HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-06-30, Page 3ower
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WANT IN United Coun Y virtue of a wr!it of FERRING to our advertisment of 2n&
W' t Ivinstant, and in order toavoid misunder- B,'ul e,' I,BFrert Facias issued On rr re F etorY
V&- The Town Council holds its regu- to wit: of Her Maje--sty's CtntV Court ofthe UnitodCounties of H;&roi and cc standing, we bpg re rctfitlly to informthose
jar ineetin, to -night. w ]READY111DE and io me direcf,�d a'-aint the lands and tene- of our customers ho have bad accounts with SE_ LING OFF ments of willian W7 ilson. at the suit of James us hitherto that, as we are anxious to bring RAINS.—We have had a succession of Boswrll Steyi�fison and Archibald Cook Suther- our present business to a close as soon as iand, I have,ieized and taken in exeebtion all the ible. we must discontinue all accounts rignt, title Wnd interest of the said Ae(endept in - poss heavy raias duriffl- the past few� days, CLOTHING 11
and,to thol orth halvez of lofs nunibers thirteen from this date. under the influence of which green and and*fburreen in the math concession of the town- JORN FAIR &-CO. [ Can be purchased Cheap ig - late grain crops are making astonishing- shipofMorris-. in itle Cobifty of Huron, which Gbderich. 9th Ma, 1865. aw71 lands nd tenements I shall offer for ale at my FOR C &SH at- 'AT THE 011ie In the -Court House, in thetown of Goder- lch on Tuesday Lhe Third day of Ocu)ber n t, at -the hour of twelve of the clock-, noun. Pic-Nic.—Aliss Long g7orth, the effi- J 0 11N - MACDONALD, Al SARTHIS LIGHT -HOUSE St-GODER
,cient teacher of St. Patrick's Ward School, 'Sherif, H. & B. gives her -little folks a pic-nic in er Sheriff's Office, Goderfc,h, HE SUBScItIBE11 wi,�hes to return tb"ke ClothiiagE oriu, 23rd June, l8tilb. W22 Tto ttCe 1xiblic for past favors received at their father's grounds this afternoon. They MP. hands, nod, wou�d beg to intimate that be is deter-
MARKEI SQUARE, GODERIC e is Hereby,GI mined to sell wa will, no doubt, enjoy it amazincrl Noti-c ven 9gons _VErp% -rPHAT application will be made to both cHEA-PF.R THAN F
Mo- A R those interested. in Cricket, and IL brain-ehes of the Lexislature of this Pro I will 5,611 y0it a waggolf c6niplere for to..
1 or
who are desiro of f mincr a Club in vince at their next sitting Ju have the town- in proportion. A-1.1-viork as or 4uh, and all other things -ship of. Wawatiost, divided ttv form- two EXCURSIO TO this town, are requested to meet at the YN- 'N w1wrapied,
seperatelfunictlWities, o be calleil .11 East gilve szko. Brhish Exchapge Hotel on Saturday W Wawa;nosh " tknd -."Nest Waman3sh," re- do F.atinIng de -to order..
kin of IMPI r ent8mit An& the Ist July, at. 8 o!clock, P.M.. spegtively, the dividing line to be betweed em S4 -1 -. hyti numbered twenty. se nd twetity-eiht A"GI-N se w1l1W" The application be-- made by petition. of Goodarich, Jail. 91h. 1865'. iW The general fuU Aresi parade of the unicipal Conn I -over -three hun ofr t c of -,-,the said 'the Artillery Company is -postponed till dred aild ninety he ele tors T - 9 T
township of 11"alvallosb. Friday evenin.- the 7th July, at 9 o'clock, :I$y order of tile Council... recise y. !AS SCOT, Tip Clerk- 3 WiLU LLAVE GODERICH W22tf A. 3L Ro' June 1 Lk. 1865..; _�DAy Ord day Ca'tain' On:, of July, THE: AFTERSOV_�!, AT ONE N ATIORTGAGIB; SALK -BztC1E NuTs.—We hav- PE ILEIR
e not, sden such With -the 1,.ir& Company from, GodetSah, and. 'OF -viiliing- to take a,'trip to a he"y crop. of. beech -nu for the past all; other pen., . z , . I inairto spend th.-WIurth orjuly., xaluable Prolperty A- b -kbn E, . DINGS 1 ten years as thero.,,Jis this season. The The will Tcrriv i Sauifidw. on e in t n�iai t'h--rougfi- UND )y virtuit 0 tt rees &rt literally- brown- With. them'— Tuesday mcir'ning. early, and re _ERnand, I t Power --of ule EATHER fIK
c0litai ed I I a Mortgage mate .y J (. -
Jdging'fronx appearances it will be an the day until thii-close'tf the eelebratioul'aild lounty 1)ftlj1�Townol*Croderjch.in the then, refurn to Goderi&.: en Dailey, Dw--KERR, J CO. easy matter to I keep hog,�.Orer t is of Huron, of thellml. part. - Atar.v Ell ay Ve �Xpeeied. h I,,; wi 6�,. Q.or the Purp of barring- her dir�ver), -Di- Time m. e A winter, ancl buyerswiii have to out nid part, tietimilt having been made in Passen-ers, tQ be p1quip-dy 'on hand at 3' of tile sect -sold'at. the 'GODERICH, G. W -W it' thedue payment lr,.ereOf4_wilJ be for beech-ulat pork. -Matket- o'clockp.m. -yeor At. �.Trueman, Auction'jAlart of C ge 'ARE for the round trip,,fibur doUqrs.- . quare, Goderichil-tin. Friday; the seventh, (701) W7 FebrUary 12.186I... -947W4 Ist,' 1865e. GODERICH,june E J uly, A. D. I b65, al twt]W...01'clo�k. John- CAPT. D_ COL 04 R&O iz..' Lot nuiiiber-(1309) wing propel y, v dred find-nille,'aud lot IqOTICB on 11 hun bUtle, Esq., e of our me.st successffil Goderich, 20thJune 1SG5. o e tilktisadd three 11 . umber (394) three hililtired 'and n inely-fiol1r, 'I"- .. . . - I I . I . 1, : I *,:- ... . . - I . I . - ., U , III i amateur jiortioulturists, _haK shaw.'a us the tou of Goderich. aforesaid.. under - ------ s tVis &ennot -of I
N DOXOGH take ut strai 'jomt FAIR A. -CO specimens of his TrollopetSVictoriL power. of sale be - .1 i IT- I -N berries that woul(i be hard,to- at; Ther[CA -10 Solicitor for Mori-agees. HV.L'4G0XT9XXlXED JON iof!ormin-� the public aat lie -has entered WHEiE, T -HE, into the ffotel business in thestand, formerly 7 P average, 4-t inches in . circumierence, arel k nownas the Falfir House, vlete he wilt -Clinton.' is -l''; ectly symmetr cal in sh I a e all& f viva of C L`0 S 1'N G be happy to receiye old friends and custornerd perf T—,-- I - I � V, p Divisdon Court. No' 1-C _U LARGE' e STOCK P liclous flavor. Commencing to. eat on�a of WHY iyE$_! I BO V11T 'a peach. BUSINES&A GOIDERIO.K.- them remiud,s one. of attackin- In I - , - Of Jul thie 10i wJLL, ON.- Appoi.yr iior V he)�,i itings of tile Thitrsday nexti. ther 4th- instant, Thaifk!a. kir ho! ' jin;� -the next '41, ON'D'v T01MA 11 zior(.Court at i�ayfield, ito-tead orthe i2th Commence to day I clear off the ivhole- oi their. large HURON AND -BRUCE. uly, a.� foriherl adverl ised. The. subwriber. takes this peans of J y and iluable'stock -of Dry Ooods, Clothing,* lind, W LL 'Wr loanea z thd firetnen and inhabi- t)-- THE SIG.,; OF THE LARG9. KFTTLE It. COOPER, 0-000 I n im
�publidy thanki ATE EL -.31OULDBO4RD PLOUGH Judge,11.4:B. It pr.)ved Farm. Propert Lgroccries, at. an 'TG I r $3
us eX,_ OWN$ MC IN'PRIGES's. tants of,Goderich, for'.- the strefino A real Thistle-etitter,.the best.I ever. had. It w'9 -4t TION 110ILT-O$. I HORACE #as the cost oxlly� Tune, 1865. *19t ertioifi whch, under' Providence, S_A_3EjJB4 Goderich, 2ia Nay, 1865. Godericb., Gth means of saving a jar, Fift rtion. of his - ID'ollArs ge Vropo een, -P- f-IWER OF�. SALE 1 N `DEft Cx0DEk1CH 74ill pTperty in this towa.� S.FOR $1. L r N K PA. GAGE.. IQ PT. AT IVE IMAli -kinds 91 JLUN it 1-4 —1- Y virt 'e' of a Po-wer of Sale conta:ned n 9* Sum o , agiLge Hiade by-Jrties McMahon of' w ty of He,, for gagina.- 'T tile towns,hipof Goerieli in theCoun P and Provia ce Of --Canada, (de-� V LL 1, uk- tioifi. off iheip. d Vy "U'Llt Go&tich, Tune 30 -06 itTerent kinds of
tlq�ri)n S: -de- in t1e due* haing. been mit ann6uncethat CaiA. Gole reattests us to, P101JGn=ejeol) Will - Der - Bola Oil fayment - th in order to land. his passengers in Saginaw A -the 26th-dav of Jull, T AV. Q. Wednesday, "65, at twelve Oct ck noom at the Aueflon in good time, and to enable them to -per- 0 AND CALST111% -e M rueman in the form as much of theJoarney as possible arv.of Geoi i� T town. of 'Kept rin h -Ind.' SEAPLE selli at a .0oderich, th6"following pio-iterty, that is'. to the Huroit WiU leave Goer- _GR Lot foui inv ich on 30nda Aownsbio of Goderich, in the OutitY Of' y P. I id -hand b EAT B y &.Tlight, 'say. -teen, in �ncession C the acood Seco, Hireon, containing �y admeastirement, ten re pr less. -Terms Cash. t8 Ev P A R -A T 0 FL. aefts of � ln:nd, me re- Veed under Power cdc Sle. -C:jp- Workmen have commenced and a )or would announcelo the ppbtiq M. C. -CAM14, -OX11 7101w soctiveIr en,-_mzed in the erectiprr of the Thre$hingr Xa6hilte ta -has' on biid- hathe
-Solicitor for,.V6ttgiee. of HurOARDA Bruce. t riew depot Zf th� Gre At Western, f rallway, -4,t 21 9 and will iiiake toraer Carriagex, With a. Piti!s Tem-H-orse -power. PRICE the footof Yopgeastreet Toroko. &L. whichill be soWeliesp- -'V.D -TO 0.1 V L. -HU VD - TE -v -PAINTING �edci.7 and Aw sal h Y 0X,6 RED,A edit. Ou hand 0is1l, or on';hort notice. apvro .boLLAR� for THN 31ARkETR. of' HE ob of Paintinz the fences, &c., of ill . e A. R- A N D A6o; On sale a lair.ge quantity T U T T Eit 8 ;a n d 8 C*dHS
W P" I 9 an KILingprt Crass-Seedw asaeld Catholic.Church, will be' let oil GolDrimicir, June 30th, 18 befor6 the 15.th'of July next. For partit or .tree o4erick $0:95, 100 hipro'16d 111rilip. Seed, utars a ply, if by letter postpid, to p 186P Fill L - I . do 1:06 A REV. ts" VN - oX.--L'iS5CENTSPEfL�VO % .......... eF on 0:40 Kingsbridge p.,6.' (a -in work 0:6. one mstilike mann 0.00 Qe -73 -Insol Veiit - i VAD ge Xettle, &4rt, Of ..0 10 er, the �Sign� ofthe Lar undersigned are 4h 'AT 8-,739 -50- Q4 0:00 Park -FO- 6� 6:06 Eave Troub*.anclall kiCis.-of Jobbing Ashfield, J186.5... v29*.3t 'IT
�C P'l I ...... ....... -35 (4� 0.40- oti 0, 0 -BA$E LINE9 creditors of �tljeL Wool. - - CLINTON VIE 0 0 6 f J. Y, 200 "' - E. SBAILL:g )DAVIS. lied to meet at the Law offic Tarkles, each 0-:45 �a,� 0.150c' Efivood, in. the VIlla;re of Clinton oa� Fri- I y 025-. 0.00 Clinton,. une 210 20th, IM) rteenth day of J X -the Fell do .-.* ------- lay lie I- at T el alckens, 1-4 paiii 6:20 �a�, 0-00 day twelve o'etockoon, for the purpose, of re:. B.. GORDAX; ....... premises. of Willialh 11licksil 0 ((�j Q:25 TRA 1) train the -1. 'his afflairs aqd of nam. U -11,00m _YE me 2 -TS.- 0:00 12 can., Colbornq, on ceiv�lngs�tate ts of AM% lot I 14id -green) -0:1 2!11, .4iturday, ibt� inst., A RA .7 'nee t6. whprb he' way, make; a I h.ttter ............. a YlviARE. snialli lfi,' an.assig. AT—T. eoo (( t undel; the abo- actl�l sh _n
ru a 0:00 der.. Any i T Potatoes, 0.45 idd;L11 oki off hind leg, iiore o French. wit 2-:00 ig berwill be § uf6rmitdon Kespectitg * BeD -X-1 'O R IN. G -0-08 C DA 2.1' -sultably rearded. Address %Vm Allin, J- Y.-ELWOOI), 0.3e I -Solicitor 6r-'NsOent.- forbid peisons 'Brut 4#1 V. ton'. �,i ..... 00:0& (4 16:00 Millar p. o. clinto 5td d' n, 20th Jurie, 1865. W8 3_ _3:X A6,M& 0�� U T I 0 N.�--Thi`s is to. otherwise ne-i NT'.AGT-a 1.864 VIURNS H1.3140,9TSINCIERETRA -1. he haf- ---Typej, 9 note 6f,ha6d:c -diters i�f tb u Pr%aw Flttmp#� nd6rsi;rnecT sife ifi- reoeiied..AjTici,, he commene -dollars, given by e n 'MI ie surn of tw rich, not beitig.ab e to execute next, fgrtl t:&v urchasirrg or zotiating IN SOILVt latterijig eai�.ouragemep
_UB D, y i,� I-Tcm ember 'for the. very i onling due qd. buinness'*Oode- erity k
r11ERR.kS iritim0ion had been given . to the unddrsigned in -favor of Robert ohn sLon. ll to -meet At the Law office. of M-� �-C- -rdirs e6- -bi& st seasorr;' %V1ug Own' of Goderich, ill th� the -w -itecured f -or -the Coun-eit that several cbeap ecursion Cameroli in the: T D. CULBERT,, P4ar 'no -.rhe note. li�s been. o er paid P- -Iff.. trip 'ilroad would Wx. HAMILTO-M. County of HuroN oil Monaay. the- Third tiay .50tithontptonf a vSteamboats and by R. ne 10ilij ftkeL plzcs� ort Tuesday, the, 4th' prt)x., a w22-31 186 k -in yi r 6 -.for the purpose of i resolutioilt was proposed at. a, sVeciat meet, fore- us , - olliorne June 22nd, 1865- of 3uAy, A. D. 5 at eleven'oi the cloc 'ng C I .1 receiving the rk(yo -Treata0111t the Coancit,L on Monday, -the 26tb I's 'held, -sale nts of hi.4 LendW'414,� Paris
Sheriff's of Lands dff-ai' and of natning . . I . . . - i DE 'to b ol; vi to Vyhoun _he,�may., make- an ndrnpi 91 , n�4,6. ut first-ciiis teddesmen i VM TLOR & SOM" tbe 4th prox.. it, . ser ed instj requesting assiguee -D llbelieves tiesof) y,virtue of a writ Anda -!LD IT, (iisexperience.4 jut a publie holkiaj, ibat tile inifabitants of the U nited Gouh " the aboie-act. , , , :. . , . _. . I � - #�
unty of second tp none,in the Province* avingearrie o [Jurou, and Bruce,. YJLA. FieriFaciasissbed'Out me VITfider C �DR-- JOH To wit County DatQd Ai EYmond- L 'of '.Town. of, Goderich mi;tfit-avail themselves tif )of ter Nlaie-AY's villa id the A en Ispensax7i 11-i 1965 bus-fne"exten.%Avily,and-,;cuee4qs6i'ulI ip Haintiton, Offileb SAM oppoirtunity thus aTored them of makfit, Co�rt ofthe United co-Inties of B uroii and. o, thisvighth �y '.anthaving be aid 3) in excarsionsatreduced pites. d to, me directed against -tbe-lands and tene- A. SMIT�11- �F�tjirjioneof theprinci�al Establi4hineii 411- _Ist� ci with the wishes ot the an t-4 OfElijah Fmvae� -at tile stilt. of William tp a GODERM X* L in sic rd en E !to NL, Hallburg , Srotland he' feafle# !Yfitalfes� co an n No. '64 it, request , seized an -d taken' in tha Council expressed by said resolutio Aldndge,f have , Solicitor for Insolvent, s'w82td di 014 P049 of the addefen- -At the- 4th ptox. be observed as a public aft the right,4 title and - inter"t th io'the sdtitb halt Of lot number twenty- HMG� "r VhrMAjr, COM tS, holiday f6r Wd purposes. CIDT da at in -.Ind of the towpsh.OL Of -CAN 3k. X - fi-th colloesilon. in th K& *,B -N Morris, in the-etIfirtY of beat JOHIT VK. DI fl-uron;� which. lands Spladd� Ni R A qual tothe - 'Psta4lish- , . . : - I - . . . �1' sale -at my at -hie- establish iptinte. uts and teneind Tor&ito, b or. -LO
offieeL 1[L tb;_. Courtfluse in ihe towu Of Goder- I�i ew w4O I T Dated Joni-, 2 7 thl, 186.5. swS td October codeneh-wOct.30 863 i()11NS0K,LA of fhe clocklo-on, at i1ste it. �TeUF L0NDCXED1X-_ next, at the hour of twelve b burgha Ote#7 let[ on Tu -dayt, the 'third dl# of LLY it L- d in No ,1A -G A J _I powi** z
e; T�Wrk: of- T itA,r rt E strayid, from j6la�j MAODONALD BGoderich,"being.park loi-, go 141 con. C., -D nd Farm, de*' t�";�vf 4hf -.t6 the T -& ll� cQntai the 18th in Sheriff', Lung 10 iiiires'of e celletit landi, With H ce. A in Erope. an Sheriff's I 111 -To d the British Colonieii, eisa es tM'-'
S Allell., on Sundal st.1 all!1a fall re rreilittib tb i iiO Office, Godgricki a iod Orchard of. c A, year about I 3.1 hands ch town, to white Wrd (tin bdarin,&., 4 i6l.ge F 0 Four and -half miles from Goden BV Marei s old whiti��-sma.0 mW hind, 1oot cilities OF LANDS1' at beinE.041- oad Ab9l -4 -with: the
voten her -forehead black'imine'and tail. ST&V�RJFFIS SLALF.- CkHouse .of Lot,14,�.'-32 Eapt Like VP W0. dies aresuch" W1"fg1K:"%T *p&Wence,
oreyBri- invoilwoUthe 'Whoever wiR, give. information to the ttn-, Two& -ACRES moudWebraited7phy Adf A" eso y Wi a. *rlt of 11 one R.T. e, sax p eed Unitc&Countl irtbe. of W ih st :3 fe u nkdw- W 0 4 A denigned 'wher mare an omExponas and BORIC and perfectcur%4_ Huron. ani B 6di and other out -buildings. Factas, for residue-. Barn,- Stabbe., Sh reason. -IFIRSLT - ATE -,L IS instrue e 'Toomilla tGrundy, (Abe win be suitabl*rewarded. To witt Fi&i able AM). - t by- Mr. W19AX,-1*. r- Ala bole will Ve s6t& on - erins i�susd out cf Ht jestyls Cqunt� Couri, The w i proprietor) to 6611 bi, Public-- Auctiont - ed, 111 rslsioie. io A VW sboh t, JEN1. ISON 0 of the United CLOU . I)tIW Apply to I'ch, o4i of Ruion -jud -Bruce and y to'. in Goden 2. Tp�, U Ha�.yI.-Joh - -66s Mills h �!qnds iind tenement, of jA: Terms� easy i:w Sale Roo alt%,�,ho are inilicteff 'WAW N-grVOUX to Me diret;ted against t e WRLAXD. ra lZar.Jun 21,'1865� David oillie 'TAKE 07 a Di*trict on- tbL_ H OF A VAT0 & �illtof the Hu he THASE)kY T E 8A DAY premise4l.or Ju jj-],Sth� 1865., coniffie-'n-c'ng`�it w22*3t s, at the -qelzed and taken, in- premises. 6-W Buildin- 50c, -have -. w2l'Im on t .12 IT, ST. GODERICH, Nqyg at W10010
.1 'Goderi 14 N,:, S . . ted I
and -l''of he i ivil hal.lit 61teri conttae
ntere. W, z
tne'. k-krilt, title inri wbi&#raw up. with"th
id petendant in aid td lot an towushi U Kin- P W1441 _t .1 Next dooi t OfMr. Stotts'&ddl0y, eflecti; � of tb" eig - Ilractievg 1111104,4000mfJes In Ilie,%CCOrld J�One -4"Wn Of 1haL her- twdittv-fou 1[ __ I -ettblebm REMOVAL* ,a 44i G often protlucT.4
Goderich That.� containing Q e JLL KINDS OF in - the Couittk 04. Bruce, afflipted should I which lands ad, le&,t d bZdred. iaercs� mom or Xilicardine) Road, MID S, L AL ipectly ]to& Derlea imre" I . I ww , Y pindloext e tenements I tzhall offer fo* sale at my b(fice in the Being- N; of Lot 8; Lake 0 LOCKS AND AWEUI If cc r ip,�;bf Oolbora% WATCHES, Z 0 -doll Book Store ae,-luthe-TowhotGoderich2on ues t W: a 0 MOF.A. T�vidsh. _B.u44 s"
0 Court Hou X�SAPRT�XOVCS'-' S2"_1DtSz&szS Tim J UIV lieXt, atLthehdur 4 add h4if miles ARAOBAW02 H LILU 7 t' IV efttv_llfthL day, of, 1aCttnat_1h#U*an& ail
ore or .-day hin K e a -0 unskilml and improver ase se owing
t he Vo i41, Me. to the'
of ill receive ,.,ftb�
clock, noLon. tend frorn 5orlirti6b.... 6w beirt—tal 'olinsolet vorApotifha SY
and Mool - stationei kcrlov.ALD abovb� 164mptt. kin o -IVP JOHN M , , I tuw: me r oftneUnN
or tW�Kitldard . h _rb6gbly erad
up-,tu the rsi J.uiy nex� for g, ort Wilt tb,r Au disr.asto iddrig fiWa isAeriffH 4-B.- BINGO, 'iySj�r'jeyOjfOwardGM'TAin 6 a n3mgs AL ir M Petfoleum, alid !Salt iii Oodek-idli. "Canada. :BIN--- the _C66n )god. Smedies
-rodericb, 16,111t NACreS a dii sheriff 26 ofitce,,C ()n tbe InIPA J*WR1r)N,iF_*!� nw22,..' 'he depth*� of one thousalid -feet. with. -aria-Abe xAceJw#r*, t -to� t e .23rd i�ith. 'Mr;�D- us shroug" cont e purn r The d1to e asrep ad from lo. provide itilt milARriulis a'fid 'G made- arrangemefil's 1 ieverf&i1lnqAwiek_:ru clocuot 'C-9 I I I 01 Aft Vomm HR-U� begs. to- notify his friends rTAVIN alL re"Wed rhe jnd"d;r�te 9' ine4 -constantlyotibi lions A&revsed Dr. Ch, re- A Af�: 1 -IRA: &c ,for; eagiue.--v er. from !he lot.; 2 go 4cre_ IQ?_� anevre(andid. that he hm' ()W* 12t:
lUok.-bitittl r ad '04 L.W611S f
�"T to. bk�etlt ',returned- r4 fn -111 1111OUL as. F., j6ha. "
L FU U 5 .) � - I- ir, (wlio has y US at 64- Jutilte M.Atmes Book Store to the well-kDW fily Uutr fodt, i6thor t6rillF Stektionlo good frAme Do C 'renders to state the al�i6< Pei D,__Xtock, - Qj �Bra-dliig and ith &-largo, j0denih ;nly Vt�. 1$"L luloved phila -lphia,w, of W --------------- he site of 'the boie. k he cro witbou 4tand on Albert treet., Clinton, formerty: t-tubmg, and I witli h spresumed . will- ield t
'AVG -U- _witriux -p Decupied by J :In tU inatter of EDW E Operations to commence byltheL -all kinds. iiMAII&AYIii S;,,L rorra�j k, Co., ho ARD F 20th of July 9ok of g wbie t n _UOL il a Der cent che -49r0w,,1.1 ticluded-in; the ale o i0 MAY 802 At 0 fi�l� earms
-.wi - be happy to, trait upo 76a7n enderA to 6e..addrelsed to ut priftt�d- Headinqxi� at . . . . . � I �P!T� io e CONTRAOT -of ehopping'atia cl an. L' Will the land, A�0. Title A Ten.serps, on *4 -BIT&M itow, 11'all wh Nr. the Fit(* of woui tOn, 'neit� T -liatt T6rontd cd, *pr . - 8 AND,
Avor jtim Merchai BOOT
With ealL in the, lCounty Pf -Brucc,. JOHN -V- DRTLOA' action ;1 sent pKoprietor. pfovisboAl-Presiden f curge. HNZUT be LEI&.' -,i�$600 f the purchase t. re0aire(Iffet 0 _vj Oodeeldh.. A to
ftmft ftorekeepers',� -InsoWn la WesC T . . I & _CL -To op'SALt Gpderichil, 081344 sw46*21 Mortgq for _years ; y of TrL ifii-d solvent are 'lot W10ta - a HE ciedttors C� , 1, .. tiemain.on particulaxj�y inyiW tainapect,W#rge dericli, lune Are ] jaw oflice of Fre to meet at ilte, baldiice lilt J�rk 1644 1060- T td illage. of li2otd- ozlyffl) z
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jr, a. M C Soultiampton on-Thursd4y,the twentieth day L SCHOOL BMIM & -of.Xal nextj, f -or, rim oundto be as low in price r W5014iii, i or W Gov Nori Whia wilt & enma Wand Fldbt, Jmes CaToronto, `aoirei `AqfP%L �_W to ,spo .deMrOUS_OJ_- Wholesale 0er- public'exami4atiOn Of the. IL ist1te t h' -on by the underAgn ith obtAincils- siv A Y P Cedrior I OU forehe a oo= thaft of Q r. &RTI J
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tarloneq, -tile 14th iving L Such h k'I be'strppl " �w may, IM5. MI led. to-ilt Y 41111IRt 00 information as T_Q Godericli� lath, T__ naaoAl at.18ouibampt g - L -_ ;.�_A . . i-. hirlimilvingto A191 __n A T T_
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