HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-07-28, Page 4geln•IWselmele1- 49111111M11111999911. THE SRACI-WEIEKLY SIGNAL. — MORTGAGE..SALE Money to Lena, Valuable 'Property. TINDER and by virtue of a. Power of Sale 4-, eontained'ut a Mortgage made by Hugh . Anderson, of the Township. of Kioloss, in the County or BruceXeoman, default having been made in the due payment thereof,: will be sold on Weduesdq, the secosid'(7.nd) day of Auzust, A. P, 1,1i15, at twelve- o'clock, nocot, at the Auction Mart ,of George M. Trueman, Market 84nare, ' Goderich, the It for the,-verv flattering encouragement he has _ fellowiriz proeerty, ' viz. : it nunibers re""e--4anine'lle el'""'nenced bus'ness in (hnle" rice h. riot beIng able -to execute over one-half o twentie-one and. twenty two, - in the thirdi thonlersbrought to him last season; linving - now secured facilinetfor - ON very reasontlle terms. Apply to DOYLE, ,Crabb's new Block. Goderich. 9th Jan. 1865. w50-1vr. TAiLO: MN G. ,D 1%01 /9, Ftenxs tug mos.rsi NOVI E ;FRANKS _ range &Wit of the Darltain Road, in the aforesaid township of KZULQS 'Deed under Power of Sale. CANER() ,N, w2:Itil 'Solicitor fr. Mortgagee. .SHERIFF'S SALE 02 LANDS riuted connue. or ) vtrine- Of a Wrif al Huron. and Bruce, 13- vieri Ferias issued out To Wrt 1 of lit‘r A1ajcrity7,-. Court trt Chvry and to Inc direLled. 'agamst the hinds and tenements of Jane Ford Ettward Atkinson tonn MeGuitines rtnl .Stanlake, are delendents,nt the spit of Mary A n a -1.0rd . tat.- hike hy-lohn Mitt -hell the youngerlher nextfriend, _lit his -esta hlishmen tennai untie best Establish - i. Plaintiff, I have seized and taken in exectition men ti Toronto!orMontreal. - (mrlon. v (.1 . .1 • all the right, title and and inter4-St it the said d t: •e . - „„ 003 allii•40•1v _ dant ta andtathe vuth halt of lot dumber eleven in the fourth concessien -of tbe townslev- of titepheir. in the county of -.Huron, which lands and teriemen s 1shall offer Orr safe it mr-ofliee in the Conon House, in Ole town ofj,4.0dericlt on Tuericlak, the first tray of Angust next, at the henr et twelve °Rile chick, JOHN itIA.CDONALD, Sheriff' U.& B. By S. Pert-t.oett, Deputy Sherafty Carrying an Business Extenstvely and ernple in," none hut first-class tradesmen - Anita.= B.: A-_-tielteves his experience ns .Cutter is second to none in the -Province, havingearried on bmanessextensively airdsueeessfully in Hamilton, principally first-class customers. stud larYing been etiner in one of the Principal Establishmen s ID Edinburg-hi:I.:NW:tad; he fearIOSSiyatates to n ; cliscerning pubfiethat . • CLOTHING. CAN MADE r_zirerifi tiffice;(lot.erien, 25th April, I8ti5. xvt4 SHERIFFS- SALE OF LANDS. , Carted eountlesof 'D vntue et a writ of Hufan and Btuce; Irendittont Expouris and To Wit Fieri Faents for residue 'is- sued ord or /ter jegy.$ County Cottrt of the tatted eetinlies of Introit at linter and tome directed 'against 0 jADds 1OKI It'uf•-ntentA. i Rotert*Oreer.. at the atlas of Ransom W. Adams- Robert Leech and. Jan:es reektw.; I bare seized and take_it itt execution all the i!nb;tD:entL titterf.q. of die defendant ni and to uune, er to. 0., tit the eighth voncessfint ot the- noxii- shiptif liowiel‘ in the county of Huron ; whiell lands and tenettne!s 1snail 1 r It r .`qt! e . at nty c:thce in the rt.sri IICAPAN. HI to town t.1 tiotieris.-1kon Turz-day, the tvet*nty-iiinth day ef August next., at the hour of tweire oldie cluck, noon. JOHN .311C1)0.;ALT), • • ' -Sheriff H. & B. - By S. Pot-toex, Deputy Sheriff. Sheriff's' Oftice. ti,Klenelt; 1 , , i5t1 Julv 1S6.5 ti7:25 • • " 18$5,Sprinz Arratiumenti 1865, Gederich,--Kinoarcline,Inverhuron, Port RIgin, sad Southampton Route. EkellEft • A. M. McGREGOR, Master, etion with the Grand Trunk Rai - roa at Goderieh; commencing on Nenday, June 26tbi 1865, tweather per- Inittinfa„ will leave ' GOMM% FOR SOUTHAMPTO-N Every- evenings, (Sunday's excepted). at E &slack, p. callingatiutermediate ports. ,Wirt:TItiNTIT-Gi- Will bate Southampton every morning, (Sundays excepted) at 5 of.elock, a. m. call mg at intermediate ports, and arriving at Goiarieb hi:, time 7ino-ppnriect-,with fir- .3 oteroek, patrain going east. GEOUGS RUMBALL, Agent,- Goderich. . , Tielits can be procured* from any of the undernientioned agent* at. the following rate% - - Dodericlt to. Kincardine 50cts. do laverhinon .75ets. do Port Elgin . . . . .. . $1.00. do Southampton . . .. . 1.00. Kincardine to. Inverhurcin do Port Elgin . . . 50ets. do. Saugeen 5.0ch And -rice Versa. ,AEI,1 4E, XL t 03 : .Kincardine ... • -. Ito,,s4 Robertson. litverhtiron .. 1'. McRae. Port...............W . II. lluby. _Southampton . Thos. Adair. The Steamer ilruee will connect at Goderich w4ItIhet. , STRATI/31ER HUROTilt COLE, 'Master. • Everiffuesdais and tridaysfor Saginaw', also _ .Propellor Niagara, b. -N. mewTosll; Master,. . Oilee a weeklor Chicago. Through tictets eau be proc”red &mai atiy of the .agents for Saginaw anti Chicago,- at the following rates a 1st class. 2nd class Southampton atul Port Elgin to ' • Sagina.v. .$50a $4.00 InVerburon 5 Kincardine to da • 4.50 150 • Southampton & Elgin to Chicago 7.00 5.00 Inverhuron &.Kincardine to do , 6;50 4.50 - - Freight contracted by this line via Grand Trunk for London, Hamilton, Toronto, Mon- treaVand ail points. East _cheaper than. by anY other route. GEO. RUMEALL,- Chxlerkh, June 27,1S65. „Agent. W22 S 1.(NDER.P-OWER OF S IN mold- ' • GAGE.- ur virtue of a Power of Sale contained in. a Mortgagemadeby Archibald McMillan, of the township of Wawatiosh,. in the county of Heron, Yeoman, of .the- first part, and Janet McMillan, his wife, (for the purpose ol barring her dower) 'of the. second part, de - fink having been made in the due pa; ment thereof, witi,be sold on Thursday, the tenth • day of Augiist, A. D. 1865, at twelve of the clook, norm,, at the Auction Mart of George M. Trueman,, in_ the town of Goderich, the following- property, .that is to !Ly: The eaiterfy half of lot number fourteen, in the fourteentlx concessimi f the aid township Of - W0,411014, containing one hundred- acres of land, more or less,. saving and e-xcepting that part 'of said lot containing by adinea.sure- menktwo roods and 'eight. perches of land conveng ayisad-party et the first .part, to . • • one gethw-- 8ouierville, of the village :of Lucknow, by Deed dated the twenty-seventh day ofjannary, A. D., 1863. Terms cash. Dee & under Power of Sale. - M. C. CAMERON, . sw9iltd. Solicitor for Mortgagee. MONEY To- LEND AT ..F41,HT P.E, ER `C.1,.Nrju • IN 8131‘2.; OF • On 'Hundred Dollars and upwards" - • A,tply to TOIS. it- MOORE „ .§..dautors. , VitAlIB'S NEW s- Goderich, Sept, Stir, 1864.. „. w33 If 4 CD { - AWNQTICE IRK HAS 0 ENED AG I - THE SUE3SCRIEIER BEGS to inform his old friends and. the -public _generally that he has ItE-OPENED - Next door tro Mr.'BUTCY4-VS::BOOK7STOU where everything in 3 will be sold cheap for CASH. or in exchange for Dairy Produce. As he iutends todevotehis attention principally to ;he rectifying of REES OF A Thereby enabling him to sell at Dealers therein will do well to -give him a call.- . istoseindebted.to'him will Please call and settle at once, otherwise costs must be -incurred: - J. Y. S. KIRK. .m4J4Ext,s4UAIIE, boderiel; 7th March, 1865. sw53` a . .. viketillinarligebo h ?mu .... ii . IV. . i . is! .. 14 . 1.10101!Illorb0411410 'PbOlIglinlIIII^Ohtts0.1011 • . - ruE SITI3SCRIBEItS would beg to inform his custoiners.and the public tha.t his new prem i , .ses on Eaat stri.et, " . , For Sale ata Bargain. GODERICH FANNING MILL' AND 1-3ii.mp Factory ! MHAT valuable and eligibly situated property 1 in the Town of Goderich, fronting the Court House Square, and for eighteen years known as 'THE FARMERS' INN,' During Which time it has enjoyed one of the largest .portions of that businesS - in the town. Connected with the hotel is a general store. 'The whole are huitt of stone and brick, 47 X 37, three stories high. and commodious cellars 8 t'egt deep. Attactie.d to the hotel is a two story framedwelling hoin f excellent land. .Aute, o splt-lioAnses3m, atc..fax O handsomely located one Mile from Goderich on the, Bayfield„Itead, 30 acre r in gond State of eultiVation, well fenced, 25 of which are,clear of +dumps., with a hewn log hone 30 X 20,nod a cedar log barn 40 X 24; -shedS, &a.,. ?ALSO :-In the Village' of Port Albert al• acre With dwelling house and.samles,. &a., one of the hest.ta.Yern stands in- thit place, an has long b' 3- 'efilerkinesiiliibaesrsatlic;ht.a al ttilp" purchasers For further . . . _ . , ptertionlars„applyto.1; . B. 0.0B DQN; Fig. ' -Or ANDREW DON6GIT ' Proprietor. - .1%1 . B., -Alt those 4ndebted to -me either by dote =or book account or requebted to settle -the a.arne - without delay in order to sie costs. . Goderich, April 3.11st, 1884:: . w9 id -4 .• . • 13 TT a` VA1 It TITST fts,:clitivED ALLRGEST000FK STAN124110 4, 011001-- OOKSNOTE ?SIR ,IANCY-sTATiON47i'ret0 97' .A.1.31.4 TOY, Toy Books, Prayer Boeks-of all kinds,. Church Services, Hymn Books • T"SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO INFORM theinhabitaJts of the Counties ef Huron and Bruce that he is still Maniifacturing, and has on hand a aumber Of hi _ ALBTJAIS, SATCHELS! Ladies' .Compantons,_ WORKBOXES,WRITLNG-CASES . coNcEaTtnas,1 SUPERIOR FANNING. MILLS & PUMPS. - - He would particularly draw attention to his Mills. as he will -warrant them to free Wheat from oats, cockle, chess, 4cc. Pumps made to order and awiatorrryonnt2ezivd. diou it., tetween Victoriastreet and Cambria Road. . . Ar.so, agent for the sale of Morgan's premium. Wad patent CULT.IVA'TOR, which has never vet failed to give generalsansfaction to fanners who have used them. HENRY DODD, 131.C/CC)IFLICMCOINTSW And various other articles, all cheap. AT BUTLER'S, Godeilea -April 28 1865. 0141. Y(E&TERN RI LWAY; POigiSattiivirorta on as Shore of Lake HuFon, • THE FAST SIDE -WHEEL .STEAMER • "Bonnie Maggie. dAPT. D. ROWAN, -Commander, will run between Iloderieb- April 22nd , 1864. 39 DS TOR SALE! STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER ! FOR SALE- DPUINT C11.113I9C4 Apply to , W. E. GRACE. Goderich. Nov.7th .1864. GODERICH &CHICAGO: w4lsw19 a 7"/ The Staunch Propellor _ TAG -ARA TX 7 1111; make weesly-trips between Gederich. VV and Chicago during theseason naviga. _ tion in connection with the Grand Tr R. R. Eon, Ti.s.CES Han-) AND, rrliE following Lands ar.e offered for safe on 1. very advautagous tehns : Steamer iluror) ONE TENTH ONLY! =or. THE 3101‘EY IN '01113H AT TINE IIIRCIIABE EAND TOE BALANCE Irt] . • Nine Equal.- Annual 'hitalmentsi with interest at -6 per cent.l.„ . THREE DOORS FROM THE SQUARE,I8AREL AN D- SOUTHAMPTON willbe opened on the first of lune, for tteinsiticting ihe'SVOtil dirdinZ"-tioth-Dressint and -.(Wpathet- per:flitting) leach Week Matibfacturing busgieSs, in -CotirientiOlivitlivhis WOOL FACToit y, Where all orders and u4i1 Whir aMiee. Units' Sarnitt -every, ; 'Work in- the abav, basinea will he jaufictUally -attended to. Likewitie a variety of Monday and Thursday -morniag calling at Bayfield, Goderich, ,Kincardine, Inverhuron, Cloths, Blankets, kin :-and Stocg Yarn Saturday mornings calling at, Above ports., . • Port•Ektiti Southampton. ' Returning will; leaVe. Southampton 'every Vednesday . and - - - Freight by this 'route can be delivered willbe kept on hand to exchange for ;vool. Having this year added another quickthan by any ether, and at rates. to ISSIJADIG . suit Mperchants and ShippWers.SeymFoour r &freight FRT-CLAS-LOBLECR - i . • Agents, Gaelic!'Robt. Campbell, Agent,. Kincardine • James Burwash A-ount South - to 1, his establishment he willjr prepared. to execute farmer's work to any reasonable ' extent el I a I on short notice. Customers_ comincr to the factory themselves will be promptly Attended to 'agint • ' I. as formerly, and particular attention willbe paid to those from a distance wishing their THOS. SWINYARD - • - {MR, vy ork Done ! Freight Supt.-) Eastern division, Hamilton. . - N.-B.—While thankful tor the liberal patronage of former years in the above business, the ' d ri in meeting the wants of his customers, -to stilt redeive-ti slifire of the same. . - • ,subacriber hapealiy strict attention to business an spa ng noexpense Rernember the place- East Street, second from CRIBB'S BLOCK. THOMAS LOGAN. Y112-- Goderich, April 19th, 1864 41p- 4101V JIM 1104 JIBE AC 41M .11Elt 'riet•Att 2,-.1111i);.?-411trimit" a* sTEAmiNciNclwoR K si MA.P1 di, Manufacturers of Grist A • lauring Circular, 311ulay and Sas.13.-Spw-laI1s, Lti-A I' • 9 rri-ITLA_ST-I1NG1- 9 * ...,.. , _ISEPERATORS-.-AND'.,HORSE. POWK - kisa, .- . _ .........,„...4w1 leapintolllackines, ,WoOd.Saws, I CA:T.X.4WPC:tr' i<:4:-L:=A..,,p)-.4.*ar; itax* ' - • trais Castings Made; arid IilaCksinithS' 'Work done in a neat and substantialmanner, :0a,stings'o of any..clfseription made.tcr order. Alno,,all kinds of machinpm. ... renaired-on: Short notice._ MVOttock & '` -' 1 tOOKING, PAIttoUit - AND BOX__ SOVO f ., .T Always en hand, SugarlKettles,,,':Waton and Pipe Floicew,;.-.0.‘bar patterns ofthe above are - ofthe most approve it kind, We would -solicit an inspection of our stock befofe,parehtridiig ...elsewhere, as we are offering -the above at the lowest -remunerativeprices for cash, or or ap proved Oredit. .01d. mdtal, Brass,Copper, and all kinds of urodu%taken in exChange. . w39 . FARM for BALE. FOR SALE, Bait half - ofLot No." 1,7, con 3 " Township el WAWANOSH; omprising TOWNSID2 OF AORRIS:, South 7 in lst con., 60 acres, South IS in 1st con., 50 acres, South 4 11 in 2d -con., 100 acres, South 21 in 3d con., 100 acres,: North a 20 in 4h con., 100 sees. North 21 in 4h con., 100 acres, North 1.-23 in 4h con., 100 acres. • TOWNSHIP OF no-wicK: . hots 2. -3 and 4in 15th con 100 acres each .9 +I TOWI\ISHIP OF GREY: -cs ... 26 inlst con., 100 stores, . ONE HUNDRED' ACRES, no clearance: Terms liberal-. Apply to the Exemitcira ofthe Estate .ofthe late Wm. klarris, Dungannon P, 0, . • - - D ungannon, Oct. )0,1864. • w37-tf 1 ISAAC FlIEDIIICIt Wti-MACColi7303::) TO F. NITSCIMT OLD STANIL wATegm---tizERA 3WFzERi WEST ST:. GODFALICH, Next dootWeSt of §totte Saddlery; JILL Xfitin WATI;HESI. CLOCKS:, MID: JEWELRY REkvBED ON :13i1ORT -NOTICE, In the best Style & Warranted. atSfo.,_ know? assonTHISTar. . tioldk'Plated jewelry, Watches,. C190vg; ate, C. Constantlyntilultranatiyittalled to be as represenied (not moiler refunded. Boderieh July 27041864.. • - ' vIes31 Gokrich. October. 1802. NOTICE., • A LI, those indelitedto Wan. E.-CHACE, byt /It note or-bOok account, - The same . Office -on Lighthouse St., • Next to Mr. Addrew poncigals• 200 BARRELS SALT! AT • PER Qp214*TITI: OF . • - rAssoned, $2.50 4iPiR 100 POUNDS'• ' '7 Wm. E. GLACE.so, onderieli, December 22nd, 1864. sw32-tf Mosrtau, L Pole -nig" rirt) 7211Eir. HELITNDERSICIBIED Ofersr sale-'erto let 1.. lot 20, 12th tonj.-township of Bosanquet, Countyof toinihteo. Thafttringonsista Of ONE IIIINDRED.ACRES- , 2: • , ;*, • sixtof wtaeb are cleared._ and -situated near.e_ station,of :Them is. a LOG DION.qiNG` 110 USE 4.7vp FRAME, 1341EN otilhe ° ^ = - ' - WELL .TInBEKED*WATEWD Forparticularsappirie "-- llf:•C. GORDON, ' - ; + ,,-.For Sale Cheap. F OTSt., 8th, con-. Hance: 20, 4th Kinlosti cl,n.liurofl. Apply to • • M. O. -CAMERON. Coderi h.Octobe-12- 8. 1864., sw16 - ' SHERI771` SALE OF LANDS. For Septum, For freight or pasiage ripply to „ G. RIIIIB-ALL, - Agent. Goderich 4111250665. w13:f In the Queen's. Bench) EASTER.TERM: 28 VICTORIA. Lillie matter of tompen-1 AT -13 IC E: LI 'hereby girea that the Buffalo - and take Huron Railway Company lave paid into the Court of Queen's Bench,atToronto, the sum ofe Batton for right of way of the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway Company through lots Nos. 85, 86 and 87 in the Maitland ccineession of the Town- ship of Goderich, in the County of Huron. hundred -and-ninety-six -dollars and sixty-five cents being the compensation and six InOrdlie ifitereStthereon, agreed to be paid for certain lands for right of.way. „being parts of lots numbers eighty-five, eighty six' and er Lots 34 and 35 in 4tecin., 100 acres eseb, seven,- in the Maitland concession of tho Lots AI and 32 in 6 ton., 100 acresgach, township of ,Goderich,_ in the County...of Huron; under and by virtue of ftzerttdti agreement or deed poll bearing date the eleventh day of May, in the year of Our Lord 1853, and exeinted by William Ford and Henry Ford of the said to•wn.sisip of Goderich, and made•under the .K.ct entitled , " An Act respecting Railways"And further notice -is given to all persons entitled to the said lands or to any partthereof, or represent. jog cr being the-Ansa:ands of aoy parties so. entitled,. to file their" claims inkt the said W 43a Court to the said compensation or any part thereof and all midi -claims will be Teemed and adjudged upon.- by the' said. Court pursuant to the Statute in that behalf. Dated this 17th da.y.of May, 1865.. • (Signed) - L. HEYDEN,. WI7-3m. Clerk of the Crewn,aud new Lot -26 in 8 con., 99 acres, Lot 32 in 8 con., 100 acres, Las 33 and.34 in 10 con., 100 acres each. TOWNSHIP OF -TuRr BERRY • - N. E. 46 in 1 con., 50 acres. _ vApply tb effirt.t.Es- WXDOalt,ESq.,Goderielb of to the owner,- - • • 'THOMAS GALT, Eso., - Toronto ANING I SashO)oort.aiiii &OtiOD VataltOlt1/9 _ & Co. T.T1176,i4tOlifixtED TEM NEW xi. Factory, are now prepared,to take in orders to any extent. From their long experience in the bust net's, and having aftriericed -workmen , and a ifirst-class.set ofmaehmery, they flatter themselves that they can do as - United Counties of in Y virtue of a Writ of Huron and Broce, D tams issued out To Wit: • of Her Majesty's County. Court of the United Counties of Huron and Bruce and to Inc direeted-against the 'adds end tene- ments of ;I woes -Clarke, at - the Suit of Robert Thomps_on,1 have seized And taken in execution all the right, title and Interest of the said delen- 111 M. n. dantin and to lot number 324 in the 'town of wANZER&GOIS Ma A.11 nst Ilth. 11 and &rin for ad, c.• cod. „ NATcoris., AsafivEstabiidonentsit Caiisda. Fartieshaving work would do wel to , '1 here's aisso any quantity of - ASH DOORS &MOULDINGS - . , _ Sheriff's Sale of LandS. tnitettCounties ofi Tit Y virtue of a writ ut Huron and Bruce, -LI Fieri Facia. issued...out To wit: . of ger, Majesty's, County Court ofthe United Cirintie.s of Huron and Unice and to tnedirected -against the lailde and lesie.:- - Wens of Elijah Fisyne, at :the and ..of-Wifiiiriar - Aldndge, 1 bavetleited- and taken in-'-birekiulieri .ull the right, title and interest ofthe Paid aie.feic dant.-in and to thesenth hall of lo1-number4weaty.- five,in .the.ii.th ooncestiosi of, the township of Morris, in The county 'or Duren ;,. withl Ian& and leneinents 1 shalt offer .. for sate at my - office in the Court House iri the town oi Ooder- ich on TuesditY, the 4hird day of Outobes next, at the hour of twelve of the clock, noon. JOHN MACDONALD, • 5z . Sherifi's Office,Sheriff,11,B Godench,l. nut June. 1865. t it 22 Sheriff's Sale la Lands, ' ; 2 . IIHnuitedrontoCawoonin, at:ieirruoenfj oBf YliFeriveriirtmttipsaicesteftisytt,Aissuedwo:lititpotty_ "Jf - . Court of thelJnited Counties ol Hunan and Bruce AtilA ICINDS 0 ITAICE).! and to tne thiected againit the lands and le' e- ., . ments of Charles 'Black, at the snit of the - '''sleYats° °ffer - - Corporation ofthe Township of Ashfield, 1 have - „ seized and taken in Exeoution all the right, title To Carpenters-&13iulders.and intwest of the said defendant in and ta ilie west hall ot lot nurnberseven in the third ron, cession Eastern Division oi the to a nship ot — A-- Ashfield,in tbeCoonty.or Harms -containing otin hundred acres, whichlandsand tenements .t slitql LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR THEIR IVORK. offerfor sale at Imy office in the Court House. ris the town of Goderich, on Tuesday, tlie fiat oar of August next, at ttie hour of twilire of the Sherlf111.4t B. ° eke' I k .'11°4114 ' JOI1N RAC:DONAL/1y -.- By S. Poi/ACE, Deputy 4lierill. Sheriff/a Office, Goderich, 4 ' • • ,, , ) 26th Aprt1,186.5. 1 NH . "iiirithottipiatinetionitrist be MO11. . • krReMeMbe. rthePlite.itt4110eth, d Flint gtf0aZIC.h6 ..2' th August 1861. 30 • . . SHERIFF'S BALE IF LANDS Goderich, in the county ot H,iron,vbieh jand• and tenements! shall offer for Sale at my office in the Court House, in the town of Goderich, Tuesday; the fifteenth day of August next, at the hour of twelve .bf the clock, noon. - • JOHN MACDONALD, . ' sherxfa.f. & Bv 8 Por.Loca, Deputy Shen% Sberill's office, Goderich,,/ JOthay 1865. wifi Al 7 ORT'NT Nom TN CONSE4U- ENCE ofthe death of Mr. M. M 1.1reArazam.D.-the busiiiesa heretofore carried on under di,: name and style df -. • Itobt. Rundman & Co. another cp,..)1401,11:.. "catisT,: L:tad4;Agip*Le'j48rikew44:14t1;a:* LReEndinSeUriMi: GIVEN nn HENRY flambe made to the Crown; GoderiCh. bee. 4..486 gti.eia.b.4e;s.w2-.7 0 T_T INT 3:1-3344,.$ - must be closed -en or Before the - IST DAT OF APR IL,1865. All parties indebted to the above firm are here- by notified that air notesand book accounts over due on the • 1st day of -FEB'Y -next, will be handed to their Solicitor for collecuon The stock on hand will be sold " 1.4C)Vir vco.n, cAsTa OR sHout ciirrliT,- - It ncinnign alargeassortment ofPloughs, Culti- vators. HarreWs7.-Straw Cuttera. THFLESHING'MACHINES Pot -ash and 'Sugar -kettles, Waggon and pipe boxes, , • cOold4g, X)a..4ot &33oz Stoves, _A goed sedond-hand GEN:diNE CA1(2111IANFATFiT SEWING MACIIINtS ilaye takenthe First.Prize!L A T TRE PROVINCIAL EXHIBITION beId 11. ia Montreal,September 14th, lath, 16th,land 1 th, 1861, Oyer all =others; and also 31 the ro- ymbial 'Exhibition )inia Kingston;Septent tier 22nd; 23rd, and2311i and 25th, 1863. Prizes Iola similar s -character were also *warded to 03 at the provincial Exhibit/on held in Toronto in 1862.and at the Provincial Exhibition held at London in -1861; ' : : Prices have -been Greatly Itedueeki 11.WANZin &Cop. ._ • , ABRATTA117, Agent, East. Side Market Square Goierach. Noir. 27. 1863 swl4w52 _ • _ Valuable 'Piece .of 'Land- .Pomt United Counties of 101Y virtue of, a -writ' Or i Borba and Bruce., I) Fier! Facials issued4mt- . to -wit: = of Her Majesty's -County 'Courtof Cie United Comities ot Huron and Brno. and to me directed against the lands And taw ments el Virillian Wilson,. at the snit el Janie• Boswell Stevenson and Archibald Cook Suther- land, 1 have seizedand taken in execution all the right, -title and interest °film said defendent in and to theNortb halve* xiflois numbers thirteea and fourteen Inthe ninth concession oftbetovin- ship °Morris. in the County of Huron, Which. tends 2nd tenements 1 shall -offer for sale at my office in tbe Court-Honseon tlie town -of Mader. - lc+, on Tuesday the Third tlay of October next, at the hourof twebre of theriock,-nnon. , 4.011N MACDONALD r Sherif, Sheriff's Otneereodellehl .t 2.3n1 June, ISO. t *23.: SHgRingiS SALE OP LAMS. , ' w Espana's* . United Cinthii3is oft Vendilio 'laT viriue of • syrit. 4 Huronend Bruce, oC - To wit:- - PiertiFactas issued out Her Majesty's Court Of Queen't Bench, and to. rawabilichir:eteire oafgDolki"tnallikild liduirclitisoanri dee- lesienin-aseri ON...favorable termThe f1s of payment. o - lowinp; property; viz: North half .of lot number 3O, :on the T2th con: of &Pieria tosviabiNcentalning by adntea.suretnerit 411 Acres, more or less,,,upon„..winch theri are fifteen_ acres bleared. i This land is in a favorable situation, being within five ni" : 1 of the town of -. Clinton. Mao, a valuable pl'opffty Intl* village of Kinbarn;:, onedatif - acre -of land, A.goofi: *farm house, illniti,lifid' stable on the premises. This would be a good' fiiifoittiott for 'a tailor or saddle and harnes.s. sopm"lhor.D,Tforxiv-m (maker aker as there is, none in the ,v1Mutty. Jind a lot of Machinery for Orbit and Sant -Mil* storfa 'goods as wholesale' pricet All parties requiring, the above articles would will be taken •for eitherof the Aber( do *ell to call ancl inspect the stock at once as places - ; theVwell get bargains: - - JAMES StANLEY, ' • R. RUNCIAAN. *PAP?: Polibmes•i-9,-t • ieierence to the above,.H. Runcunan will. beprepared to carry on the businessof THE A-ITJ•13,0N -FOUNTA-tT and:contract for, the,erpetiorinf all kinds of, Als ehinery as usual. and will siinply., 4613IOULIMitAt 1.1*PLEItiE1111C8 oveSand eastingS,atiellsoaahle rates,fOrCASH St short credit. - crGoderiohs Dec.21kt 18p4, - -sw32w48 A BEAUTIFUL EST:Aik•fOR 14E.. _ 1000' A.orers in. One -.:131dpk; t AgGELY IMPITOVED and conveniently situated ahnigthe bank ofibe Rivet Maitland.'eppositethe %corolla! Onderichand the Goderich Blanket Oftire Bair Igo and.,Lake 110ionaadwey, . W. lipply.irbyletterpostpase,to GORDON' BSI w49 solicitor. Gcdencliu. B a the time -of his death in the hands Of lane- blureldson, administratrix otalI *ad singular the goods, chat tcls, and effects which were 01000* Morch'son. deceased, at the time ofhi death, sr; the suitof Donald iturebison,1 have • seized midi taken in execution all the right, title and .mtereat ,o0 1ff. Lots said the onu fb mRn dpaoanitniti ni oa7 l 0 s sinthe ietri in h e4firshapentli1P4 ticonvoirsuoshntaly0.0 Bruce, -containing one hundred acres of land,' Which 1 shall offer for safe at my ono, in _flas - Cdaoyurttb.Henorstusedoanytboet...Atouwenstofilaextod:rol.huou.tsrliee'or, twelve of the clock, noon. - JOHN 1LiODsheriON:i21.1,111.,)3. sherivEosaa,Goderieb, -- • ;86- tb 77f -140 United CofltlC5 B •Vr":" SHERT.,27 SALE OF WIDEL. the :trtTilogot:Itinftedleldii311:irerefrnee'ciiintepoweatgnututn°1131streillelio4ernef:111 poidssadro_le14474Y:nlidsedr:30:11°Iintfeldene_nrp' menti of dames Latham tat • the sail of Wean iSnmaiadth,toth:ioisvelesetteizie:cain.pdotaRkinenotain einexele.oscaliftlwAlf: of Inc township- ofBruce,pontainiag2041-ereot also nfin site number -2 in the vinage saf Inver- inwon, in 'mod comity of Bruce, containing 34 acres, is,1114.-Inn4send tenements I sballeffer-Tei .0111Ce odatelnrIltfri:Tinuetislideacy°tultertAlirst"sdeaYinoft"eAntea4141111-4-i pest, at the hoar eftwelv• at the clock, nnott,, -JOHN MACDONALD, SBv h" 'erift"a-'13;ce, Godericli,- 311erif".16 1St 3.Pomeex. Deputy BberilL '26th A.Pril. 1886; wI4 131191 WL• Jai Will vita or day. flttYSt ERIC DRY. Hou Oesicz- fsvr60 _ATE- gos. i• tend, 4sperations iLowica rowit At n Court v, 41•Cit B'31 11,„, ..h4 Biu.1 ut Corner ot /1St A.Tat 1.) No Raysaeor A TTO Cha It South aurt-H.< Tr° +demi: 11 trdwai litbn ATV. Bloak:1 Glasgow VrT1 1*,der 011 over over 1.11 Pit thses.i • C.... pa, Ain't 47) WWI Natal Aitin AWL: _ 4.•