Semi-Weekly Signal, 1865-06-27, Page 4-T,
T --V T.,
y.flef, Gr r,- I ye I 'Road, tXlf YARX1140 -XILL, N A 0. ViNT ACT OF 1864,
c of HDP iindemiganed art" nblified
10, X S A AND
U, -PION -LLE d% Uv I to, llp.-t 'It tile I w office of M&_etetjr8
Ili the Town of G
X1 TZ 0:F mj-n, ITO L
av, 111cs'" clit(-f-flib daY luf July, A, -I.
1% L 'I GS T 0 11; F 0 R.\ I F 0 R �S' A 1,11,
V 14
bY virtue of It RL w-' of
A J% L Z13 A M(Infl-
1 `65, at tell 'Of the clock, ift the fore.
iii,l Bru(�, isstill Ala.11flactill Ill, Tf rp C> A fc.�, 1:t' ree(j
and has X 131 IL -L noon, for tLe urp(.Se of
Irr, Contvv opman , ? . Vill.&
Ali ly tj jitim
wt, lit itit Co. RR. Tru%.. injr all
A T..q I A . 61"14 -in, uIs -of Lis affibinq -and 4'
(fit lihnd lititubcr (if his
e tQ
7`1 R instrucit-11 I-IV tile Irt-prietor. Mr. J
f Eli! GRACE. wholn lie may Inala. an assta.
it me*., r. I tva-ush t, 4 A lilt, Ill Ata.
i.1- 61 -&PUMPS- d,,derich. Nov.711i.1864. ik4 1 e,abuv-
tq'ift-&-'Callatid per
f �i- ""d 10 eli'liv 11111ilie.Auctio'n on 'file
�to 3% -5tark t Lit 1*
Dmtd- at the town. of -.0oclerikly ja I
i J afti wiffe.
4h f
Ile would parlietilarly A, "C uritY 617-11uror his 7
4117 4.1onry Itkulav, wdt tie -73 t,v A IVE-D.VESDAY;5th JULY) Mo. draw attention toi Iii,% I be
lie will- �varra lit free W heal frotu ninlefin -dayo
k verV dat&;, Coe'.
Put P.
A..D 65.
1,-tvll�hlli. of �lalvv. -rlf*-;t litilti,froll) t Ae
-Villa. W x ;21 tv.rih of
-rul. bvlll�r
fit all(] w�urrixnled.
'1131toll, antl 8 of i. r'ak,4�40111- IV;X104 St., bet -w -fou T17 )* L
6 lnilvs of, C CIO �aslreel
P V':IrlIl1 . . I L
Tortwz- ensh ,it day.ilf Z-.14 I GO a( C', alul 01-rjRn,--ia.Rbad� �.-"Olieivm for Isolvelit
11 -That, - he L
(t-, told Y
ai1i,',Y Ec' !0 h1r, 1"i I I I
441, the l)r01f11:,tN role, -A-
lilt ub d .i. Voting A r.,.,o; ag-ctil, for I lle:qale
Zi It -- 11MILMI, X) -'S Vrelpal
aim C)f M"r;,a�
11L. _-v/ 1. V - , 11 ,
j . ..
n: ..........
Ix X
(�)Ivlj lit] wbit-Illidstievcr 1h. so 'IV kit Act 4
Unch ropel"Ier
lw�'l ('rialill7". frilVe them. Tile Sta nch
koll Virequirt's I of 11;e underai
ril2,2nd, 1F64 ol - e lift
-ari� - 1. JIMAjedto rilect;U111 AuldTtiouxar -of
11.0 (Ixu`tterlvll,� or I Ili.-
IsAwrt ofiGoderjel
-G(-QrcM T-ue '
o 1. v svell tt�
Wlt - HETTRY DODD gue(
Fti�l ),.I. ji- I
Or J)" � I - T11
T If
()It a' ailed twail -f e who 44
Datel th-vt -1thality,of May, Vski5i., to arin
r. 4�
e.q I'lu- -t (" I
t mail
ill flit
IT� 1 IL. i I I t le cg)ull. Haron, on M -id
be in,
inslitieral and Wi. IV, , - x June, instant7, at jjIeVeIj
rt� . , jual;e xviep, [)s'jj;CljVeeIj fl(Iflerit. o k1ri - A1116
of' K:t-., E', W1.1cre 6wY1111110`311 Vlt Aijg fhe,-va,,oD ol-jjavj�;a-
Abo-vit the first wee% lit
A 0." I'st I tM W151d I xauo (Ill
C�'�x V, Witt- 11AIV, JAM ill (:0llirCi?ti0ll i"Ith ille i -lockint4for OnDjorlbepurpm
Of tbe -ell
I ki b I Iti. 01' recelvill'y slat
whit Avw�. &I hi VIDellISS, of his 'affidis, 4nd -o
na-aing aft ;a�ss
of' her:. ilrnee,10 whom -be ima
-!jL, tL
4 ut ;jj - L , - ", , �'4 L Ava ent U r. 1b'e above Alift.
�d at Gmlerleh in the Co t
10 '%', - Date
1 4 f"t 1 A
wr T
and.T U11
L H-0 S,
Wdl be t1l, Ili `tt;lly i;eN- il erl i I 'I N , -
F or, A L A S A 7ND unly 0 -
rT. Grsj-A
1.1fis-seventh day �Of Jun 1,
ZI -r-n- I a�o 11-0 wn -Lulrd-s-arreuZo rezd-f&"Vu--u-j,-
L k. V. vi. ;.';'y
e r ;I raialigeo stex on.
0 V e (1 11 hN tv -oa 1 Aer
1'. 10 � 1. U I , I-.) . 4 -
d 0 41 u o C n
-V-vfivable, an+ (41--lbly ",q I I ed
or. rmssa e .11)
t. it -it (if ("Al-foritil. .1
I glia-wi For freiglit 9 1;-�,
G, &-LL
11"Ill, inid. for vialacrit v,al" known w;
r'o v 'EX ON Ra SO.Heitor for1tisolvev
Td.,iW 01 calrew t
frol:IJIg E m H :Mll
j T
OF Tim
'A 1-1,T3E :141 R,03' 1 N IAT � I - UT
w-- - j A,
id, 0 -pe nln,,.. ad
In Me Countyfourt qf1he
A� 4GO .1h. is
j-11, 1,]IQ- towir...
I - .1 . XALANCE -�N
ci:.—i tixil- I ' L L ', ANDITILE, nd Bruce.
tint im"ZA j.,
'in the M ter Of
Kint Rt q n at
k �'V 1-1 1 sell' ilt k. .17 X 37, -c -AN ADA
141.- to Z* 11.14 1 1-(1 xvilit'A".1 .1 . t .�Lai % . - . I . Lit 1. _
��i . I I, I Ild'I
C'141 - . . . FrOVIN 9 OF C
Hjtfon one I CAURLES W.. PI-01-
Aory 1�;AA-Ilv it "Velhil- lei j, jFci�j) JUS01_
it t I'D ffivllol�, 'i"RAWO 111, 6 IiCP Cent. h Ole of ille )Coutil.
r if U oulity of
vijt�� ; , .
n L it* at -1 i;jt&r6. Bench I
.k'4 Itz, 44 W! ii. I - I ! 1 5 .2 an
oultiollsvi, 'Ve United
-d Blince. T . eht
Iritis I., it spiefidid .10P.4- 1 . of Ijurun .1
V' mi�-tll-'- lann of exce2ent 1.1110. STJ�Itl 'I. 12MI. 2 8 VICTORM,
TO %YX.'j11jLP OF' alORRIS:1
A JVOTR�'E is bireby giKan that -the ut
1, 30 :H"Te' 411 41-!& '4'de'01" rn
W 7 -7 5. acres, OTT I it he office df this omq'i
1-4= 4 .1 S uth X Ist Coll. -50
"r It .w 1,w, lit' ' ' 'A si, ed has 41ed
Y, lit .11.1111 - 411 CE is!
jj - 11 U o - "D ,
L� 14 7
Uf JL.iro vleax -A 0
-we!l Wil 4,fl.
d of nd discliarge
vi gn for ti-lit.of wavol jCOMPOSIlion a
U,..c -�Ah C. V,-- sq I -
I ithd a
List SQ��, ;21 41"S. Ill IA
-d-. ill 2d COD... 100 ed by Ills. -C ditDrs; �-Old that, on. Tues&
-scifith 41 flu apil Lalie, Tit the BnMalo I re
Ap, Der s
),It Ra!ihvay colopary i
S(): --til'the V I' -uw-of I'm L'.Ubert acie Huroll-'ei'r toeudiVay--of July next, at ten of
A I..
",jVe , 11 Ill -- I - 11 -1 n
tO _[ALI (1, 7 9 11 2 act
T�; it 1 4@
'c 'U, I . - 'I
ny j Clock in't
lailvl�llyi compa. lie -1-brellooll, orm
with (1.1-4-41; -�-Z , ,
,e 'and I it �);, \,(* � fi%5, Fi3
4, )(:.,1 111VC11j). -4,01(1-, ill tit J)lace, itile illa;1.7jolig Mi- d aid into
2 0" i it 411 edn all(. tl-7 ill the 1;� -a ply to the Jild-e of
Mi olluA 1 5 N -a soon -as comisd
iiiall the I can be beard. lie -will
2 1 ill 4h, con., ILI (,It's
North 100 acm� . p
)'L . _.; ;'� Cot cession 6f lite T'(')- n Com t UQ, ij,e Said Courifor aconfirmation o 14
Sill Foli-jurthei 1 2" iij 4h Con- 100 net". -
nj 'r. Ci'tll -1viii North e 4jjs._
Lf let �to etheiecifeffict-edinlinif ruudp
-j'alill Y10 - 1:
V -a" r Wd
f114 )1*4f Godeiielf; hy.ibe I' iclydTvioi, charg,
11). G 0 i It 1) -c' 1C
; u j IlIe sum of f3i t
T( or, 11 01VT I CK - ,�o iny of Ifui-oD.
q -H.;jjJ,'f,'E4 S
wtv Six dojl:�L . ' U -
ljots 2 and'4hl,15t s eael, I -S gil-d �Sixls:flve
atere , JhZut A In By JA31ES P,'WOOJD
it ts beill" tile Cuing; tix jumill
(mc 111"it:410d LQ file efi4el W -X311-11P OF 011"Ey
r ery
'ToNT-DiT 11" 'in N 13 .-=A �
or-�. T W.' 1) 0 0 Ips.
N -1,rT - flu i �Irvd And Dig
� c paid fo -c aill
ford, )I
M same
� � I %, 1'... 1.7, G odti 1. W 11-.101i itt'('01111t ill'O N'11114-��Ied to title, Ara is Attd
J t, _i!it,
hi�nds for i+ -flit of y. �jbpef ng .-liarts of lots Strut _v 10111, 1 FQ 16w2w
A iij% . -
24 in I t con. 100 aei �Ss
-.-i --------- prill 3.5 :,ht� -j%
1)(211's ei�-Ilhty five, ritv
iiu i I -.' ,- - s . ai-d cigbiy- I
Ind in 4�cotj., 1,00 acres each, 'lull:
q L f
to n. it A Cf�unt of
sbip of' GWei ichl
6f -ill 8 Con. 100 acres,'- r T N� DRIL And brviflu
1j. 4 1
III ; ulidor Mid I'v VA
it A,- 'Lot 32 1 r of ,ower a5a v Va.
D I 10t; 2G, in: 8 Con..- 9,j
-tell, gey�n in
U a .1 PreSe.
Ahe Maidand 4 onv,43-,ion Of the
A ts-11- tal *2 i4i 6 c6a.; I MORTGAU BILE Of 1A
al �t 41 'poll ""'alil i
f- tn; or Ji .
-3- and 34 -iii -10 con." JOLO nicres.reach, a it a Alorigage made -by. -W.)jk
L o Is
-yi-ar Our
'V I I H Crtiditors a t' o,unjder4ined Are ficili
e of The Village ofluverhuren in The cowdi
A ; - �r' I - ", 111) 4 j pi Xav4. in.tbe
tjje,j,:j'_ (fr of
'I, IT let, r*t part, Su"n
TOW- IP Tii -
64-d tbui�e�t La -d 18.53, ana vxc�,,utcd ily William Finti of I, -lie
- -barring ber d
-V 1. ord of tl Sij�jil 'It.) .1ti1lip �of (for lite purrose of
A, 3 in 1 coll.7 �-r the -ilict pill
�-B . P t. -of the it -L unii) Ilas w-
Urkl.�- -- E IR
TIE - C I"T the 'I owl) of Gua, n tb es. au, ITIrmill it IV
N. L4 4: 50 act - -et;gul pail, ond _Barthol
jilcd niew Seymour toijim,
of lluian: till TMAuy, Ili(! th daj� GO let --h, w'd 11'.. ulld
- . , . I . - .1 ol A lyu� h6, in, T N orniandt, in the
ILL M:1" 4. "L. 11 i , - . . , - it I ;� . 1. 1.. 1 j , D,�
K IN, E D, PY AU ""V" .. j* . J., I I , -1 `%"' ' A I t*'.J U: V* MI,), at ti`�ll I ays,ii. a
IA t' -1 iajilil'4
WAS J, j.d tath
C' Act ii.�. tjDJre,,Qf1JIC till U=1
-XT e d to-tht! Ivt
4 -Apply 1s).(I I G Dri
!jXItj. FSW1DbERJ11S(j... 0 ICII, it, to 111 'pelsoos clitil f
fol. tbq 1.urpljs�3. of I -)I �ce iS,riVt..n Dade in Ille4illo payrMut, Itterrot, vill be
or'to-t I'D
f tie owner, !�of, iur r. -present- �of'd at Me Auelion MI' rtl�f'Gworae X.Tru
-'A 7-7 -T-�r 7;7 l�i.i-S- Aljz�,' ;Ilid 0 110,111111'r. Sald hmas orti
L all - ) any lart tile email,
P TUO -GA F1nare*GOdQrjaI0-FrjdaY. 'I lifffttj
0_F vilhum he ni-fy� inalic.ail as-si-ij .or j;sj)aP S Dy
V T e� A, if , -1 Anty tr 1) . he
. 1 17 11 )f it
.4 43a 1uh�, A. U, IW5,'at 1w
a L, mi&� v 4 'IL 11-j-.1it Iiiiiik i 0.p'al)OiC W' -k 1. 0" ent tied, la fib Ibpi,* clainis into the swil Aly If
O'N 114 prope
4be 1611titilng Lot,
lo -t'lo t1w SOid compensullor oi- my part- 1blij
1)" te 1,14 t : i t:(;' .4-4' 'll thl"CUll ty Of"'Ill'on, 1110
j -tY. -vy,) )10 � - � . 1) - I I
f -ti . t,I'. ' L I I e
30L.-.� - ;,,j- ' . . -1.) (;,IV L ,
1. lane Ole eol'alid fill oli(II Cui,. will -be U. ol P),Adn�mv-vr-
:1,* r
Kdjbd'i�oi teL -Salix .4".n niullf one aere vI ]a vd, be 11je
ld -ji V L� t il I it same-Inore or j�wr -
-271 tz Iwo
T -IF - !4 1 L L: I W., It 1. J f
De Stallate 7ff 11 ul lwbaw. (2) QL, mid *mr-14 tw
I 'lint. 'o th
and jw�
.1 j ()fill ]Stje�t in jhe*jjd V1
1 77 1 b 43ay 'of T, 181U.
je, � . - I " - I
s%d92td Paw -d tit'
eol respec veJk ten f 411 joitm
0 T
lot L I)EN,
.!, iiiiim.;. I mn&;�we, ! "t jAxN 1111 ); - -
lit In, 10'. -1, 1 J `714, M -3m "Cie, 1,143A ut;4xii rof2ole.
utho- B"
01 1, Li -4, 'every de-
:iiu T, T T W1
SlOve. I- and �CHItilla.'j 40
`rIje,6toveADer)ot� %Vest Street, Gogeriell. 1
ll-ivin A -i arza,'�!,-da�
i, Gorifier - and File
'7D Till-' 7'T:i Y,70-% 1 1' iv 1,111, -d C' iiii(i-t of? r -it of
A'-\ Vill]le* �ut
a 'Wi
71 4 U111
-W1 F I.- A"� - Pjlc�.
Vj 7 i -vill '-A Tt a Ilvr C6,1111ty
ZZ" - -s %-,T;
CMA mortgage bt iff
il�l �Oj, I &C. Qd IL,
-1; INI ill ti -IC JiFf ,!Ulmillllz�t lilt- nl�d itille- a in pill
�d tt -x .;-�;fk �,Vj?!'% i I I I 1.,x, 1.4:1 X-11*ilt
A Rags and. Shee-skills IajZ4'jj ill C.j- -by -]due of' it Pilwwir V1 SW
'U. f of Jail." jj 1000 Acreslin fle 131ocIr. -DER, ond
C 1, -e :tt-- lite -lilt (J, 1 ob" -e.
� j, 6,e. 4 49
-A U.,
aid 'aa
Ll!v a0ll 11jivic.'r or Me ij�d..delen-
ebillainic -r
vinhal, bo* -of
F B. 1721IF"k jid G�o
T '4 ill the low ",owil if , -ijurit.h. ai tile Q=iy cam fif
D WAY, 23 HTIST -T ii,41 tijf1lip Dug
l i ti iwd Iii lt,t i I i- I c r'".i utl U -he 11tiroij I' e. m'.
t4 jjj.tIC(.t. -1-tvil litiloll-, 1,01 11 hm (I WO 1. n
> I A h1argarel Vallitt very v4d I Mi
Thi-- -Ct�-ariuz Gr io . F .
"1 .1 A ij -.-.7 I� L Al 4 fly 'Uer r :i 11. Va v
-ate 'le, V ter Ille Ili
&all� their wives. -,Fposepf
ag fur.un, e nsion, (it il k�ltt likill it, -.4 11; 11 -o rl. d. Ich. oil of the sepood,j
-qg flie H ticnib�tl;,V ol, ut-ni-stilext.ultive
-Mi, a'i - -1 1 11.
f �tl'o -lit D wilqr. Got! 414 theft J, w&r.-], ;art, and BMW -
le tile WL
b�-, t L -it I � -
There wi 1:,.! - A runew theeld r.
r-jr, 17't e of Avra*ehw4xXbr-
imintly, in lite Eip aes Amm
her I'
)0' T) - t Kr.A :1
'31 — !"in Jj#- Iiile p;fymeut Uwrevf.
- AT en it; -dt,
I -CE 'N
Day' Tqwelrn !UIOCK. -- I'-
from PI'A corgeX.Trw
1 17
1V ; �
% P, I.Locin UePt., Y er, an ted inities.of)-1 Y virthi of -a -wr-t' �,-ol
D., 1 --c-5, at twelreb"ft
1711i'll ay a' mly-
Tu Sc we, S Ul S OF",
1%T41 In
lluj oil and 1,
no 117,�'t i!. I I u -mg property, viz- doit jwWha
IN it:
ota �iiy CollDly
ILN - jot ljt�r
eoliou -Weg4truain
R 'Wal nit
-I - ou flitron -aud
V� rs a the XTnit
011 flu d6d Doila j1d Ilp ed r 1111010
3 -ti nd
-and lia I To IM( d'
and ib, e A I the 4all4t; I L vin VV
xjt�scrRvd n In8en uye-fj
tenlLnentS ol Rober 1�' -nit$ of
'S If!,
�Alt L FORt
Tho CI Gru' ii n is -Am
T G M:�, Rausoin -W, -Adaipl, 10f,ell 1,14ceell kind
Ll -.1 V Apriiii, one thousailL
Cuttfa- of t. 6 R�ad freto V' Poi Rze, At I the IIAM d
-.7— -n .-IT -t, -At-- h Solicitors.. Ver ve se -and 1. -a ill ex -uilon hurei-rd and. ifty. also Jot ilumhersix i6j
"T low., a lZed I;t I,<
'yr. -T-
EUr. BLO get "i
lr�;A vem, SoUtlj�eof't j"Ide 'of SD� -4 r
x S
ve or. -d- mifes -4 �11 r fivt', !11 IlIq -(oi(
_e . ill .9 nd to lot nuitille ergbi Is ( Town Dr,(;odericb, and n LICUU4
-lie a 'l: the'Count - I ore
f, froal, Suii4 tavein ill.ri.) fir �.de tile 1,01116will- G adt. -ieh, Sal 'Pal
jj: at h6 towivdill) of' Howick
flF, dcserN4 inan Indeiijure irain Japol�'Latwbw
W33 tf
Tavern to, Befin )rr—a :f NVAWAN031-
all.1 le H.-Ilt, title aild I litere-I
Al -90 rx of th it fl� -!..I
-1i lit jid.� and - ten -it,, T�sbailbll�i
T. siltufterl. on tire? Orave'l-Roal -lit- I q
UWD till sAll) Yx IJ. and ten lite,
and vrif"o Ira LewN, bearlhjr i - date the litx�ja
Y 3 o! )iv -a fi)r 1,iaie at nsyvi!'ve ill ifie Court 11ouve lit
daN, of Mviriho in Ille,5varjone thoesancl:48tt
it -Tuvsdit v,Ilh
U11 - - —, . -N-
town tit Coilerk
-SAT17RDAY, THE -1st -07,
umliVdiaadfarly�tuno. Dmd under 11owbuot
I 3's -L Z! 3 Jla I iob- 1 ol Jul exf,, at the+
'Y' d hour & Twelt-
I%eit� ibe, GRAV EN LISJ;L OF. �J.k If., e of the
ILI �t '0 a f V -'art, (leal-ca.
It vont�iiioili.10.) w,re,4, 5 vaich
tilt. UA DUXAI-
e I;-, stolickof A)r William
11 XWt� SIMEPIYE- -At-, W t. *.* � - - L X.. C,
)Ffllag Fralilt: 11-I
ge of ('T L31TE tjm,�-- -if- 4-
-c By 5. PoT.LoC 1
)C11F.Iii-1. rL ;�00d -reek, thruti-li the
7u, Dep'uiy $1
4aay� Lf - �� I
1; - I . . - , - - ATIt-,\ T , - %. T , - . L
lKon 3 rd Juitly P L. A P. G. .,.1uHL-L S)erill'�Q-Offieu, GoderiCb,
HUGH April. 1865,
P.4 -Lot 3 4t"'von.
oUthe. RAY ROA 1� b-,�
T viquo of a writ-�01
�L. I.. �j ano,
ell. f 4,
�jvtxwot ZUIZI XT4 01. 3.1 a 30. T "OunlieA or
LE, 0. - LAR -D
BRERIFF 'Is isa Y flufon and Bruce) led L Claf jaKu64
Fla out
e_ 1) e xrollc t.)' -be Itt, Y r -i. V��# IF
�b to *h - e
W& of Uie�ab'v -1 -7 -1-- 1Z.
a lit!
-7 r - -lue.-of a AVrtt;ojl Co
ounties of Txj,
x r til"nited"C' urt of ilieCitited Countira of Her(& AuW Moci
A-0ti.411h seqticias.6foae A"
31 7 E 111�,, it and Brue F via- -isned out! ayid It, me dircried againg the' lands an4l le 49-
I 'a C-3 e Jeri *11, z
-at tha n i
PLARS' ISPECPGATIUNS a N OLI lie] Alaji-styl,�: con,, Diem., of Cliarks Blaek, I t
To Wit dw
Jbhn' ald& iea-rir, an -to.* ine -till. the Corporation of the Township of Asdifield) Iftre
lojiiiinon- d ne Diceled ag. st,
16ii All 11lerigb4Ai&
h fjjjl�prj, dcjen- seize -And lakell i
I.e 2 i W bary flUs and, leneinetit* of J a,. -e d
K rul `.ucta I la- - �V� A 4t
'%fair be �et-n at tite ofti -ia - , M�Don
Ce of I, i lier U P 5. P%, H ;.,7..74 F, A: ..
N ad after It I and U. JU- tj arlia,inw(aa. -1ollbe -said -41eleftdant I
... ge AV IN �COMPLETTD T41 E I R NLTE alheth Bragg, ai.d inteje� and jeolbe
dalit, at Ille �Su it of Dgur'0 Eli z,
tfie MrOund-air the tiiiie <Z?TTIPM377 C7
Of Auefit,n. t ken WAlist ba! umberseven in the third tw
Yactorv�ar& o lane, flaintlIT". 1 b-3 I'Le -eized and fa
t, u wiprepUrdto-talcei Division It ip I
The 10 -211th of
W V ext ' t: Front Lbeir lo*g experiene dmption an&
n to all. ell e in, xeculi in. -all lilt- equity of re ze.Ssloll'
TSAC T SS Jot ;r inleyestol. th e .01 -110 -on
VN Ti B US d4eigdanul n i-Liur to,the giorill . Aelifirld, in ThCA: inly 01 . rou �r Ofill"; on
1- flit 1111 11 t cu
a L
-for - -es.,�, ajid.havingexperiew�ed wptikinen,anda
ed ftoraeaeji- Can tric si,knatty *,o:7 Li, busin
Crown. Lallds atit! ment De- first Ila] 'of tow -n lot jininberone,-on Clarenilr hillid Q,,�vj in d ie nealflats I skV
-FjL other GOVer" I: reogieres - iieb lands,
the. w I . . - . .- r , � , , . - * - - — _ej u In *free,
du# Completion; T -il I-- 1 -1 -n "T - I . P ixtnwat,-� �dt-R ltmis for I ti�e' I t0fan I pe �01 Routhaunplon ir The (;autily offer lror sale at Any --office in tile Court Ho�i%
-j of'
a that they can dwat
-es c-horge,51"Privale Billmiffiritirek-lie
Dra bs 'it low
N lent- I shall 4:0;.f file � ft t
I -a .Ciah Do Ce. NV hich lands and tell Tneul0r,the Ont &Y
4— -.r ot tv
-7 &�t &c., &13 fdr Par, ips rasittl Og In 1. i 'ale V In -U'St At
4. - jru:e Ili the. Cil irt ;Iou!�c, ill tile 'of AUg next; me, hqu lel",ot 1W
I 'U-)j!crC na U, I On v a ol"Goderieb,--on- Tuesday,,the 1burlb -day.of c4ock),140113'
a C> C1 '%X74Cx3r=-5, to _y 0
Counly Sarre
10111i Y0&D0X"'jP%
In ext, at the hour It -tw 4ve of lite eloel.,
Canatia. Par In Sheriff U.,
G. M. T11. 4
do wel to
0 wokk -would - - I - puty SberiT,
.8 s rl)TLOM�
Sherig; ff iL&
')T' cx 26th two,
FIR a it 9,
f 7--11 ij� g IV
X, F, A MOWING RAT011 in corine-etiorii - with-,
L t %
Ai Ur 17
0---sa AWA la 51 UZ1W GS
aud. 1.1c4piligi, &a UL
04lubes or.� I a, T$wt of
W *3 -unixedlCo n
L-r4l41x;ra-qj,,;. VWPod Awvv�;;,, 1p'.
Wing b4h v.
VILLL lie of
I ' IT Juron And I
Will tili� placd On tile trill IV.'Iqrlb f lit] -on and Bruce, r erl
N V x Blaj4:� sq.- Load o 'iri't 0, -,HL -s . JB
Y n 0i Y irtue a
; — . I eirl FA'd
B 0 wn -Plogid,.'- at. 1�ippen,-- AL11j TCIN.4 IJ S 0-N, H ANT) T r -r 1)&jesly To wit Out -of Her 9-8100"
tof 141'. Ull il virnii� ix"#fftMW*#
Via I A -C (;Unties 61141urollmud Bruvel C
eyalso 400 ioinddi�eeted againt
'TO- a W JAnds aw.
and to me 4direeted agaimst ne la*d#
0 PIT lint its -of Jalnc�q Sit, le 1-ilit. Illentlit of jalnes Lothian at -tile ota o7%
Ol- at John V
On Tuesdav, 28th derq tM lor and !$-ttgluel 1I.- DvIlor, I have seizzed '-"gnYih,I,hai;et�eized vmdtake
istiml of ailly deAcriptiop jnadejo rdet. atriciiiA of muctiffi, Jul,
%jL 0 . . . 'sli -
eum b UaZt� tl kred on, -urt ubtlM - Jit, Ifw6 stdc.116 Of ... .. At -1 (;cloelc wheil 7016 following. pri Iq and win A=eldion at
. .'' . - 1, ev i it A
Tetroi raria* . - z s To Calloenters'& BUR '
12 - . I Iii Exicution all lberl;allt tiale and i nlerc�uj Ille ri la,'thle d 6 L *to
"A'be iwardi" it an int e
and Pin The ft reacil"
it an (I to loisicitersAG
0, V011131,NL;D j%EACjftIKT,.
�Win . . . . , . -V - . ;1 . - ,` ed viz4 � , . �' t.
-4 at,in tQj lt,t number o0o, in
;�� 31 aiii ileteugla tifid -.4hjp Of Col -
the eleveni h concession oftbo Tox%m of tile lown-tbip o.f Bruce)
190U& 14 j M140
I t b1i Inill tile liumber-a Ili the WMW Of 1111110d"
Alwava orl 1halid;`S11--ar. Katles, wa��011 and 1"I" B,xes. - As 0, r tj e s prize, $G. 0.; Znd d -e5 W. P., iii lilt- C6unty of Huron, Nvhi�b afso
P e ill, p4tteviks -o I I) n -d do -
dir 'FOR -NE -111 WOR S I -.hall 01rit o At. iny ollive in-iiie huron, ia mid tounty x
]an J6r $a I
alu". f S OT il(f,. we 0 -ic-tion- 0 1 ar stoe .1;efore pul�ch.4inif fm
ppr dd 1ji would 'g " ivit ad ins GDI fir. cS. hwhi,
HURON AND- h,,oni' sexiep -hoge-
n. tjW Ar
we are offe ing the allo I V -t 11 fw-vPal r iierative or all -GLr -OWF -ale Zri".111hevouti"youliia in mos -ow
enill for -cash, or SIX I" "Ra. olav� tile. �1'wenty-firlt d jigy lien"at oix,
It. 2, � , nc Im-
twe cl
T r .01 votthL
b-- Y
i'n'Ved.ureAR' 0 Id uietal,'3rdts, Ourpur, ii:nd-1 Ykinds of -vrod uCC 11--exch;iI -jst�prizej 43.00 '54qd,-,d -,$2 .L0.0,j .Z,ra do
lire. JIM IV
-by� -.Nir Josanh - Whitehead, 'That 'I: Gu.To-,-"Ii.9ctober. 186-2 fttorut 'Distinction -=nst be -CAISU. 14 M WDOIN.&EK
r �%:D in., 11
A -A
-40,11! thei t`.) tail s -in regard 'h' if, if. A- B ji,& -IL
The award of the Tud,re'
�oA e By
C 0 - . .
--- -Combin�d niaIihinq is DiA"tto Ile. mi I] "I - LI-p-It'nitembexthe place:( �p
110' n -paxiltIt -holVid PhIA; POT
.Witloa�,df James, watst I- a-a-1.*(;t1t,-!q hvrifl ofijee,�Rldinejl. 2 0�x, mputy-sh
BV - I.
till _tit. s4migls Office, Goderit-A.
lst.�us(ft.; �30
ang ell
I t-- whicb-noticairi,viii, he P giy Al
tbo,'Tclwa of Goderich, but at�"Cia. z -m -t 7 �l tho, d -LY ior III , Ma(dil ifor I.T'111
M. G ick!2-9th -Altw 15th, A
-Shne, desir.u.- q(- eatiioata�inj. eawrilkii In
�s i to theSecre ar -' Mur. 8 SALR �O.F LANDS.
Qfsg vuluiiibla a nature to till Af, mus enter t
le wIlItO it its 61. -A- a si
�qn oj
-0 iAi
ties wili grant 0(t sum of *1000 F Oil. g-lu! r I)eftird the'.1 Uh of q�ly,: Ba.t.fittice,
- - . . - ', d T' HERIFFT, ATM. FLI
Mi e.'Connjfje-4 of
-W any;Campaqy Wat %vi -I sink, tst well ror 00.
Y In ue of a Wlit
In n "d 13 ;as i1bued. Iul
If I
------------ -Secretary. Film Fat -I" ",*A "*
ti- ;� 'A -IS To Wit'. lor Klajextyl4i, t�aurt,ol Huron and
rl note or.b- -cuu- at, e` 7 qZ rii�,,
. . I'L - , -17 -
A LL ficse intlebtedto, LAC; E, bv tit
*Atqroil to, the..depth of lfjj0L fee't, o- t1l"d k at ple a. , . qOHNUOPELANT)f rier Fac vjrtne*4;r-jL W*
kille Ift, I" .-. I � -
les& depth, if It, ba s0ollt-�-cilit- IIE LTAID, JBL
oil or §al a , . A WAR &C Ch- ireeted a-auizt lie Iiin4"g,
E Rif,[GXED offiersilbr sale ort i� is -
tot 20" f2th con,.
-Aj - 0 et JAM aiiYlro xn& d lfer-;; �Z,
ia thi'event- or two. -�Comj)allics cOmnlell A17. _ ' j", �� L' anc Igionients o!Jane For,41. ..dwird AtionsivIl
alld lie 5 iPATUNT Court ofthe "-ted
Aitamed-a A
s of VIFVI;Am Z-10alwre, are,
iijTj ytz-. one irithe County of MuCe POU110-of"Laiiibton. -The-farin Consist it)] n AW;ijiunes, rad z#A teso-
1 -11.3 �Ik n 1-0, the xu-tt 4fAk*
otheri the Cc Ole sairl S --U, in, - - * - I . .
may --- or.11titron Will gineills-of William 0wrjon'J" -
ell lite yo r naXtLjr.(-nd,,
Toronto'Utabe please copy 3 tiglt�s,. add- def jd(a1l,-q.;kt thr suit,001-
It d:Y:-
I fka P g 0 U .151 a JU tj bi t-69 'i 4 -- il. I . - � - C11I ju
71W�+'Vitled in, tWoeillial.PrOportiolls bt-twc-ell ht1j Zen, 'IN - un gor he mwed ana takrx is
, I r , - G -MA' bsk -by itt-1
�ht, it have
C onLi . V R1 -1 U t SEW j 'k"jit ME`
wvl ITIR H U if 'EMB U18 is] lairitill; I havescized and talwa ib dw
-d 11-b Kippen,-,T'ine -tit exv
A, the-sitei C " ". - , e _ _I - CuLon all Ille 17441, Uft sid interest jj(
A doe sia. 1. 41 e ., - .15, 2 a lie ugglit, tit e and I ere-st M the said d
4 Wext to Ali i.Aadketii Wlloglejel
to person, 2ve a he Fint PKzds NIT— said deliL-ndnor in Atua pinej," 40
A pelent. aftd,scl�.ntifl
cleared. qnd..sittialed.nevir a.
Sivy%of whieh are, daii? in and to the south hall of lot fluinber vievell vancem6o"I *1 *e, It *4k* OF Vw-
some com
=TZ: so
ibe salif eo�rlaily to, ZollifIVU11ce 0-wrat;0us stationoti-flieG TA'Lailwliv Yti(iife Is $I- LOG FROVINCUL -EX11113][TION fie4d -its f Tolath,cw1cessjow of �Iibe tow"Ah!p- of rRmee
L 1,11YG
1171! T TM in lite 1"Dwif 0
wit na six- moliths. For ale 1,511r. l6th,and. Ste hell. ill tfitivotinly' 6f 'Iftjlron� wit, ffe'r for sale at my
.12 a e -'septenlijiar 14th ell lands -,Vow x
-Von Ira -hal
131.4.&1 lite lot. 00g, i - ,
'A lab, allcr�-; and i,,o'at [Ile lAro-, �a n tenemell 91 b lot Goderk14-41101
47 Por over all c U my olbrit, Inc jouse in the twirs
Coll a'
4 'D '6w;er tit viixeial'Exhibitiol't -h '4eplernber in I le UvItrI J-1ouse rGoder.=1T on
PET. r...P Nf Z301\ Vr F.11 WE. Rx, -WATEU-ID Od in Agu"alt
NDL andb�j-virtgeoraP S-jl�
423tliand25111.1863. Prizes of T -of air, 1 14"Arot 4.ay of Avs]iiA Itexti,
it airla j,121id, 23r A1140,�hciifr hoUrVI tWOVC OfIU dfl;6k, Mom
V- Bruce. velveollheeloehr. noon.
Mros� , I U taincil itt a1l' or!&j;e inade tl�r Jiih o Stew $
Coutitieg Cleric, flarun L Forpartitlufars6pp J' hn at L
imilar char -e
%�21 3t der;'ah, in :IheL also Avit'dtid to us at ihe
rich- ai Exhilitrou'lii4d iii.Torl.)LIto ill M62,aggd J6]ftN- XA�',-DONTALJ
- Julie �4th 18", AT 'of- tile- Town -of acter si.L.;
Go -le Go
. , I Slew rl,-Iti-i ftovAllel X
j P.# flur'lin-A plart a -hold at jjondo
7 Gibderi6h or the'purpo$ I a
I I t 'L, _e pf harri na hertlower).ou
B iv�
11thi 186 Y !I.
rovint, $herill' H., 0.
Ai ust vSlieriff s. ocu, De
V.27U s, 6 �13hqrifl-s 0 to
L�j.Lle )m-6vi,
25 A. A- .01O.A626ond pi�f,�,aqd Jjose�tl Ijerr-ordie'". in !.
5 ieriff's Office, God�rgch,
of the tfiird part, dtfault haVin-'heedniaae
ill t4.jJqe- rla
yntent the eo , vi - m
A dir ka. lft' Gfea ly Rdaced I 2,5th April
Ji d the. Price� w
FO R' S' A- - E
1i. X.;WA C01-
Alili-t '17 �OP.19 3V mdrf 'U,
'd 8 1 -46 Li
11. rel
:1, R
17 ,43oderieli, on: V_ I t2ik . R44"
C .(7thl,
For sale MI=
LWAY doi iv To I case
e-4% -Ait, .-i865,ai-t;W*0 -1--dk,noon Hamilton. Wnt .,er. �L
T�- VA Ll nt;m r lit VOTlee
ve a ITL the
GT 'to 13-17 ne-ar Ole R'11
tile 1161M!1�6+14 0 TAIII ll!qg
Bvn.,ki, �h`Hl be
h'p;of* Colboka� --bout4wti
wit G-
-and -thirty-three it 3RAH IT
Una U;� at %Vhteh ean ll)t� (13 3Y one limidred A AND S,
16 ilia e t61110 C�ox 1, -1
w3,ro6di e6i0ining by nflrntiiqs�.Ire
ArtUrent Ili all Crip see
F1 oafa'i Agienty�. w ocilvitith, A] V j 0
f -rs
I rq -Pj`JaQjrL.M M. rfro
"aftovisl"ort T nl)70� f
or% -.9r L
-0 T! D - 'D e 6 1 .
5D 231 -10 -P rH S1 Ile
to _jftu�iigi. 'APPI
�rlorivieritrefjuired. A�vi ast Sidie Al
f Z,5. , ii� - . �� ".1 -
Quebec. 3L!-Qf94MRPX- � :' .
wn � �L
lv-�r., 13. GRACE, igbo6*
xinna6mi- - qP
-�UiitTtn VI Met ro. R I t 'Af6ri _: Codericb.
4 %#j%a 7,; �,Qolieifbr gagq 7
1 .. - W
,0j, irih Ypril:Sth, ISCL 9 w I I J�eoqmb.er_
Q040ttf Poo 4 '4�V. ..W 27. 1 jpV;ilvi52
1F 77
—1111 -Alt A
J rr,