HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-08-18, Page 3SS " . r.0 m.tc! h • recpec t- soh-a:re:3 en, 4:le • de *Sit receipt -- .SR, . ich R. 0. ga,941. la Ter - air, way ire pet. the , ;No' ee earth ; gerare tit;2„ met ' Kreet eet ; 51 -on, '1=4114 eta clime ees *rest ;:eert meet ne;lo te-eid Vt _4 4 0.1)1111 eraurtir RAYED from the premises of the anti- -v scriber, SIN Et. • 1:71 and be nib 3 3 1 ups and I rer•uu gm ins tutor - can be found WLII ittir• By referring to our Market Re- port, it wia be seen that Fall Wheat has advanced to $1.00 per bushel. GOING ONCE MORE. 'We are happy to be able to 'announce that the injuries sustained by Mr Platt's Flouring _Kills in Goderich have been - throughly repaired, and that business wit! resumed some days ago. A greater vol- . note of water is all that is now necessary to enable the working of the establishment Ewes ar • yeting alai -the L Ewe waif uncut tails. eey ata Lon where the said sheep mut 11 ublige . FRELE1 ICK V. Signa:neld Alla leo 1. 1S65. I LSON. Farm, (.tak-rich. wilbtf NOTICE. r ARGE,SILVER taken at tins office at four pervent discount. A.I„L " itix " .6 [Signed) F. W. . HOM AS, Agent. Bank et Montreal, Godera.b. Ilth August, 1Sb0. sELECr SCHOOL. Wits- ftill capacity., . lipss SKIMMINGS will resume her classes _ _ _ MA on Monday. An tust Mb. Iristtui-tions . . ztven tn th- usual English brandies, Music.' FATAL ACCIDENT,— A little boy ageill (Piano Forte) and Drawin-r. • eight years, son-- Of Mr. Colinentirray, 1 .. Gederichr tig-. 7th, /See. eiv9S 2t ' fisherman, white pinying in a -boat on the .i Wanted. • river yesterdel, I7fh, fell_ into.thel‘lter and Was drowned. _ The body wak.reeov-, - ereci. abont an hour' afterwards; but the .. _strenuous exertions of "Dr. .1%leLeast; who was immediately called, failed "to' restore INS. IACT OF 1864. MILE creditors. of the untleisigned are notified ipe. t. at R. W. Alis' Hotel. Hots -risk t our of ode o'etta1 ill . L. k, p. in., '"..r the porpose of I Tibage, on Mondav, the 2..4tn. day ot Auvest,- at -1-ecety ng sisteme. ts (tibia ad:ors, and of pommel an assignee to swami' he may make an *at under the abeve Act. • ., . PETER COOltE. . Howtok.,. August 10i h.. i'v.;:ii .. • -. .W21-2 QTh.-'Y STEEftqa-Strayeil from the Towif of .- i • ;' ; k..7 Coderieh about two -weeks ag I..: a yoke of ' Steer. last Le. 5_ years iod; one all grey with i long - "I. rritirmation that -will lead to their recce cry will flora., the. taller a red wte, -41 staz aWe *Jon ule huntamall'white.herns.„ Any person triviart 1 he suitaky rewarded_ [word to brt. left At thti W- ile, j by. _ 1. DUNCAN MeNEIL. I Cii idefich.:AAg. 14 I Z•65 • w9g-3t* - • LAUNDRY NIAID whe-_thoronghly_under- EA stands lair bristness. Apply unmedtately at the Ila tntand Hotel. - • ' ' Gs -de -ten -July 28th. I65.27w•sw95if - the vital spark-. -Asosir. BARNS. RtitSzli.-rcht the night of the 1.0th twi-oaras and a farxe connecting' frame shed.tr, the property of Thos.-. &pew of awanosit.. were completely destroyed by Ere. Oa the day previoms to the fire Mr Agnew tidiest finiShedilutting into one, of the barns - the crop of Afteen aerie of fall whentwhich °fat -Urge vitkt.if estrt-;red with the. barna-. A new thrashing machine in one' of the horns waaa3) burned. The fire is said to have been caused by an incendiary on acconnt of seine rivalry about thrasitint machine& It appea. s Mr. Azaew hal a thrashiti4 maat chine .d it - is said that sirrie of nig. neighbors, _wire also hod trtizhines- .bofe-.4 be gor *ere -Incensed at hint for 'getting.: bite; arid that one of these nares., on that aei:Outlt *.r. One tinte, threatened to be revenqed ,of him. I canacit Sty haw much, treth Abele may be in th:s- story; but suvh is the. Way- that . the orn of the lite is„aceetiated I:5r 'Mt% Agnew is o:ie of the o:dest settiLani E:tst. Wawa -oh. arid was., h;therto supposed •to have no enmity- capallie .of doing hitn such grevioes harm. Ile is considered a very respectable man. The buildirete destibeed .viiire of*superior class. They 'Were instireit it the .‘ Beaver" -erf Toiorito for $1200„ which it is_ hayed will corer h &Joss. The r 'township Cognrii or Wawartosh -are About otTerin_ea lew.ardrqor the discovery .of the .invendiary. IIA Ltl'IlEtt.. AND CitOFS.--We /13..Ve had .-iel eleysc f splendid weatherfor 1narvest:in-4. Urge anieunt of stag- h is been secured—pe ticeitiey• ...are a heavy Spring wheat harvest; is well throttrlr, a le rzioreays sazth weather, wili finish it. -it vzY be an avara,te -erv ; -itad would have 4teen attrae if it hai not ruetel; but the "en and every other va,.iety, with the" exception de the Fife, and &&oGr--d4;..- a. e bad:y i-iareri, awl 1 trottve fox the first time,. raiz -authe-leaf of tie Fife,- • and a. fay,Speeit'S on - the stalk. • " In my tast..ta you, 1 stated that the fall wheat, would oat be over an average crop. • The Ttireshens Itichiee and bus -het measut e PEAcifEsNm.p.#4.1,. Tomatoes, Apples, -pears, -Plums, 4P , cka dtc., at M_ 33 I .L\T C4- IT ;rat kide- of 2tIarket'-Square • ca-op-F.T-trcrr A • trotter.ch, Aug. nth, 1865. - ave seteed the?. -teeeetiea. !zeta' befoie •me thri returns of _theut a, dozen who' hare. tiresited oat their fall wheat, in this. Town- aud also a: fev Startler. TVG 4iest 22, and the lowest 9 bueitees to-. the eel*: a Mortzaze n ade hv J:iines McMahon of THE SE -MI -WEEKLY SIGNAL. SPECIAL NOTICE. DEFERRECO to our advertisment of Ind Ai+ iustant, und in order' to avoid misunder- standing, ue beg respectfully to inform those ot our custoutets who have bud ncequots with us hithet to that, as we are anxious to bring our present buttiness to a close as aeon as possible. we must discontinue all uccounts from this date. JOFIN FAIR & CO. Goderich. 9th Star. 1865. awn JOHN FAIR - &C�. na-rutOirrizo CLOSING Titent pit EsEY'r BUSINESS IN. GODERICH, W ILL, ox • _ Thursday neat, the 4th instant,- - Cansmenre to- clea r• off the whole' or their large ‘`...1 NOTICE. • rAi KS will be held at the - fellewing plares in a: the Cou al( of Huron fi.r the purpose ot jjiii HORSES, CATTLE,- &C., Viz.: At the village of Clinton on :he third, Wedcesday in the months of February, May, September, and November. At Howie: Village on the second Tuesdays of the mouths of February, October, tied December.. re. 1 At Bel -more on the second Wednesdays of the Same months. At Wrozeter on the second Thursdays of the same months. . _ : IAt,Ainleyville on the second Fridays of the same nionths. . In theViliage of Dungannon on the ehird. Wednesdays in the Months Of March, June. Oeteeer and December - ' . • e . - In .Fraticestown oteethe finit Mondays of -March, June, Ocwher eel- Deceinher.. In. the village of Varna on - the first Tues- days of Mitreh, June, October" and December. In ibeNillage of Blythe on the last Tues- days of January. Mnich and °metier. ., . . PETER ADAMSON, - • - Coueties' Clerk, , i - • Eerie; ,k_Bruce. •w26:3in THE COLONIAL • Securities. Company,, Suctessori to the Canada Agency As. lociatien of London,.EngIand,-. „ "LTA V-ING received -a laree„supelyrolliinds, ure now prepared to invest moneran improved farut -lands. WIC:04 C:br a yvatia-mi. For terms Itatt-.other tiffermatitui, onplv te • R. J. U. C1-11PilsIiAelgret•irty Office, Rs- al In'surance. and Wellington istreets. Toronto.: Or to CHAILLES_WI DOER, Gocieric.h, _ Valeater for the Ctimpany. Toriinto,Julv_27,IS65.1, - 27w 96aw3m ASSIGNEV..k.'8ALE - irnited-Courities of _Virtuo - -the B Y - and valuable stock or Dry Gotals, Clothing, and . Crroc ries at to - • t . ' • ENORMOUS REDUCTION -IN PRICES.' ,A09: t; cider:10, 2rel May, 1F65. 150 LABOURERS .Tvv gm TO work on the MI:10st `tra=ria *sink -triter *Tr! .of the Ere and Niagara lledway. ffighe wages Apply at the Wirer or a: ELLI.s, An:„..atat, 2, IS. sve'aftit C. eton LAND. .SALE ninon and -Bruce, Power vested in me . to *it :. _ by -the creditors of Joseph -COeeland. an - Insielvene. under the Insolvent Act for 1864. as assittnee, I will effer for, sale farm lot number eleven.- in the , ninth conceskion of_the township -cif Ilowick. ' in the County 'of linron',. which land I shall ...- • " • - :ROBERT LEECH. i offer tor sale at R. Mt. Adams Hotel, HOwlek• oVeiiltiaibgee; nnenx111;iuntdtahye htohtier tovvietnwterii.hpioledi ock. . . i w25ta - Assignie. . - WANTED A TEA-CJII'R fin- School SeCtion. No. 2. Second class certificate- from the Normal Townshie of Hav holdinff, -a firSt or School, or fitst clasc County Boerd. A liberal ,salary will he giten: To 'eoTteettee Ole first (boy of January. 1866. Testimoeiels 1 1 as to r haraeter will be -required. e. COmmuni- cationa receeived nit to the 5th of Oetebere Ael haters. prepaid. '• ' ' - • .. AVILLIAM st • ••• Sec'y and Treasurer, PotTlervi'le e:o Huron enemy AuentiCith, w283e - Notice is Hereby Given THAT applieaticaTi will be made to both - I.:NDElt POWER, OF SALE LC 31011T; branehea of -the Leeislatore of ',this Pro GAGE. • 13Y virtue dif a Power a Sile Contained So that It or IA.. will be• the* avera re Tied ' t -he }owner+ oLGoderieh.- t.t - the- Onto ty of • mud Prov in& Of 'Canada, (default - Ens sealon— and a great deal •of it poor - • d - • . - h sample at thA at. await return- from what for tis,- /WWII Oka( e inf. I IA' par meta t ere of), will be soid on_ ii ed tesday, the 261 h day e 1 of July, A, a, 18'65, at titeive o'clikek;noon. _3; the Auction Marr of Geeree M. Trueneee '- 1he the town of: Gwierich,' the fielowine asmememer we used to have. Sc, rr U:11 for rust. - • DIED • propeity, -that Is to say : Lot foortt-en, in - At Fiseat, Coanty ,igirt, C. W. eonces ion t7,* hi the township of Godetich,•1 day the Ith Ions 1141,Ttar, 41.„ ,11, D. in -the County '!'.7f -Huron. emitainisle; by: al & al, e. L. E., jaunt:ay te, resadeet ta meztm aureent tee aert.s .r at. (1,/foore or . ne rh:a;c; Beucelleid ; deeply 'regrett'ed Terms Cash- Deed -under Paw -r of S. by actiectionate c`ompatilou, and i e. -CA SIERON,` aren't ens end tt . w2ltd it r toe•Mortengee D. Burtch: irradoated at the to . - - Tie ab °trestle is rst,miled until, 26th day - tone, Tororilt8. . at the early see of 2;i: - of Auetter. 18IJ, Id and place;- veers, after- which -he °petted aa hrucelield for the rpracrit e of his 0ui:e- in ptofessto,.. nowsoute taX an, and by sena, atte11- tiqa to' professton.il duties, his kind dispoiitiint sod fsentletuaitfy bo,iriogh Iva& - not knee la gaming -the cOo1idenee4- of the community at forge :sod au -extensive -practice,. which he coma -tied 10 efidtly up- to ztne tilee of bia -departure from our midst, catised,by id health- He --sottgbt the gent* efiroe ot the Sou ti of Frincei with the hope of rebutting hisieah1. Atter. remtainias thzre.' 'about a year he couch:trod tliat his heatth win; suflieer catty restored to enatne him without:Inputs- teresume his studies, with a viter to graduate at'. the Royal' Cortege of Suigeons, London; Xicztatici. Ile lett Fronde fa the OkTGAGE SALE OF Valuable Property; TINDER and by virtue-ofst Power nf Sale ur contained m a Mortgage made hy rh Anderson,. ef the l'ownship or Kinlosie- in the Ceunty of Bruce, Yeoman, deftult having been nude in the due .paymeitt thereof, will be Qd on Wednesday. the second (2nd) day of Aueutte A. D ; 1865, at twelve o'clock, mien, at the Auction Mart of 'George M. Truman. Market Square, Goileriele the followine prorerty, viz. : Lets numbers twenty-one and twenty-two, in the thi.-d range tr-Aith of the Durham Road, in the &.1 0 Pale wet eeeordeedt cum- atiresaid township of Kinloss • Deed unde lammed hiestuchee oa his_ arrival in London, -.and graduated with beiwne The beginning- ofJuly, 1tanted34t14 after hie greciaatiett, he left. Ltnoduit toreturn nuine etuotq hi -friends, surt arrivett Ott `flamed:2y the 20th, u t., a p. txtrently in an improfed St4te- uf liea th, but feettiacr rather exhstuated front tile effects of a very cold and roue,ev letssage. -He aa riot long at home before he was attacked by levole Dzaoheis, winch protect foal ui the day auove mentioned He .oareumnis- takeab7e.„evidenee thAt. he 12:d made. bia peace wan bet Makeee and exhorzed his refetioos avid friends to diaeani the, transitory things of rola world and to lay bold of tneir Blessed 6"..viour and aecure near Peat:a...x:1th Hiss. Darin!' the forepart -u' thefay of Ma .deaak Ms bodi tir..s recited with Ctalv11:8i.ve - bet *few hum peevinue to lite death .be became calm aud plaCide and :sr about dialepast live his armload body parted, out to Attlee teak" uutit tee'resurreeeou utOrn. .fluis (mural tome place 011 Sunday, the 13th inst., which was attended by the iitrgwt concourse -- of sorrowing. friends and relations that- ever Assembled to the County of kagin topaY hat tribute of rupt to the mortalremains ufone who was beloved and respected:by aL those who' were within the Wields ot bis arcpurintence„ and team which: 'bears. silent tribute wilt °nen be shed in inemoti of his Azeelleett worth. I be thy silent slumber-. • Peaceful ia the grave so low Thaw no mire win joist our,uumbir— asol, our *mil snail kuowe zet again we hope to ravel theel, 'When the day of life &de - neein litteven 'with -Joy to greet then, Whom figewell *eerie shed" Cesit• Of .4111441« Y0441t at mat eecielanitily burned' desalt at r ,Power ofSale _ M C CAMERON 7 w23td.. Solicitor for Mortgagee. Theiibtwe sate is postponed until Saturday the ind day of September, 18'65, at the same ,h,otte and place. • sw97td Ins�lventAct-.()f1/364.. 14 (he mettte*- EOEN,' an . Ia.yolverat- T" credit rs ot theinsolvent are nott'fied that he has made an assortment of his. Estate and edicts, under the abine Aet, to me the un- at-oil...11W _ assignee, and they are requi-ed to furnish me within two months from this date wit it their elaims. spec:ging the security :they GO:c1, if airy. arid the valise of ti, and it ronfe stating the tacit the whole attested under oath, with . the Vituetteric in support of surh claims. Dated at Goderieh this 8th diay, of August A. D, .-- .E, C1;1E:NED; Assignee. TOMS & MOORE. - ' ' - Selicitons for Insolvent..:: w29 -2t ,..--.._. • Farm - in Bosanotet . FOR. SALE - oxt. 'ilia La -L. r. UNDERSIGNED offersfOr sae or tole! L tot 20it*12th .on, township of Beisanquet, Comity of Lambton. The farm consists of - ONE: -11111i.. Da. ED A..CRES, wa to of e G v nero # sixttyr avh.thic!ta.reiradeaaairediro• ski/Ater! pee WSLL/IYG 470V*96.7 42Vt6 11.44 # ge111.Non. the tot. ' - • • wvia;irt...iiitEKED WA.T ;It% Fortartir.alans apply 4.* c. ennotT. (iodo1.atelat et .4trinat -.vince it their next sitting:to !nave thetowe- 1 ship of Itawanoan divided .te fo;-nr two '- Seperate NIunieipaiities; to be. ctilled .,“ Easi -_ Wawanosh ” :and :""West Wawanash;" ree - spectiyely, the dividing line to he between lots numbered -twenty set en and twenty eight. The tipptication witl he made- hy petiteni ot 1 the Municipal Colo:zit and over 'three hnn- 1 - died and ninety ofthe electors of the seid township, of U.awarioali. ' - By Order of the CotinciI. JAS.. SCOTT, l'p Clerk.' June l3th. 1815C, , .w22if - ..FAR,At _Fon: SAE* IN WAWANOSH qpIlE tnelersegned- effers for side the following 1_ pram s.a., szttrUe.i on, the Gra vel ' Road in 11 vewi.ship of Wawanosh. - Within 11 Mlles or Goderieh 1 ...wining- 103 aeres, 50 of wliiele-are cica rect. On the pretnimsthe.e is a guise Friinr Batn'36 by o2, a good -Frame House, young oichard= hearing. A good creek runii.og through the tante Apply to • . HUGH. MeMITE1,. - • 71" • •• Lot_3, 4th eon. yaw anosh. Jin . 30. Mari- VOTICE;-Canie into the premises of the _LI subscriber. lot No .16, con. 2n1, Hay, on or about the 6th Junea dark red steer two !earl old. The ownekean have him by proynig prop- erty and payieg charges: _ ;JOHN' SIIIRRAY. Rodgerville, Aug, 15th,, 1 w30 To -Cabinet,- Fannitg-Mill Minufaelit= rers and Others. • FL NO MAOJIINE ..FOR -SALE. A s.MALI, Planing Ilaehtne, nearly new; capable ot plat mg haat orsoft wood, Its Ives 9 inches wide --will at sold cheap for caafi or on approved credit. For ternis 'and :or particulars apply (it he letterpost paid) to Henry Dodd, Fan- mng-mill. ManuiattUrers Goderich. w ca has, had Oh e of the same description in use "fin- 2'years; or to the sit bscriber whu has the tonne Weide. " . JAMES. Goderich, July 28, 1665, °MAfilabf DARTIbB desirous at -obtaining' First Clan 1. Cedar tor** o.ngand Building parposes can besupplied in any quantity, e-io on reasonable , term, byapptinag to - . . J. W. ELLIOTT. reetlerich Feb: 0th:1864. ad' ACRES .0Eittiliqc4_32; Eut Lake 441-r....4toa,d, Ray. - •FIRM' rEA, Tern* Outy.ap,11 „ : 41:_ttlitin. nu the titiolisee, * - • riar400 - Ooderielf, April 3fIthi Goa:rico 1864. t rim E. Partnership heretofore existing:hi the 1 'Town of Goderichunder the style of STORY & DAVIS, Ilea been disulved by mutual cansent. - W1 I - 1LAM STORY _._ GEORGE NiORM AN DAVIS. Got:tench, 27th J uly, 18a5. 27 w-sw95 Promiasori Notes and Accuunts belonging to the late firne have been placed in the Subsen- ber's hanc:sfitr collection ; ImatranaTz payment, litUat be made - • • • ' •3 B GORDON,. Barrister, tte - Goderich, 27th „Poly, 1865, 27w sw9S . . In reference to the above it may be stated that OLD• STORY. ' 'Is still on the-trackrand will reniain in the.huild- lug at..ere.ient oecupted-utitil his near ahop is completed He h reoy returns h.a.sincere. tnanks • 'to the friendssand customers who' have' fir 24 'years extended their custom to his shop, and litipes still toinerit itS eo ntril u a rice;- • . Wm. STORX. Coderich. August 1. 1866. wn27 G. N. DAVIS Ali A N tr It_ CT UR E AN D DEA -LER IN Stoves, Ploughs and Castings otevery de- scription. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, at the blarketatoveDepot, Market Square, Gude- 00AL OIL " lerCoal Oil La inps. dte.,dr.c. Old -Iron, Cop- per, BrassRags V. elekings and Sheepskins a ken in ex...hence. 27n UNDER Powgn; OF SALE IN . - DY virtue bre Power. of Sale contained inlit ortgsige made hy Archibald McMillan, ofthe township of %Vawanoshin the county of Huron, _Yeomen, ot the finit part, ned Janet McMillan, his life, (for the purpose 'ot -barring herdower) of the second Part, de- fault- having been made in the due tate merit thereof, will be sold an Thursday; the tenth day of August, A. D. 1865, at twelve of the clock, noon, at The -Auction Mart of George M. Trueman, in the town of Ooderich, the foliowing nroperty, that . is to say: The easteriy half Of lot f-mimher fourteen, in the fourteenth 'concession of the said township of Wawenesh, pontainingone hundred acres- of m , !sod: ore hi less, paving and exceptine that part of said "lot containing admealuee ment two reads and sight perched of land conveyed tar ssid piny et the -fret part, to one James Somerville, -of the vilbigi of dated thttweellesevetith daY �f4inry, 4. D. lass. .TOkills- cask Died inti.te:#10,805 Of Sale. C. CAMERON.- - &Honor fUr.Jiortgagaa•- 00t4 Th. -allow. sale be litlf day 9: fort.eLa ;am and Place, ANEW STOCK Ole .44211 7LI1F110 — 30th juie, 1865: . . • ; LIST 01P 1 . Remaining In the : A31:11144e.riangeliSHI 'oolfieet166. i iletiteliz:ailnduotihe: eUoka ! BefittleeJjoolihran Asti - Brady Johann -1i .. BebrabNittia 1 Bellmore PrEer (t) Browa lits. , Brown Bola. - Berisdail Robe; tueird Willman Campkell fileAftear llampliettDante,i Curry David Cannadey. B. 4. - Cantlineffleoree colline Hannah Chapma,n./saim Cottle Jarnes{.2.1 CockleY-L i Chid; N. Cole Peter Conger Wm, W, •DeniSey Bridget • theltenson en. Dahlia J. W. • Denney !Margaret Elifott Archld F.dellift Met. W: Erivn William- - Elliott Wm (2) „ Try-Hann:111 Finn !dart? Fitzgerald Robt. t;reeh Mrst. Gilroy Wrn. Orithain.Win. (2) Haugh:try Arthur ibilard Mrs.Ellert Hutbe,rIty E. Irving Prank brine :Wafflers Johnsen) Timm's; Jacobs William , • ' Kmpen Donald Kerr Henry rCerr George (1) . KerrS: L. Rev . - Keyes Thames - .A.T THE E FKIELIEU GODEX1CH May lat, 1565. DETLOR & SON wIQ SHERIFF'S. SA's_ OP LAL s. ,ttnited Coentieesif DY virtue -of two wtts, of 'Huron. and Unice, .1.1 lieu Facies 'issued out To Wit: 3 of Her 51ajesty!si:Counry Celia of the Marls Counties- -of Huron- and Bruce, and or inc directed against the lantfe-1-hd tenements cd,Jeresniah Lennox, at the suit of (mac Carling, WiI1ian G Smith, and Alexander Smith si I have ized mid taken in execution all ; right, title aria interest ot the suid defendant, I in tied to tin number 99 on Huron t-treet;ia. the I village of Anleyville_, in the county of Huron,„ with the buildnigs thereon. erected. Lot No: 2 ; On Howiek street, in the villeire Belmore, one I half dere ot lend with the buiftlines 'thereoii'. erected, situated at the ;mutt, east roraer of the: Township- of e 'dross, in the county -of _Bruce,. firming Dart et. lot No. 1, in the A -concession of i the said township of Chimes which land* and 1, tenements tobadriffisrfor sate at not office in the 1 Court . House an the town of Gederich. I Tuesday,the tenth day ot °glober nista it tha- lami. or Twelve of the 'cluck. noon.. JOHN MACDONALD . - Mori/ 4/.. Sheriff's Office. Goderich, ' -3rd Jely". 1865. " INSOLVENT Apti.,0' 18W Ike 101101 1101V01011,--, RR ihismolitent.- THE uriditaisoribillpikmt *suilgotbat he ba 111.41,alleielig~lei alai* Sad " Oliseitritalldga Ib.ill** At, ;4Ir ritaer- szpuJ ass/Poss lbw twit istettlatia **tab ot,,, maul two tossatlis Audi tais_ Hottir StlittUISsep11016,14*.'atiteritt they!lald, if LTamli=41•10411tfont. rt sow rastnigilia ,att1est1Jdsr:11tits e!.1 4 -4aissctat te 'saissii-is,istitsga04/4M1****Ibia j pat) op iithap:1101a - 1'ifle• $.9** - ,044tf- - - 4o1w. e .44h. t 010 , SIIER12111 Lux Or-Liains. _ ._ , -United Coimbra of)BY 'Virtue 4.11. a writ o : E Huron and Bruce,. . Venditioni xpo n a S To Wit --- . and- Fiera Fames itw rest-- due_ iss ne d out _of Her...:Majestye Comity cowl ot tia. United Counties _of Huron end,kratee sail ro methreetcd against the land, awl lette.. . meats of* IttiieS Stewart, at the 'mit of JonitlY "Detlor and'Sainvel 11.-Detfor,.1 have sefeed and ek 01 *be sintaidEadleeuntditnllh i•intaiotanegdritolitle iuttitnuitinLrd ihenteereatin the eleventh concession of the To*nship of -Col- borne, W.D:, in tee- County of Huron, whieb lands 1 ',bull ofer tor aide at my office in the Court House in .the Mimi. of Goderiele on -11,es -day the Fit h de/ of Septernber net, at tate hour of tw.e17 ot t..he clock n07- JOHN ON21hale u. dr 8, .11CDALT), She:i271PgissOf4uKte.y,.G18650de.richi ,, I. arita N0T1C3.-1 hereby notify ,persons _ from porebuing or itegotuitmg three notes of .100.00 *sett, with interest_ from date, dawd April 2Ist. 1865. nit:Iota dye 21- mond* lifter ditto, second uote dee 3$ modtbs, and gird trots lbw 46 Months atter IsETTE#11 Goderich Net Olt% McLeod Ales. Ids:lanes u. McDonald V. McCue James McGehee lewd iitcliebb las., McDonald James ZdeDonsIdiort.0 Moatastet sawn Mc -Donald fteoeld Meletyte.$- . Nickleisitobl. N. Meister Inert MOOlsegl Mr.- Mate001110,11 Muller S. ,::011istetieeitis31164itatelijoellal,) Piribps.A. PAP! Wail* Parson • Iteweind.Wholust ,:he:dai ego: dAlnittrition:iamme Smith Aanie - Stabierlaiidetaeut Slam Davel Steward *feel Kr askeeowatterili,livey Arlin •Stewsr`Jas. 0, a$ tweoi et einya tjni tel SOIIIS Onus Shannon Mary; Shorts Nap Tireraolinvrapsocnart. uAlibert. T4Thicnomnsopwiinisinoo..arahji Timms 'fahontaa Tint Wirri Todd We. Untied Statea teasel 1,0t0ur Emerte Wilem Afiee I Lyons JohnI Wilson D. (23 Lovett lohn -.- ".Whitelv Jas. Lenge-Joseph Wilson...10bn {2) . Waterous Julius ' Morria Harriet Mrs. - Wilson hose* Munsfield Scary Waite IL i Ma Icomson CeptJUO.(3Wruson W. I MillarJarnes. _ ,- - Miller James - . _ 1 ' JAMES WA" SON, -Pottlitester. • MONEY FOR FARMERS - • fillIE;Subscriber has reeeired a few hundred . 611ara " to loan an improved fermi. Interest moderate, sisondiweilftoarr,zAtle: roendeasozblte.):17.. • - 8, P. :YEOMANS, try. grlaCe over the _Pelt f.) ce. • N. B.—Parties -having mo ey to 'tweet can be aecomodated with few goOde;ppliets- dons. JLJST- ()PENED Boat "if . fiN Kingston 1st:eel,- next ilte IleletvaPh 10 Office. . Te Proprietor solicit* a share of the.pubtie Patrailstar land Its; trill lin Ilk hest endeavors to atibrd satisfaction. - - ROSS. N. B. -="Orders promptly executed ia both malting and repairing/ July' 186, 1865.- Ai • R EMO VA Ls I Clint on Book Store. Seheoliboks and School Brationay, 791i733(4:›XaMer3ALialal. THE undersigned beim to notify Ws friends ' I and the:public generally tint ha Ise te. moved Ins - Book 4tore totlbe aratilosewe . stand- on Albert Street, 'Clinton, fotinerly ioccupied by J. S Forrest A Co., where ka _ - GOIllltriratOrekeel/erS, will be inippy. to wait upon alt who air favor him -mitts It Cali. . Are particularly -invited to inspect his large - elocic of ' - „ 80110 0/1 BOOKS ii. 'STATIONERY. al -IV-al:Oiled' :till ill) fuTuoildrollbelVlisholl;iewlein' rii ' -chrataltne.y Gnu' 40, (NB' re Stational". .3111111011 instruments, Toyr, Wall Papers, Wrappiag PaCpetittist'elti.c2701the.; a7e1G1311-8RPTiv:Zill°1176(41°I;191 - _ miles from Goderich.- Apply to . .711 Ten acres.- on the Hayfield -Road, be CONTRACT of ihei)pin :00w4eigilir2Romitt r 0. June 16th. 1865, • COLIN etent- SHERD'S% SALE or LAM*. Herrin and Brui.e. ALA Flen Fang* *seed et* United eounties Olt voturof twit. varreatat COUrtle.ltstet tit nited GorouPosea"44MIllivilitirottelonfBntel'allmir - Mandentstj'atinfelealthreeMiceedikotaisnrifirtird.tts.-014111411e4; SitTage and James McGuire,' Ion *ewe and utkeirin execution all the rieht, tide' lied interest or the saiddekrident in and tc tot nriether -fifteen,in Ezra 'coneesinon sithelownsitiP 'KinIcess.ali the °Minty tiftruce,e'6ntaierpi, ore hialdred acres, Mere 01 leaa; wilt* lift& and teeemeins t shall Mier for shiest my olive is -the t.:eurt HollSt in the town of Cothsrieb, ato 'foetidly, the arnenteenth -dayoffietobterarat, tie hour of Twelve ofthe clock, *obit. . - JOHN MACDONALD, aberilli M.* IL.- Sheritro asiderielts1 • Ithdelreesee. . Irk MEM SUE• ',MO& Moiled Counitesiif 113Y- video if. writ ot • torkertsviesii, and olsr jiirigmiiiirectcdeinieniegabw!iesiailitheial. owls ./104114.04 _ 1 Huron asd iirwc. Li VraiatiosiSallalleallad .0 Wit: fried ritelei far Irdealtes ' - /tit -d out *Mar ajeates reins air Cssamosele' v 4u04 me 01.111:41filStwasbBiFiltirt ast. Joint ,r.. • data- Draws In favor °fee". chtirck art ifillt, aiatiEs3 i **vs armed and.logrs in. . eiseirtil.a. di tire vanity of vedereptaai soinslitv• beaver, sod signed by John 3 elesukaa I intariforitit. tit, and iii thepootkuot:- Isavetrceinatitivzhi. for the ti me. , 01101,111011/11113 ;Mk, ea CIdriposioir orestA. 1 ' . .,.. • JOSS' Vel•t4411; 1130 Vilialre. Of Southampton; la tiii recateie - • ".---- . ' - rforeweit at the COtitt lloree.'ett- dr# 4111101.- riraili".0.0..Culynasie, *low. iggo...,,,,.....;:- W2e4f, "tainificileoof_41:04;Jualliehaiwiti. ollig*Tlionisvfoltvalist:iii 14414 ' - - M.aney to 1..endti. , - daiorseseskfrais oieboaraortlft - .0ederich..I8th3Tay; Ittrat' awfi41 1 1,pboalio004,":dsitzrelitit, tr.itagiLso_ lici,tor,:ippi. owl _to. vs.rar; sba:i.4 taybo: szbio:t., or j__ acs_ i.:3_011- N lkicsmor . ... .