your 'Own Christmas Gfts The complete book of Cro- chet is a treasure trove of ideas, instruction complete- ly Illustrated throughout. Give a gift that is truly a present "that money can't buy." Select and make your own eye appealing and "smart to wear" gift, by simply following one of the many attractive designs and patterns shown in this WONDERFUL BOOK. CHRONICLES OF GINGER FARM By Owendoline P. Clarke So — it's here at last — cold, stormy weather—and hem' much we would like to know if it is lore to stay. We would know then what to do about a slumber of things. Whether to shut up the pullets .for good, and whether the cows should be stabled—they have all been running out so far in the hope that we night cut down a little on the feed hill, Oh, that feed bill) Four bags of laying mash that cost 810.80 in September is now $15, and fattening mash that ',sed to be $2.60 now costs us 8.1 per. hundred. And' yet the price of eggs and chickens has dropped, ])airy con- centrate, without a doubt, is cor- respondingly high but so far we haven't bought any. Buying con- centrate, supposedly, increases the milk flow, but then what a farmer gets for the extra mill; is used up paying for the ccnccntrate. The same applies to poultry and poul- try feed, 1(ow long farmers can . continue to rob Peter to pay Paul he questionable, Rancor has it that milk is due for another price in- crease. We would much rather see the price of Hulk stay whore it is and sonic of the things we have to buy go clown. 4 • • 11ow long families with small fixed incomes can stand the High cost of living is something we are all wondering. however, I read the other clay that according to statistics we have just about reach- ed the saturation point. I don't pretend to know much about it but I like that expression—"the satura- tion point." It sounds as if a huge, dry sponge had been thrown into our economic set-up and w•as ab- s sorbing the life -blood of the nation. But now if the saturation point has been reached, or nearly so, then a change ,must conte and it would seem that the sponge must he squeezed to release to the public some of that life -blood that has been so greedily absorbed, Which is worse, I wonder, aus- terity or inflation? An austerity program such as Britain is experi- encing today is hard on everyone— but yet that sante fact creates a common bond of sympathy. Peo- ple have a way of realizing that many have troubles greater than their own and they set about try- ing to help each other if they can. • • • Inflation produces inequality and discontent. '!'hose who already have much, get more; (hose with little, get less—and if there is a surer way to breed discontent I have yet to meet it. There is also dis- trust, jealousy, and certainly a great deal of ignorance concern- ing the other fellows' problems among the various types of wage earners. Farmers lose patience ,, with striking industrialists; wage earners have an idea fanners are sitting pretty, living off the fat of the land with little or no expense. White collar men consider their inadequate salary—at least, to them —and figure they would be better off laying bricks. Store keepers, builders and plumbers grumble at the high cost of trucking, truckers complain at what they must pay for tires, licence, insurance, repairs and labor. • * * And housewives—well, there is no limit to their budget worries. However, no more sugar rationing certainly gives us a wonderful break. I have a feeling it won't please the bakers quite so well. No one has really suffered un- der sugar rationilig but without it housekeeping is certainly going to be a lot easier. Ilonle-made brown sugar syrup conies in very Bandy at, times, and is much cheaper than corn syrup. Poured hot over stale sponge cake or rice pudding you have a dessert that children love. And, of course, it will take the place of the more expensive maple syrup to serve with pancakes. Fudge also is now a possibility instead of eight - cent chocolate bars. Incidentally, what could be better for packing in boxes for Britain than home-made candy? Retort Valiant Mrs. Lester could not endure the thought of remaining uncap - lured, so when she encountered Telverson, single and quite cheerful about it, she could not avoid archly remarking, "Forty years old, Mr. Telverson, and never been married? It's really too bad. But surely you have not given up hope?" "Oh, no, indeed," rejoined Mr. T. "I hope I am safe for another forty years, anyway." k MOUTHS WATER when the fragrance of Maxwell House fills the air. This wonderful blend of coffees is Radiant Roasted to develop to the full all its oictra goodness. Early Statesman HORIZONTAL VERTICAL 1 Pictured early 2 Rupees (ab.) U. S. diplomat, Ilenjamin 8 South Caro. (ah.) 10 Succession 11 Like 13 Beret 15 Rodents 1613e seated 17 Fruit 19 Rag 22 Either 23 Thus 24 Symbol for sodium 25 Daybreak (comb form, 20 Lariat 28 Fixed look 30 Legal point 31 Marry 32 Alr raid alarm 34 Treatise 37 Id est (ab.) 38 Symbol for iron 39 Ream (ab.) 40 Myself 41 Animals 44 Indians 46 Relative ab.) 47 One who mimics 50 Convent worker 3 Airplane 4 National Rc- coyery Ad- ministration cab.) 5 Equipment 6 For fear that 7 Exists 8 Shop 9 Eccentric wheel 11 River islet 12 Direct 14 Imperious 16 IIe was an early U. S. 51 Symbol for tin 52 Experiments 54 North Dakota fab.) 65 Artists ()tie stories .1 ns,. er In 1'r. 'lona Placate i(.1I l_IL_iE r,T F —� 4. P0N_10R. 'NCE, LOT_„:AR I A::DoT,—. 9C,T;,STEFD5"WHY t.4,-: :M+) ME_. -YE ERROR GUY A:s.I_LT ,)t --_P M. RHO IM p Er,,,,, lr GILLETTE T 93 U G, r-- KN(�'��UL1:1,.f.1.T S9E�T_�►-Y.-.t1Ar ._i`' cinIT._.EON )`EAR., _TIE ':' HE,F„yQ_ - —' MIA T EIR TEL L I :36 Affirmative 17 Pinnacle 42 Males 18 Toastmaster 43 Ilindu 20 Replies garment 21 Fish eggs 44 Shield bearing 27 100 square 45 Weapon meters 48 Metal fastener 29 Paid notices 49 Dine 32 13c sick 52 Symbol for 33 Looks askance tantalum 35 Rectify 53 Senior (ab.) Z 3 '4 5 b 7 l3 lz 'pijl3 is 'al =Jo 32. 33 35 39 46rA4T 46 4 f 55 5! 04: 4 5 50 3 5 TEEN•TOWN TOPICS 13y BARRY MURKAR of the most heart -moving we have read in many a moon was the piece by Billy Rose about the matt and wife who were list- ening to the voice on the radio; telling tltenl to forget the war and get back to normal, \\'ith (halt the phone rang, It was their son about to he discharged from the army. Ile wanted to bring a chum home with hint, '1'hcy had been through a lot together. Scenes like the son's friend lost a leg and an arm, and he wanted to bring hint home until he got adjusted. Well, the father felt that the boy should go to veterans' hospital as that was the best place for hint. The son said okay ii it would be too much trouble and hung •up the phone. The next morning the par- ents feceived a telegram saying that their son had committed sui- cide. They couldn't understand it, Not until two days later, when the body of their son arrived, They understood then. There was an arm and a leg missing. You should get the point of this. if you don't, we imagine it is because we have lous- ed up the re -telling of it so Htch, New Club To Start Soon We note in the Jarvis Record, that the young people are trying to organize a 'Peen Club. A meet- ing for this purpose was held two weeks ago. We hope that when the club gets going, they will appoint a correspondent for Teen -Town Topics, to that we can keep posted on the happenings down there. Jarvis Gals Can Plow , While on the subject of Jarvis, we would like to mention a gal from that town that can hop on n trac- tor and plow a furrow as straight as , . . well anyway very straight. Her name is Vera Jaques and she won the championship in her class at the International Plowing Match at Kingston a few weeks ago, Only 17, Vera is as much at house in a pair of slacks and riding a tractor as she is in the kitchen of her hone, wearing an apron. Another girl who won honours for herself was Joyce Toner of Napance. 15 year old Joyce was the favourite subject of the photographers at the match, You're Right Joe Joc E. Brown, the famous film comedian, recently wrote an art- icle for a church periodical called, "Thank God for Laughter". It was a moving piece of literary work. In .this story Joe said real ambi- tion is not wanting. It means lov- ing the thing you are doing, lov- ing it enough to work, and call that work play. Well' chosen words, Joe, and w'c pass them along to the kids who read this column and hope that they will digest all you say. If you wish to read Joe's story, look tip the Oct. 1st, issue of the United Church Observer. TEEN -TOWN REPORTERS Plattsville — Edith Hall — Ili everybody, ' A week ago our Iii Crowd held a hlallowe'en Party. Those goblins, witches and unex- pected, uninvited ghosts surely made certain that we would get our share of frightening scares. The kids had a genuine House of Horrors. \Ve walked up boldly to the door and after being hoodwinked, stepped blindly into an electric wire to feel a shock charge merrily through our bodies, \Ve came out with sticky porridge up to our ears and elbows. \1any parents and friends gathered to watt'ch the colourful procession of chicks and chucks parading in the grand march be- fore the judges, while the Platts- ville Continuation School orchestra played. Prize winners were chosen from the masqueraders. Kisses (in paper) were sold and fortunes were told. Sweet apple cider and deli- cious doughnuts were served., No wonder the kids straggled home- ward. Bye for now, — Edith, Parry Sound — Audrey Harris— On Friday , Octel er 31st, the executive was elected for the new Archery Club started in our school by Ncil McNaughton, Neil is pre- sident, Jitn Wier is vice-president (Jim's father has a summer resort near - here and has a 28 -target archery course). Audrey Harris, your correspondent is Secretary - Treasurer, Afost of the members have had no experience, Jim's brother is going to make the bows and arrows, and being an experi- enced archer, is going to offer in- struction. The club has about fifty Inenibers, Friday, October 31st, the Fri -Nits Club held its masquerade Dance. The best costumes were wont by Shirley Christenson in a "Gay Ninety's" costume and Ross Bagant in silk hat and tails. Win- ners of contests were: Ed McGill, apple bobber; Mary Lou McMaster and Morris Lamore won the dance with a potato on a spoon, Lunch was served and we danced until one a.m., thoroughly enjoying our- selves all the, tints. Cold Sore Throat Swallow one Paradol tablet. Gargle with two tubleta dissolved in water. Co to bed and rest and sleep, Soon the pains and aches disappear and you may avoid a disagreeable cold. Paradol is n fast relief for head- aches, neuralgia, toothache, rheuma- tic and sciatic pains. It is pleasant to use and leaves no disagreeable after effects. Paradol does not disappoint. I'ARADODII•CHASE FOR THE RELIEF Of PAIN C • SOME HOME-MADE CHRISTMAS One of the sad parts about all (hose s'. rI);t prices is the fact that Chirsrtna t is approaching faster Than nnost of us like to think about. The Christmas present dollar, wllic11 never SCCI115 to go very far anytvay, is slated to go a shorter way 111a111 Cl'l'r 31115 ScaSull. All of which, naturally, turns main}' women to thoughts of hand- made Chrisinnas presents. Those covered wooden howls that hubby's shaving soap conics in needn't be discarded as useless. For inst.iucc, with paint or enamel, they make quaint powder holders for the dressing table—the inex- pensive gift with the personal touch that in alis so much. The same lit- tle bowls, shining with fresh paint, also can act as containers for hooks, buttons and other small sew- ing gadgets. A plain wooden box, which the man of the house could whip to- gether in short order with a few tools, can become an artistic de- corative container for a package of facial tissues. A slot cut length- wise through the cover allows with- drawal of the tissues. Finished in n single appropriate color or trim- med with a stencilled or band - Painted design, such a gift might well grace the dressing table of a friend. Then there arc bottles. Fancy shaped and gaily painted gift bot- tles art selling at premium prices these days, but think of all the dozens of shapes the bottles in which you get your jam, pickles and other foods. At comparatively little cost you can decorate them handsomely to make attractive addi- tions to anyone's china cabinet— particularly after they have fitted with smart stoppers which can be purchased from the hardware store. The possibilities are endless when you start to think about them. Flower pots and wall -holders for flower pots are popular in colors, So too are such personalized gifts as hand -painted shoe -trees, towel PRESENTS lir P 1 -ta °,-V• rte racks, clothes hanger and hat stand; . Small bookcases, wall brackets, bookends, tables, trays are all thinks that can be purchased in unpainted form and finished at home. Yes, Christmas shopinng is going to be an expensive proposition this year but at least sonic of the cost can be offset with a little ingenu- ity . and modest outlay for paint and some work which is practically 100% fun. When your Iittle one catches cold - Tonight .. • do what most mothers do to relieve mis- eries of children's colds: Simply rub warming Vicks VapoRttb on throat, chest and back at bedtime. Results are so good because VapoRub's special relief-brin(;1ng action starts right away and keeps on working for hours during the nlgltt while the child sloe ps,Of ten by morning most misery of the cold is relieved. Remember, Mother , , - when your children catch cold . be sure you get time -tested Vicks VapoRub. elvue i,>rCeet ea.dd from Your Own Negatives 20 for $1.00 From 1 Negative with Envelopes for mailing the moist distinctive Christmas cards you can get . , . cards friends will treasure. icnd us your favorite negative. ]t'e'll re- turn 20 attractive greeting cards b' r sill your "snap" printed on and matching envelopes. On 2 - color folder eards,11.50doe. 11 photon colored, 13.S0 dos. •Any Eire roll, a or 8, deve!- opcd and printed, 30e. Dept. 13 STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE sox 129 Pod Mee A, Toronto ONE DYE ONLY—FOR ALL PS POSES I Tintex WHEN HOUSEWORK GETS TOO MUCH FOR YOU;"ell ONLY LIPTON'S 'BRISK -TASTING TEA GIVES YOU THAT • Yes, it's really exhilarating—that de- lightful FLAVOR -LIFT you get with Lipton's Tea. It's a grand combination of rich, full-bodied ten flavor ... plus a lift that just makes you feel good all over. And Only Lipton's Tea gives you this FLAVOR- urr .. , because it's the blend that wakes Lipton's and the blend is Lipton's own secret! Try Lipton's! See what a de- licious, brisk -tasting tea it is . , . what a stimulating lift it gives you) Ask for Lipton's, the tea with the FLAVOR -LIFT, at your grocer's today! OovyrIsht 1947—norm J, Upton LbnlICO JUST SEE WHAT LIPTON'S TEA CAN DO l d JARANTEED! 1 Says ,l1Re BRISK e A y PAGE 8 THE STANDARD �o10=0= I PERSONAL INTEREST 19""""""'"#"""'"" 1 wj \Ir. ;Ind \Irs, It. Hall visited wttlt 1 the latter'. sister, Mrs. U. liibhas, of (tetwit, o\ cr the week -end • oc to: Orso'-----1OI 10; Announcement- eauty Shoppe \lis. Glades Fawcett of 'toi lit. - - - --• Having purchased the General 1)rygoods Busl- pl'I't''tl the etch earl with her mother,\I r.. .\ • Fawcett • i1CSS from i111ss ()li1'i' McGill, 11'C soliClt it l'011tlllll- NH,. J. P• Watson and Edward ance of the loyal support and patronage of the eitl- \'i•itld \\ith \Ir• and \Ir;.. ,loch little mrt+«, ui London, mer the neck -tell, Ll'11S of this community. tirurgl• Powell mnder\vent 311 oprratiun 111 (11111(nt Hospital rlt Sal - 1 ord•,\-. \\re \vill have availahlc at all tines a complete pl \!r, (inrlpll, {Icnl stock of quality I11Crchandhw, and it is our desire to :'re \t eel. -cull t\it}t his parents, \I r. 0 and Nit's . \V• N. \\':It;un • Serve you promptly and efficiently at all times. dies Ituncan `te\,art ni Ilcn.all i. I,end`r t this \\ eek \with his ncphet\ \Ir. Il,nigla, Stewart and \irs• Stc\\arl WALLACEi \la.:l r J111111 I.:twrit• \is;tilt Ili. IRVINE grandmt, of , \Ir• and \Irs. (1\\cn h I ltiinu of \lilerrton• r` ,OmOr OI=Or 1,01=0^-''-'-""1011=10 \lr, Sit ie 'I':Iyl-.r, of S;. !Wens, is I ;1enl!inq a few slays this \\ cel: with I'i,+.4' 4.4...i .:..:••0•:.: 4..440.,....� •:.:1 -it •:..1..,0 4.4;.....• ..•:.:, Oil .«. rH:•.18.0.,..8441 it 4... 440:. 44 y.•,nt� .0 I. I, errs. 3;• 3�1 0 X! \Ir• lirerett Onderhill and \)rs• Lit !crhill of Harmer, \lan., and liar - 1`. \I1 \rttr ;Intl \lis. 11. 11. \ic:\r- ter, ,_f Tor:luo, paid a short visit 1,4 \I r • and :\I r: • I1. \I c.\rter last \Vednesday • \!r• and \Irs. .\Ibl:rt I:cl!\ left on Saluda), November 1Ftli, for their new h me in London. (11d neighbour: and friends are very sorry to see \1t', and \Ir:. I:clly !care the connnunitr. Re\'. 31111 \Ir,. Ie• t:Iy,dale 4.,f II- dcrt n V1.41 fnr a fe'' days this week will, Nit's. 11•1n. Mills, and, \Ir. and \I r.• John \Tills• \1 is; ('I'';4. \\'aison. h . ' .. 111 "1'11• Tonto, •),ret the \reek-en,l \6,1t her Barents, \Ir• and \Irs. \1\' N. \\"at - son • \I r. FIn1e•• Pollard, \I r. \I. 1:r117ley. \Ir. ant! \I r.• lit''.e I'rTile Ron- a Hie 11I 1 1) .lul'1 1.ynnr, of Burford •• \vith \Ir. and \Irs. Lorne Riehl and worsen of London, on Snenty, \I r . and \Irs . Burden Staples u \\";rte1•Ioo, spent the \vicek-cod \vit11 the former': parents, \I r. and Nies. John Staples. FOOL) STORES NOVEMBER 2)- 21- 22 Eddy's Redbird Matches p Carnaticn,Miik F` Pork and Beans .>w Old Dutch , : „ Choice Blueberries 24. Royal Met/1o1' Pancake Flcui t1I: \Vczlnn's Plum Pudoings Dalt:n.5 3•sc'tencd Pudding Crani Try Sauce Waxed Paper : Dales, Raisins, Firs, Prunes, Currants, ,. Walnuts and Alm:nds. Mincemeat, Ketchup, Salmon, Jams and Marmalade FRI;SI0 FRUITS -- FRESH VEGETABLES 3 PIONEER FEEDS - LIF ETERIA FEEDS. Vy l.• Deliver. -- E. S. ROI3INSON. -- Phone 176 {if4;44.:,.:- :..:..p •:..4q..,. Via•:•.:..p.:..:.:•.:•.:.0»iMi 1.•:-:.:±:-..,.....8-04-8“:":40,:.•:-:00:-:-....84 x0=Or.-..,., ....•+0=9"-'"' 0=cor----"""'10110. 01=0 3 large boxes 24c 2 Targe tins 23c 20 nz. tin 17c ,:er tin llc 79 c.. tin 37c p:cg. 15c each 49c 2 plcgs• 15c 12 oz. jar 33c 103 ft. roll, bcs 30c Peel, Cherries, .;. •4, •�, 4-4 w• ;Td 4 Is the SnowHere toSi COME IN ANI) SEE OUR FIND LINE OF Warm Clothing and Rubber ]Footwear MEN'S PARKAS -• BOYS' PARKAS MEN'S MACKINAW PANTS HEAVY UNDERWEAR. SEE ANI) COMPARE. 1r ex o.l o i • ,. 1 11 to 1444 .1 1 1 441:11 nut , i . , 1 1 u 1141 .. r 1 11 • • 1 . 1 NOTICE Clerk's Notice Of First Posting Of Voters' List. Municipality Of Hul1ctt- Township, County Of Huron. Notire is hereby given that I have complied with Section 3 of the Voters' List Amendment Act, 1937, and that I have posted up al my office, hunk's - how, on the 28th day of Ochilli r, 11ta7, the list of .1(1 pees rt: entitled to vote in the said nittnil'i!tality for members of parliament and municipal elections, awl tltatsuclt list remains there for insltec- . tion. 1 And 1 hereby call upon all voters to Mtake ilmmediate ur,'4.iing; in have u any errors lir 011111,4105 corrected ae- 0 cording to law. The last ,lay for att. peal being the 21 st day of November, 1947. GEORGE W. COWAN, (19-2. Clerk. Hallett 'I'n\rnship. 0' wn-a114o44110omE4l,41•14o4•1•n.al•wo+ro41.11u1=1•n441.o11r © Insulate Now• Winter and Sunlrtler Protection Ilarris (oiupoiiy "The Corner Store". Blyth, Ontario.. . Rl! 01©0t' ,01 0' ,Oran, • • ,0=t0• - .0100i ATTENDING COUNTY COUNCIL ATTENDED WARDEN'S BANQUET I Reeve Franklin I;ainton Lits been in , Former Reeve \\'ill ale Merritt was attendance ;It the November `ts'it.lns ; .1 1;11r•st 1,i \\'; r k;l. Itro\\it Stnillt at 1 the Huron County Council being the Warden's llam,iuet hell in Gudel'ic Itc!(.1 al Gvderich this t\cek. 1 on Wednesday night. 7 i with Rock \Vool 1'luteuntatic Illy ' installed. FOR FR E1.: ESTI \I:\'1 I•:S I'l11)Nl' 111.1"I'fl 21r12 or \\'RITE il1AKE YOUR AP,l'OIN'f1 ENT NOW! for that R14:AI4 1a1GENI 01L PER 11'IANENT That You i -lave Been Premising Yourself. Call Phone No. 73 Olive McGill 1 2 7 ..,44.44N 'S4,##4,4.N4tNt14.,444444.4.4- "Ott N#4~4* 4.N4,4.4.4.~.0,4N44 NS. 1 W. -M. JAMIESON Western Home Insulators • (13ti Wellington St., London, Ont. • na,IA o-••o44•.l.41144• ufl0 414.4n414114oao eo4111wne1 Should You Have Completed and mailed This Card? IF 4 ,,,,, MVO 01nn0111,414114.40 m' TVA Immm Vamm ommma mm yntl are entitled to repayment of the Refundable Savings Portion of your 1912 income `1'11x. r1NI)- vuu live at. a different address, or have changed your name due to marriage or other reasons since 611m.! Your 1►•12Income Tax return, YOU SHOULD COMPLETE THIS CARD If you have not ret (lonie so please act now ... All cards should be in the Department by Nov. 30th Remember! 'There are complete details of what to do on the cards I:e!i'ercd to each household in Canada during recent Necks. If, for any reason, t m1 did not get our card or an insufficient supply was left al your address, go to. your nearest district income Tax ofiicc or your local Post Office, where cards are available. If you have a change of name or address to report do it now. It will assist in the proper delivery of your cheque! DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REVENUE Taxation i)ivision Ottawa Dom. .lanto$ J. 11e(:rine 111f,lisr,'r of Notional Revenue NOTICE THE WILLID.G WORKERS of the 9th 1. ne of Morris RED CROSS are 'p.111toriltg .1 CARD PARTY ANi) DANCE IN BLYTH MEMORIAL HALL nn ,'1l' c., ,Ilia WET)., NOVEMBER 26 ;1t i :; II !•.111. sharp CARDS WILL INCLUDE EUCHRE - BRIDGE CRUKiNOLE FOR THE CHILDREN. 'N('ll \\'II,I. III. S!'10, 1:11, WiLBEE'S ORCHESTRA. \Ir. I, Staples, Floor \lanager• .\dntissien : Adults 511e, Children 25c , Come One, Come All, to Help a Wm thy Cause. HELP THE RED CROSS There will be a dut:h auction on a • Folding Card Table 11011=1117:0Wiatt;t2sitDlgINNDI P.Dt),DI>3lets2t013MmD IFIliDiDt )41218t2111il tDaiDllal1t81 I.. Wednesday, Nov. to, 4.641 Vitamin Products We have the Vitamin Products you need to keep you in robust health through the fali and win- ter season. We are always pleased to discuss the various types of Vitamin Products: Wampole's Eztract of Cod Liver Neo Chemical Food Nyal Cod Liver Oil Nyal Cod Liver Oil Capsules Vita Vim Multiple Capsules V.M.C. (Vitamin Mineral Capsules) Junior - Mina - (for children) - A.B.D. Capsules Alphamettes Scott's Emulsion Waterbury's Compound Crcophos $1.00 $1,15, $2,15, and $4.45 69c and $I.09 98c $1.75 and $3.00 ...... $3.00 $1.25 $1.10, $2.00, $3.50 $1.00 and $1.85 59c and $I.19 95c _ .... 51.00 R D. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER, --PRONE 20, '.rt' 7. titC44;41&+at4471i iay. CtC�ttdtQ►&IBIK+s4. 4 4t4414t WKICtCW4IiRiKtGOV04144WRiglit [ 61 i Is t Not Right- IXTY DAYS FROM NOW CI-IRISTMAS WILL BE PAST. WI-IY NOT MAKE A RESOLUTION to do that Christmas Shopping EARLY this year and AVOID I;ISAi'1'0INTMENTS. We invite you to drop in and inspect our complete stock of novelties, living room & lounge furniture. Don't forget our line of NORGE ADDISON AP- PLIANCES - everything from a beautiful walnut combination phonograph radio, to our colorful mantel sets, at a price to.suit everyone. James LOeks%'oOd FURNITURE - COACH AMiiULANCE - FUNERAL SERVICE I'11une 7 or 1111. lil\'tll 1 SS4,41S4,0441,4SSNN *Y4,4440,4. 1, .II.al.11tl 1 ..1 .11.,.,. .I 11 1 LI 1 1 :NOW OPEN! It 1 I.. II, 1611b.,41.11 PARKVIEW BEAUTY SHOP 4 . r .SPECIALIZING IN -- PERMANENTS and TREATMENTS CALL ANYTIME for APPOINTMENTS. PHONE 35, BLYTH E. F. CIIAPi11IAN PROPRIETOR Personal Care of \ tent• Is Our Ie•pnllshiltiv•" flair • 1. 11 I„• I 1. u 1.11 I• I. i 1 1 ... • r .. 1 1 i 6;, . evo J/ I�!� / d /test Keep Ontario's factories and farms producing at peak' levels . • . keep pay envelopes full. Hydro is building new power plants at top speed, but it takes years to com- plete new generating plants. In the meantime, do your pati, avoid waste of elec- tricity ... please save all you can. EVERYBODY SHOULD SAVE ALL THE ELECTRICITY THEY CAN 147 J Speiran's Hardware EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE. OUR SUPPLY OF GLASS 1S BETTER THAN IIAS BEEN FOR SOMETIME. I1RIS'I'MAS IS RAPIDLY APPROACI-IING --- PRESENTS HAVE 'h0 BE BOUGHT AGAIN. Check Our Stock. We have an excellent variety for Every Age. Hockey Sticks, Pucks, Sleighs, Toboggans, Wagons and 'Tricycles. 11,4.. 01 114.- 1 i . Mit W t t444N1114.tt4`.NNI 1Ntt 1 tN#~1.4.4Ntt4.1SNN11t4.4t 4NI4.t lttttt14N1 1 Bread Cakes - Pastry 4 Have our •elivery Call at Your Door 1. The HOME BAKERY H. T. Vodden, Proprietor Blyth, Ontario VN441I4.14.14.1t tt11tmer ~~,•1••~ Are You in the Market for a Paint Job? we are ready at all times to attend to your painting jobs, exterior and interior. We use the best of paints, and our workmanship can be com- pared with the best. Let Us Estimate On Your Next Painting Job. TAIT & HIRONS 'telephone 56, Blyth Decorators Congratulations to NIT. and Iirs• 'l'he:lm is Lawrence, who cacbratc their 7th \Veddiug Anniversary 1:: day, November 29111.