HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-07-14, Page 41 -- MORTGAGE SALE oF Valuable Property. UNDER and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained In a Mortgaee made-hy Hugh Anderson, of the Township of Kinloss, in the County of _Bruce, Yeoman, default having been made in the due, payinent thereof . -•will be sold on Wednesdav. the. second. (2iiii) day of August, A. 1), 1•465, at twelste o'clock, mien, at the Auction Mart of. George', M. Trueman, . Market Square, Goderich, the- followine prorerty, : Lots numbers twenty-one and twenty me, in the third range south of the Durham Road, m the aforesaid townshila of Kinloss Deed under Power of Sale. M C. CAMERON, • w23td Solicitor -for 'Mortgagee. •szritir STEER..—Came into the premises of the undersigned shout the middle Of Nov. last, a white- steer, ahout 3 years old — The on-rier is requested to- prove property, pay expenses and reinove him. AVM. JENNISON. . Johnson's Mills P.O. } . Hay, June 26, 1865. w,22.!3t To Wool Carders, &c.1 • A Good Opening 1 • riE nr dersigted is de4mus of forming- a businessvonnection with scnne,rlerson Wil- ling to go into the Wool -Cal -drug a tuft -loth- drs s- ing business in Godetich. The applicant to find cards, &-c and the subscrtber the po-wcr and bunding, both.* whic.lr are M rome:etereadine.ss This is s .plentlid opportunity tor any ei.pable min wish:lig-one of the best utienings of the kind - ineariada. Apply to - M.VITEIEW RUBERTSONii. Goderich, C. W. - April 17.14 1S5i. w1:21t SHERIFFSsALE or LAND— B. • - THE SEMI-WEEKLY SIGNAL. TAKE NOTICE! KIRK HAS OPENED AGAIN, THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS- to inform his old friends and the public generally that he has RE -OPENED in United Countie4of ' Tie Y inane of a Writ ot auron and Bruce, Li rteri Facies is.sued out To W it:, . of Her, 31:4e:sty's -Court ot Chancery and ftri ine directed -against the lands and tenementri of Jane Ford, Eawird Atm naon John 151cCuinnes r ad -William Stanlake, -are • delendentt$, at the sun of Mary Ann Ford:•;.;tar.!- Ikke by Joita Mitchell thevomiger her next friend, -' is ratutibr, 1 have seized 'and taken in execution ' all the fightAitle and interest. of the said d. 1. ti- . . _ dant in and tathe south halt of lot 'number eleien m the fourth concession of the townsh:pof Stephen. in the eounty. of Huron, which lands. and tenernert $ 1 shall offer for sate et my office in the Court House, -in the town of Godertch on Tuesday, the firit day of August next, at the hour ot twelve ot the clock, noen. JOHN MACDONALD( Sheriff H.Or B.. By S. Poet.ocx, Deputy Sheriff..'•s • Srerirs011ice,Goderich, / . . 25th April, 1865. t — w14. SONS' Li n R Next door to Mr. BUTLER'S .BOOK -STORE where everything , : •L., ; - --- ' ' - . . , • . .,:._ , , . E OC I -: -ES . ,...... ....._...... 3 LIQU 8m.; will be sold cheap for CASH or in exchange for Dairy. Produ As be intends to devote bis attention principally to the rectifying of BEES • Thereby enabling him to sell • at • Dealers therein do' well, to give him a call. Those Indebted to him will Please call and Settle at onceiotherwiSe costs must be incurred. - J. Y. S. KIRK. MNRKET SQUARE,- Gocterich, 7th March, 1865. - sw53. OL ARDIN G cfc - •• s/....tolut tee ii t .....104442.11•01. •.111 - rpHE SUBSCRIBERS would beg to inform his customettf•nd the public that his new prerif. -L•Ases on East street • - y • .10 For iale at a Bargain. rr HAT valuable and eligibly situated property 1 in the Town of Goderich fronting the Court kfuusc Square, and fur eighteen years known as THE FARMERS' INN,' During which -time it has enjoyed one of the largest portions of that business -in the town. Connected with the hofel is a general store. The whole arFbuilt of stone and brick, 47 37, three stories high. and commodious cellars feet deep. Attacned to the hotel is a two story frame dwelling house, outhouse% ckc . A LSO :—A small fartn of excellent land. ha ndSonielv !waned one milefroin Godericti the Bilyfial Read, 30 acres in gond state of cultivation, well kneed, 25 of v. Inch are clear of stumps, with a hewn log house 30 X 20, and a cedar log barn 40 >I 24, sheds, -&c., - ALSO: -1n the V illage of Port Albert acre 'with dwelling house and stables, &c., ore of the besf tavern; stands in that place, ane.has: long b...t,edet rknetsplit ilesrsatim; ht.() • stili Purehasers. bior furthet paiticulars.apply to • • : J. B. GORDON Ego. . or A./DREW DONOGH, Proprietoic• ..B,-411 those indebted to inc either bynote SHERIiT'S SALE OPLANDS. • - , ITntted Ceurittes or iv virtue of a writ of Huron and -Bruce, VenditioniExponat and To wit: Fien.Factas'for residue. issusa out el Iker Majesty's County Celle °Me United Counties of Huron and Bruce and to- me directed against the !ands and tenements of Darld bilties, at the suit of the 'Huron District Building 43oe1ety, I have setzed and taken in execution all tne right, title and inte're4 cif the said Defendant in and to lot number .twenty-four, in the second concession of the township_ of KM - toss, in the County ot Bruce, containing tre bui.dred acres.. more or less ; which lands and tenements! shad offer for sale at my office m the Court House, In the Townitf (+Wench, on 1 ues1 • clavf the tvrent v -fifth day ofJulv nexyarthe hour • of twelve of the clock, noon. . JOHN MACDONALD, . Sheri 4. Sheriff 'it Office, Goderiell, t • .23rd June 1865: *22 SitERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. THREE DOORS FRO, PA THE SQUARE, • willthe opened on the first of -June, for transacting the -Wool Gardin,,, Cjoth Dressing and Ifadufacturing business, in connection with his WOOLFACTORY', *here all orders and work in;the abOvebusiness will be punctually attended to. Likewise a varlet' of • United Countiesof -Dr virtue- of a Writ of • t , Huron and Bruce, 1.5 Fieri Faeias issued ' To wit : out of flerMajesty'sCounty Court of the 'frilled Counties of Huron andBruce, and to me directed against 'toe lands and term; ments ofJames Lothian • at the iluit of William • Smith, 1 have seized and taken in execution all the right, title and inlet est of tne- said defeadent : imam' to lots fetters- i' and It in the 9th concession of the: township of Bruce, containing 200 acres; also mill site number 2 in the village of Inver- hurou, in said county of Bruce, coritainins, 34 acres, which lands and tenements 1 shall olTe7 for safe at my ualce in the Court House in tne town of Coder eh, on Tuesday'. the first -day of August next, at the hour of twelve ot the clock, noon. - JOHN- MACDONALD, Sheriff II dr B. _ _ 3 - Br S. Por.r.ocx, Deputy Sheriff. -- • Sheriff's- Office,- Goderiek, / • . 25th April. 1S65. _ _ i _ _ • •• _ - - - iotlis, Blankets and' Stocking- Yarn, will be kepfon hand to exchange for wool. Havitii this year added another orbook account are 'requested to settle the same without delay in order to saireeiasts. April 3tst, 1864.. - w9 td 13 TT- 9[3 HAS JUST niscEryzn A LARGE STOCK or STANDAR)?GSCHOCIDEit FANCY PO/VERY 001(1 NOTE PPR -d. TOY -'4, Toy Book.% Prayer Books of all kinds, Church Services, Hymn Books. ALBUMS, SATCHELS. - -.Ladies' Compamoes.. .WORIc-OXESTWRITINGOAS-ES CONCERTINAS,' - - ..ALCCCOEtroMC:01\113,1 . And various other articles, ill cheap. MST -CLASS -DOUBLE , CARDING MACHINE to11 is establishment, he willbe prepared toexecute farmer's work to any reaseinable extent on hort notice. Customerscoming to the factory themselves will be promptly attended to as formerly, and particular attention will be paid to those;from a distance wishing their : — - c.- r. k 7E 'lc p e-dlit to Ifs 1 y • 13 a. rt e, ! . .. N. B.--wi3iie thankful tor the liberal patronage of former years the above business, ;he: , . subscriber belies by strict attention to business and sparing no expense in meetinfithe waofs of his customers, to stilt receive a share of-thc same. - . -• , _ n.. Remember.the place— East Street, second door from CRIBB'S BLOCK. - ' THOMAS .LOGAN. IMPORTIT NOTICE 1 .Goderich, April 19th, 1864 • w12 • t 0 N Gr. CD JEC. CONSEQUE:•:CE of the death of Mr. M. RI :1111, .1111.1r Wzamaitataa. the business heretofore carried ,lj on under th-.•name and 'style of _ 41ASTEAld 1E NG INE- WORKSI RUNCIIMARI: dip Robt Runcimin & Co. ip 0 LT 1ST EY must be closed on or before the •• 1ST DAY OF,APRIL 1865. All parties indebted an the above firm are here7 by notified that all notes and book accountsover due on the ' - 1st day of FEB'Y next, will behanded totheir Solicitor fOr collection The stock ofi hand will be 804 ' 1.44:3•VST 1F(.).R. OR SHORT CREDIT, -it consists of a large assortment of Ploughs, Culti • vators,Harrews.Stravr Cutters. THRESHING MACHINES • Pot -ash and sugar -kettles, waggon and pipe • boxes, 'booking, rarlor & BOt Stoves,- - A. good second-hand -SEITIMAL.MIV3331VGt-3:1%1"-M and &lot of ciaehmery for Grist and All parties requiring the abtrire - articles would dowel' to call and inspect the stock at once, as therwell get bargains. RUNCIAAN. - Isireterence to the above, It. Runcimaii will be prepared to carry on the business ot THE HURON FOUNDRY and contract for the erection of all kinds of Mit '• chinery usual,and simply AORICULTUtgAL- 1111.PLEttENTS • ones and castingteatreatonablp rates,for CASH SI. short credit. orGodeneb.Dee.21st. 1864.' sw32w48 , . InsoIyont Act of 1864. - /*fire County Court elite United Counties - :Of Huron and Bruce. - PROVINCE or CANADA. I In, the matter of Conety-' of Huron. one [ illtARLES. W. PDX- : of the United Counties f roan, an Insol- - *of Huron and-Brucej vent. - ATOTIOR is hereby given that the under II signed, has filed in the office of this Court, a deed of Composition and discharge exeent; ed by his Creditors and that on Tuesday, the eighteenth day ofjoly next„- at ten of the clock in the forenoon, or as soon ei Counsel can be heard. he -Will apply to the Judge of the said Conti for a confirmation of the die- - charge thereof effectedin hiafaver oder said -Act. - • - -CHARGES W. IIIMCFORD, • I , By JA.MES P. WOOD, . Hitt Attorney. Stratford, may loth,- 1865. - .16w2m - `R Manufacturers of Grist and Flouring Mills - Circular, Mulay and Sash Saw -Mills, 131.14.1V114:5 {BOLIVETI 2 SE ATORS 11011SE POWERS PER • Mowingand Reaping Machines, Wood Saws, xirrveiscomus44ca:AL.Ivar inracrerarzara, AT BUT. Goderion .2•Ii 1865. • GRE.AT1.1.4STER:11 GODEB,ICH FANNING MILL AND I'unpk-`a,etcriry TILE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO INFORM the inhabitaits of the Counties ef uron and•Bruce that he is still Manufacturing, and has on hand a number of his SUPERIOR FANNING MILLS 86 PUMPS. • 'Freight:for Ports on Teat Shore of ' Lake Huron. . THE FAST -SIDE WHEEL STEAMER - Bonnie Maggie." CAPT. D. ROWAN, He would particularly draw attention to his Mills. as he will warrant them to free Wheat from oats, cockle, ehess, ace. Pumps made to order anNe/son. st., between Victoria street Factorywarranted.m and Cambria Road. Aeso, agent for the sale of Morgan's premium and patent VULTWATOR, which has nevet vet failed togiire generalsatistaction to farmers who HENRY DODD'', have,uted them. • Godericb. Apri122nd. 11"64. 39 Conimanter, will runbetween SARNIA.. AND SOUTI1411PTON (Weather permitting) twice each week .until farther notice. Leaving Sarnia every Monday and. Thursday morning calling at Bay fi Goderich,- Kincardine. In verh uron • Port Elgin Southampton. Returning will leave Southampton every Wednesday and Saturday morning.calliog at above ports. Freight by this. route can be delivered quicker than by any ether, and -at -rate, to suit Slerehants and Shifipers. For freight and passage apply to W. Seymour & -Co., Agents, Goderieh ; HAL. Campbell, Agent, Kincardine ; James Burwash, Agent, South- ampton. . • THOS. SWINYARD, W. ORR, Freight Stipt.) Eastern divislon; Hamilton. • Brass Castings made, and Blacksmiths' work done in a neat and substantial manner, Castings of any description made to order. Also, all kinds of machinery renaired on short notice. A large sfock of CbOKING PARLOUR• - AND s BOX STOVES° Always en hand, Sugar Kettles, Wagon and Pipe Boxes. As our patterns of the above are ofthernostapproved kind, we would solicit an inspection of our stock before purchasing elsewhere as we are offering the above at the lowest remunerative ;prices for cash, or or ap proved 0;edit. Old metal, Brass,Copper, and all kinds of oroduce taken in exchange. Goderich. October.1869. w39 NOTICE. ki.I. those indebtedto Wni. E. GRACE, bi -ns,-• note or book account, will please . _ . ALL AND $ETTLE _Tbe same Without delay. ' nice on Lighthouse St., • Nextto Mr. AndrettirDortogles. - For Sale -BARRELS:'..SALT • 47- • PER BBRL.F -QV:AM* OF 7 $1.25 A.sieitidi at .59_. PE1:10,0 rovos - WM. E. CI -RACE, Goderich, December 22nd, 1864. .lsw32-tt Farm inBosanquet -FOR SALE - °EL 7r0 IAT. . • . 1 RE.UN DE RSIGNED-offers for sale er.to let L lot 20,.; 12th tam..., township of Bosanquet, CountYof Lainbton. The farmconsists of ONE 111MbitED Acus, sixtyof which are cleared, and situitied-near station ofthe G. T. Reilstoiv, There -is a LOO' DWELLING. - HOME- AND -FR4111E- 1344 RN on the tot WELL T_IKTIBEILED WATER'D .Ferparticulars apply to - C. 430,inDo.N1 tverferich p 0 . w27ti Au- ust 11th, 186 Land Sgrip-. for , O. pa,„ient. wkipitOsie*.made to the Crowe R LIBERAL PftEbIIIMIVGIVEN -on roan.44 Department ip Land Scrip. See card in: anoth•ercolumn.• • 111ENIFY 6E18111,- •Quebec. 1 Goderich, Dec. 4. 1863. - -w4bw27 FARM tor SALE. VCR:SALE, East half., ofLot-No. con 3 Tewnship of WAWA.NOSIT, eemaprising ONE HUNPRED.-ACRES, - - no clearance.. Terms liberal. Apply to the Executors Oahe Estate of the late. Wm. Harris, Dungannor P:. 0 D ungannon, Cet. 1st, 1864. w37-tf For Sale Clieap,, THE fallowing Lands are offered for sale on I, -very adeantageOus terms : lr OT8 G., 8th con.. Bruce; 20, 4th Kinloss ; 22, LJh con.liuron. Apply to • M. C. CiMERON. •Gmlerich.October 28. 1864. sw1.6 SliERIFF'S SALE OF L s ONE TENTH ONLY_1 PURCHASE 1011EI IN "CASH AT THE OF menus _ RAND THE HALAHCE IND Nine Rival Annual. Instalments, - with interest at U per 'cent: T. 0 W N StilP OF MORRIS : -South 4 7 in 1st con„ 50 acres, . South 4.8 in 1st con., 50 acres, South 411 in 2d COD. 100 acres, - South 4 21 in 3d, pup., 100 acres,: North 4 20 in 4h -cop.,. 100 acres.'. North 4 2Y in th- cop., 100 acres, North 4 23 in 4h con" 100 acres. TOWNSHIP OF. HOWICK : : Lots 2 3 and 4in 15th eon., 100 Acres eaeli TOWNSHIP OF Unita Counties of D r virtue of 'a Writ of Huron and - Bruce,D Fier' Facies issued out • To Wit I of Her, Majesty's County Court of the United Ceunties oflitiron and Bruce and to me directed against the lands and tene- ments of James Clarke,- at the suit of Robert Thompson; I Ulm seized and taken in execution all -the right( title and interest of the said deien- dant in and to lof number 324 in the town of Goderich, in the county tit Huron,- which lands and tenements 1 Shalt offer for sale, at m`ir office in the Court House, in the tow n of tiodei tali, on Tpeaday,ahe fittient h• day of Ailgast nexti._•r tee hour of twelx e of the clock, ndon. 'JOHN' MACDONALD, - ' - - .`SheriffH; & B. By S 'kazoo*, Deputy Shenfl, Sherill's office, Goderich, / lUth May 1865 • - i w16 - s Jorx; -DEPARTMENTAL - AND Pailiamettary: Agent, 4:WEIM130, ?TRANSACTS BUSINESS WITH THE I- Crown Lands and other Government De partnionts ; Take out Patents' for thventions.— Draffs anti takesehurgeofPriviite Bills during t he Seasion Ore., dm., &a ; for Parries- residing -in ../Der danada. oreise'whero. nylon 6 ; •o.-26 in lst.con., 100 acres, Lots 34 and354,con., 100 acres each, Lots 31 and 32 in 6 con., 100 s.eres each, Lot '26 in 8 con., 99 acres, . Lot 32 in 8 con., 100 acres, - .Lots 33 and 84 in 10 con., 100 acres each. - TOWNSHIP OF TURYBERRY N. E.-4 43 in 1 con., 50 acres. - :Apply to CRARI,EiWipian,Esq.,Goderich, or to the owneri• THOIAS GALT, Es.e., ' w43zt .• Toronto _ ci-octevien PLANING *ILL," Sash Door, ancr 132110 _rastrestm. John McDonald & Co. STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER! FOR SALE UPOIN1 C11.1ET)Ial Apply to • W. E. GRACE. Goderich. Nov.7th .1864. tv41sw19 IMO & CHICAGO. , The Staunch Propellor NIAGARA? NITILL'make weeniv tripsbetweensGoderich " Y and Chicago during theseason of 'naviga- tion in connection—with the G_ rand_.Trunk R -R. . 70. PLACES awsr. AND Steamer Huron MORTGAGE SALE OF Valuable Property IV THE TOWN OF GODERICH, TUE COUNTY OF HURON. UNDER and by virtue of a Power of -Sale contained in a certain Indenture of Mort. gage, (Which will be produced at time oisale) made by Thomas Bally VanEvery and George Rumball, the following property will be offered for sale at the Auction Rooms -of ai-OC30.. M. Winipmetzt- IN TnE TOWN OF GODERICRI ON • ViednestJay, the I9th da of HI i y _ -For Saginaw, For freight or passage apply to G .RUMBALL, Agent. watt Goderich Arial 25,1866. .LTAVING COMPLETED TEEM NEW 1-1- Factory; arehow prepared to take in orders to any extent. FT0111 their long experience in the - business; and having experienced workmen, and a first:.classset of machinery, they flatter theinkelyes - that they can do aa G-GoOdl. NAT1"/K..,_ Aset;i• .6tablishmentsn Canada. Partieshaving • • . work would do wel to 411M.A11.111L, ear. "1111M.I10 '1 here's also any quantity ol . sAsa, DOORS ei MOULDINGS. _ ALLKINDS ON HANDL 31101171i71MTO- •MACHINE MITCH ! 3190WING MAtCH" in connection with Kippur Reaping and, Cradling Society Will take place on. the farifl of WiIliam Blair, Esq., London Road, at Sippen, On Tuesdny,18thATu1y,- At 1. O'clock, When the following-prizes Will be awarded, via. prinusin,k4optinc.4 ' 1st prize, $6.00 ; .2nd do ecooi;. $2.00. - •- . 1: , - - 111NOLN Nowa& lstiirize, $3.00 2nd de $2-00, 311-'40* $1.00. - • - " The sward of the'!udges in regard_ to the ConitiOd machinels'net to be Made nntillthe. day. of the ReaPitigMatch, for which notice will he trivene- '").ey al -so oter To Carpenters &Builders —A— In the Queen's Bench, EASTER TERM. 28 VICTORIA, In the matterof compen-1 J o TI C E is sation for right of way of Li hereby given the Buffalo and Lake that. the Buffall Huron Railway ComPai:y and Lake Huron through' lots Nos. 85, 86 Railway Company and 87'in the Maitland have paid into the concession of the Town-, Court of Queen's ship of Godelichin the Bench,atl'oronto, County of Huron. the sum or five hundred and ninety-six dollars and sixty-five cents being the compensation and six months interest thereon, agreed ta be paid fot certain lands for right of way._being parts of -lots numbers eighty-five, ei_gfity six and eighty, seven, m the Maitland concessionof the township- of Goderich, in the County of Huron; under and by virtue of a certain agreement or deed poll bearing date the eleventh day Of May, in Atte year of Our Lord 1853, and executed by William Ford - and Henry -Ford of the said township of Goderich, and made -Under the Age entitled "An Act respecting Railways," and further notice is given to all gersons entitled to the said lands or to any fart thereof, or represent- ing rr being the husbands of any parties so entitted, to file their claims into the said Court to the said compensatmr or any part thereof and all such claims will be received LIRERAL DISCOUNT FOR THEIR WORK, TERMS-," "Without 'Distinction wi?.st be CASH. triternembertheplace: (4o/ono Vs* cid Firm tug (lode; ichabth August.1861 30 rd do - M. WANZER&CIPS 1865, at one o'olock viz: Tliiitpareel of land and premises, situated in the town of Goderich aforesaid, being ,composed of Lot. No. 1032 (running -number) btberwise knowir as Lot 28 on the Marbot- Quay in the town' .plot of said town of Goderich, contilining by admeasurement one-fifth part of an acre, be the same more or less. -. • Ui.on the premises there is erected a f. tame atorehoese' with elevator, upon a stone base: thent 60 a4 55, three and a half stories high, well adared for storing grain. The building is nearly new and inexcellentcondition. TERNS OF SALE :—Ten per cent. of the purchase money te be paid to the atiei tioneer attune of sale, 25 per centon the first day of September next, the remainder may be ,secured by Mortgage, eovering - a period of 3, 4 fatq years, at the option el the purchaser, on same conditions ascontained in the Mortgage now held by the Vendors. For further particulars apply to the 'auc- tioneer, or to Messrs. Cameron dr McMichael, Toronto, Solicitors for the Vendors. Toronto, June, 1865. w23 and adjudged upon. by the said Court pursuant to the Statute in that behalf. . anted this 17th day of May. 1865. • - (Signed) -L. HEYDEN, w17 -3m Clerk of Crowu -and Pleas. A,BEAUTIFUL ESTATE FOR_SALE, 1000 Acres, in One l3look, ARGEItY IMPROVED and eonvemently situated .1J alongthe bank of the River Maitland. opposite thr I own of 1Toderichaug the Goderfeh Station of the Buf aio and Lake Huron Railway, C. W. Apply if by letter postpaid. to ' •J: B. GORDON, ESQ, • Animator. Goderich 0. SHERIFI'S SALz 02 LANDS. ...--. , . . United Counties of)Dr virtue or a writ in Huron and Bruce, 1) Fieri Facies issued out To wt . of Her Majestys CO_Plit) Court °foie United Counties of Huron and ,Brin.e and 'to me directed against the lands and tene- ments of James Stewart, at the suit of John V Detlor and Samuel IL Detlor, 1 have seized and taken in Execution all the right title and interest oldie said detendant in and to- lot number one in the eleventh concession of the Township °I-Col- borne'W. D., in the County of Huron, which lands I shall offer tor sale at my offiee in the Coen House in the Town of Co.derieh, on Tt.es day the Twenty -6th dn./ of Ju y next, at the nour of twelve ot the clock noon. - •JOHN MACDONALD, — Sherif, H. 11 B., 13T S. POLLOCX, Deputy Sheriff. - Sheriff 's Office, Goderich. 151h Ari1.1865: c wli • -Sheriff's 'Sale ox Lands. United Counties a -Dy virtue ot •a writ of Huron and Bruce, ,11• Fieri Facies issued out to wit: of .11er Majesty's County Courrof thc United Counties of Huron. and Bruce and to me directed against thelands and te e- inents of Charles Black, at the suit of the Corporation OftheTown.ship of Ashfield, I have seized and taken in execution all the right, title and intelest of the said defendant in and to the -weld-half of lot number eeven in the third con- cession Eastern Division . of the to a nship 01 Ashfielcf,m the County of Huron containing one hundred acres. which lands and teneinents I shall offer for sale at mv office in the Court Houie,iii the town of-Godirich-, on Tuesday, the first day of Augusenext, at tae hour el twelve ot the -cloek, noon, . - JOHN MAL DONALD. . Sheriff 11.&13. lith,1863_„, over all others t'and also al the Pro- ia Montreal, September 14th, 16th .16th, and vrneial xhibition held in Kingston, SEWING MACHINES GENUINE CANADIAN PATsEep:621 r -A-.TTHE PROVINCIAL- EXHIBITION held Have ta ken the _Fiy_stiPrizes tem: . S ea's Office, Goderich, Bv S. Pouocx, Deputy( Sheriff. 26th Aen1,186o. w14 22nd, 23rd, and 23th and 25111,1863. Prizes of a 1 •similar character were also IsWarded to us at the at the P_rovincial Exit:Ont. io,11. hald at London in_ Provincial Ex hibdion held in Toronto in to -wit: ' ot-Her Majeety's Counts, S MIT'S SALE Of LLED8 United Counties ot DT:virtue of a writ of Huron and Bruce, Ffen Facials issued out NIORTCACE 13ALIET Of _ Valuable Farm. Property • ! IS THE TOWNSHIP OF COLBOR-NE. NDER, and by virtie of a Power of Sale •contained in an Indenture of Mortgage, made by .David Campion, the following pro - petty will be offered for sale, at the Auction • Rimmi of Gorge 1YZ. Trueniair in the Town of Godedch, on - Wednesda9 y the 19t11 day of July -1865 at one o'clock p.m- YU) The Easter17 portion of Lot Letter F., in the western division of the township- of Colborne, in the County of Huron, and -dem Med as follows: Commencing at the northeasterly angle of said lot, thence westerly along the southern limit of the..road allowance between said Block F. and the eighth concession of 'said township, twenty chains, thence south parallel with division line between aforesaid mock?, and lot 5 in -the sixth and leventh concessionr. as far as the northerly limit of the road al- kwance between the Want concession and still Block F. thence southerly along said northeily limit 27 chains, more or less, as far the said division thief:thence mortnerly along said -division line U.chiiins, more or less, to the piaci of beginning, containing 130 scree • moTrehiosm rfalerss, lies between 4 and 5 mi'es from the town of Goderich on the Gravel Road, is well watered -by a siring creek running Throughout the lot, and us of fine quality. There aft. on -the land the following build- ings : Log Dwelling -house 24 t-tl .207 Frame Baru 62 M 40, Frame Stable 24 )4 30. ' TERMS 'OF SALE —Ten per cent. of time put -ohne money to be paid to the sae- tinneer at time of sale, 25 per cent. on the firs clay of September next. The remainder may be secured by Mortgage. covering a period of 3, 4 or 5 years, at the option of the ourch&er on same conditions as contained in the Mortgage liOW held by the vendors. For further particulars apply to the duo- tioneer or 'Co Messrs, Cameron /6 McMichael, Twonto, Solibitors for the vendors. Toronto, Jime. 1855. Prices have. been Greatly Reduced - 11. WANZER 8eCo., 114initton. ATIRMIANSthU, Agent, East" Side :Market Square Goderich. Nov. 37. 1863 •.444w52 ;Stolen Or Strayed. . 'PROM the 'premises of the Subscriber, lot A; Di 9111 con. -Colborne, (D. Clark s farm). about the first week of May, A - BROWN - SHEILLFF,S,SALE OF LANDS. , COW, •white stripe on back, white belly, : .. 'white between hind legs, piede'rubbed off one Unitea Counties Of EY virtue of a writ of , of her horns. Information -respecting her To *it: Fled Fa Huron and Bruce; 'rendition) Ezponanand ems issued out of Will be thankfully received by Her Majesty's Court of Queen's Boleti, an to ALEX.. HAMILTON. me direeted against the lands and stenem nis -tviihieh were of Donald Murchiso.n, hands , at owde2roie4hipp, 0. e tune of his death m the ot- ne Colborne, June 13 .1865. G I . Murchison. administratnx ot all and singul the - goods,ehattels, and effects which were &Donald Murebson. deceased, at the time ofhis death, at the suit ot Donald Murchison, 1 ba,ve seized and taken in execution all. the right, title and interest of the said defendant in and to the south halves Valuable Piece of Land of .hots numbers -9 and 10, in the finit concession. .. . ., ofthe Township ofKinfoss, in the County of . . FOR SALM, . Bruce,' containing one hundred acres of land, _ whit* 1 shall ofler forsale at my office. in AN favorable terms of payment. The fol. C,_aovuntheliii00613LIR Inc town ef Goderieb, en Tues - .0 lowing -pronerty, viz: .North half of tot 0 ._,- y ofAugust neat, at the hour of pumper 30, on the I 2th con; of Godericrittve've °I illeil'ack, acres, more oc-lefis, upon- which. there are Sherifi)sOfficeiGoderichs / ' ‘ JOHN MACDONAL11D, - Merle, 4:D. township; containing by admeasurement 40 fifteen acres cleared. This, land is in a . •30th June, 1865- 1 - w23 -favorable situation, being Within five miles Of . the town of Clinton. Also, ,ii. valuable Court of the United Counties ot Huron and Bruce and to tjedireeted against •the lands and tene- ments tyi Willian Wilson. at the suit of James Boswell Stevenson and Archibald Cook Suther- land, 1 have seized and taken in exertition all the right, titf. and interest of the said detention in and to theNortfr halves of lots numbers thirteen and fourteen in the ninth concession °film -town- ship of Morris, in the County of Huron, which lands and 'tenements 1 shall otrer tor sale at my office in the Court Iftntse, in the town of Goder- kb, on Tuesday the Third dav October next, at the hour of (We've of the i-lockoloon. •• JOHN MACDONALD, • - Sfientf; H.& B. _ SherifPs Office, Goderich, • 23rd June, 18.65. w22 All competitort must enter to tt6 Secretary property in the village of Milburn, one half on or before the . 12th of -.Tilly. Entrance, acre ot land, a good farm house, show and 11.00. • • - Stable on the premises. This would be a good :OEN COPELEM, situation for a tailor Or ,saddle and harness. IAMBS, AN.DEES0/47, • President. Toronto Globe pleas eopy 8trmest and send bib t,o Sec y Sippen, Jnne Ifith, 1865. w21 3t 1. makez1 as -• there is none- in the vicinity. Leather or store goods at wholesale Fleet will be taken for either of the abovt places. ' • - •- " JAMES STANLEY,' w12-tf Constadcep. o. R SALE. . LOTS 13,87..to 13,77, nearthe 'RAILWAY Ai STATION, Goderich, for $150 each,' At: Five _Years Credit,, orfougerif required- Apply to • • M. 0, CA.XER_ ON. 1 Goderich April 8tb, 180. sw62w11 moRTCACE SALE TILFIBLE TIVERN IND FIRM 017)MT WIZ; JNTUE Township of Morris, IN THE COUNTY ..02 11111t0IT. UNDER and by virtue of a Power of' Sale contained in a certain indenture ot Mortgage (which will be produced at time of sale) made by Denis Hagerty, the following property will be offered for kale at the Auction Rooms of • GEORGE M. TRUEM-Afily in the Town of Goderich on Wednesday, the 1911i day et July 1865 At one o'clockp.m., viz.,those parcels °fiend and premises situatpd in the village of Bly-thei in the township- of Morris, aforesaid, being composed of part of lot numi number one, n the tenth concession of the township of Mortis, aforesaid, known as lot number_four in block A, of the survey made by one Lucius Ar-ainr McConnell, and registered by him, -of the village of Blythe, containing by admeasure- ment of an acre of lard. be the same more o r less. Upon this 101 there is ,a two -stag frame building 34 at 24, used as: tavern, and a large frame stable 'belonging thereto, the whole of the same being in gocd repair,. - ALSO : M1 and singular tne ipiat half of the south half ot lot twenty-three in the fifth concession, of the s.sid township of liOrri* containing by admeasurement fifty acres ot land, more or less. -Twenty acres being cleared, and the remainder being good Ur& on iodathseplarp.nlrndog.peererTtyehice.7,Tiliseausurbsjutanis tal wiauloweahteoisers. .1E11MS: OF SALE. --Ten" per, eent.oftbe purchase money 40 be paid to the avetioneer at time of s&e, -25 per cent. on the first day -of September -next, the remainder may he secured by mortgage, Covering a period of 3, 4, or 5 years at the option of the purchaser, av e samers,cOnditio ra as tonfahlRa the 21011 gage now beld by the Venders; -- Auctioneer, or to Mews- Cameron an& meZrf etaeuir,theTr poroa:titool 10for thothe: Toronto, June„ 1865: FARM FOR SALE IN WAWANPSH TIE undersigned ()Here:for sale_414.14:twiltir Pmlulgavi, situated on the (Travel Road itt! the of Wawanott, Within 11 -Miles of Godericki, containing 100 acres, 150 of which &review& - On theremises there IS • go:of) Frame Barn 36-: by 52, a good .Frame House, rung orchard— bearing. A. good creek rimn,eg through pie - farm _Apply to 11110RXeMAIII; _ Lot L354tbCOL 17'Wev.aliesli; Jan. 30,165.' wl-Ine' usinte cFlar. 3P. -1-1TILL BE A VV. tation Ito% Will visit patient or day. cr. c. IODHYSICIAN, at_ ERICH, C. 'rhos. X 10H YSLCI 1. _House Sur Oretos.--AtArah frivrt.) w9 _ T ATE OF S' la *ex load, Dit..AA1 ioniWoaN, • tend,partica operations upon itowteir Vierde WARRISTI 1LP Law, and Crown AitorneY, At -Court Haase. linatSTE asiciza,are., 01014 A llatARMSTEJ 1.3VISravectit, • J. Y. Milos & Trey W' 1E. A-./ „Notaries / 014 utilhaseer • -Corner ofiLlags Illtrsr-46T61•, ▪ sluar:priketitanreN TTOUNE'' ,jk-a. Chanter'', Ste., are., floa s South siie o C aurt-House S A TTORIE Chaacen slericli,C.W trdwitre or A rrotors HIC•10;:k Stook, Wean it Glugoar klolt#3 TTORNI nett, O. 01.AX:It 11.40 F. Tow. Oadertelt.A.1 ea Craig) A ,r1107:t .o1,Terrt, wry-, No. 0 The the isew AIL (Oratteal *PHYSIC! J. °menet Office, Dow -R lama A PTO -RN fl.onstiaa ca. oHU_Ltnr ARRIS1 Iriodoatee - oral blind A1 Bruce. 7« Fre ZARVAI .10441,11t SOmattati• iliMMOMOOMMO -1! 0_1171t 11 Li ' Laud I te.ititteaft VROTTN.11 vd, 41011 AlEariMPI Tetthiew to SNIC.- boas isesigkr, atja 4.1 la Was 3 •aatiwaasi atiasicilkA4 toter eoset tleaeuri0 aim4tV 4 oedema) 114113itvito leet,fi voted