HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-07-11, Page 3Se" , eeln the inuilicipality, and that John d. LOU% Q:01111tir41,1 honliewho appears to he erecting a builning on the road allowance along the Bayfield _ _ _ _ river, be notified by the pathmaster not todo ge- A mcve is on foot to bnne Leslie, see—Carried. oved _M the ereat rope -walker, to Goderich, to gtvAlex. Cameroneseconded by J. e by N't , fhat this council now adjourn to ,an exhibition of his skill in traversing a , mete at- M. Ching's Hotel, on Monday, the cable stretched across some of our big ! second day of October, at 1 o'clock. -p. m.— holioNS. No doubt a large number of I Carried. JOHN ESSON, peesons would be attracted by such a -Townehip Clerk. "show." REJECTED CORP.ESPONDENCE. — Per- sons sending letters, the publication or which is considered doubtful, directed to the:editor of this journal, would do well to retain copies, as we eannot .prOmise to keep track of them., , ........--__ ter The _account of the Gala.Day at Brucefield woul& have been published sooner, but it is lengthy and we could not t Make soom for it at an earlier dale. .. lticKILLOP. OUTRAGE Cis A AvIDOW.—Orf the-Jsti * inst., a man named Peter Melirey net a Widow lady named Barret, io, a retied spotTpear Irislitown, and assaulted her in a most brutal -manner. He first grappled her by the throat- and demanded her money, after which lie yiolated her per nt a most horrible manner.— Her- little boy who witnessed the . deed, ran for help, 'but -before the wigh- - TO- be sold by PUB -LIC AUCTION' a the y o made good hiS escape to the woods. Af . London, en .• ' ter a careful Search' and constant watch Tuesday the 1Sth day of July,A.D. 1865, MelIrey was, nabbed. in ;Seafortit by Con -1 at 12 o'clock, noon. under and by virtue of -a stable Beaty -on Saturday rnornin. Mst Power_ ot Sale cont•iined in a Mortgage from ^ • one James McDonald to Charles Allanson lina um(' hos GoJeriqh jai"' to. await his ICuight, dated 7th December, A. D. 11560; trial at the Xisizes. . • • the South heti of Let No 5 in the 12th con THE MARKETS. • GoDzaicu, July 116, 1865. Spring Wheat, $0:90 (eft _ 0.00 hall do - (lats. Flour Barley -Fees 1:00 Qt,, 1:00 0:40. ee 0:45 5:00 5:50 0:55 (se, 0:60 010.0 0:75 _THE SEMI-WEEKLY SIGNA-L. gmommigMMIMMM0- mmonommolomilMO CAN YOU TELL ME WilEltE THE Village of _Clinton is WHY, YES! I BOUQ-HT SEARLE'S ! (tY6 THE SIGN oF THE LARGE KETTLE ..Co A STEEL MOULDBOARD PLOUGH A real Thistle -cutter, the -best I ever had. ft cost °lily Fifteen Dollars! FIVE max PANS FOR $11 All kinds ef TINWARE AND srovEs going off cheap. Thirty different kinds of'. s Wool. 0:15 . 0:40 0 Tj- G • Sheen 106 ((.1,. 400 Pork - 5:50 Qie 0:00 - furlries, each•Q:45 (ee 050 Geese da' G iickens, rre pair ... - -Q:20 0:00 Decks, • do 0-:00 eie -0:25 tides (green). 4:75 te. 0:00 better - •••00 (c_e 0:124 Petatoes new ... 330 0,) 0.00 ood • .,. 2e00* a 0:00 Ezers • 0:10 Cce 4012e ay,- new Id ton 8:00' 9:00 11 Green Peas 0624 ,9:00 MO (i.e. 0,00 025: (se. 0:00 - .11ortolaole Sale liters could '-ponee to rescue the brute had _ awe of the wide -signed, ia the Cie f sion of the Townehi tf Stephen in the -ewe- • • ces • . GODERICI1 tOWNSIIIP.- County ef Heron, containins 5-0 acres more. • or less. e FATAL ACCIDENT.—On the 3ri WS= 25on of Mr. James Elliott (of the Gaily) , It the same time and place/cinder and by_ - - 1AND- CASTINGO Kept nn hand, SEARLE Will SC11, at - GREAT BARGAIN - 9 - A good Secmid-h'and • S E -P A Ft A T 0 A. T eshing-Machine With a.- Pitt's Ten -Horse Power. PRICE ONLY ONE HUNDRED AND TEN DOLLARS for Cash, tie on short notice. Also, oe'sale a large quautity or Hungarian Crass Seed, improved.Turnip Seed; own- 15 CENTS PER POUND.- - Eave Troughs and all lauds of Jobbing done in workmanlike manner, at the Sign of the Large Kettle, BASE LINE, CLINTON. - SE AfiLE & DAVIS.. Clinton, June '20th, 1865. w21 3 Go ench etroleum Company. 'ed returning across the fields from.. virtue of Powers of Sa le containin a r pulled a Wife to Chides Allaeson Knight, dated 7t1- OTICE- is herby giVen that a call • of 26 Mortgazrefrotie one Randall, McDonald and • where his father wa:s. at wo k s ral upon himself Id trying ba climbs t TI'COM.her A.. D. 1360. and a, certain 'other per cent On the subseribed capital of the i fence and was instantly killed. _he poor; poor! ereetemze tfrom-saie leandafi.mcDonald tO said Comeau is made payable on or before the i Charms Al amenKieght, dated 7th January, little fellow was-aloneat the Lillie, eted it. A, D. 1S63; the Nor di half of said Let No - was some hours after the occurrence that e S in the 12th oncession, Stephen,. emetain.- hi body body leas found. He was a find lad t in: :50 icies mere or lese. . ,! I The above farms are under good cultive- I about 3 years ot aze, and a great feyortte.: don, well fencedarid have -.each about 35 , wiih. his now sorrowin ig ts - p. Ten .. ' acres cleared, and. are within .10 miles of the 10th dav ot July nextto F. W: Thomas, Esq. 13. M. provisioue/ treasurer. _ GEO. RUMBALL.. - ', Pro. Secretary. Goderieh, Jute 30, 1865. - w23td 'Lee - %Yin:ere of Exeter. '1 he soil is a clay loam • of geiod quality with. beech and maple umber THE CROPS -The recent cop'OnsPinai A sem el creek rens throtert the.pre-rnises. with.-wlaichjlve havebeen favored have.`, Mortzages, title Deeds drid artstracts may F4-11 hea't be seen „at the office of the undersigned; and done.wonclers for the crops. is a litile.rusted some 'places, at the place. and t..ene eesaie.. -NIS BROTHERS yield a fair crop, and the -spring crops Vendo6 Solicitors: generally present a splendid appearance._ Loader, July 1st, 1865. - - w23td Not for years back have 3larphies prom iesresd asrue cchutatninagbuhnadyanotn yiaeilldh, anm1865 Sp.nr n ni. nff-e rtontI 18851 slew days they will be at the fall wheat. : ' ...:_...--.. ;" file cheering prospects have matetially L GoAirie.ht Kineazthie. Inv thuron,-Port raised tha. spirits of our agricalturiElgurend Sonthmpton'Route ste, - ___ manufacturers and traders. May they nothe disappointed. CAUGHT IN TILE ACT. —On Saturday 'last a married woman, livipg in. Wawa - nosh, eritared one of ourprincipal stores, and, as she thought, unobserved, -appro- priated a roll of corn and a -pair of shoes and then made tracks ; ct Ona of the tlerks, who keepslis 'eyeopen, witness- ed the transaction-, and Made her stand and deliver.. - The' woman as publicly exposed, threatened with gaol, aud told to get herself off as speedily as possible. GODERICIT BOARD, OF TRADE:—.At meeting held in. the (Alia of Ira Lewis.. Esq., on Monday last, largely attended. by the merchants and traiiera of the Town ot Goderich, for the purpose or properly organizing- a I3oard of Trade, it wasagreed by the members present,.,:that J. V. Detlor, Esti, be President and John! Galt„ Esq., be Vied President of said Board of Trade.: After some other preliminaries hadbcea-duli discussed, it was resolved that the President and Vice President be -appointed delegates to at- tend the Convention xo meet in Detroit on the Isttli inst., for the purpose of repre- seating this Town at said Convention. M 99 _ 9 A. M. M c GREG OR, . Master, IN connection with the Grand -Trunk Rail- -1- road, at Goderich, : coinmencing on. 31 ind iy. -June 26th, 1865, (weather per- niNins.). will leave -4 GODERICH FOR SOF RIIIIPTON Every evenine, (Sunffefit excepted) at 6 o'clock, p. in, calling at intermediate ports. M-1.1"1.T1-3,1•Ti1NTC3- Will leave Southampton eery morning, (Sundays excepted) at ,5 o'cleck, a. m. call ine at intermediate poles, end arnving- at Goderich in time to . connect with the 3 o'clock, p.m. trailgoing east. GEORGE RUM13ALL. Agent Goderich• .4 Tickets can be peocured from any of _the undermentioned agents at -the following rates, . • Goclerich -to \ Kincardine. .... 50etst Inverburon . . '.- .....5cts. - - do Port Elgin . ... $1.00. do .Soinhampton . . . l 00. .. Kincardine to Inverhuron ....... 25cts. • do Port Elgin . Wets do Saugeen 50ct. And Vice, Versa. JCL- g (34 Kincardine--.... .-.. . Reis Robertson. • Inverhuron . , P: McRae. Fort Elgin .. .... W H. Ruby. STA.NLE %" COUNCIL. Southampton . .."Thes. Adair. COESC_It. HOWL / Judy 3r/1865. Connell met pursuant to adjournment. TIN reeve an the chair, and all the members present, /Stint:eft of last meetino- having' been read and signedtit was moved by Thos. Simpaon,seconded IwThos. Baird, That the vote:hers now banded in by Peter Adamson, Es-zi„ for money spent gravelling part of the BMWDEOD, Line etre satifactory.—Uarried. Moved by AL;ez.. Cameron, -seceuded by The.Steamer Bruce will conneet at Goderich with the . STRAKER, AVitetts D. COLE. Mastier. Every Tuesdays and Fridays forSaginaw, also Propellor Niagara, c McINTOS112 Master, Once a week for Chicago. eehrough tickets can be proc, red from au y of the agents for. Saginaw and Chicago, at the following rates: ist class. 2nd etas Southampton and Pore Elgin to BALL'S °III° Reapet..14.,.-1140wer FHE SUBSCRIBER HAS ON - HAD I. —.will sell cheap oee of tbe above splendid machines, which is admitted to be One of the best made.. - May be seen at as Shop, Viet°. ria St. Goderich. - ' JOHN PASMORE. Goderich, June 28, 1865. w22 • AND , BOOKBINDING. LTAYING "made •arrangements ivith -Mr. D. 1.1.2..-MeGREGO1C, Book-linder and Nanette - tunny Stationer. (who has lately returned from Phila lphia-with a large stock of Binding And other i terial); 1 an prepared to Furnish-r.lank. Books of all kinds. size and styles yith and witft out erinted Headings, at ten Der cent cheaper :han Toronto prices. Allkinds of Htuditic IVA giving satisfaction will be repaired free ofcharge. tw46w21 JOHN 13IITLER. • ' Seginit ar. . $5,00 $4.00 Tilos- Simpson, That. Mr. Thos. Simpson- jet Inverintron 'lc Kincardine to . 4.o.0 3.50 by contract the making approaches to the ring-ethrlinUrioviTeKiPn'etiErdninettOCdo g.°6.50 4:506° bridge at Mr. Loans. and also the covering. of said bridge.-- Carried. - ; • Moved by Alex. Cameron, eeeonded by Thos. Simpson, _Chat twenty &flare be -grant -od to finish the bridge at Tie& • " The petition, of John G. Smith and others, waz received and read, and aftersonsidersible ' Zs' cussion the prayer of the petition as et. - /gained by -Mr. Simpscn was not granted. The motion of Thos. Simpson relative to said petition was ruled out of order. - Moved by Alex. Cameron, seonded by J. W. Riley, That the bheriff at the next sale .of non-resident lands-, be instructed to offer Mayfield Village lots at an upset price of two etollam Per coarser acre.—Careied. Ihe account of bin. Noma fa' gravel was -ierdered to- be paid. Them:want of Mr. Sanderson for zravial waa.ordared to he paid - The scconnt of Culler k Heuse for road MEWS waa ordered to be paid. - es" Moved by Thos. Baird, seconded byJ. W. Riley. That tlos followincr.rates tat „levied on all the real seed personal property in the township for the current. year viz : for County ettyposes, 10 Mills in the 'dollar and for arnalO1P111 PorPolteS inc udin interest on - municipal to tt,fiand 5 mills in the dollar, and * by-law be passed tor that' purpose. -Carried. - Thesecond report of tavern iuspeetor as meltedreacland fyled. Moved by Thomas Baird, seconded by W. Wen That thw Council hereby forbid sul parson orpersons' from building or erect - ins smy building on any street or public road Freight contracted by this line via Grand - Trunk for London, Ela,miltonj Toronto, Mon- treal, arid all' points East cheaper than by any other route. GEZI. RUMBALL, Agent. coderieb, June 27,1865, w21 ILOLYENT lOT OF 1864. r1111. creditors of the undersigned are noti- _ fi4d to -meet at the law office of Me -C. Cameron, in the town of -Godeiich, in the County of Huron, on Monday, the seventeenth day of July, 1665, at ten of the clock in the forenoonfor the purpose. of receiving, State- ments of his affairs., and or naming an asseenee to whom- he pal make an assign-. ment under the above Act. • Dated at Goderich, in the County of Huron this 27th -day. of Jane 1865. - • wiLLIAn HYSLOP. M. C. CAMERON, / _ • Solicitor for Irisnlvent. • • sw871,d II.AUTION.This is 'to foibid- all persons le crediting or harboring mi wife Catharine McDougall on my account, ,as she has left nip bed and board without just cause or provocation, -as I shall not be responsible for any debts' she may contract. • DONALD McDOUGALL. con.,. July 6th, 1865. tv231'3t In3olvapt ilot of 1864. AIDIUGAG E SALE, Valuable Property, IN _THE TOWN OF GODERICH, CCUNTY OF HURON. UN]) ER and)by virtue of. a Power of Sale contained in a certain Indenture of Moit- gage (which will be produced at the time of sale) made by James McMahonthe follow- ing property wilrbe offered for Sale at the Auction Rooms of - GEORGE M. TRUEMANg In the Tem, of Goderich, on Wednesday, the 19th day of July, 1865, At one o'clock p,m.,viz: All that parcel of land and premises, situated in the Town of Goderich, being composed of lot No. 9, south of Lighthouse street - in tbe said Town of Goderich. containing 1, of an 'acre, more or less. Upon" the premises there are erected a one and a half story. building?... divided .into three tenements, in gond repair. , ALSO : That certain. parcel • or tract of land composing lot: 13, being lot 14 on the south side of West street, -in the said town' of Goderich. containing a quarter of an .ar e more or less. Them is erected on the lot a oge aud a half storeybudding,fraine(24 32) occupied as a grocery and dwelling. tun' at storehouse in rear 28 )4 18, the whole ie `..ncid repair. ALSO: That certain parcel or Wet_ of land, situate _ in the said ton of Goderich, composing lot fifteen, on- the south side of West street, containing a quarter of an acre of land, more or less, The following -build- ings are erected on the premises: one two story frame building 30 at 20, frame barn 40 x 32 and frame shed 50 feet long. iugs-1I in good repair. . . • ALSO : All that parcel of land composirg lot number -191, in said town of Goderich, containining by admeasurement 40i perches, more or less.. There is a good orchard on the lot. and a one story house in good.repav Teens or Sar.z.—Ten per cento the purchase money to be paid to the auctioneer at tune of sate,- 25 per cent 00 the first day of September nett, the remainder may be sem), ed by • mortgage, covering a pesiod of 3, 4. or 5 years, at the option . of the purchaser, on same conditions as contained in the mortgage now bald by the Vendors- • For &AWL, particular, apply to the Auctioneer, or _to" Messrs. Cameron and McMichael, solicitors, for the Vendors, Toronto. • -08 Toronto, Ices 1865.. In the ntalter of EDWARD FERGCE SON; ..of the Village of Southampton, in, the County of Bruce, Merchant, an -Insolvent. . . HE creditors of. the Insdlvent are notified I to meet at the', law office of Frederick •Proudfoot, Esquire, in the said village of Southampton, on Thursday, the twentieth day of July next, et ten o'cl ick, a. m., for the public examination of the ,?solvent, and for the ordering of the affairs of his estate generally. • Dated at Southampton aforesaid,. the 14th day of June, A. D„ 1865; ALEX, PROUDFOOT, - 86w2-Zw "iis3igase. SPECIAL NOTICE. EFERRING to our advertisment of 2nd -Lb instant, and in order to avoid misunder- standing. we beg respectfully to inform those of our customers who have bad accounts with us hitherto that, as we are anxious to bring our present business to a close as soon as possible. we must discontinue all accounts from this date. - JOHN FAIR & CO. Goderieh, 9th May, 1865.-- sw71 JOHN FAIR & C HAviso DETERMINED oN CLOSING UP man rakszrav _ . BUSINESS- IN GODERICH, %vim., ow Thursday next, the 4th- inStant,' _ Commente to clear off the ;whole .ot their targe and Valuableatock of Dry tioods, Clothing, and Groceries, at in ENORMOUS REDUCTION IN- mast: Goderich, 2nd May, isss, _ • • A kirendid- Private Residence PO aisa.x..am,,, DEAUTIFULLY _situated in the Town of Goslerich, being park lot No..14, con. C., containing 10 acres of excellent land, with good Orchard of choice finite all in full bearing. .A lar0ffe. Two Storey13rick House With stone cellar, 38 by 30 feet. Frame Barn, Stable; Sheds and other outbuildings The whole will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to _ JAMES McMAHON, on the premises. Goclench, June 18th, 1865. w21 1m VTRAY MARE. ---Strayed from Gederich Commons, -about the lirst week in June, mai., a. Bay are and horse Foal,. the mare has a cork on, the left bind foot, there •is - star on the colt's forehead, and left hind foot :Mite. Information that will lead to her recovery will be suitably rewarded byleiiing word -With --_ • MARX WHITELY. --•_Cloderich, June 2-91.14 1865-- w23 -4e0 REAtoy-AL. cunto4..Book5tore, school Books and Seim ol Staff° t Ty: "VcrlaCC)IANIELIS7tal" - THE underngned begs to notify his friends I and the public generally that he has re- moved Ins Book Store to the well-known stand on Albert- Street,cl inton, formerly occupied by I. S. Forrest & Co., where he will be _happy to wait npo, all who may ,istillocv:oircer hoparticim witubilt,rai.y SOROOLeailnlvi. Country Storekeepeted t_o-inspect hawse rs) 1300' ICS & STATIONERY Wthhis.oseof ich wilt_..4.12be fouTodorowatobewashoresaiw. i: part as chants. ..InaFtaruunicYen6"67ts, ToisICIS_Wee-ali8PtastPci°:iry,W;317Prog Papers, &c. &c., as usual very low. [ " GEO. LATCOOK. Clio*, 20th Jose, 1865. tw19 A NEW STOCK I 01P eceive WEICE • - • Insolvent Act of 1864. rpIIE creditors of the undeisigned are no*: -1- fied to meet at the Law offiee of J. Elwood, in the Village Of Clinton, on -rt- day the Fourteenth day of July next, at twelve o'clock noon for tbe purpose of re- ceiving .statements of Ina affairs and of nalit:- mg an assignee to whom he may make • ail' assign:beat under the above act. JOHN JOSLlat 3. Y. ELWOOD, Solicitor or Insolvent. , . Clinton, 20th June, 1865. sw85td ILAINTI S.44k1.4 UNDER POWER OF SALE 1N MORT- ' _ GAGE. 5 MY virtue of a Power of Sale contained in • Lo a Mortgage made by James McMahon of the township of Goderich, in the Comity of .t• Huron, and Proviace Of Canada, (de- fault having been ine.de in the - -die payment thereof) _ will be sold on *. Wednesday, the 2616 day of July, A. D.; 1"-- ' 1865, at twelve o'clock, noon, - at the Auctioa 4 . t ,- Mart of George M. Trueman, in.: tbe town of Goderich, the following property, that is to 11, •" -! say: Lot fourteen, in concession cs in the, , 1 township Of finderich; in the County' of • Baron I contaialei by_adateastirentent ten, ,.. acres of land, more or less. Terms cash: Deed under Power of Sale. _ M. C. CAMEO -A .._ -w2lid Solieitor tor Mortgagee,' - • - _ 30thJure, 1865; • _ RGE STOCK or PLAIN AND TANcer ring a AtORTp-AGE SALE' 07 /, 'Valuable Property- f -MOMIWISLmogoo• trtDS11, and by virtue of i'llower of $ahr Li contained in a Mongage_made by Jobb E,. Dance, of the Town of Goderich. in the County of Huron, ot the first part. Mary Ellen Dauey," his wiie, (tor the purpose of barring her cfotVill; ' ot the second part, default having been made in the due peyment. thereof, will be sold at tbii Auction Mart of Geerge At. Trueman, Baste Square-,Godencli, on Friday, the seventh ei(71»1 day of .1 y, A. D. Inti.5, at twelve o'clock. name; _. the folio ong property, vit.: Lot ntnnber 41200`, one thousand three -kindred and nine, and lot number (394) three hundred and ninety -tour, ie! the town ot Goderich aforesaid. Deed ander , e ' . ---- - • M. C. CAMERON.: Powe.r o .4-- Sale. - • w10.4 • Solicitor for Martgageelf. Notice is Hereby GiVoti frHAT application will be made -;to bode: ..A. branches of the Legislature ef this Pre I ?ince at their next sitting to have the town- ' ship of Wawariosh divided to form two' 1 ePeraanteoelanduircltWestPalitliesto obleVacawalltitislel'ie Vawe ' ' spectively, the dividing line to be between _ lots numbered twenty seven and twenty-eight.' _ The application will he made by petition of the Municipal Council, and over three, hun- dred and ninety of the electorg of the said. township -of IVawanosh. By order of the C-ouncil.' . • - JAS. SCOTT, 'Pp Clerk: June lath, 1865- .. w.22tf mer WAIORTOACE SALE.. e ST_ ARRIVED- A.111D_ AT Tit; riartruirvie J. v. DETLOli & 80N. GOD/MICH; May it, 1865. 11.711EREAS default inieleg been made in'. IV payment of a Mortgage made by Ed- . - ward Kelly, ofthe Township of Athfield, is_ • tie County of Huron, yeedian, ind Maq Ann Itelly, wife of Edward Xelly, (forthepitrpoite of barring her Dower). to William Leonard' • of the Town of Godericle in the County of Hawn, Gentleman, the following land and premises will be sold by- Public .Auction at G. M. Trueman'a Auction M.art, ow - TUESDAY 15th AUG`UST i865 s s I. Ai the hour of twelve dolocil, noon, stibieet • to a Mortgage of $400i and interestai eight per cenk, due lat -May, 1865, that *to eay,;., ill and singular that eerfain parcel OF-liatt!. of land and premises situate, lynig and beiug- - in the- Township oflalifieWur theCouotrefa Moron, being composed of tbe south half of the north half of lot rtuntber eleven, in the" third concession, eastern division of the lialt4 Township of Ashfield, contain' ing by -id- inealuirement fifty acres of land, more zot les-Dheeda l .- under Power cotained-in- Mortgigt. TFoermsr furtherrele—rtiCerialtrioarptpredly ti, etA.,001411-: Gooding, &Hello:Jr, West Street. . D. SHADE GOODING,- 7 ' Solicitor for Mortgagee:" . Dated -74. March, 1865. • w24td Money to Lend, flPON Mostgages. Apply to De Shade Gooding, Solicitor. Office _over R. Booth's store. . • - Goderich, 18th -May, 1865. sw7411-• Sheriff'. Sale .0t.T.aalldII; ttnitedOoneties of lopir Virtue .of a writ ot Huron and Bruce,- 1..) Fieri Facies tante out - To wit : • of iler Majeity's County conft oftbeZnited Cointiesof Huron and Bruce and to me eirected against the lands and tette- !nine. of Elijah Praynee at the slut of William Aldridge., 1. havreamzed and taken itt. execution alt the hell, title -and interest of the said de6a dant in and to the south half of lounninber twenty- fiva.in the fide concession of the township or mivrio, in the countyot nerve; Which hind/l- and tenenients 1 shalt offer tote sale it my office in the Court House in the town of Goder- ich OnToesdatr, -the third day. of October text, at Acton, oftwelve of the clock. noon. . : ' - _... JOHN MACsD0heriNcitifti ii. , :Sheriffs* Officeitiedetiels, i . 23rd .June.:1666.. I iltit . , _.:.' Q TRAY -MAR E .—Strayed from MiteheU, on Sway the 18t1t inst., a Bay Mare, 4 years old, about 13i hands high, near hind foot white, send' white spbton her forehead, black mane and teal Whoever will give information to the un- dersigned where mid emirs will be found will be suitahly rewarded. • RICHARD JENNISON, Tp. ofEsy, Johnson's Rills P.O. A 11$7. JUDO 2; 1865. w22•3t ISAAC3EillEalideCYSTMEIE, .F117RICK TO r, MUCKS' OtsyS.TA_Igt), 1# * WATCIIKMAKER &JEWELIMA . WASP 8T.. GODZItICII, Nett door West of Mr. Stotts' Saddlery, ILL gnat's oy WATCHES, -CLOCKS— AND JEWELRY REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTWE, In the -best Style & Warranted. Immo, sooDANEORTHENTar 1101411c Plated levreIty, Watches, Cloctusc &C,- •Dc. oonstaanyoaleutaland waniunee lc; be asrapreseatee foot mo.siey refunded. Oedema Juil EHL glean London and Paris-Treatatent I- DR. JOHNSON!4. _ Office aticiMistppnimuryil. NO. 64, Little St. James Street, 01\7'TM:1=134.1/r* ,Per the Cure s" Ch.ronie ContplainVeordida: trireme Debility, Ifielasee ttl` the ,. - &mina Weakness', siitd F�-Comple#44,4e. J otiNsotil OFILO N DON, .1..! burgh and Rails, devotes ills &mouth tort, fehisiterrvilirttolion thhit ilTotri"celfleMntan9fy Xes;hersexPe'CnPnen laitsPlecti - In Europeand the British Colonies,.euablinshisi. to perform some vervremairkabte cures- itaultker most celebrated physicians ot the old world, 'dies are isuch, beingen eorreepondenies with thip be.can offerinduceinents to the unfortunate of & rapeediaddityiesantd:rpeor:aciinciunreg .the best and lanIst reme- tar STRENGTH.. TO. THE VITE.itx.nr. John son% Remedies will nestorein a veryshort tiae all who are inflicted with Nervous Debility, Loss - ofMemory. Vigor, Ore. ' Ism la' YOUNG MEN, TAXE NOTIEE.--Tiwre iseiil 3ON ineit often. contracted by boys at school, which grows "no with them to sainthood erects evil practice is mese deplorelle, often produc-ng insanity, &c &e All who are *filleted Should apply tonr Johnson immediately, r, and hirvidl effect a speedy and periaet gum. r ••• TI1 -1111) 8110ES 1 suITAIRM rex SPRING Afl 111111111ERWIELI sus* HHHKITICID Al DISEASES OP THE IlLooD, Aro.-11 is E. melancholy feet that thousands tan victims to ohmage o moat° the unitlaltul and improssr ass of mercury. Dr. Johnson's Uonipoend SOUP willthoronglily erad;eate aavlis.&& sarisingovira a diseised or unpure state oft he blood. Relneikee torwiirdee in tafetyto any addrew Offace beans from 8 u11-12, and from 2 LIII 8. All .commeineae tions ?should be *disused, Dr. -Chu. F. Johnson, 64,Little St. JamesStreee, McntrealeC. E. 1110 CONTRACTof ehoppirtireitd- Ten acres, on the Bayfiellt And, fisw miles frora Goderich. Apply to coVW_ .1k, Thiroo Mon, Snne16th, 1866. - ISS01111100 of artocrsip xoncE is hereby given Oat the Partner.' 11 ship lately subsisting between. David Johns and Cornelius ..futins, both of the village of Exeter, tinder the firm of D. k Tobin, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owing to ssid firm ore to. be received by said David Jails, *4 211 -demands on said partnership are to be 'wee seated to him tor payment. - Dated at Exeter, -this Nth day a iurify Davin JOHNS, CORNELIUS JOHN'S N. B.—The *business will be nonfiftnaci muldger other wonrkaniedonoferudErerettrZweattiesginshp,#.11 despqelt. DAWD 30.1.Ne„ 7'334- Ptw 'Pr s'ie Jkines 1.13 9 1 EINGSTON ST., EMILIO& „• - I CALL IS 801d1 smog,, 4