HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-06-09, Page 3-.r ts: .t t R.- The r te hand's coroll. - *iet at ft V -e nevtr victot.a loyment . :fat pace eund, by e beast g with qtmet i* :teas into d the tact t.f crowd: d ; a lttee ft...Nck tat .s whhout or cruet e ectuatIy Ter-' otter -- rate re - point ot dectared sometbe of • Thus Le- n contain I• lavana. ot that c‘mtt.ins- ' ett; near:y ce. the V0ieeinia -- :era loiter Obaceo., it ton - !jot* • - 1111plIftttr their at -id!, or tr.oke verv at.izeed. • optuton% effects .. E---° sat •tkirlg. tt order t'j. f... -..:torted re Ltsbon, -it unlike or v..ed next,. . the 0 -test while_ • ',Ake says ivate both at.d that "; tons tl} t...lxre have snuff` 'Janes- keediffer- ,ee oeitine hf;..mp and Jig) the • tnn census numbering . territories.. r:umer., Etraron the the fat -ter Ree. the. *few de:ys The Fourth - with zeal ot the e drank at .telleet and I. Switzer- eft0 eallOns ri a state of tieetions,-- r bee raised 4oured men • oral party aeted acres Richeond; and survey MIL wil hit wit cts.t, bee sto atzeap kayfier,e, spot on his Any perione lead tq yt20-3t, 864 'vied ore son Mart,at of Goderith creasy, thee at eleven_ the ma:keen Comity of _ A,I}- 18654. _ TOfiTY. IN MEMORIAM. fi.toole 000nix0. srm, loving, dimpled, slight as angels are, A gentle bird who hushed herself to sleep i Her heart a heaven, her soul a fixed star, Is it not sacrilege to sob and weep! Nursed in the tender memory of love, Reaied to be ripe to join seraphic bands, Sileni in grace, shesOftly soared above. z. - silk handkerchiets and neckties, mid other dry goods, evidently " weeded " out from some store. In the drawers in the sitting room were found a 'limber of photographs and other articles especially prized by the fancy. There was the ;hall and cup apparatus, loaded dice, sotne ti ty samples of marked cards, and a lot of wiat we believe are culled "nest coin," all usedl for relieving Hie verdant ones at fairs and other gatherings. But the great business of the establishment was transacted in what was e-allell the card room. This rootulon second fiat about ten or twelve feet square and neatly papered, had a most innocent ap- Clasped to our bosoins let us hold our bands; pearauce, but hpon examining the attic over Gone -to the grave ; gone -to the higheet it, a systtnn or telegraphs was found toi be heaven, engaged, by which the unfortunate victims Dowli deep in earth, and up to God's own could in a friendly game of chance and with little danger of discovery be most thoroughly throne,- 11 andeffectually robbed. The entrance to this Sucli is the blessed part to darling given, lett was through & small door in the end of -Circling eternity she knows no moan 1 the building; Most blessed of girlhood, errors she had none, The ceiling of the card -room is covered lElsw down your head& and whisper' she with wall paver, and -there are two small holes k - so neatly. cut. as to escape detection except is gone !" • • upon a most thorough.ex ruination. 'mine- _ --UNCLE PEARSON. - Goderich, June 7. . Bootle's Capttite. *as given about two -feet from the floor- on THE SEMI-WEEKLY SIGNAL. (Ilew Zdurtionutn10. MONEY TO LEND. 30 000 WILL be loaned on im / proved Farm Property. HORACE HORTON. Goderich, 6th June, 1865, wl9tf HOTEL ROTE. - IOUN DONOGH takes this means of in- t/ forming tbe public that he has entered into the Hotel hus:ness in the stand formerly known as the Fulton House, where he will be happy to receive old friends -and customers Goderich, June 6th, 1865. w19 - Division Court Notice. HURON AND BRUCE. APPOINT Moaday,the next sttungs ot the thelikliday ot July next, diately over ttie holes the confederate was d placed, and.sd, had a fell view of the cards 7thtbiegisaLtbe.rothirotl,aintg 'telee. d,ofthe 12th the hands of the victims. At his band was aay oi July, as fortneril;Yfid adevieinte llisead the handle of the .a which a very uniAeless but very clever sign ' it. COOPER, Godet ich, 31st May,486.5. - j"gee19--tt!I 0raphwire, by woiking We see by our American fyles that a des- the - • rite as ta the rest captor eill9gtht -ant(' the Mr. Cahill and other .of the gentlemen - party entitled to- the rewa.rd of SSG,0001 bas gratified'tbeir curiosity by operating upon the arisCit at Washiregtoo, vrhich- is likely to lead 'wires. which sit' very simple and efficient ars to same troubles and to inyalve .at least one- rant,ement. Soinemortgagee and other pa.; of the executive in a .most. disgraceful and pers Were also., found, showing Jeffrey to have scaridatotis transaction. It will be remem- ken so far suteessful in aucumulating a hirge be -ed that Booth and his accomplice.Harrold amount of.mohey by his nefarious practices, were hunted down at Garrett's farm,. by a There was'.also ie. -complete. fyle of the " Yultee. Gazette,' and:on 'a wire a number ot extracts from the _newspapers, containing -police and higher court reports; notices ot rewaids for burglaries, a"c. In a chest down stairs with other tools were also found a number of. twiggs. While it is quiteclear that Jeffrey had made his infamous: business a study, and was well .up in all the plant, he had, like nuiny 'a less practiced _scoundrel, found it nectf.ssary lo keep up appearauct• s, and oti his table was a yery tine copy of Fleetwood's ' Life of Christ, Bibles,ske. This discovery will, doubtless, explain to Many anuuforta nate how it was that 'tuc constantly. amattist him: -.The great mutterof surprise is how such an . estabiishment • could have been carded on for ea great a length of One without deteetion. The fact IS certainly not ereeitable to our city pollee', .who, whether their chief ties been guitty of the complicity charged against him or not, h:tve certainly in this. matter enowa bet pour aptitude for the discovery of -these oiltrages upon society, - _ ••••' ;Mr • r, shockiiie aceident occurred at Bar- ton. Vt., on &today; last. Emma. D.irling, aged 16 years; it daughter of-- My, Lynran Darling, of Gloverwas at Mr. Prentice Riebnison'e, in 'futon, orrolie above day, when a vourfr man- went nit° a room where Mr. -Robinson kept his cavalry equipments; and'appeared at the door with a pistol, which he cocked and fired, the 'ball hitting a Ittile daughter of .S1r, Robinson in the forehead, from the effects -of which she died on *tidily morning. The young man did not 'know the pistol wa$ loaded,. party of calvary =der command of Lieut,. Doherty, &young Canadian beton:bug to St: Hyacinthebut well known in this city while pursuiree ht i studies here. Boothwaskilled by one of Doherty's men named Boston Cor- bert, and his body brought to Washington,. bet Lieut. 1).:herty and hie men were imrned iate:y ordered away on special duty by Secre- tary Stanton, for reasons that ate now begin- ing to lea -k out. The immense reward of $80,000 offered tor Booth's capture had turned every citizen in the -North boos blood liuontl Cased Baker,- who is chief of the detective force, it was supposed wend be the most successful in capturing him. but he. did not. Col. Baker, hon -ever, was Secretary Stanton's intimate friend, and is Secretary Stanton was head of the War Department, and lie an object was eat e gained, he had Etite diffidully in precurine; an order to havel Doherty aid his men sent to some distant post and sent out of the way tit least until the con- spiracy trials are over, and alt evidences coo- &mitre- Doherty- .as the . successful captor exclueed so that Baker miebt claim the St•e0, 000e By mere accident the 9eneral com- manding became acquainted with the facts. and granted.Doherty leave of absence to come to Washington and we his evi,letiCe. This villainous plot on_ .ethe part Of Stanton Seri Baker, is only a part of the pneral policy of the high officials at W.ashington. Putting down the rebellion was only another -name .for rohhinx the people. Butler, Stanton, and „Baker, and thous -ands of Others have amassed. fortunes -by swindling and robbery, under one pretext of another, but the hist is the most .barefaced and most impudent of all. - Dairy Nam • A CLEnG,T3faX SMCGGLINO.-We are ered elity mnfoLmea that a clergyman of this town was reeently caught infringing our revenue laws, by endeavourino to smugele a quantity of siik from the " ether side: to 'this. It seems that when the clergyman's baeeage reached this side of the Suspension lfridge, - scustOmS officer asked him if there were any goods concealed in the trunk. , The reply mil that it contained his wiles clothing. The officer,r however, insisted on eqamining the eontenta'and discovered the silk, the whole of which, together with the hex, wonld • have been coltfitated had not a friend of the cler- gymaii begged the officer to allowthem to pass in bond from the 1;ritlie to the offize here. where the contrabands artie eswere duly en. tered and the duties paid. The bare a(ate- ment of the fact ms sefficient.- We offer no comments, because it will be readily seen by - every intelligent readerthat a clergyman should be the very -last man to violate any - law no matter whether its operations- in- terferes with his pockets or pot. -.St. Cath- arines Journal.. LET Elrg1t1" Mi X -11EAD THIS. -We .have probably atl of us met with instancesin whieh nword heedlessly spolien,against the reputa- tion of a . tenvile, has, been niaeuiSei by malisious minds until.the cloud Icas become dark enough to .overshadow her whole ex istance. To those who are accustomed, not eecessarily from bad motives, but from thoughtlessness4 to speak lightly of females. we recommend these hints as worthy of con. aeration :--" Sever use a lady's name in an improper place, at an improper time, or in rained company. .1.+Tever make_ assert -loins about her that . yoit think este, untrueor allusions that you teel she herself would blush to hear." Many a Dsteed, ariclwertity *Oman's • character has been forever ruined and her heart broken by a lie, manufactured by a. villain, and repeated where is sb.ould not have been, and in: the presence of. those whose little rdigment could not deter them from circulat- • ing the foul and fiendish report Respect the name of a woman, for your mother and is are women ; and anyou would have their 'fair name untarinshede 'and their lives au embittered by slandereni bziing tongues, . feel the ill your own words may bring upon the. mother1 the sister,. or the wife of some fe:law- . - creature. • . tz A most me aneholy scence took place -on tha Saturde night trainz of cars- from Washington to Jersey City. ' A. seldier re. turning trom‘ihe wars had streched himself on the seat for a dese, and finding it too short had put both if his feet out of the wiedeer, ,whon a passing train.gliffing swittly by teok both legs off four inches front the knee. - He died shortly afterwards from the loss of blood. , The late, Burglaries. • THE, 'MARKETS. " •Goll.EnICII, _June 6th, 18G5. - Spring tcheat.„.--._..... .$1:108 (,..-' 1:121 tail do .............. 1:12 - (q) 1:20 Pats, ......; . .... 0:40 _ 045 . Flour .................. 6:50 - @, 6:00 Harley .....-........... 0:55 (fp, 0:60 Fens . .. ...r... 0:00 .CF.). 0:25 Park _ .. 5:50 - (.. '0:00 ITiool ' . . . ... 035 (re 040 Lemhs .e, .:......,• ..... 2.00 . (ebe.„ 0.00 furkies, each . ... 0:45 -0 . 0:50 t;eese, _do ...........e 025: (q),„ 0i00 tl, ackens, V pair .......... 0;20 ® 0:00 Decks; do - - ........ 0:00 (ei) 0:25 11 des (green)............ .. 175 at .000 Better ...;........... 8:13 --(. 0:15 Potatoes e. i .....,.... 0:40 0.45 IA ood........., ........ -. 2:00 -• 0:00, li :es : - ...; ........... 0:08 ® 0:124 Hay, (1.1 ton ...........•.13:00 @ 14:09 PEEP INTO A GAMBLING HELL.. From From the Hamilton, Spectator,"hh. • On Monday afternooD, a Detective G t es, Of the Great Western Railway, and Omuta - bin Ferris, accompanied by two young. meu _from Messrs Gates & store, made an oegeminatien. under a search warrant, of the ixesidence lately occupied by Jas- Jeffrey.- - The house is a very modest looking two storey building on the north side of Market "Wiwi, between Park and McNab streets. - Oa the west anthers is a largistable, which has apparent:I been nsecifoten-o other purpose than es art entry to the gambling belie • Gn tiv Given the inain. Boor there is passage, a sittaig klbi LIG in Aaws. PAPER HANOI S FROM 4 cts. PER -BOLL At the:Signal! Office A LARGE SUPPLY OF hldOW 1 Shades ! ! CHEAP FOR CASH TTHESIGNALOFFICE 1-0173131PL.WW.EMMTGi- VAT WANT -IN SCHOOL BOOKS & STATIONERY REDUCED RATES. Money to Lend, TTPON, Mortgages. Apply to D.. Shade 4-0 Gooding. Solicitor, Office over R. Booth's store. • Goderieh, 18th May, -1865. sw74tf- COAL.,! COAL ! LARGE QUANTITY OF BLACKSMITH'S -COAL! ON HAND AND - POP. At the Wharf GEO. RUMBALL Agent. Godetich, Muy 29th, 1865. sw77 • Mortgage Sale ofLands SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS - United Counties of BY virtue of. s• Writ of t finron and Bruce, D _Vier% Fames iseued out Tu Wit : of Her Majesty's County. Court of the [hilted Counties of flu ron and Bruce and to me directed against the land* and tene- ments or James Clarke, at the suit of -Robert Thoinpso n, 1 have seized and taken in execution all the right, tide and interest of the said delen- dant in and to lot nuo.ber 324 in the town of Goderich, in the countY et Huron, Whieh lands and tenements I shall offer for sale at my office in the Cann 'Hulett, in the town of °ode' ich, on Tuesday, the fifteenth day of August next, at the. hour of twelve of the clock, noon. • . JOHN MACDONALD, ,_. , ' Sherillit: WI!. - 6 ftiv 8 Potrocir, DeputyShertfl, " Sheriff's office; Godeneh, ( , 10th May 1865. ' • i w16 Aet of. 1864. IN THE MATTER OF JAMES R. - ROSS,' AN INSOLVENT. MB& erediters of the Insolvent are notified 1. that he has made an assignment of his estate and effects uncle: the above Act,to inc the under- signed assignee, and they are required to furnish me within two months from Ibis date with their claims, specifying tn.: securitv they hold, if an), and the value of it, and it none. stating the fact ; the whole attested under oath with the vouchers in support of such claims. - • `5*. W. WATSON, -Assignee. S. G. McCAUGHtY, - - ' f..2c.hcitor for Insolvent. ',laid Seaforth Co. Hurn,May 186, 1865. 4 -IN DER and by virtue of a.Yower N U contained n a Mortgage made lw 'Thomas B. VanEvery and George "gimbal!, _both, or tire Town of oro.deric.h. in -the County- of Huron, of the first part, Margaret VanEvery and Helen -Al. Rtunball, their wives, [for the parpose ef hirring their de.wers],- of the second part, and BS rthol- oineivSevinour, the elder. of Avranclies in Nor- mandy, -in the Einuire of France, default having been made in the due payment thereof, will be ' sold at the Auction Mart of George M. Truernan, Market eqUa t he Seventh 17thl dayofJuly, A, D., 1 65, at twelve o'cloelc, 'Mop, the following property, viz: Lot number (5) five .south -east side. ctl_tiontIOVest tre-et 11) said Town of Godeneir; and inore .parfiettlarly described in- an :indenture from.- William :Little and wife to ra Lewis, and . winch bears date the -third day of April. one thousam. •c:ght hurdred a.n.dfitly. also lot number's's 16] onthe - VIr . south-east -sale of South-West• street,' in said - Tov Books; Praier Books of all kinds, Town of • Coderich, . and _ more preticulaily: rr9r4; Church Services, Hymn Books. - _- ALBUMS,' A:TC II EL S Ladies' _Companions., MT WESTERN RAILWAY, 7 Freight for Ports on Zest Shore of Lake Huron. THE FAST SIDE WHEEL STEAMER " Bennie, Maggie." - CAPT. p-. ROWAN, Commander, will run between SARNIA. AND SOUTHAMPTON (Weather permitting) twice each week until further notice. Leaviug Sarnia every Monday and Thursday mornieg callinget Goderiely Kincardine. Ineerhiiron. Port Elgin Southampton. Returning will leave Soethrimpton every Wedneeday and Satuiday morning calling at above .porta. Freight by this route cati be delivered quicker than by any ctlier, and at rates to suitllerchants and Shippers. '• For freight. and passage apply to W. Seymour & Co., Agents, Goderich; Robt. Carniettell, Agee!, - Kincardine ; James Burivash, Agent, South. anyton. - • .THOS. SWINYARD, W. ORA, _ Freight -Supt.) Eastern Hamilton. • . izoCt 14-10-13.-Nro. pOUND on the Beach of Lake "'futon, -about 3 miles from Goderich, on 20th of April last, a quantity of Pipe Logs, marked [;P., W. and F. The -owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses. and take them away. If nofclaimed within one month from this date They will be sold by,Auctioa. STEPHEN SHELLY. Goderich,May w17 3t NOTICE. A CONVENTION of delegates and leading .1:1- Temperance 'nett ot tits country, will be, held at Clinton; on Wednesday. the 7th% of -June to consider the propriety of teging the Teniper- ance Acret 1864 in this county,_. and for other purposoi relating to the cause of'renmera,uce, By order of M a cheste r Convention. • May 2:nli, 1§65. w18-2 SELLING OF Insolvent Act of 1864.1 In the matter -of ALErANDERI DOUGLASS an insolvent. I ITE creditoreof the ilsoIvent are nctihed 10 meet at my office :in the Village of Southampton, in the conety of- Rruce, on Friday -the sixteenth day bf .Tune nexk at ten o'clock, A. M. tor the public examination of the insolvent and for the ordering of the affairs of the estate generally. SP,ROAT.- Assignee. Dated at Soutbamptcm aforesaid, ' 23rd May -1865. 2tsw&wI8 nu P:L ]Eirt, IIAS MIST anceiveu A LARGE STOEIC 08 • STANDARD G SCHOOL- OOKS NOTE forER 1:4-A1CY srAnontriinto described -in an Indenture irom Jacob Latschaw and -Wife toira Lewis, bearing date the math day of March, in the year one thousand' eight hundred- and forty-nine. Dm" under Povrer Sale: ' . • M. C. CA %MIXON, wl9td , Solicitor for Mortzagee. --/ - MORTGAGE S1LE OF LANDS. JJ and by virtue of a Power ofSale con- t./ -tained in a Mortgage made by %Vattern Gunn ot,the Village of.Inverhuron in the County of Bruce, ()Ube first pant Susan Lunn., ins wife, (tor the purpose of barring her dower); of the second pad, and Bartholemew Seymour, seitior, ot Avranches, in Norinandy, in the empire of France, Esquire, of thethird part. default having been made in the due payment thereof, will_ be sold at theAuction,Mart of -George Trueman , Market Square, Goderich, on Friday the sevent h day of linty, A. D., 1865, at ...twelve o'clock, need, the following property. viz.: Lot number (46) fortv-six on West Victoria • Street in said Village of Inverhuron, containing by alrneasure-- 'inent oneacre of land, be the same more or less, and lots two. .(2). three [3], mid four ••[411, South John Street in the said Village, containing by admeasureitrent respectively ten UM ecrei. and a half oi land each, be the same more or less. Deed under Power of Sate: • M. C. CAMERON, wl9tt" Solicitor fnr Mcrtgagee. AtORTGAG E SALE or - Valuabie Property ! TT,NDER and by virtue ot . A PoWer 'of Stile kJ contained in a Mortgage inade by John E. • Danc4,of tire TOWIT of Godench. in 'the Clottnty • of Huron, of the first part. Marir. Ellen Dailey, h Wife (for the purpose Of hafting her dower), of the second part, default having teen made in the due paymeni. thereof. will be -sold. at the Auction Mart of George M. Treenian, IVIattet 'quare, Goderich, on Fritter, the seventh (71h) day of.hily,.A. D.1865, at twclve o'clock. noon, the following property, vie: Lot number (13091 one thousand three hundred and n.ne, *lid lot number (394) three hundred. and ninety-four, in the toun ot Goderich aforesaid. Deed under Powerof Sale. • • M. C. CAMERON, Solicitor for Mortgagees. room, dillinc• MOM and lied, r0Ohli With haell rl 411Arr after twenty-one days from the date -beat and what one would expect to find in 1. of this notice application will be made to kitchen. ' Thee furniture ofethe_se rooms is . the residence of& respectable mechanic. on the „fdge of the .Surragote Court for the e. United the first examination of the place on mends, Counties of :Huron. and Bruce, at Goderich for the appointment of John. Mc- artetanunt a quantity or goods were discover ebtalle. yrkitl Were identifieil as the property ot Kinley, Esquire, of the township of Stanley,. Itieffsza. aata k Co., a Faro table worth, it itt the County of Huron as Guardian. of .is said, CAPT.-the same that was permittet cl, Eleanor McKinley, MarytlifeKinleY, Susan.. ;to the disgrace of .9 11r iiii, to be used, under Ash McKinley,... Lucinda, McKinley, Margaret and Robert jicense troni Alderman Patterso& -end chief 1 MeKinleYt Agnes McKinley,escaber.... McKinley minor children of the late -Robert carrseters during the F Aar kw sdo . wassail° diSeOseseir with a 'lumber or tools, melfaitenidef;t Goderich this 30:t11 day of May, .ke. Yestarday morning. about -II o'clock, 1_865. --- - wig 3t the search was resumed, the place having - -..--7 of Police -Mr. Cahilt Police MagistrateeMer To. .WoQI Carders &c. • f. . , -tem kept meaowhile under the serveitlanc tive Gates, Constable Ferris,t with two ot the A Good:Opetungt .-of the Sheriff's Ater% in siiclibon to Deux; . • tfia city press, being present, ihe *gamma- rr basilicas ainotteuon with some person mil- ,Milno, Deputy Sheriff; and Mr Mitchell, one ilott was very thorough. and allowed that, in ling to -ordersieted_ . desirous" ill' formfog a intotee Wool -Carding and Cloth-odrcss7 ;firm of Gates& Co., eta the Reporters from go nd iadditkel to the open burglary, of which there ing bustles:in Goderich. - The apiglicant t ware Wamber evidences; , the shape of °sass atm:El wtte:aeh"ere tbeoolnr pretr=11,1",,,. took skostonamf other kels,-n Tory Beat bzuffildsii:gi splendid opportunity for. ank capable kVA siele,thato little gitlia Abe house said her main wishing one netee hest openings ot the kind °Mail' r°bberY ll 1 -ROBERTSON; liacibeen-Practisa pa 04 for fdi2 keys,. another and not .1e4s anCanida. - Apply to • 4302,1 • tha premiss. lit tisassisatala oa 4„, teoderieh,C,W. w19•4 Mortgage Sale. IV ORIE-ROXES, WRITING -OASES CO ACE RTINAS4 " .ALCCICMII:13E0C01Nrigi, And YATIOSS other articleii, all cheap. !ALT Burisays. Gcsierien -April 26 180. ' N. P. YEOMANS, . are AT THe SCOW KO renarr r S OLICITOR IN CHANCERY, A TTOR- NE 1r, 11/YTA CONVETA NC ER, &C.-4MM over the new Post Office; Goderich. isw18 CARD OF THANKS RICHARD THWAITES, Esq.. Agent Proveacial Insurance Co., Clinton, DEAR beg to thank the Previa ;ha Insurance Company of Canada through you for the very bonorablentenner in which. that Company bas satisfied my -claim upon it, for damages to my printing materials byiremoval during. the late fire in tlinton,. by which the adjoining house (Camphell'i Victoria Hotel) was burned to the !remind. - .1 am sir, Yours relopectftilly. .. GEO. LAY_COCK. (*TN DLB and by virtue of a Power of Sale con- k) itained in a Mortgage made by John Stewart, of the Town of Goderfeh, in the County of Huron, of the fiet part, Louisa Stewart, his wife, (for the purpose of barring her dower), of the second_ part, and Joseph Herr of ' the same place, of the third part. default having been made in the due oayment thereof, will be sold at the .4uctios Mart of -George M. Trueman, Merket Square, Goderich. on Friday, the seventh (7th) day ofJuly, A. D. 1865, at -twelve ceet.ck, noon, the following property, viz: Lot running number (133) one hundred and thirty-three in the maid Town of Goderich, containing by adineasure-- meat one quarter of an acre of land, more or less. :Deed under Power of Sale. - M. C.: CAMERON __ vet9td Solicitor tor mortgagee. orricp.. to foibid any.yeison pegotieting a Note given by tne iubscriber to John White for twenty .tworbushels , potatoes, and bearing date March 6th, 1865, as the said Note is over pairk- .JAIMS SYMISGY0*. Colborne,May 16th, 1865. • vitelt PVi3LIC NOTLOE. -f GOPEHICI-I, June 1st 1865.. D. KERR, JR.. & CO: A LL-persana are hephy notified ;that after Li- this date I will net hold myself respon- sible for sny debts -contracted by my wife, Mary Bays, she having desertedmy bed and board without just cause or pro'vcication; • SAMUEL BAYS, , rep of Stephen, Co. Huron. • • May114110865: - NOTES LOST OR STOLEN. A LL parties are hereby cautioned against purchsaing or negotiating two notes of hand, drawn in favor of James -Johnston, the -undersigned, both dated the lit day of Mayi 1863 and payable ten (10) months afterdate. The first one.for 1,16.90, givenbyGottlieb „blunter and John Schnell; and the second one for $8.50e given by James McGuiye and Sohn McDermott. The said notes have been stigma or lest, add payment thereof is stop- - • • JAMBS JOHNSTON, tot 26;,Sonth Boundary of StenlaY. &axle 15fh May:11865e .. :ere -reel -6=4 fesillatidiecoveeed g,os's throe patine dscei of A 't rith 1865 gr. LARGE ST CIC: rin n JU!T, TINDER and by Virtue of a Power of hale A./ contained in thlee'severalidertgages made by Auguste De St. Aubine, of the townstitp of Arran, tn. the County of Bruce, Yeomen, and Janet his Wire, (as to bar of dower) made 1st to the Canada Permanent Building Socte.y, 2nd to James Stark of the said township of Arran - Innkeeper, and 3rd to John. Jacob .Lehnen aari- William Henry Ruby, will bold SY Auntion on Monday, the 3rd day ot July next, at noon. at Safith's4Hotel tliw _village: of Sento- "'tiptoe, farm lot No. 3,4, e-the,6th •eepiessiop! of saalOwnstep of Arun, coctammg, one hunaied acres. Terms million- day r4 Sale. _For parttculins apply to . ' • ' FREDEltmePaouproot, Datakl lellSr4t Estray Notice. N T RRIVEDi_ AND AT TICE CHEAP t e t A., V DETLOR SON,. .*12- SHERIFF'S SALE- OTTANI). 1 ,Hurou and Bruce, .I..3' Fieri Facia. issued finned Coutthas-of }Ilex virtue of a Writ of To who . out of Her Majesty'sCounty Court oylie4/iiited t:ountieeof.Huron end Brupel aed to inn directed against Inc lands and -tele- ments of James Lothian at the suit of William Smith, J. have seized -aniftaken in execution all thWright,title and intesest of tne said tlefeadent in and to lots tetten; t.:, k Id D in the 91h concession of•the township of Brucepeoetaining200 aeres ; also null site number 2 us _the village of lover- ahoureeronrw,- inkissaidiaceditoiltady lofe'nenare- uts,iihotailis9tAgr f3oar. mew Allifield, in theUounty of Huron containing one hundred acres, which lands and tenements I shall otsalreadatettnIty,htueenTiauestItCyotteheitilrietusedistingrtnAe utoguatten I ulterior Mae at dir Office in the Court House, in nekt, at tit! liodurooilltswelmveAocipthoesclIeuku, ii,uoit: _... othfeAtou7stonteGxoget,, !trite_ hi4.eonbTounesar oetytwtheehr:rotot dtithyt nAmE, into the erictosure 'the under - N -t signed lot 14 in the likt con:. tOWnship Stephen, on the 24th of laat May, a . dark bay Mare, '14i hands bigh. The owner -!'ill prove property, pay exper4es; and ,taitit. her Wait • - . TOBIAS' FAHNBIL r. 41 Tr Itt Queen's Ben* V fantist-* ak. 28 moatiL. In the ncattitibt‘edispen. OTICE is salon for ifght' of way ef ' hireby gives the Buffalo an Lake that the Huron Railway Cotb-pafiy .aad Latit Ber� through lots Nosh.801 80 , Railway Cosspagt and 87 in the .Mahland . bate paid iato the concession of the Town- Court of Qaeeiiiht ship Of Goderich, irt the Beach,at Toren.; County of Ouron. the sum of bra hundred mid bidet/40z de ars and Siaty‘we cents being the tOlfiperiA oa AIWA* Viongle interest thereop, agreed so be paid for yeast* lands foriight -away.. being parts, of lots num here eighty ire, eighty siz-sinil seiren, in the Maitland toneession 44 township • of Godericill in the Chttal Huron I Under and by ffit berik4: &greet:tent or lel@ po.11 4i -ft lite tisk eleventb del of May, in titi mar of Our Lord 185S, and executed by William Fort and }teary Fbrd of the said tovfolki Goderich, arid tiade Oder Acti, eat " An Act respecting Itiiilways,", and f.arthei notice is given to all peittone tutitled to Bar said lands to any part thereof N. -repellent. ing cr being the husbands of atity p_arttea 50 entitled, to file their *lain* into Ile oak Court to She said compensatior or *ay pad. thereof and all suck claims will be newer and adjudged upon by the .sail 'Gout pursuant to theStatute in that behaif. Dated this 17th dq of Mat f865.; (Signed). 14. HAYDEN,. gm. , )kik of the Carlo mid *Lair Insolvent Act of 1164 TIIHS erethiiirs otthe usdersigned are notified .1 to nice' at the law office of' James Shaw Sinclair, in the town ofgoderich. on Monday1s niuteenth day of June next, at recite °geode, noon, for the purpose ot -receiving staternents " _hie affairs and of naming an assignee to who% X* matt Make asinknuient under the above Am; . - JOHN REEVE. J. si*SotiNcrelvit,piRdicitor tor Insolvent. - Clinton, 18thApril,18631 w184* -f- 1[3' ARTUS. elfetrous of obtaining First UMW • .I. -"Cedar for! C.ngand Building purposes tea be supplied in any quafitity., and on realm's* termaihy applying to • sT... W. ELLIOTT. Goderieh.Feb. Oth.1864. wit • 1SHERIFF's SALE of ' United Consumer W. virtue of -ii lent _ i Heron sad Bruce, VenditioniEsponns end' To wit: 'ion Fevers, lir residu1. iiistu.d out of kit a lfejeatt a County Coati (tithe County ot 0,ntario liad Cold cli. Clit HUM PJeal, aad to snit directed against I Landsandienements4StephellICrawford,F.H. Lynch Staunton, .Enoeli C;Dowlinc and Bobert Gilmour, at the iteita or bow it. li•wili„ rd -6" the Corporation of the -Township et Eseerelied have screed ind **ken in --Exeemben-all diCriliwt) title and interest (Abe 'aid -dokidootavi n 40d- $11,, Park Lot No.,15,Lot No. 8, anifto ihe South ban of Lot No b. Emit slide of Queen street North, being swbdislinoneoftlariclbotNo. 410 the fit- ' lege of Paisley; South hilt of Lot St oe the SOL sideof Queen Street South Paisley, Park Let Sal 15 North side of Cambridge ntreet,„isad ',Nock 3h . West side elqueeh StrectiNorti Paisley, tot •13 South outfitted Pend 14 II orthisule oiCanahndie street, rilaleyt Borth hall°not JA East side ef Huron etriet,Steitthanspten,!* fad pit Moth part ot Lot No. 4, North side of Hi Street, 'Southampton, Lour/model° on the orth side ofClarendou street, .Soptliginiptone Lot 18 &let side of Norfolk Street, .Seuthamptoa, Vo4a21a4 22 South side of Louisa street, :ftmthilIllptaat_Ell" in,theCounly of gruce; which lands and tene- ments I eked offer ioi ade et my -odieS III ligli Court House-, in the Town of Owderich, Oak new - day the Twenty -Eighth day of 'February snit, at . the hour c. Twelve 01 theelock,eoon., • JOHN MACDONALD, ' Alial:1211 4 By S. Pet.r.oca, DepatySherlf. Sheritl2sOtfice,Godertelt, t - • 25th January,I865. . 1 ' sw1 -- -The shove 'isle is iostiminatill Timidity the 4th day of April nest. Sheriff's Sale 01 ;Ands. _ : United Counties of 11C1Y VIIII/E Of II writ at t - Huron and Bruce,. Ut•Pieri•racias issued out - to wit s of Her Majestre County Court (tithe UnftedCottnlies of Heron and Bruce and to me directed ag. *last the lands and te to ments ot Charles. Black, at the stilt of the Corporation of the Township of Ashfield, 1 have seized and taken in execution all the right, title and inteiest ofthe -said defendant in and lathe west ballot lot number seven in the third con - E ste tr Division of the to anship of . • . Sheriff, 11.* -clock, noon, By S.Pota.ocz, DeptitySberiff. . `j°111.4 MAcIKWALD' and contract for tlse erection of all itusdn of Xi% Shenfi's Office, Goderieht 1. The Above sale is further postposeda tfil Tuesday the eth day -of May next. twit' The above sale is 4iirther pastpoaad Tues4ay, the 13thiline; 1S-65. - 110011TIT IOUS TX VANS EQ_VENCE ofthedeatk-siblir. XX. MAU/MEI/ALM OS bilAilletIkherelgOref. eISMO. on ander the:tame and style of • • • Robt Itunounail 14, Co irolLTINTI) IEC IBC Sy • . . =init. be eleaetion es *foie the IST 1)A.Y.,,OF APR 11111.060i, Alt parties. indebtei trilby glove inn aralasee by notified that alt =tossed book lieneaist.tararo* due *a the. . (et day of fritirif,_1111(4, will beheaded totliew Solicitor toriOflioatto• The stock ea hand will by 4904 TACO VV" -VCIat cAsm, OK SHORT CREDIT/ etbizaistsot *Tarr assertment of Meals, Ceti. - Tajo re. Ha nom Jitraw Guttered T Hai 814 1 N a MACHINES- rotAkelt wed ougar-lreulser waggon Jimildra boz!try COO -kings Rikrior*XsIX:11;"....4" A goo& seenad-hand 0.1143114LIMVXMW043601* ea *let ermaelitnery tor Gina and SeWANIhr. All parties cooking the Above *Melee woe*. &wen to (fall and inspect the "tack si awes ele they wett get baroins. - R. RUNC14,01. •••••••, Inteterence to the above, IL itinicatiaa beprepereilto carryon the business ot- - THE liURON FOUNT:MY . -25th April. - w141 B/ S. Pommes., De=tirSheriff..• thinery Pseud. and win se.„.g.nly - Insolvent Act. of 1444. /n the Count* Court of the Ursi'ted .Cousties of Huron, and firtsce,-- P sera= OF CANADA. In On ;Ratter_ of Coupty of,Huron one Osmium!' W:PICK- of the 'United 'Counties vine, an - Itisol- cif Huron and Bruce. J sent. - • MOTICE is hereby given that -tee under; . . s 111 'signed hasfited in, the office of this Court, position and Aischarga-exeente ed,biliieereditorniind- thal on Tuesday, the eighteenth day of !illy next, at ten of the -clock in the forenoon, or as soon as counsel can be heard, he will apply to the Judge of titursaid Court for sarconfirmation the din - :eh -ergs thereof effected in his favor under said Act. - efiAltiaBS PICKFORA BT JANES P. WOOD, - - r . 26th Aprthi BO. S eirift'sOlee, ) jsksCelelegs oliCeelleastLIWingeltiAt reasonable& inariZsateltikr3118:111°A3. Gederieb.Dec.21rit. IBM swatvoitt. 14 1/iSOLVENT AOT OF 1864. the »tatter .of IIENRY PUGH; nit insolvent. 'flag Creditors of the Insolvent are 'notified thst 69 hflig /made An sillialer4 of his estate and effects under the above Act, to nal, the uudersieed essigoee, and they are required to funush Me, within. two months - from this data with their -claims, specifying tbe inseurity they hold, g Any, and the vele* of Al and it none stating the fact; the whole siteated Under oath. with the watchers support of sucli,claims. 41 libOet Credit. sinatim- sus or tilK United ammo& I lipT virtue - oft. 'writ AO - 1 Huron and Bruce, . .1.3 Wert Facia, lamed out twit: ot Ifer Majesty's Conant Court of tie United Counties otideron and BM% and to tee directed *Owe the leads assof 'tear ;siesta& Witiias Wilson. at the eels 01 ifas44 Bee -welt Stevenson and AschillahluSifielltert land, I here wised end tames " ajt she) rignt, titre and interest. orrhe add " den tg, sad to the south Wee, of lota asedietif thistaellt ar.d foarteee fa theinethoosnostien ttr SW ship of Norris. is the flottetl ad Bereitk muds and teneinants_l shall offer for eel, _et - dam boo CoefEHeete,in thetellint AP( 0111141N,,, leii , 011 litertiay.thatweutifeuatit day et Amp* ALIO • ilk - IA! . - .. - . . aka; at tito koerertwebre t jir - JOHN - TILOS; FAIMOW . . ;ICS, 16w2as Blue,- al 7 . - -• amotieslisaGodedes. st Na 7,4488k,, „wirer His. Attorney. - _z, • rao rt. " • .- .!o **4 r. 1 :; -..eileawe 1 / -