HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-07-21, Page 3MEW • .1 re- aed Pitia ickt t. a. deit - zer. d the ti to Rty. ges. the - ton lar,e eat a red a•sh• * tto wits vor cra,. ien't rot- Etztt Lag - -.4ent e, fIN! shibi- • the nesse- 0 feet feats agars, Usae ana L this etcur. .tcs rEff-.• ten. est OPP a ewe gRES t Soap *Us fied Tore itesday tWO e; an antent. ear, sw tare farms. able. _ meat' pplica- DS. strit of • as and esidue*: immon • e* and at the oha Y.•-• ken in a other etti half eet, tey of SI offer .2a the y -sixth Ire of "mr••••••,=IIMISINNIMMIbm. l'ire on Tnesdat Night. r'ss skv , Q, 0 11 Su rso.-_- ladnaincd ritlie was " sent tor stealing e hope • all ' the utmost up for 10 days this morucc.r out of Mr. Grace's garden. W garden thieves caught will get punishment the law ail! allow. — att. ••••. - NEw W HEAT. -- Mr. V an E very in- . tortns us that he ground new wheat yes- terday (20th.) This is - very early in- deed, Ittir In their haste to forestall the local Ilapers initems of news, the -Toronto dailies often make a mess of it. It Was _telegraphed to- them about the rce'ect fir, that the building" was wzrth $400, no in - enrollee " whereas it was insured for $400 - 'whatever the value may have been. - Rosssav Tart; Monsiso..-?_-_Mr. Frederick's Jewelry Store is entered at a side window knowiri.g%that 3rr Dickens was on the tram, ,this morning about S O'clock and sonie $30 recognised one corpse as his, Whichstatemen, or $40 worth of jewelry abrustracted. ', e was at first credited. The novelist was re- -articles stolen were left for.-cepaic- antru-ere .turning to Ins country seat from a, short con. 'scattered over a- work table facing the win, mental trip when the aceident occnrred. ,dow. On discovering his loss„ Kr. F. caused litelssue of search warrants, by means of which constable lIazrelturst very cleverly ; contrived to secure all the missini,,- property .as well five boys upon whom it was -tound.— `They will come up this afternoon for trial:- Av...., , THE COMERTS.gtVenW thi4 -town h3- Cheeshro's Serenaders were well attended 4n& gave great satisfaction.. to the levers orgo(4 music. The playing and singing was all we predicted it .would be.' Prof. Cheesbes rendering of stelt pieces as. /...&•~.001.7.."MEMENIL. THE SEMI-WEEKLY SIGNAL. I CAN YOU TELL NE About 1'2 o'clock on Tuesday night -al WHERE -THE fire broke out in a new frame building near the Jail, owned by Mr. J. C. McIn- tosh, and which was uninhabited. The alarm was given, and the engine speedily on the spot,'but from a want of water nothing could be done towards saving the building, which was consumed in a few minutes. We believe the loss is pretty well covered by insurabee. - ..••• atra Chailcs Dickens had a very narrow escape Irony death at the catastrophe on the Southeastern railway, recently. 'I he carriage in which he was sitting toppled over the edge of the embankment, and hung ' there for a while, giving him an opportunity to .scramble • through the, window. on the platform, -where he foand himself without scratch or bruise, greatly- to his own amazement. When the dead bodies of the victims were laid out for recoenition, ore -over zealoris gentleman, "Trinity Chimes", was very fine. In THE 3IARKETS.- _ G0DER1CII, July 2Ist, 18-65. . , Spring- Wheat,. - - ..;:.-.... sti'll:90 V 0.00. Fait do- ..........:.. 1:00 - (ft 7 1:00 Oats,: ...:.-:......;.- 0'40 V. G43 Flour .-... - .c.o9 Barley _ - .. 0:55 (a 0:60 rc.a§ ..-... _ ........, . . ,..... 000, (a 075, Pork - - ..... - ... :- . 5i50 V, 0: 00.. 001 . . _ .. 0:35 (11 " • 0;4) Sheep. . 300' (a 4t0u Lambs... _ _ ,_ „ . .7.00 Or 0.00 farkiezi, each , 0:45 - (a 0.:50 Geese, do : ,- 025: (al 0:0 0 i.` lichens, .pair - 0:20 V 0:00 Dicks,. • do — . - 0:00 Oc 0:25 11 des (green)... -..i,........._ 2:75 V. 0:00 "Robin Ruff," the old Sextsat,r &c., the : manifleeiitvoiee ofMr. Horner was heard I in -All its power of tone and 'modulation, and he was repeatealy epeored. Mr..D, • Watson iamr, exceedingly wells and tttein- s strumental and vocal efforts of the Glee Chill were loudly' applauded. This coni - party is to give a grand concert on the 1st of liugust next . The Fercnaders wish to return their thanks to- the Maionie body for the use efri a melodean, ami to the Glee Club for its able assistance. 'Tc. the -Editor of the fireox 5G U.: Dxse Ste,—When Captain Composs mkt_ Butler 0:1•24 Petatoes new 1:20 (if 0.00 ood... 9-00 '(a 0-00 E nss ' 0:10. ar), . 0:12; Hay, new ton ... • _ 8:00 u 0:.00 Green. Peas 0:40 - 0:50 JUSTOPENED!- jrl-ti.Sho istablirOunent, ed teals familyan account of thirgs in theirt flN Kingiton street,. iext the Telegraph owncountry, he represented all bespoke of :in such a singular manner that though what he said was strictly true, his children marvel- led, pitied and adatired, never dreaming- their father spOke of things familiar to them their life long. Alt strangers, in, a strange land, are apt to fo' rim exaggerated potions of all they see and interpret wrongfully- all they bear; 'and in eager haste to come to conciu• -. slows, not uncommonly make most ridicule/Us blunders Which nothing bat experience can remedy. It is equally trae people may Sorra too high art opinion of their country. As rain, manners and customs, not observing School Teachers- oPportunitie4 for 'burlesque like the worthy THE Board of Public Instruction for the captain above named, Canadjahg 'eel proud 1 County of Huron wilrmeet in the Court of their country, and are extremely sensitive I Itoom, Goderich ou Wednesday and Thars- upon all questions -arty way reflecting upon day. the . her. They regard her history with pride and [1 lith •S; 17th days,ofIngust next, look upon her material prosperity as an in.. Otlice The Propri tor solicits a share of the public patronage. and he will • use his best endeavors to afford satisfaction. - • N. B.—Orders promp ly esecuted in both making' and repairing.. *Jul 181h 1865 w25-lm J. ROSS. OSS. PiXAMI:NATIQIT • OF • • aE ch day at ten o'clock, a. in. when controvertible vindication of her fertile soil of her natiderate climate, and Of. their owe industry and produce. Their higb opinion is doutiithss just in the main, thorcah. we must admit there is mach the cynic may sneer at, .while men of our worthy Captain's turn 'WM find ampIescope for blatant yarns. , In fact - g, signed, by a we' have an illustration point.* A few weeks -ago a native of Cardrossr Perthshire, moved herd -with a -family of tert-e.rnanv mernhers of- - which hadarrived at ma.tdrity.. Sons stioag and vigorous, all used to -hard labor-ejut the - kind required for a young and • needy couotry. like ours. Thougir having many! relations and acquaintances here, who zealously labor-• • ed to point ont the solid advantages within the reach, of every diligent and judicious mar, our Scot was inexorable.: He said the ones he had.parted from but a short- time we- e candidates wishing to obtain Licences to teach will then have an opportunity of being examined. Those wishing first ot third class certificates will be exam,ined On Wednesda.y, and second class on Thursday. Candidates before being admitted to an examinaiion are required to present certifi- cates ofood- moral character clergyman or justice of the peace. D. IL RITCHIE, . Secretary. hayfield, 15th July. 1SG.5. 1;25-3t evidences of disease. Sallow cheeks instead of blooming- red, and anxious, .fretful faces 'n -place et the calm. and placid ones of Scotia. Ihe country locked wretched and inipover- ished, buildings werehovels, while stumps and fences were ghastly objects of derision and mirth. Ourstock and .produce. were miserably inferior, while. our country's tout exactable was a miserab`.e h5tch-potch ; squalid poverty and wretched deformity.— * linable to live in such it land,_ after- a ten. sive pilgrimage:be leaves In diau.st the land where thousands on thousands have by -dini of -perseverance reared up a. manly independ- ence and secured for themselves countless cOmfonsand advantages of whicli the mil- lions ot their class in Europe necer dreamee. What tales the people of Cardross will get front our fainthearted visitor, whose heart quailed tor struggle watt theodiiiiat forests, and swhosedltorted vision and heated fancy be- held and conjured CA -glad •hydras, which muscle and brain were alone required to sub; =dun. Canada is not the place tor. thefaint- -hearted or- saft-handed—but we have_ indubit- able proof that well directed energy is certain of suecess., It is positive folly for any one to quit therichand highly cultivated lands of a •Secittish carsel with its Whole -accompani- ments of Wealth and science, expecting to sit • snugly down in Canada upon its counterpart .lands. equal to anything in Europe caa be •sriada here as they were made there, and much easier made too, and we fear it was - -the making that alarmed our friend. When • our country had been cultivated, as Scotland, 'nigh. eighteen 'hundrel years—two hundred bf those highly, and fifty with ail the aid that 'science can lend, we could boast a superiority sSeolchnten little wet. Withall that love of country that swells the Scottish heart, how few,how very few, could be induced to tbrego • the moldy,. noble independence of it Canadian .life tothe toil worn 'hopeless- one of their native land. Our country presents a widely 'different aspect, though:. to theirs, both ,in ▪ climate and ia physical conformation; these, together with its newness, necessitate a wide- sII-different mode of operations from -those generality practiced across the Athunic,which almost always chills the ardor of immisrantst pt ordinary mtelligenceappreciatesthae force . of ..ircumstances and cheerfully complies, aiding to build up this Western fabric, des- tined ultimately to reach the rime of wealth and civilization, and. proudly stand forth the beacon -of the world. : To all, the people of Europe we say, Come ; it ye wish to better your status, for , - "Ikea is rest for thcweary-- “Here is rest for you.” I remain Sir,I Yours respectfully, A BROTHER SCOT. sTuclierstniths July 17th, 1865,. - • Village pf Clinton is? WHY, YES! I BOUGHT SEARLE'S 1 (tY*.TIIE sit: OF THE Luca: KETTLE .:CO A STEEL 31OUL1)BORD PLOUGH A real Thistle -cutter, the best 1 ever had. It . • cost only Fifteen Dollars! FIVE MILK PANS FOR $1 All kinds of TINWARE Asn STOVES going off cheap. Thirty different kinds'of TIG S NIL CASTINGS* Kept on • ' GitEArr A good 8 E A SF:At:cc, will Sell, at Second-ha:al • . RATOR a , BARGAIN, Threshiing Machine c Pitt's Ten -Horse Power.- PRICE ONLY ONE HUNDRED AND TEN DOLLARS for' Cash, or on short notice. _ - Also, on sale .alarge quantity- Of Hungarian Crass Seed,_, • Improved _I urmp Seecl, Malaand, Lodge,. Not112. - 1(FitAk_G Th -C1 ifEETS second Tuesday of each month. lii The officers for the present Masonic year 5863, are W. Brother 11 B. O'Connor W. M. W. " Ms C. Cameron._ P. M. W. " WIII. Story P. M. • w. .44 James Thomson S. W. .. _John Henry .... W. , :Revs A. Mackid Chaplin. _Wm. Piper Treas.. Robert Booth - See'ry. Edwin Clifford 5, D. ; John - Seeg miller J. -D. G. XL Trueman- D. C. * Huh Gardiner , J. G. Wm. Gardiner ' Organist. E b. Tohniton - A.(-1. Saunders' .G. IC Davis &Ward Hotiker . Jahn McLeod, ... ()NIA' 2i CENTS-PEIt'POU.ND. • Enve Troughs -fend all kinds of. Jobbing - done in workmanlike' manner, at. the • Sign of the Large 'Kettle, BAaE LIN-Ey.CLINTQ:14.- SEAsti,LE & DAVIS. 1 -June 2.0th, 1865. w21-.3' - -4 • : . • - Ditect fromIe Manufacturets. 5 :Q1-1.] :A. OF ASSORTED ',ENGLISH Note_ and Letter Papers. Just received and will be offer -ed at, -a slight ethane(' on .cost tn • SPECIAL NOTICE. EFERRING to our talvertisment of 2nd 1.10 instant, and in order to avoid misunder- standing, we hpg respectfully to inform those of our custoniers who have bad accounts with us hitherto that, as we are anxious to *bring our present business to 5 close as soon as possible. we must discontinue all accounts from this date. - JOHN FAIR & CO. Goderich, 9th May, 1865. sw71 CASH -BUYER-S EVERYTHING SCHOOL BOOliS AND STATION3 Cr SUPPLIED AT LOWEST WHOLESALE RITES TO COUNTP/17 31EitellaNTS, AT THE -7` SIGNAL': OFFICE. June 13th. _18165. - - PRIVATE- BILLS. i DART:ES' in Canada:. West intending to. -11. make application to - the Legislature _foe Pd. -rate or Local Dills, either for granting exclusive privilegos, or conferring corporate powers for commercial _ dr other purposes 9f profit, for regblating surveys or boundaries. 'or for doing anything tending to affect the rights or properV of other parties,are:hereby notified that they _are reqdred by the 53rd and following-ru!eS of the Legislative Council and Legislative .4SSembly respectiVely, (which are published in Pill in the -Canada fitizet(e), to give TWO '.,i(i-sTris -NOTICE of the ._ , - application (clearly and distinctly specifying its torture 'and object), in the Canada Quzette; and all° in it newspaper published in the County ov Union of Counties afrected, sending copies +fthe first and last of mach notices to the rivate Bill Office of each t HouSe. - '. . ' All Petitions: for Private Bills must. he presented withidahe first three weeks of the ' Session.- - . ' •„ - J. E. DOITCET„ .A. TODD. • cet. ers'istern-Bias, ! chi: elk. Prirate Bill' Office, L. Council. L. Assem51y. sw95 Quebec, 13 July, 1s45. EVERY ARTICLE YOU WANT IN READY-MADE CLOTH' Can be purchased Cheap FOR. CABE( at --is"ards. A. S.__ .1- Auditors. - - TYle Clothing* Emporium ?S Insolvent Act of 1864.1 ARKE1 SQUARE, GODERICH Goeitiricn. June 9.1.865. In the miller of A. Sill" an nso vent. - . - erttiS. creditors of thet.. Insolvent are notified that he has made anlissiot'nment of his estate and effects ander the above Act, to me, -the under- signcd assignee, and they are required to furnish me Within two months from this date With their claims; specifying Oct Secaritv they held, if any, and the value of it, and it none stating lhe fact, the whole attested under oath with the vouchers, tn support o(sucheiatmsi. Dated at LI -Wench, in the County or Huron his 7th day ofJ illy, 1865, JAMES THOMPSON, sw00td Assignee. ASSIGNEES SAW OF LANDS; United Counties of n Y Virtue of the Huron and Bruce, ." Power vested in me -to wit: by the creditors of Joseph' Copeland, an Insolvent, under the Insolvent Act for 180; as assignee, I- will offer for sale farm lot number eleven. in the ninth concession of the township. of Howick, in the County-ot Huron. which land I shall offer tor sale at R.. W. Adams Hotel, Howick Village, on Monday, the twenty-third day of Octtilier neXt, at the hour of twelve o'clock. ,-- - ROBERT LEECH, ' w25n1 Assignee. ALE. I ACRES of Lot No. 32 East Lake tr _Road, Hay. w12 • • - :JOHN & CO. , . HAVING TIETE-14111110CD LOSING TUFIrt PRESENT -BUSINESS IN GODERICI4, Thursday next,' the 4th instant, ConniTence to clear off the whole ot their_Jarge and valuable steel; of Dry tidods, Clothing, and, ' Groce;rtes, at an f • • SHERIFF'..5 SALE -OF LANDS. United Counties of 10 Y virtue of two writs ot Hroa t F un nd Bruce. 1.3 iert Far las issued out ' To wit: „ - ' of Her Majesty's County Coen of the United (lountes of Huron and -Bruce and to me directed against the lands and tette- macs of John' McCoy, at the suits of William M. Savage and James McGuire, I have seized add taken in -xectition all .the right. title and interest °Idle said defendant in and tc lot number lifteen,in tfiesixta concession of the toivnghip of Kitties% in the County of Bruce, containing one hundred acres, more or Itws ; which lands and tenements I shall offer for sale at my office in the Court -House -in the town of Coderich. on Tuesday, the seventeenth day ofOctober next, at Vie hour ot Twelve of the clock, noon. .3 - 011N MACDONALD, . Sheriff, H. at 0.; Sheriff' s Office, doaerich, I . - 7th J My, 1565. i w24 • . FIRST RATE - RATE LAND! Terms easy, apply to DONALD SUTHERLAND, on the premises, or L. CAMERON', Godericit. Aptil30t11,1864. s*tylAstr -iNLVNTkIOF 1864. THE creditors of the undersigned are nai- l. fied to meet In the law office of M. C. -Cameron,' in the town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, on Monday, the seventeenth day of July, 1865, at ten of the clockin the forenoon. for the purpose of 'receiving state- ments of his affairs, and of namingan assignee tolwhom he may makean assign- ment under the above Act. Dated at Goderich, in the County of Huron this 27th day of June, 1865.• WILLIAff. HYSLOP. M. (CAMERON. Solicitor for _Insolvent. 4 sw87td TIONEY TO LEND. ENORMOUS REDUCTION IN PRICES.: Cloderich, 2nd May, 186i. • res A NEW STOCK BOOTS & SH eceive rir 1[1]C -=ca101112. irsA.A.IN D Asif.Ags- -- UNDER POWER OF SALE IN MOR' - uA lallY virtue of it Power of Sale contaired in LP a Mortgage made by James McMahon or the township of Goderich, in the County of Huron, and Province of Canada, (de. fault having been made-- in the due payment tbeteof, will be sold on Wednesday, -the 26th day of July, A. D.,- 1866, at twelve o'clock, noon, at the Auction' Mart of George M. Trueman, in the town of Gisderich;=The-following property, that it to. say t •Lot fourteen., in conntssion the' township • of hoderich, in tile Comity of Huron, containing by admeasnrenient ten acres a land, more or less. Terins Cash, Deed under Power of Sale4 , Ms C. CAMERON, w2 ttd . Selieiter or Mortgaged _ ,Notice is liereby-Giveri- rplIAT 'application will -be-no-We to botit= 1 branches of the Legislature of this Pro vince at their next sitting to have 'the town- ship of Wasvsnosh divided te form tiro iseperate Municipalities, .t0- be called "East -Wawanosli " 'and u West Wavnincish " re 1 . spectivelv, the diviaing Tine to be betweelt Iota numbered twenty se,tsen and twinteights The application will he Inadesby petition ot the Municipal Connell, and over -three buns sired and ninety of the eleiturs of the ,s44 I township of nawanosh. By order of the Connell. - s _ . i JAS. SCOTT, Vp Clerks " June 13111.11865. • w22tf - , fIAUTION:—This is to • foibid all persons' Ugiving myson John Mason, credit on my account. as I will not hold myself responsible for any debts that he may contfant. - - JOHN MASON, Senr. Wawanosh Julyf f 16 1865 w25•3t. , Ashes and Grease. THE Subscriber wil I purchase all the Ashes IL and Soapprease that may be saved for himin Goderich and neighborhood. - JOHN E. DANCY. - July 16th, 1865. (w25- - SHERIFF'S BALE Or LANDS. . _ (Tinted Counties of Huron and Bruce, To W;.! 13Yvirtue of a Writ of Venditioni -Exponas vi issued Out of Her Majesty's County Conrt of the tnitcd Codifies of Huron and Bruce aild to me.directed against the lands and. tene- ments'of Nesbitt Biggar and George Biggar, at the silks of °CV& 51acklent, John Thomas ViIIiurn trying, jr... and James Mackletit ; I haveseized and taken in execution all the right, title and interest of the said defendant in and to lots numbers 118, 113. 114, 115.116, 111 and 85, in the village of Bluevale, also that ,certain parcel or tract (glands karma as the mill block, and also that certain parcel or tract of landv, which ii‘baintded on the north side by the river Maitland, on the south side by the town line between the townships of Morris and Tumberry, and on the east side by the west boundary tine oflot 419, to be extended to the ricer Maitland. with any water privilege which may be derived from the river Maitland:as far east as Clyde street ail. hi -the County of Huron ; which lands and tenements- 1 shall offer for Sale at my office in the Court House. in the town of Goderich. on Tuesday, the twenty-ninth day of August next, at the hour of twelve tithe clock:noon. JOHN N A.CDONALD;* • Sh_eriff H. 4. B. By S. Ponnocx, DeputySheriff. Sheriff/8016ml, Goderieh, • ;v25 , 15th July; 1865. t ; - Spitolld Private e • Reldenc • _ , E'OR as*.3.J. 1011EAIIT.IFULLY situated in the' Town- of Goderich, being park lot, No. 14, con. containing 10 acres of excellent -land, with a good Orchard of. choke .fruit,: all: in full beaiing. A targe Tivo. Storey Bncli House With stone cellar, 28 by 30 feet: Entine Barn, Stage, Sheds and other.. out -buildings.. The whole will be sold on reakonitble terins. 30th• Jure, 1865. ARG Mar Summer JUST A-RR1VED AND $30,0.0-0 isrprTytead -;i7irmlomirclpea. Propeim rty Appty ,to - JAMES licM.AHON, , HORACE. HOET,ON. _on the premisee. Goderich, 6th *June, 1865. eil9tf P,ocle0411. June Ulths 105. r.w21-1m . *- .a • . . AT THE riapcmm GO DE RICH 1865. - Sheriff's Sale of Laailai United -Counties of IDY virtue of a writ in Ht Huron and Bruce, 1) ?Jeri FaCias issued out -. To wit: - _ of Her Majesty's County Court ofthe United -Colnties of Huron and Bruce and to me directed against the lands a nd . tette- -meats of Elijah Frayne, at the suit Of William Aldridge, I have seized and taken in exeCutton all the right, title and imesest of the raid defen dant in and to the South hall ot lot fituriber twenty- - five, in the ti.th concestion of the township of Morris,the ditinty of Huron ; which late& °diet in the COurt Houle in the and tenements 1 shall oder •for_ sale at my town of "er' I attested ' under oath with the vouchers' ni - 'f mtday the third day of _October su port eff sueh claims. • . • • „, DETLOR & SON w INSOLVENT ACT, OF 1864. --- In the matter of GEORGE N TRUE - 5 JfAlSr; an Insotvent. • - HE Creditors of the Insolvent are nOtified h h -Made an- assignment of is that • e as estate and c.ffacts under the -above ACtf tir 'despatch. , me, the undersigned assignee, and they are required to furnish me within two months- n23•3t to4 jay A :o ;A WnHEREeASt o defaliltliasing been made in f Mortgage made by Ed- ward Kelly, of the Township of .AshEehit itt the County ofilluroti, yeoman, and Mary Ahti Kelly, Wife oftEdwarct Kelly, (for the purpose of barring her Dower). to William Leonard of the Town of Goderich, in the Covnty ot Huron, Geptleman'; the following land and premises wilthe sold by Public Auction at G. M. Trheman's Auction Mart, on - - TUESDAYMth AUGUST, 18g5, - At the hour oftwelve o'clock, noon, subject to it Mortgage of $400, and interest at eight Per cept., due 1st May, 1865, that is to nay. all and singular that certain parcel or trent of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Arlifieid, itt the County of Huron, being coniptneci of the solo, hat of the north half of number eleven, in * -the third concession, easteni division of the said Township of Ashfield, containing by ad- measurement ?fifty acres of land, more PR less. • Deed under Power contained ht }Urinates _Terms of Sale—Cash or Credit. - For further particulars apply to D. Stymie Gooding, Solicitor, West Street. • D. SHADE GOODINqs. - Solicitor for Mortspoten. Dated lth March, 1865. w24td -London and Paris Trashiest! .DR.- JOHNSON/8 Office andPispensarys- - . = ' No. 64, Little tt. James Street, .mecorr-tR.P.A.T.4 For tke Cure q, Citron& Complains, StEreatrir Nervous .Diseases die /Moot,. , Seoti»al Weakness ; and al I' • Female Complaints. 4e. ..._ DR. JOHNSON,LLTE OF 440NDEN,,E.Dit4, ' burgh and Parts, -devotes his attentcnii eiF elusively, to :the Treatment of the Contgolift: referred to in thit notice. Many yearsexperience in Europe. and the British Cotonies,enables hise to perform some vervremarkable eon* I *sod lute facilities for obtaining the best and latest seine -- dies are such, being in correspondence whit Ole most celebrated physicians of the okl workl,„thie - he can ofer inducements to the unfortunate one speedy slid perfect cure. - , . as' kintENGIII 'TO Titt WEAltrldhcif it?Wil' seri% Remedies will restore.in a warynlion talitz,.. tillt,ho are inflicted with Nervous Deby, Loss catesnory,--Ifisor,ine. s tat Initna.14-arg.AtitriresairWaritj evil ha,3it often ester/est - -liy yip ma: 'wrap* which grows up with.4 em to aahaod; the it m stress' °stilts evil ,pris is must **plural*, ottenproducinglasanity, ,c,s, Arc. •Alt ' *kir rite afflicted 'should apply to.DC,J441118011iihnietliate4. and bowilf• effect n.speedy and Dertaclettrfel.: 33•• Dosages or nue Moons Areet.44 it- si. melancholy fact that thousands AU Viettillf 40 _disease.° wing to the unektlfhl rued limpeligc Joe °riflemen,. Dr. Johnson's t.ceisposted,s. lips* will thoroughly erad4cate all die ascnilliatlig !ftleo a disessedor impure state onhe bloods lbstssedses Orwarcleiti hisafetyto ally address snlisre ,istaisra irom 8 till 12, and train 2 till S. All - honerithould'be adsressed, Dr. ChascF. 'Alison,- 64,Littlei St. James-litret,,Mentreal,C. E. ' 7.4M Vic a 1••••••Mmaa.. .-- 4 CONTRACT of thcipPing and blear* 5 Ten acres, on the Bitytield /toad, five' miles from G °cleric& AppEy to Tanal4th. Dissolullanuf Partnetthiti Huron w2lif OTICE-is hereby given that the P•ialithr. isliip 61)211'11ft between *Oil ;lobes and Cornelius Johns; 'bcith bribe village of Exeter, under the firm of.D. Johns, has been this that; coaseut. All debts owing tb said fit& ate it)" be received by said David Johs, itusl all= demands on said partnership are to be -pre., anted to hitn tor P,87.xnedts' ' Dated at -Exeter; 27t day of 4Ulier 1865. • DATItl:JOI:044 CORNELIUS JOANS. * N. B. --;;The bitainesi__,, will be tontineedi under the na e of theExeter Tinshop. All kinds of wor dope id -order with neatnettisinell • 3 1-• DAVID 4101114,- ._ . .Proptteile from this date with their claims, specifying the security they hold, if any, l(nd the value of it, and it none stating the fact; the.whele ten UI' -pest, at the houk of twelve (tithe clock, noon. JOHN. blAesDheariNir:VaL36, B, Sherirs Office, Godench, 23rd June. 1865. t a22 _SHERIFF'S. SALE OF Liars. . ., United Counties 'osnonlY virtue of two wrts a r Huron and grucestDP Fieri Facies issued out To W U: ' of Her Majesty's Coninty Court of the United Counties - of Huron and . Bruce, and to me directed against the lands and tenements of Jeremiah Lennox, atthe suit of Isaac Carling; William G. Smith, and Alexander Smith; I have seized and taken In execution all the right, title and interest et the said .defendant, I in and to lot number 99 on Huron Fireet, in the*t village -6fAtileyvtile, in the' county of Huron, with the buildings thereon erected'. ,Lot No. 2 on Howick street, in the villece ot ilehnore, one -half acreof land with - the :buildings thereon erecteli, situated at the souttceast cower of the Township • DE Culross, in the county of Brace,_ forming part ef lot No. 1, in the A Concession of' the said township of- Culrossi whieh landnend ents shad offer for sate at -my office nide LL nth d' Otitober nest, the T white. -Information that w111 lead to er Court House m the __town of Codenclu en Tueedav, he hour- of Twelve of theolook.noons JOHN MACDONiTAL.4.1)4 slieri Sherirs Office. iitoilerich.,/ 3rd July, 1865, - Dited at Goderich, in theCeunty of Huron this 6th day of J uly, 1865. - • . JAMES BIGGIN sw90td' Assignee, Clinton ti. o. BOOTS IND 8110ES BlYtTAIII FOB SPRING 811111TERINEIR JUST RECEIVED AT ames Collins,Sen 'E' -KINGSTON ST.,40DERICH. A CALL IS _WOLICXTED MAR —Strayed from Goderich. Cpmnsons about the first week in June, inst., a. Bay dare and horse:Ford, the mare has& -Cork on the left hind foots there, is a • star on the colesiorebead, and left hind foot w24 reciyeny Will be suitably rewarded by leaving w°111,1with *s. mARE-WHITELY: 1. Getierich June 29th, 1865. w23 -1q4 - OVAL. ton -BookRors. good Books aad &hoot &Won, THE nndersigneclbege to notify his Mends lovaeidib d the Bpuoblc,..sigeonr,eratolly_,..ththittnliewouhas.knowires in . stand on Albert, Street* -1:3int99.-- lorjperts will be hipPY 40- wait url ?_111://litralif occapied.by S: Forrest 4. CIL,. Where he Ootantr' kStorekeepers, favor him wigc* Are parOcularly invited *inspect is Iergi ilea of ' • - SCHOOL BODIS-& STRITOSAT • Which will be found to bees low Ur- Frit as those of the Tiroitio WItoteilpger ch. y Goods,- Offitre*.zetitione.cy )1(' mica- Instruments;Toys, -Wall Neal .Wrapping iNie,:rsy_lcc., gs:scoalozerialy0401.1wit- _ • . - Cliaioni2otlaussi 18,05r-' Iirte