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Semi-Weekly Signal, 1865-06-30, Page 1
e'.•: ( 1 ,• 64, 7,, in Ilse' et..1;..ne 1864, 11, Mart, 41f IVN *AV the. t. f2'.VX•rt “y • # CE. t:t.tf of . • 18N. Unt'sti,E-r• of .z • the;;tider Lt t`vart; s... ti.e ..t. te ti.e• s •-i t .1; t.e14(.* of t ti:e d's. T..-`k,liZI) " i*.ve:D.ra gyVITT n. r !Safe (-cm, • : y Wh-tatts Coui,ty • E r .• t. t.tr ▪ p s f s.avy•c.• .t - - tt', rot lc, • L, t nutuber its .t-a:d -.... • :Le. 4•C•D Lt.: 1 •ae...res‘ L. --re or Lands of Fare-- t.v ots the - Z•• t r P• artizot- , : ▪ t.ee ia Nttr-, t., 7 t hatitng t.e " sevezetli . ; • • '('�fr. • • r. .1••1* ratfe.tter L' street sir ;',.•••••.;E. t.itsrty • r, hear.: date, 1.t41 on the ',•`• ,••tst. I, :it tf• ki*Dt.0 te'..aety .1% rVrt'.-Cat ; • r • r • •t r wer tit . • • • . e' CI Lan.dit " • or a Writ or, UtU: 53ri: :E;d te e- , t •TI:r of tlic • 4 rL 1 have ht, tale. rct au; to the tt.e tL.e toA Of r: watf4,t.tritt* one tt EE.ent-. 1 shall rr• t -1.144e„ •••::a1,*. te first day or ts.cale. of- tliet % DONALD. • r.tf 1/.3z;B. w t • OP LAND' ST'. v'rtite of a Writ of er 12-xias issued lk'NitaCestyfse`ounty :•#.•s (Et klitr..n and grace, 7•1!: tix lands arid tette- '•• PE.e .str,t ot 14xiliarn E i;E•Es- E.D eNeeedien aI !_,E -,,,Es -Et -ate Ident 9z,E2 eel -incest -eon_ 200 acres; viaage- 1n1 - l; ;et, containing n e 1 shot/oiler for ; t trie town ) .• tirstL yof AugnA • !Le, c-:eirk, noon. OP L.P,....NDS. Sheriff, H.& B. - wit c.rtne of a -Writ or vi Pions issued out Siniesty"s vonoty. c,f Dump and Bruce tk-I-an& arid terie:, at 1::t• Of A:ex. -vizt-d act' ,taken m intitgeNt of the r riar:ster mite, irt the .e owir-hEp 01 Wt1.04 iagle* and at any office in • OA •Vay2, next* at t•ta noon. ' :71F.A.CDONALD, St:Ptifi if. & rrLif. • ..veto heip. ta - • C. CAME.RW. • ts6t. -.)swiet 13u.c.iint5s ijicectorn. 13r. • ..1lc.I.3ou BE .1T IIONIE FOR CONSUL- ' V !alien up lo 11 o'clock. a. m every day. Wid s -t patient* at any hour atterwards, night or day. Cr. C. Shrtnzion. 041.544 f' AN% s1EON, itc.• .kc.. GOD- ER!t-11, y Thos. W. ltle•I..essis. 'AL 13, pFlYSIC. 1 A N, -SURGEON. Aro.. (Late" Honse Solt -eon . Kingston Hospital).- _ Orricr.-At Arthur's Boarding Roust . fsw60w91 • Godurieh,C. W. 1)r. LA" F STNXLEY--7C LINTON. HU RON Road. )1r."cpwanes's former Store • July 1, '62. DB. -WORTHINGTON, - -EsiiVAeLA.N,. SURGEON, ac., will at - 1. tend, p1nts-Eliot:1y. to diseases of and surgical 0 h Petatini upon the eye. „ iib‘vtoc Irt.11-4,6E, Dee. La. T862. _ fvr47-iv arm_ lueltris. _ . A. ItRISTER A':[) rilts.)TtNit17-.E.VD- -1-.1 Law', and SolteifOr-in-Chaneery,. County Crown Attorney, Goslertch,!..:an adaWe.st. t since n. Cour tifouse: . • v14a-10 C.:. Cameron; JQARRISTER, AT rottNEY„; CONV EY - LJ a-Neta,..tEe .Kingston streetPoderteh, C.ANT ixtelnix• "S.Arstiker, ARRISTERS, Souorroas, - cm\-- VEV tNCElt, 0.1ice, over the Suite of J. V. Petior Soo, Goderich: irenr.y. kaRIS rty,i3NE - - LAW ' Notaris-Ei &e.; West. 1...4treet.Goder . John l'Iremistarv. Bt \.I' r0R' F.:17. SOLICITOR An Chancery, „te Oqice. Market Square, Corner at Kin_zstore Street .Goderie h. 9:42 Sdc 'Vat t erson, IQ ARM -ST EaS, ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW, Li Notaries, • Conveyaneers, te Odiee Me Kay's corner, West Street, Gout:Heti; 9:42 • .Joilua I. (Jecerdort, • A TTORNEY-AT-hlw, 'WLICITOR IN ' Mowery.. Notary Pubhe, Conveyancer, Zte.,tekr eh, Catuida West.- Odiet,ou b South sEtle of West :Street, the rddoor from the E.,5quale. • • NIrtIlieiyre, 1.r A TTO:INEV- AT -LAW, SO 1.10ITO R. IN- ' I. Chaiteere. Notary Pub: ie.Conveyaneer,&e, G iderich, G. over H.; tiard iner & Co's H erdware Store. vian29- 11.011.0Y tit Lena on Real Property. 1.41-1`ade ,A TTORNIV, LliLI0P • te, GO -we- -fa. azon,O. 1.7p Stairs Watson7s 13loelc, West St.; eat RanceFirst Door west ;el Glasgow Rouse. - -- • 'Moms; .9.•!. - A TTORNIE`;. St ' G ode neh, C. W. Othee --.G.R.A.BB'S NEW. 11A CC TONV.'„ LEACI•z C. "VrOoRE. tooderich.Anzust 27th, 1864. sw1.03w3-I 14. Tanyte, 3. EY: SO LIG! E0-1? &a. OFFICE Crab' s New Block, a -ode -rich, P. W. vI5swn5ly AND HITRON AND BRUCE A_DVERTISER. _ W. T. COX,Elitor and Proprietor. "The Greatest Possible Good to the Greatest Possible Number." $2.50 PER ANN. IN AD GODERICIII C. W., FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1865. 1VOL. 3 4NO 87 Business Divettorn. North British' and Mercantile Insuranct _Odiee in Xt. Gordon's -Law Chambers. JOHN IIALDAN„ Jr, I Goderich. October la, ist3. . S. P. YEOMANS, - S OLICITOR IN CII.k.NCERY, ATTOR- . Itxv4 ztarsitir, morel-a:Item, &e.---Otfice afer the -new Post Office, Goderich„ song • . . - J. F• CASSADY; al. D., C. , (Cisailitate,ci(...11eqdt eisiaege...Moutre4.1.) lORYSTeraN; sultirEoxi _ couciteua. Oifitte-At the Division Court • Office, thingannon,C. W. wl 7 1F_31.wrood, BTEA,TTOBSEICi CONVEY: aneer,&-c, Clinton. osie--at'essr doors- north of the Post OM -•.e. itIONEY TO LEND. WilltnaTt 'Frane-r, i'VTURNIlt--‘17-1,1W,. SOLICITOR IN -Okruiziery, Conveyacer...45:c. Watheetan, a I. 01 Bruce. v-I6nt5yly Frederick Proudfoot, .A.111.14S:rEtt, • ATTUANEY-AT-LAW, 1 Gov-vers.Ncea, Noraxv.rtnit.icoke. zioutha.aptfel., Lto-. Bruce. • j.v42-6in* JOHN BRETT, _ 511.e.e4-Tron, and Copper Smith, EGIVI_ON'DVI.LLE, C. W. Stoves, Cultivators,- &o., for Sale. ' Repairing Done at Short Notice. MARINE INSURANCE. British ,imericau Instira rice Co OF TtilIONTO, .Marilie Department. . GEORGE RIDIRALL, .Agent. Goderich-, April 2.5.tte,IF65. • wiBtf British i.kimericanAssurance Co. .FIRE & MARINE. JOUX ESSON Azent. Dayfield„ C. W., April 16, w12 D,- Wilson Ross, B. A., ATT ORNEY' AT- LAW, 13 SOtiettOrlf1;Chancerv, Notary Public, Gen- eral Laud Agent, &c:, &C., Kincardine. 'oil n ty vlS W12 -1v - Bruce. • • . . • SOO. - MAITLAD.ROTEL, GODERICII Business ;1.3irectorp. aVritk,r4 LasurOce. Comp'.ny FIRETA.ND LIFE. 'CAPITAL -TWO . MILLION DOLLARS. Accumztlaiecl Funds Othancl,$5,000 ,906. 'Annual Income Exceeds $;500,000.. :Lt_ME liisurancei-ef1&etedatjthe_40 *Z52 L" RATES consistent With safety. • HOSE:ER, PitOPRIETOR.. THE -Li. above is Most pleasantly situateden an' emu, ear e 120' feet high.. overlooking the Barber and Lake Heron ;,-good Oretiards, Gardens and Rural_Walksrtached. Board $-t perday TeahJr tred .25 cents. _ ' v-15n1,0vIv • TI.staisaaie Alreailterockl. EN-ilf.TERlir .1 ".0 PR{}VINCIA.L Ci.vJar..„.14 lAurvevor. Office and Residede, Jia atIton Street, Gotie - • _- v15n.3 t YROVINCIAL likNO SURVEYOR A.ND 1. Enginee , Clinton -July 1, /61. o CtV IL ENGIE-11. NSAND SlY-RVEYOR ki Laird: A6,-ent and Couvepneer, fcrneardinc • • .EsS- ARCHITECT, otANS AND t-l'E.-ttl1ICATION-3 of Budd - L iags, &e., got up.in a neat anti correct style. t r• 0.44:e at the- Raton' Auction Mart, King on Street.Godertch. - ISY/ 1171311r epWISINWS, losenimmollmilma CI -.31 11771-Z.LT _A. IN . LAND ACENT,' • 3Ctrket•Ekluaxe, Goderkh. !re ;its GUNTON every Wedaesday,fioni it:m - t 11:.; ' • 01:10 D A. 77 sl HOTEL,. _ WROXETER . 1 6 situateci,on the Gravel Road running from I. Sealarth to'7-outhampt0n, one mile north ot where itleads otrto Wroxeter, add anyone tray - m., to - , el B.amoref Walkerton., Southampton, or any place iio t hat diractic 0, wi•t iir.d accommo- dation sueti as he :only-expectsto ii ad at first class eitv hotels, to all respects:. ICE ALWAYS ON HAND 7 Olt ilIS Trout -i ishing - Friends! THE BrIft.DINGS COTER, A.LENGTH OF - A HUNDRED IND FIFTY FEET! CHARLES DAYS, Proprietor. LifilusurancC -Ample Security, LARGE DAVITS AND RATES LOWER THAN; MOST ENGLISH-OPFICES. ' Losses Promptly Settled Without Refereno:. to a Board ofDirectors; CHARLES PLETCHER, • Agent. Goderich, May, 1S64. , w15 w.16-71 -Conatnerciatillotet 41.W JOHN HICKS, Proprietor. This is the largest ain't best Country Hotel in- Western • GODERICH.-_ IMARBLE. W.0.10S,114. C.,T E L. E.A VEN Canada. a ndi charo•es ino.derate as :tar 1-1*ise in Mitchell. !Stagg Proprietor. • Gned wahlnigtOr 100 Horses: Horses and Carriages for. Hite1On :tieSilortestNotice . 14t7- E r1X-Sr_17 X1,717_. - Dr: P it -E L r..s.,. 1. . suRGIcAL 4 REGEB.N1o4 - i .1./N•st1F.-r, (successor to T. -B. MOat- gotacry,)thouenelt, C„ W.., . .; Rooms. oVer-ittr.t. Tordan,is briiiStore January 13thi.t86.5. i'vratt-vly . _ • :CABINET. WARElifiliSE rHODISON &HAZLEHURST - . • = Ttioxsox,) - A notion & Comutission .lierohantst Cameron's _Mixt-, Kingston. St., Goderacii And, next Door to -Strong's Hotel 14, 0 it •L‘ 'ALES of Household t/ood•-:, Horses. Waggoni,. &c k every__ saturday. at ution. Particular attend -au visa The ate of Batik -opt Stock, Farm :...;tuck,kc.k;ashadvaneedottgoodileftomeonuntssion. Goods appraised, debts collected, landjord)e sari -ante eeeetned,regageeforeelosed, honsesrented, Division t`ourt Rasreessattended to. Salevatihi:13,taneh Ape - t Nituoisei,fordh every Thursday- (Istsintr Salsa-4We `rata ta_on, reasonable tern*, &clench. .1 lily 12th. I Sst- • w22-1yr Niorsouo•au, •1 :TOWNS -ED AUCTIONEER;BAYFIELD, County of name. Sales in, village or country .panctuallyattendeilto. we-lvr$o • _ irinctypy, _icEss.Eb A.UOTI0NEEk tocIIITEON --11.4 and latiturao. Sales punctitally attendettia. :Address ;BodWrnp0. . vro.0-1yr$o-: _ . . •F, • I, • 171napts1 F .- Tombs, Tablets; Table- - Tons, &c. t.) -= = •=s GOpEFOCH C. © rr. .cr,3 (T111. OLDEST‘I'..1 TELE OUNTY. ". -D. GORDON, 7 _ °AXON 1L-1. AND UNDERTAKER Manufactures ana nasnow on hand a complete assortment •01 Furniturei at his Wareroot7, WEST', STREET,. _GODERICli,. SLYER Sofas, Bureaus, Tables, Bedsteads, ITa.ir\,\ Cane and Wrorksbated Chairs, Gilt Moulding od• .ld Looking glasses, jn variety, ot Home Manafacture and ImParted ! ! • - Tr. q•Ailii:alwais on hand a complete- as- sortment or t1UFPINS Also, HEARSES TO IIIRK; - - - -. Lurliber and Cordwood taken in ex- chattge. for' Furniture. - Goderich. 27thOct" 1863 w27 • ,; • ' ohn Ca.rapbett, * (1.ENER xi, COMMISSION .GENT Oemmissienerm Queen's Beach, tor taking aStdavits,Conveyancer,drc.,&c. Otliceon Broad way,,VillazeofKincardine.P.W. . 9:9 Peter WEI-me. ORMARDLR A N D COMMISSION' hierchara,ixvicannsorr, C. W. iotesand Accounts etillected.: Btisiimmits of any 'Iond-en- tasted to hini will receive proMpt attention. . . w40-1VSesx siolus TiLionft 11103L11110SEPINIE1INTR COMIT OF 1411 kept a•Tarni ind-rown-lourtorflide; part, ilea having lots for sale, or. desiring to purchase anti pleats sand full ptut..eufars„ _ Dunsannonateb.20.1057: kluEROBERTSON, • Business Otrettorm :DRUGS, DRUGS PI. xe-.)i=1.7.:),..A.iv., .(Suec4esorto.B.B ,Reynolls) Medic:RI- Hall, Cogrt-HouseSquare ;Godes ten 613PENSING • CHEMIST 78p - DRUGGIST , Dcalerin,and Importerot G--,EN_UINE DRUGS • Cheinteeds, Perfitin el 7/, "'oath, rind INTail •13ra-she-a I ! PAINT52.0.16,.COLAS, DTA STUFFS, -- HORSE & OLTTLE iv EDI E S CAM:1EN SEEDS. AC•I &Cs Ordersfrom Medical men punctually attendeilto at Lowest Trude Prtees. • - .. .B. -Physicians Prescriptions carefully dis- pensed. • - Goderich...Jan .10. 1558. • 49 • t LIGHT! LIGHT LIGHT! 41111•1••• ROCK. &COAL OILS, Burning Fluid, Lamp Oils.' [For Sale by - F. JORDAN. Goderich, San. 17, 1bb9. - 50 THE ITV:ERPOOL at. LONDON. FIRE a LIFE1NSITRACE Co. ' • _ Czintal,, £2,000,000, Stg.; Aeemmtlated Fund, -• $5,671,726., • Brittania Life Assurance Co. ofLondon. _TT-1HE undersignet havin gbeenappointec Ag_en t for t e above highly respectable Companiei,iipreparento aecept bOth Eireann 1,..tterisks;at moderatt ratesoi premium. • , M.ROSS ,AgeE'. Goderich Julltst 1hp9 .• I 2n2f. - NEW MARBLE WORKS . Main Street, Eieter. D. & A. IVI'CONNELE. MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, Posts, arc., of every description and style of msorkmanship, furnished OD short notice, and at the lowest prices. Liberal reduction made tor eash. ILL ORDERS PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO De.signsof Moninuenta &e. may ba seen at the shop. Exeter ' October 1st 1S64' ' eN • • of w12 -1-Y , FA..01.•FPR,.$AVE, LT OT 3, Coo - mile trom Wr .311one:to-Lenai ON. very reasonable terms. Apply to L: DaYL*, 6Crabb's new Block. Goderith, 9th San. 1865. w50-1yr - Township of Howick, 4 eter, on I N CONSEQUENCE oftlie death of11Tr. M. M lt. WEATIZEILA:LD. the business heretofore carried - on ander th... name and style of - • Robt.. F'OTYNDEIL S, mist be closed on pr:before, tb;.1 • THE GRA -{E -L -EPAD. Log liCute nd barn; _ 92 ACRuS,28\CLEARc.D. Apply tO • F. W. THOMAS, Egg., t. M. < Goderich.. Fel) 28.1864,„ \ wwfittWg1-tf, - - MMlt RI • ANUFAUREL.8,,,S1311,01`.;NS aline or -4,4,,4,Gy. SiMit AS Bureaus, Sofas, Lounge's, Bedeteadarn -endiess variety, Wardrobes, 'Book Vases, Mattresses; CenterTables Dininz Tables Breaktast TablesToitet ; Tahles, Wash. Stands:Chairs, and many other -articles toanumerousio mention. All kinds W01:313 './1-111111.1NTIN et- Promptlyattended to, UR1OLSTERY.,111 allits - - branches. -UNDERVAKING,, &c. Mr- E. resVeetlully invites an examination or his totock. Warranted to be of the beet ma- terial and workmanahip,and at gmailv redticed prices. dalland compare, and be sat -stied before aing'eStewti -t---, - 11• OardwOodancl all kIndses -leirmeeirioo < ducetakea in exchange, • irr ,Wareroom on Elgin, Street: rt_ ,. .2 Godertclt. March 24th:- 1863: . 8W59 • B..X.ADE TO ORDER, 1ST DAY OF APR IL 1865 All parties indebted:to the above firm are here-. by notified that all notesand beak aecounts over ' . due on the ' 1st clay of FEBiY-next - will- be handed to their Solicitor for collection .The stock on hand Will be aoid*- •- r.Acyw- von, cAsii. OR SHORT CRFIAT, • rt.consots of a large assortment of Ploughs.; Culti- %rotors-. HS rrows.Blra vi Cutters. THRESHING MACHINES , „Pot -ash and anger -kettles, waggon and pipe : boXes,_ • . .Cookitig, pailor & Box :Stayen good '-second-hand • • and a lot of trittehmery ioe _Grist and Saw -Mills. All parties requiring, the above articles would de well to call and inspect the stock at once, as they well get barg,ninst M ILUNCEJAN. • Oppolite the Market.. 1111w Altkinds of rerliiing4 done reasonahle tertes;:tdCO 41-ederiels, Angtitit 2n, 1864. L . Inieferencelo the above, It..B.uncitnan will be prepared to carry on the busineas of, I'HF HURON VOXINDICY and Minima for the erection of 'all kinds of Ma chinery as usual, and will. Simply 401111ICEivriivAL IMPtEMIENTS SiOVCS and i5a$ing,at reasonable lates,forCA.SH crshort. cred,it• _ • Goderich.Dea.21st. 1864, • " sw32w48 y:.:ptices,try...the. - 1 British PeriOdicals . J . - VIZ: " I TIIE LONDON QIIARTER4Y itrivinvv".; •• Conservative.) 1 •T tiE E DINBURQII RE %Trim ON) hie./ THE WIST111INSTER REVIEN i(Itadical.) - THEO NRTHBRITISH RE .IVIE1 .(Pree-Church) AND rtt ' BLIP ACKWOOSEDINBURG113 GAZINt(Tory) The American f abli4he; s continue tb reprint th e above named per d cii .-i, burns the cost tifpripring has.chnib-led; the price ofraper nearly trebied.and nceeidutiesiicenses, ete.,largelyincreased they are compelled to t Advance their terins as follows : . z . 1' ' . - TERMS FOR 1865. 1! orally one ot the 'Reviews'........ $4.00 per anutitir For any two. ot the. Reviews-........ -1.00 " For a»y three of the Reviews...-. 10.00 " (For an four oldie Reviews .........t'2.00 !I For BlEtelo:i•ood,s agazine.....„... 4.00 For Blackwood and one* Review... 1.00 " For Blackwood and any two of ;het Reviews - • 10.00 " • For Blackwood and three of the Re- VieWS a" • ..• • For Blaeliwood andthe four Reviews'415.00 " sll".liApeongbtaegl. ill the British Province willremittultddi•• ; don to these prices twenty-four zents year fur Black- wood and eight cents -a year for each Rriew to eover the 11. The workswill be printed on a gTiatii, improvat quality If:paper. and while nitirly all Amerit• a Pericalicals are either advanced in price or -reduced size -and very generally both-sceshall continue to g ve faithful. copies of all the matter comained in the t rived editions.- Rence2o ar present prices will be foin d as cheap, for the aunount e)finauer funds:lied. as those • f any of the com- pethig periodicaLsin this country. ROfftilj. • '6 Whip-poor-WM.77 . tsuppoi!a to be translategt trots en eriantatAptimsnt.1 Half way between my bumble home _ BruhmapPootra Henbanes domes • Perch'a bough, at twilight's t With loud, shfill yoke. earnestAli 21-1 A little bird with Intiy 1111 . compared with the cost of the original editions•Which 1. at the present 'premium en gold would be about OM a year. our prices ($15) are exceedingly. low. Add to :tins the fact that rke make our annual pale tents to the British . Publishers for early sheets Mid copfright in gold -0 costing us at this time pan.. 18651- nearly $2 50 111'cur- rency-and we trust that itt the Beale We have adopted we shall be entirelyjustified by our subscribers and the reading public . The interest of theso Periodicals to Ainerican waders ' i* rather increased than diminished by the articles they , chniaiii on our, ellen War, and. thon-2;h sornetimeS tinged with prejudice', they may still. consnlering their great ability and .the different stand -points from which they are written. be read and studied with advantage by the . . 'people of this couatry, of every creedud party. I - The Four Reviewsfor 1863.- - A few copies of the above vernal zon hand. and Wi be sold at $5 10r the whole our. or $21for any one. We also publish the - GREAT 'WESTERN BAILEY. Freight for Ports on East Shore of • _Lake Huron, THE FAST SIDE iv HEEL STEAMER MOO " Bonnie.aggiet" .. • CAPT.-D. ROWAN, .Commander; will run betrieen SARNIA; -AND SOOTAAIPT011 - (Weather permitting) twice each week Until further notice Leaving Sarnia ,every Monday. and Thursday morning calling at Bayfield, Ooderich, Kincardine Inverhuro, PorfElgin, Southampton. litReturning will .leave. Southampton every Widuesday and Saturday morning calling at above ports., •• Freight by 'this route can',-' be delivered quicker -than by any other; and at-rafes. to suit -Merchants and Shippers. ' For- freight and • passage- apply to W. Seymour it Co., Agents,:Goderich ; -Robt. Campbell, Agent, Kincardine James Burwash;Agent, South- ampton: • THOS.= SWINYARDI -W.ORR, -• - Freight Siipt.i-Eastern division, Hamilton. -; A.LARGE QUANTITY OF BLAOKSMITIPS COAL t-. _. ON. 'HANI5 AND P0,14, :sA.XJ.:' A.tthe Wharf,;.: -tam, lath/BALL, • Agont. G'9‘.4derich, May 29th, 1865.. T8! _ FARMER'S OU'IDE, • By Ilssur St -Ernest. of Edichurgh.Ond the late I. P. NORTON. of Yale College. 2vols. • R yal -Octavo, 16, 0 page.sand nemerous Engritvitigs. Pale E.$7. for the two volumes -by Mail,postPaldl$13. LEONARD SCOTT & CO., • • • -Publishers, No. 38 Walker.St eet. New York. 6* 4:2011137: TINEbiarL5r:99 r OT5 8 and 9,'renge 13, in the 'township of stantey, $20 per acre; south 90 acres of lot 29. Lake Shore,,-Aiiiffeld,16 per Ore; East 2.5 aciel'oftrnifb ettatuilt quarter -of lot 2 tit ine Aehfiei.d. SI Per Ref :and 20 .Town Lotsin Godenelr, price 430,0atinch, ann p wards. tkpplyto - mos WEATIIERSLD, Oonerreh w34 NLARGEMENT , tondon Fening Abutter, • • ^ ; 7 28 0 Paper keeps ever harping .0 Wkip-poor-Wiill"- To warn me of some threat'ning id, , Incessant ,harping " Whip poor:Will Pi . ' Some dark malignant spirit's plot 3 Would sicken more my earthly lot -- Would croncblike panther in thy pail!' .1 Or lull me with a .iampyres breath i . • Whilst We; good little angel bird,. With sympathetic zeal inspfrA , , Keeps harping out his warning still, '- That folnie--One ibetths to "Whip-p6orWillr To guard nie 'gainst soMe threeniug ifir Incessant harping " Whip-poor-Will:"..1-:-1 Good gook since I was horn prnowi. • ' Some Are and forty yeah; agd, For Etior, Sin, _ or relly's &lift; ' - 31y ehaStisement ne'er seemslo halt -I -- And often, for no crime at all, - I've bad my stripes, and drape of kalif - Bat, trais,, Jet Fate her joke full: It seems her -sport to "V hip.poor-WW1 ' By fore device, or knavish skill, She see s intent to " Whip-Poor-WM• " . Who. c n it be who, means to gasit* My bo with the 'cruel. lash.? Whose and invisible would urgb' . • - . The force of this_impending icourge/ Who would my spirit doirnward treadj And rob my children of their -bread i Who haunts me as a folded snake; - • •..: To slime -my path with poitt'aqus- slate t Ila -1 Brahma. Pootra Henbane stilt . . - Insidions plots to " "%nip pook-"Wil,1 il.i,. ' His yerioni'd,nature crouchiag -still, By denton Wiles would 't W•hip-poor-Wille. feasts at regal board, Re o no glittering,equipage, Aso Ile sel in • ,, 'Tis tr e. Will ismo startemui'd lortft Be treads no 'menials in his', raz,ei His territorial range, is small Just tenpoorneresithat is all f = I - - - . THE WITNESS is abatit to enter tin its 20th ` year as a candidate for:public laver -on the Saine Principles; with whieh it ..et out i its min beingiufuruisb gocel reading matter, Ilninipliied With sectarian bitterness orpara strife. . . . The News department cnnfeinls We latettt news by telegraelf, summaries of nets4 from CanaOien, British, and America's papers;- it Id selected Lira -- cies on current eVents, fromthe teading Journals 9itheWCoortin4M.7erciatde: pattin- ent e nfpreisis reliable: :rhepries- current,. reviews .ot -titmarkets, and fivancial intelligence.4 - ' ' ' • . . . . tlie department ol Family Reding contains a I copious selection. of instruative and- interesting matteeptales, poetcy, drc. : Valuable Agricultural and liort.ioulturat ailicles are copied trom time to-titne. • •tj. - . rt!e ,Aditeriisiug doartinent bits • in.aar useful and important advertisements, but Admits_ none .o:f a si immoral or iajuriotfs tendeney...: • - ' The „cCanadian.Messenger,' containing a selec- tion ortite best. a riff most interesting Matter of the 'Wil nest,' monthly at 25cti; peralin.„ wah one copy.gratistO A, chib often. It is de- -voted to iteligion,Allailite;Edilation,(iuldtrais Rending, Teinperanee and Agrieuittire, and eon- • sequently, - is allowed to 'pass fieelbrotigli 1110. ,post.;9ffiee. . . . . 4 : „ .. „.. , i ... .. . - . TERM: • -1 Daily Witness $3 perannumr-, .. *ii11.peoniatreilarkuin lWi.aesil -(seini-weelfy.) "hflUs is die ?tame form thit has been since At ; the beginning. 2 • WeeVy witnes,g1 per ennui's. ' . , „Catiadiaa.Messengers2kIs per annum. • ..- .:.. : • . . . . . . :Alf Cash*4:A.1d .-v-,axice- . . one copy gratis In each case for a club of ten. honk] a Mixed Club be sent, with not :fess than 10. Papers will -be Int -warded -gratis to - the value lone -tenth of remittal -ire. i - • Ait Communications:to be addressed loMon.-Mon'. tre4..W.:" -4111' e4StbJr OthSi DOIJ4 ALL &.SO' n:` - . I: : . I :;.., •":, .. I , ...„. published , everylawful. evenin,, at 5 1. o'clock; and Contains the latest Teleegrams, Markets,- News; Paragraphs, ice. Family 'Reading, Editorials, ke.; carefully prepared and selected; , .ThaLoanos EvENISC ADVERTISER has circulation averaging 11,060 per week, which is morethan double that Of any other daily paper published, west of lismilton. It is circulated on the streets, after the manner of the Montreal Witness, and: -New York and nutrige.vapers. Advertiters at _a distance wilt find it to that -advantage-to insert their business notices in our phlegm., - - • 11. -E -T -A It - .1 . HA:S itiSTIMCEIVAD A. 1.,AR?E STOCK OF STANDARD 4f. ,SCHOOL _ eoKs--TE fog FAAIPY 8TA770NERn4o W A:Zia QIN', Toy Books, Prayer .13,00kis-of all lands, ChurchBerviceAs Hymn Books, • - .• ALBUMS, SATblIELS Which 'Brahma. Pootra ileobane wants, And-hOurly, inly for it pants For that his life's last spark Be'd _Perhaps for that he'd "Whip -poor -Will -I' But. Will's best blood for that herd spill, 'Tis therefore vain to " • _ Alas 1 how oft vain sel6st Mad , rv,1 . Gainsays his Maker's wiserit How oft for scurvy lucre's sake, The social band he strains to break -1 '- How aft with lir of. se.ernink tiortb, Profanes the 11464 cause on elirtb With dire detraction's azenom'dattabsc Pcillutea-the mind of honest men. - Now hash kind. bird, forego thy trill, I'm wato'd, he cannot -h Whip-poor-VriQf Still thanks tor -thy prophetic Great brahmananaot.":Whippoon„Willif; 1.- • B-AtipTA/11193,-1 Ashfield, 12t1;.Tune, 1845.* - ; = JeU11417 Slann1jran7,1-0.4411.,:1: AT. TU orAioN0 0PTflE nvistin examenote trW-. - sur, 1864. STfilism, strafe harp we *eland's& The thatttibekt:1 Pale all ye bells,wid Agrun acelituaysadu, • • • 2., Whack at guns, se undaunted artbillers , Tillpublin %halms •down'to the -very • , * ; * - ' Come, brightistm, front the smith's itnininiitiFs:" Laugh /Ikea #11d AMY.PrekiP4hitiktra. - Snutrout the. ram lied-4er gopldeu.eatingalshis, Orthetitywillsoonbe.ititattAll The saw ; - - • .; • • rl• 21ringiorthubecef, aid the baste that -We dirawlitt CORZ hint widgingerbreml -cakes m hhsaetaki, ,, See hoWbripraneuei MP' ife "Iiiitinf, - Like the lively be-goant c,b dab- eiveld'HIR • Jad_y, us lel eitdoie_w n •tri-'d,ter!getof Molly, aroom,sat.e 11v3,er rue phaddek, ,eluri h,‘Bed 2.ediy ;whore,• Howld fast, like gritadeath, by the :obat-av ler dailit - • •.• • - - •?" ; Itp f harrool sirice go to gie greatrahshitlog. ' iii' wid dticiiesses.'ciuketit'drams, ,and bujtc rue, . Ste h(4 TIW Brete._,IWOVi„ Maul .wid Aiemzerainft , At the sight ay. -me -urautifill 1oais aufmocerasi Whe,it maths- Mueller i iriclqria# Iv iiiiii filch waviiP avitaget-.:sich sa 41101111S cal Bich fine (*pilule lathes were neifer Issischlts.arec Slime the ehhunisit goofd days at lowid.Boun 5/ortni: - ' # ' - it otai*- '.4he ,G:aceadecintinn:tharlitntree:eltfhlitlistilarttcegker,:1- b.tollcut.ii:r41:11S'paigtc-ekie:e1(141*; ....tlltonculuyer. _.,.._ ' 14,- -------------- 1.1., -hlay yerpratlesant laitteramills flaw ned istrsvera it Sure bey, ce ed. be welkim 40 ireisedoeybentel -- / iv4nrriabiet •Ith.fillirYlelars vyeereoubirceenii,sich.-nie'aliblair.nlYngernrife4N:nti."47:14e - Qh why, could yer !woeful it.ettre be so (Fuel ? ., ; ! " 1"3wflight ' s JY° is.1111°Yeishbeeir44°;;;:kei":::%;:erlitill; Jr dm*Y.: w 471 i"tidiir. 11* ,n' . 1 ' '713B: 7eu. An'1 liYelekilenosbialaltdri);seinkunly'suA*111f IcillaPPit*Y'11;11t;e1:4-.1441F'.:471511:1141:C:e- shitleille':v'e3:1$'4:V411114:111)::4'71c1:1.;711"::4:3 -But aim* orerielf hoy141ryithtstuldsitt haws *AA/ , 4.1111 the ightat ifs stiOry willelater hero, sabre,. 41$.n!e ye nee& ft belave Salwitilie ..rapparreersinins ' Way-1,0,qm Chintriff, Ihr lei all a biklie.; „ ,.- 'T‘41-hTtkgeitklithesitileillig:11101:1111:;:t411:ang:e'r::Pillt":tnyilikifitsgeT14-et;klate:riinP14::::65:131:1°41::11671'16::84:null'ineK":- s-gil!e:7*);;;4"11.111 Then away, wld the utrarelt,**thatl'n eisivici-leined ., , . . • An*therc wouttima Insoles. Wile -wales ilsapalt.fq - Companisurs, WORIC430.1., CI -0, MS . . AL.00CoxiatomOZTOS, , And .inrionslitherarlieles all cheap. ' LT311ThErS. 'Goderien AN11 281865. -5Nlrelre net distonlinted. rreell.'1111/(}6".,4" ' - iiiiiillirVkirNsies•Tel,* tiro 112over; • . - Theft:givens thattiantettsit. yell /ad that AhA lig/111r0 Av Ude; niavounkeen. are throe to Oa con. !. - The trunipeissre osandin* a Votst.,lowpint *Ow .1 _ gatewityr-e '7' . w . . Z ' ,'74 'e, r, . -- .P , 44Filre.yeehWeiji ilia iiii•diedisif Th;•rei be Other*: ins They're Mackin the (see Maki:0 beenthiful siteehee, _ Au' thcs)re genii, a hestahiruiliplehe iitT471,1 Valuable Piece of Land Now raniii.t. r iv, e entvitheen-iirenthopot. mbit- lone bead.,..i.' , ,2,-, Ph What a si !am I • :- .'1011:tt "S;tal!-T.'JM,3' . f kh imagia isitchelilirsvrtandeartio 91 - `.* it ir Thadt bv7itlinfoinntredtnIMATItitiTe l'adies-ereAdrantin' .. nN favorable terms of paynient. The fol. . 4...raixt,soi woy. ..iii-iglon,-,- , 3,4,0-20torfaiivotakicgswisett - . .: ‘4. lowing'. tironerty, •-viz: North ..hillf of lot 7-here1:11.*7:5144h*nrui ifts776111:11,1;6341'1, Averelibibiur atteiv;:ami' bet mini -her 301 la the- 12th eon. of Goderich 1-thst 1 .. township" cimtaining by admeasurement. 40 . Ti the fedimieke.motteratka msalattsdpay* 41/4.5. ' acres, more or leis, upon Arch there are, : - „, . • ,,,,,,, 1. fifteen acres cleared. :This land 1,0 in 'it Bsthri-taike-thelarPitill'i "ecliiii':"":4" -!- ' favorable situation, being within' Eve miles of oniflualftfloTZ4p,t7tridTh•-"46frit.'"*Velammx- - u the te.mre of Clinton. Also, a. valltable - • An' Ur troPhtssf-vrarlikOhC- 'IV er-"'""'3 property in the Tillage of Ernburn. one half • ' ' --* ' '• J ''' - - ' " '-' ''I/ig• 41".. acre ot land, a good . -farm house, shOil; 'ilia Ig°w,',6,41"lencd_ 'be ,.11°071' **Inn's '6141411161"; . The everAttrighanrioet, that' ThlidIa., In* Roistr LC . Mil success to_the Queen. ant it oat Jack to the.Pope, , Psonalhatiailsati bit half to.the-tTpliiiaiiairEi F''7 ''" '''. 1-$ ' ' '9.iik, 'I May e; Jed, ' , i - iiti * iiiiirt, -_.'.! Daity_Advertuer (per pinto) $4.00 Weekly Advertiser ser.anaunt) $1.50. irlrf All communications addressed to , JOHN -CAMERON, ,Xditor. &P,ropritor. teas* May 23, 1865. r Leather or store goods at irholesale prices maker as - there_ is:none i; the vicinity. stable On the premism Thi..selownortaid41:::: SiffiRting 'fa- a tailor or sadte and harries* ill be -taken for -either -I of ' the abort places JAMES $,TANLEY, am tor • • The woman wbo'niadeipound;p bjtr from theeteetn-ofa lake, and ebeete „Vim, '14401::tilti'lc"1"ealinhe9.b171in4161:1-da94:e7-11,:r4144::rilisif:74"friz:vii:: f -Bob, that is &Jut horiejOiklurthfla FOR Al-LiEf Ent imar MI'dt 11°' 11, con' 3 what Is he wortfir TiireerItin rled _and Timm:441p of WAWANOpH,,..ep.raprtaing: fifty;.donars.,, ;twist, dicidiab svsyy. eentollit:-/-f1:4°1Ase loiveiiset" 0-14.E.k.uNpFEDI:ACRE.S, a yes, sEesr, 4.404') '1 - . i - - --' :- 110"cleitrinee. Ter/nit-liberal. Apply to the is . _ Wh a elitre you so inqunntive I- or r am erely ErieM-ors ofthe Estate ofthe late Win. #arria,.. for isseselestrorpeaarl I aiiiiis taintia vs' Mingannen 0-. . 1 wIlrrl =ft' *Or #eattied.„,io!Itnevamliet ires . Daassunon, ()qt. IC 'ow ; woo .rito ..• , re! " ' '1;" " 1.41”.4