Semi-Weekly Signal, 1865-06-13, Page 2THE SEMI
Senti-bittliln Signal.
GODERIOH, JUNE 131 1865-
Moved V Mr Lumsdeit, seconded by
. Mr.Adair, That the %Virden ,and Clerk
be require& to communicate with the
meniber of these Counties mato the Hon.
Messrs. Br -Donald, and MTherson, Ms.
L. C.-, requesting their, assistance in ob-
taining front government the immediate
payment to the minor municipalities in
these Countiesthe. cams agreed to be
allowedfrom thelend Improvement Fund
.litoeed by Mr Bishop, seconded by Mr
Untie, That the Warden ,and Clerk are
hereby instructed to petition the govern-
ment that the ,Ceuncil ie oppesed tot the
Amalgamation of, the Grand -Trunk with
the R & L. H. Railway for the following
reasors :-7-That Monopolies are,_in diem -
Pelves, always injurious, and also thal we
as a corporation having given the.B. & L.
H. Railway- a -borui of $300_,000,consider
that the government by ratifying sueh a
union would -vitiate the clam it hainpon
ns on account :of. the Municipal Lean
• Fund, as we berrowed, that nioney. and
gave it to an indeeendent Company and
not to the G. T. And _further; we con-
ceive the manner inwhichthe Railway
• was managed last winteryras a violation
. or the Contract on the part of tlieilail-
way -Company, seeing-- that the relling.
stock which was the actual property of
the B. L. 1.1. Cr. was taken. off the road
to carry foreign produce, and that at -a
-lower rate thin what they carried the pre-'
duce of -these Cooties _fir, Which we con-
sider a peculiar case of hardship, seeing
that we have regUlarly performed our
part of the contract by paying our indebt-
edness to the Municipal Loan Fund:. And
We Would further suggest that the War-
den and Clerk would respectfully solicit
the government .to furnish a clear state=
anent es to when our payment to the Slu-
micipal Loan Fund will cease --.Carried.
Moved by Mr Sproat, seconded by, Mr
Vibeon, That the Cos.. Engineer be
itructed to advertise lie necessary period
previous to the next meeting of Coimcil
and have the' toll -gates re-leased in the
-Coart House, On the second day's siiting
of this council -Carried.
Moved by Mr Perkins, seconded bi Mr
Leckie, That -the report concerning; the
Pairs 'be altered as follows :-That the
said Faint:than be held it Hetrick village
•eit the 3rd Tuesday of February, Oetober
net& Dettehiber, at Belmore ' on the 3rd
. -Wednesday of sinie months, at Wroxeter
the 3rd Thursday., of same months and
at Ainleyville on the 3M Friday of same
mouths-Referrid to Finance Coin.
_7 O'CLoCH P. M..
The Corm& met. The -Coun-
cillors present as in the forenoon, and the
Warden presiding! _
By -Law to raise $20,000 in Bruce
was read, when it was •
Moved by Mr Valentine, secondcd by
Mr Galles, That the By -Law be not
passed as it now stands; but that t be
-*hanged as after mentioned in thie
tion before it is, published" and
the -rote of the ratepayers taken on it, the
-views of the various municipal councils in
the Co.' be ascertained and indicated by
the Reeves to the Prov. Warden, and in
ease of the majority of the said Conircils
roving favorable to the scheme th4t the
vote of ratepayers be not taken until the
general eleations in January next, and to
this end that the date for the By -Lw to
take effect be changed to the firet of
February, 1866. -Upon the Yeast Ind
nays being taken, the. mti
otion was
7. a majority of 8.
On motion. of- Mr Sutton the BylLaw
was ordered to be published in the Review,
Rerald and Advocate nrspapers •; the
first publieation to take place on the 30th
day of .Auglist next ---:Carried.
The Finance committee repotted itipon
the various documents snbmittd. -1 The
following recommendations were ma e.--
CoMmunieation of Capt. Coleman,!amt.
to be paid $200. - Action declined- hi the
matter referred. to in letter of Warden of
Perth.. Mr. Stewart's account to bel paid
-$102.72. Mr .beWitt Martyn's do $5.
41. Mr Eckfbas 1127. Mr Niim's
$37.86. - T. J. Moorhimse 115.13. Mr
XngIis $4.0 falters all actiountii for
attending. either Boatel of fastructiOni be
fortified by the Secretary of each Board.)
James Flemings $12.00. Joe. IVI'Lay
Petition of Peter' Robertson and others
Gimr*e gtesa-CArried.
- $3.10. Er Redden- 346.50.
Moved by Mr. Piper, seconded by Mr.
Dormice $13. .W. T. Cox: $158.00.-
Ford, That. $100 of the boundary line
appropriation of the township ofeollerich
from Colborae-pratiet petition not
be eIpended on the- Base Line between
granted. - -Co. Treas. to give tpt f
. reas. o _ •
tiodermit • and Hallett and that de
Brant creclit!in Co. rate for 1861, for $293
pai4 on accounto ueneyer Bridge. Ae., balance be expended on . the Huron and
emit f or_excavating Batches Hill,
Lame Bayfi411 Roads, for Purchasing -gravel,
rin, ."
deliverance, amount $100, Ac. A. Sproat repaig bridgetze--Cirried.
for ann.pintendinn, Apentn go Mond by Mr Purvis, seconded by B.
ountiegri; paid, anct Johnston, That this Couneil'grant the sum
axon. ameba 6.r repairing seiabridge, of 160 to improve the boundary he
sectitet by A. sproat, amounting b) betweenthe townships of I.ruron,
same deliverance. Letter of County
Treasurer calling attention to the Munici-
ealities', Indebtedness for Co. rates, we
recommend that the County Treasurer
make out an exact statement of the real
tndebtedness of each Municipality, to be
printed in the.minutes of this session of
Council: In regard. to the. above indebt-
edness, your committee recommend that
unless the various municipalities -levy_ for -
the amounts -dna by them on account of
Co. rates and Non. Res Debentures osier
and above the Co. rates of 1865„and pay
the same on or before' the_lst of February
1866, and. that failing to. do so the Co.
Trees- titer is hereby instructed to talr,e
legal steps to collect the said arrears,- and
thatt-the Co. Clerk is hereby iustructed to
"communicate with township Clerks, stet;
ing the amounts due, with a copy of this
resolution; we further recommend that
Mr Harrison -Is opinion concereing
payment of taxes on unpatented lands. be
also printed in -the- minutes.- Alexander
Kilpatrick .$106 to be paid.- Several
other accounts and a °number- of aeconnts
certified by. the F,County Engineer were
ordered to be paid. The lollawing are
the sunie ta be! _rai-sed for the current
year -
GeneralCounty pnrp oses,aa per Treas.
- Statement $38,3.32
County offlitron special; ' do do .. 44,000
Cpunty Of Bruce special, do do .. 5,040
The necessary By-laws for raising the
above Were ordered to be prepared,. &c.
The Council went into a coininittee of
the whole on the repert; Mr. Sutton in
the chair. -
-Moved in dinendment to No. 27 by Mr.
Spence, secendid by Mr. Mallough, That
report be altered, and that this Coun-
cil do grant the sum -of $250 for the pur-'
pose mentioned fn the_petition from Col-
borne. Loaf on a division. ,
Mond by Mr. Adair secon led by. M r.
Eisher,- That No. y57 of the report be
amendedhy this Council granting the sum
-of $100 out of the funds Of :Huron and
Bruce to he expended on_that _portion - of
the Elm' Road leading through .
township of Hetrick, carried b,ya Majority
of 83Q.-. The committee. then. rose, and
the Warden resuming the -chair, the re --
port as amended was adipted. • •
- The Reeves of Howick and Carrick
authorized to superinted the expen-
dithre ot the $100 on. the Elora React,
The $100 - granted far the boundary
tine of Bruce and Greenock to be • done
under the superintendence of the reeve
of Greenock and deputy reeve -of Bruce,
the $i00. granted for boundary line of
Culross and Kinloss under . tbe superin-
tendence of the reeve-- of Kinloss and
deputy reeve of CuLess. -
Moved by Mr. R: Brown, seconded by
Mr. Sleet, That the Engineer be in-
structed. to examine the bridges ever the
Sable river and Black Creek on the boun--
dary line between. Hay and Stephen, and.
report at meet meeting of Council what
repairs will be n:cessary to put them in a
good state of repair. -Carried. . 1
By -Law Mi. 8, to raise general Co-iirity
• rates tvas:read and passed. .
• '
By -Law No. 9 to raise special rates in
Huron, was read and passed.
Petition of James Viatica], Esq and a
nuMber of others requesting assistance to
bore for oil, wai read, when it was moved
by Mr.iSutton, seconded by Mr. Gibs -on,.
That the petition before the Council be
laid over until to -morrow.
- Moved by 'Mr. Bishop, seconded by
Mr. Lumsden, in amendment, That the
petition -lay over till December meeting.
Upon the yeas and nays_being taken the
motion, was carried by a majority cif 4.
Moved by Mr. Gibson;. seconded by
Mr. Bishop, That the Counties Treasurer
be instructed to insert the sinking. fuod
raised this year for the gravel roads deben-
tures in the pnrchase of the new issue of
debentures of $20,600, authorized - to be
passed at this present session of Council.
-Carried. . '
- The Council then. adjourned.
The Council met tho Warden rn
buainess, and application will' be made it
. th• once to the Governor in -Council te secure
chair. •
Moved by Mr. Cameron,
for the Company a legal existence. We
. seconded by
improve the townlime between Arran and
Ealerslie, said sum to be taken out of the
Bruce funds -Carried.
Report of Ga.1 Committee was read and
Moved by Mr Cameron, seconded by Mr
A: Johnston, That the iiint of 13000 be
&ranted out of the Huron General Fund to
sd in.cotePleting the Bayfield Harbor, pro-
vided government grant the sum of $20,000
to the sante Harbor -Carried by a majority
of 12.
Moved by Mi -Adair, seconded by Mr
Lumsden. That the Treasurer be authorised
io pay over from time to time any sums that
may he -in his hands from appropriatimis
mode by this:Ceuncil or granted by Gcivern-
meat for the iprovement of the town line
between Aria a and Atrothel, for the erection
of it bridge at Denny's Mill upon certificate of
:A. Sprout, P L S, ot Southanipton, be hay-
itig heen' .appoiuted Engineer of said works,
- . Moved • by Mr Sehoalesk seconded by Mr
Fisher, That this Council grant the suns of
$60, to aid in completing .a portion -ot the
boundary line yet unfinished_ between the
townships of Carrick and Culross, sakrsinn
to be paid out .of the -funds . of Bruce-gar--
ried. _ _ . •
. Report of SpeCial Committee on- Municipal
and Asiesstne-it Acts was read and-nth:opted.
Moved by Mr Sutton, seconded -by Mr Mil-
lar, That the Warden -do petition the goirern-
meat in behalf of -this Council fora _grant of
Money to improve the Ilarbors in the County
of Bruce, and that he likewise addriers a note
to 11�n. D. M'Pherson, Hoa.p.
ani .1 thckson,$ P P, requesting their
sultport to -the sapie-Carried.
Report of,the Gravel Road -Committee was
read and adopted. '7
Report of It. & P. Centruittee. of .„Huron
was read and 'adopted. - . -
4oved,Gitlies, seconded by - Mr
Lutesden, That the amount of 100 granted
by this. Council for the improvement- of the
town line -of Arran and expended
under the Superintendence of the Deputy
Reeves of Said townships -Carried. --
Moved by Mr Valentine, -seconded by Ur
CUrrigiur, that in view of the peeposed
Gravel Road :Scheme under which the Diir-
liain Road Will be gravelled the $400 grant -A
for the improvi meai of that' road through
Greenock att he January session be expended
on the 5th ata 6th side hue of that township.
Lost on a diviiiod.. -
-Moved 31
by r Hogg, seconded !'by Mr Wil
son, That Sfessrs.*chooles'and Fisher-auend
to the overseeing and espenaing of the sum
of $60 now granted On the boundity between
Carrick and Culross -Carried. -
--Moved by Mr Leckie, seconded by Mr
Whitehead, That the Co. -Engineer be in-
structed to_examinelhe jam in the Maitland
River near 'Ainleyville, township of Morris,
and report to tbis Council int its next meeting
as to the beif mode of removing -the same,
and the. probable coat of s0, doing -Carried,
Petition ofJemes-Watson Esq., and others
requesting aid from Counties Council for the
purpt-se of boring.a test .well for oil Or salt
tves.-read, when it Was , ,
Moved by Mr McDougall, Seconded by Mr.
Whitehead, That although the Council can -
not 'agree to- the•petitioe of James *mann
and ethers ot the Town Of Goderich, but at
the same, desire -us of eneouraging enterprises.
of so' valuable a nature to the inhabitatits_ot
theft Counties Will grant Vie sum of 51000
to any Companythat will sink a test Well for
salt ot oil to -the depth of 1000- feet, ortit .a
Nee depth, if Oil or salt be Seoner- obtained,
or in the event of two Companies commit's.
ing, -viz : one in the County or Bruce and the
other in the County of Huron, the said sum
he divided in two equal .proportions betweeit
the soid well,*the-sift of sinking said well be
left to Ome "competent and ocientific: moon,
the -said Company to commence operations
within six montbs-Carried_unatiimously.
Moved by Mr Valentine. setsonded by Mr
J Whitehead, That tbe,Engineer he instruct -
ea to have a counter:Constructed in the office
of the- of the. Peace as; in the Other
publ;c 'offices in the Court House -Carried.- .
MOve-dby, 'Me Vafentine; seeended by Mi
Cortigin, That the motion with regard to a
premium for the digging for oil or salt be
inserted- three tunes ui the -Leader, Globe
and -Signal-Carried.' • • _
Moved by Mr Currie, sec. -by Mr _Spence,
That thia Council do now .adjourn to meet
-again on the first Tuesday hi Deceinber next,
--Carried. .
!rho Goderlele Petroleum Coin..
WE now feel satisfied, that the present
summer will fairly test the qUestiOn . of
the existence or absence o Coal Oil or
taut of them - He alluded 'to the new
alien aet, and impressed its important
provisions upon the magistrates and others
present, and also stated that an Act had
been passed 'removieg doubts as to the
Foreign Enlistment Act.applying to this
province. His Heiler also alluded to the
death Of Mr. Robertson, gaoler, paying a
just tribute to his worth as a goodeitizeu
and faithful public servant. I The jury
then entered upon the discharge of its
' 4 public meeting of suhscribets to the fund
for boring a test well for petroleutn or salt at
'Godericlx wee held last (Monday) night in the
Town Hall. The attendance was ,largeand
-highly texpeatable. Ilia Worship Mayor -Det
lor presided analdr Grim Ittenball moseaPpoin-
tett secretary. After-_-preliroinaries
It wits moved by Mr M. C. Comecon see.
by Mr. W. T. flayo, That it Company be
formed to be eattet e GOderich Petrtileuin
:Company, for the pu pose Of boring for Oil
and Salt, That there b 1 1000 , shares of 110
eaCh, and that inonedi te steps be tiken to
organize and incorper te the Cowpony. Said
co. to apply to both ' °unties. Carried. ,
Moved by Mr McDermott, seconded by Dr
McDougall, That the agreement proposed by
Mr .Catneron be adopted, to be metaled in
iiny way which Mr Cameron, on Considera-
tion may thiuk'necessary to make it binding
--Carrie& - -
: Moved -by Mr. Moore, seconded by .gr.
Sinclair, That ilie following_ gentlemen act
as a Committee to carry outthe preliminary
proceedings necessary to be had to form the ,
Goderich Petroleum Co. into &properly min-
. ,
stitoted'corporation- and to carry out Beth
directions- as may be given them by any
meeting of: the subscribers or -stockholders
called for that purpose -:=--viz. J. V. Dalin,
fil. C. Cameron, a. B." Gordon, Geo. Runiball,
Hugh Johnston, R. Gibbons, Dr. McDougall,
R. Ruaeiman, 8. Platt, W. E Grace, and the
mover. _ ._ - ..
The meeting then adjourned tine die.
" - -..•- • -
. CoNCRUT rim ETENING.-Eteniembet Mr.
Ferguson, this evening at the Coiiit_Housi on
the , "Great Pipes."' ,NO pains will be spared
to mike -the programme attractive: Messrs.
Wstion, Reid and other gentlemen have
liindly consented to assist on the occasioe.-._
Turn out and give him a bumper !
An Ina postcr.
Quite a respectable looking and well dress-
ed women -stopped at one of our .principti
hotels on Tuesdayniorning; whet) 'diesel -0m:
ed -the clerk at the -office that As was going
out, and would be back soon and settle her
bill, as she wna going away on the evening
train. The lade did not return to the hotel,
but was observe -d to enter another. The clerk
of the first hotel Saw the lady -orf the street
in the evening on her way to the depot, as
she said, -end on enquiring the reason she did
not setae:at the "office she feigned great indig-
nation, etC, and iaid'she was able to pay all
she owed, but had torgoitee to do so in this
particulsr case. She wit well supplied with
ineney; and paid the bill.- From information
received, I am led to belicie that the woman.
had practiced the same -game at various:Oa
,ces, and it would be well tor hotel keepers to
be on their guard. She was :accompanied by
a little boy, whom sheregistered as -her son.
She left. the city on the evening nein. ,
So sive the -Hamilton corrof the Leader.
Was it not the lady who borrowed the money
from Rev. Mr. Schneider7--Ee, Sig.
. _
Coming It Strong.
-Some-time since; we published a *port of
a "Sensation Meeting." in 'Brucedeld, the
object of which was to enable a nuknber of
ladies to express their opinions upon a subject
that they Considered affected ,them. We
looked upon the thing as a bit of fun, and
therefore printed it without compunction.
When the single copy of the Semi Weekly
edition that we mailed to Brucelield; came to
hand, it created Bitch a row in the camp, that,
by request of a friend and in the interests- of
good order, we 'suppressed it in the Weekly
edition, and thought the matter would drop
there but a young lady by great- exertion
hunteu up a copy;\end now sends us an.answer
covering fifteen morhil pages of foolscap.
with the request that we will "revise, mend
and polish." it. The snide Aertainly re-
quires all' three, but, at the risk -of offending
salt iu this section. Our good people are'l 111114, we be to decline the - task. At the
taking hold of the matter ie a spirit dint end of a -week's laberit would be impossible
. .
mug insure success,- if it is really • trite to determine whetliet lt Is composed in verse
or prose, or where -the point is to be a0Sti.
that the valuable deposit' is under our • _
feet. At -e large, influentia;, and enthusi- Literary Notleee..
attic meeting held in the Town Hall last : CHAMBERS IGURNAL.-The May Noof this
(Monday) night, the subscription -list sestUnchold•niegazine it_ to hand from Mr.
. .
showed an aggregate of over ‘100, thousand Moorhouse. It maintains 113 reputation as
dollars and we haven° doubt that, hard one of the most useful and popular of British
as the times are, a sufficient amount f Periwicals.
money will be scraped ' together; with the HOMEHOLD Posms.-The series of Com -
grant so liberally voted by the Counties panioe Poems for _the People, of which the
Council, to bore 1000 feet. A present is the initial volume, has been begun
committee by -Ticknor &Fields, the great' 13-ciston pub-
. has been appointed te trauma preliminary fishers, to anewer-in almost universal demand
for cheap literature .of a . high: class. The
plan of the series is to present the choicest
Mr. A. Johnston, That the sum of $5000 have exawined ni'aPas on which (i'derich
is marked down in the -oil. bearing region
be granted out or Ruroii geperal fundrito.
of -Canada -we have reed all 'about the
aid -in completing the. Baykal& harbor,
different tbrmations, Hamilton, Clinton,
provided Government give a grant ' of
Corniferous, &e., and what we now want
$20,000 -for the said harbor. • Lost on a
is vigorous United and inteltie0-ent action.
Moved by MiSproat, seconded by Mrsuccessful, we shall proclaim 'to the
. .
United Counties that Oil is Xing, and
Gibson, That any -necessary furnishings
every landholder will share in the benefits
cured by th3 Warden and Clerk.
required for the Court House, be pro -
derived, but if the 1000 feet hole spouts'
Moved by MrSproatseconded by Mronly water, we will have the 'satisfaction
., , .
• Eof knowing that we have discharged a lliot, That the cheek gate attached to
duty which we owe to ourselves and our
No. 13 toll -gate be put off at the end of
posterity. Success. to the enterpiis.e!
the year, and that the Engineer be in,
Speed to the drill!! Now for Petro-
-structed to that effect when releasing the
Wan 111
$400.00. reoommended to be oid out of and Ashfield, $30 to be expended between
seed awl bridge apropristion for Bruoe. Huron and Ashfield, the remaining $30
OrA. rant $130 and r. Patterson, between Elam and Ash4eld, lad sou
• anoluldww 63420. for work don. iamb to be taken from the funds of the County
4.04;478 is asount. of Bruce . --Carried on a divhdon.
1400 Iv** Ahm oc Teem"! Bridget 1Dobbut. That the sant of $100 begrantekto of the law beerisg upon the most impar -
These Courts opened before His Honor
Judge Cooper, to -day (Tuesday) at noon.
The following gentlemen were isworu
as Grand Juroris; '
R. Booth, Esq., foreman, Jas. Bell, R.
Bell, jr., Colin Clark, David Campbell,
Robt. Esplin, Jno. Finlay. Att. limiting,
Wm. Fowler, Jno. Govenlock, Jno. Jack-
son, R. B. Laidlaw,' Jae. Mercer, Jno.
McGregor, Chas. Stewart, N. Smith,-
Wm. Tindale, Hugh Gardiner, Alex.
Watt. -
In addreesing the Jury, the learned
Judge stated that he found ten cases to
Mord by Mr Nicholson, seconded by Wr be tried* and "tarsi/ int° ask "Aallati°11
. .
and moat deservedly popular poems of, the
best poets in a tasteful and elegant sty_le, and
at the *Me time at a price snlow as to bring
the series within thereach-Of every household..
The present 'minims contains all Mr. tong,
shorter poems -of a domestic nature,
with illustrations by leading Eoglish artists.
The next volume,-" Songs for all Seasons,"
(whickwill be issued June 15) Will eoutain
the exquisite lyries and songs which are se:at
tered through the pages of Tennyson. Other
volumes wilk follow, according to ihe
nouncement on the cover, to which the pub
1:sheni invite the attention of all into whose
'hands the volume may fall.
THIC LONDoN QUARTERtY Review, .for -
April is unusally interesting,. and will be
'canned with delight • by thi general reader.
Theibilowing is the splendid table Of eon
tents :--Gallerjes of the Louvre; Classical
Learning in Frenee : ,The Great Printers
Stephens ; Sir Edward Bulwer Lyttotes Later
Novels and Collected Poems; French Edo-
catinn ; Our Ships and Guns : their -Defects
and the Remedy ; Bishop of London's Fund,
Cre-ricid Subscriptions, Travels m Ceutral
Asia Libel and the Freedom -of the Press.;
Parliamentary Reform; 14, Scott Co. New
York), T. J-. Moorliouse,- Godericb.
John Devine hes *Oceanid $3,000 &MR
the City of Boston for damages mend:led by
his wife an falling into a ditch'which wes :left
Sherift.31.eree-r at
ChAtItam, was destroyed -by fire early on Tins
morning. - I,osa Of house, and 'furniture,
111L5i000, $3,500 iiiiiarance. : After the.
fire was discovered the flames !mad 10 kap•-:
pidly that -only about $500 worth of furniture
was undo -.The out.buitdittgs were saved
by As ire crimpanies.
The Pitcher Plant. published alarming news about recruiting in
I the United States for Mexico, and say' the
" Reformer " Office, Galt, / I only correct fact in itedatement in that Atl-
Editor ig Signal!' 9th June, 1865. S te
1 miral Delott is gointdet to relieve Admiral
. Bosse and will cot charged with any ex.
Deka nut, -My attention- was called this I ceptio
nal mission vrhatever, and have no
morning to a paragraph in your correspon.1
6c:sisheorripowTehrse iPhaanristimeCo.natitutionnel of the
held by his prede-
di. aefnocrea 3 fzma tchoentcoewr nuisaligi pt hoef i ,Bay,Pi-haelirkiPalga a tfor
i I Itt6etnill of the United States bas terms metilsures
iays :- We learn that the '0Overn-
and its effeet_on Small -PCS. As Inc people 1 to seines any attempts to effect Mere enlist -
lin this vicinity are thoroughly-cOnversant with i meats, and put a stop to any .proredine
the remedy and its virtues I.11 d d t undertaken with the object of Trevor ng eon.
ave eeme
grant expeditions against Mex min -violation
better to address you by letter, instead ot of Federal jaws. luetructions to this effect
through the &former, and so that the l have been forwarded from Washington to the
people iteyour vicinity may the gooner. avail I 111:iited States Attorney et New York who at
e;iiii -0 ce took the- neeeasary measures_ for the
themselves Of the cure. About three
ego the Sniall-Pox tins very prevalent in this
quarter, 'bon in country and town, and quite iPorLsiwt•Peretlio,01; MaT 27, Bveinuinge."-Cottonsales
y 8,000 bales, including 1,000
a number died; - of the disease. Tile bales t°o-spet setulators and. exporters,- mnrket
rpnrciall 1 mckaarekset
remedy which - was most successful eisideintnactnidvjnebenhtiteeeadd./.. Bkreruidtissitountr:
affecting cures was the Scrtacenia Pn
qiiiide_t and easier. Beet steady, Lard firm
you se that it .may be readily found.
or -Pitcher Fleet, the leaves of which I mod i a i.c
It . onsolS.closed at 91 e 91; for nione.P
advancing, quoted at 66s. 6d.
grows in mossy morassaa or swamps, generally _A., Latest via Liverpool: London, May ^2r,
in ibis locality bordering on small lakes --:k vening.-The Eniperor Napoleon has writ:
During tbe pre/tent monih the leaves such as _ tea a letter to Prince Napoleon strongly
rorn t execution f them
• censuring his 'conduct in Corsica. He says
I send you may `be used, ifgathered now and the first Napoleon established a severe dis-
dried they can be preserved, about the -cipline in the army, and then in his letter the
month of September the :tote might to be Emperor says in the future be_will!not deviate
collected. -The druggists here prefer the from the same Course.
Latest via Queenstown : London, May 28,
-Prince Napoleon .resigned his Post us con-
sequThe:eGeloobef ihseayEsurthapetrtehre'splerittnecer. is censured
for his demncratic views generally, but More
particularly for uttering hostile sentiments on
the Emperor's Atuerictsu policy.
latter. The manner of preparing it is by
placing about two ounces of the leaf ' or root
III a quart of water and boiling it down to
about one and half pints': A person
afflicted with irnall-pox should take a wine.
glassful every five or six hours. Diet to con-
sist of Iight food such as eggs and Milk. In
a few days the swelling will have decreatted,
the fever will be -.very mild and -scales will
peel off like brae. -It Will also prevent
pitting if proper care be otherwise taken.
It is also a preventative and -people living in
the vicinity of where the disease is raging
should drink of the infusion at pleasure, by
-continuing to do so for a time there is but
little danger Ofinfection,buf should the disease
be contracted under these circumstances it
will be of an exceedingly mild form. .
Yours truly,
European News.
• The Aleibantn, Question -,1,
Excatetnent therein.
• -
; •
Farther Point, lune 7..
GREAT BRITAIN. --1G the House of Com-
-mons on the -26th, Sir G. WnIsh, asked Lad
Palmerston' whether the government had re
mired from the United States any -formal
'official demand • for compensation to the
American subjects for losses sustained by the
Alebania or any Other Confederate ammo,
alleged- to hove been :equipped in British
ports. Lord Palmerston !aid correspOndence.
had been goiag on for some time betvireeathe
two governments- on the prizes taken by the
Alabama -and other Vessels of the same kind;
There had been received -within the past fen
days further correspondence on the subject
through Mr. -Adana, but -there had not yet
been time to reply to it. He :might add tint
in that correspondence, in which each govern-
ment had- stated its Tien' of the case, the
question had been discussed -in the most
friendly and -amicable terms. Mr. Baxter
asked Lord Palme-riton whether in looking at
the changed aspect ofaffairs in -Auterica her
Majesty's. government,: either separately or in
convention, or in conjunWrin with that of the -
United States, would -consider the propriety
ot sending a squddrhe on the coast of tAbs
to effectually terminate the slave trade. -
Lord Palmerston -said that twelvemonths ago
the. Government ilivited. the Government Of
.the United States to participate in i.tis pea
sures en Ihe west -coast of Africa, but diffieful-
ties arose on account of neutrals' belligerent
rights, whic.b could not be overcome, but in
the present altered state of things Her Majell-
ty Governineat had renewed the application
to the United States stating that their cruisers
"employed in that service would be received
with every privilege and courtesy which be-
longed to a_ friendly nation, tied that former
difficulties, no longer existed: No represee.
ration has been made as in cooperation on
the Ciba coast but if they intended_ to_ co-
operate on the Afriintn coati, he had no doubt
they would also -cordially, co-operate on the
Coast of' cube.- The London Tiniest in an
editorial, trusts that there ts nothing in the
Alabama -affair which need cause sppreben-
d ons of a rupture either now Or at any future
time. The -American Commercial marine has
indeed suffered, but such a celamity must be
expected, when. a maritime and trading -State
enters into a contest with an eitergetic and
claire enemy. Itis with * clear conscience
that the Government, Which' declined every
invitation to interferein the warf even by
offers of 'mediation, now steads- on its legal
ght, and refuses- to make any compensation
where it has, done no wrong. The Tuxes,
in another editorial on these clainti, lays that
not a single precedent ten be produced, we
believe,. for the allowance of a similar claim
Eider suniler mrcumstances,_ and no rule of
national josticaenjoins iS to pity for the mis.
chief dope by the Alabama. The Times also
questitins whether the American government
did their del- with adequate vigor against
these piitniteers, and sitys it witadoubtless our
part to prevent the Alabama -and her consorts
from putting to set if due evidence of their
warlike equipment could be obtained, but
obese part was it to capture after they had
given us the slip?' As it was, -the United'
States government- preferred to employ -all
theiravallable fleet in blockading the enemy'a
coaat, leaving us to guard: every .outlet of our
own as best we could; Surely it would be -
somewhat unreasonable as well as utdenablir
in law. .to hold us - for every (nee in
Which the Cunfederaie agents were two quick
for us. For thine British sable& who &toll -
in %belt° power to thwart the bonerable
tions of the government, we have not a word.
wail, but their acts were nokthe zeta of the
nation, -which has suffered far more than in
dividnals have gained by the untoward escape
of the Alabama. The news ofthe capture of
Jeff.Davis created v.:mammal= and anxiety
and the bupe was generally exprem_ed-thet he
would i
be treated n no vindicti* apirit. l'he
Confederate loan has faller.' to 7 a 0. Baring's.
-cuter seasbusiness in 5 20'bonds have Ines
active, seisms front purchases for Americans,
and ;ales for the Germans and Dutch. The
Bank ot Englond on the 25th reduced its rats
of discoeut trom 41 to 4 per cent., and fundi
W e teen firmer eine* this mOvoment, and
the demand for discount -moderate. Addj.
tido failure; in connection with the Bombay
trade are raprtsd; - , • cl
sesele. --1.4 framed sofa that th#French
and English governments feel no disquietede.-1
Both have observed toward the United &gee '
the policy of*conciliation, and they have not
,ce tad to -receive from them *sr moot mods
rate declarations, and they hove no reason to
believe that any untoward .events will ocele
to alter their triendifielations.- The Pane
cortespondent of ib. Times' mg& gm PAWs
very narrowly escaped &warning foi baying
United States.
Lee Indicted for 'Treason.
NEW Yong, Juue10.-:-The Poses: special
deoputch - '
Althou411 the Treasury Department. is
Shout to ia-ue a limited amount of certificates
efindebtedness, yet the earots amouta is grad
ualty-decreasing, as the department is t tiring
Tare matured :certificates that it propeses- to
issue" • ,
The Vommercial's special desnateh we:
Mr:Badly, who takes Mr. Fields place
as Assisant Secretary of the Treasury, has
been chief clerk of the Treasury for many
years: Another experienced tie& k, Mr. Koff-
man, wilt take the position of chief clerk. -
"The certainty that Gen Leesind others
have been indicted tot treason - at Norfolk
causes great excitiment in Washington."
.The steamer.Star. of the Union, from New
Orleans on the the 3rd, has -arrived. The
pews is anticipated.
The steamer Ariel brings Savannah -date;
to tbe 7ib inst..
The Herald Correspondent says that the
directors of the Centnil railroad ion:pony
have taken the oath _of allegiance tied have
been placed in possession of the road, subject
to the control aud use of the military
ities, when necessary, while *monies in
Georgia There is a. prospect that 'the' road
will soon be put mining order. Gen.
Berge bass:seated the command of the ois-
trict. Gen. Woodford- is pest. commandant.
The freight depot of the Augusta and
Savatimili railroad, at Augusta, was destroyed.
by fire on the 3rd. The loss is estimated at
seventy-five thousand dollars. - -
Large nuinber of steamers are now con
steno', arriving bere from New York and
ether places all bound up the James rivet to
load with trove, animals and supplies for the
Texan expedition. .
BOsvoN JUsx 10.-Tbe steamer Admiral
Dupont, from New York for Fortresa Mon.
roe, waerun into and -sunk fin the night ot
the 8th ;nst, by the British Ship Stadacona,
from Philidelphia to St. Johns, N. B. The
steamer sank in ten ..millUMS _after the col-
lision. The crew and passengers, with the ex
ception of 16 or 20, were - saved. Capt.
Simon .Pepper and all the officers of the
steainer are safe and have landed at Nan-
tucket, together with other survivors.
Washington, June 10.--13etween 150 and
200 soldiers made a series of amanita on many
unoffendini,o. persons of the Ttli ward. They
_visited the disreputable houses and tippling-
shopsioccupied by both tolored aid- white
peesons indiscnminately, attacking the in-
mates, driving them, away,. breaking up them
furnitute, helping thennelves to liquor and
edibles, and committing various otberlout
rages. The rioters showed particuon mums--
ity against colored persons,who were severely.
beaten and robbed. They rallied for resistanceand to protect themselves, when a ight
occurred, the soldiers using revolvers, as did
, .
also their antagonists.
Tile Bond to Wealth..
Among all the 'business developments in
our country none has heen more wonderful
than that of Adrenising. From the smallest
beginning it has grown to be a mighty and
certain power. We can all remember low
tame and puny were the business notice a that
appeared in journals a few years bask.
making up the estimate for the -.year, corn-
Merced- houses did not think of including a
per centage for advertising. A .eimple card
livas supposed t,o be all that wsa useful or
,requisite. Neither could men advertise if
they would, so fear were the jouriude and so
valuable the space.
• But. like *dream; the embryonic science
started forward and very soon it was found to
ba' an unprecedented means of acquiring
wealth. Townsend then an -unknown
physician,. thought he saw. in advertising the
_iestrument with which to make his fortune,
and at -once devised a -grand-scheme for
puttied, his wares before the public. L, He
ievesad all his_temey in advertising, and all
he could borrow from his friends. .11e levied
aid from every jouroal in ths lanai; until his` became -literally a household word.
The result is well °known. Wealth absolute-
ly poured in from every portion of the coun-
try, lied still be advertised In ali the
papers. *Be wasorilkied to diseontinue 4d-
r/raw ng in many papers from sheer iaihitily
to supply the famous and eferywherst used
"Sarsaparilla,"- .
One bright morning there stntyed into the
Yi Tribune office an unesseasing inathwbo
vas known as the publisher of an obscure
weekly journal. lie said he wanted a page
in the Weekly Tribune for an advertisenteet
of biS paper. The publisher laughed at the
idea, and told him that it Irnald be a mote 01
money. Bonner insisted upon having the
space. and be Was ehaiged tuerefor $1.5041.
He received a perfect flood of letters In
lenErttemr,eried. inmvoes
qetedy elee mao rainpidnairst tod.hat
-he amid not unfit upon his paper, aria lid-
vertising; and finally the firing of cluinna 18
the Park rang out bathe world- what enter
prise can do. Therdute was fired in _boner
orthi 400,000th subscriber 10 the- Weekly
Ledger! and Bonner was* wealthy man. -
Spalding the 'iglus Dino," followed it ap
with tremendous sisecese, - Then Drakes
Plantationllitte_ra made a like -achievement
and so have numberless other firms, well
known to the public. In &et* wo lino, Of II°
instance where advertisin" has not paid vent
profits. u is not mend ;base tadilvidael
easesble fa?tathat lirteinvt•tailneteld refertaI Itertietialvtie.aliere
the newspepets are eine rely employed by
b ; iistereits of *very
kind, prosper most. WO Would Mar tO New
York, Providence, SpringfieldDuffel nd
: • 0,,a
even this city as noticeable instances. Thei;
is probably no place in the country where ad-
vertising is so universal as in Providence. --
The consequence 18 that great prosperity
-attends every department of enterprise in that
There is another way of advertising besides
that of giving notice -through the columns ot
the paper. It is s similar method to that
which is nowataapted by a -certain Doctor
who is performing his wonderful antics not
one hundred miles from the Idetropolitin Hall.
The "Dodge," fur 'it can Le called by no
others mane, is to profess to- do eterythitig
for nothing and Ova something into the
bargain, This artifice,however, is of short
dunttioth and unless Mowed tip daily/ with
steal tact,iiiipudence and an immense amount
of cheeks Alin* brAssi is likely to lead to
More 'kicks than half pence/- --I--
Passing from our.oWin tenttltY teethed**
find that advertising is not $i•simple 'Yeahe
invention or "dodge." The B_rithrheis e.
ploy it far morc. generallythan the Axrited-
cans.- No English hi
ouse s considead cern.
plete in its arrangements until' a. certain
amount las been set tined for adveniiing.a:..
Perry.k Co., propr*ters ofeettain medidiridi
spend at least one hundred and fifty thousand
pounds -sterling yearly in advertising.Holloway, again, spends nearly, if not wore
than double that Sum, and it we descend
lower into the peak of newspaper supporters
we End almost every tradesman, instead of
issuing eards.and emitters, publishes 'notice
through the columns of a weekly paper. -
Chimney sweetie, scovetigers, hoiden and
others, advertise most extensively, often
spending the whole of their days earnings its
placing a notice in the newspaper. Advera
tieing is quite as much the custom in France,
many Frenchmen havieg accumulated famous
fortunes by this 000 mesas alone. The fact
is that advertising -has become a great science -
and auxiliary to business throughout the
world and its powers are increasing dairy.
Very few business inen have any just idea
of the real value of advertising as a legiti-
mate help in their efforts to auceeed. They
are apt to look on it as the tool of the ad-
ventuser. But the utter falsity
abundantly proved. The expenenceof those
men who have tried it hrgely ia that no in-
vestment AO profitable -can possibly be made.
It is the surest, easiest and beat way to
increase business. It must be done with
energy and Akin, arid great pendatence, and
the reward will be certain. Thera are always -
some men in • every city and -town who con.
stonily aver that they locanriot afford" to .
advertise. Stich men are invanably left be-
hind in the race.-jAmerican paper.
Imo. • osekil 4.11.....11=41•1110
ft)" About fifty prisoners in the Peniten-
tiary of Jefferson City, Missouri, locked -up a
portion ot their guards and attempted to -es-
caped by overpowering the remainder, on the
27th ult.. They were overpowered.
Oturemtr.-It is our sad duty to record
ti's„.deitth. of Mr. William Robertson, for
many years Gaoler of Apse Counties,, which
took place-st noon on the 12th inst. M.
Robertson' was a native of Iovernesshire.,
Scotland, and was about 65 years of op. In
the:discharge of hit important mid ;Whiney*
pleasant duties be was faithful and at the
same time affable enough' to Will the respect
°fall placed under his Charge. In his desalti
we lose an old Settler, and one whose honesty
of purpose and unvarying heartiness -qualified
if they -did not hide the faults ineideut to
weak and erring bursts nature. Peace to
his ashes. 1
31= Aaronson%
Bitectjtom the Manufacturers -
Note and Letter Papers
Jun receivedilud will be offered at
sligtt advance on cost to
TO coveter zirmenam,
June 13th, 1865.
For Sala -A BargEun I
_The trate lindicatat ”
press, Type, * Fittings;
Apply tb D. CULBERT, Printer,
liouthamptott, C. W.
June letli 1-865 w204t•
Stolen or Strayed --
FaroMr2itilteoe aPrepetnoresbornofe, suciabsenriejlefiiner, int
about the Sat week of Mays A.- 'MOWN
COW, white stripe On tack, vthite belly,
white between bind leg!, piece rubbed offer*
of her Verne. Information respecting her
wall b. thankAilli reetIBILved by
- Colborne, June 13, 1865. w2t 31
faTILG.YED from the preialses ofWilliam
11 Allin, lot 12. Maitland eon., Colborne, on
Saturday, j.eth init., A BA YMARBTamally
French. vanagial on off hind leg, sore slioul.
der. Any information *spotting hir will to
suitably rewarded. - Address Wm Ben
Millarp.o. w20 -3t
Auction Sale of a
Four and bait =nee fans 0.040446401Fir
Un the Kinestitine Road 'Awaking Gravel-
- f led.
is-Junntned by Mr. , Thomas Grundy (tho.
I ropriotor) lo sell 1,7 Panlie.,44tioor at
his Sale Rooms 20 Goderiek on
1$65„ commenting at 12�'°10, soon, _
Being 14 01 Lot -E1 Dace (tinciedine) Road,
E. D , Townso Peelb.ejrne scree of
Land. more or les, &boa 4 andiltalf stiles
from the Tows of SWUM& Vie JAWS of
the Xincsidnia Road *to now Ispwpsken 17
the Comity Survivor toward Ora -mg forth- - •
with. On the Fenn thereat. about 20 ex:*
sleeted, aneverfailing creek runs through the
the lot. -*good- wells .und Poop near the
home. -Also 2 good trans *TIN, SIS$11
eomfortairle How. The .rep st NAY pew
groariri, whieJs is *wrest will /iirld from
to, SO toss, will be ialthapa tbe *ale ig
the land, le. Title trosaCeatilis at to pre -
tient proprieter. _
TMS 47 111AI.M
ER .• -4400 01 las parelisso_
ImOnei Pan veal** ett lintiple for 2 Part ;
balance oula
Godericli, 13th AMR. 1845. w20td.