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The Blyth Standard, 1947-10-01, Page 1
THE VOLUME 53 - NO, 03, LYTH STAN AR • BLYTII. ONTARIO, WED NESI)AY, OCT. 1, 1917. Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2.00 in the U.S.A. A. L. KERNICK HEADS BOARD OF TRADE The Myth Board of 'I'ralle, compris- ing the business pc plc of Itl)•tll, neer I `1'ESrI+I'�IELI) in \Ir. J. F. Lockwood's furniture store en Monday night, %vitt' a splen- \I i•, IIn11is \Ielturney, of Michigan, did attendance. is visiting ,at the home of \Ir. Sam Among Cher matter, of business was \Inrtni. the election of officers for the ensu- \1r, and \Irs. Elwin \\'its 11 and Vec- tor; term. nice, of Se,tiou•th, attended the \vedding Armand L. hernich was elected to at the hunk of \I r. and \Irs. \\'iilinni succeed Gordon Elliott as President of Carter, on Saturday, of the Iorii1t•1•'s the organization, and James 1'. Lock- 'sister, \Iiss Ella \Iae \\•ikon, of lor- wnud was cl:ctrd to succeed Kcnoeth unto. \\'hittnore as Secretary -Treasurer. I Mr, and \Irs. John Gear, and \l ari- Execul;ve members appointed were lyn, of Kitchener, spent the week -end as foil ws: Harvey \IcCalluhn, Verne with \Ir, and \Irs. J. 1„ McDowell, Speiran, Ken. \Yllitnlore ;ld John \I r. and \Irs. .\Iva \Ic.I)ovcll, \Ir• Stewart. \Vols \Icl).svcll, returned home on The annual membership fee was paid Salmrtlany, after a six week: trip by all present and k collectable from through the \\'esturn provinces, re - those who \vers not present, turning Bunte through the Status. \fr. Kernicl: assumed the chair for \Irs, Alice \Vinson, of l'lintnn, spent the balance of the meeting. iia spoke last \acct: with her daughter, Mrs. 11',111• briefly-, the thence of his remarks be- Carter. ter. ing "Cu -Operation" smug the local) The farmers are busy at the corn business men. Ile spoke of closing cutting and silo filling, and are hoping hours, and other platters of interest for fine weather. to the vitriol', business pc,111c• 1lc1 tlr, and \Irs• Frank 1Inllyanan and suggested that the Iloan•11 should meet Frances, of DI) ill, \ isitc.i on S nt l,y at least once every Inn months. ! with Mr. and Mrs. \1'nl. l:artcr. Following tum- regular meeting a Nit., and air,. \\'. 11. Kurd and family, short cxic::tiwe mcuting was held. of L'leuhiem, spent Saturday with \Ir, --_— \, ;ld \irs. \\'. F. Campbell. \Irs. J, h -rd, nt Comber, returnee( huhu' with I)eparting \V, A. Member then), :titer spending two months with her sister, \Irs Campbell. IIOIIOul'ed \1 iss Doris Pierce of \I orris, spent Group 2 of the t'uited ('jnu•ch \\'..\. the week -end with her friend, ,\lildrerl niet at the home of Mrs. N. \Y. Kyle !Carter. on Thursday evening, and after husi- i \I r. and \Irs. \\'alter ('nok vkitcil lass discussion one of the (;roup ludo- 1 tot Sunday with \Ir. and \Irs. George hers, \1rs.:\Ihert titcad, was honoured ; Cook, of llclgravc. with a gift, in view of her departure ! NIT, and \Irs. Forest \IcKellar and l from the c,ntmltnity. 'I'lu' presentation two children, of \lidland, slicligan, of a lovely set of pearl earrings was \Ir. and \irs, Albert \IeKcll;tr, of St. made to \Irs. Stead by \lrs. Kyle, and Charles, \Iicltigaut, visited last week \irs. l rank iI'ollynrac, group conven- with \Ir. and \Irs. Earl \\'ightntaut. or, read the ffollovviug address : \I r. and \I rs. :\• \I cleIlar remained "Dear \Irs. Stead:—It is with regret f r a longer visit, returning Thune with that we learn you are leaving our midst' \I r. and \Irs• Earl McKellar and Mes- and \•c shall miss you in our little 1 srs. Jack 5Ickcllar and Allen Hcevcs group, but we shall ural forget you ; of Freeland, \I ichigan, who spent a and we ask you to accept this little couple of days the last of the week gift as ai token of our friendship ;ld will Mr, and \Irs. \\'ightlnan. good -wishes. Signed on behalf of the \lr, and \Irs. IZoy \lc\'itt.ie of Clin- Group." tial, \liss Roberta \It,\'ittie of Gode- \irs. J. \V. \Tills also read aypoem, .rich, spent Sunday with \ir, and Mrs. suited to the occasion entitled, "The 1 \\"m. \1t,\'ittic. • • l.ittle ()Id 11:111e Paper." 1 \lr. and Mrs. George \\'Hiker, of \irs. Stead replied feelingly, thank- \1•itgghani, visited on Sunday with \lr. ing the ladies for their kindness, and Mrs. I. L. Niel/on-ell. \Irs. Kyle and \Irs. 'I'yrentatt, the \ir•, and \Irs. \\'n.:\llan of Kitchen- hostcsse,, served lovely refreshments. er, attended the R:hinson - \\'ilson wedding on Saturday. \lis; Pearl Jamieson, of '1'/eswater, spent the week -end with NH-. and \Irs. Fred Cook. Mr. Sam \furlon, \l iss Mollis \Ic- pleurisy. 1 Burney, uh \lichigan, motored to Kit - Dr. Roy Pall and \Irs. I)ut Reid of 1choler on Saturday. \Irs, Thus. Gear Toronto, i 1 father, I' I' AUBURN Mrs. Charles Scott is snaking a sat- isfactory recovery after an attack of Field Day Results At The 1Vaterworks By -Law Vote Blyth Public School On Friday, Cctober 2'lth Iloys 11, 12 and 13: Jim Rich], 18 'Tile date for the vote on I:\ -Lata Diplomas And Seals Awarded At Sunday Rally Day Service points; I<cnncth Hatton, In points;: `� 7. pilltailling to a village \\titer- r The ,atonal 11,111+• Da; service of Tont \\'ehster, 9 p int,. works Sy.t. al, Ila, been set for Fri- the l'nifrti ('hutch Sunday School was Girl,, II, L? 13: lean McDonald, 20 day, (blither '-Ith. \'stir,; hours \+ill holstein Winners At huh( la,, Sunday in Cifilin'ia c'tjon \with points: Gloria Sibthnrpc, 18 point,; In front 9 a.m. until r, pin. of that tl,ty. I31yth I'illr the tMach service. An interesting Rltca \IeNall, I1 point,. i\tilh the votingbooth at the Me:noli;ii lecture of Clio set vice \was the Glee (toys, H, 4, 10; Iln1)hie Galbraith, I') I 1 tall. Ito+, and ,'iris he stet! the'r elder, at tilt' I lir n Count) Itl:trk ;u .! \\ i,u,' ; 1 ihh Choir of thirty' voice, twllich led pnlltl,; Dennis 1\'at'menth, 14 points; I .111 tilt ;rmatiotl prI'f;lllllllg l , tilt the congregation in singing the h)•tints Ted hirl)I, 8 point,, subject will lu' i,.nnd on pap, 4 of this l'It held Septeutber Ilth in conner- r , tion 0 til Ia bit Fair- In ;t ,t•rl:rl and aLi rendered three rIecial num- Girls, 8, ), 10: Inde \It,\all, -4 issue in the form of an ad\i•rtl (-uncut,i,,. \ great deal of credit is due points; Rt se \la -ie 11'11'tf:cid, II point; and it will also appear in the twi ,nil -,''1•t•- of I'a,rm\-nine junior boiler cal- ce, onsite n , ..f I ;r11 l'hl11 canto and NIT.. F. \larsllall inn• thi• t 1; u• for she Marlette \\'atlsh, 5 p lints• sentient issues of 1•he Standard. I limed her home to these Young pen- 11oys 7 and nnrllr: Ilenny \\'a,nian,-------------- t!'i�•e entered h\ tilt regular ex,uhi-• 1 John I'.Iliott, frank 11ritistrong. 1 1',, the (;III ( illh rI11i'U'; tool( f til' it plc .ld has given them a great deal of i3ride-'11()-Re Ilonoure(1 (he fiat five !,clic-• standing s,•con 1, help and cur„ur use hent, 1\'r hope (;iris 7 and unlet: Parol 'I'yrcut;ltl' that wt' •hall hear front this choir ol- io!' Phillips, Doreen :\nguntine, lg �. ti,ird, lunitn and fifth, tiolr winner 13} �,I1'1 1 1'lell(ls t -n. The Scripture Lcssnn \vas read by Y—'^ for bile mature exh�hitor; was Illy first I;irl< K+de alit! tlu story \was (Old by On '1'ue,tl:ty cwt'nirt¢ if 111i• week !size heifer, Victoria Dixie Sovereign surae twv•ut}'-flee girl friends of \liss Rae .\pl,1e, ',town by hu„ \l;a•,hadi. Miss Clare \liCon:in• \it•. Rogers de- Itlulr111highann a•',enlhletl in the liv- Kir�l-n, who went it to take the jun- livered a short address. in, 1 tut 01 the honk of \I r. and \Irs. for 'championship of the ,lu,W, The Near the clue of the service Mrs. l'ranl: \l; t hail 1” iter 1)1'1 wishe' first Cali (duh entry and second !dze- \larsh,til '‘11'1' tailed ttl,. 1 to present the to their frientl, the bride -'j -1,e. \lis, winner in the Flats, was 1tai•e Fo1),', diplomas and seals for the year. Those slarotrct \larsha!1 escorted leer to a supreme, maned be 11. "irrw:u•tlia ,1• t,ecciw-n;; 1 olert likes Di,tlon:as and scat of honour in their midst, and \I iss `• rn) and shotwn fly the n• Sic (1 Iticals�ssere as follows : lune \lar,ll read an address. � 'iiobelias: Shirley .1 •,-1. ^n, Marilyn lu\werl the wanner through in the re Kt,c butes \fact} n K'chuje, Carole The dining -room \cat, beautifully de- ;(-rye championship. 'Thi, was a very , , citrated with pink and \unit(- stre:un 1 outst; t ping class and drew fayoral,dl' \larks, 1. t•il'. \ih\:ill. lune .(-Nall, at the cords of \vlrirh were I vel) gift Ron - comment (rola the ringside and judge Yvonne' \lcNall, Dianne Radford, Rott- fot• the guest of hollow:. :\ delicious D. S. Dunton '•i llraunpt-.i. all 'llnutcy, Benny 1\,tstttatt, Doug- lunrh sv t, screed by for girls anti the las \Ic\all, Bernice \Ic\all. The first prize senior hi11, \Icadow host(-->, heh,rr a pleasant evening was C;lade Sergeant Pabst, Monied by i.. -lid 1' .It Seal: Ituhert Charter, Le • !brought to a close by: hosts of good Leeming & Son, \\'altos, seas named I one l lamilton, Loraine Hamilton, \\•ish, for the rcctplent of the evening. senior and grand champion, with :Mf l\loan(- I;it Jackson, lances \lorritt, Paige alf;il,de \lercctic Paul, who stool se- Phillips, Roland Philp, Larry \Vansil. nil to hint in the class to Baxter .1rd fear Seal: l'itit! 13righam, Joan 11,i11Se P1'0 )il rililda & t lernick, Miss Ida \1cGowan, Rhea �+Tut-ton Gorlerich. taking the swerve \It,\all• senior award. 11"alpine K. 11. Mac Ith fear Seal: Shirley Falconer, ftngapax, the winning junior yearling Shirley Phillips, \larlctte \\'alsh, Ants hall. \vas junior and reserve gram( Icanncttc \\';itson. champion for R. McKeil, Clinton. Rc- St�l 1't a: Seal: Leis l,oh^.rte;, Mar - OBITUARY 'Mrs. Ruby O. Smith Funeral services for \Irs. Ruby Del- la Smith, widow of the Tate Alonzo \1', P. Snlith, who died soddenly at her late residence, Dinslcv Street, Blyth, on Friday, September 26th, were held from the honk on NIntdaty, Septent- her 20th, with the Rev. \1'. I. R gers of the foiled (Turrell ufficiatine, and Rey. I. 1.. D. Henderson, of Trinity Anglican ('htn'clt, assisting. Pallbearers 55 ere, \1 cssrs. Pert 'Tas- ker, John Cowan, Ilerb. \It -Elroy, \\'nt, Cickerline, Edw. NIc\lillan, and licr- nard Hall, Flowcrhearcrs were, Glen Gibson, (;ihsun ('ole, 'fell Pollard, \\'al• lace Bell, Stewart Johnston ;tori Elmer S -titers. The late \Irs. Smith's illness had been brief, and her sudden passing came as a distinct shock to hr r rela- tives and many friends. She. was a daughter of ,lames Gibson and Phoebe NIcCr'ackcu, formerly resident -'f this community. She married \Ir. Smith 11 years ago. Prior to her marriage \Irs. Smith had operated a millinery business in Myth. She ‘vas a member of the United Chm•cli, and during the \vac years, took a deep interest in Red Cross work. Roth \I r. and \Irs. Smith have been residents of Myth for a number of years. In their kind and unassum- ing sv iy they were untiring in keep- ing alive the spirit of gond neighborli- ness in the community in \vhich they. lived• Friends attending the funeral from a distance were, \(r. ;old \Irs. J. Jack- son and \l iss Nina Bagley, of Port Dover, Mrs. George \\'antb lt, Kit- chener, \l iss ...clnca Thompson, Jarvis, \I r. art :\Irs. George Smith, and \Irs. Laidlaw, 1IagersvilIe, Dr. Albert \\'right. Galt, \I iss A. \\'right, Lon- don, Mr. L. Kearney and Mrs. \\rocs Kearney, London, \'I iss Ada Stack- house, Ridgeway, \Irs. \I. Canon, Fort Eric, \Ir. and \Irs. George Cole, Lon - pot n, \wit t their al ter, p ulallt don, Mr. and \Irs, Gibson Cl le, I.on- 1all, who has been ill•don, \I r• and Mrs. \\ Oestriecher, \I r. and \It's• Kenneth Campbell Crediton, \I r. and \Irs. K. Atkinson, Gorlerich, spent the \wren: end with !,ride of \I r. Chester George I. 'tnrrl>, , \Ir• and \Irs, J. Keith :\mbar weir were (; rlrrich visitors on \loudsty. London, \I r. and \Irs. (:, Smith, Sea \I r. and \Irs. \\'. \Ionnlailt, Rev. R. T. M. and Mrs. Barr of London visitors n \lond;ly. sun „f \I. and \Irs. Austin Sturdy' Los Angeles, California, are visiting I ROBINSON— WILSON forth, \Ir• and Mrs. Thos. Butt, Kip- \firs 011ie \loon; 'Toronto, spent the (;;,,lerich t wnship, Rey. S• E. Tlay- A1rs. Gordon llubic :ut,l baby panel'• ,un, and \I r, Elmer Somers, S'afirth. twet:-curl at bout'. with the fonur's brother, \1r. Arthur- ter rthur ter have returned haute from \\'ing- \ ,ratty early Autumn wedding was pen, ward officiated. The wedding nmsic !tart', and \Irs. Barr. I g V---- 'idle Rally Daly Service was observ- was played by \lis; man. Joyce tilt's hath lospit:d. solemnized on Saturday afternoon at cel iu the Cnitcd Church in Sunday chaos Godcrir!t; and the soloist, Miss\It, and \Its, harry Dodd of C;oht _'.,10 o'clock at the home of \1 r, and MPs. ,loseph Spence(' nmrnitg, Rev.:\. Pcnnutit 1,tU 1 very Vivian Straughal, Auburn, sang "The Mr. and Mrs, Citation :Morrison, and \Irs. 11'111. Carter, when Rev. A. G. Mrs. talk to the Sunda School , Ilew•itt, united in marriage Ella \la)• The dearth of \Irs. Joseph Spencer, children, taking for his text, "Rt'- Lord's 1 raver" during, the ceremony Mrs. Jim Newton, of Toronto, And s, Toronto,uuu get sister of \Irs.:\lice Fawcett, of myth, and "\\'hen Son!; Is Sweet" during ring the Mrs. A. \lorrisot, of Mount Forest, \\ Il c n, Is, N., of younger I , mm�tbcr Thy ('I( -slur in the Days of daughter of \Irs. Alice \\rilsru, of occurred on Saturday, September _0th, signing of the rcg;i•ter, The bride, visited on Sunday with NI r. and Mrs• Clinton,and rile laic \\'ilnncr \1'ilsott in San Diego, Calif., after an illness of Thy Youth." The Sunday School (-hitt' glwen in marriage by her father, wore IC. \lorrison, and other' relatives and sang a select.'" with \ft•. 'Merrill at a gown of net over satin, with a fitted fiends. of Auburn, to John Robinson, of Tor- several months, anti formerly of England, soli of the \Irs. Spencer had. spent her early the organ, While tete of icl,i\�q l \,l"'1'hc basyue bodice buttoned do,\•n the hack, g ; years in Clinton and more than a erred the orchestra play (- fingertip sleeves of brocaded taffeta, late \I r• and \Irs. J. lxuh iison, of Eng- • g Stranger of (ratlike). Grant Snell and sw•cetheart nylon net yoke, and hoof- WiNGHAM CROSSING CRASH lad, The wedding group entered the quarter century ago went to live in SENDS MAN TO HOSPITAL living room to the traditional wedding San Diego. She was in her (Fret year, Jack Wchstet' Played violins and \(iss fart shirt of net, (ler door -length She was predeceased by Iter husband I 1 h)Ilis \IrC'ool played the cornet, veil and headdress were ‘,1 French Howard Crossett, of Tillsonhurg, nntsir played by \(iss Phyllis Cook, and lolm .\rthur, little son of \Ir. and st sod under an arch if ferns and au l8 months ago, Surviving arc tout ( illusion net, and small clusters of or- salesman for a TorOTho firm, was ad - sisters and a brother, \Irs. Rohcrt \Ir I \Irs. Cliff. Snndcrcocl:, was baptized. songs blossoms and lilies adorned the witted to \\'inetam hospital about 4 ttmul flowers courted with a white ,Lean, 1oronto,\Irs. Alice Fawcett, On Sunday, October 5th, the Commonsi,les of her oft -the -fare l,address,1p.nt• on 'Tuesday suffering severe head wedding hell, ton Service will he 11'111 and on 0e- She carried a cascade bouquet of Peer- and leg injuries. hospital authorities Myth, \Irs, J. Leith, llamiltou, Mrs.' 'Pile bride was dressed in a sttit of }ionic Rezeatt, London, Mrs. Herbert l tohrr l'I11 the :\nniversary Services pr's red roses. \lis> Helen \lontgonl- report his condition scripts. smoke grey will gabardine, with Blaen: castle and James I.iwcr111011 bulb of wail be held at Burns' Church. Rey, cry and Ntiss Dorothy \bore. Benton -'The accident occurred at \\'inghant accessories, and wore a corsage of \1'. I. Rogers, of Myth Unite,1 Chinch ter, were bridesmaids, wearing floor- junction on the C.N.K. riglit-of-way Tinton. whit' gardenias tied with white sato in __V will be the guest preacher, length gowns in turquoise and fusrhia on highwat) Fl;. Crossett was proceed - Hilton. The hri.''snclid, \li.,s leggy The \\'.\I.S. will It ,Id their monthly .hades,.respectively, made on flowing ing toward Blnevale• and apparently Garner, IZ. N., of 'Toronto, friend of the , Chlll'Ch Of Cilllil(la meeting on Thursday, October 9th, in Grecian litres, with cape flung over the failed to sec an approaching C.N.R. United l I left shoulder and the skirt caught at rygine and coal rennet until about 30 bride, was dressed i11 a light bloc suit th • Sunday School room. (;coos No. RI?\'. \\'. J. i50( LltS' the waist with rainbow lurking. Muth feet from the tender. 1 wool gabardine, with airforce bloc 1 will he in enlarge. acecaaso•ies, and +vire a corsage oT 10:15: Sunday School, -_;\r_ wore matching hcaddre;se and gloves white gardenias, tied with white satin 11:15: Communion Service' and caer",..l in millet: of eln•ysauthe- ribbon• Jinn Robidsoh of Toronto, 7 pan.: Evening Worship, Boy Scout Paper Collection noun, in alumni, shades. Mr. James WEATHER REMAINS COOL ' formerly of England, brother of the '1'1117, BAND IN .\•1'1'F.\i)ANCE, g N,' s, Varna, u was best math ; and the On Saturday, '1 weather has prevailed here gr'onl, was hest 111(111, . ushers were \I r. I Tarry \I ontgomery, , throughout the week, and almost night- CRINiTY CHURCH, BLYTH Remember the pair collection whil'it cousin of the bride, and \I r. 1)vuald I The guests vett' received h} the ly trusts halve occurred. Everyone bride's sister, \ft's,'\'nl. Carter, who 18th 5unday�aftcr 'Trinity will he made by the fllyth Buy Scouts Keritighat, brother of the bride. Dupes for a great deal more nice wea- 1(1.15 a, m.: Sunday School' cnn Saturday. Thr Scouts use this ars I :\ (ter the ceremony a reception was was gowned, in a dress of Rotuatce 11.30 a. in: \Sunday g Prayer, 1 then so that til' fall work can he clean- hopes MARKS, AUBURN one means of raising bards to carry held at file Park (louse, God'rich, the I blur crepe, and the bride's mother wascd a ,, gowned in brown crepe with gold se -nu their vcar's activities, and they ass: bride's mother receiving, in a pearly 9.15 a. 111.: Sunday School. for the wholehearted '•'.:; 9 rt of every- cptin f tun' 111 a. m.: \[orning Prayer. ( gray faconnc crepe dress with black After the ceremony the wedding- one. -accessories and picture hat. The bride- ACCIDENT ViCTIM BURIED AT TRINITY, BELGRAVf: Have your bundles ready fur (hent g ,xn's mother wore al gray wood en- SEAFORTH I supper was served to ?5 immediate re- g,rl l • :,,ill p. nt.: harvest Homy Service,- when they call on Sattn•day• Country ,sunlit', and a gray int With pink lig- Private funeral services were held natives in thedining1110 roots \\hick was I'he ire\. J• C. Calc}, BA., L.l l , Tues - decorated with pial: and white stream -1 people are asked to bring their lona- p•ich tips Ruth wore corsaecs of pink for \\'i!liatm Franklin Sproat on Tues- Gorrie. tions 10 ln\wll where they nary be left Ilriarcliff roses. Place cauls 4-r the day afternoon at 2:00 o'clock guests 11a1 been designed and made 1)y from the _____ —V at Scout \taster Harris' store. g residence of his parents, \f r• and_Mrs. RASPBERRIES - STRAWBERRIES ( an aunt of tie bride. For a wedding \\'illiauu \i. Sproat, tot 6, con. 4', Tuck - trip to the l'ttitctt States. the bride ersmiti, \I r• Sproat died early Sun - Following up last week's story on BIRTHS chose a I,rnn n (-reit' two -pier' dress, day mornings after being struck by X ripe raspberries, Mrs. James Arm - car to ,tial, and hen\\n arcessnrus. strung scut a snrll jar, containing hath 111711'1' )\ --In 111111ett 'Township on . 1 car cast of Sebring -vine. He was 115 raspberries and strawberries to this of- \\'e lucsday, October 1st, t • \i r. and (111 their return they will reside ill his 40th year. Bern id 1008, he spent I Godcrich t '\t nshi ,. most of his life in the Scaforth cont- fice on Monday. in an accompanying \Irs. herald lief from the gift of a,i Hole she rcnrul:cd that she had ser\_ sun. Before the wedding, Mrs. Kernieltatt munity. Interment was In Maitland - she a trousseau tea in honor of her bank cemetery, ed e slwith ice ere uu Ona; recently. COO 1<---ltl Stratford General Hospital, daughter. \(iss Norma Nit -Donal -1, of at nail ran into the sole .of her foot on Sunday, September 21, 1947. to; Ti limbo. an aunt 1 the brills, poured while playing around the barn. She Mr. and \Irs. Orval Cook, of Mit-! tic:' and \irs. R. I. Johnston and \Irs. shimer in 1• te)rr -f :he bride: and Miss is now a patient in \\'inggl,am hospi- cl'ell, the gift of a daughter (Shit ley 11a o1;1 \Iontgontery, served. \Irs. Dot, t;tv \i .e, Bon n111(e, c .ve a tal, \\'e hope for a s::t':Jy r::c:uwcry. lean). Ivry liatzkt, Godcrich, ea\c a pantry miscellaneous shower, return(- I twine with than. On page 7 .1 last wccl:'s issue of The titandard appeared some pictures of 1 the Myth Fall Fair, and an accom- panying iteral of news pertaining to the Fair. :\ photographer from The Wilson Publishing (i111t;uty of To - serve junior was the first ledig junior 1)1111 calf, 'I'elha• pito,. ' ale. ,h nen by 11,111,• Douglas \\'humors• „Ile Doherty, \lar nettle Hall,Rhea rnntu drove all the way t , take some 1.. Leeming & Son. „shots" of the. Fair. as an extra ser- Hiss ,s took ow senior and tall fear Seal: Kenneth Johnston,vice to The tandard and it's readers. g •. I I Rohcrt \la•slali, grand ehant,ionshi, for females alt 7111 1'car Seal; \ft's. .Marshall. The pictures w ere good, but the write- tilt, first price milking aged cow, 1lunuli Di!,loma : Nit'. Ni. Holtzhauer. up about the hail was made ridiculous pmwnl;u11dal' 'I'enscn Korndyke. Re Iltll 1'catr Seal: .1. E. Cook. by the inforucalion, apparently given i scree senior and grand was the win- bj' some 'joker" giving hint the wrong nine (Iry tlurt,e•year-old NIcadow fil•ttle 19th fear Seal: \Irs. Grashy. information. ile being a stranger, 1'atrii•ia 1'o,r1 shown by \\', lis Clot 1947 Memory Course Beginners: Year 1: John Elliott, swallowed it, and in cnnsn itches, the tun & Sons, G ukrjch. \\'. 11. ('Intron Shinty iaetc on, Paige Phillips, Carole il:tllahnn and \\'arson Bros., were fi Sons won the sent ,r eat -of -sire .I't r,,,t1:i' 1 only \\'astir: n. carded as the rutin attraction in the class on a group by Saltinrd sleights }'ear �: Prank Armstrong, John El- a contest, which was of course' captain I'n'ch and also the progeny of a mistake. \\'c usually mal:(- enough i �fl-sire wcnl lion, Shirley Jackson, Paige Phillips, ' clam award, Junior get ('arole 'I'yrentan, Benny \\gasman. mistakes, in spite of trying hard to Ross award, all on an outstanding get to +` Innior Girls' Star Certificate: Mar - helping them, without sono'ne giving a !,y \lontvic Rag Apple Sovereign, •e•lrct Appleby, (dens Dynate Iona hit ingg hand, . - \larahall also -\wort tltc spcc:'1 prix^ for `•____, C'rifffths, Rhea 1Tafl, Betty McDonald, the three' hest tuld'red females drutat Janice \lorritt, :Inn 1lorritt• LONDFSBORO ,,,i hw S. Riddirl: & tions, Cainlom, ;m,l 'I'liehna Appleby, Jean Gloushcr, Joan Junior Boys Star Certificate: Ken- Misses Nlary Ellen Prest and Betty another special prize for bite junior champion female rune ;ruin \\att neth B'adlcy, Rihclt *Marshall.l Skinner, \litchell, spent Sunday with Intermediate Girls Star Certificate: htulrrstott' the forer's parents„ \I r. and \Irs• v hrcrl ]'rest• Foods, Palmerston. 1ernick, Gloria Sibticorpe• \Irs, Lou Marshall and Miss EthelStlll'(ly - I�el'lllghan Star Certificate and 1 -fear 1\fetnory \larshali, \Icaford, spent Sunday with Course: Shirley Falconer, \fargtterite \i r. and \Irs. Robert Townsend. f„nmillcr United Church, decorated (tall, Laraine Hamilton, Mary Mor- witlt gladioli, Ions, and ghted pers ritt, Rhea Nit -Nall, Jean McDonald• \lisscs Petit and Elva Govier, Jeanin i\t,rw canriclabra, was lithe settintag{ \Vood;, London, and \\'ill;r James, pretty t wedding Saturday iftcr- Goderich, left on Sunday 00 a motor for noon at ':.ill nt'! i'k when .1"1(.•: 1•fter- trip to (lather and \Inniri'iI. daughter of \I r. and N!rs. John S. Ker- \Irs, Calvin Straughah and Bobby, nig;h,ln, Colborne township, became the Visiting Here From Los Angeles, Calif. rich, with \Irs. \\'illitan Dodd. \Irs. \\'illi;tm Cowan and baby son, of Myth, with •\I r. and Mrs. Charles Nevins. .1chn Carter, escaped serious injury when a large tree fell on hint \vhile working in the !tush, he was off work for a few days. Mrs. Carrie Armstrong has returned to \\'oodstock after hawing spent the summer months with relatives here. \lisscs \liiuie and Clara C:,llinson are spending two \rocks with relatives at Toronto and Scotia. \f r. and \irs, All 1'ountz and fancily, of \\1oodstock, with \Irs. \I argaret Arthur. - Mr. and \Irs. harry \\'orsell (nee iia Craig) were presented last week with a silver sugar a'c,l cream set by the North Street Church Choir in Gorlerich, were ,\Irs. \1'orscll has used 'her talented voice maty tithes. \\'illiaut Dodd is at present haring his farm hone wired ,for hydro. Also Mr. and Mrs. George 1-Yautilton of John Street, have had their residence wired. 1 Dr. Charles \IcIlveenc :old.lies. \ictiveene of Oshawa, °••1r. and \Irs. 'Johnston of Ilonmannille, with \Ir• 'and Mrs. F. 0. NIcllveene, Friends will be wad to learn that 'Dr. 13. C. \Veir hays sufficiently recov- ered and able to leave the (ioderieli hospital where he ifas been a patient for the past eight wrecks. 1le is at present at the home of \I r. and \Irs• ars and wedding bells. The bride', George Patterson of Goderich. 13i11 Craig (the Auburn Flash) wait 1 tame was decorated with pink and 19 paints in the Senior Class at the • white flotvers and streamers, centred !"it -11 til' w'e !•rhng cake. 'I'+\•,i nieces of 'Goderich Collegiate,/ Field Day which !twiile bride, \I "11g ildretl Carter and Was held on Tuesday, making him : \i ass heroics \\'ikon, -served the guests, champion of that class. Also at the iLater the brill(- and groom left cel a Dungannon Fair he won first prize in motor trip. They will reside in Tor - the half mile running race. onto, where the groan soul his brother are going into business. ATTENTION BOY SCOUTS \Ve are very sorry to hear of the Scoots are reminded that the Scout illness f Dorothy, the little four-yeau•- mectin•g is to be held in the Scout I fall , old daughter of \I r. and \Irs. Edgar at 7 o'ckck, Friday night. A full at- I llo\vatt, who is suffering from lock lendance is expected. jaw, caused by a recent accident when Dyl,:nlo Victor, Dred I)\' \Ialrulnl ilt'(iregt r of lir:1lol.01, Alanituha, oaas shown by (-ul. i . 11, (i i �ntillt, (Isbatt;l, at the 1'146 1Zov al \\'inter lair tv!tcre he was chosen Reserve ('lrinl)i)'11 Hereford steer. Rupert Eugene, chosen in 11 ay 1917 by the :\usir tion to Can;t,Ia, to (lead leading herd of 1 Icrcfords is consid' "c,l the hest Hereford hall aver to be i u o;ted into Australia. ciega- Meddling Stranger Gy Annie Wilson The 1•I ,Iasi 601\11 Lu., teas no longer in sight when Hollis Chan- dler looked hack from the top of the hill. This was the second hill he had climbed since he left the other passenger d • vi there hurl died together like children waiting for Santa Claus or sum one, to come along and give then( a lift. Perhaps he would have done just as well to wait, but it was only an hoar until time for his appclntucnt with Mr. Sanders of the Interstate Bus Lincs. 1 le lu 'ecd ..t '3 watch and his jai; set in a determined lin( —four miles yet to the next stop The pain shot through his knee again aid strcat stood out on his forehead. Ile slowed his walk and act his foot 1110re carefully 0I''il time, It was then he saw the car larked beside the concrete road at the foot of the hill. Nov inc would get a ride if the driver didn't leave before he got there—tile car was (leaded the other way. He tried to alk faster, then slowed down, the man was Fit- ting on the fender, a big elan, a fat man, as still as an Indian in the sun "11i young fellow," he called %viten Hollis cause near. "Stop and rest awhile." Ile Inr,tiuncd to the fender beside hint but made no 1110VC to give room CXCrp1 kali his knee a little to , ne aide. "flow Ed- have you walked:" The mild blue eyes looked II= Ilis over. "About a mile." The elan nodded Piis head. "Bus broke down." I lollis 1 U. S. Army Man HIORIZONTAL 57 He is one of l Pictured corn- the U. S. mander of U.S. Army Air 82nd Airborne Forces' --- Division, VERTICAL Maj. -Gen, 1 Jelly 2 Reply 3 Sea eagle 4 Observe 5 Obtain fire 6 Too 7 Discover 8 Born 9 Disencum- bered 12 Moist 13 Also 16 Steal 19 Finish 9 Raced 10 Stagger 11 Novel 13 Directs 14 Seines 15 Turn 17 North Dakota (ab,) 18 Tiny 20 Lyric poem 22 Toward 23 Half -ern 24 Upon 25 Flock 27 Engrave 30 Chaldean city 31 Account of (a b.) a; Infant 85 Canvas shelter 38 Either 39 Erbium (symbol) 41 British (ab.) 43 Permit 45 Meadow 46 Musical note 47 Low 49 Sicilian volcano 52 Mast 54 Standard of value 55 English river ;6 Auricle said disgu-te Ilv. like--" "1\'11ere tire the other passen- gers?" the man interrupter!. "Back there," I',_dlis motioned the way he hal 001110, "Waiting lot' an- other bus or ride—" "Ilmuun—whv didn't von wait:" "1 have to be in town in les: than an (tour," lie said shortly, The big Tian shut one cyc and blew out a pull of smoke t'rtt blot- ted cut his face. "Any inlpultau:t. looking people on the l; :" "One man got ell at the last slop and took a taxi, The drive:' warned us the bus might not get in," Hol- - lis forced his voice under control, "How did you conic to stick with it?" Ile le forward and his eyes lost their mildness. "I'nt interested in this line fur one thing," Hollis' words came slo'.ly, "and—ply furan es don't run to big taxi bills." "What's your hurry to get to the next toren, young fellow?" I-Iollis settled himself attain re signcdly and pushed as ant off his sore knee with a blade of grass. "I'm goi to meet a man connect- ed with this bus line, and—" I:c stuck out his chin and his voice was hard as nails, "tell chill what's wrong with it." "Such ase" '1 Ic fat mann leaned forward eagerly. "This--" Ilollis made a wild ges- ture, "Sit on the road 1two hours waiting—just waiting;—" 11c forgot he was talking to a meddlesome stranger and it all came pouring out. There would be . communica- tion sy: tent like in the army, with the exact location of Lusts charted on maps at frequent intervals, some- one to be there quickly in time of trouble, Bus travel in the future m be dependable; the fixtures to be comfortable and durable, nothing elaborate. "People w•ho want luxuries use their own cars, or rile trains or A T E .MIEN tR N L T f{ E N ARTHUR O E R T UEIIESIEY 0 DE . I (r,RSt 1csE T R C) uita0sro.,) 1tJREE ©LAS Ammer to Prevlons Porde ELLESLEY SH I P "DEMUSE (Trap rWg G�©~0 E E A F� N A P p.> N 5E'i1 • LE 0y CA 0 0 N 21 Female deer 42 Knock 25 Center 26 Age 28 Is able 20 Torrid 41 Squad 45 Earth 46 Distant 48 Membranous 33 Spanish dance pouch 34 Before 50 Tennessee 35 Golf device Valley Au - 36 Eradicator thority (ab.) 37 Recede 51 Negative word 40 Spoil 53 Dance step r ... TABLE TALKS .. A Pound of Round Steak it is amazing how a pound of round steak Ivhiih would ordinar, ily sertc Three or four people may be stretch, d to slake a satisfac- tory and delicious moat course for six, '1'o be sure it does require a little extra effort on the part of the cook but the saving is always worthwhile, 'I'Ilc home economists of the Ccutsioner tiection, Dominion 1)c. part mem of Agriculture are ex- perts on snaking the most of al! foods 3101 1110;11 is 110 eXCI'Ot,011 (lure arc several recipes to make substantial plain course dishes, Chili Con Carne Stew ',q Cop fat 1 pound cubed beef 1 cup coarsely cit celery cup coarsely chopped green pepper (optional) 6 medium onions (sliced) 2 cups tomatoes (fresh or canned) 1 teaspoon salt !a teaspoon pepper / to 1 teaspoon chili powder Alelt fat, add cubed beef and brown, Add celery, green pepper, onions, tomatoes and seasoning. If necessary, add hot water to Rarely cover meal, Cover and sim- mer 2 to 3 hours, Garnish with a (border of mashed potatoes. Six servings, Quicic Beef Stew 1 Ib, hamburger 2 tablespoons fat 2 tablespoons flour 1 cup tomato juice Australia Imports Canadian Herefords Malcolm \1c(;ret;or of Brandon, 3tanitoba, has gained an enviable reputation as a breeder of fine Herefords. His is herd 'Popper, Dy - n, Ino Rupert, is proving a sire of unusual merit. '1'wo of his get 'are rightfully fatuous, Dynaul0 Victor, shown by Col, R. Al, (Hob) Smith, of Oshawa at the Royal 1Vintcr Fair last year, was Reserve Champion Ifcreford steer, Rupert Eugene was selected from all Canadian offerings by the Australian dcligatiO i" to Can- ada to purchase foundation stock for export to Australia, ;I.Ie was chosen to (lead the herd of Dr, N. F, L,cakc which is rated the leading Ilcrcford herd "down un- der." Mr, 31c(rcgor is planning to hold a sale of young stock on October 20 which should be an unusual opportunity for Canadian breeders. planes—it's the common 1.cople who need buses," Hollis ollis finished out of breads, Another car came rgaring over the hill. Hollis stood tip and stuck his foot out a time or two to test it before he stepped toward the carr. The driver slackened his sore(' and waved at the luau on Ilio fender as he went by, The fat man laughe 1Iollis whirled on Ilion with a white face. "So—it's funny, is it??" The big man looked at his watch, "Guess you're the only one impa- tient to get where he's going." Mollis watched with 11 grin of re- lief as the fat 111a11 in one easy motion s' ''lel itis huge bulls to a standing p,.: ai 1 and put oat his hand to open the door. "Gel in," he motioned Ilollis to the other side. But Hollis stood transfixed and felt even the back of his neck get- ting red. For there on the door hidden by the man's body were the words: "J. 1Z. Sanders, Inter- state Bus Lincs." FREE OFFER: '1'hc Quaker Oats Company of Canada Limited, Pe- terborough, Ontario, offers frcc of charge the booklet, "Raise Sound Profitable Pullets''. Little (lobby had fallen down a flight of stairs and Lay at Ilse bot- tom sobbing, His mother ran over to hint and asked: "1301), did you hiss a step:" "No," replied the lad through his tears, "1 bit (berm y POP— Some Difference! 1 cup sliced cooked vegetables. Salt and pepper to taste Brown neat in hot tat, add flour and brown slightly, Add remaining ingredients and cools 15 minutes, stirring constantly. Serve on split hot biscuits or toast points. Six servings, Beef Loaf 1 cup bread crumbs ((or lining pan and topping) 2 cups corn (fresh or canned) 1 pound ground beef 1 cup bread crumbs 1 egg slightly beaten ra cup milk 2 tablespoons chopped onions 11,12 tablespoons salt Pinch of cinnamon Pinch of cloves l'at 3/4 cup crumbs into bottom and sides of greased loaf pan (reserving ! cups for top), Com- bine all other ingredients and turn into crumbed pan, top with crumbs, Bake in moderate oven 350 degrees F,, for 1 hour. Un - mold and serve with tomato sauce. S:.: servings. Stuffed Pepper Squash 3 large pepper squash 11/2 cups ground raw lamb or beef (3:I lb.). jz cup uncooked barley 1/ teaspoons salt ;a teaspoon pepper 1 crap sieved fresh tomatoes (OR tomato juice) 2 tablespoons mild-flavored frit 2 tablespoons flour Dash of salt 1\'asst squash. Cut in halves, re- move seeds and pithy portion, and sprinkle with salt, .fix thorough- ly the meat, barley, salt, pepper and tomatoes. Fill the halves tvitlt this mixture, Blend IIIc fat, flour and clash of salt and spread over exposed cut surface of squash. Place in a greased baking clisll, cover and hake in a moderate oven, 375 degrees F., for .15 min- utes, Remove cover and Continue baking 15 to 20 minutes longer until surface is browned and squash is tender. Six servings, Tinge Flew Two small boys had taken the clock apart to sec "what made it tick," After examining each part very carefully, they pit the clock bade together again. During the night their father was awakened from his sleep when the clock began striking. It struck 117 times without stopping. Von 11'111 limo SIn)anu AI The St. Regis Hotel r11I111NItl a 1'lu•r; 11,11 101111 lamas, Runup and 'Prlrnhour i' lagtr, $3.511 op— Ituuhlr, 13.10 up a tined I'"nd, Illuh,g and Ilnnring NIg111U l, rl a irnr :II Carlton 1'rl, 0A. 4135 ROOMS BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED $1.50 up HOTEL METROPOLE NIAt;,11lA 1',11.1,5 III'\', — t'. N.II. STATION NED RAO EXCESS ACID YOU 5At17 SAE' WAS CLEVER ' Lt. GLCVEr GIRLS DON'T LOAD THE/,'\SGLves s1MMTH GHGAp t PF17-1Fo7AES ��i r' ii 3' N. Rotenore Kills Cattle Lice Following numerous experiments agricultural scienlisIs 111 1 r dill loped a commercial Penland ❑hirh has found wide use aiming lite stock men to rid (heir cable of lice, says The St. 'I'luunas Times- Journal. The ac- tive ingredients of this animal insect powder are rolenore and sulphur. both of trhich are safe to ii'c and harmless Io livestock. 11'hilc lice are 11111 Much 1,1. a prob- lem daring summer months, When autumn cones they lay their tents and multiply.' \\lion the eggs hatch and the larvae Login to (evil cauls try to destroy thong by rulbinc against stanchions amid other stable supports. 'I'llis rosulls in un -sightly hairless patches and I reakinc (,i skin which affords an oppurtnnity for in- fectious disease to enter. Lice usually Glst appear on the withers, neck and (ailhrad. '111( dust should he rubbed into the affected parts tvith al hood) or by hand until the arca is thoroughly co) coal. Since the powder will not kill eggs, it is necessary In dust again in approxi- mately Iwo weeks and a third time in another \\Tele, This should catch all species in their adult stage, f4 Fa t --* An (Alder((, inlervictl'iI)g alt ap- plicant, remarked: "Vint ask high wage; for a man \yitll no cxperi- (10e," "\full," the prosper( ((plied, ''it's '0 nulih harder stork when you don't know• a113thing about it." F1 EE OFFER: Ili IluaLcr Oats Company of Canada Limited, Pe - lei borough, ;mark), nffcrs free of c11;1'ge the booklet, "Sane 11iIk and Raise Good Calt-cS," met 061 FROM SNIFFLY, STUFFY DISTRESS OF DOUBLE -DUTY . NOSE DROPS WORKS FAST RIGHT WHERE TROUBLE 151 /ds! Instantly relief front head cold dis- tress Sm(ls to collie when y011 plat a lithe \ra-t'0-not In sada nost'!1. Also —it helps prevent colds from develop - Ing if used 111 line! Try 111 \Yorksflue 1 You'll like it! VICKS VA111104101 cher Bravos Cement Jnc!ie, escue rtJ igenA ARO aria t'1 yrs. JESSIE MAMMY OF LONDON, ONTARIO savcs Life of 7 -year-old boy The two young boa's had been wading in the shallow water of the 'Thames ]fiver at Cherry Avenue in London, Ontario, when the current caught them by surprise and carried them into slid -stream. One of the lads was able to light his way safely hack to the sh;tlluty water, but 7 -year-old Bobbie Nestie was carried farther and Garner away by the current. WOMAN HEARS CRIES ]fearing the shouts of onlook- ers, 31rs, Maudsley, mother of two children, ran from her house to the river. Ify this time 1110 boy had been swept almost 1 O yards by the current. Mrs. Alaudsley raced along the sidewalk, climb- ed through a fence and then, disregarding the risk to herself, scrambled down the (o•degree- ang;lc cement embankment and leafed into the rapidly -(lowing river, Within a few minutes she had reached the frantic young• ster and dragged him safely to shore. GALLANTRY RECOGNIZED Due to the prompt and daring action of this brave Canadian mother, young Bobbie Nestic's life was saved, \1'e are proud indeed to pay tribute to Mrs, Jessie Ataudslcy of London, Ontario, through the presenia• tion of The Dow Award, TiHE DOW AWARD is a rlt,lron for outstanding hero, Ism and incln:les, as a tangible rxpretston of cppreciatiot, a $too Canada Savings NIA Winners are selected 1) the Dow Award Cormirter, a 7:re'ip of editors if leading Gnn,li 11,l,alyartr,raf'c'rs. r From her home near the embank- ment, Airs, AL•aldsley beard the shouts of spectators, Immediately, she raced to the rescue of the drowning hny. After an exhausting swine through the swift current of the Thames River, the brave woman managed to get the youngster safely to shore. ISAID statIa/sr, A 1 -OT OF G0I,r4a c t' SGENT5 1 trr..r..s 4 :,. e,•: c qac. ------------------ 13y J. MILLAR WATT TEEN -TOWN TOPICS By BARRY MURKAR The little man with the sun-tan- ned face and n,,Itite sideburns was reclining on the veranda of his . modern b rick h_ inc, when I called. Typical of his dresq, were the gt trousers, brown shirt and yellow police lea - res. The little in an, who is knOWn to thou - ,sands rtaders for the above cha- racteristics of his p:rson, ,vas Gre- gory Clark, the famous Canadian writer. "Who is that you have out in the cat?" he asked as I mounted the steps. 011, that's Susie," I replied, "she came along for the ride." "Well bring her M. She can talk with the ladies. Of the house, tvhile we arc tip in the den." And that is the Iva!' (ffir i"lcrview with Greeory Clark beau. "Getting into newspaper work to- day, is much harder than it was, when I MA started," pointed out ?1r, Clark, "There is far more corn - Petition, and daily newspapers to- day seen; inclined to hire experi- enced mtvsmen; rather than a greenhorn, \'ho wishes to start in and learn the busines,," At this point a green and white auarble, fdl from his pocket and rolled across the hardwood floor. Recovering it, he explained: "We have numerous cats around here, that pester my birds, I have a sling -shot and stand on the back steps and fire at them. I haven't hit anything yet, but I've scared the old heck out of a lot of cats." "What do you advise a young person, \VII0 is inter( ted in getting into newspaper work?" I asked Greg looked me square in the eye before answering. "My advice. is t start at the bottom- n a country weekly, Wk .1; hard at the job, and sonic day when your chance comes to work on a big uewspapur-work harder than, ever, !trove heaven ad earth to get the lob, and at least you are started on the way." And that me friendlies is the ad- vice of one of Canada's top-rank- ing newsmen, who knows that it is no easy job to get to the top of the ladder in the tie WSpaper pro- fession, "Now about you and Jim Frkc the cartoonist. Do any of the stor- ks you writ( ever really nappen.:' I inquired, "The most of them develop from actual experiences of Inn and 1", Greg i..formed w. "\\'e have hunt- ed, fished and chummed around to• gcthcr for :10 years. We started out together as cub reporter and cub artist, and although we arr. much alike in our play -habits we have a few differences such as Jim s preferri.ig duck hunting to my dee, hunting and lie like billiards and the races, AVIIIIC I. would t tther go for a walk or drive in the country.' "Dors Jim actually live around the corner?" was our ..ext question. "Ile lived around the corner fro n me for about 1 5 years," replied Greg, "Tell OIC something •l out the Greg -Jim stories. Where do you get your ideas? flow do you plat a story? How many words are there in a Greg -Jim story, and how long does it take to writ.: on(" Greg took a deep breath, settled back in his easy chair and begat' the answers to my questions. "In 20 years, I have travelled thousands of miles. 1 have talked BEAUTY CONTEST vinner of Glencoe Fair with Clown, Leona Fisher, Wardsville, won expenses paid trip to Windsor contest next year offered by Mr, Simpson of Windsor. Sports - And One Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit FABLE (With apologies to the late, !..treat George Ade). Once upon a time there vas a Certain Province that had Very Liberal Sunday Laws. Whenever the Day of Rest rolled around John Citizen had his choice of attending church, ploughing up a golf course, sniffing the sweet aroma of burned gas on the highways, stay- ine. home and nagging the wife and kiddies, or attending church. If des- perate he could even listen to the radio, But despite all this vast var- iety of entertainment, strange to say the Ingrate was still not satisfied. So at last a group of Ifigh Minded 1 hilanthri pists decided they would do something about it, Thcy decided to send a Representative Delegation of Six to call on the Head Man of the Province; and included in this Representative Delegation Were a Baseball Mogul, a Hockey Afagnate, a Football Promoter, a Roller Rink Proprietor, a Moving Picture Im- pressario and a Sports Reporter, the latter being, taken along because the Tasical) held six anyway and there '1VflIl't ally SellSe in wasting all that space. 5 * The Head Nlan of the Province received them most graciously and asked them, in his best Chesterfield- ian manner, just what vas biting them. So with one accord they pro- ceeded to tell him of the Terrible Sufferings of John Citizen under the Lilieral Sunday Laws, how their Soft 1 karts bled for him Day and to men, women and children in ill walks of life. Hundreds of them have contributed sayings and themes for my stories and have mver known it, I tell the story to myself first, then Jim and - hold a story conference that he can get an idea for the illustration, which is very important. The story is written seven 1%.CCI:S ahead of • ab- lication, I drive an open car, and get out in the count . as much as possible in search of material. 1 also mingle with the crowds on the street, and in the store There are about 2,000 words in ft Greg- hn story and the actual typing is almost 2 hours, althi ugh the story takes four or live days planning." "Whew," he gas: -e.' "does that cover them all "Did you ever write from other places, when you were covering a news story," I continued. "I have sent them in to the office by wire, cable and mail from all over the Avorld," stated Greg. "In Italy they tried to stop ; story fa go- ing through. The were certain it was code. Filially tl.ey let it p, at six cents a word." We then went d, .vnstairs where Greg's daughter, Elizabeth and Su- sie were chatting and eating frozen coke. Trust Susie to get in on th,! cats, I thought, Grcg then showed us his collection of walking sticks, his books and animal mountings, carved from wood. After lool.:ng around the walls, trying to find a Jim Frisc cartoon of "Old Archie," we bade this new found friend and his family good- night. Heading out along the Lake- shore Road for home, we ,had a very contented feeling way down inside. And I might add, a very happy feeling. Critic") Night, and holy SO1110111 lig Waltd have to be Done About It immediate- ly if not sooner. * * At this point the Sports Reporter was heard to whisper, "What a Pushover tJits 1:77 turned out to be!". * 1 * Then the Ifead Man of the Prov- ince said to them, "Did 1 hear you gentlemen tell me that, in making this Request, you have only the Interests of John Citizen at heart and have no -if you will Pardon the phrase -Ulterior Motive or Motives, such as Red Propaganda, or Profits, or anything discreditable like that?" So one and all, singly, doubly and in concert, they assured him they were thinking solely of John Citizen. "You do yourselves Very Great Credit," said the Head Man of the Province, "and I can see that you are all Iligh Minded Philanthropists indeed! So with your Assurance in mind I will immediately instruct -I mean, of course, request -My Legis- lature to pass an Act loosening up our Liberal Sunday I.aws still further; so that now John Citizen will be able to have the Healthful Recreation of Baseball, Football, Hockey, Moving Pictures and Roller Skating in addition to the Vast Var- iety of Entertainment already at his command, And you, gentlemen, in return will-" 44 * At this juncture a Breese that felt as though it came direct from the Upper Arctic seemed to sweep through the Reception Chamber, cruising the Sports Reporter to try and recall where- lie had put Winter Blanket for safe -keeping, and what it would cost to get it out. But the Head Man didn't appear to feel it, and continued- * * "You, gentlemen, in return will be, I am sure, Only Too Glad to do Your Share. Interested as you are only in the Welfare of John Citizen you would naturally be Loath to Profit in Any Manner from the loos- ening of our Liberal Sunday Laws, and would desire to work what is vulgarly known as For Free. So I shall instruct -1 mean, of course, request -My Legislature to frame the New Act so that all mone- tary returns, such as admission fees, etcetera, front any such new Sunday entertainments will be turned over, without deduction, to some Worthy Charity. As for you, Mr. Sports Reporter, 1 shall be pleased to make arrangements with your Esteemed EmPloYer wherehY any Emolument you might ordinarily receive for reporting such Sunday entertainment will be devoted to the same Good Cause." • * But /IOW it teas the Head Man of the Province who noticed abrew- only this time it was the wind made by the Delegation of Six taking it On the Lam out of the Reception Chamber with the Sports Reporter three lengths in the lead. "Why, wherever can they have gone so abruptly?" the Head Man said to himself. "1 had so much more to say to them; and besides the Camera Man hasn't got here to Record this Historic Moment for Posterity!" 7'hen a sudden thought came to him. "1 have it," said the Head Mors. Classified Advertising Al, IlY1 11 A NI I.1) OILS, GREASES, TIRES, InnertIci11,0. II lcito Contt,,Ilett ltoof (.10,11n1;0, etc. tv,Int4,1 0. rItr %Vim till Toroti I 0 11 tor '1 111 3,01r si•are tun,. A t.,t, 8. 11.1‘,1, 1•Tvot 111 V, 111, loll 1•:, 1 ttt. 7 . 'I ol..r to,(itt,o. ‘V,V1.1 11 ES Atot 11,1., V, t,; itt 1,111,01'110 and t, ;Wile .J• • I'd olio 4 1.1. -11, I 1.'') 1i.L1.1.•1111 A ve., T.o onto. 111 s I N 1;:•qi 1)1.1.01:11 N4110:4 A'I"FENTION Ktirn A PRO11.11'41' i41{'?s 1,11,4 %yam,' 1.,r 11 hil'In11, 1,',1gt vt11040 1,1,01.1 1i111,11,101 :1,11,1 1,111 11 II 11, 111.11H. SW 54 ot, 1.011,..•H:r011. (itt, 1111 .1 fit 111,11.1,1i,1. Also (on pi 1+••• 1 1. 11 1111,1,0 tl, A I:01', , 111., - 11 t .1,- 10014 an,1 0, lit 110, l'11, 11,1100.,y , 11,111,11,1, 5 l.,!•111. A tl,Itio.)14 [1:1 1:41,1; in wit. - -- 11,5115 1 - - t• Conilni,0110,1 In• iiIrdorit 1 7,0110 egg hvtiln0 t apaelly, 1,5,10 c.iparity 1 low pi A pity ,1,110 1•1,014 11,11(1,,•rws 1,1n,:t,•,1, rg00, , 1,1, 1.s. lt,in,001),T ICH 111tH 1 p1111.•tH 11111. 11I.1 111•• 11111.1•11 1Vri1i. tor POI 11,111,11H 11141011,1y, 1.,0 at lin 71 11171111ton, not. N'TE 1- - 1101 11.11 to ttopoINtt4v,ttt, hat. tang watt fo, the 1916 tat. 1.:11,11.1 1'11111,1 n1111 bloodiest ell free. Cillaranli551 Pre. noun% phis hatchability p1,101,110 itt itt. 'ot Itt tbitallA %vs Ito Tweddle 1111c14 1littcleirien 141,11i -it, Pilaus. (inform. 1.1101: ring pulleta 1(1 Ive,1,11 laYi10:. Bar. 1,1 110.1m, NPW \\aide Ltialiot Whin, lhalts, Light $11:1H..X. Also day old chiclia booked to 01,10r. Tweddlat chick Ira ten• Pergite, roitarto, 1111131.; tango pullets 10 weelia to layIng. All ponIllst 101,0•10, Also (1,1y 1,1 ellIrkM 11,1050 10 free catalogue, Top Notch (lark. ell, :4, (111,11111, ntitar111. avItilo they last: 111ilte Legliorlis. %VIM° Leghorn X Barred Hooka. Mack .5 nittralarp X {N'hite Legliornni G week 4Ge, 7 witek 65e, li week (Sc, Attsorted 1 ilght and Nlitilimit ]?reed6 week 40e, 7 week 60r, 5 week GOc. Ton Noteh (ailtdoirlea, tluelph, Ont;, siN, 8,1,11 and eight wee, off pullet bargain/1 1.4101.• they last. ‘VIti)a Leghorna, mute Itockm. Barred noel( X 13,nitoriiii, Aii,iirs NVIiiIns. Only a Iltalt• quail(0 y, for reduced price list. Twenidlo che I; 11 a teher,..., a in pergo8, om r.o. HYISINO ANI) CLEANINU IIA141FOU anything needs dyeing or clean• 1n67 Write to us for Information. We are Clad to answer your questions. Department 11, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 701 Tonge Street. Toronto, Ontario FARMS FOR HALF., p,iitm fur along Lake Erie. 90 agree in':'.or y loam. stone road, all miles west of Dunnville, 2 miles from village, Buildings In good repair, Eight room frame I \OW e, gas lliroliglioUt, hydro available. Bank barn, barn abed, implement sited, Paying gas well. Farm Vill, W1111011t equipment, Owner ietiring, Apply: Reuben Schwanz, It. 11. 9, Ont FARM fur sale, 300 acres, 16 miles east of: Parry Sound, lour full particulars, write S„1, Fisher, Parry Sound, Ont., RAI, 1. loICE Dairy Farm, 150 fiCreS, Oxford cowl 13*. It, J. Oliver, icitebeller, our. iVITENTION rAnsints 10011 SALE -Tractor Tires, made of rubber, imitable for bolting on steel wheels, 015,00 each, rear wheels: 07.60 each, front wheels, When ordering stato diameter and width of wheels. National Rubber Co. Ltd., 5 Wilt- Shl r o Ave., Toronto, Ont, COOD heavy used 31 Unary Wagtail', suitable for farms, lumbering, mining and contract- ing, Also five lorries and 2 bob sleighs. Write for particulara. Percy J. llorbridge, 305 Plaza 13Idg., Ottniva, INTERNATIONAL T.9 tractor with Menne.: Erie angledoger, Recently rebuilt. Have purchased larger machine, Duncan Prentice, Minden, Ont., phone 5120. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 0>3 CORN PICKERS, ONE ROW Made by 1Voca1 Bros., Model 1S'.11, LP. Com- pleto chains. Can be used with any (ractor. WEBSTER MOTORS (WINDSOR) minim mom: 4.1185 411 55'1'AN110'1"rE ST, r. WINDSOR The Fish Jumped Down His Throat A story about a fish that leap- ed out of the water and down an angler's throat was recently pub- lished in the authoritative British Medical Journal. The angler was taken to hos- pital in "a very distressing con- dition," reported acting surgeon Dr, R. M. B. Lowis of a Malay State but details were supplied "freely and willingly by about six of the angler's relatives, simul- taneously." The angler, fishing in a Malay- an rice field, peered over his net to inspect the catch, reported )Jr, Lowis, "whereupon a fish leaped front the water into his mouth and disappeared down his throat." "On examination the tail of a fish could be clearly seen over the base of the tongue." Then, the story goes, the tail came off in a pair of sponge -hold- ing forceps and the fish ultimate- ly was removed in a hospital oper- ating room. The fish. described as ikan he- tolc, is credited by Dr. Louis Nvith being able to climb a tree. Malay villagers say. that anglers fish- ing for ikan hetok should "not laugh but keep the mouth shut." FREE OFFER: The Quaker Oats Company of Canada Limited, Pe- terborough, Ontario, offers free of charge the booklet, "Raise Tur- keys at a Profit". "Those High Minded Philanthropists are So Happy about what they've ac- complished for John Citieen that they just can't wait to go and spread the Glad Tidings!" * * * MORAL: EVEN IN BEING HIGH MINDED AND THOUGHTLESS OF SELF IT'S EASY TO 01"ER- PLAY ONE'S HAND! 11111 15.51.15 11.A. 1112, . 6 I Wi 1: .)) •I 100, W. 4%; ia '11111. 111, ,,, .1,11111,6 '1I11 het, I 1.5 111,1 .4 no,il 0ut ,it, ;,..1,1t,1.0'. lot,1•1 VI, ill I ,tri, • ! (Ito t,g1til. .1 1 •, .1., 1, Anglin cattle ,,anto 0 y I, rAttle ale aft If. .1 t.1.1.ta ot f tiador liar -atria 7ii.I t.I 11.1 1 1 1 11 1 1 ,,(1,111111 7. , :III 440.1:111 ti n ,++.1 coca:of. 11,11..1 11.5 etot a breed 111,,r.d.,11. ti,)) 1.,k1 Li a \ 1,1' A 01 1.81•11',1 (21441e I :it 1 1' AI llo, 13 • I, , 117 ICC, 1..4 1, 1, y. r, 1 • e- It n ir,r, 'Toronto :•1,111.111: 0/ '1 .tOor p. t;. 1 1,, 5 nt II ims 3 tor ', I. . II \ at I .'I, 4( .11 I; 1 ,`1::1. 1,0•. 11, If. 1', I.: -. 1',..titilerat.1 too 11 51.5a. 0 Ytmog q .t Jolts 56. illi 0 ; 11-5i-toTto $I-.6111 429 A Itglity _ T1/.1 111tIlil It 1)0 t 11 -1,07-451,,, 15.- 10,11:011W 101- t, 1,AVI)Ht. th, ,L1‘3 117, 73 Ado. laid, I, 55, Tot. WO (;.\ 1 ,41,j)., V. I'll , 1:1,014111. alit, 11, I :00 ft, in depth. 11.,i ”11.1. Apply i IL A. I lov..,1,1. 'bat m'5, tint , 23 ni.1,1 Not th id I I iin .11e, 10,,. 11111,1', Ti.i1,1,1 • ,,14 i.,ditnteto Nom; epur,,,,, mid gland en; s. 101 parte :018, A., 0. 4•pd,,.1y„,t11,11a. . _ ;:orIng T 1011,1.0'8. Kritglit of Hampton, Canadian it,lumnably PrIced. ire. ill 1:;11111, Eleven A \VITI11.1. 1)11t. 75T1'.111 /1.' L411111111 Rasp/1.11'Y 1.111,3 aur 111i1 Planting, 55.01 195. Premier titraw- lit 1 mat 4,2.00. A. l'rowlo, l', It. Nu. 1, Is- lington, tnt. DUl'111,13 lioasit t th gricei y titot 0P%',1i rooms of itcatly now fun -Olive, 6,900, 99,500 time, 42 merritt st , (nit. 19111' it dog ,)r ,..111:111 Manchester Terrier poppitim, idiro lovely Pelt Ingexe, healthy, registered, t:,,yu here. ThirtY- Five Dona re. Fa w vett, R.R. No. 1, Fruit. land, Ont LitalliS, n011.111,;1, 31a4ic, 11.1,10,8. Send dime fur world's funtiteet novelty and largo ca. (atm.:ties. Paragon Co., 2 Santnion Ave., Tor- onto 5. itEct nt Ds. Free catalogue of tavortle hilt - billy and ilatien artlata, National Rader Ltd., Dept, 0, 423 Portage Mix, Winnipeg, Man. TIRES We aro overstocked In gtyat1 used Trade -In Tire;, with high n•eads-all guaranteed to be In excellent (Mali°. Special Pl'ICO 011 car Tire. ALL SIZES $4,50 BIG SAVINGS ON NEW TIRES & TUBES Guaranteed for one year 5Ax21,-SS.2.5 Tithe 01.25, 450x11-$0.05, Tube 01.90. sonxt 9-S10.60, Tube 12.25, 500 x20-slo.75, Tube 82.35. 5:5x18-$12.50, Tube 02.65. 500x 17-$11.00, Tube 42.65. 600x56- 414,25, q'tibe 42.60, 650x16-$17.50, Tube $3.25, 22011-700x25-$13.75, Tube 91.75. 750 a20 -3.1x7$51.00, Tube 06,50, 82500- 962.50, Tube $7.75. Also a 001 lino of retreads, all orders ebb - 0.0.1). Dealers wanted. BEACON TIRE Cor. QUEEN & YORK STS, HAMILTON 9, ONTARIO. timitottEssmn LEARN Hairdressing the Robertson method Information on request regarding classes Robertson's Hairdressing Academy, 137 Ave- nue Road, Toronto MEDICAL PRoVEN-Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy, Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid, 01.00. PR 011' JUICES: The principal ingredlenta In Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains, Neu - us Store, 335 Main, Ottawa- i'osuittifd 41.00, COMFY YOURSELP-Every sufferer or Rheumatic Pains or Neuritie should try Dixon's Remedy, Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid, 11.00. FAMOUS PRE-WAR QUALITY CIGARETTE PAPERS The only Cigarette Papers MADE IN FRANCE on Sale in Canada BLUE COVER Pure White Free Burning WHITE COVER Thin Paper Slow Burning DOUBLE AUTOMATIC BOOK -100 LEAVES 7-3 ISSUE 40-1947 911:1411'.11. .1.711.1) ,i awl or I.:, to try 1,1`,//1',1 Itelnet17. 1)1114 :dole, 71:1 1:411, Ottawa. 61 no - - (111(10 IA NtitEis UR tril _ . . BE A HAIDRESSER CAN& 1/A'S LE& DINO fiCt1004 tit eat ()p,' t imity Learn Usti% ill, along ait Int dignified tordettaion. good wages ,1 titsatitlu wot riq,s101 Mart el graduates. 5.-1,,r1,11.11 61,1111,81 system illustrated cats' ogue free Wrlie or Ca II liAlitIntESSiN0 t,8 Blom St , oronto Brant ht a 14 King ht.. IlainlIton & '14 111.1eau Street, ()awn PATENTS 10,15) cat & CompailY Patent soh,. Established 1590 14 ing West. halo iteemei tit information on rf,(Ilifolit, murm111.51,115 CRISTMAS CARDS FROM YOUROWN NEGATI VHS 20 FOR $1.00 'rho ('at de 704 can . , 11,..tt in 0111 1r,iillurs. ywir 1dr,, W. It. Val iVe. l•int, :5,1 11111,r. t ttv if r. 0;116 rank' Pk X 4,4" with our "snap" (nom tine mas- t:eel prill(,-,i itt i1"1 criv4.10pail. 1111 7-11110r r1/1,I, 1:H11,1 $1,50 tv, in rmja (01ort,1 63 50 eit. Any 817,1 loll e fir e 1,V,lopt 11 and It. prow., from your 11,111441Vel k, DEPT. M STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129 Post office A, Toronto i57.14Ni'l•74.)- lit Iola of (115%11,1 poultry. Tui prices for top birds Joseph Conner LiMiltd. VoUllrY Dept , 21(64 Danforth Ave., Toronto 8 (W.', Ott cumlorn grading) It EPA IRS 1 ki.,eele to 1 e -day set vice on all types a .1.1, and jewellery repail a. All Work guar» 5,11ors Broth, rs Jewellers, 130 Ran• •Tor,.11,o, (In', DON'T WAVER. Say "Maxwell House". It's the same marvellous coffee blend whether packed in Super -Natant Tin (Drip or Regular Grind) or Glassine -lined Bag (AllPurposeGrind), 'oulUces ol Maces relieve pain, bring out cons, teals quickly, no scar, 25c, 35c, 50c, 91.00. MR:BRISK says "WHEN YOU'RE TIRED AS YOU CAN BE,DRINK A CUP OF UPTOWSTEA" • For constant' Smoking Pleasure agtog4 *0,04 "EXPORT" Cigarette Tobacco 1.1111114114114nommomommememom4444.4. ALSO AVAILASUI IN 1/2 POUND TINS PAGE 4. THE STANDARD Wednesday, October 1, 1917, .4.44,44 • _ FK.•:;.4•--•:'-§.1-1"1-1"1-1-1-1-1-'01-',":"1-1-',..1'1"1“1-1-1..1”:'1"1-1-1-1-1-1-1"1-1.::-....1••1-:'.1"1":”:"%';:l THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION .11 the said qin.sti ol the ;. Uit th' e iith (la \ of 1 It:tolicr, 1947,1 , titti hem oi ten ocl,tch in the foreH ,tti ,,t tIte f tlit• Cleil, ot the 1.• 6:6 • P, • 144 1:ed h, fe, te, .•. "Tile ('()riier ():itztria. Ultflt1 A C. ttf the ab,•ve pritptist.•1 lly- 1-.1\\ pti•teil up in the Clerk's office in Blvd r ith ct.pv of the Engin,. cr., ta port and the \ ini1).. ;.pect.11 ;it any titre during itt ;,c,- hitt rested persica:. t hated at 1ltlt this 21111 of Sep- tember. 11)47, 11010N, Clerk. Spode SoccihF. S.pecia! \‘'e have been fortunate in securina. larp:e sup- ply a outdoornmi s (leather top!.., and rubber hot ton:-,) at the very low price of $6.50. 'Fite price of thc.;e 1:oeis hell raked 25 per- cent in the Iasi v'eek, but we are in the position to sell i. 1916 prices until our, stock is nhausted. ti cm t to 11 incltkive. . . . We ako havt.‘ a limii.ed supply of Overall Smocks un;do 1,y \Valker's at Si'/,t'; :1ti to 12 inclusive_ IMIMISUIRSOMMISMTLVESIGMCMIX=MS:221'gk woknot. Alt i tc. ,sS )43 of VILLAGE OF BLY111 or N(11(1C0 fro Property Owners , „,„1,„„, !mt..1 -. t tt ill the aft rtitativo; I l'iut. itt t •vitttit•i• It t Intl •t• ii\iItin the negative - .t. • -1.,t‘i . WM.11 4 1.,t••,.11 t itt 111 tine•ti it. ap! NItiit'c,;tal.tv the clerk of = 1,11 ',tit No. it. III -17, Passed I'M, 231.11 of Septentlier,' Wage of Ilk ill. .N lly-1 \\ th. A.I),, p/.17, os. , ttv.:1111.!, tittittlittirv- I -1 iraithit rt,Hitt 01, t'ot 1H..t I It1,'itititirctlItititItI 111 Itt ti“,4t-.1 annually tit a tate ii‘,1 x Ii rt;tt- til J. tr.,. paid tt‘tittt tti CdI d 111 to, ot• .1t. Hind mter,st and princit .,t1, for tilt ; 0'4 111111 ' I1 t 0. 'd'Pd1 1111,(.1;iiititit mt. alit1 44 litIli i t(.."1:1PIPPtC N% Alt 11111itt t1Pr \i111, Cie re.tient or1 lite .1,.bentitres its !it th asscs•nictit of e or- + "I'. 'I" ley\ of ',oration is .S.;i41,574.C.I. Thu debenture y (1(.1,t t cit.. dm(IiutI :S.'.;7(t...""n. 11,111, 4: ill Vt.itt Ittault at the dale here - (.1, :old the pr(ioseil IPIPlisinP,11Pt11! has rUCt.IVIPII the appr N11 tti titt 1),..part- ..........1110rnttlt,eafeta.•,‘,141flalvvotIrc...........onwatradTrmatamtbrtni•k, • . 1311101r.•~Mtaitata-tittvmdf Dead and 3ilab1fad Animals REMOVED PRWIPTLY. Exeter 2:15; Seaforth 15, CmIle.ct. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTI). .41110.0•41,44,..04,4•014..•••••41,440 ****** 4.444 4...1•S•4440•4.4,,,P4rI4r4.4 di#404 Ia./4'4'444 Come To us --- NOTICE t le. (Jordon 1...11.ott, l•ler1;. Elector's Notice QUALIFICATION OF VOTERS CORRECT VOTERS LISTS Thosi untitled to vote on the forth- coming Immo. Ily-l.tm in the N'illage of iIt til ‘‘ ill have their names entered on ti pe((1 list li• the Clerk which trill be prepared from the last certified voters list or if a tit‘‘ revised assess- ment roll has liven completed and the new 4 oters list not yet prepared and certified then the list for voters pre- pare I for this purpose .....ill ht. tal.en ilirectl from the last re\ ised assess. mem roll. Thi• list will be posted up in the clerks office at least ten (lays before I lie votine day. Any person u Ito is listed or believes he is entitled 1., be listed may apply to have the name of aiiy person struck off, or to have his own name iir other person he belie\ e - should be on the list added, by apt6- ing to the Judge in 44riting, 11 t later than five (lays before the day set for that Ili( rt -g in.: the vote. is a •yinTsis of prop, sell ity-i\\ and a Tho•e entitled to have their names tree eillI.\ of a slut 1 be pin to on the volts list for the purpose of a . , the elect, is, for the purpose of attain- money by-law vote :ire as follous; ing their approval and as•ent to the I The Persons qualified to yotc at an -I, -1--• - - ""; ; Pit"..IIi-" nereof ‘‘ hich is beim sub- ...rilinary municipal election \\ ithfol.- electors on hming exceptions: ..4,,,,,,,, Illitti.ti t the voti. of 114. flit 241.11 da \ of 1 ictober, iii.r, 1 ia) Tenants other than those who \\It 1.1.•NT111.11 T.NK I'. NI/Till.: have a lease ‘vhicli ex:ends for the ithat if the nt itf the eleettirs is tiIt- 'period of time for \Inch the debt or mined to it the said its -law u ill he liability is to he created or 1,0- .it leasi. talo.ti into consideration hy the Colin- twent -one years and NVIlureill they til after one month from the (late of have (.0venanted to pay all municipal ithe expiration of tlie first publication taxes except local Muir cements, namely. NVeiltiestlay, the l'ir•t day of (1i) 1:arum's's sons - 2 ()et her, 10.17. (t. t l'arnier's daughters or Farmer's ; I .\ NI) 111011,1.114 T.NK F. NOTICE si•ters. i; that a tenant %Gni desires to vott. tip- 011 hiccup. voters. ; on the said question must deliver to ti) A person ‘‘ lut it a municipal the (.1,11; not later than the tenth (Liv vot, r 1)• reas di of being the wife or ; before the day appointed for tahing the husband of the person rated or entitled i `am vole a declaration under the Can- to be rated for land as tirovi led by the due .\et that 11( is a tenant act. whose lease extends for the time for N ti will particularly note that which the tddit or liability is to he married Avoinen or hushands as the created -r ;it least t \venti-titte (.;iris eae may heunless they are owners and it. , he; has itt the h.„„,, cr.ven- and tin the property deed, do not re- amed to pay all Nlinticipal taxes in re- ct"ive a vote, simply because they are r, BLYTH— ONT t V specs, of the said property iii N% hh he icI wife or husbnd o af an -ii‘ mi.). :,, k I, to • , ,„.• is tenant other than local improNement corporations, Churches and hodies ot I/ rates.lif that nature, who are pr perty oyeners v .\\i) .NI.S0 TAKi... Nm.ro-T. !hat For Good Quality School Goods. The Myth Standard • #414`444•4144. ****** .0,44444,.# ....... 44#4444." ...... 144,t410.f ...... 4'4 1441`4,S44**4444,4,94•~44.44. B12,1h School Board Meeting sled. Carried. Nlove 11.,‘\ ard d'ait awl Nornian 11t:11.1.0-11, th;li Itt 11,'.111 :PF10.00 it .1: tP Pi tt.;•iy.taruRil ...11.11 tit .1. Y. CP 1P"i`tl ti itt CPI 1,Y 1:• anti X.'rnian •tr tIr.t the e'1,-,1 titin join i.i•t 1 til t' II •,...t.•1 C unt, i.Itittt Nssociatit.n. approvt I:. I) arrittl. li..i.,.rd 'J.:ie.! I), llt.\\ Tait and It. I), t'..it tilt, account ..1 I.. Scrim. 11...,ard I t iti I.-:. I 1. d,i:1 I-t.P 1 1ih tttitt; ; 1111.11(.. it \\ 1.1 p,r,1 1'1V, of the scliItattentliii,f be tli•t Carried. NIT-. lit tail tot II•,. !war I. re, the r iti1 Itt and iri supplies tor the Tait, th,,t the teachers lie Lirtuited the vt, JUST . , t't 1. ; ECEIVE A limited supply of Beatty Barn Water Bowls and Manure Carrier Buckets. These are now available, Get them while they last We also have a Fresh St0A of Pump Repairs. Give us a call if you need any of the above. A full stock of MasseyIlarris Parts and Supplies Always on Hand. DEALER FOR IMPERIAL OIL oRoDucTs. Gasoline, Motor Oils and Greases. ATLAS TIRES AND BAII'ERIES. All Work Done 011 a Guaranteed Basis. STEWART JOHNSTON For Prompt & Efficient Service Phone 137-2, Blyth • • ' r ••• it. • • Blyth Electric Shop Electric Washers. Automatic Irons, Hot Plates. Dou-Therm Oil Burners. 'Westinghouse Automatic Radio & Record Players. 1 used Oil -Bath Puinp Jack. Westinghouse and Frigidaire Refrigerators and Ranges - Will Be In Soon. A full line of Electrical Appliances always 011 hand. Westinghouse Battery Radio - 5 -tube, in Stock. WILLIAM THUELL • PROP. Telephone 5 - Blyth. Elliott Insurance Agency 11-1.a‘v No. 7, 1047, a true copy of uhich is shown above is Ow lly-I aw provided for taking the votes of the el(ctors. I) NTEI) this 24th (lay f Septeinlier, 1947. (i()i1)()N I.:11101*T. Clorls• and assessed for same, should iiir INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURED Car - Fire - Life - Sickness - kecident ith the Clerk at least ten days before the voting the name of some person ,J. I-1, R. Elliott Gordon Elliott 44 lttttt th, \\kit entered on the voter's 14 Office Phone 104. list to vote on their behalf. Residence Phone, 12 or 140 COURTESY AND SERVICE. Conipani(., who are assessed as if owners must file with the Clerk, their tio DM%11Z1):DIAtDsItIDID34.04 miner111 writinv, ten days before the voting and tenants coming \vitliin Class "a” should file a declaration ten days be - ';;;.32, BY-LAW NO. 7, 1947 proving the !.;nue. within A to provide for taking the ; fore the viling. Tomei! by , oic (if the I:lectors on the question All complaints filed as above pr()- 'tt Ilttv.iirtl Tait. of a proposed Ily-law for issuing vided \yin be heart hy the County ;..k.eretary. bentures in the sum not excee tht. ittti ititit five day., before dit vot- animint nj S10000.00 to cdiistritct a Mg day, the tittle and place of the hearing of the complaints \Gil be noti- \\•111.11fli:AS the NInnicipal Council fled each iier• it who files an aPPeill, of the Village of Illyth are desirous if. Gordon Elliott, Clerk. installing a \vatet.uorlis systclit anti • debentures itt the suin $10,1000.II0 to pay for same. gricultural Highlights AND \VIIF,11:...\S a BY-Iilw ktttrvtt For The Week N".1, 1()47 t" 1"1. the `""I'The heavy frosts last \\Tel: caused ha' he'll Prellared and ‘ehure"' it tc nsiderable damage to fields of corn, necp,sary that the it,,ent oi the rate- and routed sevt,re damage to seurai ;lavers lie olditined before tit aim' is fi,.1(1, of beans that \yetic SOWtt quite passcd. .\ND NVIIE11:...NS it is desirecl ,„ ,„„tur:h. t„ stand sunt htv tempera_ obtain the of the electors Ity , tures. The bean crop in general, lio\v- stibmitt•ng, the ftil vittg question an I ever, did not stiffer from the frost and permitting the sail "IlllYYrS In 111,1,1.ftitia an.' either pulled or in the ti,lPI):11311....,:i assent to the Ninnie:Pill. caused c. nsiderable difficulty in cer- barn. The recent heavy . rains have ( ("wittif the Village "f 111Y,Ilt twin art.as \\II/ire farmers are trying to s'ng a authorizing the i'tit ifI CUL ;UPI darvest fields of corn on low- Ichentures in a sum tt t exceedityt lying land. In many cases, it will take SI(10,01:ti.0:), bearint interest at a rate sevt,rai dr, days before hinders and Itt 1 exceeditt./. three percent, :ill pay - tractors can operate in some of these 4_ aidton an amortized ba•it4 ORDER YOUR COUNTER ,;ttom rks system. CDECK BOOKS AT 'rim BLYTH STANDARD 1. um- t't I thin-, smut in di, tid 1 atricti t k. Iniernmnt in 1tiVerldt2 (.:Ctlietery. ji 111V,, Philip FPI' 17, 1ii- :sc. it TA!. Vinci ri int] &Pit Wilt! ,11{,,ti Sijh tit "r,r, iont it tint, its 4••,:4 BUY PROTECTION TODAY . Tomorrow May Be Too Late If ou are healthy you can buy Confederation Life Insurance at low rates, There are several kinds of policies to choose from: (1) Straight Life Insurance. (2) Limited Payment Insurance that becomes paid up in fifteen, twenty oe thirty years. Term insurance to provide protection immediately but you can c(am') t later on without further medical examination, L'''downient Insurance to provide capital with inch to start business. Insurance to pay off a mortgage in the event of death. (3) (1) (5) (a) A retire/act:1 income, See the Confederation Life representative. 1!c can and will help you to plan your insurance properly. Confederation Life Association (.. R. DOBBYN Blyth - Representative - HEAD OFFICE TORONTO late amt vere not far enough advanced tuunty years for the pup 101,t;11- C , 1111...! a general \vaterv‘orks system? m. coachimt classes for plinvilien in - . • the( linty are under way and NIr. 1)u- -AN° \ViirRE:\ s it i, t" gold NI. Campbell. of Alvinston. has pas, this Ily-la‘v in order to enable the! humt apript , 1, , . 4144 #4,44444,•4•4404MOVP**444144, 400.4,#414.4444•41•44144,041M.44.44#444,044.1444.14•444444.1P44#••••4444#4,44, IP C(1 ) the unitirio i 10\1- eleetors vote on the said question. I .• . • „ II .1 1 14 11.11 ,d 0 01. II .11 1 I .13.1 1 .111. .11.1 I 111C11''' A"."Ciatiffil as the official coach Blyth Radio Service NEW RADIOS! Victor Car Radio _ $61.95 Stewart -Warner (Battery) Radio $33.50 Stewart -Warner (Electric) 2 models $46 95, $49 95 Stewart -Warner (Electric) push button...$154.95 Used Battery Set complete, new set batteries $25.00 Also Record Players, Aerial Kits, Batteries (All types) and Miscellaneous Supplies RADIO REPAIRING - This is the time to have your receiver tuned up for the long winter months. GLE N ECHNIE Work Guaranteed. Phone 165, Blyth. 1 1 11' at these classes to instruct men an 1 ;; t".' the l'Ituteil of the Rows in the fine art of Match Plokvilitt• bop" f 111,01i tis Mr. Campbell will be in the t• linty 1. The vote of the Electors of the ‘i .iaonotiv, Tuesday, NVednesday and the Viii•n2e uf ildYth Thursday of this \\Tel: instructing at shall be tal,en on the said question as sit tit in the preamble on the 24th Itt of I )ct,,,hut, 11117, betneen the hours of 1 'clock in tit forenoon and 6 o'clock in (lit afternoon in the follow- ing lit' the following. Deputy I;e• turning Of fiver. -vio'.14 Nlost of the crops have NIENMI.\1. 11A1.1., iti,\ 1 t reacheo maturity in cufficient time to 1 Carhyright. 1avo:,. (hilltop' by our early frosts and 1)epuly Returning Officer. he kids from some ".P field, • I 2. On the 20th day of ()ctolier, tthresbed I combined ht .t , 11 0 ; 1 1.11 Lyi. C.. It 1.11411 11164,11.1 41,, I I .,I I tl a the hour of tett :i'clitck in the Itire- the c`c,,44 44 441:4 4144 44++ 4:41 *:.1 041 :4-0:111...4 184 0:4 44-44+ •44 • 4:t 4.44 44 it•it++4;44:41t T4.44444 the tent. coaching classes in Colborne,I Morrk, and Hay Tolynships r(•spectively. The acreage of oil flax being pro- I duced ''t the Comity this year is C '11- •thly higher than for any other NEW MACHINE ANNOUNCING THE ARRIVAL OF' THE NEW ELECTRIC AIR -WAYS SANATIZER. Nludern i ethod for Stripping Off Old Paper. ,\lso Floor Waxing and Polishing Eitippinent, Cleaning Attachments As Well. Can he hired with owners services only. For estimates phone Eiti, itit tilt EDITH CREIGHTON'S Phone 158. DECORATOR'S SHOPPE. Blyth. iim-11 the head of the council (I. a mom- tt, pie‘touirl her of it for that pttrlttise liy ri'sttitt- (luring the seeding. period. Some diffi- lion dilly appointed yiii attend at the rutty is beim/ experiettced in harvest- •• rIc•rl-'s Office in the silid village of ing fields still tinthreshed, dip. to the for the purpose of tipPoilltIlir4. heavy rainfall Ivhich has come durine, and if required to (I() so will appoint the lat INvo weel;s. by \vrding signed by Innis( If tt% per- s"lis to attend at the final slimming ito of the votes by the clerk and one per - .4 44 HU df. ON GRILL urn' --- ONTARIO. EXCELLENT FOOD - GOOD SERVICE. PURCHASES FARM.. - . ',nil tu ;Mem' at the pulling pla.c,.. oil NIr. Stn‘art Ament has purchased Ii. 44 lichalf of those interested in and (le-. Mr. Frank Lonvorm s larin on the 13th Meals at All Hours. ;I *. :4 promoting or v t..ng n the confession of Ilullett, and will get t. . affirtnati% e titt the question an I ia like possession November 1st. Mr. Loin,- t FRANK GONG :. . Wil.1 Proprietor: ini„,i,„ of per, - ii; ititere; 2,1 111 P.,,,I (I-- man is holding a c1.2,..c....,t. aletion sircitis of oppoint..t or voting in ..• , on October 10th. :•:..44`04448•0•44.74.-o•=4444.4.4.•:•14.444“:44•4•44+4.444 4.44414.+§..4;*4•4_4•34:4+23._til Wednesday, October 1, 1917, An Hand -- BINDER TWINE, MOLASSES, FER'IHAZER. A 0001) SUi'1'I,Y OF LUMBER. Roofing. Universal Milker, also Spare Paris. Fence Stretchers - Beams •1x'1 ft. to 12x12 ft. Support Your Local Co- Op. Blyth Farmers (o -Op Association TELEi'FIONE 172 - BLYTH. A. IA I . 1 1 .1 CARD OF THANKS i %visit to express 111', sincere appre- ciation to all my kind friends, both in 13Iyth, end thusc out of lI'V1, who kindly remembered nu• on ley ninety- first birthday, `eptentber 2211d. 03-1(1, Mrs \I \l \lett;elf. CARD OF THANKS \leas `'arab Gibson w'i•hes to thank her friends and neighbours, also the Rev. \\'. J. Rugcr, and the Rev• 1. I.. 11. Henderson, for all the expressions of help and sympathy (ltn•iiigr the sick- ness and bereavement of her sister, Ruby• (13-1p. CARD OF THANKS 1 tyislt to thank the people ol'•Iilylh in their kind co-operation ;assisting twitli collection of water from the re- spective wells for testing;. Special thanks !o the Seim: \!;a' I:): and Troop for their help in collecting the w•;Iter. 1), l'• l)RAI'I?I:. IN MEMORIAM POLI.:11:1)—In Inwiug memory of a dear mother, \Its. Samuel Pollard, who passed away 8 years ;Igo. Sept. 30th, 1939. We oft sit and think of Ile. are alone, For memory is Ilii' only friend that grief can call it's own, Like ivy on the withered oak, when all thee things decay, Our love for her will still kccp green, and never fade away, Ever remembered by Itervl, 03-1p, Etyiner and George. Clearing' Auction Sale Of, Farm Stock, Implements, Grain, Feed and Household Effects .\t Lot 32, Con, 13, Mullett 'Township, utiles north, and 11/2 miles west of Londe -horn on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10TH at 12.31) 1'. \I. sharp, the fnilowing:. li(_) SES: bay gelding; 12 years I Id; age:( tears. C:\'I"I'I,I•::I)urh;un cow, 7 years old, due I)ec. 12; I)mhani cow, 8 years'dd. doe Dec. 14; i)urlt.nl cow,') years old, due Jan. 17; 3 steers, rising 2 years old; I FOR SALE 2 heifers. rising 2 years old; 2 spring; E Massey -Harris gas engine, 6 calves; 2 farrow cows, tvitli Ilueli \lagneto; 1 Roller Crush - ,PIGS: 7 chuitl-s approximately 125 er with 3 rolls, 12". in .1-1 shape. Jos- pounc's. ' eph \'unghlut, Londcsloro, R.IL 1, f\Il'1.11\II?N"I'S: \I. ll. binder, (1 -ft I9iinn' myth 39-4. (13-5p, cot, with lifters: M. -II, mower, 5 -ft. rut; \L-411. 13 -tootle enitiv;.tor; '1.11.' SCHOOL FAIR CONCERT 12—nue drill ; \I.-11. 12 -plate inthr. w Him Ilelgralwc School hair Concert M. -If, manure spreader; land rol- Ivi11 be told in the Forester's hall, Bel - ler; ler; hay rake; 2 single row snifflers; grave, on 'Thursday evening, October Cockshutt 1-fiirrm r l 11, plow; 2 -No. 9th, at 8 1)•m, Admission 35c, School 21 Fleury walking plows; gang plow; children free. I).i-1• turnip dr;«; wagon; flat rack; grave' —_• --------- ------__--- box ; 2 wagon loxes; stuck rack; 2 pig BAZAAR AND TEA crates; set of Dench sleighs and flat rack; t p buggy: cutter; Clinton fan- ning mill; tI.-11. root pithier (like new/ ; 18-f1• cxlcusiun straw pipe Int' ler 1st, blower: 1)cl.aval No. 12, cream sepera l ---- ---- ------ tr;r; hay fork; car, pulleys, sling chain, FOR RENT 2 draw ropes, lengths 105 -ft. and 125 -ft Furnished r:onis, to middle-aged (like new); set of sling ropes; electric couple. :\p{Ily, N1rs• \Vin. Gilson, fencer; grass seeder; 2 wheel Barrow's; ! phone 23, lil)'lli. 03-ip. water trough; 2 20 -ft. ladders; set of beam scales. ! NOTICE RE ACCOUNTS HARNESS, I•:'I'(',: !.'et of breeching Miss Sarah Gibson and Mrs. George harness; sol cf back hated harness; set 1 ('ole will he al the residene of the late of single harness; •5 horse collars; 2 l'\I rs. A, \V. P. Smith until Saturday, collar tops (good) ; 2 horse blankets.' October 4th, for the purpose of col- Iccting outstandings accounts .,wing to i'thc Estate of the late A. 1\'. P. Smith. 'I'Iu' prompt payment of all outstanding accounts would he appreciated hy them. 03-I, WORLD SERIES ON THE AIR 'I'lzousands of pecplc arc this tecel: enjoying; the annual fall classic, the World Series, (which brings together the Tenant winners in the American and National baseball league, f -r a 7 - game series, In decide the ch•tmpii)n- ship• :\t the opening game 00 'Tuesday, a new record in attendant... was estab- 1 DRESSMAKING ',necializinl: in Children's and Ladies' reals, snits and dresses. :\pity In \Irs, Jack Graham ( liainton .\pts.), Blyth. 02-3p. FOR QUICK SALE \ Hell piano and slim!, also a good wood heater with dour at end, good for blocks. Apply at Standard Office. 02-1. FOR SALE 100 -acre Il ant latus 2 miles off No. 4 high - tray, I lullctt 'I'w•p. (loon building.,, and ;all ,ceded down. .\Iso 1)11 Ilybrirl leeks and Leghorn pullet,. :\pply to Alfred sItull,tn, phone 18.5, Illyth. (13-3p. FOR SALE 51) Duck pnlletts 41/' months old; ('(I(I-Ir, rings; w•heelbarrcws and wheels at reducer) prices. \\'i have 2 wagons on rubber. :\ good supply of tiro and tubes, 11011-10. Phillips, the 11o1.,e.,hoer, lllylh. 02-2p. "Meet My Wives" A Comedy in Three Acta 'tipansorctl by St, \lark's Anglican ('lurch Guild, .\tabu ', and presented by the Blyth Junior Farmers and Junior Institute in the FORESTER'S HALL, AUBURN on the evening of ri., Oct. 10 commencing at 8 P.M. :\dmissir'it -10c and 25c. SPECIAL MUSICAL NUMBERS BETWEEN ACTS. THIS PLAY COMES HIGHLY 'RECOMMENDED. PLAN TO ATTEND '1'Ite \Vii nan's Ass chtion of the Myth United Church intend holding a Bazaar and Tea on Saturduy, N'ovem- 03-1. FE.EI) .\N1) GRAIN: 8 rows man- gles, 35 rods long; 21 rows turnips, 35 rods long; approximately 15 Ion of hay: 5011 bushels mixed grain; 5011 bushels oats (\'angnard). LU\IIIER: Approximately 2111) fret dressed pine lumber (dry); .1 silo rods and quantity of silo plaids; quantity of 2x4 hemlock scantling; quantity of hemlock and, %yhitc ;isle. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Cook st-ye and pipes; Daisy churn; faro organ; tumorous outer articles. TERMS CASH No Reserve as Farm is Sold, Frank Longman, Proprietor. Edward \V. Elliott, Auctioneer, 03-2. FOR SALE Bartlett pears. Apply to Jack 'Tier - nay, phone 18-17, lllylh. 03 -Ip. FOR SALE ICO 1Ivttrid Rock and Leghorn mil- lets. Apply to Alfred 7?achaun, phone 18-5, Blyth. 03-3p. fished. The game was played in the huge Yankee Stadium before a crowd of 73,0;10 fans. The 'New fork Yank- ees are favoured to take this year's series from the Brooklyn Dodgers, Rodin Inas done ranch In create ad- ded interest in this annual classic, Ev- eryone can sit at home and get a word picture of w•Ilal is going on 31 the scene, and this week will see many sport Lasts gathered any place there might be a radio, to listen to the gauze. THE STANDARD GROCERIES Plum Jam Spaghetti Peas, Choice Blue Ribbcn Cocoa Hct Sauce (Cats'jp) Prune Juice 32 ozs. 2)c . 20 oz. tin 12c 20 oz. tin 17c per Ib. 19: 2 8•oz, tins 17c 2 bottles 250 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Honey Dates, Raisins, Prunes, Fruit Juices, Canning Supplies. Pioneer Feeds, Roc Feeds, Shur Gain Feeds, Rcyal Purple Calf Meal Durward's Ice Cream Bricks and Dixie Cups. A. L. KERNICK GROCERIES —LOCKER STORAGE WE DELIVER --PHONE 39. ewPackls Here --STOCK UP NOW— Campbell's Tomato Soup, ... 6 can 59c 12 cans $1,15, Tomato Catsup ..- -..- 105 oz, tins 99c E. D. Smith's Ketchup, per bottle 25c 'Aylmer Strawberry and Raspberry Jam, 4 Ib. tin 89c 'Red and Green Marischino Cherries, 'Cut Mixed Peel, Raisins, Currants, 'Figs, Dates, Prunes, Apricots, Peaches, Shelled Walnuts, Coconut, Marshmal- 'lows, Rice, Jelly Powder, Canned Peaches, Pears, Plums, Pi\teapple, 'Strawberries, Red and Black Cherries, STEWART'S GENERAL STORE. WE DELIVER — PHONE 9 WANTI3D To hire, a than with team and man- ure spreader. Apply to Joint Nesbitt, phone 13-5, Myth. 01 -Ip. REPAIRS to all makes of ELECTRIC AND ENGINE -DRIVE WASHERS Colnplcle Overhaul a Specialty. LEAVE C:\41.(.5 :\'l' eiT"'"- PAGE IIIN41I4111NII /IOINII41I000IIIf•041NIIN V141N41I041I4104141+I0IIf0I1I+IIIOINII41N4141#.#I0IOIffIf41N ItOXY'I'HEATRE, CAPIrl'AL 'I'HEATItE REGENT'I'IIEATRE GEgFORTH, Rovers and Dale Evans in: ors r,nd in Cinecelor "God's Coun• try," CLINTON, GODERICH. NOW PLAYING (Oct. 2.4): Roy NOW PLAYING; AYING; rhe Overland NOW PLAYING, 2-1; "The Michi• "APACHE ROSE" gan Kid" with Jun Hall, in Tech. Shown in Truculor Mcn , Tuea., Wed., Thurs., Oct, 6.9 "THE EGG AND I" 1 I, ,,,I• ..i the nt 1111 a lv, Ilre f1iu1 ' 1 +,hr t var. .\ gra)'. lu•;I11- w,Ir'n'1,; Into.: ;,out a tit Irl wII1 :His ,o hard to he the ei-.' fi, ;1'111 ,111,' iii ;1 p11111t r'. f;!r1,t•r. Claudette Colber:, Fred MacMurray and Marjorie Main. Fri. and Sat., Oct. 10 and 11 Penny Singleton, Arthur lake and Larry Simms 'fake a It sir IIS Erma' t61ii IlituNtvads in their :111 reit t the dint r everyone in "BLONDIE'S HOLIDAY" Matinees Sat. & Holidays at 2.30 p,m Mon., 'rues., Wed„ Oct. 6, 7, 8 ADULT' ENTERTAINMENT Ingrid Bergman, Cary Grant and Louis Calbern rl,Ill;IL ,,; \\d- IlLllllld t'11rd b, 1!,11i'} Inu:'ue ..1 "NOTORIOUS" the 'i'hurs., Ft i., Sat., Oct. 9, 10, 11 Louis Hayward, Barbara Britton and Una O'Connor talc t l Illicyt-, and v(';Ilittit teia' untold ld \lullle Cristo se( r el- for !he first "THE RETURN OF MONTE CRISTO" COMING: Maureen O'Hara in: "MIRACLE OF 34T1-1 STREET" Mat„ Wed„ Sat., Holidays 2.30 pm 41+Y0fIN «,,•J•4.4.+t,Oi,••++4.04,4.4,••++•+4++••i++.tf�„i�H•M••1•H•1••i Y 1,•••OHHO4.+4.+4••-.7'7:.:.. � :. (ALUM THEATRE , .41 ,1 ,i •; . WINGHAM--•ONTARIO, Two Shows Sat. Night «; 3 11•DOULTRY ,1• WANTED ,i. t- •1• •_, •1• „ ,14 •11 3; 3• LIVE OR I)RESSEI) HI(xHEST 1'IARKE'1' PRICES PAID nicolor. Mon., 'rues., Wed., Thurs,, Oct. 6-9 '"rHE EGG AND 1" Mae IIom.11,1'•. book ,If (he "ear mode 1111.; ;1 riot its hludle of Itu:'Iiter and root:Hue. Starring Claudette Colbert and Fred MacMurray. Fri. and Sat. Only, Oct. 10-11 "SPORT OF KINGS” 1'\II lilt Ilil!i1 t ilii ;ale -trail: phis i:t•ontie and ad\1min oils rotualre Pawl Campbell and Gloria Henry COMING: "The Seventh Veil" with Janes Mason and Ann Todd. Matinees Sat. & Holidays at 2.30 p,m, r 'NI IIlIIIffII41W ' BUILDING ING I1'IATERIAL, r, 1 l )•l,u are wanting Building Mater - :4 ial-, me have (in ,. t band ;i large quan- lit• of I11;HI heir' Siding, Sl,ale-Surfac- r•1 ;hinmle,. 111.1,11 Stork 'Trough; \Ict- al li;n'n Roofinn, SII,tlInw-11'cll J'rc;- 1.nrt' ti}-,It•m,, I'luntbina; Sul.pliit, both '11th,, Tape at,l Fading:;, \\'n"I Insula - t. ;« Sntur:ay Matinees at 2.00 P. M• !i"'i \1'r trill Iciye ;t Ilti;it!titi- „f oval Iluil,lin,e Material in a few rdays, See ,t. „Cliaogcs in lieu' •wt1l he nolo! bclrwr• ,t. „: „ r 1 hone L. tit t iuulclntr ,\ Sou, plu,ni _. .i .1r;, Blyth. 49-1 ,.14 't Thurs., Fri., Sat-, October 2, 3, 4 1M •t, • 0 for "STALLION ROAD" CHAR'S' GARMENTS ,t. . y Zachary Scott w =Hensw " '''Mon,, Tues., Wed., October 6, 7, 8,; 'P •• 'r� (SPECIAL) �- t . ,1, ;: "CARNIVAL IN COSTA RICA" r •1• 'r, Dick Ilaymes • Celeste Holme II •, . 1'I� Ilil't'- ,III!)t't't to change ). tyttll� mt tlt� - lice, f - •=•I '=•'rwo shows each night•7.30 and 9,30„ Rcnald Reagan, Alexis Smith Our Truck Will Call a Your Door. ;, * * Y Barden Cook Phones: 17(i after 6 1).111, flay 39 •_ BLYTH, ONT. '' WANTED TO BUY Old lt: rses, and dead animals, suit- able for clink feed. Will pay 2c a Ib, live weight for horses, dead animals, according to value. i'houe collect, Jack (iilbcrt, (t3t,r21, or Frets Gilbert, 1uudcrcch. 50-1i. FARM FOR SALE On Con. 13, Mullett Twp. 22 acres, hall dear, part of balance in bush. Solid brick dwelling, small barn, good well, will' soft water its house; nevcr- G. KECHNIE I failing strratntpply ltl the farm. Immediatepossession.to Nelsim ,atter- or Phone 89, Goderich, Blyth. 02 21). Beatty Washer Service, G01)I?MCI-t. (12-4p, NOTICE There Will liveries on further notice, 'October 5th. I H 410:4"•H•I.+M•.-ti •.H:,1•N•N•1 ),•, i.4.•. 4+8'1" •• •i #04141+41/N ♦I,.\ Nf NOINIII4141NI41IN, Gurdon I':iliutl J. 11. N. Elliott ELLIOTT Real Estate Agency BLYTI-I. Our Agency has the following g,roperty listed fur sale; (ill acre farm within 1 mile of the Pillage of Blyth; two-storey ittsul Irick -clad dwelling, 20x36 and 14x , 1.1; frame barn 5(1x70, steel and shingle roof, cement stabling; het; house 30x14; windmill and 2 good wells; tv'ater supply in the barn; 20 acres plowed, 8 acres new ;ced- ing;. Sell farm, or farm including 'tick and implements complete. Al- most immediate possession. t142 acre farm ideally situated on iliglltyay 4. On this farm is situate a frame dwelling 33x28, hot waterheating with twobaths. Barn frank 90x313 with wing 32x01, stone stabling with water in stables; drive scour SALVAGEAGE shed 28x611 metal; milk house frame . ' , i1(1x11); chickeit house 20x18; silo.... -„,__________,,,..-----......--1 ----. 13x40 cement. This property is now of Blyth, operated as a dairy farm tyith - g,•"rr1.„"Il' atmm<tl rctltl•tl, west i,4: Int 39, concession 5, Eas-t \Yawanosh, c- uprising 1(4) acres. On the premises is situate 11: storey !welling 26x28 or. stone wall: t ALMOST NEW. frame harts 48x70 on stone fntuula- lion with water in barn; frame drive i I :I 20x60; frame pig pen 200). / 1 USED 9 -FT. STIFF -TOOTH The bind is clay loam particularly 1 CULTIVATOR, 11 -Inch POINTS suitable for grain or hay crops, t' POWER LIFT, :\ number of (Idler dwellings and 02-2. 1st Myth 7'ruu{' , farms listed. Particulars on appli- OLIVER REPAIRS cation,ALWAYS ON HAND. Clearing Auction Sale i Part of Lot Block "E" situate on Farm Stock and Implements , the cast side north Queen Street, Lots 40-41, Con. 13, 111111ctt Township, , Blyth, w'th frontage of 223 feet, 1 mill cast and t- mile south of Auburn of L;u•rgcepabirr,ickhudwlle'crllipatigrtiinculars goo(Iu ast;ltcp - WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8TH f plit-;ttion, ' 11,- \\111. Nen1r11y, \\'in lrun, C'nr- ,ettiel't' for ('I!aris' Foundation Gar- inent•• for Blyth and snrtlnntding dis- trict. l easoi ably prirc•11. I'a•cr)- gar- ment is .gn;lrulleed to br sari-facl'-ry; reg;n'r11c,> of the figure to fit, 02-(ip. INN,/ IffN I IINNNIIN.I,II A. L COLE R.O. OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN GODERICH - ONTARIO, Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted, With 25 Years Experience I.••414141NI fI00I fINIII H fNNffNN f' I .I I Ili , , I 'GENERAL TRUCKING . The belt in trucking service al- - ways at your immediate call. All Loads Fully insured, Rates Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. .1. H. CAMPBELL For the present phone 70c9, Bruscsls, 13-tf, COLLECTION Notice '1'o Residents be no Milli De- and District: I The Blyth Scour 'Troop will hold a 1 Stnldays, UI'Itll``paper drive on Salurdav, Oet;ber 401• conllllencillg 11';Iper tun Iles will be collected at 10 a.m. on that date in the Village. Rcsi- dents of farms are asked to please leave bundles at my store in Blyth. 1 Proceeds for 7 -slay Scout Camp next summer. —G. R. Harris, Scout \l astir, DURWARD'S DAIRY MISSION BAND SUPPER & BAZAAR in the basement '1 ( c ,unuat t vailahle for Delivery I SMALLEY HAMMER MILL 1 USED 8 -FT, TANDEM DISC at 12 o'clock sharp, as follows: Srwrn roomed iri:n:, asphalt -sad t THE BLYTH UNI'rED CHURCH HORSES: I matched leant of grey • ed dwelling„ in the \'iline;e of \,\'al- ! Sat., October 4 front 5 to 7 o'clock. :\dntission, Adults 50', Children 25c. 'I'I-IANKSGIVING Monday, October 13th SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES Between all Heinle in Canada and to all United States border points. Fare and One-Thirti FOR THE ROUND TRIP GO: any time from noon Friday, Oct. 10th until 2 pm., Monday, Oct. 13. RETURN: leave destination not later 'than midnight, Tuesday, Oct. 14th. ' MiNIMUM SPECIAL FARE Adults or Children - - 30c Full particulars from any agent FLEURY PLOWS AND REPAIRS - MORRITT & WRIGHT IMPLEMENT DEALERS FOR OLIVER IMPLEMENTS Telephone 4 and 93. Blyth, Ontario Geldings, 9 years olds 34(10 Ihs. tun. 111e dwelling is in gond re- t -- --' CATTLE: 7 choice young Durham Fair: Iranlc harp tux?! with Iwo 12- t t.1.-41.4.4„I;,p�.,.a,,..,a,�,,:,1�.,,p,�,l„I,fi4!•F4!4'1 COWS, 1)111•ll;attl t'ow Atte time of sale; tool leantn. 1lvdru and water from t .1! i Durham cow' Inc Oct, 12: 1)nrhatti: pressurc sy,(cna in both dw•1'llingt-,1: �' 11111 Darn. 1falf acre 1 1;an11 in t 11 SCOTT'S row (Inc Nov. 1(41; Durham cow due � L'...`”! ,tate of Cultivation. fosses- Nov, 15; Durham cow due Jan. Ill;' t 1 � valor 3(41 dao: Durham cow due March 1 ; 11101ann cow• due \i ay 15 ; 1 Rig. 1)n9t;mt hall ''41'410414.~41''1 OWN"''' 3 years old; 8 I)nrltant spring calves; _ (, choice Durham heifers 1 year old; DENNIS C. DRAPER,11.I) 4 Durham steers 1 year old; 3 Ihtr• PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON hate cow's doe in Fib, ; 1 11t11•1lani cow• Office Hours - Daily Except Thursday (lite .\pr. 3. and Sunday--- POUL'I'R1': 350 New 1-I;fntpshire pul- lets (laying), 1:30 to 5:0)) P.M. PR;S: York sew due Nov, 5th; R 7:11) to 941) P.M. York chunks 1110 lbs.; 8 fork chunks t'elcphunf L'It tln, Ont. 4444-074.43.4434-.4,744:444:44-44-4.-4,4 00 lbs.; 10 York pigs 150 Igs. 47-521,. THE McKILLOP MITTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE • SEAFORTH, ONT. , 1:SMOKER'S SUNDRIES" XTobaccos, Cigarettes, Pop, 3 and Other Sundries. 1: POOL ROOM. >*1 k )) 111 I\Il'I.I':\Ii?NTS: \I.-11. hinder, 711. fent one season) ; M.-11. rake; 1 farm ' ATTENTION 1 FISH AND wagon (like new); buggy; totter; 13- GAME CLUB MEMBERS disc fertilizer drill (like new); mower; Your presence k requested at a 14 ft, stuck rack; act of harrows; Special \Iccting of the IIlrth Fish and snuffler; set of sloop sleighs; \I•-11. Gate Club to he held in the Red Cross 102 tractor on rub!‘'-: 1.3-26 starter l:ooms, Myth, on Monday, ,ipteauber and lights, This tractor is like ue'.c; 3- .2nd, ,ti 8.30 p.m. section drag li irm'•-sys; International 3- L. 11, Scrinigeonr, Edward Johnston, ftirrnw Plow; 4 -wheel trailer; steell President. Secretary. roller: 'l.aval cream separator• (No, I 01-2. 1) 18): M.-11. 12 -in. grinder (like new); Host of other articles. (RAIN: 12011 btu. Oats and Barley; btu. Oats; 30 rows of 'Turnips, 40 rod. 1-t:\1':311 inns of mixed hay; 200 new BULL FOR SALE feed sacks. Registered Hereford hull. 12 months TERMS - CASF3, old. Apply toy John N. Clark, phone\rchir Robinson, Proprietor.211-14, Myth, 1)3-t(. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 02-2, FOR SALE Otlantity of gond niautgolds. Apply to Robert Itait'(I, photo: 19, Myth. 03-1p. FOR SALE Quantity of cedar, also a well -bell hull w't11 Pedigree. Apply to 11'tyard 'Campbell, phone 10-7, Myth, 03-2p. FOR SALE Single-furrotyed rifling plow, nearly new. Apply to John Nesbitt, Phone 13-5, Illyth. 01-1p, •f41rfIr ARTiIUR FRASER INCOME TAX REPORTS r')OKKEEPING SERVICE, ETC. ,1 in Street, EXETER, Phone 355w Officers President, F. IttcGregor, Clinton; Vice President, C. \V. Leonhardt, Brod- !Nigel); Secretary -Treasurer and Alan - ;ger, M. A. Reid, Seaford'. Directors 11'. R. Archibald, Seaford' ; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Alex, Broadfoot. Sea forth; Chris. Leonhardt, Born- holm; E. J. Tre vartha, Clinton; John I.. Malone, Seaford': John 11. \ic1w•- ing, BIyt111 Hugh Alexander, Walton; S. 11. Whitmore, Scaforlh; Ilarvey Fuller, RR. 2, Goderich. Agents John .1 . Pepper, 13rt>Icefield; R. F. \Ic1' erchcr, Dtiblin ; J. F. Pruetcr, (lirodhagcn; George A. ',1r':'t, T11'yth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact (Alter business, will be Protnply a(t,•nrt,'d to hy applications M ni't' of t!•r above named nrffr•er,' addre-s(d tc the), respcctlye punt of- ~.~.e#######NI - ficc5 TSA OF REVEN BY J A C K S O N• C O L E E $V Y ,Isis Ch+tDl,•r VII Ta'.tnrp,rtnl: e,:r:u�t;,Iv ns• .Ind �l 1-:1 ,'dl ,t l!•io, In;ling; ant sralt!.'t:og his iwt.,ler.; \Curio: a.,,.,; raut4usty h,+ causht split of soIN, ("!!mt1a{ hlm-- I1 tris Ju:nut;t d: t'trn,a she had ar- ran 4•••1 fur thy• s ,"pt .<nu; a:.iyt.tnce Ile had seisms=.,1. Ilnlwt; ,L , ,y t..>,t he h, tided rnr r•.nuni,i:nv Pit b,•rune eon:: i., ul L•.aa f .!bc,•d CHAPTER VIII "Stay where you are!" he com- manded, "Buenas troches, Senor Cahbal- lero Rojo," said a low, silvery voice, \1ichaet \'aldez's silver -mounted gull dropped back into its hols- ter with a thud, and he groaned. "Ittanita!" he sai.! "\fell, of all the ... 1\'hat am f going to do with you, Juanita:: C'an't you stay put—anywhere!" "There is nowhere 1 could go," Juanita do Cuevas said calmly, "Besides, 1 have already said to you, 11•hy should I not go? I cannot go hack to my home and wrep, Juanita has already wept for her dead; and site carries than always in her heart. But there will be 110 more tears, 'there will be word: --and retribution." 4. "I know how you feel, Juanita," Valdez said soberly. "I3ut you say you know of El Caballero Rojo. haven't you heard enough of hint to know that he rides the trails that some people call crook- ed—and that whatever they are, he always rides them alone?" For the first time he seemed to wonder why the girl was stand- ing in the trail, and that her horse was lying on the ground, "•I don't know what to do with you, Juanita," he said flatly. "You are a problem. And now you are afoot. How did that happen?" She looked sadly at the horse that lay panting on the ground. "I fear," she murmured, "that 533 ' Give your room the dainty freshness of a garden with this lovely flower embroidery! It's be- ginner's work --lots of fust to learn on! Embroider this for gay color! Pattern 533 has transfer of a 15% x 18 in. and a 2/ x 23 in. motif. Laura Wheeler's new, improved pattern makes needlework so sim- ple with its charts, photos, con - else directions. Send TWENTY - FIVE CENTS in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern to Room 421, 73 Adelaide St, West, Toronto. Print plainly PAT TERN NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS, Panetta has carried Juanita as far as he will. IIe has been brave, but tam he is tired to the death, and then stumbles in a hole in the trail"—she spread her arms (vide in a gesture of futility — "what can you do?" Tears were very near her eyes as she looked at the horse which was the lone remaining thing of her poor home that was no more. "I—I fear, senor, that he may have broken his leg." Valdez' momentary exasperation with the lovely Spanish girl swift- ly turned to concern. He loved horses, and could not bear to see one suffer. In a flash he was down from his own mount and was ex- amining the bare -ribbed horse that had so valiantly carried Jua- nita so far. But he would carry her no farther, he saw at first glance. Poor I'ancho's days were numbered, "Juanita," he said soberly as he turned to the girl, "get on El Cielo there and ride out of hear- ing. Your—Pancho—well, you're a ranch girl. You know." "1 know," she said bravely, "but I will stay. Pancho ryas—my last friend, besides you, El Caballero Rojo. Ile would not like me to go away because he must leave Inc.', "Just as you say," Michael Val- dez said, and saw the girl turn her back and hide her face in her hands. One shot rang out—Pancho's requiem. Valdez turned from the dead horse and went over to the girl whose back was turned to him, her slender shoulders shak- ing. Ile gently took her hands away from her eyes. There were tears in them, but she faced him bravely, "Now what, Juanita?" he said, and repeated, 'What shall I do with you?" * * "I will go with you, senor," she said simply, "As I have said," She brushed the tears from her eyes and smiled confidently at him. The Irish in hint felt a quick spasm grip his heart. As perplex- ed as he was, facing a situation like this with which he had not the slightest idea how to deal, such fealty as hers, though un- wanted, unldokcd for, was some- thing new and refreshing in his lonely life. "The outlaw trail is hard, Jua- nita," he finally said, "Justice is not always attained by legal means and long ago I made up my mind to see that others got it by any means whatsoever, Maybe right now, with your fresh grief for your parents, your passionate wish to do something to avenge their deaths, it seems fine and frec to you, But you don't know. Other times—it is not so nice. It'a a way of life that is not for a girl, Juanita." "It is for mc," Juanita said, as though repeating a litany. "Where you go, I go." * "And right now it looks like if you do," Valdez burst out, a little exasperated, "that you'll go walking," Juanita waved a smail sun - browned hand toward Et Cielo, standing immobile with dragging reins, "Your mount," she said, "he is fine and ... He will carry two, fury's?" "And where?" demanded Val- dez. "Where do you think I could take you? Good little girl, don't you know I was getting out of Paisano Valley because I thought it might be dangerous for me af- ter what happened tonight in Luna Roja? Where could I take you?" Juanita only repeated the whim- sical Irish grin that swept across Valdez' features wiped away the ISSUE 40-1047 Homemade Bread may reappear on many tables as bread prices soar following removal of subsidies, Barry Cook of Ajax, Ont., is shown sampling slice from loaf mother matte, ANNA 4IST ,.4,bnui, Tiara, awn/se-got -.0 Unloved Husband is Lonely For His Wife "DEAR ANNE IHIRST: I am al- * most crazy ! I'm a nman in Illy 40's, * married since I was 24. We had * some tough times in our life, but * we raised four children whom I * love as well as I still love my wife, * I work away from home, come * back week -ends. * "in the last three years my wife * has been palling away from me. Our home has been broken up by another wo- man whom she goes around with; she has turned me down to go with her. She stays (tome while 1 ata at work but when I conte home, * she leaves, Once she applied for a * divorce, but she didn't get it. (She * didn't ask me for it, she knows I * don't approve of divorces). * Shc says she hates Inc. Yet I * think we could start all over again * if other people would only leave us * alone. * "Shall I go away, or keep coin- * ing hack week ends? I am so lone- * some for her and the children, ,I * have always provided for theta all * the best I could. Should I free * her, or do you think she may come * back to me later on? BROKEN-IIEARTED." • A DESPERATE HOPE It is possible that your wife will conte to tire of this unwholesome life sternness, the puzzled bewilder- ment. "Well," he said at last, and breathed a deep sigh of tempo- rary surrender, "Weill" His strong arms scooped up her light body and plumped her in front of the saddle on El Cielo's back, "Any- way, Senorita Juanita de Cuevas Gomez, I can't leave you standing out here miles from nowhere in the middle of the night." * * * "Thank you, Senor Caballero Rojo," Juanita said softly as he swung up behind her and reached for El Cielo's bridle. "I thought maybe you would see that I Can give great aid to you." "Have it your own way," Valdez said, glum again; for he felt as if he were taking a step that marry times ire would find reason to regret, That was all he did say, for a long time, as they rode on through time night, Nor did Juanita speak. But what plans, what dreams Jua- nita was having there In the moon- light, only she knew—and would not have told for the world, (To Be Continued) IT MEANS A LOT when the meal includes Maxwell House. This marvellous coffee is extra delicious because it contains choice Latin-American coffees... the finest the world pro- duces. she is leading. I admit the hope is pretty desperate, for site is enjoying herself al the cost of you and the chitL't's:, )'ct you want to keep on hoping for a change, and I see no point in giving her a divorce at this time. Ilesidcs, your week ends at home keep you in touch with your children. They must be wondering what all this is about, and your continued and habitual presence should tend to quiet some of the fears that attack them your wife is not totally irre- sponsible, for you say site does take care of (hemi ,cher you are away. It is deplorable, however, that site Inas not awakened to the harm she is causing them; they must be growing up with a highly confused idea of marriage. Can you discuss the julure of the children with her some week end when you are homer How much education can you afford to give them, for instance; .which of therm is good college material; what talents of which child should be encour- aged; what preparation for life should the others receiver Such fam- ily discussions may have their effect, and 1 urge you to begin them as soon as you can. The divorce laws of the state in which you live, 1 am told, are com- plicated, Your wife could not get the divorce site wanted. You will have to consult a liwycr as to the grounds you have to divorce her, if that sad day arrives. 1 sympathize deeply with your plight, Yet there is always hope, however slim it seems today. * * "DEAR ANNE HIRST: I am conn- * ing to you for advice on what to * do about loneliness. My husband * was killed, leaving the all alone. * \tire have raised four children, but * they are all married and have * homes of their own. * "I have a home and a small int- * come—but I'm so alone! If only I * had some one to make a home for * —as that is all 1'tn prepared to do. * My income is insufficient to adopt a * child, * "I go to church and Sunday * Sunday school, but I still have the * long, lonely week to spend. LONELY" • DON'T BE LONELY! iVhy don't you find some other lonely teomam who would appreciate your companionship and like living with your The world is full of them, and 1 expect your community hat its number. Or a business girl would enjoy sharing your home. It would be good to have someone young around the house again. You might talk this over with your minister. He knows the members of his flock, and he may have sugges- tions for you. There is no earthly reason for anyone to be lonely. And a woman like you, talented in the art: of home -making, should have no dif/i- culty at all in finding a congenial companion. * * * 1f'rite your troubles to Anne ilirst —before it is too late for her to guide you. Address her at Room 421, 73 Adelaide Street ll'., Toronto. H.M.S. Vanguard will keep her Royal suite intact, ready for next year's probable Royal visit to Australia. Sunday School Lesson The Better Revelation Hebrews 1:1-4; 2:1-3; John 14:5-11. (;O1.1)1..1' 111.\* 1- !ems soilh . . he ihut harp .se,'ll nr,' hulls .cet'll t':e Patter. John 11 a) This le,00n i; the lust of a three- month series i:t I on the messages of the New '1', ,:taittent Epistles, olhrl than those bo I';:ul. One fact concerning the Pauline Epistic , the I:pi.i1 , by lames, Peder, t11(1 John, 1116th Paul certain- ly did net ttlite, an,1 the Epistle to the 11 I,rrtts, is that they are all agreed in a common faith in Jesus as the \leysiah, in belief in I lis saving power, in 11 is Ie,,urruction :Ind tiring presence through the Iloly Spirit. and in their conception of the Christi;,m fellotvciIip :,nd the nature of the Christian life This could he dt nuolstl:tted ill many parallels of :,'Ural expression, lhonch each 1•:pistle may have its particular cntpltasi;. Tames, for in- ph5sis on faith, but in Paul's more stance, entphasi's works s as the evi- dence of faith, where Paul puts rtn- extcnsitc writings me would find mane passages that, as strongly as James, stress the practical nature of the Christian life. Stn, also, though John is the apostle of brotherly love, all that he says only strengthens what Paul wrote of love in I ('orin- thians 13, And \then Peter writes of believers as "partakers of the divine nature," it i' precisely what Paul Inas written in I•:phesans 3:19. Belief in Jesus as the Messiah and the fulfilment of Jen ish hopes and prophecies, is dominant in the Christian church; and it is at this point that the detout Christian and the devout Jew differ, though they have the Old Testament in common, It is a difference of belief that is nor unimportant, but it should not in any sense be an occasion of intoler- ance 01. unhrutherliness, 1f the lett/ lives up to all that is best in the OId Testament, :utd the Christian up to all that is best in the New, the spirit of both Testaments would make im- possible the intolerance and preju- dice that have led to so mttclt suffer- ing and tragedy. It is in ideals of peace and good will that Judaism and Christianity both find their high- est expression. _ .- Platter Patter Little Annie is blessed with an unlimited imagination and a re- markable talent for inventing games One day she lay upon her back upon the floor, singing lustily, A little later Annie's mother pass- ed through the room, and noticed that the youngster now lay upon her stomach. She was singing another song, hitt still vocalizing with con- siderable vile and vigor. "\\'hat game arc you playing now, dear?" mother asked. "Oh," explained Annie, "1'01 play- ing that I'm a phonograph record and 1'vc just turned myself over." foiijetnndLo1soIPop 1 1naleor atton Const1p°I1on secvaetto Wu &Marmot Dinars"' 1 Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills hirst hly: "\\•hat happened poor Mil 11t•ctur:•' Second Hy: "Ile died of the DDT's". )'I"s". to TO RE POPULAR as a 1101;1es, serve Maxwell House Coffee. It contains choice Latin-American coffees . . , the finest ob. minable. It's blended by experts with traditional knowledge and skill, CroptHorFUl��" fPsfa d iR.--.,� JUST PAT IT ON! 12 TABLETS ONLY25') tsits :ti4'§ J—.:1,,ssCl..S-k;_ir'•• y4se+r. ( Age 16 to 40 ) Here is your opportunity to work in Toronto! Christie, Brown and Company offer you full timo employment at good wages packaging . . chrigie's Biscuits Thera are many advantages in working at Ctrristie'st Steady Employment—Ideal Con• ditlona—Light Cloan Work—Good Pay—Supervised ,Dressing Booms — Medical Centro — Bright Cato- teria (at King St. Bakery) -15 min- uto Bost Periods Every A.M. and P.M.—Uniforms Supplied—A Fine Placo to Work, 0 1f you can arrango for board and room In Toronto, apply to the Personnel Manager CHRISTIE, BROWN AND COMPANY, LIMITED 202 King St. East Toronto 2, Ont. COLOURFUL -GAY -NEW! FOR COLOURED BID SHEETS IN LOVELY PASTEL SHADES OF - YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, PEACH AND R0:I1 A« Tintex is ' 47;9 ( ::v;�i,F. , :„ GIRLS! WOMEN! TRY THIS IF YOU'VE RVOUS On 'CERTAIN DAYS' of The Month 1 Do female functional monthly disturbances make you feel ner- vous, fidgety, cranky, so tired and "dragged out"—at such times? Then do try Lydia E. Pinkham's 4az e • Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. This fine medicine is very effective for this purposed 1 For over '70 years thousands of girls and women have reported benefit. Just see if you too, don't ,report excellent results! Worth trying. 9:64/.4 VEGETABLE COMPOUND FALL FAIRTIME IN ONTARIO photogrool, PholograPhru. PAISLEY FAIRTIME HIGHLIGHTS By Your Ful -O -Pep Reporter Paisley, Parkhi 11, Noiwich and Glencoe were points of call on your Ful -O -Pep reporter's schedule last week. As usual the cattle exhibits caught this reporter's eye and at Paisley, "Jarvis Britisher Nlischief," half brother of the Grand Champion steer at the Royal \\flitter Fair, shown in cut at lest 1 lilt d 1)3r Fred Reichalds & Sons of Jarvis, One of the special attractions at Paisley was the parachute jump by Bill Townsend, Ex-R.C.A.F. The exhibit stayed 1' the school children of Paisley \vas logger than ever, There were over HMO entries in the "Palace," their excellent show building. There vere no cattle clubs shown ;is such Iit there were general entries of Shorthorns, Hereford, Angus and Holstein, The Paisley Fair was blessed with grand w( ;idler, unlike that experi- enced at Hamburg. The cut to the right shuns an over-all shot of the Ifamburg midway, with the race track in the foreground, There the track was extremely muddy as a re- sult of heavy and intermittent rain storms. At Nornich crowds leach( (I an all time high and the fair grout Ik were swarming \vitt' sight(ers, Boxing was featured in the evening at the Town Hall and this attraction was very poptilar. The Norwich Fair was opened by the I)eptity \lin'ster of Agriculture, NIr. Cliff Graham. Ni:'; :AMBURG Photograph hy your rule:, e. o NORWICH—Kerr lranter, the winner of the greased pig contest, shown above at left. Porky is getting a real grease job before the contest. PlallOgra01. l 1.11. h,. l'ho:ograPIO•r. Photograph by your 1u1.11-1', p Itrtibrr GLENCOE—Leonard Ilcagy, of Galt, looks Nvith awe at Chief Running Bear in front of the Indian Stand. PARKHILL l'hotogr.1411 1,y your l'ul-G.P(P l'hotor apher. The cut at the left could well be entitled "The Beginning and the End." Actually it is a coin - positive picture showing the winner of one of the most popu- lar contests at Nom ieli. The un- happy porker shown in the left of the photo is being greased prior to being turned loose amongst many eager contestants whose frantic efforts to capture the animal provided the crowd with one of the best shows seen at any of the Fairs to date. In the far right of the photo is the winning gentleman NO10 succeeded in capturing the elu- sive animal after one of the wildest scrambles seen any- where in Ontario, or for that matter, on this continent this year. This particular event was mirth provoking from the word "go". It reminded our reporter of the Saturday morning rush one sees in front of many of the meat counters in the city of Toronto. In fact it looked like a much simpler task to seize the greased pig turned loose at Nor- wich than to obtain an ungreas- ed piece of pig in any of the city butcher shops, The pig in question put up a struggle in the best tradition and succeeded in degreasing itself on the shirts and bodies of the eager contes- tants, PARKHILL Photograph hY your rut.o-r,o h. r NEW HAMBURG—.1 FCCI1C from the Fair showing part of the exceptionally fine race 1 track — Midway in background. l'hotograph hy you 1,01-0•P! 2' The pictures of the Parkhill Fair shown on this page have one thing in common, namely food. 'Elle cme photo shows NIrs. Stanley Soott, Parkhill; Nils, R. May, Lon(1on; Mrs. \V. J. 1)ickson, Parkhill; Nits. NI. \V. Teller, Parkhill; and Miss Ethel Robson, Denfield, judging one of the litany entries in the bak- iiig rlti.eon,l)ctIst i::r photo s no pp ed by your Ful -O -Pep photographer shows a calf and its owner do- ing a little research on the food problem. This shot could \yell be named "Ful -O -Pep Meal Time." This is one of the more fortunate animals whose owner, NI r, Verne lIarris, \vas aide to secure for it the very hest food. The grand stand entertainment at this Fair was of top notch cali- bre. One event of unusual interest was the men's half mile foot race. The Thetford brass band added gaiety to the occasion when they led the live stock parade in re- view paq the grand stand. This 1115 yacalil•c;\t‘Mlf tios IV8S it Ing 1111 !hc boys' Calf Club was very active. Probably the biggest drawing card was the cattle exhibit, par- ticularly the Shorthorn entries. PAGE 8 0 O p O (0E70i BE t0CI0'""".'0DO• THE STANDARD '3I1:20 l PERSONAL INTEREST Doherty Bros. STE Mr,. Mair I, \!,!line pith NI,.and \•ntrllt tills \\ (Th. GARAGE. BUY :11E ;('l1ANl)ISE MAN1'i' '.T'I'ME' IN BIJ1''I'II1 SEE 'I'IiE VARIOUS LINES IN OUR WINDOW DISPLAY. '1'11E (!DOVES '1'11:1T .UtE LOWEST iN PRICE. i its perfectly and (lives a tlnbelievahie Amount of ]Near. ve ci! o0'L�Ot-0�3A . 1 \I I -, t )h\ t I Anderson of .\nhnrn, j t;nr_!It at ti.ti. \o. to on Fliday. LI ; 11.`. 1. 1. LI r of I Iitt!t!..tat' is \ kit - 0 t 1: 111•• d,wghlei. Nil's. Henderson , and Bev. J. I.. II. Henderson. U r. and ' I t ,. Hugh twin iii of I.urh- not, \'I,;te I on Sunday with tI tor - :1;(:•., n11Ih11, .\It,. �. l'unliue• 0; [1; \I r. I'.uul 11 at,l,n, wi Guelph, ,pent 01 i'Ir \tech -find tt:lh h', Harrup,, \Ir. and .'.I r,. \\ . Y. \\ shun. \li Jean Wild, ,•t 11th! lton, spent the \\••,I.(in ! \lith her mother, \1r,. I'. G H1'd 1 pilo and I;alllh. O \I''•. ti Ofinin i, 1i•it•ne with her +OLIO' dali4htcr, \Ir, l;. O. Itranle.\, and children, of 1' it I':pie. 0'•4iH4..:H; (:o:.:.•:. •:HL••. •:••0P•• a:rit,:.1.•4.:.•'•:••�•,1n:,•:•.;.d.•�.i-iHu:H;H:HOi H:u:4•:"1•,:.•It•:..;.••• . \I r. and \I I' - S. ( 'I' apple r t 1(1» S tv \c•.tc•' \\ tire \tut' -t, "n tinndal \\ilei t c e: . 444...4.4440.44.444444 Acetylene and Electric Welding A Specialty. Agents For International - Harvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil, Car Painting and Repairing. RUBBER -TIRED FARM WAGONS EQUIPPED WITH AUTO TIRES SIZE 600x16. .' FOOT) STORES -- Old Dutch Cleanser 'Ammonia Kellogg's All -Bran ilawes' Paste Floor Wax 'Ben Ami Clic.: or Pc wd"r 'Hawes' 1•.••tn a 0'i Furniture Polish, San; Flush '111oodc', ('1dcrid• cf L%n:e t� 'Nonsuch l.irtuid S love Pn!tF'1 Di eft •tc•r nkc• 792 Ma1h1r Jack ''n's Jiffy PieCru st Car niti-n Mille 'Choice Cteen Ga^e Plums `Aylmer Vegetable or '1'ontatac Scup Si X ._. 1 v- \\. I l oel.w'c!1 and fans 1'', and ;t, l ..\Irs (:'sic knhinson of I)ttrl al ,pent 1 ••' Sunday with \I r. and \Irs• John 'I'• e . 11t. 3' NH'. and Mrs. tiara Burgess, \Ir. ,_. hie( s Itilrec>'• ani \piss (;rets Iter- _.. ' )4 1;e•,. I''i Itt•u,.el, Stent Sunday at the •; • !pine it \Ir• awl \les. J• I. Stewart. °' 1 Mr and \I r,. M. Smiler,. \Irs, ('op - .4 le,' ;ttul \Irs. \l 1l;Iin•e, of I)cs Moines, ;f; 1 Iva, stent a few Ila\, at the home of .t. \1t'. and \Irs• (•1•ckerline, la •t week, 21 :t; \Ir. and Mrs. F. O. (tanks of I -it - `a ‘' hewer ,pent the week -end at the Rec 1 try, w•ih I\ UV. J. 1.. 11. and Mrs. I Ten Berson. ..'i 3.1 \I r. and \I1',. \1'`,n. Calcis of i1i'ar- ,t, urn. Mich., visited \';ith \Ir. and \Irs. ? b ,,,.,,. 'tI` Leonard Cook Old ]bele friends over >_• flic vee, -end. —' -- 1.1 N. .1 1.., , ,1. , NON . .III •_• 1 II.:",. I. Pel's, Blyth, \l iss Hazel 1 �� 1 �+ - -- �,� I'rtts, I•ondan. Nit 1 the Stewart- Perhaps. Iron Are (Ol�- W i)ClivCI'. -- L. S. IR(it3INSON. -- ]'hone ].bf1 - t ,t, Pitblad., wedding at North Street t•ni- �:HH.. :H:.p*0.o:. .,:n:, •:.J. J..O :.:Hh•:e •.:.P O.•::.0.: •:O •HH••., I rh, (l1dertel t, last Sal tl t'I lay. - ! r ) ♦ . ♦ •,:. ��.�, .,.;..•..;,r,.•.: . F � . tel (I1m .� .... , .... .. ,••, .•.. .. , ..••, .. templat_nt; a .lob in 2 tins fcr 19c 2 pglts. ltc Targe pkg. 23c I iS. :in 49c each 13c ti oz. hottic 15c; 12 oz bode 25c Fez tin 29c larce pkg. 15c per b -tole lMc per pkg. 25z .32z 2 Targe tins 75: 70 oz. tin I7c 10 oz. lin 10c Spic and Span FRESH FRUITS — FRESH VEGETABLES PIONEER FEEDS — I_IFETERIA FEEDS. TASTILY PREPARED CANNED MEATS FOR A QUICK DiNNER A'I' HOME OR SUMMER COTTAGE. WEINER STYLE SAUSAGE (in Brine) WEINERS AND BEANS BEEF STEAK and ONIONS CH:LI CON CARNE MEAT BALLS AND GRAVY KLIK! KAM! PRIM! SPORK! FRESH and COOKED MEATS. 110 Butcher. Wednesday, October 1,1U.!7, Vitamin Products We have the Vitamin Products you gleed to keep you in robust health through the fali and win- ter Season. We are always pleased to discuss the various types of Vitamin Products: \Vampole's Eztract of Cod Liver $1.00 ' Neo Chemical Food $1.15, $2.15, and $4.45 Nyal Cod Liver Oil G9c and $1.09 Nyal Cod Liver Oil Capsules . 98c Vita Vint Multiple Capsules $1,75 and $3.00 V.M.C. (Vitamht Mineral Capsules) $3.00 Junior - Mins - (fcr children) $1.75 A.B.D. Capsules - $1.10, $2.00, $3.50 Alphamettes $1400 and $1.S$ Scent's Emulsion 59c and $1.19 Waterbury's Compound 95c Creophos $1.00 R D. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER—PHONE 20, MtViiKKt6+C +E C49441Ktdaii4W4tcl'ttK+6+@tQI4tcitii1c: ✓ttmqW4; &4 taiglitKultK+ir► N t f cCallum (� Phone 10, Blyth. 1 Deliveries BEAU'T'Y! --- A Perfect Mattress for A Perfect S!eep! ` J1 Ls 111UttUtt.i 11 1 t'11taY`1J„ COMFORT! --- I \rill cuio\ the ,Icepinn (Might of tl.us tn,Ittress. \'ctl Itt•:.11t' 111tu ;1, ;IN! It f;l!!, ,1,;11',, 111\11 .t cu. EVERY DAY 4 We Specialize In ome'ade aking t fAll341 .inds , ""'. 11rs. Pdna Ricliardlsou returned ', home to l'ort (• lb"rue after visiting il,r some time with \1 r. and \Irs. 1 (;cork Cow•:in. 1\Ir. and \Irs. (';\meront \\'alsl and \Ir. and \Irs• .\nlrcy Trull attended the roller skating; carnival in \laple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, 1:riday even- ing. FR'IK'S HOME BAKERY 0 p 0 1 r. and \Irs. .\llan Burt of London, \lis. Pearl (;illlec, \Irs. Edythe Stur- geon and \I r. 1lucst in of '1'horndile, visited on Sunday with \Ir. and Mr.,. J. 11. Stewart, and \I;u•jory. Decorating AND NOT JUST SURE WIFAT YOU WOULD LIKE. s*. END YOUR WORRIES -1,y giving me a call. You will btr :assured the job will he done O.K., - anl the finest materials used, \\•bethcr faint or (all ]'alter. FIl S1' COME FIRS']' \Ie. and\IIis. J. til'- hallii return'� �■ PREST !note Insstt Friday after erra visit in Ho- .: and Geneva, N.V. On their j u;ty home they visited with Jlt•, an l j Phone 37.26, LONDESBORO _ i \Irs. Reg. ,\rt;cnt at \\'clland, I - BRUSH AND SPRAY PAINTING 1 \I r. and Mrs. T;cues Phelan I -0111•I1- I ..w .. "4'1." ....... •I ell boon' last leve, after an enjoyable `; ..v. . - tri\, up the St. Lawrence as far as Ste. 7; Anne De lteau!rrc, returning, by Ott:ma' . nig .1 ,1 11 1.11 41411.,1 Id NIN „ „I 111. and North Bay. \frs, W. 1• McCall f Chatham, her daughter. \Irs. S. 11. Collins, of 'I•o- tO>tolUr . 10170. No Advance in The Price of INTON GL$: -VES ' BUY WHILE '1THE STOCK IS COMPLETE! 'MEN'S UNLINED UNLINED MACHiNE•SEWN (Black and Tan, per pair $1.50 'MEN'S FLEECE••LINED MACHINE•SEWN (Black Only) Pair $2.00 MEN'S WOOL -LINED MACHINE•SEWN (Tun) ... at $2.95 'Our Best Quality Capeskin Glove --- Men's half hand•scwn in Creme. Grey, Ten and Black . Ladies' half hand-r.ewn, in tan c'nly GET YOUR REQUIREiI'IENTS FROM Olive ;: t cGifll ' Sole Agent For Rainton Gloves In Blyth. Sunworthy Wallpaper Pairts and Enamels. Ontario Registered Music 0, route, and her three children, have re Teachers' Association �turned !wenn' after spending- one week' The Ontario \lusic 'Teachers' Asseci- = j leith \1rs. \\rugs Gibson, anion was inaugurated in 'Toronto, 0e- Mr, Dianna Cowan, \Ir. !tough: 11'1er I93+t. It was not only an idea, \lnrris'tn, \Irs. Rose IIraqi nnck anti l;ut an i'.c;tl—an ideal ronu'iccdl wit! a definite purpose and detelopcd sluwll ' Nit-. Gest re' tine,Cowan attended 1110 1!111 w .roo•o..... ....r.a•..r..... es.re.,,,.er.•.•..m..r..N....,..,.,...,rem.roi but snr'l to bcr"nnc a very potent in- eral of a relative, \Irs. Andrew Laurie," S The Simmons nlaitrr., i, ;1 dr( ant t. nor true ; I!'e:unlined and styled to harmonize \\ pour turni,hin; pattern. DURA I3ILITY!--- Tlte h scinary i, built Ire ,I:ill,'11 cra'tstucn, using' only the tinct materials 1,t ;five t1 a the finest 11f mattresses, James Lockwood FURNITURE — COACH AMBULANCE •— t"UNERAL SERVICE Phone 7 or (tut, lilt th 0l9t8tf+tM`,p".f18t9t1AiiPa4 t91=1:aiycMbtZADii+t2t?t", tRtAt8t31bt5t;5t3ZI*12)2041N2011t NN is 4103:1,4=11)/IWIlitar • Speiran's PHONE 24• BI.YTU, EV ERYTHING IN HARDWARE. CHEMICAL CLOSETS DOWN 1N PRICE. ;Stove Pipes and Elbows, Stove Boards NEW PRINCESS PA'lt STOVES. Oil Heaters. Quebec Heaters. Come in and See 11S about I)el:,aval Equipment. 'Your milking equipment is used twice a clay, every day, so make sure you have the best. ai :\ yr, on Satntdar, tlucnce a music teaching activities in 0 1 Ontario. 0 ! \Irs• J..1. Sines and Linda, spent a 1 Two meetings were held in 'I'or,,ntu 0 few• days with her sister, \Irs. A. in .April, 1026. Those present at these Bender, and Mr. (tender, 'forint•,. She meeting, vert representatives of the !vas accompanied home by \1 r. and music teachers throughout the prov- \Irs. Render, the latter remaining for ince, Sir Ernest 2Iac\lillan,-G. 1).:\l - the «tick. 1 l:instll. \V. 11. lttItvell, Norman \'; inks, at $2.95 • j j I rank Itlatl'ford, P. G. 21trslall, 1lcal- $2,95 01 \I r. and Mrs. Jack Buchanan, \\'est- -t,y \vill;ut, Roc hcnwiri:, Boris ifain- 0, field, Mr. ad \Irs. :tnley Co ik and ; b• erg and others. It was moved by 01''aughter, Gwen, of flelgr:n•c, and 11r. : (c'ran,i( L'I:lchfnrl and seconded be Sir and \Irs. James McGill, and Kathleen, , (?rues\ \lacMillan that a committee be i ill Clinton, silent Sunday with\I r• and al+lt,tipted t" nig anirr an ChitaMusic\Irs. Rolutd Vincent. 'Teacher,' :\;sociatinn, lir, and Mrs, 1. I. Genttn;•r, Dash_ :\ c"1tvt'tttiml \''''hell :Ind 131 sig it - wood, \Ir, and \Irs, Fred \Icricw•, Ilea- ed a; members of Ifie :\ssociati-it. In Ih ::I!1, \h., au I \Irs• (;curl;' Fent!,, and 1 Ill)-' the Asswciatiou became a member —.0=10r \OCIOr 01=Or +0I=Or children, 1)1mna l.cnn' and Renoir, of the Canadian Fcderatior of \Ineic I Burford, visited with \Its, \I. Irritrley Teachers' Association, an organization �V ]L'Y`ONand \Ir. F.ln'r Ptil;u'd, over the week- which up to the present includes seven Navin,!acing r>aclusi\'c innnocrnunls midi' provinces, Alberta, British Ce luutbia, to lt's house, \1r. \\'illianl Palmer, of , "Id' Manitoba, Nov.. Scotia, Ontario, Qui, - Mrs. 'CeltJohns', e. Grey tut\•n,hi;' thi- cillat' d1'in.' the «orb. receive l l i'1,' i - In riot i_' •litele. \I r, and \Ir,� Frr'I tlilltu \is te1(� Mr. John (Harrington and Miss Pat- bei' au 1 5ask•ttchewan. I 1n an icemen', Mnln•'a\' moire loll on til Harrington, L"ndntl, \\etre built O11 :\Int'. J, 19 I 11 .\rt wi h�.t,str,t• the county r1'a•l belt''\" \\';Elton ;nl'1 \lith \It, John L'enn('\eics, i Inn. d i eisitnrs with their node and aunt, \Ir• lion was passed by Parliament pro•id- Il;urrn. and \It's. Frank 1lrllynan. John left full, fur the registration of every prn- 1tru;.e!,. ; ',u• \\ ;11 a tta..rn.;cr in a car driven b\' her •t i.hnd, dricin.; \f r. \\'%Iliatn Ica, ii.('., 1 ' 1' 1••i, "lust l recently for London, EngI;ln'I, to cc-n- ear 'n the c(suety r'g',1 tett:lr.l \\'at- .\Iberta, is spending a few tt•ceks at his: bulge his l'nit•ersity sung',. Ile was active members Inc note entitled to use th' fetter, "u, NI, I,•' :\i`i'i the pas51tig 1 M.r.r...+.rN.Erre.rr.r..-.r.•rr•r...•..•rr.,rs.~.• nir,e..r..4r. 4,4,.,, Of the Act, the O.\I.'1'.A, became' known officially as the Ontario Regis- 1 tore.! \It's'' Teachers' ,\,sociatinn. The O.R.\I.T.A. nownumbers 13.1.4 cession I: I 1,}•, „ii,., it tie,] tet NII. :Ind\Ir,• f;leu !Mgrs. f Lon-- is also the holder of several soh lar- nr•'lhcrs and has ?0 ltranchcs, 1-hnston car ;.t the ,-'unit'.- rill'' inter- dr n, ci•iie'i \\ith \Ir. .-Vex "Innes\•. ships. 1 \ inec'.:ir was called in Sectforth on section a mule and ;I (wirier ii 'rt11 of, 1 \H1— Iturnice 1larkwrll, of Stratford, 1 5eplr' ' er 20, fur the pur'''se of formn- \\'altnn visited over 1'11• « eel: •en•1 t\ith 11t7'1 ,itn' til Branch in Huron County. Misp Mr • • ' 'n', iatt ',on' 1'a.• fr•,,-- father, \Ir• 1. S. Ilackwell, of Lwndesbn", who will celebrate her (rest-:\ Ahrens of Sts,'•"'. oast presi- turer, an I she :,1fr,'rr,d r 'tltiplc 1;t'- Mr. and \frs. f;I;