HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-07-11, Page 1• C1151110 ti Ditectirn. •••••• I 'tr. 1'. N.. '41.• I )01:til., 11711.1. BE A 1. lltrME For, It tat:en uo ta 11 rti . Very Jay. %.,11 i.alleat* at arty hotir anerwarrk.1:'sgitt or day. . '. ?4hamlet:1.MA)- DIIYliI \N. ; EON. 3(10I1- 1_ snieti, U. W. Li. 10-1 y - 14'. Niel .eitti„. M. 13., PYS1C1A N. SI a -i; (Lite House surg-eoe, eer,ten A -clout's. Baal J.:1E. thou.. • i swat) w9 I W. 1 cote. - T _ATE OF gTANLEY-clixToN., nu . 9 KO,: Road. (Mr. ra wa it orate r Store uly 1, ,(_-, .. 4.- .. . Costly .carpets, , ,e.puErtin8V, 471i:Orik139'r:Diipchafb Bd°1i69ritiA Za0i , II IT R 0 N AND BIIUCE A_DVEIZTIS"ER. . _ . • - art, 'and all that go-elto colnidete a iumptu- :_--e....-_-_-_-_--_-7. -....--_----7.-- ---:-------:. -.........., -__ _-_.-:::---7-7._-___ ...--_::.--.._ - _ - __:_-....--------- -_-..:7_:.--_.--_z-.7,_-_-2.:__^^.....--:.-_:z=.- - ously fernished mansion, arad sklityt 4.8 oftener . - with reckless prefusion than in confOrmity "The Greatest Possible Good to the Greatost Possible Number." - - - ---- - --- ------'-- - '-'''--7- .. ii h good taste, and- all sugg,estingr Smiths. calculating American a valuable pittfitet„tu . .. . 0 - our neatest neighbor, if we have the oenSe )e keep on good terms and nuthe obr 'ffieftelly AND W. T. COX 'Z.' and 1!iroprietor. , I -Ltfc In the Dientenn -Oniptintr-7 1 Mexico has great wealth, which is lavished in all the macs of comfort and luxury know to civilized life. Eouses, whose forbiddini exterior of alone:pea plaster, with gratedf prisonlike ivitidoiis, little feditat#tWe ele- gance within, are adorned with- all that at and wealth can supply, brought from fprope and the United States at • fabulotis ettierrsd. DR A. WORTHIAGION, ,S2.50 .PER ANN. IN AD I ,WaGEON, Ptend., particularly. to .1:se xscot Ldsurgie,a operationi upon the eye. tlawicx V tia.atiE. Dee . I z‘62. wt7-1y Axe .I. LAatv. and :,4o,teit.lr-in-Ciiiteicct.y. County Crow n %nice n Court Iloase. v14 a lit e. Cratxtert411. RATZ-ra..=14'E.t. A r Co:NV-fey. *LA ik.wetz,e street,(Ioder.eh. - - - -Rincirair &'NV:direr« A.1111P.:IrEt“,, SOLICrrons; cox - 0 aver the Store tit frin Shert-Iron,, and Copper Smith, [Jahn N.. Son., tIodericii. G• W•, • TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1865. MIM•11•11. Bus:nest- Dtxectorn _ North British and He:cant-11e Insurane'e Co., 011ice in Sir. (iordou's La W Chambers. - JOT.IX ILALDAN. dr., Godeigeh.„(../etoter 13.1tiCa. i`.2. -1yr JOHA. Iiettry .311r -ern )t, 11.ittati r ro-Js-1-:1" - L.VW NOtaries West Street 191 - . - _ eh.f %I oh. I) pt.A.Rnts-ret..kfroSOLIrITOIZ ' te.-ery. ,t 11 -e, 'Jacket Squzire. COrner at ;Sint:7;4ton Street .ifotlericir. 9:4e _ I'at t t -r -eon. 1110.k.R.▪ KES,TKAS, A r 1141 .71-.V1 -I. A W, LI Sot Conveyaneer.t. ke. Wive Ale Kay's writer, West Z;Lreet, t terieh. 9:42 t . . _ John. 1 < ilia.e.I.Irt,_ . •;',It.I''IT07.1 TN ... ...-11., eaa,r2erv, Xa: tr.-. Pie !te„ roncevaneer. , Sze., Ne., • ' - ,,,,,,?...4 iianV..ina /-...L 0.?..,.."--!. ,. . .. - .1,.. Vt.••••; ":1,1t..... -t, t..k.rdtistur 'iro:21 tae t C tutt-Ret.se Squaw. . . , t F - • I -r A . r kw, rwa, IN Iderich, C. W.:.-t.t.fice, ever El. 'jai daier trdwar,..4iore. - - MoneY to Lend. on Its -d. EGMONDVILLE C.W. - Stoves,. Cultivators, for Sale. Iteliairinis. Done at Short NOtjoe. MARINE INSURANCE. 'Brit 1st" „titter tett It fest' ea. nee Co • or Teer.-yxre-. Marine earment., • C I?! • . xyA-1.fletr. Goderiz.h. A plzil British Aiterican Assurance Co.- - FIRE & MARINE'. - JOHN F.4.gON A Tent. • I Davi-led C. W., April 1i 1w12 1-.471,attt; ikTralt\Zg17. .1 a ica,t". W. -Os : t-p:•_;tatr-. ‘V.Itzott•-:. eatranee lst. Deer west el: Cf:asgow 'Morns NT./ .tre. TTJRN•12, t,* rich, C. W. 0.11:e - Itikl.liTh :NEW BE • *.;C F eue. Level • e. Tr.x. -rts.y.k.ralt...kozzuNt:t77. h. I Si s w3 - ' 1'3.svit., • I rri_rt*Ctf. IMO; l'Z r ▪ ',V. • v - _ LII:riANS; SOLICITOR ix eiI ANCIVZ,T.• .1:170,1t. Nev. NorArty, e tNct:ii,„ • S7,`e...-011'..' . • 'Over the -0r2,1.S" Post oin • D. Wils9njtoss; B. A., kiftllz:CrElt... ORNEY- AT LAW, t :Shr -rtor-tireitarter,r-;, X ,mry T'ablie, (en - era! Land A;:ent, .ke` „ Rate ardine4 county vIS w12 -1v Bruez. •••••••••••06, . Business Irlivectoru. ataTiv-s,' Itisuran6e_ Comp)ly. FIRE AND LIFE. CAPITAL -TWO MILLION DOLLARS! Accumulated ,l'untle on hand, $5,000,000. Allaaal 14coine Eceeds $2,500,000. •L•n-sl-E .t minces "stlected at the LC) iVE$ 2 consistent with safety. • Life Insurance -.Ample Seem ity. LARGE EON s RATES LOWER TILLY MOST ENGLISH OFFICES. Losses Promptly Settled Vithout, Refereno.. to alhard of Directors; ClIARL'ES FLETCHER, Agent. Goderic-h, Ma v. 1864. w1.5 .= GODERICII (,) cd • r.:.:...• -,-: tvanis T..- - as lie i 1 .5t. vV. c.. T R EL EA V N a-'• .. ,-.- =_ = RAID iOTJ, G5DERIGH 5 11. 1UKEL PRO:PRIEreR: THE is most pleasantly .w.trated ..on an 0-..crittokNig the, Harbert ,,,,,,, Gardens tu:d - -4- 11011b3 . T-M1.3ts, Table, A ttls- -es51t: 'StOilgS cd ce) Etural W.e.s.a-titclied:' Board$1 perdue ;single Mealsiir cents. v I in lOviv r-cricciy, . 4 a, to tria * LA - a .11)[IN tkt.ti. this means of ire . • si u e fe... VI:a he lers enteied = 11 u.d formerly t -es r, where hi; u ill .v t reciv.; ni-1 tends utal custemers .31., 4 G41-i:i..:?.. .1-,e. - 'ern...J.4re ,..:: M, - ;., . r" :.- •;••-. ::.1 • .1 PEYSItif.X.N„ AND A. --t corifitv. t. V 2 -e--A.: Lie 1.3.....s. an Cy, 01.fiee; Du4laitataii, C . W. .. (--..!JAv-b • TEL; 5, .•••3';r - QXETER = -r....m.EZte Gravel Road running Iron: . 141:t" ' to ott_tl.tnii-ton, one north ol Etttait • .cos.-v.•Fy • wheie .1 le5ids otf fo WteAeter, and-any...me ti--av- an"rx !ce., t a et a.r. - • ehitg to F. v.pt,,t ;1,1' • 31,,M67 77-1.111..arSb Bnilmpton, - MONEY TO LEND. .er any iilaCe • n t.... t yrria accoloinci- - sue q as'he e3i.peets tonad at first class - VirilItam Ic larsev.. . ; ear Whets, tif, a: i rn:eta& Li rrt.1'..tNEY.--k r -L kW, Ice ilAit:'ITria. IN ' T..el .7 ii t- v,,,T A ys 01,T; it , . . .. . _ . / .1. Ottri.;-...try, r onYei.an :er. Sce. ir.,...a.,.• t,,,,. r------‘ •:43 j:I. 4' -tn. .4 - vide ca;-ly Fel:: ars. Tly. 4:-"r"i' t.,1 , • In ' t .i., DUI, X .1..111.1.11.g r:rientis - Frei.a-rick Proqt -Ifoot,, . , ti .1,3 ?AA f .4:, t, ,A, yr 0 t -e•-1,::8-'-‘ r _LA iv, • t.li: B. -I Z.IrlN'...;:: tso"Ve,.t A I.EMATit OF , 4 .) sjwittelial..'r. Z. '..``..- tel,zr,V et'l.....:...•..\-r. t- , ' 4 I Id. -11.1.)it3 1.11) Fit TY FT . r 1.1 - - -: .,,i-, k -r- . •T - t ... on rr.i 1.12,, a, ..i. :a .a. - .• a..--aui - i - i CLIAILLES DAYS, - Pionrietor. rt A Tri.•;EE:t.k-N:frk .',.t.-)ViN'ef I fi .11 t;oarazner eint C.N11 _ 1,a n.ito:i-ktreetsti- 4.-15a3 • • X. \-11 SURVEYOR .kND Eagiriee July 1, '61. 1 S. I niirt,, CIVIts EN ;1 AND SURVEYOR L.itid Agent an 1 Coaveyancer,, WrI SI tL-L45 AR 70AMIT SOT, Ot.A.N'S A -N u to.IVIC.I.T.4)‘: of Build ixot up m a neat aad correetfstyle. (like at dot 'Linda Auction %tart, on Street. lioderica.. [sw vlaTlyly • ffireilessexi - 31•.2LJEr; ai L.4.411 ACNT r NIEIrket Square,Goderich. Te Wet; era ro-t- ever'," Wecinesday,froin I1itnt SI:10 '11 sriiu _ or. tt P SragIOAL MEMIANIC AL .ORNTIF.T.,(7,,ateeeSsar T.11. Alo at- gotnery,) L o4efl4d1, C= W. -110ems- over Kr. 2. Xardan'i Draz Store -fanner/ 13th. - . _MOMS ON & KAZLBaiiitST, (i..t•rg 0.1EAlLt. t3C Ttrons•ox,) Aaotion & Commission Merchant-st- CaFserozets Block, Kinrstait Glisterick And next Door to Strong's Hote - . _LEA -LE -Sof [last 3 4Ltr$e5., W.10,1'0115. &-c attketrart.. every' Saturday' at arum. t'arartibtr. *Itdation paid to the tate of Bankrupt Stoa, Fanu f•Vselc,&e. lashaavaneed on goods tenon Cotrionisi..n. teltrotbr appraiged., uetasc,fteete. landlortitg same. executeb,. arriga.ge.ii'qrbelosed. houses rented. Div, --a foart Bumeessaiter.ded to. :4 -de atihe Branch Atte- &tort MartiSeafortkevery. Thursday. • .Connty 3 this :titanic,/ to els recoonatt terms Goderich. July12th. ISst. m,2:1-1Yr NielE3otavm..11, f jeggSED A.ucrio NEER. BlYw'l:Iii7rf4.11.3, JLI Zoattty ttt" Amon. Sates village or country linnets/411y atteudedto. . Alex. Findley; T _ICENSEDAreEE TIONit for HURON A-, and Sauce Saleg punettialty attended to. - Address. readwili P.O. wia.)-Lyr$o MIN TUCKS% PrOfiriefar._ This is the Large:liana hest Country F.:Q[0 tn Wextern Canadaandritaraes as moderate as any 11 Just. ,I.itet.e14. Star -e Proprietor.' Good Pa: ling for MU Ihirses. flow-is:and Carriages fur Hite, on Saurfe-.1,Nutree 14.7 - - P1 ,ps7071.37 illAn/a 0 • .r• sepals-m.1.i it - r (THE -OLDRST IN THE COUNTY.: D.--GORDON _ 2 E`i7 LiiL AND UNDERTAKER, :Manufactures ana nas now on hand a complete asSortment or.PUrjutare, at his Warerooms, WEST- SrRE.ET, GODERICH, .sucit `sg Sofas, Bureaus, Tables,- Bedsteads-, Han, Cane and Wool -seated Ohitirs, -Gilt Moulding and Looking Glasses, in variety. ot Home Manufacture and Iinported - John Ontrireiben,.. fIRNERAL-li COMMISSION AGENT- CoatomissionermQueett's Bench tonal:tug alLidaeits,Couvevanceroke.,&e. 01ficeort Broad . war..trillazeoficiacardine.C.V.r. 9:9 Peter er Rae. PORWARDKR D - COMMISSION Sterchaet, liiveaucanx. C. W. atotes and .11.0sountscolleeted. Business or any, bed en- - t) him wilt -receive prompt atteatioa, vete= IvSoix John 'Marne, OOMMISSIOSEa IN THE COURT OP queerest Beach, Coriveyatiber, dee. Alleg 144,y kept of Farts and Town Lotafor Sate; par- lied -having Iota for sale,or desiring to purchase !writ please seed fulipart.culars. Duntannoihreb.20, 1857. 9:9 D. G- has alwavi onhand a complete as- sartment of corrims.-. Also, HEA.RSES TO HIRE. • . _ Tons, &c.- • . • - G.ODERICH, C. W. Lamber and Cord -Wood ta.ken in ex- chan se for Furstitlire: . • • • . . Goderich. g7tELOet,_‘1$63 w27 - wroay.- D frANUF ACT URE RS AND 'DEALERS 11,4 Stoves, Ploughs and Castings oi everyde- script-ion. Tin, Copper anti 'Sheet iron Ware, at the ztove Depot, West Street, Gederich. COAL -OIL , - ter:Coat Oil Lamps, tize:,kc. Old Irons CoP- per, Brans. Rags and. Sheepskins taken in exT_ change. " 4 49 . . J. St J. SERIMILLER, 'MALTS -1N .R:: S• • ix LEATHER:. -FIKDINGS ,&.., (40DERIOH C. WI 47wa inual .0-tointss E3itertorn. DRUGS, . . pRUGS C., IA.. 3f;) PaT (Sueeessortolt.,13.11eynolis) ; e e a, 631 Court-ifouseSquare,Oorterteh ' MARICE'l SQUA.RE, GOD=ICH DISPE-NSING CHEMIST &, DRUGGIST c • J 9 . w12 . une_. - lilt - 0 61•••••••••• .1NTOL. 96 equiferges in the streets are a special, means relationship mere: hitimato.. "ne t:plivitte ocafrenx;opibsiitinag. Lebiliestli:aaniiciJi-bleasiiii4:13.14.osi4C60.1300te. loneing seettlifamiliesareimptittetlfripp Eure'ope, though afew of them .ake macie.in the ,GU.:ted States: Many of thent'irte-eltibb- - rately ornamented with silver, as is alsoAret_ harness,. Mules seem to billegeneralleortind for bartia,ge animals„ though a 'fine span of English or ...kinetic:1re horses now rind then .dma6snh:awlohlitige„btlichein.ridl!.bsiett:siliheelido bptawylivIlrii4ed;adlivIc-t spendor of rd, white and vell'aiei 'The 15rin- "cipal driver are to he 1'a'4cride tiltresi-reilr•the Base° dela irrea, Alamancii. :At .the,iatt-- named place, Which is a park otaboutfwenty acres, hendsoMely laid put with 2.floiiers. _:shorrupdofm satid elaxrigaeo orilr fTrvIllttreeaS, nteivfiliptfiOl4bitiithelO ws Ancl equeSt.rian.erereise and hereBiagi., be seen the famous Mexican riders all the grace and love ofdisplan-for nowhere :41;es the Mexican gelitleMap feel- So- .proud as..fon his home, with his .splendidsilver-mouttted saddle and gaily :ornamented perapt. Oh a fine mbrnintr, It multitude of horsetitenitreitiir- vetipg ahnig the romantic roads .of -Abe • Almeda, now half hidden among the foliake, passing out of sight behind the foutitains,'Eted wheeling into sightagain, all in apperent eon- lusiop,'bat"syet -owing to -their:33erfect vonifol of -their animals, ncver, .corsim4 th contact. Anteing thecrowd a're seen the ffshitrg ttni. ' formof.French and Austrian ofReers, trotting their heavy horses at a jogging place, bolding on the reins with both baud& ti.eir elbows squat ed, feet pointed one sd right anglatfrom the stirrups. and.presenting in all Teepecla a ludicrous picturecompared o• .the elegant horsemanship displayed around them. 'When one of these warriors iretistlY erfetninittefitk.- . inggentlemenovith pale faces eudSketteles,) comes thuippine by, the Mexicatts qutitly • Make room, :and appear not to eaticethe,con- trast. Never an approath te a surile is -teen beneath the ample sombrero, though doubt- less the steno affords them for Ian in settle more fitting place;where the rulesof.politetress would not be violated by a heayty EVERY ARTIGLE Yeti NONE'? TO ..LEND - WAIVE IN. ON IMPROWD. FARMS, I RE DT -MADE OT an be purchased Cheap FOR CASH at . SMIT Clothing Emporium _Dealeria,tind.liapbrteroi GIE N-6 I N, E tD1.3 t U GS Cherni aft; Perfumets - • • TAILORING 12 Hair "'both, and Wail Ili -ushers: 711:..s, QoLo S , DV): sT•:FFs , tIE1411114E. MKS Xain street, Exeter. D. • (Fe.: A. - M'CON NELL., ETURN"S IHQ hIOST Si.i'lF RE THANKS tlirtliti very- flattering enCourageinent he has . rece rt --inc.: he commence: • business -in elt mit hem* able to xe 'Lite o -er one -h• it et • no RSE & 0 .i:TTLE Ai EDigiN EL Hie order:di:ought to him lagrseason; having .. now. secured .-facilitiet for ..• 4 . . - CARDEN SEEDS', aC`.;., &C. • ' al Lowest Trude Pi tees. ' , arrymF, on, Business Extensively . . : . • 1 ' I - Orderstioni Medical men fninctilarry attendellto C N:B.,---PhYsician's Prescriptions carefully chit - i -4d I d b God MONUMENTS-. TOMBSTONES, Posts,'Stc., of every description and style of norkmanshiff. furnished on short notice, and at the loivest prices. LiheralTed action made hir cash. - ALL °RDAS PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO -DesigitsOf Monuments etc. may ba . . seen at the shop. - Exeter. october I st. w12-11, - - RIFLESI SHOTGUNS, insTOE.S, ace.,8z-e. MADE TO ORDER, ,G. -Opposite the Market. kinds orrepairing thine on mos t-ett,..s.onable terms...CA -- Gederich, August 2a 186_4. - sw94 ILLARGE QUANTITY OF BLACKSMITH'S COAL! ON HAND AND 1:Z. .S M At the Wharf OEEO1RUMBALL, • Agent. GOderich, May,.29th, 1865: sw77 ,-.,. -.. • Gotlerro..h .J an . 10. 1S58. 49 : - . co • . LIGHT' LIGHT • . LIGHT T. ' ? . -OILS - A LampOils. by F.- JORDAN: ' 50 : . . • ROCK- & .COAL - 'Burning Vluid, - - - [For Sale . - - ..:. Godenc-11, J an.' l-1, 1b5.9, . , rim LiviatrepoL . FIRE & LIFE D.:SURANCE . . - - • . - • et ...Id -011100x- co- ; • ' - , - 'f.lbrumutarcrd- Fund - '. , . . • - - CO: of London. t ietri appoietee :ti:litly -r-eseectable act- e- ; hath reit :414 c o i e.reinium ... . :''. " 4.19.nt ... - Capita!, .£2,000,000, Sig.; $5,67:1,72e. - - . Brittania Life Assarance r.rtu-...E unders.ignet bane /.._ • Agere fortIke above. COmpanies;i: frne_r..ai'ef't to Liler'laks, at ta °dere it fate . . -, . A .-;k1.11.08S7.Aget4.; 3r cide,-icla Jtztal si -IJ.s.bli - . . ' Uoney to, Lenxi, .. - , . . (y4- very reasonable terths. -:-Apply_ • - ' 13. L.- DOYLE . __ 'Crabb's nety'lllock. ' . . •... , . Godericle 9th Jan.. It15. W50-1yr -_ - y... . FARM- FOR. SALE ,. A JOT3, 0611. A, -Township of rroviidic,. Mile zrom:Wroxeter, on VEL ROAVIE GRAD - Log house arid barn, . . . . . 92-AC9 RES 28CLEAREDApply to . • . -: - , W. TITOMAS ESti 13....ikt Go, ter ich. Pell 9.641S64. • .urisb.C.1-tf . . • , . . MOMEY TO .LEND _ Ai. - EIC+I-IT P.E.1,11, C.e.N1.1 . . r.i; sots or- ".. ' - . . One Hundred Dollars' . and -up-wards. A.1"; to .• TO .M. 47 MOORE - • • SolneitOrs. CR XBIS'S NEW' )13LOCK .. Goderich, Sept. 8th, 1864. . s w33 if -.4 - MONEY TO LEND. _ .$30 000 WILL- ))u lolned - ;on ith 7 , - pr.ive4 Varm Property. - . .. - HO RA.OE -HORT° Nr. • ' Goderich; 6th June, 1865. ' w191.1 MAT!.110BEItiSOI I • , • -,J , -Ail ,. . - ...: '''.:4 -) '°:;Cl/411110111111 (' t.4.0, ' -lb - i $0111101111 , .6.4,„ • . ____ .,___ _ ____ _7 ..__,... _ .------..., . ,....:_-,- ._.,,.\.4.4.: ) _,,.____. , . ... MANUFACTUREE OP&1 stica liureaus",- Sofas, Lounges, -variety,- xx ardrobes, Center fables, Dining Tdiiet Tables, W.asii Stands, otherarticle.s Ino numerous ' - - VirCK__/1) - . 'xi Promptly attended to branches ' AKINGAcw, UNDERT Mr. R. respectfullr-tnvites bis stock. Warrant id Aerial and workmanship. prices. Call and compare, game:elsewhere, . n• Cordwood and all dacetaken in exchange, . - n•WarerOom on Elgin • . Godent-li..Mareli 24th. .. - 31NDS or 1 ' .--.-, • 1 AS Bedsteads In end.et Book Cases, Mattrasse: 'rabic:sr, Breaktaat Table: elicits, and wan to tnetition, All kiln TOTZIN'TN. G IIPI-WfiSTERY. in el hi . • c an examination 1 Strbe..nade of the best int and at gantiv reduce and lie sat.s6edbetin . , - , . • kinds or Farmer's Pec • - Streit. ' ttass. : 8W59 - CE DAR . _ . .Pdesirous of obtaining :First' Cla . Cedsr torIz-e.ng and Building purposes= - - -And as D.. A. -believes hiS 9xperienee as Cutter- is seeond to none 11: the Province. "riving cart-K.(1'cm bn,inesetensive1y and successfully in 11E111111ton-4 pri nei patty tirst--class custom ers .and ha vine:" been' ClittCr in one of Abe Principal-Esialdishmen s in ' E.lietetreh Srotland, he fearlessly state to diseefning .pnblie that_ . • CLOTHING CAN BE 7MAD1 ethic eStablishiiientequaitothe Est ablish-' rno,n t in Toronto or:Montrehl. • t: odermh. Ora .30 863 , s,.v17w40..1v -war c& -z- 4- •ANb Carriage Factory LIGHT -HOUSE St. ROM:RICH _ - TIM SUBSCRIBER witilies'tpr-eturn thanks to the pub it.. for past favors received at their ho uds. and would -beg, to -intimate that he Is deter.; lamed to sell witeguits C.HCA PER THAN -EVER. I will sell -you a waggon complete foi 8-55.00 eash and all other things nt proporton L1 wok 'Warranted to gfire Satisfaetleni _ All kinils,of Farming linplements made to order. OHN McPlIERSON. Godench; Jan. 9th, *-1$65, wsw37 GOD R101,1" &CARRIAGE ' writ 23-iartmc to X37 . AT 8 PER CENT -L . --ALso,-, Sale 'to Invest in Town ProPerty. 1. B. GORDAN, Barrister, &e., Goderich:. Goderieli. Sent.13, 1864. sw3-tt TH EsubsCriher would an n ounce 10 the publie I ofliuron and Biuce that he has on -hand and will make to ords.r Carriages Wagons, ilar% ro.ws, which will -be -sold cl;eap for east] Or approved credit. On hand and for sale cheap, CUTTER -8. and -SLEIGHS. JOHN PASSMORE, Vi;itoria Street, fib4rki:14- ' Api1118t.1863. w49 6ni• • 0: it 8 A -LE. Qfl ACRES of Lot No. 32, East rake. %-)ki Road, Flay. - ' FIRST RATE LAND! Terms e-.1sy,apoly to - , DONALD SUTHERLAND, on .the premises, or . • • M. C. CA-MERGN, Goderiee. CroderiehApri1.311th, 1864. w14-tr - • • 1]or Sale ---A Bargain I The " BitiC8 Vindicator '1 s Press, Typei-86 Fittin - th GOOD WORETNG ORDER. s Apply to - - . D. PULBEIM-Printer. Southampton. 'VY, June IOth,. 1865. - w20,41," INOLITENT.ACT OF 1864.- e - THE Creditors of the undersigned :are notified tomeet at the law office of Messieurs *Toms &Moore, in the Town of Gridericb, on Monday, the seventeenth-day%of July, A. D., 1865, at ten, Of the clock, inthe fore:. noon, for. • the purpose of receiving statements of his affairsrand of namine an assignee to whom he may make an assign- ment under the above Act. ted at the town of Goderich in the Ss ta, • n County cit' Huron this 'ninteenth day of June, besJppiledwaflyqUaatitY, aad.oU reasoabie A.D:, WILIAM EDEN. termsrby applyipg to - • • ELLIOTT. 1- - TOMS4.AtooRt, - Goderich Feb. : $0.ticiwra for Insolvent; W2,1.24 P.) FOR SALE. r OTS 8 and 9,range8,-in the to*nship of tIttanley, $20 Per -acre; frouth , 90 aeri.S or lot 29. Lake 1- hore,, Ashfield, $6 per acre; East 25 dcres ors-neb easterly quarter of lot 2 in tne 9th con.. W. D., Aslifier,d, is4, per aeie; and 20 Town Lots in Goderich, price $30.0ii each ana rp wards: Apply to rEOS.- WEATHERALD, 3-1 ' qoderiob - !good story is told -et ribrtliern merchant who WAS eating his dinngr at --the Battle Hunse at the time of thoyecent ex j plosion in Mobile. • Although 'badly -cot' by the flying, fragments of the viitlitlaWs,;i1BAan- aged to 'rush to the 'telegraph. Officelantlieend a message to his partner to "ship 'tithing but -putty and glass." This dirty "Ione, lie fainted, and has - beeti. in braii foot Oer since. • - , • • 2141 - One day last month the oturiibPs doing duty:between Paris and themuirart ofttetail arrived at -the latter ilestinttiotiartilltrithe actual guidance of o. corpse, the driver haying died at an eitifY stage of the/re:twit. :114til1 -retidnecl bit grasp- of the rain', but thing the whole route -a strange rigidtty and oskiltittion of the body attraeted the attention 4).,4 by- stan'lers. The vehicle with its passengers -drew up at the -appointed halt, When tliellead -man was lowered frourbis etiat:ou tiabox, cold and stiff. • - • VIZ ....TILE LONDON QIJARTERI..17" REVIEW_ • - THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig.) THE WESTAIINSTE'It R.F.V1EW (Radical.) . THE .NOISTR BRITISH .10:VIEW (F_ree.-Cluirch,) AND BLACKWOOD$SEDINBURGHMAGAZINE(Tofy)1 •••••••• • The American Pablisheiscoutismetoreprnitthettbove named perk t. but as the cost )fpnitting ha dosbkd, theprice ofuper nearly trebledanitaxes.,duties.licenses, largelyincreaseit they are cOmpelled to ,advance thenAtirms as follows; -4 - RMS FOli - 1865. , _ korany- ne ot the netnews._ $4.00 Perattnany. ForanytWO ottbeiteviews1.0) 46- _,.. For any three Alike Reviews10.001 :.46 -:-- For all four of -the Reviews ---------1200 . A For Blackwood's magazine .. -cup a For Blackwood andsone Review-. " . For Blackis-oodand any two of the. Reviews . ... , 10.00 • '61: ForBlacki,vood and three of the Re- • views .4. -_.... .. . .-.. . 4..,._ ... 4.4 13.00 g Fall's& wr;od and 111 efour Rerievcs I5.00 14 - 8utiscnbersiaMe British Pravinceawillremambildi- tion to these prices twenty-four cents a year for Black- wood and eight eentib fear for -each Review tocover the U. S. Postage. , • - - • • The workswillbe printed on a grernt*Iinproved•quallty of paper.anOvhile noarlf alt:Amerwan Periodicals are either advanced in price or reduced in -size -and very genetally both-tab:than contintiet to give faithful cope?. of all the -matter contained in the original editiunis.-4. Hence. our present prices -will be fuundesblieep,for the amount of matter farnishes1.,astlipse • of any of the corn- petingperiodicalsin this. cpuntry, - . , . Compared Witli thticost of th.e orig;inaleditionis. which ;lithe present premium on goldwould he atmar.$100 14 year. our rrices ($15) are .e.t..eredingly low. Atid to this theism that wemake our annual payment:it:4 the British Publishers for early sheens and copyright in gold --$1 costing -us at thigtime [Jita..113651 neatly .412 50.. m cur- rency -and we trust -that in the seaje we have adopted weshallbeentirelyinstified by our sulsteribere and the reading public The interest of Hies° Periodicals to American readers is rathsrincreased than diminished by the articles they contain -an our Civil War. and, though sometimes tinged- withprejtalice, they may still, eonsideriog their great ability and the different atiuid-points.frent which they are written. be read and studied with *advantage bytba people of 61sec:sunny, ofeveryireediutd tparty. .:_ _The -Tour 11,efielve for 1863 5 ' A few copies of the above remain on band. and sit beaoldet $5 tor the Wlso1ePoutiOr*2 for anyone. We also publish the . l'AltivrVa'S. GUIDE,i _ HY liztrity Symms:ca. f EdievairglWand Ale tate 3. P. Noaroi. of Yale Celle . - 2 vols. Royal .Octavo, 15 0 pagesand numerous Engravings. , . . PRICE rtfor the two vohanes-by atint,e0,10pind,Ss. LEONATID.6COTT ft CO, , 'Publishers, no. 38 Walker Street, New Ttirkr • •'" : 01i -11e last London 'Punch cnntaine a totplYri;:-Gig capita cartoon ref.theuPdreaStsone:te:780irtett7bilt:sergpli_clitiblitatitit Lel! • -Maratha Ruwsell -says; • AmberlY ,Pamterly mustn't go too fabt - MaitinotGlatifitanei 4;tt.e, p out, my -ch!,1.4 takwier6 a 1 A. Fiefs -WAS ACT. ---On Tuesday:flied" one (1)111!fel-n:,:tilkircritarenthe.itIitTarrilZ street, insvt1:41-etafta:krviiii' habletOW helOnging to Mr.- 'rhos Di* the; miies by some malignant miscreant, and - apectrttollays orifp.pt-ehdeitiotesutinaeind.wdetetnarbateoldo.-ut ,atid tliroyht againet. the fence.- The7faitnal proceeded'a shott'distance and felldownand expired. -11"islto 'be hoped Sreiait *at be Edon and-coimietion of the verpetratoref this off.71d by the City, Q7.0), th..e, diabolieid act.- [Leader. „ - • • • CABBAGE 110 DITTO." 1 ibiG'irCiaCjilie anything,''.said a young gardener to bikWeet. heart, pressing her, hand"pit,tn,'",saittsbe, returniog the pressure.. Tire- ardent lover, who was no .sabolar, walieorely pitted to uuderstand the meaning of "slitto.”,:-.711The next day, heingot work with Ida.cfether, ho said, "Father what is the insaititik &Ito?" "Why," said the old man, h4.thiii hereqii one bbage-head; ain't it?' Ytiti litther."-= " Well, that ere's ditto," , "Prat itl',! Jacu.- lated the indignant tem, theaslie ealled me a eabhage head i" CHILD DROWNF,D IN -PeT5 . W4asz1.7-Thiv afternoon a Jung child aged abord one year,744ng- ing to a ooloie4 resiqimi. on ;the corner of'King Wiliiam and Hughson streeTS; was -4cgiden111y drowned by falling 'head-loreinost into a large iron 130; partihily filled with water. -lire mother haiegleft the -.child alone for .a'few.inonients in a room, and when she,: ivittuned - it was found, in the position. de- scribed.-Ram..2:424 4 "I - * 41, EVir,yifiing can be usefully employed in some way, as is 'thews by the, war they dispose �fdead-do in Clevelat.d. They are first soldto a glue factor-3qm' ti-per.lead. Liere they ire skipped, the finestiehittaeing made up into heautifiel furs aud, tlii,e0Ltrser tinned" and made into giovee,' 'The bedies are thrown into greatisotsand%boiledlior a long thee.. The t4t.is,tilen tothoved4lidliold to soap makers, etc. The batiks, ikre-.41a0 taken froth the 1)ots and thtlittilid Itkviled down and inanifainwed intogiae. -,Cannala.0 Vornitiulf.VAIra There In!' 04,1438^ elid:B/1-40.41164[2:i07.:;' ;1;0914111 1 l'-) t in Canadian aecunties iii_ilist. Engli4„Itidliet. The London Tithes 'fir-f5e12nd tilt; gives the 'following tinotationat -7-"Ciinkdai.efavieriiiient; 6 per. cent., January and July, 187;;84) n to .,, 99, with businesadouP itI74 si-AioI44 per , - cent., February and August, 96 to 98"; 'do, -6 per cent. f Marelland Septet:1*We 44' io',4)8 i do, 5 :per tent., January and Jai% 4430 865; withbusinessdone et 4615, dos, 0 per:sent, mei 'heft_ 140Ckg -83 i°4....85* -7-44449%..': 7 7.:,---J. . It.. ., - ," TyaCiteraj saystitat-4i,-7 sull,pen i1. ia love with one woma an, ni fatFA ly, le 1 - tastooisting bow fond' he liee'ames; et nary one coneeded With it.; -,2 He be,* ;lila" milera - i the darling little racily .perteiTine xi"c..ripiece on 4Bobal3; pianpiano,j up.etstal,:ielergne441"4P71.14114445141cierteli""4.!.:tittle.- I.,