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The Blyth Standard, 1947-10-15, Page 1
VOLUME 5:1 - NO. 05. r • LYTH ...rompariwitemorrarammessagarr BLYTH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 15, 1917 Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2.00 in the U.S.A. •'' ' - _ I I --•••••-••• ..... —• ...... ••••-• ,,,,,,,,, • ,,,,,,,,, •••• '''''''' •• ''''''' . r LONI)1SE3()R0 !Myth Farmers' "'Op lil."-'' NATecines-clay Mornin .1 Blaze Destro s , iIiititll itititrh (1,411tirril ,, Mrs. Margaret Manning Honoured On the OrCaSiCil of 11,.1. 80th Birthday - i I 111111 ..._....... . One Hotise, oDitmitres is.,..nother 1 n Monday. October otli, 10-17, lle.. Will Manufactitre Cheese And family of .I.1 1...„1, lar,jaret NI awning.... --_ S o 1 eanieryutter a'l ,. \Vley <eclo met it lteInnip lanned nd rricd _ fl (air(1 i),„ ,„, ,,,„,i. - "'1 v.erY, icii ive iiii,lirire' i11.-- i 11 r. 8j,,,, J1 I'. I 1.111.11kin, P.:, id• r.: ‘• ,,, ,, ,,,, 1, r• et. ', , -1' ,I,-, II, !,.1., •- MC: -::' 11.,.: iii:l:'. -,,H 1neiyhhourity, 1 1,, .1,1•::,.• . I 8, •,i, :.,..1.1 :do r, ..., ',... ,Ii., d. (1,•••.• .1 1., to, earl, 1Veilties- 11 :15 11.111. mid 7 1).111. 11 11 11 oeing the occasion of inert. tin, lilt 1;1 1.,-.1r,o,,r,.,• 1 ,,."14, Li, , ., . :.; ,,,,,;;; .,,4 , 4.1 :. 4 ,44,,, , ;,I• 1,,, .4,, id, • ,;,4,4, o.,. , ,; ,j 1,,, \Jr, „to, in"iii".. '''.III iiiriliW1).. .11 ' 1.1"'His ,ociati1,11, lios Ica 11 . it. •••••• lid .ii -. - •. ,..',, \I i• id Sdi •, Crav 1 Menu; 1 1 1.-i, i m1'21 otti, And ,.1 Ill ,I by Mr. i)ecitil lttsic at. NRoth Servicesr . e vcrywl te e. looked 1°V1.1Y "'111 iWalltillli i1"1".1.'; ,•1111ing ;I 1,,r1,61 11 „W I! C I i:I.I.Ct, r ( : ; 11,1,11 I,,, 1.1 ; :, i ll! \ 'Itill,'!1.. NI atii .. of I hillett lov its1UP, •,, " 1 ii1:." 111-1. All' I i• ii: I "1:1." 1, '" 1 11' 1'N, ..,, •.•,:i• to :j. J i.1 .',• 1 1.••. •.::f. -r. ,1 , 1•;.!,•:-..11.1i. u ;Jim it ton Giles!. Spealier - Rev. lt()1)ert Oliver, '11()r()iit(). ,.\' 3 11.'w ''''' 11"11"",rc`i ila(1,\ ri'''''''' Ontario I n part mem of 1(.1 (J .(il ru .. 1, nt,I. of man .... , uv t • R.....1...c, ! 1 I.... • ( ..11.;1,1 in.,•. ri J, t•• it i, el ,• :,, rs and iit'i Ili" gill: 'I'. liniii :at it i''[''''''''., 1) 1.11.1.v for the iminufactlire ,,f , 1 • .1111-,.. 11'11 , 1,1 1 ..rI, „i Hili I. ,,i,, „c \ 1 ,.. ;;„.1 1:„ (4,,,,,,, 1„.•,i, ...••••• 101,P4,1.0 C ..: ‘:1711. ,1' :11 I::: li; 1 ; : k 1:1;:; :1.."1"1"'"giSi ll•r• l'r '111( lilt .'1i 1 11i• 11'1% ' ilr'"" \r, . 1 , I, ;:ael, of 'Ai, -1 1/.riti. •e. 1 I.--; J1) 1 i.c 1,1,1/, 1V,1:, aii the personal • ,',. ‘),'•:'''i'''' - ' i'''' i'''''' i'''''„•;."“,i- it,.. i, expected to 1.,...111........• ,.. 111 1 • .1 1,, ,,, r, n„.1;,, ,,,,,. ,.„ --1.84:1., rc, lc- p.,......, 4 . fjc• . • aini i1-11‘, !told lui nature he- .............,.................................. i le', renire piece wa, a limulito . f pink cuter13. guest, u ere semen. Inv tan- your (,4 of t11,4 oi.,0 1,4v4. ,,,,,,,,I, ;.1. .,,, \,, 1 i 1.4, ,,, ,, ,..,1. ,, 1 , ; .,,, . , .!, , ,4.4 1 4 4 I.., ,,iiiii,.. (111,1 (( hilt.; iti)(1 11 MIMIC' 1)/1 I (C)1 1 11 t'l 1 ii 111c1)anald - Brighlint 11.,,,.bnii,, lb, gift of bur gran. :11.111(do• soon a• the re..0-(an , ,j111.,pi, • i ,..,,,,.., ,.,,, .,,..,.„ 1 ;. rc. , . • :11 de,1 .. , i• n -dal; .11 of dn. lion•i• k still , It In. 111,t;i11(11. Tle• plant i• di •• 1,..ii, • 1 ,,,... ,„ \, t,,,,.1, , , , , .,1 ; ...,,, : •,111,1 , „ 1 , . . 1 — 1 • 1 The regular monthly ineetin.-.. of 111.. ' On Saturd;iy, 01.1.0,..r --Ith, 19.17 al ,ler• i'll°,i'i Milli,iiii,i,i'i• .11„ leaeii,r it .71" in,i,,,c1,•11 a, 1., it' ef ii• .e.; -... :. -.'i - 1 ' ' I' 1 \ 1 't ' 1 ' " ' I .1.1"I" ' I" '1 111' Ni 1111161).AI 1 .'111111..11 (11. OW ((111,01-.161111 1 ' O'CliCk IIC it, at lilt' I inited Clu.tri.11 ''(.1.1 Collegi•• 11010'11h • '10. .... who .. , „,. (--;.,„ „ .; 1,4 ;: ,,, • 1,. • i 8, • o..,, 1,1,.,81,-. J,1un.u.. a 1. 0 I" I ;Let 11 wa , I teld i 11 I.' ri. I .1 .... ( let ..11C I. II) i„;,,IIIII,,,i,.1, ,I, i1.I V 11111,1theey, :I ,111,:11ir *1;,1, \gitl'H_,11\1',,,1:. 11,:11..'ilp,i'i l'.,.1.11::‘:,1. " IA. 1-i''i'..1.1;i (Iir:Ilyri:;01;;:11:,.1'1:( '.''''i111.,,1 I: r '11„, 1. 1:1' ,. ., l'Ifi \ '': ; 11.1'a' I I:, i hill!' 11'111,1, ': ,' 1 I. 11 1, :':. I:, lr.,:.,:1,,i'l'i.!;.-\,:';',. f •,:..'"•':.''1-,', „; 1..t1",1•'-1.11;1' [1...1 ....1 i l'.. . :,..1...". 1P1. r'.-1.•:,1.,1'1';:ii i'e' I .,ii\ '1101.1,i:it,' tt• il lirlir 101 It, wth 1?(•eve 1111 11 an 1 all e un- cillors nresent. local creamery Hoorn. tor• 1 • 1. • ... 1,p„ \l„:-...,, ..,,,,,, -I. i 1 , • f. , ., ,.‘,.. ' pre • . ,. r ;H. II :t•• , CH11! 'of the hi riiie Al MMus oi lad wrytino. of Sept. 8, ' ilrio,Nni, ;out 11t,. kik. i 11„011. 3,,,,,,,g,.r ;1,111,..,,iiict.mtur;\ 1 t-1,,.. A.1„•,. ',1),:i_i,n1 i\1\v,n,r. N NI 1.1..,1,11111i.ngl:. ,N\Ilt;i7111:1,,,iti)o.,,,cha„1.11.;1 1,1Th .1 :;11, ,4,1,1;.,!111,111 k‘,411 1,., 1,y:id:, 1.,,r ..,, 1 . .,,,,, t,i;4.,,, (,, 4,, ;4, , ,,11,1 \\ ,,, ,,i,,,,,, i,,, ,...,..,ii,,, only ii, 1 1 .(01.iin, .11 1 , operation, alt) Nov. tell. e 1.'1 . P1•17, and ,po'i;i1 !Heel:Jr.!, iil. Sept. 22. and Komi:ill lit; \ , I NI 0„,,,,,id. „mt.,. i, other guest s began to arrive, hiclita- , ti is 1.; „1 1 ,,:i1 1 „,,, 1,.,..,11 li. ,,,, in ., ;;,. 1 1.1.,,, \;,,, Tu., 1::;.•• of in -a.• ii ( re 11,1'11 to 11-17, read and cenfitinell 1.11 motion of 1 ,, ,,,. mr, ;.,,,(1 Air„, 111,,,,11 mcg)„,,_ hie the 1 Grandmother, Cheri:, Child of which \Ii' NI ;minim- k President, ci c•1111,....l Int.....cr .a ill lie a ,1, , id, •I „i"et .1 (1,. (,,,; 1,. \‘1„ 1,,•,,, •,..•iv, , ;11 nuirria,••• 1,, u.,.., 1 ( '01. codur conir d • n 1 . , (:arriefl.ti (."11/1r1H0rY. \Val. 11 and 1(011111s011. 1 ald, of 1 I ifflett t mishit), lev, 1'. LI 4111 ,,1 1,1.111,4 ciingratto,liii,,,,, awl ii(4,,i ..,1 ,(..„1,1 (.;,„111i,1,11.2i11.;,11r),. 12,,•,. 1,1, ,1-..,,i11, ,...,.11,-.: I , Je 1 • .,•1‘ :,• •1‘1, r, 1 •..1,•.,1 lo\ , i, ••1 • fii iirst efforts : logers officiated, ,d, 11... .\1,1;1 priTyrty, 1., dlizinu tItot Bills and Accounts i The liride wore a tindlberry 1,t11har- 1 "i'll''' •IiIiii111 1e:1r tu ri'ine• 1)111.i” •'ii.arlea, 'It h\ir.'1.1' '1,1 11'1.11 1.:1-1 : ' '1' '' ' ' ''.I. ' i '''''''';':" ''''''''' "';''- lichard Scott, Fibour ...4. ; ); dine dlit yin?' block aocerrories and I 111(' '1-.11111'4 rcir('‘11"1"11' II lir'' • 1'rrol . .1 . . ,,..2, ; ., .„ ,", -. : ','.'i ' ‘,',1'• I:1i" Hi' i'i'iicil 1i. l'i' '''' iii '''il 1"-\ i''). ' i.. l'H' ''ll'I 1"* il""e i" sa ' - Mr•s• .•1 'lied St.11er,. labour 8 .r., ' corsage of cre;1111 rod,. I lir four • I her grand laughter., \lax- al ;1-'4( 1'1i ill ,I' i i 111 'fl'i.i.' \'','" i''''''''''''': Hi' '1 i"' 1.;.' ' i. 1...:( i;', i ''' 1. '''''..11. v Ft(' 1.1-1 -1(I • of (in hill.1,1; tn..- i c, in ! ,• c, I ni \ , ., 'I"; .1.i ' 1 ,,', ., . ,1,'•• ...1 . . . . I VI 11. HI ICH 11(1r S I I I i i'S , Ton I .11,, 1„.j(1,1 . „1„ id 1 \ A ,. M i, , .1 „IR. I Ile I( 11 (I 141 I dl i 11 V. t Wi 11 '1111V, t IT , ' I c itt dairy (,1,,r(., :oil 1( 11,, ii,;;. ;.; ,( ,...4:, :v. • . 4 , • ,• 4 2 4.•.• .1! 1. ,1 •.- ,,111,,111 burst into chimes Fred ,1111,11,1(01, painting ,igns . . 8.110 i \I'dr`ii. wh') "'re 1i duet' greY 'Hit with ' 'Air allit Nil's' II' I hillisilivii 1 ciii ;111(1, their mill; for ,I,,...1; welling. . 1.,.,1 f• 11.. I I, ; !Ho. 11.; ' ...• fi..I.J... 1 .- ( v..,, (:::::•,. 1 , n. 1.• ••1 the house- .. , , , o '•• :'I '.... 1::: 1: *11.11, , 1: 1:, ::1 hi 11 i•;.• ,,. 1, 1., 1,,,,,,,,.,11., 1„..44-, r,. lift 11.;11,,,. ,,o st,:rt.i1.1, stalion. 1,..1.. line 1.7c ; 1,1-01,/,. ro.„...., for c rsage, l! nward .11/nt• .11;1111101g, daughters. t,i NIr• a 111 1 Thc prellike, ,,f 1 h,.. Bi‘ Ili Lii.111,-1...... 11,, tit ,,1 I 1 c - , l'' I IIIi:',':,,,I1I'''11 : ',..',,1 f.1, il,,,,,irk \ 1 ,i. ri. ,),, . , • , [Minh' 1/1 i illr1111. re indigent 1.110 \\in,111tee w,;),s, gr"iiiillaill'i Alunicipal llorld supplie, , 17.0 , ; Inc INT11,',IIII! party returned to the ! '1' 1 • 1 1 1 1 11, • . 1, 1 , 1 \ 1 (1,...1.11 \\I '1. ,1,...,,..iiM i'ci(liii):1141)!\•.‘,.. ill 1.);:i.i'ili1:,,Y 4.:;iii(„‘' (1 ( '4)-( )1)1;111% C 1:', Mirk' 1'111 1 ' 1' \ 1111' V . '' 1',1 1, 11lf, , , a ‘1,..„' ',it,: 1'1,, „1-,,:11,:1,,,'1,' :it 1: ,, ,ii 1,.1,. ,1, 1, : ,1,, : 1,1( ,:,\,,,, ,,F,,',,' : \ , 1.\ ,i rli,: ;111:1*,,,i, . t.111,, : \, \, . ;:,,t'l (11.1,71,..,,,,I,‘,,1: lit )1111:f1, 11111:11.0111);;: 1 . i Fell valii111, al I 1.1r lirt.-c111 Ii:d.c, 'fit, .. Schell Construction I.t I., CellIf111 1111111(2 1/t the bride's mother, on thy 12th of 113•g(111"• ; it"Ys• Mrs', ;Mallui"gt inill” I office ,eetion is beino moved from 1 1 ( ... r •,• .1tids :1.1,1 ..,,,,,11:,,,, ...-. i i• .. 1.::: 'inn in Cue owl of the cool; 108.00 conci•ssion of Hullett. where dinner hale ann litarlY• ‘viii.) iiiiii' lir ciiiilY 'it,- 11 original location in to the fr, it etil \IL \ la . l'I• P . i v ..!en i ,.- . c,.11'in ..' -I. ., e prep;irtit, re f•n. dryjn.„(, ;oill when 1 \.111. .1•1,,,1). Sept, ,,tiNtry .1:,..00 was served to inuni•diate families. block, 11.1.,v1 him; with her guyst,. 111 gran(1- „I- ih,. idanulg mill. Tin, i;., t,1 make 0,1,. hri,1,,, w,.. maid l' 1„,11„r, •,,,,,.11-i.1,• ii 1,,,,.;,,,,,, ,,t ,...•„..ocd dic removed it I laggt t, Lawrence, Vining, ‘v .rk I larvey ketherland, j....,•pi. „Am. )(1400 It no Id MeN'all sang the :0110, "For I yiii , V011 Alone.) gliter, Nlargaret rainbl \ n, a ..111•1,- 1, ; 1 ;lb.. licv 00101.111(.111. 111 11 a Ilea \ um blew 11'....3 i.. de 1011•.•1 ••10(1.0” 1 to the hal. I,- 111 It of the If ai,e, and fire hall . • . 711,30 lit 31 \\''t;irii, 1 iiiver'itY.', "ii,l,"iiii• 1 f a- the nionnfacture of creamer,. but- 1 11- 1 ' 'i•• i ; i • , , ' . - , 1.'N:•' !ILitcl,;:l'i 1:,;'Irr- .'',11,' v•-r,H ,!,a! .,1 cf»Hnued 1,1 onottliler otitl lin , .i. . ., or n • otit \i, J., ,;1,. ,,,,e,.. ,,,.: j. ihr,,,,,, 4.41;tio, ‘\ .itur on (.1, il is helicved NI i -e, Nlitrg:iret Nlarrhall and !tett e scut coin-train:M(0ns 1/3 ;awl. matl)• ' ter• of din- i gift, were received froni Ihe .fi111111.Ii ; i i N. 1 1,,,,,iii,,„, 0.;,;.1.,„g sit_,,,,,, 4 444 ;;.00 Marsh ;orideil iit the serving . Vot. entire planing. mill propert(.. is twitchie...! blue licalL ha.- and earri,• 1 11y ,.,,,,..4,1111.,,•;., ,,,,,,,,...,,,,4, tii,t, 1,),,../.,,. John .1. Cowan, we ••.•;', dilary '0.0., lier* j 111111 friend.”' inelliiii" 11 "Ili iii 11°11- I underg..ing a faci•-liftiug iiroces,, which Atik.ri,.;,,, 1.,,,a illy r,,,c,. i, ivit 1,011.01;111, wm.k. i irk. hail 130 ,5 .1.4ft]. the young rolip1(. left on a ' \void blankets from Bic (.;ritio7,111(01111 i t„.itt r1.,1 only ;old to it's ciiirieterv, Inn At;.„,., Nett, snening ;Ind I tru., en A . , . $50:0). R. eisct7(1 Orton Soilihs, truelitig . . . , .00 trip to Toronto, Niagara Falls and C11111. At the close of 1111s ellio)-,11110 :‘,..ii ,• ,. it . . 1 .1 ., .,. . •; • ; i . .„., , „,11.:11, ,,f 1 •R4. 1,1•;,1c, v„.r,.. punor 11 ,,, Ireu,11:1::•111*1,1;:diliiti-lehoLrfeir:.4111.(iinlii '71 ct111s11:2 1 11 th Standard, priniting and ad- 1)etroit. (iceastini all sang ;For She's a Jolly 1 portitice. vrtii1 hrill,••intlid•• inn"; were uowiled in in ,,,. of 1 11,. front rdp.als of Mrs. eng. , . .,. 53.05 Good FellowNI rsNl ," . anning thank- 1 .1.11e milt now has it cm -client „took orchid an I .1 (.11.8, 111 ,pectiv, lv, v, ii I, t<1.11,1,i,..•, 11,,u,c, County of I litron, re indivent .. 4.50 AU13UIZN ‘vbi,b ‘vill not he soon 1 /gotten, it ;ill for their thoughtful kindness of ;11.1,,,,.;,11, ,,,, ii„,,,,i, ami i;; a yk.ry „ut•ri_111.;,r/ 11,.1.0,j,i;. ,,,...1,. 1,,d, awl (111 fire i, .t revere 11,-, for Mrs. liarvvy Letherland, hall rare- NIr. ;old NI rs• Clifford C;trter and . T IR! \\r.Ni,s, ht.lit ilicir (1i:tidier : tirtiching. 11,•;...1-ilre-,. Thee c:irricd 1,,.,•111;i.,,, and 1,, a ic.,82. 11,..,..,rre 10 Mr. busy place. taking and ringing bell ... 20.00 (ititiott ,.. . During tht. dimmer the closes': poi- old fashioned ti, se-gii r f r\keet-licart Nlains, ;Ind NI r. and Nil's. Scrimgeour. Huron Tile Co., cement blocks 17.80 i . .; ; i 1 .\ i1/4;,i1;011,, of i"..'.(1(.1(ick. "'illl meeting in, the Sunday School room of duction rctici, i ; l'1, ,I.,, ')1..ak 111 30 elIct,i. • , . 1,:a Rol,,,,, 1,,I,,,,.. hi,. 1,11 . 1(13.05 • , the elthreli on I Intr,kay, 1 Iii)'" i'141. 9°1. :luny. Thii• \t 11 Ow liigil imirk set ' NIc 1,'Illti,1 II 1,s:*;lei ‘v:i., gr,:o111-111;,1 11 TI?INITY CHURCH, BLYTII , litti"1 "ill) Mr ;11111 Mrs k. 1;'• A. ' ivith the President, Nit's. R• il\.wlisrml last )1 t, but it is expected that the tor hi, br,111er. bi.11 Rouse, material fire 11;111 .. 85.31/ • , o • , 1 1 I „ 1. of •1•;;;.(tuti.t. , 111 1 ., , ,. , , 1 ( 1 (mum isegnklifi .Ns(ittlin . , Childrens Day ' Nil" 'i Ili 11"(1")11' iiii'i""IligN 11;li‘vil . Lii Mary F" .\ s1111111. "I Kilehener• ,Ifilr),)ild ing livilln 445, forlowd Ny Ilri1Yer 11).* tial increase co•er la,t, liecand. of Inc lion and dinner which follo1/2voil, 1110 1 . • A e 1, I I (- . 1.1 I-• year s proilitenui v111 shim a dilidan- . \\ 1111 the guest • at the reecji- 111 .1; „.14.,11,. stind.,,,2„. _,,..,t,,, "."\.(11;(1''' l''.\. .."1".,i)1.'. -"•)'111.1"11 •kiiiii I .\''Illilli i IiII•i-r-'1"11' I 1111‘',1' '‘:4111111 11 'the PrC,sillullt• The roll 0;111 wits ;111'1- ' shunlitiess of the flow 1 I i .111111;• I.:H. 1/H111:, ::1,,tlicr 11 Lire ;I 1,1,ack ervi,c !...„,;.„.a„,,,,,,11 ,,,. i 1,,I\. Bat,,i_ii,. II :..1.1 a ni : NI orninu Prayer 1111(1 the '''''''.a.; "at acciiiiii) '''' "'ilii 'iti Pi"' . (11. SI. illi"nii". M r• illil ."rs (:Ilaries 11ered hv the 1111•111heris Cite )1111te 3.ear's dry weather ent greatly the dre,,, 111;,..1: acce,r.•ries awl a c, 1 r..ue Carrivo. ' NI eNeil, of Toronto. No dveniiii.; service. ()tiled Church NI or ell by Comicillorr \Vot=on and , ‘i hymn. Miss 1). Kirk took charge of , heavy flow of milk, ; of jalisinan ro-e,. The 111 111 mob. r \ „mit ,...,•,„ry. '' r• "(1 Nks* Mile Allis" aini net' I lic meeting for Group I. The theme,: _ 3.""1. 1"47 1W' "reelth"I' and 1 111 1 II"' Mrs Gordon Taylor, that A"e"'inelit loll fl'ii the tv Alliston of Parkhill, with Nii.. and lite 'tilde it „. tit,, N„riii A.„1„ric„n 1, fird sijting of thi: Court of I.evi,i at Air,. met .1 civet! of Gotterieli Indians," 'Hie memlwrs of Group 1 1 l‘rESTFIEL1) 1 ;.i.,,.:,.:..,,,,,„,,i,,,i.i.ii.,,,, ..,,,,,,,,v11:,ii•v.,kilr,::: 1 II .11.,1 11.,,,"1,11.0 11 1.,,:,i,,111,!, , 1 ., ,.:, 1:i,;11111:: i(v,11.N1,1,Tv Ye ti ii.113gE11;rG;t1i..4rVaEnd lloly ' v a - attired in crimson leaf crepe, 1.Ito I.: be !tel,' in the 141 li NI emoriol 1 1;111 Air,. (-• A 1 lott.011. ‘viill gave the history of the translating. of I... .N1 rs, .1, voi 1 ,„„.otigo tri,amovol lier ; gue,t, at ail attr;ictive lohle„ ,centred ' ' ST. MARK'S, Al/BURN the Bible into the 11111gna1-tc of Iht! 111- household effects to her new home ; \oil a three tier ti.•.1.1imi, rdl.e awl iall q..15 ,,,i Hi, Squidi.„. jC:Iii 1111.1ti,e';‘1t1:i'iirl'gr.t ()!;itr'.1.ilel,)41.7. ..11 8 "'cluck 1"11)el l'"Ilims"11. "ii T,nrimitI). 11111 dirt!! tribes of Canada and Americ;i. 1 whi,:11 „tit, rrecuoy pordi.,Ned to 0,,,,., • 1.;,,,,,., 1; .‘4,.., ,1 ,1,11..., ,.;41.\..1:,..,, .11 1,(k. 'Nlurr;iy Rollinrim, of \N'ingliani, with NIr„,•,,' r,,,•!, 1.,411,i,i "cr1111,11111(.1iting Praver and child - Moved by Councillors MeNall awl Nil, (11,1 mrs Alfri,(1 Roilinsott. NI is: Phyllis NleCo '1 g;ii.Nea..m/ti,lon11,(t..:11„slillillg, '1 144..1;1,1\1,1,10,11a \i,\,i(•al,il,r.,(i. - 1"i'). to hilv0 !RI dilltinu ' 1.0',Inti 1 '11 il•rie solo on her cornet. A li Sitellin..; and loxic 11;111 ;0,,ist, ! lo —1' ---- \\'"Nn” ,th,rt,i 1:3...1'"". ,N"' 8' 1917' ",s, T110 Play l'rt's(211(''11 h.). Ill•eth il,"„"ii°r certificate and til 11111 wtis presented ' mr, N. Uedmond of 1\iingr vine visit- Nfr,. Ib 1. Snelling- an,1 NI is. Lill now rean Joyce tones in open column , 1,,,,,tincrs it, 1 to apimint A. li.turnini...; Officer and .. , ,:orerters 1 1.111 011 td it 1,, mrs, penman on her dvnarture eil iii thi. vicinity last 'Nerd:1y. 11•,..,,ii wa., \vet 1 eveived by a huge 4111'. ' 1:. c'11 \ . G il Ille A nd FiSli Clul) Held provide for a place for It tiling multi- •• deuce. I )o..1. receipts being t'ti61. from ur. NI rs. Penman will be greatly Mr. awl NI 1.-;. Ar•thur Speigleberg • F„;• hcr g„•,,,,,... . "","). e''''"H" the ' Successf ul Shooting 111atcli. cip,i nomination,: and clycl ion. if re - Nit. and NI rs, Speiglelierg and family „ miss,..il ;is die was iiiiwayr; so u.illing and childrim of 1\ioterloo vi-ited \\'itli 1 bride donned a !lust olno crepe dri-•• \ fine crowd was 0,1 1,..,,,,/ mo,,,,,,,). (mired, and fixing dates ti) help at all times. "Blest Ile The . in rely longer leturth, e, it It top 1.•.(1 „fit rit,,,,,, f.,,,. 1:1,! :111i11‘•,..;gi% 11 g Sh,r,f. \Ir. and Mr, lennetli Campbell, saute, be finally pa,..ed. Carried. n'i lim" wi j f iCitelle"ur. with Mr "lid Mr' Alhert 'Fie 1,11;t1 Binds" was stmg, apil Ow Nils, NI innie Snell. of Toronto, i." ,I l'iiii,i vi' ',\ i"u. "iiiiii")4 il'ilie-nrie). 'mg match hold on NI r. lettn...1.vis farm Mo‘.c.-1 lo- ("mini:Mors R.aillord 111111 14v and NIrs. Harold Currie an.' son , Campbell. spent the week -en -I with her sirt err. tit mart; ano a corsage -.- I orchids. . ti, 1 ittitott. t„1„, ,,,,t of Cl).(,,. prizes 13('Nillert.licatIll Nir°,.'.N.11. I)CIL;0111)(1.tr'aevttial,11g11'. thlr- NI rs, .1. 1.. NIcl)owell and NIrr• Llwin , •11..,. groliiii's 8ift to the bride loltin,:111 that 1 Iii.. Corp...ration petition \\-avitc. of ‘v,,,it ford; „ill, mr „„,t mi., • , 4 , ( , ,,.., \ it 111,1 wi1; iof du,71:: ;ind ii ti wet(' izieen for Bic i)111, of 1 Huhu ays for the Stain- \\.. •I• ro‘v, spent me net R.-0111 %sail „ , 1"li'l 1)1 r, 01 c‘(,ry round. .k-, rintliii coin- Tayl, r• ' :III alliCillYSt neekLicy• The tory grant on roodr and streets expen- 1 ii,,,•• W \\•cir of oitawai \viol ijr, NI rs. \V. NIonntain. NI r. owl Mrs. !ti Taylor and \!t•-•., . honor a izold 1.,,unract, Ow hrid•-•nra;. 1, 1 1 1 II , cent of the communicants of the Paris.11 diture. Ciirried. 11 C \\ 11 Mr, O. 1.1wre'll, Mks 17- WEI1111 1;110011 '14111 M1111i1). with Arr.'. K• i • I 1 ..1. Pin' 11 01I 1 l'Hv 1.'''i 1/11};"/ ;1 Ln."1" ,innicr iiav tit ;111,:r 1 pn., and dil ; watch chain. Nloved by CinineWor, \\•;ii,,n and. 1 Nhiry A NI III1M, k V L',. N, of Toronto Attlinin, NIr. am! Nil's. Stratighon, Gal- I<Treisinger. of Goderich. not 8, ind up until r; 0'i-1r:wit. It is phin- 111'"1 !lilt iiiii. " 'HIT.° ueeel'i thit i 1 v ill \Ir. :Hid Mrs. Ralph II Minim. 114' 1 1. ;11'1 Mr11 . '16 Mrs' \V. Mt•illltikin •Mr . 11'arren namford of Prerton j c. i .,ces,, from a Jli,tance \\ ere NI r. \viol mr. .initi \I,„, E, sift,” Th,,,,k,giting „tit, hi, rart,111,4, anti Airs, ihroid israci, wt.., sitirtcy ne.•1 1,, inake the maid. ati annual ;if p -rt received by 1)r. Draper from the Att. and A1rs Bill Craig of Sonia, ,.pimt timidity 11 11 NI eN,r-. I\ Cllill't [1, ( IC1:1.14V 1)ept. of Health. stating that -1 out of , will, At t. .,11,11 mi., 1„111/., craii.t., NI r. awl NI r.s. Ilionia, 110miord. , tit ;;::(11,11.:11i.tis\rit.J1,4.1.,(1,.., 0\f1.1.11111e,111.1.1liiike(IXPwreitSi; J(1,1ing, NI,,,,,, mkt, Figt.tiand ;pent the week- Nli.s 10,ie NI eild (.4 Brussel, ,peitt 1 ol,,,,, and NV•dtter 1,r,..,•1, of \\',...; , , 5 vlls 1011(0(41 011. "I. '111111.11Nillia I VIY I' NI argaret Jackson of Toronto. v ith 80 hill 11 of 1/1c Irv"' °Hell' iire nil' Mr, ;ink NIrs James J....lel:son, end at St, Thomas, 1vith her histvr, i lie \vcck-t•nd ‘yit 11 ha c. 11,,in, NI irs NI ont ro-c, 'tits, Maude Israel, NI r. fit 11;14,11`; iiiii,i(1,1'; (,','„1;;II,itil'ii,(1 it'it'tftwcol,i'llitt,c it, ,\\*;icii;iii(titris to t. drinki , ;et .: ht r aestill of the lost • Jones . NVinnifrel Campbell. George krael mid \Ir. and NI r,. Syl- .,, NI r tuid NB., Stanley NIcN ill, NI r ani NIrs he reported to thy resident in Nuking. NI rr S \\act( of \Venom!, with NI r aml Misses Gail and lull(i.111(tinilig vis- NH., ;mil NI rs. John l'rcenion and vester Israel, Kitchener, Ali,, Thelimi mil appear later. Carried. 0(.41 their aunt and uncle, NI r. and family of Brant ford vkileti im Mon- ,••••1,1•Iiiml. port c 11,,,,• , ,,,, mi,„ Roth NI rs Thomas NIcNtit , Nlnved by Couticill -rs Radford andNB's. James Roberton, in Auhurn, over ..1,o). with NIr. and Mrs,. 1 loword (2,1111- Snelling-. Itrucelield, NI 'Ks 1 iorcen tcci, LOCAL NEWS ON PAGE 7 The Ladies Guild of S'• \I arl;r .1n- Watscin that no action be taken in the mailer of hiring of toavit foreilittn at the home of Mrs 8;111111(.1 1);ier. Mrs 1.1 NIrsNlr • agaret Manning left on beNiiir. and Nf rs. John C• c;i ..r and Marilyn glican Church held their meetim; ;it the 11 eel,-imil• Iv, lirlissels. Nli•, loxil. Ball, c,krich, Se \-(.ral item; ilf hical news are tin, prcvnt time. t'arried. 1.011criaild wa;., fit ch.,irt,„. Dt.v„c(witi NIonday to sport two week, with of litcliener visited over the week -end i o \I 11J.J. "I.''.' la r 1 Ni 1.1i-i'l . 111'11.;1'11,)1t1011,11e ri(„ri. i lii' (11'111 ;i:11'1")1 rtiill ; `11'''''!"4' ie.:1:Ligi . t II I 13 3 11e. 3 3 Iiihitt, n that the Corpora.: iP11 vire gilt and Mrs S Duet% IZea lingr were Mil‘Til by Councillors 'Watson rind puriod was taken ',I: NI is Thilma,, 1 lae,' friends in Tormto, Nlisses 1)oroilty TThtle ;0111 Olive . Al rs. Thomas Gear. with Ntr, and Mr,. I. I.. NIcHon ell ;t111 rklittlyit11,1.11.ii‘r.r,reini.11 they \vill reside in 21 Fre:t1( Egg - And Fancy the 1)11•th P.(10 1;collts Peraths1011 lI) given by NIrs. T S johibion ;,nd N1 rS Moon, Toronto, spent the ‘veek-cii(1 at \Ir. and Mrs. 1) ti. NI inor 'f 110(h..- On Thurrdav previ 11 1,1 dit• %V1'11- Egg1)roduction hold mi ;try, ,),;ty• Carried, \Vitt. Gol.ier, Solo by NI rs Gordon illoir 110111c Ilvre• rich were week -end grlest, At lila' 1,•,,,Ilit, iliiit... Nt ,,,. cr.,,t, j,,,.,1 ,,,,irriainc,1 ow ladies of the neieltbourhood and Ow Nr,...\),..x. \It-Eu..17w of ii-hilivit to‘ni- NloiTtl by Councillors IZadliord alld Taylor. The topic avas given by NI \Vats" that M r• 1-ewi\ \Thit field he a:that:in:1 n 11a0!“(;1111 r‘s icr and \Irt 11'. Lyon spent Fri- NI is, loliert a 1 cVittie of Goderich N1•alkcrimr11 Mr,. 1 Villiam Gorier, NI iss 1.1‘.:1 I 1oe- of NI r. and Mrs. Honglos Campbell. ciwoottnitt, c Ito; to a rhip has (mile Ji pr.oductive flock of ' lti".1.1,", ; .11!•tieN 'WHO I 1111 Ins farm. N1r, NI c vi.ii, I 01111 lier parent,, NI r. ond NIrs. Ir us,ean tea in honor of her dattgo- 1 , appointed to Blvd) 1 1).dro ("..1111niss . icitt.,.1 1,,,11, at,h. givoi: 1,v V, vs A Ni.,„5. (lay at litchem.r. x, 111(t. reported to The Standard on hill, ti) fill thy \.acitic \. roused iv the , hit, ,\ violin ((do bY NIrs C F. Asquith. \Ir. and Airs. Spence 1 kaolin, kit- \\ al. NI(' \ Ili"' ter, coining intirria8(.. e Rev. W. J. Rogers, Minister Anniversary Services - Sunday, October 19th Fri•loy that for hvo 11;i•s, he received. (11'"ill (1f •Mr •‘• \\r• li. S111I1 11. Car. i;111 auction of varion, tu•Hcli.., realiv.ed chimer, NI irr( s Beth and Elv:1 G.:vier Mr• 1111(1 M r•• \\.• l'i CatImIll'Il and NI r. layifionil J•rael, ulni is employ- ; • , .1 ,vIl. f.-- ried. $.5.1111: Lunh .as c...teren,1 lo the host- spW ent the eeli-eini with Mr, ad M nr5. Nli.s, 1Vinnifredd on n viriteNIoday (th .41 at e Ste\n us N1011,r., Kjichri11 eVQ11111 IIl hill elf \ )1 s'd lei•• 1 .,, . . . , ., • - . .. -i, Movuil hy Colincilliws 'Nli'all and ess, :i.„..isted by Mrs. Burt Daer, NI v.: \Villiam Govicr. with Nil's. V. Iretsinger, of Goilevich, m as recciill‘. prc•entud \vilh an Bt., 1, 11.1d "1111 1 In' 1(.10 .11 production out Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Schultz of 1 )iiii- ' 11 11 cooker from his fellow 11 ork_ 1 )(); 1111' 1111'1114'Nicoll 1Y 1111 a freak with Air. 4 it and a hi,,,Iiiiisomt, cliciiiik, it 11 ilis 1 ... 111-0110 1.9.!, 11111111 meaqtred 8 inches .\\ ats1111 tit ;11 Mr• N• \\ • 1%)10, he '11)- I A Kirkconnell ;.11.1 NIrr. .101111 pact'. \Ir. and \Irs. 11)01. 1.a.on, Thorndale, • pointed to the Myth Memorial Hall 1 •„1.1., J;corge I 1 imiltan inovc..1 a vote ol Tharil, In fill 1 111. visiteJ1 the former's mother and sis• ; g""P". rkit cil on Slinfhiy ; calidmer., Nil% told Airs, 10,1. sti,‘,,,11, 1 in circumference ;old 91,‘2 inches in di varanr-). u'ill'r'l 1))'; thank., to NI rs. 1 t'ar for net- hospital- (cr. mr.s. 1,2. Lyon and mr,„ c. \\•,(0011, 1 and NIrs. Reg Schultz, il ;noel er. NV111:0 1 ile egg \vas hrokva 1)1'. I [odd moving from the rominunity. ill., several days last \reek. 1 Nlisses 1.",1111 an 1 :\ udrey \Valsb of , Sr. ; in to, there ‘V;IS all i ko.', then allOther Carried. 1 The NV NI :4 of 111.. Presbyterian diell, and again another egg. 'mid- Nloved hy l'ouncillors NIeNalf ati(1 church; AnIcirii, itu.1 on il Iiirr•da„.• : t c : i ; NI: 1 11 lV1111 zriC11,11`4 ;II .8..tcov• Nlr, and Nits. Clare spent suinta‘. 1 1 lellsall. (-twill irliankrgiving with NI r. , ! „id Air,. .\. 1..., \\.,,10,4 ' rl'itrkeys Realize Fine Stint 1 Robinson iiial w, do now 1111)(111r11. i evening- in ill,. s..1.1(..11 100'11 of ti ,‘I mr. ;Ind NI rs. T.'Ross and Linda re- I1 Guests ;tt the holm. of Mr. and Mrs. i 1,1()r Yottng Iztritiet• 1,iir.iii- w, have .\Ic\',. word only for C11. fore..., •ing siory• Ili. rite the egg Carried. tiin.d ti Elliott. Clerk: clinrch, in 11 ..n....1. Autunri Thank ()I'. turned home to 1.. ..... 1 1. • ' Nortinin arry ..inittri qui I'll- i ,, M VI 4,\VV11 MI Sunday \\TN. i luring meeting vwith fifty pres.mt, Mrs d .« r. ,aiiil NI Fs. 1Verley Staelduni,e, , • r. • , 1 , i , . .1,, „ au,i- It . , . , (. . ( , i. natim., 1, oa the ' MRil„ell 1. , ih .i* 1"• , \‘'• hill,,i'll insI -id )1' 1 . ' • 'i . it Preached Anniversary At • 1 ..t ., il.: 1 • ,,, HI 1,,,id, 1 liver the meeting .ii„ Niiiit Hooter ic visiting her ' Ali,41...,:,, iq 11,,,,,,,ficici, :\ii,. Hill;NIrs• : 111.'11 •.(1 I nod 1.f his tin•hcy ft* editor , breakfast plate, for which we i with NIrs J Houston at the piano. The iii„..,.„. mrs, . (11111t.'y Lail:ling. 1, Stanley Neale and family. of (ilencoe. III 11t kvNis last I‘eel . for which 11.. re_ I hold not the slightest grudge. \\re 111 have IiiIlle C,\ actly the same our- ( service Of Worship was conducted by satortim, visitors ‘‘ itit Air. tlitti Airs. j 1)r. James ;Hal NIrs. NleClintoo ;111(1 . ., • hand nu 11 till II. 1:01- i 16" Burns' United Church ,,,•i,,,,i a ‘.(•r " .. • - rhornion, of litcheilet, :.:..-.r t' Misr, Nlitdred , 103 hird, Mr. (111,k reali/i d a el ,,,, 1 selves, 11'''''.41.".• J. kol•tiers delivered the an. t Mrs. II Cio‘•ier, NI.rs. \V Good, Nliss M ci i .sionev kinsing included \Ir. awl NIrt. i chi' irun. c'i Ti'''''''' 1,ri; !return of over ;s1 0 1).11). /le .1.ill ho.. (al Clare. Mich.; ,•1 r• ' nivercary . wirircs,c, lit poir", (2,,,ii,,,1 , Houston. ..111 alto and tenor luet was 1.1c,1 flittutps. .,. . . ,1 , . G. AlcNall Heads Local Church last Sunday, both morning i given by NIrs 11 I 1Zobion and m rMr Norman Ritz, of idle (1.;),...:1\e..i..t.,11 (littLe)‘Ivpilit.. 1 ' IA,L.1 1 14 1,111‘i.•"1111\\,(yi'll'iliili'lliihew yen .10) and -101to marketSonic 11‘r : ,(1, Toronto, c'f file illrle), redc110(1 tremendous Odd lellows , horn had charge of the sI•rvircs ;11 Lite 1 the piano. key N1r Nliller of Brussels ship. 11101 Unitel Ciillreit in the inornillgT 'hull vfl 11111turn sliaks of Sollill •'\11101.- \Iit Parker, of Toronto and Mrs. \\ tlii.;. ‘1% eel; -cod with Mr. and N1rs, FAH 111'1r11.)kl:',.:.";;(1'11:i.11,1, islsc 111:11,41:1:11;1'.t,t,(t,Illw(1 "1...ictitgolli;1111::' ''4 lit: rt .1. I to IN matt ;mil his installing team ovi v 20 pound,. The venture ;,,i„ tt,,, , 1 Ii•trict Deptit Grand Master Ro- Miss 1,:„.dy„ 'Aim, „1" 11illithe, spent the evettin, seri.ice Iwing withdrawn ' ica• l'Illich was SerVeci a WI a social LIIIsing• Of , \ ilkirli. spent 1 IIC holiday ....\44'11)11;111* Ve,:l Ille111 it 11' 1111, youth.; farmer who ol 11r11,,els, paid an of fivial visit to J \\*ilson closed the wt,,,k_ci,,,1 wilt: Ntr, and Nip, si,1110. -1'.. "il 1 'It '" 1 iiviirlei) Sin'th and 1,k occr iii, inilicr., fm.,,, (1,,riiiit. iiic i 1110 Ili Lodge 1.O.O.F. No. 361i on }Nred- other Illyth churches. in failour of the special occiision at the , lune en.Joyi..1. NIr. 1.1.,,la, night, Octoher Stli, for the i meeting with prayer. I.; ..) .. family NI r. han \Vii;littitan Nli,. Nlae Specipl nnisic for Iltirtt;' atittiversttry RECEPTION TO BE HELD • Nliss Marjorie \f \( Toronto, is \\iii.;111"1""• 1i'11e)1 Hii S"1"1"v "1 the 1 lt-'1111-11011.. i_.; .......... ,a idled on ., CIT.: I r tbc ensung- twelve months. was furivished at the evening service! '1 le•re will fie a receplion nt the Lyon this week. spending a few dors with NIP:. \Vitt ,11"111c NI 1 i \I r. and Mr,. I litgli Smith, oi ,NiiIii.,11),i1111.,,. 1111/1.11 L.NI:::,-:::/1-11,-;11-1-.N-1",i..,... iii::: -n-ci:iii", i l'ii,Iiini;:::eini,iiiaiiiiii:i1,a:liiicii-•:.:1111:.0. niP:s1):(1)11.°11iicrii"I I . A doubi, quarieu, c„„sisting 1,1 (lit Myth Nlemoriol Hall for NI r. and Mrs. hy members of the Myth Glee Club. ii )' \Ir. ;111.1 NIrr. NI civil! Taylor and ' NIL -Nichol of 11'alt,.11. ore one of the year's highlights in Odd - family wore giteds ou Sun itly al 1 ili \Ir. and NI rr. 2 ',..rdem Snell. an ; i)1 r• 1, Ilowship 11 a•-• splendidly coy:hided by following. members was present, N'ern , Ikr1 FI'ar. 11c11 1.1• -weds. on Friday home of NIr• 11111 Mrs. .1.1111(.s S1111111 Pli NViniam Sc, -11 vidted ...1 Smolav v it', : 11r 1•••\‘ mat 1 I .. ' \I • r Sneiran, 1)on. NI eNall, 1 larry Lenr, night. ()cioher 17th. Ladies please UNDERWENT OPERATION 'Yr. 111,1 Mr:, N1011;1111 (1,1 Wt., of NI0Vill wa..; instalk"-(1 i'100 the Noble hill Nlurray, Bill l'onng, 1 loward \\•;1.. bring lunch. 1:,v(•ryboily ‘vele,,ine, NIrs. Bert Nladdocks has returned NIntli‘rs,";;;11,1111.:\ IN. 1 1, Itosinan of 1Ving- 1 .1.1114 Grand', eliair, succeeding Nfr. Harvey lace, Jchn Nlanning, and Hon rilwaii.,1. Congriitulations to Miss Annie Neij. home and is recovering nicely follov,- 11;1111 visited last week with NI r. and It told Nirs4 'till T.; \ 1,,r, li .1,, Los .\ 1 (4(..(1,11, 4 • \..s concluding one of Don )1c,Nall and -Howard 11iallace sang 1 1 hitt who celebrates her birthday on int; an operation for appendicitis lost NirA, Ntaurice 110,111an. ; , . vi•ited n Siinda 01111 Mr• on.1 t",- mod ,11 . -cc. lid 1 car's 111 :•je his. a duct. October 20th. aveek. Mr. and N1rs. Nkinriee Pr. :ittati, Nir. : L,,, Frdnk iliamblvn of 1 Inllett, t...r ,,f the Soe,;( ",.. INV Mar The Quality Tea TEA r OF 113, ENGE JA CKSCI.N. CO L. E SYNOPSIS CHAPTER IX: El Caballero ltojo makes plans to obtain another horse for Juanita. Ho tells her that there le something she can do to help him which he will explain to her later. CHAPTER He studied her eager face a mo- ment in the Tight of the candle flame. "Do you know where the Mis- sion of Corpus Christi is?" he ask- ed her abruptly. "Si, senor," she said eagerly, "It is at the foot of the range near the Sangre de Cristo Mountains." "You think you could find it without any trouble—alone?" "Si, senor," Juanita repeated, puzzled now. "But what—" Valdez nodded. "Tomorrow, when I go get your horse from your home, I want you to ride there with a package and a mes- sage from ate. It is most import- ant. But we will rest first." He gestured her to the pine - bough c.-)1, picked up a blanket from the stump, took El Cielo's reins in the other hand and stalked outside the cave. He heard her call out a remonstrance„ but paid no attention. He had too many times slept with his saddle for a pillow to mind sleeping in the open. Juanita lay wide awake, think- ing. She tried to see through the darkness to where he lay sleeping, but when she could not her thoughts turned in another direc- tion. Ei cry event of the last hours passed through her mind in swift review. There were so many things about R.1 Caballero Rojo that site still could not understand. And now this! Why should he be interested in the Mission of Corpus Christi—in any mission? He, whom some men called out- law? Could It be possible—but surely no, no I—that he wanted to find out about it because he was planning to raid it for its plate This is the overblouse that really puts you over) Pattern 4704 fits at the waist, flares beautifully into a godet-rippled peplum. Wear it over your new pencil -slim skirt. The em- broidery is easy stitcheryl Pattern 4704, sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 10; 90. Size 16, 2% yds. 89 -in. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS 125c) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern, to Roorn 421, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto, Print plainly SIZE. NAM I .:11)i)- RESS. STYLE NUM 1111'. TSSUE 42-1947 and ornaments? laid he by any chance covet the treasure said to exist since the days of the Spanish conquistadores? \Vhat was the message she war to carry? I -Tow would it help hint' Guessing gave her no answers, however, though that last question in her mind was comforting. She could help him—and she scolded herself bitterly for those other va- grant thoughts. She was being dis- loyal to this man, her one and only amigo. I -Ie could do no wrong; he would not. Whatever it was he wanted her to do it would he only to help other people. It was with that final thought that Juanita at last slept. When she awoke El Caballero Rojo was staking a steal over a little fire he had built in the center of the cave. But he did not look like the Red Cavalier now, for he had discarded his gaudy rai- ment and wore the charro garb and the black wig in which she had seen hint first. He straightened up front the fire and glanced over toward the pine -bough cot„ and grinned when he saw her dark eyes wide open, looking at hint with surprise. "You see I'ni all ready to ride back to the valley and get that horse of yours, just as soon as we have a bite of breakfast. You think anybody's likely to recog- nize enc like this?" "No, senor," Juanita said softly. "But—", Then swiftly she arose. "Let me do that, senor!" she exclaimed. "It is women's work. Since I have drive you from your bed it is well that I do some little thing for you." She took the coffee pot from his hands and set to work busily. Watching her, Valdez thought he had never seen anyone so deft and so graceful, even in the tattered sheepherder's clothing she still wore. -As the firelight gleamed in the ebon of her hair that hung free, and crimsoned the creamy flesh of her arms and throat, he found himself unconsciously won- dering what she would look like in the lovely garments of a girl, garments such as she was horn to wear. * « As quickly he shoved that thought from him. What was he thinking of? El Caballero Rojo had no business with such thoughts. Juanita had the breakfast all prepared speedily, and they sat down cross-legged on the cave floor to eat it. While they ate she talked gravely about her father and mother and of the life on their little rancho. Valdez did not give her confi- dence for confidence by telling her of his own home and youthful days, but listening to her brought it all before his mind's eye poign- antly. His lovely Irish mother, with her hair of spun red gold. His father, who might have been one of the conquistadores brought down to this modern day, The hacienda where the doors had always stood open, where the hand of hospitality was always held out. No man was ever turned away from those doors where heartiness and true welcome were the rule. * * * Cattlemen, prospectors, lawmen, rurales, even outlaws—they came in droves. And meals and a bed were free for the asking at any hour of the day or night, And it had been from some of the men who had cone through those hos- pitable portals that young Michael Valdez had learned how to shoot, how to use his rope, the craft of the woodsman, and a thousand different things that had stood hint in good stead when he had himself become a wanderer. Men whose ;ins were their only shield against a troublous world had taught him BURFORD—Winner of Pet Show contest, "Bruno," 1 year oltl, 120 pounds, was first in his breed at the Canadian National Exhibition, Ile is shown here with his owner, Alice McKay of New Durham at the Burford Fair. ANNE I4IPST *tot r'am:Py +.h.tu+..... Man Tells Why He Lost His Girl "DEAR ANNE II1RST: Believe * me, this won't happen to me again * if 1 should find another girl! The * day my girl gave mc the sir, she told me why, Months have gone by, and 1 still think about all my mistakes. Site claimed that after going with her for a year, I'd changed. I had. "She was very much in love with me. 1 didn't * appreciate it. 1 took it for granted. * My thoughtlessness caused it all. * "1 never told her how pretty she * looked. I never offered those little * courtesies, like opening a door for * her.1 never made definite dates ex- * ccpt for weekends. 1 merely * barged in, expecting her to greet * me with open arms. I bragged * about the sharp girls at the office * and how I fooled around with * theist, TOLD WHITE LIES * "1 told her white lies about * things 1 did, places I went, . * though she always found out.I * complained about working too * hard and being too tired, but 1 was * never too tired when I was with * the boys! 1 didn't want to be kid- * dcd about being in love, so I didn't * show the world how fortunate I * knew I was to have such a wonder- * ful girl. * "I neglected to show her my * love and tenderness , • , I could go * on and on, but it was my neglect * of the little things which mean so * much to a woman that caused our * breaking up. * "Women are funny, They coin- * pile all these little things and * visualize married life with such a * man, * "Remember, wise guys, if you * are in love with a wonderful girl * like 1 was, don't do as I did, I hope uncanny speed with weapons while he was still in his teens, and though he had always had a natural way with horses, he had learned how to handle the most dangerous out- law from other men to whom horseflesh w: s life. But now that scented ages ago— in another life. For on that day when the young Michael Valdez had opened the door of his home on his tragedy, he had on the in- stant left behind his devil-may- care life as a young vaquero and become a man—a man who had • a rendezvous with destiny. • So deep was Michael Valdez in his own musings that for a mo- ment he had forgotten Juanita, had forgotten that he was not alone, as was his custom. He came to himself with a start when he heard her insistent voice, as if she might have asked a question sev- eral tines and had no answer. "When I have done for you this thing you wish me to do, senor," she was saying a little plaintively, "then you will tell me what more I can do for you? 'We will ride together, no?" Glimpsing her sager face, he hadn't the heart to tell Ler the truth—then, "There will be much riding tot both of us, of course, Juanita," he said gently, and then he gave a start and jumped to his feet, "Madre de Dios l" he exclaimed. "The sun is long up, and I must ride for your horse. I told you it was important that you start this Mission today." 4(To be Continued * you'll benefit by what I've Just * written. BOB S." If 1 had launched out on one of my frequent prescriptions on how to lose a girl friend, 1 couldn't have done better than you did. You had to be the big shot, did? youf Taking all, giving nothing— reminding the girl, by sins of omis- sion, how lucky site was that you came to see her at all, and bestow- ed upon her the great gift of your love! You depended on your charts (ana I expect you have plenty) to carry you through. You never real- ised that to hold a nice girl you had to deserve her. Girls don't realure that their sweet- hearts are usually the product of the training former girls have given theist. It isn't hard for a smart girl to judge pretty accurately what kind of girls her boy friend has known. This girl you have lost has set your standards of behavior, now, toward all the others you will ever know. If you profit by it, 1 predict that when you fall in love again you'll sweep the girl off her feet. All your life you will be gratefu to this girl who told you why you lost out. She sent you away, and she probably broke her heart doing it • 7o "111.11': 1Plicn this column was started over 20 years ago, my office door was always open to any. one who wished to see me. Those happy days vanished though, on ac- count of the increasing number of letters each year. Now it it not possible to give eersonal interviews, and it is not often that 1 can find the time to answer problems by mail. 1 regret this far more that my readers can, Write me about what is troubling you, and 1'11 do my best to help.• *** Our mistakes can often help others to avoid thorn. 7'ell Anne Hirst your story and let her pass it on.Write to he,. at Box A, roost 421, 73 Adelaide Street If'esl, Toronto. How Can I? Q. how can 1 remove white stains from furniture? A, Dip a cloth in kerosene oll and rub the spot well, Then take another cloth, dip it in alcohol and rub quickly. Too much alcohol will destroy the varnish. Then moisten a third cloth in furniture polish and rub thoroughly. Q. How can I improve the com- plexion? A. Eat plenty of fruit, drink milk, and also drink water freely between meals, Massage with almond oil, or a good face cream, and keep re- gular habits, Q. I-Iow can I make matches wa- terproof? A. By dipping them in melted paraffin. Use the pat'affin while very hot. Q. How can I conceal scratches on the wall paper? A. By moistening a scrap of the paper which has been saved, and then carefully scrapping off tyle coloring with a sharp knife, Apply this coloring to the scratch, and when dry it will scarcely be notice- able. 'A GOOD TIME is had 141 all when you serve Max. well IHouse Coffee. It's blended by experts and Radiant Roasted for extra flavor—"Good :.) the Last Drop!" Sunday School Lesson Creative Power of Faith Hebrews 11:1-10, 39-40; 12 :1-2 GOLDEN 7'13X'1'—Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. —Hebrews 11:1, There could be no better defini- tion of faith than that given by the author of the Book of Hebrews. It is "the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." As such it is the essence and foundation of all religion. But it is more than that. It underlies, and is the motive power of, all cre- ative activity, if not of all life, The poet, the artist, secs his ac- complished work first of all in vision, but without faith the idea, the vision, would never be ac- complished. So, also, in life. If we had no faith in a tomorrow, there would be little meaning in life to- day. * * * It is here that religious faith finds its true significance and meaning. It is the anchorage for souls, when everything seems to be going wrong. The IHebrews author expounds the meaning of this sort of faith by its great examples, and these in their very nature are impres- sive and instructive. They have to do with matters that were dif- ficult and doubtful—journeying in- to a new, far-off, and unknown land, trusting promises that were as yet far frotn fulfillment, facing suffering, persecution, and death— all that men, in one way or an- other, have faced, and will face even in an atomic age. And his story is of those who, through faith, were builders and con- querors. * * * It is, or ought to be, an inspiring story for today, What the world needs above all else Is the faith to overcome disaster, and the faith to g0 on in spite of peril and dif- ficulty. This is the place of religion, and the world's need of It. The ancient writer said that without faith It Is impossible to please God. And it is God's provision for man's life that without faith he cannot work out his own salvation. Sewing Machine Electric sewing machine, made in Chicago, operates without bobbin or shuttle; can sew with two threads of contrasting texture such as sewing silk and mending wool, In an inter- locking stitch. No Baloney The progeny of hamburger now includes the following, as recorded In Meticken's new "Supplement to the American Language": Chickenburg- er, cheeseburger, clatnburger, lam - burger, nutburger, porkburger, beef- burger, kirschburger, barhecueburg- er, steakburger, spamburgcr, huski- burger, bar -b -burger, sausageburgcr, pickleburgcr, tantatohurger, and wimpyburger. Close Anyway "Auntie, were you ever proposed to?" "Once, dear, a gentleman asked me to starry him over the telephone, but he had the wrong number." ROOMS BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED $1.50 up HOTEL METROPOLE NIAGARA FALLS DPI', — C.N.R. STATION. 14-441 eat Breaihe 411" If your nose some- ''• times fillaup with stuffy transient con. gestion—put a few drops of Va-tro-no1 in each nostril. It quickly reducer con• gestion and makes breathing easier in a hurry ... gives grand relief from snildy, sneezy, stuffy distress of head colds, Follow directions in tho package. rifICKS vA120401 Neuritic a PAINS • Si r`\ 0 Next time you fool those nasty twinges of neuritic pain, it's high time you tried Kruschen, The cause of sonic neuritic pains can ofton be traced to incomplete and sluggish elimination. In ' tltt&% caaos Kruschen usually helps, becacse Kruschon's balanced blend of satin u� minerals bring about a complete and thorough (but gentle) elimination and at the same time supply minerals which aro often deficient in the daily diet. Start with Kruschen today, and continuo for a month or so by taking a small dose each morn- ing in your coffee, tea or fruit juice. This plan should soon show happy results in tho relief of neuritic pains and all improvement in your general health. At all Druggiate: 25c and 75e. RUSC EN It's the little morning dose that does it QUICK RELIEF FOR BABY'S TENDER FEVERISH GUMS OOLkGUM 'I'III: NEW SCIENTIFIC MII:T11On TEETHING AID W.S. PATIENT No. 2421614/ YOUR DOCTOR WOULD RECOMMEND THE COLD COMPRESS TO RELIEVE 1'AiN Al Better Stores Everywhere or Send 51.00 to PROGRESSIVE PRODUCTS Tia EL i CMOS11iCALIF. COLOUR BRIGHT MEANS COLOUR RIGHT WITH de.J��." • ;> T ntex • It MakesYou e Feel SoMuchB The Vifamin Bt Tonic Extensively used for headache; loss of sleep, nervous Indigestion, irritability, anaemia, obronio fatigue, and exhaustion of the 41 nervous system. 4 60 cts. Economy size, 11.80 "111„ 4 , Zre1111 11,11• Dr. Chase's Nerve Food WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 194 .40:..11 THE STANDARD scow ' „r.r.rwv..vn.on.Mn.n.v WELL GROOMED SCHOOL BOY 1:>r1 ,r n4,, I fs' H° Tweeduroy combines beauty of pattern with re- markable durability to give you the perfect fabric for boys' school and play apparel, And there's a plus value, too! The fur -like surface keeps out harsh weather, yet it is so woven that it actually breathes and ventilates the body, That's why it's so ideal for active youngsters, Zipper jackets and trousers are a great combination for school or play ©UROY - Low in Cost - Long in Wear A HOCKMEYER FABRIC YOUNG COUPLE GIVEN MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER f'ri4,r to their nr11rriae( ghoul ,ill Ir.,. \Ir,. friend, and neiulll,.,ln., v;uhsre,l ;11 the'ulcnt Inoue f \Ir. and 11rs• 1411,,,•11 \\'ikon, 14) honour .111'• i:r.i(I lhic!1:1;11 ;n:,l lir' OPERAl'AING BOOTH AT INTER- t,'r11; place n;4) October .1111, NATIONAL. PLOWING MATCH RECOVERING FROM ILLNESS I/tiring elle ate, 1111 Ir,..r(.,i,'( (u 11r. 14„hlrl 11'allare prnpricl„I of I 11a;ter 14:rlph Ii '1111 i, recovering chis was enju+e,1 :Intl lri,lr 11,111111 Ihr 11'011;lir Tiorko. \iorri<'nicely after iaving his tonsils removed Mr, I-enn;tr,l 14 'uury re:Irl o ,nilahl4' 'I1,nu,ltip,, 1, union...! the c nsessit,ll at the \\•ingh;Un hospital 4)11 Sattirdat• address anti \li,s(; 11(111 \Ir'I)1n1;11d, hol(1(r, :It thv International I'lon•ing luonting. Kalplt has been quite ill at Joan Rooney, \I:try \louriit, .\nue Match being .n Id near isi'Ie,ton this I loin home fur the past three n'eeks, \lorritt. 1/live \\'Ion, J(111e ;Intl line neck, 11 r. \1';Illarc is :t 1:oslcr, prc,t•nl4rl the aill.f c,,111,1,, 14 itlt large broth, specializing in "turttc '- I y a miscellaneous, ,h mer of gift,. Ihlr);rr,." :\;,i,till,' \Ir, \1'allacc are }Cert replied, on n4hdlf of 1115 bride- 1.11r. and lir;, Pr:o11c 1lollytll;uo, and -hc• 1i4,IIv"'1111; Iarris & Company BLYTH ONTARIO the presrllI1(1>1' 11 ila,n iirviiI PACE P W. M. S. Meeting I010r ,0110• 101101 ,oelor •01101 The 1\„nlr^II'. \I:••i (1,0.1' ti'ri111 of Yell Yell ARE CORDIALLY INVITED to firing your lhr l 11111 ,I Church In 1'I !licit. u1l,nth!s M O family ily ;,ltd Il+friends to attend n free erowfrg of an au/- r,'tnl:� „,I 1 ), t..h,'r 111!,• I':I, lur','I'tr! strtndiny ;1,111 edur,4licnal color movie about dairying 1,prnerl 11:14, '111.1 11)13-11' I,y .111• 1'111111, by Dl', 1.'. 1.. 1)1 teraen of the University of Minnesota. Ilyunl 'ii 4;,1- •r,al toll -nod I,;' the I I.,v11', in i, i -,n. .1 (tor 1:1, I'r,•.i,lrlit, \I r, 11, 1• h,nl n rt, slur 411 pr,•.elll, 1111' n1i11111• nIII' 1'1 ;,d, the r„p 1.111, 1111,1 !hi Ina ul(f- r1p'rl ‘vo mall, ;11111 the of fel 1111; 14:1- 1:11,11:• I,u,in,--. :u l.in:t ons 1,i III( Olin Ilse• concern,',! Illy `-, 1111,11;11 IIS, rliu:[ ;lt tioderiell I„ he held ,ill (1,'1„!,11 nl, III North -ti-oe1 roiled Chun NI r•. \\'eh,l(r ,o,1 \Ir,. I ;111 Ter l{,•ro Hoot,. 411 delegate, ;1n ! a!tv,'ii el -e 11, 1,l, ;1;111 0 could. NH,- i•I,t', .\Ir(i111,;111 t„11111- a teererl 11, 1,11.,• a 1o;,,1, 114-1,'1 i'1 44:1• 0 , 1111)1 411,1 f'':11111 111' rr;l,1, 1x11 1,t' \11'•. Pots. I'I:1\,r by \I r,. I1o,l,1 and ;I 1 411y 111(1 l,y .\li,•r. 1 1,,re .\ lc( ;u11•all 11:I� ,11111!. I hi, brim; the anan:ll 'fll,nik-int'tr. ►r uu'ctinl \I r,• \V. I. I(otii 1, 4t l4. en,'•1 ,pinker, 111, ins it fine ad,lre-• o,4 th,• "first '!•Ilatil.,t4icin,.; I);I," ;4)o! oilier 1,11,•„ 1 -Ir' told :111,111( (,11,1 intl behind the cloud- :1,1,1 difficult ,it nation- alnay, -'k t' 11"T' She also p hoed fol in all rouutri,•, people arc 11;1611ti difficult tial(• 111 I•nnlairl, and here in Canada. 4,1 rl•inE: prise,, and the crime 44•;14.1, In 1)'10 0 of ;III 1111• Clod k alt;,', present in Ili; {;rnolm•,,. There 41 ill ;11,411; he 4,h • s t;lele., .pitdili11 awl pllc,ical 11, 1,1•,,r- 4' 111x, lint that 11 l' 1':111 110 Will! ( 11,1', hells, \1r,• I'hilp Ila, the Chapter sur t1,: mouth. Hymn 568 ,v:i. 41111,1'. tnllutt'(1 by the ,Ii,pah Benediction. 0 q \ ',. t.. 1'.1,11.(• ., 1 1,4 11., Irl ,I ,,LI 11,:,11 t' --':i l 1iKL 1)I', \\'. 1' l', to: .,l i \l '.t 11 ' t.t, l,r'ri1111, the' :10 tial other - .:11;,,14 i,, 11'1' 111 1,!+ t 11{1'11', +1111 1171' ll,iikilll'. \ 1 .11', „1 1'., ',-1.,1 11.' 1 , .,.(•4 ,II, 1111' ilill-li,,11, ,1 lhr r1u'', II'Ider 1:;,1, 1t '111!1'11 ,, ., 11,1 ,. ,Ir I G:., hit- 1I1. 1'41, 1,(1: 111, 111-(1,'-, ;It I,'- . '1, ,r , • ' . 1 :'t •.:1.'.' , ..,, ..Ji!' hill/ 1,44 ,f 1! he 1w --t 1:11'.44 I: I: ! II. - ! ,I!, II 11 ,l,I It 1 .1 tl .,n, , . i,. .'i( clan 1'111;' (telt). ,1 - 1"r-'., II 1, 1.1 r 1 I,l :I,'i! .,l practice in dairy 1,:1, I, 1,., !. i ,:lit - ! I, i44'., 14,111'1 111,111 5{1,(X14) r ,' !:!.)J 1 .1,,41 !';,nada, ;Intl u'll,'.I ' i .r t. .. ,' 1„ It, r !11:11.. 1 1' ,!111 tion on the avcrote IA, 1- . ,,11.1 ,' ,•i;t,ltt:,te.' tta'"httrt;,. 11 1 , '1,/,4:1:1,.' 1;,1 , , 1,4,:,,,,, , r i Cate i!i, l;tili„n, Iiirrlt"ttl!t';t1 , "n - .111 11-1,!, r 1 '10. tl,'. I1, 1111 .'11.,11, :',I II, ,o I ;nil tont! of his o\Ill d, „ 1111'. ., ,, 1,;1;', -•nc'4',11 L -t, 1;1,11, Ili". I'rtrr•rlt 1ta, ,,,t,,,-, <l,o,l .1. (• 1 4, 'i,''<It.t.: lie', +l;t1 t ''1'ltEt,IP1a- to ti (,1 1, '1,');;,. BELCRA'VE •ire In the Memorial hall, Blyth, Ontario Friday, October 24th •- 1, 1•-l', I,"•t ,,t ti I,.;1,. BUM lG11'I"I'O YOtI BY YOUR CO-OP ('N1VF R5.11, MILKER SERVICE DEALER B!yth Farmers' Co -Operative Ass'n NO ADMISSION ) 0• ",to . +0I10.- 6 0 u A 10=0 NI 4•:111 \la1151 1'f Cor„I (I Ott II eked the I:ri'/e, for Ini"st points wen, ,.ah Ilarhara 11ichi,•. 1,1' ,ire, and I..,,',. Eleanor \\'ic;htntan 111,. I.l,rn:1 Ihnih,lr, n;lr , in 'r;t111- "„11 Ihr spe11ii1; nr,Ilrli. Thi, prn- \li-, L is Kelly of 1.4)(1(11,11 ,1,('111 1111151; al 1'1,,111,11 1ixllui, ll,,,lliti! •1,1:11 :'1:1111 11111!1111(11 the school fair actiV- h1,1i'iay 11'1111 her parents here. the 1,11-!,-,- i l at In„il,-. it.1 , for the year. \Ir, and \lis. (;oldie Wheeler and ' \Ir. : tl ! llr.. Jame. 1). \IcCrc:t and (ieory;e of Loudon 411th relatives here,: I'hr l'i't r:Ivr \1'rlulen'; 11,-t;t lt1 4,x1 . dautd err, Linda, were holiday 4•i.sitc,rs \liss I.ui, ,Ictiuire of I.nndotl 1,l 11(1 her :I l,: i itl,'t 14,!11 l ' 1111. 1h ,r,,i ''1, .11uni1:„- 11'1111 lir,. I;ra,h,• in 111+•11), ('h;trl;r :111(1 tach 1li51iin, have re. turned hou' after :1 TI'if, Io the \\'est l 1,11,1 • her home het'(. , 1 1 411,1,1,1 • .1,•4,4,1:111,m in the Fore - 1 \Ir. and \Irs.:\I1'x Young \Ir. awl 11'1.' llall 1,11 \\'e,lnr„1,11 11;4''111. -- \Iis. Ill;tir f Local( \vitt( frieu,l, leers•, The I1e1t;1•;Itt• School Fair (4,110(1.1 I \Ir. and \Irs, Irvine \1•alhn'e, 30(I,001 \licllael (-'velli, of 1.01111011 f, visili(1q was hill ,-11 'I'hui'•4,: ni 1e'It i, ; ii'a f - he ho,- people are expected :11 thi, )'''ir's In -"hi, i;r;oolp;n•enls, Mr. and Mrs. (.cell capacity x,11,11 in ;ltell "mu (. I.• 1I• ON I-IUNTING EXPEDITION reire,h- t'rnational I'lolning Match, wIti,h last \\heeler• !(,'omits•, l're.idcnt, 11;1, in (!urge of '1'"„ earl ail, of hunter., left for yc:o• ,4,a; held at the fort :\lh1ll Air- ' \!r. awl Mrs. \\'illrc'l I't 41i'Il of tit,, the pru'.tranl nhirll , ''ii',le'l 4,1 Thor- I \„rth(rn (Int;lrio on a hunting ,'xpcili- port. 'rheums 44-1111 rchItives• 11'.4, mut rhythm hard nnlilher. 14.1. 1h1• 111111 ,111 \lon'lav morning. 'their des- --1r--:- \Ir,• taste \\'i1,,,,, ;11111 11;11)y sun i van: IT, 44,h,'„!,, r11•il:1111th, ;11;,1 pnlllic' 1111,1(:51 41:1. 111c hush around 'fl,e,alon• Dale, came honk from the 1\'int;liai1 .peaking; and a ,pellin1. li,.lt,h. Iien- Tho ,' 111 the p;nit' wen. Nit., -,1,s, \\'lot. hospital on Saturday, meth Jolnl,l'•n, No. Ill, \ISH.', No,''I'!nicll, IKcitll \\'eh,ter, 1.en', \VItit- '.11is, Agnes Scott is a patient in the ,ninner of Ihr pl;l,lir .,,,-44:i11c xonli,l. field \I:til. Henry, Glenn Nichol and \\in,ghaui 11 -.pilule 1(ollcen I:1111 awl I;e4!I4l' Procter reH 11111 I'liilliu,, IIit' latter from London, l�ennsth \Irl)on:llll, "1111,,, ul4rria,e l(�r IN WINGHAM HOSPITAL Mrs. J. i1. Stewart is a patient in the \\'inghani hospital, ITY Maintains Employment .. . Keeps Pay Envelopes full PLE-SE iiON'T WASTE IT. Electric power is Tiltll to .11ldtlstry, and Ontario is experieucinh all era of hint production, unparal- leled in its history. („'ontrary to expectations, the demand for electric power did not drop sharply following the war. 11lore. electric power i5 actually being used today for production of peacetime goods than \was required at any Bute to forge lwcapon5 .for 'Victory. This demand i5 constantly increasing and, doting the next six months, llydro facilities will he strained to the utmost; New Hydro des Aliments, planned lo keep pace \Visit Ontario's growth, were halted during the war years. They have since l►eell hampered by shortages of men, materials and equipment. However many ne\\' stations to deliver electric power arc being rushed to completion. Some arc already in operation: But the need .for saying electric power in your own home, during the Fall and 'Winter months, is .argeia if the needs of industry and Agriculture are to he fully served and employment maintained al peak levels. Won't you please play your part'? Renunl►Iler- evcu a little bit of electricity, conserved by hun- dreds of thousands, helps fa lo!. It's your llydro: Use it wisely so that Ilydro facilities can more adequately tweet the demands of all consumers; THE HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO i Clip out and retain for reference Hero are a few ways you can Shue ELECTRICITY 'turn off all auocrrssury• lights. 1)on't forget 1(61,1(1 burning lights in empty rooms, lulls, basement, attic, porch mil garage. Eliminate all colored bulbs. Neap humps, reflectors and shades 1'lr11,,, 1)Il•ly hilliir.,, name as Intuit as 25% of ) Our light. Whim kettle sings, turn off sn'iu•II. Stored heal 11'ilI bring it to n full bull. Keep kettle free from link. '1'1t1'n cooking, 1154 "High" heat for as little time ns possible. 'Filen turn to "Lu1r" and use stored hent. Use oven for cooking rumpletc meals, rather than the cooking surfure. Only one !lenient is required for the cern prueess while duce or flour elements arc needed for the conking surface. Use the correct sd•r.e of conking 11111)sil on the proper sire element. 1\'lieu cooking vegetables, 1140 11 Minimum amount of 41uter. 1)cfrosl re frigerntor, regnlarl y, when !.i Melt of flus, has urcwnldutcd o11 the (..4apurulor. \l'hrrr water is electrically heated, please use it sparingly. A drop a serum! from n leaking Iwo water tap can waste as lunch as 173 gal. 10115 a month. Till washing machine to water line only and keep lid on tub when alrnshin1. 110 not overload, Wherever possible. Ire 111(1 4ringrr at sial:(' liner 119 clue lied are bring nn -hid in the nab. Please do not Ilse portable electric healers as Ili11 pliirr 11 heavy strain on yaw' Hydro System. Your Mawr, minim cleaner, rice: trio.iruo rirnlher(11(1rival npplialcr'e sbnuhi 11111 114, Il;ed any longer than required. i ' 00 anyfii e Whatever the weather, whatever your war: ries, you'll feel happier, more secure, if you' have a nice little nest -egg of Canada Sav-1 Ings Bonds tucked away. If you need money, quickly they can be cashed at any time at; their full face value plus interest. • You can buy up to $1,000 in any one name (but no more) in the same convenient ways - for cash', or on easy instalments. Take advantage of this•i fine opportunity without delay. Buy Canada Sav- ! ings Bonds today! ON SALE OCTOBER 14th at banks and through investment dealers, or through your Company's , Payroll Savings Plan. SECOND SERIES PAGE 8 ,o�ao • • ,0=1o• •O>`-�o• • 0=10= u O 0 0 O BE A STERi BUY MERCHANDISE MANUFACTURED IN BLY'FI1. SEE THE VARIOUS LINES IN OUR \VINDO\V DISPLAY. TIIE (CLOVES THAT ARE LOWEST IN PRICE. fits Perfectly and (fives an Unbelievable Amount of Wear. live cGiC! • � THE STANDARD Wednesday, Oct. M101i PERSON�AI.IINTERtESed Ttnr DOhel'$� \\ adnc,d;l, from the Seafortll Hospital NIrs. Carman alter mid\ rri. n; an operation Iasi - \\ cola. Dr. C. 1) and Mrs Kilpatrick and OM family of I. t, t\cl v;site 1 on \IUlld 1� H N ith \l r•. Pcpleslnne and Miss 1)or- 0 tr. GARAGE. ros. Acetylene and Electric 'Welding A Specialty. 1 r. and Mrs A. S. Bryant of Re- Agents For International- cin;1, Sa,l,., ane l:tlr"t• 1111, aceta at 1111 Harvester Parts & Supplies!II1111t• of kl.. ,,1111 \Irs. \\'. 1• Roger, White Rose Gas and Lilt. \I1• I1 \\' S 11,1•x, of \\`in banns called i. sister \Irs Cnnnint! on Tues- Car Painting and Repairing. tlltl1l`' II (irll�, RUBBER-'I'll?I:D FARM WAGONS \Ir-. (;11111,1110 1 \i,itrl EQUIPPED WI'I'1I AUTO'f1RES Q1 flier in lilttll on `atnrtlay. \li,• SIZE 000x10, jean,t:• tilo-Ler, ll.amilt n. \I r. .\r nlJd I;It u•hc;, (;lilt, \kited herr n 1 --.. - - -- - - S1i11d;i . \Ir.�'• t;eorL:e Cowin returned home q' S;uurllay ;liter spcn lin a keel; in port 11' Colborne visiting her brother, \II' (, I. .\immaine, and \I r- 1n n;tine, from •f I rd,burp, \ew \Iesico, whom site hadn't seen for f t•tv-one years. n^+ILT'i�Mi •iH4.+. ;S Ia/ 1a�.aHa�.a1 ✓. •:.:..:• lel i,. .�.Ial.a. ra11�• Ia1.�H�. yHa..a�.:• ,,0.�..a..a..�..ar:,H�.Ia, .� 141a11a• Ia• •: :,Ha,.: \ I r and 11 \ I r , Bill Cowan \van ;1 I1 1 1' t t 11 r •,r • 11aigh!, ;Ieconlllanicll h\• the form- r:•', par( !Its. \Ir and \I r, (;corn:c :i• 1 \ :t,l visited over 'Thalllsgivint; hili - ,i day with \I1• an'l Mr, I;cor)1e Cowan :,rte:,. v ;, t TR Vasa 'j' ;I^I f111:id!. t'1•.•I„Inttn, \Ir and\Irs (j , ... is ':...�•' It. Ket'nt•th Cowan aril fairly, \lidlan l• Poaists, Steaks, 'l'••Bortes. II.I (;t•or:e I 1: 1 rint;l n of lily Ill, shoot • the 'Thank; ;iv,ne holidays with hi: ;. hrlahrr, limas. and Ili, wife, and iittle I'll()ne Orders in by 9 al.11l. \lana .\ line. at Kitchener. for free delivery >;1 \Iry and \Irs. \\'m \\•;n•Ibonth of ar (1.8 lb. Roasting Chickens, per lb. •lOc Choice Ilomc-Made Pork Sausage, lb. 30c Trimmed Lean Pork Chops, lb. -15c 1 v, -FOOD STORES -- e 10 �1 Campbell's Vegetable Soup ' Carnation Fancy Pink S,Imon - Lipton's Orange Label Orange Pekoe Tea ''4'Garden Valley Pork and Beans - Club l ion sr Peanut Butter , Nebo) Crfree , , Royal Yotk Cheese • Mother Jacks-n's Jiffy Pr•,ping Corn x: Dr. Bal''trd'r Health Dog Food r'! Robin Llcod Flour I=.' I'1 I r1 1, Raisins, 2 tins 2Ic tin ?ac; 2 tins 39c 1,2 lb. pkg. 52c 20 oz. tin 17c oz, jar 39c 1 Ib. bag 55c !.2 Ibr pkg. 24c per tin 24c 2 tins,, 31c 7 Ib. bag 43c FRESH FRUITS — FRESH VEGETABLES PIONEER FEEDS — LIFETERIA FEEDS. KETCHUP, JELLO, JAMS, MARMALADE. Dates, Currants, Figs, Prunes, Peel, Almonds and Walnuts. e Deliver. -- E. S. ROBINSON. -- Phone 156 \Viudsor, are ,11C1111.11!*; this weekweek W11)-_ .: 1 \l r and \Irs Charles Snndereock. \Ir. and \1)',. Ref; Collar, \\•inith•nn• . is staying with the letter's parents, Nit.. , and \I r,. ('. SnIt 1.1—(-.1. while \Ir. ) Collar i; recovering fx nl an ;leratitllt ; Butcher, Phone 10, Blyth. for appendicitis. \Ir. 11. 'Iraqi r and \Ir. Johnston, of j Deliveries ;1 11;u•r;•ton can'csl n \Ir• (;e,•rtre Sloan on 'Tne,da•;, coning to attend the frill- .: • 1" EVERY DAY oral of \Ir.:\nth•ew Snell of Constance. \dr. and \Irs• l; "don Morrison and ND.. and Mrs. Janie, \e\\ ton, of :. ;onto, \I•'• \ Mnrri,on, f,f \lonnt >• Forest spent the neck -end with \I r• .. r,r1 . li1. and \Irs, Chester \lorri,on and Run- s fly. ._. \I r. Clare Campbell, of Toronto, I silent the week -earl with Messrs. 1) n• C H�Ha11� I::..:. .':. i,1 �,. �I I:41,11a11� ,�1 �1 �I ,� ♦a11�11a1 i, �Ha/ 1� Ia1.�11a, 1a ,:, �H� Ia1 �. �11a11a1 �Ha, Ia/ I�Ha11aHa1 /a11�'1, ( 1 rowan anti I. ty 1): bhya• WE OFFER -- Subject to Prior Sale New Issue $300,000 The Western Ontario Motorways LIMITED (Incorporated under the lams of the Province of Ontario) 5 PERCENT CUMULATIVE REDEEMABLE SINKING FUND PREI'FERENCE SHARES (Par Value $20.(.I1 per share). These preference shares arc preferred as to b Ali capital and dividends.. Cumulative dividends at the rate of ;$I.UI1 per share per annum will accrue from the Hist day of June, 1947, • 11'1 will be payable quarterly n the First flays of September. December, \Iamb and June. Preference shares are redeemable in whole or in part at the Company's option at `21.1)0 on or bcfcre the 3L t day LI December, 1952. No bowl; may he issued ahead of these preference shares :t• any stock ,•treated wlt'ch would rank equally with them. e1 sinking fund of at least ten per cent of the net earnings of the company will be set up commencing on the first day of June, 1948. No (Iivi•lends niay be paid on the common share: \vlicn the payment of such dividends would rcdbcc the w•orkitt; capual of the company to an amount less than $15,11;'0.1)0. The proceeds of the sale of this is-ue of both prefercnce.aud c:nitron shares will be paid int.! the 'Il'ea ury of the Company. !After completion of present f;nancing) 5 Percent Cumulative Redeemable Sini;inn Fund Preference shares, par value $20.00 per share Comm: n sharer,. no par value . . Authorized To Be Issued 50,110X1 sirs. 15,0;0 sirs. 100,000 sits. 05,01)0 sirs• Transfer Agent and Regialra.:• TM CANADA TRUST COMPANY London, Ontario Price 5 Percent PREFERENCE SHARES 520.00 Per Share with the privilege of purchasing one common share with each preference :hare at $1.00 PER SHARE The right is ieserved to allot it smaller number of shares than applied for. A prospectus rle<crihinl these .hares may be obtained fr.-M. your investment dealer or broker, e:• from the hut I offii•c of the Company. Gordon B. Elliott INSURANCE ANI) REAL ESTATE "11 Vitamin ro ^_ Ytl twits We have the Vitamin Products you need to keep you in robust health through the fali and win- ter season. We are always pleased to discuss the'' various types of Vitamin Products: Wainpole's Extract of Cod Liver Nen Chemical Food Nynl Cad Liver Oil Nyal Coal Liver Oil Capsules Vita Vim Multiple Capsules V.M.C. (Vitant:n Mineral Capsules) Junior - Mins - (fcr children) A.B.D. Capsules Alphamettes - Scclt's Emulsion Waterbury's Compound .. - Ct•eophos $L00 $1.15, $2,15, and $4.45 09e and $1.09 98c $1.75 and $3,00 $3.00 . $1.25 $1,10, $2.00, $3.50 $1•C0 and $1,85 . 59c and $1,19 . - 95c $1,00 R D. PHILP, Phm. B, DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER—PHONE 20, 1 i+emt attxatWIZIX1a$xrxr scvt5a11117.c. a •... La . ,L,, tC.t•4Vwtt11414L141r7 101,2t111Cif itV4t414'10.:1,ill4tdt?st::IL' ellsXidv:.Nt liqiitC.+t('ttt4t4A41uittlttiova V 1 4' t 1.1.1111,110 1,1 r 11110 N,r11 111 III r n4 11, „SII 11. 1' Perhaps You Are Con- templating a Job in Decorating AND NOT JUST SURE WHAT YOU WOULD LIKE. • • END YOUR WORRIES ,by giving one a call. Yon will iii! -assured the job will he (lone O.I<I, ,and the finest u\aterials used,• Whether Paint or \\'all Paper, FIRST CU\I1: FIRST SERVED.. ) F. C. PEST 3 Phone 37.26. LOi1DESBORO • BRUSH AND SPRAY PAINTING Sunworthy Wallpaper Plaints and Enamels. W r L1..+1"nJilrr1 m. 1111,11,1.. 111 ILM. 10.1.1' 4 .011 PERSONAL INTEREST \liss Edith Lockhart o f Parry Sono:!, spent the holiday \tock-entl with her sister, \Irs. S. Robinson, and \I r. Robinson. Miss Eileen Robinson of 'Toronto, spent the week -end with her parents, V OOONNNOS#0 O 4.4"4,M### •41,11 l0,4•44•044.••00000ONONNOON ND.. and \Ira• R. II, R�binsou. \I r. Lloyd 'Tasker, of (;alt, and \I r• l and \Ira. (;len Tasker, and son, Doug- las, of 1.ueknow•, spent the week -cud with their parent, ,Mr. and Mrs. :\I R. 'l'askc)'• Nit. and \Irs. Fred Fawcett, told \l iss Gladys Fawcett, of 'Toronto, spent the \vicek-end with their mother, :Airs. A. Fawcett. r, and \Irs.:\. I:. 11endcr, of 'Ido- - ;onto, \liss \Icld:l \le'Iar y, of Guelph c spent the week-cn.•i with their mother, \Irs• Edith I1c11, and \1r. and \Irs, J. J. Sines and Linda. Ir, and \Irs. Roti. .\rgttlt and Bill Johnston, of \\'cllatvl spent the week- end with the fornler's father. \Ir. Fred Argent. \I r. and \Irs •Staulcy Voungblut of Guelph spent the w•eel:-end with their respective parents, \I r. and \Irs. John Fttirser\•ice and \It • and \I r,. Ed. \'oungblut, \liss Isabel Brigham, Rea;. Nr, of t 1<itchencr, attended the tvc (ding t,f her sister, \liss I?nid Brigham, to \I r. Kenneth \Iel)dnald on October 4t1i. Messrs. Paul \\'arson, Jack \\'thou, ' H. T. Voddell, Proprietor Blyth, Ontario And i',ill P Iltu•d, of the O.:\.(:., Guelph, o�y Phone 7 Lir (1'). E1'J)P.41)tsVi;idtbi71Zi$i'JtD:ND,),D•I.h*b::N`d)a!rJ't`aiVar2)bii1$t/}artirei.%17 011021'! 012.0Alal iltiADI you :i=e The Jdge-�- l1'or we could write paragraphs about the mer- its of the Marshall Spring -filled Mattresses. But see it yourself, - test it every way possible- and we'll Wager you'll say it's one of the finest spring - filled mattresses on the markettoday. We also carry a complete stock of felt mattresses, springs and metal beds. James Lockwood FURNITURE — COACH AMBULANCE — FUNERAL SERVICE a 1 lllyth d• 1 II 1 .'I 1I...w, I,.1 .LL.11.._sWL.1 .11 ', 4111. I1I ..r...fl .,'114 all 11 ilir.il t ., M •1 ..1 . Speiran's udare PHONE 24, BLYTH, EV ERY'I'IIING IN HARDWARE. VICEROY MOTOR OIL A Good Quality 1\Iotor Oil at Exceptionally Low Price. Blue Flame Oil Burners, Also Range Burners No coal, wood or ashes to carry. Just fill it once a day and control your heat by turning a knob. Oil Is Still in Good Supply. Oster Cattle Clippers 'Tractor Seat Cushions Ilalf-inch Home Utility B -I) Drill Grease Gulls. 011: n l._'Iiu1,I.1...rr Bread - Cakes - Pastry Have our Delivery kali at Your Door ttaUltio.l r .1.1.1111 :110. .,, 111 .CIN 1111. lit IIS41, '� 11NJ.. 111 I../I::1f111M.t •I. LII, 5111,10. .1111. II I . 1/1111... 1, I The IIOMEBAKERY and \I r• Ikth P Iliad, of .\jax, spent ( W+'OMOONNONIOMOONN .""'"PIrIMOONOONOON the vet k.curl at their respective holies.. family spent the week -end wvith \Irs. it.g scrt•i:e of the Comm—Iron, At Nit-. 1larvcy :Morris, of Toronto, was' Elliott's parents, Mr, and Mrs• R. r :311 p.1 'n'_ 1:;,(e If .`. ' 1 t::• a visitor in lllyth on •Qaturday, and•tutor;ton of Godcrich, former missionary, Vectorof I_uci:no v, while here placed a wreath on his \Irs. Frank Elliott and so)), Ronnie, apohe feelingly an 1 intp;y of gr ti- wi'-'s grave in the Union Cemetery. I silent 'Phar agiviug with \Ills. El- tu.le to .\lnnigl;ty (loll. it.•tne \Vallace \Ir._a11•I \Irs. \\'nt• !.yon .f Thorn- li it's parents, \Ir. and Nits. Peck of and James lea+\ril, guest duct front dale \ ;tell over the week -cud with stamev. ' the Unite 1 Church, added two fine vo- the former's sister, tlrs. Watson, and \Ir. anti \Irs. Murray Cole and 'liss cal numbers (u the evening service-• 1.1•11her, \Irs. I.lira'',:' !,yon, also Kathryn Cole, of 04 Duncannou Drive, 2\lack and Cl ole ttlylc•r sung sweetly calling on former friends in ltlyth•Totuuto, silent lire fhanhsgiving before the l'rnnn ittnii 1 i)l the morning. •\I -i's. \\', J• Put•Ily and Miss Leahweek-cntl with \liss \lacy \lilac. Both services v.ere ably !t.,l by the Purdy, of Sarnia and ll aster it Ilford'' -- • .._ _-_— , the choir under lis Alice • IZot,c rsou. Purdy, of Pt. Edward, were recent \Irs. \lonely, of l�itchcner, spent a visitors with \1r, and Mrs. George Celebrated Annual Harvest I few day;: this week with lira. Jolut llaincs. 1 Thanksgiving 1l ills, and other relatives turd friends. \lessrs ;\n•ly hale of 1Imuilton, and ; b 11-h \irl<cnzic, of 'Toronto, spent tie. Trinity Church celebrated the. annual hiss l'attline h- hinsou accompanied week -end with the fornner's parents, 'Thank -riving for Harvest on Sunday her ,bother Iters, hitt rctttrnctl to I�it NIT'. and \Irs. N. \\'. Kyle. last, \•.:' - large members of vis;tor; chencr \[onlay nigh!. . I)r• and \Irs. James \lc(:linton and from o; -r clbn•hes and 1 ut of t,nttr. children of 'Timmins, \I r. anti \irs. \-•• the rli nils -suitably de died with \•cntlianl and family, ant Nil's. Gladys ft( \,t •s tut.! 1 h first -iln,t -heave, Rollers all of Ayr, spent Sunday with from the farm.; in the parish„ 91) per \I r. and \irs. Maitland Henry. prised 10 conn• ctitors. The match gut AT THE STANDARD OFFICE. GIVE ti-. and llrs. Gordon Ellictt ani ::ok part in the ;::bin; 'fliabhs1 iv• i US YOUR ORDER NOW. Counter Check Books