HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-06-20, Page 3that ba :foto pa. ed -4anation ,ter. , was tlfsdayi I mother, stilted to , whiskey is necit Lnd from L7 Be= pat Tat Cfn4 the So. t live to pave.'" has comer d Staten :rely for get tha cheate4• res daughter r :a:stress ned next; estncoon ea edito- es, whick tble pleas en Franz -ecker, of liter and • 4,4,4%0k/1k 11 1r, ;$004 and a trip -to F- g ;inaw a-throngh alma, mid itod at.3 - COLE. iswaa idence Town of wad, with 1ia fun • [owe . Frame •buiidings. 2le terms. &HON, t premises - w21 clestrinz load,_ five LARK, .irt. Roadie • edltf 3isd_ de - And 13t - mozr. rtered Mahon or County oe f the.firs* r, of the. Ftsines%. leen made. geld oat Auctio4 e town hat it tik. in the. iosay °C- ogent ten rata Cash. ow ortgasim1/4 *notified Ifeasienen alai* ask ri it* r t the meriting, • 44-ftlaz — _ • The t'anatdian Delegation. An Estimate of Disraeli. „ — . _ W k T Y N hTe ew crimes of echesdey re- . . 'Skilful in debate and unrivalled as a t hew- - ! rician, he seems to want the nisdomili ceun- roarks-: -‘ The story is centralicted by the news i cil mid dcc,siou iii action tl.at are ind:spen- from Europe to-dar ihat the Canadian thle- ) Sal) i e for the occupant of the first pince in the g.tea had come to a„ „4.,e,Int.,,s_ a ith ow II )USC0t .Coina.:ons. He dues out possess usioniat twice on the sehieet of fortitientions.1 diet practical , good sense , which French The conferenoe, it seems, . are 'tato iu pro. 1 clines have,. so- oaten praised as the s aluable , sefess ; and u e bear, p,irattor, that tio., p; jute : quality of cur best sietesieen. Ile sesons d.flicolty is. in gettim an linperisl endir”- ' never to have been- able to hike. a correct ment ter the notes on which the co:too; must ! esttmate ot longlish opinion and feeing:— . raise the money neces.sary to do its Fart in 1 Many far inferior men are in judgment greatly thelortifyier scheme. If the colonists had his snreriors i his prererful icteltect is essen- -to borrow the required eincunt itithuut such • tinily unbalanced. -He is often so parndoxicul endersation, the delegates reeson fairly. it . would overturn their . credit altogether. Reasonable as this elaim is. we doubt whether and even fantastical in his views, tnat he in - spites distrust in, his soicrtity, no lea than smndness ot his conelitsiouss though ever) - is. at all likely to be granted. Federation one delights to listen to hirn i -an orator, he :eau neither cononand nor persuade. It seems 4or all the provinces. then, would be as far off andthe ttimmg country of the d he is utterly unable to unlerstand ' hVetCrt is ' _ rentosem wow. renev.. the- 0.td nudience—a power es essential to success in the House as_ Westminster R.411.: The clamor for anuexation to the United State -s.." rooson is that his mind is not cast in an • ./ Ok.ziish mould, and its deficiencies have not been renr died by the 'usual education- ot oilsh statesinenr. In this:Country poiliaoil I:1.min begins lit the public school -and Lit& e;sity, »i the manageent of the erielet Nev 1 ork on ..ttay 17th, met with a narrow .au!at and the diseasilons of the' deb:nib Thrilling- Escape from an berg. • - 4'he stettaishio Scotia which sailed from _ f escape„.which is thus described by a Nissen -I s°0-etY and *the punt,- Englishman ot asr41 Gazette • oer in a letter to the Boston Saturday of charaeteC and haellect, ins iLOJ diorimeilmololmmniminimesimide THE •SEMI-WEEKLY SIGNAL. Goderich Petroleum ASI) S.A.LT 00 MF'.23..1•T-s2" riittE above Company will receive tenders up to he first duty next, for boring- fur Petroleum and. Salt in Goderich, Cauntia West, to the depth of onp• thousand. feet. The cont.: actor to provklei :.11 niaterials and. labor, ite., Ste., except for eegine, power. Tenders to state the erneunt per foot, .witji or without tubing, and the size of the bore.. Operations to dommente by the 20th of July next.- Tenders to be addressed to DETLOR, Eno., Provisional President,. GOderich, -Citortin West. June 13114-1865. . u2Otcl • .TO US acluires the art of governing his fellow men. petroleum or bal It eannot be learned ill the closet or Ity the , • Oa the Sund4y after letvin T port, at ten i -O'clock a.m., saw a large iceberg on our Teel hi„Theat intellectual culture. NO one who' CO a-N.lipAlgiVi]F` s _., kad gone through_the ordinary En,glish edu. --- - 'bow, about hail a raiie distant; but quite,' IN 7 HE COUNTIES OF . -.near eneugh ta satisfy the many ,,J10 had ex. , cation: could -ever hate been -piny of the . . 1 _ . . pressed -great desire to see one of the wonders numerous extravagancies. into which. Mr. iitTRON • AND •i3RUCE - • of the Arctic. reoions, the-terriir of the sea. toi Disraeli has fallen-a'n peliiies, as well as in ' all mariners ; Cut_ how little- did thev think literature. With all his cleverness he has whatinuninent rs been perpetually sayi5g, .writing, and doinz IIQVED Mr McDougall, seconded - danger tras approachine i it,. and discrimination he is so devoid as. to though the Coro -wit chnnot -agree to the be often -extremely ridictilous., lit aiming at petitiou_of James Watson and others ot - brilliancy lie frequeutly overshoots the mar[, the 'Town of Godetieli, but at the same ,•, when he tries to appear' sagaeious he is penile desirus of encouraging enterprises .s -31,any of his bes ids° valuable, a nature to the inhabitants ot marred by this ant of tact-sonmight al- st speechtare these Counties will grant the sum of $1000 we most sawa y, nt of knowledge cf the world to any Company that will sink a test well for from this seurce of their 'ereat curtaity. things that -are altogether out of -pee, Mr joseolt WhiteheadThat al. Soon after 11, o crock a.. -m.„ the foe became. so thick as to cat off et sight belpua -the -shio's lerigth, the sailor on .." Itookont "- gave sudden alarmof a large iceberg " deod ahead " aud ail.nost under the bows of the ship. The 'sio -mai Whistle of darter ivas sounded instantly, vehtle the fi!.it officer, who was on deet, -•-rried in a voice of thuoder, ancl many of the best ptissages in his books. • "Lard -a -port, hard:a-port' your helm," but ate spoiled by a tawdriness- ot ornament which tmotheroffieer in tile C4DruSioa of the mom -Z. -tit sp4e. Againi_iq a sixth -form boy at'Eton or Harrow - would who probably took anether view of on! sists_cer. dehis eff4i-ta for his. party, sang out, -,- ::Zcariaoard, hard to starb:mr`d.'. he Ilea ftilleit luta the strangest Vagaries ; but meanwhile the captain was silinaniag„ file on no oceasien more remarkably , ib 112 last inte:, when he Made advitneei to the High . engineer to "stop lier,'; " back w ' and other, , Impatient -orders. wbidt were skilfully and e., hu reh party, without. perceiving that his.pat- rapidly obeyed, 'before even the ronage would be-7.ibout as accept:1We to -the were aware of it, sa completely che'cii-ksstaeNitrus.teliurchmen as thi -eulogies Of the Christian . -Kneed that the striking' of the.shipiqaiust the i teligion pronounced. by tho pions Lord Wesu .. mountain of sO:id ice scarcely scarred the; The 7SILiiiin;g- Alag,z-zine. - . Mack paint on the ship's port -bow, and surz- TUE Cuot;s,--ever has the prospect of a jug- round alongside the _ponderous and gigantic mass, it clime quite near enough to the quarter deck tosatisfy ever: beholder, for it -could be touched with a:Common bonen' oar. As we opened the (intone°, mid the danger passed, there was never seen 'helot e shipload of more thankful, grateful sou's, as rendered nptheir thanks to Hun who had vouchsafed them their ereat de:rrtranee.. 14 -hen the ieeberg: was first discovered WO 'were on deck and- quite near the firward smokestack, and as we were Iookin_r for- ward. saw the approaching danger quite as soon- as the sailors on the look -mit." The sight was such as to fill our hearts with fear; and the -horror with which we instantly realized Der awful situation can neither' be iroagined _or described. Oar complete destruction seemed inevitable: So neat- were we -io the iceberg that it appeared the ship would strike and sink berate the passengers could run a.ft, whick they aft - commenced to do, being as anxious to get as- far from the eoncussion as possible. Not one on board who saw the danger but *fully . concluded we were Lost. ThedayClused without -further inferest, save the sight of still another im- mense iceberg about six miles distant. suffisiezitly near to keep,every one on board awake through an -extremely iiough :and stormy nizht. salt or oil to the depth- of 1000 feet,- or to a lesk depth, if oil or salt be , sooner ebtained, or in the event of tees' Companies commenc- ing, viz: one in the County of Bruce•and the other in the County of Heron, the said sum be divided in two equal proportions between the said well:, the.site of sinking said well be left te some coMpetent and scientific person, the said Company to commence operations within six months. - ce rtified: PETER ADAMSON, - : Comities' Clerk, Iluron4k. Bruce. -Goderich, June 14th, 1865: w21 3t TttE New Beoxprx---.We clip the foil -owing from the London Free Press with reeard to the rope-watkino. feat of 1.1r. Leslie over...:"..1.- no.sara 1' alis three o'clock the si.n Shone o-ut in its full glory, and' crowds ot people lined the bunks on either side of the rifer, to witne.s .the - rope walking feat. ;Suspension Bridle was also crownt4 with spectators: in al' no _less than 6,000 were preseao... About 4:30 p.m Mr. Leslie stepped out upon the rope—briskly at firsr, but gradaativogetting cautious as he proceeded. When. 200- feet' out, he sat down upon the rope-, performinTg several rapid and ogi:e movements. He is the very Count erra t of Biondia. Still cautiously ativancing towards the centre of the rope. he laid himself flat upon his back recovering 'ni-s feet, he moved on. briikly, now apparentlygair.ing confidence as he proceeded, On his arrival on the Canadian shore he was greeted with tremend ems cheers,. which- ,krere reechoed from batik to hank, and by thee on the bridge. The time occupied was.six and a hay minutes. The return trip -was made aider similar cir- cumstances and in about the seine time. Mr - Leslie thus estrblished his reieitation as'ettint " he represeroed himseirto be, the equal of BIondin. His next performance takes place - oa the 4th of July. elorious harvest been more flattering - 1:4*F14(e. `this part of eamat. than now. There is nor a grain of seed in the grouiel that does - not I promise welt. From: every -locality the re- iport is the same : '' The -fall wheat is °especially. good 5 iind crops-ofall kinds never looked better!: The fall wheat has escaped the effect of thesoriug frosts; the cool and -- growing weather has gir en it a luxuriant ap- pearance, it now heads . out with promise of - an nbundant yeielu ; ind the midge is the only known enemy that can break that promise. ,_ There is an unusual breadtk under . eultivalion, and the liklthood is that while at . no former peiiod the comfort and happiuess of the eons:ramify- was more depeutlaut Upon t the aeccess of the farmer, at no former period _i will embarrassments be overcome to the same .extent, -,-.5r. Thomas-- Journal. THE MARKETS. oO Ganou. wit, June 20th; 1.865. Fiprin Wheat, -- ...$1:09 - 1:12; Fall do 1:12 (4.; 1:20 Oats, 0:40- (4 0:45. Flour, . _....... 5:511 - (o 6:00 Bailey : 0:53 _.(-/i„ 0:60 Fees , (e!; 0:75 Pork ...-.......... ...... 5:50 ( '& 0:00 Wool. . . , 0:35 (a 0:40 Lambs 1.0) Qt.; . 0.00 ' furkiea, each 0:45 -(4, 0:30 Geese, do - 025: , ($ 0:00 t'l dckens, ?pair 0:20 Cre. 0:00 — ,;.— 0:00 a!' 0:25 lli les,(gteen) -.....-. 2:75 • (a. 0:00 butter t; .... ..... 0:00 (a, 0:12; Ptatad Hay, ton 1 NOTICE t0,111111t101 TENDERS. WILL-. RE. RECEIVED BY Al7a110$ " AT - PORT ALBERT, ON UESIAY THE 21th FOR Gravelling the Port Albert Road. • AND .TI1E-RE WILL BE LET AT INGfam ON WEDNESDAY, 28TH INST. 040 (it, 0.45 -fhe Cleat iif,g2- Grubbing, Grading, and 'Cut - 2:00 0:00 0:019, '!0:12; 1111' for aniela.eterenSwioinil 1:iitisothbee liNe"-tinagthant Road. .13:00 1:t0 Married. At Goderich, on the 19th-inst., by the Rev. Robert --Ure. Mr. Edward Campaigne,- -to Catherine, daughter of Mr: Andrew Cameron, Esquesing. Money to Lend, UPON' Mortgages. Apply to Shade 1-J GOodiriz, SoliCitar. Office' over 11,.. Booth's, store: 4 • Goderieb, 18th May, 1865. . swl•ttf PAINTING ,TO LET. r,f HE job of Painting the fences,- &c., of the •A• Itshtield Catholic Church, will be let on or before the 15th of July next. For panic- - ulare„apply, if by letter postpiid, to • • 11.,.EV.A. WASSEREA.U, Kingsbridge p. o. Ytine 14, 1865. w2tr3t Days' Tavern iltreztar- THUR6DAY '29th 1NPT., The Clearing, Grnithine, , Grading and Cutting ofthe Road froin the Bridge at 1:Ito's' Tavern to Belmore—a distance of Six Miles. Also five or Six miles of the .Road running Easterly Von' said :tavern through llowich ownshile , SATURDAY,' TILE Lst OPJULY Next; the GRAVELLING, 00. THE MAIL ROAD IN STEPHEN _wig • be let la the f CREDITO e o N. And on StgGcLin CATTLE PliEASE.—The Phila.- 1110nday, tile 3rd july dephia Press- says that cattle seem* to be - particularly afflicted this season. with a very Part of the HAY ROAD will be letin the Vinare of ZURICH. peculiar disease in the shape of worms, some • of them InT an in -h Icing. These T ms l'he whole of the above work to be let by get on the back of the cattle and eat thdir Auction insections of enemile each.' way into the flesh. The animals are greatly troubled -with the affliction, and roll over en PLANS SPECIFICATIONS 45 PROFILES Di DER and by viol* of a Power of Sale eon:: th • Ditect from the Manufacturers. :)00 REAMS OF ASSORTED ENGLISH Note and Letter Papers Just received rind will. be offered at u .sight advance on . cost to OASH. mrsrmts EVERYTHING IN SCHOOL BOOKS . AND STATIOSSRr SCPPLIED AT LOWESTWHOLESALERATES.. TO COtNTRY AtEltiMANTS, AT THE 'SIGNAL' OFFICE. June 13th, 1865. • Fot Sala7 -A..,Bargan The fi Bracg Vindicator" ;Press, Type, 8s.Fittiiigs, IN GOOD WORKING ORDAR. Apply to ° D. CULBERT, Priiker, . • Southampton U...1V.• June 10th, 1865. • - W210 4t* QTRAYED, from the premises of itYilliaat is/ _Allin, lot 12. Maitland con.,, Colborne, on S:iturday, 10th in -it, A BAY mARE, small,. French. windgall on ofThind leg, sore shoul- der. Any iuformation respecting her will be suitably rewarded. • Address Yin Allin, Ben Mibir p. o. w20 3t Division Court -Notice. HURON AND BRiJOE. _ T. APPOINT Men -day, the 10th efeyot July next, 1. the day for. holding- the .next sittings -uf the 7th Division Court; at Bityfitild; mstead of the 12th day.ot July-, as formerly advertised. ' • • It -COOPER, . . - _Judge,. H. -4:B. Godo felt', 31st May; 1$65. -w19.:4t; . Auction Sale of a_ ALUABLE FARM! Pim. and half tniles from Goilerich town; On the Kincardine Road about Immo- Gravel- . 0 led.CEORCE M. TRUEMAN, IS ihstructed by Mr. Thomas Grundy (the 1 proprietor) to sell by Public Auction, at . his Sale Rooms in Goderich, on THURSDAYLTHE 6th DAY OF JULY 1865 cciinmeucine. at 12 o'clock noon I el 7 That, veil VALUABLE- FARM Being N;. -cif Lot 8, Lake (Kineardine)-Road. E. D , Townehip of Colborne, 110 acres. f' Land more Or less, about 4 and halriniltra from the Te;wn of Goderreh. The Levels of the Kiricardine..Road are now being taken by the County SUrveyor toward Gravelling forth- with. On the Farm- thereore about 30 acres eeverfailing creek runs through the the' lot.: 2 good wells, aid Pump neat the house. Also 2 good frame Barna, Stable k comfortable House.. The crop of Hay now growirf: which is presumed :will yiela. from - 40to60' tons, will be incleded In the safe of -the land, Title from Canada Co to pre sent proprietor, • TERM'S 'OF SALF.--:$600 of the purchase, money erui -remain on Mortgage ro.; 2 years; balance cash.- • - Goderieli, 13th Julie: 1865. w2ptil LUNG OFF AT THE SGOW H 1 KERR JR.. & CO. GODERICII, June 1st, 1863. 110TEL ROTIOE, JOHN DoNocri takes this me ins Of in- t) feirming the public that he boa entered into the Hotel bueness in the stand formerly known as the Fulton House, where be will be heppy recoire old friends,ahd customers, • Goderich, June 6th, 1865. . w19 - - -MORTGAGE S OF. Valuable Property!, UNDER. and by virtue, of a Power of Sale L.) contained ra a -Mortgage made by John E. Da ney, of the "foivn of Godench. in I he County of Huron, of the first port. Mery Ellett Dailey, his wiie, (for the porpo-sc of barrio,' her dower), 01 the second part,, default having been made in the. due -paYmeht thereof,- .will be Sold at the Auction Mart -of George .A1`. Irueinan,. Mai ket Square, *Gederich, on EridaY, the seventh Oh) day ofJ lily, A.- 0. 1865, at twelve oletock. noon, , the follciwhig property, -viz: Lot number (.1309) one thousand three hundred and nine, and-- lot number (394) tbree hundred • and ninety-four, in the tov. n of Gociertek oloresaid. Deed under rower of Sale. ' . _ - . p. CAMERON, solkstor for Mortgagees. Mortgage Sale. e wags as t ough in great agony. Some- times, while grazing, they start off suddently and run wildly over the niedows, as though steering intensely.. Their strange condu.t has attracted considerable attention within the past week, and not a little comment as to the orignal cause. .An experienced vie- titeller made an exainination:of soine beef e.ttle 012 themeadows, and succeeded in. moving quite & number of the worms that were working their way through the skin into - the fleshof several- animals. _ • Frightful boss. of LIte. On Wednesday afternoon a farmer named James Crowley,...residing within three or' four miles of Peterhof°, opened a well that had been atoned fora tong period; with .a -view to getting 300te Witter for a sudden emergency. The water being rather lovr„ one of his: four fine sone went down to guage its depth, but son- reirtaining what was considered too -loaz ;below he was followed by one of his rernair ;.inetrother who stood on the brink, for the Eirpose of learning what canted the delay. „Re too not. returning as speedily as was con- %ceived proper,- was followed by a- third and ;then a fourth until all four were in the well; ,when to the utter anguish and dismay of the ipoor father it watt discovered that they had au& fallen a victim to tout air. The four were taken. out dead, every: effort to' restore iife proving frisitless.—Leatier. Tar Montagu. Pouct..—The corres dent Of the Leader says that Alderman den, Chairman of the. Polies Committee, Ihag inaved and obtained leave to investigate chargesmude against the force.' He read a Ieuer accusing the Pollee of levying black -- !nail, _stealing property committed to their and .neglect Of duty. These bad been .csrefully uventigated - and on WOW lately aiadet, tie committee ad been'obligad. owing to insufficient evidence, to exonerate tbit men. force ought to*, reorganised st.d related to 160 men. The present beats areituch too los& being in some eases a mile and a half eZtent.': Oat of & hawked miles of streets. aid 1$ miles were traversed by -payee beats, on those thrts,ine, To' wilt 84441041-inglit-r INSOLVENT ACT OF 1864 • a- TnE crediters of the undersigned are notifi- l- • ed to meet at the Law office 0: CanierZni in the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, on Monday the Third day ofJuiy, A. b. 186.5 at eleven ot. the clock in the forenoon, for ;he purpose of receiving statements of his affairs, and of naming an assignee to whom he may make an assign ment under the above act. --- Dated at. 1lzmondan16' in the County of Huron, this eighth day of Jane, A D. 1865. A. SMITH. M. C. CAMERON, ; Solieitor for Insolienta sw8.1,td GREAT- WEST/R N RAI 'MAY, Freight for Ports on East Shore of: Lake -Huron THE FAST SIDE WHEEL STEAMER „ Bonnie .Ilaggi CAPT. D. ROWAN, . Commander, Wilt run between, . SARNIA AND- SOUTHAMPTON (Weather permitting) twice each week until further notice.° Leaving Sarnia every Monday -and- Thursday morning -calling at Bayfield Goderich Kincardine, -Inverhuron, Port Elgin, Southampton. Re - turning will leave Southampton every Wednesday and .Saturday morning calling at above ports. Freight .by -this route eau ;be delivered tricker than by any bthert and at rates to. suit,Herehaits and ShiPperm, For freight and passage apply to W. Seymour & Aeltats, Goderielt; Robt. Camphooll, Agent, -Kincardine; lamp; Berwishf Agent, Smith- tt°11t. : - .41E04 airWARD, - W. Oltit; lit,r0Sht 44PG. rialia:a4i,iiiqa,Waillitarg - May be seen at the office of the subscriber in CLINTON on and after the 21st ins; and On the ground at the time of Auction. be Two solvent freeholders will be requir- ed ftma each COntractor as security fur the clue completion of the -work. County Surveyor. .G.M TRUEMAN, Auctioneer.- - 12thjune, 1865. w20 EVERY ARTICLE YOU WANT IN Y-111DE Till ! Can, be pu:rchase4 Cheap FOR CASH at A. S ClothingEmporium . BURKE' SQUARE. GODERICH Gui:erieit.June 9. I865. w12 - Insolvent Act of 1864 - VIE Cream& of the undersigned ara noti-. L. &rho meet at the -law_ office of M. C. _ Cameron, in the Town of Goderieli,- in the County Of Huron: on Tuesday, the fourth day- ofJnly, 1865, at ten of the clock; in the forenoon, for tbe purpose of receivingstate- rnentF , of hs affairs, and” - of 'nettling an enigma to *hone he may make an assign - :Mint under ,the. above • act. .• Dated &t Goderich 1* the County otHunini, this:U.6.17 of June 41606E45.)T• DoN: coni, M. C. CriMER02N,. pone/tor forinsolvent. ne,82td , • . _ tained in a Mortgage made by Joh o Stewart. of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, of thu first port, Louisa Stewart, his wife, (torthe purpose of barring her dower), of the second part, and Joseph Herr of the same place, ot the third part, default having been made in the due payment thereof; will be sold at the ituctioe Mart of George M, Trueman, Market Squire; Goderich. on :Friday, the seventh (ttli) day ofiuly, A. D. 180, at twelve o'chiek, noon, the following -property; viz: Lot running number. (133) one hundred and thirty-three in the said Town of Goderich, containing by admeastire- ment one quarter of an acre of land, more or less. Deed under Power of Sale. 31. C. CAMERON - vats' Solicitor tor Mortgagee. • CARD OF THANKS, RICHARD THWAITES„ ,E4Q7: _ • Agent -Provincial -Insurance Co., Clinton, Dtan Sult.—I beg to thank the Provintial Insurance. Company of Canada through you for the very honorable manner in! which that Company has satisfied my claim Rion it,' for chintageeto my printing materials by removal during. the late fire in Clinton, by which the adjoining house -(Campbell's Victoria Hotel) was burned to the ground. I am, sky.; Yours respectfidly. • w174m GEO. LATCOCH.- -liONEY TO. LEND. $30 000 WILL be loaned On int -; prtived Farm Property. HORAEE HORT014. Goderich, 6th. June, 1863. Stolen or Strayed - PROM the preninei of ibe subscriber, lot 10, 9th con. Colborne, (D. Clark's farm). about the first week Of May, A- BROWN'7 COW, white stripe on *eh, white belly, while between hind Ism piece rubbed oft' op* me:sc.:T.4r hbanclinus.t.inlynrooeformirsiedtionv iiminnraep_ etiftg har ALsz.;ow. _ .00dirictirp:e. lbws*, annii13, lie. • .20-3t,' - • PLAZINT rin _J U- ?NGT iIn. the Queen's Bend; ' EASTER TERM. 28 VICTORIA. In the matter of cornpen- 1 Al' 0 TIC E is sIstioa for sight of way of , 43- hereby 'given the Ruffalo end Lake •tbat the --Baffide - Huron Railway Cornpary I.aiid" Lake Huron, through lots los. 851- 86 Railway Ctutpany. and 87 in the Maitland have paid inn tilt, _ I ship of Goderieh, in the Bench,at.Toronto. concession ot the Town- Court of QttrinFii"." County of Huron. j the sum ,of Stir, hundred and nInetrsix dollars and.aiihrld.ft cents being thecompeneation and mareftni lands for right " of way.- being Tarts ef lots interest these° 1, agreed to be paid fpr cert, numbers eighty fiVe,'_eighty six at4 opt 'i, seen, in the - Maitland canteEzioh or township of . ederich,.• in the ce*tity' Of ,=, ._ Huron ; under and by 'Timm of * agreenicht or. deed po:11 beating diff4 tlff tIttlattk eleventh day of ,May, in itte year of .,Ont Lord 1853, and exeentrd hy William Ford. - and 'Henry Ford- of the said townAtip Goderich, al.dioncle utrier the Ad ezitk "An Act sesrecting Lailways.n -end - brat% notsce is given "to all pentons entitla to Ilis said lands or lojany raft thereof,. on*pl'hatill- ing cr being the husbands of any ponies so entitled, to- file their claims into -the mill Court to the said compensation or may per* thereof and all Such claints will be moult and adjudged upon by the "Mit coma pursuant to the ',Statute in that behalf. Dated this lieh day of lilny, 1865. (Signed], L, BEYDEff,, wl't 3rn . Clerk of tke Croivasudllesti sunurs sA.LE orwept -........0-..-. tl mted'CountieS f Di" -irittrie et Illi Irrit 41/1 7 Huron and Eiu , >11 Flan Pima *Self MK To Wt: iof Her'Atisiestes clew Courtpf die IrnitcdCountlee ofidurothlwaSAw and to otedireeled 'against tile land* ard-wasie ments of James Clarke At the suit a 11,4**: . al' the right, title and interest Thompsed, I have seisei'l aad taken it • dant_in and to lot nuet.ber 324 in Ihe /wirrettif- Goderich, in the 'County co Hymn, winch hisifin and tenements I slain pro for sale it my elk,. in the Court House, in the town of Goalerielt, sir. TuesdaY, the fifteenth day of August next, 44.10, hour of 'wets e (dale clock, noon. JOHN MACDONALD, 1' Sherif/I. ils I, - IirS Pot.toex, DeputySherifi, _ . -SherilPe office,-Goderich, t : loth May 1863. li twig. To Wool Garderty Isay A, Good Openingl -THE -tirdersizeted is detarrout of iambic a business eunnection bug to go into Inc Wool -Carding audClotleslrests. ing businesstaGodetich.- The applicant to Ind cards, ke., and the subscriber the power mid bustai'fig, both of which Amin amp:se treadisedrik • This is a splendid opportunity tor shy capable man wishing -one -of -the bestopmaings of the lam& m Canada. Apply to MkTTHEW ROBERTSON, April 17111,-1865. Grochrica, e -Are At of 186 TUIti-fica edretiowf meill 'eteat tea t I ertii l Or George M. Trueman, in the -town of %density in the County of Huron, On 1i09day, tits twenty-sixth day of June; msta.nt, at *West of ff receiving nteofhisaralm ecloi:kIsituattekmeeforenonnlie ; for paspaftsault. naming an assignee to whom be mar opicsajit- asiign meat under the *bop Act. Dated at .•GOderich, in tho County of' {lure. nithisaeventh dayofAmokA. Efr. 1865.. w20td GEORGX310 IL C.- CSA2citoERr°14o_Th*Or'vent. AUCTION -8 RIVED AND - TINDER and by -Sittnet Oro Foam* Whets. - Li contained threerfeveral Monotone mad, 'by Auguste De St. Aubine, °Me' towed, o_ Arran, ia,the County Or BrtWer Yeomen,.sad Janet his wife, (as to bar of dower x nods tot ro the Canada Pernianent Building &cut •*Jr to James Stark of the said lowaabiP Innkeeper, and 3rd to John Jacob Lithium • • William -Henry Roby,- -Will be sokr by Psblitt - Auction on.Mtinday, the 3rd day otiulynest,* noon, at Smith's Hotel in thst village °(en*. a inFloaro _yarn fernemaFthusoar:sDup;RyTiton teibeno6th tmeonnybesaariipsig;torir serest Terms cashen stay of sake. • sew township ot Arran, coctaining one Dated thus 29titleityllf-isteohe.,,14007serl. ,P AT THE - 1 I bODERICH - May Jet, 1865. DefLOR & SON. w.12 SKERLFF SSALE.0 LANDS. United Counties of Di Y virtue of a Writ .of Heron and /knee,-} „LP . Fieri Facies iesued .:. - To wilt - out of Her MajestecCounty Court olthellnited Countien of a u roe and Brew, and to me directed -against Inc Ian& on4 ten& meets Miasma Lothian at the suit of Willitini. Smith, I have seized and taken in execution sae the right; title abilities est of Inc maid defeadent- in and to lois miters u and Din the Oth coneession ef Hui township of Bruce, containing 200 acres; luso mask. number 2 an the village of lever- buron, in said county of Bruce, 'containing 34. acresovhinklandikand tenement. I shilleffee fee sale at my office in the Court House in the „town of Coder.ch, on Tueaky the Ara day of August. next, at the hour oftwelve ot the clock, noon! - JOHN MACDONALD, - - ` -Sherif, H. & S. Bit S. PotLocz, Deputy Sherif! - - SherilPs °thee, Gederteh, f- - . -25th Ann!, nib. t wI4 - InsolventActofl884 Is the Crountydourt of the itakitid Counties of ifuross.einci Bruce. • - tlf• matter of Utsit.es W. Picx. art ius I- -!ent. Paevisceoto °assns. County Of -Huron One of the United Counties (Allmon and'Bruie. ATOTICE is hereby g. iron- that the ender; 1.1 signed Wiled in the -office ofthiscoati, a_deed of composition and 'discharge exectit-' ed by hit Creditors and that oft Tueaday, the eighteenth day ofJely ant,- at ten of the clOcIt 1* the fitirencion, or as iscioties eounsel can be heard, be wilt apply to the:Jed:0'0T thessid Courtfora confirmation- of the disk then, thereof Ahmed in his favor nedaeatid Act. " . - .crustats vi4ItIgTotep,' lt000 - . " Aitarmy. Jetb, IMS. . Sheriff's Sale in Lands: - United Counties of- DY virtue of a writ ol 1 Huron and Bruce, LI Fieri ladies issued out _ to wit: - of Her Majestrn County Courtoft-fru-Unita . °unties nt.Huran and Bruer *into Inc (keened agalait the lane and tele - Meats -of -Charles ..814144.-. is, tho suit "A- the , Gorpoiation of theTownship of defiled, 1 --have eited- and takenisesectition nu -the right,- title endeintsteet ofthe -laid defendamt ,in and to the west Miro; let umber seven in the third row - *wen Eastern *vision -of the -mu nship of Attie:14ns 1 heVounty -tit...Huron -eontainmg one hundred acres, whica landsand tenement* Isbell ufer for sareAt mypdice in the Court House, -in the towip.of Goderich, oa Tueiday, the. first day of Amami next; at 1.se hoar et Astaire ot the .. cloekotoon, • ' --JEMIN MAtZDONALD, • • ." She-AS*11.2k a. BY roiLeci,DiptifT Sheriff., §heritPsGinee,arich, 26th April 186o. 1 - urI4 • .Estray Nottice, flAME into- the enclosure of tbit under- -signed let 34 in the lth. mini, township Stephsn. on clki 24th of last May, a dark bay Mare, 14,/eh.ud high. The owner will prove reparty, pay expenses, and lake- her - . . • TOBIAS SPARSER. Crediton, 101f4 lit, 1665. w19•3 ISOL,3EIL,A; It; 6°"illtrarinitilatirt itssogi Itnyfield, 11pprret . to kis aleit evieS Oseks ICI"If1111 •/17fifilkfti.ftlt Mortgage:Sale ono& u t— TTEDER and by virtue of a Verner_ of 8.1.w contained .n a Mortgage snide S. tranEreryand George timbal!, bah ef t1W Town of GocleriehoW the County 6 Heron, ell the first part, Margaret VatiEvery and Helen M. Eton ball, their wives,' ftor the purpose -sr Inning,. their dowers', of the second part, .and l Dirtholo- omew Seymour, the elder, of Avranchea in Belie mandy, in the Empire of France, default liseirif -been made in the due payment thereof. W_Ill be sold attbe Auction Mart ofGeorge M. Truemea, Market Square', tioderich, on Vntley,lheliereietlita 17t hi day of.fuly, A. D., Ito, at twelve olektaltp- noon, the follownig property, viz: Lot sunibay- 5) five south-east aids oksoath-Wesx arm* fir sold Town of Goderuihr und more partiOttlitif described in an indenture. fawn William 1.attier and wile to lra Lewts, and which team ids the third day of April,- one thouilint. eiW burdred and fifty, also,' tor samberstx LSJ tattler southentst side of..SOuth-West -street, to add - Town of Goderich,;nd more. puticulsiir described,in an indent from Awe!, battledores' and wife toirs,Lewhistbearing date tile -tuelitlit day of Mara, is she pear one tbousigi eigW hundred and foripftinep Deed tinder pewee no Sale: - _ M.- -C. CAMEIION., wl9td' Solicitor forldital.1101111. 111011IGIGE Sid rig* r121MBil. areibrvirtne ofitt`ientertiseholjoig„._ _ t.1 Woad in a Sforfrifre /11046 -Gann otthe ViIt4e inlenerknion . In the gnaw .00 Bruce; 01the pWrtl Stissa.‘nan, Ins (lor the purpone or barring her dower), ot she second part, aittf Barthatemew Seymour, IlittbitWe: of Asratic5es1 in Normandy, filik INV MP France, Esquire, ofthe Hurd part..distaint nig ' been made in the due payment' therepollwilf, be sold at the Auetion Mart of Gearue 11. _ Market Square, Goderich, on Friday theseveatit, day of July, A.-D...186k at twelve *Works. mos the:following/km*0y. via.: Lot samba 06) kwureixms West Victoria *row sod" .; Vitlage otinveriniron,Iiontainhig by _ ment one acre aloud, be -Miasma aserier &Ws South John streetin thetwid and lots two' (2). Wet tad leer 41,• by adineasureniont reepectivily len IOU awes- nisd e halfol lend ithohlibe the same tastrat *OW - Deed Mule: Power 01S4.. 111:C4: - Solicitor for tr.Countreeitiipir ,ietea• Idulowled Bruce, 1.1P rieetredes., to Wit t 01 Her MajostjtAt Volta of the United Comtism Hum lied to medrreeted agaiast the Ionia ments otWfifill Wilson:* the silk et Soon* Stevenson and Aschlbali1 Coat land, L isveseisedited Ake* in riga, titte and men* albs saki darsaars audio tbanoutb baives °not* at.d.fiXtrifielt In **Mit ship of itorrinqii lbe (and*iii tanantister .1 adtei As Coact. Liesneres 'eke* Tnegdnythe twenty - apt, at the &we twitios .touti 004,p GOiritiok, law, 136470 *