HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-08-18, Page 2tor". THE SEMI WEEKLY SIG -NAI • - - - - - - - • •••••• lary pang tht halt heard words bud given.' rietn:ter in her memory, when ske suddenly fe:t that these hp- plied doubts wronged bun concealed at my house. It was hie presence I :Mr. McDonald, Toronto, proposes to in- the Maritime Provinces a good- deal of - ably be best accounted for by the fact that during the resent session to • • '4111•41001,114•4111 %vir Aar:mounds. her. started' up in bed, with an expression of sorely. there, dear Manan, thet induced me te call quire of the Ministry whether it is their hostility to the measure, which -can prob. Sophy crimsoned peinfuily one glanced at vexation at her own carelessnesa. The Mr. Lansden however seemed not only your visit an unfortunate one, and I dare say before he replied. " I believe 1 did say so, birth , soe with a little atnistance frinn interest, in his sister's happiness • and thus voluntary pcisoner startled you on the stair-. afford such uid to the Provincial Lunatic her husband, who hit his lip and hemmed ea:teeing day vies the eneieersary of John's satisfied but pleased willi John's' brotherly you will remember bine a sigh from my intention, P Trotty ; hut 1 did not intend you to henr me. 84phy, she pureluised a beautifully bound relieved his pretty betrothed could look for- cese. Et/SATED inquiriei harinti been -made nor did I mean- that I wisfied you away ; yuu . edition of Dr, „ieine*Stone's travels, a work ward cheerfully to a visit whieb, from a ". I suppose you are ...wondering why you shi.uld ask you here limes out of II -amber, it I be presented to him 'as soon as a suitable deferred, that it was two or three years since you been older, ugly, and less romantic,. ale -e. ought to know me better thee to -think I I he had been heard to wish for; and it was to vgrisly of eirctoosokucest had been so long were nut admitted -to Our confidence. Had teneien a the -Asylum,-in Toronto, as will secure the ez- premises;TIA keeping with of having their laical importance diminish,. 11, ing their identity in the large union, and ft sio:oair; 7e..14,ei ndri:leinrhle phomtognipt liken . of the late gifted ditor of the " Huro ai were not real:v anxious trihave yeti with I inns iption had been written on the . fly leaf ; j ehn end Bophy had joieed the circle clueter- ' would have been no reason why ) uu :Omuta 'with the oriwinal plansapproved by the ed is the essence of nearly ail the Argo- Hess • -E • nst,aredinspecirett.s' o fully to anuoutee.ta the numeious - ' - ' A : I. I. novernment, an.c1 now urgently required. ments used by the ,anti-unionista of the ns e but I cetiainty eio wise teat „your visit hut, in the hurry of dressing for the teeny, jug round the yule log at that festive season, not •have learned the whole particular!). . !" had taken. place a little earlier, or later, es she had wholly forgotten thitt the book ' wee They did! not...come alone now, for two brown- diteetly i hut Sugary felt. and 1 could not bue - Hon: - • • blr._ Tilley, - of'•.New Brunswick, Maritime Provine.es. It is ;hardly possi- of thelate circumstances. will _mit let me eejel. your left on the centre table itt the sitting room, .eyed, carlyheaded little ones-eAunt Marmite • agree:with her, that it would be datigerous arrived by theChina. *His return before. P • - ble to think that auch absurd reiudices- . Thomas.icilueen, sweet society (pile is freely as I should like whereit would be sure to catch her brother's &gentles -werertheir companions., sled it wee te lowest you in a very handsome young prejudicei which, if allowed -to prevail ovir to do. Now yott • uhderstand why 1 oalled ilea, testiness he entered the riecom, and thus- . during the bustle of weleonthig them, and fellow -; Sows determined tO keep. his prem. that of Messrs.. Smith and --Allan, the anti--, i. tile:world would .give only, .petty States _a . - ...:__ • his Sista,- blushingly drew juhe !aside to in-: to my captiye's passionate...appeal reached et. . terest ini-Stt.Johti as Well al the recently nearly- ;the : whole habitable. globewill visite-otthe above at thei - ' t• - . 20.ots VOr eopyr : , . OW =WO or6 ioliiiis,liirlii .. . . e e tolwar uiy. oecasionalateeuces With resietuis " IC is Aot Leo Iate;" said 'Marian; slipping. eroduce ber lover. • . - 4e--• • ' ' i am happy to etlythat it waa Much - mere- , mo i e tonc o t e overnmen organs.•,-- forever keep.Nova Scotia and New Bruns- d'fi d . - f 11 • G • . - t tion -, won t you ? So.phy Inuit Wee you to -see out abed, and eropiest for metch-hox and_ • .With -one earnest look into each -other a lenieetly worded -than I .expeeted, aed was al . . . .. .. . . . . . - , * 9u . ___ , . _ .._ , . • Canada is large and the Ltityer Provinces smolt, is found to exist. . The fear of los- " SPEAKING LIKENESS" your appearance at -this piirticular moment half the pleasure of presenting It would he showttig the new bithy to erandmamma, that enee secret until the reply of his father confederate ,delegates, elates some in- place ..of the proud Empires ,which rule That he- • can furniSli an excellent cast d unfortunate, don't yoa ? and you'll promise destroved. wick t e-sePara , Y ' - Sent a.ty address --poatage tree -on yeceip't .eves. tne youngnien shoOlt hands, atidwalked enclosed In a note to me gratefully a,eknow• .. ., . 0 ; await together and ii dreadfully distracted 'edging My Shire hi the e transteetiote -and . ' . , . . .. • -ee - 16 CABLIS..._ But the preetical po: iiit -is that just now 1)-i p•;ice., mdreasi , . _ _ , T. J.. 3100111i0IISK, - - our paor int:e heroine, en' the nutlet of tier givIng me the means of -settling all. just :THE ATI:ANT those prejudices have great we'ght among p oymenfs, to aee thetit uo- elaints. upon -the young Man. ,- : . •• . . -.-..... -. - our fellow-colenistp. Prince dward Is- - .. . , • 09derieh 4,, 0,,. _ . - • utultilarious em --1 Itueditr, the intensity of. the frost, pacitr the - ' It sax his fathers wish. that he should laong as we have waited for news of the land-bi..cause the emit lest- the most Godeiich, August 10, 11365. • sw5, - all ate lions. and maser aitietideeeto the. best- dandle. tea pop ott • my_ dreesing•lown-: of her limited' abilitieseeftir the loss you and feteli it. He. Camila. have come in yete bah sustain in - - - ' et I should surely tiate Wm." 66 But you don't dn Government business. in So, with -tier slippers. on, she caotiOesly the evening. Jame do- your?" Ltid 31ariatt. deeeended; but stayed her steps, in half -fear- --*So, mise, 1 do n9i lay Her M•ileety under enceitaitity, wheti stiw-. that ihe doer of such obligation* to ine„." reptied John ; 4,, but ihe tnysterious -Cnamber Was •ajar.e: At I have private affairs to trzuisact sometimee." first she was disposed to retreat, but all was e But isn t that wotkitteetoitlinni asked stle4t as the grave, although ,a tiett. ghat Marian, anxiouaty. " Mother -1e so • efreid meting throtighe the ke) bole of Sorhp's e -•witl* do too much jaa_iiiiiiro• your -4paninent-showe.d-that she Was'itill a watch- - • . er for her absent- hrishand. .• . -"Ater ' sied John, eitintureije "yeti Will 6. How ridiculeue I ate -1 . ea- *whin to. e - . __Writeetteleeia_thatemerningeand-tell-herletroeiteteetfiewhile-Shehirtiblfder-iceniferilieli4er Inetkitie deficate, will' y On ? -and that the. oily- flight ef etairs. " If John only. knew 'how: . . sicitat hie preeeribed_ roaet pork! and. apple -iny_ heart *.quakei . every -time I pais • thut --Noce; so twit she had . better let _Joe buy in_ -se few tuare stare-ipiga at. Itsylea Market ; deaft forget." . . :'t . - But, eendaele,..fohe—"bezaa M.irien. --Iee-----e" But, serieuelY, tratty, rat not imiliiire a inertyr of Myself„" Said-Jule:le "Se he quiet, -and let tie decide oponyOur plans fer to :nor row, Which, is. to , bee firsteethe House :of Lords, or the Towee of lettelon 7 .- You dear aittle pet 1 ' I will litivia ho;idey iii the after. .zioonoand take you- ta the polyteelmice I do -want to see year -..looke of 'astonishment ae : intne Ofita wonders. ..I haven't had. the ex! . quisite delight of Astonishing site -lime the time T .perseeded.youlliat ehe young owleeti • their nest in the- ivy Were 'the- .o.t.fserii4 'of 're Jonee* old ina.etitf. Dp you remember . -how awed you were whet-. y6u,. peepeden: and ...- ;law three or toar pair of greet _eyed. startle: at yeti?' • "If lIarilin is to de ell. this 'si,.,;ht-see.tni.". - interposed Sophy, " it is thee she- vien to • door. stunned and motionless.' . . rest ;-_ she locteapttie told Weary." : -. 'When 31:.trian °tenet! her eyet she was ex- " But where -will ahe sleep 7", cried Jahn, tended on the sofa,: With - her brother 'and ' heating much more concealed than the: flues-. sisMr both bending over her and noxiously tien seutted to warrant.- - watching, the effects.of the reatoratives they . "-That is all arriteged,7--- replied Sophy.. had :leen administerlier.. Ite first thoughti witk *significant nod ; and her. hashand,with induced. a wild glance eround,-end a coufused a, re.ievedeoVIre'inicel V Sank beck into:his inquiry As to who found her. and what it all -. • e - meant-. , • :_. - * - • _, - ,- - . 'fernier easy atlitude. ' 11S.): Mtiriaiewent to Leaf.. and. deseiterthe •6 What brought you down. stairs ?".-asked - . 'Unusual*, tines, and the tact of tieing :Wray ,I-ohn, siernly. 66 WO.S. it _to pry into nay from- hcene for the first time sinue - her, birth, netiens ee . . • - . slept soundly and loae„ tied w te able to enter ---: poor Mtirian looked aghast tit the charge, •', into the lienieing of thenext and two or three told pointeig to thebOok;tearftilli explained - eucceeding days with teeest and 'appreeietiou the collie- of her- ualucky nootnrual visit te . . : that quite amiteed. her more suphisticeted the sirting-roona.. . . .- cop:Tanjong.; indee4 they had paseed. so little :.•'• Dear ..liftle ,Trotty„ pray • foreite me," • titntin the.botree. that it was almost a relief said Joh; . kissing her - sidectionately ; •• I - when a hitaeYshawer of rain coinpettect. them, had no busineesta Speak so haisitly.. Go te- . to Speed are,-eveping -vied,. indoors : ; for bed with Sophie and try- tie sleep,.er:you- will * /elm 11"61 & lett" Pi• tw°- ta.w•-iter . ala'SOPhi hive a terrible hendaChe tn. the- morning..'te ' . wes dasirous of heiraine *new stitch ia•kitit• - "And you -2" ithe asked, iiiquiriftely,-,tiir tint* which 3itrisn volunteered to teach, and L_he was dressed fer a journey. - - ran lightty up ta hor.roont toefeteh a -reel of .: a He ie g-oine Out . azain," ..whispered - cotton, purchased forahat-puepose.. . \ . Sophe, a•Dont• question. hien to-tright. lily It was nearly' desk; and' Marian was \des- dear ; he wit, tee -you by.and by. whatever etading With the reel in. tier lia:4,. wheo it he thinks it- rieht for you to knee." . Bet slipped from the ffireers that were engugecl iii that, ••• hy.and by "- did not arrive-, . _ groptugeheir way dovrn the Jerk steirs,.- and -When- Weriatt arose the next. morning,beate roiled to tee latidiee, wheee it Wu dimly per-. in her pate cheeks and hearyeyet the. trace! ceptible oa the mat at the door of the .-cuest- of utirelteshinee slurober„ the - door . of. the eltamber';. that quell:illy Closed arid Irckede guest ehrimber.eteod wide open, aad -.Either 1 apertment Mariait-had never -heed iavited to the ntaid, was etnployede withiii itye-sweee..ine : antere although •the had -twice accidentally -and eleanine in the most neater -of feet melee . encountered the servent cieeing from it,. add .neeimoginable. The only eeidente. or . its 1 -Abet Visits Of Joha arta soelie were away- and having' lately beenerceuniecf wae-a acrap ot *event. - -Av.she-at004.:edreiessly- revel:Wing crumt_iled. peper,, Which ..Esther netsed: oat of. thetatieledehreed, a taielt, or _realer a aolh the table drawer into her duet Pan,. aad this . . the half -choking aoh of some one in an: agony elariatt stoiteed-and nettled, .ble-shiftee and of grief, *minded close to heeeare Mal with feeling unceinmenly guilty es she did so. - . sae terrified glance fate the darkness,. she - Sophf petted.,Marien all dttye but carefully iivittly- flea down the ' remaining - Whirl!. AP- avoideritheremotest allusion to the subject .pestsegin the room below With so pal. -and -'. on which -her sister -in- lawave.s -so anxioua to Amsted at. :Countenance " -that het ' relatives - eatet t . and. John,- thou,sh eeidently desirous -sprangap ia-alarrtt.... - . - . _to _make amends for hi* hemp spe.ech- by:h. - . . Marian's_ recital *Ain* sociner ended then :. More .than,„ contmonly - affeceionate -•maneer; John went ap stairs. retaining realest iinme*7 Was equalt reticent.. Indeial, it wai: not diately with the ear in.his atm& iie held her . until At the e.epirittion de Ma:iiiree. 'holiday.. ap, end said with a imilee "I. did.' not think ' and when shestood on the plattoiln " of the vote were such e wootie. Irony - I have been, Paildineton terminus, awaiti teethe aerie -a-1 of- . 0. . f o SR over the house„ and. ean ware yon that the train whieh -Was' te .catry her back. to there' ii nothing inure ghostly in it , than:oar- Brook Farm that her-alai:en wire eutili-Zn of' - , . f - . selves.u. --; - " - . ' .-, _ . ' ..-0 I shou:d not like .p teach. pi!. deceit, :t But indeedeindeed,it_wait eoe my fancy l'!' . Ti otty,:q said lief brother ;* 6* but , really I cried hie:sister, earneetly; "1 ...as sernditire •wish you:would not .uteOtion Oita unfottutime perfeetly motionless at the moment, lied dis- .cieetnnstanee.'.." . . ' - - - , tinetly heard Alta long•drient sieh of soute It Why ?" aelted his sister. - . . - human' being in (heiress." - , - - * - -L‘ Beettuee„ My dee-, mikes I cold& eneer. . - "Peolt, phOlt 1" aaid John. trytitzto poke- 'into, explanations 1 theek ie best to. withhold; poly jump over* his welt: . e - yOtir story wthild have a very romatte inund, , - 'And it seemed tO collie front that -rop-M . and I should he peatered with iniptiries l'ean- . yoe keep -locked/ up,", seal Medan ; "there nat. anee,ereo..._ _ . . -• - . - - . must have been wee one concealed there."' i. But.w.1017 again asked Marian. "I have beertlinto that mem as wed an : 46'Bica4.te the, ,seeret is .not taine;.' he re. chantber he would tease me to death: .• Ai Marhui threw epen the door of _the. reoet a gust of air blew out her light and again she paused; but reedited:big. the eittet spot where- the bbok. lay, she: stepped boldly tbrward take it. As she moved further :into the, rooM, whieh dark save where a few emliers still glimmered in the gtete, a sudden coneiction tittered her 'mind that- she wlis not alone, that "sonie one -breathed closely beside her. Shiiddering and. trembling with terror -she, sought. to fly from the room, forgetting 'her .-,erraind and every - thine else. in the undefinable dread of the moment. et he door a•as dimly _discerruble ne Marian, with eetended arms, tutned towards it.; bet nt that moment her hand fell on the ceed. Rivets of :motherland ; and she shriek- ed and reap:lied so violently, that her head came in contact With one of the -carved 'idlers of SophyS piano, and shetell on tbe until she rejoiced in the optiertunitY the dinner de itantediately,--, '1 feel,' - he. observed. ,that !' . g • . .. mtracteble of the Lower.Provi ea. -New - garden Valk td -the fro, and to and fro again, join lum lb Germatiyi-and tens he resolved io _ir.va • , , 1 I of,the • reat ship with the Aineri- hotir gaveher to break in upon the thug chit - -it iii- only hy ' prompt ottedienee that I .ean can end. of the .Atitintic Cable, . we . are . Brunswick has a Legislature which is an. 7 ti -Union b . a -very large majorky;_and_ _a_ e tereneee • . .- - - - • prove tny regret for the past. -Return to:the aennz.____ doomed__to_ disappeintment. On dil-veroment to Match. : in Nova Scotia, . .. . • ; 66 I Sun not afraid te glee her to Io_u_Sharley__Afice- I caenotrebotenty-plans-fortheefeture --'' .- i • ----i-1 1:--:::- e- --e64-4-Yoirrele tectainteil; -6-y-dii-Cliv -ii-are faint i_ -- _ eat_Eastern-had--parted-com----0. nti-unionia,eror-have-at---aity-theebe_ lei" - *Shirley'l:.. "(led bless yon'bothl? he added,. sanction. eI Will qualify mjselt for *surgeon.' that_the Gr in bl h 1200 t° the InaP11 y, the tact that a Govern:i • be had kuoWn yoe for _ yeiied," 01'4e -reed •• • Yee, .1,' _ be firmly' replied. - 6T have nii:es of it had beeti sub4erged, a tele - Marian, as they more leiserely.ixturned to the- thouglit long -and ierietaily tiver ..the Matter,- gram- reso4ed Ili firom . Aipy Boy to 00. - - and cen only curse to . the Maine - deterunna- -house, , - . _ - . . ... - • • Wednesde.y.the 16th after haying -beard though there is ne efficial proof. that the IMPORTANT IIALR_—_-- i.;itcsdeir ",said-johneputting ler hand into are wintered and only.- &welt my father's / - "-OF and tinstily_leftetheit - - e panY with e paid out ca e w en - "John speaks as familiarly already es if :tette Sight of blood ?' - • - ' *6 We arenot etrangers, my. -deafest," Was tion. - 10y days hitherto hive beetk-7.-sAient -effect that " a large Te.r_._ssel- was in_sight, the reply • " knew Juhu eefore I coine vitiating tufewit life; and these of my fellow- gaily ornamented with Hags," Sod the nal. - here, --he t te uest mu ever te y u e -ura cone us g I f di Id in m cre tur s with whom I have come in contact I n was that the reat work life." - from this time I will try to make emends for • _ - There was no tune to put the many clues- the ill I have done, and as I have neithei._ was successfully accomplished. But, no. _ _ . meet friendly to Confederaticie felt that it could not- afford t last seision to test the feeling a the arliament upon the sub- ject, fully -warra state of popular feeling is at least doubt- ful. On the feeling of Newbundland it is difficult to speak with any great C,Oniii HE undersigned is instructed by tbo Heirs ta the inference that - the tions on_ blaran's tii•a, and in- the bustle of talent nor opportunitY for healing the soul, . Hour* - after hour psecl. away without brinwinw us the welb, ome .a,onouneement, gotten, until -when the. younger brenchea ha_ " With this resolve he lett *me. our fare-- I- - e drawn their closer to the 'hearth: for n batch .raum, stnd the catt arlich wits to convey him We are left -in the dailcas •to where:The-1k, slap is,..what.she and.whether or caLled open to qeotit to' the general - amuse • street. Shea a slippered foot in the hall mode the eveniug the unexpeitted speech was for- I'll see what -I min do for the body..' - • - ` ' - eone•to bed weary of fug,. and the etders_had " well words Were beitie- eaid in uty lime sittine: " Eilitiand to Amerieti, greeting,'" .aed -still of story telling,. ehat Shirley .Lansttett was to the Hamburg packet was atIthe end Of tile " -• • '-'•.- . • - • - - ' 5 1 meat. Bot lie. bud been very. melody-. in the- me. motion...34 compel -lieu to be silen-, and I net the labors _Of *the Oalotls geaitlemen. midst -;of - their inerrimera ;- his eyes ofted7.puffed out oer candle *last as elie dratieht from abOard of her are" to be finally lost.. - The resting on his betrothed with such an air of the hatl•door, which bad been lett ajae for oui -sorrowful tendernega, that she -.had. twice etiress, did the same fur this night taper .0j• following .extract enibraces all that is ea- deuce, though the gereialfimiiression .Is - of -the late JAMES GORDON to sell, on that little difficulty will be ekperienced in IT% : obtaining.' the assent of that' Province to Atli. ursday Sep. 'Ith 1865 however, the. preSent aspect -Of iifflirs In- - _- EMIT VILLABLE TOWN JAM ee- theunion. scheme; . Taken as a whole, the Esatern Provieces is hardly endourag- - . - i'v- la° - - VILLAGE OF GUNTON ing to the Molds of anion. -; - fia...La-dy - Frauslin was entertaining the Situate on Victoria,i James, -Matilda, Bond, queen of the Sand.wich Islands in "Paris. Kin, and Walker Streets, and 1Victeiiii let,: - -0:).. ere have been four deaths from ex- race. Seine of these Lots siluin ife Railway . wLispered aa iequiry if he 'es ilt ;iind noev . du, intruder. : , . . • tually.*nown about the cable up to the Th , awakenher keine reverM he declared. tdmseit "Knowinz her tohe a eoward13. little puss, time ef - Station and aresuittible for business purpo- writino-'--L-" After having - p -did citetuent about tie elections iu-Etwiand $ _ , . • * •- sea; and'the others are well situated for pH- - * - • fivenitte for a Christin is recite', • '< she would instantly retreat ; bugler shriek . . unable to"reeodect anything' sufficiently en- I neither moved' mil. spoke, ima.'1"1"g. 'h"t out 1 ,21/0 '•1 a d -• ccessfullv repaired O.' mi es. n SU The -celebrated composer Liszt, . now vate resideficis, being'inostly between the Tim hits adjouting the Station are *Nos. gesied Harry Eden,-harian'a sailor brOther, wittingly catne contact w_ith Shirley Lans- mein, streSs of weather, as it would • • • • th At b L' t- d P Rai d 11: o instances of defective . umulation -in . e ' e es arrive .tu aris, _on a, way au ie iver. " Give us humethineehortiblir ehen,"- ItOcr- of dieketY and heavy fall when her hand un; tif • A t . a e m 141e 350, 351, 352 and 3e6. lhose north e--" *ghost steer.' . den's,. compelled me 'to sumMoh Sophy to seem? compelled the telegraphic staff on • petite Railway tire Nos...360 and 7361: and 6' John hal.a story th Shirley; attendeo_ her, until the pleasant. discevery hoard -the Great Eastern tO cut the cable, . d,rawiug budli into the shailowe--" a st0Fy he that:she was not seriously hurt enabled me -to which wan clone Augudt 2nd, in lat. 51.40 _ Uttitedlitates. • those between. the Railway and the Itieerare -----r-----• Nos. 332. 333,- 335; 337; 339, 340. 6611,662, has premised to tell. flid him, tell it now," jpin . my- evaiting cempanton, aud .itee hiui north lnnos 38. 'Her Majesty's Ship Ter- - _ NEW 'Yon; Aug. 16. and 663 -iv the oriental Gordon Survey, and ling with -delight 66 it iti ae old promise : so 6- Film) th It time till te-day we -I• have never . . some account of the -march ef erntes amid- N s 9 1-0 14 and 16 on Vittotia Street ' the New Survey viz- ' . " kh, ves," cried Marian, her eyes spark- sefely off. - . -...- ' . • 1 9' The Herald's- Texis coirespondent gives • .1 ii - L - " - rible was in coin .any with the Great East, . . m . , . the o owing. ots in . e. . fulfil it, Mr. John Eden without miire adoe met, bat 1 hi.ve not been unmindful, of him. , . ern,- and with e in fiv - miles of' the beacon- - , • 0 • . , ey through that State. The good conduct el [1,,„dee et Ad). 17 the troopers was highly, spoken et and -they 30,-..-3433, 35, 37 tied 39, on James Steet; . . i 4 , 4 4 t I 4 ld 19 22 25 27. 28 29 and relate the story of the mysterions chaut-: 1 have known that be atoned for early disube• buff.- * The captain of the Terrible asked . - . beet," .• -,.• - - • - " dience by the tenderest attentious toles hither the captant of the Sch.:Muer Firat Fruit were generally well received by the inhabi- . 46, 54,-52, 53., 54, 55,_57, 58, 59 and $1 on should .beforeed upen me," said Jelin, • Itiolte a se knew that in-. a long Striiggle with:his and having • Matilda Street; 64 -64. 69 nod 71 On BOlut 76,17:. SI 85. 86, 90 and 920n Wal- ." I du not know why this. ungracious talk. during a protracted and tfying•illnees ; I. :when he had _seen theGreat Easkrn buoy, tants. in.; very grave. and appealing te the daek evni titetes and leelings,- and tha stilt more i the neeeasary infor - Dr. PeebleS, the newly -appointed collector et of custams for Galveiten bid arrived at th hitnself. - . those whit once kite -w ass unfit to be truce- 'illowationt n o d or ettcheti erea in- a :march for tt, the buoy retie . home. al I ker Street, and 9•e, 95, 96, 97 and 108 on ••• corner where Shirery Lansdeit had enieoneed ardnous tisk • of tviiming- the coutidettee el all boats will havelieen h place and woeid shortly opeu the customs- Victoria Terrace ISitek of River.] unection owe mote established. TERMS : One-fOurth of the purchste " It must: be told. John," was the -pesitive ed, he hes come off tbe conquePor. Loying -ek and 63 .. Affairs -4M brith the Texas Ind Mexican money .down, or bYstpl•roved.jointualeas4 reply. ' "-You latve. poetised- both Milne n aside ill these coaifints and luxiiries his The only -.difficulty preienting itself seetns who .nterest ; the residue- ist sides. of the Rio Grande were oniet at dete of Upon -the halierto ,mirthltil panyettel -Marble's toe; and eow he asks -froth us thP fullese read. females. _As entire einem,' of the 25th vor three months i ; and me that ii shall be. I; as. only.. 'fie nt • for father's Pioperiy would viable hint to enjoy; to have been the. fog, but when that lifted,' the last advices. , three equal -annual instalments WW1 iitteVeit .... --. all to hear it." e e. 7- _ , - . , : • - ne hsi laken upone'himsell Abe _ill paid mid and, favoured by:mild Weather, the. object . two- colored . soldiers Were execnied at yearly on the unpaid Prificipel. Deeti given His manner *as so serious that. ellence fell only halfeippreeiated duties of a villitee doe- ' would no doubt be found. We may -ex- 'Bidonsvilie on the 29tli -July-for ouireges on and Stortegttge takea When the -first payment . - ' ,. . . peet , therefote to bear of the 'completion 034 is inude. cheek"paled as ahe prelim -01.o lysten, I or the: wecati give .ol. our faith in his fasting, repent - of the nest -w 'tti • t - t' " ' ou er a any me. colored, discipline, , end deportment tet tee . At tl-e seine time will be sold the ' hand that clasped her fingerti wait clammy and : mice ; --he asks of us aiur pet lamb. At his ' . - tomes formed the-themexif enthusiastic coin .: .' ., . • " treinhtin4, . - L . - have laid bare the sins and e: mendatitin _oil the lima, et and Mexican EasA- b part a Lot 48 In " If I must be spnliesinan,..ehen,” said te his boyhood.; erhat his niatihuud is, YOu 01U • HOLID V': spectators, gran numbers of whom- were • - ['tea my story under protest. . &emelt...re- is nearli finished ; it rests-milt:you, _my tate We have_ every reason to believe that- Canines, with his force the Bayfibld ecnaceisiona of Repulilicans. Joho:" the sotteer I beein the bettet. Ilut all- know betterihni I Can teil you. My story - • . _ , • peesent.. - CONTAINliNG 581 ACRES. •Ih•cl• did •b d -11- -fa are rleared. -11shi • to the past._ Well, ivell he :itdded, as Shirley .shell end." i • paration eue Peen made, without reeurrenCe ther, and with Modell heist t, to. say_how ii . - . . i.. . . . . . . .- - aintialdef:::zrzu:auttm;t:ozi,,,u,t1,1111_dyr.:141341-filaiihreuhts:rb'e:rtFaindtYlisueuirilessjiyinheatidu chaninfeseodieln. . . tnespeople or uotterien, notwatostanning • I Made a dissentinir eesture. " 1 will •preeeel, . Mal ian --true hearted Martanl- had already the local bickertngs prece ing . the event, vas eat supposed thee te would, bit nMnbellis . _e e. bent.; too insignificaot: - .._ and comthence My vile story from. the blue laid ber cheek un her lover's ihoiedere. Mitt -en'o ed the ublic -hOlida. ' well. The troin the Clintott Station. Ie wilt Make sei alit -new holding. - - . - -' . ...quivering lip the aeitated mau gentlydisete great ni. ajority, t 11n ing no . ou a ex -Senator Gwyn is at tbe heed of the impe adiantlse into Pail: Los. this son with -as deep and earnest a love us Chair, her eyes shaded by her hued, he .knelt e .... . olfhts, but without. any ducel or othei title. per tent, - _ p.srent ever lavished aPon child; _although A dewu before her. -Stie loofted into his face', ,sta ." e ha' mix th • uic a - ' • w i • • ' y at hona a )3,' e q t ple surea The Herold s as 'piton spereal despatch ,, . . baie to vommone Irene P IT, ._. - - to appeai ehothcold and stern. 'file yonnk broke', 'Oates, " Poor .1:41 . peor . lad 1. --aud 1 e . .e., , „_ . , . . - believed that there is an uuwillingnees on ihte On the land Stoat of the Iheillwal SWOON - man, who ivas also iu the offiee; was a thought. thau hatist no mother l" :_-1 - - P-a)Ing:-..rin‘"Practice4 P'°:. . -11, unght• nave put of a poetion of the eithineteo bare Jeff. near Victoria Street- : ,- - less, exciethle youth-eee".., - . ' ", He bent his head uPoie her hip, and for_ a been -expetted under the -circtimstaoces, Davie tried for treason, while there is reason ' ., Poe furtiter partieulers seply. to 11- NAP' • • " Say rethere selfisd .seent-i, who sacrificed ' brief interval there wes Silence in the room. 7ticither of the wxcursions was so sueJessful - Inc asserting that the President is persistent Diretemer• Esq., GOdefiche 11. Hetre Bole when I was first promoted to the stuistiou I xas :clinging closely to his Siae ;. bet With . . • A Matamoros peyee revives the story that excelleet farm, or tan" he subdivided to good Y P • k d bt-th t • " aaperior the -office *as* Widower. ga,fed himself from ger, and stepping across •Goderieh it -as jUst *bout as nice a place riel government at the Mexican 'State of TEBMSe-S800.- e4sh; balanee in -three with one sae ; and. I believe thate he loved the recall to where Mrs. Eden sat 10 her , ionora elf annual salary of sixty thousand anal -mutual instaluterk with irtereat at 7 arm as they could see *elgeWhere, determinett to • d- ' - 6- - -- mieteken appreciation of his duties- led 1 • mid geetly 'putting -back his ham said, tu low; to - be derived :from- pic-nieing, cricket _says :-As the reedit of careful en4iry, n is . „ t -Ore U. TRAYEMAINI, 1. • iiuMitteetii. everYthing to his: love of diseipitiete'' re- Whetehe rnie, h -1f-ashamed ot his _emotion, • - . . • to aye un trou,, te ere . 3 claimed Shit iey, ia his deepst wow,. . Marian, with her Wars cheeped fondti around ill -a point of view at would have Chief Justice Chaie---is expected to arrive . go. r11 thank yo4 to let ine mv stety my her mother's neck, wis smiling- upon him, beennum . the case. had there ,been . no here; in the course of a few days, for censul• '.(w33tcl, own way,". fetid Johe, cOoily. "11,ssipated ittenY lee outstretehed hand wise ready to ciasr Betwien 60 -end 70 left .f lation with the Piesidentis to the -time, 'Pall - - • ner and e winch s ell b. dee rie.te one In our tillice -who had .tne tongue 'of "I have lone preehesied " taidSoehe Brautiord t -e train, and after enjoying The abiest'counsel in the United Stites We HU he was, for he was etisily led, and there was his.. - • . .0 ION AM BIM._ 2 -belie, consulted on the subject. There is a 86. - Mephistophiles t imseIf ; and to a ligheheart• - wisely. - - , _ - . --: . , i ' themselves first-rate returned -.about 1 . e. . ed bey, with had mi lemele -society to make . •• My ltind, my gentle frieed," erisd 'Shit.- 0 lixed determination on the part of the execu- 'clock at 'niwlit. The Niugaira conveyed he waa introduced - toy his 'crafty Companion uwe all inylp.paiaess. -tour hopeful Words-- a Patti Of. about, 90., to . . Sarnia and Port hair trial by a .jtiry of the eountey for hige couirsaxpeinted for --/be reptaindge of had' undoubted eh inns. -: -- .6 Before elte father had d seeeere t e are inc. a nyse -- nsenre me o home_seem hemelike, the -gay seenesen Whith ley, ; irtyou and iour !Mahan& that 1 . - tire • that there Audi he an unmerhate and . 2 Youe confidence in- me. When I..had /I-uron. The .sail.was•a inost,.delpyhtfe1 treason. Itenay, inadditieit tie this, It; eon- • b t th t t was rendered • the year. • i d • e. lf i d t do what 1 • - . e &lentil; asserted that the Priefident leis deter. e re. arn rip Urepee acquaintance' his tron had formed, he have done.: Xtrian, my -pwn,. iet one el out °Pee 4 was sent abroad on a tnissiort Of trest;riind hi4- Precei•ts throne:It lite be- to De I Gently sathewhat uncoinfortable to ladies and • o parttng injunettens were so harsh), worded, hvith the Ening." • t . . •-*•publicly, toe, which of eitursee re.nleted t hem doubly galling, -that my •counienanre .cenithodation. caused by the repent acci-- betrayed my disapprehatione and when we- . ' dent. to the vessel's Cabin _works...410w, children,owing to the want of sleeping ac- Were left rilone my •saperior angrily adverted7 el`e1 ttli igna. ever, inconveniences were -endured by all to it. I defended myself, and in rather 7"/ stronger -terms than the oeceeion justified, ' , I in a spirit of good huinort. and nothing' the others," replied- John,„ ouele#T, and plied. Yes, you are right ; there w.,as condemned the system of -coercion, honestly - ;oceuried to IIIhr the pleaSUreS of the -day eartessure you that there isoothing la it tO 901118 onein our best be-roein, and it was ileclariter my opinion thet it alienated thet i; ERICH V Auff 18th 1865 and niatt-for it was five o'clock this • ow dere we were landed , OD ' ; .U; 1 ;-, , . alarm. us." So you. may baniah ail yeur fears, his presence there that . made me cali..iour affections of the young, and .frequently Grote • " • • • trona above. the Servant retell it for --ttd why he came, I do not: cunsider Outset' tave -been taught to ttvoid, • . - - ' - • -'-at home. _ you" _ " . justified in telling- you ; , at 'least, not at - a We parted in 'sneer, and I went -homee. "4".%°‘....#*...""%r%°.%°7!"7"..7.°?*r..°7°.‘fl. kb May). Il!Orn p Lateit trim itstibee. _ child, and for the fature; Wry want anytbmg visit an dnfortunate one ,- hut who - he was them into follies which. otherwise- they ntig sorry when it was time to go to rest.. not,' was"- the reiily lau4hintly .given, and %Tee glad to had thet my sapencr in •.office • MunicaPal 3walsErsoi: :PwairetIhruha-sthtee.rh:Dabile!si.: - Marian else hurt and annoyed at bis -eveseet." : , • unpleasantly.convineed thee I hed Made - ugust 16. . . Mr. A: MackenellieuzilEd; I id t Ace rred in the St Mary'e WOOL* of manher, 'and the remaiuder of' the 4g Rut you trusted Sophy," pouted Marian. -self ateenemy, by impertmentty- interfentig. _ : • - . gu ar ace en t e . • - :evening pasied so siler;try, *that. nb one was I, I was obliged to do so,: or else I shiiu:d ?kith -what did not concern lir,' ;but I was - • As Merian left the room. alter saline_ certainly received with incredulity. wits also above my militate -of his . pied and Asemuleet Bills of last 8 -mien, w!ticb piss clown the Detroit river on the mom at Good night le to her Itrothee, she heard e Well,''' _exclaimed: _Marian at last, '‘e. teelines, for he hot only bade me a kladlY" were printed'clurine recess, ',ferret' tO the i d the 17th • - d , e ng o ars ay . &Thy. whce had lingeted -behind, -ask her will promise silence -ott one cohdition. adieuebefere he started. but hurriedly alike - husband in an undertohe whether it wou:d not "And what is thet, Trotty 2" asked ber me to he a friend to lets boy it he wanted one _committee of lad session for reconsidera- - be better to telt her all ; but his reply was, brother. - - - • . in his absence. . tion. Some errors remain to be corrected. 1 • - e Decidedly notf and ashamed to be caueht " is," she continued, "tbat at some. This. I willinglykproirisedalthough Irtas la -of w The cotimuttee can likewise consider the. On 'Wednesday the 16th, on informs., tom o ief %ions a_ e Trainer, m. joltnetooke?, Case. • • mined, as soon me practicable. to withdraw the --orders auspending the- privileies of -the habegs.cOrpus and to dispense. with military. courts. - Fords!. theatre is 'being coneerte into it tfeedeeepzetyil.e. for the archives of. the, late Con- . - The defalcation of A, P. Sfrne, internal _revenue collector. amounts to 093.000. Ilia sureties are bound in the suin $100,000, and , they are perfeetlyf •esponiiible. • 'Benoit, 16.e -The steataship Chin* _ . • . from, Liverpool, wbile coming up the harbor . • eavesdropping, ; the = proceeded. slowly up, 'future tilue*you-tell tes,ssIrthe pitmen. rs po erless to. chet. , . ' - ' stairs. more than ever inclined toUitive that this most puzzling-al:in-. Will you -.agree to... which big' . crafty coinpantotte ur redehini as - • Ii6 ta ' . . . t _tin i nt amen men st;,„es e y • d t • ww *t d V welt.- . - , .. the myeterioes changer heti a tenant,. but this ?'• ' . : ' , , . • • - toren as there wea eo watchful eye tobbeerve. ern-. -tnuniCiPal 'bodice. Several.. wardens • whether melee( female, or whet eeuld be the. -i . John assented, ned Abe :Peet - moment the their actions.. : But: it _came to. atr abrupt -i• . . • ,. row Upper Canada are here whose veil"; „ I-. . . . raison °fells- -otrauge aeclusion,--t. teas Ilia- earth!? embrace was given, end - Mariee was tines swifter thau was ieipeeted. e . _ . lotting morning the postmen, Stopped et the...paratiVe privacy .of -die - railWa.y. earriege;shic ofebeirs tO-ce. for they were closeted in . the . wee . hellat*Fiting in ..:ablh.eflaistanee May be. Bemired. . • • - 7 .. - • , ... panibto to conjeeture. - • - - - . • I ' • • • quick y w•neled baek-to the loving Onus open " One afterneen I Whihk they were brealfas fres on the fol- , to receive. her at -Brook Farin:. in' the cent- the outer.ollice, doing my work- ind * tittle - - Hon. Mr. Abbott-, whU introdacvd• amendments last -Session:to the indelicacy- • . doorto deliver two. ktterettee foe Marian' eentured for the, first tune, to .examine the inner room; *heaths seunds of angry vomee • ; -; , a . a • • rence to 7Up. - her Orst (rot* home ;-: aka the ether. heering. scrap. of crumpled' paper she. had - rescued and a violent scuffle made rrie rush hi to see law, • which. cnieny flavetre_te - n foreign pootmark,-Tor John-. Ile -tore it _froin Esther's 'duet pan._ It .was 'a. inistily , what Lathe matter. It APPeared frOo0heir• per Canada, is about tO refer hiaBtll to a , , open so eagerly:, tirtitut Weimar& -fell' -friene etecuted but iseitited tketch of herself, as she fierce tectiminatioa. that. the foolitth youth . e. . --, . - - • - . Itier H h . li - . ' ' . . . it etaereOved either br him or SoPhrr Who. _had tilted, more then once„at the garden gate, t had been persuaded to visit a gaming- table,. A t • - . . -.- - .. .. . nt hiejoyfut exehossticn. “ ati.-hu* written! 'looking Out foF John, and het 'name was and. that Ins leates were far beyond hie ability • munication; during:the reced,-..which lea- :. it kelt well1".. bad net -to PeeP Over kite Serawled he various places iii.the bold writing to meet. -Thu imp -of Setae who 'eleCoyed. ing Boards of Trade Official assigneei, LA .. . • - shoulder, - .- "..- -_-..---- - * " - ' . of a men. l'he. 'soiled- paper Was carefully "him them, ha pietended to -.prey all, these : - iferlattptoeped for the 16 ell paPers. an "smoothed end consisrned . to -the_ most seeret claims froth: hie own purse, and finin that; w!!1-65 ceuntY jeagea 14- Premittent.,law- • . - • .. - - carree of 11:tria_n"-s desk, until tiine had al- title had been continually dunning his misere yers nequ.ainted *M. the working of the . aaw withastooitihment- that they Were cheques Bank for ''Inast erasee the 51.eep intpirsian It. then ab_e vititim. who hod at. last,. been -gOaded ja.--e. . on the London' • and Wesiminieter 7 Hi* -prOrtatscd ''amendotents, Which made upon the - exetted ' ispagtnatthii *.of- the into_ eightog his fatherht name tO a- Chmco.for - . - - hoar -isle -Who could be "sendiag such . . . ,. .. , , arenotTnumerous,'„will. tend niu3h tO &Cif! aunt of ntOney to her brother ? rer- surprisedeted bewildered. girl., - .- . ' - ' the required amnunt.'? - . . . . . - - d4 t%-hy,' thet----svas -forgery- r • 'elteleimed- itate its Opetatioutt . Mr... Abbett has et- woi the "teeett'or * rerteneie sPecela- Years' glided on 'before any event :Worth Harry kkien.. ei whew. i,, . . .. -... . , . 49001 aitybotr teart 'Of 0-04.. - -n .. f ..Y! .reeordiogegaitebroke. upon the neoticitony o - . f • a - - Ili • ' . pendcd much time lit the effort to perfect I v were, i - So' li ' - , . -No sooner was t -he deell.done ell it trail . • - . , . _ ‘: :- , -• i' • - . --- • eyes, told sbe murmured, 1. am so thankful Marian's' quiet country die. ' The boye grew .- - - --- -u and wens Mto the, world while narlian - • repented o ;' continued john e." ind in , an t 111 m . • • h assure _ - . .. . : - . . . _ - .. lied biased her husband's forhead, as she aeeny.of shame and- minors°. hi. dentanded . Mr., Amos 'Wog*, of Sait_Yorki pro-. . ri -- -P' - expanded into a c.herming wo'inin, and atter t -, stood haning on hie shoulder. " So Ma an . , . exer ng er privi elms a_s a e, an rt • 17e.restera of t paper, Inch his . thin • he to w ' • ' ____,- - ' rilianrf eartenat theta, he ran up *take - s -11 -a %lug with half a dozen would -ba suitors, • sucl- sled l• d_enie - grew- well -sober, and accepted the cregf,t com anion do' • Al refund to accede . , . ., . Xhe.reeult of theit altercation was. the of 114 wh I Feral° move the noose ioto COuititittee t.„r-: , ..o.e,.0e the: twenty-thiro, to eon- put-thaehequet inio his hand, and waited for . est h - I bell d fli as exclamation, but none eame, .: . - Racked -hinself tn. the closet cheater, from _ proffered hater of Mr.. Laridsden. the grave, rider a resolUtien to -impose a tax of one stru le I heard And the penitent youth ' irks expreseed her fears that. he *cold be • dottoe'Whose skilful care of Mrse Eden s Her- . late at the office,. but not a sy a e i Ai e :you' sufferings :bad gene far to eatabitse ens , led hibacommittine. I am not asliatned-to . . . . utter relatingtothe cause of his delay, and- well -merited -character. for ability and kind- Say that I helped. hiM to -obtain the doeumenti. and destroYedit,- while he eiecated ..1,' little • - of Mr. Stirkin•eihibits .:fully the lahonrs ' “...it. Was oely rigbt and &epee' le Mts. . - • t - sutiimary vengeance ott the knavish cause .of - . per orme f . d by theeeVeral -county judges of Marino bed leis much pride and 'delicacy tO . _sok the sunning of wItat was- evidently. par- heartedness; - • -. e . e - - - . - ----. --tont: withheld, . , . . . -,Zdett laid, isitd the familyeonclave easented;',_ „ •• . a is misery. . n miser* 0 he we; i- not . II h' ' A il ' bl ' U . il ' tr.; Much .froni- fears of the.. et points witit pper Catsada,au names those who: have which he wax threatened as -from. an • over- - ' -- - • . , ,., - -. .i ,,Lo • ii, reonired assistance, Ice. --• With but- few A, keg pelf ' pleasent day " at the Bribeli 6 that JOhni_at eldest son, and repreiefitative Menseia,- fanned by a eheiterfot reunion at _of his dfed father, shoeld be.eoneitted liefine whelating borroe of the :et into which. he had. • e-xeePO°ns. Ah°,0uSY'i".11t,s are lau'ull' i She %oda of some easiest friendik:sent. 'both. hisLointher gaVe her definite consent _ to this ,isuffered himself to be led, and • so great was performing -their duties, 'aid deserve the - jusjipiaed SOpby Act their plliolar tolerably 'match," aniil. literiplY to the - cointaupication hi* oi-ofrou of „Rind th" 1 at lam susuadid . neevy.„ :John- hat not staeonspanted thim on': was • prompt; mid letighty- , T : -t win.12. full of was to return home..with Me,. . - . , -. .- - ' ' . ' B• • - publics co* ifideneei-=. There . it no - -return: stsak 44: ter ha had leiporterst basinfuls to. affettionsite anxiety.on Mairian's.accOunt. and ,- . -. .. . . .. .... ...tronA.the judges.of, Huron rand raise, ..._ ... - 'lied hia wife did not Merit -at ild: engem:led an earnest hope thatshe would hold . •• "III both In mind and:body, ' afraid .to . ' - - • -.. - mei -ma' t ta. 6.90104-0.41/4 bim- still about *boo- they. -Irerselftree until Chr!statae, 'when t. he .irould 'appear at- the office_ lest. his. tempter should- I . -. : - ' - . tfotisl*ed Iteeee,:e,Ithetightlio hoer verged ea ,makoa poiaLer colon to :he- fintee•irionty- :Inuit hie thieet of: exposure, and expecting. mellow to organise- by electing their .ebalr! . -. • ..z, -,... - - - for gamy ortwo.-- It -wills impossible to refuse *nothing:lees than* tather'S oussain - reoly to luau. "-Mi.: bowie is likely to be emu.; jot been kitsAiiiktinaselime4it a acitteitteat solovipgly !tegedelaltheugh Marian,: lite .full confessiotehe-iasistednpaniatmediate-- . resry co . , - - : • ...• need at onee b .tiletn. '• ' ' * '--. ,,ditv,„ -will on. operatte air --full bt•fidtli stid•Ptirle itt her uttended hfisbatel,..e17y ,totwacr4ing-,----_- he renisined for-seierali 4:syn.:tn. e . . . • 7 . • .. in a thick. fog, at 6:35 this morning, ran ashore near Fort Independence. where she remains. She lies; easy, aud 1911 prethably get off at • high water this evening without - daunt,e. Liobters are aiori,gside schargmg her cargo.. Her mails were taken off by a steam tug. and eeactied the city at 10 o'clock. -They -will be forwarded south on thrr2:30 tn. train. The Rev/spatter bag goes hy the 11 sem. train,due at'New York at oseic_ick this evening. f Oh' " t bl • A elarnes„ At the_ -residence of the bride's fatter, Johnstone was eianained before the Mg- Goderieh Townshi b the Rev R- WIntinw or on. a charge o adau t y of on nu ay, p . ins Sarah Nana 1 th bod ' tad th P'17Th • Willie;" Charlotte Johnstone since dec.eased The Acheson of Goderich _ risoner pled guilty to the information _ Harris. • • aabnlyil wbase acruilaitteittedd totobraitlrioani. the County Judge. . • • EDISBITItCla RIEVIEW.-The followitig is the Table of Contents of the July No. : Watson'aLife of Bistiop Warburton. - Idiot Asylums. Early Italian/ rt. Re- vision' of the English T e Tun- nel through tho Alps. Street's Gothic _ . Architecture in Spain. China d Ja- . pan. Swinburies Atalanta in Calydon. Lady Duff Gordon's Letters from Egypt. Munro's Lacretius. Dissolution of Par- , .liament. Altogether an intereating num- ber. L. Scott & Co., N. Y., T. J. Moor - house Goderich. whence hi did not emerge entil Sophy .barti.worki%. aunt v , g hie floes, and the ernn y I:touring into my ears the vibtile history et dollar ondows. • , d asion as ag stand.. d ' -0 n of the Wave ttee oun - • he had nearl been- " • - • - ha n e er A retirn brought down in the motton • . HSI -MARKETS. Gonzalo!, August 18th 1$65.• Spring tCheat,..........$0:00 0.85 Full - 1:00 0:00 0:374 4011.400.1114-04444041_4• 0:00 Oats Flour e • .... • • • .. , . • . • 5:00 5.:50 :Barley **es.. • • • • 0:45 0:50 Peas . 9 •-• 0* • • • • -11,4. IPL. -411,104 0;00 0:50 Wool. ..... 0:35 0:40 4:00 Limbs -2.00 0•00 11 des (green) . .• 2:75 0:00 -butter -0:00 0:14 Petatoes 0:40 ( ood. . • . • • 1:75 a 0:00 Hires 0:00 (0 0:121 hay' MITI SAO - 1:00 septesksber, _ Division Courts - Godirich Clintet -411h, Itarpurhey 19111,1 Exeter Mats all sit 10. A. M.. County Court and 4jua;fer Sessions; • Tuesday 12tb, at, noun. County Courii°erenli.e—bellro:day lid, team, Division aturts.-Itiversdnle_911), Wallow- - tun litth, Paisley 12th, Southampton - 14th, Kincardine Dungannon Otth, GOderieh 30th. Clinteu 31m; Beetield 9the-all at 10 a, Bisswessibers , _ • Division Cuuits.0-11urPurbey 1511i, Enter 17th, Aiuleyyille 224 -- all ist 10 Nein lizstiettsentents. ZINO— Went The G labe of the 1,fithinst. draws the TIE creditors of die indemiened are zoti- fp.oramllospeew:i.ntag orifthoeornufedn. faevraogrambleapit_ct_thne.reporefatehnet orofyifiediunronto, moneeTt auesdat they,lawthoeffiteweeoirfaXrda. ylaorf- ti September nexpt,nrapnent twoof ori'ecelsocivikninstthaieemetts: 0 P British ..117.ort4. neon for the -- he tOWn -3 • the' f °dent. count the a -Weirs of the undendetted Godfrey America it now an nniiecided question.- of Holmes and of nstain an la Canada it is looked to by IT overwitel- he meiPmeke an- essignItmentatinIneeer that° wabovh°11:1 =big majority arthe measure which is to Acpit. st Goderieb; the_con-ety or, Baron, t the Brit' 'on wer 011 thia eon- t.inent, and to build a powerful !tattoo in- beia abierbcil b the United States. " le Teee!"mt• .-srviOltd - t eq tassel, o August. A. , . MISSY OLDIES'. the north which shall not be in danger of' 1. B. GORDOGItn, g Y _ flecessilbrr. Manion Costes. - Clinton 9tI4 esodarla iciteter Dungannon Zads Mayfield at 10 au - • Cosatty Court Qiuirier Bessioes.—Toes- _ day 12tb, at neon., COOPEk ' Judge, "iformik Bract. - Godericli, Aug. 161li, 11365. • If any Cremes UM -held in 13yuce in Deem- her- -notice *ill be laves; at the bolding of ttre _ Coures in that County la -October. - Lw314 _ - Vor berelty certify the above to Ise Oki, Copy. = DAN. 'AZAR& Clerk of OM Peace, _ Rime is Bruce. OAP. of the Clerlcol 0* l'eace, Goderieh, 18th August It65.. • • NOTICE. A llopersonsitre eautioned against perches., ji . mg three promumory zone', dated shod the 213rd abet June, and made by Wilting' Harris ind William Proctors in favor of Thomas Holmes, Corbet, and Stephen Yates, as welave not received *sleep! sex kind: Ww. HARDT& I Ws. PROCTO; Mar*, -August 141b, 1865. • iff29,2w INSOLVENT ACT.1864.. rpm creditors of the undersigned ore •11 fiee to meet at the law office ot Mr. Lefroy, in the town of Goderleil, tbe County -of Huron. on ruesdny, rite 12th day of September next, it twelve -o'clock, Isra‘ for the purpose of resolving statements as - affairs of the undersiptisd 110.-bert Wilnae• Csaieto*Mitehell. sad' ofisming as asuglifia. to whom be mate au assignment =air s ebOee Aut. - Dated at Ooderielhin Alestiontity of Bores thisoilbteenth day of August. . room vatiatcsvotur strreastai. > J. B. GORDON, &Netter fer indolvsrst, trims Sue. bad) the *feel new was* cseeel rive* Kr. A is sei - ASO Were nrid - sit orte him nary Is 01000 Agnes Wawa. have is Pei* 11110e4 were cs sa the *Teireal Wmee _ •days lienhady SPriog =NW* bean at Atli:144 /and ovea of drool Nina' i 199%1 the Una la mai wheat,N have ani use tier r 401 22, elk -Eto that, 1 • this awed At Pia the 11 .11.11.1 the ei Dr. Di touisio, yaws Brucersoli stowneen Aloe 4.terisits0 -*stoma ti canimentli 16,4 delSi health. Satijklatel - beattii.! reit be eel *rattily rem+ itroa semi L°11°'41sucadowilivissitasti- . oad grade* , InnS lit bpi Oevinsakaje! - fay a*** takes** tesi pew* mita j'alseitass(a0 thigifs au* Sava XS IMAMS • 41144.11110* lanSee frUleesd Aphids was asseablad last tribal,* a 001ie wire Of obese Who- * accpssiassarn tiihst• oi