HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-07-04, Page 4E T 11 E S, EX I'W, E KL Y S I G N A.j�. e a GODERICH FANNING KILL STEAM ENGINIE41 InsciveutActofl8ft. Fora-861',at.. Eargain-a; NibkigY TO LE 1% D I AND lie Count AT HAT valuable an,1,dt1,,gIh1 situated property- AND Y Court f the United Coutaitii
off fronting 1he Court f fluron -and Lfruce. 174
T in the T vie . 11ILM P o
r-,7rG11T X -V _jF.-3,40tC>j-Y own � ibr ei-liteen years known as
re, at Housli S4tja PROV11NUE OF CANADA- In the atter of
IN SUM$ or K_ E IEIOILIE;21�� Coutty of -Iluroll W. PICK. -17 '7 Int
"'A N-OTIC.E I* -, - . -_ ' - one 1)
Ona 11 1 of the United Counties 1311), an ulidrM Dollars and upivards. - -of -thL, the inha-bita7ass of the Counties ef Huron - Durin whiefa Mile it llw�! elllovcd one porrioll's Of, that in the t6wn. and Bruce, that he isl ill idartulbeturing,- and has 40- 0fIIurunaLd'1;iuc j vent.
41- P p! Y, to IIWeted.�vithtlie�otelisageiieraI store. The on hand a number ot'his OTICE is bf-TAY. glWn that 1he under whole tire built (if stone and bric k,47 �4 37� three qW. E. MnACZ. 8 -nLd 114i1iied iii t1le cgice ofthix,0ourt,,.* �gtori-es higli. and corpiodious ellars 8 feet deep. SUPERIOR FANNING MILLS & PUMP.S. a deed of 'on and discharge *xeeut.. w4lswig cOmpositi -1W B1140ciii TO "Ib _& 0 OE Apply to CR&BUIls Nr 0 L; "GAIN oderich Nov.1th. 1864.
- Attacried to the hotelis a Lv�� biork fr4me dwelling -reditom and tbat.onjuead
ed by his C
house, outlibuses, &-'c.. He would particularly draw attentiorr to his ay, the GiAerich,, Sept, Sth; 1864. w33 if from eighteenih day of Jl�ly 'next, ut ten Of Ae A LSO.—A - sinitli � farin of excellent. ]arid. Mills, as he will warimutthein t6free Wheat located one ruile from Cdclerich Oil oats,.cockle, chess, &e... -Furaps made to order -clock i -the f in 0renoo-1 orag mobn W --configel
m be beard. -be will apply to -4110 Judge�6f -
;--ultivation, well 116necd.. 21 of -4 hicb are clear of: GAG02 'the said Court for a C M wed?& viclo, ia e onfirmution: Vf the d*
with a It R d for 0!
the Bavtijld Road, 30L ures in good statelol- and wairanted.' H , -
e_�Irri Fog ;'A-64 st" bet TH E S�UBGCRIBER- e 30 X 20., arid a C� . of has Pedar-lo'g bafn 401"24, s d .,,jbrt Ga charge theTeof effeett-d in his favoj r said
C',Q it n t a e o 1.1 -pt b tb inform his old ffiends a'nd..thc.-* iblidIgperally that e DE Act Vrk%ted Y lit a wrt of GS H t13, Fieri lie( out ALSO -i -In the V,ifiage of- Port ;Ubert - 21 acre 111701k a Ai r,so a-ent f6i the ale of Moigan Is �r6miiiin -r(j V -C.j'olle-017 Lhe M I - C 1) PLE-GPENE D iii with dweflina house arid statale4,.& W; PICXF of Vortacy. - . 5 onan(! patent CULT VATOR', -which has tiever -i;et 010 .. , ; Vriatq Coun- of fluroll Ili[ best 4fiveril tAfids -in fhat ptaceyane ha AM . I - I . . aa 1,;en,keptassudh._-' ' - f1hiled to give general-satisfactio. to farmer iiho E S P. WOOD rl -a. 'For Jurthet Brixie4�, find to rne direked againt tlie-lancl%7 -.I lad have med them. The Staunch 11is.Atto e -of at he e sliheral'j to suit pqrchaser. Pr ruo aiticulars-applyto 'HENRY !)ODDI StiatfDrd, 3�_ay 106, 1865. 16w2m. letrein rats Robert. Urt;er,� Raw-Amn, W`i Adnw, llohert I _beeh and J am" 4-13. GORLDONI) Esq. o 3
Perku(-- F liave anti lakilft In (I.XtItItItioll -4 -A-Drfl4'2nd-_M4. ARSONS L_0C e an%T tow lot nunibc 'fivL -11) ior -WD" Propri' tor. At RE OGJ1 N GARA! aw Toderi'h ot to;Ash.-i in lite of '"ext door to 2i no, in �-N- B. -All those indeblc& to ine either byii(t eeklytrips between G W e e L make Ir. 13UTLE rtS 300K-STOE,E)�' h r everVtbi 11a it- ; %vhieft land, na tesienient I ,Ahail o1rer -(-Oil lit re . requc.�4ed to se He the ame ro or houk.ac W ri ,-A- NDE -9, arid b virtue. of Power DfSaJevcla_' ef to saie costs. anid_Chicago during the seaon of 1 delay. ill ord aX'-TOR- ULE I for *ale at 111V ollice in i he Court lfouz�e in il*itTio-41. LIN ton in connection with the U Wited in a Alort iolil Ille E'leverilb. `6odari'Cli;Aprit 31st, 1864 W9 td gage made by W
-of Buce, olibe firel part.; Susan (;"n, his wlre� I':'f llowing b e. calrered for sale on (jor the pur lock.noun. "' 0 B1.
Gunn of the Village ofinverhuron. in -the Co�nir very advarita"geouil terms.*. Grand Truhk Re
T11 nds'ar- oseof barring her dovror), of thi
JOHN MACDONALD ond7part.:aind Ba!rtlfbletnew Seytrour, 4orniori dav oi J tity. nextlt 'at the hour f TwelyV.� of' the see
of vranclies, in Noirbandi, in th -vinpire
.01? - FOR PLACES EAU, AND e 0�r 114S JUST RECIVED A LT G1? STOCK France, Eiquire, of file third -part. Jelault baying .1
By %-?oT.L6mjr Deputk Shertir. ONE TENTH.L., ONLY I- -been made in the due payment thereof, will be
9 $-t 'As -lie intends to devotc! his attention rincipally to in 0 �OF T11r. old t thevetion Alart of Gerge X.Truem
Sheriff's Officey Goderich, 10 &-C.,---%Vil airy, Huron 7 l'be sold elionp t6r CASH or in-r_-ichange -for D * .. Prod adb.- 'N AR therectify.''g f VA A9 10 S01100L St6amer
go - 0 Market Square, Godericb, on Friday'i1eseventh
TURCHASE MONEY IN USUIT T11H OF YLTUARE ilve ev e day of July 1% A. - D.,. 1865, u - tvie lock, INSOLVENT ACT OF1864 0015 For Saginaw. For fr igbt or wissaga'it,ppl)
[AND THA DALAZICE 14 to nocau, lbef6flowing roperiv, viz.: Lot number . I ij Street, n paxt (46) forty six oit West Yj Lorm A- TIM 40 G. RUMBALL, Credito moftkexnde,-.,i�-ned.arenotif�d Village of InverburonjeonWning bydmeasure. Nine Equa 1A Hal- I stalm-ORtIS) Agent. - acreof land, be the saine more or lea; men
Law- office of t one to T, with iiiierest at 6 per cent. Goderich ADril 25., ISC5. -wl3tf and lois two (2). three is -1, TTmeet-. at the -�N Toma li asid four [41, on & 116ore, I the T6wri o( GO& Ion. MondqT, .the seTpateetiff Oay of Jul, , Toi Books,'Praver Books -of all kinds Southohn street inijje said Village, t-oulainj -the cloOr- ).. . Thiereby enaiylin fiim.4o Toy" by adi casurement respectively teiL 110j] acm,
'110 OF jA0 and altalfolkind each, lie the;same; too 1, ten of in ihe fore, TOWNb RRIS: ro or lea. f ose of receivnm noon ar . the n Ist con.j 50 acres, BIB 3jehl Deed under Power of Enje. Purp AEDU-M.S�'.' -SATCHEES south 7, i statements of bis aTail- 1111(l of namincr an In the.. Que n s 8 n Ist con., 60 acres South I -wl9tc, iorassinee to wfiam, he way make an Cobipainonso a a 100 acres, X. 28 VICTORIA. 7 , -7 ment utider theabove Ac South I I in Id' con., ASTER TER INORK-BOXES,WRITING-OASES ated t the town -of GodbHoh in 'the �outh- 21 in -3d con-� 100 acres,', 3" �D, r It D'i S t'i'ali, P ew rth 20 �iij4h, con., 100 acres s 8afion for right of way of Cotinty of Ifurcan't-this Liffiteenth da' ey NcrItTINAS No_ In the atter of c a
y of June' Iffort f L tilds,
.100 aN6rth 21 in 41i on., 3 orth 1 2 the Buffal and Like 0 N And various other urticles,.dil chea : ' * . 3.in.4h con.) '100 a' P De-aleis tberein will do well, to -ive biiwa" call' Huron Rail'Dway Compa�y and Iake'lluron TTNDER and by virtue of a ?6wer of Sale --TOWNSHIP OF-HOWICK:. ho
AT BUTPR'S.- n any U contained n a 31orlgage mitale by T =as Solicitoix-tor lus6l 'Goderida Apr -3.28 1866. throigh lots Nos. 85, 86 Railway Comp vent.: -V21 2t, ljo Maitla B. VanEverymid George 11urnball, both of the res eac.b and 87 in thii _nd have paid into the p wnof call and settle ts �2� 3 and 4in I 5th con., 100 ac -0 floderich.ju ibe Countf-olfuron tThose Indebted.t 0' �him .-Please -11,01. NrNsaip OF GREY: T1 concession of the -Toivn- Court of Qheen a the first part, Alargaret VattEvery2nd ]$elgo 31, CoStSMUSt be incurrecL hip in the 1--Be*ifeh,atT7bkonto, Humball, their'wives, .[for the ptarposerbiMari- iheir Jowers of the second part,'and 15priba.; u1st.cou.. .100 acres, of five cler o.2Gi of Godorich�
Wool Car & WESTER H co6n4 Qf Huron.� j the sum Man 4 con., 100 acres eac 9 hundred aud ninety-sii dollars �aud- sixty-five ornew Seymour, the elder, ol-Avranclies, in Nor- T
Lots d 35 itil Ports on East Sho;-e of and 32 in 6 con., 100 actes-each, ents b the compensation and six months been made in 11je'due payment thereof, will be C eing h Alarch, 186.5,, sw53 r-reight7for V KET SQUARE, Godeficli, 7t in 8 con,; - 99 acres -be pai ) � - 'Ge e. . T IN irl Lot 26 interest thereon, agreed to id for certain sold attlieAuction X ol-Z M mein
A Good 'l—eni J Y., so KxX&M. h mandy, in f France, default baying
%.P.p ng 0 .1jot&II being parts of lots arket Square, Godericb, on Friday. the seventh
Lake' 11uron. Lot 32 in 8 eon., 'lands for right of way. urde-mg-ted is7- tresirous- of formin -.I a 1-00 acres,: %rith ruilie person wil- ots'33and34tpJOC"- 100acreseac'fi. 11thl dayof July, A.D., 1�.65,ttt L numbers eimlity-five, ei&y-six arid i;ghty- twelve. o7,cloadlrp 'Maitland concession of the THE FAST, SIDE -AVII104EL STEAMER 15 viz: Lot number
in,-btisitteA-siti(-'ro.)deiieh, Thehgplii�anl seven, in- the noon, the Jollowing j)roj)erlys TOWNSHIP TUR103ERRY 5) five, souili-east. iside of -:outh-West street- fix acardo-, and file er the to tili GAR Dr` I N G_ township of G6derich, in 'the County of said Town f Godr&jA, end more particularly
building, bot"I which are' complete readiness. E. J43in Icon.* 50 acres. u nN. deseribedin an Indeatlire libin William LittlW lluron.i� under and. by virt e of i deed -'-poll earing- date the and wife -to Ira Lewik,-and -which bears4d FhLs is a splenjail opportunity for any agreement or ate third day'of April., -one thousant. v;r,,ht- Woo 0 AfC -C�- - -eleventh d ' vf W, ar, in the year.,of Our .,.thp man wishing ona of the best upenirijp% 91 the' kind Ap�alytca CffA-!1T.'ES WIDDEREsq.lGoderich, wCanada. Apply to' ay hitirdred iind lilly, also lot number'six 16j,ou . owhery Lord 1853,. and- executed south-eait side -of -Sout-sWesi xtreer, in -said' or to the by William Ford jhq.
tb. -hip
SON, I ft . onme Iffagazie. d towns Of and. Henry,. Ford,'of e so ..THOM. 43TALT, ESQ., Town . of Coderich, taud mor6 Tailiculailly; GoderichC-iW-. .43 oGoderich, and made under the Act entitled diis 'bed in an Indenture irom JacobLatselia-w- ron cri
Aprit W12ti. IIE.S PSCRIBERS would beg to inform his castolners and the public that, h a w em. w 43a I pr it-ff .. -wife t&lr4 be
CAPT.. D'ROWAN, 4fAii Act respecting ,at ways, and further and Lewis, aring date tbj� lwleftt -ises.00 I�ast street, �6tjce is jiven 'toall persons entitled to the day -of Alarch, in lite year,ne thousand 16ght Commande7r,, will run befiveen Iiijudred- And forty-alue.. I)ccd under XD ,ent, Weir ot
_Xortgage, MiLue- said lapds or toany part thereof, or relires Sale: SARNIA AND THREZZ -D00R2S FIR C M. T H, E -SQUAR�E SOUTRAMPTON do of any parties so 0 & S ing cr being the b6sban ST-RY - DAV entitled, to file their claims into the said UXJI�bnan&hy virtue ofa Poweenfale con- (Weather ermittiri(r) "tw.ice each week wI91d $olimtorfor'Xartia in.,r and gee#' illbe opened on.the first of June, : for transactinct. the Wool Carding Cloth Dre§s� ANUFACTURERS. A.Nb DEALERS IN CouritothessId compensation or an until further notice. - Lcavin& . Sarnia: eve'rt y part. M the uritv ot Manufficturint, business, in connection with his WOOL FAMORY, where -all 6rd.ers-and StoyealPhitighsand Caiting8 ofeveryde-, callin scription. Tin, copper and Sheet fron Ware, ut of Town, of'Uoders'eh, lit the 'Co Monday and Thursda;y-'morning -hereof and all such Ojai C, gns will be received Huron,'& the fimt pnrt, k the 4ove business w'illbe umetually attended to. Likewiseava�ietyof W6A.Streq, Goderich. wor in Bayfield'�.'07oderi�h,.ICimizardinei Inverhu'ron, the Stove Depor and -adjudwid upon - by the - said' Court wifit. (for ttle purpo"se of barring her dow0), of' ghriff% SZ10 ot L and*, �he Statute in that behalf. the:second pa:ft, and'.1 os tta�rr� of' t -he' -Ra'jn'e Port E'Irrin ' gouiliampton". '. Retuifiirig wlit pursuant to I eph rv-S L OIL' L-,, of the thtrd part, default havin been -made leave' Wout'hampton- every- -Wed'hesday 'and United Count= Y be of &I'writ 6I plac ki It 06A Dated this 17tV day of May, 1865.' (Si&ned)- L.HEYDEN, Huron- Fieri Factas isaired ont reof' , will be sold at the afl no callifig at above ports. and 13 B in the dae- payment the Mark Cloths, -IBlankets, lT3-Coa1Qi1Lvimps,&'c.�&c., Old1ron-cop- w17.3m, Clqrk of the Grown and Pleas, to WiL: of er hinicay-'A 4,1punt.
Aaimiopi Alart of George -51, Truernan, -et u Freiht- by this ro te can he delivered B Y_ Square, Godench, on Yflday. tbe�-_Reventlt (7th) per, rasa, ap -and Sheepskins taken in -ex- _Cojurt -the United Coutittes of Rvaron andZma will be. kd' t. on hand to exchanve for wool. - Having this year added anodh�r quicker-tbatilivany c-ther, arid at rates to chinge. of and to me dinicted aigainst, �And toilv-,
qg-nuniber harles Blarl', at- lbe suit of' tis5
dayofSu t�, A.- D. 1865, at twelve olcl-tck, noon, 440 the Ion the following property, v!z: Lot runni suitMerchhnis and Shippers. or 'freight, merits of C
'hip of Uld havet, (133) one' undred and- thirty-three in the said Mi passaga apply to W, Seymour Co. C�rprationftheTbwns Ask FIRST-CLASS ---DOUBLE CAPON G MACCHIM17j'. 'add A BEAUTIFUL ESTATE FOR -SALE, Xowa of Goderich, containing L erich; 114 crent seized and.laken inxecutionall theiight, liths, Kgrento, God )�t. Campbell, A._ k roclx Leli to the ment, oner'quarfer of an acre of land,- mar& - or ec'uto farme . r's work toan reason . able.'extel 'Zincardine Juin�s Burwasb.' A�4fit Soiith� IL006 ;70., Jalca.,U, and intejestftbea -said defi3nditilt in sad to hs establishment., he will be prepared to e - - I 1Z I - - west haifD1 Jot number seven in the third cfyn-. P_
less* Dded. under Power of'Sale. - x It RUELY IMPROVED.and conveniently situated (in -short notice. , CuAto eqntiliff to the fact ry -the gel es -Will he promptly attended to iltilpt6n. of t men 03 in v Valaing the bank of iheRiverAlaitland. oppositethe ceasion Eastern DiVjai)on he to A nablip -of .Solicitorldr 1qdrtgagee. - FASformerl-y,.iindp?.rtictLIardtten.tion�villbo- aidtorthosefrom a distan�ce wishinr their THOS. SWINYAR-Ei PLANING— KILL1 rown -of Ookrichand the Goderich Station jofthe'Buf Ashfieldim theVounty oj Huron contal' P.- - . 1. a . - -1. .- . .� I.- .. . - - I I � I W. OR -R, mond J�ike Fluran itailm-ay, 0. W. hundred eswhich lands and teneindrits; Lobvill: Y Appl)f iflayletterpostpaid-lo W u f1br. or male,at my office in. the-�Court flounia,la
jj. 0 ! Frei lrht. Supt.a.-Past rn aivisibiti Hamilton. ..a e a van
3r X S sh,,Door d" .f: a. Go e town of Go&ricb,,on Tueoda, lhe first day,
W49 Godondli 0.
of Au,rustnext, at tie. hour ot 1weive 01 IMP -fultor the lifIeral patronageof f6inter yea in the above. the F,,A X 'J()r )hooj
-Fu I irm U: I N 13.�While thank rS . Is -11 a - ri I - R_ ubscriber-hopes by strietttention to business and sparing no expense,�n -ine6ting the %�ants I OHN A1ACD07qXLTY e
K, Deputy ff.- PER CE NT Remember the e".Eist'So6etarlectIn m`GRAB_B!SI1tQdX.'_ No. -1�, 00-3- C 0 God e d door fro -VORSALE, East bhlr of Lot n TMI SNUID' :5 erill's Office, er sh riff Hlv&
koIN- rAPROVED YART118, of his customers,, to atilt ree ive,4 share of tlic same. John M Donald &C 81,L,. P�oLi,oe AT 8 A 1, N NOSH, comprising Tunshlpof WAWA. .26th k�rdjsw, —ALSO,— THOMAS LOGAN W1*
AVING C031PLETED THEIR NEW fte.to lavest in ToWa, fropM- Goderich,.-Aj�ril 19th, 1861. w12 -E KUNDRED AC'RE81' HFactory) are riow prepared to, take inorders 0 N to*anyextent. From their I-ong experience in the RDER and bY virtue of a. Power of"I�ale' .J. B. GORD&X � : . . .- . I . . - no clearance. Terms liberal. Apply to the- -busine s� and having experienced workmen, and a OF 4hey flitter the fi et ofinaeliamery4 'SHERIP'l
-inselves U rpritained. in three several Mortgagies made, SALE
"o., Goderich. Exectitors orthe Estale of the late. Win. Hariis, fly At- f uste De ST; Aubatife, of the iowrisiip of; arAhat, they can do at -Dan-antion P. 0��' Goderict, Sept, 13,1864. swa-if, Arran, in the County, of Bruce, Yeoman, aind
Jan6t wife�<as -to bat or dowe made� list edCdut1fIeSofjjDT e
Datiganuort, Oct. 18t, w.37-tf hii Unit Wrtu" of it *rTt lruce�.�jU Flen F*eias Ustied,
4C> C)O C1 %V W.jLX. to the Canada Permanent: Building Society,.2nd' Huron and To wit out ornermajeK -aunt
toJam,efStark olithe-said 4onsbJP of Arran. Partieshaving Innkeeper, and 3rd to John Jacob*,lipelineubd 3P H U- R -_0_N FOUN.'IDRY Courtol thelluited Countlesof Buronvu too,,
and to -me irecte& against two lands stad -tone-, For, Sald.. 0-hea;P4 ork *ould do wel to Axilliam.1jenry Ruby, will: be sohl'by Ilublic Auction on 316nday, the 3 ments of Jame* Lothian at the suit Of -ittigin Amith, I have seized andtalten inxeention do rd day ol-JuTy nexttt
JIM. noon, at Smithfa.Rotet in the of South. __4 Gar, '4W31M -81 Bruce: 20,4th Kinlo,4; 22, ampton,farm,l 6th concession of jhe right, tifleand ini�ieq of. the iftid. etd_ea�
ENLARGE4 ME NT r OTSG.�s h con... ot- No. 3� !tithe inand to lots totters 0 AiridDin t1hei9tha
-")I con. huron� Atiply. to Atity 9 said townshipof Arran,�coatatnig onehundred There is alaQ any qua AT f! 0A acres. Terms cash on dair ofeale of thr 'township-af Brirce
Goderich,Octob�i280864. SWIG F parti' lars; ly to also mill.site, numbeir 2 in Lite village ol Int!r- -34 -SASH. DOO.R�S* NO ULDIM5 " 4pp huron, in said c6pilly" of Bru eputalkling UDFOOT abres, *hiuh lan&,and tenements I zhill. aftr $bf Barrister, Southampt9n,, CAV_ sdle at mj�vfflce in �ffieu.ouit House -lit tbe-tow; FREDERICK PRO a -291h && 6f May, IS 5. Dated this 6 WISR41 of�Godr*ch,vn Tuesday iliefirst day xX AugwC
ED TO A' -1 A ne=, at the hour of tivelvo iot the clwlr, noon. 0 N I N.D C
leyaLSO oner "ible 4; 12, _*i: A -ALF o SHERIFF% 3 .4 Q.V� LAADti J�� piRhlishea every, lawfid evening, at 5 Bf.1 S. POLLOCK, t1t7pilty $11erill. ountic I o -&Builders To Carpenters
'clot] _6nt: Stolen or -Stray -ed 0 i, a6d �ins the latest Telegrrams;j M.E.NGINE- OR U nited C f Y yirtue of a Writ of Sheriils 0'fice,Goderich, .1
"Dril. 380, 26th A W14
'Fieri.'Facias "issued out .Marketsi.iNiws. Paragraphs, &-e. Famiky Huron fir �B - promises f the subscriber, lot ing torial, &e., carefully prepared .1. RAE -A ro "of Her Alajesty�s Cownty —A— A-Vil -0 Court'oftho- IThited Counties ofRuron and Bruce Puead- Edi V 0 1 R R_ & C'fj. n. Colborne', _(D. Clark'sfarm), and selected. and I to me direeted against the.-Idnpis and lene Mt week of - Xqq) A BI?O.JYLV ThiLo.kD0. ADVERTISER' has nientsof4aines-U'larke, at thelsul . t of Robl?r-t LIREBAL DISCOUNT FOR TREIR WORG VOW, white stflpe oh 1bac I Ic, hite belly, SHERIFY5 SALE X anufactlarers Of ..10191nZ ich - 'I "' - - circulation averh:fing 11 000 per ek, wh and 11 7 we Thonipson,1 hav&seized and.takeu in excutl'on hite between hind legs, piece robbed off ne United Countj virtue of a- wilit-02 d interest of E P. M S t: e an e -hat of ay r d. said d I�n- 'T of her orns- Information respect'ing her Huron al , ".Vj ii i6ore th= double t 6the aily all the. r t, ff" the Rd Br.e B Fleet Fat -JAB 38sueo -out d-unt in ia W lot- number wit of paper published,w.est. of -11amilton6 1i is 324 in the to 'To -wit of 114er Majesty% -Goatur irculate Cirdiilir il-�Iay- and Saw, XD199: Goderich'-, H ni,. which land J3iStilietion. in the county of . ur( will be thankfully received bj* c d on ihe streets, after tbd manner,of Without -ALEX. HAVILTON. CO"rtvf' e,,Uuitedi.rootintlesofHur.oit-andfkbt�-
and t6nemprits; 1. shall.9fror for saAe at Ink office the Montreal Witizess., 'and ew Tork -and in the Co- rt Hou6e, in -the to-x.n f Godert6h, on Goderich P. 'and -tome directed against the ]AD& and t6"_ Tuesday,utlie-fifteeritb-�da),�40CAugust�next, qt4e �l-itemember.ihoplace:(-!pypsttetho 91dPiami- 01 ments f William Harfison,at the suit of AIOX- Z ng Mitt. Colborne, -Tufie 13, 1,865. w2O-,3C anaer Wright I have seized and laken in r- advantagei toi insert cioderich.26th Attirufab 1861, so Lion Buffialo, papers. A(Ivertlaers at 'a di�tanw fry it M I ., i, - - T, a wilf firid it to tbf-i houroftweiv qfLfieL-Joek,,noon. -ea. no our col, J -01M x4oDONALD: execu -the ri614, title and !W�rest, of the' busin tie" iii u1nus. I -n -
saiddefendant initudip lot iriberain-e1-ift-4her -Sher 11711. fourteonth wacesssion, ,of- the Towjwhip pt Car;* EM Dail 5v a PoLLocx, Deputy'.5herifli Sheri Ills o1fice, Goderich,' tenements X shall - offer for- talet my, qF*ce, m ?)Q A Tjnn W16. i f4dvertiser (per annum) $4.06 I rick,. in lCounty of Bruce, which 1044 AW
T�Adverfisei kper WANZER MIS
annum) $1.50
03-All.c6miriunications, add JDAIV 10th May IS65. the Court House in thowo of 00&kfel� 013.
ressed to 0-M-Tur- A Vial 9110 TWIP 17 A iff A T%T A TZ Alrow
I - - ... .. I i . � . I . . I JL Tuesday lite Blevolitli clayl Y',v Ita-VE RX t. G_ JOHN C. .1 t hour-olTwelveoftheacloc, noon-- - Editor Prpprito.r.': MAC IN JOHN ICAICDONALD
SEWING: H am= I Iondon 1865. Ho-wina audFRe2min-01 Machines Wood aws Vepulybberi1r. WC" 3P3L8C>-U4n�.jTLr AND F DEPAR TRMN IRL v ta-kdn I the irast'Prizes BV X T -o T THE PROVINIAL EXHIBITION held 1060. S W-10 Brass Castinus made and Blacksmiths' w or -k done , in ar n di' Ani arr, _�_Agat, -A OUM 0 eatll hbstantii�&nuert Palli ent. in Montreal, September 14th, 1.5th 16th; and 9 n he I V r. Also, all kinds -of machinery I 11th, 186,3, over all and*also.at or L'alt Casting of u y description made to x)rdd MIE3 etrol reDairedoUrshoirtnotice., -41argestock-of vincial.Exhibition held Xi6gaton, September rPRANTSACTS BU91NES� WIf H "THE. t2tid,23.id,ajid23t]ia:nd-25tb,1863, Triies ofa Sj" )OF Crown Lan a -and other CoVernmerit De- similar character were also awarded 'to us at I he THE WMES9 is a6out twenter onits tOth C00-11KING9- PARLOUlt AND BOX artfin6lits; TakeiduiPiatents, fbr Jnventions.� Piovincial-Exhibitibn held in Toronto in 1862,and unile year as a candidate for public favor on the riifts andtakes horge of'Private Bills airringthe at the Froi cial Exhib4ion held, at Lo IN 11 HE COUNTIES OF 37 V ,led of th, &e., &C., &G. ndon in led Couutjk�s or) I irluer or CL .WrIC 4 beitigtofuruis -on _4 Wn- ERUE Huron andBruce, �.Jl mue sauja prinviples. with; whiOL -it set I out, 41s, aim. Alwo;ys an hand, Sugar Kettles, Wi�g`ork and PipeBoxes. As ouraiter.1'l- dflihe abov e are III good.re;Ldjh-g matter,, urunin .1 . I for Piriif's residingin �1861 0146 Yactas -4 ouL Inost approved kind, - we wou d solicit an inspectiofi of r stocli before purchasing F;;ii�r(�:anada. ofelsewherer. 01W.10d :OX ALI.0 a 'To -wit )of Her X , sty's C-ountf,,
e- Greatly R cifl Courtortfra United Countlesa2uroyn and AMA� *jth-ie6tariau bittetneg orbarty strife. elsewhere, as we dre:oTerid- the -above at the lowest -remunerative prides -for cash, or oi. Prices.. hav ap edu e opper, a edirected -against the lads *PA, 16ne- c anfre. ED -by Mr. MiDougaI4 -seconded and to m
The Xvws-departinent contairp; the latest news proved Credit.� Old metal'.3rasaX ad all kilidir of vroduce taken in ex It jqOV bcT telegiraph, authm6,ries of Rewirrom Cariddi.an�r R, X, 'WAN SI0.5 nienits-of James SteWartat he-4nit,6001MV) qffl 1111impic ']K - - , Hamilton. Brigsh,rand,4-merican-papersr; andselected arti- Qoderich. O-etob6i.1802 by Mr .Toseph Whitehe al- Defloi and SimuelH.- D41or, I have Ad*pd a That
-en in Fxqeution all thg thonA the Couuc'l cannot agree to the taC Aght title and into"� ,
clef oft,cuerefttevents�jroin the leading journals A prth� world. U11L. BRANHAM tjoti,of Jmes Watson and� others Of of the said defendant in sod to lot number one in. The Comniercial-depaytmen.tcomprisesreliable eti, To* a ddP ot-cold
11id Town of. Goderich bat at: the -same the eleventh concession 4�rtfie
-06unty of, Haron, -whiA -With' A - ,
prices -current rLw1i:ws of the markets, and arm-10manqu WING MATCH in- _orn�ctjon gentj ime, ,disirous borne,'W. D., in the
fit4ncial inte4ence.1 -NOTICE*- - - _7-�,. - - . . I . - . . of ene6ural-lilIg enterprises ANO r3 , lands I- Shall -oflix or aii at my to&4 in -1he Of so vult;able a'nature to the i abitanta of :,Court House in -the Town040odonqh, ohtTjW
The dej�artrniint of I?amily ItAuding coniams a FOR MtE ast .-Side-Market- Squue ncopl'ous selection of Instructive and, interesting A-Lkthoser indebtedto WIn. -E. GRACE, bv, ii Re and Cradlimr-Adedy; these- Countlis �vilt grant the Iiiiii of.$100.0 ay the Tw�raty4jkh Ads.j vf'J k iiex�,At
Rippe, u -Golerich. NoOq 210 1863 6'W14W52 to any Company that will Sin a test Well for IiOur!ol' twolve-of th'-� clo6k 'noon. matter, tales, poerry,. kc, Z.L.hote or book account' Will please Vift take pla-ce on the. firm � e)f' Wlillia1w. ValuableAgriculmral, iind Horticultural arliel. 'JOHN MACDONALD V Bair,vEsq., Loudoii',Ro�d, 'at 'Kip are�!copied from tirne to time. -leg! depth, if oil. or salt 'b obtained The A I ifn UNDEASIGNED ofq�rslbr sale orto let' pen e sooner vertisin.- department has many useful I By S.Pormocir, DeputyZherltr. Or in the event of two Companies commene,
tialt or 6il o thwd&pth -of 1000 feet, or to
e3 -2 , 12th 11 t9t 0 AWuo- tow48hip f; Sooadquet, an& imp6ttinit advfjrtiuem'ejjtv, but admits uo�e OnVuesdavjil v Sher iff-'s 01floe,06dent1h. 7 Thesaiiiewithout delay. County of Lamlaton. The farm' consist's.of JR iz.,- 'one in theCounty Of Bruce -and the 15th At ofaart immoral orinjitrious tendency. I.M. outtly of Huron, -the said sum ;
'C61c,' w-hdii the ither in the.0 Toe Canadiai Mftfthgerkl-contuirnag�a. s6lec- Off", hth-ouge St- , * ' ' — -1 ;.. I I !Otn' ce on*Lig ry will be awarded, viz. tian. oftke. best and �mQst interesting matter afthe Vex, t two equal proportl6tis bet 0 AIr. Andr'w Dduo-Als. ONE UNDRED, ACRES Valuablp", Piecebf Land beLv1d6d i . . I. I we ACHD E; i � aking saic -11 be "Witrten,�io�pubti-Qhedrncvnthiyati�cts per-vtnn.,. C. . - V - .. 1. 11 - ,, . J".. -Se
the id well the site of si
wIM'vOe c0PY gratis to a clut; of ten� : It is de- ixty6f which. tire -;Pleared, and situated near, a S.A�Ij:S left np SAU ADS "IM .'I 19t; 1�ilte� $6 00 _pten andcientific.,pe M-iralit,.,,Bdocation,Clardre4Ps 'gad :do: 64.00,21 Srid d6 to some co t _Lson, bted to Religi ittition of the G.'T. Rai]Wny� 11.0_fe�18,a $2 to, LOG- the sasidbor4any to commenge',opemfions ftte4Cour Y YatIte of A., W-ris At IReading-,Tetitpers. ce and Agrieulturel and con. IP -6i Sah) DR4LIA"G H00$E- AWD - -.Fli, within ix- JIB Vit= YA jww ox; sequerift.- i&Qoed--to, pass -f AME� rig fa.voiAle1arms of .Tfie*.1ol_- 13"' n0nth& Huron and -13 ree through.- the _q &ARN on the lot., -f lot `T0 Wit of Her Rajesl?s* lr'du#-,�t Post -office. lowing pi�operty, 'Viz North half o Certified. 9 LTJ �,jELjjVLRBrA&rj)a,Ar,_WAT la prize; $a. -humbe' -G Clianeety-an-d to me lffii.eo f 4 joiist the 1vW4*'
A.00.; 2ad4-do. 00 Ard do� r neh� 'woo a _R "IT TERM.$ SARRE"'I S D 30.,'On the, 120i con. of" ,ode PETE A-DAMSO'
ements,of Jane Fbrd. Ealwa,rd - Atkmson� k, Huron AP F�;rpgticuiars apply to -township, containing by, admeasureent 40 Counties, Cier iruce.: and ten
Daily Witness, perannurn. 'h, John Mcavinnes. rod William Stantake 214�
Tbb award. of the Judwes in acres, mor.6 or less, upon which'thiie are GOdeffe Tuae- 14tb, 1865. w 3 C.�GORDO.,�g t -defeudeftUr-4t the vtapfMax -M. 21 -Ana ft-ril 1XVitaess (�euii-weekl This is The 66hine is. not- to b 5 -PER JR. Rn T d. nX8 fifteen. acteg'clearbd This 'Inke byJahn M-ttebell ibe younger her next. I - , galline 3SIA00rm that it h ' beeg siuce�y Gode - la as fiel; V. 0 . 4ntil the day Cr for -situation; being within &6infles of kenjnLex ti, An ust 11th. 186 ; .- 0. th $1 2 of the'.� apin
I r annqi, W11i e tV perarmurn. sop a valuiib& F:0 atithe right, title a Ile vibich n wc' ovulinton. k a dent in and tiI,Ihe sftth bait tl feac� d an X ger, n, nurn. A ANTIETY :All competitors must enter to -property in tb the Stcret4y 4 -village -of kinburfi, One lalf in the fmirth zoneeggion, of xbd-
2th-. -of I JUI y L Entrance, acre of farm housi, shop.,. aild -Step -lie W_ �Mt, Y of Ifurov;, IL _h
and teaemen s I shall offer fbi sale TBEI�AL 21 -IUM., -JOHN COPELA�ND� -ifituaU IWAY Ro, I " t each case for a club of t' ORvA L hj n , , 3dtt, nearth RXI WAT la,the e cop gm is in en. �E# GIV ion for'a tailor r. saddle and -harness n t e C6prt,Rouse, eh PrA,
nA]ff ES -mad4i to the Crow thefirst4a
wed civil j�e' -ft not'josallian. Secretary; nmlcqr�.a -therd i 0 erieffl.for,$1507each, orAnguLit sie
liouid aNT, sent,vq nentawluch �au ba st ��-Ihq p s -a good "I R able C remise Tids woldbe -o and pr st i -on or before t6' 1 land, a uo�d -,SALE .A11 CASU ri- -A,4[1 $1.00.. TS
J. _A" one. w t - vici 4 �081AT!Rjtoil I _a�,n hq ERSON: 0. Papers -will be forwarded gtatha to the value '10.01,. "thel, or Store- o d h le p III F. VDS.! 'nothL ot twelve q6b f One-imth ofirentance- !DUJ a ercolu At Plye. or - d hdr of ase 'd � I o-realdc- 1, Wil' be,, takit it riv,Vred A
Att cominunKaVons to be addressg4 to. 3jo A'Y'GOIS I J? n 9 T . �. I � the aboyf taitt Witnes.or -pe copy timeq, -al, or. onrpdr Quebec. Toronto,66be 'f fr#
E. G ACE, places., 679' c Y- r IS' _s�,nd.biltt Se $�J? , cy
JOHN POUG LL & Sox. GoderlebtPete9itp 2.2nd, 1864.-* �IiAiU-tt w JAMES ST.A 'ff's Office$ a ode A C. CAMM X. ippell'Jund 150 180'. G� A A:Pril 80
*11 It w12 oddri ,1864.. sw62w11 26th April, Im. afice 1).
- Al
� �'jl