HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-07-07, Page 3A young, Parisian artist lately painted A portrait of a Duchess,with hich her fi ic nds were not satisfied, deelarmg that it was totally like. yhe painter proposed that the ques- 1 un lion should be left to a little dog betonging to the Duchess, which was agreed to. • Ac ordingly the picture was sent to the hotel of the lady next day and a lame party rissernhled ,0 witness the test. The dog was called in, and no sooner did he see the portrait than he licked it over, and shewed every demonstra- ion of the greatest joy. The triumph of the !artist was complete, and all presenttinsisted 4that the picture hal been touched during the night,which was aetually so the artist having :abed it oyerzivith a thin coating of tard.r— The dog's nose was sharper than the .critic's eye. . The New York Tribune says, we are very rich in cast iron. _A good Aare of our monitor r„ gunboats, transports, 1.Ce.iff--are not worth a tenth of their cost as pot, metal,. while worth nothing—less than nothingfer any • other use. • Let each of these be sold at one - eon la t14 highest bidder. . .• 331r05. On the 4th July, Mrs. Robert .Sherman, ofiii sonsAt . IIKarrtrit. Goderich: on'the 6th instapt, by the. iter. Robert Ure, Mr. John Breckenridge AO Jessie, (laughter of Mr. A. Wallace. (t.A. T I N.—This is to forbid persons purchasing or otherwise negotiating a not of hand voming due in .l'ioventber nest, for the sum of twenty dollars, given by the undersigned in-fitvor of Robert Johnston. The note has been over paid.. WM. HAMILTON. Colborne,. June 22nd, 1865. w22 -3t MORTCA9E SALE VALUABLE TAVERN AND FARM rixtoPmmui"EP IN THE Township of Morris, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON. UNDER and by virtue of a Power of Sale contamed in a certain indenture ot Mortgage (which will be produced at time of sale) made by Denis Rafferty, the following property will be offered for sale at the Auction Rooms of GEORGE M. TRUEMAN, , In the Town- of Goderich on - Wednesday, the 19th day of July, 1865, At bne &Oro& p.m.; iis„those Parcels of land. and premises situated in the village of Blythe, in the township of Morris, aforesaid, being composed ofeart• of -,lot `number one, in the; tenth concession of the township of Morris. aforesaid," known as tot utimber four in block A, of the survey made by one Lneins Arthur McConnell, and registered - by him, of the village of Blythe, containing -by admeasurc- ment of an are of landbe the same more or less. Upon. this lot there is a two story frame building 34 x 24, used as a tavern, and a large frame stable belonging thereto, the whole ofthe same being in good repair, ALSO:: All and singular the, east half of the south half ot lot twenty-three in the fifth coneession of the said township of Morris containinitiyitdmeasurement fifty acres ot land, more or less. Twenty. iiicres being cleared, and the remainder being good hard- wood land. There is a substantial log house_ on the p.roperty. The farm is • well, nqitered by a 'spring ereek. TERMS OF SALE. --Ten per cent. of the STRAY STEER.—Came into the premises purchase money to be paid to the auctioneer THE SEMI-WEEKLY SIGNAL. CAN YOU TELL WHERE TIIE Village of Clinton is? WHY:YES! I -BOUGHT of the undersigned about the middle of at time of sale, 23 per cent on the hist day Nov, Tasty st white steer, about 3 years old — of September next, the remainder may ,be The owner is requested to prove property, secured by mortgage, covering a period of 3, 4, or 5 years at the option of the purchaser, pay expenses and remove line. ., Wm. JENNISON. Johnson's Mills P.0, 1 - Hay, 4une 26, 1865. _ w22`31 MORTGAGE_ S on sante conditions as contained In the mort- gage now held by the Vendors. Tor further particulars ...apply to the Auctioneer, of to Messrs. Cameron and McMichael, Toronto, solicitors for the Vendors. Pr Valuable Property-. 'FINDER and by virtue of a Power of Sale 4../ contained in a Mortgage made by Hugh Anderson, of the .Township of Kinloss,in - the County of Bruce, Yeoman, default having been made in the due paytheut thereof, will be sold- on Wednesday, the second (2nd) day of A.ugust, A,‘ D 1865, at twelve o'cloci, non' n. at uction Mart -of George M. Trueman, Maket "Square, Gode.rich, the following pro rty, viz. : Lots numbers twenty-one a twentv-two, in the third range south of the Durham Road, in the aforesaid townali2 of Kinross. Deed under Power of-Sare'. • . M C. C..VMEROY, w23tcl Solicitor for Mortgagee. MORTGAGE SALE Valuable Property IN TEM a TOWN OF GODERICTI, -IN THE COUNTY-- OF HURON: r,NDEll and by virtue at a Power of Sale U contained in a certain Indenture of Mott ga' le (fbieft winbe produced at time of sale) madein Thomas Barry TanEvery and George-R=1>er', the following prorerty nill be otfered-for sale at the Auction Rooms of _ ----: GresCes- M#S.; Mari-VS333.E4.1:1. ts,Trts TOWS OF GODEWICItt ON I: 9th1 4g ft1 lhe.c. ' 1i65, at one o'clock p.m.. viz?That parcel of - land and prem, ises _ situated in tke town of Goderkb aforesaid, being composed of Lot No. 1032(mania- ratier) otherwise known frin as Lot 2i on the arbor Quay in the town plot of saki town f Goderich, containing by admeasurement one-fifth part of an acre, be the same more or less. Urcin the premisesthere is erectn'ea frame ri storehouse, with elevator, upon st ne base, meat 60 Pl. 55, three and a hart' sto es high, well adapted for storing grain. The building it nearly new and in excellent condition. TERXS OF SALE :„—Ten per centof the purchase money to be paid to the auc- tioneer at time of sale, 25 per mut. on the first day of. September- next, the remainder may be secured by 'Mortgage, covering a period of 3, 4 -or 5 yeas, at the cnition or the purchaser, on same conditions as contained - in the Ifortgage now held by the Vendors. For further particulars apply to the auc- tioneer, or to Messrs. Cameron& McMichael, Toronto, Solicitors for the Vendors. .. - Toronto, June, 1865. ,:w23 , Toronto June1 1863. w23 . • _ _ .._, . .`i .... W.- - SHEILLIT'b SA.L.L. OF LANDS. _ United Counties -of la r virtue of a writ ot 1 Huron and Bruce, JLI Venditioni Eiglonasand To wit 1., - Fieri Facies issued- out - oT Her Majestv's Court of Q,ueen's Bench, and to me directea against the lands and tenements whict vvere. of - Donald - Murchison , deceased, at the tulle ot his death m the . hands of Jane Murchisojt„administratrix ot all, and singular,the goods,chaltels, and effects wliich were JILVitald Murch;soit. deceased, at the time of his death, at tke suit of Donald Muichison, I have seized and taken in -execution all the right, title and interest of the said defendant in and to- the south halves of Lots numbers sr and 10, im Inc first concession of the Township. of Kinloss, • in the County of Bruce, containing one . hundred acres. -of land, which 1 shalt oder for sale at my office, in thb Court House, in the town ot Goderie.li, fin. Tuei. day the first- day of August next, at- the hour of . tweive ot the clock, noon'. . _ JOHZI MACDONALD,• - - . Sheriff,11 4.-13. *sheriff '*016ee,Goderich, 30tir mune, 1665 w23 HAILE'S ! " THE SIGs:" OF THE LARGE KETTLE .C11 A STEEL MOULDBOARD PLOUGH A real Thistle -cutter, the best 1 ever had. It cost only • Fifteen Dollars! All kinds of TINWARE AND:STOVES FIVE NM& FANS FOR $1 t going. off. cheap. Thirtj different kinds of SPECIAL NOTICE. NMI • • P)EF ERRIN to our gdvertisment of 2nd Ali instant, and in order to avoid misunder- standing, we beg respectfully to inform those of our customers who have had accounts with us hitherto that, as we are anxious to bring our present business to a close as soon as possible. we must discontinue all accounts from this date. AND CASTINGS Kept on band. SEARLE, Will sell, at a 'GREAT BARGAIN, - A good Secondhand SEPARATOR Threshing Maine -With a Pitt's Ten -Horse Power. PRICE' ONLY ONE HUNDRED AND TEN DOLLARS for Cash, or on ahort notice. Also, on sale a large' quautity of • Hungarian Crass Seed, Improved Turnip Seed, oxt.tr CENTS Pig FOUND. EaveTroughs and all, kindi—of Jobbing done in workmanlike manner, at the Sign' oithe. _Laige Kettle, BASE LINE,'CLINTON. SNARLE & DAVIS. • Clinton, June 20th, 1565. w21.3 1B65:,SlitiAt AirOgeilite.nt:1865. Goderich, Kincardine, InverhuroP, Port Elgin, and Southampton Ronte. STEAMER Goderich ;Petroleum Company. VOTICE is herby given that. a call of 20 -1-1 per cent on the subscribed capital of the Company is made payable on or before the • 10th day ot July next to F. W. Thomas, Efq. -B. M. provisional treasurer. - , GEO.RUMBILL.. • - • Pro. Secretary. Goderich, June 30, 1865. w23td RU CE,!' A. M.McGREGOR, Master, TN connection With the Grand Trunk Rail- ." road, - at •Goderich, commencing on Monday, June 2611„ 1865, tweedier per - 'flitting), will leave GOOERIEH FOR SOUTHAMPTON Every evening, (Sunday's excepted) at_ 6 o'clock, p. in.,, calling at intermediate ports. • EDTT.T1RaKTI .Will leave Southampton every morning, (Sundays excepted) at 5 o'clock, a. m. call int: at intermediate ports and arriving at Goderich in time - to connect with the 3 o'clock, p.m. train going east • GEOttCrE RUMBALL, Agerh„,Goderich. MORTGAGE SAL ET or- - Valuable Farm Property TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNIE: mm,sommin1Mg - Tickets can be procured front any of the undermentionedogentsat the following rates, viz:- • Goderich to'Kincardine . 50cts. do. - laverhuron . .75cts. • do Port Elgin . . . . . $1.00. , Southanip(on . 1.00. Kincardine to 1nverhuron . . . 2.5c1,41. do Port Elgin Wets. Saugeen 50ct. •And Vice Versa- • - t Es Kincardine Ross Kohertseit. • Inrerhnron • • P.MeRae. Port Elgin . %V II. Ruby.. • Southampton-. . Thos. Adair. The Steamer Bruce will connect at Goderich BAIL'S 01110 • Reaper & Mower THE. SUBSCRIBER HAS ON HAND & will sell cheap aim of the above Splendid machines, which is admitted to be one of the best made. Itlay be seen at his shop, Victo- ria St., Goderic:h. ' JOHN PASMORE. Goderieh, June 28, 1865. w22 AND 11001C -BINDING. ETAVING made arrangements vritb Mr. 1). McGRE,GOK, Book -hinder and Manufac- turing Stationer, (who has lately returned from Phila •Iphia with a large stock of Binding and atberii .teria9'I am prepared toFurnish Blank - Books kinds. size and styles with and with Printed Headings, at ten Der .cen t cheaper ;hen Toronto prices. • AJIkmdsof Bilul in g nt.t ;Wing. satiscact Um will be repaired free of charge. .sw.16w21 •• JOHN BUTLER. ILOINENT ACT OF -1864. r1711E creditors of the undersigned are noti- _1 fied to meet M the -law office Of M. C. Cameron, in the town of. Goderich, in the County of Huron, on Monday, the seventeenth day of July, 1865, at ten of the clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of receiving state- ments Of _ilia affairs, . and . of naming an assignee to whom hemay make an "assign- ment under the above Act. - Dated at Goderich, in the County of Huron this 27th day of June, 1865. WILLIAM HYSLOP. . M. C. CAMERON, • - Solicitor for insolvent, sw871(1 MORTGAGE SALE • 7 with the - . • STEM151:3113p11011, . Every Tuesdays and Fridays foreaginaw, also , -TrAIER, and by virtue of a Power ef Sale . Prope4or Niagara, *-• i.cintained in an Indenture of Mortgage, made by David Campion, the following pro- • = C.- M. -McINTOSIEE, Maker, Onee'a week for Chicago .• Through tickets petty will ba offered fersale, at the Auction can be, proenred front any of the agents for , - - Rooms of _ Saginaw and Chicago, at the following rates: George M. Trteman, Southampton and Port Elgin to • - : 1st class. 2ad chars • . ilt the Term of Goderichica - - Saguia .$5.0O - $4.00 Inverbucon k Kincardine to do 450 3.50 weenesoly, the 19th day of July 1860 , Southampton & P't Elgin to Chicago 7.00 5.60 at ocie o k viz The Easterlyporuori 1hverhuren-•36- Kmeardtoe.to do. 6.50_ 4.50 of Lot Litter Fey in the western division ofilie Freight contracted by this line via Grand township a Colborne, in the County or Trunk for London, Hamilton, Toronto, Mon - Huron, and described as follows treal, and all points •East cheaper than by Commencing at the northeasterly angle of any' other route. GE limit of the O. R•UMBALLt road allowance between vsaid . Agrat. Aid lot, thence westerly along the southern . Block F. and the _eighth concession of said * gederiehr June 27, 1565. W22 AtOW2111111?, twenty chains, thence south parallel '- ..,,,nd lot 5 in the gaol and ieventh concessions / crediting or harboring my wife Cat arme es far utho northerly limit of the road a 3feDottgall„ on my account, as she ha? left Iowance between the fourth concession and my bed and board without just cause or said Bloctr ie., thence snutherly along said Provocation, as Iall not be responsible for northerly limit 27 obelus, more or less, Oa far tny -debts she marcontract. ... the said division line, thence northerly along - - DONALD McDOUGALL. . .eatil division line 75 chains, more or less, .to 4th con., Stanley, July 6th, 1865. w2311t -the plate of beginning, containing 130 acres ' 'Wee or lee& 'with division line between aforesaid Block F. rAUTION.--Tbis is to forbid all *mons h JOHN FAIR & CO. Goderich, 9th May, 1865. sw71 - - - - - JOHN FAIR & CO. norm DiTERWINED 011- C .L0 S TREIR PRESENT BUSINESS IN GODERICH, ON Th-ursday nbst, the 4th instant, Commence tit clearnli the whole ot their large and valuable stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, and • • — [Groceries, at an _ alloRmous REDUCTION IN PRICES.- .goderich, 2ad May, 188.5. NEW STOC Insolvent_Act of 1884. MHZ creditors of the undersig.ned are !anti - Bed to meet et the Law office of J. Y. Elwood, in the Village of Clinton, on Fri- day • the Fourteenth day of July next, at twelie o'clock noon • for Ns pnrpose of re- ceivitig statements of his affairs and of nam - tin assignee to* whom he may make an assignment under the above act. 1. '• JOHN JOSLI Y. ELWOOD, . N: Solicitor for Insolvent.; Clinton, 20th June,.1855. 85td S.A.1.41M. UNi)ER Powka OF SALE IN MORT- GAGE. - ItY virtue of a Poittr- of 'Sale contained in -.4.7 a Mortgage made by Jetties MeMalion of the township of Goclerieh, in the -County of Myren, and Province of Canada; (de- fault - having been made in the due payment thereof) will 0. be s sold on Wednesday, the .26th day -cif July, A. D., 1865, at twelve &cloth, noonnat the Auction Marti:if George M. TTU0U111111 in the totrit. bf Godirich, the &Hewing property, that is -I say:t Lot fourteen, in concession c, in tie township of Goilerich, in the County of Huron, containing by adaleasurement tett acres of land, more er less. Terme Cash. Peed under Power of Sale. . • A Splendid Priyate Residence • s Valuable Property, ix Tax POP, DEAUTIFULLY• situated in the Town of 11.1 Goderich Wing rich lot No. 14. con. 0 a 1 1 . '4 containing 10 acres of excellent land, with a goud Orchard Of choice fruit, all in full bearing. A large 30thltite,.:1865. TOWN OF GODEBICH COUNTY ,OF HURON. 1-1-NDRE .and by virtue of a Power of Sale 1.) contained in a certain Indenture of Mort- gage (which will be produced at the dine of sale) made by .James McMahon, the follow- ing property will be offered for sale at the Auction Rooms of GEORGE M. TRUEMAN, In, the Town of Goderich, on Insolvent- -Aot of 1864. Wallin& lies between' 4 and mites from - 4414") of G°derielL "'he -Gravel R431idi is In the matter sf EDIVARD ;TROD"- ••11111.10, • • • "la miters& hY * spring_ creek running throggliout the lot, *Dais of fine quality. SON, of the Vittage of Southampton, There are on the linufthe fullowingbuild• die Cousity•of •BriFe; Mardialigt ' r Log Dwelling -house 24 k 20, Frame I, insolvent. Bilo40; Fa3...t.abk24x 3rtgE creditors of he Insolvent are notifiedayms0Fstl...rel0er -1;. I to meet at the law 'office .oT Frederick the purchase money to be -pald to the sue* Proudfoot, Esquire in die said village of &neer at time- of sale, 25 per cent, on the sninhaopten, on Thursday, the twentieth day fitstday ofSeptember next. The remainder °fluty next, at ten &click) a. nit., for, the an be- -awned by ' Mortgage. covering P public examination oldie insolvent, and for Poet isfSt 4 or 6 years, at the option of the the ordering - of the affairs of his estate perekaserea sss Coaal as contained in generally. .•.. 14th For rmparticularsw beld by theappvirdwito the. sue- ofJuteS°11A.thamD,, Pt°181i6511t- cgellIKII. the tiOneer or tollgate. CatIleE011 kMcMichael, , ,- ALEX, PEOUDFOOT, Toronto, solicit= for the vendors. -• -1_ 86w9"W -2 .= Assignee' Toronto, June, 1865. Wednesday, the 19th day of Tuly,1865, At one O'clock p.m.,viz.: All that parcel of land and premises, situated in the Town of Goderich, being composed of lot No. 9, south of Lighthouse street in the said Town of Goderich, containing L of an acre, more or lem. Upon the premises there are erected a one and a half story building, divided into dime tenevnents, in good repair. ALSO: That -certain parcel or tract of land composing lot 13; being lot 14on the south side of West street, in the said town of Goderich, containing a quarter of an acre more or km. There is erected on -the lot a one and a half storey building-,frame(24 2 32) occupied as a grocery and dwelling. and a storehouse in rear 28 tt 18, the whole ie good repair. , ALSO: That certain parcel or tract of land, situate in the said town of Goderich, composing lot fifteen, on :the south side -of West street, containing a CIRaller of an acre of land. 'more_or less. The following build. ings are erected on the premises: one two at ary frame building 30 it 20 ; frame barn 40 H 32 and frame shed 50 feet long. Build - lugs all in good -repair.'. - ALSO: All that parcel of land composing lot number 191, in said -town of Goderich, eontainining by admeasurement 40 percher, more or less. There is a good orchard ma the lot, and a One story house in good repair. Twins or Ssts.—Tea per cent. o •the purchase nioney to be paid to the auctioneer at time of sale 25 per cent on ihe,-first day of September next, the remainder may be seemed by mortgage, covering a:period of 3, 4. or 5 years, _at the option of the purchaser, - on same conditions as contained in the mortgage now held by the Vendors. For further particulars, apply to the Auctioneer, or to Mesais. Cameron- and McMichael. soliciting for the Vendors, Toronto. Two Storey Brick House stone cellar, 39 by feet: Frame Barn, Stable, Sheds and other out -buildings, The whole will be Sold on iessonable terms. Appty to • JAMES MoMAIION, on the premises. Godench, June 18th., 1865. w21 lm With 3 .• 0 JUST - OCR 0 PANGT A AT Tkk, GODRRIet May -;Iat, 1865. ILITRitY ALIRk.—Strayed from Gederich °kJCommons, about the first week in June, inst., s -Bay Mare and horse Foal, the marc has a cork on the left hind foot, there is star on the colt's forehead, and left kind foot wbite Inforannion that will lead to her will be uitabl rewarded b leaving word -with " recovery s y y Toronto, lune -1865. • - , MARK WHITELY:, ' Goderich, June 291h. 186$. "-= ir23-4e0 REMOVAL. )Unton Book Store, School Pas, and Soho ol Stall oneti THE undersigned bep to notify his friends 1 and the public geuendly that he has re- moved his Book Store to the well•keown stand on Albert Street, Clinton, formerly occupied _by J. S. Forrest I- Co., where he will be happy to wait upon all who may favor him with a all. Country Storekeepers, Airreollaf tticularlY lavited to ingPeet his Urge sloc SCHOOL 13001IS &STATIONERY Which lidl be found to be as low in price as those of the Toroato Wholpsale Mer- chants. • roomy Goods, '4:?ikee Stationery, Musical Instrameits, Toys, Wall Papers, Wrapping Niers, kg., he., as usual very low. - GEO LAY0oCit. ' . Clinton, 20th June, 1865. , wit AIITION:—This is to forbid all p!reouti purchasing or otherwise negotiaung Join Note given by the undersigned and gobt Bilk-it-1in favor of John Mitchell, as I bate received no value for the same. ANDREW McKgE. Goderich,20th,.1065 . w21•3t . • Itherlitle ante .Oflands. united0ountiesottliaT virtue of a Writ 01 Miran and Brom- AO rani Facia* lammed ate To wit r of, Her **jest?* c.ounty yourtofthe United Co•Inties allures and *nee and to me dnrected against the Wadi and tine - manta of Elijah Frayne, at, the suit of William Aldridge, *neve +seised tin& takeri in execution it the ri" ht title and interest olthe raid tlefea- dant inlind to the south half ot lot number twenty- hve, in the fifth concesiton of the township of Morns, :In Me -county of Huron; whit* lends and • tenements I shall offer for •aale at my °dice in the Court House in the, tows of Girder.. Mb on Tuesday, tbe third day of October next, at the hourof tWeiVe of the do -Akita*: JOHN MACDONALD, 'Sheriff; H. 8 • - - Sherings °Mee, Godericb, 23rd Jane, IX& • % 11'22 Q T RAY M A.11 E.—Strayed from 10 Mitobell, mi -Sunday the 18th inst. a Bay Mare, 4 years old, about 14 hands high,' near hind foot white, small white spot on her forehead, black mane and tail. Whoever will give information to the un- dersigned whets said mare will be fogad will be suitably rewarded. RICHARD JENNISON, Tp. of Hay, Johnson's Mills Hay, June 22, 1865. w22`3t ..DET.,LOR SON. M. C. CAMERON, w2ltd- Solieitor for'Mortgagee- MORTGAGE SALE Prb1:41.4 11 TTNPER and by virtue ot a Power jotifhnSadze., 1.) containedan a Mortgage made by Dane?, ofthe Town of Gode.rich, in the Crounty of Huron, ot the firstpart. Mary Ellen DOOM bis wiiir, (tor the murprisc of barring ber dower), of the second part, default having been made m tbe due payment thereof, will be sold at ihe Auction /tart of Georgc Trueman, Mai het Square, Goderich, on Friday, the seventh (7t)ry day °fillip A. D. 1865, attwelvis o'clock, noon, the following -property, 1..ot lumber (13011) one thouaand three nundred and lime, and lot number (394)three hundred and ninety -tour, in the town ot Goderich tifinesatd. Deed- under P7wiet:71116. Solicitor for Mortgagee*, C. cAltEgoit, _ Notice Hereby Given 9111AT application will. be made to both A• branches ofthe Legislature of this Prii- iince at their nett sitting to have the town- - ship of Wawanosh divided to form two seperate Municipalities, to be called " East 1 Wawatiosh " and "West -Wavntnosh," TW''' SpeCtiVelly, the dividing line to be between lots numbered twenty seen and twentreight. The applicetion will be made by petition of the Motncipal Connell, and over three butt. dred and ninety of the electors of the said township of it awanosh. • By order of the Council. - - JAS. SCOTT, T'p Clerk: ' 1 June 13111, 1865. -- w22tf IHER11711 81LE 0I' LABS ... united Counties et)Iv virtue of * writ of Huron and Bruce, Fterr Pashto 'Issued out :. to wit: of Her .Majisty's Collett Court of the United Counties et Huron and Bruce and to we -directed against the hinds and terre-__ rnenta 01 Willian Wilson.. at the suit tit James Boairell Steyemion and Atchibald Cock _Suther• hind, I have seized god,Leken M 'execution rill :the 'eight, thieendinterest Orilla Slid defendent lit ' and to iliolIorthi hitIveo °Trete Panthers thirteeit Iliad fourteen in .the ninth etinesstaion Of the -tow slaipiof Morris. ns j the esoirrity •of Huron; walla • tends and tenements 1 011111 IiNer for sale atmy. office in Ale COOT% Honse_,titithe town of Gedero icb, on Tuesday the Third day ot October gest, at the hour of twelve Oldie dock, noon. " ' JOIIN. il&DONAIA ' • 4,7 - - Sierats ofse,4-`,;Owlerteh, I shirdri-11. it S. ..t . 23rd June,1860 • t. - • iillt ; ". 94A ACRES 13(1tOt ?TO. 321 East Lila I v Bond, ir*y. FIRST -.RATS: LAND Terms easy,apply to - • • . DONALUSUTHERLANr• 1, on the premises, •or . C. CAMERON' Grade -deb* t ; ArorB 30 Ili. 1864 w14-tz salmanalInge ISA AC Ell it MK, TO F. NITSCIMS' amp. • WATONAILEZ &JEWELTit wigeri oommitcHt For Saii9.---A Nasgain- _ :The --tindigatar"' Press, . Type, it Fittings' • . ,IN GOOD WORKING cam?. Aiply to ,D. cliLBERTI Printer, • • SOutliamptoir; June 10th 1865 itiff:Or . - • Lagia DR.: JOI4KII.0,441; Office and pAspensaryi. !i,*;04;,14t416 :Sto _Jaws Street, pat °WTI:M.416.1ot fortke-Cacre,i, Complakets SrrOrtirs- Nemo/ ../44414,-.Viteases (.4 the Weeds Semitral lifeakRe s sled all • Female Cosiptairets. 4e. - JORKSOK,I.LTEOF LONDON', ENNA LI burgh end Yaw, alevotee his ittlenuop, elrienrely, te thelPeatrasort of the . topteie referred:10a irtetice. Iffaisyyeer+es in woo. and emir 110 10 ono some very reaverhabic enres - and Ima ibises Joe obtaiittag Oa Asa 1•14 Peen!! r _ -distant math, beim cOrre*pandene* !with Ow ,s4ot cotebretot physiciani et should worlifiShat _heoneelerindeconeents trithOsaketnnate # • PerfPg Curet - tr,Svossanst TO ran ,Walkar•014 solos swindles via reinorein very, lime, all wham* Whaled wait Nervous Pe Pate efhtemery, irigerskro la' YOUNG MEN, ITAKE-NOTICre—• ir1114C IS OW evilihaSit'often colitriked boys` at school, whichlreows int with thigh In mankoodi the Liexu(100:r WeStof MT. Stotts. Snddlery, „ !Ar. sii4os- 0! _ nen prodecieginvenityakenifre. A Whia'Arse twajoi, ohouldapplytoDr Johnion tannadia .effeco olcdor this evil preemie *I MOM: aro Plorauttyliet IVATIAESI.:CLOCKS ANO 'maim wilt effect a -speedy ssd.perzeet cute* ft*L'AlltRD 84011T NOTICp - 'in 'the beat StylttSi_Warranted; A1.11020000001WOOTISIOT011 Platt& Jewelry, Irmetboi, • .0toeiss, Sao kg. • -' cabana and warmised to he asrepressirma tneh moist refaided. 'coattail! otos, plow - v111131 &slams or sag Bt.00e, kc. -1t ia.a melancholy tact that thousaads iaU victeal 40 4Itiesise owing te llw Sissettiltelesel iraproger nee, amerces*. Dr., Johasoals Vamps:mad Syrup will thoroughly crad;cate all awns -0.44,g from a iliataaatotuapare state alba blead• Ilteisecissa mywardedia sifetyto wetlands Ogee imams Vow* till ittaad noon ttitiS, At roannuasea• • noes should be ad‘reeard, Dr. C1111100F.1011111110Wi. $' 61, Lade Jamestlirecs,Illciereal,t3. v.. TQ 1.4.MT, BOOTS Ma SIM I SPEW lire" NfAif , JIT swims At t.Jaineark 1 ,_. ,BNG7f(-1:2""13146 'A. &Lie is frouctro- fCONTRACT of elioppiog and dessist n Ten Ares, on the Aelfiold. 119•4 ite miles frost °aerie& 11 Money to Lend; - TrPON Itoetsagm. Apply _to -1). Ash Ck•oeint, sotteiter4 Office (wea Boat% dom. • • 'Got:lends) 18111.M1$65. taft.::;