HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-07-14, Page 1itkee-' • sof ate - the dee Sis b ;ere f 3 eer or me' the mtm•1.10 11 ed. 36 bet • Ulitunci3L3 Ditectorn. 13e. 1'. !Iv 1 lostosill. WILL };I-: 11031E FORR l'ONS*1-1, Iv en, 1.. 11 a. , ei ere day. -, Wet 1.sn pai.ents at any hour anerward,, oetit et- jay , - is,tilisnistin. EON...te..it.;•., GOD- ESN:Ft. • .W„ 13:40-1y . _ • rho. NIcI.eati. NI. D., D- II Y,F; 1 C lAN. S (Lave , Knigston ors -lc& -AtArtanet. Boardttig 1 isivtidw91 -- (loiter it- h . W. f * C'olc (rs t sad- Mr. fiawnne-'sforiner Store LLATE OF r.k.NLEY-CLIN rox . - DR. A. WORTHINGTON, pIty.,,terxx. s:,-iti;Et)x, teal, partirmarly, to 4.senses Of and surgtea operattons,upon the eve, .14outtex-Vit.t.t.; E.th't*.r.tN13.2-- W47- IV _ - kris 1,o‘orsie„ B-klItItt.S-TE .t..11 VrT(/11.N1--.i1. . , 1-taw.a 'o ry. Cininty Crown -Attorney. C4-kieve.a ."'aizati4W est 'llee n Goers lIonse. i14ii4i) . Cauzioron. A r rottv.: CONVEY- Sitxclaite S. Wzatkeii, joiti ARRISrEltel, St)LICITORS. _ • Lige ()lee, over the Store et - 7.,. V.*flair. .V; Son. G..b.fer, ItIershey NI.ctIerenot tri.z„ f -. AT - L Notaaes Piesee, „sate, West :Street. (der ch.( . 10:1 • • (siva Davi-son, r siTIACITOR LJVA enta.-ery, are (3.67'-e ‘Iarket Corner iitngstoit S'ereet„t4.iderielt . 9;42 ttetray & pz.krtIti'..;T S; • F.117S- AT -LA ' Satartes. Conviiya;ieers. .te. ()diet Me 1 liaysectivrie-r-,- West Street. t 10,ft-tat-h. 9i42 Jolla% 13- C;rox-ctions ITTOMY-A solAerrort IN AND. W. T. VOX, litor andProprietor. • PER - • API a I BUSinCSO. bixectorls Ural , British arta 'lle:eantile • . .r4surartoc- OtEcLe llordini:s Law Chambers.. , JOHN IIALDAN, Ae---• • Godereh.fletober /3. tsra. - evel2eivr • HURON AND BRUCE ADVERTISTR " The Greatest Possible Good to the Greatest Possible Number." _ GODERICH, C FRIDAY, :JULY 14, 1865. •-4 .jOHN BRETZ: n, Sheet-Im, and Copper EGMONLWILL-E, O. W.. , Stoves, Cultivators, 45o., -for Sale: liepteiring Dono at Short Notice. *MARINE INStJRANCE• British ...tatii;rican ra Dee_ CO 0F To no_s70. Marine ep 6rttli ent. ,.!= • GEORGE RIZMBILIa Agent. , Gederich, A.prif 145,5, • hv13ta ena.ieery. Nar otv ( o• neeenn, et,„ man ssimance Co. tionta of..-- i.lf"est SITC.C1, thaddkv.IV from. the t - Squat e: ke, Uoder.ea. Catt:i 14 W ' e't- 0,fit`e''"" British AM r* A FIRE -Sri MARINE:. JOHN FsON" A,,`Pnt. iertrri.E w‘ s.,n.triTort, Ts Rayfielii,`C, W., April 14, 1863. .w12 eifweecv.,N.,r, try, Fai...1,-.('onvevaneer,ke. G eleven. C. iwer II.Unictitnerk Co's " rderar,.• Stoie. s'"13n*29"' MAITLAND HOTEL -G-ODERIU11 MoneY to Lend on Bell Prqperty.- - . . • • - EN. frostEtt. Pft.'01) r.t.TETO it. •TITE" 141e Ctl-etoctirts_-_,, aboie is. most piensaaav situated 'tin an Tr()tva-',„1-. )LE''t r' Go -7- '..naltience 1:20 feet hieji. overlooking the _Harbor ‘sr- s nnti Laise Heron z-gooti Orteitirtis, Gardens and 13 c West 44.; entrance 11"' -es! `-`1 Kura, I.Vall..snitached. Board $1 Perday isint;ir Glasgow ,lio-ase.. ; Mealsor Peds v15410v1v -"1"-`coaas-- Nioore, Trk)3,,)ZIEA, • Gode nett, C. W. 0:llee BB'S NE P-1 sA V: tc"..1t94, AUX:1Z/ 27th, -1.S54. sw103w31 _ ___ IL L. -yy.e, rroaNty. -;•)-L1f:i l'air•Z &a. OFFICE • 1:ta5's's Sew - s,7 y OILtNSur • ssfserro.n CIIANCERY, ATTOR- over 'the new Post • • are; seer t ear, c,)etwee ter att. &e...-OtEee .1f.E CAADVe I. D.., 'U.. 31., Firmiame or M.;: prfYSI ICf.k.N. SFR 4E 3N • AND AC coueiter 01 -e -At. tirte Tion Ceurt Oftee: Dungannon, C. w1.7 I'. . -RRISTER. .AT ruEy. irs, CONVEY. aneer,ace., CIS:none too=atest• z4-0191, of the Post Ozb`ce. .113TEL - NOTICE _ , - ..1 OFIN DONOGII takes this- Mean; of .. formtntr the puTAte that. he- fete- entered ; filth. the Iimei Inis'neiss in the Stand foimerly kg.)tva as tit- Fulitta Ilousti, where he still . , be hasioy m receive old frfends and eustoreeri Goderiche Jerre 6th, le651. ' W•19 ___ ...___,__ _a__ _.• _ _ ..... •11,0 TM L _, . ' y . t WROXETER : ... 1 I:5 situated tia'tliJ• Gravel Rtnd _ running -from .1_ t-..7encorth. to oinhailipton; °he mile north "of where It Ieadsod to Witeieter,' and any one tray- • , - • c:11);" ID t , -_Belmote, Walk' ,:erfon, Setuagarkptoni . . . or any plat-ein that direeticaty4'ni find aecoinin0-: datit.m. suen as he- osilv expeett.tu find at .first class Pony- hotels, in elf respect.s. -,..' / ICE A WATS ' ox. . ItAND - . .. . .: roe rite rroag3I FAO-N-.1ErY- LEND TrOUt-••• FIShing - Friends! ' . Vaer, LAtvsoLterroR 1 111NREtNaPik TY FEET Ohltv-erv; vonveyancer., TVA, -tort, ' • - • - - CIARLI.S ' Yl6af5yly , Tai NCII.DIVNS COVEN A: LENGTH or • G ot Bruce. RISTER.- ATTORNEY- AT LAW, Sotiettor-ta-Chancerg,. N nary • Gen- eral Land Agent, liutt.-ard_ne„ ounty w12 -..1r Pryprieter. • Cotiliseertia.lriatei CAI' - • IITCKS, •Proprietor. Thiaiii the tarteest and t Country I lotel- in Western" Fraisteriek Prondfoa, . Canada.andcharges as Moderate as anv Jose in Maeoell. StagePreprietur: Good sta.'. ling fin Herse. Horses and ag • Carries for Hoe on he Shortest Not see .1.1.:ctii A FIO.INEY-A, r -1.4.11v, •04.1.-e-i•L‘c,sqN.),....1., Fent.ic,...ke. Sonta4.upt.t.m, C.),. Braue. . I .y.42 -6.m* - • ...- • - - .r. tame W'etatfterait.., ,. Wit EaLif,cEE.I...k,-.ca eau vrsciAL . Land Survevori. 011ie and Resilenee, I .a n.;tott Street,G.eieste..... v15n3 , . - ..x.. na.y. liZOITICCIAL Is IN1) St7R,VEYOR ..kIND L • emit, Elnizinee ,Ctinton. July I, '61. - -_ ._ I... II- fIsanallu, • rftVIL EN''4•1.iblEt .IN/) SMIVEYGR Land Agent and Conveyancer, Enneardint •It: ....._ a A...N.I li: .tii5 'SI NI .A. t .E.J I.4 - A,R aNtTECT, . - AO-LANS AND seaatFICATsON .t of- REHR- r- ;eta, see., got op, in a neat and correct style. s lie- 11 fine at tne •Iurait Auctida "Mart, Iiilig on Street.Golerien, - law xlifilyfy . Ana . 31 . _ LAND AGENT, . "Wlritat Square, Goderj.th. re tds tara:crax every- WedlIestitty,froin IT n.m . I00- , .14.]E -Nr- r -r" I - or. r xi la L. P s , ,- SURGICAL & MECHANICAL 4 •-, e--ear4 teescreer, (armee-sot to T. R. Moat- I lasfarint goinery,) tioaarteh, C. W., ' Rooms over lir. E. Xtiraelee Drug' Store January lath;1.665. - r- sw2s-Y1Y .. raimS0-11 & HAZLE/IttasTi 0..A.TE anAttr. St 7110,XSoNO_ ( - &aCtiOn & coamission Merchants, BlaCk,King•Stalk Sto, Go- sfericA .1r. &IA next Door to • &ton& /Iota : S .0 A. io o rt.x.ir. .7-eaaee lonsea iitt ti tons tiorles. Waggons. &e . 4, etthentatt, every- Saturday at noon. rartieulat ;caution paid to the. Sate of t3ankrript Stoek, Farm tools, /cc: .lashadvaneedongootisleftouttommusion. ' -Ts appraised. debts eellected. landlord s-arrants , etslo..4, ;:ortgae4threelosed.Injusesreeted. Division i 01.1,t, Bilste4gsattendedto, Salesattliettrauels Abe- " on Atart;Settfords_ every Thursday. . Vicatv Safes lilts/41a 'to an. reastainbli terms - tiocterieti. sets -tette Mt. . w22-tyr D. NtetIougall, . rjOR.ISED AZQVONZER. BA.YET.IBLD, ' LI Comity of ft:et-intr. $lick ill village or country anctualixauendeilto. , - s' w9-1yr• to ' I • .A.le14`xxtdler. r_ICZNSW) AUCTIONEER for HURON LA and Sawa SalesPunctually attended Addresst. flodwia P.O. w50.4rsc, ..lobalt Camapbelt. - TIE N Elt.A,14- COMMISSION- AGIVT hX Coransissioneria Queers's- Beiulatortaking Iltdavits,Convevaricer,41eteaSse. adiceon Broad I ravairdiageofitineardizia.c.W. 9:9- if'eter AlL'itae. • PORWARDPA. - A N D •OGNSIISSION , L. Sterehant, lXvItitatta0N, G. W. Notes and teeowatacolleeted., Business' of nnlr kind en- astedte.hina will recatvepromkt attention. , - w4O-iy$osx - CABINET WA.REHOUSE, OLDrIST I;NTHE co rxTY. D4 GORDON cf4LI "147:` r 31 A_ Tit. Ii1-11, AND UNDERTAKER, _ - Manufaetures anti nes now on hand a coMplete • assortment of Furniture, aehis Ikareroonts wEsr STREET, GOpERICE, SUrEl_ A2 ofas, Bureaus, Tables, ReasteitTs, Hair, Lane and %Vno1-sented. Chairs Gft Misulding and Drilekine Glasses, fin varietyfot ' ome Manufacture a Itoported ! ! • hag .431avars. on -hand a comolet't ortnaent of _COFFINS. Also; "HEARSES 0 HIRE. - &EA -amber arid Cordwood taken in ex- han fee for Furniture, • _ Go4erieh...27th Oct...1863 w27 STORY &DVIS TANIIFACTt.tRERS AND DEALERS IN 11,1. Stoves, Ploughs and Castings of every de- ription. Tie, Copper and ....;beet iron -Ware, at he Stove Depot, West Street, Godench. -* oc•A-xt -OIL, - . 4 . • 1E2,000 Oil Lamp, dr-e.,4e. Old Iron, Cop - r, Braes, Rags -and Sheep•ekine 'taken in ex. hange. 4 46 & 3. SEED EA L - EATHER FINDINGS. &e. G0DERICEL 0. W. Februare • 9: Business rIirecton riLL- Insuraace C_Anp ny FIRE AND LIFE. CAPITAL --TWO MILLION DOLLAI1S. IIC'cuintilsit,41 Funds° on hand, $57000,0.00. t• Annual IncoMe -Exceeds $275Q0,000. tnsuranees' eireoed tlie Ldri-ES2 4.1'f'E.•...; consistent with safety. Life lu.suranee -Ample Sec trity. LARGE .GOATS AND RATES LOWER THAN - ifOST ENGLISH 0I-FICES. . Losses Promptly .Settlecl- Without Refereno- to a Board of Directors eltil.RLE'S FLETCHER, Age a t. Gotlerie h. Mak, 1S64. w15. B nircrtorn. DRUGS, 1 DRUGS ! El. a" C> IC) Ill. INZ (Suceessorfolt.13:11eynciels).. a .-. 1E3 all • -1 - Court -Hulce • eSq.kare iGoi(et DISPENSING CHEMIST: & DRUGGIST Dealeriu;and tutporteroil • •0-1.E N. U'I IsrE :D II -OS Chemicals, Per Aim Iia liaotla, and is.tati prui4heiu, STD Frs, TIORSE & CATTLE -5T.,EDICEN-ES . &ARDEN SEEDS. &C., Ac. OODERICEL. • at ?° 1%Tedica: men punettia4 attenciecito LowestfrTrade ' , - , B. --Physician's Present -now; earefully dist= petised. .• • Peden-11.Jan. 19. 1558. . 49 -; MARBLE WORKS W. C TREIEAVEN • Head stungs C.] • Tombs Tib1ot9 s, Table- %*4 .1311E LIVERPOOL a• t LONDON Tons, &e. , FIttE a 1.1YEFSSUR401; 00. LIGHT! LIGHT _LIGHT = . . ROCK & COAL OILS Burning Pluid;Lamp-Oils. , 'ForSale by F. JORDAN. ,'- Gorle:rich,.larr. 17,1b5.9. 69. ' GODERtek, C. £2,000,000, Si; 4eett-mulate4 Fund,, . • $5,01,72e. - • • . - _ . 13rittania Life Assurance Co. of London'. - - - F -111E under.siene chavto 'leen appoin.tee - . Af,,ent forthe above: ofirrhly. resoect/ahle •ee Coin pa n ies.i pri=-pa rid tti 'aeccrt both Fi sea nes - 14.11erf sks,at moderate- raiesot oremium • "• A . 1,1.11.0S'S ,Aseer.'`. - r.7'sodeeich 3a:islet 18.°P e ten2t NEW MARBLE WOR S Main Street, Exeter.. • D. & - A. Ar_CON.NEL41.4t. MONUMENT -S. TOMBSTONES. Keete, °fever).- description and style of uorkmanship, furnished on short notice,' and at the lovrest prices. Liberal reduction made for eash. t ALL ORDERS PUNCTUALLY ATIthED TO Designs of Monuments &e. hos seen at the shop: , E•lteter. October 1st. I:464. • w12 -Iv ' RIFLES, KW GUNS, prs,ror..s, SALE ! AND •`' MADE TO .ORDER, .131' J. C. MINTOSH. Opposite the Market. Ole All kinds of repairing done on most reasonable terms..ZA - s Goderich, August 2a 1864.. tiw94 .0AL -A.LA:RGE -QUANTITY OF BLAUSIttiTH'S COL . ON HAND AND At the -Wharf . GEO. RUMBALLI _ 177 . . Agent. t.47wef Goderich, May 29tle 1865. swirl Money to Lena,4 'N very reasainabIe terms. Apply to B. L.- .DOITLE, . Crabb's neW Gotierich, 9th Jan; 1866.1• w60-1yr • • • OT -.Con. A, --TownsItip of Ilowick, mile from Wroxeter, on • THE GRAVEL ROAD. '4 Logbouse and barn, ' 92 ACRES, 28 CLEARED - Apply to F. W. T [TOM ASI.I.eq., B. • tc4iati, Pee 2edatle, see'ew:.:1-tf MONEY T.O.LEND. -EIGHT PER CEN'.1:- ' SUMS OF One Hundred 'bonus and jIPWardS. APPIY to TOMS &MOORE, • soecitore.. CBABB/S NEW BLOCK . Goderich, tSept,„811, 1864, w33 t f MONEY.- TO LEND, 30 000 WILL be loaned on nal 1 pr.wed Farm --Property. • HORACE HORTON, -oderich, 6th June, 1865. wipe • EVERY -ARTICLE Iffill WANT IN- READY-IYIADE CLOTHING! Can be -purchased Cheap FOR CA.SILat SM1TH' Clothing Emporium itARKEI.SRUARE,. GODEI4Cii Gaierien. June 9, !SO. • • . vi12 TIAL -LO RING . .A7s. 1VX Sii, - REl URNS flIS MOS t E THANKS .for the very flattering encouragement he ha:, reeei ved si nee he comineneed business in.Gode. Web; not heiag able to execute over one -hall o he orders brought to bun (aca SeasOni. having .now secured facilitiesfor - Carrying an Business Extansifely and cmpfeying none but first:class tradesmen Andes D. A. beheyes his experienee as Cutter is seeond.te none in the Previnee,havingea.rried on bliSilleseexteninvely andsuccess-1'4)4in Hamilton; prineipallymrst-elass i•ustoiners.and ha ving-been- Cinter iii One of the' Principal Establishmen IN Edin burgh, -Semiarid. he fe-arlessly states to a .discerning public that • 7 . CLOTHING -CAN BE NADI, • at hi % establiithinetileqiial let he best Establish-- Meat in Toronto or Montreal.- . - Coderieb.()ct,30 863 . l'w40-1V - 1,11Mir 111r. 01! - •AND arriage factory LIGHT4IOUSE -St.,GODERICH lE SUBSCRIBER wkites to return thanks • to tile public for past favors received at their lianas, and would beg to intimate -that he 18 deter- . mined -to Sell waggons . CHEAPE-R. THAN EV ER. I wilisell yon a waggon- "cOmplefe-for $55.00 cash, and all .other things in proportion ',Alf work Warranted tO: give- Satisfaction. - Alf kinds of Farming implements made to order. JOHN McPIIERSON; Goderteh, Jan. 9th. -1866, wsw37 nei EL 33 abt Tfigsubseriber would announce to the publie • of Huron and Bruee that he has on hand and will Maketo order Carriages, Wagons, Harr' rows,' kc., wli ic h will be sold eheap llbreash or approved credit. • -On hand and for sale cheap, - • BALMS OHIO ." Reaper & iMower JOHN PASS:MORE, - Nrietoria Street., Goclerk.b. • -Aptilist:1863.z• • W49 6131 ATT. ROBERTSON, FOR, SALE.. olo n c, 40110100111111000110filifi 4 tht 4-- • - ." MANUFACTURER *FAL- FINDi OF , , SUCH AS .Btireaus, Sofas, Lounges, Bedsteads in encliest. variety, wardrobes, I3ook Cases, Illattrasses, Center fables, Dininz Tablet:'Breakfast Tables, Totiet Tables, Wash Stands, Chairs, and niany otherartieles.too numerouSt o mention, Att kends o f • / WC:PC*1) 'I' I.T11.1WINT44-1 Promptly attended to- UPHOLSTERY.iti allits - -branches, • UNDERTA-Xiliel&c.tato -'Mr. R. respectfully invites an examination oi Wis stock- Warranted to be made of the best ina- terial and workmanship, and at •grtatlit reduced prices: Cair and compare, and be sat,sfied before going elsewhere. • Cordwood and all kinds or Farmer's Pro.. ducats ken in exeban,10, Wareroora•on Elgin _Street. •. • Goderich.51.arch 24th. 11363. BYT:59 DA.RT.11.$ desirous of obtaining First Class Cedar terF (Log and Building purposes ran be supplied -In any eitantay, and tw reasonable terms, by. applying to = J.. W. EtLIOT.T. Gaderich Feb C411.1864, _asl• • .‘ • 9to•ACRES - of Lot No. 32 List Lake Road, Hay. _ , F1RST..-! RATE LAND-:! raves easy ;apaly to - DONALD• SUTHERLANtl, on the premisel, - • •M., C. CAMERON, . Goderice. GOderic.h, April 30th. 1864. w14-tr For SA1,-.-J--- e ffiruce 1VOL. 3. --.NO 91 MONEY TO LEND, ON 1.3.1PROV41) FARMS,AT 8 PAER CENT ! --ALSO,- Some to Invest in Town ' Property. J JL GonDA-N, Barrister, ste., Goderieb. •Ooderieb, Sept. 13, 1864. sw3-tf 1=4 FOR SALE. .; r OTS 8 -and 9, -range 13, in the township of J..) Stanley, $20 per acre; south 90 acres Of lot 29. Lake t.--hore, Ashfield, $6 per acre; East .25 acres- ors luth eatery quarter °riot 2 In, the 9thron., W. D., aebtiefe, $4 per /MID; and 20 Town Lots in Oedema, price $30,00 each Pau p wards. Apple to • • . /110S. WEATHERA LD, • w Sat- ; ca'oderich 'British -Periodicals . MB -LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW., (Oonsemtive.) THE BOINBUII RGREVIEW (Whig.; - TE1.8- WESTM INSTFR RE VIE W (Radical) . TRH NORTH BRITISH RETIE W (Free -Church.) AND BLACKWOODiSEDIN13111101151AGAZINE(TorY) • eX,Oftilf. Wriumi by &sue. SORROW'S SOLACE. We loved, we have parted, That brightness is past, Yet I am not broken hearted; My life is not -all ov'ercast. True the present gives no promise, That the star of love shall rise, Brighcning with its golden radiance The future's gloomy skies. Hope, that charmer Joie; bath fled, Though she lingered to The last, Yet my heart -exclaims, not sadiy, !Tis over, it le paesed, 'Tis past, oh not for me, - Shell earth's love blessoms bloom, Those I once uwned are laded, They haie lost their sweeeperfurne, let bless I the star whicls thightened; For a while my life's derlesky, keep' the flowers tho' laded, They., around me withered lie. Those words, I tote, I tan loved, Which once had power to thrill, They were delightful treasures, Methinks I hear -them still. •-- But 'tit; Past, l'an not ungrateful For the sweet enchanting drangrife I :put aside the tele of the staters I've guard, Press I onwaid,teinly seeiuge - Love is not the goal of life„ -My heart and soul not fearing, • • Shall join earth's -great din ard .My burden now I've taken, - Which I slum* from, all too long, Work leads to life eternal, Must be my hope and Seng, A beacon lights my pathway, Tis the star of faith in God. Sweet flowers are springing daily, In the parcli'd.ground -once I trod, :God has prainised Iivin,g watene ' ICrid some my thirst musteease, - O'er rough reads he -often2einis us, • To homes of perfect peace. - The *Quaker and 1101113er, ....ono. BY ALFRED QUADELET. • - . The' most honest °fall Qualcars, Jonathan Simploninhabited in London a sinall but pretty., housewithliis daughter, a young -girl scarcely eighteen years of age. Mary was a beautiful blonde, with large blue eyes aa wise as she was heatinftil ; she was eonstantly surEounded . by=.a host ef ailtnirers, anxious to winiter heart, but their effort* were in vain. • Mary was not a coquette, and far from enjoy- ing the -effect produced by her therms, she was often annoyed by it. Edward Weresfind, . cause of this intitnney. A sudden and an - expected a young artist, intimate in the fetnily, . lies - the only person wiweeasociety /she really en- joYAed.very sin3ple oceurence bad been the : expected death had tarried auay the Quaker's :- trite, sail young atd beautiful, and, aexious - to preserve the image:of cm so dear to hire; he had called the young artist to her. death - bel - It was there _that Edsvard hadseen, for the first time, the youngand disconsolate girl, and _where their attachment first sprang luto life, amidst:the tears of one and the heartfelt - sympathy of the other. A year has scarcely elapsed when the young artist made known to the father of Mary 1.1is _desires and hopes. - The good Jonathan saw no rea.hin to op- pose the • -mutual inclination of the yoeug lovers-. Without beirtg rich, Et1;vaid, with the aid of his pencil, as amply able to sup- port a family. His father, Mr." Weresfard. one Of the oldest merchants of ilte city, had retired irom business with a large fortune; his was 4 rare tustance of rapid suceessIaa speculations, so rapid, indeed/ that few tad been able to follow its progress. Werciford, whose manners Were rather rouerh and tin • eolith, Jived alone in the outski.-ts of London, wIthont troubling himselfat all about big NOD; _ he was -one of tiwee peeuhar wen who trou- bles nobody in &icier not to be troubled t4in- eelves,•and was tolerably good nattned if no favo-rs were required of hint Edward, sure that his father would readily' commit to bia marriage with the pretty Quakeress, was anxiously awaiting, the day thatshouldotmd iwri'ilnjoi:, Jonathan, thn,wh1.0 furnis-in the neighborluied of London, started one mornir.g to collect -.a fir,g'0 sum of money, which he designed for the expense -et the wedding. He was absent only through the dayeand as he was returning, after •dark , on horsebeck be Perceived -at A short distance a luau stand- ing in the _middle of the road, evidently for no gnod purpose. He stopped, hesitate -4g • whether to go 4 or turn hack. In -the .. ineantiinethe man was advancine towards - bine and flight seemed impossible .1 he • therefore dettrwined to wake the most 0 - ii and go slowly On. As he approached nearer be perceived that the man waa musk - ell Tlre unknown drew a pierol and poirit- Melt to -wards hinveen, uded his purse. The - Queker lacked eouruee, but nattuaby ca'm and inoffensive, and unable to reeist en armed man, he 'took from tie pocket a puree con- tainiue twelve guineas and gate ia to the thief, wbor ecountine the motley, allowed the• poor man .piss and proceed on his- jou. ' .1. -fie:T. , BUt ',lie ' rout*, Beebe: tile tittle resistance thet had been made; and in she - hope of a second Spoil SOOrt overteolt :the honest jonathan, placed himself across the readaod pointing his pietol iu ike lame - direction t•• Your watch said be. namTheed.pkeinrie,rtileca.n ublishel sconlinue torprnit e above, Innasibe cost ofpninieg has doubled. The Quaker was surprised but. pot, fright- • ened however. He toolly pulled bis watch etc.., largely increased -they are compelled to advance • The price off pt.( nearly trebles/and taxes.dunes.licenses -from hie pocket; hooked at, the tithe, and. their terms as follows _ • TERMS FOR 1865. tiffow," said bet o h then handed it to Lille "allow e to go -moo, FE c,:truannyyowne000t it lahee aneevivleewwas..........-.....: $1.10 per .,ast, num! pagrjay absenee./1 _ 'thee, my daughter will feel anxioul at For any three of the Reviews. 10.00 " For all four of the Reviews 1200. " "One minute," replied the thief, mere For 131ack wood's AI agazine.. 4,00 o - and mpre emboldened by this coolness., • now ' For Blackwood and one Review7.00 " ForThaekwood and any two cif the swear that you haven° other money.' R eitieWs . - . - . - . .... 10,00 "1 neversw"said dQk.. Forlyeareee uaer aetwood-and three ofthe Re-- views ..... ,_... ..... ..... 13.00 " - - li Wen' allir°1 that 318-111°Ye with You 'no For Blackwood antitheft,. ur Reviews 15.00 LI other -money, an upon my. word, .1181 443:112 - _dog lb these pricesTswente-faur alma year fur litack- • I Subscribers in he British Provinces '-wifalLyiehls with see inucl orace I will 1 t o wineemninadai- ea -We of miner vto enee towerds 11191:11:111111111 wad and etght eentsa year for each Review to cover the g p your way." e 'Ill * The works will be printed on agrefttliimprorefl quality 1 r.and while :warty all Atnero•an l'eriminals are - . Jonathan thought a znoment. and shook his Yin- di clator . eitheraii...0ed in price or reduced 111 size -and :yelp head. Press, Type, &Fittings .IN GOOD -WORKENG ORDER. .Appli to C151413ERT, -Printer, Bouthampton.-C. W June 10th, 1865.. . • w20.4t* • SOLVENZAOT OF 1864._ TRE creditots ofthe tinderaigned'are notified' rpeet at the law office of Messieurs_ Toths &'Moore, in the Town of Goderieh, on Monday, the Serenteentk day of July, A. D., 1865, at tea of the clock, in the -fere- . neoti, for the - purpose -•• of receiving statements Obis affairs, and of naming an assignee . to whom he may make an assign sint under the above Aet. • Dated at the town of' Goderfek id the County of Huron, this nieteenth day of Zane A.)) , 1866; - ' , WILLIAM EDEN. TOMS --it MGM, . - Solicitors lir InsoIveut. ev,21. 2t generally.both..-we shall continue to g,iirsieg,fanaiithelduilthcnoil;_es ,...- " Whoever thou art" replied be, gravely, of ail the matter contained linbeibrienitnd as cheap, for ihe _ " Itnou halt guessed that lain a Quaker,aud afireeenuerilrieriPartet:renfu'rPnrisiche.seel.vasji those of any of the -come. that inot even for my life would I forsake the pett ijOlaguPp:riel°dIcl wealtishillthehi4cdSetclounfthille'o. rightai-edttinns which 4utrnUth. Now, I must tell thee that I . have der.neath my saddle two hundred pouuds at the pr_esent prennum on gold would be about *too a year.our prices 415) are exceedingly low. Add to. ibis the fact that we makeourannualpayrnentstothe firmsh Publishers for early slieets and cop3-right in gold -$1 'eneninens at thistune Pan - 186.9 nearly •-$2 50 Mem:- rency-and we trust abet in the scale we hare ildODIC.d . weshall be entirelyinStified by onrsubseribers and ibe rea din.- ublie , IdellTillw*o" hundred poindaI". exclatated The thiefitvlibse eyes fleshed upon Ws mask.. -"But it thou art good, ifthou art human," tontinned the Quaker, "thou Wilt leave me ,isTraetheeTintinerce.re-tasofetdatemn.somdeiriliieeinishicatesd tb0;47iiihet.r.reathneiree,astheers inth:rrimer aeyndrinwilidanoUtgbheteatr Ilse ag.goaiiangi-oto_dbi annum) on onr Civil War, and, though sometimes ringed with prejudice, they may still. cousidering their great abilityand the different stand -points from which they are written.be read and studied with advantage bythe people of thiscountry,orevery. cretdand party. The Four -Reviews for 1863. A few copies of the above 'remain on hand. and 'WI be‘e svoldalsatopublishsstortthbewelio_le four, or 43_2 for any one. • . F2-3.11,1VEB1128 GUIDE; - 13y iliXtriSTrnesees. of Edirburgfr,-, and the late J. P. Norte x. ECoollisTegmte. D2 vsoics.oft_romT)paailublat7posicei:obvp:or,rd1646e0....iatogal;vicist7to.....iitto:athilee_A. thief-j1)aau,la fristat-tedn ciu_nvodi re ronn..n044 hgttaiitt: pagesand namerous Engravings, ?RICE rffor th: Tye° v. olu.,mes-by 1011 MMUte MY ' s criedto Ito, as walker street, zrei, yi,;41•!: Og-00.11 You will stmiibt• • . pose ofsuch a sum for a lbws time, The "dear girl loves her betrothed, it, Would be - -cruel put off their union; thou haat a., heart, thou bast:loved perhaps, and thou - mist not commitatioh a wielred aetioe." "What in the r-1 do I care for yt3ur daughter., he.r lover, or their marriage 71 wantthe money and must hare it At twee." Jonathan, with a sad heart, liftedthe rad. 4 • 3 •