HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-06-20, Page 2THE SEMI-WEEKLY SIGNAL.
_____ -- ---- __a_ ____
, Departinent of Sinte, June 17, 1804. Singular Itallway Adventure. CO- A Ilannitcrn wiper -thinks that thiS
his:ft price 01 hour- in 7Canada as coin ,ed
6 cm i-IticrkID Signal: with the farm of Mr. Adamson, which is COUNTY COUItT AND ttUAlte " WIliTI How Bad you Look 11,9
• The Journat de la Meurthe contains as with the price of wheat, needs -explanatiuti
on whatis known as die. Brotinson line. TE11 fillESS1ONS.
ittliZst uccueut of a .fire iti.. a railway train on the itad that the raillers went looking after.
Baxter, jr., was i
Mr. , A. bits a good garden and one . welibiewar ntlfitees
ne t it' no r dt lis Oent1-3fthae it has'been made known to this deportment
by the Minister Of the United States residine
Paris and Ste:at:ours; line, whieh had nearly
brought belore the _ Mayor, 017 3 uesdaye
GODEBICH, JUNE 20, 1865. of the be-st fields of Fall Whoat in the portant- criminal eases tried at the hitt: , thoughtless people, and who, Of'113 can calm -
The following is a list of tile most im- ` efiken0 Ut rl'
in Prtnice, that the Iniperial Govertiment iii
ihat country have reinoeed all restrictions been attended with fatal coneequences. A
on tl'e previous day. and was committed to •
charged %rah beating bis fathee and mother, .
• - ,
o".,.........W.evvy,, ,,, ...: ,, ,,,N,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, township.
- There ure- ,solue fine . etttini,s of this Court :.-
c. - I lateehe evil resulting: from their 'constant
1 nimeaning use? , Why is it that poor strug-
! heretofore imposed ay -it on the naval inter- lady tooka place at leineville in the express
gaol far a rnouth..- Heacols.
A LOOK AT THE CROPS. brick .tesidencce alo:las the Broweson eourse with maestri:lied States. - • I have alai: train, at half paet four in the afternoon. She
Three pieta of London, C. W., wInikey
Being. desircius of fulfilling our prom-. sJrry to observe that the Litt Wheat crop gen.
Line arid several capita orchard:Out we %vere The Qaeen, vs. Joseph Shannon--,-.Lar-I
cutmtNAL C_ASF.S. . - -
aline. humautt te crashed into an untimel the leasure to intern: ou that I 'have also aeated hirielf with her child 18 months ote
%yid kill a do -g., The - experimebt has been
g'3ravde by this lYieedless expression?. Why- Ts tleaertpiemdpeinriatlheGsoiivmeernamyu.teuetntoief mparn.nnecre thhaatt, IiInotolstehelardticrsa'v.ecioitentp,,,attinie.,uvet,nw:yheirneitituhteerse aw;ree: vied accor_dio". to tho prototwe. .ana, :fro", ,
ceny. This Was.a ease of alleged stealiiig !
it -when we see en acquaintance looking" a h
tEiE it is thought that the liquor may tespitt
lite to give a detailed aeisoent of the crop erally is not likely to be a heavy -one. The withdrawn from the insurgents of the United leaving Lunetile she perceived that the car -
down a sure death to all who usef-if.
prospects in Herod for tha information Sprinsi. sown grans. potatoes, peas, &ca. will ore cow. • Iu the evidence it appeared little ill -that - we inuet al -ways -shout 'out,
, States the character Of belligerents, which petseas -burning lit the aide. near the door orir
A toast at se Irish Societfatlinnerat due
that after the removal of the cow, Al
--t- "was; my eciod felloW how bad you look !
i 0
rinnati ; " Here's to the President of theSti.
With a.. fdtr gentleinen. interested in agri-.
cultural. inatters- took a. We days'', drive,
an& benefit of our readers, we, in company
. . .
it bears pretty nuieh the same. aspect. . Here eel
yield; we should -think; a- lull average crop.
Crolising over to. the Sauble liae, we tied that Win. Artittir, her eriginal- owner; had re- . what on earth is the inatter witk yon ?'' Can
Vecl 85.NY:from. prisoner, a lotOf rail- • Such au exclamatien produce anything but a
ntal andSbo.dity de-
-. - heretofore that Goeerninent had ceneeded to . the tight hand. . She examiued the place and
thF ,.ex:press.desire of reviving, the .old sympa-
nient of Preece,- who have been prompted by
them and :heir proceedings by the Govern. discovered a hole about the size via crowe
.piece, through whiseh fire was entering the
carriages i She-covffed the hole with her lobe,
ote the henstbet awatches erer Migrate, •
-. on, Friday. and.. Saturday last; through.
. with hiS lively ivire ani bux.o.n daughters,
-•• . •
we Called oe Mr. Mathew Westleke, who, way tickets, Sse.
this was preof of bargain and sale, and
. ' His . Honor hold that •
' ' • - . ' ' - passion ?' - -IfeW :often Would the hearty
hightened degree .of ;me
7..itdiettritaiditititootait ije6-ortinsitaninit.elywithioviiitse;:them :tis cu. his Lit,whnoritioi
tines oetween the two netionsevaose interests but found it too hot., . She:, then• coyeeed; it ...... weridenn4110;06,giontionist.batkeouto „.,
flietritiefeects,hiT"hsis' tur.ohilic:hetsihnetiftureedf*eitt:
out in fiteer of repudiatieg the United - Stales
ciety, Patrick fr Raferty, ere may he -live IQ i
Ooderieh. township, TaOkorstuith, Stanley lives ia the real, .hearty old' E. iffli411-stYle'-' - charged .aceordingly.. . Yortliet :not guilty. .eheering words " haw well you are looking "
• .
amuse towardaSarrchoeng, the. :tint station.
dela. The war, be says, was go purely for
and flay, and will now la y . - the impres- grawing 'plenty of everyth;ng, aud although assiet the poer consumptive in grappling with . a beg leave te eteasseeSt the importanae of
itawas to step at after leaving.Luneville;--i
the negro that if: Alm negro fails to' get 'the.
.01eDermod- for prisoner, . - " ... '.;:', , .
and OverCouilitg kis insiduois enemy,- .-. Surely communicating ;these facts.inthe proper of&
TIM lady raised -the -cushion, Arid .found 'the
siarage,- than the -Werth has 'beta chested ,
sionkzticeived befora"our readers as brief. Onlyelevenyeare io Cenadia brewing his ow:il-
ly as -passible :-,---. • `. - •
. - - • _, beer. and ot :king his own: eidur, with a glaSS`
to spire at all- Until :tor eatlint. friends,' li . -
., The QUieta Vs..Ales. Taylor4lareen. Y.
Prisoner -was charged with Stealing a bag -death;
- . - . , .orie. combating. agiiiiist the eta monster,. core of the intry. . - 4 '--!. - ,
needs.' Words of cheer as much- as the • I have the honor tii be,'sir, . • -
o large hole in tke bottOm of the Coach She
fire Was making great progress, havieg buent
end it 'will lie justified in advocating the . rev -
of • oats from. : Mr. tell; .LOndoo.:, Iload.-,..- , Man whostakeibis life upen the -battle-field; Yonrober.ii6itserfa tit; . '
then streamed through the window; but leers:
Witfiblit- travelling. far; has stiEred -mate
. . .
bition of.- thrift and. hwtrtirtess ia theb-ii-eke-7:Vertlict, • not. guilty. .
itch an exhi-
.Dertnott for defence, ._. baineron and . No: :and whe ever heard of a Contritander iaciting lam Oadeort evens; sovetavy oe Nan..
. a ed .- through the station at Avricourt avli 'e -
of Preside -ri"; J-ohnsen, will be thenetimistresii
• eederich ' township, as one utscovere„ eeelly-dees eriego)d to -.wioresi s • . . .- W.g.. H. SEWARD.-
cries attracted no atteetioe. .. •The train pa s Pudiatioaef .0e war debt. . - -
Mrs. Patterson, the accomplished *eller _
• *out.: diought, . thi* y.e.ar. thaa any .other. wattle; Mee!: catthot. be said for the• French
schne.prace:g Isottretn-int- - Ielaiti. one word a coilectioa' ol - .The _Queens vs, James Ca
, . . ,.. 'In' p. b. en;l4r. •-eltaieettzettioy-re.6;vieihilgiMatli000nl, iittilt:e1;f:ec,. ,oi.fw tehief
. Frightful ConaltiOri of the. --:- . • .
. - _Freedinent. '7,
_. ._
,_.- , . the warren- but. theee were none of the rail
ISDIIIks or fire were isseitte from eaeh a:de of.
i ,
'' " ' • . . . . . . of the White Ilene and is eXpected -U*0
the Clay-iiols.nah a tenacious, rinalit.y thatIIIIttI4 Iti,'"as7,3 ail -b4i4 arilth' -
towiishtp 14 thn,,Coanty. . In
it becomes eempletely "hide bou.nd " • aill'u° -I": no s
ne of the innekiaol. Anelos
and the surround- oceyt.
-being- iMpliCated • with Tayler in stealinc
. The .prisen et Was_ chiirged.. Walt
- -0 diatinction inpriticiple ;between- the termer
ecan't help it." -&e., tba. .0.euany one tee the
we're beaten at, liistr4Litt serry for.it, but ire
-The accounts which come to tie of the con-
dition of the- coloree freed.meit all . through
.terror leitniout of the window and stretched.
her handjintothe next carriage, ,and. shed* 'i'A.he gmperar hasjuat romoved-the l'eatri0011
:Kkt, France is becomingn free country..-..-
. . •
. ._....... . ,,, •. . - - - : way seervii4te Oa diuty. . The lady. in :grea;' Week. . - - - -
1 Savol4nterpris?... artering the., towttsaip of
the -arm `of -a gentletnin who was asieepa-- ..reoto the sale of opee in parie. .
fere feW weeks of dry Weather„ Wir ile in, - ilay, use fin I that l'itacropS tre fair el-
, l'''he Queen -vs. .Donoll•--AleDetigall, as-
°4ts;--- -AcqurttPd. 4 n6Pantlts - a --• • r . and. theslatter ?. . I confess that I am unable. theSouthern States . aro ,pithible . in the. ex- .
The traveller thus aWakened looked nail .and
. other localities it isse light that the props 'exceptih; fell-wheaL; The eastern thli e ofa:'ttre to draw the -title. Is. MOt the.'fitet aufficieetIV treure. ' • The .. Atlantic :•Intelligencer -says sot fire je the adjacent carriage. lie and a . ilia Romeo orleirwarailoerseng eth,to,
sault. • Yerdicii. gitlty. . Sentenced In -pay •-wellknoW.n-that the init;(1 exerts .a. -.Power- thata.large number -of dead bodies of colored
coMpanion ecreained with All 'their strength, naill Against 'migrating -t° The statils *tdok
ere speedili wombed up. Add to. this toiviishiP.seenrs to- be by fat- the best.- Zurich,
, men had been found -Of -late alone. the betake
he seys will be anything but a aerrinthlejilacie
.. .
* a fine 'or $10; and.enter into bonds to keep.' ful influenee over On ho.ly .- that mental.. de- of the river, . and •that. •litindreSs are dying I --n4 16 .i10 erai!. • FOdunatelyt the 1:rata
for uien without tapiud. , .
the wretched istatents of. fan:hint,' carried
* -• the most c_eittral...villege„, is a :sad :piettire o`f
readied Rechicourt, where there were several
- Mall. many„, and .4 ceases to he stirpris. sta;nation just. now,.whatever it mei- be at -the ittace.. Vaeueron tor deft.. - - -
The .Q needs. vs; WA, Cbisholth, aStaul% system, and that .mental. elevation conduceeto
. . „
disease „The ..-Maitin Telegraph:: and: men
oracle signalsof distress, which were 'eereely- :q 1
repaireig the_ road.:' 'They saw •the fires
atge..atinounces in the Bititimore Waolutro or
pressionendueee a -sluggishness in the- whole Weekly iir that :vicinity afore starvation and
A_ OEMER11.-•,EECOMEEDIT011.--Gen Frame
other times, Unfentenately,, • there -,is not
.. seeeral other pipers .say th the. tinfoil:mu-lie -
• jug that so inany hilts. . tura up their _
a corresponding state' _of activity and vigor
t erenteli to Supply the steam Mill; and Dismissed 'With consent -of Crown prose-
_: ._ .... kJ:, the .phyaieal mae,-er is. this :Merely -an riegroes are suffering ia..every conceivable ed,iand the train wag .stopped. Buckets of May 1-6.0,---- that -he-become this editer end
- annimePasun. Neverthelesk there are-
riserit barren, sides to, the fierce rays of it wa ar
ot course there. is mit much . else to keep ilk.: entor. - - ,. • - • '
• • -
. . m-eatrinn. phrimes that are daily, creeping into.. et
- • addition to. the already too. • numerotis un- 'manner. The freedmen *hos hilee --enteeee eva er were, beoughathe fire.--wo extingOished,
t he_ many areeomniittingall lkinds.of_outimers.: and.mea were -placed in , the icarria.ge.-with' . .
Nrsui attitertisentents.
crepeoprietcir a tliat paper,
life* PO farmers in tile; .t°was411:i. I ."11111 ' taiga:v/11;r is the -staple drink,: whichiabe peo,
. . p .c... up Lt .the .abseace ' of goad: water,
The jarora. -of .0.ur Lady the Qtteen -upon-
_ . ,
our reanlyentelo Saxen totigtie ? If tee ' but arid plundered the hoiniei and cotton factories, -
4.ar the 8t1i-Ort.- ahont--tifty ol. them h;rtit Watetato extinguish the -lire shoed it break,
- really cultivate t soil, and. the 'crops otif,
.411 suck will ei least , cerne -up to t 0 taken to, and Which is certainly Orelerable to, to:the Usual custom- examined the Jail, end
pte -being re atly Germeno. iS ‘terr. kindly- nerrOaths presentiliattliey have accOrding stapid use of -the world. -" whv, ao* bad yeti- a 8"eral °"es' d°"mlii4g iin 41nniatisk ."'''
e The - damaged carriage Wes left at
thought.of the evil: tliat May. result front- the colt againduring -the emainder ef the Jour- :
, __ - . _ .atneunt of eottan-and grain. Setaral of them.: Sarrebotula A -lady in another..carriage, be-.
average iri‘.citiantity and _quality. • With, forty -rod. Oa our way -batik tit -roach Stan-
. e committed the most bruial outrages aportihe:
. thereof in et clean and healthy. condition:4 attach kali§ thereby, '1 thiek the expreesion •
foetid the rooms .and all- •the aparttnents leolen end of the -responsibility that may!
persontof a number tif.liirliei.; -10 Naaliville, before the train. had -stopped,- asWivas very
coMing terrified at the cryza fire, jnmperl` ont ,
Some. few . honorable exceptions, such Jib
. twn !amain for its fall. wheat foeyears back, •
we take the Goshen line. - Thit line has
_ . -
The prisoners all pertbetly satisfied..wiili their', hoichisanilaettre,rin::: an affray:look place. on the 7th inst., between.
. a 4 Xessrs•Aohn Uunter,John Blake, WM:
ftreatment. a They find Otte- old alien- in jail .71leel4cOveieiriYiiesPeellrdeliriel,i-ec°tOnive :ldt white and black soldiera, ,in which three. of setprely bruised.-: - . ' - .._
.... ..
Seekin-a, tte.„ the Huron Road is a barren bet it his aet much to boaet of this 'year. -s -whoqe seuidi-of life 'are nearly -run, and ,v, hole it a.ppears te be teedieg sletely, but surely:ea the fortner.were killed. The general eacbur*. Business Matters. -
• S:Yne fields'are tolerable, bat the large tua- oely clinic scenes to be -thea of. dealitutions coots . ivhich American- journals give, of. the - freed::
enough looking- sight : until one comes -
.. .4.4m...
in-rit) are peor.:, We are ...afraid the .thishen They would eeccentnencr thataeome :appro,
Tfit'Onoes,Iif 13atics:.-The Paisley. -. Ad- '-men is that they. will, starvn,-- -beg ot steall'in The niorithsofMayand June, thus far, have
near 'to Clinton. Pall wheat is badly priate place be providedsior hiniasa soon as fitet do any ti,„*.si? but %vac.'" . . - . _ a _ . agreeably disappointed our merchants in ;the Ne.ailler
riettc;eP,Iteo:fainv'euelai.17A.hgeeteriatr:bubintnhger tchnielisi:ili: would name Mr..Caniparte as a, snitahle person . . . -
especially there has been nit_ unusal activity
evinaerskilleds sprirtg . wh'eat is weak. and . possible at ilie• expense or the .Canntica• they Vocitfe bears -eery encouraging accounta from * 1 extent and profit.ofthe.trade; - In Dry 'Goods at
: staully,„ and ^much of ' the - grass Wiil- be i-vheitifieldsatid falloWe are' On the' froinS
barely, Worth elating:, . On the back-eda- tl:n, faru-is.; indicaiing that because fre6 from They Would. -express' -their •scirrew . at the ,
. . •
Of to carry. Ont their. abot e suggestions. ' . -- . . - i
. .. - good earvest, front. -the promising appear.
- ance of the et.oleine croes. ' We have had
. .. . . .
Davis lasd, -week; •:-.Thatialt at rebel grey -hat.
peen 'exchanged for oneof. .bleek, and he. ii ' houses have sold more goods than-everbefore .
for 'the. season, altd tilany of our' largest - . : WILL LEAgt 0.47701316f014.47- 0-
.. .
all parts of the county of •the .pros-pett of a ' (1-.• The. theklesatere removed. trona Jeff;
- -
bit Moxt(10;34
- ilessioos; ho*evor„ - things b.ear a .raore stamp', they are plinisteci: accordingly. This tlemisa of Mr. W. Robeitson, the _late jailor . . • -- 42 - . . c' - 4 .
• .. now, permitted more -freedom. The casemates„ In 'il° lin2 Peri9d-c IA Gro.ceries there has
-.AT Meet Ot-eLona IN THE AMMO; ,
a man who tor mane years': had . :charge of refreshing s.hewers and geld growing -weather - -:
pitnnising nppearanoe, • -.and the spring- , 4 a 4ed lanliq andaninst I impeverish -t1 7' where Davis and Clayereseorifined in- rortrese : lately. been more doing, .and the trade sales
rieheetioils .Thatpring wheat, oats,: bade; 4 terlitu gOodsquillitieit endeared -hint to ao Hardwares and other goods, have been all other perSons wribin& 10 take a trip 1.0 .
- .
prisoners in
-. _
the jaii1,-and whOse. kindness -and sled 4o:frosts. of- any .coesequence since the Monro.e are delightfully tool in the hotteets 'of the week 'have been exceedingly satisfaes .Witle the Fire Company front Goderieli, itid
erepsieSpecially, have9ot sufLred.so.bact,
latter!part of Masa: s' a .. . dayss -sThe priscareiii are allowed no hiseka_ tcn''''
p!aSt _however, willy lie .:Very- . efoCid..- many .in these "Counties:' They trusa: that : - ,. • - ' . - • as., ,
ly from lack of moistere-the best farm," 'i.`-1 . . .
l:t A watehm-an .on- the Gsa W. IL at except • the . Bible and ian epiacopal -- prayer • -
• -in Moderate denaaud e generally epeakieg:the Saginaw to.apend the Flail ofJaly., -
summer trade, thus far, •has.beea MOM grati, .
• Staeley. it a fine -towaShip,• • aud -can. _Sheriff ..Macclonald user -still retail's. Mrs. . The Howl: will! arrive in Saginaw on -.
book; me newspapers eo petrol. ink, and haie
ers haVine. ininziiably a. vast ailvantacro . • • . - - ..
. 0 - o boast - of • a nuinbet - - a first - ohiSs Itobertton.as,the metron of the. lei", and that . el 1 • - - d T. . •-s ' •
ann tont .natne .nns, committe silica e liternay nothing tatitia .1 Clay: smokes inees- - f•-vilei6.*' - . . - - '
Mr.. Cam:nine,' the. late. jailor's chicle u t assis- d .. • ' I . - Tile .rernittances, instead- uf falling off, have thueetladayaYul=nSthinegeelady; faLld.relnetragion7gli
sliatly. . ' - e- . ---- -' . a .
''.0n11.,14- TillitelhIend .Bishep:Of Huroii •has - re- . -Mr..A.J'I'.. Stewart,. the ,:wealthy- Metalmitt- Money 'came into Canada from' the United A Big Titne may he eipeeted. ,
-twit, May .reeeire•the appeititmeetaof jailor, . .
been . well maintained. - A .vast-uniount -of thenreturn to firodericlt. . -
tbelorg. satisfied that.',Ire will. disch;tro . the
'arduous duties with ellieieney and satisfaction*
turned to- bondon.
. ,
of New York; has.detertein.ed te etect A block. States, .thitiag, Apil .and Maya -for cattle`
2 Passengers to be Iciromptly. on hend At I
to the _publics . They.. would'. express their of simbetantialastelahenses .on one:" of ahe horses, and proclace--which hat greatly iidee
Coutity- Attoraev for_ es.sistance in the di -a- -deed.. .
7 )-...,•• 1.1 -ti .I.-, 1.. 1;e
,. .. .
Previded he can ' tnalce IsatisfacterY anlaalr'e'' te. impoirters: The • movement -in wool has
farmers and cnerchants•to reduce -obligations •o'elock p. ms - . - . 7
' Flits:10r the round trip, :fats? oloilaya:
thaides le his Honor the -sludge, At also the . .
Oshawa. matitaeturer, is equares (tribe burnt districtia Rif:ha:end,. Val
chit -.,... ot onirlinies. " . . -- -441r/d. ,
- '
eemntenced in earnest, and- at Unexpectedly ' . . ' : . - CAPT. 1X -COLE,_
'0 - . ment8 with the -owners -Of the land. It ia-takt
' . -.-(Ss..d) '_1104E117 -r -BO orif, . .Cii,tsas bi. litts.--'llhey • had a jollifica- that he does not. proolase .to-purchaW "- e., good Priees, in 'View of the close of the war. 'Goderiela 20th Jane, 180. - tsvi83
- - Foreman- tien in Boston on the 17th in commemoration sites,; but to take -a lien upon their), and -.?ret ..This 'product has yearly increased, and gen-
• . Geoid Jury Raom, .. i ly., ::At least two
To the Woo attic -mesa stead a
Gecieriell, 16th July, 186i -a .i
. , . - • . . IN!fore_ that they had a kick up.oljay.bechuse
. oldie :brittle .ot•Bunr,icerirlill- - A f6w -41',1s
another A inarienn Rebellion had failed! • Is •
. there anythinganoMalcuis inVolved ? i . .
. . . • • „
architecte en draftsiiien had• arrived there-
taie control of the edifices, when waded;
:17!ttibleiTmrperionlebudispeLlipiesurtye.rf. i•Seeipvnierratlh!Gerrolins. Its
,rehtat • inillioos of dallars.will goluto Ciectitatioa ter'
.erally finds a market raeid
fide prespects •of good crops has lso :released
the emall'hourds whinh farn3erslay.up for the
purchaee in -the next eight weeks. The A 'Spleintillt Ttiva114 littiligoci .
.1-O.R. 0^1030, ' ..
sin,7„:- . from_New:Yor , We leark to" Survey the Peoe.
emergencies., of a bad .harv-esta In Liimber BEAUTIFULLY .4r:rutted In the • Town 1. Of •
,In youaissue tif the nth tilt, •there apeaera Aceirigare.eA nian •nained- David. Keith iserty„ And to prepare.the plans. • . -
at. 1 atetock this 'after- - Goderielt -beingpark lot, No. 14., COIL C.
: • • . - I - . . , - t -
. , I - . L - ' . . ,
. 66-..-66.666.6•111.1•,;110.1,..y.....m....... and Timber the moiremeat is . very -general
a 'very scarrilo.us article entitled : " :Sensation baci . !lie ,leg -rohea . .
, and the -moliey• 'their loeke.I up in excessfve-
1 . containing 10 acres ,of excellent' lead, wait
• coTTON. 1N' THE Set411.--,,The- Nei,- Yore
. i . .., pu a. :The N:ewseettneites that taereare now about three' steeki is finding its way back tO more actilie : 41 good t).**11814 a eimiee fruit' 41 ill flliL
.A large -
meeting in.- Bracefield" in ,vhieh the; re t notie, by Ile. rolling open. hini of a' itiCk - of
millisonlialeS of cetion in the -South. -He States uses. ' All these -circumstances, -.whit unfree.. 'bearing..
tioe ,of: Soto 79f us Liulies of this •plaee- is timber while at wolic 'at .1.3iiiti's -
Mills.. - t
sally gnod eeports .tront the -agricultural •Se0,-
.16hommuMMIMMIL•imai=6 'that in. r.efererteato 'rextis,a very coasideeati,le tifane, -and a knowledge that intports will be ' TIto,.8torey.13riokilouse
assailed: :in .ti. . most •uninttily and initlienant sufferer La reeeiviteg eurgicel-atten ti on, - ' , .
style. It seems frerrt a statement 'yan-inalin '-'""- - , : -- - • - tpropoition ef the cott," exported ti'orn me
:South during the 'lett t Lee yews foued an out-
runners *ere engaged inteenseortitig it from •gpira:ampeYett.ismee'erAs;irsent'tnediale
let ria-Matarnoris to Metrico. Many bloe-kade- light, atimulates and imrpoves trade. : it may '
well be believed that the worst part of a
and that there -is a good
fnture et ,sny
Galveston to fOreignporta -Ootion, he says,
.stits raised only at liniited extent..duriage the - .,
rate. --Trade • Revietv..; -
Sin -- have the lictuor to inform you that-
• -
over atighwrs of less intelligence and &raters,. but the soil, „taken altegether,
enterprise,. any farmer.can expect, iS„'in Our opinion, much; inferior to that of,
(as some of otirGederich township people Tuckersmith. .Before closing Our acComit or
do)ta coax a •crop of wheat front Soil the state of the erops in the Western -town
shies Of Heron, We mustsafthat, tts far as'
which has been continuously devoted.to
wheat -cultivation fiir twenty years, is more. "r -peis6:utt cheervatiOn eeteaded, our
Warthy Warden, Robt Gi4telinie Esq.,
than -we can ponceive, and unl:,,Ss .a new
fairly dr ilienge the whole section-. for -
'calls tarried over in this respect, it will
field -potatoes, corn, aed root's. : His teit/br
.11oba he impasi.. ihle for these robber:a of twelve -acres are cultivated theionghty, and
the soil to grow a decent blade of grass.--- ..v*e-firraly believe that thel _will __yield him
'There arz.: few rarmain the township which more actual maney value than many of the
. _ • .
inigItt not be mdferemunerative, and the hundred: acre falms we have 'seen, thus prof-
.sticcess -attending the labors of a fern ing to some eitent the truthfidness ;of the
should +tithe. eyes of the many to their assertron _that a few. acres welt tilled will pro-
• ,• .
duce more than five titneathe area scratched.
true interests. Fruit will be Werably
- - over. L/111" JAIME &MOOTS Should emember
plentiful -this year., .1'y the way; owing.
ibis fact and aet ueen it:as far as possible.
to hi peculiarities of soil and. comparative - To eottclud••, we have reasou to be thank-•
*edam. from- frogs', there is Die eaidal
Y ful to the Giver for the cheering prospects in
reason why Goderich township Should_ not store for .otir honest, hard workitig agricultu-
. sbe 'the great fruit -growing township a
xruion; is making rapid progress in-
the prnduction of. apples, peaches, &O.,
ind we. tope to. see atilt- more attention'
paid to this bran& in future.
Having passed Clinton, a portien of
Stanley is pointed out to Us, and it;
giatifYing t -o• be -able to report that Are
crops. iu that seetion are Very prothising.
_We are soon .whirIed over a fine smooth,
raaa into Tuckersinithi our driver taking
the 2nd and3rd. concessions, which line is
considered. least.equal to any other
in this garden township. -What
change froni the read over which lye have
traveled for the past few hours I • What
magnificent views of fine, open ;rolling
country, studded with beautiful brick or
- stone edifices; and farm buildings! What
fields and -fields nf epellent spring. crops -
and luxuriant grassi .Let any man travel
past the splendid farms ofthe tlarnochan's
Geo. Sproat, Dicksoe,and 1"..711atis,
-*say olk that. line, past Wm: Fowlers' i
another direction, and out past Egmond-
- vide and Brucefield on the AEU Road„ -if
he wishes to understand why it is that
Tuckersmith with reourd to. both soil and
, *
Improvements stands at the head of the
_goenty Equalization. yid' wheat,througli;,
out the township, has-' been " killed °tit
to some extent by the heavy SnOW8 lea
winter, but there be some well -cover-
ed `fields, the best we noticed being thdt
of Mr. Sproat. The -spring crops are,
howiver, capital:condition, and a' very
- large 'breadth seenis te be. Under entilv.4-
lion. Judging, from- the rich pasturage
end the fair -Crops- of grass everyw4ere
Observable, evident that Tuckerstaith
has not suffered much front drought4---
Having meet a few., hours ill_ visiting. rriday rightHe party of -Mee having,
friends .Sproat, Dickson and others, our -fallen upon. Mule sailors; who fared badly.
- little party drove over one, of the bat chief -Constable Trainer -quelled the _
• gravel roads in Canada -to Brueefieldi turbance, and.. proceeding trona effect to
where we fell lb, of come, with the in: -ei'ose gave the keeper and inniates of the
&imitable-- wheat 'many Loz.ated disreputable hoilse hoars to 'clear out.
right atthe junction of the gravel roads; They departed,. bag And baggage; on Mon.
. fan Sills tian hardly help catching the day meriting, and joy be With them.
=Mu of what comes along. lie has the - -1* - .
- CC)1"-itt the meeting of the Pro: Council of
neatest,- bestpkept and issolit flourishing Brace, held at Walkerton on the 1,3th init.,
garden we noticed in -.the townshipt and- the decision of the Council to Conianet the
in.your paper of the 13th ipSt.y that -some one _ __,. ,zurtited,38,, t_ te.fs.,____;,;__ .
had sent. you a Jejain.ler so lengteY th:ie you- ,
s ,is . • s could not.find room for it; -Und as you alleee - * lsraW.Yotta,- d Mid 17,----' The Herald's corres
'rists. Fine rains have tit .ea !luring tile past
. . a pondent la the gulf department furnishes -
so Tague that you failed to see its. point.-- , niterestingetcepturts of the Amide:its proceed -
few days, crops promise at least a " full his. co
s mmunicasion...1. hope will neither ine atientli a 'and following -the occupation
„ ,,, fl,
average- retiirn, prieet are geod and fatigue - you. -by- its lergth nor puezle you -by of Brownevde, rez:isl on.the 31st ult. by the
will probably be sbetter thit fall than its obscurity. Your reniark on the ,arliele national troopt under' General 'Brown.. The _
foafive or six years back, and. the prot- complained of by me and other's, that you re- Confederate troops, previous to evacuating
garded it as a , piece of fun, eating that .as the [dace, Mutinied,.pillaged" the town, and
pect of a return to comparative Fosperity
• you refrained from republisaine it in your made prisoners of some of their offleers, until
cheers the hearts of all classes,
.. " Weekly 'a you thou Tilt the Matter .should their demands for the payment of their back
be allowed to tlrop. - A -piece of fun, watit? dues ivere complied withs. The -Confederates
Meeting of the . Grand bodge If this was really the ligikt in which itsstruck - left tbe cl/ty 'previous to .=9-eneral Brown's
of Orangemen. • . you, I .only express the hope thut your ideas arrival; not ,waiting- tab& paroled, or •to corn.
of drollery 'age' not shareu in by many of ply in any: manner tvith-the terms of General
your readers. 'Funny- was-it:net. that the 1, Kir by Smith's stureede.r., Ltrge,nirmbers of
good earnes of a respect:Lble vroman here them Moved across the Rio Grand into .Mex -
arid baseless slaoder, circulated through • tbe -finery they sold to the M.eeicati Imperialists
should kst of alt be ..toiled by - au infaineus iee, taking with them .their arms. .- Their ar-
congenial chattnel.ofanony mous letterawbieh at Matamoras. It ie said -that the last of
were sawn- brdad q4i4 over the conimunity ? the Confederates were driven from Brewns
1 eeny tun was it not, that the maligned per: ville by Mexican residents, who organized Ai
soeahoold happento. have a few bleeds, who home guard for ' tbe preservatiort of order
knowing her to be the victinaof envy end
inaliee ventured to sheer her a; little sympathy
by expesing end tabooing her slaoderer7-
trunny Above all -was it "notsthat a s lf eon
fessed eavesdropper andeherefore, doubtless,
a rePutable gellanesand heroia gentlernan,
should have been allowed to use' the . &gnat
Quite a number of delegates from Toronei
atelseaewhere are hi town toaday, Tuesday,
and others are expected by the trains this
afternoon. Flees arefioating from various'
hotels, and -nveral arches have been erected.
A lively time is expected to -morrow. In our
next we shall give as much of the proceedings
as.caa be ohm:nett: _
ttsl• gr:Sherlocic, private teacher. of this
town, it ab-ont to remove to the Western
Stites. Mr. 8.'s accomplishments must
materially assist him in pushieg his fortunes in
that section. .
air By advertiseraent else ,vb ere it will
be seen that the atearnerHuron is to give
an Extursion- to Sagitmw on the 4th of
July. ,The Huron is a fine boat, her
capt. and purser aregeod fellows, and the
fare is put down. at a very low figure. We
have no doubt there will be a large. crowd. parties whom they have so resuitonsl
last two years, both in 'Texas and throughout HINTS ON SLIMMER DIET.- The following
the South, the soil being used for the cultiaa- useful hints on. the dietary treatment of the
tion of such products as. went direct to the system, recommended by the well-known Dr.
suppoi t of the Southern armies, and hence it Hall, shoeld be carefully studied at this sea-
itherred " that cottoir, if not _king, will, at son :--" AS the warm weather approachea
least, rule at high pricei:" Alabama is cred many be,gin to feel debililitated, lose tneir
ited with 325,000 bates. Georgia with 350,000, appetite, deline in weight, and suffer from
and Mississippi with te6,000 bales, lassitncle, depression and actual disease, all ot
which may be presented, at. least as to thoee
man_ in Virginbearritas to a• Boston who mainly inedoors, (hard OW tloorg
Paper as workerado net safer from sech thinesa if,
I %visit yon eeuld but witness- the ni she spring opens, a wise method dentine
terrible result ef this "immediate emancipa-
tion 'eesee the. squalor and- wretchedness,
Sante with scarce a gargient left; wan wall
hunger and hardship -and Oh !Abe mortality
amebae them has been fearful ! those, too,
whosbut inore than a gear StdOevere fed,
Well nsed arid well eared for'. °And this -is
freedom God help the poor negro!" ----
soon afterahe evacuation _commenced.. After
taking .poseession of Brownsville, Geuer.al Ace auehuteat of the- P-12ilute'ess' of I.
Brown wrote a tette:at& General Mejia, tne . Wales.
Imperialist; command.er . at Matamoras,
• miring' aiin that aeutrelitY. would be :observed Tae--la-anes, of june seys
by the Amedcan forces in reeard to the ccin We have the- happiness to anzioance the
birth of a second 2rince, the grandsOn of
Her Majesty; the sax of:the Prince and Rriii;
cess of Wales. The offisial bulletin. -is as
follows : -
Marlboratigh Houses June 3,2.30 3.m.
Her Royal Highnees the. Princess of Wales
was safely delivered ot arrinee at 1.18 s.ai.
Her Royal_Highness an the infant Priace-,
are doing •perfecily
With seine cellar, 38 by -30 feet.- Frau°
Barn, Stable, Sheds and -other
The wbole will besold on tease:table tern*
Appiy to
on the premise,*
Goderich; June 1Stlic1S65, w21
miles from Acpoplyi,zursto'votins jt.
'June 16th, 1S65.
were adopted. No me A should be eaten ex- WM:0- li7STX.MT4ea- -f
cept for breadfast, tinitItat should be sa.la
but dry bread and a single cup cf hot lea of A I:TOWING MATCH in connection with •
Meat or.. fish, for two or three mornifigs eech CHINE Tell I
'week. Nothing should be taken for supper -s--....
. ,
seme kind. Dinner should be inede exelusivet 22.. the' , ; - • -
ly of. soups, vegetables, farina, fruits and
test. In' Mexico between- the Republicans and
for the purpose ofsliarpeumg thestiag ot the Imperialists.. Itis said that -the Coefederate
orieinal slanders- and increasieg the number Gensral Alagrucl-Sq as well as Kirby Smith,
of its victims ? , He well knows that his has gone to Mexico. The latter carded with
libel is . none the less pointed frien leis -with- ,him -a considerable -ammint of money. 011
holding the* correet . names •• of the parties the 2ird hist. the.tontederate Generals' Kirby
libelled. I enelose my. card,. and meanwhile Smith and Magruder Were received oti boara
with others interested, a shall-- wait to see the United States- steamer- Port .iackaon.
whether the Offenieri in this case Mean to" , Captain _ Sands, 'off Galveston, when :.the
offer the:poor-amends of an apolOgy to the articles of surrender- of all the Confederate
, e L - • d - . :- ' -. Y.
jure . . .
- ATTEMPTED SUICIDE*-•• resterday,.: (Hon--
, .. . ' . -,' : A LADY
day) afternocin. a- man named McLaren was Biudefield, lfith 'June, 1865.,- • "
forted in Mr. S. GolcIthrop'st root -house. Co!. i . , ,
borne, with a gash la his throat which- he Rem.trrsa.--.We are.happy -to be able to
had just inflicted with: a' pocket knife. The compliment thviiter of_ the above. 1 , The,
attempted sui4de waa .hastity bro-ugaf to production, is certainly far in advance of the
teen; and delivered up to. theahief-constabl k fil teen page effusion Alluded io in our 'esti
who, after having .the "wound examined ey ter he it knewn that the "some one" ..mett
Dr. McDongali, placed lum neder the care tioned in .the Second 'sentence is none other
of Mr. Campaign,the new gaoler - Luckily than pur present fair correapoudeet. If the
McLaren did not cut the windpipe er arteries. young lady is only as eeterprising in hiinting
Re.has been in gaol here befeTe al a. vagrarkt- up subject matter, -and u ausceptible of im-
provement under a little frieadly. criticism,
A Row ANit A FLITTING.-Th.e. re was
she will undoubtedly waken up same fine
a tearing row on the South Boundity on
_ morning to chs-covei- that she haa achieved A
literery reputatioa second to that of° no lady
in thiProvincea We are proud also -to kaow
that our fair friendlies' -risen superior to -the
sentimentality which ia so . frequently the'
vecialtkof lady -authori, and thee She has
devoted a portion of her this to the severer,
but tar more. elevating study of the taw.tf
libel.••••-lt is ansinterestiog Pursuit, and tan -
not fail to hive its etfiret lia... restraining the
editors of the coantry -from many gins Of
.omissrop and conulission... IfWe Wight-do:so
without offence, . however, we "would advise . De 2004 tbs French epteriander, . et;11
our fair cOrrespondentotavoid gettieg atiiiy. holdsihe .wires and daughters ef General 83te The worms are laying Waste apple
It does -no good, end always has,:e. bad ten: trees in sadireetione in Oenneeticut. They
dency. Surely, on reflection,: she .will, admit Arteaga. Sehuils. &tzar sod °there la jai
iwisoninenti-notwitlistanding Maximilian -had have eaten efery green leaf Off nearly all the
ordered their release; In Morelia. the -French apple trees aed,•from half the ilmsie Hertford.
that it was " coming it" a little !ot;" streng to ouhnely whip the suites.. A: lar4e fOrce is :Cherry:and, other:hula- *tie 'Also suffering. -
:ask IA. to Print about *Er_ celumnis of the: tti be sent by ses rola Vera Pr= loikfatetno• Appletteet-averiw.bera kiakta if Are Passed
Weekly Signal from illegible manuscript, la ras to preveet Americans front crossing into over them.
ADEWai tO a production Which; si. the' knew,' hleXiPt ' r: .- "
=wee oppressed' as soon its.it.wea hinted to. us The infentryof .0111..Weitse.. ta... ettlPa had
. .
• -
when Jie thrust hia boot into the tb
shoW its quality,he unconsciously, perhaps,
clinched the Zqualizatioi question, for i(
vas &fair sample of the whole township
a;riiht:fritab/e, clay. }hying speni
nitleusat hour tn the. go-ibead village* Calmer. The Goderieh Criarca Club
of Drucefield and *irne, vie passed on 'held their first ineetiug on the Flatcoa Satur-
toward, amidown, but.before:we could see day the afternoon, when a, aingie
xu-ok of tiv next townshipt staakyithe vneket match look piaci between his honor
had g9tie down.. Atur threadittour JudgeCooper, and Jo.lin itosely, Beq, which
- :was won hy thelstter io one iimings, and two.
...-- pity throogh wnomber of 464006
inns to ;pare. Afterwirds.thereWas ti)terstch
itbOuf, tellr .0? PINK -onliq match; which greatly delighted all partite;
414. igmatijahti tastafil presen' Their" nextAneetieg-„wilr be on
g- °ter 41141111111M,U111) 114411•11 .001intr Satisrday itextrnt !.*eattae piaci-Ad
ity, Tile Germans of Witerlar Coin ire'
Buildings at Walkerton was summed by a
vote of 17 to 7, thus proving, as we antlaPa-
.. .
ted, that a leege accespion has been gained
since lastmeettng. „We think the bill legalm-
.ng the pruceedings will be obtained withaut
'tiny difficulty. . •
trens-Mississipm force.; were signed by Gen-
.eral Smith. , The next evening the Confed
trate offieere were-eaaveyed back to Galveston
and on the 5th ingianaCapt. Sands and other
Officers proceeded: up to the eiwn, landed,
received its suerender front the Mayor end once
More unfurled the national flag over the
public beildings in the presence of a large
but -undemeestrativeand orderly assemblage
of the people. -
Neer York; June 17 -The Tribune's special-
despatCh lays President Johnson. hie express.
ed his regretethat the comeiratons were not
,tried before a civil -tribunal.. Orders tor the
arrest of Ben. Wood were telegraphed froM
The Time,' seecialdelpatchsays thatimone_
the applications for. pardon a that -of Robert
R. Lee' and A. fr. Stephens. Mr. Stephens
enters at length- into an epology er vindica-
tion, *and &Moog other reasons for his course
cites tho fact that the Tribune -advocated .,the
right of thiSouthern people to independence,
-.and he was led to -believe it would be aecorded
thern without war. —
The Herald'i Washington special despatch
. says that intelligence front the city of Monica
to the 29th ult. states that the AepubliCan
General Megra' oecuptes the States of Tamil -
pas, New Lion and tioahlnils. iklieboacen
-Swarming ;vithgnerillas -and the regular Re-
publican treops under Seguib -1141L in -excellent
. .
-spirits.- . . ,
• It will be seen by the subjomed extracts
from the court ofroufai. that the atapieiota ale, The Witness gives a review -of the
event, if not actually unexpected, *as not leather tilde of Iforitreat for half-year endine
the 30th Kay, and says it suffered -serious an
pre -ceded -by any prolonged warnine:
unprecedented depression. It adds : " The
-leather trade of Qanada isteatering more and
more la Montreal, on account ot the greateri
convenience oi transacting it at a coinmon
centre, and the small proportion freight hearS
to the value ot the plen of drawiag on Monti-
• ,
party in tne evening. real as the stock is finished and sent forward
to market is a great facility to tannera whilst
the credit given to purchasers' by dontreit
corernisalon merchants is likewise stk.-saran=
tig'See mic'ellideel:: ay be (Orin o'f tie commetee
Of England from the fact that at- almost any
vheoneurbofethane tysegnoot. lireesomt:411-usen rlinde tens s.todrel
- • - - '
ilew York Paper isp-one the-greiteat
blessings brought by tbe c&se of the eiv0
•war that the American people - will. un
longer be prittered with the song, 4' When,
this cruel war is over." .
sobeoLstaer beset:ex:a:hi:lag! b7atlivoildginsghtt: liTyl: jvi t aRk,pplaillege oan the farmiloof ..1--"iivv.wilibani.,., r__
AD ' nd tlradli 0* nehelehr =
or On Tuesday, 18th Ittl3r,
oils, streets and_ meats, which are ahnost Riau!, .Esq., London Road, at .)Pppes,
wholly heat-prOducing, the - nututnerable • ,
sprine fevers which prevade all elasses
sedentary Persons would be almost who;ly . At / oeclock when the ronowint rims ,
prevented. But who is wise enoegh to prac-
tice these aelfdeuials? Re one in a thou- will b° awarded' viz. - ' ,
sand." , uollintNan XA,V1IINIL
. .
.....--.........4..."*„....s..--- , 1
1st prize,16.00 - 2nd do 14.00f .34-410-_,
Jeremy Taylor ssye : ' If you are for 12.00. -- _ .. .
pleasure many ; - if you prize rosy health,.
best gift to nian-his angel and minister of 00 . etKOLE iliowattS, -
marry., A good wife is Ileav.en'n last
graces innumerable -his gem of maey virtuea 'The award ar ihe Judges in regard to. al.
8,11.5t .1). rize , $3,00 1 244 dp $2.40 ; /4 dor
'----Ilisensket ofiewehe;--her voice is sweetest combined machine is not to be made blame
musio-ber smites his brighteskday-lier hiss
pale of -his safety and her prayer the ahlest until the -day of the Reaping Mat* for
the guardian of his innocence -her arms the _
advocates -of Heaven's blessinae on hit hetet zwaralh.Aieeeloeht.heniat.irPeceetTaWilersl ihni g et hg it ventoenrieltrysthi eBasSecrdalleatice‘ , .
' '
jOlifigVar,E6$eueANOrtari.". .;,. ,
-- 14resident.
. T-7onto Globe Ideane eopi -3 tiniest and
send bill to Seey ': ' irria
Kinn, Jane 15111; 1065.
" The Princesi / of Wales went te' Ma
Halle's concert at St Jatnes' Hall yesterdey,
attended by the Countess of Nortons the
Hon: Mrs. E. COOke,_ and Lord Harris: The
Prince -end Princess °Males had a- dinner
EATEN.BY-BasaS.&--A. ybuntlad about 11
bec Ifiercusp. ; f - . ; ,-- . ''
hones and some shreds of -clothing known to
resulted in the dilsoovary of a few* human
have belonged -to the unfortunate boy.--Que,
bush land. His protracted absence having
excifeealarni, a Beard:1.'4 was made,' whiCh
____. 1
his tauter s house, at St. Sylvester„ a. few
i ...
TALL WALLINCL-?-00 Saturday night,' Mr.
John Rennie *lad Mr. John Burke, of Stra't
ford, set VT on a jaunt from this town to
WOodstuck 'Walking Blowhole distance,some
22 milesrhetween 6 o'cleck and 11.02. They
had been Previously - -4. fitting " themselves
far ihe tramp --Reams:. •
A man droned Farrel waskilled DO Thum'
dal at Bradford, by. the locOntotive of the
accemmodation trent ot the Northern •ralt.
reedits it was hecking -from the .stattion
for weed.
fl3e, A trial of the,Englislz and French Wei
boats took place at Zherbourg lately, wh
the aupenoricrof the English life bolt w
manifest. i
•rsopArepoiiieuthiwton,yt ioaatr:tioesredpape. ,rai:tai:disiosiiTi_htmeion..in,„ il:uottispe: papef pea- -authorizes hie newsboys! to aeli 0f.e5 101- la a"'
sever ince lies -within reach tf every „ one, :its the paper et three ekgs • piece!. noon. . for the purpose ,of iiioarAig_
power increases with its prozress, -And it As strisiektropof Licendaorreitado tivairmailkaectrabairediset 'ilia thew, sauistetemeetenee loofwitatiffsksheit,sandy 0.6_601 111111"Irsa so.iiril- 1111
siesTeh"antlitrevbschiliteVteinwilewnatsY-4,1 wentregyh leitadrelt°pasegrea! thirjee Pre;;;IwtnIesiinre. hattanoo' gigold -and silver Ttnie$4):"Moo- re," MihethellirTwolaleetwa 9r 00401011,4! , _111.1iNge.„.04; . '
verenee. Energy is a rate gift ; it provokes is retiree, and one iif the enterprising, news- Monday, the ervantaantli is.. t of .1'17,41.*",__Arn-
will' ii..,......ir,oro.A0T..„,,,,.OF 1110:-
ft,- Theliferican minister at Washingto
has expressed confidence that the French
be drifen out et Mexico before the clew of irtIlE Creditnroathelhatmlig""r01;31144
in hiaiiiiht shirt. ' " . ' 'IL uedrad.siter tomb° lara_wan"Lact is
.. ,
the eatithite4leotuni bales in the' 136stlf• -: lirt:iinciiin 'Snd TM; fainil. y Sie t6 setae Oa* of Heroes ill_ -
at Hyde Park, 4* *les from' Chkolgo.'' -.7 - it
The Street Cats st ifi)ntrpsi are soVist
present :Profitable. ' Lsit year it ant the A:tint:sand' tsilois held a Ineating inilfeir- A. D't 1865. *-;t1rj1": - ' ' 'claw'
coluptuly ammo to keep the streets 11„ re York on ifondnyt to prOtellt hIp1113i a re.l. TOMS 61100114 - '''''
pair. duction in wages. , i Solicitors fel le#0.1Vell.k. -191.1,4t,
. .
DY virtue of a Power of Sale ..cont shied is
wilortgage med. by James ef
the_toinrship !of Goderich, in the toilet/
Huron, end Province of Clines* of Alie fir*
part, and John William Seymour; of thas
town of Avienches, in the.Empire Fresge%.
of the second part (default,heift bees ask
in the due payment thereof) will bet oOld ook
Wednisdeys the 26th day of glair A.
1865, at twelve -o'clock, wont* the Asetiok
Mart of George 11. Truman, the town A*
Goderich, the following propefty, '
say t Lot fourteen, in- toricession C,„ .
township of Godericlxr in the vesesy '
Beam, contaleing 1.7-adtactiparealeet Sit
sieres of land, more or less. tersos-0011/4.
Deed under Power of Sek.
• 31. a CA111411014
w2ltd ' Solicitor tor Ifertgsgent.
ashylt,orirdeliidnatetvtihiliagsffed.ni.ineeb:eduttlydi_s. blierondtreear:_ed raeaced:otybilnogbile yrhere orders had been re-
fpriner`eidstie, *blab itio# Irr,!illYe'n:hate s-ameity-§tatf..,,welellire:?1,0:7.74rt
caerfieveed front Gen. Sheridan for thein ton cosimna-•
Tastes differ, but we think the epistle above cavalry' wereaaltread°watydserTsatozte Ge-thithen. Clisteria
is just"aboitt as funny -ss our fair ,friend's,. the 13th corps
belrifi, Vic anrinry-te.03.alf!)_.-PFh eT...i? , - Reims -fa ....., _ .. roe am
rioorleher7nettattcograpb-lik41:1!w,__.irandr. yeithhatan tagthie,e0Y10:13pgreelaednYs ._%rha plirilikienezeiiueenmeasdantiraer Ges:::::dleieins:7::1:::::..114,111:74:41re:*-:
,...-__, _ f4 ? ma asib-poilion of the Ith -. roi .that
. -___, _• , A — , itr- tO the- Brueefi.eld regrierilleiglie *vine& au." mile
. oarimporman off Nar ant telillibip Of UMW birgiloriatttlf. of tobacco:4 And I allow, *a be 31I sow morally bound, to own-, clan" ex.=cePted. -e;frcnabeem •Pard°x-Lodil were am.
. -
poky Gowlsowood ow satarday 504ramic.. tie. .orop a p . will one, _ i 1?pi apel.egise end crafe p.aidon-
, numero_tal Sogn nal P•vg •
- from)
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• 6 • •
— Admits