HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-06-20, Page 1Ito; a F7.3ra 7.= -Ts there - raterner- -. besides as kick. - t:ysatiated t.,77..04itethe Lot tae Bur Eit Tien 113EP w4lsw. _ riverty. &rich. swItf OSH Le foVowing Road in 3derich 1 re cleared: .0ant 36- crehard---, tEtreugh the '.•‘.1 ATE, 4th Con. - 4 :14M113hip et 90 acres er acre; East t lot 2 in: the tete; and; 201 LW -each amt. P..ALTer Goderieb CONDON. co. - utated FatAtti. ofLondon., appotntect, r respectable botli FireRnti rerni11131-- 9S,Agelt; 1,1211,Sia 1311Sillet39 ViteCt0111. 1' Mel 1.•11.0,1111 (-IAN 1117-C )NS1.1.1.1:1.) l' 1Fl) 10 A.M.. ki at his ,0-7.1.leacc on North Stri•et flex d 0, at t..cresiocnceoi Rev. \1 r. Ei wood. 10:1 ‘N.S1.1.riEt)N..tc..S...,•.. GOD 1 C. W. 13:40-1 y • lb% 1t I.eaa. M. LI,. • 1) 11 I'S 1.0 LAN, EiJN, ,k„.!„„ (Late s,:treon, k 4n Hospital).- • rsortiO vitt llotlierreh , C W . - - TA N D S-TANLEY-CLINTON, nu W. T. CpX,P.litor and Proprietor. JJ RiaJ. (Nlr. Thwaites's for.ner SNre Italy I, '62. - --..1)11 . A. WORTHINtaT01\j, • . c.).50 PER A. .NN' IN . , ..._ . i . a AD t ptIft4CIANT.- SUR-GE:ON, &c.,J Will -at- ''.. - 1 _ _ . . .1. teat/. particularly.!.. diseasei Mdanxitirgieal - . - ' . • , - - operattOrni upon, the eve, U.-m.1ex Vit.t.sait.tjec..-rr.IS62.. Ive47-li-,-. Ir AR1UTI R AND .VrTORNIE17-1T- , Law. and soheitor-m-ehanerry,^ eounty. r oAV a A:tornev,Goderiedi,`IanatlaWest. iffice (.7).11CZ vI4n40 . M, C'ssineroa, AvatigrEs, ATrousEY; CONN -EV- A" s.-Ezt,Nre Ji,..itg•cton street,Goderich,C.W-, • Sinclair 34 'Walker, 114 RIUSTERir SOLICITORS, CON- -. (Vice, Over the Store oi 4. V. Pet:or 3:-Son.Go(lertch. 1.1,eary ::.N1c1,ermot lot A.ttrusrtm, AT roltNEY T:LAN . _LA Notartes Pabnc, &Ie., West Street, Coder - .3 olkn 1DwitkRon. 1-.1.4,ARISTER,A.T rattxtiy.soLICITOR ..1.--)-swkihaneery, Ste 0!fiee, Market Square, Corner of ICiato-riStreet,tioderrefi. 94'2 l'atterson, . RAVITTrEltS, moRNFXSAT-LAW. otat.,e4. Crouveyaneers, c 'Otfice Karseorliery West Street, GeoeriA. 97,47.4 *Nolan 13- Gordon, ARTORtsTI-A,,..kT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN ebarv. Notary Pub4e, Conveyancer. & Goderieh, Canada A% est.- Othee-on *z. nth s. lco \% -t Street, thirAtIpw front the. b o C nin-House 'Sgtuate. . - Irays._ VTTOMNEY-AT.LA.W. SOLICITOR IN G over /-1, Liarcitner & Co's It irdware z.z.tore. ' - - vlSaS9 MoiieY to lend om RearPropertY. hade (-7-oodirrg. - TTOPSI:1-.7 SOLICITO)1. &c.. • raten .C. NV. -0 tr Elp Stairs Watvon's Illa;"-k, West St.:; entrance First' Door West ot Masgove House. 1-11TRON AND BRUCE ADVERTISER. _ "The Greatest Possible Good to_the Greatest Possible Number." • GODERICH C. W., TUESD AY. ..jUN.E. 20' -1:8.65 1+ 3.--1N083. -13i9iitcss rtindOtil. Nord" .British -anti Mercantile Insuanct Co,; Olfic.e in Mr. 0 ordon*s LaWChambers. JOAN' . Ar--::- Goder;ch.Oetober'13,1SE3. sw12-1vr 1 e - JOHN BRETT, Tin,' Sheet -Iron, and Copper Smith EMON.DVILLE, C. W. Stoves, Cultivators, &m, for Sale. Repairing Done at Short Notice. MARINE INSURANCE. British Ante.ricait Insurance Co - OF TDB:4NT°, . Marine Department. - GEORG E 1111.1II3 ALL, Arent. Goderich; April - • wi:ltf British AumericanAssurance. Co. R.'E & ARINE JOHN 1:ASON Ac• ent. Ilnyfield, C. 1$65. w12 Chaarerv,'Notary Pohlic.Convevancer.&c. • ' '/Koore. TTORNMS. S.JIACITI)RS", &c:, Godc rzeh., C. W. °Ice -NEW a* ec Latirt 6,3aeliChaAtta-ust sw103w.31 13- L. 13°y -ie. A rrortsEy, SOLICITOR &c. OFFICE • Crabb's New Block. Cioderich, C. W. • ' vi5swn5Iy S. P. YEOMANS, QOLICITOR CHANCERY,. ATT`OR- v-, NET," -.NOTARi., CONVEYANCER, Sic.--Odice over the- new Post Office:, Goderial. swig D, C. M., (ilminate of McGill College. Montreal) sl IAN, SURGEON ANI) AC cot:angt-a; Odire-At the Division Cowl. Office. Dinigannon, C. W. wI7 L 'V. Elwood, IIQARRISTER, ATTORNEY, CONVEY- aneqr,-Szie., Cliaton. 1) dee-a few doars north C. Post Office. • MON.EY T')- LEND. Willtarce -V'ssasex-, • ETORNFIY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN L. Ghyteety, ConVeyane-e-r. &e.. II-a14.--•tror, . ot Bruce. .., • YU:41150y . -- • ik- Frederick-. PrOudfOot, fIA.Rit,ISI`E% _ ATT 0 it'S' ET -AT -LA. -NV, - ...L) CONVKYAIE:Eir.., NOTARX PUELIC.&C. I TWINI FlIf.7KS; I Eroprictor. This is the, Soittlza.n:,•tc.n, Go. Bruee. r ar-I2.-6m* ei targe:.i and lic-St Cotintry Hotel in Western . Cantu la, and elm rz'els as in‘ aerate a.: an I-1 Jose - . in Nlitcheil. Stage:Proprietor. Good stalling tor -"rtioneve.-; `vrratiters.ta... 01V -it E>TGIN'8..Elt ..X.ND PROVINCIAL 100 Horses. Horses and Ctrriages for H3 ite On \--" Law! Surveyor. Oifit.e and. ItesIdence he Sit ortesiN ()tam. 14:7 D. Wilson Ro.s,• B. A., • ARRISTEIL ATTORNEY- AT LA.W, Soxit.tor-m-(,haneery, Notary Public, Gen- eral Land Agent', .te„ Kitteardine. -Volt nty Bruce. v18 w12-1 MAITLAND ROTEL, GODERIGH • HOSEER, PROPRIETOR. THE ,LA to above is intvit pleasantly' sttuatethirt an , eminent e 120 feet Iii4h,.overiookup.' the Harbor ' nil J. kt Huron ; --good 9rena yds:Gardens and R nr, 'Ne,all,s attached. Board $1 -per day ; single nenIsor F..eds-. 23 cents. • 1:151110v1v IDAYS'-'1-110WEL, _ WROXETER t.5 situated -Oa the d -ravel Itoild running from .1 Seaforth to :-.•otithainpton, Oa& nide north of where it leads off to Wroxeter, and any one trav- eling to Belmore.f Walkerton, Soutimipton, or any place in 't bat find accommo- dation 'such as he onlv expect:Zto find at first class mit- hotels, to aa reveets. IGE 'ALWAYS ON HAND. " FOR IIIS - Trout-Fishitg Friends-- nitli LDIN'IS COVE it A LENGTH. OF INSDREDI.NDTIFTT FEET) "c IIARLES DAYS, .Proprietor. Coto mercIAIlif otet ilitebeli C.W - • Business tliititorp. _ RO'fiLt,- 111S1,1110,Ce: CoiaVny. FIRE AND LIPE. 'CAPITAL--TWO.:sMILLION' .DOLLARS. Accipniaatea.fonds On hand, $.3,000,000.. Annual helm° Exceeds $2,500,000: 1--11Z logiirmees effected at the LO1VES 1 • ‘. RATES cousistent with safety. • Life-InOttrancej-imple Security. -1-ARO EdIV US. AND RATES LOWER TRA1V - MOST ENGLISH .OFFICES.- . toiSes Promptly. Settled Without _Reference to a Board of Directors CHARLES FLETCHER;. Agent. ° Gotlerich.mav, 1S64. r' tit uittoeStreet,tioticae.... v15113. A.. . IIIIDTD:OTAL-LANI) SURVEYOR AND r- t. Civil Ena-inee ,Glinton. July 1, '61. 13- flank -tin, Of.VIL ENGINEER AND 'SURVEYOR 11/4-1 Land Agent and Conveyancer, Kincardine 11: JAXFS S1ILLiL, ; ARCHITECT • PIAN& .AN Sre-ttrrICA.TIONA. of Budd- iac,%.5te.; got up in a neat and correct style. 'nr.0.11.€1e at the Iluron Auelton 3.1art; King ot Strect.Goaerich. Isw paserwassWis a LAND AGENT, - *Mika Square, Goaerieh. Te td* t.tzrrozt every- Wednesday,frout 11: a.m to 1 u. • 81:10 tgODISON & HAZLEIEURST, ..3tsat.t. & TuoN(soN,) A uotibn & Commission Merchants/ Canteroes Bloc1,.1Cingston,SE., Goderteh And next Door to _ Strong's Hate - S W. CS EC, 1-11; . LIALES of IlostAchottl Good=, it arses, Waggons. &e at the mut, everv- Saturday- at noon. Particular attention paid to the Sate of Bankrupt Stock, Farm .zztosk,&e. Cashadvaneed oagoodsleft =Commission. Mods appraised, debts eallected.- landlord's ',arrant' 'esecuted, mortgagem'oreelesed. houses renteiti; Division enart"Frueutess attended to. Sales. at the Branch Auc- tion, Mart;Seaforth, eve 4- Thursday, ,doisistie $ates attlitiditt to ou. reasonahle terms' Unclench Jul * y 12th 1864. - v?-lvr • „1E). 3.Vionottgatt, - _ICENSED AUCTIONEER, BAYFIELD, 14 County of Huron. Sates. invillage or country,. punctuallyattendedio. - wg-tyr$o irindiey. T-,ICENSED AUCTIONEER or 11URO.N. .12W Bauer. .Sales punctually attended to. Address-, Bodwor O. w50-Ivrso -CARINEtWARPOUSE John . Campbell, E N ER AL COMMISSION AGENT A -Ar Cornmissionerin Queee's Beach, tor taking .41,11datits,Pouvetrarn-eroSce.,&c. Oificeon-Broad --wax,VrIlagelifKineardineX.W. 9:S Peter- AlL'Xtae. PrIRWARD-Lit ATST P COMMISSION Merchant,lxvxiturraokx, C. W. Notes' and Accountsvollected. Business of soy kind ea- .xitatimitrr hink vitt raceme Prompt attentioa. w40-tv$0ax r3.7a-t-Ny • - (THE OLDiref IN THE COUNT1- D. GORDON, «rnrFi' ii TI R • AND UNDERTAKER,. SURGICAle,& MECHANICAL Da.NTIST, (successor to T1.13... Mont. gomery,) tiocterkeh, C; W. : , jordan's lirug,Stere avesa-viv • w.15 ••••• et5 GODERICH amiviARBLE WORKS • W . C. TRELEAVEN 111101111 - man s _ , • Tombs Tablets Table- TO -It; &C. co) - Head • stones • GOD-ERICH,. C. -W. Manufactures amtmks now on hand a complete assortment oi Furniture, at his Warerooms, WEST 'STREET,GODERICH . _ scoR Sofas, Bureaus, Tables,. Bedsteads, Hrtir,', Cane and Wool §eated,ChairX, Gilt koniding --and-Looking Glasses, iri variety, ot Home blanufacture. and Imported l! D. G. has always on hand a complete as.- sortment of coFFms. Also,. HEARSES TO HIRE. - - GLtunher and -Cordwood takeli in ex- change for Furniture. Goderich. 27th Oet.. 1861 vr27 . (YMLSSEONEI IN THE OURT Or moiletera'sBeneh,Cenveyanber,a. A Reg cd:Faim and Tiaarn. Lots tor Side; pare- Isteftri wale, or desiring ter,perehase. -wiIL piewsend full part.enlare. Duaftlealm.1411:20:19157. • iertIOBERTSK M AN If rACTURIER - or s.14. RINDS or:- atittT SIIOR AS • Bureaus, Sofas; Lounges, Bedsteads in endiese variety, Wardrobes, Hook Cases, Mattrasses, Center Tables, -Dinina- Table's Breaktast Tables, Toilet Tabtei, Wasik Stands,Chairs, and many otherarticles too -numerous to mention. Ailkinds • ot Oot): Promptly attendedto- U.13110-1.STERY.inallits . branches. ' 111/iI)ERTAKING,8cc,lce Mr. It. respeCtfully invites an examination or hisatoc,k.. Warranted to be made of the best ma - Lariat and workmanship, and at 'gre,ativ :reduced paces.° Call compare, and be satmfied before going elsewhere. Cordwood Ickula of Fanner!! Pro- Oucetaken exAhange, Witereonr on Elgin'Sereet. - toderc,Mpb24th. 163. W59 • ; J3u9inces Director!). DRUGS, DRUGS ! CO 1:1. XI AL 1\T --(Sueeessott .B .Reynolls) Medical- I -I-11,11, Ctfart:-.11austSquare,Goder tea , . _ DISPENSING:; -CHEMIST & -DRUGGIST -Dettleriu,andlinporteroi GENUINE-, -DRUGS' Chen:teals, Perlitlitet y, Hair root'''. and Wail pruis he ! N TsiOiLS, 91.oits, DYE STTIFFS HORSE t.ct CATTLE -MEDICINES CARDEN VEEDS, d‘C.r.&C. • _ Ordersfrom Medical men punctually attendecrto at Lowest Trade Tures, , N.B.-Physician's Prescrrpuorts carefully dis- pensed. • Godench.J an. 10. 1558. 49 -NEWIMARKE WORKS • LIGHT! LiGHT, LIGHT! _ ROCK & COAL OILS, Burning Fluid., Lamp Oils. !For Saleby . F. JORDAN.. ;.l.Goderibh.; Jan. 17,11559. 50 Main Street, Exeter. &--A. M'CONN ELL. - 7 3roxumENts,- Tog BSTONES, Pbsts, dre.,:of every description and ityle of orkmanship, furnished on short notice, and at the lowest prices. Liberal reduction made for eash. ILL ORDERS PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO Designs of Monuments may ba seen atthe shop._ Exeter. pctober 1st. 1864. iv12-le Money :to -Lena, virY:reasonable. terms. Appli.:to' 13, L. DOYLF;.4 Crahh's new Block. Goderich, 9th Jan. 1865tv50 lyr • IMPORTIT NOTICE TN CONSEQUENCE of -the death of Mr. M.M WEATIIERIELD. the blisiness heretOltine.carried on under tla. name and style of Robt. Runtiman & Co. -M" Cs LT 'AT Ya , niust be closed on or Ilefore the • 1ST DAY OF APR -11, 1866 All parties iadebted to the above firm are here- by notified that all notesand book accounts over due on the -FARM FORS/LE' LOra, Con. A, township of' Howick _mile from Wroxeter, on THE GRAVEL ROAD. - Log- honse and barn, - .92 ACRES,- 28 CLEARED Applyto , • F. W. THOMAS, RR., B. M. GI:Klerk/L. PO, 26.1864. RIFLES SHOT GUNS, 1 st day - of FEBrif next, will be handed to their Solicitor ,tor collection -The &oak on handwill be sold OR -8-HORT CRFDIT, It consists ot.a large asiortment of Plonghs,-Cutti- - -Ira tors. Harrows. St raw 'Cutlers. , THRE.SHINGMACKINES Lot -ash and susgetr:kbeotxtleess: waggon .7.nd.Pipe - Cooking; Parlor 86 Box Stoves, A -good second-hand • MALE TO ORDER, uI BY - • 11811 Opposite the Market. • . • - . SPIAMALIVZINT-IINTE and a lot of fachiriery for Grist. and Saw M1118 All parue.s rendiring the above -articles Would do well to call and inspect the stock at onee, as they well get barg-uns. RUNOLiIt:N. -INreterence to the above, .R. Runciman will be prepared to carry on the basinessof THE- HTJRON FOUNDRY and .contram for the erection of all Linde of Ma chinery as usualand will simply AGRICULTURAL 111110I.E1nEKITS Stoves tuid castingst-rearonable rates,forCASH or short credit. i•. GodCrich.Dic.2I3t.1864, sw32w48- COAL ..01. Wilds of repairiOg doss .oa most. reasonable terTs. 4 00. 446 *Aillii;it 2u 1 4864 • • 4?.;,4 , COAL • A. LARGE 41JANTITi-OF. : -BLACKSMITH'S Q6AL ON HAND AND VOR At the -Wharf 1 GEO. RUMBALL • Agent. Goderich, May 29th, 1865. se? ••• rof 1British- Petiodicals viz - THE LONDON QUARTERLY' REVIEW. 1 (Conservative.) THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig.) : THE WESTMINSTER, REVIEW (Radical.) . THE NORt a `Bums 1-1 REVIEW (Free -Church.) AND - BLACKWOOlfeSEDINBUR011MAGAZINE(Tory) -The Am erre!. n Publishe s eoutinue to rprint the above the price oftfper nearly rebled.and taxes.dones..licenses. named perk(' ea , but ae cost ofpnuting haggle:1*d, etc.„ largely increased they are compelled to advance. their terms as follows : TERNI8fterift 1865. Enmity -one or the Revi ws .. ..... $4.00 per annum? For any two ot the -Revi 7.00 " For any three of the 'ewe."... 10.00 " Pur all four of the Rev' we „ 12.00 " For BlaeliNvood's Ma e...... 4.00 0 For Blackwood and one Review... 7.00 For Blackwood' and an two of the Reviews "...".. . . . 10.00 • ForIllackwOod and th're oft-he'Re-- . . .. . 13.00 0 For an'd tfie.fqur Reviews 15.00 " - Subscribers in the Brit sh Provinces willremittnaddi. don to these prices twenty-four cents a year for Blaeir. wood and eight cents a year for each Review to dover the U. S. Postage. The work will be printed on a greatly improredynality of paper. and while ncarly all American Periodicals are either advaaced in price lir reduced m very generally both -we shall contiliucto give faithful mines I) f a21 the matter contained in the original editions.- Ilesice; our present pcices_will be found as cheap, for the amount 4matter furnishd. res thosepf any of the com- peting periodicals in this country.. - . ' Compared with the cos of the original edenons. which - et the present pretniutn-on goid-would be about $10q..a year:our prices ($IM are exceedingly low. Add td this the fact that we make our annual payments to the British Publishers for early sheets and copyright in gottl-81 costing us at this nine [Jan- 1865] nearly $2 SO in curd reney-and we trust that 'lathe scale we have adopted we shall be entirelyjustified by our subscribers and•the' reading public Colonies not a Legal Tender. 0411111•••.M. The Chicago Tribune recommends that if the- British Goverment shall refiiieWpray the claims of the United States for. damn, in- flicted upon American commette by iher ahama, and other British piratessaihnknader the rebel flag, our government shall proceed to take its'pay in colonies.' This is eigply bluster. We have already vastly; Inctre tert ritory than we shall be able to people before the middle of the next century. A war with England would cc,st us infinitely more thart. ten British North America's are worth, 4fien- if it should last half as long as the (war fro* which we have emerged. WOjbelieier it tit - be altegether cOntrarro thespirit eftheirga457 make war upon •any ria,tion upop. m-quesGer, - of dollaraitA cents. But leaving. Web mutt sideration out of sight; even if we, should annex the Catuidas. and .otherWise Millet greater injury lipoo England than -the do upon us, the result would not be worth.ti 0* - Cost. Does any sane- man suppose- 'we can carry 01) a war with Englan6 without riddit-g immensely to a national 'debt already alp: - mous.? Our true policy is peace.: By peace • we shall draw from her hundreds ei thousands of her crowded r population'I-he very men who would be employed by her to shale:the blood of Amergan soldiers, in a war against, - the United States a -ill by peace be mate , citizens of the United Statest and will add int;.! mensely to our weal.thend 'power. • t The most effective way to -reach the Britt& Treasury is through the pockets of tbe British manufacturers. When the last rebel marker le itiven from the ocean let our claim for elawe • ages arising from England's negligence kir violated neutrality, be presented to her Gov: ernment with the dianuctintimation that terial increase inour duties upon such foreign goodsasare imported chiefly from England. will be the consequence of her 14uasi to par the bill. We have very httle doubt that she willretiise -to pay it. Then let us keep our word and .tighten tise _tariff screws. We meat. have heavy directerindirect takation for many years to come, and perhaps both. Is it no" best then that as largess possible A portiala of this taxation stall be imposed upon the pro,. ducts of a country which will have refused to make amends for the injuties dime usthroukila. her neglect or violation of neutrality"? Jai this way we can punish England without jury to ourselves, but rather with the greatest benefit. We can build up in this country the the manufactures for which we are now lar- gely dependent on England, and we can transplant to . thiscountry mchitudes of British working men and woman, who out, carry them wt. -Detroit Trzbutzt. . rheinterestof theso Periodicals to Amencan readers-- 1tea River 11ews• is rather increased than diminished bi- the articles they contain ott our CivilWar and. though sometimes tinged w ith prejudice, they ma;',. still, considering their -great . ?ram tt eo Norwester. May 11. are written, be read and studied with advantage byihe g g The Four Rviews for 1863.. strike"- for four meals a day and their wages ability and the different stand -points from tvhicb. they The latest i ence from the Hi h mut people of thiscountry,oTery orp-ed and zany.. • District- is, that of the inhabitants were A • - A few copies of the alove remain oriliand;and wit be r.oid at $5 tor the whole Thur, or $2 for any one • ' The people of Portage must he at present . We also publish the . . in the full enjoyment of a most tineq_tnnioli. - PARDIEBIS GUIDE, and astounding state of prosperity; for we o NBYortilrEoNs.1{81TazleRCEosltg!efiEd2ievionghanditsr.tioyal-otheclz aavtoe, J1.61' o abiaxrteradit eren elanced fillveen bunters uanuitehrsorigereihlat lithheisreare state - pagesand numerous En h PRICE $1for the two Volum,,es-by Mai1,pos1paid,$8:, of affairs, mil:need with the superaheindaectr - LEONARD SCOTT & CO, of blackbirds destroy their gram, has Piot ..' Publishers; . ved too much for many of them, and son* ,o. afir WalkerStreet. New York. thirteen Or fourteen families have resolved to migrate to the Saskatchewan -Gold Fielda.1 1 . i tal 1 - They leave earlynext mouth, . Monirtai "nines& for -18 5 6 The rumor is eurren't that two thotresuil. 1 lodges of Sioux, wits have spent the winter- . . not far from the Saud bills, propose to Via the Settlement thia summer. - We -trust their . tbis may net be correct, for it will eats* great public expense, and possibly endanget. -the safety. (tithe Coldny. A more receut eat reliable verticm of the ,report is, ili.,,404; Sioux warriorsintend paying us a 'Tuff, 1111, soon as the grass is long enough to tevektimiki henna' hoots. `-' -- . . - GREAT WESTERN BAILWAI. Freight for Ports on East Shore of; Lake Huron. THE FAST SIDE WHEEL STEAMER Bourne Maggie." CAPT. D. ROWAN, Commander, will run between SARNIA AND SOUTHAMPTON (Weather permitting) twice each week until further notice. Leaving Sarnia every Monddy and Thursday morniag-calling at Bayfield, Goderieh, Kincardine, Inverhuron, Port Elgin, Southampton. Returning will leave Southampton every Wednesday and Saturday mornincr-eallina• at above ports. • Freight by this route'can be delivered quicker than by any other, and at rates to suit Merchants and Shippers. For freight and passage -apply to W. Seymour -k Agents, Goderich; Robt. 'Campbell, 'Agent, Kin.car.dineI James Burwash Agent, South - anon. THOS. SWINYARD, W. ORR, • - ether for her delicata,eyes torest, upon com- Freight Supt.) Eastern 'division, Hamilton. plicently, andshe manifested as mech. The T HE WITN ESS is about to enter mi its tOth year as a candidate for public favor on the saine principles with which it, set out its aim beingto fliruish good reading matter, wuningied wah seetariau bitterness or party strife. US The News department contains the latest news by telegraph, WHIM ries of sews from Canadian, British and Aineriean papers; and selected arti: elq on current events, froin the leading journals, ofihe world. - The Commercial departmentcompnses reliable Prices current? reviews rat the markets; and financial The department ot Family: Reading contains -a copious . selection. of instruetive and interesting matter, taleki. poetry, Ore. Valuable Agricultural and Horticultural articles are copied from tiine to time. - The Advertising departinent has many -useful. and important advertisements, but admits none of an immoral or injurious tendency.- Tim 'Canadian IVIestenger.' containing a Selec- tion of the best and inost Interesting shatter Of the Witness,' is published monthly at 25cts per ann.: with one copygratis to a club °flea. It is de- v6teci to . Mielilitv,Education,Childrees Reading, Temperance and Agriculture; and con- setiuently, is allowed Ito pass free through the PostA)ffice: ERMS: - Daily Witness; $3 per annum, . Montreal Witness (seini-weekly.) This is the same form that it has been since the beginning. V per annum. • Weekly Witries. $1 per annum. Canadian Messenger,25cts per annum. Al 1 Ikclirsatice. (inc copy grab -sin each mole for a club, -ot ten: hould a IVIrxed Club be sent' with not fess than 10. Papers will tie foiw,ardedgratis-to the Value f one-tenth of remittance - All communications to be addressed to Mon- treal Witness.or JOHN DOUGALL &SON. Putting on .Airs. _ .• 014 -wad somepowft the wiftie pi' us, To see oursel's as ither's see.us, . - It wad fraemony a -Wunder tree qs-= • ; An' coolish notion."-Buans. It is wottli more than a ticket -to Barpum's Museum, sometimes,' to watch people who repel charity for their defects, by an assumed superiority that makes these defects al the mere conspicuous. Who can help =Moir, who Cares to reserve even ridicule, unless througlv-self-respect - when they see folly similar to that which led to the writing of the above. - -- I have known flirting belles pass scornfully a plaiuly dressed person whose foundation uf subatautial- wealth could. have bought out half a dozen of Them, and whose pretties:I knowledge ofi .moral,intetectual and physical' edueation, out Weighed the contents of twice that nunalrl of their cearlbefrizzled htsds. Arrichly Areeked-; Madam, eitenng s ear with her husband; found ,:the only Vacant seat lacing a middle aged man, travel-wear/1 with garments-- soiledand worn-- too vulgar alto - OIRI1 WAS proud, not only this, but, where id c:tehip axwea:i33.v vv . knOwn, ackuowledged in a -circle she might - • wellitive envied. A:student or De lionne- E NLARGENE N ville hi magnetism., he willed her to sleeP, JO • AND 00101 t 0 de 0.100.1)g„: A4V,V1180t. -EXLMIPEIY 71) • • • :I 13001C43111TD111T.G.; 28, olUron: Papor-i- T_TAVIN6. Made -arrangements *Oh' Mr. LA . McGREGOR,llook-binder and Mariufac-- twine Stationer, (who has lately returned -from! Philo, .1phia with -a large stock of Binding and ather UAW), I ain prepared tia Furnish Wank - Books of all kinds.:size and styles with and with- out Printed tieldingi, at. ten Der cent cheaper than Toronto,prices. - - • .. Alt at nds of Binding nqgivIng satisfaction will be repaired free of charge, sw,t6w2•1 JOHN BUTLER. t. IS published every lawful evening; at. 5 iy-elock, and contains the litestTelegrims, Markets', 'News Paragraphs, &e. Famuly Wadiry", Editorials, &c:, carefully prepared and selected. . ---1,bre LONDON EVENING ADVERTISER has a circulation averaging 11,000 per sveelorhich is more than > double that of any other daily paper published west of Hamilton:, It is circulated on -theatreetet after the -maiitier'o the' itIon'treir Witness,. and Nev York' and .Buffalo Paiiere. AdvertiSeis .at a )..di_s_tance will find it tb thtfr advantage- tChntert their - b_. untie: es .:rip.,ont,,,.......ttoluntnai ' DARTit.SfftlesiNgs- Of obtaining First.Pliielt Dail Adiertiier(per amitim) WOO CpdtaJor ,04.1$!1q,BuildullitfurPf'se_t4an- WeeklytAdvertiser per amnia) $1:50. bi!..31"P; PlY., in: gr. t-11 T.' "-Wu addiessei- n1261* or *ell weeklies"' that- 11 better be stippltectio any. quantity,' and on, ressonahli! -10 igdierieb• ?AU,' '"172-4:,- 1. • AN IsDnilviteiT18 tne Grsat, once petted whole month 'at the! forges of 31ullert :dor** -which timer aftst:i giving due attention to auks et State, -wine)" be never neglected, he-ataweed- himself witli seeing and emetnining everything in the =Oak minute Manner, and even employed_ himself:, in learning the business -of a blacks:n-1th: -Hi succeeded so well that one 0,-.1 befere lift: the piece he forged eighteen poods of itpe, and put his'owil particular mark upon tick bar. The boyars and:other cohlemen of hs/ _ suite were suiployed in blowing, tire bellows, - stirring the fire, carrying coulee and,perforai--- ing the other duties of * blacksetithle assii1=-.4 taut. When Peter had finished, he meat Uk the proprietor and praised his, manufactork and naked him how much he gave-:hir _ men per -pOod. +• Titre, hopecls sr _ salting' ansWerea wetly') then," die Czar said, "1 have earned eight.; teen saltines," Muller brought eighteenducats, Offered them to Peter, and told- ,bier that he -Would not give worilieg m.aer like- - his majesty iess per pood. Peter released the sum, sayiut", "keep thy ducats; I have DOT L .wy ought better titan any othee.man. -what you would give to a.nother. I want Oa motley to buy a pair of shoes, of which in great need.", At thesanie time besbowed. `. hien his shoes, which had been once broken, - and were agaiti full of holes. Peter accepted the eighteen saltines, and bought him a of shoes; which be used ;to alio*. with -tancii-1 pleasure-, f4"these earlOnd 14 the • sweat of zurbrow." - One Of them bar of iron fo-Fged by Peter the Great, authenticated"' by. his mark, is Still to be awn atistia, in 4.he, forge of lituller. Another 'Maier bar, it preserved in cabinet of cariosities itt St. Petersburg ols• Tim Flu CaiDiEs..-.41 saaairho had rif cannily become a votary tollacchus, returnea home one night in, an intermediate state of- D eoainess.. That is to say,be was comfortably ' -drunk, but. perfectly 4:0115Ci011ti of his awe fortunate aitua.tton. Knowing that his wife- hwiassbeedit wePitfh'beou *t. ddeisettirellgie hilerTautnPdtbyIrasileijel, int off his inebriation, ITOUGRIII tee fact from.,, -her.alto.gether, . lie fp-ached the door of hie, room without disturbing her, and after man -- sting a few' Moments =on the no *r, - be - thigight it he could. reach the bedpasty andt; hold on to jt-tthile he slipped offhis, appareti, the feat would be easily acc9eiplished. Un- fortunately for his techoine, a eracile,steed in: a direct. lint mat the bedpos% about:A*7. insuheiiisdnad;:eaesioomfdethsipolif antarinseitniggliivatt ,eib,crecteoussrseop:siwitiohdenjore:vitilif, of furniture, he pitched Over it with a loosei. droll:Brand in the eestalyef dream affection I au equilibrium was established, be real our tkotses,ewsalkewaliwosbeileiepmaabtnraocdiineg 4.4aerriteuthansule ii! .waniiiii,.4Aitgbteainkhewirsdstruigtigaiedu etoqula;1_eyfeesatvisL_Intilland ben-Inateumser..„ energy called the attentien of all the • passen: ' wog over the bower ..of 'wag maalWilli. At . 1 gers ; waked"- to blush at the quiet lunge of length his patience became exhausted, Alai, ithwinasnelocidifeilusngpet:i:xtsbepredurtmelowberaanolostrter, revenge re,:weom:hissiekimpedberigr:etitiarps,einoiyibnusut Thisiwbe.:11:: aestpheartuepeobatacrart.io.i_te, try: was riyieedwt :olubtielotr luliduleysiceepair.rad. :da.,:i.: it:6e etiPlse:o°InguustlidIt havei1 la.alekst:f (:)tliPui ts;bfliet 0 dhPeryn 2seThfiseteilicivesabnYil,PitYd02MISseeit filleTle.ilud79411eg°rtaius another hit: riSebeill'Ineve rialle a °T.r that they do not carry the point too ler. . "Putting on airs l" Silk ana velvet over rags. Plumed hits and dirty hnse._ Jewele4 i n-vints and rinted houses. Pi incifulseliig "Ind baker's bread. , Furs and carriages, and .n.runrupa.tisdhect.-ereidtiidto,118.ean,tOyin.abecime:tuagl. cakes for parties, and pinched- mesas at home. Parlor curtains and unsWept sornere7; . A thordaiA •, joiephgeotes his -father an _ . observer can read -atm, glance., who -relies on Mormon to show that Sod! inculcate =tlui--: 1 „wuiatorhrteersbasffromnpdo:rbitio4owzatinizbadokiwevh. o.jimailmegy ittiomatoi‘uoi.nootedusk pvi,;.,t,:nerst,deanctlisoctrilled teissactsiati4"thatis:ooft4ne:twbstiounire,:chua:gruu_t„leof. u_shasomice:pai:c..ogi_jau1110).:;.. . latter appear, lablieifiti igflorlitoti- to them, it -' wakes alteint. Iiitheriatrwt! 'quoit' -03# ,4-„,,,„ lin hatable pa*, 1.4(1 iikk. * call i ijoiainl,m1.thltdetBri*IlarTtarrik!u241161:44titilA0*:- "It 11--1.11111.13e,r47,-;":74:INT°:::-1.;;.:11:1:41,71,:nlit.:..11:1.-:"::::41;07.114::: it . SPLIT Al/ONCOST THE Atostipas,--Asplit amongst the quarrelsome lion:pens is -not A - thing so unusual as to excite special -remark but a recent occurrence of ilia kind seems to 1,4, wadiy. of cote. Jciseph Smith, .theion of the eri,ginal Joseph, and a recognmed hist leader in the, polygamous community, "hie. - ',weans* convert to toonoganip and =abet a deed set against thegreat Benham Young, _ _ -14 • 312 JOHN CAME N, • • &,4;odeni.liali-23)-.11165.11 1 '°1' tk - • - -.11a-rirt /1 n1 uncertain iieighto.m-Vost..4kocl NCI# ,retiffp.' 23 1- 414 Jr% .11114 I , t;<",'