HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-07-11, Page 4MORTGAGE SALE oe Valuable Property. 'UNDER and bY virtue offt Power of Sale contained in a Mort:t made by Ilti.li Anderson; of the Township of Kioloss. in the County of Bruce. Yeoman, default having been m:tde in the due payment theieof, will be sold on Wednesti.iv. the sccosid-(2nd) day of Alizust. A.. I) ,- 1'q. at tn elve o'clock, Trueman, Market Square, (sods -rich, the _ T HE S Li B SCR 1-agft- _ nocn. at the .Auction Mart of fleorne M. ' followinsz, proyerty, viz. : L As - numbers ' . ,..-- • twenty-one and twenty, two, in the the d to inform °his old.fricilds and'. the'. ‘Ickublict-7'utrneriilly: .ithai he range south of the Durban.* Road, in the B's RE -OPENED in- 1,... • .., . .,.. . ‘ 4:k... : - - -aforesaid township of Kinloss. 'Deed under Power of Sale. • . . . ,. _ M C. CAMERON, • w23td :0 Solicitor for Mortgagee. ' _ i•ri. ••••••••••••••..0 THE SEMI-WEIXI“,Y SIGNAL. TAKE NO !RK PE • _ 'TRAY STEER. -Carne into the promises- -of the undersigned about the middle of 1C:or. last, a white steer, about 3 years old •--- The owner is requested to prove property, -pay expenses and remove hita. ... . Wu. JENNISON. Tcdinsores Mills P.O., Hay, June 26, 1865. t - st-2:1•3t , .. , To Wool Carder 's&c. &c:-, ivill be sold cited]) for CIS1-1. or in exchange 'for Dairy.. Produce. _ . 1 . !) As lid intend8 to: devote his attenVon_principally to the rectifying of - __. _ has NeXt -oor to Mr. 13LITLE.It:S 3OK-ST 3 - Ey where cyckythitRcein r • . • . A Good Opening! T• HE ur der'star.ed iFt t'r topuina- 'tannic-2N% connection wait i,otne pers,,n wu- IE _OF ling to g‘o into the Wool-ea:dale and Utoth-tirt ss- in-' bus:net-sin (=Wet ich. Thy a pi);,can 1 10 iind cards, Zce- and toe subscracr thy potver . and butt& ng, both ot which are in comp eh. realineoi Thts IS a Splendtd ppoittnuty tt.r any- i. ;.i - mart wishing one of the bet (veiling% qt. tt c kind InCanada. Apply - . • msTruEw AomitTsoN, c..w. April 17t1r, wi2ir SHERIFFS SALE OF United Countiest of ,BY virtue of a Writ of : , Horde and Bruce, Le len 1-71tetas loon d ont Th6se lndebt-d to him. Will Pleasecall. and Settle ' Chanverv and to tne dire:Jed .1;_aist-t thy I!lids i . at once, otherwise costs must be incurred and. tenements ot Jane 1: -,no,, E....v :rd Aliiiits. ni - . •kill . . , . John Mt:Gunnies r rid %k.latiain 'tau e, nief , delendt,tib., at the %tat of 31-11- :rot 1- o: d -t t"- I • .--. Inke by John Mitehell the yonueer her next Wend, _ . on _ is KRKET aQUAR.E, Goderich 7tit Mira 1MS', -- . 1 ) Plattadf, 1 have %etzed and taken in- cif:cut-tNI all the I l'Zitt, title and interest. oi the smil d ; n- _ dait in and tothe south halt ot lot lit -timber eleven 1 and tenemen s 1 shalt eller tor salc- t..t in'y °thee - :Stephen. ni the county of Ibiron, wtr;ch. land% J3 1 N A • in the fourth eunce.:-.%1.41 ,of the b.lwri%li p ot , in the( ourt House, in tilt: town or(hdt,,,,,, oil Tuesday, thelirst day of August itext.,ut the bour of twelve of the clocN k, noon. ' • - JOHN MACDO.A. IA), ...Sherif iL & B. By S. PonnOcx, Deputy SherifT.„; Sheriff's. ()Alec, Outterieb, .t ' , VAth-Apri:, ISO. (. • ALL BUS - Thereby enabling him:to sell at istiller rices! , . . Ile -tilers therein willdp_well to give hiin a -call. For Sale ata Bargain. • THAT valuable and uligsbly snuated p pertv in the Town te tioderich fronting the Court ilous'Square-and fur eighteen year known as THE FARMERS' INN,' •GODERICH FANNING MILL AND Eump Iriactory rpnE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO INF -ORM the inhabitasts of the-Couot les efIluron and Bruce that he is still Manufacturing, and has on hand a number of his SUPERIOR FANNING MILLS &PUMPS. He would particularly draw attention to his Mills. as he will warrant theinto free Wheat from oats, cockle, chess, bre. Pumps made to order an; awcatorrryanot:Nd. elson si., &till. eon Irietoriastreet an4 Cambria Road. . • Anso, agent for the sale of lidorgitOss premium ern' patents'ULT1VATOR..wloch has never yet failed to-oive general satisfaction to fernier* who have u•seed them. HENRY- DODD - Godericis Apri122nd: 1P64. " _39 During whien tiine it has enjoyed one ot the l.arnest portiens of that business in the town. connected with the hocl is a ge 'lira I store: 'Fite whole are built of stone nut' brick, 47 X 37, three stories. hie h._ and commodious cellars ti feet deep. Auaened to the hotel is a two story frame d welling house, outhouse, &c . -AI-Siff-A small farm of eicellent Inad. 'handsomely 'treated one mile from Codericti on -the Mayfield Roa,l, 30 acres in gond state of cultivation, well fenced. 2' of v. tech are. (Ace r tif Stumps, wit h'a .tio_v0 toghouse 30 X 20, and a -cedar log barti-40 X 24, sheds, &c., . ALSO. : -.In the Viliage of Putt Albert acre with dnelling nouse and sta ules, &c ,Ore ofihe best tavern stands in tb it place, ant' has long li:eat kept as such. • Terms liberal ntastrit parehase're. . For turthet . paiticulars apply to. • -J. B. GORDON, Esq. 'ANDREW .DOSOOH, Proprietor.. •Inaebtil. to Inc either by note or book necotthiare requested to settle the sante Without deli-tyin order to save .:osta. tiOriench; April 314, 1b64. , • • w9td 13 r1C 1).E1 - HAS JUST RECEIVED A:LARGRSTOcE. OF -STANDARD 4' -SCHOOL - 0;9KSaliPAPES finicsY :STATIONERY cto rY*4) Toy Books, Prayer Boo_ks of all lands, Church Services, Hymn Soaks_ ' ALBUMS, . SATC:1-1EL,S: I Ladies! Companions, WORK -BOXES, WRITING -.GASES t0see1t-rou5,1 And various other articles; all cheap: . AT BUTLER S. TOWNSHIP OF tic:MICK: Goderica April 28 1865. Lots .2 3 and 4 in .15th con., 100 acres eat-th LANDS FOR.. SALE! is'ands ale-oIrered foi Sale on very advantageous terms 1. . -0NR- TENTH. ONLY1- - - or Tut PURC1111ii NONET IN CAI AT TINE._OF ft:WM t° CI; RuAtBALL STEAM. INGINE1 moRTGNE SALE AND B -OILER! i Valuable Property FOR SALE IN THE. -ETION" C.11.11-3Trir TOWN OF GOBERICTI, Apply to IN THE W. E. GRACE. 1 COUNTY OF,f,HURON. Goderich. Nov.7tb. b64. w41.sw19 &CHLGAIO. gy:cD ee, (which will beprodticednt time of salty ER and by yirtue or a Power of Sale ontained in -a certain Indeuture of Mort - made bv Thomas Barry VanEvery- and - George flornball, the following property will be .offered for -sale at the Auction Rooms of. The Staunch' Propeilor I _Q-A3RA! TX/ILL make weee13r trips hetWeen Goderich VI' and Chicago dung the -season ol naviga- tion in connection with the . Grand runk R. R. FOR EAST, AND Steamer - :Huron-. For Saginaw,: For_freigla. or ,passage., apply ! •• • -..ATiD THE"HALAHCE - Niue 'Equal Annual Instalments 7 Goderieb April 25, 1S65.• • - Arent 13:f witu interest at 6 per cent. - w N titi.115 OX MORRIS: ' South ; 7 in 1st eon:, 50 acres, South ; .8 in 1st con.; `,0 acres, . • Smith ; 11"in 2d con., 100.11er1e South ; 21 in 3c1 eon., 100 acres,: North 20 in 4h con., 100 acres. North; 21 iri 41noon.,,100 acres - North ; :23 in 4'h cop., 1.00acres. BUT NSTIll RAILWAY Tireight:for Ports on East Shore of • Lake; 'Huron,. FAST. -SIDE WEIBEL STEAMER , Wyatt - zio,a . 0,41410,4"0;4A`110110,40,1045.140N esisfnatiPtio!isf,Iniosinsitai! aa iiii Math/ oteeteartor. aaaaaa o • .. ( IIIIISMISCRIIIERS would beg to inform ht s cu;toM.ers anethe -public that his new prem _ iss ou East sirnet, SHERIFF'S, sALE -OF LANDS, - i . _ .. , - ...". United Counties of BY virtue of- a writ of i ' iisu4d out cf - Ht r Alai's:sty**, 'Cuisitiy Court Manullteturin., busineis, in ei5nneetion •viili Id& . . WOoL k..kgrowy, wiibro all orders and' . of the United Counttes. of iipten alto! Bruce and • . TFREE DOORS Friattl THE SQUARE Huron and Brtiee, Ventlitioni Er:P.411ms and L . _ ill h opened On the first of Tune, for trlinsactiret the Vool -Cardin 'Moth Dressinzaud TO wit: • Fieri Faraas 10 me direr -tea an-airt4 the *tants anit tetteittentN David Galles, at the- Mt of the Huron, Distriet Building •zoetetv., have seized. and taken in execution all Inc right, title and ' st of the. said Defendant in and to tontibt.-r twenfv:t;iur, inthe.seconcr eeneessi.m of tile township of loss, -in the Ctimity t.i t•ontantiee e hin.dred acres more o le" • l•auls and r . , t .tenements shall offer to sate at my vitae tht :Colt! "tease, in the To%vn of t;ederi..,h, on itais day, the twenty-fifth day of Jule next at the hour of twelve ofthe clock, nooq. - JouN mAcilbNALD, - &serf:nil Sheriff id OffiCes GctieriCh; :13H1 J nue, 1:165•.. w22 - ,.. sgrgarrs, sAtg OPLANDS. . unitedeountiesot .1107, virtue of a Virit at 1_ Huron and Bruce, .1.1 Fieri Fames issued To wit: out alter Male:Ay'svounty Court or the United Conntie. of Huron and Brnce. find to me directed against the loads and tene- ment., of.faines Lothian at the suit of d'iltiant Smith,' have'seized and taken in excentiort tilt the right, title and interest of Ines:aid defeadent in- and to lots !cue rs 't and.D in the- 9di eolleez,z.ien. . of the township of Bruce, containing 200 acres ; also mid site number i'l to the village. et Inver -- bum), in said eoi.nty of, Bruce, eentationg 34 acres, Whitt': lands and tenements! shall oiler ler irate at my office in the Court House in the town. ofCoder eh, on TuesdaY• the first day of Ali..3ust next,. at the hour of twelve °It lie clock, nova. . • JOHN MACDONLl), . . • Shertff, 11.1k B. 'gys.pottocicT, Dt pnty Sh'erilf. • Sberifi's Office, gotlerich, 25tli .April . w14 ORT'ET NOTICE .TN CIONSth 1,E 'NOE of the dealt' of M r. M. M. WEATILICRA.1.0 the bu.%iiiess heretuf°re carried on undtwth name and style of Robt. Runeimom 'Sz Co. • T` N - „must. be closed on or before the IST DAY OP A.PRIL,1865 A11 parties indebted- to the above firm arehere- h3r notified that all noten and bookaccounts over due on the • . gst gay .of :FEBly next, - will behInded to their. Solicitor tor collection Thestock on -hard will be soid - 144DIVAr CA.S4.1-1. OR SHORT CRFDIT,..... - Iteensistiot a large asso-tment of Ploughs, Culti- vators.Harrows.StraAv Cutters. THRESHING MACHINES Fot-ash arid sugar -kettles, waggon and pipe :boxes,, : • Cooking; Parlor & Box Stoves, „ _ _ • A goed second-hand EPI9EILLIVZ-MWCAMINTIM wort in the above business v„-iir he puiretunlly attended to. 44-ikewisea variety°, f laths, Blankets, and. Stocking Yar'n Nvill be -kept On hand to exchange for w6ol. Haying this year added another.. _ - F RST -CLASS E0UBp CARDINGEl. ii•P!12.47.41 "lohnie. Maggie." -:CAPT;;D.., ROWAN, Conunander,. will run between • SA.RNIA AND SOUTAAMPTON (Weather permitting) twice each week until further- notice. - Leaving :Sarnia 'every -116iiday and Thursday morning calling at 13 ts hcld,-Gederieh, Kincardine. Inverhuron, - Port -E1.01n, Sinithanipton.- . Resuming' will leave br'outliarripton p-.e.ry:'-Wednesdity and Saito day morning -calling .af-above ports: Freight by , this- route Calf " he delivered , - quwirer than by any --ctner, and- -a rates to 7 suit Merchant...el atid- Shippers. - For freizht to -hiseatahlisbnient, Ite wIll be prepared to execute farmer's work to anv reasonable extent _ sin stlort notir.te. -Cust amen; coming to the factory themselves will be pro orotly at tended to .. . as furnterly, and particular attention -win be p..8111 to those front a distance wishing their _ e d i.t 1 -0 s 1 y e _ k—Whitethankfurtor thtrlifietal-patronageofformor years impe .abOyebueiness, the subscriber hopes by strict atteation to bu-sinegt iparing.no expense or -meeting -the wants of his customers, to still rictsive a *hare of the Same. - • : c-_-J-lterneniber the place- East Street, second door from CRIBB'S BLOCK. . THOMAS LOGAN. iv12 sad a„lot of dachmery for Grist and Saw -Mills. All parnesrequiring the above art:eles would do *ell to can and inspect the stock at-ionce, as tbeyweltgetbargains. • R. RTINCEnlAls.l. - Dereterence to the abcive, It. Runeitaan will be prepared fir carry on the businessof THE HURON FOUNDRY and contract for the ezeetien or all kind* of Ma chinery as usual. and will simply Gederich, April 19th, 1864 .11:04 .17,3L .11( BEM. a• g nun 'ttSTEAME Nal NE -WORKS . RUNCIMAN Manufacturers of Grist and Flouring Circular, 31iAlay and Sa,sh .31T A BOILER SiPERATORS - AND\ 1101ISE POWERS, Mowing aiid Beeping 1VEtchines, Wood Saws, s. - I and passage apply to W. 1.3ey monr_.& Co., Agents. Godericir; Robt. Campbell,. Agent. Kincio dine James Borwash, Ageut, South- ampton. .. . _THOS. SWINYARD, W: ORII,- Freight Supt., Easterndivision, Hamilton. FAR tor SALE. T7011 &ALF , _East -half of La No, 17, con 3 1.11 • Township of WA W &NOSH., epinprising - ONE HUNDRED ACRES, • -no ciearinee. Terms Itheral". Apply to the EreutorsottheF,state 'ofthe late Wm. Harris, Dungannor P.0 . ongantion, Cr.t. -1s',1S64 *374 :01:t-iiiiir17 TC)XLISI, icir.a..wc.-,-.x.mickicr-Gremrs 9 - Brass Casting s made, and Blacksmiths' work done iii.a neat and stilistantialmanpec • Castings of any description made to order. A o, all kinds.ofinailinery s• ! , . _ repaired on ghert.notiA.l ce. -Itie.,e stock. of • . - eboKING, - PARLOUR- - AND BOX 'STOVES . I Always an hand, Segar XettlesI Wagon and. Pipe Boxes. A s nr patterns of the aSove are . . .. •. of the most approved kind, We would soliettan inspection of uf stock before purchasing elsewhere, as weareOffering the above at the loivent rerrluneratri prices for cash, or or ap proved Credit.. Olctinetal, Brass,Copper, and sill kinds of ocotillo taken 4n exchange.... . Goderich.Oetobei.,189. -1- --' ' • - -.: --. , W39 NOTICE. AIGISTILtruirunAL. inPICEMENTS 4:12,1tAcse tridebteYto-Air.rs;. E.16,11.A. • ,. oves and castings,atreasonable rates,forCASII t note or book aceount, will please St short credit- erGoderieti,Dec.2tst. 1864; sw321,v4s butdvent Act of ISS4. In .the7Coisntycourt cifthe United Couittits o filurens and,Bruce. -- • Puoviseg or CANADA.) In -the Matter of .. County of lluron - one 11:CHARLES W PICK of , of the 'United Coundei f FORD,- tut InsoI ofHuronand Brace.: .uent. I GALL IND' SETTLE- TOTICE is hereby given that the under 1.1 signeel has Med io the office' of this Court, a deed ofcomposition and discharge execut, edbybis Creditors and that on Tuesday, 'the eighte*nth day of truly next', at ten of the clock .11104 forenoon, or as soon as counsel can be heard. he will apply to the Judge of the said Coed for a confirmation of the dis- eharge thereof effected la his favor under said Act. ' • " CHARLES l'ir,PICkrOAD, - - ByJAMES WO,OD, 0.0 • . • Ihs Attorney. .Stratiwd, May I0th, 1865. 16w2m 1 Goderich, Diceinb,er 22nd, '64. sw32-tf • , • -314*ame,wohout delay - Office on Lighthouse St. Next io Mr. Andfew Donogh.'s: - -For Sale -,; A 121TANTITY01? Ass • „, Aseorted, at i o� Wm. E.' GRACE, For Sable- (3hea,p-.:* • - 1LcCAMEgoN. Coderieh.Octeber 28. 1864. -- - -sw16 sitgitiFrs SALt OF LANDS.. TOW.NSEIIP OF. GREY: o- 2b in 1st eon.° 1-00 acres . • Lots 34 and 35 in 4 con., 100 acres each, Lots 31 and 32 in 6 corn, 100 acres each, Lot 26 in con.. 99 ares, Lot 32 in 8 .con., 100 acres, Lots 33 and 34 -in 10 cbn, 100 acres each - TOWNSHIP OF TURYBERRY N. E. ; 43 iu 1 con., 50 acres. Apply to CHAfteis Wirniza,Esq.,Goderich or to the owuer, . • THOMAS GALT,--Eee., w 43n- ; - lioronto .Ilnited Coenties of B Y' virtue ot a Wr t of Huron and Bruce, Merl Facia's Issued out To Wit.: of Hee Majeiny's County Court of the flnitedCouuties011iiiron and Brum and ..to, me &reefed against the lands and tene. lnerits Of J a Ines at the gilt 'of• Robert Thoinpson,1 have seized,and ta ken in executitin alt the rudit, Pile and interest'of the said defen- 'dant in tend to lot mf,..ber 62.4 iu the -foam of 4oder1cli, in the county ox Huron,, which lands and tenements I shall offer for sate at m'y office in the Court House, int he Mull of lioddi min on Taesday;alie fifteenth day of August next, elute hoor of twel% e 61 the eloek, noon. . 1 - ,101:1,1g_ilAACDONALD Sharid'Iriec By S For,tacx,' Deputy Sheri, • " Sheriff's offiee, Godertch, '.1uta May 1865. w16 • - (5-pci.prien. ANING MILL! Sash, Door, and AS70171114 JohnMcD ala & Co. • • ITAVING COMPLETED THEIR ,NEW 1-1. Factory, are no-ik prepared to take in orders Lo any extent. From their long .experience in -the business, and having exPerienced workmen, and a fast-classadt -of mielnnery, they thaferthemselves • that they -can dolor- • Alanv Establishment -in Canada. Fartieshaving . work would do wel to ihereisalstioany quantity of - SASH; DOORS &1101ILDINGS 'at ALLKINDS 0...N1 HAND • ""ieyalso offer To Carpenters &Builders In the Queen's Bench, _EASTER TERM. 28 VICTORIA. in the matter of cernpen-IM 0 TICE is sation for right of way of Lit hereby given the:. Buffalo and Lake that -the 13uffalo Huron Rail Way Compaq- and Lithe Huron through lots Nos; 85, 86 }. Railway Company and 87 in the Maitland have paid into.- the concession ot the l'own Court of Queen's ship of Godefichin the Bend:nut Toronto", • County ot Huron. J the sum of five hundred and ninety•six dollzrs and sixty-five cents being the compensation and *ix months interest thereon-, agreed t bepadlot- certain lands for right ef way. being ,parts. of 1(41. • LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR THEIR Woftx. TERMS; arifirt2.(333Liarl• 1N TIIE TOWN Or tODERIEII, ON We-dnesday the 19th day oi July 1865, at one O'clock Ran.. viz: 'That parcelof land and premises-, situated in the town of G„derieb aroicsaid. bring coniposed of Lot No. 1032 krunning numner, otherwise known, us Lot 28__on 'the Harbor 'Quay in the towns plot ot said -town of Goclerieht ontainini-by admeasurement one-fifth part of an acre,be- theAame more- or less. , D7on the premises there is erected a frame storehouse, with elevator, !port astonc bese. ment 60 pi 55, three and abalf storie* well adared for storing grain. The building is neatly nets; and in excellent condition. TERES OF SALE :•-•••:Ten per tent. of the purchase money to be paid to the auc- tioneer" at time of sale, 25 per -cent. on the first dity of September next, tile remainder may be seemed by 11intga,t.e, covering a. peried of 3,4 or 5 yetits, at the option ol -the pureliaser, on name conditions as contained in the lion:gage now, held by the Vendors. For further particulars .apply.. to thermic- tioneer, or to Messrs. Cameron &McMichael, Torontc,..s'aicitois for the 'Vendors. Toronto, Jude, 1865. W23 MORTCACE •S-Attt • OF Valuable Farm. Property . IN TILE TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE: nun:hers eighty-tisie,__eijrlity six and „‘eight3-, ° • *NM .I.E.A.INERIO- seven in the. Maitland concession of theIHNDER Said by Virttie of aPower gals mintainid in an Indenture -01 morteage • 7. "made by David Climpion, the fellowine- pro - petty will be offereo for sate, at the AfiEt104 Rooms of - George W. Trueman--- tonship of Goilericb, in the County of Huron; under and by virtue of a ceitain agreement or deed poll 'hearing date the eleventh day of May, in the year of Of.r Lord 1853, and executed by William Feld and Henry Fad of the , said township of Goderich, and made under the Act -entitird An Act respecting hulways,"' and finther nutice is given: to all liaisons entitled to the said iatids or to auypart thereof, 6r -represent_ ing'er being the husbands of any --parties so emitted, to file their claims into the said COUIt to the said cotnpensattor or any port thereof and all -such claims willbe received and adjudged upon by the said Court pursuant so the Statute in that behalf. Dated this 17th dayeof 1865. (Signed) 11EYDEN, w17 -3m Clerk of the Crown and Pleas, :Without Distinction *quit be CASH. . 113.Remembertheplace:Cpposzte the vid.ficus tng • Ci ode: ich.26th Augest. 1861. 30 rt. DEPARTMENTAL. AND * Parliamentary . Agent; rPRANSACTS BUSINESS WITH THE Crown Lands and othenGovernirient De- partmitnts ; Take-' out Patents for Inventions, - Drafts apt; takes (dui rge of Private Bills dun ng f he seaston 'SSi at.,. c., &a ," for Parties residing in Liner (ttach'. orelsewhere. , savior) 1V1CON7VIWC4- 11110111tIE !lir 11. Farni In B gangue MOWING NrATUEljn connection with b fadnilg SdelelY 'FOR SALE (>1:t _CP .I.A7Urr • Fir HE UNDERSIGNED offers for sale er to let 1 tot 20, 12th eon,. township of Sosatuluct, County of Larubton.... Thefarm consists of - • , • • ONE HUNDRED ACRES • sixty of which are cleared, and situate's' near a station' oft he G. T. Railway. There is n LOG DWELLING HOUSE- AND P.R.A.51.E BARN on the lot. ' - WELL TIMBERED tit-WATEEpD "e.r panic:114,oz appty - -. 14. C. 061116 -QM - -- • ^ Goilericlt.pO Art list:110.1'86s • tt--27t tijx,c1,:acrlp for Sal A;LIBERA:Ta-FT,Emiyr_Artiirtisr7on -if-Rib:rents whie.Jiretrin:&-'ihade to the previa 'LdEIparin-ient in 1.,a4#.8crig-. See card in another oquran. HENRY GRIST;- • .Quebec Goderich Dec.4..1E63. • w4tiew27 Will take place on- the ferrn of alair ESte,' Loudon Road,- at *Kippen,. Otitueiday 1113thJuly At 1 O'clock, _when' the follotiing prises will be awarded, vit: • • , COMBINED MACHINE.. " - 1st prize, $640.; 2adl do 04.00 ; - 3id do CARL, • - - SINGLE .MOWERS, 1t pize,$31Q,2i4 'cick 143194, tlr,47410- '*1':Oft:-.."..'"r 1/24 al ' -The award: ofthe.Judgeain regard to the Corabiped .inachine is not to be made known the -lay of the.,Reaping Ilateh, for whicliiAineseill An-compeii tars mat enter to the Secretary on or before the i 12th cif •41-uly. Entrance, $1.Q0. - • - - • • tONINVOPELAND- z. Secretary. jAMES ANDERSON, .4t 0:President. Toronto. Globeplease dopy '3 tiniestand send bill to Sec'y Bippen, anne 15th, 1865. tv21-3t 'A BEAUTIFUL ESTATE FOR SA1.E.- 10410. Acres in Oxie j R(.4 E LI: 1311,Roy.t.:11 and rotivenieptly sttnatee along the hank of the River Maitl4nd. oppositethe t irWn of 4ioSerich a iid the lioderich Station "eit the DO aloMul Lake Huron ELaslway, C. W. • r. 13. GORDON. ESQ, Apply ifby letter post paid. to f 49 snhie40r Goderidh .%• 6.k.tERIFi 'Li Siki.4z, UP-L41VDS: ;.United Cottnites of) n r• virtue of a writ oi Huron and &nee, _LI Fieri lamas „issued out To -not 301 Her, .Majesty * t omit) Coin t ortue 'MOO C acuities of -Huron and Wurt. andr to thedirected against the lands.. and tene- ments of igunes• Stewart, at Ihe r Ult 01 jt)Ini V Dolor and Sam eel, ti. Detlor, 1 have Seized and taken in Exeeution all the rieht tale .and inteteq of .lie said defendant in and to lot number one in the eleventh concession of 1.he '1*. outtrhip or Coi- liurne, W .D , in the County ot Huren, which lands I shall offer tor sale at iny otliee in the Court House in the tOwn. Of 0 oderieh, On Tt.es day the Twenty -6f h dai of Ju y niixe, at, ti.e hour of twelve 01 th clock noom - - JOHN DIACDONA-LD, BY S. PoLocx-,Deiutv Sh...eriSfiferiff-j H. 4."1:f " ,SItt.rifi 's Office, Goderieff., i • 1.5th Ari1.186.6.• =-!- . 5 Sheriff 's Sale a -Lands; 1 ramammtap*, United Counbes-of BY virtue of a writ of to -wit: of Her Majesty's County Cquitof 11.4.:Vnited Counties of Bunn and Bruce and to me directedagain.st the lanes and te e- inem., of Charles Sleek, at the suit of the Corporation of the Township or Ashfield, 1. finve ,seized and taken in execution all the right, title ' and interest of the said defendant in and to the west halt of lot number seven In the third con- cession- Eastern 'Division of the to nship o. Ashfield,in theCotinty Huron containing one- hinidred ames. whieh lentil; and 'tenements I shall oiler for saleat office in the Court House, in the town Goderieh, on Tuesday, the fir4. day Of August next, at tae hour of twelve of the clock, noon, ' _ • )VH0 14.AC.DONALD, • • . Sheriff H.& B. By S. Pomocx, Deputy Sheriff. - Sherifl'aOtliee,Goderteh, I 26th Apr11436°. • Huron and Bruce, Fieri Facies issueciout Pit WANZER&GOiS GENUINE CANADIAN 2 MEET SEWING -MACIIINES Heya taken the first'PiizO A T THE PROVINCIAL EiHiBETIGN held LI. 1.1 Montreal, eptern her 14th, lith, Itith,aed 11th, 1863, over all otherto. and else at the Pro- vipefat Exhibition held in. KIngston, bepternber 22i4i, 23rd:, and MD: and 2btli, 1853. Prizes of a similar. character ware also awarded to us at the ProvincialEzhibitwn held in Toronto in Di62...and at the Provincial.Exhibnionteld at. London in 1861., Pikes have been: Greatly Reduced R. 11. liVANZF.IR &VA., • Hamilton. ,ABRAHAN SNIT11, 'Agent, East, Side Market Square Goderich Nov. Nov. 27. 1863 swi4w52 - Stolen or. btrayed FROM the premises of the subscriber, lot 10, 9tbcon. Colborne, CD. Clark's farm) Ithont the first week of May,. A BROWN COW, white striee on back, white belly. white between' hind legs, piece rubbed oft one of her horns. Information -respecting her will be thankfully received by - - - ALEX. HAMILTON. Goderieh 0. 0. Colborne June 13 1865: w20 3t Valuable Piece of Land FOR AN faverahle.terins of payment. - The fol. lewing property, viz: North half of, lot: niimber sa, on the 12th eon. .Of aOdeticl township, containing by admeasurement 46 acres, more or leis; upon which there are fifteen -acres' Cleared. , -This land is in a favorable situatiiiiii-beingwithiu five miles of the town: o1. Glintorn. Also, a ,va!uabie. property in the -village of Iiinburth one half acre ot land, agoOd lidusei.ahop, aud stable on thepremises.- This would be 11. good situation for a -tailor.or ,saddle and hartseg maker as there. it _none -in _the vicinity. Leather or'ssoret geode -at wholesale price' wjtl be :Aiken for ' either of the above plates. . JAMES STANLEY,-, -4124f Constance p. • in tne Town of Godetich, on Wedmsday, the 1-91,11 day bf July, 186; at one o'cloek p m... viz: The Easterlypertion of Lot Le ttes F., in the western division of the township 4.f. CulboKne; in the County of Huron, and dtsetibed .as follows • . C s4id 0 ltnottet e tuicktitil.titi wt esitee grtialioennsgtierhleysawng.;lhee. raof limit of the road allowance ' between /said Block -F. und the ei,Aoli concession or said township, twenty -chains, thence south parallel with Iiiion line between aforesaid Bleck F.: and lot 5 in the sixth aud seventh concessions as far as the borzherly limit of the road al- kivance butween the loOrth concession and sa:d Block F. 'thence alptherly _along said nortl.eily Innil 27 chains, mere-orless, as far -the said di%ision line, . thence bortliarlr altibt ,aid division line 75 chaius, more or -less, to the place of begiuniug, containing 130 acres in °ill; This fanm rir:siss. T.lies between 4 and 5 mres from - the town.of Coderich on theravel Road, is well wateied by a spiing creek running - throughout 1.1.4 lot, and is of flue quality. -- There ale on the_Land de following build, ings : L g -Dwelling-house 211.1 20, Frame 13arn 621.1 40, Frame Stable g41.1 00. ' 1E1111S OF SALE. -Ten. per cent, of ' the purehabe money to be patd to the atm- ,,, tioneer at time of sale, 25 per tenton the firsday of_September next. . The gemaindeir may 'be secured by Mortgaze, -covering a oesiod of 3, 4 or 5 yenta', at the option °film eurcha?er on same conditions as contained in she Mortgage -now held by the vendors. - For further pafticulars upplv to the nue- , tioneee or to Menrs. Cameron* McMichael; ITo. onto, Solicitors tor the vendors. . Toronto. June, 1865. MORTCACE SALE oF 3 - 'VALUABLE TAVERN AND MAN PicticiiRp1"1, IDE .Township of Morri..#,, IN THE COUNTY OtHUAON- TINDER and by virtiie of a Powetef Sale Oontameck in a certain .indenture ot Mortgage (which Will be produced at time.of side) made•by Denis lingarty, the following ;,roperty will be offered for aide. at tge, Auction Boomictf . GEORGE M. TRUEMAN, w14 - itt the Tcw.h. of Goderich on SIIERIFF8 SALE or- WM Wired Counties ot 1011Y virtue of a writ of Huron and Bruce, -LY Fleet Facies issued -out to wit 3 of Ber Map -sty's Court of the United Countiesni Huron and Bruce and to n e directed -*wept the lauds .and tene- ments ot Willian Wilson at the Snit -0-11-Joines, Botwell Stevenson and Atehihald Suther- land, 1 love seized and taken in exe. talon all the right. tin -and interest of the said defennert in and to the North-halve:a of lots numbers thirteen and fourteen in the nieth concession ofthe town- ship of Morris. in the County of Huron, which lands and tenements 1-shail oflr for sale at my °Mee In the Court Ho'use, in the town of Girder- ieh, on Tuesday the Thirdday of October- next-, Sallie hour of twelve of the clock, lo0011. : JOHN MACDONALD, Sheriff, H. at 13: SherdPs Office, Goderletf, 23rd June, 1865. 4 w22 SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. United Counties of 13 Y virtue of a writ ot Huron and Bruce, J_1 Venditioni Esponasand _ To wit : Fieri -Facies issued out of HerIVIajestes Court of Queen's Bench, and to medirected against the lands and tenements whieh were of Donald Murchison, deceased, at the time of his -death in the hands of jahe Muraisott, administratrix oiall and singular:the goodinchastels, and elleets which Were of Donald Murton iondeceased, at the time orhis death, at the snit ot Donald Murchison, I have seized -and taken in execution all the right, title and interest of thesaid defendant in and to the south halves of Lots n unifiers 9and 10; id the first concession .olthe.Towitship ofBinlosi, in the Coulter...of Bruce containing one. hundred acres of land, shalheflee for sale at my oifiee, 111 thf CtiortHousei lathe town ot GOderieh, en Tues- day 111011r:it dat-,of August_ nest,..at the hour of twelve ot thecleek, noon. • -JOHN MACtIONALD, I - seergpe 0 eine, Goderich, 1 • 30th June, 18.65 • w23 S AL TPTS 13, GT. to 13,7'7, nAI earthe RLWAY §TATION, Goderich, for $150 each, At Five Years Credit, or longer respired. -Apply to, c . . cAILERIN. j. Goderich April 8th, 1664. -1 511;62W -1i Wednesday, the-19thday% ot -July, 18652. At one o':cleekit-ine, visithose parcels of land. and premises -situated in the .vil 1 age of Blythe,' in the township of ' Morris, aforesaid, being composed of part -of lot number one, in the tenth concession of the tovnIship of Meirls,. aforeffaid, known as lot number four in blank A; of the survey made by one Lucius 'Mbar McConnell, aull registered by ',Wive of Blythe, containing by adniesumfe- ment t of an acre of lard. be the /same more or lege. -Upon this lot there is a two 4017 frame building 34 II 24, used SBA taventillOci a large frame stable belonging Itherstditits whole °film sinnebeing.in good-repttiu, * ALSO .1 All and singular the ,-east half if the south helot lottwenty-Three-in the ifth eoncession, of the said tovraship of MOW* containing by admeasurement fifty Armes ot land, more of less. Twenty acres *Sic cleared, andThe renniuder beinz gotta 'bee& Wood land. There is a substantlal log b00144 on the property. The fern' is.wolL tratered by a spring treek. TERMS OF SALE.-eTen per reent. *fete purchase money to be paid to the atictiorrier- at time ofsale, 25 percent on the first, dal of September teat, the remainder inty-te 'secured by mortgage, -covering is period -of 3.1s 4, or 5 years at the option of the purchaser, on same conditions as contained in the lite, gage now held by the Vendors. - For flirt -her particulars apply toOm Auctioneer, or to Messrs. Cameroti and McMichael, foronto, . solicitors for "to VendOre. , Toronto, June, 1865. zrt+- *NY FARM FOR; SALE WAWANOSti rE undersigned othr; th for sale lolteOn g " pram:sat, sitinttea on the -Gravel Not14,1-• :nst hwi ship of Wawasoolt. Within 11 Niles of Goderich I containing 100 acres, 50 of which are et_ red! On the premises there IS a goed Triune Ma 6 "by 62, a good Frame House, young oreltard- bearing.. A good creek tutu;isig through the farm. Apply to HUGH MehaTit, Vet .3, 4th coif. Wau anoslz, lan. 30, 1865. arrl-lm Busint TxTILL BE, v tattoo ei Will Visit patie or day. 111DHYSIMA.1 ERICH, 0 Thos. pHYSIC1 House Si' Orfros-At Art fsw60w93 ; 1;ATE 0 .17 R -ON HYSICIA.N 1 1.0114,p/inlet 4peratione - 110WICIC VILLA AltRIST, Law, audl -Crown Attorney e"Court House. 1,41 111101ARRISTEki ,AIACEILOK.4 - Situ A.RIIISTEI 11-1vgYANCitit., 3. V. Helier& ire, wRaisrEt Notaries I -IL, tn.-Chaucer Corner ottEingst • Leh • Notartes, /Ws corner, W ATIZ1 A TTORNE1 Chancery, Gode 3 ▪ South side a turt-Honse 1Kri :i°h a it Cent, ikie:rrorienhes,it1Argt: Ilxy.C7udware Store, • zit .1 rTORNE41 Crabb/A _ QOLICITOB L./ HEY, mars over the mew / 11.. F. CM iGradattel, 11DRYSICIA1 .4- coccEmc 011ice.-Dungeal A rrotorm -Matutery, • atgruce. 13110 ABRISTE1 Sotiettor-le oral Laud A.gem Bruce. Fred -4i I I° -LIONVICRWRI Soutbateptcsi mitt° E tatui J.* zultou Street 3301rini Civil Eng 3 (1,1,VIL ENt' XI Land Air Ai 110114LA.N8 _ANi "A- ings, kfo- • fir 0.1100 ..on Street.rred .4011HIMINMISH11.1 1 lrarket sq Tel4s141$70, to ip.14* memo 04.14 ladies. Is Cask:woes 1 J1LXt-: 1 taLLES of ioiti! ICI *LOA , attottiett Odd "' •743ski Prn Appraisol, iels4essad.ilOrtip l'omt avitesso item Alsiasse000 .atmitt• Sass endemic. Aide • I _ICENSED :11.4-tounty 4tof psuct,selframos41 T PRINZ Ala aad •Addrou.Sco GEIBI IllAdev" Cowl Vllsgeo owatai Merck** A000vatseeelle .rastedt• laint