Semi-Weekly Signal, 1865-06-13, Page 14 T E: :s. WWI The Detroit Convejaion. Tljv a8spmbini- ol thi, convention wil! be tdecjded;v he rriost important even! that e%,er C d )or I tooK place in Dermal anb our eitizput- is �ouid 0 1� /BMW taKe whatever attion mav �he necessary to kv. IL I'll. NI7.11.. i Ive our visitors a favor;Ne linpressioti of P7T*� �i-' %A E, N our cry, whici, purpose shouid be regarded uf 6t: incideiatals of ille wise, eniarged and -4ruly nable pra�ect consummated hv our Buird o�f Trade. The number Of del�,fates (T tr ar attendance will,probabty, be from 200 to V L"A P a,.,d itir-safe to assume that the u hole 'AND 1-1 IT P, 0 N AND BRUCE XDVERTISER.7 nuu;ber whu wiii bp brouxbt t,-gether iu uur citv wiTJ he over SUO, comprism- the ve,y Ir. Cole. 1 0 if� blood -of the icountry in - nit of entel A TALE. �.)I. 64 iprise, and 4-mbodyin& as Urge :a. deggree of _C LT.\_T0N_-, ni- W. T. COX, E litor and Proprietors TheGreatest Possible Good to' -the Greatesi Possible Number." A L K,,,, RoaL. (Mr Tm;vdav-'--wr;uerStore respe.-labi ity, L- poiut 'of talent And social standing -ai: anv si Nar 'number of men that in eal) be - foond in this or a:nv -otM!- countrv. DIR - A. WORTHINGTON, S[) _N y he idrlibe:.at�lius of x 'ga b#dy of ni�n nT" $ 2 0 .5 P R 2N_ IN' A D `ODUTCH, C W., T J LIN E 13,9 IS 6 5. 3.--:\ 0 mist be' of a' b.;rbiy interesting� char icip-, U P ten!. i.tr,.vu�aro� V us add sur-, oPeratiow nnilr trit, eve. land its-avt;on can-rint :bnt ha-v4-'*xeai ii.flu- J -,I-e-11Lemport��L'he:p.abi;.cminiL T1LXUVJIO'J 'A Ill b-- w a Oe�'IainexW4 1he terdict o� a Ja-ry JB _U rXr IL - MI -1 __l - - U -Xexaeris f�o-n w1licli au appeal would he Illwan -tppeal - from �comxnon seftse. 1. -A Vkatarl)4' I pmirtiee voo ofilen ihilulge.4 in of essir -act 'North Pritist -FCd NeA�crtrfflle U smoof I det: . from t' e -character of -the assembled 1 Con -reqs of D R L UG S. DRUGS- WE R -13 - V I In'l 0 spa Tiatim, is - one. to our mind, moreboupred 4t Uwa breal than in thip oh - 4 P rva -ids frushly d;?legatedwilh lhe Q8 M I 1Y. sovereignty of a people, �ihe foundat#oX Insurane Cq., GO ."NEy. C I NY U; y - F Office in Mr. Gor4or2ls Law Chambers. A .1 ea. (;.W- NY J Of TANVY ST717ZOAZ dw 1 whose intiellipenci is -laid. broafl and deep J011 -N li_&LDAN:7� Jr., FI.PLE, AND LIFE. even 4as lbeir. f1 eedow, mliit at all times be 4Klitclair. & A­ respected- for their wisdam and -yet, from r 'Boolac,-PraVer D'ooksof Ii1kinds, - lfie� very vature"of thirr-gs lbe Ong G od oelo�,. r 13-1 %n. �*12-fvr GAKTA-L—TWD MILLION D OLLALRS I reare questi T'yCh,U`r'c2v_ Mee vi"n Roola bf vituL couccrn -to vation-Al prosperity,, BVZ:� �A_7&11" IN"t Wiev, over tAe Store 61 - I QT C> 1=& X)o .4L 744T JOHN--RRETT I - Z. V. Ik V U. Accumulked'Fuads on hand 35,000,006; xaraiiW wbich it would he advantageous SATC :IC tgol *eSsort ti,4't..E.Re�u. Js) to JUIPcouncif of the class of.jne$1 who aTo in, '9.4 ron, anq Xglpppr Smith- I(SUCL 01 LadleS'-C6D1Pdn1Q0Sl! . e 102etbe, Can- -Eveeds. -$2,00,000.. to rom. r in the approacm AL Za 1 z� L X T 11'A 1.1- y ,r I IV ual ideom6 V OEK-1OXES, WR= G-GASEQ '46t eau.X. Wes' �_:tre;_* (;oderL. W. e IL n, tind we hazard nothing �n making . i EGM.01NDVILLE'C 3 1[ C! tul ]EUn 1, 1 efleete . a at tbe� 'idirtil,ii,ttat their nfluence will be ielt % the Ill i LOWES2-1- CONCERT --WAS, msand FJ`r- 'dintwromwittte 4st6vegF Gulfivator's, &--I, fdr &1a.: I--ATE-tz cow4tnen; wah saferv. 4 roo hails of Congress. ..AA Inga Repairing Done, at Short lVodc" S, rds J;6me ques- eS. CHEMIST & DRUGGIST t.' 2flelicals. lion e A t is not to he ew-tted ihat I anything' V-lrket lnsurance�lmple See:tritb Wanift-itr'41" 3entinient wil prevail. 7.-� tt V -,�lart . _. . . ATJXUTL2r3. t a e u Lf: 4 -1 Dettiert u,and Importeroi I t�xv 4W Cora XAMETTE iNSURANCE. Therewill ubt" be on sow.e - points a L A R G E. P'Q�X IT.,,: 117M., VIAl Godigrien April 29 1 %5. IX1i PArrs ml great tfiv4osit -of Niewa ail& q6niLns. bat Gr E NT.LJ, 1 N. E' 1) It TJ G,S $this will onj "-4_ Rlvr.��il 7.1 Jkrrieie. it An,; rltnCe kv W altactill- tuhe convention., -4 Ora a tni, rern"'D to a BoaTd of Direct NOS Settled Without Pe?;f-um er W, TO 'Losses- -F-k-o )tiv --rootU la Wail Fitom'4 CtS. PER ROLL 'itself to tite- CP:.AVRLEs rLETCHER iny news0aper, life would marrow -PersonaL nTN A nt. Af- Agent; the ign 0 ;mlts 401 WY lzxu ff We* GO-leri-h- W14, humani-Tv' be ompressed into the' ten r X`LGE-8CPPLY OF J;ei�pii� mix. HOR-Sr, &'C IT With. w ALA So I refuse to British A mierl"n Assuranbe dARD Pt7mvill rrN sErms, &C., &C. -adbS but I waxit to knoW ji�ow they staiX. I MARINE.-- WMdo Sh r_ oz. WA16 FR' -CIE1 Atzent.. ODERI Ordersiro-ra Medica: men putictuall attendefto W a nevei—I 'never in al Ii7k iho(A shall j6. at Loweit Tvwfe Prires. i4an It -. -but I la an intense curio.-ity to F- knou wb' IL ra"', CHEAP FOR ASBI -ZG5. w 0 N.B.-Plivsiciai's, Pret-wiptions careffifiv dis on, troops di leplore the pelipie who suffered by that rail. I pe"ed. MWAS W 0 Pa K S 49 ATTES10"ALOFFICE! Wilson Ross,, B. A., 'th ce road smaih, andl-svmppatbiseui tbenew]7, Xoney' to lerm'A lLaaall T E T 110 1 E! Y - A T LAW�-' arrifed dPpicted in the _1'juii d as they d SLEAVEN Z3 W.'Z .–TFL I N it 14 1)- =- - - . '. - - - rov off in a nLIG.M 1, IMM LIGHT! bn _T IN T4)1' WAN -and fbur.'the ba!d old i-ent, at It, hall Aoor rut'. W. V, VT 12-1 4-1 _k - eat n lar k 'k waving th t a H u; -'I n SCHOOL 10M &8TATIONS= e lot the pqrrr3tmudem%, with their little GagZ-1,w AT 11 - � . . I - . . . abi r -,.00K & Co L OTLSY ad grie "It-111111unctull tralt's, or some IBM U REDUCED RAT -ES. tfie.Litur:a. .1 RAITUD G I . .. I , - I � - - - - Bmm�ug Fluid,,Lamp Oils. e ven like lite. pep) who -ehl-o ijcli� the T t fall, *id record linle facts aba " the mild ma I For Safe by lit 4% 7 F. JORDAN. Ai'lor 11te,adverliaenti, -I lunts, aL -7! is pwisantiv situatcl'-pri, ail of the sv re-ard tile=, as a glass i -Age. ir Goderich, J 50 r vw- t'Harit' an. 17., 1 W. =4 mirro' i he Show but ole page iol the 11 Aants of -GaedenR and -hed -Bard is� i. ii­r�ja­, Sill -lip i, - i E NLAR ,5 TOM -M, Tibl:)t a -Tabl. ally toutAry, and 1*nzage r 'a4f t t o give a 0eth f the ;current civilizapo f the 'I:Y -riad. Wbat;,, r r OF r -pf, 11mise0of T'Aire interiors do -AND fit!! Of Sn;-',Q'eSIiVeneS8 And Of 4&161� are the W-.,,. R 0 X E T. E_ F L, J -A Y S " H: 0 rt We ij bv thew brief paragmspbs! 11ow. GODERICK,-C. W. J. F-. Oil V; r-Ituated 6n thi- Grave! It*114 TiinuinLr rrm 33003EC-33INIMN.G.: TO oton. one Dille outwirnp. -trav Wnere . ail d JOHN SrAILATi'S F"A".—JA one �Per 1L A V T marle: arranaementiwilh. _M I D r* e t Ahe ppri %ftef the murl-� yns Cut! ATeGREG01t, Book der AndLManifae- -ashin. P ;VT-, - , -:,(who haq'liftely retimied-fMni "lished every wful veuinsr, at -6 a. M., zomv, Ofnea. Dungannon, L.'W. S pub ]a vj.4 -Rhiladeiphis 1Bt)lmor6 -Vvra1kdrcan,,.SouTham-qp -wrinp Stationer. der. t 6.15. ditig iud V Pbila ]ph at with t la toek-6f Bin 'ockj and cont'sistl huttst Telerams. and New'York to Springri* 1:7.1,wochd. O'cl d, Waw,. 'filt7fl aceo ere f- owk ON thepi .- terial). I aw prepared vo 1' laniro; NL 'WE size and stvliel� c. Fu in); I V and wita eadiW, Ila rdatlol:. tiet 1Ie;waSdelATed-bY`""jwing connection B Book. -k 01 a] t kind, with R 1, eaXkf1I*L1y prepared- remq4ird ah day- R e z i w.4 toot- the WL'V IIUWIS� in a', WPeCt­ 11rinled.1-leodin -and, Zs. at ten �Der atheaper- n ected. 'f 'd Eel cars andeat direct to But-linjiv 0 -,hall n�onto prices. Ill where EvExiN-G AD79P.TISE-n !- e � y ALWAYS ZT HAND. The LosDo.% a310-NEY T9 tEND. -Allkini.1sof Brucirilz nG.t giving sati�Octjonwill 0. hissuppe, r, he droppe f -his handker. 0 Op 70i: HIS be repair�d free of char circulatin-avera-ring -111 - 9 erweetwh --chi ih his name marlcid v*mn it. . At o ge,. `b. C) JOHN BUTLE is more thau. don le that -of any other Jaily. St. Albang-he leLft the- Irain. And proeeeded i--,- rotit4lshing Fiielidral m�FJy__A'r_iyAW. papef-oublisbed west of A. It is onfoot toausdij. witeit be proc T$ 4Weded pa, THE CI),VZF.A LF-,GTH OF C- circulated tin the streets. after the manner jof way bv,raitgana -part VM foot t67,Montreal_ lard. ew-Tork nd I wh-re'bewaS*e=ted J]f W.Ji.-Of the the Monteeal 4F ViND -FIFTY Buffalo ers. Advertisers at a distance pathizers, and n o the mornitig of he 20th he Fre-drich Pro-adf6otil to"Y will find- it to tbfir a4van -to- insert their bad Au terview Rth tieorge'X, Y AW: I business notices in -CQJUW1Is1 Ue tfien went in the, -direetion of ;a or. 7-4 k- J1e D' A' wdser (pw ailmm) S4.00 - aa V CLV viewitv that ddv iiad cannot since he foun�d -"w;s known in that NOTIC -of hes: Weekly Advertiid 1�erannui�L-)$LBO..' rd -,of It is probable that, he is w thin C:7- Al wininu catiiimiad rossed it) I Itheir walls. lidiplited ip*iin H. Wbeeldou. J0119 CAMER011, A those I to n3 e of -8 n the' lutef the V�illhLr -,-. t. Helensy ir E torLI-'roplitor. THE 31AWITorL= Towuship�- of Wawannbs 0611 'LogeollUin; ---'May sb Londo debt* ccoutit Or. otherwise are, 31ay6r ot -Stratford has been - Prospecting for therwise in 'I rn the W exierri herehr n6tified not tor v the saiiiJe - L I . . had 4-x ii, Paj -up SOM :Slid tban'into this offiL-e. e time siiice, and laigly turned his face T4xiyaAD�mr-T-0 Piman.—A story 10 -A ff IOU JOIE14-31�kCDO]\ LT) thitherwarils; bent dn A more searchinC, in- Uaxrl�g" lor Ellie.; on related in Pan's of certain �elderly da;ad 144 Ing poricand e went stone, ii&i Ve4tigatim r visjohis with hipf-and was.prof rl Office, God'ericb. 0 On to pass himsell'o or youn other Trow td. thin he is, by the aid of some �complicitted It: 25th Feb. Indiana adin his Tese appliances,: and who had Tecently-enoage, C=*C:�3:>��I;r JX4='XX d, er, "mm* frellteb* misdirected Who, L -Valet chambre, a' yo a- feilow freshly i than llu� e Tjlt�tj iimported from 11:i-, Ila ve vi. e. Th A loixig, an'd lAboriO118 search rQPfirm3 his ,ff esse pre!rionf impre GABI rill v IJ fft r; in the object of I& miniO., r who had i3een much itp,- d by he prace ssipp of the existence -persn, at ew master's ;dill it, AM probability ia Al hature, was greatly payi q tl I ILI amazed on assl3fing bim to miwres.s, on the sole ccupant jof the Isl id is one of the -of t1eirartificia' susp ton P his a W], o* had no j Tarjoin Places lof sh-P ioc Pon 'Iff'his located nuht of his entrance in h�sew piace, at 4he -Fravers of ,Xr)rih'F=thope. 4) VIZ '41emoiftion.- in -which he �was " lei IC ur _h few aiks, back 4f r# UARTERLY'REVIr uporr to The co,,a and v2st jurriedlfj -and has gleared some -figir acres, #p which he .42 -#eAutifully rlinded oiitlines'�liasplaniedtgtato.m The"44' O_ -nF ihat tud rvhowed �w sue+ advantag Z IvIrcho with them the t e tile the survqys,i- he -lits tieyertbelets had -the ram the. -DF moment before,;- and at tile aubuckling of ouragelo winter *fi"*=v9-*Auta11y_be- (THE OL ST IN corset the, jauiity mpri-litum of the dandy discouraged st lia4iu �0 r - S%Q1veo Ion., -13t-RG11 ONJi V1;_kRW0oD4tbn. & 130!erwent.sn equally;udden collapse. 'ThO alone. Ile seenig ver7well'saiigfied with the �GORD' withered and shrunkeu om 'being duly oilAnd,40imat,&, and vow that (1�&Tg -AA1_L -i d6ubkcL w perj4 t CIL buiai Ine.cost ofprinting he mpped in 'a diesiing gown, the ld beau rveyed, Aw,,tioji & C3- sion Yerchautz -increased 'they a�e compelled tol itdi�an eated himself at his dressing�tabbo, ati,& pro- the govell.amentdo- -oot brul- the land into gely ded.to uke himself rto piectis. _, Tile re& we A terms" cee -4 And neV. Dcor to Strong's 110te �%lanuigicture.- ana ims -how on hanti a moval of,the lusteous;brown. wig.rtv"led -A that some 44*de-marks TERIMS FoftL .. -Wareroo ra inaret.': The reason for AND UNDER"w" L complet not.doing, *Q file, IN A E WORKS j;erfectlibare scalp the ;,white 'teeth lot ol',Ihe baTiD beelk gsortnleht at. Furniture, at his 1).y fire, Xain Str6dt"kXeter. lowed the wig, and. were.car4ull� phiced ill 112 u li Farany one C�Nhf- -Revir-NTS ........ 01.00 pe;7-mlmlm_ there are tuough left, �of water for the vtigfit.. nGODE=H For ariv two Tlxf� Twit- oTWEST.' 49TR=- sid that it r, i�,T -otthe & an� thref� 10.0 tap %.I W, elrerV -ftV a- lbut.. PaTTZqUhfr r 0 of futta ercha the Is and -were opened bda�;rap, $tqwv. Farm Fo paid I For.�glfl4urioflhe eFor Blarkiwi)oWs Nlagazhte. -the 4.00 placed between the gums n d Awdy to go ufi and 'Sof 'But W, ES, p., inekwood-and one Reiview.... _n -c�refully take'a out, the. �,,poss Tahles, Beds Hair;' - as, -eftits, MOINTUMB, TO M.BSTON .00 Were Cane a -ad Wgil-seated Chairs, ift ouldiur -ts t� of tbo Post*;&ci, of every Jederiptiou, and forBiar hws'so. i6%ctua!ly jiaten&4. ................. uf-. Uruai�u Auc_ a, !�.i - Glasses,ir- T.�Ot orkmaiiihip, furnih6d oi� Loom= T variet.' n da d attl te lowest pricerl. Fori3lackwopd-and three of the Re- - *ndArl'--artificial kye ti'D jiEF. �ExTzwavx d- 14or d,1 nutice, all 13.00 "he amazenient of tile- rewaceof five teadcd to wt reatmurEe term�i HOMe- U an stlort fireduetida niade t6r.eas . he emr)tv socket. for vv"aty S -des a. a le la Libera. For ffiatkwood mid fhe four Revif-w, moo t opl�is�icated se I lit, hd ttt nt Inst if -P ca -itureWitie t1d4f who lhe British Proyhieeus willrbral uns let blip( rr�xlerlell,. Zia&. ILL ODERS UXTUALT ITTESDED TO tataddi T-1he- -r.owil_ n, hand a. campletr as'-. rro we Saving's 11"T, - - ----------- �� 'D. G. has tiol)L toL -four centsa..var -d I b eepenin- nto.he r twitn4r.-ed tlifSe 0 Designsof i1vionaments.4c. ina)' a these prices twenty o"vr h w.00d�aodeiXAtceii6aycaiibr.cau eviewi. r I e n: tile The workswifll l* printedenn slinprbird 20;11. 10-40's ik,7 0's, verti- Uountv f1wroa. Sales in illage or count Exeter. October ist. 1464. ower im Siutes b a ?and -whi AYFIEUD. sortment dfXOPEINS, Alsoi; 111�ARSFNS seen%ttheshop. successive Imnsfomations, :r towarda his I ex aandy,- sto in _ r. quid while nearly all Amerlemix Petiodicas"sa"ryc- op -z�� dwi of pape tromidep, prce ded'.to nfasten a pair of Ti Id, ion W9 Lumber ai�td Cordwood taen in ex- on iriiheradvanced lit price or reduced very -v false imlves, the let, imai-y'm , that hi A4;h;I-XAY -24* name of bothv-we *Wl coututue to give'fxfthful'copies f ehawge for Furniture. FA, $ALE 'Nealy ter coninined in -the origauifedltjwiii�� iiiabout toetiteronits X.tb oing to' talte himsel acimpleely", theif is Townsi-nd tommly a Aerk­.. one - * - of Ill. mat b Goderich' 2' 1th Oct_ 180 W27L� br the IUCTION EH1' . for HU R Al hr, found"cbeap. i y T �OF'\'. ON rpresent. prices m ' those ormty,Lo,tLe cma� orptilkelavgr on the toriecesi-&xeldimed, 4u- -a izne of . ininilt-Ld in Ifro- batifr.- He is *botft- yeam of agry 5 year as a candidlie r en amount 4fiatter furnis-hed. Us tern dzrlr "andBaucz �esptlnEtually4p df�pato� pedugperjodl�a#ilf" outilfy. same principleS wih-it et out-.4-ils.suli aiiiiety all :)r, r &tvrs OT 3,. Con. A, Tow p. _119wick, -.2. . 'L AdIress. Bodwitt 1'. 0. W5. a beitigtofaruishirowl reading.matter D�t of the original etfitions. which l4qUill,pray. to leave en uh.of:�-yotrfbrme 0 .-CoulIwed.mrith the-ci ria' irvystrtfe. miltilroilt Wr-0,xeteT,,, 911 with secta n hiltermess orin L -woi Do a it is Exiiiiectal'thal he at the irerient prentiur.mon gold ild be -about $1. us removed - -TheN yew. our prides'(1,0 itre��. ingly low. -Add -to this 'ewslieti-iftinent rontain thelatmaIlew4 Publishers for early sheets m1,JL c.;pyriAt in bp� t�le_ raph sialinsirtes of re is a eertair. Ins-!ic or- I 9-161ni UL ag -npmx . I B -it' :_ALinerie;xn'papers;. L IM A G MIT; 1SC and Aench, fortakifig iowrimtj �fnrlit-wffl. *f raidigg. x1ok-cum.. f?" illfoT. iqles on current events, re6m the leading ma &e, Weonflroad Log*house'andbarn, rency d xit---trust that the scigle %ve haveadp,ed WAD 'We. AW I he entircl e. and the oftheL rtceiving,� it isWiev;td 1hizghief is i inrxw,;;L r1d i4akV,you like to 04m.by m-nch cim The Gommerci partmenteOmprig 'RED 11-ading public aie wsreliaWe --92L ACRES, 28'CLEA wit k nd to InaL. 'Thf!mtire.-totthesoPeeltidic.a.l.s toA-encarr-T,,_—dCrs- prreeti,�currebf, reviews of the warket*q A e 'roU gtj(,d 0 r (.X*i Owl' lunizbcd h3, 4he art - f great -me"N firin Al T ll , scrid, PresWul of Abe 311ank, ew A ty'tb is rather increased thmi dis juaneiallatellisence. -3�dx"_ -but -0- be bad it is Ila*e �Olmcticvt� uuiU4 BV -All PP c6nisda ou our Chil Wai. and. though agm-eximes lingeit F. '%V.'TlqO MASI Es and q vrithprejudLee. illey in: jug their great The depaviment plRamilir :13weading Q� W;e A, ote, -WA6,w51_tf my still, ctiusideri i _ 'twient infrrtaW Means alarp �14lo ont_,be Gale'rich. Yoh '26.11964�* abilityand the diftrent simid-poinis, from wich-1hey selection- of instrifeti And nt r to one but the I . reTrunt *ept fu� Accclaats e.iteettd.' Busmes�t of any kind en-; In 4a f9NWftW' id arith -idvan"g4 by.thr- "MmAte bank -T�bber ireivrivan, haread and st" Toix. Therefore be wary and sh v h *&4ddUxhLo;_ Lrccewe�proai tention. rlales.TC)CUT., pt at matte ery crtedind.D4rty. %ITT people of tbiscountry, ofev ent�rtaiirbm. .-or, frequentin- 7 ------- Arw itaril and flortleuggiai &�Jcles nd T$OSX 2cu in eviews for 1863. Vuluaqe Azf `T$t?�ATXJM_T 0`F AXICKIdAf Sil -Xhe Your Ri - froiii time to time- eo 'h R&LE-8 SL " - .- . L art 111110knifts: be riot top, -the Fortign few c6pies of theabove reniftin on b—d- and wil -rhe idvertirng.,d partment. bas -many use m he whole *d to he 4wsteln -co copied JheM ;_ 8ta?Vd_'CjT* 74i r -r X 1.19 r -r fill -committing yourself 'to le till you have inquired of soyqp -�fhitt j- itt t 9 liector. t British ar A" NIIMS-Olr begold ar*5. for four. or *2f4rzmy qjiq. a-ndluiporLaut--.uluerL�tiemeuu,- but admits none waiso publish the ofaTi,immor;Llorlj)juripu*tgndeiie�,. wknowy experiOnce to'be - Withro4 what I.P0064A01 ifitR F U K 161h eoittainia, ee- 'FARKE a sW -Ing siT TiveiG Mesm-enger. 'what conxp2�iy lhe- Ip I _PA and nlos tboy,are;observe '.'S,;r e treatniria9fwwr vessels to tioW4 _to ofE nburgh. mid the late J. F.' DftktJ*gt ;t inteieAing nikIter,of the 1-th bel Am* Is he nOttOO aain Aquaitt ofe. lint rica which i4ablighod montlil 'att5cts MA TOR! E. NCrx"1V.1ofTa1e(, ne. 'Roya.1 Oemyo rAST :till SUCU. AS e COPY g1ratis 10 a t-lub. ot te:I. it s, de- tand -6ffanrf keep a'ifistan 1 .4 Avo vol po lime Jw &rrird t ithiL itpk rafitv (,*rlJdreW_s ron, -1wre61"erved and learntintieltii-them.- The desp uzh stafts that Ili* K�. to Ifeflijn. Al ]�Dol j Y. erance 9, eti oramar, 41tat Are -of acqu� requiring Y Tor&n stor6 unm*s,_ W&. Mattr uld A76culture min i6rrra4u--;, tq enforce th Too= vwft-vit V , ip Wardrobes, a vises., TARDSOO- �&M, knip IMN "Ow, &W38--vir q_ the Publishers to P�,ss free., -*Meed. to 12f#., W5. nit) tAireferd to fore' 'they --sre, swam snd,4 ToiletT4bllm, Wash Stand5il Mails, anil,--M"y Wd.39 R Xa i5reaLitait Tabl tance, cr'hasty in it, are oftentimes srmrpd he Alipst' meation-Ail-k T E _R 031X1S91oxHg IN THE.COURT gr othenirtictes, too oumerousio. entanw-Wan hat they Nwtn�o.t�e"Jr mrotlonw, -AReg a�u from it aft6r, C 40t 'A U= when thty 1"y k*fK ;Ms the. eal �Ji Arigis - -WhtTs imve-you 3080'"0600plf this jlotsforSale;par�. IW4C> - T . Xoja MVOL� Tibkins wl" . -Mont . - tince the fortit-that it �has btiml a arw aale, 7 Ion-_ time T -sea �WAII olgasu -1 rul I I tc; UpItol'STERY.1 Iliti; w2 reFanuum-**,. Ir T idon.' 0-1 sJ-,.A Rode lal"&wiall:lli�. I I On 4. eep my M dy-witnesls%prrallutrm. s�wx, BY Week 9:9 11��per 11112M. bing, -wool ill in Agmand Imicester rom ­ *i Ain fla& -b;Fn"`ed *0111 CHI grola� -rp � 1*t,, I --An Id Ile f TT_�"s chi?f'r t WGA IR UY A ff do f6e lt eotLL*yinvites an taxplinstiolfot Of V mnji4--ta.be.-Qiade ofthe bWam- eiii-h ea%64bracilub teA. The Ine-hiner .Ius*tock. 1k or wcorv-_ PAI, VS,111 --Fir Ifte -C 0 XPAXY.'�- rtl 1e@FtbfftrL -railuced. -0] I -it gartaltv A-1 terial an,41 workmans; 11.4ed.olbb be seni j, �Aot 'satmo 20tej4,vJOWeTZth= -v V 11ritkff Callar 4 X t;�'to��jtrdej gmag tG�the I 10 pap A -an, nood -lilla"114's -444 f one-tenth of remittance- ik Mere* -about Ji.e.A.5t; gerwr 'Won vft*er91ta:tut;n their *ttemaim � . V ��Iifiltt� , ­ 11� no to ddreamea to 311,011 can- I L-owin n: - d* a be 00 9 t 1:T.Voxdwoedjanda1L ki*ds&f -pplying1l) _.qnu;q4p L - tem" I _ �L - ­ r --.Z- - . -ritri: 'I- . �;_ I, . manes, lor moon t .'s.0 :. :'' - .. 'ML I - 6 ailt Wr IAW abam- Tr._ irtj�r-% jai ermh #Ucatitop! remnable, tr 3 'N64 �04 Elgin stmt. -1963. Cxaefla, -Ali. *cb Vf A z;. n= -1-7 7