HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-07-18, Page 3f „. ' re 4 EDWII epuirtit - ear Several -communiciti s are laid nef, C.11 our next. _ STANLEY WHEAT. — A frieud has shown ns a sample from a lendid field of fall wheat grown on the 3rd, con., of .Stanley.. The grain in that neighborhood will. yield a very heavy crop. Leslie e0sming to Goderich. 1Iarry_14eslie, the great American Blon- din; whose. 'lents at: Niagara have been 'Witnessed by thoussnds, is announced to - Rive one of his wonderful performances on therope Iti Goderich on the 1st of August. The cable will 1)6,7...stretched over an -mense chasm, and will be 150 feet high and 300 feet long. To enable persons at a distance t wallas such a novel scene in this ieetion, Excursion trains will be run from Brantford and all stations West, and the Steamers will carry passengers at reduced rates from Saginaw, Saugeen, Kincardine T hercy HI doubtless be an immense crowd. of people in tow. n en the occasion - _CONCERTS. On Wednesday and Thursday evenings or this week; Cheesbres Serenaders will give two .of -their first-class concerts in Crabb's Hall. Mr. Cheesbro as a splen- did musicianis not unknown in Goderieh. Hr. Horner, the basso, has a magnificent --voice, of great compass andpower, and we have no doubt will leave.a pleasing reputa- tion behind lam in Goderich. We sel- dom. pair Concerts, but we feel saf in - saying that these will be musical treats indeed. Mr. Hawkins:a famcniatenor, also to sing, and something good may be 'expected from the Goderich Glee Club.— We hope to see ctowded-houses. . _ • Daowseu. — The Essei Record says a young real natued McDowell tins &owned at Amherstb.urg on the 5th inst., together with sp tn of horses belongirj to nad driven his horses into a st purpose ot watering them, and t e reins be- •JEFF. Drark--Who about GoderiCh didn't know Jeir., the lilliputian canine, that felt at home in the society of any constable and wa.s intimately acquainted at all the hotels—that sat on door steps look- ing dreamily at the stream office passingby and philosophising upon the ups and downs of (dog) life„ and whose ambitious sold fbund vent in terriffie harking when a dog .fight was- on, foot.? Jeff. the patient, the faithfuls has gone where the good doggy goes: As he was trotting gong one day last week, a big cars in a fit of playfulness, or ot' malice aforethought' gave his neck a nip, and the little fellow at once yielded up his spirit. Requies dog ig..pace- imseif. He am fur the THE SEMI-WEEKLY SIGNAL. GAN YOU.;TELL DIE W HE RE THE Village of Clinton is coming entangled vzith the pole of the waggoe y the horses became immanageable and backed out into. the street' upsetting the waggon. Some persons were standing on the bauk but tor pome time no attemet was • made to save the poor fellow. At length a young man em barked in a skiff but. after coining close to the drowning man turned away for fear of being upset Another and a more resolute attempt_ at rescue was madbya Dr. •Hackett but it was too late and the young man sank to 'the bottom, He was an indusaous young man, seventeen years of age. • SINGELAR DEATIT little girl named Jackson about five or six yeare'bf age. whose parents reside near Belmont,. reeeittly sante to the death ina singular manner. She had been playing. in the yard be her mother, when suddeulfshe diseppeared. Upon insti tuting a search, the distressed mother friend her daughter dead, with her head in a:lye-bar- fel. She was a promising _child, an -ii much sympathy is felt for the *aftlictet parentif.— {London Free Press. • • , - Ctorree lisses.—The fashion of -wearing a -dish cloth upon the hat is again in vogue with the exquisites, being varied a trifle. wttli many. by the substitution of a Wife veil. The clout is lipid to be a_ sefe.geerd 'against sun stroke or any other- shock liable to seesitive natnres.—atamilton: Times: • spinvina, At the Town -Ship of -Stanley. on the even- ing of the eleventh instant, Jane, Crelit of the late Daniel McNaughton, a native of Perth- shire. Sen.,tland, aged 78. The deceased and her family came to Stanley more than 30 years sinee, and were the first settlers in the int,u-ior,of the Township. TAT: JARKPT?. GeDERICII, July 18th. 1865. s Wheat,. . 000 do, ... 1:00 (s. r 1:00 0:40 ® 0:45 ..• 500 ® 550 Ir - . .0:55 -0:60 Sprin Oats, Flour [lade Fess . 0:00 0:75 0:00 0:48 4:00 0.00 0:50 0:00 0:00 0:25 . 0:00 0:124 0.00 0:00 0:121 8:00 0:50 (I Pork .4 Wool • - Sheep. E Lambs Pnisx1iERRY. FATAL Aretimii.—On the evening of the 12th inst., as Robert Stewart of the Township of Eurnberry, was returning, tome from Winghant with a bad of mum - ter;/ he drove his waggon over a small stump on the side of the rend, by which he was thrown. off, falling upon the back of his head:rei.tclering him insensible. Some of his neighbors being along, assistance was speedily procured ; he was removed to Mr. C. Griffin's Howl, Wingham, where • every acsistance at commaLd was given, and towards morning consciousness return- ed, but upon dose examination it was found that the spine was dislocated, cans- - ing complete loss of motion and sensatiou in the parts below. He remained in this sad state until Saturday evening, when death put an end to his sufferings. It may here be proper to state that he was somewhat under. the influence of liquor at the time of the accident. He leaves a wife and three children. to mourn his un- timely end. ▪ 5:50 . 0:35 01,, 3-00 Qr.t., rurkies each _ .... 0:45 a; ileese, do . .-, 025: (. tI iickens, li pair - . ., . . 0:20 C. do ..- ........::'... 0:00. • .04 11. des (green) .... . ,... 2:75 (0. tst.tter ......-......... '.', 800 -(ii) Petatoes new .,..--..... 25Q' • 2-00 . at a EPA res............, :., 0:10 Hay, new Yton .. . 8:00. Green Peas.. ...........;: 0:40 g Oiled from the Manufacturers, 5 0 0 ,AFt. -F1 A 31 S .OF ASSORTE'D ENGLISH ' A Note -and- Letter Papers Just received and will be offered at -; - a slieht • advance on cost to CASH BUYERS! • EVERYTHING IN scffooL BOOKS .AND STATIONARY SUPPLIED •AT °LOWEST WIJOL!SALE RITES ATTHE SIGNAL' OFFICE. June I3th, 1865.; TO COUNTET EticHANTs, .• AShes an Grease. - THE Subscriber will Derehase all the Ashes I . and Soap Grease that may be saved for him in Goderich and neiehborhood. - 'JOHN DANCY. July I6th,1865. rw25 ' Insolvent, 4.-t:,:of 1864. THY,YES! I BOUGB.T MILES • THE SIGN OF TEE LARGE NETTLE aCe • A STEEL MOULDBOARD PLOUGH A real Thistle -cutter, the best I Oyer had. It wit only -. Fifteen -Dollartt ! FIVE MILK PANS FOR $1 All kinds of' TINWARE AND STOVES going off- cheap.- Thirty different kinds of 0 IT Gll ! SH.A.PMS, In the matter of A. ISMITH, an Insoi vent. - ••• . rrlitcreditors of thellnsolvent are notified .1_ that he has made an - ssignment of his estate and effects uncle: ttie above Act, to me, the under- signed assignee, and they 'are required to furnish me within tWo monthi from this date with their claims, speeifying tn.: sec rite they hold; if any,- i and the value al it, and it one stating. the fact; the.wluile atteoted under th with the vouchers in support of such Gelanusli Dated -at odetich, in he County of Baron, this 7th day offidy, 1865. _ The Ditmganeicist Marster. Gonznien,July 14th, 1865. _ Deka MR.. Eel ORt- In your paper ofJune 28th, I read with horror Of the murder thai. was committed in Dungannon and whereas - everybody knows that intoxicating liquor was the cause of it. And taking into considera- tion the influence that your widely circulated journal has throughout the community, I am aurprimed you remain silent on the subject ;— and you .do not enter one word of eon- detain:Won agniust Swift or Black, Who gave hiri the liquor that madened his brain, winch has made him a' murderer. If these %vein - keepers, like -a great manyothers, had nut been selling against the law el' God and man, ' Welly and MeCardy- might ihe useful mem- bers- of society; and the County would not have been put tosuch expense, Swift and Black cannot have a very easy conscience.-- _ They may escape being condemned here but when they come before s put and impartial . _Judge, swiftand black will he their retaibu- time. Yours truly, - A Tratentaxga Max. . . JAMES THOMPSON. swhOtd •Assignee, INSOLVENT ACT OF 1864. AND CASTINGS Kept On hand. SEARLE will sell, at * paxivr. BARGAIN, A good Secondhand • SEPARATOR. • eshing Machine With a Pitt's Ten -Horse Power. PRICE ONLY ONE HUNDRED AND TEN DOLLARS for Cash,' or on short :notice. Also, on sale a large quantity of Hungarian Crass Seed, Improved TurnipSeed . 7 on/ 15 CENTS PER POUND. Eave Troughs .and all kinds of Jobbing done in workmanlike manner, at_the Sign °fate 140..rge BASELINE, CLINTON, . SEARLE & DAVIS. Clinton, June 20th, 1565. w21-3 SPECIAL NOTICE. DEFERRING to our advertisment of 2nd Lb instant, .and in order to avoid misunder- standing, we bng respectfully to inform those of our easterners who have had accounts with us hitherto that, as we are anxious to bring eur present business to a close as soon as • possible. we must discontiuue all accounts from this date. JOHN FAIR & CO. Goderich, 9th May, 1865. • sw71 IN OLVENT ACT 01'1864. - HE ereditors of the nndersiened are noti. fied to•ineet at the law , office of M. -C. Cameron:in the. town of Goderich, in .the Couity of Huron, on Monday, the seventeenth. dayilbt July, 1865, at tee of the clock -in_ the forencionfor the purpose of receiving state metes of his &aim and of naming • an assignee to whom. he may make an assign, ment under the above Act: Dated at Goderich, in the County of Huron this rith day of June 1865. - • _ • WILLIAM HYSLOP. M. C. CAMERON, / Solicitor for Insolvent,. t sw87td In the matter of GEORGE hi. TRUE - am InsOleint. . . - THE Creditors or the ,Insolvent are notified -1- that be has made an assignment of his estate and effects under the above Act, to me, the undersigned -assignee, and they are required to furnish nui• within two months from this date with their claims. specifying the security they hold,'f any. and the value of it, and if none statin the fact; the whole attested under Oath, 1 ith the vouchers in support of such claims.' , , - Dated at Goderich, in the Ceunty Of Huron this 6th day' OfJuly, 1865. ‘ ' JAISIES BIGGIN3, sw90td ssignee, Clinton p. o. Ram-Amt.—We are also surprisek let (that "A. Temperance Matt " did not pay the postage on his ktter, and 2nd, that _ now when the whole Province knows that McOUrdy was murdered whilst he and his murdeur were under the influence of liquor drank -under the shacloW of Dun- ' • Bill," Temperanoe Man should meek out as an anonymous philanthropist, Ana blame. us for not acting the part of itidge, jury, and constable. We have done ,our duty by recording/has, let a" Tem- perance Mao' show his mor d oourage by his dee*. ixiinted out weeks ago 4hat the -provisions of the Temperaice Aetiti force in Ashfield were not respect- ed, and now when a. -murder takes places :temperance men urge us to write for the Impose of proving to the community that it mat criminally wrong to Sup Ay certain Min with Hillier illegally -We have laws in this country, - IS too late -now tom. peal to thee to prevent murder, bat woes doers air ho-yrriched at any 1114), pant; m9rel Affe.ertintl. -Tamper thin • Armlet Per sqqiits« SHERIFF'S Sa OPLS. • VTRAV MARE.—Strayed from Goderich Commons, 'about the first week in Jane,- inst., a Bay31 .are And horse Foal, the rnare has a cork on the left hind foot, there is a star on the colt's forehead, and left hind foot white. Information that will lead to recovery will be suitably rewarded by leaving word with . • MARK WHITELY. Goderich, Sane 29th. 1865. . w23 -4V0 Cfnited Counties of lop _Virtue of two writs! of . Huron and Bi'llee. 1JLI Peri Faeias issued out To wit: . of Her Majesty's County Court ofthe Milted_ nommen Of Huron and Bruer and to me directed against the lands- and tene- ments ofJohn liteCuy,at the suits of William M. Savage and JameseGuire, I have seized :1 and taken in ..xecution all the right, title and inierest of the said defen ant in and te lot !umber fifteen, in the sista -concession of theloivnahip of Kink. in the County of Brice, containing one nundred acres, more or less; -which ' lauds and tenements t. shalt- offer for sale at my offiee in the Court House in thc town of Coderich. - on Tuesday, the seventeent i day of t ictober 'mit, at tie hour ot Twelve oft e clock, noon. • A Splendid Private Residence rO 111EAUTIFITLLY situated in the Town of [1 Goderich being park lot, No. 14, con. C.;', containine 10 acres Of excellent la -ad, with a (mod Oarchard of' choice fruit, all' in full bearing. A large _ Two Storey Brick House With stone cellar, 38 by 30 feet. Frame Barn, Stable, Sheds and. other - out -buildings. The whole will be sold on reasonable terms Apply to -J-AMES lifeMAHON,' - on the premises. Godertch, Tune 1801, 1865. w21 Ira • J OHN MACDONALD, • Sheriff,H. or B. Sheriff's Office, Ooderich, • , Ith July, 11465 t - w24 JOHN FAIR &COI • HAVING DETERMINED ON - CLOSING - WEIR razszsT BUSINESS IN .00DERICH,. WILL, on , Thursday next, the 4th instant, Commeme to clear off the whole ot their large and valuable stock Of Dry (roods, Clothing, and - Groceries, at- an . ENORMOUS REDUCTION IN PRICES: Goderich, find May, l865. CAUTION.—This is to forbid all persons 1 crediting or harboring my Wife Cath'; inc McDougall on my account, as sh. .1.1- :eft my bed and board withent just cause or provocation, as -I -shall not be responsible for any debts she .may contract. •- , DONALD MeDOUGALL. . 4th con., Stanley, July 6th, 1865. a-23*3t _ . st- Class Farm • War or • THE I Township of Stant,* County of Huron, LAND SALE _ UNDER POWE&OF SALE IN MORT- - GAGE. • DY eit tue of a Power of Sale contained in. a IrMortgage made by' Archibald McMillan, of the township of Wawanosh. in the county of Huron, -Yeoman, of the first -part,- and Janet McMillati, his wife, (for the purpose of bat -rine- her dower) of the Second part, 'de- fault having been Made in the due pa; tient thereof. willibe sold on Thursday, the tenth day,of August, A. D. 1865, at twelve of the dock. noon, at the Auction Mart of George M. Truetnan, in the town of Goderich, the following. oroperty, that is to say : The easter'y half of lot number fourteen, in the fourteenth concession of the said townshipof Wawanosh, containingone hundred acres of land, more or lent saving and eteepting that part of said lot containmg by adinessure- rnent two roods• and eight. Imam of land conveyed by said party ot the first part, to une janies Somerville, of the village of Incknow, by Deed dated the twenty-seventh day ofjannary, A. D., 1863. Terms cash. Deed utaltr Power of Sale. • M. C. CAMERON, sw90td Solicitor:for Mortgagee. I TEING smith-hallo/11ot 19, south of the Bay! fiildltbadtcontainting 88 acres of the very best wheat -growing land, of which 45 acres _ are well fenced and under a good state of cultivation. This &rile is only a qua sr of mite south oldie flourisning village of Va na, and is surroonded on altaides by first -mass e vet roads, and within easy access ota good heat market, -thgre is a good house, and a la frame barn in mune of erection.- Churches, hoofs, Post Offices. Griet- mills,&e., all in the inimediatevicinsty- - For particulars as to terms, &c., apply (if. by' letter postpaid) to George Andersen, Esq., lot 9, 7th com. Stanle., Varna p.o. or to the pro -- Pricier lir. Dated itcbeanell, Btouffvilte, p. o., Mortgage Sale. fro be sold by PUBLIC AUCTION at the office of the undersigned, in the City of London, on Tuesday the 18th day of July, A.D. 1865 at 12 -o'clock noon; under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in It Mortgage from one James McDonald to Charles Allanson Knight; dated 7th December, A. D. 1860; the South hen' of Lot No. 5 in the 12th con- cesston of the Township of Stephen, in the County of liurou, containing 50 acres more or less. gi3 At the sametune and place, under and by virtue of ,Pinvers of 'Sale contained in a Mortgage from one Randall McDonald and wife to Charles Allanson Knight, dated Tit December,- A. D. 1860, and a certain other, Mortgage from said Randall McDonald to said Charles Allanson Knight, dated fith January, A.. D. 1863; the Nerth half of said Lot No. 5 in the 12th concession, Stephen, contain- ing 50 acres more Or less. • - The above farms.are under good -_cultive don, well fenced, and have each about 35 acres cleared, and are within 10 roiles ot the Village ofEiteter.- The soil is a clay loa-in of good quality with beech and maple timber. A small creek runs through the premises. Mortgages, title Deeds and entracte may be keen at the &lice of she undersigned, and at theplaceaadlime of kale. -- .HARRIS BROTHERS, • TGAG SALE, or Valuable Property, - iN Tito TOWN OF GODERICII, COUNTY OrHURON. NEW STOCK 1 C)IP wive SHOE Anr" 9LIEEIC4 ANDS UNDER POWER OF SALE IN MORTa- GAGE. DY virtue of a Power of Sale contained in AJ a Mortgage made by James MC/tabors of the township of Goderieh, in the County of - Huron, and Province of Canada, (de- fault having been made in the due payment , thereof) will be sold on Wednesday, the 26th day of July, A. D., 1865, at twelve o'clock, noon, at the Auction Mart of George Id. Truman, in the town of_ Goderich, the following property, that is to. say: Lot fourteen, in concession -C, in the township of -Goderich, in the County cot Huron, containing by admeasurentent tett acres of land, more or lest. Terms Cash. 'Deed ander Power Sale. M. C. CAMEROS-, . valtd Solieitor tor Mortgagee. _ . - - Notice is Here/ Given THAT application will be made to 'both branches of the Legislature of this Pro rime at their _twit sittiog to have the town- ship of VVawanosh divided to form two seperate Municipalities, to be :called East Wawatinsh " and West Wawsnoth," re- -fapectively, the dividing line to be betweea Lots numbered twenty sesen and twenty-eight. The application will be made by petition of the Municipal Connell, and over three him- - dred and ninety of the electors of the said township of Tv awanosh. . By order of the Council. ; JAS. scorr, l'p Clerk. _ 13th, 1865. w22tf 4-1 NDER and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in a certain Indenture of Mort- gage (which will ,be produced at the time Of sale) made by James McMahon, the follow- ing property will be offered for -sale at the Auction Rooms of GEORGE M. TRUENIANS In the Town of Goderich, on Wednesday, the 191h day of July, 1865 -30th Jure, '1865. At one o'clock p All that parcel of land and premises, situated in the .,Town of Goderich, being composed of lot No. 9, south of Lighthouse street in the said 'Town -of, Goderich, contideing I, of an acre, more or less. ,Upon the -premises there are erected a one and a half story building, divided into three ienementi, in good repair.. ALSO: That Certain parcel or tract of land composing lot 13, being lot 14 on the south side of West street, in the said` town of Go5lerich, containing a.. quarter - of an we more or leas. There is erected on the lot a one and a half storey budding,frame(24 os 32) occupied as a grocery and dwelling. and a storehouse in rear 28- 14 18, the whole in good repair. • ALSO: That certain parcel or tract of 0 land, situate in the.said town or Godsrich, composing lot fifteen, on the toed, vide nf West street, coutaining a quarter of an acre of hold, more or less. The follciwing . build ings are erected on the- premises: one two story frame building 306420.; frame barn 40 m 32 and frame shed 50 feet long. Build - lugs -41 in good repair. . • . ALSO: All that parcel Of land composing lot. number 191, in said town of Goderich, containining by adtneasurement 40 perches, more or less. There is a good orchard on the lot. and a one story house in good repair. TIMIS or Sat.i.—Ten per cent. of the purchase money tote paid to the auctioneer at time of sale ; 25 per cent on the first day of September next, the remainder may be seemed by mortgage, novellas' a period of 31 4. or 5 years, at the ootion of the purchaser, on same conditions as contained m -the mortgage now held by ilk. Vendors For further Particulars, apply to the Auctioneer,` or to :IMessrs. Cameron and *Michael, solicitors for the Vendors, Stourydlettith /Wry, 185r1., v24 -4t - ,Londop, July WI 1865. • w231d I Toronto, June 1865: . Ireedors Solmttors; Toronto. - . comity ot York. I -.A.R.CtE2$TO.CIC- PLAZ 'T • rrA. ring a LTD E :k 17 . DiTC7' ummer UST ARRIVED AND -511i0DITOACE SALE* IITHEREAS default having been made in IV payment of a Mortgage made by Ed- ward Kelly, of the Township of Ashfield, in the County of Huron, yeoman, and Mary Ann -Kelly, wife of Edward Kell!, (for the purpose of barring her Dower). to William Leonard of the Town -of Goderich, in the -County ot _ Horon, Gentleman; the following land and premises will be sold by Public Auction at G. M..Trueman's Auction Mart, on TUESDAY 15Ih AUGUNT 1865 • At the hour of twelve o'elock, noon, subject to a Mortgage of $400, and interest -at eight per cent , due 1st May, 1865, that it to say, ill and singular that certain parcel or -tract ' of land and premises situate, Iteug and being in the Township of Ashfieid, in the County of Huron, beilig composed of the south half . the north half of lot number eleven, in the third concession, eastern division of the said Towaship of Astifield, containing by ad. measurement fifty acres of land, more or less. Deed under Power contained in Mortgage. Terms of Sale—Cash or Credit. For further particulars apply to D. Shade Gooding, Solicitor, West Street,. D. -SHADE GOODING, Solicitor for Mortgagee,. Dated 7th March, 1865. w24td &T THE. IEVIEPOCIAXILTIVE J. V GODERICH May 1st, 1865, pri-LoR Sr SOW w1 Sheriff's - Sale of Lands. United0ounties or 1DY virtue of a writ or Huron and Bruce, JL1 - Fieri Facies issued out - To wit: of Her Majesty's County Court orate United Connties of Huron and Bruce and to medirected againtit the lands and tene- ments of Elijah ',sync, at the putt of William Aldridge, I have seized and taken in eitecutiett eh the right,- title and interest of the • Paid de -fen • dant in and to thesouth half of !cif numbertweatty- five,in-the fi th concession of the townshivrif Ennio, in the county of Huron; whieh haute and tenements I shall oiler tor sale at my office in the Court House in the town of oder- ich on Tuesday, the third day of _October next, at the hour of twelve of the el4Cir• DOOM , . J0Kg IIRDONALD, - - • . Sheriff II is A 2 4, Sheriff's Office, Goderich, t . 23rd June. 1865. t 'a 22 1 imams wirs. .Diited.Coutities oft BY virtue of two writs of Huron and Bruce, Fier Facies lowed out To Wit: of- Her Majesty's County. 'Court of the United Counties of Huron and Brute, and to me directedagainst the lands and tenements of Jeremiah Lennox,- at the suit of Isaac Carling, William G' &filth, and Alexander Smith; i have setied and taken in execution all the right, title arid interest of_the said defendant, inand to lot number 99 on Huron Street, in the village of Ableyville, in the county of Huron, with the hnildings thereon erected. Lot NO: 2 on Howick street, in the villatte.or BeImore, one half mire of hind with the badmen thereon erected, situate] at the south east corner of the Townehip of Culrosa, in the county of Bruce, ffirming partof lot No; I, in the A concession of theitaid-townihip ef Cuirass; whine lands and teninnentn I shade*, for srife at :Imola, in the Coati . House m tbe town 01 Crodevich on i Tuesday, theienth day o( October next. lit the't 1 hour of Twelve of the clock. noon. - - - - JOHN' ItACD0NALD, : ' "riff ir. 4- IL Shevillis Moe. froderiek, 1 Toir. - 2 ; 1 • . •.,..111•1111/4111 """ 11. Mina .;-- 121-1 • . -.#- W Ludes sad hes Weaned I DR. JOHNSON'S WA.TWIRIAKai, & JEWNLER WEST ST., i3ODEltiCrit Net door West of Hr. Stotts' Saddlery, Office and Dispezuiary, No. 64, Little' St. Janes Stn, etrOZT MieMs fL.7 For the Cure et Chrossio Compfairsts, &rents. Nervous Debility,Iliseases doe -Mod,— Sevolial Weakaess wed ell Pescara Coorpleisus. 4c. TNR. OHNSON,L Of LONDON, EDIIN- .2../ burgh and Paris, devote.' his attentive oa- clustvely, to the Treattnent of the Contgaudo retOrred to in tbia notice. Many years eawnenee - in Europeand the Brhish Colonies, meant -int to perform some very remarkeble cures ; tied his facilities tor obtainiug the bestani latest rase. dies are such, beingin correspondence with the - mug celebrated physicians ol the old world, thet hecan offer indueetnents to the umfortunate of a speedy and perfect cure. STRENGT11 TO Tie VITEA10-Dir. son'., Remedies will restore. in a very short time, all who are inflicted with Nervous Debfiity, Leas ofMeinory, rip*, dreg .Er YOUNG MEN, TAKE Nonce,r-Thrre la la earl hehit often contracted by boys at -school, which grows -up with them to manhood; the efects ofthis evil practice is most deploratio, _ often producing insanity, dre. Ow All who -are afflicted shouldepplytoDr Johnson immediatelye and be will *Oct .& speedy and perfect cure. Dmictuas OF -TEE BLOOD, ite....41 isa melancholy lact that thoutiands latl victims to disease o wing to the riaskilful and improper _pia of mercury. Dr.- Jelinsoa's Competmd Spay will thoroughly eracticaie all disk -sate aruang from ° a diseased or impure state oftbe blood. Bemedlott forwarded in safetyto any address Vflice hours trona 8 till It, and -from 2 till 8. All -communies- sums should be aduremed, Chas.F. Jokimon. - 64,LeUle St. Armes Street, licntreal,33. E. _ 1.1: UNDO OF • WATURES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY • NEPAINED ON SHOAT NOTICE, In the. best -Style ig Warranted - - ;Won assowntarrOr Oolda Plated Jeweirr, • Clocks, Arm ace. ; Constantlyea bland and warraated to be asrepremateri fnototonsy refar.ded. Ondermlt Isla rth.14.14- 41011 iliD SHOW $ULTA3TY iPflhIC IlD_1101111311,11111 itiaT 1111CLITED Jaanes ElpiasToN ST., notratercir. CALL SOLICITED 11' 0 IM•r. A CONTRACT of chopping and 'Clearing , - Ten acres, on the Bayfield }toad, five - miles front Goderich. Apply to COLIN CLARK, _ Horne Road, *Mir june 16th. 1865. :01111. 1. XOTICE is hereby given that the Partner. sliip lately subsisting between David Johns and Cornelius Johns, both of the village of Exeter, under the firm of D. &C. /ohne, has been this day dissolved by antis' conseut. All debts owing to said firm are to be received by said David Jobs", and all demands on said partnership are to he pre, sented to hint tor payment. Dated at Exeter, this 27th day ot Janet 1865. DAVID JOHNS, . _ CORNELIUS JOHNS. N. B. --The business will be continued - under the name of the Exeter Tmaltop. AU kinds of work done to orderwith neatness sad despatch. = DAVID MINS, w23!3t Proprietor • • REISIH(y_VAL* Cllnton Book Store._ Sehool Books end SOW Statile no NATAKCOManagAtiMaa. THE undersigned begs to 'notify Ids Men* and the public geuerallttbat he hu re- moved Ins Book -Store to the weltireowa stand on Albert Street, Clime% foram+, occupied by .1.8 Form% A Co., what ha will be -hem • to 'sit -upon IOW say favor him with E ca . Country Storekeepers - - Are particularly invited to biped hiking' stock of R011001s B001014 STATIONEE0' vibichwubot found to ba as 1.wM Ow as those of the Toronto Wholasale cheats. -Fluter 4390k Often Statiomily,_Nasies‘A rastromente; Toys, Well Papers, Wmappieg - Papers, Ac.elre.„ s Waal roiliest'. laATOOCE. Clinton, 20th Ape, 1865. Prn