Semi-Weekly Signal, 1865-06-23, Page 1-71 17 S1 CLI ]I Jip A Y t� I I nglish lelectiolm e Rt C A N R E I 0 ',:r Flwood. TheLondon "OrresPondfmt of the GloU supplies to the f011Owina interesting election a items:— From all the constittiticies wt now hear P W. buy notes of prel, aration for the coming 1!0. NIL strife. There is every prospect;lof great taking, plade'iii the persdit' (Late' *ej of the TRY Rousd of Co , AT lumons. -Many'otilti0tribersare letiring from pubife life, and mavy young A D fj IT R 0 41— w o, I ey are jintried, jW &*yet mucli -e trenerous feeling oryc�ith:—ai­6 biddin 19 fS%V60W9j .ADVERTISER Guilbrri, it, c. w. -I N -AND B *R UC' fof* o ular favour. 11a 'most votuble 61L%da- LATE OF STAXLEY—CITKTON FIT' W. TO COX,Zlitoran tioneerin efirefit of the week is the A, d Proprietor, RON Road. appear - 43 The Greatest PossiW Good to -the Grdat ance at Chester of the Chancellorf the Ez- est Possibla Numberis' chequer in The Paternal ch*_iUfr'bf bact-ei to his eldest: son, wh; is a yoling manf fine DIR A. WORTHINQT01q, prolimse. 31adstonedeliveted one of the' cleverist and most -Pbes tendt particular.' 2.50 PER ANN. IN AD E_q WCH drolt- sj?ol -ever P hatched in evenils verz��jjjetrjrjn� operations upon, 4VW V-1%) 41-so-lasew ol and urL 5-C W --s' FRDAY JUNE'b- It is_&. perfect MP VOL.' I 0 8 4 -o an e etionectiny hararlguj�� neither savil -too mu little, '�nd 0 mu i nor- to.o Art exf,tvssisd in 'choice yet popular Er.alish.— Ira oor Mr. F1 111 -ton,, wham claim, reiii S to cdorj).. . bascil upon, the fuct --------- a that -he is An rallw4 r Briti-Sh'Peri `R,Y-AT- odidis B ilcfs, who is Law, director ani * w d Ru 't4_ V IZ eYOuthful Mr. the chosen -s andard.beij�r of th6 lgai T. varty, lave I tit littleliahce jwav arfillpryofthegreatParh TUEED and THE amerstary C �Vl It RF� 'onservative.) _U GS QuA&rr..R' Vr Britbli- -Rlftd 'Me- DR GS --.D- ancellor stood thuch 11- belter 41iiin lie doex -in the ]lause of Vout. Lusur.ane ; E C6., - hs-ftrance 0MIALY '82dhare" Orator. ch T 1`0 Tj 1 --*y. 00 -.\7 -V -F 015 e in- Mr. (;ordon Is La*w- TRE, WURTII BitITISH REVIL'W'(F= �j% - - C Chambers.- AND 13LICKAVOODISEDL Im9n.9 nd hi his 6ppone 4,;d0riell - aitag,gering blows JOH �R FIRE A NffimauKAGAZ ALD.&N, r., AND --LIFE. rNE(Tory) Ilit and. let tj ds-- Tht Amerio-n me. pen- * ' - Sir Chaile, Wood wbo & T sa'ld before, an d' bill li'llbe c0lit'Ofill'tiltilig like dvubk4 q. -AL-41F -__MILLION'� DOLLARSip: 13 com pelled 0 retire from Ml fz* - 10 Mak6 B-A-RRTSTE1t,-3,, SOLTCITORS, CAPIT the price 04 E I,, fr61M.ami tax es.,111lies heensrs; for -a J oial m otrwo,"arer tile 'Sttre of JOHN B amit they'are c�lnj;elled to al a n, is liO4 d' their terms as aftvr'sil to b LknlorV. Son, Goderich, -d Fun s on liand, 85,000,000.. Vievated to t1je Upper Husie"The I AccuntU74att T L 3D 31L 1V of Hahri S m T1111 -Sheet Iran �aud Gopp Smith er TERMS Foft I -gestive iat compaej4ons by' 865' sug Annilal. Inewn6 Exceeds no $2,500:000 rable to the Indl b -o' -PVILLE W, - .1 - 1. .EGMON o. e, 0 e e S4.00,peratifilim- vanishes 4way in- thin air; atud the tj�h Public, C-1 NV'e t Street, (3ofler Foraj t , oil is eviews ....... t on. eh.f 14-skurances, efibi-ted at the LOWE2' . orajj5, three is the igebtlemaij, p-.vrh0mjazM-r,4G ove ror Rif eVIPWil...". 10.00 11 Ulu ,)an! Duff'said Sit By (jultivators, :&G119, f6r S. 9.1a. 'RATES COLiSistent with safety. four o I e 12.00 dUje$V;ars,GoderrA,'- : - ........ re hq's qenie�d tfie faeultyofM4 For U), e off 'licula RePairing Done ai .ilfe� ......... . 4.00 ulteranee, is likely - to'take his- sent' in ifie .101111L 1D.Vvison, SI-Lort Notice. Per all one - 7-00 For woo an two o6he Reviews A representative f oniO 'CHEMIST 00. next -Parlia 0 SOLICITOR Life InsnTa11Ce—.AMp1e.S4ec r tys DISPENSING tOnt hs __7 Ciiancerv, &-e orI1lackwQod** of York. in; ce F .... ...... I 10, Ae county B Square, & DRUGUST of the divisions at CornerotKi of the Ltd- 11. tort -9-.42 MARINE INSURANCE. Views and thre PosAbly, if ir Cbarl LAGY BOY ':VD ealerin,and Import ol _V Ravi 17S A, RATES T-01117E11"TRAX .................. 1.3.00- 99 ed D4 zonii have For 11lackwoodand tl' 6 four fievi * * '99 taken his �.Ca -with h- - h fiii.bi ik et A10STEGLIS-1i 0yFjCpS. office 13fritislit Ain SuIpsenbers in llie 113rlibih Provinces-willremitiiinddl- have beeen iddi le erie-afin lifitiliva nee C -o -E. AN U I N E D R,U GS posed to accept peera -but 111RISTELIS-, ATI!O1;QqEYS-_AT-LAT,. ermq not, !o this� Prices twentii-four cesils d -year f(%r Blaek- wood and eigm cenis a pear for each Retiew ld cov, ge B OF T� Lo es Proilptl Settled Without there. is a growing ind, otaries, Conveyancer,,(- e. -offi 8S er the Isposition on the part V qketjif of the lionse of & cats The -workAw" Ise prijit,,d on mmons to toletj�je t114- Rak% corner, West -4Z -Marine'Depart-inkient., Referne 1: to* a Bdard of Dirbotorg 0fPa.Pe&aijd fij�wly all Amerioan Periodicals are presence f the heads -of -der -either advamcpd�ill priee or redlAced -m- i -e ailmeats i S 'Pa`tb; and ry li�en a harbor of J01 m. lla, C- ordics", G E 01W E Rul 31 n that CHARL ELI geuerally both -we shll painted b T 48 A- A' 0011tillue to give finthful copies refugef W, -SOLICITUR April --);)tli of all the matter comained in the orr 80 � many wornout and unpopular COLORS,DYE STIT'FP- Hence,,otirp 4_X - rb.-ient prices as for the (,o A NV- h deri lie f,,und ad -to say -that oit ra Ohafti:ery., w! atn0lint4matter furoklied..as t1logeof day of.th fun) vl-' Tobn Stuart Peouig, petiodicalsin this rountry, e corn- lAlillls Chances"'Of 'tionjOr Wesiminster or ��e'st $tretst British elec lit'W'*Outh suse third doo from the, -rican Assurahce Go. 110.v -E �k GITTLE EDIC I ce aper- 07 E S liave greatly improved. ,C I . . Compared with the cost 9fthesiriginal editio �itt -House Squat -e. a I t the . of tjh.e npre�-.elil pre CARDEN-SEEDS, &e.,- mberi, wb - 0 ro juirr ou goid vt still F t FLE AARINE d be.about $100 ote 4&ndids. &C. yuar.our 1 rices ($15) are Ad(] -to this b0pelessly Aivided ibe j)artr, LLI GODE RICH ture'vould have the faetthatwe ntakeonrammaiiia has graceihil I men pu' )rut he ljrhi,b retwed; and the 31u I'uNkhers for eiti-ly-s'lects qJid copyrightin gad_j VMS- co ej'� son, Val t- Grtsyenor, SOLICITtIl IN -Bayfield, C. W., ArWil 16, lRt'�a. jvJ2 netually attendefito I orquis f IL sling usat this little [-fail.. 18G5] i,earls, 82 50,11, Cui_ and.Mr -reitep--and We -trust That inthei-cul llikely 10113 c e. we havp adopic Th areffilly di WeAlall b�entjfelyjustffied d to unite their f - "Ch cri4e -Ross: B. A." rea ing public- WIZT ATT -u a' Ph sOEM Af MORK H trdware Store. viSn' D� rx aiid the litivea Wilson by ourstilt formi ble Opponent in th&pPijon,tjf (Z.) Guderich.Ja .49 The "lleKestof-theqn - Amerpan leaflets Mr Sinnith, the 14 111rough h great Dews age.n by -the.irticles lbev fn..Ulinei� of whose enoimous kstablish;nistitifi -Zitade, lour -Civil War. anq tbouggb -snaletime tinveii Mon -to W. TRELEAVEN E4' 3") rather-in6reased than diminishi-d ey L6iiil on lieal Froperelty., ARRrTER ­kTIO' NT--.xT LA -W ih The great mass orthr circulation ot-the viewt- -xvit.prejudice, they maj stiii. emisiderisig their great. 'LTGLTT abilitl alid the- difrerent -by sill sects and T v I -S vi�l I L 4 froidwhieb til y -pape.ts-published v GHT � - P iiirdwritteii.�herea(faiidstudieoi will, nfirnilt-ige bythe, di ribut parties is' people of thiscoulitry., St entrilat-a" Ftrqt U0.0i est tit of every erm,d and party. - But Wistminister, allbouggib fit :� . k,.A A lew 'IV be sold at sh tor tue wil(ile f 4-2 A rewcoines of the above remain 4n bai d. and 7.0 fre �ijf Will and Grosy Olasgavir House. The Pow R so Mil'sY Wistueralic residoures iss; Heal P,OCK &C20AL 01 -LS S f0Jr 1863. good, libei,�11,.ojty,.aud the cli our, or me, 'Allimmg Fluid,;[i We also publish' the and the other njoirey 'The I ES ; �j LT IT 0 in fifl,�* brai one ha Thj WORN d 'A.1311'i NEW M oiie -secures lbe voteof lFor Saldbyl, YARXERIS GIDE, MaRv Of th6 eddeated TITE ie radictil. el org _JOADA By 11E.Nwy STEPit'SyS. ofl3dielmirgh. -and the late.J. P. ect tfi� 16ther _f (in all NbRTO carijes with hii emitsence 12Lt Jan.,, 17, IbW, of !"a(#,' collerse- 2 vols. Royal Octavo, m o- Minster intert-st-�. 50 the H in: the Ivki 1. sjw103.w-31 _jeerIj:zI!. uverlookin and numerous Engravings. ed in a con -Jq- . . �Z _,C=, . - * - ! . . , �afil �, old -And -arbor TO mbz -Ta'b1at%_TAb16 an eleent net to be dispos and d ( , UE $7fr ar Kit al Wa' GOTT �CO anatty perdav;.;in,-Iv T RD S eney which' Dtimbbrs ,so I 0jis &S. OFFICE NfealsorFel .2.5 v1­5af0v1V On _abd J4, . ., . ­ . te.hants of the�''Grosieor"tamilv.' Mill fforx Ax'COrabbls N PlIbliSherSt, has thus far ­;idhered to hisres&fiqt;;�n: C No. 38-lValker Street. New y t6 tak& GODERICHY C. VN..- oactive Partin the election but hii _D A Y S." NO T E:;L at all necessat I think lie �will'4 E 0, N A'-V',q o Lend' his dignified r0tirement andishow hims f. .at. ..4 - No n -e om�rge -Irciffif WROXETER Y. Montfe I o. . running Irrom least, once oi fwicii t6 the adluit4rig. eleefolls, 'CF � ATTOR- aso-riable' to in a s OLTCITGR IN 11 -�4gztitated-onthe Gravel It d r S. Ap Coxv 4ANCEP '�Ce*-OMCC -olt ply t ol -S 8 : - ON'very rq xxr� NOTAar E eaforth -to . tiaanjpton, one little north of There isaIrgo,itifile f t Office, Godet eh. SWIS. re it leads u -one trav hopes. 0 over the no* Pas wbe offto . Wro_\eter, and a : y. Tom B frown Am ASP% ESS-isabout to entOr owits peaker u thoropgblf cndidate for piffil faor -on the good feill of. 20t], k-OOF saj L 'ear asa, juin 01 Crabb's ne.-Bloek. d, - . generot ell.ug to L. DOYLE beth. J�. F. CAS*ADV, N.- D., 1.9 B61,M Te, Warj�-rt"an, S 0;aTha.Mptuolf.' r Qoder� saine Drinciples Nvith whch it sell out: fis aim thie1j. Two reope tGradnate of '%Ic accomitio- beingioftiruisli goo reaAm mauer� uniningled.. for L m beth ADA it will be or any place in that h. 9th Tdn.--1965.. ctaWe ziedioritvs no -w sit To P W50 I ON "D atioa.Nucli a he oii1v_e_xpect.Ntb liadattirst Class g a HYSWIAN17 SLUW-Ei A AC with sectarian bitterne,*s -or Dart strife 1iardjf.h corcHtua. oill-e-At the Div On urt wtv hotes, th ti rezipects displac one The Newstlel;-artment-contain-e tlielatestnews 17 by. telegra�pfi, suhim-E Aes df news. o6ni Canadian 0 mrinon, %T Volliso Britisu and A-in&icanj papers; andelected arti­ eles tin eurtlentdvent, rom tholegiling.jottroals Ofthe world. There jsienton- reie sumptioll ot`Ih1sbC1fc5Ta-,e,js r�jiidlly.4 Ll -0oft- -QARRI$�TER, _kTTO1n\ 0 louflb i -- Ir . - .� 0 r memor- A -A turtm, &a., Clintoa. prtees current, revieWg of the inarke th, United RE ij, 6iing %A hae--afewdoors; north ojrthe� Post Office-. ii g F iends IT T 0"'GE mirs there ide T119 IrCTILDINGS '0VEA A,.LKXGLl1 OF. ts,, and. ing in e r, tes * ND. _W s. Thief fitiancial intelli-ence -at 1r; N(ONSEQUENCEtiftlied( hofA .31*174 31 _XEY T9_LE_ part Ito, the -reat 1 -0 1.11U-NI)RED-INI-D FIFTY FEET TEFFR4LLD. the business heietofore carried >) ..The department oi Fqmjly Reading Pon ain Ilerf-asef of- QerjMaW-Xnd -on uudfir th� %;title and style of copious 8elec It a Other foreigners whose chief 4rmk ja Iijeff, in -Viniarn tion of instructive and interes-ting pal..t to Wn 1apreasing taste matter, talesi poetry. &c. merica ValaableAgrie'ultutaf 4160 in "it Ghaacecy,J16avoyancer. te. IT, when compared jth� b0ter-Arx a. a: Prorprietor SOLICITOR IN ce rT6RN.XY_AT-L11V, w46-1 A ns, And diawf . & 0., 'A Robt. RulicimAli 0V_ re7clopied from time to, time. C.oltuallerial 11 atel illiteliell COW - I I I - I __ -1 -he Advertising d partmen't' has in enve two U _Iv 3_r 1-1 19 I any useful �4 i _1W 0 T domestic spirits PH ja the rev N importint. * ativertbcetneijis�, and but. dmits, none' laiper gailuij� an forelod Fipimts, *hj Freleriek Pko:udfoo't,, at ust be- closed Qn or belbre tho ­� ofad inimoraforiniiii-iou en "ey. tariffan Ad bo#t i d iaxed bot M the ATT01?.'_\-E,Y-A:r-LA A V a vontinning a scleem change- , ,dPej. The� 'Ciinadi : Idessengerp jym. tion ofilto besi -til g jjiatterzofthe rob U and boffee one ofue4rly'50 and be' "W`itne;8,`is published riTont er tm, Xazxxv PuBLIC 011\_� HTGKS Ptdp.Retor. This OF APR-ILtl.865 while lea piysWdutv f20g3q t Lists* XCE , is the -18T -RCIL.L. B1R"tt!.VTA"% � - . z Gty. Or 2-6m;* t Country 116tel in Weltern blyat,25ets oer'ann., with qqe copy,gratis tQ 4 c-ub ays, a tax of All -parties indebted to [be libove firm *are he It is d Canada. and- char, I ofte.l. Tes as m6derate-as ariv H.)nse re. ree:ceritta e Proprietor. - Good stall -ling for actountsove e- by tiotified that all noteq6tid-booL r vott:J to lielkgion, Al oft;( -n;. This ve immuritfterz ;hjldre ry, low tox w An riculture; �nd con- nal tevenue. �sy 00K. vr,�-es. HorsAs a Crriages for Uie -due o Readtfig,'Yettiperanee and Ag l('0 11 on tinee beer jx.jy�*er EW19 14 14,7 sequently. wallowed to passfree ee. Lan4 Surveitir. Office aul flesidence, I st day -of TEBY neXt hro0gh e ti dated awan.itaoxicating. 1114n liffe Ifit,ijiltba-Stroet, tt ,N if n0rushmuteltive And giridd ke T 3E R a Ari will be handed to their Solicitor for collection qul qC. 7he taxAptip this he slocl� -Dailv Witneoq�.%3 perinnaln, - A will be 401or ti)(0,011o., fre A.1be urjcepNt..iv� pn hand Oe paovixCIAL LXX -UPXEYQR AND: Morftre'al Witticis (seuji -ly jjj:j,h St quenee is thalth6se who- us 'it' tit. has been ��inc Civil Enginte ,01intoix. -July nirfe f e the beginning,;; as. 144e aqua, ity pf,it i - or tile "hto irldie SALE.. OR SnORT'CEDITT. as they got befdrdit begaluis Weekly Witqes. sl -tnle�llt consis a Is cwm litters" P-1 . - fi �ts of a -Of plouglis, Culti. SURVnYOP. Canitilian-AreQ5ja0r,26ats -per annum. 6 e. in I ]�" "laild. in di iraw(,­ Coo itim,g'. vators.Harrows., nn C IN E.S whim tbe pdpu%tjnn-jaq - THRESHINQ mA* c 6,-00,1000; the dravk u Land. Agent a the !me od doa�eya�eer, Kincardint R s '7AT--- WE TERN .0 fer back _E opy e;cb-eaqe for a &;ub i Pbt�aqh and sti-ar-kettles,'*aggon and- lou[4 a bdix 00. PjPk lessAlln harre4 per head ir 6 660 066' arre s. u ox. ARCHIT'EMOT 4Z boxes, I 0. Papers wil I -w- lhFwa 1XI - I I I n -dight for P -or e(I - - _gralistto tile value 1830" the S, twon East'Shbre of. Cone-tentho-fremittant-.0,, t Build- Cookingi Parlor &:Box- Stove Allcommunji6ft ioiis:4ci be�addreg. or JLu. ax�6 age of twwthkog of N,_;bqlf0l­ Pof, Witne , �1 neat correel lYl- .jeitto,Mon- annuin to e h B jil-.011jeeatthe Huroa Auction INIart, Ki ng S.9, or ac person.,. ut in 18P4,.4_he 0 va- Street. `,T THE NTY 'GALL & HE FAST Godericti. jsw- V I n7j I , : SIDE want. M JOHN bu �tc� tTIIR OLD B$T A. COU 5_ _04 Pe I An OV eW a of 6r kat ViWirka'Via Cd and a lot of'L�af-hiery tor Orist and Saiv�,itlills ad All parties� requiring the ab6VeL wqul&- DO GO he dcapA, Pr 0aus itl6ries �jre -and i ospect thetock -at 0111cei a& blbin6, i1e 111 in ce n in 1m _1E jp do we "of bargins. 11 to call rtai i staures Of they.well nA9.TUSTajrCpjyEj�ALA.1qr$ CE or 'Sow@-. devotees of-, Gatriburius av ;*ftlt -7 ]R.'R AT40 UNDERTAKER foursrop*m Car' -NL 9r XL 1U NX Known -to owallow in LAMM single day ACENTw 0 WAII, DAR, 0 - SCM001 alloni. The itobibailion ofseikral- jal) 9 Godpriell.. X-lanufactures, ana has how on hand a complete _1991P Zarkat Sql=e*, B n1ale 194' assortment ot-Furniture, at his Wifteeroom8p TA T reference to.tbe above-, It. Runefluan iwill OPR �er_ day does mot. it seenig, in aldf To Pis Cr-tTax ei�rerr Wednextiak,froni I I a.m prepa Some 8ide 16 WE S be red to carry on - the hti�4inesi;fpf ICA] D. ROWAN,', b6er-bibgrfs cbnsiilutb' intempejmjci�.-. ET MRRE IWORK 00 WZST. STRE GOD.FRICH &d a imaii coideutally oun. was 6 6f *It kill4p THE BURON FOUNDRY Commander -STA;703ZR Y4W sent -tot, treatineii -to capita Xai4 lkreet, Exeter. C will run be tween SUCH AS A cont -inds M SA,'NIA- 'AND �90UTRAXKP e It a 0 an rabt for the eiertion of all I; of it & areaus, e" tojinperal ce. each week AlwAyi Le'driuker., -,Tb i 1AZLEXURSZ' D A. -chinery as usual. and will. ktunpl 0unced by solln eiy hbors ,tif %0, Sofas, 13 Tables, Be4stea(ls, Hai�, y of, his 'n ,MAIL11. & THONSOm') - rr (Weather permitting) Cane and %Vor)Westtiid Chairs, MR Moui-din Oy-z, Toy Pralltr tboks 6f all kj�ds _#rL if I;e IQ �al �4V.a IMeL -ther hinisel f was sh-ed L untiLfui _Uotice UaTink M186 'evee 40 y T CliurcliBer jeefi jjyjunq Fqok4�:' ratesror"C' AS11 -ondav and Thursday"morning 'calling I.. Auevoll & Gommiss6oll lferohants,, t find-Lookin Glasses, in varibty 'MONUMENTS. TONIBSTO-NE stcai and reasopable r - ;C1, 3'. d- c r short credit peratti, and r6 N ..wilhoutb . esitSo. -antiraeture and- IMPqrtedH of�workmanihip,l furnished a 21st. 1864% SW12 Bay j Goderi6i ificardine. jtiverh�ion.. A.11BUME9, tittly Iam tempeniih, und igsta. St., G-ade. f ts,&-c,t-ofesvery descri tjoij a If 11ome M fiefd A]jd =Mt I)Oor tCr Strong'a ljota ff y e Goderich. Dec.. _w48 s- -Fort.U4 lgin, Southam If— Reiut�mlacr" will' a short nobee, and at thezlow�st r on 0. Wh t D. G. has alwari on inquirea and a complete as- -biberal reduction made for eash. leave bouthanipton dvery. W,eduegduy, and drink?, -the' surgeon. - Th -1 latutay moining calling at iibore Pori& WORK -B -ischold sortment of.COF HEAAStS 9S HICTUALL1. ATTUND -,* was " never ma�e than ,eitg lit-4tinfig a n§ &c; Also 'ALL WE D TO OXESI G- S &t t1j,& MaM eVe Y_ L jbifi_ rotite - n a -p uked low hjt;gh *mt fhj;1 111 Saturdity at noon. tlartl�ulfir To arn, DesignofMonaments-&e. b cai bi delivered Tfidstlikeon life 14 to -'the ealc of i3aukmt Stock, Farin iay ba 10a Pit picker than by any. othero 9qd a rakea io a Stock, &oi 0341 rdw een at the shop. erw man might be sup osed to �nd Lumer and Co ood- ta�en in ex- -ter..-October -AL4040C>3SLXX0CD0MT99 was told"that il� quantity two] p it L inAvatwedongoodstaftoncotumt, COAL COA falldlordlit V Stleft appraised,-debU eillecledt ilit Merchant& and Shippers.. ;r,. freiaht changreforFurniture. xted oreclosed, housesrstuted. and pussare.., apply to W" L Se�.monr & �Co., And various otheiarticles, all cbeiip. toint i-,-mjufen&dto. salesattikelfratt elt Aue- w27 : ' ' G�ierich - Robt.' Cwipell, A T 1UTLER!9. %"a Mart; Saidarth,ererfThursd!xy. A LA.P.GH jQUANTUY, OF ent. A Kincardi Jame B4r'%Vasb'A-ent, $6u6- Godetica A,�ril 28 IF60. No Porign Va �LAXXS' FARK FOR SALE me 2s County "es attended to, om re.;TohaMe te I -V -VA.6 BLAr"SMITTS COALT.. no ittseft Out The New orr !World jayst We OT3,-Con:A, Toiihship 'of Howick' I- :ON HAND -AND THOS.. S laic OWS RAW, R, uDZRTS0X9,..L semi official assii;atices from'Washingtoji;� -juile from Wroxeter, on W_. opmf W L demai Freight Supt.j Batitern diiiision, Ra -ilt9po'. no. n(. T TermsEd AUCTIONEER. 8kTFIZLD,, 4 has been madepo. Fng. helm& 4 -A4& conall- of lifuroft. Sales in villaige or coun try -*1jlt ference to tW_Alabaj� T 0 W h 0()l latid the $oil* 0L posictualtrattendedto. THEGRA VEL ROAD4, At- t. I T e clitim -for damages its& bt nil -wide liorn *rs, and James e- 4012?47 im 3P0Z13t3LV tfie -6ast laf;�i -Log houag time to in exitutiom. - 1. anifliarn., G-E-Qir RUMB.&LLI t and Hatica. -gates punctually attendeato. -A *ery. ening;, than Ag NJI� R G- -ME NT A ­Good On no 'more em pbas* has I;eeu reoe.nfly.#v_h i 10HYSED AUCTIONEEK 'for AVRON L j92A0RE8jp28CLEAiRED Fjj 4 E �e conaty A -Poly to the PPOP!e of theittited &ates and �-,4 1 shad 0&r Goderich, Niy 290it 1865.: sw7 HE.urilemirte& is desitt' g- of formi" 4 their g titurnt �*We In: tb4-- THOUAS -Esq., B., M. Tbusinebs connection with some'per�Qn vp.Ljl- _over have made up Their winds ss- 1, n,- io gQ,!nt6 the W!jqol4,1 be 'Eleventh. 40ampbeill, Go,ferich. F(,h 96. I to sto� flgliting for tbi- pr6sent. - War h" no -in-businez-sm,Godeiieh caul to find louger. any -aftr I aetionsfor W'- whftie��, ws eardq, &c 'anil tile Su rnLy-say About tli X4 lirp Cbnihxisslon�rja AbL idingt both of *fjfcb a' lee -AN Beach, 16itak T 'D -TYLES alu r —n GUN L I but, re mromp ete rea -0) to yeming. W*A GRNRILAL: COMMISSION AGEN Z4ANUFA0TU1CtM- -Doi od n, I Ad ang, !SRO. -asdav - *Gnveva�iaer, Ajabania- depreations, wO -do not fropose ja 0111ceonBroad OF A" JUND AN 4 rhis is a itIllendid opportunity for any chpabia '�wjs:hi"g_bhd bogtoPtnings 0(the kind -nee we c ji C. go to war with Epg),atid -or-Fr- man 33003t,13INDING111' adst. Apply to I A I heXpe 4* cotfilet. After lli�'% a i0i 28 uinh P*per mCan U4T:rHEw n6r, 711becTifil -w*r is. repaired, *nd lane= ERTSQX, Q&W.&RV Do' TS: publislied,_every� WO i strtler, we -N(;'-I�ti4e.-'IkrritniKeinenfe. with, Mr. lawful at V1 oi: into bays V -a- ox", C.'W- .Aotes and U ETA e Goderich� C W- ave -h nd.M uth ifindcontaiiis1b" litestTelea,rams, xil,.17ih; 186b.-, Ing itor 'ralwe ToArisp keeotmtscollactetf. -Basines-s- or -an LA, MeGANG01t, Bejok ider'a little fig k kind en- E; �jtua, Sofas, Lbun Bedifeadisin endiess turibv Stationer. (wfio has lately returned 11oin News Paragmplis- &e FamilV "St now the uniV914 LAND1% qtWed ta hita wdl receive prompt, au ge, - . . ,jA;kqtsj -Iphia.iivilb a large stoc )pr hand it; bat ay, _,witrilrobe k of. . Rindinir and no_ s, gook ,epared to Furnis dip ef I z�lrlilfdily - p�ap�pb an6oilil 'arit '1� c Ree -xiatliia is- initi it tl�ofi w4Q. VS03X ri�. . I . . I . - . , .)tbari te'ria 1) Atli pr tb ank�' r eace F I� .6ta wfrtok Wit -f -:'Ad-of- 18-64, but a A,- , - fa iBooL-sol-a:)I.L�.itid�.siz6iindstvlei'with-a . w'i isri& In3blVed most intcliraMi I Center Cables, Dininz 'fable, fait Tables, ncT ProVID TAbles, Wasn %Rtan(ts� Vhaiy$t an' d'utany . ir Other articles, too iritmeroutit OR. kut Printed Headings, at, tea P-er een che The LosDow- EvEmG. ADVERTTERS has a prdioke-ms ifitomL fight. amention. Ailkitidt con -pL Bit - I)k']Eb TV -rib I S *-Y- roile� SA _Wo Lhan To wtitionveri re ronto rjco* ttind� 11,000 ir'Week, which I- 1 L - tori of, -the 'd IT1131H credi �e 0( tfidingnt,t�vivin4satis ctiOA'wil4' q, more thati' doabA**e that of-4ny -other*._ daily JL muny DEaumimo.—A orivs ,4 3isajust tha aundejrsign are bb4wt* d4"- be repai red ed to meet at -the Auction Mart, -of, 4e of F, L r mt "D notifi -jishe eat amilton TICAL iipe p4 d',w. of -11 It is orie bf. Truernfi,- lWille toi� giment viamed deriU" & XECHA A]) -sw46w2j -10HY'BUTLEN. --Ater the*-finanin' f 4 - he 16th Re SURGICAL of`God6rl�b All d to- UPROLSTERY.in ailits, veircuJated- on, the strp, or 0 County uccesgor to. T. 1L time *q. Zf4w aPromptly attende in the -ida nn. Friday. moming d of ft j;oA on Mo y, The Woe ex. le#fr --Now York, and. t witty sixth day.. of.June), Instapt.- at dtqf? ra Mont- t4e Montreo Filf 134fralo pi, me ihe special iva to fth'd clock. in n, for the purpose it,OL an escort -of liiione�j i to 1 IL L - " ibL'r heir -iff e'dRimqne&­ ff will finili M R ofrereivingstat�memt lXS s 4'his a vitill of Th W been 1 7 ok 411tapari 13tht 18,W. 11%,28-wir respectfully invites an examination at bu iness notices in or oolm niiinio;-..�t*z�igooejo,vrhombem*y.m keao' WarranjeJ to b so tm My,) Uotierich, 0. ER-TAKI a distance It boxx clis it-Raffnilton, With -all- the 4*04.47 qit4r- Xr. P. slordWs Dr� UND� -t t eade ofthe best fia tuo -and 1111 ,few, cOU= Wl as*Jgnment iwder:th�- above Act. Tj U Buildintr purpose*--e.an W in I of, "11- -Marketi t -m )er annuml $4.00 1e C_ ouniy day ial an4 worli:mansbio,, and at grcativ reduced IOpposiiW te OF prices. -cafla debinpije., and lx,- sat-sfied befor -,t§ -desirous, a( 04aining. First -AGI &I Adver _ _r (I "Dated" at-,*Gdd6r1cb menh; W.d., Ii, of at *forLF' 6.fiCand - . ser prami golh;, - - - A. A 66 at 016 ftWVj%VRah !"aber, & - My Aftdrti ­Alt6g - r ef ted f a- uutoations add Hui,6ftttvlisdventhdaror.7ane,, or Sale; par- rj,­�qdrdwoodar4tflf kindSo. PC All mssed lo_'- g dns. o -purchiim du celakettll A ( w28td!_z,: NG NRUE arms., by aplil GJ9 Mli miff. JOHN JOAM19HON C �'CAXE n reasonAle terrns-iiiio, & . . �:f 4 that 'De ett!x last bubblo to pay ;F W .J. - W."ELLIOTT." -Off -0.' Wamrooin on Wgk Sireet. ON tea debi Editor Ptopritor. UniW IE4 'has Coft 8*59 Godezic�f Atirutit, 2n 1864. &94 4iieh.huroh24th. jew. 4. W2 50 iditor for Ins,61rent., AhL Ak A& f