HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-07-04, Page 2T11E SE,111T.WEERLY -SIGNAL.'
4) N CO U:v C I L. or oblivious froiu� some other cause lie Proviucial Exhililtioij Was she Worth the it][oney.
r4W DisiNTERFSTED INPORMEM.—A lud"'y walk.
would know that we lrt�e lutir stealli boats
('�)ulleil lield its regular incetin- I inj over Lausdown near bath, was overtaken
LFrom the Kinp-ton News -June 26.1 The Divorce Court n 'doubt is a very con-, by a larc
and a large number of saililw vessel.,l oil _,,edog whichbadlefttwo men who
AN 4 L�65. oil F) i �.ly evollill- t Z)
last, Robt Cilibott., y
venient tribunal for the radical settle '
2 (Dent Of 1 were 1travelling, the same" Mi
our " lincs,!'- .11rd-lierhaps he may be -stir- as at'll'aknihon last rcall there s an matrinionial squabbles, iind utiravellinfr the and'cart rs road with a Lorse
ill. tile
I impediment d fo)!owed by the animal for some
in- 1,undon this seasou ill thf, Gordian ititricacies of the nuptial knot, to distance, the creattire end
T 11 1�' E X 11w 1: CT 1: 1) A 1' , "'.S. prisol. when We toll Ithil that I.borincy" Im- , an
the Mayor. Pr, t3, - i it, Nes,rs. 3 rivater of 1101dill" the. Provincial Exhi)ition. eavoring to make
those ppssessed of plewy of money and misery Dion GAGR SALE
ast resource ' in To her
oil , is not considered a 1, her sensible of somet�jn- by looking in OF
While, like poor Macawbe we are MeDoug-all, McK:tv, C.fifford, Xtnieron 4 f IlLet tll,3 ex pe ndi tit re of $4,54 9, required to induce thern to dare the ordLa[ of Sir . . -t
-act tit, face, iand then pointing with his nose behilld.
some parts. an to et S �ds and iiialce repairs.in 1110 CrYS-tal, James Ill ilde's - inquistijon�-but. in humbler Failing in his -object, E3
lluacinian, Saii-di and 'ace 'Grounds at Loudon the ':co -e
quietly Ilays, Lownrorffi Goderich may ]live had. Valu
waitio- for sontethim, tty turn I'al he qext placed himself
-untry life 'cases occasionally crop upp. where. the sor completely in'frolit abl Pro
I tit. undue sh."'.1re of the hard tinics but it coull6i, K, one of the wealthiv' -of the ob , 4y
- o st, P�rplexing, intricacies-, delays, glorious icitude, as to. prevent her proccedin IN THE
up," opinion is rire as to the nattre of of IMidd;ese*. ject of his soi-
could spare one- inore perhaps, if'it- is, ltlid 1,oast burdened mdaleipalities i ' ar, and
AlIor the a4in-, of nfi`nllto,:- ri- C. ada, uncertainties" of' the law are discarded and further, g -any
the arringremcit-t entored into witlithe found that half tile- I people of llas* Voted as 46 sba�e the still looking steadfastly in her face, TOWN01' OOD
inadequate suui of the still �reviLlent; though vulgar, belic'f All
Brit6h a'uthoritim touchitur our future as.- The Clork r,!zi,l a cominutlicationrom The city. council of L oil iron" d ;but judging, BRI OIL
rtford, -rcquirc to. -have .-their 'with the comity council r ling a -wife with a h:iter from the -manner of' tbe--dogP, who,
rather alarnie
anwmry the l"Ality-of s The laxJy became
hearted St o Tife
-A�coutltry The "Mornill J'fist ,is Nve the .11-arkat Clerk,; that portion u thus bein- left -eu rojbid'bei neck- did not
0 . . at the market cross acas
be, r such a dispi -of the hur wit hout- at all. timesgoitig throu'rh the formula 1 about her which en -a -ed at
have lready htforiltel- Oui reade s be p d by hitil t. tile tectil pulled- out. erted: -appear vicious lbat there, was. -'s9met-hillm COUNTY OF-Iju
-of' the mon * tol� 101,
deb) hhs pettishly decid6d, to'votc Only - 8500 -prescribed 'ia- suinmary- dis osals .Of- his leutlofi"she
P examined It
us, actni-officially, la'n 'inklin- of'v �r ba. received 'in silver. Tho Ili this case, then. i itW� " 06'eitizens-of, illaw, w pr drdss and found that 'her laco NDER'und Sy
p -Of P�wr of &1d'
u 813 I'aithless . ari
tiners-'- Ernpipyingr the lanuage Tirlue
TURNIZ as one. The 'dog, perceiving ill
-tit c6tiference of to.recei ' 'Iialf.tho W, E19111y. indoll calne to tile rdscuo, s did those of 'ned !a a cerlain Ind eriture -of. X antiaizin dele -at e
ve su 0' colitenliouslinibs.of the lawwb re �about lie was at Ian ,on
pay- Ott.
al :-4ainilton, by c�)lleptin,� subscriptions,. there to place Wore our reade - rs'it, Itase in point.- -th understood immediately (which WiJJ7b0'PrOduced at ti �5110'ali iii silver.. To the Fv, 6. R4dt' -turridd back-; the- jady foil me;o "joy
With melubers- Of'the Imperial Cab�iaet rel. (ird pa?(?� Pr intitli2e, will: be poor chnne'e of Othe - Exh b a i a A yoffn ir man who' may.', be coil owed him 'VanBveiv &nd
wai, received front Jilethodist held at 1") -fact is ths:t7a-IVIG mull sidered good conducted her to the spot wher r -shawl ibition and he "adit,
co e ir
ridon. a 'Tted in: but the inror looking and whose indalfrent spbusors had i la 3 hsu Tile e e follo;king propolly Iiiii
some distance back in the road.
-11 bodies a -e concerned, provir-cial e hibi� acquic.3ced in big rqceki�gro .,On her a ere
01VII re ibip, , be d or'sale at the, Auction Roornsf"
isonly semi-official, nd it is barely J-ffio t t asurcr� askin., to be provided 'RrV'D -4-ND tions are goin -Y takinz it * and ielllacillz it on lie� plirson,
'ither they t4re rot, deeure:d worth -.t ir-ex- had. been e'ngaged*'
-.3 or -rot that we -I llq ra OF
'It I d' "t - - � ., 0 . m6neyandsites. Jja'v'ids6n HurrCe,,.and lylia for some time past tbeinteresfing �uadruped
tie that i0jeh, the whol-a'questio is de- a S r,
ave received
in explorincr the coal for- full speed.after
from the -4 t. 10. -�Jlis ON
-bated in thek'Bricish I'arlianicat itwill be Bard -of Vic ilitelli'T �c 0 upausse by the coqortb niitlds� "Or elso-'the Waster,. a0areati, much lt TIIE TOWX DFODERICH,
In, f your removal -fron mztion-af the North
ey 11 as exis M9 in Croliihn-ton fillaaehl sf�a es in wll ell most f
your re nee has pla
fbund t4at totbing deetsive, has bean ar- chool Vrwstco4, tetiuiring t4o-'sula 0 to eltv �Some vulggar people would ca
otit, Iva believe tht 0onfo ;L4 doed 14 v 2 - -- -16dtred in the house of aakother ix lorer of Took A� Piiiz eAth of July
Ang tha -11 r a in 0 "' for the i3hrre. S. expenses. Tdr reasons; permitted you p S.-Spea-kin, of the ri all
riva at.' Even. suppo. lit year
tile -a liberally with the th fle'tour-
a oallield-i named Wm, - Hindwarch. The -nament 'reminds us that one of the prizes tural socif,ty tevet nlotive ActuaiesIbe latter had been married Ned fo - tlilLt c lad and premises,
td. be 1565, at on'eoclack p.m;. Tize That
1"ost to be correct in Its statements -our Th- docunillut ws, ordered piib�_ even lon-or than th castomi, We Wha sevent- all- years, r r casion, has already been -situaied in 'Ie t6wn 0# th
Wi the'ill_terV 'I
co oratiolls'..the 40'stfon may %�&Il bie asked- had one dau"liter, his wife being about fortf tal'62 Some peisou, not having the fear
m us: t bra. quallided to a GUrSel
v6s.6f the occasion -to tes. lod it' not:bc well to den UndeAch aforesaid being, compoft&
a o Years of atle. The loder Of of Uk
either made- him, the judges X before his eyes, entered tL No. 1032 krunnin,' ; mbpr) otterwisd "O*ar
nti 0
airricultural, ;elfsoa�teea6lctothe, wife., or she to as Lot 28on the HLarbor. Q
co, iderable extent. We are to hear 'I'v9part of Gouit of Revision refandincr our -a lioldii.--- the -e
o -your :scrivices arid
t land will stand by u -t c a. W re f Onniston Brothers, a few e
tha it h 410 Sulu of $50 of the aniount due oti b. iachinery-exhibifion owrlit a rtaiuly uay- in the town
ack (Yell tUiiatil -you- loder tA. t ifindina 'smplcioulis were arous- since, nd.took' the prize i, Jr Oderi
Will. the ke'llij, ed r - coridtict w-hile ave bi atch -given ch, --eOntijain",
plot of -said town of
to be -held -Litraially 'if circumstances will at ell that all was he 00111tJ B n ade 3f�l or aC4 ks�4, rit-one-fth axes bi. th If utchinson estte'. not�-rjght. Bef0r6- with a couple of e.- an acre -
'I b4
n i ir a with us now rierly- four years. Ever all perinit i but an Aribt bition and, S,tisfy hih �elf'on this point, b by ad;4easureme P.
cc'Ir the t, r -�rt, was owet�er, th6pair qolvers,. lVe do not ve thb name U1. , t
Aion of rcof�)nial raiT 11 tT eabetter, be Laid wo f t.l;e thesanie more orless
.* wastrue thi� Itite LIV y splea you calU6 alllon.,� us you EiVITlabored
'Successful ill oil he premisez th'
uld seem to have b000me alive to the fact dividual, -'
annually. Among, matinfac because ifisnot knbv63 ere is erected a f
-that she will supply the arm,wient r& c(immun.idatiorl from te County Trea- 'd6votedness io t -...that their.conduct 4 J� _rxm,6
zeal, ell& vas observed i acd having but we. will -b storehouse, with �elp
T 'I'L the desire to c-xhibit, gpd the rivalry to their-pl I anS ave pleasure in publishing yatorl upon a stone base.
U en
surer was to:' tile t it if he will leave. it at, this merit 60 P4 05, three and alalf sto
qtCxred foi our defcn6e, and �tllat relolic-d- on. Saturday P W
efit us s,)iritual1y,.---lnid ar a would'beirg'reater tha"il' it is noiv when worninri net
It I Ig
-e e IN
of the 11'roviactiaraL to beenlarged t ic- yearly.j: 'Slie took vith. her betvveen 16 M lls uger. ell
We a I -sly Joili, i ecurreace of thde.�hib ti Tbebulldlnj�
er husbaftXs- mo umber r1fliew and in �exocllent e rd
I i Ion Mak ney anQ an xonea;
(r-dommercial The- Olerk:.rcad tha PC rtion, with sbor somewhat bonjuion p.lace-and of fi-A c-orrespond o
for military n tivit. you, Il' ent of a N, Yorkjournal iti�n. -
of 'articles of value als6 belonging to him. asserts that -in one of - ill TZRX-S 'OF SA1R —Ten per -cent. of
very ordinl de ts of- tha�t
aholi4ay pu hod -ill our t -rest. To makeLth6 at Tk' - I inju
But then When collie to thill'L over t1lal to th eived and * red bu;Zld as no't e marke
and tkell. i great ii�&rictiltural exh city, poultry are deprived o the purchase money to he paid to the AUc"-
f their: feathers
while. still -alive, t time of sale.. 25 -per cent. oil the
er-interest krein.thn ibitions pay iheir lo�&iadiseoverinr,. the loss ofhis wife lodgolyl
way wl
fact that Cauladd i,4`expected to undertake star `o epl&ice. on luital -androods, and eviously first
other Mini wh haslabored anio" haviriggr� been pr
mdQh erubiL tioneer
came in hot hasta, to New- I dippea in -hot water to facilitate the opera. ber nex4 -the remsWer
of the Western -by corporations, the priz4s I daT of Septem
the whole Xovod� %fr. Cfflro�,J, jqcoll a nig lit be reduiced you fo r, ijue or fiuthbQr, th tion.
bus. Wo,'therefora, tliaul -your v, where, he h;id reason to' suppose they
m.4y be secured by Mortgage� eoveiing -
a overnment had -gone.- Ife lit once- gave ieformation at cannot igitorale the rt of Col Jurvui.qi -IV Thattlie 'etitioll b im- Od of 3�4
repo p and asisCance-, i rahts-to the'i6tillity societies I z or 5 years
I lit every- -ood word 9 MiSt 1A redile- the7 lVestgate pol ce-st 7 tit the ovtion of the
which Western, Canada was opelilly dei ad and f - t� - . -d,-and tile , 0 Govarnmet p e ser,, on .same condidialls jt -s �ontkm
w r f4late yoa ill �t tiou, and'having the- 0:5- The Frefich it is directing e&
ork., I VV U, c1qn a Lutumit so obtained be placed ta aiOurlds ior believing that the abscondirtior pair its z4blis to the establishmeLtit of oc
Mr. Cameron you -11; V n titended to leav n steam rtcrage now held
udefensible. There Ili b4 xhibition and i ea in 'the 210
clarea to bel somi) coil ver,4,ttion, the c t Of t118-PrOvi clal E . . I e aii-eitriv Uberl subsidies F or furth by ithe
-'J( Ydur taWard-defrying the local expenses.: if the fdr America a. poli ro es in every er parliculars apply to thesue,
a not labored i vain. L train on 0 ute ]in
c ns.attached to-- the- -bare, statmcti� the previous questi d an offier are 9
on ItIo qu- and, th afyAb cc sergeant. an ranted in every case tioneer, or to 31�Ssrs. C
aility; coartes sta lity and Christian' J`opardy which has 6arisen in. succession at went t, -at StAtioll yesterday. morn. been felt by th;- Em 1 and.speci4l, interest Anleon* XcMidhae
U r Wa y; the Op has
5 dr4ppeI or the Vena
-perorin t Ors.
of the -Pb#,. irhich. will, when. explained: :,,ill: *te d -114nii1toll and L'ondon -occur Yet. ag�.;iti, as Ill" In all he establisb� Toronto, Solicitors r
�portiuent yoa.hi e fully d had'.nut 'waited dong belbra they me:at of -4 line. between Ne* york- and Toronto
I - . v . ,ai.iied -.our, C-1 - ... . a .
L BV LRIV for. strikin-� a,r deed it way -do the A' cultural. Asso 231
C�T . - .1. . I - uccdeded in capturing thaguilty mpple.
-be f4ore iincoura-i&Y but as th-� ni-�tler a-fqr tit "runce
_a cur- confidefibe- -and though atiOu 8 11 - Thug fdr the effort hasmet wittl
yQu: ar6"now. to� be c muot bee . Oil
-andtd)itcij... The Xpected to rest easy under the �on search'hig, theinTut the Police station upwards p id success.
Jear was - read- t (P
now st4nds, xie can -see very ia� -which b ns,�pAi�ated from us; -*we shll.-eve ith staut uumr�ia�y- esets its p atialror of -970 ws found upon Runie. The worn $ - r cherish;iv
rhe openind rate.bf taxtion, -;f [,1j iswMOMTCACIE sAmu
or, lli� t�ioladiu ty spiritin- in, the sitnation year ill be 15C -raterul 41 bi!)itirts, 'tid (1:3- An editor sfLys t,
wembninces your st amonstm. Ja A 'it �&Gld and bat e
had a few poitudg I silver in tier contrivane he has - Bien th
'ecurity in4evisint, a reme.dy-of-tliis kind. Bul _a That laiyers use -when they -�warra
of the wo- uld ba'a good thir�gj Oil the we hope and trust that it, the - Thc' pplice asked Hill
wit tvt, result ixi�j be arrive subject. Valuable- Farin
new elti r, .. dwarch if up with the
d at lit He says it.was a
land if lon- witH -vioved. b of, lbor which you are shortly to nter. th �hed to proceed with it charge lass, Woerty
Whell -a COWDH51�ed.: Dr cD ecorided by ito- thaagrieu-' of felony C
I turl o4ibitigns. we must avow �qgaiiist,theparties, -Heseemedto'b6 struck Oncern, and hold about a -pint.
W'ith our Ur Thai the suill of $500.0 G. 0 J'S bless'n �v may ticad you and yotl� re- the iliat it Would -be -a change flur.
that we can have f-ce tra(le 0 be tiae with the idea of making' arator of -the murder -of-Hon. TOWN
the bcs tj.- The"perpt
spected fintly. Wee to hold. the exhiUtiulls 0 -and b Mr. Benton S141P OF� COLBORNE
Idak Canada- ra 0 thu -Goderi-eh Pe- f Arts
A-mericarl. neighbor.,�, we- t lited 'as- a boaas -t ar�irain and replied that if JIump Of Syiacuse, N. . Y. .s
u arid he Ome UVO,
Alan, ficturers at irideir- interval�, as. by, so could montlis hCro has bBen aPprehended. An
will reap all the: commercil Advartraga� vaia onevicrati;)n. of yor many services agree about the price of his wife it� .- �n )
doitiog it would The a step -towards our would not 5 bui C9111plice betrayed hi ac
"llume offered' in. NDER -and by -IFIrtue, f a Poweir *f SaI&
Ong us, beforb we p,,trt pc�rujii us. to pTovitie I
csto�w. Moved'by 3 -Ir It, CI Mot
tl�ai 1knnexation. could possibly b uncluian, Seconded by eial exhibitions to the divilltY of thcae tile other said " d * %] - ained in an nl
Seilt*yoa with -a aniall %Icen out rood Will- T6cw 21-1 ntilre f -e phtoe in Lond.na, Xaris,- Hamburg, proably w the bi&
in.. the folloWing pro-
S, away, aille at the �Aiietiorli
of. vas�. importance tQ` Paid to the Godurmh Fireman ia it' ell' mail ered f
The -settl ment- the sulu of '-'�,�40 be xvith the assurance that, the and Dubli Ain- told hdrilusbiind �"Iad
a of -Canieton, That the which. W,
North -Wes quc:4, 'log will re- d ith the view of ectill made by David Car�pi
Petty will be .ofr or
&011 would 4-o be ekadw- prompt us," -mre-thll the J
aw wuu't-mair to dee wV e.11 After a little Roorns-Lof
and the' barga
-a the idea of our havintr to pj r,;cciit lira. od ina, was struck, - tind IiIndmarch: pockeWd'�thlne
ot at -all lik, Uenlan.
Geore 'M Vr
at we Iolgemcnt. of their -,,it the int in a our- -hat came itear
thi countryi, but we coafess'thz do r ic vdque of. this sinall gtft na -Eiiid- ha fin.r. flu
Von, kee-JA you !ad 1IL It 1:r, aged
money, a
or -iho* Hud Ild 0 ri, ad -at death recei' A:, very singu leaviii-
The Council then prayer is thai G the other with his very doubt- Tompaq,
rook -
for the -,:r ii. &a'-' dstablished-y adjoarned. tar storr, is curren't in. B ful. purchase. The'touple thus th' Wedneda -the 19tb 1b
rown to.
lyn, which, theo y -Of-VT1143 f865i
sdWs 31.6nopoly, Th4t Compa u,,h the studied 'reticence Of' etha would le Ahis W9 ing by train on OTICR is'lia ,
t; ave rn r y given that a calI of 20 at e46cl
tho,parties concerued, ..and -their li., OCk It., Tiz
The EasteFlypo
T�purs trulyi re- theii w;ly to A-meriew. N 4
percen on the subscribed capital of the fLotUttel
has ell suaces�fullX
wascharteredin pursuance of a policy Goderich Grantmar seftoo spectable contiectialis be' r in the wi
TIIQS. -*teru divislibUlDtillp
hich' is' novo-' condemned lit' Ino 1y; OIdPt out Of tile papers. lVe way-, h' ade payable on or -before the township of -Colb
all ri Con' an Owev6r, 'aru6 Thojilas, E4 sq, Huron, iLtid described aefoTlowi illy n the 06tinty e
Tile cxamintion� h Lhout, We ames, give thli facLs for 10th day7of im exttoF. vy-.
iiiinded 'spe�kei,.-- andwriters. h ton 'on bilialf 4y A: yollilIg
Of t 6, above school it, A 31an Shot
Ireasurer.L - n -at the pirtheasterly,unglo'!of
at me the delectatio.dof oiir readers lid �e Womau.
he a
Thu Of t a
0 B. J�T. rovibi6nal
pol" that lias iven rise to rui My and i B U VA
ieq luous warh .. . - GE 0. -R
C2, to i�qlous an&ovev impetuous lUsbatids UMBALL. SaR lot, thenci wesjt�jy �l
HILL 009 the southeri
-:--wlriclt hag retardal settlealen and omturceimonthsa-ro BOIIMAI�i�ILLZ, -Tune 28. Pro -Secretary limit -of the. road alloikance etwom AW4
. 0- a "elitlemll -
thirty nd.t] ally. 1164- irN conveniance, we shall. call All.. -1,. a Ne w A. Miss Mnnson,, a 's Goderich, June 30, 1865- w23td: Block F. -an
ia proujisi box' for d the - eighth',coneesdon f -said
0 sell ol 4.quitta to twentYthaittle., thence south
.0 bloel, 6rdhantj nd del -Oen Sditrid, accompained by a youfi,+ lady,, ilt 11el-
risen pas a forilliaable: stullibling I COMI)kWag, th A REPLY)- York`n; it of Brooklyn dbool teA�her from, to
in thew'ix ofthe British E' %rant them- 7b t1te Address presinted bg bee* husband of,a-yodin-r and �&y nanie�unkn own; atri with 1division line betwe
Iiitei me the I
Voinn MORTCAMPESAI JEh en,aforesi
selresia a manner' ved train at &wcagtle
inivhich reflects much-, in belialf ofill Bit evle. passe h�- ysterday-afterno They Procured a horse and lol 5 in the sixth'and teveroh
ever- he has to -creat e uihbitailfs�:af I lovely lad" and: th(i ti d id -t OF
oone- e for bi 110. - . 7 - . 111110 on- far as the norther]
are y on no 1.%liwita blisrt'uliy at; it does and bitaky 'liver RLE TAYE y limitof fie toad al
nor a
their maAer, 31r. as .e as
o the' ha'
mselves; py coup
home- Colon uader.suci�/hppylcfi:eu I - FARM Jcwance between the fourth to�CeWwu Arld.
a T of the Empire, - 0 ata, Stable, and ent to VIM
11ldany and theeduclitional.-instl instance,%. Orono, five -miles noith,' where it appears
Esid 131oekr.
r. h. received ad. thence southerly t -
that Col bo Australia, Indli N tutions can -express tTie.deV feelin- ofy.11 att, and Some: two weeks ago, �i' -a ..Aliss Unison formirlYresid v0:P1PXW
ony -S. e, ki
(fenm l. - .� -% Afterarrivinff - a(
f - Goder 0 - ' 4113Y.familY, for- the kind suriiinolistogo-toChica-;donsbtna busIfiess'atoron6thei'cdlledatt.h6 house ofJ4me=s noriheriy 27ebains. -pAg A; id
loll veral of the 'that
Zen, -d.or North.:Imeriea.:-and it seem, Inore -.or le
Ian p =fgr-'
u IN Tris -said divi b pils'are ,rem rbly proficant in't1le hig� and Stron,-t conlid Wiim;eralivel demaude4 his personal Kerr, and The $104 line,, then;
Y asked hFm t ce
nnortitiq Morri Irly
Ter hara that Uld be made 14 j) take a drive with them. . said ifivision li
w, e o - -we f manifested, in the ddruss pre fbelill is of"the deepest re. :At first he declirwd ToWnship. ne� 75 chlins, morwar Jeai� to,
or branches and ael S tis a that ftnted and biwaftm consented S
a fie A of
-suffer because at a,eertgirt. perio(I itwas lso fdr tild'excell nt ift 'Inpanyin lie announced. hi:.t delarture to the forid �Qdo SO. After starting they urged f the pinee -of 4jitinin�, ALCM
a coo him. to 'TH9 -00 HUE01j. more or less -
they* w Ill but build carefaily n�d -yatcala- J'p4rtne'r of his bwfon and ca ampton UNTY OF
bansidered that- lands thousabds W mile's, a return a low me to ell lamelli2d, ft =0 to'H, and brinir back the Convey,
Pxp�OSS MY ifeartriett sorely-. -"Ilowev 64r- fl�ucl Thelatter lieff be
tically-on the f6da'(fatiAt thu's: laid,, er, he Started Off on hi place'04 I This farm Ween 4 .and t; I�Vag
is directl 411116fill;
ay, .1 thin k; ney,- and expected to be abseent sixteendays.' H back of UNDER and by-�irtue of a Power of Sale the town.of Godelicir -Ott the Gravei it*&,
away. froni Downing street were only fit Also to' S, 0
yet b e- heard from in. positions
�viil de- you have Put to an -estituato oil my ..Avrived ln'k,"Jiiear� h at ledath Ic usentedl well watered . �y A� vr1n.&,, creek rbawag
-to, be handed over to, a rapacious fur, trad- Z3 day. oi� t1yo �They must ha _Wcas -contained. Ili a cortaio. indenture Of
character Qid lablir� While In-: your illidst ve driven vin
anding cultivated iatei -ti4i and. Mbrtga thrOlilihout tL-e1A, arid iSDffi
ingeotapany' Man -abu 6. mail- 0. f
ses in th, -.3kasters receiv6d a te) der epimle fratti his wite - lied when abo i be Produced at time o haviWity.
call say I have - b t one, fi , two miles uoith of Bowmanville, sale)7made byDehis HAZarty, thf, followirfa . There Are -on the an4 the fllowill -bu
exProsgiotis, and. concidding. with a, the t " toll-, , rate
m.otive-God's with 6ndor -
agement of 0 world.. And -property will bo- *ffered 46ir Larr Dwelli g- ug 4,
Col6gial-affit* 'have been d' r -IT o rooill th t two, o'clock thi he 1, L
sg.,,ance. that �he lad wept ever since utt a Vvord,. bliss M. Sale at, n ho e a '00 a iartu . re. Auction Roins Of 7 hme
I ini t [tie t unsou drew
ooverecl and rectified, and *e would faid - 0 , . s del, 'To ,his great de. Ir and Eliot Keyr� - the --ball t rame stable 24 X $0,
W� lea�fll ititead �116 a ia iteer'li d �ml'%�e and Goo W4son, 914y, and t-q__d u r�6 i 'i
entering pell o add, W6 have spent four h Ra 2i;
Londo�, C. yOars in this plac&, tointing one lighti Mfr� L - Anished'up his several the side �nd pas�inground ho. en"er 'g -)-Pr3P1ratOrY to a four, eat pagres .1ri-our histoiy - Xnd thou. h' TERMS OF SALE. -4 -Tea , r eenL 44,
body, e
hope that the luiperial i4thorities will �b r � called d hall he had e.qe6ied, arid' w GE M. TRUEMAN, the rcbm money -to. -be paid 'to The ano
ays sooner t
retire.. course in th Tor J t6 Uni 17 1 . L . nowthouglit to be in the n the low fi iftt - ave this field of hasty dispatch returnea 'htoine.- 'R a ag StIcolld shu-it b n ofGoderichLon tiouee .
breight to feel beiroze it -is too late t, varsity.. bf God'and -hid Cht1r&h to lj3 11 th- sto'Lacbi, . She tried r it. Ii
Vve them a career. ut he Caught [ter h :WedneSday', per ent., 4g
ebil to Are a aof intieh- lion or back to thig part, and to the end of I and, d
we -have: v6sted as well as the 11a& its Journey'some three da woul :the 19th day- -othly, 1865
y.s. sooner Tile" ided man to the British - sy of September next. -The 2
be - secured IbI 11,6rigagei edi.e
ru o el, at B6wmanville,- wherd he now liei at Ina
and success.- The-follo, is the, thL*`Triet1ds With 1ealin Of plekisure and. arcait 'tilix he bad expocted� be
win- C� -
soia's, -Bay. Ctnx'pany, and that. *e shoul May God 'ble you with prdsperity $hed.to. give his 1, Atorte,olclo&p.,�:, vii Ili -v
wife a'detj surp - - 7 ose parce of period f 3, it
List iihich was r' _ghtlial rise, He-- reached bi,; the point of death. Thoro'is no hOpQ of and prdmises situ
Ca by James Waison ill Ile, conlibrt i and it hppy h his ated in the Y Purchaser oup Same boe&tlons. as containa
hip 6f Morris, Itfo ,
not be called upon to pay- too -much fo l,)uSeJGSt as ti'le shadet- of' w the,
n examina- t illL rentein- ere recovery.
at the close of the race t rorever. will Darlur, tile coufusion the. two in.the towns
be- ai being' ihe 310rtga& n
--of C ill Eli %Ort Of tWillght.- escaped composed ofpat 6flot number b
the rivileg.� of Opening ellaunels' .1) rL,PiV�'.all
P branco of the , ivers ; and I trust will utill r. Let el objects woman th� time, but.the one who in the OW )[ela by t a V 140=�
9 ''iculars AP9!)r 16 -the tuo.
a custody. Various tenth colices§f6n�lof 1hp townsM 'or further part
-,wn as lot num
a' W -dtid better., I ag li"uself illtO'ttiel VOUSL� with i1atch� f red the,pistol is: na'w i kfir rx tioneer or to Nessii Cameron 1; XeMklmej
munication to, nd the acqaidtioa of- iser, P br
fie Stole etiti-v to the mp.artrued whoke to the cause, ar aformid
Latiwia.class, (;1,eO Iratson, .2ua:.,�% the Address and Present a a afloat. It is
it as re bar four in block- Toron
able I lie feitsure ha- would find the object. he r�kmours for the tendcka.
teriftory which will be only Ta� . . 1h .
all or even denominational, owvrover,!Tinpossible- � at present to get an 1 A, of the, survey made by one Lucius Arthur
Y 1011tO, June, 186
plOV11 Colin Btl,chauttu; -equal' 3Ld Sear- but ta tile ill seixich -of - 11, did Slid. bar.- But how!' reli4b'l�-. filfOrin so far b' it is rendpred attractive, to th tt. 1uldani 4 Ell J all [I IV platform of uqrhblirly teeling-lind Christian rror ation. on this point. CConnell, r -ed by him, ol
d re-istil
5LtL Jose at hoirorg, under -what eircullista-inces ? - I f thd
- - I ,Pll She vill&,18 of BlyVie, 6ontaini
Ru`�opean vulie-rant.-' - , - - - 1 0
lot, That we.'ailly 'all and a.) tag by adweasura..
wijs7s6andhitr netr a window wit], her..'back THE C"OPS IV inent W, of a - fland, the sallyd more�
W* atements-bave a, acre 0
st Thos a, 21,id - 0. �amll unto the eQ, the r tu nitid towards him, heiz hea fondly re�lining been. made t or less. UP'Qn this lot there is two ',,story
U.b L hat the cr6 sit) fraineb
it ia J, Possible, afte' 41- we harlii VatiEvcry% -Gentle"men, oulder of a male companion ii d Iowa uild'
' . -u - Top
p -a total fail, 4 x 24, used as a ta TGAGE:8
t - ji), whose WiscOu 01 an Are almost
heard of thetuccess- of our deleggates, tht- 0. VanEN.ery. vern, ard,
J'arm ivai� tend&el� t-willed'.aroud her -waist.- ure, in consequei -belonging thereto
Alalhejlttacs-�Jst (;Ofi Of your un*ortby rice of -th6pperations of the re framo stable ll:i3uchan�nj Uchi a Jar'
-at this unexpected sight, chinch ba- and other pas f the-�Sanxe b
Ot come up to our F illed' with rae 0
the resUlft wiU no more holce VaMUOble Pto
ts;.., As regards the w eing n good repair. peme
-ALSO: A Aid*
I with an impetuqs,,ty )0." cro t in Central and- Western- 111i 1 .11 ' a the Smith. 3. -a Geo �17,atsou. sition, he dreiv n'revorveri . p the South h and sinaular t
arid peculiar. to his disi
AV -or ble-cipectations. Foreiample, a cor- be P
a t half of
ajid; approTellinty respondent of the Chicago ije�ublican writes, dif of lot twbrity-three i -d GIDDM
Wrrespondentof the Liverpool Tbnes TaE ATID rat to I n, he firth TOWN OF
says Qg..-.Wc rn. carn'that his Wifb, struck he� a blow oil* tile I a le roncession, of thd sail Volin Duchanan; 2 P
Le June 22ndL: 'the last week I have townshi Of More,;$
Tile. Secretary for' the Col Die� -st Johu, this pest lids made its. appearance turned, , sai"niedy and - fell senseless -to. the .ravelle.d soveral hundred miles in tiefitral
that " 0 containing by adni COU
in gre. floor and easurement fifty acre of NTY OF HIJR-Ofy.
-side turned land, .8 - Ari numbers in Dum�frie ntieman- at his 11reste-ra Illinois;'a6d inall parts have made more r Jeks. Twenty acres bein
will haveto lay- bell R-Lielianan, �liehacl is-edmin tin veated- to th- fraze of PS s of s, and it
hedtL L L., and re about the. erd I haVeL cleared, and the remainder b g 'I by Vitt
Comm' campioll;- equal; :!ud -Ntil' lgou sadhavoc,in the W the astoiiished inquiries also eine 'rTXD
86 far,, -lit husband * n ol lid- �' in - iend atid . the t came. to the ood hard- br-a Poirer -of&h
Obs, the ' rc.5ult of his six Grithii, eluul. - itai . . ell,- Ne crop:- a d a estee -ed.fr ravelled with iny eyes open,,arld wdd land. ' �T h re is a substantlial lo house
is most )lptifuldn the' b coataindin
southerly part o
conference with' the. depA t Cha�lot f, stop�.rot or of his witb. . The gentlemau�i Conclusion that the prospects areL fair fok . The farm is well ' jed gage
L t ion seil )n the propert
a wate (which will beproduee4at Will
el �ilnsclf, and, (rood -yield rn Corn Is a little b
Thomas �Grabp:rrl. 2nd ille township, bufevcn� os(� to :Galt e raggelituniediatelyturneu ul�041- of 6 y a spring creek- the ftm* of
here by the Ctilladiaa trovernment res, sale) made by 14, M- lion
hear a' w with a 0 of despair, he Pointed hij pist�l- �but recei,tshowers and wa S- e A th - f
of its havin intide its 11 nq -rY at TE4-M " 0
a jng'properfy Will L iff e ollow
rM Bans are bring. �-Teji per iDent.-of th ered for-iWe 2t th*&'
jler-al .1110der.'s Ist Edw -VanEvery �;eVerld L 4D4 �,adjOinlvg-, n hea a e n4t re obe
pectin- the defe nelen Uuora -Ist Alich Champion. I Flamboro' d and.fire tile coutp 'is inflidii,ii,, in.,cr. it -forward with greata0di Th . Pd1dt0 the auctioneer Auction Rooms of
A pp ranac� his ow pu - haie m-oney
nees o -the lke. fe0n,, 'y' ty- t
JohnL equali 2nd JeroEae Ll. -t- is said: to h R sfi.lht.scutp. wound. Of course, -the hous will I tell its story.'- Oats lool,- 4 julef gWe
tier.. F rom, whati -1 am' told, I fear I townibips the insec t t- 25 per�u
lad ave ap-, us6d, and t-6 t oil the TRUEN r4
John. alt greatest excil Imost everywhere. -of 'September - net, the remainder miLy be�
or U -g �"rWhel hear coLmplaiuLS� A
"haibeenfound impossible to-Leonle t Xl:Dwi Lid. 'myr' s' [G Rep 'ter. prevailed. -The - injured husband a I lit the b am at, but, th
peared in yas ai�o �&me�t we] 19, first day CIEORCE M.
0 ULI_e . - I . In the Towy of Gm�riph,
ScrTt -Ist Isaac.-Somera; 2nd, J lid -wife' alo inic -part 8ecured by mort(rage cove a "dod of 3 nWere cariied t6 separte apa4meniq -a doctoir ecessary.- e option of the. pa,
Olin 1 hav sev., 4, or 5 akiythin- like &-.complete or: ermiallent' of it is null Years atL
on the question, apa that the, ReadinsIst Georre Watson- 2nd boy �policefnau 'by the -erlil -farmers in countyj and ns'as contabidd in he
.4c 0 - N . - P, . - - - - sent for, and a talked with, A �cbaser' Webesdayj the -19th d 4JJWy
agreement. A 1% CASE or DUAL EXISTENCE.- alarmed some of an same conditio
dtscharire of r6wa t them.tell -me that thbyL.have seen -no bu imort'. At one.o`c1ock p.m.,viz; All
rus, ell cre now.held by the -Ven
S e. ex- -their vileat, bu� their dei,4,boulS 60mo For landand piseemises, situa W*
ac, SornerA.- -of plain. Wn
si, .a 171, C-harloLte IV'atsuu,�., 40 was the wait r. 4ors. r I
co �wi I . J, A 1,1'ossipy uorreiipondeiit of the Chicapro- he Luse 6- gs in ga, tb
49 -iatinuanw li Jerome e at
good undenitandin, Ti 'relate see
�he olfoeing sirigul 'appi ted in
ar case has be& son rather in the adjourn- planationii an� no. dolit. mu SSLjaV Y to� the-Goderich b
Auctioneel� to Messrs. P ; -bf lot
ua -existen( a PON -than or Cameron nre
lee, a d# Or two enous And eirlg. omposed No.'q Wuth
j&.1aan flistry-da. -a as &veloped before olo ie8 were made .-and in, Bus are
went of th' hile -tioa Court at - PSils:7-741 Four little the adalir was looked upon as ar h of Vlltbousli stree
si.dera t ey were one.year - acrdi�un ess it be these y T iel t in -thetWd Tow'a *r
e. weig, McMihael
el L ke T�end -
-Stealia4- tw*( el , serious on nfest potatbesi I hear of thdin. etery- ors.
Con: of Kecitalion--IsLi Geo. lVatsbn broiight up on a charge Of IV Jo Ilut it came near b: oronto`, Sol tors :for the -G )de&h, Cou taining of an Bore,
. . . ) 211d. AV. 0. .
V , D.- - , e e. which i
expanse shi d�ej 411 4 very� nto 1�00" Att danG47T4St,Co . -7 Ost exrexy farmer siLys- �e has w23
bottles of inctro York -NeLvs.
upGu consideration' LFblirp, and aim Toro �une, 65. the premises there tire ex*oW,%
en Two of the
-cortitilt p0int� . more. IMM tal na"; 2nd Ju -01 children-' were -twins, eleven years �f a, hem. -'His fears are -not based- oil the
that- edia seen t one and 4 half story b6ilding, 41ox tc�
4 Oj- -Tile New Albatly- Ledtici-ioporti a repoiw-�& -his Bu�n 'three tenewrients, ed for Clussici qnly-ill consequence of pree. ALSO That certain liaree�
Cardiell MaY e:iplaia how matte'rs: 11tr that ]arid co lot 14-4 vr
Mr. me I fi)rward in tears, declan ssissippi GA GE SALE m ing lot 13, being -on the
atbe�, being a day laboie neighbour.9 are -bound
pressing sh. e now orralt'-,,ed.L. Geo Wat.9 Their f. rr could not ter- le ie Itail road their share o
Ill b on and W ova ve appegr rrib accident oil tl oI'D y attend i - . I . f the rich Iri
to dla at his children, 4�t, the motiler lid r LoogoLotee, nthe 22ad inst. lent s'h ascu-
-train and- a:,soldiersy tr
P:�ring. studids hey could to kelp their children out west, collided' in the said to" or fr anniversityL off Toro the freight, _pos
stand, bathe will have ome diffidul C did all, t jin goin nth sida of Weststreet,
The engineers. and Aremen, 4i. T.Hk
of mischie�, but th d. L �V,�,je the T*o NAPOLiONS—T110 Paris-.
M1 Wirsuach 1�arliament; ia the pr�seut� Poort at it was ouite ire - I I - . I � 'Godelick, contalining a uwter-of un
eorresponddit- ' S - were kitle V,%IU - - � Ad*
give� 'he had sent them. to school an possibili. -both traiilg spoildent of the L' corre- HIM Th -
d thought ondon Tidies, ritimp on the ere is eirected on the lot -W
of the two trai 0 93. --an angry' 1 -5th inst, says I t
0 -us Were encraged* in able P.r
as to b atue, another: peror and the Prince
dissolurioil arishing taffil. Slid said, unfortunately,. ',that the is not ma e up t e UNDE4 And by virtue orapo��j�7-or [occupled .2a a. grocery
o tbe'trairl soreness caused by the disrupti Sale
to trouble itself aboat w I d h
State of the weather,,. a* � It a-deploi eecount �fthe praseut n hntil then - they *ant. regularly 't . he quarrel bet eon the Ei m-- one And a
ad on the evoof a. ds 13 he erty-0
-of till disputes to. whic�
ition a once do t ir.les
garadtiOn- appe4rs t freifrht train 'fromi the -east jai an and
0 have Our were 'both m6ved, by ill ' - ran 1 1,11
politieSL'at all 9 ame spirit of va(r On,- temporary mr 28
eople een men 1 is n e o by Hugh
nadian 's xiew ot curre th. t if 6 of soldiers at the otati nkillim, fift lied n a Mortgage
i sporident, says the p erq contail inde to keep t h' .-f remains confined to his house.at th in
-so. imbondage,, and t" t b h PeJi'isstill -felt on both. sides. An*erson,- -of the I ownshi, Of Kinloss
th " Are, a. fie ran away it was and woundin thO toothache possib
the case, if founded on facts,. wo Poor that they prefer ha e ng..She. fat goveltindred and --fifty, many The Prince 'Jhlij aerWin pgreel or tmet f
for weeks to spendincr a q 6V ally. -Th, . ty of Bruce,'Yeoulan
ecth efroln 611owi e soldiers belorigid to It nsequence of the acciden't be met Id
A feeling Ofiqcreased depond6cy tllroavh-.' P uartw to the stated that e linois.a.lid Wdudon in co efault having, land, Sitilifite Jn the said AnQVII,
tooth. extriseted. He also. StEctes t ver since their Wirth ery. act f blissou * en rande inflie due payineat thpreo of G
a rarrime ts,-_ and houlew -with on Saturday-. Hii ho wirl outh intu taneoual' , -4 cOmposinglot.fifteen, the s .4Dr
hitrthenl -se shied at another be sold esd.
60un s eaLr4 , one was repeated, si,`� bvL the bou ..Were aid oliArd ak, the iseeoqd,<2nd) d
bet L cc e - .. ay Wst 4reet,
ght flu try -we shall Very So _ Chi L' which ws 'Tass-ing near him and Of Allgllsj�A. b oug i -and onstitutitq�, th " line -of boats 11 other. - If- one asked tor water. Alle ;Jh ad. carnage
a e
weea Goderich and, febling that the, band whick
be 'ilxa� posi contain'" a 4USLrIeT DfAu tIOU to sly that- tite WrItor ca&os.-the ffia- 'even in-, anqthee of C M -
at th roont, would - call out t6. Fatal -ACCdmit near L norrl, at the Auction jifa ?f land, more or lefis,�'D The following, 1WW
over.but �a ap 'the Prinoe was himself dri�ing- Truban
kely MIS a same., -mbultei e2 'r ings areerect
rtidi; loaded, and served hPim. -fo
was ent talte tit; if on� put his ed on Ile P iffes two-
retu s with nothin but Market 841lare, rem
was -110 Or e. -mo t skilfal-
Jan; e 28.- following proi>e
Wo. -Run. fi�ger in his wouth, ok- made a grimace, t, sm
ra cord od. tthembstlikin fia 00deric; the Atory frame bufld;ng 30 st 20 ;' fr e
ledslaye, left -theL tawn -it e rty,
is reduced to one at the same irstant'and by t' . . On Saturdiiy last, vantage of it, heeled twenty -
D OP 'G !%Ve-have re-: irnpulj6 L he. salyke after the night ex- one -and twenty-two,
lie oiher: to6k a ost unfair'' d Lots
,ws.paper-and as alasi resource t6 r�sjs acte&similady pafty- of round rapidly, and'upset the . carri SOU in the hird i
ceived Ice report. -train had passed. La Tile* Polo Press Acastef�' a get which th of the D4rhana 134ad In good ripair.
her,- r.- W r place the eople.-who r�ma u. states that the child seve- mettim the emploi of the, Company had went over�th Prince 11 n A i that parcel of 1=,d coinposirg-
ftom the pabli5 . W. Citate. the dyin e L �Thehurt, t1fo%a Ot
Smith -of Owexi Sound, Di ren are so AxactlY alike Qc . casion
1 1 impossible for -a stmil-rer to tell' ed
behind are ab'ut bLo =iid townshij OfJKiQJL
a of the iob- rin foe (ill I Poor Goder. that t s likely to be attended with setious consequen- Pci-wer of Sale, -Do uner lot number 191 seid w S�IMYord Beati2i. one to. go to Lancaster -after provis ce� ons to a -f
the ot 1br which pitrpose they 40 taken a, h . ;, 18,80 �ainful as to ednOne him
her. The coun, in consid car im. to his hed. measurenielat 40 -
county Godarieh 6ration
otdrej, which is brought oat in eontaimloin by ad
0 CA.
af their youth gave em, to e company, 4udAvben te�tur- -lege 4T)
In 1 71 th their Ints- belongin to h His and back arl�severdly contused, mOrP, or less. There
a style creditable to.,Mr. Smith and to the ay be, oor as compared pare 9 and- w23td Isa good orAara 44- -
With t without'punishmeat, Ing lionle came in contact -the SEA
he,suTers greatly on Solicitor for Mortgi�iee the lot, nc
he Compact, Ole Withaspeial test movement. 71L, One stor
-'roarin- -fio r�,'rsh train, _y an,, The Emperor has written to TERMS DF SAM—
G&be ffices at vticb, it. was pri je his, -cousin one or �7T-el�-per - et. of the
a a.-rv, CJ -L U forhich -they had'lieen Ivalting soine time
f. in-
1jur of their'. -num . her-. twohotea of three or fo psid to tba s6W-ooedw
Natchez The -names of th ing his regret at the a6'�Lideut
e : before starting, Lill jig urlineS eaeh� expreis� Pur"Chas6monoy. to be
The matter seems to b carefalli in,-, town of Stratfbrd., but. $he: has soine A HORRIBI OwiRArm The i
. I b at-fiffle'Lof Mae 2
e -e utnot a word V itedt Counties 'r T Yfrtue of a eni:a1f,t1W as &W,
HUPDa a:n(l
Spatinp living I J�jm g Theia' 0'?B
ave no doubt the book, 0 . I? 'illed -are S- boilt AjiaZe-lo-
very Courfer has o Cr
awfully caildid: public s priu'ofi, , Os t4% were h
0010piled and- wah idrits amoilmst her utra utherland of Septeinber noxt,.,the
'Curry, B. 8
wff� h Fy e w zind T.. a naxa d
in bitants, of on the person of 1r. Hen -Venditloill H masi*r my I*
whom the, Be as - res MD Wit Fleri Faci" wsu
outy tertp A corbnei's iiiiqitest, wias held Ne' bF
appreciated by the -p aco "Or - the ViCinity of Harrisonburg La.. it s cople of h 3 seetti-ed by. mortgage', p nvt:-1L
.6ae. w York sets it good example in so ItlerMaie-�ty',g(,ourtof.LQUeea,,ij�eUeli
p�ndent is The . indicati ns:- rhe - iieperiido n Several witues ue and o 31 4, or 'S yearl� we, 0 of rl 'I. ca Aemanded of 11ana,'b1x On the bodies, a d ses were ex. respects. Last 'week 562 me direuteal he option qf the
pov r ty alladed to. are car rioney; 'when i
-dogs -against the' lands, and tenedients purchasei, o�Aaraa candi
G;eY- 11t, -is Mr-, Smith% intention, t ahiined - the jury returned *4pounded; which wore,
ei iiii bein- ioid lie id n ne a verdict-Ahat -the f Of Donald4gurihison, dec��'. at tiong ag cWtoloa
le Oily
of Bruce tainly �p olent 0 wh , 11 IS were redeeined. ' The pre- tbe time
ey-11 bucked him� resulte fromarel his,death in i.WA- maw told by tha Vindors.-
to excite Comm -and will z esuess on the pod
is6r4tion in ev no vious week the lar-anuniber of IJ 19 of these, 9tifellison, admulistrAtrIx 0, all Land, ingular the For furt PAr
Uffeve, to, nt uR a Directory, th accident' of in the 1126r
ow the hands of jane
O'L' �ru
of the.metij thdt they h her tivala*
Oxtrac- q to take aland-6ar belofiging to the 00 r -- oi to Kessm VanwoA sod
.this fan., a, price with, Colo— d map to be- cry h3imane switches, a -villain stood oa each side hnd�, ight- whafiver t e
wliph is re They.Oon't gai their teetl I I owner ess bru. 03 wer dkowhid' goodsi chattelsi, and e4ects Whi
wrtaialy chea - duoul-h— ipp d him initil they extorted � all � of his mpq .011 OfDoilald
��p - IVY 'Muteh;son, deceased, at the tia)6 Of ideath,
oni MI 'the suit oiDonald 3
ted."" lylly, our town -i -a so Will' Vi amOiRtiuli to $4400. 1 They agiin exiept-oa buisneis 6ir 4-06nipanharicl dx., A ilroad proje4. hai Ween started to _at mcmichrell 40lickors 1he Veodall�-r
m- mend him to the. kindly Xotle, thy that in 0 L . - - , furchison, I have- 4eized
reco. a mad anothe 'hich ;;L 6hoiatiing front all blame those that, onnect VAlparaiso, a west coast. I of and peo r deiLnd f�r money were on aloncr th taken inexeelitiort all the Lright4, tille and i MILO
of our B Mea ple hardly ever have. the footache aCall d Oft t w South Am =ca,, to -Pana* f the Toronto, June I
the s ecUl
refuse .. ly Spana,L theT had. een - properly mat, the id dQfe
of his e the* 0 n4allitiasad.to.the AoU14
ing breez: -Lak a having -it a not.froul, apy -care States and meets
and tho lirac ai from -e Ijuro a. They thin took the United -with: l'Lors numbers 0 and 10 int the firsi �6rl
. I . - �w .. . . - lessuesg I . much favor Ill.; of 'the T6wnshi - con.'
sen 410 man (c bucked -him, Oce the countries interested. Of Kinlo", in the
oforbla JalL
-00d andpplae '1Aq oath tt at a Bra
d such 3� t e -P count 01;:
AW The Editor" �h Ith' throagh colItg
having gone over-5to uIming � and, pAMON.�Tills, i, t4)
one -Vundrod acres D
e DWY,. w1i&- had lattely Od the -22nd insi., o�jj �Rocide-ni of a whichl shall ofter creditingr Urboriog Courtlious� athe towil.of
paintlil-c araoter occurred, e -w 'port v he first A'
a curing any moret money�L The mext evertin fA' n,
Vic -0 aroundou "Uter this hellish de 4 they leff, withA Pto- tirrived in"Corost from Wy vire Cithwio
ins that 1*t,� A� man 4aul d ror sile at my ofrice
care of the Goancill&s
&W to takei
N,Voul only cren' the . United States h Goderio, D ruvj��
te 4 - feeling of thank.&I- P. at X
and Firemen,, the SLJnat is out to -day a J)Ut up inaL rilon t e I on djk da MCDQnpll.on iny socount, as he hm kifk
A promisin, tweliie WIthout jujit
to- Spania's retiting for'lh6 night lift&d. §60 in greenbuo nafne - CLenu
PC, 8 a lu6exi Street' h Grand river 17 young man uZust JIM, at the hour of
s that' we! e a vi and
the- Ilams-4eturued. set fire thMoZip noon, my. b6d 'and bo 'or
so many d X an
few ho�urs ahead of tima, e. -bu'2.- thet samli, s well as all his as well a dAy a horse in JOHN MACDO]KAID prQVocaoon', as I shall not ba ;w si,* orr
a a. s�m -of molloy-in sy joy I I
Do -abdonden) and n conse B. UUY debts she'niay co�ntfte�'.
t4a maa of tc0th. Avere not so lovesidl- houssehold e6s ana o4h died i
ek Property. quence oa� the Is of
n a, dij. from his ocket� June, 186,5. WU
s%a' I" on
qcon (I bi
Lioll be
4th con, Stanky, Taly 6thvMS. 23*ft