HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-07-21, Page 1- ift II tie ti 0111. /r. 1. ‘1,-1 1 r ii 'ii: Vtlrl 11 • . .*-11 •t•N erv day. ‘k.• _is at any inoir d.:Iel Wald,* 0.1,1 . ?..411airinoti. fluVt -“'" rt•l EGOD-1 s n • .-zt . i• '.W. 13:40- 1 y rho... 1.... ,N1.4.- 1..eari. :NI. D. 0 II Y S I C I A. N. Si-Wit:AIN, &e., (Late L it .,1.4e 74.11....e.,1. li. tt.t.A.,,An Elospitat).- * Lle .•••• It - ‘1 :.1:1dr':.. ittard.ag Ru ost - . Golan,: h • C AV . - T _1 rE OF' -; fANI.E-Y-CLIN rox. nu W T. COX, 174 litor and Proprietor. < LA ....., itd. 011. TUAVAtc:A'sfortiler Store - Tull: 1, '6.1. -- - DB . A. WORTHINGTON, i $2.50 PER ANN.. IN AP . ------- . DITYz•ICIIN. SURGEON, ttc., wilt at- I . , - I- ' teal, pt trt Lcularly. to diseases or mad surgical , operattorts upon the eve. f ;1.1,v -tots v on-t‘iscoDee. 1:i. Inti2. fw-17-1v .1"- J31191.11C9S Director*. 11•111111. Chinese Oaths. -- ,4 4 figure largely to criminal and civil cases, the In Australia Chinamen are beginning to consequence being many amusing and cleft-- acteristic scenes. In • on case'in which several Chinamen are concerned, or. being asked 11 the solicitor for the prosecution ! how they would be sworn, each of the Ce, I lestials replied, " Breakee pirate." Tis : caused.a hitch in the proceedings, there being on crockery at hand available for destruction. • ..--... - -,e.....2_:.___- - .--____:.._--z.:_.= las to where tbe necessary earthenware was l, The wisdom of the beech *as then itiVoliid , , to come from. and at whose expense it was to be provtded. A diacussion ensued, iihich . resulted in Her Majesty being made J.he.,prp- cider of the pate. A. constable was °then VOL.13.--NO 93 dispatched to make the neceiterik 'Mir- ciase, and the coumS rt in solen silence ala- GODERICH, C. W. FRIDAY. JULY: 21, 1865. • . ed the arrival of the chinaware doomed to destruction. At the expiration of abOurteir ' minutes the officer errtved. Imi--ine luves4d ' • - GODElliCii . , . _____ EVERY AIMGLE YGU 2s 6d, ot the publicChmoney in .thepre of two respectable f eese :plates. , '-11;laql.: low_na _orm of oath was thmien adinstere" : _ --.- i /3 AND HU iliON AND BRUCE A.DVERT 1SER. The GroatestP�ssible Good to the Greatest Possible Number:" e tra RFIlt T E IND .X.TTORNE1.--At- .1waad Stt:•,-astr-ta-1.,lianet.ry, Countl Crown Attoraey„Goderielt.Janada,\Vest. t 'trice C‘a.irt ttanse. ir14a41/ _ -•IL. C. C'annerati„ ARRLSrE3, AT roltNEY. CONVEY. ,K:upton street,Gaderiela,C.W- Sinclair Sr. 111NIZIZISFEItS, SOLICITORS, cox- vEvi,•:-,:&z,. .0.fice, over the Store of Son, Goat...rich, Ir.‘iary • .:Nle-Derinot, - ; Tyk...na,4 r - --YAW Sotaries ?albite, &-c., West Street. Gorier -North. British and keteantile InsitraneC - OiEeeart Mr. Gordon's Lim eitaitibeis.- -- I JOIINHALDA,N,' - , Goderi.ch-.0etdber 13:180. sw12-.v12 • Business rlivectorn. J3nsiness 33irectotn. Rearim DRUGS, Insurance Comp' ny FIRE AND LIFE. I JOHN BRTT Tin; Sheet -Iron., and topper Smith, EGMONDVILLIE,,C, W.• - au Stoves, Cultivators, :dro. for Sale ch.! I • ----- Repairing bone at Short Notice. .1011.13. DnArigon. • B.kart.I r rottNE Y. SOLICITOR MARINE INStal -N. 1.,e,frery & I Attersion„ CAPITAL -TWO MILLION DOLLAR'S. Acclanula tell 'Funds on itand, :$5,000,000. Annual -Income .Exceedl $2,500,000. •ln ranee" effected at the LOWEST KATES consistent with safety. • Life Insurance - Ample Seeirity. A CE. ezr-Aer 9:42 - • -' .LARGE 'BONUS AND- 'RATES LOW-glt .THAA' - "tlarket Stitt:ire, - MOST ENGLISH OFFICES. British Anierican sum nee Co ARRISTE,,AS" Et_PINblVSAT-I TO afiXT-0 • - Conveyancers, lez: Oce -Me -'sConter, West Street, Goderieli. " 9142 Marine Department, - GEORGE RUARALL. ' , atsli.n. 13, (44.)17tI0rt. • Agent Traax EY -A. '1%% SO -TACIT() TN ,Goderieh, Apri1.25tli, 165 1 wI3tf f*.rt -er.- ttazy ?ahoy- t oro, et an, er, • t•4")=6*Le4' Can4a4 W!es, 916`.e.-17 :British American A surance-Co. • t ;tit ie tv.'t-tt Sired, thirtidoord:rota ;tie t c ta.,7t-ilett•se Sttuarte. FIRE & MA INE. JOHN bISSON Agent. . • T7T.NE`17-A r-LAw. S(11,101TOR Bayfield., C. W., 'April Ib, 1SG5. w1.2 t Chatincry,'N.Itaryl"uVie.C7i.tveyaneer,&•e, • 0.3 C W.-Alice,twer „rartlinerN.: s .r- Xar,..Sterrir. VI51129 IllorteSf to Lend. on Real Property. S'Itottie (4-oodi1ifr. t 71`11.1.'NFA. ILI. I ft) & Gang- --r c* ‘1: r 'St a. rs Watson's 1; entranc-e First Door west of ti.as;ow Rause. 'roma SL, ";_toore. s_thr:•11%)11',-..4. r:ch, C. vr. Aziki _NEW - • i.:7" 1•.VaM 14E,WI,-4 3D:tiktZt.. DIAITLANDIIOTEL GODERICII r HOSE.F,R. PItOPRIETOR. THE above is most pleasaritiv situated on an eminence 120- teet hid!, overlooking the Harbor lid Lake licron;--good Orcniirds, Gardens Fitd itnial Wants_ attached. Boar $1 perdav- •vlinfOvir - • N Teals°. r 1?nds, „vats, fat „A 113TEL sUTWE. OLIN DONOGH takes this mean3 of 'in- . --t-i.AI.Irigli.Ar1zust.1•-ith, Is61. awtoavisi forininz.the public that he Vs entered 11. tt• t) "pie, • Cra'o• s Suw 3,t3A. Go:Jerk+, P. W. t I3e hartily to receive old frieqd-s and custott,e'rs . ' v i5.---.1.vniily Goderich, J une Gth, 166'5. wI9 1 S.. P. YEOMANS, - - - iota the Hotei-bus'nese in the stand formerly rrafriEt S H.101 oFFicE , known a3 the Fulton _House. where be will ILICITt)R IN CITANCERY-- ATT011; DAYS NEY, NITATVZ,. C.:INVEYANCEit, AS.C.- over the: new Post Ofliee, Go.derTA: swiS • C.1.44111,Y,tj.D.q. C. IL, fg-ilire at :S.D`tik Molaterat) pHYSICIAN, grit ;E,IN" AND . Ac - corcusi: the Division Court Office, .Dungannon, C. W. w17 • "Vr. Elwood, N.RRISTER. AT roR,SEY, CCiNVEY- ancer,&c., Clinton-. se -a rec., toor4 north of tke Past Offi ce. MONEY Ti) LEND. - • ,Immoim. • • . Losses- Promptly Settled' Without Referenc- `to a Board of Directors: CHARLES PLETCHER, •• Agent... •w15 ,E -L,-- WROXETER. TS -situated oil the Gravel Road running from Seaforth to •enithairipton, :one mile north of ci..here itleads to Wroxeter;. and any pne trav- eling to • - Belmore Walkerton, Southampton, or any plaeein that dtreetiait,iwiJ find accommo- dation suet as he only e:cpeetsta find at first class eitv hotels, in ail respects. ICE ALWAYS blkt HAND FOR HIS Trout -Fishing ..Friends THE BUILDINGS COVER a LENGTH OF P-Lk.,W- SOLICITOR IN • rtirtNEY-A. -LAL. Ghanzery, n'onveyancer. &c. alkK ton, r 118VNDRED AND FiFTII FEET . T c.v., vlbaloyly • CHARL "S -Grace- Acig-S, B. A., 11QARRISTER. AT1OltNEY - AT LA.W, consul erii a it at el .14/ t ch e " .t,.-ta-Ghaneery, Notary Publie, Gen- t _. 1- w46-1... Proprietor. Goderioh,Mav. 1864. ent! Land Agent, .5a-e.,‘Sac,„ Kincardine. County Bruce:. via w1:1 -1y Frolerieir Proudfoot, tz Mt LB. A.r ro !..t.NEY-AT-LA ..,-rwev.taties,Norsev Pestac,,tc.,. _ ' Seittlta rQttat, Co. Bruce. j A -12-6m* JOHN' .1:LICKS, Proprietor. This is t e !ill • CO i-4 ••••• Ce3 • r.t ›.1 Vs. DRUGS C> 141. 3:0 I‘T •(S uccesso rt o B .lieirnol is) Medi 'e Et I- al 1 bourt-Troulagyare,Godetsch DISPENSING CHEMIST & DRUGGIST . Dcalerin,and linporterof Gr1ENUINE- Che.micals, Perfumes y,- • Max- looth, and NailBrtislie.ii -•PAINTs, (Ms, COLORS,DYE STUFFS, P.SE &OLTTLE MEDICINES CARDEN SEEDS, &C., &C. _ OrdessIrom Medical men punctually attencle.lto at LoP Lowest Trude rtres. N.B.-Physitirces_lPrescrirtiong. eorefully Denser!. • • ' tioderi,:h.Jan.-10. 1558. • 49 LIGHT' LIGHT LIGHT! • ..ROOKI&-COAL-0.11S- . GODERICH .:31.MARBLE WORKSII r's IN 0 TRELEAVEN ES , Largest and best Country Hotel in \Neaten S' Canatia,and charge s as moderate as any HInise • in Mitchell. S'Iage Proprietor. 'Good atai.ling tbr 100 Flames. Horses. and Carriages for -Hite on = he Shortest Notice A. 14-71- 4 - Po I 0 nil • Thp.risats Vireatneral(l, LVIL../IN`E-Eit, AND PttO VINCIAL _ Laati Sn-ivevor.. OifiZM and Residence, v15113 t ABINET WAREHOUSE ,tortStieeti,Guticere.. • _X. Bay, • 1.,11tOVIN`CIAL LIN I) S URVEYQR AND - L. Etiginee ,Cliaton. Jay 1, '61. V IL EN 3I AND SURVEYOR Ladd &gent aitsi coaveyancer, Kracardint It: s -AR 0-11ITECT,, 011,INV ; of Budd - got uiz« in a neat and correct style. rt}.6ce at the 1-Ittrort Auction Mart, King an Street.t*odericit. fsvr 1,411141y 4(*. 31 - . thD AC ENT, 11"• t Square., Goderioh.. T4 IS ..*;Gt"tra..t 4:cry Wednesday,from 11 a .m to- 0. ra. st:10 j-ENPi 4r1:1171, Di. IP Al 46.1ra P 5 SURCACA-It & NIECHANICA.. L Des -rt. -4r, (successo( to r. B.Mont- gomery,) tiocerich, C. • Room- over Mr. F. Jordan's Drug January 13th, 1865. sw2S-y1y • ,r11021SON &HAZLEHiiitST, (LITE sMAILL, 45C• Tuonsox,) .1k action & Commission Her -chants; - Calms -roles .11r-3ck,Kingston..St.,-Godienck.; And naxt Door to Strong's note A lb" 0 13, 'I' I:1 . ; - , . ...................---...f..... -. ' -,ZALBS of st.ri...p.tnant. ...100d4;tiorses. Weggoes1 &e at tit* mart. ever,/ Saturday at itoon.' Varucular sitteutiou paid to the Sate of Daukrupt Stork, ramt • ' P:tock, &a. 'rlashadvanced Oligoods teflon Commission. hoods appraised, debts e.yiteeted. laudlord4; ,varrants f\t,s50 es, uted, .u...rtjAsesforeeloseil, houses rented, Division art kla:iness aittuuled to. bales at the Branch •Aue- Lion Mart;Sestforth, every Thursday. 44a/sty $tfet sttealed to. on reasonable, forme , Ciaderrett. Je1ri2th.1861. tyr , - . - II... .3.%XcEkougiall, - f._IOZ.T3iZIYA:ljerIONEHR.B.LYFIELD, .a.t Coaaty of germ. Sales la village or country epatiatusillyattendedta. w9-4yrso (THE OLDAST IN 1.111E COUNTY:" GORDON, - cIATITINT r 54 , MeiltS = - Burning Fluid, Lamp Oils. -1For Sala by • - F. JORDAN. Godertofs, Jan. 17,1b69. 50 • THE LlY-EttPOOL- LONDON rifts LIFD1)SU1tANCE430.. m•I•m=le.. - E., WANT IN _ WAGON &CARRIAG 1XfiC tc 371 TZ THE:subscriber:Would announcet O. the public: of Eltiron.iiiid Bruce that he has on hand and:wiltniiiketo order Carriages Wagrins, Har- rows, &c.,' winch:will be sold heap•cash or apnroved cre4it. Ou hand and for 'sale eheaPr ' • BA:LIOS OHHV - :_ . - Reaper •.84. Mower JOIN PASSMORE, Viatoria Street, Goderit.h. A-0111st. ISO. w49 6m Czpstati Z2,000,000,- Sig.- Accumulated F'und; - $5,611,772if. Brittania Life Assurance Co. of London. undersioner halm) r been appointee. Agen t fortthe above highly-fesoectable. Companies,iipreparedta accept oeth 'Fireand Literisks,at moderatl. retest:0 premium. A. NII.R.OSS,Ager*. lode-ich 3-a1s1st 18n9 kr12n2f.- AND BOOK -BINDING. ETAVING made arraneements'with Mr. I). - McGRECiOR, fled -binder and Mannino- turine.Stationer..(who has lately returned from Plata- lphia -with a .large -stock or Binding and. other r tenet), I am prepared to Furnish- Blank. Books of all kinds.Aize anti styles vvithand with . o•ut Printed -Headings, at ten Der centebeaper ,han Toronto prteeo. - Al I kmasof Binding nr.t giving satiscaetion ae repaired free of charge. •sw46w21 • JOHN 13IITLER. RIFLES, 81101 GUNS - insuccor,s, Ako.,acc. - cr. - ' Zs 9 • ▪ 1110-11-S." Tablets Table- et 3g r-) - T07189 &c. ei) od ••=. nt=S GODERICH, C. W. .1=1 MONEY TO LEND ON .IMPROV ED FARMS, AT _13 PER CENT ! . -- AND UNDERTAKER, • Sole to Invest in Town. Property. . . Manufactures ana nas novi' on hand a complete J13GORDAN, ... assortment or Furniture, at his warerooms, Bareister, rtc, Goderich WEST STREET., • GODERICII • Goderich, Sept 13, 1864. - sw3-tf SUCH AS Sofas, Burettes, Tables, Bedsteads; Hair, Cane and WO seated Chilirs, Gilt Moulding ind Looking Glasses, in variety;.431. Home.. Manufacture ind Imported ! ! D. Thas alvras-a on harid a complete as- sortment of COFFINS.' Also, HEARSES TO HIRE. - t ood Askw eLumber and COrwein ex- cbanee for Furniture. . Goderich. 27thOct.. 1863 "47 - Alex. .IGENTSED A UOTIONEEtt foe HURON -1-4 arid Banes Sales PunctuallyAttendeil to. Address.Bodortn P.O. w"o04YrSo Jobxi Campben, GENERAit COMMISSION. AGENT . - Commissionerm Queen's Bench, tortakmg- • itikkvitsXotivevancer,ace.,340. Office on Broad. war.Vr1tageofiCiacar4ine.t..1.1.1r. 9;9 tex• Sr -Use: VORWARD.611. AND COMMISSION- Kerchantittivsattuaerr, C. W. Notes and „Accountscollectetl. Business of any kind en - 'lusted to him -N -10-T receive promia. attention. - - • w40 -I y$osx STORY & DAVI,S ANTIOBERTSON; la AMY FACTURER 1, ANUFACTUREKS AND DEAIJERS ---- Bureaus, Wks, L:uunegues:SBedateads in endrets - Stoves, Ploughs and Castings of every de - seri -fawn. Tin; Copper and Sheet iron'Ware, at the Stove Depot, West Street, qoderich. OF ALL. RINDS DIP COAL TOlL,- 13 -goat 011 Lamps; are.; arc. (ma Iron, Cop per, Brass, Rags and Sheepskins taken iu 'ex- change. 4.49 Jsat SEEOULLE11, rie..A1N-1\11E-rtS DEALE IN LEATHER ARDINGS 1 GoDERica: C. W. February 12,11364. -variety, Wardrobes, Hook- (jases, Mattresses, Centerrables, Dininz Tables Breakfast Tables, 1 Toilet -Tables, %Vasa Stands,'Chairs,- and many other articles top numerous to mention. Ail kuids . ot WO(II) . Y-1:1113tINTINC4- Promptly tended to. UPHOLSTkRY.In allits _branches .' - UNDERTAKING,.&c., gro. Mr. It. respectfully invites an- exammation et his stock- Warranted to be made of the best ma- ierial and workmanship, and at grtatly reduced prices. Call and compare, and hosatofied before going elsewhere. - -•• Cordwood and all kinds of - Farmer's Pro.. duce taken. in exchange, . ' Dzir Warereom on Elgin Street. Goderich.March24th. 1863. AND MADE TO ORDER, BY • Opposite the Market - ft,- Ali -kinds of repairing done reasonable terms...&2) - Goderich, August 2u 1864, CED sw:59 : • NEW MARBLE WORKS Main street, Exeter. So -A.. N ELL, .MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, - Posts, tirc., of eyery descrifetnn and style of Workmanship. furnished on -short notice, aud at the lowest prices. Liberal reduction made tor rash. - • ALL -ORDERS PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO Designsof Monumeats acc. may ba seen- at the shop. w12 -Iv Exeter. October Ist.th64. on most sw94 11,110111 EY. 17.0: AT EIGHT PER f CENT IX sums OF OM Hundred Dollars- and upwards: Apply. to _ • TOMS & MOORE, Splicitors. VIIIABB9* r4IW BOCK. GoderiCh.Seph8tb, 1964. ' : w33 if 'DABS' t.$ desirous of obtaining First Clea- t Cedar forF mng and Building purpose can. besupptiecl in any quantity-f•and- on, reasonable -gertus,hy applying to .J W ELIJrOTT.- Goderiel Feb. •Oth:1864. • w2 Montreal Witness for 1865. /VIM WITNESS is about to miter on its 20th 1' year as a eananiate for public favor On The same principles With which it set out r its sum beingto furnish good readnig matter, uningled with sectarian -bitterness or party strim fe. The News department contain. the latest news by telegraph , swum& ries of sews from CanaiHan, British and American papers; and selected arti- cles on current events, (rout the- leading journals of the world. The Commercial department comprisesreliable prices- . current, - riviet,vs , of the markets, and fittancial intelltgence.4 The department oi Family Reading contains copiouri selection of instructive and interesting matter, tales:poetry, &c. Valuable Agricultural and Horticultural articles are copied from time to time; . The -Advertising -d pertinent has many useful and'imOortant advertisements, but admits- none °fan immoral or injurious tendency.. • : Tne cConadian blebsenger.'containieg,n selee- tion.of the best and most interesting matter of the Witness,' is published monthly at 25ets per ann.. with one copy gratis to a( -bib of te:t, s. It is de - Voted to Religion, At ralifv,Education,Childrenlit Reading, Temperance and Agrieultute; and con- sequently, isollowed _tit pass free through the fost-011ice.. " -T ERMS:' Deily Witness, $3 per annuni.' PlontrealWitness (semi-weekly) This is the same foriii that it has been since the beginning $2 'per -annum.' - - 'Weekly-Wities. $1 perannem. Canadian Atessenger,25018 per annum.. A.11. ',CpU in Advance. . (inc copy gratis in each cage for a club 431 ten. , hould 'a M.ixed 'Club be sent, with net less than -10. Papers will he forwardedgratis to the value one-tenth rif remittance. . - All cominunications to be addressed to Mon; treal Witness.Or - -JOHN DOUGALL & Sox. READY-MADE LOT et -23 Can be purchased Ohm FOR CASH at . SMIT Clothing Emporium. •"-You shall tell the truih, the -whole', tend:, _ and nothing but the-triub ; this zauggr is eracke3, and your soul will be I cracilga ,,ttod likethe saucer if you tell a_ lie. - The plates were "heresmashed to pieces on the ' back of a chair. . - THE GENERAL' ELECTION. --1110 preparr- 1 • lions for the- election of the new Prirliirme; t II. are going on swimmingly, and the,intei est _tit- s" the contest of course increases Bailie' firer: " 1 for it "dra*s nearer. The vonstituenta-lbise now need to have little -else to da but to_svad - And ponder. the adslretses and sii:eeticr<Of the gentleme4 who aspire to represert ?tient-Ili OA great council of the nttion. Ale like proportion of existing M. P.'s ling animis for re-election ' end their presence being,. • therefore, required -- in the country, tile liciUse. of -Commons has dwindled to a merit shadow, and is now kept in existance O.0)T *idle trantaction of- absolutely "necessary busirs and till the Lords have got tlo-ougb• thew part of he work. Lord Palmerston atuichis colleagues are wishful, it " is said, 'to close the doors -at. once and to get the etections over as speedily as may be; while ' lord Derby and his party, wh6::.hope to -defeat and succeed the,present Meissen, are nailer- . " stood to be endeavoririg, by _placing ollsituc- - emus in the way -of certain bilis in the Upper , - House • to delay the contest till theyt are rather better prepared -for It,. It was, ogle& in -the house •rif Commons on 'Tuesday' Aliat Parliatnent is to be dissolved On Ate 6111 of July. Actual candidates may well slisit4 to _ accelerate 'operations scan* that not a 'and 1 of them are -"'spetiding rn placards and • -: -pp inobslipce-chtooufs ecso onto:lit:: tOutlsaii-denady„ inhnallni*4 'the . ;mount - every day; till the polling takes place." i;:fhe husinesso of the session in the House Of :tour; mous being virtually -oirer;and as _Many of the members of 'the 'Government must be away antongsetheir constitneret, the custom- ury:Ministerial dinner at Greenwie.h is :not to take place_this.year.--[Chritnian World, -- STRAWBERRY V,1141.LEGE.7-The LliiidOtt • , v - Advertiser acknowledges -a Air straWhirries froth Mr. -.If Wyeled; 34, inches in. .gitematier- ance, and cliallanges any. one to .Iset4 it, ,Ther Ingersoll Chronicle received slew fthnrElishs Hall, Esq, -sa inches. TIlre,IsTorfolk. 'mer - also had a present fremItr.PutmanXelntosh of Woodhouse, of the delicious fruit, 4 TriChes.- ' We received, on Sattirdiy, "a few": from Mr. J. H. Lawrence, CollingWood, some.-:*aNtasur- - ing 6k inches, 5, and 41... At AheJata •Ilorti; cultutel Exhibition at CoNni•g;liti.ittigitley .Caleuit Showed ieollectintr- 'of ittrittitterries, one of which on belag laelivured Ito:found to he sit inches and three quai:teralriAticum. fertince, andits weigh i an bunciitrid ailtiarter. London. legerloll, Woodhouse, stuli;Oollin., wood, have made their bonst, in - the. val.: .,., berry line., -1 -et us hear wbo Zan teiarnbonrg Mr. Calcuttirs strawberries are'eSilisidtkii they are large.-1Cobourg Wort& .., •,, ;:i • r- In Ford's Theatre), 'epriOsity seekers have completelywhittled awsyjlialientili upon ' which "Peanut John!' sat, wbilit litlding,, . ,.:...• Smith's boric, and about plaid we has . ' Iieen cut away frorlithe green 1412, zcarpet. ,,, surrounding the pot whett613Oethilielatiktruck i 'When he knave uporithe gari3OE,riiihoot- ing she Preside One of ilietn;retna.-visi- - tore entered-thoItaloon adjathrirthelheatre where Booth took hil. last' Aril* -ibIlitrandy . joist before he tourdwed Mr-J.49,04w --The-. you the same tiOttle-bn'inind -Oint4firwhich vititioiottahr dinisqnukitVodt:eible7thneigh, bati:Iptteerivsg-zrilree,. .tion 1" " Yes,:seiri.,1 "And the samebrandy . in it 7" "es; sir." '" Can I lutv$ a drink , tif that same brandy out Of thaitittinebottler 44 Yeesir." ":Let's have . ii.21 Hissoisitar testes the brandy, tpalies ef licry faced con- tinues: "And Oat's the Bathe *iirsturY that Piioth drabk ?";., Yes sirr;."'1"'-W:efli;";11 don't - 'Wonder that be killed therresidauk,,A drink , of that brandy would make man4ill his grandmother. . ; ,...,41,47, _,:i2.4.:411 ,. .$1141C,GOk0 win___.cirithheYilii:p9olol-anil 111.4-'llit:dlibi*oli.' The .' diary. An atteinpt -lots inallei•To ire the stable three weelts-sgo. - , - 4 - fire was tindoirotery the work of an mewl:. • r Mitchell, were burned to. the ground,. early • on Monday Morning. The intn%tetind•rowly clicaped with their lives ; may witarain por- tion of the furniture *ea aeecli -, Insurance e37'r5;-lnill'tieei14:1)Igifliill7rtejl°Plt:t. i'.:- . . _ ._ . 1 „ ayman nan.ed Lind 24 Is arged wall ritiSti 'Periodica s elerr . , _ . , . administering to tbentwik011ittrkilAt Sacra. ' . - ' the murder of several. or' Itntiirriableters by mental -wine/ ,,,T,Ite proof 18 50 conclusive -VIligLiMr1DONWARTERLY RE(VcioBn8Wervat tive.)- against him; that not, the sli.Itest doubt of MARICE1 SQUARE, GODERICII Gut:erica. J une 9,-a€5. w12 iimir_ALEgiGa-acmilror ' AND Carriage Factory ISAAC_ FREDRICK mumaicrv-303:, -TO V. =SCREW OLD STAND., “GHT-1101AE st.,GODERI011 TUE 'SUBSCRIBER wishes fci tetorn thanks to the publicfor past. favora received at their' bands* and would begtO Imitate that he ilideter- mined to sell waggons CHEAPER THAN EVER iwin sell you awaggein complete for $55.06 eash,andaq ether things ui proportion. All work warranted to give satisfaction. All kigijaof Farming tmolenientsmade to order. WATCHMAKER & JEWELER • -WEST ST,„ GODERICH, - Next door West of Mr. Stotts' Saddlery, • /LT. amps or WATUHES; -C-LOCKS AND. JEWELRY HRPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE, . • th the best Style & Warranted. 096D ASXORTMENT OF Piated Jewelry. Watches, Clocks. arc Zinc - Constantlytin hand and warranted to be as represented_ in-ot moneyrefaraled: Roderick Jolt' •27111. 1854 .1Geat -- ON liftrilERSON. 70iidenebihui,9t.lt,;1$64. 'ffeNif37 Monei to Lyric!, UPON.. Alortgages. Apply to D. Shade Goodng, . Selieitor. Office over R. Booth's store: - Goderieh,. 18th May, 1865. sw74tf IN OLTENT LOT :OF 1864. THE creditors of the undersigned ere nott, I. flea meet -at the law office of M. C. Cameron, in the town of Goderieh, in the Counti, aileron, on blond:1.y, 1110 seventeenth day of July, 1865, atter', of the clock in the forenoon. for the purpose of receiving state- ments of his affairs, and of _naming an assignee te-l_vhom he may make an amigo- ment under the above -Act -Dated at Goderich, in the County of Huron this 27th day of June, 1865. - WILLIAM .11YSLOP. M. C. CAMERON, } Solicitor for Insolvent. sw87td • ONEY_TQ $30-0-00 wg4L- be. li"tieci 00 in' - pr.Wed Ferri Prepeily. HOILACP 1101a015. ,Goderick 6th 4tine,..186"4... :W194 - 'THE EDINBURGH IIE VIEW (Ai mg.) THE WESTMINSTERREVIEWIRtutical.) Tar:NORTH BRIS ITH REVIEW (Ffree-Chtiroh.) - SSD - BLACYCNVOODPSiDINBURGHATAGAZIN*Tory) - limped pertfc tIet, but as thecast-orpontinghie, .demlilsd„ the price tifraper dearly tieb/ed.tuultaxes.duneilicenses, etet,largely mere:mod they itti compelled to advance 1 .The A. re:rieini l'uhlishelsc, olitin:ie torepniu the shove their terms-ts follotvs _ . - . _ . 1865 '. PoranYoue.o; the 'Reviews' ....... $1.90 per Annum. ' 'TERMS FOR • FOr any two -ot the Review& ....... 1.40 For any three of the Reviews 40.00 " For itli four of the Reviews .... -12.00 t& ' For BlackwoorPsiMagazine • 4.00 - ti ForBlackwoad and one Review• 7.00 For Blackwood and any two of the Reviews .... ..... i ....,.. 10.00- " For...Blackwood. an.d.,.t.h.r.c...e..if th.e...B.f:13,00 :• 0 ews F°SruBbselacriEirdrshianthdelbEeriftilrtlero‘vileineveartrIremititiaddi.. Plgler, the Suspension Br.d,,e werRrassetled tsiiinodllnal*seeigigrecensitswelayea"-rfrroreiTishitt.eyre;rto'crovtalk; -with a shower of binf ders Am a Larty Wila ,•-1 "lr-Tleliw75°riPeri iel°41greflri1ner"agamYhad takenposition Upen7that4thetere.= efpupe1.a:iir-1arya11.1SnenetnedodicaIrire iThose on hoard, ihe 'steatvers.ggi* lied the , enheradvaated in price or reduced tit Aize-ssid" very salute wittt a number of, pistol shots. but .41lifeencl .el,,boeurmparettseerusiot por.,otainese.mdlillui,.6thildiatunitigaiiitalaeesdipatirotor lire the ethitoctirrit effeetetw:as. irniGertrtpillitinitely, wren& localielnarrboowary genendlyboth--ws shall continue to give .fsithfai copies - dug petiodmalsiwthis country, . . inemoitt°gfothlde-tvimwmionia bie!dilittic.nutout Vora- cein.".J esiiSped being struck by OP,. .. .L14311)54- cOnia haArd mown ofmatterfurinshed. as those of any of Inc .1C1b°0111prilsredesenivit prtilenikiin he fact that we make onr ananalpsyments tothe 13mrsli iiito Is bank' . endeavored to, .gai; &bind the - iimalida-vdeo.gfaciirtiastetodinafl.ict,rte*ntilemplItuom-ese.gcno. • eat.trur pritest$15)are =vainly kw. Add i. ibis ment the other. day ' in "C'biertg01: :'M rushed - 60guntiiisn:eurs, at:fury triipnestiennets..-iagelelconeareyrigrlitstaloselk.-in cgs!! eeee tem i the ,veete it,. the street voit.ght Ite y itusshoafitedin tbhye ouscarlieubiowerilzwe asdaor aide excitement of she Aerks and itishia to the . rweilm;YS-aliall'bedelrentirtnulet yeadinAs ani?9, however, itstrlieehtibf44 mad is ratherinereasedthim diniinisbed by tbe ertreies They dog" Ina. Xeard'ilier;e wake. general seatter- Tat inter .,. estatheso Periodicals to American readers spot. - „Oaten on oar Civil War, and, though sonietintestingvi_ itic,„ aridelieryilliallnhtifpleee of retreat was ithprejudice, the may inill, consideriog their great „ , . 'hility and the di erent ataud-ponits from w ic ., 3,, mama in.() reAuoutioe. The dog:contimnii to act in the most infuriated -nnor timid- ., ire wrinen,bercadsadspidied WA, Advantage • bythe - a policeman _dispatched :Mtn witli-41: pistol shots. , , .' 2 -.,.27 . At stile wide) oocariwifta *insittowo of thesuuth of France lately*, a copy of tbs G1711)E- , 4i,loettres.juives" • was aold' for, ina than Byliiiiiiv-Srsprisics. orEdwintrgh. loathe late LP, , eighteenpence, and .' waif -rOund„ -fot contain l'ATLIKEIVEI --; - ,fiiii-two inedited letterset Voltaire,'Diderot, Plowtott. of Vale CoNege. 42 vols. Royal (Mayo, /6 0* :.,Isozoisp SCOTT 4 co., . ., amateur of- - „Hayontios_IntariOrtha, 'ParittoEltIoarffintigittiligith•birMill,p(i$iiiiidille. 4 D'Alembert And their ctiatiensporaVlia. .„Ait rnd.grive two thousa0 :fraapO,.fox _ ' - __4. 'i PuT3liabers, :44:38-WalkeriStreet.New Turk. I- mising.lot of auto,grepts." -, - - it :_- 4..r .. his guilt his. enterth.ii....a.ned•i::::; &loam: 3.1441111:str7-in. tie . course ota late debate in the Finch Corps -Legislirtif, M. Kervegueu the re- cent invention pf an 44 irtfereal ayalchine at Toulon, which he said .re ;ureic& useless the .conetructictit of veels, and opened the prospeet of irpetsal4id nni. veraal if the prospect oSopRiversal and perpetual peace, Opened by nny,infernal machine, it destined to Fel.rgellifikti, that. - infernal machine is a de/frii0111NP*Airing. DASTARDLY OVraaolt.-+Oni WillnesdaY Morning, says the Hamiltion Times,„ as tha Orange representation froth Dundes welt' proccetling down the DesiVoffithe thus], on board the steamer Ar1231e1 whillt, passing people of thsscoantry, of every creed an party. The -Pour Reviews for'1863. &few copies of file above remain on handand wi be sold at 41.5 forthe whlile-four, or 112 for anyone. weals° publish The:-