HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-07-28, Page 1The Central Africans. At a missionary meeting lately held in' Ir, Mactcll: England, the gteat African explote Livingstone, said :—I I I shoud like to answer juestion that is often put to me. I What
j7- ?I wf people are those you wander among
sort c to tell you that they are
INow I Should like
very fa r from �eintr savaires. On the Lea- + blood -thirsty, es�ecially
at Ally 11,1111' it. coast they are rather 'are -trade ; but those who have been in the B, 4L boVt three hundred miles into
F0 I when you get 13:40-1 y the it terior, you Inet A,ith people who are ;te mild and hospitable.
ISTR ive every stmn- it is the duty of _ALDV E R T I (elach mail in the village to 9 A N D RRU im every-hospi- lily AND 1-1 IT ffer his suppers and to show 11 a in his power. Th I h 1w
t;eop�e are not ehaaged in hunting a most L
W. eatest Possible Number. inhabitants of thi"couritry think they are.,but The Greatest Possible Good to the Gr the soil. They T. COX, E ditOr and Proprictor. are employed in- cultivulit, W lso'rnanutacture -a Sul f copper,
)erior qualit), o -TON .�Tyl: Lip,, " ITU -ware undbasket-work. so articles of earthen union,,,, this clas of PeOP.-I '\T IN ti;mt they PER, AN AD i with the idea of their 40D When we first I VOL. 3. --NO 951 a,
C T I D ALY, JULY.281 1865.- ERICH, I;eili-r savagesi it Is
rather sirifniar but I belie%e tluef
DII.A.-WORTHINGTON9 .0 I I Ley ao not rather believe -we are sayacres.
understand where all the black ,people w10 ay go to. Thousandsre tAen
tervi. part are carried -aw
and you e. -v
tit eve- 6- AX1) TV ear, w,,o Lice. 13. Izi WANT IN s1r.ve lzrfie,& thout njeetingw DI AD OR -BINDING.- t330 ryhat are V A 1-1 I The men car f thtLill hich ale ls- S, D. j with a for urm 1-4ex DRUG kat -the end of 'F-Y--kT- orth British and IrTAVING -made arranuremen - is wilb IN d the ne6s'6f t -Ire captives- so -cautfle j
e,. DRUGS El ; �iTc�CmLPG01t, Book -.binder and Manufac-:1fastarred arouti M I L. i'01. .kt jtj6jM
tljrin� Slittioner. (who bas-latewreturned from h osstble for't-lient to oil- f- Ca bich hey -with a I aT i, -e ;tocic- of Binding,and -other end 4.7rawn; phila ilpll* them r get attlie lain pr4aredt0 Furnih 1J to nk- ii�IL The liroughout the 11 Mr. Kiordortl*� L .)titer o 4erial)s with d.%vjtft_ are tied -to trees t MP Ry lnsiir�nc 0 �0- T K G �:-,w 'hilitibers.. CL . . Office to f all kinds. Cze and styles an M*kIntr f F1AFj ANIP -C ch 311t printed, flo!lings, at ten ver cvp per POOP �, o L .40 LIFE40 fe I ain :now imaiviiie that
an ged.Cheqp. t chim -:a
JOJJN�' IIA itop opleeat-thein. -Ttlevlao- pon
-VL - , - I . E han Toronto priees. the wh f! 4-T-rcittsrw, CON Jr., plqr IFQR -C&S11 at rign(Agivingjsati, tis as eannittils. and we look -tail -it AllkifidsOf Bindi sfiaction will ul;on them Lug— swI2-1v DOLLARS. ail impartl9l view -M I LLIG 5e repa savag AGbder�ch. Oetober IS., ISM CAPITAL7.-TWO7 JEW ired free of charge.- gres. .ow, if -wetake Mt.130 A� 0 4T N BUTLIM.. sw46w2ll J0.11 tb�tb,wesball find tha:t lbO, are better
0 (Is oib ha?id, JOHN- R XT9 AccumidatedFall ss,000,000 to be SAIJT than each mitt1giues one. ituotlivr L I - ------- ---------- H fAfricatilepositoryt -3 -ov T. ft Shed-lrop, ind- C 000. Annual Ineft 500- 0 ill So :G e azterich. . 9Cl r E mporium .O.W. E.GM0-N-DVI:LL;`j thing, S The Speed of Railroads. ?Ich 11beted tit tile F ln,;nran�--,eg e 'a-ftr M The Great Western Exlirj-s�s to' xeter., Lo 11rE (,,o ,t)-litous e.�4n qre , Gode iodical
, I 't _. . British r kw i fqr� KARIM SQUARE, MERICH -tt=f F tit safety.. IL,T - StoVa t BATE.S.eutlsist t w.
a C-nitivz �ael We le e 9. K5. s T: & DRUGGIST- 11, Lill' viz Svtarws Pit ac S r 9 CHEMIS R airing Ddnq at ShO t Notice. DISPENSIN England, travels at - the, rate f forty-three
T [IF, LO�N L)ON. Tr ep Life hisillahee..—Am le See . i 4
ch.f P . (Conservative.) miles an fiour) including stoppag,es,. or fifty- (jualerin,andlitilpomeroi. -M' ithout iticluding stop- TIIE1.DI�NRjTR(;jj:I?EVIr -nine miles an hour w 'EL r -11 ()_.V A ND R. IgUkANGE- MARIINE:IN hOff E W I ;NI INAER RE VI Y
BRITLsjI (Free-Cluirtih.) pacrej. -s'rute, a stwed tf'sixly U. Cx S To altaill llfi' . NU V. E4yi;LIS11� OF mOST AND miles anbour is adopted'midwa betweeln.lhe' tW Chemicals, Perftwety, --DII�BU-111011 MA6AZ1`-NE(T0ry) _jrjLtjsh Ar - - i. .. .. :� - - . z 1. . � .. . -_ I statiops, and in ce_ttain ex.1 erimenial ithout lSettle - d L_j�j Wail 13ruLshe OAL Seventy miles anbour Ve resix- Losses. PrOMPOV Uair robill, 06. COAL at C itinupiorepraitflie above of -Directors; The -hour- is -about. -Marinibw De 'artmen lt�fqoc-�_ to ,I- ,_d,,j4i(,d. A speed of seventy "in -s an Y S -.kT-- L AW to IT d lhe:eost orprinthi,- h P named peri, t cit 4�. 6t a nwed.and equivaleilLt_. to. 11' Lds per econd, r rAlx-r, ormt, COLORz, DITE ST., flit- liLty 711
HARLE N� c L te., argOyii-wrease Odice Me ,T S- FLETCHER d to advanco 1, C_ - . L�% � t _d they,are %,,een two beats or a' eom.
K'Merich. A;t-nt-- - -, -_ ... en thirty-five yards- bet 65 w . - . !�. - , .13 licirterinsasful moll clock. At objects near the eye of a Apr -it v, 1'364. _86&' assenger tra _110 USE & A LIM.E. �UANTITY OF rortlon* -9'00AL FOR at ibis rato Vill fass by LAMSMIT T H -&C-., &C.- N SFEED�6, 9,4.00 perannum- -his eye in the tbirty-fifth parfuf ii ffcofid., -and CARDE. Co. ON. HA2N .-AN D_ Poranyitnicfthe ItetfeWs. British sri.." ASSqrpnc6 Forati)-twotthe if thirtyL five stakes wereerected at th P C JR, Medica meti Lit tiallyatteeglto An! e side rder4roni For anv three Lif the Reviews.... 10-00 Of the -rowi -a yardsunders tbey would tN E. iot $treet,`Eljtr;.jd0k)r front Elie -FIFLE & MAR It I L'olvet aiffoumr-thelieviews ........ 12.00 !.� , -oodys agazill . * - t- -400 " b6 )1her i e disfinaultsbable one front jant: Ot Azent. N . C f . -7.00 ittua-ll. ::'JuL U Wharf 1, bs h! A + -jr.ge :5411a e, ley would zppe:ar collectively 8 yl- it 16 .1, 49 the.- ed redi. tl Raficl4, C.; V., Apr cl* 1.1orlVackw'oodwill any-twoorthe Go 99 d colo'r. ' If ovo .1trailis conlinguatis flash of re
C/D Reviews .................. or ........................ "illy rotili per second, "O. RUMBALLP and tbree of tile Re- kw GE 13.00 o 116T,thereliitive. Acrent with this speed ptissed each t 1&06 Fo Macklvoodandtbe four Reviews velocity would be ses
LIGIIT -LIGIrL r villfemit Ili iddi- and if one of t venty jardi Goderich,May 2PI`14 Sw_7. Zsubsenbers in the Witish. Provinces he7 trains were we Ch A 11�erV ND I GIFT1 Or Ide t - ver f 1. Cr a r4i it 9111 Jul HOTEL Uyinly-folti ctptsa werti for 1131aek- ass ingle I Review to cover lbe longi itwotild 1, by iii, 4 ti Lin tr. f_ -tsayear for eael �% e, - '01LS wood and eiglit c to, Lj%ji on R-_11 ltrop!r��: I T �Q -aws Such
rjl%.Opl�IETOIL Supposing the locoiffotive which di
ated u vill be printed on g)"WilyinirorM qualtLy it to have driviii-a wheels seven fe6l in
The ork.9% s are a trai kur ROCK & COAL. -arfy all Atutritaint eriodical o - eel Ir,.,and while Ili diameier th
vaiieed in price or re4oced - lit gize-wid - very amp -the it. r ese S will revolve three
)rd GIDE-1 I r. d - - I it; - . - hitliful.
_Ey -!laj,lK4 - covit;,4 times in a tecond—but as *.here are two
_ .6. shallconlint. '4i TT )F'\ Or( Burning Fluid, I Oil'
oard $I per le to gj'�e f ale
t %Valks atta� ocau titer niatiqr contaiiwd in 11 tylinders 'which -act -rilately, fliere bV ill be"i'Ludus chenp. for t�; 11 for ale Door wa, -,E Murat c..;t. t, entraed Lilts. enc. our present prices
a 011DANS in xTe' ally ,eA tsIlia
se of ally Of the C0111- re wen!j pulT or escaves ot steam in a .7 e can lye Neard to 'The locomiotiv'
�er outti't,firtatterfurt Goderich, Jan. 1 11-S69. -R-SALE; petill-litriod
FARMFO lealsinthis dountry. second. e comparidwithLthe c�ciittKiheoriginale�ditions.-vL;blch 66cough," Vll'n movijig lcp,gh. ram: -would be about $100 'but twcp�y ITOW;_ &i., Crode Wing occasioned -by the 01W. T OT3 Con. A,, Towns M" "he present printiIIIII Oil gold hip of Howick year.OUTL finglylow. AiM. to th prices. (si are exe&A NR%V EL -1 psymeniis tothe British cou-bS per second cannot be seperstA b the
10 ot
I. .. . - . I -- -FOOLL LOND in I -we inake our annual i rich, C. 0X1"e LIVER Ile Tom WroxAer, on. the fict that Lopyrightin goU--$l eat, .their judliji1tiality beednijiv, 95t.—
virm a L LIFE I. Publitilieks fior early abeets laid Stich art, 0N`OG11 takes this: mdanq of in- TRA.NQECO..- nearly' $04-50 MlCllr� 01INZ 1) tjost it, - u s at, tb 6 ti I u ef.ln.. 1865) , to lie#
is ie�d fe ejquaj� rly Ons
4* A'a r- TOIX9. e. -is entered TH -GRAVEL ROADO. Marv: in the'seale -,we Itave -adopted a _nstVih.. ISM J f6rmin-the public that * h. -fiallbeentirelyittr3ifiell oursUbs swI03%,,i31 erly mula j es cribcrF and The fourth of a canCh ball and the 6lejaium tel bus,rieS3 in the strid, form. pvtta'i X2,0.00,000, Stg.; Areu led Fu.;fd w - �t ' r L' pdblic, a a:rn, tralri movim; at
into tb yeaditi, ot a whole, bwhere hL Lojj�hoijsc ndb -m t%xn House. a of thesp Periddigals to American tpude 14 -ot a known tis tha. Fal The interel 'zby- tbeadich-Fl.heY niarly bquival4nt -the a6irreZate fotte My 90LT0LIT0R-!. 0 FF IQ.. to receive oltUrielvils OfLollaoff. is rather increaged than diminjified slill9fli fiambld of 6 eqbal to oile-fiou'rth, su -n j'28 CLEARED eo tuition our qviiwortano t.
r1701tN7 be happy bough - somelinle r canu 'd Oballit'; ich. 4r- W. n craw er Goi�Ce;ich, June 6th,. a Brlttadi� Life. -As' ra C N 92 AC RE. wy.511 I q'siderilig -their great of the train. reitt stand at rlith advantage bythe efr6m which they
-7 ---- Apply. to ability and thii -havinp]Jeenapp( are ten, be readittridAtudie UP, �nd'ersigllet AV. THO MAS Esq., B. F__ ?writ p. 0. if hilsAlluntry, of ei nA' respecCAble - e�g rery crfqO artiI.TarlY
pvc highly �Wqswz.lq S T T Or, 'T M L T -A-entfort-Ite,ab L 'GOierich�Fob� 26'.1864. AWD -HULTH.— Hear -7 cc Tbui "'.1"10'r CHAN E RY, y S 0 to.ac pitibih Firialid RE
�n T4d* Jn tho
QIDLYCITOT. A 1A c es.i�&epared bis16Mie'.rco
-rA r -!vF & CFt ompani uyn- -ail 14paisei, vu nks that, h bal thr-, is 1h a - 5 rst is* XE e of- We a1r)0%4 rca�hl 0iihand. A 111�3 xry, Ncw Y-, co- -T WRO T t7.. -K a-ralerateLol preth a
Office, Goderich..- Sw . - Ab. . . A etv copies 4 o L A M-1103S,Aer. 4�ver tho new P4 iiorn <D jr o soldat $5 tor t itond r tb
otif tea on the Gr e step gious. experietwe
e ntle .5'.Q 1201 We uierii publi4b Iit"rth ot Milat. 4:01r.41 11. . . H40 P&Shp, li, iton, on, -to N anty- to': out aull one tra.vw O- n
mce, er, ana illy 4414 -ereitleid oil Voxel is firwi;And
wL elln- to Cd - — --------- lite L'P. A--Nrl) -AC- siclkl' jm bjmt tbatilpes i Supw's, Y%l oclavoijs-o ork-aleCoilege. 9 -vols. 4o t0.R $A_ I N04T-ox� I - . L ton .-c—At the Divis" Ir' t re, wkel 6ees t eyzre plil wtovq� goutha-MlYtofty thiiii religlo4s iijpei corcllv numerous - loin �our elmo its . A -11d), r OTS 8 and 9, range -$20 th 90 acres 0 not -thp efr pecu- to find at j'Stanley, 'L-lE4()N`ARD'SC $ijim. to.,pod %VL. loamsibip of '.PRjCL' $1for the two Vc t-lese g oomy-an i at d recticn,;�,ia find.Acconlitto 0';ft CO. - � - mbie b espoil litz. is
'0137- .4 1 _C . - . , J_ - E 'QUN p�r acre; sot, wns w df & as he 0111V e' -ace
or any placcill tit dittidn... ticti, 8110 acre hsCz I& 29,!Lake Shores Attlifield, 86 per anddiespo d som -tim f.jtv h,)Eej inall re, Peet -of to Iff-the- ree - Ne kT roR, -qu d 20 loom $4,per , lit, as a . g9he artier -aiker at % w Vork- 4& _C�.j j*Cjj_ :2-.5 of s-luth easterly I ties'- b
qthFonj�%V. D., T Iam *m6det*t:dV.ore Own i a�lrert&e-, ClintOT'r V; FA ALWAYS in Goacrichsprw lwtjoors northorthe Nst()ffice. jF02 nt�; tor rational'. im -A healthy lniod.-wA a 1041411T 42 p.wards.. pply ra _yO --N-EY Tf) body.' "go, that. w4he WEATHERALD, U ds Say' ishing Frien ;-4 -m TH OF \-G md:dee Trout F �w3-t._ ust'bi -beilthy if 'YOU' eXpeet, to 1%ve bfdadp THE nCILDI. S, CDFlt, A, Oil Cd pp xad:zweet *xperiites. 6111l'is
lDRED Ail -IV FIFTY Y_AT-I.A.W, SOLICITOR 1 do 101ify. I lzeh"ril porM* I122 Ku it= a Ing, an, pt
d 1ey I.w6uld ft-t.leMUnd -oaveyancer. ze. Aahakeery, V ig'16rili pre e of to�
vl6nt5.yly caARLESDATS, Aild'I fi6ujht thii
R. SA 8sabout temer-on its 20th in w46-1. WITNES w9r-k 3efidiwicew,lidell
pliblic favor on Elie year.as.pt"i L S031 ROSS, A 16WW_.M THE !itudoditte for I E-W'ORKS - the �ragir,. the. I u9t need to pm- y 44 get out.; its aim y wdulc
ARK atne principles with_ which it _to- -ATTORNMY-AT-11,1-W 03&1)r gled much, What the, rit oi beingtothruish �;wi - 8 qoiyl reading, matters 1111111) r tinted Waj obdience Ita e t _Nroiary. Purw.t C, Naba strea, L4eter. Ife. ttaj�rs bk simpli U -laws f a-ChRcerir, usnitere with seetariau bitterneps-orD y -eral Land Ag Kiacardiae. CountY., _jRT 1%1'00. N N ET_,h- t ws Goa ', r 1, - I - w IV D. -A. The News department con sine the IsiteSt. ne bytel�giaobL,�f$PMMkrldSof."C.W-Sfr()Moantt-dilk'".* tqd This is the .-GODERIC to sh and American papers.; yind slec . irti *WjTjff -&Runs UBSTOXE, ST leading journalk Bri, L
k the proprt�to I H _ti, ]Vrejarjok Pr6udfo OHN -1 ies.on carr*nt evenua, ftoin the � "*a is, - AnA o...Q Ott tv
c-ztCointry -11otel in Wetern INTO a . j, -th MArk-ot 'style of %orkmaniihi deft _ ; 118 ar- t and b -d- �tttisk _F
W, e, -es as nij(ierte- ax any 14 inse every description all of tbe world. armdr, ATT01t, and char! -�14 the B
CanadZ $=4 11YA.filrillsbed On. _M4k_M, flie' -Pro __ at tile 42.- GmL* inNjitehell 9tage C103 18 - ud. IbIl6wingjUdiclovis su"t-lip Hite,�on_ L vv p ews -ot Ilia oshe reW aepattr
prietur� ORKSI:_ rice tIo es ana- Cacriages'for. short nati�ej'and prices eurrent';'reyl tile is on aidefort,401. On aylon Bruce Liberidredocti m r on %oxh6w6T-tAr rea&ft 4hc) & tip of �Ua Sho testN otims. ol on, mos n d' t e u'.
m. W TRELEAVEN ndsof rep. iri g ILLY ATTENDED TO �CQhfiLlia AM ORDERS PUNCTU ,de i F i
phr merit of ami y ey ba or, of instlouctii�v aud irnten lag alt The OVIN -IAL-; -easonable terms.. -lfl in -t , _' t -Designsof Montiluent ;copijLiu_ of heighten;Mg thOs Wrroundings 11 ta Qlrj�&e aud Itesidence, Cloderiell Auuilt 2n. 186.4. SvIv.94 seen at t' � 11, 44atters werl, poetp & he 8 CPO. al'and rticu t by.a thstdalorde W12-1 '-jtT6!A I tifa6irticles- Eimer. ociolberist.1864 V_ 111 14jtbVjfi't t6 I hn C:,)o - . 0 �9-; � - in 0*4' object When D4 the arecopicill to firn ds:Wlj6 tj��Shyt& ana ------ ient'lias many
Ldyr.tisirng,#,. ,u I
The 0 P'Rrtu X* itild. . finportanvadvertisimenti; -but adlillig alona sto igii ake thdtn af0ir-frox l M E.N:T�A ran jjonlora�l or jujilrioueledd ney,. Tw V _ML 1,.%,x!).SCrRVRy0R,. - L AM. g-RiEr4owlilike-A Ad UU Ito IN containIP9. a W yell -
di atou, ilklebSellgeJr,s T 'AREHO h
USE.=___ D. GABINE civit gaginee.-icti uly 1,� 161.* S� The Cana iv tion ofih�bedt -wape picture, hiviviviipttrtiu re -r_ -AS Peron 'irons of obta lonthly.�t wt�- n -lackiro6d A IM t., d Buitditigplirpo P MCI tie to a clul) 01 I ining First Glas' Pstfliame . Aget 6Witness,lis pohiiihed n t1ine df 'thti'tr"ec-6 Can 11.0 4axn1tn. * - Ltz d th a te-a- It is 4de- 9WtM W1
suitvz ym atary Lhbhe cOPY gra y6ted to Itelix.
Civftli EIV on r asonable To-' -3 or :03MPi 9 brou�&`but- �ent and- G(M%nauedr Kirteardinc As Table- be su ittil led lit any q1tailtitYs. and; e 41C;� JUM iancend Agricaltore; andvon mi; 'llave Any n. Tibl ffeildingl Tempe . many givac
t6rn:s,,bv applying I 0 hj b . 'M L ly, is jljt'b0�gljjL W. EL allowed Lb'pa6Sfre6Jhr0119, Ir e ndwape' M ----------- MO RASACTS BININESS WITTI THE tliim-but t De- W2� 0-. her Governmen ][A Goderich Fv 1� arid tit pomos the xequEfte uat6dal for hb d Fatents'f4tjnventiQlM-- T ri. A M. In order _t Mont"; - (a- Y. partinbitts; Takesout 0arra grb4nd_S AP.CMITECTi- E. COUNT -00DiER1014, kes chorgi-of Private BillAduiringthii r auriums P00% Drafts anti ta Thjq , r
& residingin. 4 -*eel factory mann
u(Tnn- OLDFST jNj- TEE Daily Witness, $3, dy tb� er broad -18POWS.,Df of eini sadi 41L for Part-ite 1se G Ila$ Iteen sin g a. oreisewiiereo. be inniii.g. u ad _.qaln� f6ritt that it es. coil Aictioii Mart, King AND .1 at ejj tlo -Do .2 1
L(% a neat and clirrects�yle- cc the . - - ailing
ji-e at the- Uqpl I ORDON kept grss, with fine shapea ire& m her- VIR71yly r annum -1- i - _f $ p6rannilm. 11 n t Vill bd, ouna
G�derich. C - ) - t eet. 131101K]EIR __1 .- - &C.. , Leekly Witnes. sl P easing than ,a!l the CAI_ L . . . - . ., - a atiadianALiessellger,2jets per atinura-0 u dense thiket, of hlii' ,vz ilk -----7= iitgefactOtY Wo- -CArders, No UNDER IIIAKER' r _To ICee iv .. Cnish in _A�d jteeit - r E . A 31 now-ort,band a complete Ar GE?#T Vlannfactures VAG "as tori elub of ten. TAX OiDEST' MAN 11, 'Pirz MATT I ROBE I sch caiti co ra is in- e
LAND A nitare, at his Warerocin'si d Openmg O-ne-,
wh: A060 L less than T* -iv'elaimed that -the olderNIZU in-fle
x�sortmel"EPI.Fur a Ziub ir)e seitt, with ni t say Sc Goderich. hould a- Lie
Jaledoin 1-1 rRICH rs wit I tw. f"orwarded'gratis to the value MET GOD -formino.'a. r: 10.- Pape s olumbia
STR rptli& -urdersigred is desirems. of e -tenth j)f remittance. ion with. $0111P per.ton.. w il--, fon Thb-t4i6l of the
businefils connept atjonslo. be, addremed to Mon - W'jkft*,d SUCH A- ling to go in,to tile Wool -Carding And ss- Allfcoulintilc o flud ire -at Witness.or eph-Crele," lie: was b
,,pin in is Jos�, VLblei, Bedsteadsi llziir, btisine.,:s irL PrOdiflk'fl- .rhe- applicant I Mix -DOUGALL & Sux. PerSO - in-' Bureaus, -Dewit riiitid the Te t Moulding eord,0' and goo�seated Cl]airg, ail and tile criber the bleh are it, complete readinesw Ik th�rih 6f t"t 90Y "B""' jety, at N -building, both of W the Glsiiis, in Val any chpable' is -8 -htwdre P a, 113, s of 11k, -ind. splendid opportunity lot d. X61L ddrtY _Lr I - N --u w one.
wL t1i 0 at b0A f tile best ope,0110 facture Hd tqorted, bi go eO j1ome Malin man.wis 11 m old. - Crele was wariw q,.;or to T B. Mont- Iffeanada. D%tNTlsT,(5ueee, VZRI New (Means or ry,)r tiouerteh, Ila te litt0r�d 'a gome on. and M A 3FACTURMIt LIGAT-HOUSE St-LIGO IV 10`101 A )�rairje_ d
]ffr. F. ordan' DMZ AjSo,,r:qE A.RSF 1.86jer. r r �Ujj ag6,,Vfl 1� . Apfit 171hp to re '00 Rooms. over sortme 'S turn thank W�_._'j Store G. has- lqu N exiliiveif i� !L nt Of lit of 0 -SUBSCRI-BER wishes wigc�n HE � I - . _ ., it , - fOF ALI, XINDSp �rr r I -'- Mew *W- a Jantlary TO; HIRE to roast faors receiired at their -A :'JL I thepubliefo of Figi6ft. Coidwooa tiicen -in ex- t 4 is deter- e n#* & HAZLEH U RST, lip daughter y bis' thiva le) er. ate le
Lumber And littrids, and wouldbeito intitnate-tha e w olif Furniture., mined to Sell: ements . -1 - lian-_ - r I - F"_ Qj& g;eat at 3 w27 St cla sevgnt.y years of
. e . ric S 0 H E' -A-1 -EV. man p quite alk vViral (UxTE A N ER, 73 -CH AS and 0an W & Goin 'Mission MerdliatUtff-, IN THE itar tbo .16 action Loungei, Bedsteads -in -oinplete for 05,00. a day' 'Bmreau 0114"I'_ willsellypl, awag-gon. c It
Don't;& st.,,Goderschi . 1.41 q ortion All work- ftgrgoj&g cases, -of Slank-yr O fo, StronWa HoiO DAVIS variety, klast Tables, ca a To nship �4!Vhe Yillsigi " f ca AVardrobe-1, -Book sh,and i it other. thin gs ill prop _C0111ty 0 atb�, at, YL . & Center'fables, . � many . . . I . , . ; . I The �Gslt Reformer says
AXLd neXt Door STO � . pi nin- -!.rabies, Bren I W 7 'V _E11,9 IN V lfoj jai lq,,gouth,of the .,Bay- -.1DEAL �,t, wa.Z Standi? Chairs, and rFA ERS lk Toilet Table, mention.,kIlliftids W. arranteld to 91V , S W ateiloo,.whictiailid in any way TMO11
ANINJI - LCTLJR EING south hil *aStilig, 'too numerous 0 (, - - tile V#ry -our Gr- e of every tie other articles ),ataining 60,sicres of nix the birth Jay of. acibus ove
Ilortei. Wag,qo Stove%, flou,--I 01 .Lij�plenisnumade to order, field Road, cc e. C f ron NV are, at Mly t%.kLFS of d Sheet, All kinds of,FArming.. Ig land, of which 0 arrell' are has disgraced iiself ver, tf *a 4th of j
of scription. Tin,etipper-an bestwheat-grown of cultivation., t of 1;,Illkr e 1v ch'ihe 1164ve,
upt Stock� Farm the stove. D pot) JOHN 'well fenced and under. a-godit state Z1111 alt;aLitioa pa�(l ta the ws37 tofu Plile south of the celebritio'4 in 111 06denefi, JaM 9th -j 1*465, ii-oniv a.quarte t"r I. inder e British In -eted landlordws. Ara". promptly attend ing office t
:4= ap 9 tourislijuglvillag ead- atgrloO geis na of i
go s Cashadvancedou, nts This A rM rounded 00 cAle 00 lea to, UPHOLS a of Varna *a _praised. detwts� ��u"& reittedT 1hlrmion branches. sg gravel;, roadsq and within uch Tnew- GOP- all sides by fir -A-01.0, ldarinounceto tbe.pulie The sooner W .111-eie is R HE subscribell Won I t' I # . - ,
Rn and u mxn�jh S.A Sy �cci;3416ft good wheat inarket, e bette lkow enrauch Auc- Old tron, -nMAK - j ,L.-ougt BtollielPIA a .4ed to. Sales at ill - . g:r0oar oil bimpxio i& 0 ea he has h 'per, Brass Rap an tud-a-1 rsd. a Sheepskrus !aken'ill ex� UNDE TAM- F *jme barn in -course, of -orlioron and Bru hrgo j - go6d house, schoo sj rostotoces. GTnst7 anj will me �jflr -1 ze erectign. ( urAes, which will he sold cheap of t);An Wb,otn
The lato Donxios Jr, hisstock. _W6 AW the -immexhatevWMAYi y to, o, ream"Ur'terms 4 49 texaml-nafioni ol. I Xe to o�ler C,a Sias yr ge_ w2_2_1 -chan. r. It. respectfully,invites A ANO evhesp,
Leranted to be triudia of the best, ran -W SH 118, ism-, t_ OIL handnd for 61t hip, a -grf atly reduced nitcreai -,heartedinan, At
kmans rid at IN pls.to termxi &a.- OPP13r (if led -vias not A more kinia-, terial and,wor 1her6 mop, Esq., lot 9 'led �manrl Of tbe thin ikinned
prices. Ga andcompare., and L-4.- sa"fied before, Eher 16110*,illg Wter post aid) to 4 8 thiligh it sut -br to e Vartlar P' B&YFIELD; -re. RE 111nderingned,6ffers for Sale 0 oiberwo *&4
going, elst;whe It Ith colk t - . - . 3 - O's reeipiputs Of ds t it SEE $of Pro- �ata on the Gravel -11,011411 anleys
r:;eorge Ande
ir isas, 481ttl Huron. sales Cordwoo Otis ni2bt in.,company j j1ruxon %71 rt in exchanges. Qwer on't oiAbt _1180. a he always k6pt Vii wow. in village'Qr country, d and all- kind T id Meliesnell, Stouffvllle 1? Wp
-U County 6 ke- _l,"wcsljjp o awapos euledlo. ducetiLke w24 -4t L on Elgin qmreet. county of York Re r -F. A_7_74i�IN -t3- Waniroom Goden p r *4863-- withiu. Mil es. o 'that ion &MP Your. tong
h4 BW59 if Viijej, are cleared. JQ Godencifi. biarohUt W ( _HN PASENIORF, &jr,ket ing c6iltainibg 100- neres, At they are jug the sort 13arn.36 a63.. by 52, a 901 tbrojigy the li�aringql.. A6 good- creek Man; Addresx.130dwln- 101:6 Apply to D_ Of URU6 wim firA and I P. Q. _Iyr$o.. 0 R* NEER for JEWRON, L the- prgraises, -there, is ft g00j Frame - vli�i aStrect.004erif-h- XUCTIO 9rj egar� f
;zvoc- i4ales-pacictualtVattende4to. Dd Freitn� LAOU wi.
roung orchi!rd S A L E t ej�-ia vin
w496m al I ZteQP th P. E . ,
L E R.'s TO: UN farm LWA n. 1�11 PRb V LD IF Al bo'ng brought' 10
HUGH TdeM&Tfl -the RM I LEND We ohxx Ctvmpb0l., Aot _3s -4th ion eA T.0 ,-ad in lul—twenty "&4
'67 i Subsequent! bTS I Liverpo 01ISSIOIC AGENT dei f6jr V150.eich, of by J&r. Mysq. oshjon-30 i4; Go nch'r E R A L - C 0 STAVO en6ral, tb)Lt for *the 'fell ueen?s Bench, tortaking PE_ R CLNT� Coinraissionerift Q lye yetkr proviii Farnt Pi tiqud-k - j4( iWILL 1w, tonets -etp#*04
Gotivelraiteer,&q.,.&C. 09tei oil Broad AKOINGS Xt loaned' FAglb LEATHER 30 Money tO.L d ope.,iii more than O" r _tj.rllfa X13LC �eof!K' ardine.,G.W. Ing d P01Y tol Pr perty. b. shade 6rionverif require JORA039 UOAT'OV-- p X- Mortgn. CAMER-0 RMIt AN D, or. e '�h ow.62* -r,.od rj ORWA Solicit' i?etor� ArIELse. to Inv.est in TOW ApPlY tO its purcbase�
-j.,B. GORDA2 W. Notes ana C V Godericb. mom-, FUerchant,A y- kinden Barlistei, j3ooth7s store.. IIW y ayj 74tf nest- of -an sw3-tf Gods jqk.:18th�1 Bug Goderiell Sot. 13.,18q4; a -to hila Wl!j reCCIVO,rprompt attention.. 047wi U
Ti - z w40-jrVt03X February