HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-08-25, Page 2_ GODERICII, .V., Adg. - N.!". • •-•,"•-• ••••/‹/N..". -TUE _rOWER OF III:3111VG. - _ It IFI.EBIATC1i. sTp.ATronn vs. GODERICII. • ; -On Thursday, the '2•1th inst., a very. tntoresting Milo Match between the Strat:s ford and tloderieli volunteers came off ob • Hartiblay (a low word ) is defined by diet ion:iry m inufacturers as " an imposi- tion " anti tistutiress as " imposters." It is not neeeisary to be reminded as we are that it is a low word, but it is, neverthe- less:so expressive, and -has become so - familiar that it ceases .to strike offensively upon,. ears polite. Imposition,• or hutn-• bug,is as old as the Isfatilttish, Jacob.- Threugh all the varyiniphases o.f human 'nature, as far back as ive h.ave historical record -we find that men have' hem' strict- ty conservative; in _their liability, to: be humbugged. In our histbrical rtunbles through the fascinating, wo4rous we.stumble, at every stepturion humbugs. We find humbug kingS, 'priests, prophets-, warriors, - anthors and mereliants. . In - every age ive discover that there have been men keen enough to -discover the • • • • weakness of bunian,nature' us tins respect and unscrupulous enoi14411 to profit byit, the spktidid range" a the latter on the • •••••••••••••• TIIE SEMI•PWEEKLY SIGN -AL _ Provitial:P.arliatagnt no.514141, is inlenrea sif the sevega 1 departmeo‘to that fbr.clesitigllit Government office4 ern4ild •-. . favor the ether' side. (Hear, hear.) He • had much pleasure in now proposing Th Stratford Volunteers.' the toa4„was reoeived with all Oaf honors, iueluding " For thy are right ;spoil - fellows.' 1. Capt. Service, in response, said in flats near this town. The airrangement Parliamentary usage it -was'. customary for was that the firing party was to be emu- move the address - the youngest member to hised of ten men from each of the Strat- and in matrimouial matters the youngest • ford eompantes and tile same number of our Goderich volanteers, the range to be had generally to respond to addresses; so, on the same prineiple, it devolved iipon 4150, '200 and a00 yards, five rounds •him, the meanest shot on the ground that 1.);..;r man at ,each range. The, Stratford clay, to return thanks On behalf of the men arrived by train a6 Arooti' and were Stratford attn./ -.-:(Lnigliter.. - Capy_11,45, paratory to the ..day's exereiks. t twoI ) He (Ca* 8.) considered him, the meane‘t shot of Goder- met tit the station_ by their opponents, who -it -pifor.osea by entertained them with a Solid lunch pre: Lsseises . I A- -:. , self cOttain of the cracki coMpany* of ..!1 Stratford,:but, he felt that -Wei Ouilit to o'clock the combitted forces marehed down to the flitta, the ranges were laid out in byashamo -9.f.thior beatin,. :_Iff former - front'of •the fine iron targets, of which • _ We :"niatehes they bad mime out, petty close, lia.ve-twe-inul the -firing commenced in but. they had new to knockturder edirely. C,00-1. Cattiest. -, : The _$tratford; Int...nary L - -t. - --•)' After • ' - • -- - tit 4.....,t•• •- 1 ( our' iter. going rough sue i. were opposed by the Godi3rich 9-..Artil7 . a -glorious" campai,gis :it ll., the", front ' " -.',Ite 1 tbOught:Iiis mAn prepareefor 'Any- lery and the Stratford Rifles:: by the had Huron Rifles. , The Stratford- tit?n. went thine,. but he had to confess .tkat they at their work carefidly-,_ but before long it Were moat handsomely. thrashed: „by .Godi bepatne. apparent to - all that they were - oriel': ' lie. had taken the krouble to look igeing to be beaten. Both,. of. our °In" over the scoie.of the latter; and hebadno i - a ade s-lendid scOrds that of -the . . - if of - heinn• one ef the largest we have • . • br d Western and yet, it is a reiltaikable fact that not- P Pies; m P , hesitation in sa)ing thatbeatanything withstapding the repeated exposure of imposition,•human gudgeons have taken the hook again on a slight eleinge being made in the bait 110W are,we t� accoinit for the .gullatolity of such 'n large portion - • • the kind he had seen pu 'she in seell on such occasions:- Quite _a number uanada. (ulteers.). - He hoped to meet of spectators- ..wereon, the groand ond much interest was feltsin the regalt. We are happy to be Able to state that tile ele_. utmost, harmony: prevailed during the of ourraee L it owing to some w spread defect in the popular uncle.rstattd- - in, or to unaturAl love ler being- imposed upon, ea the same principle. that. the re, presentiitions of the theatrical actor are applancled.in proportion to the complete- ness with which:lie invests hinrself with a •-character not his own. However that • . . thetu again and. bear them- it possible._ Ilelteartily thanked -them -for the 7 kindly reception the had given the Stratford _may be -and the qUestion Must be left to the careful cousideration of a select day, not even a harsh word being, --said to mar ,.the- spirit -of. good - hunter which marked the conduct of each.- competitor. From the followingisese be . seen that Our Goderich Volunteers were victo- rious. by the large number ,of 193 points': nuron_ives. - committee ,composed of Barntim, Tom Thunib, Blondin and Ada Isaacs Men - kips -it isi notorious. fact that nothing in this- wicked. world' is ea§ler than to humbug the "public, none so successful in superfietatsense as those who know how to wield the magician's -wand aright. " it posditile,'". asks the intelligent tender, "that Lean be the victim `of' humbug ?"' Yes, friend, the probability that you are humbuzged in some shape or form every week of you r life., If you. are • wealthy,: and we* trust you. are, yonareare' humbugged. Irate. a dim -belief that your bottle of champagne came •from rrance,- that your sherry is not =punctured from lublikey,..that thebitterness of your crack "-" Milne- 14 10-- 9---------- • - . Jtank:and ,t;, • -o W.T. lei 12 s ,r!' 40 Ensign John .Davison IT' 47 Sergt. J. Wit *ht... 17 13 • 0 . " Geo. Gralnim.. 13 . 13 0 35 Corpl- Jam. IleIatosh 14 16 . 15 45- ". W. &add. ... 14 17 5 36 Pdvate B. Seymour. -.16 16 13 _ 45 g: .• 12 12 II -35 _ - ell 17 '11 10 40 - _ -4, -sr Periningtou 13 11 9 - , •.. ct, And ay • I-re:opening-them for public business -in 6 -m- a -a. Hon. Mr. . • lied it is the intention , ASSENIBbY. - Quirsc, August 22. ' of the Government to give stick notice. J.14; lme for clfosiat t6 tqces litre 4.11d 0141 This itfurnona ihe following Bills lord in trodueed, and read a first titue . I i dsor and Sendwich . ft) ineo: potato t n Stref-t Railway Company , also, a Bill to in - 'corporate the ly indoor and - Detroit -Ferry Compaey-Mr. RANKEN. To incorporate the Knowlton Company -Mr: DUNKIN. - To facilitate the windino. up of cjotIN1044111?_racc!..1.1..!ufall -H. on. .1 147 143 105 305 Stratfitrit Capt. Service.; s 7 10 0 17 Sergt..A. .!leCulloch: .12 11 . 6 29 . - 15 - 2 23 " j. MeThersoo... 18 . 9 .7'87 35 Corp'l W. Watson. , '9 - 30 Private A. • 0 27 G. Pattills Z_ I 15 0 26 u W. Hepburn 10.r: 8.". 7 - 25 ale islalidue to hop, that what you eat is Bagley W. Inilaelt.2.: 14 13 - 4, 31. _.- . -123 194- 48 ' 2.7G - :not !semi stolea by its alleged writer from Goderick Artikry. . , some more clever scribe : Your boots if dept. Ross - .11 14 12 37 : 12 8 . 5 25 " iv,00 tight .are sure to stretat, and if toe 'Aleut Kirk . Sergeant Walker , . la 14-10 37 - large they will shrink to the foot. That Private Thomson is the principle acted _upon -by a large - l'assinore . . Daneey 15 11 10 36 nuinber-of those who/supply your daily . McPherson; .13 13 14 .:4, 0 -. , . wants (not -always, we are Sorry. to say, Addison :17. 14 10 41 . . . pure, that thecapital article you read has 1 companies. ‘.( pplauSe.) ; Lieut. James, -on behalf of the Stiatford infantry, responded likewise, thanking their hosts_ for the handsome manner in which they had been received. - Alluding a portion of. Capt Ser_*e's speech, he said salthough .his. coinpany:liad been beaten by their odeiiclf opponents, they had not been-.- surpassedby the..ir crack Company of Stratford..7.(Langhter.).-;7. lie hoped text tunetheyWould.. meet. on • • . neutral .ground where they might- reason- ably expect better success than on I- range Which the • Goderieh were...;ro. well . - acquainted : -behalf of Ilia com- pany; he returned his siacere thanks to the _ Goderteh Volunteer -A, fur their handseme be hav our on• the -occasion. • .• - • he- vice chairman then p.ropeied "flt Press,”.which wits. responded to briefly: by Mr Cox of the Si kriat. 1\4. spiike .of the riecesaity of -keeping :uttothorouglity effiatent. Volunteer tbree in Canada, snid lit allusion to the.Vicanry won by the Gotierieh boy,. Said he was happy:that they were -able to show, that aithOugit it Wil.$ said to ao ingto theliad,they Could tarn cut good and tree men wileu they were required:. - : I • ' •• Scrgt. Sinith, in a very hurnerotts speech, proposed the heattli-of the Girded:* Volen semi -te which t5-e-StratfOrd Men-selteeted lustily. . - them in Ottawa. fet flx°A.-1(14ca:, •1•••••••••••• 4641. , •66:66.„ 24.4 " - - t; r appri eltivk n Board t T;Oreint ast,e,,tp. . ITh"le g4‘1prtela-'117s u st7ci--IP•on -ScianTIT,'Itbe re a t Eastern in the attemtds to...rovet:the Atlan- tic: Cable 1.ie des,:ribel .mi..ite-ss,-1 1 Ls 11%e aimed atiehurs with flukcs, till:111,4 calved let tarttring to an pb116.glie tooth like et:d. he geetniels,meighing thice hundred weight. ../.*••••11.1•3•1110110er +as.. ••••,...misuos.,,exe. and laughter.) shackled :111(1 Se euied to a length of ire. buoy old ▪ Steers S.'2.; 2nd 1'50, 3rd 1.00; best yoke •2 yrs old Steers $.2, 2ud 1.:-,0; 'best fatted Ox $3.72.nd iird Lon: best lam d Cow or 2sa "2-. 00, 3 d 1.00: bet bull Cult; cd. f 2nd 1.00; st heifer Cbif, udred in 1 -t::. 2,:d 1.00; ¶HIt yoke working; 4.a.un 3.ne; Z,d 2 00. , SIIELP -1,v6t Rain Ylid 1 0. 3rd 1 41 fft tiest line Mini 2n3 1.60: 30 1 .44C1 hest Ewes (pen of 2) having, raised le. a cit. ism was ie am n ( ro e • 1 • Mr..Cartwiight moved that a Committee 1 , be apaoicted to iturire into:the best method wsose bra eking strain was caleulati4 tai non Lamb 2.114 1.00; best eue Lamb - - . tot, wes-1" (rtiglit.np to the bows., anti three* el .50, 2nd 1.00; best Imir i'atted •Lwes of organizing the on a permanent - basis. er over and whistled threueh the sea a prey to Wethers 2tid 1.00. fortune. Itt. lost the iron sank teat s.ou y, PiGs-best Boar laige reed „ n . , Cemetery After some discussion. the Atty•Gens West but even the movement of deseent increased best Boar, small breed $3, 2nd 2-00; best- - r • hatiiii4 stated that this was a matter of which, . 8. I-4AC• the Governmset assailed the responsibility; so is te lay .g,rent stresa bri the Pickins-mi Sow, large.brerd:$34od2.001ttests§owasmell the estate the -motien wes withdrawn. - • • mathinery, which was rendered available to breed $.3, 2nd '190. The abeve sows must .- • • - To change the name of the Byt- own Con- i• f -g e Piff,s4P 1§..65, one or thou ma -to Wt. • moved. the -atilt-ointment-messen witive.- a 4" laA taut 1 • o search for the fugitive hidden in mysterious shown with Sow. a spec a coma] ttee so take into consideration surrieie; "(jaw CompOlY, aid to ea"fer "Md ex" the s hiect Of the enlargement orafte-W011arki eavernsdieneaths, _Length flew. Atter _lcagth, Poonav-besspair Gtelme Fowl7e, teed the:a...corporate poviersunder the t an.q camas. ' • " Oyer cantle Nvliebt andlrum till the "iron vas 50 gi, rdX d of the Ottawa G .Compeny--Mr. Atty. en. Macdonald having staled that sunning W1111 *Orli- heateld at last to Etta besit arl-lrargre "barreUeclaVte fgds 6tc; lbels-ip9a°;- . i 2 d- 1 ?I:: el1711.19:0i ell f tulti11;':tivtoilrkkei the machie pry luta elowls_aof steam. One. 2nd 75es hest pa, Iteite%. ( 0 tt awa) - t tere was no necessity for eitablislung the ifliceSify -es to convert the water thrown npon Boot uns Mutual Fire 111Sn-ranee'. Conipatitit 111/ M t the. A.V.atet.17. thousand fathums 1!iffeeirtundred rathinea I pass (Ininen j;tow ' moment the licanees: :"Of 111 .COUritrY W 6111d fri2W 0 1110USand latco Ilandresls Nam- 75e; af. pair Turkeys =To legalize certain laalaws 'and delientares , - ni6untitia op uutil, at o. istu.s the straw; -2nd 75e. ' . a ! permit. FORD. ' • ' - • 115-,000- feet, -the 'Tramiel leeched the bed- of 2:00, Srd 1.50; heat her° of Potatoes $3, 24. lir. llegiverin Consented to withdrair his was lied. :700, Litthcms, er- Boot Csioest,bestaele. of Turnips .%.3. 2nd . the-Allautiess' 2.00, Srd-1.o0., best 3:porter tiere Carrots * 0 _ „ of -the dounty, VtOtorta-s• . . DILINS To amend chan.:63-for,t oh:soldate t - The House then icretirried: _ • utes of Canada -Mr: WALSEI; - - : • - _ - - t confirm a certain survey- in the town. - Smitten& Senoo.„ -Coxv-kwiiox.-Ainong Wurzel 33, 2nd 3, Ard Parties com A 2nd 2.00, 3rd 1.00) best quarter nere..blarigerl- ship of BuIrtrotle-Mr..LIL PORION. Wsnitaiti. :Use mt oiety coni -with ilie Sabbath peting-for the above root crop, will be re - Hon: Mr. GALT -intimated that the Attor- • School cauie throuphoni the Province • there' quired to pay all extrance fee cif 50e Brantford correspondent of the 1:11011.6- existed a.yeiy gene al feelina in favor of the IMPLEMENTS -bent Iron itxletree lumber ney General Ilast proposed to preceed with The the civil Code -of Lower Canada -.FridaT/ „iltou Spectatpr has the . - holdine• of o Sabbati School'icachers' Con- Wagon $5. begt 'wooden .-axlitree lumber- Woinan named Porkies"; Wife iyf a well 'to vention of. a Provio Aid character, And enrre- and that thofinancial staternent4or the year would be made -the Tuesdaffollowillg- So fermer,helievinghersellen her deoth he'd; spoudence has many expressions of mired - that during sealer the Clergyman of the Pijmitive Meth- approval. objeVilli.,'S0111(14 to be 'thaS•tateYei*Taieilltie. re-1117:rthilleirstessions Olive:omen( 0it fl-hunele".13tantfoids add in. ihe utmost attained are,:fhe 'se uring uf reitr atidstatis- measures Shall have preedence or, Ttnirsdaiy; -agony of 'mind, -confessed that she had ---ot ties relating to t e progreas heir present. afterhalf:past.aeven.p..m.--Carried.' different periods of her life -Committed six inuis stand of Sebbath hoots sie the Provipee, The following Bills were reasds-ra *sed.dild dera, and all by ioiSore She said she had IL and the discussien f piaeriear safijitilisbe'ar- tiMe and referred to commitaeee . For abolishingsthe- pnitishinWat by death in certain cases.--•Attys Gen:CA.1111E4a ' yl'o amend -the Act. to Incerporute the 46 10 10 36 18. 13:11 42 excepting yournewspaperj, add you may Whit - -15'. 15. 13 43 - count -yourself *particularly fortunate if you escape the grossest traps. 'set for your money. 2 off for errorin target when cheeled_ 2 One would think that, in this age. of - ' - - Total 367 • steam, populsr_educalort; soeial science, stratforit Infantry. and allthat pertains to literature,- science Lient lames - 15 11 _ 7 33 • 10 _ 8s 2 20 and the Arts, people would not be so easily 'Sergcant smith - imposed upon, but we question very much if; at any Other period of the world's ,his- tory, humbug was more stieeessrul or more • generally practiced: Take thedepartment ofmedicine alone: The humbug-4track flourishes in purple and tine linen, while the really educated, in- many* iustanees, have to etruff.rle.for:a mere Sitlisist',6fide.. A man keeps a mean little saloon here, moves to. the States, - stteles medislitto superfieiallj for a few months, announces 14mselt fillt-grown!doetor of twenty Yearn experience, Says- 4e_alone can be rc- lied upon to cure certain loathsome dis- eases,. ard thousandsOf.simple fools crowd to his Standard -and he bcontei oicle, a few years! One after another, quacks, s fr.ora H011oway to TuMblityl puff them- selie_s into notice through the press, amass princely fortunes, and. retire in favor- of wine new: aspirant and still' the great gullible Publio. tuns aftei' the newest --nostrum as eagerly as ever% In polities the power- or humbug is everything: Mo-. ney tondo a gr.pat deaLt--can. clover medi- ocrity and pave the way for sueceisi but, afters% Ximilnig sways the sceptre Give .Give n man. plenty otimpttdenee, a glilitongue, and a sneaking, crawling spirit, and what can he not atconipliiit t - • strikes the Public between Wind and water with Some . miserable cry, he utters the :movie, bellow, clap,traii•iretensions, pro - fames what be knows to , be _the nod; InikuliyOug*ptiolons or., . arid straightway; heis a. vino_ tient 'Champion, *bile at the very sable lime be laughs ju, hies sleete,nt.his du's*. PeopIe,traiii themselves to thorough' disgust_witli _hunilmg zit its shapes; ,Acpend npOn isiortli; :ironta ,inore fr& -dowdy fiod, its tree level in. theinapigc-- • ineetenationataffaira, and the impOsters `diliett fortlijvOuf senatc al;A. Jordan - 12 . 9 31 Smithwiek - 18 .8_ .0 Private Burrett :16. 11. - Rig,* 15- 11. 10 1103:5 9. '6 'A Ramsey • 12- 6 4 23 ' Faller -; 10 8 .8 26 Hector 1:3 -11 • 11 - 38 .13 • 7 3 23 -_ • , 6._ "arialigepitt frau ,'Intknictpat. boards and vicurfC4, Coveted with ienfusio ieFdeay. we know of for the humbug -pit of so 014342 prae- &mown 'Agit& X,et carecriaivicto tcesiftit tottoin; and the It <1046.1:1-iaiv41 xeuelations ;Inimense servici-.: We re Id sepeoplelefuA ffeletoilea. 'Ail • 4,? •41' ai ionstila.. for hum sure y will be if wq a. qqt *etch with unceasing- sigeNnew` ' 26 . s 43 ' 39 17 Total 288 Graderich Artillery, 367. do Rifles, -395 762 :Stratford • Infantry, 288 ,- • do ltifiea • ..• 276 564 Majority cf points hi fav. of Gederic,b, 198 TEM .DCS.N.Eu. Wagon 4; best iron Plough $3, 2nd 2.-00; best wooden Plough 0$2, 2nd 1.00; hest dort.• ble mould board Plouah 3.00; best •subs011 PIeugh 8;00; best one horse -Cultivator 2 .00, 2n4 1.00; best Fannie: Mill 3.60, 2nd 2.00; best two horse ,Cultivatar 3.00; best sett 3. horse Whipple Trees 2,00; best Thing Fnlic,;,: Amnia to destroy linmadlifesand washy the .ine upon _the Man igdpeut and -Woi•liing ot 1.1,0-; best pair Harrows.3.00, 2ed 2.00; best greatest self -denials -that she -Could restrain Salools. It has been decided kola the iron Field Reiter 4:00; best wooden Field herself front 'secretly poisoning all persons Convention in the *aril, part (4tlii.f tby;anct Roller 4.00; .bestliorse Hay Hake -2.001 2nd with whamathe wagon terwi.or .frientistiii Tib,) of Seeteieber at Hemilton. :Delegates 1.50; best Turnip Seed Drill 4.00; hest T.itt- ;Mutual, Assurance Assiaelatiola 91 OW 'Diodes- she however prantieed it until six -other Vie- pay their fineto&lapailtotr arid wait wallah nip Cutter 21.1/0- best Farm Gate ZlOO. s 8 of Quebed and Three Rivers, aud Montreal rtiins sropttheu. jast steep t ,k0 of them being en -vitt( eertificutee-ut the *Ma Thrashing mankno 5A01. best mo' vrerand' and'St:Ryacintlie.-Sol. Gen. 4ANG1iY IN. t.tdults and four of them chljdren, and what will entitle them to return passages over •the Reaper -combined 6.005 -best Proband for'- .To legalize Byslaw N6.116 ofthe CorPera• ‘•makes the Matter more revolling and horrid various railways of4241 relieving choking. -choking. cattle 1.60; best sett ftf tion of the Township „os Bayham.-Mr. isthat one of the former wet her owns bus- been offered for the beat essay on the " Best Horse Shoes 1.40. Parties laling Viral WALSH. ° • - , - - 4and, and two of 'the latte were her own Mode„of Managing chools, end ;FOrelstating Premium; for any impleme•uts, will, itreq11r- To .z aiitenif. the Net inenrgO.ratin'' the Men- children were mardered in England. and the >Devonlinnal-Eicer stii" whieliWie intended td, receive a Diplomaas well as their .Pre•- - treat tromeopnthie Aasnciatiojr:2 Roth Ar. :adults in Canada: The huslland having been shall be -read she ore the Convention, and annals from the judges:. ' - ° Capt. Ross responded on behalf -of his coin - amp, 'Jo aliusion to'a remark' dropped by lir. Cox hii.said, he feared it Was toe'ioliev of the -Go vern meat quietly to Sive ei away- the Volunteer - sistain.. end meiltiOned 'everal eireuinstatices leading to that belief. .Lieut. •Iltaass responded- -on behalf of the -Ile t.aid his.inen.had-eyery reaso:n to be satified-ith the result of thell'ai's pro- ceedings, and that all should he glad, that they had been so harmonious:. He also ccani „plaieed of the lack of governiumital support under which which the Talunteer inbored, :which feared, -tended to,- its - de- . Af8 o'clock .the„. Stratford .Volun, 4eerawere entertained by their hosts and =tors, together with a few 'invited guests, at a Dinner- hi NIA's Hotel: Of the repast we need only say that it was ni -eyery respect worthy a- one ,ot, trio best 11' caterers- in canada. The - e, . w was handsomely laidandornameitted ;with flowers, was covered With all that'aliimgry- • . - • ;7: rifleman could crave, the brilof fere, In- _ _deed; embracing every :solid and luxury of the Season'. The table was waited upon capitally by a large foree of pithie assist- ants -by no means unnecessary, when we remember the scopes of -eonfuston often wi.tnessedit public di' unerae;_ . , Rosi oactlpieLthe chair 'and Lt. Ilays the viceehaii. - the. chairman's right sat Capt Serviee,., of. th,e, • Stratford Rifles, and on the lervItient4amess, of struction. Later in the eVeniag Capt.- Service men:. tioned the differenees---betweeit..-Stratforcland thicierieh. .11is tosVnimea had suffered, as theylheuglit, a slight; on the occasion of the demoustraaen at the:openieg of rhe -seaway, and to a .ritra out of Goderich, thev came 1,10 on onexcursioniome time itteiwards laden with baskets of proviiions; /tc. He had. to sav. that he was heautily- ashamed of itr,-s- (I:aughter and applaute.): After going through a -member ,of leer toasts, suck as" the ladies,!," :I' our host and hostess," jte., the. eompany broke up about midnight. - , _ 1101,Tar: here, and the' otheF person, whose probably printed with a view -toga -cite wider - name did not learn, was poisoned' tit Wood- eireulation. Rev. Pr. Ormistott,- Rev. Wm. Stock some years sitice. She has been marri- Millard, and A. MeCallum, B. Ass have been ed to a A;cond ha.shancl tor a.tititabersef years, appoiesed judges,/*d the :/t1suft.W shol11*: by ,wham she has- a family-of:grown- op,,, ail- sent into„-thesSecretary the_cernmittee, INDOOR DEPARTMENT. meorporate thesReligioue Ladies of the licamoninaulas Puourtrs-=-(When arti. Assumptioa or the Blealea Vitgin Mary. --Mr cles reclaim le be litmed,--the tielaits with the- GAIT.13$71":1. . .names must be attached to such articled heat "'To enable Ale Livingston to be and largest awned collection of Apples, not adniitt41 totpritcticetled10ine, Suter,: •Itud' dren. This Wrelch;,-forwretch she Ayes in McCalluni,s13. Aa "latetthitleNst August._ -less thin 6 ,af each variety -$3, Midwifery---fron.11: 11OLTON'.." -Opetteance, - -resembling .one of the weird S. J. Lyman, Esq., Montreal, will, ye .unders 1.00-1-1*Stesnitnea varieties of Winter A•p- To incorporate the Oltpwe City Passenger witehe''S with matted hair,shrivelled and re- stand act as local Manager.; and noinmunica• ples,*o of each 2.00, 2ail ,Wat 6 named Bailway Company, -11r. CURalElti- pulsive face; ancl.%hony hand, wile; hovered tiottefretriS•abbatirecho, n.lethmteghoutdrower varieties of Pall Apples, 5,of -6611 ric1 - t-Tt hrOund the boiling chaldroir•Of Macbeth- ,Ceuttaashesild. be dittashina.....- 1,4363 best and Itnamed. collection „poRI9N::. lived for years past in the (*mutest horror with the iinages Of her victinis continually appear ing before her eses, her .cdess---and improca• tions were leartut, awl- her actions; language and appearance were perfectly loathaome till Pears,' -not less than .6 el eacIr2.00,2aa Toineorporate the London Collegiate falai- best 3 named varieties .1130, 2ad 00e; bast fli German tsaloon keeper in Hartford wishes tO maify elastomers that his ruleIs " positively no tru 'here," and has put tip. at si *II with this' inte 'gent inserts:an:in:" ",13Oss tute-•=1Ion. Mr. 'CARLING., - and largest -collection of Plums not less than ' T•o amenctsthe Aeteentainingsspecial .pro. 6 varie:ties 12ot-ea-eh 2,001 dd b50, 3rd 1.00i. best 4 -varieties or plums muted 1.00, vineial.Pailiarnent (front Ccim- deuth-stepped ,iud -suddenly, stoppe4;,her devele '1ITodruschet, ••• viskoikentee• rniret- both ouses 01 .t - 75c;-liest plate Of -Plums !limed 60,c; beitt - - 1(1 einsterr- c;f)-110a: Mr. Dp111Q1s.T. . gt•oans ancl_ cables. • netr.easecllection of ripe Grapes, 2 _Rill . respecting Count" COuris - - - . : - -SCATC11E11,13.- • •• Melancholy Accidetit'rwo men th-ournedi . --Isaat.evening ante 131 -';Ta... ki4as.nanied Tayror repefied. It -10006i: Welch that, tit nowt yesterday, in sedieany,:with two other teen, named William., Turner -mid Robert Baunermaos he left Victoria- 'for Nanaiino iu Canoe..'- `Oneida eyeeing, the wind ertime on. to 'blo-tir -freehly and they camped neat' Trial Island. - About fifteen minetes to 8 +o'clock last eveiliag Turner pro. :poied to.proceed ; Taylor refused and Ban. nerman assented, ; 13anaermen and Turnee ssaot lato the. canoe, and 'pushed off, -tearing hekeh. They. lioisted4; bleu; ket for a sail, but had only gune a short dis- tance before the frail bark was upset; and the men were preciOttatPri into the water. They shouted for help and struggled' for some Moments: Taylor- was Unable to render them.any-assitaMnce; they implored-him:not tO leave them ; and they finally sank, .Bap• iierman calling out as he went dewn, "it's all limit.; he *wild .go Ott.' Ban- nermaa was a Scotehmad,• aged nbout 31 yeas ; and t Turner was. an ,Ainerican„: aged about 30,1-rom the State of .Delaware; Att three had been in Mi. Morris' °Tithe Craigflower road, and were Raid off on 'Salter. ditlast: . - 7 ' • • „, - The above, Which clipped from. a COlUirAtia•piptir - relates to the = - - • 4 th n a •tylio - left The uext tgiv.4.4y i4.10410.44,b_qw%roo, ofeaeli, grown in open an 1.50, led 1.00; . • • „ best -Vete Crab XoPIes:yelloiv,/5e; beetretes. - . To amead:thht Lowers Canada Act respee• c imousi-A•Progrcss in shows rim-AC:thin fin* sarrnarf building Alan:City. Hat, NA lately &salmi h'Arkillzo t .t Crab Apples. red 16e. bestmasaed and largest "'' co lection of Peaches,: hot 1esls- Asp 4 van"- tinz•abuses Prejudicial to A aric'tifture Bli:LLEROSE.. . - - , South: a. large. c011ection of bullfrogs - which f 2.450 -2nd 1 r0` best Istesof: „ • (Fru"1-thu 13uilelili2 Aug- 19•) he proposes to exhibit with nlectore ' P ties o each To amend the Insolvency Act of 1864.-- . . . ' readies named 50e; best cf,splay of frititathe nom. z‘tr. ABIlorr The-ill-end/less and almost despairing dier- mg -the habits -of the creatures: h f ,th d. f .To provide for the appointment of Com- chant. who stood on the morning of the 3rd - f • Nunseryinan withiti or withOnt. .114 growt o tors salsnetr rom er and behe.ld• the deyouring flames, • entries, 3 specimeuaof. eauh 1.00, and . missianers.to inquire into the afftiri of the _of April, • Th! £4W btrtistountS.- instAbowl of AppleS isorseetly'paitiedbywi Glasse cleconomie ltbch de.Quehee;-- convertins. into: ahapele0 .and wortaless. - lar;11UOT. - • ' Ulysses the results of toil Mid sweat, and self- „,,,,,,..s.,,,,,---S---s-sa-aaaessaaass.--.. .0 ill denial, his feeliiigs 9f-wretche1ness and 'des- pair, enhaneetY hy - the cries - of: frishtened , women, the bursting of death -dealing shells, and all -the deafening noises .11rat swelled the • • ' • f in •er• - of rase ot exteta t . • . 6 • • - -•" ' .. bs - - - . ". . - a 2 0„,..... - thin of Horse Thieves ---Mr. ROSS (Dun. air, in cries o . a -as. s , . ' tio S ' Tie EPF...a1ED Jasmines 'having een . made not less than 6 vatiettes 1,0n, : rid 1.1) , peas das ) _ -. - . - st- •• . s of fea-rt oirjoy, -too frequentIS, felt that ea re- ia, To amend. the Act respecting tile Notarial. sivideatiois saehld --be ll.m .let .0.. sall 4,116•Lse ness of for a `g.00d imil.reliable photograPli like named collection of Roses (bloorna)-1-60... 201; fhe late gifted Editor of the "Huron 1.00; 'best colleetibn't`st ,'Verbellas rooted, tiOS Professiona4Irs'ARCIIAMBE A ULT. zfatude4.41.141`1Y-iM being ketigetii:;:bAlt.;:),*ar .nal)” tte isO131'eribor Wts'71'noit respect- less than .10 'varieties 1...t0, 20,1 .-1;001 Beat 6 named varieties Verbenas $11 2nd '50e; Seat namb-d Collection bf Tfilo.x:einot lets than 4 varieties 1.04, 2nd '60e; .besi 'rained tolee- tion••of Gladiolus. not less than 5 vane' tips * l'rovince not ess than .0 varies -et, ree To To make turthae provisious,lor:thenitial,"?.. SS, Prarrs ra.owaris.--Ireat named c glee. e a et !C•fr 5,! 4' 4' r-Perinanent Upper -Call-ada-.•-:Mr. STREg T. - • • To -facilitate the apprehension and Con vic- - • tion -of Datillas,novics3t.han ems 2.90, irf.b R Wing mat ilaas- s 2nd I 60 -best named collectiou Dithltai, : To reaulate the ,qUillifieations of practi. the:props of these, bermes being gore, no ts . bat 4„.o lie .clown.,in some I 'fully to aueonusse to the iiinnerons -datuirets tioners in -Medicine': And Sergest ins upper _mere wee -nevi -to do _TO amend the gitnie Laws of Upper . f or books pay. ncitnieS',:debt, and Commence . i of thelate -., .", .• - ' ' • " • • • - Canada.- . PARKER,. •:. . - -- seeltided spot-snewita dna gener lb lancine. p . t anacia-,-Me.- WALSH'S: . --; • - : 'Anew AO try tliCinysAttes of.the later weyld., TTo01040*41:(1.21, Victoria cap, 11, re, speetieithe calleetren Of Sehoptflotes -Hon M. LA-At'LLAMBOISE, • - . _ - • - No providemOrtully for , the -punislUnent Otiiftencei irs'ainiethe persan in reslieet -to °raw net How these charred timbers, blaekened bricks. That lie .ean furriair an -excellent za-rte tie siitulittls(orobane) minted 2490)ent;Pntlait. . -- c,-- - , 1-.50.:- Ind fr,fafrAestantiargesteollections of and Worthless.i.itsliei could be rene.wed- was to, visitc-of ttkenbort otAliRlAirtrate ei, ,,,r,-., afrAste,s_a.;00,, lila 154 ''3rd --Oci best in nn - ' '"4•1-'7" -* :i l'Ii.i - green house plants in bloom 2.00, 2nd 1:51k him a question far -beyond his ken. . :How: is- •-•- -.' s ss it-ncie T -Passing_ throniglt ,gaitt street,. the . 4vets-per-oppyi:Pr u oopmi Or . . 1 best Floralaornatnat Or 'aelektI2-!_til best - . . prinCipal iltoiotighlate whiili suffered - iii. ' the - setts ttiaay addiness-s•post.ageitree7nnfVfer ' eolleetion -4 .15itiiiiith 1:104;2M1 ,50E.; best the came Of kidnapping-L-1Sr. O'HALLO- coullagrstton, and from its bistdry naturally lifl3rie• Pidt4sa ." • collection of.-Citeksooinbs 1:40i heat - • the first to be revived, the sound .0(.1*w-tiler _ • _ -T. J. moonHotTSE, tido or Balsams 1...00,-Ihd .7)5c; beet i3flftet RAN A ittiwand and saw- meets the ear; and refresi ; a.sa views •. • -- **CO qodeP P. 0. tien Stocts .2ist 604, hest toRectiou- . meal -lion. -Mr. 1140S144. „: 1,Pf rOggthe falreO49 .10 the Goderich, Aug ist 10, 1865. -concernina the inspection. of pot and pearl supperortson t „ le y been • has (*el t - liithes-Hon. Mr. ItCSE. t' cattle the burnt' district, buldings are fin- - sw" yerioP:etrs.unifriors 75e 2;d 0.562;abesa 1.1190o.areattrafilCitandt.. Bozdet.75; tnc1.006, To amend- and extend 'the provisions of ished'. The .hounes .between , Seventh and --. chapter 53 of the Consolidated Statutes soy Eighth streets are either occupied or nearly 1 44' .1614. A -2. • ARDEN ItiRETABI,Es..--"belft of cie• u•es- ready for their occupancy ()a the corner ot vePock.o.tritoeafeaapamid,404.2anet lesslithavtibe64 vtatroatfut..etsul-, UPPet° Canada respeeting „Buialins So -ILIr.-31:(3. CAMERON. • ' Ninth -the 'veins haVe reachlicP above 'their Potatoes, .of any laily nainedliti; STAN The House went into Comm of the Whole second Hock:- Neat:Nenth the lions° of; Mr. f0: ts Bill -to Isosed Davits r4Ceivint its interior touelms. At • • 0-sti ce -o "co - Patileal4e1 .40,5ft Chapter 15-0r ' the Cement idated Statutes oi _the 'Corner Of teventli; we are. "aeon, to -have , - ss- best 3.Wanter Sanest. inane(' -2na 6k; • , reared a; most magnificent structure, to be COMMENCIN --o-a-Mondayliseilt,-28thinst. - best 4 roots White 'Coleri 1.00, 2,tid 15c; tea • .on . Lower Canada respecting.. education. The' 00 i Committee -reported the . Bill with,;-ainend- anents, Whielstvere concurred -in, and the Bill was -read a •ttird time and passed. - .... ;:•_ On metion of Mr, BO URASSA, the Bill to amends she ear reapee'isig W *I t . • d 4.4tires,.wits read alseeondtime. 'Ir. BO:URA-SSA iiiirsarthattle'Saie Bill be referrer) to a selectsCoMmittee. , • Mr.-1*-tKIN-iii-Oiedin.airitudrnent, that it be-reterred to the %Committee on flanking and Commerce. --: . •:-. • = ' ' 1 he - aineadinent . was Carried -yeas 60 -• _ ) 'llaidn3M3.0* tic; tt.- of; 1.''..2i.. MA-CICENIE' the Bill to amend chapter 22, 28th -Victirim, and ,Clriipte.r 38k PO Victogiti,.-with referenee to ahissale. bt,i iirkiiii' to Indiina was -read a. .. „. . 1. , . _ z : . . . L'EY;fntrocl. up- ed a,14,i4:11 to- , setcHouodn .ti.teti-er.. .AL iinierperay:..th. 0,....frish., Protestant -Believolent .. „ a- _motioa_ . 1 ._ . _ -- ALT, the. Society of leiseheq.. - : ' House went:ain't° Cointnittee of Supply, -Af . Street in -she chair.. 'The eotronittee adopted: the first item of the. 'estlinates. Covernor? , ,..00uoralik retaii!.a,..offiee, 44216, ,:,,lion. -51r:Ga1ele. phiiiied that the Litp0.0:0!..lations tor hospitals and icharities the militia,. and expenditures nailer -the conti.61 of. 1, the 'Board of., Workik would be brought dawn in .the Supplelnentary estimates. - The Cilunnul,tne. reported the -item adopted and obtained _17alveiiirteatroliut "aseitint -.1-e;;:'14-.- irint9- - 1:-.. -•to-,:itizr-,..., lia-v40---x-' t ot throngli. the' order papee, ruljourned :till' 4 roots Red Celery 1.00, 2ad 75e• best 4 used for banking prinses, end that norner . the ntas lo 1,12.i*DnagaterneckenW, , '."Ilbeho in . -the future agem what it -has. bcpn and Kinloss rou hs.iill leav4ppdafich at' A heads Wieter-Calthatie named 140, 2tia tsei #.1..th,pet) ttin -Tait- stfeltaalkejaMosid, p. M. dail)v3Stincitylveepte(4,7.? 7, -, b4iit-4 headrSumnferVabbign TV% -!-best,;9- on.i.re,r111 - Ig.,i1J3ERT -.4-• "'' -• i. . 13Iiied Metz 75e; ,2e -C-1344- heat 4 Slarisfea s P. .1.1ispector. -- - , - arlidztl•i-6 P.!ace - iChere all tife: Vials---tt•the - ' - ...,.. 4I -e-1 financial weds]. Wete woat Le c ' - -1S',i , ' 7' - ' N/ ' Wtmels.75e, 2nd 50c; best nine Swede Tur- n' s Vie, 211460realgett9KCiatige Carrots 75.0 ,____ - Belo -Wild -Workmen are engag• ed in eXeava- Godert.L.„,44:24thelpg 1865 -4•1„, by,...c.9 Ear v. Horn tiOnS until we reach the corner of governor til54--6h.:*2,2id 6 IN -OLVElirlOT iir4864' be"' -11"ri -wan' - I stt:eet, where Mr. parcell's buildings ate fast approaching their intended height: OPposire , best.9,paranips 7rie; 2nd 60e). best Red a structure is in 'progress,that now. bid a fan ST4 fig 9a1Qts 455" 2VPi l'eleciLUer °lens to be, hideeds an ornatuent-te the 1:ity. A i HE creilitora 0 ttee underst-a le Ire mil: .71ei etilvek el n -4es 12 fied to meetit 'the' lawcet)f M. V. ,eins CorainProW 041TO 50e; best 3 Cameron, in the rr44 Of GoO•Tff-, on Mon- Water Me1onsI.00; best lic11019nli -largedouble store 'of four stories in I:cash( is hrjeyliteelagnilyigillltruitetdaisTilltlwintlieonndeb9:1)116eseeri.sewe!ilii day;lihe eleVentilittiritof September, 1865, at:_ibeitskleade Cattliliower 1-001 2itd-1--00; I 6 11• .Again, further dossik, m,.. --Kie,tos,vrogress. ten olcipek thiNfaesnoon, for the purpose' TeekTowatoea 1.00; 2nd (7005 be toligreat, • • of receiving staterret4 of thcli:-..:11 • rs and o44.4aget,x b ve etables.distinet Bfrottrotatbr- slowly -anidlisurely raiaing theiffwalfsJitfore assiglAil ‘vimaisst4t a_Y Mate cables, ene -1rni mg rapt with use,. e .o leis are - an aSSitinment ulOselthe abo tylets while we de nartne the work so genralj ate a 5 - ° • this 22nd day of boa Akutriehrotorcr.A Sin tile) st IR mows 3411, /n i91 -.4)3V -9g /Ma 111 • the.surfike t:4 -e *°iltr-C1'4161-1441' t God r' *in the OuUt' kif Huron ter 82, 2ndll . 0; best ' Still th-re is a dis °sawn not to- be Idle. 1 he • 1. with their buildings:1u ,Peari street:end others TER TLITII, Cheese ;AO, ;nd 1:4e1; ,taftifORGE .cCOUTtl'S M2nd'aiseft.enii;rtineil-lenble,affrdhedrtoittem' -44014;,7, • erA04-Tr, , :!tmorably • • .....47M,Pg- i!? tr Cane t are notalow ia,followatig tiou exampl 0. lhus. the work 18 going:One frian--aVidate or ides. paring,esaiissthe litrelitinteetbir city . attaenly_lipen- changed, lato,all. the (inc and *leggy. naive: than. • Ricit- mond Will _itgaintrom her ashes, tliere, will be a resurrection that, Shalt -not be ;the s.ciEwErf 25io•par nera. t ' - - - - • II : 1 'Art SI li 2101 ;Ally, _ n41-2..00;10-1 ,'Thd-'. • 4 liets 3.003.2M--.3 ..1.r.d 1.-00. The Amur sw1•02td , MP) gleinibl'a "MbetisfAnnst multi* - ditio.utAtts' r_ yn 141"tbniReS'I-r:i-7-13211141133'11:1111:;;ElCtrua._11:71140:11;;;e7i-:1141)::*liffssf.:21itiorgit:" - t igoit''.1:1:4:14: ---. Y yin _ , _ . V X B_ Al & 4 1 -4:E4i e .: ' 4; a - 1-1' 0 i 4 : ? ;" 4 s • ilaSSounty lir he Ijnaed beut c Bruce,Ifid, e direnle-4, Vigte iii, WI-601Ra Isci:teatllit d twaneettanse,ni..11rat :jaainniss: ,,.,beat„C:o:lirief IV. 11:1;v1-he20:1-12:11::: ' *". brOldr.raj tiltitirtn.tit.:0;2:ia' v15, 7., best B.1.` Do Bryce, James, 4470 Pa ss_a_ s.ses',1-nsi- °14-anir I hauvreleabelz4e t"Ueunnbin eatrne-d beabestt BWr9airing.'1 WaWork*14.711-7Aciuswitest4 -rli'arke,' ''''772-imn ! '" the *siflating140% 244 OC.S43P-4,.3112,iess,s11.94 derendantsu.lheairli toluiottitiheuamnd _ ast side of lax; 414 15 , 440 psie yr quiptt colsolY of Bruce; whieb. lauds and tenements 1 1X)0213d".15ei best' 'Pot- Woolezt- 59,4:',• William Street in the Villageof Walkerton maize • shall-offerforsaie at Inv office in the Town lir _Li....., itl _ , „.„.. Goderinh;inr-Titesdapiheuventh-dayotSeptotn- gentlemen's 4Isslnalpek t. Ax...,frtyll.c..4.' - tier next, at the hour of twelve ofthe clock, riaatasand 7scoefit 7-41 oawekk-1.00, „Art 2.--; tipaperpttAtti „pp, 2na tsill..c,:- x f 41 j;'''''. : . limarwo&kt apArialf,044DT. s 1 e ow - - it -$12 f rail What/ iiii 'Illate7flacie. ' on 7trurT, the Alit 44 f lo8ritse". lirrt - ank PETER M. CitAME eitor solve .4P SALE Hiehwnd 'the -4:11.e.. or yore,- but a new; 7;6y .beautiful -city ; radiant tiodlovely as trotted t;oubtles bin -how we shalt.' wOrship-ifer;4iaw we tY,'...!Ist ail-kBra shall throng her streets *his exultation andot eTfottairssavatia jes ,with peensacfspraise,s Bawl shesleasS14hut Caanties:efliuro ivifiin those day do 'COfirei the eg_anst the lands u d bat I -fickle' will hide -forever from thprn, slut . nean an erin a • o san - • si 114 13 Go4erich for 'that region- SOMei'Yeaitil ,4gr, ••••• - • , . our view the 4.s.,‘ iiiihheeuseas- bones" hfriend Polgnfasits- and brother. topAis -tur upetkrAtei earts, He was -well knoWn-by the- older settleris - - • Quebec Atos 23 - , * - - fit 0 ever reildb 't e iiiiiuenees -Ord kit aud , thc Stratford Infantry. The WO& Suitiorted - Arneripa* gudsta and sti"`eitattiii: *nstne to -Robert; V100 &ait.. ind for 'some reasep saw 4S.-...°18,..31-11..":_: ,eoneigfisterlYspi4t.,, .sepelchre..e.tifirlYiy• ding - qui spet dry Icerteolitnechamet z o clopkt bonea,Of ,c0h10110901- bee tlY . - an . ' n ;:tep1Y-tb artIJ M " demiddiadiolithy; bni and loailiab ' ' • Stratford Volunteers. 26:Mt' Arty guests widow_and tw* o childrenate still residents ....Att3r...0en. Macdonald said it weathe lnten- in 41 sat down to dinner, wIlieh need of Goderich.,. 4,1,1.0,1Y MQ01011 was .hearttlynjoyed._ - r tionlifthe Oriverninent, as:soon: as "possibi5 + to 'afford such tlie Provincial Luna.te AsYruntat Tdrodto, is will secure the exten. The bleadine• Of the ttniforms &Artillery THERE:is somethlog siagutar in the fadt that . t t. • 0 • sionof the prenuses, Atwtus. gunr...m en ron Vhicalro is continually overrun hy.vung teen Itten,41tifteetind lifattity- 'Made rei very - lively scene which was as purely militarY possitle. On -the removal of .the -cloth the usual lela`r and patriolle -toasts- fierigiveii from klicuttai_r nn_ct -oteted.witli_rousing _rounds nfelteerSS.'s The chairman ' then'-i-aittli&eas prc- posing the neg toast, The CYnadian unteers, wonla be ailing them to drink theieeiretelltliif,114 the pr ent Occasunriima- it -to their Stratfofd front other cities, and front the country, 140 come here to obtriin-amployaient.-Just at -this time there are no less than several .bnre• 4rests ittstfle, ty.grang theaoasids.f wanting. ) rogikag 10-3,. e and? doetwof otflcit and .etisres,tege seekhertifuittibitre; lint One' y : %., in fifty succeed.Inwever good the credentials ;111 fel" - they hring.11.0onsequcnkiy„these-young- ,mea. it.was intended to abolis -th a& gton,Bil -II 013 a ' ' semployment.,, sfThe ,extostionite-rVrices 1 I ii -E. anat.:rolls, , - - -- - - -; wit IVBRI/4.1taittitOrittr-mo ' len II ' soon eistaiirt•their furithi inliiiiiik here out ..r k =- , .„ ,... ..- or•-= v., .6- ,....„ .. "47 4943-11,3$ • - rs. Gardner was isaistiniher husoacti syerio,c 011ice;ifoderiel!. _ _ -to toddle'', at,11(nluiplast,:weelinhe wial:1;' 44th nuitit.b0.5.:,-:` ..and: complete a frightful keeldeiii?`111i,an. .Yain„.gt- on °proceed -with -the hstitd!ngst_ait . . Ift re trY3nre the _horses -started, tiniff_ ,thn: 4,16a:d,:itit,li..i,:fipeit:efir:;atiliint .r.-;:troWn.saidifiree-a6t ' lintetV tb Aft.-"nuewe 7.. Feelingtmat ltdabfilip:GOvOruniniff totiOifant ite%.4$,Fts fork to.get oak.of. the" Way lof 0 . Canade P , Twerity bd.& 6f, Pruancc a , - „capad weig, tt=git ofis65 and to los - " talitee es: foe for the 12: - ,erbroll,.:best t : and itielistrikIst'the bandleintetbeZouecit' *AutivrAzrAtitigraS,6017,1 pulp_ . oTielif'whieli 'poled t e re ;Miami; -fifitib.tti out her. A phiticiitti #41:asatfa stik, 6.• -11r: Ifaeill who askeil whither- IShalva‘a-throvin upoti Alio lilies -of- the- for.lh ;IL • * .0*Fti"*-"L'' 4 .1, 20 bwkis, board -ded 4Aho.seoperntheatftemise- wan large --mcomes ; an t ey anoe become inore tie& MOM ah'xiousais day. after ist present in the.systernsof Canal Tops. ; clail4pite-s?end kvgoorsilelemseivcirun;,-•• koRLY-4togr..4cciokef. a survey of the contemplated' Georgian :1.4ty ohrouttorlifti.Zteuttie): 111114% 06-5:. tnitee2vial.Aaprbiabonti 4:2rwen,linchtt:hloe .bE,4;t••.:4;;Axviii =RI NriTt.-:, Vol •'411) c )15 eia over ;lie mrsit'irtret,P-Prii cee.-11°-LLP2077-5e; provided:faar-pilehieagegimes. whether' tileCtl-wqrinic414t9*94-1b '4114 There a tgtardaa rat•it* • 141Ersitpov ...-.., • -- °Itrred howslfht-reefklril .--,Thyneza-.÷-144sibeoed'Itiaireand4ala *Mt 241- g Witeat-413 - atgAlirtel1149t ell 1$'23,i/11- bar it ,lasisarkeietwo : ,-EFftni-Ih,!§74,1P191! 39,:4' e I " h - „ -1:00,1gar, taint -06It Otoil:Gt Mehl ng) 0 1 00 two Umbels1111 ' - ti Uto beat 21refolit deklii3g 42i 24140, boats Bari eh had a calf in 1865 $3, 2nd• 2.00. 3rd 1 50- . . 1 Sc. best , . , - ats . , - ' .roFbiestti*HIPharbedritieivs"411771ii*r#:iiai-1141"!--2145111d. •1,xii . 41:4„ut, • liestlaricarriage ifometsjc, 26d It iiktifigitittitch Cow whicall Istife p. best 2 yra old Heifer $2, 2nif 1.50; best 1.yr ; _ _ .; - _• . _ - ___ __ -?__ __ - . . old jteiler $L00, 2.id 1.09; best yoke 3 yrs . . preaent session --and to -notify the- etnployees '-l°n• - - se . ante 3 - - le .ou ennsy vama; 6 t. n. r. Chapala saidt e widle queiton: ie.,. as v.i ravel It or toderich-V6itit tatiiII'a come litlitrandlegestif trA 17141* 01 1110 th!to. cancutcoltAttgtort of this moat. 0tteits: * lietral'happy-tolf that' t rhIrkinv sOlievav(4.---0BP I A Ha 4 V 0 0 . ihiealtatela-beiw-Cen- -Sttatiiird• TatiErlie is a swelling athe thretlfelle44";;:i-3-rt°41ianat-Trert5f :"ui‘trrwas now tfrtt del4r4t 114:(1 ilriel(441419. • victbrious twice, (Applause.) Per • f):7a Washtel, the &meals tenor is enat.,. Or the Government:ici thelf'4•243'•Itora Pallnestisl'ilibrolvtOtswinvrobli , which rover fahal. - mgem.q.siserldith fierffii -mansion • quantity of saluable propertheo - • ts• wry' essetl determination, to rentelie the seat lateV °f!. hnts ulfthe_next c)PeoPina , fOitooe You'd `.ealioipu T:Ilt feirri± iwntlis at a salary ° t " ot Governinent to pt -------------------- al Alias ,vtlk AnitiOsi -trifisinr, Ite.gzeitbiticia. fotit Itry% Ticketa entitling the ho r atany th410 darink the Exhibition__..25c 4, TRUMAN, Sec'''. 4530- !..". : • -st - s diatnonds and _jewellery of eyerr de,scri - • . - _ - 41111 1111111 1 _ _ Etel garie. mem soil, I to: it. be fa -1.1114 to wi lel rocks ry no its b bral extin thert•! 'OW the p torls1 *lora kir in *veilAna thi poeti - from tike tenet side *mates • mak e antes I its* s the is bPi abot Ateen friliett sod" of* lie ill iaba4 (ft 111) 1/1 other then serre, Them sal Dr a • Tx0e$1 to bi last r/ ^-- at tat gond 1*1*51 "verse tame Ana sot*, be 'Itsrjee .43tos tiS 30$4