HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-07-21, Page 4L Money to Lena, oy very reasonable terms. Apply to B. L. DOYLE, ileirabb's new Block.. Goderich. 9th San. 1865. w50-1yr FARIVITPRALE THE SEMI-WEEKLY -SIGNAL — — — TAKE NOTICE . KIRK HAS OPENED AGAI OT 3, Con. A, Townehip. a Hoick, ; _in'. flute trim WTOXeleri Oa - ( THE SUBSCRIBER THE GRAVEL ROAD • 1 DEas to inform his oldiriends and the public generally that he ',Log house andbarn, to in 92 ACRES,28 CLEARED Apply ta - _ F. W. THOMAS,. Ek., Godericin Feb. W.1.864. • wei•M.:1-tf .TALLORINg-.. To. -ALI, Jek.,111L St, 13 EarRNs HIS MOST SI NriqE THANKS 11, for the vent flattering -encouragement he has -reeeiN•ed i nce he commenced Inisined in Gode- Will 1:•e sold eheap for CASH ot in exchange for Dairy Produce. rich, not being stile to execute over one -halt a the ordersbrought to him last season; foiving 1 has Next door to Mr, BUTLER'S BOOK -STORE, where every -thing in ER 3 1. new secured fatalitietfor ks he intends to devote his attention principally to the rectifyino. of: - n r Uri/PE liustness txtensiveq and einployipg none but first-efass tradesmea. And as D. A.. b1teeshiSeXPerienceas Cutter is necondto none Tr' the Provinct'. hav inzcarried on business extensively ancisuccessfully in Hamilton, principally tirst-elitsseustomer.s.aud having been Cutter in one of the Principal Estalilishrnen s in • . Edinburgh; Scotland, he fearlessly states to it discerning public that , • CLOTHING CAN -BE 11IADP atlas eatablishinentequai tothe best Establish- ment in Toronto or Montreal. Coderich.Oct.30 i863 sw17w40-1v • initTGAGE SALE or - RISICIES OF ALL KINDS, Thereby enabling him- to sell at. Valuable Property... TINDER and by virtue.of it Power of Sale ti contained in a Mortgage made by Hugh Anderson, of the Township of Kintons, in the County of Bruce, Yeoman,•defaulfhaving been made is' the due privinent.t hereof. will be s;ld on Wednesdav. the secend (2nd) dav of August, A. , 1865, :at twelve o'clock:, noon, at the Auction Mart of George Trueman, Market Square,. Goderich, the following i property, viz. : -Lots numbers twenty-one and twenty-two, in the third range south of the Durham. Rnacl, in the aforesaid township ef Kinloss. D_9ed under sPower of Sale. M C. CAMERON, w23.td. Solicitor for Mortganee. For Sale at. -a Bargain. • THAT valuable and eligibly situated property in the Town of Goderich. fronting the Court House Square, and for eighteen years known as THE FARMERS INN During whirh time.' it ham enjoyed one of the I largest poi tions ot _that business in. the town. Counecied with.f...e is a e-ceera I Itore. The whole arc- built of stone slid Lir-A: I; 47 37, three . - Ocnies high. and commedious _cellors 8 teet deep. A 'mental to the hotel is cetwostoi•y d welling hoirse,.olithouses, 6rc •. • - • A LSO :-A. small . farm of excellent 'bind. ha ndsonielylacated one .mile.from Cuderich on the Ba -y field Rem!, 30 neves in gond state of e.ultiviition, well fenced, 21 of. wli ich are elear or -stow ps,. with a hewn log Itailso 30 x-20, and ' •a cedar log barn 40 24•,- sheds eke., . . ALSO In the Village of 1".ort Albert .4 aerd =with dwelling house' and stables, arc., ofte of_the hesi tavern stands in tint place, an' -has lung b.cii kepi as c;Ift.o snit Piirehasers:---For further patticulars_apply to • . ' --J. 13. GORDON, Esq. - or ANDREW DONOGII, Proprietor. - - N.B.--Ali those indebted fp ine either by mite orbook amount Are requestedto sett! the .same without &NY in order to save eosts. . GoderiCli, April -31A, 1864: . • w9 td Dealers therein will do well to give him a call. - Those indebtPd to him will Pleasecall and settle at once, otherwise costs must be incurred. J. Y. S. KIRK. MARkET SQUARE, Goderich 1th March, 1865._. .sw53 WOOL TL -.1-- rr 3LATI XI; tins JUST RiCE1VED A LANGE STOCK or . - srAtibARD 4SCH001 OCIKS of.n. .11ANCY--STATIONARY do L -srsti oy TA:y.J1-, A Books, Prayeall r Books of kinds, Church Services, Hymn Itodkis, • GODERICH:FANNING MILL AND V'Eactoi7 THE SUBSCRIBERBEGS TO INFORM the inhabita.its of the Counties cf Huron and Bruce that he is still Manufacturing, and has on hand a number of his , . A.I.A3UNIS„ SATCHELS Ladies' " Compainnins, SUPERIOR FANNING MILLS & PUMPS. WORK-BOXESINRITING-CASES - 'AL.41:21C)3E1.3:0MC,01Nrilib. And various other articles, all cheap:. -- AT. BUTLER'S. ,Goderien -April 28 ISO. GR -FAT. W-ESTERN RAILWAY. 1 :iVreight:for'Perts on East Shore of .....,, . Lake liur0- - ; . . . ____ . I THE FAST SIDE w aBEL TEAMER I 1 He would particularly draw attention to his KtIls. as he will warrant there to freeWheat from oats, cockle, chess, &c. Pumps made to order and warranted. -.Factoryon Nelson st., between Victoriastreet and Cambria Road. , Arno, agen vier the sale of Morgan's pnemrum itri-liattint CULTIVATOR , which. has never vet ibiled to give generalsatisfaction to fanners sibs) have used them. • • IIENRY DODD, Goderien Aprif22nd, 1PO4. 0.4. :.fl- R NG ! ,..XC • c�. .o........nonensinianeonseoneosonoerninenn.... frHE SUBSCRIBERS would be to informhis customers and the public.that his new Fein naolsAsig.01404~ ises on East atreet, _ • :THREE DOORS FROM THE SQUARE', • 'will be opened on the first of June, for transacting the Wool 'Carding, Cloth Dressing and' SIIEEIE'F'S SALE, ar LANDS. Girded Counnekel IlitY virtue of a Writ -of Huron and Bruce, JL.1 triert Facies issued out To Wit: of Her Majesty's, Court ot Chanceryttrul t�• me_directed against the lands and teaeinents of Jane Ford. Edw tnl Atha nsen John McGuinne.s rnd William 5mM-eke, are dekndents. at the suit of Mary Ann lord Stec - bike by John_ Mitchell theyouneer her next friend, it Plaintiff, I have •_ieized and taken in execution aft the•right, title and interest of the said d. -u -n- ' dant in and to the month half of lot number eleven IN the fourth concession of the townsh:p of Stephen. in the county of Huron, Whiclt lands anatenerneit a I shall offer for sale et my office in the Court House, in the town of Goderich on Tuesday, the first day of August next, at the hour ot twelve otthe doek, noon. JOHN MA.CDONALD. ••• Sheriff H.& B. By S. Porn.ocx, Deputy Sheen:. Sheriff's tnice,Goderick, 25th Aped, 1865 4 w14 -SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS 11 orders an3 Manufacturing b,usiness, m conn.ection -Yak his WOO Bonnie Maggie. CAPT. D. ROWAN, /1 Commander, tfi!1 run between SARNIA. AND SOUTBAIIRTON LANDS FOR SALE! INGiNE pug rtangemen I AN D BOILER ! FOR SALE C11.31jI912 Apply to ' ' W. E. GRACt. - Goderich. Nov.71h .1864. w41sVel9 GODERICH &CHICAGO. rPHE'following Lands are 'offered for sale en very advainageoue terms : ()N - TENTli ONLY 1. OF THE PURCII1SE flONEY IN CASH IT TIME 01 LAI THE BALANCE INi- Nine Equal -Annual Instalments, win, interest at 6 per cent.2 The Staunch Propellor XAGA. RA ! Tx /ILL ake weeely trips- between Goderich VY and Chicago during tbeseason ot naviga- tion in coffirection with the . Grand Trunk R. RP TM PLACES EAST, AND Goderich, Kincardine, Inverhuron, Port Elgin, and Southampton Route. -STEAMER Steamer Huron For Saginaw, For ,freight . or passage apply to TO W N tliP OF_ MORRIS : South ; r in 1st con., 5.0 acres„ South A 8 in 1st con., -;0 acres, • South A 11 in 2d coin, 100 acres, - South ; 21 in 3d con., 100 scree,: North A 20 in 4h ---conn 100 acres. North; 21 in 4h con., 10G acres, : North ; 23 in 4h con., 100.acres. . . . TOWNSHIP OF EIOWICK hots 2 '3 Anc14 in 15th con., 100 acres each TOWNSHIP OF GREY (Weather' permitting) twice each week Until further notice. Leaving Sarnia every - Monday and Thurnclas moi•nimer calling nt work in the nbove business will be punctually attended ttr. Likewise avinietyof Bei -field, Goderich, Kincardine, Inverhuron, Port Elnin Southampton: Returnine. . Satuiday mornino caliber at above ports. leave Southampton every Wedneadny and 0 0 will - 1 • — oths Rankets and Roc ng Yarn, ' - 6.26 in 1st con., 100 acre& ' Lots $4 and 35 in 4 can., 100 acres each, • Lots 31 and 32 in 6 con., 100 neresench, Lot 16 in con.. as acres, - ' - Lot 32 in 8 con., 100 a,cres, Lots 33 'and 34 in10 con., 100 acres each. TOWNSHIP OF TUIWBERRY _ N. E. -; 43 in -1 con., 50 acres-. - A pp I y to CHAALES WIDDER,ENCI.,G9derich, - or to the owner, - THOMA.S.GALT, • • " Toronto - Vreieht by this rout; -.e'en be delivered 0 •willbe kept on hand to exchanrre for wool. Having this year added another quicker than :§y•any • ciher, and at rates to suit Merchants and Shipper.s. For fieight FIRST-CLASS - DOUBLE CARDIND -MACHINE and piasage apply to W. SeyMour & Co., - Agents,Goderich; Roht. Campbell, Agent, to his. establishment t. t11e prepared to execute farmer's work to a,ny resteonable extent Kincardine ; James Burwash-, Agent, South - on sholt netice.. Customers coining to the factory themselves will be promptly attended to anipton - - peditioulsl as formerly, andp.:‘arlticularattent.lon wiI1 be to those dista_ace wishing their f THOS. SWINYARD, 'SV ork_u 11 o n. e ! Freight Supt., Eastern division,,Harnilton. - X 13 --Whileiliankfultor the liberal patronage of former years in the above business, the eubscriber. hopes by strict attention to businens and sparing no expense in meeting the wants • • of his customers, to still receive a „share of the same. ce Rnimember the place- East_Street, second door from CRA.BB'S BLOCK. THOMAS LOGAN. wl 2 t ItTnned.Countiesof 13Y Virtue df a writ ol Sims and Bruce, .111CP 'rendition' Exponas and ' To wit: - Fieri Facies,. for residue.; ii_litNta out cf Her Maiestv's County 'Court of the United- Counties ot Huionsand Bruce and tame directed against the !ands and tenementsof David Ganes, at the sun of the _Huron District Building Society,[ have seized and taken in execution -all trie richt; title and interest of the said Defendant in and to lot number twenty-four. in thetecond concessien Of the township. of Kin - lots, in the County ot Bruce, containing ore hundred acres. more or leas, whieh lands and tenements I shalt offer for sale at iny office in the 'court House, in the Town of Goderich; on. Tues - ray, the twenty-fifth day ofJ Lily next, at the hour of twelve of the- clock, noon. - - JOHN hIA.CDONSID, ' • , - Shenjfkll *B.. /Sheriff 'a Office. Goderich, i• • , 23rd- Aloe, 1865.. L. w22 To Wool Gai•clers,.:Ste.-, Go-od Openixte Goderileh; Apri119th, 1864 R N - 111[111 JED _111 JUL IL BEM. a• it( ;pm 14arEAnit Nnt N E -WO KS1.. RUNCIMAN di._ CO v... ttrdersureett is. desinere et -forming a Naniacturers of. --Grist and .FloUrin.g „ . • business connection with Rime peison ling to go- into toe Wool -carding aud Clotli-do-ss- ing liminess in•Goderich. The apPlicant to And : Circular, REUlay" and Sas.b.._Saw.dills,. card:4 clre and the subscriber the power and imadding,fieth ot which, are in complete readiness, - This is a splendid opportunity tor any capable roan wishing one of the best openings ot the kind , . meanada. Apply to . MATTHEvr ROBERTSON. I f Croderich, c.w. _ • . -,,w1211. April 1711r, 1E165./ _ iV. ORR, ` ' ENCRIES& 011131M, MA.4p1-ITIN-ES, SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. SEPRATOR$ ANCIIORSE POWERS, United Countiasof 'Ths Y virtue of it, Writot . - --, Huron and- Bruce, E1 Fieri Friela& issued llowing and Reaping Machines, Wood Saws.,. I court,of the United Gauntlet of Huron and Bruce, CM" F....xii--17 wimatTusv:}4:Je..42Lwar zmico.o.coass, • To wit : ontolkier Majesty's Ceunty -' I ' • • „.. i FARM thr SALE. F• a.L,E, half ofLot No. 17, con 3 • Township of WAWA N OSH, comprisi 0 N E HyNDRED ACRES, ' and to me directed against tile lands and tene- • - • menu ofJames Lothian at the suit IsialleCestihos made, and Blacksmiths' work done in a neat and substantialmanner, Smith, I. have seized and taken in execution all the right title and inteteseof tile said defeadent in and toLtstetters tand- I) in•the 9th concession of the township of Bruce, containing 200"acrei.; ails() millsite number 2 m the village 01 huron, in said county of Bruce„ containipg 34 acres, %shush lands and tenernents 1 shaft oder for saterat my effiee irt theCouit House itt tee town of Codereft, on Tuesdav'the..first-day of August r_ nex(, atthe hour of- tvrelve ot the Sock, noon JOHN• MACDONo.I.D, Sheriff, Hi ney B. P, POLLOCK, Deputy Sheriff. Offine, Goderich, 25tit April. 1865. w14 .Castings of any description made to order. Also, all kinds of machinery • • I ' renaired on short notice. A laego stock of - • COOKING, PARLOUR AND . BOX, STOVES, 'Always en hand, Sugar Kettles, Wagon and Pipe qotes. As our patternsof the above are ofthe niost approved kind, we would solicit aninspection of our stock before purchasing elsewhere, al we are offering the above at the lowest remunerative prices for cash, or or ap proved Credit. Old -metal, Brass,CoPper, aud all kinds of oroduce taken in exchange. Godenieli. October. 1862. w39 w 43n 66 lp 99' A. M. McGREG OR, Milalanster TN connection with the Grand Trunk Zan: road, at Goderiely commencing on Monday, June 2661.- 1865, (weather Ter - milting), will leve.. GODERICII FOR SOUTIIIIIIPTOS Every evening, (Sundays excepted) at 6 o'clock, p.m calling at iutermediute ports‘ - G. RUMBALL, • Afferit. Goderich AMA 25,18C5. w13tf In the Queen's Bench, p,mmt-o-Iti.Tiri-c3.. leal-e Southampton every morning (Sundays excepted) at 5 o'clock, a:pl.-calls nig at intermediate ports, and arriving itt Godericb in time to connect with the 1 o'clock, p.m. train -going east.- • GEORGE RUMBA:Lit, Agent, Goderichn • EASTER TERM. 28 VICTORIA. In the ;natter of comPen-) AT 0 TE. is ,bereby given dat - the Buffalo and • Lake Huron Railway Company sation for light of way of the Buffalo atid Labe Huron Railwa Cornpary through lots os. 85, 86 and 87 in the Maitland -have paid into the concession of tbe Town- Court of Queetibs ship of Goderieh, in the I3ench,at Toronto, County of Buron. J the sum of five hundred and ninety-six do lars and sixty-five cons being-the,compensation and six months interest thereon, agreed to be paid for certain lands for right of way. -being parts of Ints numbers eighty five, eighty stx and eighty- . can be proc-red irorn any of the agents for Once a- week for Chicago. Through tickets seven in the Maitland concession of the • - ci-oaericn . LANING MILL Sash, Door, and !swab iraciale na clearance. Terrhs liberal. Arply to the Executers ofthe Estate of the late m. arr Dungannon P. 0 • • D ungannon, Oe'. 10,1864. w37-tf nit Sale Cheap. • CYrg G., 8th eon.. Bruce: 20, 4th Kinloss ; 22, .1.4h con. Huron. Apply to • M. --C. CAIO•R,ON. Goclerich.October 28.1864. sw16 SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS • v. ;John McDonald & co. HAVING COMPLETED THEIR NEW 1:-1, Factery, are now prepared to take in order& to any extent. From their !Ong experience in the businesS, and having experiencedworkmeq, and a first-classmet ofroaclunery, they flatitiethemselves that they can no at _ G. co Oa. NAT cp r1K,, 4s0 Tickets can he procured from any of the undermentioned agents at the following raten, viz : Goderich to Kincardine... 50cts-.7 do • I nverhuron . .15ets,_ do Fort Elgin ...,...$L00, . • -do Southampton ...... 1.00. Kincardine to Inverhuron" 2,5cts. • do Port Elgin 50ets. do Saugeen ..............Oct, And Vice Versa. ...A.M0.11.7t132 Kincardine. . . . Ross Robertson, I nverliuron Port Elgin W Ruby. Southampton ....... Thos. Adair. The Steamer Bruce will connect at GOderielt meth the -STE WEB gus4itit, D. COLE. Master. , Every Tuesdays and Fridays feeSaginatv, also , -PrOpellor Niagara, C. M. McINTOSH, Masteq township of Goderich, in the County of Huron, under and by virtue of a -certain agreement or deed poll' bearing date the eleventh day of May, in the year of Our. Lord 1853, and executed by William Ford and Henry Ford of the said township' of Goderich, and made -under the Act entitled " An Act respecting Railway'," and ferther notice is given to all persons entitled to the said lands or to iny part thereof, or represent- ing cr being tha husbands"of any parties so entitled, to file their claims into .the said Court to the said compensation or any part thereof end all such claims will be received and adjudged Kinn by the . said' Court persnant to the Statute in that behalf. Datell this 17th day of this?, 1865. •. (Signed) L. BEYDEN,, - w17-3rn Clerk of the Crown and Pleas. -Aszystt Establislonentsti Canada.' Partieshaving work would do -wet' to •11.11 '1-11ereis also any quantity el- SABA. DOORS & mqvugNos United Counties of wirt446 of a Writ of Huron and Bruce, Fieri*acrits issued out To Wit f Her Majesty's County _Court of the 1-nited Counties of fluronrami Bruce and fo me directed against the lands and tene- ments-ot James Clarke at the suit of Robert 4 Thompson, 1 have seized and taken -in execution al! the right,:title and interest of the said delen;- datit in and to lot- nuo.ber 324 in the town Of Goderich, in the cenntynt Huron, which tan& and tenements I shall orer for sale at my office iirthe Court House, in the town of Wide' ichr.on Tuesday-, the fifteenth day of August next, at the hour of twelve of the chick, noon. , JOHN MACDONALD, SheriffH. & 13: Bv Frinnocic, Deputy Sher.h, Sheriff's bele, Goderich,t 10th May 1865. i FARM FOR .S4Lt IN WAWAN• H rrillEsindersigned ofiersfor sale the *Mowing .1.- Pramu' al :situated. on the Gravel Road in too 1.`tivruship ,of Wawa -nosh. WIthill 11 Niles of Goderich 1 containing 103 wires,: 50 of -which axed -eared, thiepreiniseathete &Jr a good Frame Barn 36 nfta gnssy.Frarao Houle, young -orchard-- beatnik A good creek rininaor, through the "(Atria. -.Apply to. - HUGH MckATH, .t.ot .3,• 4th. con. Witaiseoshaan. 30.1S6.5. w1.1 m NOTICE. I - those indebtedto Win. E. GRACE, be note or book account, will please GALL AND 'SETTLE - The same withoutdelay. Offibe on Lighthouse St., _Next to Mr. Andrew Donogles. • For Sale -,_DEPARTMENTAL . radammitAiDry Agent, cz.triicaztielcy, MRANSACTS BUSINESS WITH THE CTOWN TAPAS and other GovernMent De- partments; Takes outPatents for Inventions. - drafts ariatakeschergeogrivate Billitduringtbe sowlion- , smorc., den.n for Parties _residing in npfseireanada.er elsewhere. swlon 200 BAIIRELS SALT! AT $125 'PER - BBR,L. A. QUANTITY OF IRON! Assorted, at -- $2.50 PER -1.00 POUNDS! wm. Et GRACE. • • d 1864 Farm In Bosanquet FOR SALE. ort rro LiErr. f ALI. KINDS _O -N HAND! ""ies also oiler _ 1 To Carpenters &Builders --A -- COAL! CON. LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR THEIR WORK. T m S4 WithOid-DiStinetiOn rliSt be CASH. ta-Iterneinbertheplace;epposzte,Ita old' Plan sag Mill. • (lodes ich.26th August. 1661. • SO A LARGE QUANTITY OF BLACKSMITIPS CO.A.11 'ON HAND AND .At the Wharf 1 , sagfeaw and,Chn:ago, at!he flosItlerszsg2radateschast Southampton and Port Elgin to ' .Sagina.V. .$500- $400 inverhuron & Kincardine to do . . 4-50 150 Southampton or Pl. Elgin to Chicago 7.00 .6.00 Inverheron Kinearcline to do . 6.50 4.50 Freight- contracted by this line via Grand Trunk for London, Hamilton, Toronto, Mon- treal, and all points East -cheaper then by any other route. • GEO. RUMBALL Agent • • Gonerich, June 27,1865. FORSALE. 0T5 8 and 9, range .13, in the township' ot 11 •Stattley, , $20 per acre ; south 90 acres -of lot 29. bake 1.hore, Ashfield, $6 per acre, Easi. 25 it -res of s•iuth easterly quarter or lot 2 in the 9th eon, W. D., Ashfield; $1 per Roe; and 20 Town Lots in Goderich, price $30.0t) each -111W • pwards. Apply to IT( OS. WEA.TBERALD • WS -1 Gederich GEO. RUBIBALL, - •Agent. Goderich, May 29th 1865. sw77. SHERIFk!S SALri OrslikisiDS. ......_, United Counties of 0 Y virtue - of -a writ or .1 Huron and Bruce, -V Fieri Yocum ;issued out To wt. of Her Majesty'i Coiffay SHERIFF'S SALE OrLAMJL United Countiesof DIY. virtne of a writ. ot -Huron and Bi lice; _LP 'Venditioni Engines and To Wit t Fieri Facuis for re ,due -is- sued out of Her 1Vhoestyrs County Conn in the tInited -Counties tif Huron and Bruce and to me directed ;within toe binds and tenemeuts orttobertVreer.irr this Perkins; 1 have seized and taken in execution -1a the suns -of Ransom' W. Adams. Rohen_Leach Bed Ames- righitide and Interest ofthe bald .defendsnt la and to lot number iv., hi the eighth ronceviion ot the town- ship of ifowick. in the county oflearoti; -Much lands and tenerrients"1 snail Idfcr for sale at lay -cake in the C.crt Bousc Indic ton of Goderielt. on Tue§day, the twenty-ninth' day uf August next, alike houref tweara 'of the clockoloolf.' . JOHN MACDONALD, .-•'. Sheriff Han IL ' By S. Po raxcal Deputy Sheriff. Court of the United Counties of Huron and Is ruee unclench, and lo medirected against the lands an tene- SheillPs"licel lfith July, 1865. ments of 'James Stewart at :die uit of John V Detlor and Samuel H. Dellor, 1 have -seized and taken in Exeoution ail the right tele and interest °like said deiendant in and to lot number one itt the eleyenih concession of the Township of Cel. borne, W.• D., in the County Of Huron, which lands I shun offer- tor ,sale it my office in the Coral House iii the -Town of Coderich, on Toes day the twenty-fifih day of Ju.y next, at the noun of twelve ot the clock noon. . J OHN-MACD ONA LD, $1terilie, •H. 4. B By S. POLLocx, Deputy Sheriff. 'Sheriff's Office, Goderich. 15th Ari1.1865. • -w12 Bb.eriff's Sale or Lands. United Counties of laY virtue at . a svrit at Huron and Bruce, _LI Fieri Fawns issued OUt - R. M.WAN Lit ourt of tho United bounties of -Huron and Brucii Z & co'I to wiLl of Her Majesty's County - and to me directed against the lands 'and e- - GENUINE CANADIAN P ATENT • _ .w.16 SEWING MACHINES ments of Charles Black, at_ -the suit of the Corporation of the Township of Ashfield, I have seized and taken in execution all the right,. title and interestof the said defendant in and to the west halfot lot nurnberseven in the third con] Have etakenthe- First Prizei cession Inastern Division of the to a nship Ashfield, irrthe County of Huron . containing one A -T- THE. PROVINCIAL EXHIBITION ha -hundred acrea. whie lands and tenements' shall offer -for safe at my office in the Court House, in 1/1-1thil8M6o3ntroeitrSaellptoetnhieber4la4ntdh,alls5oth:t1t6hteh,parnod. the town of G'oderich, on Tuesday, the first day of August next, at _Lie hour of We've of the clock, noon„ • JOHN MACDONALD, " - Sheriff H.& B. By'S• POLLOCK, Deputy Sheriff.- • _ Sherin's Office, Godench, 26th Apn1,1865. w14 IMPORTIT NOTICE TN CONSEQUENCE of the death of Mr. M. M. .1. Wesanajtatzi. the business heretofore carried on under th nanwand style of Robt. Itun.eiman. & Co. HE, UNDERS1QN,ED effersfer sale eiteNt IL tot; 20, 12th con,. township of -BesanqUet, County of Lambton. The farm eonsiats of ONE HUNDRED ACRES, sixtyof which are cleared. and situated iiear a station ofthe G. 'V Railway. There is a LOG DWELLING HOMY' AND- FRAME BARN on the lot. • WELL TIMBERED it WATERIlk For particulars apply.,:to •- c. aoRDON,- •Goderie h P.0 • • 11,17t I , An list Ilth. 186 Land Sgip for Sale, (IR A LIBERAL fltEMIUM GIVEN an payment's which can be made to the CrOWIt. Lan& Department in Land Scrip. See card in another column. . • HENRY GRIST,- • Quebec. Goderieh. We .4. lgu. w40.sw2? Goderteh. December n ; tf 1r0T_T-11t13/M'It-S; must be closed on or -before -the 1ST DAY OF A.Plt IL,1865. . . • mein! Exhibition held in Kingston, September 22sd, 23rd, and231h and 26th, 1863. Prizes of a similar character wcre also awarded to us tit the Provincial Exhibition held in Toronto in 1862,and 'at the Provincial Exhibition held at London in 18-61. "• Prices have ,have beet Greatly Reduced R. N. WAITZER Hamilton. ik13RAHAN -Agent. East Side Market *are' Golemb N ay. 2_7; 1863 invt4v,52 • - An parties indebted to the above firm are here- by notified that alt notes and book accountsover on the• - • . • st day of :FEB'Y next, will be hinded to their SotiCitor tor collection The stock oaband will' be soicl":- LOW C- ASEE ' sHoirreiFIAT,. It consists7ot alarge assortment ofPloughs, Culti- - aritUILHarrows.StrawCiitteris. • . ' Valuable Piece, of Land SAL, nN favorable terms of payment. The l/ lowing prom , •viz : IsTorth half of lot 1 nu•mber 30, on th 12th con. of .Godericl townshi, coain' g by admeasurement 40 acres, ----- or less, upon . which there are fifteen acrea cleared. This land is in a favorable situation, being within five miles of the town of Clinton. Also.: a valuable property in the -village< of Kurburn. one half LAND - UNDER POWER OF SALE IN MORT- GAGE. DY virtue of ty.Power of Sale contained in a Mortgage Made by Archibald McMillan, -- of the townskiti, of Wawanosh,•in the county of Huron, Yeoman, of the first part, and. Janet McMillin, his wife, (for the purpose of - barring her dower) of the second par; de- fault having been made in the -due pa)ment thereof, will be -sold on Thursday, the tenth day of August,.A. In 1865, at twelve of the clock, noon, iitythe Auction Mart of George M. True.man, in the town of Goderich, this - following Dronenty, -that is to say: The easterly half o'r tot number fourteen, lif_the fnurteentli coneession of -the said township of Virawangib, containing one hundred Awes of land, me or‘lessy-saving andexceptingthat: - part of lot containing - by admeasure- ment two roods and eight perebes or land conveyed by said party of the first part, to one lames -Somerville, of the- vilinge of Lucknow, by Deed dated the twentyrneyenth day of Janna.ry, A. D., 1863. _Terms cash,. Deed under Power of Sale. M. 0. CAMERON. sw90td Solicitor for,Mortgagee. SHERIFF'S SALE OF TADS dneed Counties et :Eon virtue of a writ of Huron and Bruce, -1--,...Fieri Fhcias issued out to wit : of Her Majesty's Count), Court of the United Counties of Huron and Bruce and lo n e directed against the lands and tenc- ments ot Willian Wilson, at the suit ot James 13osiveli Stevenson and Arcbibald Cook Suther- langl,.4 have seized and taken in execution all the rignt, title and interest of rhe said defendeet in and to the North halves °flora numbers thirteen and fourteen in the ninth concession of the town- shipof Morris. iti „the County ot Huron, _which _lands -and tenements 1 shall offer for isale at my, Mike in 'be Court House, in the -town of Gorier - it+, on Tu day the Third day ot October next, - at the tour of twelve of the clock, 'mom JOHN MACDONALD, - Sheriff, El. & B. - Sheri fills Office, Godench, / - - 23rd June, 1865. . 1 w22 * • First -01m Farm *70.5ra - _ Township of Stanley, County of Huron, _ -1 E1NG south_ half-014ot 44, South of the Bay- field Roact,-contruning fiOneres of the Yen' bestwheat-growing fried, of which 40 acres are well feneedendunder agood state of cultivation - This Arm is only a.igiartim of .a mile south awe% flourishing village of Varna, and is tatrounded oit - all sides by first -clan gravel roads, and WIWI -easy access of a good wheat market, there , good house, and a iargo frame barn coOnle or erection. Cburcles, Schools, Post Offices., Grist mills, 'Inc in the linineduiteviciarty- _ For particulars as to term, nren rippirlif by - letter postpaid) to George Andersoe,..f.asiviot 9,• col. Stanley, Varna poza 10 1411 Pro- prietor Mr. David Meliennell;Stoutfralle, p.AY.1 county of York. Stouffyilleltith July, 1965. 1144-4 THRESHING MACHINES SHERUF'S SALE or LAND& anOugar-kettles, waggon -find pipe . , 4 , r AUTION,--This is to_ forbid all persone Unitedbouniies of BY virtue of a Wilt -01 Her Majesty's Court of Gluten's Bench, and to my be/ arid board without just rause or me directed against the lands and tenements I t be respoolable Sot I situation for a.tailor or sa .. le and .. . . . • t e time of his death in- the hands of Jane a , cation as I 8114 so . provo , -itourvirmii ,..m..„1..m. stable on the premises This- would be a good dd harness which wereof Donald Murchison de eased maker tia there is none in the vicinity b • ' e 4 at nv debts she tnay contract - DONALD MoDOUGALL. 11 trediting or harboring any wife Betharine Huron and Bruce, VenditiOni ExponasEtIld • boxes, Cooking i-Torlor & Box" Stoves, A geed eecond-hand 1 acre et land, a good- farm house shop mid To wit : Frei Fames issued out of McDouotill -on OCC.01111t, ItS she 12v lefe I and a lot of Oaehiaery tor Grist and Saw -Mills. Alt parties requiring the above articles would do well to call and inspect the stock at wise, as ,thertvell get bargains., , ; ; R • . IINCLiAN IN reference to the- above, R. Itunciman 'will be permed to carry, °lithe business of • -* TI -Th st-ITIRO.1"ST FOUNDRY attar -entree,. for•ther. erection of all kinds of Ma cld.nry as usiial, and will simply ADICICIILTURAL 1111PLEMENTII eves and castings,at reasonable rates,forCASH Seshort credit. - • . erGoderich, Dec. -2130864i --inw32w48 takenin execution all the right, title and interest - - Zth, 1865. W231r. of the said defendantin and to the south halve* odfelloathn,ataid 4th con., Stanley, July gmouo dr eats" r de I se co, aasedn d e, %etc it sh awl: il imi e eh owfeliries the suit of Donald • Murchison,I have seize(' And • Fof Lots nuinhers 9 and 10, in tire first concession - • ofthe Toyenship ofKinloss, in the -County of Bruce, containing one hundred acres of land, - which 1 shall oiler forsale at my_office, in the Court House lathe town of Goderich, on Tues. day -the first :taper Augthit next, at the hour -of 'twelve ei the eleeJkUltileeNe.MACDONALD ... . / J Leather or store goods at wholesale prices Murchison. administratrix of all and singular the will be taken for either of the abovt places. • n JAMES -STANLEY, Constance!). 0. w12-tf . _ -A BpuTTuL, ESTATE FOR SALE 1000 Acre" in One .13113614 T ABOELY IMPROVED and conveniently situated 11 alone fhetank ofthe -River Maitland. oppositethe 'Town of boderieh and the Roderick Station•oftheBuf Apply.if byletterpostpai ,to - !Mend Lake FInronoadvra ,C, W. • • wss • 401i.1.1(c.i0 or0RGI1ixtioNn„ert.$0.Q.,. , 1 Shertgicemaspa:xlies6n5chs SALE., LOTS 13,67, to 13,77, niNtr the RA1 WitirAT At Five. Years Credito . STATION, Goderich, for $150 each, oilongeriirequjled. Apply to, 1EL C."CAMBRON. Goderich' April 8thi 1864; sw62w11: lausitt Dr. "IXTILL B VY tation Will visit pat or daY- ;COMICIAL it: anion, '10 IlYSIC House.: Devon -MA Towii0vr93 'LATE OF .71-4 XON - Tioayster, tend,parti opersnon.s jLowrcxVi 113 Law, "a .1.1111,Ib -Crown Att in Court RAHRIS -.tan axonas BAlgas atoits in it/Polio Nola* 614 Corner efKui BALT! • Bitsriseereer A Tro10 ,(3.. Chalices h South son sart-Hease A WORN T Chaac Iiixdvrare 9 Sniff -A MT•ORel wows Block, Wen fattsgew „fit TTO rent, JAPC1Lii SAW/. Tati flodenols krr v :41zoucs OW Ike 2! Bogid teal Las ; Bruce. Gots Seeds" Pounce, 43ka TitSI Teads so 4 IN asitiOsal -1411•614 -Goo& snow