HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-07-07, Page 4V. !Pp. _1N A L. -KL Y S I -WEE T 11'E S E Af I C "Inschrent Ad-cf 00 ff Azz. Fat Sale at a R trgain., t 1417te Counly 0iut-f (,fill "A' N 1) MONEY TO LEND) AN I J*k,,-uiwt aid Bruce. -rtv J eligibly SituDLIA pror o I AT va I uable a it F, C11- CAiAl In Lbe matter r,4 AT ot t;oderich, I Conrl ,,i, T1 it, Lhe it'(11114 Olt AP tt C 1: nd f- -r e4difecti yen rs Irnown as Ll -titiure, a - I - .. I.A. � , I - 0 Cout,ly of' I hin n o:ie I CPAHLLS-W. J'l(;Jj- NO -1 f B 9 c, ir r n r.. P.? i,, r., (4 S Tb TN'F0I,M oiled Coutlties f FoRL), 'SA J\ �;L M. 0 T Im, S I VW%, SAL E, tllp THE FARMERS' INN9` T tT trabo jp "W (Alluronuad Bruce. J vent, Durimr mrfiit-h time it- iin, enjiivM, one of ilit- f3rpee L]iat llqjs sfilr3anuibLetortug, and ba �& ;JU Cne 11undred Poflar) afl It, wa r d !l1ld I . , 'J 01%4 .- , - I -it r ttiat bu�i cs� ill tile,.town. on ba4 a "In b T OTIVE is li(-tcbv -1ren that ttmnnder� n I store. The 41 - ed linsfik-d i. the ofliciRoftbist'ourt i� 4ply 1.) Apply to 4011ilvrlc� %vith the bola is a gwici T. J 1, .1 . . . Al si-11, i -tone - -k,47 ;,O;P�tliree ip, r W. E. GRACE. d r. in aud omin'odsol's vellar.S�-rcetfleep. FAN. TONI%.% MWANI% -,vilioll. ait. bit [Lols and bric. SUPERIOR MUS & P d &-chat--e rxecut. NING Umpf­ -Goderir_b.Nov.7th,IX4._ w4l,,wkb d b- I E N REm I J%k AGAIN L y b IS Vrv-iitors and tbat on "TueDuft v- CIRABB'S NEW BLOVKc A at vs, Flu V* 0 He *,puld, parfletilarly draw attent to his botise.onikouses, tk-c-o eigbicel.th dftY Of 3-ul7. next,, at ten -of the - ALSIO:—A -Nniall farm of excellent land N1141s, as Ile will I'sarraritthem tofiee %�11111`l.at rr -ni clock ill the foMnPcift or associn as eounsel W3.1 t I -a A -oint-ly lovated One 111ile from Coderich t 1; Punipsmadeto rder e tf;�arraiiled. can be ItraIrd. lie will wjpply� to the Jitdn, 3of 7-- wid MIN-lield Ron-], 30- nere in' gond state oi an oft t for a i�onrfirrnfifi6n of -the ilis. d, 2) b U the siiiid -CT)tir Well 6.11t F aciary 6 it ltdgrq 6on BE 2 B S C,*- B 00" " ` et SHERIFF' lipX1,15, 25A, I Iva ellar,re thei cof k4ected in his favor under said S SALE OF LAINTIC S V1 hips, With u liewn log hou-,e 30X. 21), and a AI. a, barn',40;-, 24,slieds Act. "lie 4 tb4 I IL ("nited C It 0 virtitt a and tb'�, P f U -1 ii the V illage of Port -Albert . .1' rlrtl AT.KO `n­zeii��hr4lier�-&­le'.f N14�aii-*s"p'rembli th- W4.P1-('Kr,0 of a wr.t of -to Jin forin I ia friend r� B) y E GS e 50: 9 as 'f I VAT OB Fteei Fat a- -,quefl out �ew �Aidwellinqlionse-aud stables, e.,-opeoftlit, I '* whioii lins nevei yea Ruress ai B -a & Ind patent OUT By JAMES x 1. riners RF,41�E ki�V III-"- in'thwplace,ane-has loi TO of Her Alajv�4v's Conlikr best tavern stAnds i'lifled to give - tic ql�etipii to fa who ,e r Court of the. United Counties of- lipron antl B O,C )-,Cn lzept'aisti�ll have i�,kcd khentj�, euor ititpur'eliasers. Forturthei stau -rroj) Ternisliberal-4.1'os' * -w vie. neh: ISS5. -J6,W2i4 firuce, and to ine dirvetted ag-hinstilielatiff, and OD t-4 ot paiticular� applyto tenements, tit 'Robert (Twer, at tb;- -'rii d 4 i� liallsom W. Adamw_ Robert- Lverk a.nd ,.trame- J. 13. GOPIDON, :Esq. cTo kri,_6 -4. akt­ -ceetittoit Vcrkiwri I h. seizeti and u u in: e. XF6 - A .-.PAnSONS W DO.NTOG11 Proprietor. or AbTDR ali*d illittrt ille 3gi;d defeirda it '13,A11 thos N . ILL lnalz�d vveelflV tilil In aild.to_ lot, intigiber live ill tht: eighth CIL,) twfI.sz�wil & V c indebted to ine eitlier by not pi �bevweeir d-bywrill in. 141 Cotiql.v ot V t 1 Ilk -book aiwtiunt aile retine-%led"Ito settle the saine ia irdt-bicap-dudng thia-seas-On-M. Ila ga-!� - Ot Ilm townsttsp If lrowiulz, 'T S. 4W Aext 'Lloor-io 4K_ST'Q1 or N . - A ; Iff -%_)� jaine& in zt..Wrga jnad� %%V1Iha1jx,, order to ve '�Osts- -ge 11 �j to�* in* coone4,ii;af,w.j!h �he �Gunii of Ifie Villag-�_,oflnverhuron in I , FCt:idnty t.'r -Aafe at nivoltive at the 'Court House 111 ttl4L' 4 God orivh,jApril. 31st 1664. NO td W a, 1W 16 9,31 at R--0 �' .0riJee, of the firti part3 wsan 11111., IC, re s e,on Of wer), �,ol Ill 111, 4 1 HE, following LUPO e.,g,, (10T ille 11121-flUbC 01 a -the4our Q,f TN'relvii'vi" the 0E Ak .vr tvi ctt :rneskh-ty, the- Elev nth T 1ru AN -V 7 1 --S,-. - 13 ILT. �V 1�j a:�A BarfW,�ni Ivmourl .111orf of A -heig,,441' Nordilind*; in� the ein Of A T lb_ . INDElt in -!�olz P.L&CZ9 FAST� &ND -oz HAS JUS RECRIVED A LARGr, sTock ON 7 4- B4., T, ivof -will' 6�i 0 TE been innZ16 in llwdue.p NE 7%_T_ ein n#. e ,q 'Id Ai ap for CASIT or in excliangle for Elairy. Prod4c'e.. b o e c #'I F vii; Cet quare, cric on� ADM, D SCh A il y -r Of initily io tl ame & ing. 00Z ,Huron le'rectify S7A As Ile 'intends tG- devote iiis" attention 1)rinc Isit April, R ibc-5 twf FZi '�re�dbt 4r prmssage 0�ply prtlp�rl xp Tn OAP I lay f July, af r - st i "rl'i ree 4auf NISOLVULT ABU 0F 1961, I tit oil _ meol fut on 70 0, -RUMBA Villa- x 72 IYER Y Xw t. al4anuA r �iaentpnezacre oflind, beftb"amema er or Uoderich Arr4 25 r 'RCreditorgofthe ed undersLnedave not:r at .046r'ce'nt. 1`E C vI W W4 VrIfli 1 11 uIll J Olin �Slreet 4 Acres W ftlDo VY ''.TIA- S� 0 F ..ALL KI S___ Irt,Tn,3 xt Moore, in tU Town *TMRr+, hn rVO7.�;, Toy er t B ctiieTy� tn of G 601cs, Pkay BoQ'ksof all lands, I;ifitl edldb� ry the 6-alue wore or le, -z. aiid a 1)41fol T1 Monday, the seTenteenth f July, A. 1). C -11i fill 11 .0 V-� clitirch 6ervices.Hylila klovics L 0 ALS iintler Powr of Sale: -)rc- Lis So4th 17 con.; SATICHIC -.nt ten of ilia ill -the f. ISG. Jr -t , Quben. s -In, he purpose- of receivi South 8 0 acres, :.w for in Ist ep 11.1. ERM. 28 VICTORIA. wlet . 0 1% affaiirs. htattimeat;s of lil P lot% outb 11 itt 2&'Co�v; '100 acries'. EASTIE Il, T ee to whom he may malce. an assi-JIft- on.� 100 a . cres g, Ag )a WORK -BOXES, WRITING -CASES gouth. 21 in -I& c ment u%gder the abare Act, . -190,-acres.. 0TICE is D. -tied. t the ton of in tb.l Mort -Sa.1.0 -s 10.0 - .. ofll.and hereby iven Dist f*r lk-bt of wal of Afi� 60ii satior�l NbAh hi W that 4e BuTalo tLis niateenth day of June Coutity.of fluror-2 4h. eon,�1010 acrez.� -the. B li Lithe N o �h,-' 28 L N. DER � F 8, , .. � all -and U#7Viiine: of a Power of I cap.. ro4 '11 -An4wari us other -art 611 ell and EA -e nu U�Ctlnwined, dr 11v Thomas WILLIAM -EDEIN. On 1.1uron Railway Comp=y 10 rz - agu. hig vvcll to-givellim, a.ea. -EP 14, through lots O& .4!5 SIG Railway nGorgii Aumb0l, both 4fthe -BUTL IS TO ,411, 13-1ratil;h-ery & AT aeicg�eatih and if e6.* it an Goderica b' ii th Mi d liav�-Pp�d iuiQ the. :Touif Goderivh.4u_�Jbe Cout;ty of Hdrob,of 5th on. C � Avl,�. - 'Solieltars. for Insolvent. 1JO 'Jit(I.L 4 Ui I the first part, N at) Every �ma Ifelpil AL Cos" ship of c 'Uc I d M d t6 i -settle IP OF GRE"Y cofice§siowof the__Tp . 'I I -.1y V ueql�L �e th inn A 'Hurbil. olilew z eyniour. tlie tlgli�r._ �f Avrahi� 2G in Ist coi- y of thl su 1. �-1 0 0'acres, ar Pf f1ve (Md6res ba6b &indred and xi� afive iijandy, in the Einuire ofFianee, default having -To- Wool Car rs,. &c. s ust -be incurred. - GREAT SJR�;: -N illety-six du s 6, c he Its Veninade'Jin the dilepa, !I on4 e;l uts beingi copReupati9qiirld 4. itiout IPW a;tld, 3 al� :E Of Lot.24- iii 8 con -i 99 ITS 5 Frcight:for- Port� O*n -n:st�Shorfi. i I ID d&c�, -ight of way" b'dth fr parts 'Of lots L%lce Rwrion Marklit' GbdQ-L Vet�aid for sold at tho�NuW(=- 1, A Good Openin jLot 332 in. 8 �on-, ids for 1 L'isp-3:33 and `34 10 co '-,-10 6117htTsw Mid 113r; A. D,, i it twe', e O"Cibel, 11 0 acres nibers noon, -I e4ollowingA Lot- ritivift urde--sigred is de.,irous . of for�min- a a cli.' 0 UJID, EL STEAME11 c6ft'neetton with- some peron- -wil- TH E, FA8T' -9IDE -in e- Maitland coneCS6101170L e a N:m sign seven, south-east. side of 2�OUUALAVJLISt trkt,gl. All ling ta!za into the WoolX- e. C6unty q s 'N -h- tL TowT.SiT towns I of Godevich, ill llg ti�N, ine sin Gtxferieh. Theapplicant ta flad tam describedin an bidentuieft(nn ur6n v e es. e all &a., and- toe, subcs-criberthe power nd A D-1 A G -3 �n con. 50 acr rtu of. iiun N. E. 14 lLjid wiJe to 1m.Le*.k, nd, _0 dee oll bedrilig date-' the aVee The tillit&ag, bilth of which, are ia conip:ete readint:6 e, of 0 rhisisa splendid opportunity Jor urilredaudijily* DEREsq.',Godcr1cb, nt lay. f ay, 'Lord 1853, -4 F al_ Illan, Nvishill" one ofthe bczt (;Penillgs of ifie kitid A pplyt;o 0�1 �s WID rn18. by -tae juf Goderl�b, _jg =Ganada- Apply to gle� e of Town 'of THOXAS GALT, E&Q - n . d., Renry or e. in at 3itK 6 Aitled r ile under the Aet, en w 43U an(T Godierich, W� G6de icb and ma 4r kn 1. rtheT in -lie pilblic that his new prem Let respeetiilg -Railways, and -fu % N R4 f'M.A lbeyearope"thoumn ,v _VS would I irMr ICHE SUPIKRIDE to hif orm. lit s cus . to eirs andt VA A t titled. to ice is ,-ivjn. to h1l p6t$DnS_ On hil4dred and forty-nine. D"4 une 1'ower�-QX ises onEpst-strcet; not 'C run�betwaen Sale; oninlabder, will 0. an y V a�A, there or. or repi 5 Sala lan& or,t -being tha'husbandsQf ail. 4. 4119 C2 Sblicilorror:llortka a. age, RNIA- AND- SOUTUMPTONT so,'� said� wl9.t.d I toAlelthei 6laints into the ezitit4dd -T:H-R- E 0 - 0. S-' F R, T H E GQUA E . I A! - 1 .1 . r _Z rv, '(Weadier permitting) twice. each week' 7j7� ANUFACT UR -kND -DEALE 1Q6urt to (hb said cozApensAb&­oi MY rt, 'irtne, ofa Powe n it further at' reofand all such dlafW rt, V "f. Sarniii every tqw in a. Copper. aud.�iheet.frTt 114 ay uiorninri calling lit sert�_ J'he Ilit linufaciiii - - - 0 t ion.. -IS" W�� " - __Z� I # ot All tild adjudged-. -.upolli kRancl by v-. rtyfikafe coil- - t di i4aLh 1)1, (f hn:R�6-iva vill be9peivedqu die fin ia It �tlp* wo I C notice. - _f�avill 11ortgage m4da by Jol �I-Wilaasu I -0 .1 - - b andam h punctu -1, di Kinbardine, In ? idt -0- lie, De�pvt,, Wst -5fxeFet, Gada first part, verhuroh,, t of� tfrL . - I I .., I I Ilan t tp"t a statute 1 t behalf. vi I Wyk# rr pton. every, a "00 OIL-; - �t s Vnil irpose of baritag bee -dower), of or P �Tated-`thji 11th day of"May-, 1865 f wire, (for the pt P 't south"I'mpttin". Leturnill(rL theecond paft, a - nd Jwwpft I-& ofthe same ve' Wedii6sdav--and L inI place, of the thlid part,dKittilt havinzbeen-made at above'libris in pl�; ft, i ke. Old I-ron, Cop� -an(,l Sto _k ]a w -1.7-3m. C elik of the-Crown-tm-4 Pleas., be Id ni.-the -Blankets,. Satutdy morning c, Co ie in the duo, PaYinkht there0r, 10ths'l- n- be -doliverod Or", Rags;arid Sh ' qlts�tal;en in vx-: rt o I -,lit 'by.- this route ca. Auction Wart of0earze A1. Truenian, arket Frei -VtWe nd te I fo tt�dic 'Frlda�. IW- sti-venth ickerothan, -15T anv cther, and, nt! 449 rats - at twelve O'e ';Ifb kep t on. hand to extillanre for --irdotl.L Havin"r ihis-year hdded'another qui Z,91 nWX e a ffl* ay, D" 1W 'Merc ppers. frbight" d stift hatits,"d"Sht it,- ber �'7 t1e. and and -hundrid antf thirtty�threa in the said _. flunt passage -A* the saida'Aireli -vt in and torthe (133�. one AMR -ich ltobt�_ Canapbell,. -Agetir, Yowit of4(1oderich, -containingr by adineastiie- I F IR-` T� 0 L A S88 ;1)0UBLZ_-'0A1R1) AeiAs, Gtidei Qlawing property, vtz: Lot rm nnl apply. to W. Seyour & Co.,' BEA7U1Y1'f011§TAff F0 Nit th all ilia rigilt, ti ju 0ime J316 _fnd inteiestnf Kicardine; Japacs Burwasb,. Affe t,' South- inent one quarter of a7t acre or land, more, or t cute farmer"s wor1c to anv rdagonable. extent epared o dxe T ARUP16Y 1. IhO to h -s esta'blishment be wlltl�e Vc lss.6S.W,ll be PL -apt y N Deed duder Power ofSale. rot I attended to. anip.on.— PL JL_ U�uiity�i lluran one 'short ce. Custoluers coming to the fatory tlietnsel% 4, Town of Uoderichand I _,in the THGS.. -IN !4q io the But - Q, which land$ mid tenellients f on uoti_ lie Goderleb Stat wol C111ERO \T, sw a distani!e nishing thefr -ticularattention willbe pai&to those from wo and IalEe IlLf Solicitor Jor 31ort-agoe. 'as-fbirmerly and 0 and- App u ipa tile toW v on, 11amiltom of Go, criell'.01i T1 ]L40 11L W49 at lie wur-'01 tivelvef ilia ei"llfstipt ii,� te W. onn, �Wlftl ly.JifbyIed(rr1)'91' - - ;, Sashf D' oir Ei rn di isi 1YL -DONALD, it jor thelifacralpatrona f former years e �gre a in the al)ov'b busine sRfll. -0 SA NOR To LEND RM f -i; wants It do x h subscriberhopes, T.strietattentiop Qs 7�,:7 iONL 114PROrV4U FARMS, T, cptlly IT. prifl N 011it-i-, GdderAli - eceive 0 OR SALE, E -in lWoDojiald. & C t.0 'ti of i'lle Sllie. J6 L - -L 4 - of hiscus. 0.0. e�il]l&r the place— Eust Stri it,second-d. or from CR.BB'&BL , OCR.. r_F1jialf,-ofLot'No- 17, corit. 3 Item JD� T1181R_ Nr T TING 0 P1 'r AT- 8- ISR, -T! __-WAWA_N 0�14, 6 --TA :AS'L LOGAN. T THOM _LJL Factory'arenaw.preligrcil to-taki�fnbrdera doderich WIL - 0-1 . , . - . neti . n the a a -2 -r -ir a Town Property. April l9t 1864 0 N 5 i to atiy�cxtent. P n4he for Invest'i #6w� ap4� tj contained in three severaJ made 2"ISIMLE 153?' 1ANDS. Do clearance. Tertils 104cral. to the It , Wal. I. All Q%vn-blp of: illfb�Arjuslc be bine, 01 Ilie:1 0 1 I'll-' A.4 . I Estate -ofthe l4te Harris, atax 5ih0yI:cftd do Is. - V. -� W F OIL �0 i4 Arr4m of Brt ee, Yeonlan,,,aud oo ike.,. Goderich 11,.-n ru Go&lick %ept.l- W sw3-tf Oct.' tat 1864. w37-tf Offir 11 0 PA a Uilliesi)rTlitron Arrao*j u ty, 2nd notheCana, -i'verill gilding Socie COL, a --said fimvnship, -*I en aim d to Js)bn .01111 ;and I ')'a Y& .0 -Wil I enry u v, will ,&Idl)y Public" nients &James:X 60110"gat tha linit.''Orwilliam work -wpuid.do*el. to--, at, C>3* FOLTNI), l'am E b Fo' r'' Auctioty o4 2o5d"; i i9l 4C:M - no I OJI, at 1311lith's Hotel -in file of tfic riglil, Ihle intel csA Of the said 4r OTS G. Sth con a and to lots ictigm C quil-Dintlie 9th ce:0, 4th 22, E, N LAR" AlE N T. township tif Arran, eAtaityng 91Te li�n4r of 14r- towiih!p' orvmee, -IT is at tiall it icre. soanyq I. yo, 11 PpI y to. . - 4 - ILI* firo if M the vililige -6171woelh- - I s. 176rins v4sh ofilday of a]0� also mill tinjbgra'� acre M; 0. CAE ROZC yorlliarticulars apply huron,in said, comily -of L .. - �:.. D9934 &MOULD NG& dg ;tfid, t#j4pnieul -Coderieh.Oatober 28, W I F BE, D ocm, wbia Ian BRICKPROUDFOOT ster, SouthAnipton,C. W- b1rn ofCader cb, all -T-4t -Xiiited th 29th day of.May* 065. w.19 nexto a the hour ortStelvetti thuTI04, 11'00n- -AN - I - , . - - _. . 11. . .. �!." ' , _H 17 D J 0 'RVLAI;(;E1Y TO 6ffe 7 r BV 8.8aw.66K, 1).*,ySJae 28-9C10J=n77,F . ., h lei QMCC, r h,., Xqder4je S11 RIFFS. SALE LAMS- ftrayed_­ -published e Ir �veninff 'at' _Sto or b 2591 April, 1,1:(p vzry" rVueu, Ina entataAc BiAlder, s U nited Counties of y a Writ of To Qat rams., JnKW_ Q JWnUM'tlle'7rr-_etAises of.-thestibsca lot Huron and',Brtict issueg u covitains the l4test, Tele�r Fit, 11is f P� Fie .. 9 ffi_f Colbokw _011 s &.c A 77., %larkets, NOW of- JPLY ijildt iih,.e care'&I�y. ared A- N & f [teading, EditArtall, (;Vfiti at It'[01 - R111 week Of May 'A BRO-Iff ackir '-whitei" bbl!y and selected. aiid'tti me b it- a-,,(',lne Off'-THEIRIWORK * rt UO W. w ite strille r The llitnvDax Evimn.-G ArivEr.Tz-.,m, A -ton, n -Alon avem-Ing -11, 000 per week -i -which 'Iffanufacturers of url iird _Flourin ills Thomp flit e aild t;,11 wllitb betweeu_Jiin4 4!ubb6a Me Men-: We her Un;1- ffl, th6 right,*ti dr horns'.. Informailon :-retpepti vt�uepf_ -ful is. more than daub'a that of'anr otlier� daiiiY_ Iowa of lj$h6d. West 9f I dant in aiAL'to lot iitiwber .3,�. ivill be th I aA Ily received bp. NVItteli -W'ithqut To wit% )aper pub is IIA -and Swsh 8EtW-1ffi11S,' U_ N of !Fl6k a Ma :of vT 0 N. 10mifton. It Circular, Mulq i I rCtrlijia the 1lctIcfie_;ih'htk1 idle at iny frice' !a Q �e ri 6 It p, -o;,,, C *f Courtlofthe'United Zuridtiv the ontreal Witne.U, "d New York id, her'; on n-Rememberthe '4nd Lomexhreeled. agaiust the lqiids and Ictic _p`ft0e-tWvntf'A0 91dPlaiz IV. Pr Tuesday, the fifteenth day of Auguan.0,,;t,, ruey�.Tunei,13 .186- w20 .3 4.r t -. z Co bo ) - el st 6th v 4C ntimre o insert N -AL -Di I RuMdo :#dyoWww -At a 7 tMcir -hour qlaq noon. Dil eir IM -, a a a. 'n .44 'newTv Ien in Ex4;titilloli All tl�n tle avid itatereq I iumberne in. 6fAhe said deleridaut inanifto at i riVxXxx-A-S 1-7-UlN c;- fly the 00141iWep -7 ti$erL tDail dver A borne, W. D, in Ill a County 4=u1m); 1&0 G f a in -y 0 1 An add ERS W1 G cc ill the 50. TdAV ert4er tjei,annie)*$1. y Ad1V S lands. I ball ofl6rjoi� Aale 1 ADI Twtini It da A Q day I ffe6lre bour of twelve ZI th efeek-roon. rJn1T_ JOHN CA L ORS 'AND Hun E- TOW. BE &Vrop: SEWING Cr JLQ44, A -1,00 V_ C ines Wood Saws, IF 'ENTA Iondon; May 23t 1865 4M 79THE 45 gent A 0-h brass& &C, -9 woil- �6;te-in i;ri6atadd su.159tanti0 al9find art t6 order. al�Exhibiffon bild i a Xhiolo% Sept44ither-, J, 0 0 as 1. -** 2Tr�la n asti r2p, wa"�AkOpy n montrail Wit SS, hr BE. Fjiroranyltel e �Ak IN�� 1lat file oorf te wprded to- us shiiiiiii0ahavac r were ali6 Al Id %;.Takeg out -�ffly;�njiorj tT hs�abont toenterdTi4ts Ill 'UN=1 li�; ,andidate-r td or Vu%61avar on th �s witft w1irch 'It ief otif: 1'r,41tiltir weiya4ft- e on; a4 smaie� 'lrin�ipr and S atternit 'of the -above are -4- 10 12 d i � DO part onti -Provincia -td U&I A at t te qx Tug ftip� Boxes. '.As Our p -i -To�v 49 ro beiiliwfo iiirtfisli oal ilcaft,& mritter's would -I-golicit arf- i iispection of'our LS to, ck before purcasin t, bfthe ni A k U " . 0 ja"� i. - en Gready, "I 6;;L Fordw I Ara', AAk1P.JhW,,,, 4 with- sectarian bitterne& oriiaffkftrffi. a�the lowest remunerative, �rieeff formithi,or or A - . . - I IQtJa" itbove --be ;dVv opper, a fWhg aas we a T Whifeh.d4a, 'That' l- proved Gred :01' C 'AdWdlrxai� 6otttai lh�-ItltestneWi itd-all kinds ke, 9& bir U46#21ft, 811111filfrftis 6f*6Vvsf?6ra 'hough Abe� QopaciL -cannot -agree 'to' the *39 t 0 e 11L -lead urnals .�r 7f others of atsr �etitiqtf'bf HrifIsf1j;6W Altrert&w_ - find seleafid rkrtr�` idflligyov pstpets;- GVpfifb ! iober. he. illi 1 -bo n M-oit, e*#4:1*4�"t 0 1 4L V1 Wn at --the saing - Wthe. workL the To' of ;Goderich,, bat ti rift "hh; oflatosqil -Ea t f N ble Side Ma keSqUim 'jolt- Pfi %�I. iatethseitce..t alua, patuie 10 hOf -time, eiirous -of efirou �G MAT g, , Lt d' irt eutcbrqprjqe.�r ar Tln_�! e t .curreat,%, re-wevrg *I the ina in.B.6§ A MOWIN �-�09 ", - , r�t:ts, fin , �,-f ---v OT� t ltgse. oftnti t th e� 0 nnv-. omir2g yi Xmn e ,p _Thq deptrtment of FaAiHy 1,@pefi Reaping a �jieh:.'Marr.,,27 1803" -,5Wj4w5,2. t �4 iha� i�*at 1jilf.ror &1he.Court,*,%tm1i-jk oe"ariuh if= iil Lf;%d11Ah" � Wletf oviatis select .1 it of irittruefive, aad inter" __._ 0 -* �jll c ting L o, the 4P k h atpeX A.nota. bdok 14' 6if e.c PC a*ed, t ',of es -less epth r in the event o des'd, d ihe 4 -I!lg) M.2; cean Pow.bck'D township of Bo T - � r� I Tito Advertisto-4tpawnen HE UNDERSIGNED nffersfor isale or 16. let f tWo 06inpai be opoligr d ValaaWeAzmttlLumlanttflorti4aiikAuukartict J MAN XAGICrOWA7 90, 12th c6n,. omiV 6f�,�ru t - has U I , Col�f I�other­ i'dihe V.4of tuj&* -of Lanibtod,,� Thd. farm eonsishp f r6u�, the sA um .1fteriff?i erl�h�, IThe ­vrrthouA-deIayc,�_iA �,npg pnze id, -tit, unmorat or injuirii 4i�ided in of be' two eq ece,( leq- '0 ffl, war efieell .,A W'se gh R Tka:x thousim stbi tated near a -77 fit praby OItpq ;A24( -t43f -_O ]Iie said Company- to, tommence opera tons *A6. : - .001-OWD =4 RES c4l, -D6 441s- tiowafthe boaand7 most interestat matuer,!�""i Ne -et ta. -Mie.,.RdAw ty Pri�hiiW red. ii,�t -sitt d ,rat h III tution ofthe G. T. I", ]F0' S-11 11AIG 110 '.7)JV2M tTSE- gi Teulpezah�Ia and Agriculture; and bon. r alb%4frL+'fe6p6fty4 vit d L the lot. six of lo 111 Oil Veria6S%L, the GLE M&W9113 ffl 2 odnt dct ad 44 'M -7k a TICIMAIA -i -200 1p� c hihiding bLyl-adMeasuretildnir -40 rai;L of-thP�IY-iiftea"Cijuri�Wsbf' &#A are 'June 14th 8 a y J? # yvi 1 1 6 r7p tof tombi-ned, niaclime"Is not to bernade- lat6six 6&! JaiA's 1)aVld QJUe, in, montrearwitnea the D T _h a :-be n fire- miles -o B�Jldipo-,5t, 09 iiiarie ridant4fiand 19 lot lifitilber -u% all Name Q6K Iftit it hs haen, since !he bc� he;' tt;*if bit, 41* valbaweJ' Iih 4 porannum on fe0AfiJ;96dret�;j PrQp S. Am' 1L,-.:, -ran t done, arid the kV6od 1kirff! h��e,7,'Ahpp,. Vriqkly W_itn $I pc of;.K;nbttr6; alf, 0 iAIN I essen, - . ' - - - - & QT .10 '�tll idita X ger.25fas per AniMm. Zhe sil. e ff W. - I I Y h -Thiw' t._! F . LOTS t6 1%4_ YE fOr Tro as3 ere our. I he 1 fit &I ike.rvici - - . ., - _A saddle -mild:jIlarves- h it-vd pazj,4��tv k Ids e4GW1$b&squt,.vn1h_ h4,ie -ARIC I t an 841 kd*b - orte a 11(ts e fife'd t card J A F pf L ce.- in iii or st&h� v6ids irliolesale.-,#iM) '44 MNpers wilt beforwaided-griiii to of the abom" -will be t AppI7, to -either aken for. font-�tenthofrenihtailic6. T6t6xiio Gtobe A;nd pc "kheriff Is Of" 'tend bill to Se6y All icimeanteation to be g� .1 t- at 14 . . 4,5 JAMES STANLErT, I ' - GOderdi April 8 th.4 864. rIvirfi2iill JOHN DOUGAL1, &,SU.V.. -(;Odc 'W SWZ. WIL2-ff ConStafiCe i). o. A r - w211"t Kippen, Jnue 15thl' 1860., a L All r e all v vi r p men r 0 lid. _RS I.N every de- ar s-to Emir WILL I tatior Will visit P4 or day. I , G�- pilysic" PR YS1 House 40prics—At f3vrdOV793 IF TE 10. uai* 'Operauw WHIT4 Cr4 _nm Agon court aou B T 101114 A Ra 1- �:`3.. A -A -f 4"�F-0 T04N IC R trdiirare 11 TTO 4. Glanow fit A, Trow Sit W W. T -01i Crow. CMIA COLTC11 7 1. 01 4 4WUM Aff"' Oft" Fri A 'M T4400611