HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-07-14, Page 3• c. Lad liter er- ag- dee ice by w rns vas ;eh& felt ed. toe ;us bet snt o. iere ea a t.) oxf eist nets the rift tLe res. ;eh the - ▪ of - • in ben 1. t▪ he Rzev tzlel p LAY say pees - the t ea t No *ors the. eod avy of ; to .ara the ex- -the 'aot the voit rich. Dee- rinx, e tob erd, one erne i:e a. ying the eon - 7. art rAy; :the reen ixed e of s in ;hes far firma. stela seer- htielk, - *heir arty, fiscrea- awe _ sren, erre ee. •••. Leslie•e T Etc le• on the Rope. An nee, tea fljilaet perfo• mance gar; :-The first creseine was made 3 nure and la sue. Tee second, after lei. a ie; the congratulations of his Canadian Inends who -seemed deighted that an American wae sem- cessfu:ly contestin • the ra!tu with 1:!ondin, aJ partaking of some pro:lered refreshment -I, was made tin the fi.11 tin in 4 min. A fter a shert respite. Lesite again made his appearance in woman's garb. nielecap,. otticoate aea and for ahoet fifteen milinaes a:stoeielied the audience by enacting, on the main rope, a drunken sae, etageering, reeling. with a. perfect recklessness of life or hLnb He 1 11E.MAIKETS. wound up -his to.)I-hardy, oxplohs by running. out on one ot the eaveropeswithout pole or balance, and throwing himself al full length spring -$0:90 4 _ o.00 on his ba.ek. This.. it was- admitted surpiet d ail do . . 1:00 (ce; -1:00 any-ventarescline feat ever pertoinniIby I3ot1 Vats, . . . . „ -0;40 (t4 045 din. Leslie seems mdmaied with' the -Seim . . 5:00 (.& 5:50 Unit our country shal. excel in everything.. Badei 55 (c0 0:.60 _ . 0 • _ C I eaarinar ;ter. e ho ' d ,1/41 entiv, is said to ha% e lived im the foul th or titth•sfoi v of a great chue, 1 ite factery the Rue llichit eile, at Pal is. lle bought none het secauu- hand news papers. that, is, papers a day old, ani which hadgone tie ough many hands. Ile died wealthy. 'Vanity d you thiek that Mr. Bold is a halide in inao ' Oh, no ! I can't endure Inin. IL! is Ilona ly enough.'-' Wellv toituente enough at all events, for an oid aunt ha just died andleft hint e;•30.000.' 6 Indeed!' it true ? Nave 1 come to remellect, teere is a ccitain notile air -shout -him, and he has a tine eye that can t be deified.' Gopeeten, July • 14t1, 1865. • Porte e : even to a fool hardy risk ef fife, ; ; -- . 0 00 - (y, 0:75 A Diffienit Case. l Wool . - Perk . ,.....: 550 Q.4 0:00 __...- - . :; : A correon sndent of the Drawer is itiveIved t" '-eeP t• , 3 00 (0 4 00 • L-irubs;................; -, ..,,_ _ 2_00 (iii. 0_00 tn domestie' perPlexities. Ile writes : I got acquaint -ed. with a yuunz Wid,rw who lives. ferkies, each ...-........... 0:45- (Z? 0:50 with her step dauzliter in tlielsaine hause.- 1 , ties..e..• ' " . - a - ---- - - - -= 023: t..i; 0'0° deeetts, `II pair .. - ... , .-. 0:20 - (le 0:00. married the widow; my father shortisafter fell - ..'.- _ o' _:. in love with the step.daa.liter at my wite and - i'lek5do _. - ... 9:*00 ( 0 25 ,' El des (ereen).....-.. e. - .. 2:75 0 T0:00 married her. My wire became the Mother ' of ow ' butter • - . ,.. 000 'aci; - 0: 124 in4avr rind a'so the dan„gliter-in-law own father_: my wife's step-daii4liter is my. ,P,istaticies new ' " "`" ' i - --'3:30 (AI' Ill" — step mother, and I am. the stepfather of my Vs JOU— . 7 . _ - ........ . - 7 7 . 2:00 (al, 0:00 -mother-in law. 31s step mother, Who is the l'azgs - - , aa - 040 . fie 0t124 step dafighter of My wife, h ie a bey, he is lia-Y, new "t'llea - - —le - g:00 (iii -s. 9:00 Green -:(is. : : raturalty rav step tirother. betause. he is the Peas 0 624 ( 0 00 on of my Cab -et- and of my step mother, but because he is the' son of My wife's steeelau *be • . - - ter so is my wile the grand.moilter ot the little AL Sp I boy. and Iota the greed -lather of my -sop ., - . • : e 'Id 1 il I' rivte ' Resid ec'e 'brother.. My w-te hue at a boy ; my step -f P 0 it s.A__--1_,D Mother is conseetienily the Stell sister of my ! . a boy, and a alsoehis grandinothi..r. bet ause he- REAUTIFUI.LY sinuftecl in the Town of is the child of her step -sou and my father is ' 1) Gt.d-Lieb, being pa, k lot, No.14. oir. C., the brother ineaw eCtuy son. bee:luta. he ha* eciatainme 10 acres of 9C& Rent land, ; with. _got his step-sieter for a. wUe. Lem the broth- a geod 0, c -hitt d tif clioi,ee ti Ida all in fall er of my own sdir. who ie the sone •f n y stee. hearing. A large , . -1 ... e mother, my wife ie the aunt ot her own son mother ; I ant the !mother in-law of my Two Storey Erick House my soa is the gra•ttison of Inv lather. aiid I am rny owa g;aritifather.-Ellarper** 31'a - wale. Inkpartant 10'.11agtstrates. By a teeeent detision ih thettert ef us en's , ' . ' cin the.prermses. Bench to Too onto, in -the casereif Ileibert rs. ' t Godenchl. June- lAth .18.65. %%91 lui ' , . . r • ..., • D4WITSWeir. ttied bt tire List Sorni r Assizes in : Witifstorte ceilat, hv 30 feet. Frame flarn..Siable, Sheas and other out-buihiings. The wbule 1i be sold on reasonable terms; - J.1MES MuMAIION, 111,1=•11•IMMINMEMIM.+Nr THE SEMI-WEEKLY. SIGNAL. fal NE WHERE THE . Village of_,Clinton is ? W HY, YES ! -I BOUGHT SEARLE'S ! O )-". TOE SIG . or- THE LARGE KETTLE .co A STEEL MOULDBOARD PLOUGH A real Thistle -cutter, the best I ever had. It cost oaly Fifteen Dollars! FIVE MILK PANS FOR $1 - All kinds tif TINWARE AND _srovEs going off cheap. Thirty different kinds • si-TA_Ttms, AND CASTINGS Kept rin hand. SEARLE will sell, at a-, GREAT BARGAIN-, _ A good -Second-hand SEPARATOR Threshing Machine With a Pitt's- TeteHorse Tower: PRICE ONbY ONE EUNDRED DOLL IRS for Cash, or on short tiotice. Also, on side a large quantity of . Hungarian Crass Seed, Improved Ttiruip - Seed, ; ONLY 15 CENTS Pie POCND:. • Eave Troughs. and a1 kinds of lohbing done in worknianlike m nner, at the • Sign of the L rge Kettle, BASE LINE,-,CLINTON. • SEA nig 8,--:DAvIs. Clinton, June 20th, 1865. - n•2I 3 , .AA AND tir'e Taw% is det Wed that --------- Cap. SHERIFFI.SisLE OF -LANDS. BOOK XII DING. 00 Sec. (-Ca?. NO Cott, )4# Justices BY = t f t .. 1 t AViNG. made arra cements with. Mr.. 1.1: MeCill.E.GOR, Book -tender and Manulare of the_Peaere when appointed. must take the Culled Counties off , t ir ire o . two VI le s o El .To wit : . I of Hee Nlajesty's County . pinta ' i 'tuna,' Si ationt.r., (who- lois lately'. returned from -oath of vilification before some Justice of . Huron :ind Bruce. /- Fieri Frieras issued out Conn untie Uuited nounties ef Huron and Bruce pleawith a large stud:. ot Binding and the Peace to the Distr.;et or County -for which ' - „he intended • to act. Eaeey person actin4 , threvied.agamst tire ..nberi tered). I am prepared to Furnish ['deni- es -a Juetice' of the Peace, without hitinhr ' a" -t*) 1.41•e lands and len„e- Books et all k inds.'size and styles with and Witit "Irene-. ot John Me( kv at the suns of %V illiam oni. Printed tleadinee - at ten . per cen-t cheaper ,- 1 . . _rhea Tioonto prices. -, 41 I ei Luis iJf linelift enot giving Satisfaction will re repaired free et eharge. -7 . a eu-46w21 - • taken:it e prescribed oath berme seinie ether M $arvaee and Jane, MeGuire, f have seized Justice, is ilaree te a F enaay otSIO0 f_tt- evety and titat-ii in eseeinion all tile riehtetitie ii,d act pert-,,,tes as a jeseem f the mtereet or the seeldereudent irea nti a tot number The Act Vite were ;erased tweet t • 6 epee, it,tri the tame concession te tire township ot . ‘,0 Mae ss. in 10 County of Bruceetyma:nine one •agiNai d etPasecUlendY al'1mes3 ti 4 uste"s nundred de res. inure or lass; W-hica la..ire and appointed since that. time.. We elidestaid tesenients 1 shall otter for .sate at my mitre in that all, or nearly all; the Justlet.•A or the ; the Court -House in -the town ot Coderich, on P in thCounties. h.tve talc. n the oath Ttiesday, the seventeenth day of. ctoher pest, at eece ese of qualitieetion befere the Clerk of the Peace. • JOHN g A.CDO N A Sheriff., H. ea 13. . Sherld-s afire., Goilerieh; 7th July, 1.7sti5 „ w24 t ie hour ot Twelve et t ne crock ooun. who athuraistered the same tinder a Dedimus Potectatent, but this haS been d. ciaea by the Court of Queert's ree...ch in Toronto, as not suffieient under the St.itue, and ail Magistrates whet hive been sworn in by- the Cerk. of the reace during the hilt twenty ave year> are Jugt no Magistrates at al. Hie liter* Judee Malloch. the Hon. 11.- Mit itad the Hon. Jas. Shaw, are.Jui4i, es of tile Peace by Stitaae alas we uei-eve roe the oniy-paiti s re these Counties uqalified tu adininestet toe oath - to othee Justrces t and we would reeeramend all those who have tatheir the oath before the C:erk of the Peace- to appiv to one or the of these gentlemen and property sworn in without deiay. Of course, wheu.ole roan is tAUTION.7- I his is U.) forbid all .persiins credither harboring- my Wife Catharine - McDougall on my ifecounta es She has lett my bed aid board iiith,out icii'cause or provocation,. as 1 slia.11 not. be responsilde for, any deEtSesite inav ontract. • .rioNALD Mt-DOI:GALL. 4th con., Staid -6y, Ju iy 6th, le65.- w23`3t ' irst - Class Farm - Niszt-x-• properly sworn in cen administer the oath 1 TN IlEt others, and sat en. The Reeves and Deputy Ifeeves are ex- officio Justices of the Peace. Township of Stanley, County of Huron, but whether tirey Ike Ja.ided aatiniatieter the oittla to Justices ape...tinted by the G tver I ' EIS'S If 9: south of the Bay- ' field Road, voantalifii:'ite2. 160 acres of t - ? es.tx..e h -• Wh e 5 etc-ire:ear:. nor-Ger-eral. iia qaestaon-iiat et dect led - end it would harthy sale tier creeie t wt. It „enee!tedt -ari(71 staztel-o4f cultivation Justices of the Peace to run any risk withal Th a fern' lk Only a quarter of a mile south 01 the $1011 penalty hari'eing over their bemis. ;ill:lee of Yenta." ai.0 t.:.-urrotn.ded on Under the recent d. i, Magletrates iit • iiy eraYel roads. and within these Counties are rather a Scarce artiale at ea -la act via et a good -wheat -market, th re is a aeotr-tt house...and a arge frame barii in'course of - present.--.- [Perth Crier. Fruit. Trees. Never prop urea. tree .loaded with fruit to prevent the branches fro n breakin; down. - Any branch or tree whiett requ:res propping, has more fuit thee it ought to carry, either tor the aood of the tree or the goed ot the -fruit. 'The first thing to do is at remove the sinalier poor, Or knotty specimeng. If this be donetifore the growth has ceased, arid sometimes after the re•eidag has commenced, the im- provement of the rem Lining portion will more than compensate for the reductitth in number,. In those regions where the -peach bears only theacteneis attempt to get all they can by ale/wells an over -abundant crop to nmain., They will get quite as many bushel's hy removing one half- or twe thirds, and cbtnin an immense superiority in flav6e.,' .31any cultivators have observed that the last riptuinapeachei on a treelare incom- parably better than the first---merelrhecaese they are not crowded.How ranch better would they be by iemoving the crowding portion before npening. If you wish to -have goed, healthy uniformly grciwitii; trees, not destroy- ed by premeture age„ cia not let theta ovine bear.-EEechange. "I •PigEs.-A fire occured irt the village of Caledonia:* about six o'clock ott Thursday evening Gth inst, by which the barn- of Di. 31aepherson was entirely consumed The barn at the tune of the fire 11441 111 it icsuticya cutter land aequantity of hay, all at which were destroyed. The lanildtaer was insured for $100. Oe Thuesday eveninz, at the Village of Middleport, the fine dwelling house belongin2-, to Mrs. Hogan, with many articles of furniture, was destroyed by fire: Ry the efforts of the neighbers, the bare which . con- tained a large quaretity of bay, was stived. Thc fire otiginatedE from a stove-piee nt tl e back kitehen. Mrs. Hogart's lois is est;matecl at $1,000and we regtet to Learn this' no part of it is coverel by last': ance.-t-lpectator. . WOMAN'S VOICE -*Die voice of woman, gentlemen, said s ag.enn individual, in an argument, tthe voice of womanno matter how muck some of you may feel ineli•led to. sneer at the sentiinent.exereises a soothingan inspiring a hallowing eiffuerice upoti the ear anew; ern:alias him in affih tion, encourages dism iy, and itetnishes from his miud all Aht,fie..trtunl,-5 -which, when she is absent eon epi's-e,te Lk men info the depthe of deste.in- (defter.' e Tem youreseal exclaim d his wife; at tbis 'natant, bursting into the F(10:14 ""t COMO home, you.- loitering; scamp, and #eavc- those worthless fellows to themselves. Oh when I get you at home, woo'tyott catch it r TC CANDLE. FThis is one of the Most curious memltera of the finny tribe, It is caught onthe coasts of British Colettihial where it is extremely common, and proves very useful to the natives. Sotne iden of its Inverellont fatness may be gleaned from the lactthat the natives use. it ae a lamp, the light- even bein-, very considerahre. The disti, when dried,. Cat a piece of rush pith, or a ettiperfroni the inner bark of the cypress tree, drawn through fa a long roand needle, made Of bard wood. being.useti fo.: the purpeae itis then lighted, un -d burns steadily itil con - same& Any one on read comfortably- by it' light. ereetton. z-chools, 1 est i•ife'es., GriSt all to the immedotteytebutv, . For particulars as to terms, &c., nifty (if ny letter pest; nAI) to George Anderson, Pe., tot 9, 7th co -7. Ste niey, Xenia 1,.0,, oe to tee pro-- nnetor alr David. Ic&ennell, Stow -iv -etc, p..o., countyatYet k. . Stoullvi1le,6th :fitly, 1865. • ' • . • LAND SALE • , . - UNDER P6WER OF SALE IN MORI-. GAGE. JOHN BUTLER. SPECIAL NOTICE. EFERRING to our advertisment of 2nd .131 instant, und in order to avoid misunder- standing. we beg respectfully to inform those of our custoniers who have had accounts with us hitherto that, as we are anxious to bring our present business to a close as soon as possible. we must discontinue all accounts from this date. JOHN FAIR & CO. Goderich, 9th May, 1865. sw71 JOHN .FAIR CO* :navarea DETERMINED 01 CLOSIN-G 13 I TUE1R • PRESENT BUSINESS IN-GODERICH, . WILL) ON • 'Thursday next, the 4th instant, bomunenPe to clear -off the whole ot their large andvaluable stock of Dry Goods, Clothing', and Groceries, at an ENORMOUS REDUCTION IN PRICES. Goderich, 2nd May, 1861 IN OLVPAT ACT Of 1864. _ fIE credit -of§ of the ,undersiened are fied to tueat at the Iaw office of M. C. Cameron. in the town . of Goderich, in the County of Huren, on Mondayone seventeenth day of July, 1865, at ten of the -clock in the ihrenoon. for the purpose Of; receiving state- ments, of bis affairs, and of hamine an 'assignee to whom he May make an assign- ment under the above Act. Dated at: Goderich, in tile -County of Huron • this 27th day of June, 1b65. . WILLIAM ,HYSLOP. M. C. CAMER.O-N, - - Solicitor tor liisolvent.) sw87td Y iittue of a Fewer of Sale contained in a liort mee made her. Archibald MeMillan, of the township. of Vi awanosla in tid county of Minya Yeoman, of the first part, and Janet MeMillan, his wire,. (for the purpose 9f hanina her dower) of . the second F•art, dft fault hireine,- been made in the due pa2rrient thereof, will he sold on, Thursday, the tenth day pr August, A. D: 4865; atetaelve of the eleek. noose at the Auetiois 3Iart of George M. Trueman, in the town of Goderich, the following- property, tbat is -to say: The easter'y I alf of lot number fourteen, in the fourteenth concession Of the said township ot Wawanosh, eontajtiinfe one --hundred acres of land, more or less, saving and excepting- that part ofsaidlot contalining by admeasuree 'merit two roods and eight perches of land conveyed bay said the first part, to ne , James Sumer -vele, of the village of Lucknow, by Deeddad the twenty-seventh day of January, A. D...1863. • Terme. cash. Deed Under Power of Sate. -M C. CAMERON. sw90td Selienor for Mortgagee. Mortgage Sale. . To, be sold by Pl.:13LIG AUCTION at the _eflice of the undersigned, in the City of - London; on - - Tuesday the 1.8th day of July, A.D. 1865, at 12 o'clock; noontikder and by virtue of a IPower of Sale cunt:tined in it Mortgage from_ one JiIIIIPS McDonald. to Charles Clemson Knizht, (Tided 7th Devetnber, A. D. 1860; the South half of Lot No 5 in the 12t11 con.- cesston-.of the Tewsiship of Stephen, _ in the County bf Huron, eontaining 50 acres more ,or less.; : , .a.i. 1E -a M. C:" = - kt the same 'tune and: place, under and by virtue of Powers of - Stile col t; ined in a . .. i i Mertgaze from one Randall McDonald and wife to Charles Allargon Knight. dated 7tb Deeenaher, A. D. 1860, and a certaiu other Mort ;age from said Itindali McDonalchto stud 'Charles Al anson Kntght, dated fith January, A D. 1863; the North half of said .14,it- No. 5. ii the 12tb concession, Stephen, contain- ing 50 acrea mere or /ess. .. The above farms are under good cultiva tion, well fenced, and have each about 35 acres cleared, and are within IO -miles ot the Village ofExeter: . 3 he -gent IS a clay. loam of ititx1 quality with beech anct maple iimher. - A small creek runs throu,th the premises. Mortlagets !tole Deeds and anstracts may he seen a'the &lice Of the undersigrredt and at the placeand time of sale. • HARATS.BROTHERS. , Vendors Solicitors,. Li:indent. July 1st, 1865. • -_ w23t4 18651 Spring- Arrangemeriti1865.- Goderick, Kincardine, Inveriaronijtort- Elgin, and Southampton Route. „STEAMER • 66 A. M. McGREGOR:, Master, TN connection with the Grand Trunk 'Rail- road, at Goderieh, commencing ou Monday, June 26th, 1865, (weather per7 mittine), will -leave . . GODERICH FOR SOIJTIIIMPTON - • Every evening, (Sunday's excepted' at 6 o'clock, p. M., calling at intermediate ports.- = Wilt leave" Senthampton every morning,- (8uodays excepted) at 5 o'clock, a m-: call ing at intennediate ports, endeartiving at Goderich in - time to connect , With the 3 o'clock, p m vain going east. • • GE0.11.9E RUM.BALL Agent, thaderich. Tickets can be procured from any of the undermentioned agents at the following ratea, • Goderieh to Kineerdine . ........ 50cts. do - In-vertuiron . .15ets. • do Port Elgin *1.00. "do • Suielnimpton . I 00. Kincardine to inverheron „• „ ebet„„ do Port Elskin . . . 50ets. do - Saugeeil. . • . • .. 50ct. -.And Vice Versa. t Jes 1 Kihcardine . Ross RObertson. I nverh in on . . . . . *. . . . P. McBee. -Port Elgin . W 11. Roby. • Southainpton . Thus. Adair. The Steamer 'Bruce wilacon.neet at Goderich wah the S1ZEL ' EB HURON D. COLE. Master. - Every Tuesdays and Fridays for Saginaw, also Propellor Niagara, 0. M. MoINTOSTI, Master, Oncea. week for CAicago. Through • tickets can be proc- red troni any of the agents fur Sagina w and Chicago, at the following rates: 'tat Oass. 2ad el as Southampton and Port Elgin to Sagina 35.00 34 00 lnverhuron it Kincardine to do . . 4.50 3.50 Southatunton & P't Elam to Chicago -7.00 '5.00 lnverheron & Kineardine to do . . 640 450 Freight contracted by this line via Grand Trunk for London, Hamilton, TorOuto, Mon- treal, and all points East cheaper 'than by any other route. • - • • - • G -E0. RUMBALL, , Agent. Codericb, Sane 27,1865. we2n2t • a ii4.01tTGAG. E SALE, . OF Valuable Property; ill THE TOWN OF GODERIOH, COUNTY OF HURON-. UNDER_ and by virtue of a Power of Sale 4.-) contained in it certain Indenture of Mott- rage'(which Will be produced at • the time of GODER/CH, May 1st; 1865i sale). made by, James McMahon, the follow- ing property will- be offered for sale at the - • Auttioli Roomsof - , GEORGE M. TRUENIAN, . In the Town of Goderith, on VTRAYMARE.-Stirayed from, Goderich Counnons, about the first week in Jane, Hist , a Bay Mare and horse Foal, the - mare has a-ccirk on the left hind foot, there is a star on the coit's forehead, and left hind foot white. Information that will lead to her recovery will be suitably rewarded by leaving word with MARK 'WHITELY. Goderich, Jane 29th. 1865. - w23-4t*0• A NEW STOCK I OTS eCelVe .A.;Jr TIFIE ‘30th Jure, 1865. -r•-• ARGE PLAIN iLT g an umm r JUST ARRIVED AND AT THE Wednesday, the 191h day of July, 1865, At one o'clock p m.,viz: All that parcel of land and premises, situated in the Town of Goderich,._ being composed of lot NO. 9, south of Lighibouse street in the said Twin. of Goderich, containing 1 of an acre, more' or less. Upon the premises there are erected a one and a half awl • building; divided into three tenenients, in good repair. - ALSO: Tbat certain parcel or tract of land composing lot 13, being lot 14 on the south side of Wet street, in the said town of Goderich, containing a quarter of an ac•e. more or leak_ There is erected on the -lot a one and a balfatorey building,frame(24 m 32) occui,iedus a grocery and dwelling, and it storehouse in rear 28-w 18; the whole is 4.51211JSrepair. hat certain :parcel or tract of land; situate in the said town- of Godirieh, composing lot fifteen, ..on the south side of West street, containing e quarter of an acre of lend, mere _ctel les& The: fallowing, build - 'net are erected On the premises: 3ne -two story -frame building 30 m 20 ; frame barn :40 W 32 aed.frame shed 50 feet long. Build- ings -11 in good repair. -ALSO I, --7/111 that parcel of land composing lot number -191, in said town of Goderich, conuanining by admeasurement 40 -perches, more or less. •• There is a good orchard . on the lot. and h one story house in good repair. TERM OF SALE. -Ten per: cent. Of the purctiese money.to be paid to the auctioneer at titne of sale 25 per vent on the first day of September Reit; - the.remainder: may; be seenied by, mortgage, covering a period of 3, 4,, 6r-_5 years, at the option of the purchaser, en -same conditions as contained _in the mortgaie how held by :. Vendors - - TrpoN, Mortgages Apply to le) - , ',rm.- , farther Particulars, apply to the , .. Money to Lend , - . . Shade A;inc.iii,oneer, Or :to lIeurs...: Cam_ eron and - V Gooding, Solicitor. Office ;pier- R. i l'"'"iich"le - 60.119it0;11 -for the Vendor., Booth.4 sake- - l-Terqatc4 , .--..._ -,Goderich. 18th May, 1865. sw74ti f 1 Toronto; On. 065. ' w23. • , f J. V. DETLOR & SON. w 12 SA AC -FREDRICK Sheiiff'g3 Sale- tit Lands. r UnitedOountiesot Y. virtue of a writ oi 3ELEMECeiliTinre Huron and Bruce; _ M Faas issued out fB To wit: of Her Majesty's County Conn ofthe United Ccrinties of Huron and Bruce and to me directed rigaiust the lands andtene- ments of Elijah Frayne, at the snit of William Aldridge. .1 haveseized anchtaken in execution alt the right', title arid- intelest of the raid. defer' dant in and to the south halt of lot number twenty- 6ve,in the Ji th convestion Of the -.township of Menlo" in the eunnty oi Huron; *hit+ lands and tenements 1 shall offer tor stile at my office in the COI]ft }louse in the town of Glider-. iell. on 'rusilitirs. the _attire day of October next at the hour of twelve of the clock noon. -JOHN AACDONALD, _Sheriff, H. At fl SherifPs Office, Godench, 23id June. 1865. - 22 SHERIFF'S SALE OF LAM S. - -.....,..--,, ,United Counties•Of 13 Y virtue of two -wr.te of Huron and Bruce,SICF Fierriacias isimed out. To Wit: of Her Majesty's_ Connor Court of the United 'COlititleir of Baron and -13ruceeend time &fleeted aIronst the lands and tenements ot Jeremiah Lennox, at the suit of Isaac: Carling, William:0 . Smith, and Alexander Sinith ;; 1 have pelted aridtakenrtt executron all the right, title and interest PI the said 'defendant. in IIIIIJ tO lot number 99 on Huron Ftreett in the village of Anteyeillle,:,in , this- county of._Huron, with the`buildings thereon erected. Let No. 2 on Hdwiek streei„-in the militae or- aelmore, one half sere, .ot :4114a, .,*th the buildines thereon erectedilittleted- at the south Mit comer of the ToFeship of Culross, in . t,hiS eounty.of Bruce, forming hart of lot No.1 , • iii the A concession of the maid township of Culross; which Ian& and tiptemititta I -abed -Offer forsate kt inirolliee trt the •Colirt , lioul4 in the _town . -0,1 Oodetacrhe on _ Tuesday, . the teeth day et*October next. at the htsuie offiwahre of .the'elpekineerv: ; * _ ' - -JOHNIIACDONALD, Siteriff 'Sheriff's °flee, (WeriClat I - 3rdInk, 1815. . w2-1 _ TO it+ IgITSCIIES' 01.1) STArtin, ....."•••••••••AAAAMes• UNDER POWER i0F SALE IN MORT- aAGE. Bvirtue of a Power of Sale contaliied in a Mortgage made by James McMahon of the township of Goderich, in the County of Huron, and Province of Canada, - (de. fault having been made in the due payment thereof) will be sold on Wednesday, the 26th day of July, A. D., 1865, at twelve o'clock, noon, at the Auction Mart of George M. Trneman, in the town of Goderich, the following property, that is tsr say: Lot fourteen, in concession C, in the. township of Goderich, in the Comity 01 Huron, containing by, admeasurement test acres of land, more or legs. Terms Cab. Deed under Power af Sale. . M. C. C-A3114IRON, w2Itcl Solicitor torMortgagee.- Notice is Hereby Given riAT .application will be made to both* branches of the Legislature of title Pro vince at their next sitting to have the town- ship, of i-Vawanosh divided to form two seperate Municipalities, to be called "East Wawanosh" and u West Wawanosh," re spectively, the dividing line to be between hits numbered twenty seven and twenty-eight.; The application vvill he made by petition of the Mduzcipal Connell, and over demo bun -- tired' Mid ninety of the- electors of the saiii township of 1Vaw sh. By order of I ouncil. JAS.- SCOTT, lip Clerk. June 13th, 1865. w22tf - MC)11,21301k0E-5.ALLS. IIIIIEREAS default having been made in 11 payment. of a Mortgage made by FA - ward Kelly, of the Township of Ashfield. in - the County of Huron, yeoman, and Mary Ann Kelly, wife of Edward Kelly, (for the purpose( of barting her .Dower) . to Williarn Leonard of the Town of Goderich. in the County ot • Heron, Beelleman ; the following land arid premiies will be sold by Public Atictiotc at 7 G. M. Truemanis Auction Mart, on - TUESDAY 15th AUGUST, 1865 At the hour oftwelve ealteck„ noon., subject to a Mortgage of $400, and interest at eight per cent., duelst May, 1865, that is to say, all and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lyitie and being in the Township or Ashfield, in the -County ef Huron, being composed of the south half Of the north half of lot number eleven, hi the third eancession, eastern division of the said Township ofAshfield, Contaiiiines- by ed- Measuremeet fifty acres_ of land, more' or less. " Deed under Power eontuined in Mortgage, - Terms of Sale -Cash or Credit. Forfurther particulars apply.to_lk Shade Gooding, Solicitor, West Street. D. SHADE GOODING, : Solicitor for Mortgagee. Dated .7th Mara, .1865. . w2ftd London and Paris Treatment -I - DR. JOHNSON'S Office and Dispensoxyl No. 64, Little Nt. James Street, :BIZ 0 INT TRE.A.I.,- 9 For the Cure o, Muncie Complaints,- Scrofula. Nerveus -Debility, Dieeaes cy the Blood, - .' , &mina' Weatiums ; ancl all Fetn,ale Complaints, ci.e. , . — DR.JOTINSOg,LITE OF JA)NDCN, ED1Ne ' burgh and Pans, decotes his attention ex-, elusively, to the Treatment of the complaints referred loin thie entice. Manyyearsexpenence in Europeand the British Colonies, enables biin - to perform some very rernarkeble cures i• and kts- lad:Mies for obtaining the best and latest fet105.- - 'dies are such, being in correspondence with the moat celebrated physician's (gibe old world, that he cats offer inducements to the unfortunate of 'a speedy and perfect cure. Kr STREHOTE1 To_TDE WEAN. -Dr. 101142 son26Hrmedies will reserve in a very shon time, alt wboare indicted with Nervous Debility, Loss ord'Meenory, -Vigor,&e. - 1r-4- YOUNG MEN, TAKE NQTIONC4-41PfelS KU evil hahit °nen contracted by boys at aohool, whickgrows up with them to inanhood 1- the effects ofthis evil practice is most deplorable, - often produe-ngiusanity, &ea dec. AU -who ice afflicted should apply to Dr Johnson immediately, . and he will effect a speedy and perfect cure. rr DISEASES OF IRE "BLOOD, &e. -It is it melancholy tact that thousands tall victims to disease o wing to the unslultul and improper use of mercury. Dr. -Johnson's Compound Syrup will thoroughly erect:este all dire as- s arisingfrom a dieeased Of Impure statenftheblood. -Remedies foriverded in safetyto any address thMe.e hours from 8 till 12, and from 21111 S. . All relnintinIce- tiOnt $lion1t1 be ackreteed, Dr. Chas. F. Jobaftwit - 642 Little St. JaMegStreaeldentreal.O.Ei WATCHIKAICat, & JEWELER • - WEST ST., GODEItICH, Next door West of Mr. Stotts'. Saddlery. • ILL. Rums Or WATuRES, CLOCKS AND "JEWELRY — REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTACE,‘ In the best Style.* Warranted. ADOOD AMON= INTor . rillsostIewftry. Wssi.Cieent '1 elockst -Ave 'are- , Constantlycnbandand warranted to be asrepresented • f not, inohey refauded, Gedench July *71.11.16g1. dela' 00 tiD -81101 striiAnr.-e pie SPRING„ ALB Nail ilTST RIMMED AT I James C • n 'e 'KINGSTON' ST., °ODIUM', ALL IS SOLICITED •AA. Ti 0 1-1M111. 4 *CONTRACT of chopping and cleating 11 Teri aer4, on the Baylield Road, -five miles from GOderich. Apply to COLIN CLARK, ' - Huron Road, -7 w2Itf - Jane 16t11.1065, Dissolution of Partnership. OTICEs hereby given that the,,Pastnet 111 ship lately- subsisting betiteah Dewitt Jahns enil Cornelitie johns, - both of the village -of gieter, tinder the firm of At Johus, has been this -day dissolved by mutual Conaent. All debts owing to said firnissreto he received by said David Johns, and all -demands on said partnerships'. to -be ene., sewed to him tor payment. Dated at Exeter, thit .27th. day ,tif7Aurte, 18_65. DAVID -JOHNS, ) CORNIlLIUSJOJINS, N. 13. --The business will b* cantinfiet under the name of the Dieter Tuishop. All • kinds of work done to order witknestnearaud despatch. w23•3t _D,A YID fIc..IXN, ropSrof to: r, REMOVAL. Clinton Book Store.. School Books and SOW Stationery,. NiliTMEC)1.233110.4T-ak. THE undermined begs tG nniify1nds 1 and: the public generally that he 'has te, moved Ins Book ..Store to the well 'Chew., stand on Albert Street, Clinton, formerly occupied by LS' Forrast A Co., where he will be happy to wait, uponalt who any favor him with a call. Country_ StorekOerierfoi 47:ovaf ilieul-ft,r3Y.iavhe. 41° imtrPec. bit*" $10 goopoi. Boas e‘grepassAT wtit foe44 to be* lei** as those_ of the Toronto WhoJaeala in'e.bil. sFatqamtiey .m,en1810104' ;144cio 0 Toys, Wait p;a1;p010473:cwoURilieignipoirpt ici.. b;perni ittC.itc„; $ D )1itesivery: 1016 • 4ZO tlitlteniZth June, 1865, ficre , - •