HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-07-28, Page 3\-• • r Alp distomderain• f_I - TllE. SE1MI-WEEKLY SIGNAL. A let toe re %RI 1i.s.t1 :v. (in Ilaur I Two oung carpenters, named respectively da. lest a en -e- e as ad:Listed bet`ofe the Po- ' R ibett lirewn and Thomas Jones, were verv _ t. t, breught on a char tefe-al to fond of dropping into Mr. Smith's parlor, an;.I ; st state labor on the hiztaays, whichispi.nn;tig an Lour or two with his on:y involved the inthetioa of an enormous pen- daughter, Mary. One evening, when Brown l'he complainant was one Williams, and Mary had discusJed almost every topic, road overseer ot :he It division of the town- Brown suddenly, in his sweetest tones, struck Khe, ot Barton, and the deterulants were 1. out as follows r--`• Da you think, Marv, you and II. Hitt, tw o colored resnlents el the ! could leave father and motherthis pieasant tow nsInp,to:low etg the occupatIon of barbers. home, with all its ease and comforts, and 'the complainant testified- that about six emigrate to the tar West with a young car. weeks :since he left notification at the resident 1 penter, who hal but little -besitles his strong of the brothera Htll, of the amount of labor hands to depend upon. and with him search they were jointly or .respectively required to , out a new _home, whith_ it should be your perterm upon the highway the present year, joint duty to beautify, and make delightful ar.d that no retarn had been made to such no I and happy likethis'," Dropping her head -tree. The brothers Hill claimed in defence I softly • on his shoulders, she Whispered. "1 - that no desi.ezi was entertained to shirk the think ,1 could, Robert." " Well,' said ' he. liabihtyz that the neglect was attributable to I thez's Toni Jones, who's going to etni- esiarkppreliension m sueposing that it was I grate, and wants to get a, wife ; mentien the daty of read ovetseer to call and col- j it. to hittO ilect the amount or 'commutation. H. Hill- Yon have been sortly tried, said a svnt- . stated thaChe had resided in the township --eight years. and had previously experienced -zio difficulty in the relation ; some seasons he _had performed the labor required himselcand at otherInues he had employed a substitute, or paid conitinnatioa moues- ; but the present year a new overseer had been appointed, and defendant supposed that the neglect had been on his phrt, in not calling to collect the de- mand. after the notice had been served:further, defendant stated that he had not been notified in the matter- directly by Williams, and had no ?pkottunity of paying the claim. The Magistrates ruled that it_was the duty of de.- . fendaut to pay the claim Without further uotice than the "serving Of the paper at his residence, and his negfeet to do so_ was vir- tually a refusal to comply with law-, and ren- dered him liable to a penalty of $2 for each 'day siteeeeding the serving ot the notice in which the demand was not paid. A. fine of ST8 was therefore letlieted. This result is no doubt smelly - adeordance with the law, but considering the circumstances, we cannot commend the explicit .conformity to law, when perpetrators of diabolical offen- ces, nol producing even the poor apology of having labored under missapprehension in tracking a fellow-mortaI's cranium, or- smite similar atrocity, are frequently the subjects of -magisterial C1emeney.--(1.1ara. Times. FLAX -CULTeRE is attracting increased at- lei:alert daily, From the Brampton Times we team that flax -pulling has commenced in that vicinity. :the specimens are said to be excellent,some- measuring three feet six inches —the seed and fibre capital. We notice that Messrs. Gooderham tlePerine who are devot- ing their immense capital andbusiness energy to the cultivation of this hew staple, and • the manufacture_ of linens, have employed an experienced puller to visit the different sec. - lions of country near Toronta, to instruct the time and best inethod of harvesting flax. This is ofolyvious importance, as it makes considerable ditlerence m die value of 2. crops to have it properly handled. The- flax en- terprise is becoming a valuable addition to the industry of Canada, and we are convinced the specimens that will be shown at the coin- ing Provizcial Fair wiU exhibit an improve- ment on last year. - • - - CAXABIAN SYRYISTICS.—The :".Zew York World says : The Tribune asserts that the provincial debt of Canada is "proportionally irearly as heavy as that of the United States.. he -statement h grossly inaccurate. Our debt is about three thousand milliouslor nearly -one hundred dollars for each of us, while that ' Canadmi-s about seventy. millions of dollars for two and a half *minions: of people; Ap- proximate accuracy is reac4ed when we say that the Canadian debt is twenty-eight dollars per head and ours one hundred dollar's. Fara in uno,fa1sus in omnibus. How far Can the authority be reliable on -other points connected with 'Canada which makes this, one of greatest -possible- mistakes, as te the relative.condition of the two countries? Mise Bi-aceiteaar Wtee..—Th-e're is no wine equal?) to blackberry wine when, . 6 properly made, in flavor or for medicinal • -;purposes. and all persons who can convert- . Aently do so, shbuld martntacture enough for -their own use every year, as it is invaluable in sickness as a tonic, and nothing is a better weinerly for bowel ocimplaint. Measure 'your berries and bruisethem; to every genet' -add one quarr of boiling water. Let the, t mixture stand- twenty tour hours. stirring. occasionally ; theft strain off the Uglier into a Cask to everygallon add two pounds of sugar, ; cork tight and let it stand tilt the following °tuber aml you will have -wine ready for use without further .straiiiing or boiling that will make bps smack that never smackedAunder similar influences before :— (Maine Farmer. ree The Russian papergenerally admit that their Government will sooner or later • annex what yet renames of independent countries in Central Asia,—Bokha-a,lihokand and Cuires. They don't 'want, they say, auy further aggrandizement of their immense country; but they wantpeace on their border; andas there is no lasting peace Possible with any of these barbarous tribes, Russia will finally be compelled to annex all of -them. These uncivilized tribes are, hf course, at the mercy of Russia,. and. England is,. from • geographical reasons, as unable I& sustain a war apinst Russia. in Centeral Asia as France would he to sustain one against .the United - States in Mexico..--E.N. Y. Paper. . -tt5.-- Four yearg ago, 0 Jilin -els, we took from your midst an untried man, and trom among the people. We return him to you s a mighty conqueror. Not thine any more, but the nations; not ours, but the world's. Give bini place, (Tye prairiee z In the midst of this great continent his dust shall rest?. a -sacred treasure to myriads` who shall pilgnin to that shrine to kindle anew their zeal and patriot- ism. Yewinds that move °ter the mighty plainaof the West, chant his requiem! Ye people, behold a martyr whose blood, as lib - many articulate words, pleads for ffdelity, for hart for liberty.—afenry Ward Beecher. twenty-six years Panel' has had but one libel suit, and it has lanipooned every bog- 3./ONSTEit• effEESE.,--The Ingersoll Chr:on nide says that 31r. Smith Ce,, proprietors of the North Norwich cheese factory, are "bull -drag" a, cheese, which, when .comple- ted, will weigh four thousand poundal—the largest cheese ever manufactured in Canada, or perhaps in Ametica,It will be exhibited at the Provincial Fair to be held in London. in September. - AltATEIMONTAL LOTTERT,---111 the High- - land parish of Abernethy a poring man pur- poses to open a lottery under the following. conditions z ---Ail widows and maidens who ions not attained the age of 32 are invited & ticket at the pnee of 10s. After sliskeisare sold at this figure the draw- ingwill Wes place.. _There will be only one prize, Auditwill be the right of the fortun- ate tidy who was it to claimthe yohng geetlemao for ivir husband, and partake with the comforts to be derived from the $600 produced by the lottery.---Bauffsbire . Journal. p. "May a man ran into debt ?" asked a modem &fovea of saimaginary Dr. Johnson. " Het iia;" asthe characteristic reply; 'Provided he don't mind iialking into prisoa," ; "Can & num see without eyes?" asked & Professor. "Ye, sir," wax the -prompt mfwer.: "How do you make- that out ?" -cried, theastonished professor; "lie- can. ne, with one, sizr' pathising membdr to Joe' Cowden'who was weeping _over the coffin of his fifth 'wife. Yee, responded the kbereaVed one I have always had the dreadfullest hick with. all my wc,man. - . Direct from the, Manufacturers. 0 -0 flTA11S OF ASSORTED ENGLISH Note and *Letter Papers . Just received and will be offered at • a slieht- advance on Cost to - CASH* IpiTTERS EVERITI-IING IN SCHOOL BOOKS AND, STAT176:11RT SCPPLIED sr LOWEST WHOLESALE RITES TO COE.NTRY MERCIIANTS., AT THE SIGNAL" 'OFFICE. June 13th. 1865. .A. 331:1,IMF PHILOSOP13.10 ORATION. . SUBJECT --h MAN, .KNOYi THYSELF." ILL he delivered -in- the open air, Market . Square, , Goderich, should an oppor- tunity offer, in the interval between the cessation of the.great'American performance, and* convening of the Grand Ball in the evenine of the same day,. Tuesday, August. 1st, 1865, by WILLIAM .0AKLEY, Phonographer; of this town. Godench, July 25th, 1865. sw94-3t1 1114E- EA -77 wEsTERiRicANADA. 1110110Elift11. PERFORMANCE' 'TUE • 1C4IIT 110 -arry, THE GREAT AMiRICAN BLONDIN Term give one of his astounding exhibi- 7tions of .skillfuluess and daring on the Tight -Rope IN GODERIC.H. .ON TUESDAY, .1iT AUGU.EST, 3 865, When he wiii walk- across an immense Chasm 150 feet high,- on a rope 300 feet Long,.- and perform a number of the feats which have electrified thousands at Niagara Falls and 1.sewhere, Some of Mr. Leslie's feats, it is believed, surpass in dating and skill even those 'of the great Blondin himself. Excursion trains will be run on this occasion -from Brantford,. London, Guelph, and all intermediate steno -its. Also, excur- sions by steamers from Detroit, Sarnia, Port Huron, Saginaw. Sati4een, Kincardine, etc. Fares from Brantford and stations west, to Goderieh, and return, on August 1st, 1865: .Brantford, 81.60; Paris, $1.503 Druxnbn.% AG ; Plattsville, 81.30 - - Tavi- stock, .51.1;1 ; Stratford,. iitchell, 7.5cts.; Carronbrook, 65cts. ; Sealorth,50ctie Clinton. 35cti. : Rope walking to tike place exactly at 3 , A GOOD TIME :MAY BE EXPECTED. BANDS` OF MUSIC wall be -an- atten- dance. 'A- GRAND CONCERT - -win come elf in- the efening, conducted by first class musicians and:s!ugers. GODtSAVE THE- QUEEN-! Goderich, July 19th,. 1805. w26. Notice...is Hereby:Given A.T application will be Made to both - branches of the Legislatare of this Pro vince-at their next sitting to have the town- ship of Wawanosh divided to form two seperate Municipalities, to be called "East Wawanosh" and -"West iVasvineali," re- spectively, the dividing line to be between lots numbered twenty seven and twenty- eight. The application -will be Made by. petition ot the Municipal Celia:ill, and over three hun- dred and ninety of the electors of the said township _of 11, awanosb. By order of the Council.. JAS. SCOTT, T'relerk. . June 13th, 1.86t. w22ti ft ACRES of Lot NO. 32, East Lake LI II Road, Hay: _ '1VOT10E.-1 hereby notify all persons .e -s from purchasing or negotiating. three notes ot t'.."-100.00 each, with interest from date, deed April- 21st, 1865. First note due 21 months after date, second note due 33 months, and -third note due_.15months atter date. Drawn. in favor of George Chard), or bearer, and signed by John McLean; as 1 have received no value for the same. JOHN McLEAN. Culross, July 18th, 1865. w 26 if GAN .YOU .TELL: MB . IV HE RE • TH E Village_ of:, Clinton is? WHY,'YES! BOUGIIT _ • II • (1Z3'TlfE SICK 'OF. TIM LARGE KETTLE _A.STEEL MOULDBOARD .PLOUG real Tin -Ale -Cutter, the best 1 everhad. It cost only _ 1Fifteen Dollars! FIVE MILK PANS FOR $1 -1111 kinds of TINWARE Alai STOVES going. off cheap. s Thirty different kinds of OTJGII AM): .CASTINGS. Kept on hand. StAni.e will sell, at a GREAT BARGAIN, A goOd Second-hafel ' SEPARATOR Threshing Machine With a Pitt's Teri. -Horse Power.-- PRICE ONL Y ONE IIUNDRED AND TEN DOLLARS for Cash,' or on short notice. ...Also,. on sale a large quantity of Hungarian Crass Seed,. Improved Turnip Seed ONLT 25 CENTS PER POEND. EaseTroughs and ail kinds of -Jobbing done in workmanlike manner, at the Sign of the Litrge Kettle -BASE LINE, CLINTON. SEARL L ClietOn, :Tillie 20th, 1865. w21 3 JUST .OPENED1 A Boot I & Shoe Establishment, ON- Kingston street, next the Telegraph Office. Te Proprietor solicits a share or the public patronage, and he will usethis [best endeavors to afford satisfaction. J. ROSS. N. B.—Orders promptly executediu both making and repairing: . . July 1$th, 1865.w25 Itia FIRST-RATE LAND I Terms easy:artily to ' . DONALD SUTHERLAND, on the premises, . M. C. CAMERON, ..Goderice. Goderich-, Apri130th. 1864. w14-tt MONEY FOR FARMERS rimx Subscriber has, received a few hundred. A. dollars to loan on improved -farms. Interest tuodeyate, and charges reasonable. . S. P. YEGMA.NS, _ - Solicitor, &c.. Goderich,,C.W. fil• Office over the Post Office. B. --Parties - having money to invest can be accomodated with a few good applies- . tions. — Z2CA. -LVIII\TA-T I 01\T Sdhecil Teachers! rflE Board of Public Instruction_ for the 1- County of HurOn. will -meet in the Court !loom, Goderich: on Wednesday and Thurs- day, the • 160i.& 1711 days of August•ftext, _ - .1.1tch day at ten o'clock, a.. m. when candidates wishing to obtain Limoges to teach will then have an opportunity of being examined. Those wishing first or third-class .certificates will be examined on Wednesday, and second class on Thursday.- . 'llapdidates .before being, admitted to an examination are required to present certifi- cates of good moral character, signed by a clergyinan or justice of the peace. ` . IX -H. RITCHIE, Secretary. Bnyfield, 15th July, 1865. . w23 3t THE LAKE sHORE SOAP AND POTASII FACTORY. -r HE subscribers beg to return their wannest .1. thanks to the ladies of tioderiCh and viciat- ity Ibr their past liberal :suppOrt in supplying then' with Grease and Ashes. They will give higher than the highest Trices-offered Ibr ANY AMOUNT OF GREASE & ASHES In -Gash or good Caustic Soda' Soap. Soft Soap always on hand; the best at $2 per barrel. ea-Cas.h paid.lor Cordwood. - WRIGHT & BARNES. _ Goderich, July 20th1 1865. sw93*1m • • 1flAUTION.—ThiS is to forbid all persons ligiving my son John Mason, credit on my . account. as I will not bald myself responsible for aiiy debts t at e may con rite. JOHN MASON, Senr. Wawanosh July, 16 1865, w25•3t. SPECIAL NOTICE.; EFERRING to our advedisment of 2nd 410 instant, and in order to avoid misunder- standing, we beg respectfully to inform those - of our customers who have had -accounts with us hitherto that, as wd are anxious to bring our present business to it close as soon as possible. we must discontinue all accounts front its date. • JO FIN FAIR & CO. Goderich, 9th May, 1865. sw71 JOHN FAIR a& CO. IlievING DETERMINED UN. • CLOSING UP 11":4141 PRESENT 1. BUSINESS -11\I GOpERICH, witt,..;/4 Thursday next, the 4th instant, - Commence to clear off the whole tit their 'large and valuable stock of Dry bloods, Clothing, and ' Groceries, at an ' • ENORMOUS REDUCTION IN PRICES.: Goderich, 2nd May, 1865. ' . • Insolvent Act of 1864• T' - Ecreditors of the undersigned are -notified to meet at the law office of William 'Tor: ranee Hays in the town of Goderich on Tuesday the Tweny-secoid day otAugust 1.'65 at two o'- clock in the afternoonfor the purpose.of receiv,; mg statements of his ratans and of naming an Assignee to whom beauty make an assignment: WILLIAMELLIS,Insolvent. - Behnote, JUly With, ' W ;TORRANCE HAYS, • Solicitor for Insolvent. _ sw93 2* SHERIFF'S' SALE OFLANDS - - ; finned Counties of • 110 virtue et • writ of Huron and Bruce, .1)Venditioni Exponas and To . wit : Fiert Fa-ctas, issued out of tier lVfajesty's Court of Queen's Ben, h, and to me directed againstthe landsand tenements of Alexander Traynor, at the suits of James Reid, James Boswell Stevenson --a-1/11 bald Cook Sutherland, I have seized aid taken .n Execution all the right, -title and interest of the said defendantan and to Lot number Thirty-nme, in the Second Rangecaml Lot Forty, in the sec- ond conceSsion,•South of the Durham Road; and Lots - Numbeis Thirty-nine and Forty in the third Range, south of the Durham Road, alt . the • Township of Brant. in the County of Bruce. containing fifty. acres oflond eaeh, more o. less ; which falls and tenements I shall offer for sale at my Office in the Court Housefin the town of Goderich, on Tues- day the Twenty-ninth day of November next, at the hour of twel,ve _of the elockA.s,knecorifn: H. 4. BA . JOHN MCDONALD, BY S. Por.tocz, Deputy Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Groderich. • 27th September, 18g4. w35, • This sale is Postponed tid Tuesday the 2fith dayof March, 1565. - The above sale is further- postponed till Tuesday, the 11th day of April next. JOHN MACDONALD Shenff,H.& Goderich, March 241865. • - . • The above sale- is further postponed till Friday the 21st day of April instant. " The above sale its further postponed till Friday, the 28th April, The above sale is further postponed till Tuesday, the lst day of August next, at 3 o'clock, p- m. - JOHN MACDONALD, ' . ' • SkeriLH Sheriff "a Office, Goderloht ; • 19th May, 1865. w26 • . • .-- Ashes and- Grease. rrHE Subscriber will purchase all the Ashes 1 and Saw Grease that -may be saved for him in GOderich and neighborhood. JOHN E. DANCY. July .16th, 1865. jw25 PRIVATE BI DARrff...s itr 'Canada West intending to. 1 make application to theLegislature for Private or Local Bills, either for granting exclusive privileges, or conferring corporate, powers for commercial or other purposesof profit, for regulating surveys or boundaries, or for doing.anything tending to affect the rights or property of other partieslare hereby notified that they are required by the -53rd and following rules of the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly respectively, (which are p.ublished in full -in the Canada-11=We), to -give TWO --MONTHS NOTICE of the application (clearly and distinctly" specifying its nature an& object), in the Canada Gazette, and also.in a newspaper published in the County or UMOD of Counties affected, sending copies of the first and last of such notices to the Private Bill Office of each All Petitions for Private' Bus must be presented within the ,first three weeks of the Session. . - J. E. DOIJCET, A. TODD, of Primate Bills, Chf. CZk. Private Bill Nice, lh Cornea L. Assembly. Quebec, 13 Jul, 1865. ANEW STOCK "MOM a e�eived this da 30th Jure, 1865. 111 LARGE STOCK MAIN ring' and Sum UST ME W VitKORTGAJOE SALE. WHEREAS default having been made ie tY payment of a Mortgage made by Ed -- ward Kelly, of the Township of Ashfieldi in- fhe County of Huron; yeourent mid Mary 1/Wat Kelly, wife of ktiward Kelly, (for the pnrposr of barring berl/owery. to William Leonard of the Town of Goderich, in the Covnty et Haron, Gentleman f the following land and' premises will be sold by Public Auction at G. M. Truemanfs AtiCtion Mart, on 'TUESDAY, 151h AUGUST, 1865 I I/ At the hour of twelve o'elock, noon, eithijett to a Mortgage of $400, and interest at eight per cent, due 1st May, 1865, that is to say, - all and singular slug certain parcel or thief of land and premises situate ' lyiug and being. in the Township of Ashfield, in the County of - Huron, being composer' orlhe south half of the north-:Juilf of lot number eleven, in thsr tbird concession, easfern division of the salif Township of AMA Id, containing by ad - i measurement_ fifty cres of land, more or less. ... ..,5, Deed under Power contained in Mortgagee 1 - Terms of Sale—Cash or Credit. For farther particulars apply to D. Shade Gooding, Solicitor, West Street. - . D. SHADE GOODING, - .. Solicitor for Mortgagees. Dated 7th March, 1865. w241tI Luba Mid Paris i Treatlient DR. JOHNSON'S Office and Dispeutiaryy No. 64, Little tit. James Street, :IVECDINT TM -MA -Tay Por the Cure si.r Chrorlie Complaints, Sersfulao _Nervous Debilityi Diseases 0 the Bloods Seminal Weakness ; and all .Female Complaints, 4.e.. DA OHNSON,L E OF LONDCN, EDU't• burgh and Paris, ;devotes his intention elusively, to the -Treatinent of the compfanits referred to in thi* netica. Manyymini expatriate - in Europe, and the'Brittsh Colonies, ekahlealiint to perform some verv remarkable cum, ; lied boa facilities for obtaining the best and talon teat. dies are such, being in correapondenee with tue. most celebrated physicians ot the old world. Iht he can offer indueeinents to the pnfortunate of a speedy and perfect cure. !Cr STRRNOTE To TINE WRAIL.1.k• 1014 son'e Remedies will resiore,in a very sheet Ont. ell whoare inflicted witk Nervous Debility, Lots ofn.Meinyoorty-is-GlitmgozrN,;&Te:iim Noricge_There is an evil held often 'Contractedby boys at ,achool.. which grows up with them to manhood effects of this evil practice is meet deplorable,' often prOducing insanity, &c., &c. All who are afflieted should apply to Dr Johnson immediately,* and he will effect a speedy and perfect cum 113, DrsteaRi OE EME IRLOoDo l&c.—k is lk melancholy fact that thousands taft victims ta. disease o wing to the unskilful and improver ime. of niereurv. Dr. Johnson's Compound Syrup will thoroughly eradicate all deste arising teem iediseased or impure state oldie blood. Remedies - fonverded in safetyto any address Oita hour* worn 8 till 12, and from 2 till 8. All comintuncis; tents should be aduressed, Dr. Chaii,F. Johnson, 64,Little JarnesStreelaliicatical,C. E. er REMOVAL Clinton:Book'StorL, Scheid Books and School Stallonexy,— 117WJE(COMEIZOILaialliar, AT THE, .V,Oroty GODERICH, May 1st 186,5. J. Y. DETLOR & SON. *12 SZBAIFF'S SALE OP LANIS. United Counties of)10PY virtue of two "nits of Huron and Bruee, ..L.P Fier' Facies issued out • To %V it: of Her Majesty's County -Court Of the United Counties of Huron and lkuee„ and to me directed against the lands and tenements of Je eolith -Lennox, at the suit of Isaac Carling, Wjllim G. Smith, and Alexander Smith; 1 have acjzed and taken in execution all the nght, title an interest ot the said defendant, BOOTS sak,S110ES MING IND 811101E11. JUST MEWED AT _ a,821108gen -s in and to tot nuniber 99 on ' Huron I.1freet, in the • village et Atileyville, in the county Of Huron, KINGSTON ST. GODERICII. with the buildingsithereon erected., Lot NO. 2 on Howiek street, in the villnee 01 Behnore, one A *CALL_ IS SOLICI half acre of land With the buildtnes thereon erected, situated at the soutneeast corner of the Township of Culrossl itt the county of Bruce, forming part of lot No 1, in the A Concession of the said township ef Culross; Which „lands and s2,714 valAREe_strayed from Goderich tenements I shad offer for sate at nor office in the Court Houite la tbe town of doderich, oat COli 11101111, about the first week in Jane,. Tuesday, the tenth day ot October next. at the last, a -Bay -Mare and horse Foal, the mare hour of Twelve ni• the cleck.noon. - has it cork on the left hind foot, there is a sti_erups officfe. Joode011NrichM,ACIX)N. AL, D, star on the colt's aforehead, and lift hind foot Mari, H. 4.3. white. Informaiion that _will lead to ter _recovery Will besuitably rewarded by leaving 3rd July, 1865. t w24 word with _ MARS WHITELY.. Goderich, June 29th. 1865. w23 4t0 THE undersigned -1;737o notify his encode\ -- 1. and the public generally that be. has TO; moved his -Book -Stora to .the.,-well-koowte stand 011 Albert Street, Clinton-Cwiteri y occapfed,by J. fs,. Forrest ft will be happy to Wait Upoft w Awry „ favor, him 4vith -call. Clountry Store -keglers, - dock of Are particularly invited to inaret large''' SCHOOL BOOLTtri. STATIONERY: Which will be found to be as liow in pric as those of the Tomato Wholesale lifer chants. - Fancy Goods, Offiee '14tationery: Mosicar) Instruments, Tort,: Wall Papers, Wrapping , Papers, etc., Lc., as usual very low. „ GEO. 'AYCOCK. Clinton, 20th June, 1865. ' • jw19' Insolvent Act of 1864. Inithe matter of A. ShI1721, an 14E4 the whole attested tinder oath with the 'vouchers itt supportafeuelt Doted at Godeneh, in the County of Huron, this 7thday ofluly, 1965. JAMES THOMPSON. ROBERT LEECI:k1 $ _vont. . THE creditors of the Insolvent 01 hi. lindefithls Rho m ade an has ethe Act, to mnte, thelnunder- signed -unignee, and they are empiired to furnish me within two months from this date with their claims, specifying tip: security they hold, if any, and the value end it neat Matinsr the fact; • ISIGNEn LUX or Lums. 'United Counties of Y Virtue of the 'Huron And Brace, Poirdi vested in me to wit: by tlie creditors of Joseph Copeland, an Insolvent) under' the Insolvent Act for 1864, as nsfignee, I will offer for sale_farm lot number eleven. in the ninth conceasion of the township of 11owick, A . • in the County ot Huron, which hind I shall • offer tor sale at R. W. A.dams Hotel, flowicic Village, on Monday, the twenty-tbird lay of October next, at the hour of twelve o'clock. Aw90t4 ?Assignee, .--%15V4 _ . ; - 2.JET., 11•1•1110••••• 1 CONTRACT 'of 'chopping' cleanng .3 Ten acres, on the BaKeld 1toad, Ore - miles from Goderich. Apply to COIN CLARE, Huron litiatilr W2111' - 'June lith. 1865. . , s#ERnirs SALE iirtAzips, United Counties ot Dir indeed' two writaot es -s - Te wit : • ' nt Her Majesty's County 1 Huron and Bruce. 13 lien Facia* iintfid Mit 6 -iron &tithe ITulted Counties of HUron and Brae.' and to inc dirmted against the lands and tene- mme.nstsavotagJeohanndMjeCamoesy, laivitcolbeuire,ilts tolavoWsilelinieriarati ' interest of the said dere ant in end lc lot number and taken in .ixectitio4 all the right, title said fitleen,in the sista concession of thetowashinet Kinlcss, in the County qt. Brum containnig on. - tnenenediirtedentenrensliarnlinreoffeorr floP4ne sal WIellaictIttnylanditoffic:14101 ' the Court House in the to Pin Or Coftrich, on Tuesday; the seventeenth day oftictober next, at Vie onur.ot Twelve ofthe clock, noon. . JOIIN MACSDbeOriZAHL.Disc, Be Sherill/s Oifice,Goderich, / .......,.... . 7th July, 1865- 6 . _we+ SHERIFF'S fiALE OF WM. • traded CO111111E1 of Y -virtue ot a Writ Of Huron and Brum, Venditioei Xxponas TO Wit: • Out of Her Majesty% county 'Conn of the 'nit Comities of Bann and Brace, and to me directed agempt the lands and lene. meifis of Nesbitt Biggar and i4e- orge Amr, at thaveks ofOliver Marldern. Jobe Thomas 'WWI= Irvint, jr. and. larnes Iklaeklem; have seized and -taken in execatkon alt the nght, title and -interest of ihe said defendant in and to WU numbers110, 114, 114,115,114 111 and the village of Illuevalel Alio that certain. parcel or tract offends known as the mill block, arid Else that certain parcel or tram. of binds, which is bounded ea the north side by the 'river :Maitland, on tbe south side Igthe town line between the townships of Morris and Turnberry. and on the east side by the west boundary line of lot 119, lo be exa.lided to the river Mailleod, with any water privilege ,whielt may be -derived fry* the river Maitland its far east as Clyde street all in the County ofRuron; winch lands and tenements I AO offer for bete lump office in die COttri UMW. in- he tOwIl000derich. on Tuesday. the twee/Pew* day August next, at dte hour,orrweive unite cies*, Anna. JOHN MACDONALD, Shwa' H. 4. 1. By S. Pot.t.ocx, Deputy Sheriff. SharitlAsolice, Goderich, 15ila July. If.65. Nen SIWRIFIIIS SUS OF UNA% rit li_]Eti'lliEleli;t,;:il:::!E/;mmr. Heron and Brum Velubtioei Expose; est st Pat, and !O me -directed efteiebt,lbe l'Imin :id volts or Dame -Elizabeth Baia,. sad John ll: ' life Jane,x°fItieooll e[I, ilinviiwi i:ofitin1311:17agl.anaLnitan t ib, e0;101:1:ati in ICeS°.: ele0;e4g!ittotinajfIliTateMYVIkilood.:•°:: :, Cc d :aim:It:: iiintenahli:?t dlo a 0 e.,11. 0 a ill' C-airetake In dy.446:0:eiji, iii:i ' day ofSeptember next, at the bout :rif twakk St niteretn oftbe defendant in and to the north half Broca ; which Janda and tenement* I shall Orel; .• JOHN MACEitiiiAilith - . 1 _Sheriff; . it Bt. fy S. rowel, Deputy SI:intl.: SherdPa Office, Unclench, i - - 15th Jigs, IS65, 4 4*.Q41 • • •