HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-07-18, Page 1isamwswowi 31. rit U EA' NI A.: . ACENTi Zarket Square, • Goderich. Taids-Cr.tx-Yozi evety Wednesday,from 1-1 a.m to t n.tr... • 131:1,0' • c . - a 2usine5s airectani. Or. 1'. A r tiomE vo;i, coN.sl- v tenon u-,1 to 1• k, a. m . every day. tx.i; patients at any hour anerwards, night or 'Cr% C. PAlisstinoil.:NI.I3..„ OPIIY-;ICE G OD- • 13;4J -1y AL; Leila. M. D., p11 Y.7;It.7 1 .‘ N. F. t' F.ON. (Late ti)ase ?aura -eon, i ng•sion Hospital).- Fte. a -At Arthur's Boarthug flutist Godarte h,C W. swiitiwn 1Yr. Colt-. T ATE OF STANLEY-CLINTON: a r 14 =IN Koad. -01r. Thwatteies former Store July 1, 262. - ORTHINGTON, PtGtNSCR_IEOX, will at teal . L , parttcalarty. C to el and. surgical operations, allots the eve. Itowteir Vir.t.stra.tiec..15.186t.• 1w47-1 V Ira laeuris,„ BRR:IST E R AND. ATTORNEY -AT- V Law, and -zzo:tettor-ta-Cfiancery. County. Crown .kttorney,Godertch.-_IanatiaNvst. ()thee U: Court House, - V14n40 1NI. Citmerckn. • 1111.1.RatirE.t. A r coNrgY. eNnza,Me-.Kin„,-stort strcet,Gocierieh,C,W- Kinkel-car ..Vc Walker, I3 ARRIST PACS, SOLICITORS, CON- livzrvicaa, °Ace, over the Store o j. V. Detior Son,Goderick. nrvnenertnot, - • 1111.* rt.)..tSiEY -4i'-LW Sotar.es Pubtte, &c., West Street, Goder 10:I 44 41 ,(!g AND HURON AND BRUCE A_DVERT1SER. _ W. T. COX, Editor and Proprietor. " The Greatest Possible Good to the Greatest Possible Number." $2.50 PER ANN IN AD GODERICH, C. W., TUESDAY JULY 18 1865. Business Dixectorg. .1 Business tlirectorli North British anti_ Meteantile 1 - Rerit-r. Insurance,' Compliy InsurancE Cp., - Office m Mr. Gordoteskaw Chambers. JthIN HALDAN; • God e r ieh . October 13.13. 41,42-1yr JOAN BRETT, Tin, Sheet -Iron; and. Copper -Smith, EGIVIONDVILLE C. W.. Stoves, Cultivators, In., for Sale. Repairing Done at Short Notice. .1 ottn Olvviscan, 1• wtrifirga..). r rottlgY. SOLICITOR - • corner ot.i.ire.tston r tg. tteery. &If ()Ace, Market Square, RINE INSURANCE: Letroy Phtterson„ A,RRISTEttS, f roitNEYS4T-LANN,,,- 1-1 Z`;otarres. Conveyancers, tc. Office Kafscorner, West Street, Uoderieh. •9:42 -------- - (gegraca. A TTORNEY-.k nAlw, s,'..)LICITOR IN eterteerv. N tiAry„ Pullin-, Conveyancer-, &c., Goler,en, Canada We4t. ;-1i! Y.Ith4t' slitt."-at t,. tlitaidoor front the C gurtnse :Squat e. T Ilays. . ,p et. k. P -LA kV. SOLICITOR IN - Cha :tar!! aa.te.,-onvey.lacCr,t, 'oder era, Cf W,-0,1it-e, over R. Gardiner & ,rdware Store. yl5n29 llfone-Y• to Lend, on Real Property., r4:xa British American insurance Co ' OF, ;:rottoNTO, Marine Detiaitment. GEORGE RUIfBALL.. , - Agent. Goderieh, Apra 25t1t. lplili • "Wl3t1 British American Assurance Co. ..F i & MARINE • - -• - JOHN ESSON Arent.- Rayfield, K., :IQ., 1865. ItainiN.D. HOTEL, '...G9DERm. IMF:KER. P itOPRIE roil.. THE A It-raft:NEI'. SOLI II ftliz. &c.. Goeu- ' al-?ove is. mostpleasantiv situated on an .t.71. nr,-te,0-.W.--OFFten : Ilp stags Viraivat$ eminent e -1'20-tect iiig.b. overlookuiir. the Harbor intri...-tke Re roe .oeni Oren-lints:Gardens and 8 o,..k, West 'ItentrantFirst Door wet f .; -es so - Kura! Walks atta,lied. Board $1 11,u • • • ,-Ie pe.-_ ,$, , zon., - Giasgow tiouse. Torus- Z.r. Mbore,, - % TTORNIEi, SOLI11. Gede - rzch, C. W. Oliee SSW 11 -YU. K 5A• r411[4... - 1.2.W7=. C. 3vseer. teoderte.h.Atizust sw1931.v3i 13. I.,. D.yte, rroaNtsY. SJLICI 6FFIcE Crabla*a New li,ock,Godertch, ('. W. vl5swia5ly _ S. P.. yE01TANSI QULICITOR IN CHANCERY, ATTOR- k, Nati, Ntilr.ta-T cnnvkvsvelt, •&e. --Office over the new Rost Office, Goderich. sw1$ S.F.. CASS-ADV., Ipo.. c. (Graduate of Megan College. Montreal.) 1101,1N. Sra ;EON' AND ke corenteri. Oilice-At the Division Court Office. Dung:nano% C. W. wI7 I. Ir. '01.svood, --ta 'kJ:MISTER, ATTOR.NgY, CONVEY- aneer,&c.; Clinton. few ‘toors nostit of the Post Office. MONEY TO LEND. -Ntritriarin. wraser, A -E-TN,141Y-..k. V-LA.Wi. SOLICITOR: IN Glitirery, Conveyancer. are. Traae ton,. Ca-. ot Brace. vl6al5yly D. Wiloit Ross, B. A., ORNEY- AT LA.IV, St/lie:tor-Li-Chancery, Notary Public, Gen- era! Laud Agent, .tc.,Spe,„ Kincardtne. t'outity "Bruce. vI8 Freierick ,Proudloot, 1 P ..I�N.titirsvcatt,Noreiett Pintrac,&c. • • Soatita.riptt,a, Ca. Bruce. - fx42,6m* Xlealsor Pees. 23 cents. vi an 'OA v .111 EL NOLICE., _ FIRE .itANDCAPITAL-TWO MILL10,4 DOLLARS.. Acciimulate4 Funds otiltapd, $3,000.060: knnual Ine4me Exceeds , $2500„000. - Ingurances efreeted at the LOWE S2 ir RATES cousiStent with safety.. Life Insaranee -Ample Seelrity. • .M••••=10 . LARGE BQNUS 11Np RATES LOWER THA?. THA MOST ENGLISH 01:FICES. Losses Promptly Settled 'Without Refereno to a Board of Directors: CHARLES FLTCHER; '•-Agent. Goderieh, May, 1864 cle -w15 JOHN DONZOGII takes this means of id! formi.rx the public that he has entered Into the Hotel-bus:tress in the stand formerly krinwn astb Falttor House. where lie will be Intony to receive old.friends and 61501 -nem Goderich, June 6th, 1865. - ' w19 .$).4 111 SI .14 0 E 7 WFIOXETER Is situated on the Gravel Road' running from Seaforth to • outhampton, one mtle north ot where it leads off -to Wroxeter, and anyone trav- - eling , . Belmore-1 Walkerton. Southampton • • 'or any place rTh that dtrectic.n,wi.1 fired accommo- dation act' as he cede expectsto find at first class city hotels, in all respects., ICE ALWAYS ON c HAND FOR - Ttroa-r-t-,.- 'Meat tterata, -011rIL E.N1 A.ND PROVINCIAL Survev.ir. ()dee and Residence, fla nava Slreet, Utmienc... v15n3 liaa.•34 Ott-CW:501AL LN 1) SURVEyoR AND L CtIIEagatee ,Ctinton, • July 1,!61. • Trout -Fishing Friends! - TILE 111111. -DINGS COV.kli A LENOIR OF. , ANDIFIFTT rEFITA - . •• CILARLES DAYS, 1. w4-6-1. Proprietor. Cosi•sinereialliofet .111110)01 CAT_ - • _ • 1-4•136, GENE -lig -I -Eta AND SURVEYOR band Aent anti Conveyancer, Kincardine • S SAIL 1. 1_, ARZHITECT, 0LANS A...Nt.! Sew:In-CATO-W-1 of 13trt117 L iags, o., got- ttp in a neat and correct style. rDILe at the ,iurou Auction Mart, Kiug eat Street. tioIerien. - Isw • -_s CD ‘11 '11:) r-4 gm' - .„ - D7'. W.C611.121 A. rkTt i (Sneceasort °It .13 .Reynolits) Ali AM 73. 11. r 4% 0 it- CP X' 7. • NE edictal l., I -I -al . . - .-; ---,,--- • .. - .. . rilliEsubicriber wouldannounce to the public ' .0 I. of Huron and Bruce that he has on band ourt-HouseSyliare,Goder tell , . - • and will ma kelo order Carriages Wagons, llar-:- ' • - - . - rows, &e., which be sohl c4eap for cash or DISPENSING CHEMIST & DRUGGIST: approved credit. On hand and for sale cheap, D • Dcaleri-n,and lmporteior ,1 BALMS OHIO. • Reaper & Mower GIE •D R If GS. giemt c- a a , JOHN PASSMORE, . 1`09th, and Nail 34ra-she's! T. -pataTs,oms,C0LORS:,DYE sTIIFFS, 1I0 & C A.TTLE MEPICINES • - CARDEN SEEDS, &C., &C. Ordersfrom lltedical men punctually attendeato at Lowest Tratie Priees: N.13.-Physiitian's Prescriptions_ carehttlyclis. pe used .---A- - - Gotlertch.J an. ID. 1558. 49 LIGHT ! LIGHT; I.AIGH.T ROCK & COAL OILS, Burning Fluid, LampOils For Sale by !-• V. JORDAN. Goderich, Jan. 17,1E69. 50 ' THE LiVEIMPOOL LONDON FIDE k LIFE INSURANCE o'crz- Capital:, £2,009,000, ; Accumulateif Fu.nd, -• $3;671,728. , Brittania Life Assurance Co. of -London. •••••=m1.0 --- PILE undersi•-net havin p been appointee 1. - Agentfortthe above highly respectable CornPapies,i•Treparedto acccptioth Fi reap d Literielts.;atmoderatcrateol premium:- . A. M.ROSS Goderich Jul 1 St 1859 ' • I 2n2: • FOR S -AL 80 iveREs oflpt No. 32, East Lake Road, Hay. „ FIRST - RATE- LAND! Terms easy.a.p,)ly to :DONALD SUTHERLAND, on the premises, or = GODERICH M. C. CAMERON, - - G-oderico. , MARBLE WOTIKS, ' '-,:•"' GoderieheA pill 3011i: 15364. - wl 4-tr , ...g s.. !!! ' MONEY TO LEND 2 EIG-HT PER C.J.ETNT-T . - IN -SUMS OF - -• Vitoria Street, Goderich. Atni118t.1S63. w49 NEW MAR3LEVORKS Main Street, Exeter. D. & 'A. IVI'CONNE..I.,L.' 'MONUMENTS. TOMBSTONES, Pigs, &e., of every description and style 'of Is orkinanship, furnished on short notice, and at the -lowest price:s. Liberal redoetion made tor -ah. _ Al.li ORDERS MIME:ALLY A.TTEINDED .Desigut•of Monuments Stenmy seen atthe shop. . Exeter. teictober Ist.-1s64. w12 -1v. 1-011N HICKS, Projirietor. This . is the 75' 'W . C. TRELEAVEN Es. J largest and best Ciro try (rote in Weatern ,..., . Canada•and charges as ttuiderate as apy 1-1Juse .Es. e.2 1 in Nlilehell. Sta ire Propr etor. Good stalling -for • r.. lie SnortesiN ot tee , • 'I -7 •-• 1..., 'Head- --•g oft II.undred Dollars and upwards. IDO Horses. -Ifor-ses.and 'arriages for Hoe, on = Lesl, . 4 I Et! - Ond_ 114, •''''' 111811S .. ,._ i, 0 ..„ -01-iiii'S p. ,-- Apply to to . . I-- ' -1. TO3IS" & mpouig, Solicitors. ,-.,.. • t 1::4-03:3. IEL1CC3EIC w I 1,- int --.."..] c itrAlairs .N ENV 'BLOCKw.33.if GliBiti.ET tiligrOilSE .'=: - - _ • Goderich, Sept, Sth, 1864. 1 -S.- - =. Tombs Tab1.3ts Table- _ 7R ' ' • " - TanS. 1SLO.. 1).10 -NW' Sr.17 "IC. ..••••01•••••., D r. rillEteP1111, SURGICAL jr MECHANICAL lirstrxr„-(sucCes.sor to T.B. Mont- ginnery,) tieuerich, C. •W. Booms over Jordan's Drug Store Januar( t3th, Idti5. sw.36-v1e, - - r.11031SON & IIAZLEIWAST, (1.,Art oltAiL.0 TROXsort,) ' /Motion; & Commission Merchants; Calerales Block, 1,Cingston St., Godeitcli And next Door to Strong's Hote S E•:&. 10 0 It 'r ,• s=2.. cei - • (THE OLDEST I THE COUNTY. - p. GO DON, R,= AND UND RTAKER, Minufactur,es ana has how o11. band a complete assortment.ot Forniture, at his Wareroems, .- , WEST *SrItEET, GoDE4icrt, SC41 AS . g Sofas, Bureaus, Tallies, Bedsteads,-_ Hair, Catioand Wool-seated.Chairs, Gilt Moulding • nd-Loiikinase tz-G1 s, in va.riety.ot t Home' Mannfaetur and Imported i r . . raALES of lou5e-1,11dtlo Ate ,tures. Waggons, &c. t;:r at loam every Satter:lay at won. eartieular attention paid to the Sato of Saukrupt Stock, Farm Stock,ke: Jastradvancedongo)dsteft OIL Commission. 6.boda appraised, debt.s collected. landIordN .varrants +meowed. nortgageseorectosed. house s rented. Division Court. Stroness attended to.. Sales at theljraiielt Auc- elan AlarriSeaforth„et ery Thursday, ejfIt44tV S slot etowled to o& rettionobte term, tiodertch. ulr12t1i. I864. w'22-1yr 1KrcEPouial1„ ET-1ED AUG rio;TEgg. AyFLELD, 144.1aittty of itaont. Sa1e-LA.1i. or eututtry paisetaslly attettliad to. .A.1ex. _Lroga...sED AircriostIEK for EURON awl $auci Sees feltitctUallyatteridefiM.„ - Address. Bedwin P. 0.- JOIm ssaapbp, ' agNER.A.L C ISSLON AONNT. %A. Commissionerni Queen's Bench., tortaking alfdayits,coirreteancer;xc.,Ste. !Dace onBread war, fatige of ichteardine.C.W. - 9:9 D. G. has alwars ot hand a complete as- sortment of COFFINS. Also, HEARSES TO HIRE. 4 elr-Lamber and Cordwood taken in es- crintte for Furniture4 Goderieh. 27th Oct.. 1863 •-Peter • pogwAR.D.it loko -cominssION Merctiaut,INviraargos, C. W. ...votes and Accounts collected. Businessr of any kuwlea- wet, • , GODERICH, C. W. MONEY TO LEND ON IMPROYM FARMS, , ._ • PER CENT ! Some. -to Invest- -in: tiwn ,,Property. J; B. GORDAN, • Barrister, GoderIch. Goderich, Sept.13, 1864: - sw3-tf * ATI' ROBERTSON, 11/1 ANC,' PAOTURER sum. 01' STORY DAVIS ltirANITFA.CTURERS Akt II 'DEALERS IN -"VI Stoves, Ploughs aid Castings of every de- sertption. Tin,Coppe4 and Sheet Iron Ware, at the Stove Depot, West %rect., Gotlench. • 00A OIL, • ErCoal Oil bap', ate-farc. Old Iron,. Cop- per, Brass, Rags and Sheepskins taken -in ex- change. ' 4 49 fiLSEEtt R, ranee/to hint will, receive prompt auentiort. February! 19,1864..- - ••wrgytosx -.K4Zwd' 'MR -SUCH AS Bureaus, Sofai, Lounges, Bedsteads in end.ess variety, 1Vardrobes, Book Cases, Mattrassea, Center rabies', Dialn-z- Tables Bre.aktast *fables, Toilet Tables, Wash Stands,IChairs, and many other articles too numerous to mention. All ktude . ot WO C111 '11.`Uazt. IV !IN es - Promptly attended to IJP1-191,STERY. in atlas . branches ' UNDERT kICI NG, &C., &C. Mr. R. respectfully Invites all examination co his stock. Warranted to be made of the best ma- terial and workmanship. and gruitte reduced prices. Call and Compare, and be sat.slied belbre -going. elsewhere. 1I Cordwood Cordwood and all.kincls of learinees.Peo-' ducetaken in exchange, . tcr Wareroom on Elgin Street.- • tioderich. listaren24ta; 1863. 8W59 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •1.1y0L;-37fii() 92 T EvgRARTIGLE: _YOU WANT IN IN .- READY- MADE CL.0T-11111/0 18651 Spring Arrangement.1865,. Xatirg.- Written for the Signal. "Beneath the Jose. !A. _ Ant-" Bonnie Lod, 0' Ayr." There's room ellen& in Cansda foenien o' any size 1 _ Althotheir feet were acre braid, their head" as belch's the skies I • 1 There'srowth a wood and water , bath to. i cook' their bread and imam, tiut there's something still a wanting in't that "lies beneath the Rose." • . Can be purchased Cheap 'FOR CASH at Goderich, Kincardine, Inverhuron, ?tort Elgin, and Southampton Route. STEAMER 1 eirel" 'fBRUCE, M . McGREGoR, 'Master, , TN connection with the Grand 'Trunk Rail- road„ -at Goderieh,i curnmeneing on Monday, June 26th, 1865; .weather per- mitting), will leave - GODERIEJI FOR SOUTRAItIPTON _ . _ Every . -evening, (Sunday -a excepted) at 6 o'clock, e..., calling at itaeiniediate ports.- • , _ Will leave Southampton every morning. (Sundays excepted) at 5 o'eloek, a. inrtall nig at -iutermediate ports, and iying at Godefich in time to connect with: the 3 o'clock, p.m train goiter east. GEOUG hl RUMBA LL„. - Agent, Goderich. Tieliets can be procured from, any of the undermentioned agents -at Lite following ra,tes; viz: r - • Goderich to Kineardipe .• •-• • • 50cts. do laver -baron . .• .•. do Pert ,Elgin . . ... . . • $1.00. do Southampton • • • . . . 1.00. , • Kincardine to Invei heron 25cts. do Foit Ligni . . . . • 50cts. do ' Saugeen fr. a • a! 00,11..poot, And Vice Vers. - Kincardine . . Ross Robertson. I nverlinion . • P. McRae. Fort ,Elgin • ..-• • .• • . W H. Ruby. •Southampton', • • • Thos. Adair. 99 S Clothing Emporium DIARKEI SQUARE, GODERICH Gvuerien•Jtine 9, 1a66. - ir12 1111PNEY To LEND.. • WILL 'he loaned on $30 000 - ) pr.ived Farm Property. ' HORACE HORTON: • Goderich, 6th June, 1865. wl9tf_ RIFLES SRO" GUNS PISTOLS, licO.,•Src. Al) MADE TO ORDER, Opposite the Market. itfr .4111tiOs. ofrepairing done on ni�si reasonable terms. "CO , Godericb, August 2n 1864 s4r94 'WV -AIL_ 491- lighT . _ • 1.3ARTI.t3 desirous- of obtaining First Elass r gedaxior It` 4.1.0gattd,Buildingporposeo- can be;aupplied in sl9r quantity', and OAreuonable, teem*, by:applying-to WEIATOT G'oderieli Feb. Oth,1867. - w2 r•-• L -7 .,;_ • AD Carr4ge Factory The Steamer Bruce will connect at Goderich wah the STEit ' ER 131UR.Olt- - D. COLE. Master. - Every Tuesdays and Fridays for Saginaw, also -PrOriellor Elagaral C. N. IfoIN'TOSTI, Master, Once a week for Chicago. Through tickets " can be prow red Atom any of the agents for Saginaw and Chicago, at the_fellowinglrates-:" isfclass.. lurel .ss Southanipitin and Port Elgin to - Sagnia sr. . $5.00 . $4.00 1nverlturon iz Kincardine to do . . 4.50 2.50 Southainotoe & Etat a to Chicago _7.00 5.00 Inverhurou & Kincardine to do . . 6:60 '4.50 Freight esnitracted by, this line via Grand Trunk for London, Hamilton, Toronto; Mon! treat and all poluts East cheaper than by , any other _- route. .G10. RUMBALL, _ Agent. C oderich, June 27,1861 w22 • There are bonnie birds in Canadslas tonniefa, earth can own-,• Wi' plumes ol rainbow loveliness, .and , sillery tone; But they dowtial sing iike British birds; -at& wb) wad ye suppose? "There's something, absent frwrtlieir beatt,,- that lies beneath the ' There are winsome dati3es in C.anadrs le -4.-c - Bowie, brisk indj.kraw, Wham Smiles Tight thoowe an-iitaliinehe 4' , Grreenlan's cauldest gnaw; ' They've fouth V bloom and hinneytd looks zi Guid sen them honest -Jo% . - But there's something aye a wanting iiiit-7-- '- " that lies beneath the Rose:": ,.., There are patriot BardS in Canada, but -Week weal are iheir lap, !.. Shorn. ot %spied sublimity, like- dee" in Si - haze I • - - Some cord is Wanting OD the lyre, 'tia hence& ---: the'diseord:flows,.. a It 'wants the thrilling .eestacy thut "rings i - beneath the Rose." There are gold men in -Canada, o' ilkakersfi, To gwuide -ken,eth' the O' kirk" orata!ej or -Wlield. • • the plough or pen ; . -- lo swing the axe, or ply the spade, or ficht' _ - her hraggard foes- - . But there's something still a wanting in't-;."•• - - "that lies beneath The Rose." ' . Therelre brew braid fields in Canada; sir • tliey DY sturops were free.- . , , And fenced like later Nations' fields end - till'd as theythould be ;- . There's rowtb o7 heat and moisture -too, -ti further a' -that grows, _ But there's something aye a -wanting lut-t,' • "that hes beneath the P35e.1 •.' There are brew braid lakes in Canada, wi' river links between, , •• .. Where ComiaerFe wi' iiic,ressies sail!, rras yAar to pair is seen; - Heave' prospetflong her peacefu'coast, and ward turasion's -blows, ° ' . There's meikla meikle wanting there, li a* i 'lies beneath -the Bose." Now note the morel o' my sang, gln ye wia • - - thrire'at beimI•- ° - ' g. , Ne'er scoff yet- wise =add mittuies'. rnle,----ttot . - 0' her care thinkshame; - .f - Ye yet mey need her helping hate, how- .110011 la othaer7.1p7rsp, Iclheetinkanisoyiti;ssm,. e:-Ad';-inNi417.-Tthy,Ntr. "that beats beneath the Rose."' :Tune rith 1:865. ' '• - 1". The Bard; was loYil, the' ,his lyre -. Ia ha' o'irings•inid iieierriog.74 - e- -- ,--Ilays if the Scottish. Bozyiera, Burning of Barn -wines Vuseriiii. • Y., Jul), 13. A firetbroke out in Barnum's niu „eum at quarter to one o'clock to -day, and by one o'clock the entire interior vas confiumed.4- The -Ilionessbot far into th air nbave 2roof, and the whole block at varter Tag • one was endangered. The wind- beiug frdia tbzwstetest;ttli,e0:uam.hettichareisidiep driven t4e.tytiviocliards.474:- s . ated the 'Herald' -,We. . The 'Com -Inertial' says-thatlhe. -Proprietor and employees of the maseum are thoroughly convinced that the fire was thil work of iachn. diaries. The fire was fist discovered in- the basement, and on -immediately -ranninglo the C eflames di' toturnthe,di frove te:rctbu largefrowirhsinethutiLitl the second floor, on the thitd, pear the sew of the lecture room, and -on the too"flotir.'• The Treastner, -51r. Tiffany, who bad gotiElo the root to turn con the water„ found his „exit cut off and was obliged ICI descend trout the -upper windows by leaping .1.4 Ike balaoity below, luturning to his. Office AP 100k 41,0t11 his sate $500:000 in goverument -builds •end felt the building. The 'manuFier had lat.* receiy.ed ationvinoutrletters co:to:hilt% tines:tic- of burning lb; building-, on account,-Alalltp- posed, ol the play of Jeff. in Petticoats." Among the works of art saved at tbe mu- s2e,itt!ly:nsitieletItlytuwraess i-tpiticst,TOratince: wrilliabare 14-tonnii4os battles, paintPd by John MeNevie„ ° Which were soon to be exhibited as a panorama.- . Fortunately they had not yet heetrtaken info British Periodicals the museum building, but...were §twod eyso: " 'where. - - : THELON DODEQUARTERLY REVIEW,' (Conservative.) THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig.) THE WESTAIthwhitazVIEW (Radical.) THE. 'NORTH BRITISH tIEVIEW (Free -Church.) • AND - BliA.CHWOODIREDINBURGLIMAGAZINE(Tory), r Dry; tind,g, range ,13„ in the township of 1.4 tanley, $20 per acre; 'smith 90 acres of 10i Ash6eidg.$6 per *tad; East 25 acres Otsluth easterlyquarver of lot 2 in tile Moon,. Astifielita *4 per awe: atm 20 Town Lets 111 IitalerICIt, price $30.h.) each 1,113 pwards. Apply -to • THOS. WEATHER.A.LD, - Goderielt ,GODERIOE MILE SUBSCRIBER. wislies Iiircturn thanks to the piiblin for;paat favors received at their , hands, and would be, g tO intimate that he iitdet,e_r-, mined 'to 'sell waggons; • 044E -AP ER :THAN. EVER , - I will sell you a waggon • aeinplete for '$651.00 cash, andel! other things 111 proportihn.,All worr. 'Wsprirsanted to giveSultsfrecifoli. Atlikinds of Farining tuiplements made. to =order. JOHN- MCKIERS0N.7 .::-Goderichdlitr.9t1t,1865, wawnt 11001E BIND,IlsTG. The Ainericnn PablishetsbonunuetoreprinttbeAbove named petit cat t, buts the cost ofpnnting jut' doubted - the price ofy.t. ntarli isebre.d.and taxes.atates.heenses...., etc.., largely -increased, they are compelled to advance dim terms as follows - TERMS FOR .1865. torso one'ot the -Itevievni .....:. .4.0e per annum. Farsny two mule Reviews... .. Fin any three of the fleviews...... 10.00 " For afffourot the Reviews ........ 12.00 44 PF:rrIllitellerwl)°dood'sts uiMsogazauielyicerrvicoeowt-..i..h.e; '74.941 1-64 • Foriflackivood and 1090 . " Theeiantess Anna. Swan lrad a -narrow escape, shelves toprid atlheltend 4f -the linOr in a swooning ,condition frouLtlie sag)) itsd was with difficulty assisted out of the, build. ..„ ring. She loft:everything:a-see; t the chitties :she more-, and In her trunk was $120 irtgaidi besides some morx in greenbacks, and all „her Clothing. The wax figure of -Jeff. Dairlit Was .arried out but 3uat itittLi street was reathid, its head dropped offit wax altetwordifolind suspended to, a lamp post., A soldier was forced to jump from a third ,story WitidoW,;- He says to'had inlisi-coMpany Jittnes 13erna of:Lancashire, tomober 69.t1i New York rpgiApoot, and it is fenredhli per' 'shed. Tbefmonster bear Wsaloweied- rrorn an upper *hide", on ladder • b30.7 -ii ebain attached to his neck. He .-Ivasi'requiloode. The learned teal was aio got.out, ithouI& its geviews f.:.. I fought against the rough treatment re - For Blackwood and„ three or the'Re. -•""-'' " ' /3*°° 4,‘ ' ' 'mired.- The tanks 7-boicline-itie .wfutin 'end :jou:Hi Icialke:oodprizdgtuienthe f:iturCI.cele:::5;00ar for"o•jack. oliAelo--b.uibliii- „I 1,:ip..n.iiil tke:i..c.,,ce4P' pial_ - i‘ 40 ;on- ; Subscribers -in the British "Provinces willrenininaddi- suwator were broken tariet. the, watevzoba ood d e" ht rents altar for each Review toeover tie •• -° - A - • 2,.. ._ , rather than boil. arnum, i . as s P.•TliePC9vgatiaksvrige. Ube printedonaersckinifir#vesifiakiii litidgfport, lelegraphed to: iris 114eniTto bis , .of payer. and while ocarly.all Amenean :periotlieals.are ready to sad for Edmore on Saturday tosovore either advaseedin price or reduced Jill 812C-ood very 1 . . . , „. glielei:cree1,10yul: prIthe:etventiiphrei.iclecos wet::: to give 0copiesri, Cno.r1013111.1e18e1ONor awneywo:seikumitzu. - .13tsittentay of alt the matter contained in the prigptial editions.- ' .., ' '-----milim' . ' ' antount efmatter-fiirinshed. as those of any °fine -cont. petingperiodmaisiti this country. Sttin :-cotoner Cellist, held,an, inqueot x...es • HAVING niade _arrangement; Mk. 0. 1VIc011,EGQ11, Book -Linder and Manufac- thrifts Stationer.. / awry' returned froin Phila lphid With a „large -mock of Binding and Otheri- teria9, antAirepared to Furabh 800.1,W all kiwis. size aud,styles with and with, ,ou,t,P,ripted Headings,,,' at ten tier cent cheapet .bat'Toranto prices. o f BkadingnA:t giving 'satisfaction will lereviiredfrealif charge.• " i(i46w21- - ‘.` JOHN BUTLER. ,Money to -Len ptitst Voitgage_s.- Apply to t. Shade -GOodini,;; 'solicitor.- Office i5vek. R. Booth's ante: - ' • 18615 .sa-74tV • •teinparedwith thseost of the original editions. which- terditylonthi body ofeluides Silieigher, at German butcher,, forty. years: of age, wBo, -died at his lite residence. No. 95 flet krurth• .. street, from the effeets of 'being rniejted by - file bite of a fly: :.-.1v-sppearriliatgon the night of Thursday. the 22nd altimo,-Silk:Weig- rea LP - ,.,et,i,viaiki: frit li,littffa,...n•vlit:irlic,:Iiiii:‘ -i,ITil,. ,t,iti'de_ 1,1u,e, - The unerestoftheio Periodicals to American_ Teaders ilaesueu.14v,vg,„iste,,fiuit,twhorehrevitirtitowigirn, ire.. brae, pa gnat icsoniaiminihergin.eoreuracseivdriantrar-d.itnotitdiiisthheodnglitysoAlmeriiirmieejileLltgheedy witli prejudice. they may still coosidering:their great , 4,_(/„.„1,. vra_4:,14,0.-..,.....,.,,„teh rifteribotiho. 1 ability add tlie difrerent,Staud-points from ithicii 'they Am"-"tn '7. n" -s' ''',, 4,"--,-. - i: , --, •-if apercopwieri9Ittelti.shceoraut7Ainul andefseverlkat. erweeitialuiranparirtar .by th e thesungisateih, ,atut-n,titt, -utouz,t3ili,:fire:w..tim.dijiluritititstj.itietii„ 148,4 .. - 4 he Four ItIviews for 1863: I catleileffe, aetti.d,ad„,vmhitilitet owereetinifor,iitniiii40., bili,.40;w_thn- A fewcopieS of itfe shake remain dittoed -and wi lent' be s°1"114 forTheYfYWefunr•44-*O-Fr"3:4).0-. 'enormous iize: Mir eitteirlePifeire-tONte, I . .., F,A12111ER9_ 4 B _ 8, and died in great li'i.,... 04 °Ot14-TilifAt breast.A' few dayinfreilie'''betilaarildliri- We also publish the , • , . . . 7:7idi•litlItir..14;yet.ii; of•-;ffityria,:r, :lei! ,tIgzi/!trai4 by2vIdtaris_:gliftp:41 otlipsows4Aalavte0;11.60P:.,,;enediluieltritt,d.ma nictlitiT,:enniiiii;aistina:unit.:(!pa,p,"„Thift:at.7.:•':0*J xTro„sailAttepti*,111::10iiii,irarlt,vr...,,...k' 4117:41. : • , , ,, LEONARD SCOTT IP CO.,. - ebsorblion orinorbidesantil tiattir.lie*it 1 -, -.i.,,-, ...; : ,: Publisheri; ed by i lly•iV-vettliit uiii*itlitteCifyik -XI:0s Yraikey:40:444.4pxy Nt4. :-ab:e' ve ficot was ieloniftV '`-* * „, _ ...., , , .,.. ,...•r .. _ : ..-. .., : - -, g...... , " -" ' - . at the present prennqm on,gold %vivid he tout $ a year.ottr flees ($15)are Acceeer,Iiiigt,0 "low, Add to thts the fact that we inakeauftnintialpsynientslothe British Publishers for ea fly -sheets sant, topytight gold-.$1- costingus at this tittle [Jan.. 1865] itearlY.:491•.50 tur- reitev=tind AVE frost that in thescate ive-have adopted tiVe shall heentiretyinstified by «oar subscribers end the ir -