Semi-Weekly Signal, 1865-06-13, Page 3ves Tbere
T where *a
ertisoer ity
nrises that
fin; beseaes
red tnat
RI= lectOr
stir= not
is: um tale
ts snort
tcs luta te
a certam
ne eze
t tee:mane;
e des:et-a
..ssteas ets
res -natittes
is naner =-•
•ssieri ans:
r_•„y oiteis
ss, tams -is
e,eneet tee
te v
ans: tie&
Ee. nev
r c' tet
ate ss"teese
is 0€' macs..
st-t way ts.
dsne wits:
sense. ars.
31-f' a way*
r: rens non.
sn-y loft he-
a:hie ap
,riete re es-
.ier. or tea-
vesssors for
,s,ss which
inst. Mr. ••
ROt *limas
and at the
the resPec-
ti hisodeseae
vise honesty
iss teitallfiee
mcielent to
react to
Feted at
waist. (. V.
blieriber: ot
Lars farm): e
white belly,
ibbed oil one
ipectitta fief
tIw smal:,
or shoals
i; her wiIr-
nag Gravel --
irarsiy Itha-
oo -`
acret of
diata-f miles
Levels Of
sm *ken
*aim forth -
sot 3* scree
ap sear' the
a Stable k
Hay scar
the wileetst
a CO tope*.
rikei liarcisala
kw 2 '
Artesian,* Wrd's Aire,ount 01 NEGRO 0 1.711.AGES 1N 1 AI.BOT C or NTT ,
Bus Courtship. GEORGIA. -Un the night of Ate i: 2e, Wm.
I Aldnge, tormeriy of Atlanta. who belonged
4. 'Tires a carte -mil. reeh: u. Joon. All te the titt Georgia regiment, hearted a com
sereer &ileum : so: *ass ttetsy Jane on the eany of Degrees; consisting of tort -seven.
feno• be father s nits;er V e d beeb went to the residence of a number ot citizens
romping threw tue wotels. ,eutlin flours and m the counte. and demanded their goal- and
drreing the woodettues from his Native Lar silver. They burnt -the gib -house a•nd twenty -
Ise to speak wittlen; sticks. W Lwe sot eight bales Di cotton,: the property of Mrs.
there on th, tense, a swinging our feet two ' Gorman. a widow lady; the gin house and
and fru,. biushin as red as the Baidinsville- twentv-five baies °lemon of Major- 'Samuel
*kw_ nouse when it was first painted, and itaidwin : the gin -house and sixty bales of
lookerie very stmple I 'Make no doubt. Mv cotton- of Hiram Knowlton. together with a
it arm was ockepied baltansin myself on 'large quanuty of wheat, peas. -&c.
le a- several
AidhtuOdle, who hae. for a year or two pest
been suffering from consumption.- died at I
Toronto on Thursday night. Mr. Moodie
had. for sete ra: years, represented ,the oble
ward of St. Soh -n, whose electors he was al-
ways able to control. Fie was a power in '
local politics before his health began to fail,
and his. career was rather checkered. ile
had the happy faculty of being frequently on
the winning side. He was a man ot . ardent -
temperament, and had great power overthose.
who acknowledged his lea e died at the
early age of U. -Leader
t c e .ns whie m ritwas woundd atrial! liestdes the e. .l. ptunderine ridburning.
_ . .
round her waste. I.cieared my throte.. and . of the neg,roes eorpmitted the most atroeious -- • - - ..
tremblingly' sed. • Item, TOU'lr a gazelie.'- outrages upon the. persons of a number of C3- James S. Gardner, a. lively yo
1 thot dust was pattv hne. . 1 waited to see ladies. They threatened to xeturn the next7 ii- inters. ar : e e - . Rose, a.
what effeck it woul have- upon tier. . It eve; night anci• destroy everything they could lay I...lady of 13 summers, were married at North SELMA AND 'SOUTHAMPTON
- aud sed.. their hands upon i - they. -hoheyer. were pre' _ Kingstown,. R. I.,' on Thursday. 4 rather
fossils up
7. Freight for Ports on East Shore of
Lake Huron.
th pf
ne .old Commander, will run between
dentiy didn't retei. he:.
You're a sheers !' Ses I. Betsy. -1 thank vented from coming out their diabolical need eardper to pluck so young a - ( etather permitting) lwice each Week
-. e , until further notice. Leacing Sarnia_every.
-very mizeitly of yin; ---' I ,dor.° t Vilese a woro . scseines by Capt.. bletiliney. who-, with a (Sprin; .Repub. . .:-
.. . .
. . - ,..... Monday and .Thursday moreing calling at
:told say -se then now, emu '.' vial- winich , company ot citizens. went -in pursult- or them. ,-..sauss. • -- = linyfiefd. f;oilerieli. Kincardine.; Inverhuron,
observashun 'she hitched awaysfrom mt. • I . Aidridst, and seven nesToes were arrested ats . .. . .-
wiz:4 ttare was winders n: ray sons' said I; 'laswed ; the others _escaped. and it- woe .tr er gusoii7S' Concert tease- bout hamptu ii e very Wednesday_ and
Port Is.Igin, Soathampton. ,Returning will
'sat. that you eouid Etee some of -Inv fecims-- thoughtswerit to. Macon. Aldrige and •Ithir • . - -
rfness , is. -,se snail.= hers:. safe -I. $trising my neereee were shot, the three who totilmitied - oS THE, 'num. ' • _.. &Anil day morning ealling at above. ports,' -
; Freight by this route _cap be delivered
hezzum with my fist. 4 te ta.e al: the corn , the ra,pe_burned, and one hung.-- The riegroes TT'
,L.I ui- on Harmonic - Pipes., quicker than hy.. any ctliets and at :Sates to
: beef and turnips in the neighborhood?, She belonged to Mitinir Ba.dtini. Wm. Stirey, - -
1'beweti her nee down arm commenst ctiawin Llisain kuonitun. uno:James Little.
the strings to her sun- bornzet *Ali. •earti:d . -
'Tot; know the aleepiess,thies I -worr. t--;:re_ii, 1$(1tEiS.I.V.i.;. Soif..-.-liA tieepeoing the. ctilti-
sss yoss see -June tem. eaves ni&s serzee te tre -ration of.. vomesoil 'you laid to its; qua:Huta - • -
.'- 'Attract::: 14. in and riAn my- itmN has shrtini. TI,u,.. by having year • soil 8 inches, tieep. coull-i. H uE Go picii t
up, you wini.cli:f. dow; , Me. Gase (It,. this- Where before you had a only 4 inches vou ' '. .0 i ,. 1 i
was_tiri fOrtn And these ere sunker; .cneees--e* doirtne As capacity-s-soinewhat as though -you - • . . ` . . . .
-' 1 snout.. nave - connhitred isnsin. this stmr-e. had-twe acres now where v ou bad on one WIIE-Y r6iutee: pieces Aitcl songs %ill be
probly to some firne. -but carfortniteiy lost bet.)re. Pid you never ta;:iii. ot this? *Eight --f.? performed on the occasion, he will be
assiSred by A matears, Tickets 26' Cts, to • be --:`
my isaininse 8/id teii. over iti're7. the MST:Ur 7 incneeof cuttivated soii has &mine the strength
kers:rashtearic my tios' and severeli.„dam- ' ty'S four. This is 'anew way ofinereasing your liad-ai the deur, andtbe principal stores - mid
bates, Doors open at «li LO ototnette_c' at ' _ . . : a. P. TEOITIA.NSI . -.
• mySeii- ,genera5y._ Betsy: Joie:- ssruns: tend -hot new to our best farmers, woo ere ,..
eight. : - , - .. - . . ss 2t 1-
• ussistacce is double q.ttlaii t.icst' add derstatei an this-;-atal hence they Cultivate* ._ • SOLICITOR- IN CHANCERY, .A TTOR-
rirag.t.ted me 4tli., Then.- dream herself, up deep-2-11ot deep at -once, ' het graduaity, each , • ; __
and passase , apply to W. Seymbur Co.:,•
Tuesday evening, June 13th,
IrAirents Goderieli ; Robt.. Carepbell,- Agent:
AT TICE ' Burwashi. Agent, "South-
W. ORR, . • .
Freight Supt., Eastern division,Hamilton
• .
fsun lerchants and Shippers. For freight J.
ev tier fa:- bite. she' ,seti -.1 won't listen to syea'S :Ittte ueeper. br at, eve-rv p.eughuta,
If ART C 0 over the .new Post Office, Goderiche • sale
. • .
tb yeartir uoneente no tonger. Jea sav -rite strate Ptoriehine aione mates the soi. trie.ow, and i E
• - -out whal you re drsui at. st yon mea. get. has si woridsrlit. effect. even without manure :.
. tin 'hitched. I'm In r 1 cite/snit:red turn air but matiure. it rims: he remetneered. iii the .
enn:;' tat aa Faa.ettea. Paraussta- _ace Wt 'inss- main reziasee IL deepening yonr-it
eeeuej-, itrimezate,y t, tue pereeet se ate. was eaa..iudement is required. - Not too mute. o: 1 .
that very Litt.* ' the ea.w stfas i flies:. be Vrottelit Lei aia time„
unless it is rich ----tnerep.oneh teeete iu cs
seeie, :nee a: t. tine tat -true weary. Cut 0THI
-T • the tion •
-Issuers Itolissar.-Ariother dariss :al -
'eery lea =gee. eeace it. that latterly w ass-
_ tie t measure of Laynam: tei
-Titersday ne„..htetast tee premises Ce tarinee
slanted James Car at who residesa s-reere
tame from Vienna.. and lataut halt ism:e--
-from any othe- eriterei.: by three
desperadoes. and tae sum of Sade steeee, front'.
the Clams tut .ssons 'day. ha: sssi
his Tarps for the abect sene Yiaterle ate had
Smith tem at tee tent.ah. . e: ma fe
te wasaatity graosni to tee anie.vee ie -t feey
eenietetl tne rtionery.- At tire time `tile loose
Was entered. Ciarssand ins" wife were in nen;
they were bon:stied sins ropess atter whici,
tits thieves commenced rausac...s. -place,
and were not longs in securiins the azienn.:-
boot, • named' whide iva•nledateq de r Gress the-onlisthnis/tbat sterna toe least
of! hat! an Ines of class insre or less. at 'each
nieteelime. ha. thron n mato ac •
A i ct)ST vE.Y11 ON et delegates and lead i ii a
,I --..i... 1-emperante men 'ot iris countrv, eydi he
held rit ClinteV
on, on ednesday„ the 7th of _ June
P -to consider the. propriety ot testing the 1 -edgier-
the etentente. wilt be reduce.: tt- powder, arid Gan be purchased Cheap A et ot 18b4 in this couna , And for other
purposes relating - to the-eause cfTeniperenjfe,-
rFOR _CASH at --:-.-tiv et:der-pi Manchester Convention:
r: at (tee:. goes to worn erawing Streugte 'from
trie ;jFOR profit. pa. see f bar,
the ct ot p.aster. Then it is a manure in I -, • ... ' "st
usalf. These heavy Mats beds are viounine ' / '
• .. , •
beji. of inantire. As they are genet -tea , ea te . . . i .
seread out with your stir you need entr te • ' _ ' i
a.deist you- •elevestni. to manure yOur grounta i CI hi E
:. ...
lig mporraiii
Iin:t. tots nits; Only be done v.-liee the--un-her
so: is th Irtgl,r3i'y Ttialk:t.:; irri -1.r.tioi cultivated ;_.., laggicri •
1 (1aieneem JtMe 9.-36E5. - x12
S our s -...,ti:-. and air anti cleat. aatc: rain a'. -t. Kept -
out f and thus it remains, star...mild stubborn I
on whict. tittle or- nothing can tie grown: i
order. Too much clay' aroueht tip wili
cani;ed with. and have not mei, be:. neard
on The :natter nas, neer. Unwed te, the haniis
-chance..e-• F-atie32 Farmer.
* 1865.,
. . - •
THIS is to forbid any person negotiating a.
1neje itiveti by, tne subSCriber to J:hn
White for twenty two bushels Of potatues,
aud.bearing date Mare', 6thalS65, as the said
, Mite is over -paid. - .
Colbcrne, May 16t1I. 1S65. ' awl 6*.it
WILL be loaned 'On Int -
) 0 0 0 0
or detectives. and, we trust. sion to hear of e proved arm Property.
tile capture of the viloams.--risontion Prato- s • Cunt For. Susta.rox.-31r.
Thoma.,.. Johnstore of Selmer; Tow"sirp
7: sends ft/Hi/Win statement In Seritem
The Suffrage in tlie States. her last my son and two of NS sthildren were!
attacked hy that' virulent disease, smallpox.
One of the severest _sarcasms ever leveled and a neighber at -ence firnished us with the!
--at the institutionito.f the ratted„Statee was tre tolleming. reeeipt---havitte etiown it. to ctire .
LL peischis are hereby notified that after
G d ich 6th June IS65 • - wleif • this date I will novihold -myself resp
0 eLr
, . _
I siLle for any ------------ted by my , wife.
- r . . ,-
Mary -114s, she having deserted my 'bed and
ET 1 _ board without justosuse of provocation.
SAktUEL BAYISiur.)n.
" - T7p of.Stephen, NOvi07..3„..00
- -.. • I
Advertentif thrown °it the other day by the several cases Three qunrters of an ounce of " -1011N DONOGII takos this means of Ists:,
New York Tribuue. That paper, atways the cream of sartarsand tweivenrainsof Turkey el- twining the putilic that he has entered
MaylStb. 1865. -
issisted to achieve itt-a'frightfui cost ofbIood t pint of wate- laaf a -pint to be taken. and known sis the Felten House.' Where he will j A.UCTI4)AT SALL
biacks be invested witt tue suffrage. The and repeat Id!' tWu- days • fonowiter. Goilerich„ June 6th 1865. w 1 9 ", • OF
- irritee sa.ys, "'We nave no wishaitiet thieves, meek -ea may fe. taken immediateiy after --
H h i the siand for erlv
Serces advocate of abOlition. which it hits Rhubarb -these ireriedients to he mixed in a into the ote us nes.s n
and treassirs, Pieadif strongly. that. the freed tne other half m from /WC. /0 three -heats, be hapny to receive old friends and custoMera I
zuflians,biackiegs, swindters, uaveterate raja- being, mixed. the sulferers acted -aecordids Division Court Notice
• "wads, patipen•,- 4kt Lc., - shal. b4- these directions sod ie three da.ys after the -
made voters 'wnere trier are not -,-we would fever and itaanintios disappeared, and in less
I TINDEtt and by. ynnie of a .PoWer teale
• 1 contained in three eeveral Mortgages Made
_ 1 by Auguste De St: Auhine, township -of
• - Arran-, in the Collate of ,Brtice.-.. Yeoman rind
thwere abie t
_ tha. the . stranciused tuan a week eey.- walk out., and ' . ' - Janet his wife. ate to bar of dower ) mit, ht
mulch pretee v beds'
• • h Wei d -ot a ly next, ta the Canada Permanent Society-, 26d.
. -white they now eneete tea* ithirtZer°11. ar.e now quite reeeverod.M- Jozinor I APPOINT -cinda) „t
the di tor holding the neTt sittings el Inc 1 to James tark ol the sant township: of Arran,
lege o votieg- tor the Sheriff who ought to Towhee for the rclitibi.ity of this statement,itn Invision Control Bar fit.ld. instead of the 12th Inukeeper;. autl-.rd to John Jacob liehnen Shd
arrest and the uaee p-retern: to try mid it _is worthythe attention Of al- Masses- • -eel: Jertneri) advertised: - ; Witham Henry Ruby, will - be sold by Pubhe
teem." Such is enadmiss
ion 'of a statue:di.
repiblisars whis& wou.s: not nave been made -14
them wifithe eine.priE FE e,„‘eat saes- .
-Mr Fredick-Ashhaush. who nves on the.
inl :. viieses tit
ordy it served as an ittelienW argument to
11 GOOPEIL . • Auction on atoeday, tire 3rd day ot atily naai, at
.tudge, Ft. B, noon, at Siirithi
-s Hotel n the village of Sown -
rot I.
. - C 1 • 1 s
t IS6.1 - anyton farm lot Slo.3,'in the -6th concessnin o
aid toiViistopoi Arran, containing. one 'hundred
we have 1)41143:•roiet. 8110 y(0://g"- Wilti -FaS With : _ acres. erios cash On ot sule.
tnsaipthat of the- .auffra,:ce. h h-14 nee- woede-f- esee
tram _deattl "
whyt ilea:ft-I obie--...ted IRA exercise of , -" " -
Nioney to Lend, For Part.lealart apply to. .
3/,42,isimte.; WeduPstlity f.V07,40Z. Clur:42: the thunder •
Stierifft. and Judges, that -it struck efrectir T'" wab 4t4-1LP.T•1 th*" h"se hr U Gee
ettifintee re the eiectiote
at the independence ot these ocilits. whes.e tnte baiter wheu %track by alnish or iigittoios's • - d
rciwri ow°. and. the horse- fallinas, Booth -ss
was tit d
interest it would be to conciliate their pata 1865
Mora:pares, Appiv to _D. Sirade i - . PEDERICZ PROUDFOOT,
Wester, Southamptem,
ihse Solicitor< Office over P.:. ' Dated this 29ill d4)" Of MaY: 1865- w19*4!
tare. • .
rons, and thus be tempted to iaciit-tee thei on hun, consilerablyiejered one Of his lees. .. ' 4 -7- ' - awi'411
Goderich I Sth 'May
Mr. Ashbau,sh nisi:, felt tile shock. but not eso
poputar interests to therr own. Tins truth is
serionsiy, and lin was able to extricate the boy -
about to dawn on the peagle of the United '
&stet'for itis broadadtuated ethievei....,,: trom his perlious:predi;:ament. and bring nia.
', :e - that.
tii medical aid from the cite
ttasfians. hiacklege. swindiers, inverate Taga- I illt° a tavert; unOA L I COAL..
bonds, pauperskote rote could be procured. The horse.' as valuahle
.. e.: v*Mee the -
one, was insianay killed by the stroke, We 1 t
-"Sheriffs who ought so arreSt and the Judges
art geed to- ieare that the young lad is in a ,
vrhe pretend to try them * ' Pretend' is Lie, .
of resovery His escape, and that - . ' A LARGE QUANTITY OF
right word; and it wouid :he folly todook tor -lam* 'way
snythittz awn an eiemiee' Judge except on Mr. Ashbauh
g" is Iittie less than mit-arta-
, .
_ when he administered- the lavr to float who - °usS* HAND AND-
caw their votes against Lis eiection. A re , . '14•11'.--'"---- .
tent Commission appointed to report on .the , Timsen..---;Cribs of timber continue to -ar- ' PAD P.1 s A_ za M
state of the jabs in the State of New York t rive at Ottawa front the far off headwaters
complain bitterly that 0 u t o f the iar-ge lam - of our noble river and its many tributaries. in
.. At ' the - *Wharf 1
ed find imams te einde punishment. and it is with -those Catuidian products- -tiinber and • - Agent,
ranted that it is swing to a -laxity' in the raftsmen. _Very ishiguine anticipations are sw77 '
. atheinfeasrationoeinefiee, a iaxity that exa be being indulged in by these interested that there.
readily traced to the popular election of will be_11. good ,ilemand and fair prices . this
- Judges. Sheriffs and Magistrates, in which season, at Quebec for tinnier. We truet
the vilest elements. ef society play an proms,, their hopes r'ealized -Ottawa Citizen,
'hers indicted torrhamicide-sotew ant convict utmost countess numbers. Below the Chau- •
ad. end stii. tewer punished. The -Condemn.; diet* Falls; both sides of the river are lined
Godetich,'May 79t11, 1865:
Mortgage Sale of Lands
• TT.N.Ult -and by virtue of a -Power Of Sale:
kJ contained. n a -Mortgage Made inf Thomas
13. VernEvery and Georee, mbell , both. Of me:
Tatkri f -44aderieh, in the. Comity ot Huron. of
the first part, Margaret V an Every andlaele n11.
Iternhea their Wives, riorthC porpose of hirring
their Avers]: of the second part,-. and .13arthOl,•
(Ili -tea -Seymour. the elder. of Avranelles in Noa
mandy. lathe Einuire of Prance; default hayin.,
been made in the due:payment thereof. will be
seld at the -Auction Mart OliGeorge MA:Truett-Ian.
a-rket -Soon re . Goderich. On Friday, the seventh
71111 day-A:WI:My, A. D4, 1 tWelve reclocl,
noon, the 4allowing pro pert y. viz; Lot number
el) five south-east side ot aoutlaWest street ie
said Tovra of Goderieh; find -more . partieularly •
described in an Indenture.frola William Little
and wile lra Lewis and which bailie rime:
the third day rof one 6o -tisane' e:gle
hundred and fitlyealso lot nuiithersix 163 onthe
south-east side of Sontlt-West street, in said
Town •of Codicicb; atitt more particularly
deSeribed in an indenture teen Jaeob Letschwta
and wife to Ird Lewis, beanne date the vit eat'
day of March, in the year one thousand -eight
hundred and forty-nine, Deed under Pewee oi
neat part. .
L4 _•
' iiXay a011i.
A •Bits.vrtret. tsitat.--;.& picnis worna-, Artemus Ward is about try-ing his ,"surples
hunting up the ehilaren ofwant, one cold day filthy lucre " inahe " Mad keit. Lake Co.,n.
last winter, tried to open a door in the third; which he thus describes :-"This. company,
story *fa, vrretzhed houses wheat she heard a F, according to its:prospeetussin the knee Pius
little Yoice say i " Plitt thestring sip _high tltry. It haait.1,000,Q00,000 acres an a
.. pull the string nphigh:r She looked no a .0 t perch of 'and,ith all the Modern improve -
saw &string, winen on being piglet', Sifted a f ments onto it: welt of better faiIin' cod-liver
lamb, and she opened the coo' on two littie oil it the front oorand another at the barn,
. half naked children alt aloon, 'Very cold and and a fine strewn of double refined petroleum
potinful, they looked. -"Bayou take care of r, passes through the premises; also- seirril men,
yourselves, little ones ?"".'asked the good la hfisses, engines, an' Other animals ere4ed. on
worriee. “ God takes care of ns,- said the t to the propertssifor niggue an • pippin the
oldest. I i Ana are you not cold? No fire rt same.i
'on' a coid day like this." . 4 Ole, when weare i '
, •
wary "coicL we creep under the- quilt," and 1 put i A Rishmo. nd- Paper. says that the-stlanne
say arzollar000d Toulmh and TanimT Puts- aw-entv ineheslinidiameter and seventy in cit.;
hitter= around me, .andlye Say 'Now*.1 lay cnniferenee, ctit ' own last May by miniw balls,
tote down to Bleep l' then we get Warm; id__. li on the 'and of r. McColl'', one mile from
ithe little girk 44 And what do you have to s spetsviyanis Court House. has-- been
_ carried
- tent. pm!' 7 " When GramlY gmes Imurte ' to Washington., This novel woad-euttine
else feteites us something.' Granny says that 11:mewed-where virarretes:_eores broke the Con- la' C- CAME"14' -
God has enought
Granny calla usGodfederate line!: after tweatv. hours* continuous Sci-itfitnr fnr:11186Ive0'
-. ; . 's sss
.aparrows- s and we say 4 Our Fi.ther," 'and musket. firincr. . The ()wirer Mr. Joseph Sand-- - -
ee Give as thiaday SOF daily braid,' every day ford, was offered a large snm, hut deelined to
*God is our Father." Tears mune into
d .
.the sell it.. As it was personal property, he hopes
-good womataa eyes. She baa distrustmg
to recover it,..or be. suitably compensated.
S -117-11M.
PROM W. Goveee Farm, near Bayfield,
a sorrel Horse, with a white spot on his
forehead, about 10 years old'. Any person
giving such information ' as will lead 10. hie
recovery will be suit* rewarded: • -
Bayfield, June fith, 1865. - ts20 at
Insolvent Act of 1864.
T' creditors of the undersisned are
-notified to meet at. the Auction Marl, of
Georee M.lernetcian, in the town of Godericle
40 the County of H vont on Monday; the
twenty-six/di day of June, instara. at eleven
of the chunk. in the ibrenonn. for the .purpose
of receiving atate,ments of Ins affairs,. and of
naming an anignee to vrhout;he-maY make an
assignment under the above, ACt. • •
Dated at Goderieli, in the County of
Huron, this seventh day of June. A. I). 1865
.apirit herself but those tyro little 4 sparroest -
perched in that coldupper chamber, taught I What is the differeneehetwen stabbing - it
:her a. sweet lesson of fatth and trust winch 121110 and kidirre in hoe? One is ussaulthree
.Tubsenlinever forget. • with intent to kit", and the other killing with
intent to sale I
AXikatnim nr rttE ST.
ito incident* not generally known, concerning
vise of the St- Aliesn's has recentiy
eon* to light. Immediately after his acquit-
rtal, one of the raiders,.haying httle laith in
• vthejackeeis decisionlietershinect to leave the
'cousin'. it being useafe to travel, unless
vliegoised, be bethought himself -for a while.
Ilea difficulty was preplatinge and time was
soiree* if be stopped. much Imsger, he would
4iikely be arrested, and there. were few clis:
waiSes the iyns-eyed officers of the -law had
setae«) thrugla. Ankles, however, struck
him.. He liked a baby, paying_, $400 as se-
curity for itesafe ?emu. - lie then dressed
iuseaslf u alady and started for H Has ivith
the -child, and for a great put of the waylad
.for ail nicer: the very officer detailed so catch
ln He, lioweverr, gives- the detective a
very good reconinendatton for gatrattiry, tor
iltuzug the trip theurbwas nothing either him-
* Reit er the child seeded that the Officer Of the
how did aot set for them- •Irearrived safety
l Ea1A*ao4slack a passage for Europe.
.1010e The Isaitieters ot the grog! staltnaie
et Baron Bothenkra new ritaitatod, in Pic-
cadils,a0 nude avid end rhttintnn. -
I Did you see' a man on a head there?'
asked an excited individual on King street the
other evenini, of another whom he met.
No,'"was the -reply. 'but I saw ahead eu
aman, said several men on feet.'
tle- About 500 rrtrman emigrantsarrived
- in Turonto last weekg niany of them pos-
sessing eonsiderithle means t and some 300
Norwegians passed through to the west on
Sunday. Many of them intend settlingitt
Canada. A large Portion of the German
-emigrants 4ntend settling in the -vicinity of
13nlirednetidity morning, while a ellikl
Of JIG Jimatts lin:sell, of Harafraxa, was. plae
in,v upon a waggonthe horses attached suc1-
4kob%earted matted -the 'poor little fellow
fell out, breaking his neek,. from the effects
ot whicahe died.
-Durso Sitoslis yams .f.un.-A boy nau.
ed Loeb!, vreil 111104wit it) Breoltvitie,.ss sow
didate for the penitentiary, confined to jail on
charge of,thefil Zutde his escape on Thum,
_day last .
age Sale.
U. IV nnd be virtue -ea Pie:Pier-of Sale con-
tained in a Mortgage made by John Stewart.
ot the Town t ot Goderieh, in "the County of
Huron, of the first part, Ladies. Stewart; his
Wife, (tor the purpose of barring her delver). of
the secoml part, and ' Joseph Herr of the same
place, ot the third part, default having been Made
in the due uayment-thereof, will be sold at the
Anetioa Mart -of George M. Trueman, Market
Square, Godench. on -Friday, the seventh (th)
day iof illy, A.. 1). i865,at twelve -o'clock, noon,
the following property, viz: Lot runniugnumber
(133) ale hundred and thirty-three in the said
.Town of Goderich, containing by adtiteaatire-
meet one cputrief of an acre of land, Inure o
less. Deed under Power-of:ale. -
wietcl -Solicitor for Mortgairee.
parties are hereby cantioried against
purchasing or negotiating two notes of
drawn ia favor -of James Johnston, the
uutiersigned, both dated the lst day of May,
1863. alarpaya_hle ten (10) months afterdates
The first one for $16.90 given toy Prottlieb
hIurn,er and John Schnell -1 and the second
one for 58.50, giien by James McGuire and
:John. McDermott. The said notes have been
stolen or lost, a4d„parYinen1 .thereof is atop -
LOt 26, South Boundary' of Stanley.
Stanley, 15th May, 1865, w16 -3t
wtota $coiie6tE
-T fNDEII. and by virtue of a PowerolSalevoa-
LJ mined in. a Mortgage' made by 'Witham
Gunn ot the Village ofinverhurun in the County
erBritc.c, otthe-noS earl, Soften Cano;lirt:wile.
(tar the ptiraose or barring her dower), of • the
veermil part, and Bartholemew fiekireme seoiorr,
ot Avranchete, in ;Normandy, ia the einpire" of
,France; E-quireeof the third parte default having
beeitenade in the due payment thereof, will be.
sold at the Auetion Nan of Gunge al. Truett:ace
Market Square, Gerierich, on Friday theiteventb
day of July, A. D., 48613, at twelve -o'clock,
flood, thefolloWinpproperry, viz.: Lot number
(46) fortv.eix on Wet Victoria Street, in said
Village ofinverhurcnecOntaiiiing by schwas:ire-
tuent oneacre ofiatid; be the -same more or less,
and totem: (a), three [3]. nod foot. -[4], on.
South John street in the said Village-, -containing
hy admeasurenteni reepeceively len time
and a half o t land eacb, be the same more 9r less.
Deed ender Power °faille.
• M. C.' CAMERON, -
" velate Solienter for Mortgagee:
ValuablePr- operty I virtue ot-et Power of Sale
contained in a Mortgage made- by -.Iwo E.
Danea. of the Town of Godermix, in the Camety
of /anon tat etre first part. Mary Ellen Dailey,
ins wile, 'Oar the _purpose of barring ber dower),
of the second part, default having been made in
the due paymen. thereof. wilt be sold at the
Auction Mart ofGeorge M. Trueman, Market
Square, Godencla on Friday, the seventh (7th)
aayeat uly, twcive norm,
the ft:Hotelier, property,via Lot ouinher-insai
one thaw:and three hundred and n:ine, ansi lot
'nutlike! (394) three hundred and mnetrifour, in
the toa n ot oderich aforesaid. Deed under
Power of Sale.
_ a-cAllttwisii-
yetYd 8OhiLilor forettringegiese
Estray :Notice.
npm +it° the enclosure -of tile -*ender:
•N-1.-aigned lot 14 in ,the 7th.- con., townithip
Stephen, on the 24th elitist May, a dark
b.iy Mare, J4 .hauds.high .The. owner will
prOve,Projierty, pay ns. peuseao, tele her
Ott -Rite. June lit, 1865. • vi1911
, .
a re re •eir
D. KERR, JR.. &
1.40DERICII, Jane 1st, 1865.
0 •
In taa Queen's Bench,'
4, AnEAA'SetTiE(.5RpeTeF-tinRgMriaii28,:srrCatTO4liflA.artber
-eleventh day of May, in the year of Oaf
agreement. or deed poll bearing date the
seven, in the ldaitland cOntession of the
numbers -eighty five, eighty* atit eighty -
cents being the -compensation and ail months
and henry FOrd of the said township Of
-the Barak sod Lake that the Buffalo
township of Godericii, iti The rounty of
.and 87 m the liaitheid have paid jute the
ship of Goderich, in the . Benclnat Toronto,
Lord 1853', and executed by William 'tad
interest thereon, agreed to be paid fbr eertain
lands for right of way. being piths of lots
ecincession tit the Town- Court of Qui -ill's
Huron; under and by virtue of a tertam
Goderich, and made 'tinder the Att entitkd
hundred mid ninety -,six dollars and sixty-five
through lots N Os. 85, 86 Railway Compeer
sation for right of way of 413 hereby given
Huron Bailway Comps:try and Lake Huron
In the matter of etiespen- NOTJ C E is
County of Huron. .., the tufo of free
notice is gii. en to all persons entitled to the
.eas gidclar ettdsinc: Thane busbaudgy part theereof, amyl, oriartrepresenies sto..
•entitred, to file tbeir -elsdens into the _said
-1' tehotarretoranilideasakill suche°133-eleitna *ill bepenuupe Snytteeliti
iti.d adjudged -upon by the said -Coma
pursuant to the Statute in fiat helialf.
Dated this _14th day of May. 1865.
(Signed) L. I:LEYDEN,
tall 3ta Clerk of.the Crovigand Bemis
iday 1st, 186.5,
lirdted.COuntiesekTs V' 'virtue of o'lltrit el
eluron and Airuce, ..1.1 -Fieri .,Fr.eitts issued
. To wit : - oneoffierMajesteas-County
Court of the United Coureita of Huron and Bruee,
%aid 19 me directed .agamst -we -lands and lene-
inentscifJames.Lothian artlie stilt of William
Smith, 1 have seized andtakentkr-exeentioit all
the right, title and inteiebt ot tne said derendent
in -and to lots letters i and 1) in lice 9th roncession.
-or itm tOwnship ofBruee, containing MO acres;
moo mill site numberl iti theraIllage of -Inver-
boron, in seta county of lirtiee, containnig 24
acres, whieh lanai:awl tenement:, 1 ahaflotlar for
sale at my &lee in-theourt elouse in the town
cif Coder eh on, Tuesday the first &try or August
next, at ;hello& of twelve tit the drink, nada.
Slieziff, ki. &B.
13v S. Piattoos, Deputy
Sherifta Office, Godenela
25lh Aernl.lbrea.
Ins. dye* Act of1864.
In 'the CtonetyCourt Oftke iliallat Comae*
of Huron asci. &see.
PRortSegor CANADA.) In the =atter of
County of Huron one t W. Pica-
tit,the United Cointies I Tan, an Ins&
.„ of Horan and Bruce. rent.- -
ArOtICE is hereby given that the under-.;
1.1 signed has filed in the °See of this Court, ,
it deed of tempoOitien ruitI.diseltery,e elecut.
ed-hy bisCreditore end --thatOalueollay„ the
eighteenth 84,ofsinly itt -fen the intosanee Company: Of Calais& tiatesgh you ,
clock in the forenoon oria sooneas atinneat for the very honornble which that
catilie.heird. he- Will apply to the Ju'dge of Gootpcny hassatisfied my claim upodit, for
•I "11 Court fora eOnfirulotion of the die, VARA:Is/Mr tu 43ST i46U .letncatal
. V. DENLOR 41. SON.
Sheriff's Sale (glands.
• • • • I I mi 1 •
United Counties of'DIY virtue af a writ of
-Huron and Bruce, .L1 Fieri Facies homed out
to wit: -'. of Her Majesty's County
Court oftlie'UnitedCounbUi of Huron and Bruce
and to me directed -against the lancts and te ea
mente of Charles Slack,' at ilia suit of the
Corporation of the Township of Ashfield, I have
seized and taken in execution ell the right, 'title
and intemst of the *aid elefendant in and to the
west half oi lot: number seven in the third roue
teesion Eastern:. Division of the ro x :Habil: or
Aehfielde in the county or Huron -containing ;ow;
husidnal sores. whiculazids and tenements !Athol!.
offer for saleat Inv &Bee in the Court House, in
thatow.n of Gala:ride on Toesd•te, the 'first day
of augustaext„ at LIC aettr of ;melee of the
10H.N tutalosAi.m.. TI -TE }-1 .L.TUON FOUNVIM
e oe di ,
Uneed-Countien -of --115Y virtee of it• Writ e
finron and Bruce, 11 Igen Pattat *lived loit
To Wit': . ' Of lier _Majesty's 'County -'
Court °fate lTnitedOmintiesOffluron and Bruce
and to nie directed against the lands and tene-
. ments of James 1 Clarke'at tire Suit of Hobert
Thoinpson,1 have seized and taken in execution
. aft the right, title and interest efthe laid aurae
dent in and tii lot nuolber 324 111 1124n 10nnt of
tioderich, in tbe tiouravot Moron, .witteli lands
And tenementel shall -lifer for sale at my *Mee
in the Coot House, in the -wan of Gialetich, on
Tueaday, the'fItteenth day of August next, at pie .
hour of twelve °tette elocik, noon. -
H4-8 Poixocx, Deputy Sheriff,
Sheriff's offire..Gtederichl f
loth May ififai. at autla
k3olvent Act .of 1864,-
T. -creditors of the Insolvent are notified
• that he has made an assignment at •hiatestate
ended -tots nutter ihe Above Amax: meale. under-
signed assignee, and eheyam :wined tofiraish
me within two .monthefrom this -date with there
'elauris, specifeiug Alr/ security they:hold, if vaY/'
and the yaltseee it, sone stating thei-fact -;
:the whole atte•ted under -oath with the via:et:ere'
in irupport of Eineb drums.
' " - • 'Mt. W. WATSON, -
, . Asingser.-
S .- G. IfeCAIUGligYI . _
' - Solicitor Tor loacilveitts . wletti
Seaford), to. Hizon,l1lay 18th, 1845.
Notice is 'here byEtiveir
'1111AT after twenty-one days froin the date
I. of this notice application will be made to
the Judge Ur the Svnagate Court Ur the
United Counties, of Huron and Brame, at
Goderich for . the appointssent ef.john Mc;
Esqeire„ thelowellip of Stialley,
ir. the Comity of Huron, as Guardian if
Eleanor McKinley, Mary McKinley, Susan-
nah McKinley, Lucinda McKinley, liarxiteet
J McKinley, Agnes McKinley," aid Robert
McKinley minor children of the late Robert
Dal Giodi erith this' 301h argy of May
1865. 3t.
To .Wool .parders,. &cr
.4.-90od Openhig
triHE urdOittrted is desirous °rimming' a
btisinevilt cternection with- some person wa-
anew go into the WoolePardatgaildielethalress-
in g business met -ado -Mk. The applicant to lad
cards; ites mad the subscriber the -power mad
buedi ng, botb"of vrhicleare in complete readiessa _
Tles is iv splendidopportunity for Any euratile
nian wield ng one of tbe best opeaiagsof the kiad
in Canada. Apply to <
. Croderick, C. W. -
April 17th. 1866.
L • Warriezieuee. tbe busisees bereterfire carrisd
on underth styleof
Atmoiman k
_ T_TIVI:)11C IL IS •
nuns he tiosecton or betbre the
lgrDAY OF MR 111-1865
Aff partite indebted wave arboretum ...ebony..
by notified that all notetafid book aceeisatiover
due ihe
1st clay of 'F'Efirit:pnext..
will -beheaded to their totwitor for natal:6w
-The stock oa aged will be wad
Leo' Vir 10.Aligner
ft consestsof a largeaseortmentorPlericheXelti-
l'oteashand ettgaNkettles, waggon aisdarliie
A -sea sleeved -hand
and aloto(eia:,bsitery for Grietwarl
All paruessliquirleg theatieve iodides eleseld
repast thelitoeir at aaatat am
thevarellget nun
• .
Iwreference to the above, IL BAUCIIIIIIM wIlt
he prepared lo e.arry on the bseinestrof
shc;11111-4z TB- and contract ler the eyed. ion *fag !diciest Ifs
b.Tm.tomt, Depths- ,...herttf. - 1
- chinery as tsaraalued will ewe*
4W- HP °face Gado -rob -I
11,14 AUTLICIT=1111110.111•11a1MMIll
Stairesaadvarthass,s- tisesoaahlesateejfee414$8
,er short credit. -
taiderieh.Decealst. 164
11.1011ABDTHWATTEs, Esq„,,
DesstStass:I Beg to thank the Tr:min.:id
airssuri,,burng.the;e:7283.ilioreeir;.0ungt_ intnn, the
idjoininr. hot* „,(Campbellt Vieto is Hotel)
- Tons respssouT,
0441' 4egacQcg.
eharge thereof effeetedin his favor _under amd_
Act.' •
, CHAR -Ca., S
His Attorney....
'Stratford, Ms,' llith 1865. * 411424
Ilintt4Comirles Tr' vitae er a irk! er
linronancliatice, J.3 Fier' Foci* jawed bet
ani4er,iiivie :tweeted: sigaitdestilethet Malandsineersualli C4INKT-seee-
Courtrai the Ileitedemairtissetilneossed Assoc
mentsolWrill the soft of Imes
Boewisill Ste: Arolnimild Cook Sather -
land, 1 helve seised and taken in exonsionall the
title and interest orilie eald Alitteityleet in
end to %besiege!) izatvfa *floss auvalieva Akers
and fourteen in the moth conoession refthn lama,
shipefeforrie. in are -County et Maros, which
ich, on Tueotlaytheftweatruettit slay et Ariessio,„
tandaii.e_ined ionoweatsofterciert.:00aeetek,s:taiialoiferibt e kr 4isieer at: vay.
sext,at, the hoiereftweivzoillerleek.sesein-
151sertif, 11.41c
143hatipl: CDONtarnADGeaw-
. 23fd Mare task. t 'WO